The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 OPPOSITION OF MINISTERS YYfLL NOT •TOP *TI.OTV H JIIUI CHARITY I OYtT.RT. tlmlilf ra' Mr! Yfflrraliar and Adopted 4 onalemlaaa fury Heontotloo*. Hat llif I oneert Will Hr Given—lt liar the Hriarfll al Ihr Got ve*tn ii#rrrn Ka <im. Xnrihraa .lialaaral In lb* I'rnteat Mad* h Ihr Ministers. Aidants. Ga Sip! 32.-Th# minuter* of Atlanta have ngnln prntrKnl ,g*ln*t Ihr Nunday-nlaht concert# arrang'd for Ihr benefit of <#lv*#ion aulfrrrra. In answer to n telephone rail ernt out by Ihr President of Mlnisier#' Association, Rev L. K Probat. ihlrly ministers of all denominations mri to-<lny and adopted resolutions rondeninlng thr rvrnl bookrd for to-morrow night Further than adopt ing thr resolutions. Iha association did nothing In fighting tho ren-eri arrar.grd for laal Sunday night thr minister* not only pro tested on pat** ' but they appointed H com mittee to wait on Managrr DeOlv* of thr Oprra Hourr to u*k him to rrfuae hi* thea'rr for ehe purpose Manager DeGtve w ithdrew hta permtseion for thr usr of the thratrr at tho request and thr concert fell through. Thr action of thr minister* to-day will have no effect on thr arrangements for tho concert to-morroa night. All thr de tails of tho tm fit hava- he* n cortU'Xeei and a big crowd Is expected to attend Following Is thr prenmt.le of the resolu tion* adofated by Ihr promo'ers “Whereas, there ha* been puhlliahed In Use prrea of our city Ihr announcement of a Sunday evening oneert to far given at fho Grand Opera House for the baneflt of the Galveston relief fund, ar.d we he ■love thta to he an Infringement of the eacredt.ess of a day art apart for God's worship; that It Is hence, inimical In the moral Intere.-t of our community, and that therefore It I* within the range of our duty to expre-* our hearty londemnatlon of It. therefore he It: Reita-Ued. That we expre** nur regret that after so ra mi a die- usslon of this subject another movement. which we be lieve will result In the euhverslnn of the Bshhath, should he forwarded under the sacred garh of charity. Thai cannot he properly re. g taed a- charity which dis regards the dictate* of religion, the vary foundation of true henevolence " Ek-Oov. W. J Nmthrn. in a public card this afternoon, supplemented the ac tion of the minister* by declaring the Babhath should not he desecrated by such vflair* as ihe concert. MYSTBRIOtN NI HDKR < IF. Atlanta Poller It Inn for thr Slay er at Charles Gantt. Atlanta. Sept 22 —Charles Gault, the young man who was mysteriously shot Saturday nlghl on Emmett street, died to day and the police are engaged In unravelling the tmlery of Ihe tragedy. Gault was an employe of the Hrookwood Floral Cos On Saturday night he and a man named Alex Pue were conversing together In from of a store located at the corenr of Emmett and Currant streets This war about midnight. YVhlla the two men were talking, three others. Jim Os borne. Will tishorne and Will Hightower, came up. It Is sold. Alex Pue, one of the two wltne res who testified at the cor oner's Inquest this morning, told m sub stance the following about wnai then occurred; Gault, the two Osbornes and Hightower bad all been drinking slid Gault wished to get away from the three other B*n. In order to do tut he eluted that he had something private to tell Pue. and akel him to walk on home. aajlng he would tell him what it wa aa they went along The two men then started home and when they had gone a short distance, the three oth ers rose aid foilow.d them. The five men walked along the road In this way un- I they reaehed the street on which Iht* lived, and whh h crosses Emmett, a few hundred yards sieve Ihe Gault llotrn- Pue turned off at that point and left Gault He heard Gault, however, rail to the three men not to Interfere with him. then he heard a pistol shot, hut did not go ha- k Some time later, he testified, the three nnn. Jim and Will Osborne and Hightower, cam- to hi* house and woke him up, saying they would "make It hot for him If he did not swear right ” Mrs Pue. the only cither wltnee* exam ined at ihe inquest, corroborated the hist part of her husband's testimony Gault's family state that he came home alKMit 1 o'clock Saturday ntght with a bullet hole In hi* undone n, and from w hat he said, they believed that the shooting was done by one of the three men who were said to have followed him. The county police were nolltted and have been looking un.Miccesslully for these three men ever since. WATERWORKS FI Yl) i SHOHT. Atlanta Ha* In Honey to Pay Ex penaea of the System. Atlanta. Sept. 22 . Anew dower face* tn* oKy waterworks department, fills time from a sour, e other than the pump ing engine* which caused the recent wa ter famine here The funds of the de partment appropriated by the City Coun cil are exhausted, and the Oounellmen de clare the city has no more money with which to pay the running expense* At a meeting of ihe water toard to-day. Judge HlUyer. a prominent member of the Water Committee, announced that the pumps would have |o be shut down unless money was forthcoming Councilman J W Pope, chairman of the Finance Committee. In a fine hurst of pa triotism. offered to lend Ihe city UVfIOO without Interst for the balance of the yeir, In order to avert another water fam- In*. On motion of Mayor Woodwtnl. the mutter of conablerlng the finance* of the deparimen* am* postponrd to next Thure day when the board will fare the problem of no fund* and bridge the dlfilculty of • upplylnx fund* The shortage In the finance* of the department 1* due to large expenditure* recently to repair the broken engine* and pump*. bh it oh ix corvrv tiiket*. They Should t ontaln Nome* of All Judaea nut Solicitor*. Atlanta, Sept S.-Tbe altenllon of Chairman duHlgnon ol the Slate Execu tive Committee, hae been called to error* made m the ticket* for election day that have been printed In n rum.ter of routi ne* The ticket* in error contained only the name* of the Judgo and *ollcllor of the Circuit Court to which the county be longed The ticket* mould have on.them the name of the judge* and eollellor* of every circuit In the etate; Judge* and solicitors being *tate ofll er*. and elected by the vote of the whole etol# Jtwl ihc •am* a* the Governor and etate hou*e offi cial* are Mr dußlgnon ha* taken etep* to correct the** error* In all the oounllea where he krow* the error* hava been committed. There may ba other countie* that have the name mistake. and thla Informa tion I* given out for their benefit. That* wne Democratic rail!** at both Oalnervllle and Home to-day Senator Clay (poke it lh former, and Coilgre**- man Maddox at the latter place. There are neveral Democrailc meeting* hooked for v triou* |iln e* In the *taie for the next week, and the outlook I* that thing* will be kept lively until election day. "Put Money In Thy Purse,” Nobody suffering from brem-feg. leek of energy, oe " ihet toed feeling" rw puts money in his purse. Lessitude end hstlessness come from impure, sluggish blood thel smply oases through the veins. Hood's SerseperdU mehes the blood pure end grves It life, vigor end vim. ifocdSSaUafxitiflq Never Disappoints^ a pic ci* x- uoTictca. awThITtS aiPKM 1 otrTTi ■ MORI. AH petit Jurors are hereby r.otlflrd to appear In t’haihum Superior Court Mon day morning Sept .'I at 10 o'clock By order of Hta Honor K Falhgsnt. Judge J K P OARK. Clark S C., C. C. PI < MiNH. YltTIfE. The Public S- hoo.s of the city of Sa vannah and Ihe county of Chatham will be reopened on Monday. Oct I Cards of admission to the city while schools will he Issued from the office of the Superintend ent on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sept K. fi suit a from 9 to 1 o'clock. Cards of admission to the East Broad seal the West Broad streee colored *chool# will be t**ud at these school* on Wednes day. ths 2istt> Inst., only, end to the An derson snd the Duffy street colored schools on Thursday. th I7th Inst . only. ] Pupils who were conditioned on summer work will report for examination at Chat ham Academy on Friday, the J*lh Inst, at S o'clock. OTIS ASHMORE. Bupf^ spja IAI. notice. If the party or par'les who came Into possession of the papers from our safe on Sunday, th* l&th Inst will return them to us by mall It will he appreciated by u*. and no questions will he asked SOLOMONS COMPANY NOTICE. Neither Ihe master nor consignee* of the British stamshlp Elfle will be responsible for any debt* contracted by crew of aatd vesseL * J. F MINIS* CO consignee* SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither Ihe master nor consignees of Ilia Italian hark Zeffro will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew BTRACHAN * CO , Consignee#. Savannah. Oa , Hept 23, I*M (SPECIAL NOTH E. Neither Ihe master nor consignee* of the Norwegian hark Ldlona wtk he re sponsible lor any debts contracted by th# crew. STRACHAN * CO . Consignee* Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 33. VRflo HNS. BILY'A-TEANDALE will resume VOCAL INRTRVCTION OCT. L Studio 19 Perry street west. ntOIT.II I Y UYVYER*. tnEYTItIY I make house renting a specialty. My long experience guarantees you full rents and quick returns. Write or call upon the "old reliable” rent collector. R. 8 OLAGHORN. 110 Bryan, east ROYAL Ml SIC HALL. 21*-21. Broughton street, weal. Week commencing, Mondav, Hep! 34 First appearance In this city of MIPS HATTIE CARLTON. Sentimental and daecripllve singer. SHAFER AND THOMPSON. LIBKA SPENCER. HAZEL WESTON. WEST AND FOWLER, INEZ F. LEE, BABE LA OR!, BtNNEY AND CHAPMAN. •BELLI W YHN'F.n 13—ALL BTAR IYRILLI ANTS—I 2 and a brand new series of Moving Pictures. YIR IRK MOVING our Mock of gouds. machinery, etc., from 112 Drayton 10 our store at to Drayton street. No department of our business will he Interrupted, as we will occupy both store* to Get 1 ELECTRIC SI'PrLY CO . Phones 2 and M3. JAB 8. WALKER. JAS A LARKIN. Proprietor*. THE g % VANN AH STEAM LAtRDRY M ILL BE C LONED MONDAY, HEPT. 24. I*n<. ON ACCOI NT OF HOLIDAY'. NOTICE. During my ahaenee from the city Dr. Sidney J. Lanier will attend to my prac tice E. R CORSON. M D. fill. RALSTON LATTIMOHK Ha* retaraed to the rttr and rraamed practice. SMALL STORKS FOR UK AT. Two alore* on President street ind two on Stale street. In rear of WhltfleJd build ing, and near new pot office. Rent low. Location excellent for store or offlor. Ap ply W, M. A W, E. CONEY. HR. P. C. I..VLKV Has retaraed to Ike city and rraamed practice. W. P. JORDAN, for the past everal year* with Savannah Trunk Factory, beg* to inform the publl that he Iva* now complete chatge of fhe l.augwell Trunk Work*, where he 1e eh e and willing to turn out flrat-claee work at half tlroughion at reel price*. W. V JORDAN. Oa Thone IMS. 510 Whitaker IPfll UL vi in i We will *ell next Tuenday at 10 o'clock, the magnificent furniture and furnlohlng* oontainrd in residence S Uordqn atreei. east. Sal* commence* at 10 a. m. Yffl'MANO A DEMMOND. Auctioneer* DAVID < LARK, Cpholalerer. HI Jefferaon. Bring me your furniture to repair, or drop me a card and I will come for !i Let me make you a fine mallres* My Hock of Curialn* and Covering material will open your eye* At my price# you can have the fine old piece* worked over and they will look like new FINB COPPER. Get the famous BAB. Java at Joyce'* He I* the only man handling It. Nobody else can handle It B**t coffee In the mar kei Try a pound at once. ISie. All other Fancy Groceries. JAc J JOYCE |>. B.—Don't forget that I Irad everybody In my famous Western meat*, live poul try and rfcefleld lamb. Plenty fresh veg. etables and fruits. I’honea 107. THF. MORNING NEWS: SI'NDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1900. M A R R I AGE*. SAXPGN - MI MPHRIS. Married by Rev. Crowley, at • o'clo> k last night. So ithwoort Baxson to Lorena Mumphrl* rtIRggAL iStITATIMw POPTFLIe The relatives and friend* of Mr and Mr* Erward P Paatell are in vited lo attend the funeral of Ihe former at JJtt o'clock this afternoon, from resi dence. No KA Taylor straet. east - tI'XVUI WliLfcA. MtHM tTKYHM aPEtIAI.N *4tMHI. In selling the Stearns mod*! A at *3". we surprised and pleased the public, we say pjeare I b, cut there ate only two left in offering the STEARNS SPECIAL. m<*h .. St Jtu the Steam* factory * hne*t handiwork, w. are surprised at being abb YY e h..v. tasight all Of the*# models that th<- factory had. and as the lot I* not a large one we *dvl#e those who are in want of the daintiest Bicycle on the market to . all at once We are repre*entatlve of tha B F GOODRICH Cos of Akron Ohio makers of thr linen bicycle tires In the world We offer the*# the* at Ihe following price* Tho GOODRICH No l. or closa woven fhric. at M> per pair. The GOODRICH No . or looae woven fabric, at *!'h per pair. Tns PALMER TIRE In a class by It self at Ih'tfi prr pair. These tires sre sold with a meet liberal guarantee and are positively Ihe heat on the market Our line of I simps. Bell* and aundrte* I* the most complete In Ihe South. We point with pride to our repair de partment, It la one of th* heat equipped in th* country Our mechanic* are the most experienced, and are conceded to he the beat tn the South. No Job too dif ficult for us. R V. CONNERAT. Phone an 14*14* Bull Street LEVAN'* TABLE D'HOTE DINNERB. SOc—DINNER—me Dinner 1 lo 3 snd 4 to , Sunday, Sept 23. Claret Wine. SOLP. Mork Turtle. FISH Bass ala Roullets. Potatoes ala Gastromme Queen Olives. Potato Salad, with Mayon naise Dressing. Chow Chow. Mixed Pleklee. ENTREES Cutlets of Sweetbreads a It Victoria. Queen Frlit ere. Rum Sauce. ROASTED Prime Rib* of Beef. Yorkshire Pudding Breast of Veal. Tomato Sauce. VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus ala Cream Rica. Stewed Tomatoes. Candled Yame PASTRY AND DESSERT. Apple Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Cracker#. Lemon Water Ice. Drip Coffee. LEVANS CAFE AND RESTAt’RANT, ill Congress street, west. THIN 1* NOT CHINESE. Messrs. Meat Bras. C*., savannah, Ga— Gentlemen—Please ship oa one doarn bottle* of gloat's tractable Ritters, gt-OO alee. Me bare been n.tns It for In digestion and flad It O. K. Have decided to pnt It tn atoek. Ship at one*. Year* Rrepertfally, J. E. IMMEN A CO. Stammer complaint of chil dren quickly cared by gloat's Vegetable Bitters. NOTICE. We are In our new store, 111 BROI'GHTON STREET. WEST. Ready for Business M DRYFt'S ' RYAN'S Bt SINEUS COLLEGE, Room* 27 and Provident Building. DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS. SC-MMER SESSION NOW IN PRO GRESS. Stenography iMunnon, Graham or Pit man!. typewriting, bookkeeping. English branches, penmanship Short thorough practical courae* Latest and beet meth od*. Student* Afspared directly for busi ness Our graduate* always give satis faction. Taka avama*a of our summer session: enter now and fit yourself for • position. Special night aesvtan for tho*a who are employrd during the day. Send for catalogue M K RYAN. Principal. HEAT CHASERS. Try th# combination—a comfortable seat, electric fans and a delicious cool drink. CON ID A'A SODA AND AHERRETA are Juaily popular; they are cor rectly served and the beat mad* TRY Ol R NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM For Sunday delivery leave your or ders early tn th* week. CONIDA'S ICE (REAM PALACE. It HOOL BOOKS. A fall liar of School Books and School Supplies af EATILL'S NEW* DEPOT, Aft. 49 Hull Street. Savannah, Oa. BOSDa EAEC l TED By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Haltlmora. We are author ised to execute loc ally (firm- diately upon application). all bonds In judicial pro ceeding* In either th* state or Unit'd States courts and of administrators and guardians DEARINO * HULL. Agents Telephone Hi. Provident Bulldtßg. SPECIAL NOTICES. fCopy) University of Georgia Dept of Chemistry, Athens. Ga Athens. Gs,. Hept H. 1W; Mr Geo Mrygra—Savsnnah. Ga., Dear Sir; Analvals of a #mpla of your Malt Mead teqalred Hept llth Inst, jlelds the following results Alcohol None Water gu.Su Maltose l Dextrin 130 Total solids 4.10 loom Carbonic Acid Oas '. 1.33 Vary Truly Yours. H C. WHITE. Note from th* above fine showing that Is unmatched hy any beverage sold for public consumption, that Malt Mead con tains all the nutritive elements of lager beers, without any of th* harmful acid* which drranga th* dlgevttv# organ*. Maltose and Dextrin Is only obtained from Malted grain, which Is writ known as ths most nutritious food products known tn mankind, snd the fset that Malt Mead contain* double the amount of fermented Carbonic Add Oa* ol any Malt beverage on earth, makes the Malt Mead at once th* only 30th century Fam ily Beverage. GEO. MEYER. 11101 Henry street, east. Telephone No. 20. PRESERVE VOIR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you lo ae*. but correct every defect that may ex let Thera la no guesswork In our methods We hava the latest and moat approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. Wa make no charge for consulta tion or eaamlnatioo, and should you need the eervlcea of a physician w* will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenaas are perfect lo every reaper!, being ground under our can su pervision. They cannot he compared in value to tha kind offered aa cheap hy th# so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior (1 asset a* a aid* Una. DR M SCHWAB * SON. Exclusive Opticians. IT Bull BtraaL N. B.—^Oculist prescription* tilled aama day recalved. Repairing don* al short notio*. BICYCLES. BICYCLE TIERS. BICYCLE SfNDRIEn If you ar* In n**d of anything for your bicycl* or In need of repair*, go • the old reliable place, on Bla'*, pear Bull street There can be found the largest and heat aaaoriment of *undrl*a, part* and fitting* In the city. Th# largest and beat assortment of Bell*. Lamp* and Tire* can h* found there. Have your Mcycla mod* like nw When you are pa*lng drop in and get mv price* You will find them a* low <•* can be had for a good quality o< work Tiros blown up “without pain." DANIEL A. HOLLAND. Ga Fone 179 13 State at reel, east ACBt RN WAGONS —la— FARM AND TI'RFENTINE SIX FA. Only at rOHBN-KI I.NAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Savannah. Ipoo—l ESTABLISHED 4<ll FALL AND WINTER. I am now receiving a fin# line of Fall and Winter Bulling*. Vetting* and Trous ering* froen ihe English Scotch and Am erican market*. All of the latest d*lffnw~ urh a* claye. worst'd, undressed wor *t*d*. etripe worsteds, herrlnhon*. fancy and black and blue chevlol*. Fancy vest. Ing*. overcoating and everything In line to make up a flrH-rla** tailoring estab lishment. Price* moderate. Workman, ship Ihe best. E. J KENNEDY. 133 Bull street. Mosurrroßs will not traable yea If y*a as* SHOOMI HKKGT. It la • pleasant parfaaaa. MKLDBKMA •a a toilet powder that lostuatly Ale pel* the dtsagreeahlo odors arising from peraplratloa. OLD STYLE COLD CBRAM gives qalek relief far aaa baraa and skin traablas. SOLOMONS CO. IF IT’S NICE. WE HAVE IT. Veal Loaf. Ham Loaf and Chicken Loaf In half and pound tlna. Ollvea. stuffed with pepper*. Peanut Butter, Waldorf Beltsh and Chill Sauce. Phone tU. HARDEE A MARSHALL IIAMIT PLAC E. Rest of ever* thins to rat. Conked by the late President Montlnstou s old chef. Only llflr as yen order, kpeelal rate for hoarders. HAN FRANCISCO HBATAIRANT. 11l Drayton street. AOl H PRESCRIPTION* all) be filled at Park Avenue Pharmacy whlla yo wait. We fill them at any hour day or night. Th* only live drug store tn southern section of Savannah. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. J. L Branan. Proprietor Corner Park avenue and Barnard Bt. 80-Phone lit* ~gAVANN4H STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladle* and gentlemen. If desirous of having your clothes made absolutely clean and neatly pressed, kindly call and exam ine our work, or ring u* up Work sent for and delivered Lac* curtain* also a specialty 11 York street, west. Georgia phone 13*4. STORE Bt II.DING TOR RENT. The large double atoree located onrnr State. Whitaker and President tit sis. Can he rented In whole or In pari. Near new poet office Excellent Cor any kind of buslotea. Apply V. M A W B. CONEY. , And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen* SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, HAVE YOU HAVE YOU CATARRH ? RHEUMATISM ? THEN TAKE Frank's Rheumatic and Catarrh Remedy, It will positively do you more good than any medi cine ever sold. Price $1.50 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for SB.OO. WHEN CURED YOU REMAIN CURED. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, 801 l and Congress. Branch 309 Bnll Street. WE WASH TO PERFECTION office .NOT Ball Street. ’Phone TOO. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. RFKINRFR &CO Bo, * pr ° prl * lo - Io DLLOmULn Qb UUiy full link of cl abet wines. • PECI At. NOTICE*. Ktionr* piHHHtrr, OPEN ala. night. Beet Wine and Iron 7So Roarh Salt (guaranteed) lOr K. R. C 1100 Talcum Powder, bn rated Sc Palmer a Toilet Water* ? K>c Empty Capaulea, 1( for Sc TANARUS, P. Dyspepsia Tableta Free Imported Castile Soap .' T... RV* Insect Powder. P. D. A Cos 40e Truaae* 60c to 16.00 Syringe*. Fountain 75c to IS fit) Thermometer (Fever) 80r to 17 00 W* lead In everything In our line. KNIGHTS PHARMACY. Oa. Phone 630. Bell Phon* 610. JIOT Alt HIVED. A freah. full ami complete line of Drugs and Chemical* from the laboratories of Merck A Cos. and V. R Squlhhe A Son Brin* your prescription* to u* We alwaya ireoperate with and aeefatt the physicians In obtaining the beat reeult* In the *l~k room by meena of otir aklll at the pre scription caea and pure medicine*. Bring us your prescription a. Send your Sunday dinner order* early for Cream* and flherhet*. as our business la growing eo rapidly that we often run short of frozen stuff*, and are unable to aupply the demand. MASONIC TEMPLE PHABMACT. Phone M3 MVRK APPLE, 330 Writ Broughton atreet, CARRIAOE REPOSITORY Agent for following manufacturer*, make your aelectlon from them: Mayer, Columhu*. Buckeye. Frailer. Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown. Weat cott. Rock Hill. Old Hickory. Mtlburn and Florence Farm Wagon*. Full am) complete line of Hameae, Sad dle*. Lap Robe*, etc. Ketiay Sprlngfleld Rubber Tire* put on at short not tie. MATTRESSES* MATTRESSES. Have your mattresses and ftathers ren ovated by our medicated steam process before a change In weather takes place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over comes all Impurities and renews life and volume In all bedding mairrlal. Prices on renovation of featherw as follows: Reds 13.6<). bolster* tl. pillows 60c c otton, nioas and balr mattresses made to order Fin# work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. Bell phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. HELMKEV* CAFE, Liberty and Whitaker. The only up tc dam cat* suitable for select parties In the city. On* block from Da Soto. Phon* HA. J. H. HELMKEN, Prop. ■ CBINBSS NOTICBR The Very Newest Things in Silver. Oorhant gen 4, see always leader* —la advanc* ol th* profession—We h*v* had the pick of Gorham * new est creation* Poetry and Music per petuated In Allver-Fresh arrival* on view Correct thing* for correct wed ding*—and the price* ar* right-your Interest I* to **e u*. HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, jewelers. Its BfLt Strict ga rung* mi ELECTRIC SUPPLY GO., Electrical Engineers, Con tractors and Supply Dealers. Electro ■ Plating on all Metals. STORES--4® and 112 Draytoa at PHONES: Georgia aod Bell. *2 and *43. KTrlTt iTi iTi iTi iTnTi fTI HAVE YOUR t SHOES J REPAIRED t V ' OKARMA’S, BELL PHONE 1153 ATen-Dollars Spent picture ** HUE FIOTORY will make your home an attractive one and give It an air of refinement. We employ nothing hut expert work men that will not boich your work ae other* do Our stock of Moulding Is ten t!m* larger than that of any of our rem petltors, and our price# are th* lowest known 105 TO 107 CONGRESS ST.. WEST. SCHOOL SHOES Children DO wear out their shoes.don’t they? And it ain’t always the heaviest and clum siest that wear the best. The next time your Girls and Boys need Shoes, TRY THESE. They Won't Disappoint You. We think them the best and cheapest shoe for you to buy. They cost— Children's Sizes. Bto 11, SI II Mitue*' Sites, II I*2 to 2. 51.15 Youths' Sizes, II l>2 to 2. SI.XS Boys Sizes, 2 I*2 to 5 l>2, SI.M Fovrcomns*Muuuie ■CaiRBM NOTICE*. WHEN THE KITCHEN OIRI, BECOME* WBtNT It* generally beeauaa her work 1* hard for the want of a good Stove or Range Hove you seen our now stock of Cooking Stove* and Ranges. R. L. CLANCY A CO . Phone# 1131. 113 Whitaker atreet. Our Stock of Wcddinfl Gifts Is very full, the newest thins* la shapes aad finishes. Sample pal. terns seat la advance of the regular stork. A study la the Art of ailver. aas I thing. THEUS BROS. A. L. Desbouillons 43 Bull Street. W’e have a pretty line of Solid Gold Cuff Buttons In plain, chased. amrthf* l , or with diamonds As pearls are now all tbs rag# w* !)•• pretty Scarf Pins and Paarl Jewelry a! *ll sons, specially Brooches. A. L. DESBOUILLONS. 43 Bull street. FOR RENT? from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211/ Gwinnett street, west Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Real Estate and im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET EAST to Swpurwitt For sals, a Forsalth Newspaper T<***’< will fold sbast Eats. Il h ki go> ora " Pries C6O. II eoat originally B.* ws ha vs on use fas II aad warn the rM> II occupies. II will bear Invaluable adjunct t* newspaper uEo*. Address MORNING NEWS, IsTsaash. Water Colors. Oil color*, anew supply of b** h ju rt ctlvcd. Picture Frame*. Room M GREENE * cO - WSWK*