The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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F At'TlOX S OUT TUWTHKR. plana far a* Amicable Mrrtlai Art Hadr la Aagnsta. Augusta. Sept. 22.—A conference com mittee repreeemlnc the Phtnlsy and Hayne Interests met thl* evening and mapped oim a plan by which It la sxpect ed to eecape the dlaorder of laat Thurs day night. Instead of a vtve voce vote or a division and count It la agreed to vote by ballot. Thomas Barrett. Jr., haa ben nominated for chairman of the meeting in the Phln lxy intereat. and J. H. Alexander by the Hayne party. Tloketa and ballot boaea mil lie provided at the gate* of the Court House yard and a* the voters enter the yard they will deposit a ballot for Barrett or Hayne. The primary executive committee la C< in pored of fifteen. anl If llarrett ta chosen chairman tt Is understood that thla carries with It the rtaht t> appoint eight men on the Executive Committee. If Al exander Is elect'd chairman then eight Hayne men are to be appulnted on the Executive Comm I tee After the question of the chairman la aettl and. thra will he a separate ballot on tnc secret ballot Issue for and against It is believed that this arrangement will preserve order and r-ach a fust decision as to the choice of the p opl on both Is sues. Ah the election of the chairman will be a sort of test of I'hinlxy and llavn** strength, both sides will be hard at work to carry the meeting. TO IMPROVE ARMY service:. Gen. Wheeler Makes Some Impor tant Recommendations. Chicago, Sept. 23 lmportant recommen dations for Improving the army service are made In the annual report of the de partment of the Bakes made public here to-day. The report was compiled by Oen. Joseph Wheeler before his retirement. "At least four-fifths of the recruits from this department," reads the report, "have gone Into foreign service without any tn rtnietlofia In rifle practice and many of I hem without having any rides Issued to them It Is needless to say that these men are liable to he put on the drlng line be fore they know how to load and dre their rides, aside from the fact that they have n< ver been taught to hit the object al which they shoot. The report also recoin men da that a board of experienced officers be appoint ed to revlke the course of Instruction at the Infantry and cavalry ecbool. Some of the teachings Gen. Wheeler says are not udapsed to present usage. The report con tinues: 1 also recommend that speed In march ing be given considerable attention I have found from experience tn the Phil ippines that the quickstep was not tire some to the men. I hove discovered thag bv marching dfty-dve minutes and rest ing dve. troops could easily cover three ml lea an hour and sometimes even ex ceed that speed." rOMMEMRATIO* FOR MrCAMxA. I’lnekr Captain f oogra tnlated by Secretary l ong Washington, dept. 21—Secretary has sent the following congratulatory tel egram to Capt. Bowman H. McCalla, IT. it N.. who. In the drat expedition toward Pekin, performed such valuable service* as to eltclt high commendation from Ad miral Seymour and other high officers who parlbApated: Sept. 22 Sir: The department desires to express 4o you Us commendation of your conduct during ths recent operations tn china. In which you took such a promi nent port. It Is always •bourne of grat ification to the department to receive such commendatory reports concerning Its of ficers ta have been made concerning you. The bravery, tact and energy which you hgve shown sre an added title to the es teem In which the department hold* you and U gladly adds to yoqr record this ex pression of Its further appreciation of your good service. Yours respectfully, "John D. Bong. Secretary." LONE ROHHW* HOLD RAID. He Went Thrnaih ■ Trmll and Took • In < a*h. Spokane. Wash . Bept. 22 —Single-handed a masked robber held up the weetbeund l .lesengefr train on the Northern Pacific at 1 o'clock this morning and succeeded In getting nwajr with about SSOO In cash, sev < rat watches and a quantity of Jewels. The robbery occured after the train left Athol. Idaho, and the lone robber left the train at Ralhdum. The hoW-up was evi dently carefully planned and was esecirted with a cool deliberation which showed the robber thoroughly understood his busi ness linlll he left the train few of the passengers ronllaed that only one man was In the plot. Conductor Dunning was the only person on the train who offered serious raslstanee and a few shota from the robber's gun effectually silenced the t r atnman. RAIDED A GAkIM.ISO MOOR. Party ef I’ronlsrst Angostlsns Be fore the City Oowrt. Viguata Bopt B— At an early hour this morning, the police, under Bergeant Shed, made a raid on room 11 al the Com mercial Hotel, and captured slsteen young men engaged In gambling at poker, craps and other games. They were caught In the act. and the whole party were enr rled to police headquarter*. where they gsve In fictitious names and depotlted a sum of cash to Insure their nppesrance before the Recorder. The Recorder de tded that the case should go before the Ity Court, and the men were all bound over until then, except thoae who forfeited their bonds and di fn’l show up nt the ■ ourl this morning. There were some we I known men among the arrested party, hut such names ns appear on the docket will never be recognised. work hut he no an: over. legal Defect* In the Mollneam Ap peal Papers. New York, Bept 22 -Recorder Goff has returned the papers In the appeal of Ro .and B. Moltncux. charged with the pol ■tilng of Mrs. Kate Adams, to the dis trict attorney on account of legal defect* In the papers, and It Is said the whole work will have to be done over agnln. Several week*' work will be necessary to p it the casa In shape for resubmlsslon lo the Recorder, so thal the appeal papers * 'll not he ready for transmission to the 1 dirt of Appeals before the first week It November. I’EAlllll) HE AVAR KILLED. •■■•s .-Elect Duke* of t horlsn Nation Not tlcnral Prom. I'irla, Tex.. Bep*. 22 —Judge O. Duke*, cl Tallhlna, Governor-elect of the Choe- Nation, left for Galveston on Thurs •’l preceding Ihe great storm He has 1 1 been heard from since, and It Is feaf *•' ** killed, Negro Killed Hie Wife. r nlumble, B C., Sept. 23 —A scandal In colored high life al Rockhlll las* night re *‘‘lt*d In the kllbng of Mary Watson by her husband. William Walson. Watson h id bean absent several days andwsesup posed to have deserted his wife He re ' trued. however, and asked Mary to go *lklng with him Bhe had a woman friend with her. and refueed to leave the teueik Watson shot her dead and fled. '■u t *tDREMf O/ , MOTHERHOOD COMES TRUE WHEN Dr. PIERCES FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION IS USED. Mrs Axel Kjer, of Gordonville, Cape Girardeau Cos., Mo., writes: " when I look at nty little bov I feel it my duty to write you. fvrhapa someone will ace my "testimony and be led to use your ‘ Favorite Proscrip tion ' and l>e blessed in the same way. I took nine bottles and to my sur prise It carried me through and gave us as fine a little boy as ever was. Weighed ten and one-half pounds. He is now five months old, has never been sick a day, and is so strong that every body who sees him wonders at him. He is so playful and holds hitn j | ' 1 mo mown at grayr*kmd. Imp. the Popular Idol. Was VYratrn h% I*l ula rout. War York, Bcpt 22 —A big half-holiday crowd took advantage of the bright cool weathwr aivl n strong cord to attend th-‘ rioinic a* Gravesend tohay. Tho apnrt wih spirited, l*t tho*e who tried to plrk the winners had disastrous flay, only two favorite* finishing In front. Imp. too, wa* and badly beaten, and an *h Ip h public Idol, the email better** loft to a man. i*ne ran •> favorit** In the Occidental handicap which w ip tho fmure o( the day’* card. Fink <*o.i t who had hern well up ail the way. took the track a* they rounded Into the at retch and wai never headed, winning out by n length and a half frm Jnck Point, who closed resolutely In the rtretch. Charrn tua wid third ftummariep: Flrat R.\fp About six furkwig* God frey, SO to 1, won. with Pupil, 7 to 2 find ' • •- a. *. £ _L _ • Kor autumn and early winter dinner* a nd dance* old-fashioned Bwle* muslin will be very generally worn The moJel photo graphed here is an Ideal style for young girl* in their debut season. even, aecond. and Ueber Karl, t to 1, third. Time 1:11 t-5. Second Race —On* mile and seven.j yard*. Btarbrlgh*. 7to 1. won. with King itsrlevcorn. 7 to 2 nnd * to 5. second, nnd Autumn, *to 5. third Time 1:45. Third Race—Tho F"lexll.tulei et.ikee. eell- Itut, five furlong*. Col l*adden, 2 to I. won. with Autolight. 30 to 1 and 10 to 1. second, and Kimberley. 8 lo 1. third. Time 1:(C l-o. Fourth Rce—Occidental handicap, one mile and a furlong. Pink Coat. 4 Mo 1. won. with Jock Point, 5 to 1 nnd 2 to 1. second, and Chnrentu*. 7 to I. third. Time ' Fifth Race—Five furlongs. The Rhymer. 4 lo 1. won. with rtharp*hooter. 7 to 1 and 5 to 2. second, and Templidon. 15 to L third. Time 1:01 4-5. . Hixth Race-Belling, one and one-six teenth mile*. The Amsxon, * to 5. won. with Compensation, 4 lo 1 snd * to $. *eo ond. nnd Rlnnldo. 8 to I, third. Time 1:18 4-5. LUCKY AMERICAN JOCKEY*. Had Their Fall Share of Honor* on „ JUe BagHsb Tttrf. I/indon. Kept B —American Jockey* had ;hlr full share of honors m i>*-d.iy's rac* ,„B event* In England. The most famous of the rtsy's race*, that for the Michael rnns plate at the Mmche.trr September meeting, was won by lewd William Betes fords Na hi bond, on which J. Rciff had the mount. P. Lori Hard* Exeslo. ridden by Danny Maher, wa* second in this race. In he rich Prince Edward handicap of 2 000 sovereigns at the same meeting. A. Mclntyre rode T. G. Plunkett # Oppres sor to aecond plaee. Ihe flrxt being taken hv J O Clark's The Orafter. 1, Hunt Park L Relff rode two win ner* vll . Eeeurlsl In th© Riverside hand icap *"d King's Courier In the Septem ber handicap Rlkby •'*> t, *d iwo win niag mount* at Hural Pk with P#t*- THE MORNING KEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 11KKI. field In the Coome selling plate and The Major In the Park selling plate. It list l/l ti Ilf THE DIAMOND. * hlcago Real rtßrlnaall by Maklag Hit. a| the Right Time. Cincinnati. ept. 32. Chicago mad* hits at the right time to-day and won • cloee and Interesting game. Attendance wv Score: R H E Cincinnati ...0 1091003 0— * 1 Chicago 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 o—3 0 2 Batteries— Scott and IVltt. Menefee and Kiing. Yew York's Third VleSwry, New York Sept 33 —New York made tt three straights by defeating Brooklyn this afternoon. Attendance 0,(80. B,ore: R.H.E Brooklyn .....0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2-4 t 1 New York ... 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 x-0 * 3 Batteries-Kennedy, Donovan and Mc- Guire, Hawley and Bowerman. St. I.oui. Wan Third Game, Pittsburg. Sept. 22 Bt. Boula won the third game of he scries by hltttng Chea hro hard. Attendance 3.000 Score R II E Pittsburg ...t> 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 o—o tt 4 St I anils ... 1 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 o—7 II 0—Waddell, Chesbro and Zim mer; Jones and t'rlgcr. Plifladel|ilila Heat Rnatoa. Boston. Sep! 23—Philadelphia won the Anal gam* to-day Both tesms played poorly In the field Attendance S.ITO Score K II K Boston 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0-4 11 2 Philadelphia 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 I—B * Batteries—Willis and Clatk, Donahue and McFarland. • Other Games. At Syracuse-Hartford. 7: Syracuse. 4 At Toronto—Toronto. 0; Providence, ft. Second Game Toronto. 7; Providence. S. Rochester -Springfield. 2. Rochester. 3. Second Gam*-—Siwlngfleld. 3. Roches* ter. 4. a-■ - t DAWES SPOKE AT PEORIA. He Rased Ills Argument largely an Prosperity. Peorln. 11l . Sept 33 —Hon Chsrlea O Dawes, controller of the currency, ad dressed a large gathering at Rouse Hall to-night. He paid his respects to the silver question, dwelt with emphaets on the prosperity of the paet thre* year*, contrasting the js-esent campaign year with the Industrial condition* which pro vailed tin IKW, and made a plea In favor of th*' Republican policy tn the Philip pines, declaring that there we- no other course open to the t'ntted States save the course at present pursued Judge D A Holmes of I'hlrago de livered an a.Vlrees on the trust question and W P Abbott of Porto Rico made a epee, h tn which he Justified the policy of the American government tn that coun try. ... ms *0 Mope for Fusion In Idaho. 'Boise. Ta.. Sept. 32 -The member* of the Populist Executive Committee, some of the candidates and a number of the lead- Ing Demo-rnls have again, gathered here for the purpose of endeavoring to push Ihe fusion iwogrsmme through. Kx-Ben ator Dubois Is also here. The Populist# some days ago hlfd their ticket as nom inated. but they have not Bird any resig nation*. consequently no ikmo'isilc names have yet been put on It Is under stood that there Is no hope that complete fusion will be effected. Texas Angel, ,‘in dblate for supreme Judge; M F. Khy, for secretary of date, and C. M Mullen, lor elector, have refused to resign. AAnycros* New* Note*. Wove row, Oa . Bept. 22—Judge J. S William* received this morning nn nppeal from Mayor R. H. King of Alvin. Te*. This I* one of Ihe town* which suffered by the recent *iorm. Judge '•WIIHama raised about $25 and sent It to Ihe Mayor of Alvin. The director* of Ihe Waycroes Fair As sociation. held in important meeting last night at the Southern Hotel. They have concluded arrangement# with the Ratllla Manufacturing Company, to light the fair buildings and ground during fair week. The fnlr win Is- run bqih day and nigh:. J B. Nunc* ha* returned from Rich mond, Va., where he went as a represen tative of Ihe local lodge al ihe Boverelgn Grand Lodge I O. O. V. Echols Buperlor Court will convene at Slatenvllle next Tuesday, Judge Spence presiding. J. ft and T Burns are getting ihe ma chinery In plaoe for their new saw mill at 112-mlle post Brunswick and Western Railroad They will have a fine plant Their new mill will have a capacity of tn.OOu or Sown feel per day. They have a fine tract of about IB,fo acres of well timbered lands. R m Comer, tax collector, ha* opens ! lii# books for Ihe collection of state and county texea. He *y* he will have col lected by Oct 1 as much money a* ho had collacicd lost year by Nov. L NIYE* F.I Ft TED ORDINARY. Result of Warmly Contested Mace In Baldwin County. Mllledgevtlle, Os , Sept 33 —On* of the most warmly contested rsees seen in this county tn many days was the threa-cor nered fight between Col E. R Htnca. Col C. T Crawford and Col. P 8 Sanford to day for lh* Democratic nomination for ordtnaiy. From the opening of the polla thla morning until the dos* this afternoon the candidate, and their friends were on the hustle. Col. E. R. Hines was the successful msn. winning tn the final count by a ma jority of aixty-three. Mr Hines Is the youngest ordinary that baa ever occupied thla oftlco In Baldwin county, and hts nomination ta quite a compliment worth ily bestowed. Mia Slater Ssfr. Wajcross. Oa., Sept 33-Mr E. F. Martin received a Galveston paper a few days ago from his sister, lie recognised her hendwiltlng. and thH was the, first evidence lie had that aho was alive Baler he had a letter from her telling of bar narrow escapa With hundreds of ©tiers she wae penned up In an old cotton ware house for about forty-right hour* He ex pacta her to reach VVeycroea In a day or two. \ To Twke Tatylor'a Imposition. Frankfort. Ky . B*pt 23—On motion of Is J Crawford, attorney for Henry Tout scy. Judge ’antrlll entire*! an order to day permlttlnrg the defenro to take the deposition* of ei-Oov \V S Taylor, ea* Secretary of Ht.ite Tharlea Finley and >ther fugitive* from thl* *tte. to he u*e<l a* evidence In the trial of Youtaey at Georgetown tn October. iMril at the Age of 101. O . Hept 22 -Oarnellua Sullivan died here today at the age of Id He wrai* l*>rn In ('aunty fork, Ireland. May 10. i7W. and foKowred the ra a* a pilot for fifty year*. Itlaaatroaa Flod tn Imllo. Cklcutra Bept 23 - The deluge continue* and the country I* Inundated for mile# Already awenty native* have drowned and thouaanda are homeler*. ■ locate for i ongrrM. New Or lean a. Bept 22 of the Plxth dmtrlct tonlav nominated J. H Inicate for Congie**. A AOVKIs KXKt mOK. The ■lory of a (tfrmnn Bandlt'a Nil den Tnklng Off. From Chamber*’ Journal. "And don’t you find It very dull up here nil alone?" I naked "No.” he newered, "not no dull as you might think, by any means. You see. there Is plenty of game so he had. large and email, for the ehool tng; the scenery Is delightful to me, who. like you, em a hit of an arllat. and then the banditti usually provide a little nddl tlonal excitement." "What”' I anld, “are there bandlrei around here then?" "Yea.'' he answered. "m.>st certainly, though not In the direction from which you have come. Rut as you proceed Into Bohemia you will find the mountains Infested with them, and I ahall send an escort down with you to-morrow Indeed. In these pip ing time* of peace It Is chiefly for the pur pose of escorting traveler* through the mountains shat we are here You will hove n specially strong es-ort to-morrow, though, as we hsve here at present con fined In the fort a notorious bandit we raptured but yeeterday In a. raid on hi* hiding place, and to-morrow 1 shall send him down to Rabensburg for trial There I* no doubt whst hla fate will be Two murders have been proved against him. and there are numerous unproved one* snd hundred* of rohberle* down to hi* name. It I*. a* you aa>\ a long way to aend him. but Rah-nshurg I* our head quarters. and he will be tried by the mil itary there But you muat he tired and glad lo get to bed " Baying Shis, he show ed me lo a small bedroom and left me to my slumbers I ws* nwokened early by the sound of a bugle, and vis anon out to enjoy *he fresh nld and fine scenery I was lmme.ll. ately struck by the strong position of the fort she site on which It was built being admirably adapted for defense The road. If road It could be nailed— perhapa paas would be n better word—here ran for s full mile In a kind of glen or gully, lined on either side by lofty nnd precipitous rocks, which towering uR high on each side, left only a narrow way In the mid dle (Standing In the center of this gully you could look along the path about half a mile each way. at which distance It came to a stop, the road suddenly dipping down on one side to Rnbensbnrg and on the other toward a forest. It was In the middle of fhl* valley, or rather -.wtlng. Ihnt the fort had been built, stretching a.-ross the narrow way from one wall to the othef. so that. If necesaory. She road could lie completely blocked and swept by the guns of the fort In times of peace she fort had a gate left permanently open, allowing traveler* to walk right through M and pursue their way to the further side. Mv friend tlw lieutenant aoon Joined me. and I remarked on Ihe strong position held hv the fort "Yes." satd he. smiling. "I think we could give a good ‘account of ourselves before an enemy could paw nkmg the road from end to end." and he pointed to the three guns mounted on each side, commanding the two roads A large one was In the middle and a small er one was on each side of It. and very formidable they looked He said I might leave them fit noon, when the escort for the j rlsoner would he ready. Hardly had he finished speaking when a about wee heard In Ihe fori, followed hy a re port of a rifle and a babel of cries The officer rushe.l down to see what wn* the mutter, I following him closely. Arriv'd al the square, we found a crowd of aol dlers assembled round a man lying on the ground, bleeding profusely from a wound on the shoulder The officer was quickly told the cause of Ihe tumuli. The bandit while being led out of his cell, preparatory to being mnrrhed away, had suddenly stnhhed a soldier wllh a hidden knife, snd. taking advantage of the aur prlse he had created, had escaped from the fort, though a sentry had fired at him He was soon descried flying down Ihe roa 1 which led to the forest, and several men started In pursuit. The officer was about to follow them, when a grlssle I veteran touched hi* shoulder and said a few words to him "Are you quite sure you ran do It, gunner**' asked the lieutenant. ••Per fectly certain, sir." replied the old eol dler. "I will lay my life on It ehe will not fall us at this moment '* "Very well, then. said the lieutenant. "Recall tha men.” The bugle rang out. and the pur suers tumid and slowly retraced their step* to Ihe fort. "After all," ha went on. "If Is our best chance, for they could never cutrh him. Just look at the pat e he Is going at! I would not lose that scoundrel for anything, and If we cannot lake hlmc alive we must until l|Mtc his fate ami take him dead.” Beyeral men bad been (lotting at the fugitive with their rifles, hue without success so he ordered them to desist, oa II was only throwing away ammunition Lighting a cigarette, he sat down and calmly watched the ever lessening form of th* brigand. I now went up to him and asked the reason of this strange apathy on th* part of the garrison "Don't he In a hurry, my friend." replied he. smiling: "we are not ao lasy and foolish as doubtless you think Liston to me " He th>n explained that Just as ha was also starting In pursuit of th* fugitive the old gunner had told him that there was a far quicker and surer method of arresting him than that of pursuit. Tli* big gun In tha center of the rampart on lAhat aide had, by constant practice, been A RECORD BREAKER -*-IN RIBBONS/*- Lack of Room the Cause. NOTICE. Wo will close out our entire line of Fine Ribbons at a discount of 25 % or I=3 Off ON FULL PIECES. This Is a great chance to buy liisrli grade Ribbons at a low price. Sale begin* Tuesday morning, as our store will be closed oil Monday oil account of holiday. B. H. LEVY & BRO. trained lo throw ll* projectile eim lly hi th* middle of Ihe narrow path Just before! It dipped out of sight, and had been k- i't permanently In thal pisltlon. "And." th.* lieutenant went on. "llunner Muller I* ready to swear that a ball or aheii thrown from that gun will hit the exact spot, provid'd the gun has not shifted Now. In that case, sll we hove lo do la to wall till our friend there gel* on. or nesr. thst spot, and there you are! You see It Is Impossible for him lo turn In the right or left till he gt* out of the pass, owing lo the precipice* on eith er side. You know. Muller,” said he. turning to th* gunner, who was standing by. ' the right kind of shell for this r#*o'" "Yew, sir.” said ttw soldier saluting. "1 know ihe very thing required, and If the rascal If within ten varde’ radius of the bursting point he won't gain the end of that |iath " "Hood." said the offl -er: "load'” Th* heavy sholl was hoisted Into the breach, and every thing was got ready for the shot Thla all happened In much lees time than It takes to describe 11, end now the mail was within eighty yards of Hie falal spol After finding Ihet he we* not pursued, he had relaxed the speed *t which he started from Ihe fort amt was now trot ting ateadUy on toward Ihe desired goal, keeping In Ihe middle of Ihe pntli. ami no douhl congratulating himself on hla escape When within Ihlrly yard* of the Idace he dropped to a leisurely walk, look ing round continually lo make sure that no one wee after hlttf. Once he stepped, and. turning round, made what teemed a gesture of contempt at the fort, ami, hav ing thus relieved his feelings, walked on again. fllowly he neared th* fatal spot All on the fort were breathless wllh euspenee and doubt, for It seemed quite possible that the gun might somehow have got shifted elnc# the last practice. Only Ihe aid gunner was calm and confident, and lovingly eyed his great charge. 1 was standing wllh the lieutenant near the gun. and the wall waa lined with every man In Ihe fort, eagerly gating on that small, dark apot moving so alowly on As the bandit neared the end of tha path the old gunner handed the lanyard of the gun to a subordinate and bade him lira when he lifted his foot Then, taking a taleacope, he directed his gase on the fugitive A deadly alienee reigned In the fort I could hear my heart beating plain ly. and I believe every man *i In an equal tremor of excitement I half hoped that Ihe man. robber and murderer though he waa. might escape When would Ihe signal be given? The suspense was becoming unendurable. I looked at Muller—be was gaslng through Ihe telescope. Buddenly he kicked out his leg. *llll keeping hla eye lo ihe glaes. A vivid flash followed, a deafening roar, which shook the fort, and then a cloud of white smoke obscured everything. When It had cleared away Muller was standing beside my companion. With a look of content on tila face "I wo* right, sir." he cried, "he was hit fair." True enough, nothing was lo be seen where the bandit had been. A loud cheer followed ihe announcement, ami the of ficer shook hands heartily with Muller, and retired tx mike a report of the mat ter. while a party waa sent to collect the remain* of the victim A few hours later I left the fort with my escort, after n hearty farewell to the commandant As passed the fatal spot I shuddered lo see unmistakable signs of the accuracy of the shot, and hurried on to leave Ihe 111-omened place tr bird DOCTOR HO NOT DECEIVED. With • Moose He Exposed a tilrl Who Pretended to Re Riled. From the Minneapolis Tribune. physlelans often have to exerlcae great care to avoid becoming Ihe victims of Im position. If a dishonest applicant tor a pension can hoodwink some doctor the lat ter'* certificate may be made the mean* of perpetrating a fraud upon lh<- govern ment and nodal parasites who seek to sponge on public and charitable Institu tions are always trying to Inveigle a phy sician Into saying the wont or writing the line which would gain them admlseon An Interesting time In point was related by Ihe leading oculist of Montreal, a man shies practice extended far outside of the bounds of the city. One day a young wo man came Into the office, ocrompanled by an older woman, apparently the moth er. The young woman wore colored glass es. which one might have assumed to he superfluous, t* It wss claimed that the girl was totally blind What was want ed of the doctor wss a certificate authen ticating thla claim of blindness, putting It beyond dleput*. and It was frankly stat ed that th* object In seeking thla wss t obtain certain able end advantage* of a philanthropic nature lm|o**lhl* of access otherwise The standing of the oculist was such that ti statement from him would carry full weight wherever presented. On examination the surface of Ihe eyes gave no Indication of any effect, but that might tie so nnd blindness still exist. Ap plying tests of Ihe strongest light the girl professed herself to be absolutely unable to distinguish between light and dsrknees The doctor w* pouted end bottled Ap parently the girl was stone blind, but he was unable to solve the problem of those eyes, to dls.Over the cause of Ihe blind ness or say Just where th* defect lay The doctor was more than half disponed lo grant Ihe desired certificate, when, as a last expedient, he hit upon a novel - perlnnni He dismissed Ihe patient wllh Inslt ui lions that she should come again at a certain hour Ihe following day When ehe rame the doctor had her securely blindfolded with n heavy lieodage over her eye* Then he look a liny mouse, w hleti he hml reedy, and hehl Ihe lively little thing hy Its tall before the girl’s face, though not touching her. while he ordered the bandage to tie removed. No sisiiier was the bandage off than her eerenms ran through the plaee and her eye* were wble with terror al Ihe harm less little rudent. which hail thrown her ■el completely off her guard and exposed Ihe Imreisture. Of .nurse ehe saw It or she would not have screamed Needless to say Ihe applicant did not gel that cer tificate AMIIKMK.NTI. gAVANNAH THkATEAf. Two nights, two matinees, commencing Monday, Bept 34 HOHBON THEATER CO.. I'resrnflng al the mallnee "ROANOKE” Night * SO o’clock. "The HUves of Russia" Ladle* admitted free Monday night wllh every |ld *>c ticked, reserved before 6 p m AICTION libgt rt'TIRE DAT*. AUCTION SALE' ' OP PUP. frf'HMlTt RR 4\l) ItOINK PIHM<llllftO* iY voi *4ft 11 A m;>iuo\n. 4rt loaeera. Tt’BADAY. Oapf . w+ wUJ rail Fin* Parlor. IHninic Room. Kltrhm. Ila'ift arvl HMrurim Furniture. al*o IMMlviff mil Furnishing*. at & (ionkio atreet. #atl. Tim aa!e will roromenee at 10 a. m Tha entira content# of houae will be sold Thera nr* many valuable awl useful article*, many of which coukl not b#* obtained H*e where, DONNELLY DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. UA. DRUGS. BEKDB, ETC. Mall orders solicited. Hell phons fit. P. 8. Bend for fre* sample V. A P. Dyspepsia Cur*. EmaH LCRORD'f FRENCH PIU FEMALE RftiULATOR. seat postpaid Iw itw Hifs?iM lar pike sl. better than Tansy Hlf U an.l I'ennt na si, only two taxes 99 JB u, am sir ties 111 Chemical Cos.. i(iA Olive street. Louisville, Ky. HiT.CIA&. NOTICES. tin. ml TO 1 l.b. l\ llKl'fcH. Tli* only way to get your carpets prop arly taken uk cleaned and taken car* uf for the summer Is 10 turn the Job over to Die District M. as-tig r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or cell al $2 Montgomery stieet, and thay will mako you an aatl rnate on the cost of tho work I'rloae reiauiat.le They also pink, move and •tor# furniture snd Isn sx C. H. MED LOCK, flupt. and Mgr. LARUE IA AIII.HUISE AND OF FICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on Wiat Bread, now occu pied by the tlarannah Carriage and Wagon Cos Aa they will give up business In the city on June 1. 1 of fer It for rent from that date H. P. SMART RED HEART. Th# beer of all beers Is -RED HEART - AU good people ..rink It WM BRK'KKN, Manager. JUNO BREWING CO. 4Tbon* lIE MTI UL AO IIIRA PAI'LOIMU OP HUAI, island HELE NA ATE l> rirriN aitlii cider. This pure elder la served on st> enters or the American line, nnd al Ihe Waldorf-As loila snd leading family grocers In New Yotfc city Paul.lugs Pippin rider Is made from the puts Juice of hand picked apples from hts own mill on the premiers it la abso lutely pure apple juice, end sll the effer- Wi Owner is nature), and we guarantee M to be the choicest cider In the world Leading physicians In New York and Brooklyn reeanimswd this cider to their rtlrntt Its p-rf. ct purity Is guaranteed. Paulding's pippin cider, only long Is land New ton’s Pippins aie used The ap ples are left on the tree* until late In Oc tober when they ere hand picked and placed In a dry room to ripen. Baubling says "the apples are thorough ly crush'd In hie own mill and th* Julep pressed nut and run into sweet clean casks" Th* difference between crushing And grinding apples Is very great You will snow th* difference between crushed app es and ground apples If vot take some stems and chew them you will find that biller lasts which It not with Paulding's crushed apples This cider ha* not the extreme ewremese of tha Rsutl elder, and everyone will And the Pauld ing! pippin elder Just right to tak* with dinner. LIPPMAN HROR, Ei|* Agents In HavannaK SAVANNAH Ed IN 1)11 r AND MAfBINE COMPART, Builders of Marine and Stationary Boilers, will furnish tstlmataa on now work la competition with Northern and Weal £ manufacturers Repair work on Englnae and Bolltrm AAE at V AND SELL REAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same al $ per cent, and coiled rents. Represent The Travel, ere’ Insurance Cos., accident ami liability department*. Represent the New York Underwriter* Fir* In*, agency iicpreotnt th* Greenwich Fir# In* Cos. Represent the Phoenix Mutual Life In*. Cos. All bu*|- nee* entrusted to us will he appreclntad, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. 21 Elay street, east. Tele phone HR W. C. FRIPP * CO. ICRANCK RPR I NO# HOTEL, Nnwanee, Fla. SUuttidcß Ibr teaks of the huwxneeriver Climate unequalrd No malaria. No mosqui toes Coo I nights Most healthful end delight ful resort la the South Water cures every knowa illsesse Hoard $lO per week special rate for commercial men of 11 per day, which includes transfer Table and actommods llon**trtrtlv flrst class For Illustrated o*ol pblet address Suwanee spring* Cos . bu wanes Springs. Via A NIiRKW HANLEY Mgr NVALL PAPER, PAPER HANGINU. We carry complete seeortmrnt or latest style papers, and employ only last srtlais. Bee our goods and gel our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very toweet. , 8A VANN AH BDfl-DINO HUPPLY CO. Corner Drayton and Congream Phone ilk t J gl.ltno TO LOAN At six per cent, on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorney* at Law and Conveyancer*. GOOD l.ltll OR. Get Wilson Whisky at ROBT. REM- I,ER’B, Liberty end Drayton. Head quarter* for ’.he best brand*. 4 Country trad* eottrlted. No charge fir ,iuga. Phone SU HEAVY REEF. The heaviest Western beef brought t® Bavsnnnh come* to my plare. I handle It. My trsd'- demano* It. The best roasts you ever ate. the most tiuxlou* steak* you ever tasted, cornea from my place. Try Ihem any time. M 8. GARDNER. Phone s7l. Wayne and Whitaker. SPECIAL R ALE OF VA HKF.I.R. I will have a special sale of second hand wheels this week. Wheels from 1$ to IK THOMAS’ BICTCLE EMPORIUM. lit Jefferson street ( 3