The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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== FOB RENT-ROOMS. *"Vc>tl KENT? SEvEr'aCuKNTK^KN can aocure pleasant room*, neatly fur riiliol and kept; convenient to bath. altti private family. 1 Liberty, west. "For - rent"four rooms, with bath and doael, R 439 Prl street, FOR RENT. “FRONT BASEMENT room. Oglethorpe avntw near Abercorn ■traat. opposite Colonial Park. Address "Aurora." car* Nana LARGE. imrnRNISHRD FRONT room or two smaller one* for gentlamen or coupla without children 213 Perry, ant FOR RENT, FOUR I.ARCH, NICELY furnished room*, suitable for gentlemen or light housekeeping to partlee without chlldran. 10* Eaat McDonough atreet. "FOR RENT, TWO NICE SOUTH rooma. furnished for gentlemen. MS State alreat. woat. "rooms to rent, three large beautiful newly furnlahed rooma: central ly located. Reference exchanged, will rent separately. Addreaa C. 11., New* oltloe. "FOR RENT. ROOMS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, with or alihout board. 395 York. eaat. A"U>VELT BOUTII ROOM, NICELY furnlahed. aultable for one or two gentle men: aplendld location. 12 Weat State atreet. FOR RENT. FURNISHED. TO* PAR ty of gentlemen, two or three bedrooms, with bath and atft Ingroom. centralley lo cated. near Bull street, facing square; owner leaving city for six months; no oth er occupants In house Addreaa Excelsior, Morning Newa. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM convenient to car* and depots; all ronve ntencae. 217 Charlton, eaat. "a NICELY’ FURNISHED FRONT room for gentlemen; southern exposure, and In private family. Apply No. lit Gordon atreet, east. "NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH ho* ami cold water, same floor, at 415 PreWdent. weat. "ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNISHED rooms, southern exposure. 12 Oglethorpe avenue, east. "FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, elegant rooma. newly furnished; all In fine atyle; no children In the house. 313 Broughton, weat. "FOR* RENT. NICELY FURNISHED front room; all convenience!. 303 Presi dent, weat. FURNifwfEi> Soom>or- LADIES or gentlemen, with plazxii; use of hath room and telephone. 413 York atreet, weat. A COMFORT A Ft! Y FURNISHED room U a month; bath prlvlleg a. 121 East Congress. "NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH o- without board; gentleman. 412 Park avenue, west. "FOR RENT. - ROOMB. FI ; UNIBI4EDOR unfurnished: by day. week or month; or in flats. 14 Barnard street. 'THREE RASEM ENT ROOMS IN good order; reasonable to desirable party. Address Rasement. News ofllce. "TWO NICE IsAltOE FRONT ROOMS, toilet and bath convenient; chrup. 110 State atreet. cast. TWO OR MORE GENTLEMEN CAN secure nice, large furnished room, south ern exposure, at. 23.50 per month each. 311 Hall alreel, west. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ALSO on* nicely furnished room. 235 Jefferson •ireef. comer Perry. "FOR RENT. ONE NEATLY FUR nlshed room with use of bath. 412 East Charlton atreet. FLATS rOH HUNT. A CHOICE FLAT. FURNISHED. TO let, singly or entire. gentlemen preferred. 123 Oglothorpo avenuf, treat. ~FOR RESNT. FI.AT OF 4 ROOMS over drug store. e-orner Bolton end Mont gomery etreees. IIS per month; key in drug etore. J. T. Shuotrtne. corner Con gress and Jefferson streets. ' TO~HKNT. 13 JONKB, FAST. FUAT and bssemenl. to amall family. DESIRABLE FUATS NBWLT RENO* vated; furnished or unfurnished; with or without table board. 30 Macon street, east. SECOND STORY F!.AT 4 ROOMS AND hath room. 119 Jones, east. FOR RENT. A~CONV F.NI FNT FUAT to couple without children 233 Hast Qor don street. "FLAT TO RENT. TAYLOR ~AND Ahercorn; large desirable rooms; no chil dren. Call 21* Jefferson street. FUAT THREE UARGE ROOMS AND bath room. 521 Broughton, east. FUAT OF ROOMS FOR RENT 112 Taylor street, west, w th eonvsnlencss. FOR~RENT — AT 110 DUFFY STREET, east, parlor flat of four rooms, kitchen and closets; good locality; convenient to cars. “FLAT FOUR - ROOMS. TO COUPLE, from Oct. 1. unfurnished or partially fur nished. 130 Duffy, east. Apply E. A. Ar mand. 10 Bay, east. - FOn _ RENTr DOUBLE FUAT OVER drug store northwest Ulberty and Price s'reots: In good repair, at moderate rent Apply to E. C. Way. agent, 504 East Dulty. Bell telephone 1576. “FOR RENT FLAT~OF TIIREB OR five rooms; private hot bath. 12 Liberty, west. FI.AT OF FOUR CON N ECTINt 1 rooms; bath on same floor 51* Margaret •treat. FOR RENT~FI’IKR FUAT. RACK entrance, hot and cold water. 217 Weat Waldburg. FOB BENT, DESIRABLE FUAT.” 11* State streat. eaet; larse. well arranged rooms; bath and all conveniences. J. E. Fulton A Baa. "for RENT, TO YEA RUT AND RE sponalbln party, second floor, three rooms and hath. Mrs. Waklhguer. 115 Ogle thorpe avenue, west. TO'RBNt PARLOR KI.AT." WITH bath. 2 Chariton streee, west, corner Bull. FUAT."” BIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor; Lions' block; suita ble for any purpose. John Uyons. FOR RENT; MODERN FUAT ON Jones street, private family. Address Melt notte. News. pSS RENT. FUAT. CI.NVI.NIBNT for housekeeping: private ttalh; hot water. 70S Barnard street. DESIRABLE FI AT OF FOUR CON r.ecaing rooms, with conveniences; private family. 122 Ulncoln street. _ PARUOR FUAT FOR RENT. 210 '•glethorpe avenue, east, opposite Colonial Park: partly furnished. FOR'itENfT’KI SECOND* BTHEKT. Wt t. flat of 3 rooms; hot and " lt< ' A NICE FUAT, 2OT JONES. NEAR Ahercorn, cheap. FOR RENT. DEM RABLE) FUAT OF f"ur rooms and bath; southern exposure; reasonable. 21* Huntingdon, wet. FOR RENT. ELEGANT FUAT NEAR Park. Address Moderate, care News. COUPLE HAVING BBCt'RED LOWER portion of house. 30 Gw.nnetl. west, de slres tenant for handsome hay window upper flat ftf four connecting rooms anl both, at sl* per month, from Oct. 1. No ehll lren Apply on premise*. FOR RENT. FUAT OF FOUR ROOMS with bath; also furnished room for gen- Hcman. Apply 124 Habersham. you r.KNT—HdCfEB. for rent. ton henry, east, at fljf on premises. I FOR RKAT—HOt’SBS FOU RENT, NEXT TO THE CORNER of Congrcra and Montgomery streets, three-story brick house First class condi tion Apply to J. H. Ilc.mkcn. Whitaker and Liberty street*. FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTATH-F parly, my residence, northeast comer Finn and Dravton etrecta Apply C. W. Howard. No. ac Bay street, east. I ' IR RENT CtiMFi iRTARI.K linrSE, No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Abercorn and IJncoln, ffrsi-d.istt order and condition; every convenience Right T 1 to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, West Ilroad and Broughton streets. FOR RE NT.'COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No. 215 Waldburg street, eaat. between Abercorn and Lincoln; perfect condition; newly papered; hot and cold water; every convenience. Estate Salomon Cohen, "•*1 Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE 2*o 801, ton street, west; seven rooms; all con venience*. newly papered and painted; S2O per month; lease for on* year. Apply to J. T Shuptrlne, corner Congress and Jef ferson streets. FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE REB - Park avenue, west, with all In • st Improvements. Apply C. 8. Deutsch, * Hull atreet. west. for"hknt. viiohm hocsf bis marck, near Hurrough. 27 SO a month. C. Mendel, 65<i East Liberty. FOR RENT. “DESIRABLE BRICK houses, number 402 ami 402 Huntingdon, essi; newly papered and repaired; wlih all modem Improvement!. Apply to • C. Way. Bell Telephone. 1578 FOR RENT THAT DESIRABLE residence, southeast corner DufTy and Barnard str-ct*; all modern conveniences; stables on premises. Apply T. A. Ward. West Broad and Boy street*. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING Willi all modern Improvements; In good repair. 302 Jones, easl. Kolloch A Screv en. ' DESIRABLE HOUSE - 4St"’ BARNARD street, faring square; possession Oct. 1. Apply J. C. Cornell, 12 Bay. easl. >OR RENT. 312 NINTH STREET; IM medlate |os session. Apply R. 8 Clag horn. HO Bryan, FOR RENT. 221 MONTGOMERY: IM medlate possession. Apply R 8. Claghorn. 110 Bryan, east. FOR RENT. SIS ELEVENTI? BTREET. will rent In flats or whole house: Immedi ate possession. Apply R. fl Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. FOR RENT. 215 HALL. BAST, AND”7O7 Habersham. 2 rooms each, and hot and cold water; best of localities; Immediate possetalon. Apply W. W. Swlnton, 205 Eighth street, east. "FOR RENT, A TWO-BTORY ON BARE meni residence, fronting Chatham Square, lit. Deter Reilly. "Blit RENT. A SMALL COTTAGE with shop attached; southern part of city. >2. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. 2-ROOM HOUSE. per inopih. Apply to M. Egan. 513 East Broad street. FOR RENT. A SIX-ROOM HOUSE ON Habersham and Fifth streets. No. 19UG Apply next door. "to RENT. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. "gO6 Jefferson street. Apply 50* Tattnall atreet. FOR RENT. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, KH4 Jefferson. $25; parlor flat 1012 Jeffer son. sls; six-room house 210 Anderson, west, sls |w r month. Inquire 1012 Jefferson. TO RENT. FROM OCT. 1. SOUTH west coiner Habersham and Huntingdon Apply Bull and Sixth streets. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale, suited for hoarding house; good locality. Address House, New* office. FOR RENT. DWEUUINO ON EIGHTH street, near Ulncoln; possession Oct. 1. Apply R. 8 Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. if RERl dence 11* Henry street, we**; all conven ience*. J. E Fulton A Bon. 'for rent; FROM O' T 1. THAT DE slrahle resld. nee 109 Bolton street, west, near Park extension; all conveniences. J. E. Fulton A Bon. FOR RF.NT. TWO-STORY ON BASE m*nt bil k tesldenee. 330 Harris street. .0*1; large yard, *JO per month. J. E. Fulton A Son FOR RENT, DESIRABLE HOUSEfm Park avenue, east; h'd and cold water and all convenience*. *:o per month, good location. J. E. Fulton A Son. FtIR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES Idence, ll* Duffy stieet. east; all modern Improvements; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Ful'on A Bon. “for RENT. FROM OCT if RBBl dence. 1214 Bull street, 230 per month J. E. Fulton A Bon "FOR RENT. RESIDENCE, lit DUFFY street, west, near Whitaker; all conven iences, s■■ per month. J. E. Fulton A B>>n FoR RENT. FROM OUT 1. RES! dence 109 Jonea street, east, near Drayton, suitable for physician's office; moderate rental. J. K. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE. 1* ANDER son street, east, *2>i per month; posses sion Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT U NEW RES- Idenee 7 Second avenue, east, near Bull. 122 per month. J. K. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT RESIDENCE. 11* OWlN nett street, east, near Park extension; live bed rooms, all convenience*; moderate rental J. K. Fulton A Son. for” RENT;“FROM OCT. 1. HOUSE 513 Taylor street, east. *1 per month. J. E Fulion A Son. FOR” RENT, RESIDENCE. V 0 HAUL atreet. west, near Barnard, possession Oct. 1; all modern Improvements, porca laln tub. etc.. *3l per month J. E. Fulton A Sen. “FOR RENtTFROM < m T '• OESIRA bIe tesldenee. 115 Gwinnett street, east; large grounds; to be put In flrst-class condition J- E Fulton A Son FOR RENT. NEW RESIDENCE. PEC ond avenue, between Rull and M hltaker, will be ready l.y Oct. 1. *2O per month J E. Fulton A Son FOR rent! HOI 8E KOI MONTGOM ery street; bath and all conveniences. *13.50 per monlli, J. E. Fulton A Son. “FOR RENT. UARGE RESIDENCE. 205 Congress street, east, southeast corner Ahercorn. M S Baker. Agent. 224 Ogle tkffig avenue, ease TWO HOUSES ON FLORENCE street, between Tenlh and Eleventh Slieel*. 17 . 732 Gwinnett street, east. *S. 526 Park avenue, east. *l*; 1211 and 1213 Barnard *treet. 122: 21* Henry atreet. east. *3O: U-, Henry, east, twelve rooms. *l3; 212 Waldburg street, east. **s. You mans A Demmond, Provident building. “FOR RENT. NORTHEAST CORNER of Third and Ahercorn atreet*; new house with all modern Improvements, *20.00 per month. W._C. Frlpp A Cos. FOR RENT. NO. 1° ANDERSON Street. *lo® per month. W. C. Frlpp A Cos. _______________ FOR RENT. NO 110 JONES STREET, east, with all mwlern Improvement*. *33.10 per month. W. C. brtpp A Cos. “V'OR KENT. A DESIRABLE COT t .ge on Whitaker between Sixth and Sev enth streets, eastern exposure; all modern improvements; *22.30 P* r month ' C. Frlpp & Cos. . y OH K , NT KOH TUB WINTKR. A very desirable residence, furnished, cen trally located, oxlelhorp* avenue. B„ Morning New* clUr*- KOR RENT. RESIDENCE SOUTII „rst corner Perry lane and Jefferson •iroAtu in inorouh repair; >r*l ami outbuilding* Apply Room 3*. CUi geti*' Bank build In* THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900. FUM K2SNT— gOllE*. ble tenant. 714 Montgomery; seven-room housa with conveniences, possession Oct. 1. 102 Dark avenue, wsat. 'THUNDERBOLT C O M M O D I O U S house; ample ground*. nil desirably sit uated. Inquire 214 Bryan atreel. east. 2.T7 GORDON. EAST. 1* ROOMS. ALL conveniences; stable in yard, 243 par month. W. J. Mlscally, Jr 817 AND 51* DUFFY,” WEST. SIX rooms and bath; good locality, 214 per month. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. FOR RENT MODERN BUILT RKSD denee; every convenience. 212 Waldburg slreei, west, thirty dollars. Peter Reilly, FOR RENT. 42) HUNTINGDON street; this Is a very convenient double house, ten rooms, four on each side of hall, with kitchen and lutib room; posses sion Oct. I. Peter Itel Ly. " for RENT. 703 BARNARD BrkHKl. second from Hall street; possession given at once. Apply lo Wall hour A Rivers. Drsrinn and Bt. Julian streets. for rent; no tm Barnard street, comer Hall; partlea can have Im mediate possession. Apply lo Walthour A Rivera. P9B RENT ~m PARK AVKN "E west, corner Montgomery street. Apply to Walthour A Rivers, Drayton ami 81. Julian street. FOR RENT. 4*44 PARK AVENUE, west; possession given al once. Apply io Walthour A Rivers. Drayton and St. Ju- Uan streets. IBS RENT No V 2 JONES STREET, eisl, between t>rayton and Abercorn streets; iMseesslon given Oci. 1. Apply to Walthour A Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju. llan streets. FOR RENT. *l3 HALt" STREET, west, po-ocsslon given Oct 1, 1300. Apply lo Walthour A Rivera, Drayton and St Julian streets. FOR RENT NO 508 “ DUFFT atreet. east, po*e#a|rn given Oct. 1 Ap ply to Walthour A Rivera Drayton and St Julian streets. fO* RENT No 13* WHITAKER street, second Month of Charlton street: possession given til once. Apply to Wul fhour A Rivers. Drayton and 81 Julian streets. "for RENT. Nil * YORK STREET, east, between IJnooln and Habersham street; possession given at once; rent cheap to desirable tenant. Apply to Wal thour A Rivers. Dravton nnd*Bt. Julian streets. "for RENT A TEN-ROOM COTTAGE st Tybee. *5 per month. I. D. I-a Roche "FOR RENT HOUSE ON lIOLTCON. near Lincoln, six rooms and bath. Apply 108 Park avenue, east. FOR - RENT; SIS, 822 AND 83<fMONT gomery, corner Huntingdon; also 213 Bay. easl. G. H. Remshart. 18 Bryan. east Foil HE3T-BTOIIEI. Bay street, west, thirty by ninety feet, each, with cellars and elevators; posses sion Oct. 1. For terms, apply to George W Owens, 4 Bryan street, east. “ BT<>HK FOR BENT CENTRAL LO cutlon Two show windows. French plal* glatw; yard In the rear; rent moderate. 22 East Broughton. "SMALL STORES FOR RENT. LOCAT ed on Slate and President streets. In rear of Whitfield llulldlng; splendid stand for small business. Apply W. M. A W. E Coney. FOR RENT. STORE 320 CONGRESS street, west; rrasonub'e rent to accepta ble tenant. Peter R<tlly. "FOR RENT. 125 BAY STREET'.’ B4ST. suitable location for wholesale husbiees Apply lo Walthour A Rivera. Drayton and St. Julian street# FOR RENT. STORE ON DRAYTON street, near Broughton; (2) show windows; also one lag* room up malrs; rent rea sonable. Apply to E. I. Okurmn. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. J, THAT DK slrable store and dwelling, northwest cor ner DufTy and Jefferson streets; now oc cupied by Mr. Ben). Galls; will rent liv ing apartments separate. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT FROM OCT~J."STORE 408 Broughton street, west. Apply 4H Con gress at reel, west. "FOR RENT. 128 RRYAN’7 WEST. FOR merly occupied by P H. Whrd; Immediate possession. Apply R. 8. Claghorn. 110 Bry an. east. ' FOR RENT. STORE AND DWELL Ing. ail modern improvements; eoulheast corner Burroughs and Waldburg; $25 a month. C. Mendel. 854 East Liberty. FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR STORE or office, southeast corner Montgomery and Perry street lane. "STORE FOR RENT STORE AND basement under Odd Fellows’ Hall. In quire Room 7, upstairs. FOR RENT. STORE. 115 HROUOlf ton street, east; possession Immediately bo several deslrahla residences and flats. Apply A. Wylly. 12 Bryan atreat. east mil RENT—OI Fit I S 'TmpRKNTT^UPrE~O? ; Tdor)MSr7S?N cupled as dentlsl’a offlo# for the past ten years; fine location, opposite Chatham Square and facing on Square; reasona ble rent lo desirable party. Apply John Sullivan. 15 Congress, west. 2OK Hi; a I —sll*l 1114 M IM s. for RENT. WOULD RENT T*> careful parly, my place at White Bluff for one or two years. House furnished, artesian well, belli and all conveniences ready for occupancy. D. Y. Dancy. "FOR"RENT,' THE PREMIHEfI OVER my stone mllable for lodges, offices. Me. Arihur Deutsch. p.itvnbroker. "FOR RENT, STABLE; W ILL ACCOM modal* one horse and Iso vehklea. Apply 5 Easl Duffy. "for RENT, KNAHE GAKHLE PIANO In good condition, at |3. Address P. A. Bo* 7* FOR RENT. LARGE 4ROUND"WITH big siatde on Huntingdon street, east of Trice. I. D. La Roche. KUM .U.K-t(GAL ESTATE. FOR BALE, LOTH ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad. st KMXi each; will noon be advanced lo C 23; when a lot has been paid for I can arranga to get a home built. C. H. Domett. roll BALE A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy term*, on Ninth ■ ireee. near East Broad; no city taxation. C. li. Doraett for bale, those um on ninth street. near Kaat Broad, have only been gold to first-class parties, who will make good neighbor*; and non* other can buy. The term* are very eaay. and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. H. Doraett. FOR SALeTIOTS ON NINTH STREET near Ka*i Broad; no city taxes, at I l ** each: twenty-live dollar* cash and eaay monthly payment*. C. H. Doraett. “FOR SALE. 711 BOLTON STREET cost; J-room cottage: 10l 30x115. Only WO Plalshek & Cos.. 110 Bryan, caat. Call Tueaday. ~FOR BALK. ITI9 R ANDOLPII STREET, south of Anderson; well-built 3-room cot tage and two large lot*, all for W. Plat shek A Cos. Call Tuesday. “PSK SALE. I/lT ■***♦ <>N NINTH, just east of Aberconr; souihern front; J 730. Great snap! plalshek & Cos. Call Tuea day. . "FoirSALE. fk>T s; ■OCTHEABT comer Whitaker and Sixth; only 11.100. A gem: Flalsbcfc * Cos. Call Tuesday. FOR SALE—RE 41. gSTATR. TYiIPsALKT^r^G^IhTNETT^GwU s l-1.11.1 Id two-story frame dwelling, broad pt.isias: lot 50x110; can build on rear ui lot. Price s2.kk> A bonanza! Plalahek A Cos. Call Tuesday. ”FOR*B'ALETIX>r" JJ **4" l slreei. easl. near Drayton, only 2*75. on easy Icrms. Plalahek A 00. Call Tuta day. _ FOR BAIJE M*NY" HANDSOME homes, and valuable laoneallea that you must know about, or you are a loser' Plalahek A Cos Cat! Tueeday Pi dt SAI.K HBVKHAI, L ARGE REB - In eholca location*. J. E Fulton A Son. DIR SALE. AN IDEAL MOMB~ON Second avenue, near Abercorn; eaay terms J. E. Fulton A Son. "FOR SALE. CHOICE LOT “ON SIXTH street, near Abercorn. or.* thousand dol lars J. E. Fulton A Son. 'FOR SALE. TWO TWO STORY house* Henry street, near West Broad; an excellent Investmxit; oasy terms. J. K Fulton A Son. FOR SALK. THAT SPI ' NDID REST detice, northwest corner. Taylor and Aber corn streets. J. K Fulton A Son. FOR SALE. LOTS CORNER HABER sham and Ninth streets. J. E. Fulton A 8.11. ~T> lt SALE VERY DESIRABLE RES Idenc* Henry street, near Abercorn; 23.8M1. can arrange easy term*. J. K. Kul lon A Son. FOR SALE. I AM INSTRUCTED TO sell 1702 Habersham This Is a good, com fortable house, containing nine rooms; owner wishes to leave the city and mini sell before going Look at It and give me a bid Instructions are sell. E. G Black. 8 Hryan. eaat. FOR BALK. SOUTHWEST CORNER of Tenth and Bull, that aplendld corner, 42 feet front, for *2.300 If you ever ex pect to own a Hull street corner this look* Ilk# a chance for you. The lot la cheap E. G. Black. 8 Bryan, eaat FoS SALE. REAL ESTATE if you And anything In my adverllxemeni* that •trike* you nnd you haven't the tlma to call on me drop me a line, with yotir ad dr#**, and I will call on you. E. O. Black. 8 Bryan. aa*t FOR BALE Illax'K OF TWELVE lo|, atx on Tenth and si* on Twelfth, very cheap to quick purchaser. B. O. Black, 8 Bryan, esxt. "for BALE. CORNER BRYAN. PRICE and Si Julian, two house* one brlrg and on* wood, will aell one or both; very ■mall cash payment. The** house* face St. Julian, good renters, and room for *n- Olher house. E O Black. 6 Bryan, east "for Bale. ~m Feet" on new Houston, between Barnard and Whitaker; aplendld location for Investment or hom*. E G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. FOII SALE. REAL ESTATE; I AM exclusively In the real etsale *alea; If you wish yours sold I can hand)* It for you. satisfactory prices assured. E O. Black. 6 Bryan, rast for sale. Residence"on "tay lor. near Drayton; small cash payment, belane* arranged satisfactorily. B. Q. Black. 8 Bryan, rast. I H SALE. A NICE DETACHED residence on Gordon In good condition; will make delightful home. B. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. 'FOR SALE, 12 HOUSES ON BOLTON street, east; one year old. all rented; an nual rental 1300; will aeli cheap. K. O. Black. 8 Bryan, east FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE; IF YOP wish to sell your real estate place It with me. prompt attention to all business, quirk sales assured. E. O. Black, 8 Bry an. east. ' FUR SALE. ONE OF THE’ LAST LOTS left facing the park; I will give a bargain lo a desirable purchaser for residence, tenement# not allowed. See E O. Black. 8 Bryan, east r-.u mu i., a BARGAIN IN a 5 story Harris street house. See E. O. Black. FOR - SALE, FIVE HOUSES RENT Ing for ' a month, for *2IOO You ran tigurn the percentage on *he Investment E. O. Black, 8 Bryan, east. FOR SALE AT”THUNDERBOLT. 8- room house on two lot* 30 by 23ft, 33<ift rash balance on easy terma. E. O. Black. 8 Bryan, east. nut SALK. NICE HOME AT ISLE of Hope, on easy terms. Bee B. G. Black. 8 Bryan, east. FOR SALK. A HENRY STREET RES Idem e for s3.*m that can't be equaled. E. O. Black. 8 Bryan, eaat. I hillT RUKSES IN YAMACRAW ON Bryan street, renting for 140 per month; If oold this week only *2.200. Youman* A Item moral. six NEW HOUSE*. I LOCATED where they will always b* occupied, now paving IS per cent., net, |l.* Vouman* it Demmond. "FOURTEEN HOUSES. PRACTICALLY new; all rented lo good tenants; bringing *54 monthly; only 27.000 Youman* A Dem mond. SIX BRAND NEW TWO. STORY house*, renting for 3110 monthly; a big bargain al *9.500. Youman* A Demmond \YK WILL SELL AT AUCTION ¥Ol9- day, Oct. 2. at Court House, thirty acres of land, between Cemetery and MJ Ftyal*' plantation, the Union Terminal Company propowa running their track* through this land Youman* A Demmond WE WILL SELL AT AUCTION BE fore the Court House door. Tuesday. Oct. 2. lot 34 Crawford ward, thirty by ninety feel; there la room lo build four house*, this location will always lommand good paying tenanta. Youman* A Demmond. "LOOK AT Brt! EIGHTH STREEP weal; sn offer of It.Sfin might buy It If mn<te this week. Youman* A Demmond "lF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR a lot we can interest you, for the reawm ■ hat we have the choicest in Savannah, the Prendergast Intp are cheap, and very desirable from every stnrwlpolnt Her.* yoti will not And a home crowded on a thirty-fool lot. The future of this loca tlon Is already assured by the parlies who have bought and built. Youman* A lietn mnnd, ’ WE HAVE JUST HAD ONE "E TDK most desirable and modem home* placed In our hands for sale, diving to owner de siring to break up housekeeping: If you want something better than Is genenilly offered, *** u*. Youman* A Demmond. * 3ftf. NINTH STREET, EAST; TO A quick buyer, only 31.880; a rare bargain; enn arrange terms to aull. Youman* A Demmond. "six NEW HOUSES NOW PAYING 18 per cent. net. and will always be rent ed. owing to their superior location; only 11. wo If sold quirk.* Youman* A Demmond Mi: ARK SKI.LING l/TS ON BEV enth street, east, for only SUO; |f you want one see us quick, we do not know how long the present price will remain. You man* A Demmond. , IF TOU ARE INTERESTED IN REAL esial*. send for one of our bulletins. Youman* A Demmond. WE BEY AND SELL REAL ESTATE on commlsalon; negotiate loan* and col lect rent* If you are not sailsfled with the present returns on your property, see us; w* may be tl4e to assist you. You mane A Demmond. If you are experiencing troll bl* to rent a home; why not buy ooe of the many we are offering? we can ar range the terma no that It will be about like paying rent. Youman* A Demmond ~~LOTS AT THUNDERBOLT. 175 TO 1200; also a cheap bom*. Youmana A Dem • FOR BAI.E—NIC AL ESTATE. WE HAVE A GREAT BARGAIN To offer, northweat corner of Henry ami Abercorn and cottage in rear; It will iwv you to investigate thl*. Ymuuan* A Dem mond. ROME VERY CHOICE I<DTB IN *OL lln*vlllc, on eaey terma. only R’ each. Yannum* a liemimaHl. WK CAN SELL YOU A HOME FOR 125a cash and s2* per month, whllo It la true Dial It |s In the euburba; a house like II in Ihe city would rent for 23ft; her* Is a chance to make your rent; buy a home. Youmane A Demmond. "FOR SALE. FIVE HOUSES ON ROL ton and Atlantic avenue. ll.f*i.Xl, this property will pay 10 |ier rent, net on price i-k. I W c Frlpp A Cos FOR SALK SOME DKSIKAKLK IV velm nt property on Ogeechee road, near Laurel Grove Cemetery. W. C. Kripp A Col "lA>T IN WARING TRACT ON DARK avenue and eoulh to Anderson. ffCai cash bulanco liixi per year. 8 per cent. Interest. W J Mlscally. Jr. NORTHEAST CORNER HULL AND Jefferson, good business opportunity. W J. Mlscally, Jr. RESIDENCE ON ELEVENTH, NEAR We*i Itroad seven room*. In good condi tion; small cash pavmetu, balance month ly. w j Mlscally, Jr. NO. 214 Oglethorpe avenue, west, conve ntent location, splendid property I. D. lai Roche *2l* FARM STREET NORTH; ALSO ■ mall house on Mill *tre#l; good Invest ment I 1> Li Hor hr "nice two-btomy’ rksidknT e NO 822 Jones street, east, and the dwelling In the rear; price, twenty-five hundred; five hundred cash and Iralonce on monthly In stallment*. !. D. LaKoch*. an" Th'ila NO CO NT AINI Nt i ~Ft FT Y ven acre*, mar Thunderbolt; beautiful river front. *ll planted In oysters, near dwelling, and fruit on place; price *2.500. I. D. Laßochr. "THAT LARGE BUILDING AND LOT on the southeast <rner of Lumbar and Bay at*r*t; It will pay 9 per rent, net on Ihs Investment 1 |>. La Roche. bliN'ft Silcte rSWELLINGH, NEW AND under good rents!, paving Ift per cent, on price askeil. 1. D. Laltoche. SIX~DWELLINGS ANt STORE.' ON comer of YVllliam and Farm atreet. cheap; splendid investment I. I* LaKoch*. THREE GOOD VAR MS NEAR THE city, containing respectively. F, Ift and <SO acrea each, partly cleared and balance In limber l. I). Laßoche. ONE "or THE FINEST BUSINESS properties in Savannah, on null atreet. tlr principal thoroughfare; a rare chance for a man of mean*. I D. Laßoche. I JIT BOUNDED BY TAYLOR, TATT nail. Warn* and Jefferaon street*. $5,000 I. D. Laßoche. M 2 EIGHTH STREET 1 . WEST:' SEVEN room dwelling In nice condition. I. D. Ia- Roche. ’ TWi i-ST< iRY SEVEN lUioM FRAME houae, 216 Tenth atreet. near Hamard, cheap. IT C. Frlpp A Cos. "FOR SALE. THIRTY-FOOT LOT facing weel. Whitaker, lielween Eighth and Ninth atreet. W. C. Frlpp A Cos. “FOR SALE. 80-FOOT LOT\ RI'LL. ME tween Ninth und Tenth. W. C Frlpp A To. FOR's'aLE. NOT 122 EAST WlTy' northv-est corner of Abercorn; a bargain. W. C Eripp A Cos. FOR KALE DESIRABLE HOME AT While HlufT. cheap. W C Eripp A Cos FOB SALK. DESIRABLE HOME fSI.K of Hoie. cheap. W C Kripp A Cos. FOR SALE" FOUR - HOUSES ON Puree atreet; a good Investment. W. C. Eripp A Cos "FOR SALE. BRICK BUILDING ONf large lot on Bey atreet, west; sultabls for wholesale business or good alto for bak ery. W. C. Eripp A Cos. FOR SALE."(INK OK THE MOST DE alrahle resldencaa In tho vjrlnlty of Gwln net and Whitaker alraeta. W. C. Eripp A Cos. "FOR SALE. THIRTY t*h EftOT I>OT on Gwinnett, between Abercorn and Idn roln street*; l* a bargain. W. C. Frlpp A Cos. FOR SALE. EIGHTEEN nt) I/iTS'ON Gwtnnsli atreet. seat; good Investment. W C. Frliqi A Cos. "FOR SALE, FINE BRICK REST dene* on Jones, lies ween Drayton and Abercorn street*. W C. Eripp A Cos. "desirable" Building lot on Brady atree* W. C. Frlpp A Cos. U"R HALE. THAT DESIRABLE RES’ Idem-* on Gwinnett street, between Aber corn ami Ltnooln, eontanlng 11 rixime, bath and all modern Improvement*; lot 83sll0; now Is your chanctk W. C. Frlpp A Cos. "at’A BACRIEIcS. > FOOT IXT ON Gwinnett street, east of Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railway. W. C. Frlpp A Cos. "FOR BALK. THREE SULUNDID lota, corner Barnard and Eleventh, Whi taker ami Elewenlh and Whitaker and Twelfth. Whitaker continued. G. II Remahari. FOR SALE. ON East TERMS. MOD ern ten-room house; ail room* connect and all separate; three large halls, bath room, etc.. 411 Henry street, east Apply at Launey Studio. XI Broughton, west. FOR ~BALK, LOT JttXl2S — FACIN'! south on Eleventh atreet. near Barnard. S. Mendel, 302 Hay, west. "|IJ. FOR HALE. ONE OK THE nicest residences In Ihe city; lot, 82 by 120 feel; on a wide alreel; In a nice neigh borhood; hot water system of heating, electric hells, fans and lights, burglar alarm; nice garden, large yard, wllh sta ble Addree* P. O. Box sni, city. "TURPENTINE. WE HAVE A GOOD location for large operator. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. for sale, a fine back box" tur pentln* firm, on line railroad, new 2ft tarrel still, plenty xhack* and other build ing*. private siding. 8-crop yearly, 11 virgin crop*, plenty llmlier. pnkl for. lo cut IS crops; full equipped, and nt work; will fll now or after gathering scrape end dip Address C. B. 0.. Tlfton. Ga. POM IAIA-kIHKUdakUtS. WITCH HAZEL! THERE IB WITCH haxel and wit -bhaael. On# la mad" to cura; the Otter Is made to sell; put a tot:!# of ours by Ihe eld# of otic of lha otlwr kind; w* give you all the quality and all the quar.U'y that your muaey en titles you to—a pint for a quarter I’erase's Drug St< r<s, Henry and Abercorn. Whit aker and Taylor. "NOW IB THE TIME TO PUT IN YOUR supply of wood for the winter. Snedeker A Cos will furnish you with oak. pine or lightwuod, aawsal or slick. Georgia and Hell 'phones. 782. "GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY house furnishing* at No. 5 Gordon, raat. next Tuesday. Will be sold lo highest bidder, coromen.lng at ID a. m.* A D'-mmond. Auciloneer* "new RICK STRAW. 32 TO PER Dou ble horse load. Apply Deptfort plantation. K< 'll SALE REMINGTON TVI'EWRH - er. No. 2. In perfect condition. Address J.. New* office. FOB HALE. ONE STEIN WAY GRAND piano almost new. for half price. 5 East Gordon atreet. Mn.K FOR SALK. APPLY TO J A. Pacettl, corner of Price and Gaston atreet 1 lane. , . ~FOR SALE AT AUCTION. 'TUESDAY, \ Sept 23. at 11 a. m. by Yotinglove A Sip- j pie, two flue cows; gaud milkers, , run itLA-kiiiGLuißon. ATTEND THE AI'CTION SALE OF fine furniture and house furnishing next Tuesday at No. s<ir<k>n street, east, cuts mowing at Ift ant. Youmana A Dew rooml, Auctioneers "FOR SALK. OR EXCHANGE - FTNE •-year-old marc colt, well brt>ks to sodtllc or buggy. Inquire at 1201 Habersham alreel. "RANGE WITH HOT WATER AT taebinent for *al*. 233 Waldburg atreet, east. "snow CASKS AND COUNTERS FOR sale cheap A East Ifoughton, Hair and* Jewelry House. FOR SALE. UPRIGHT PTANiK GOOD a.-t new. or wtuild change for a horse and buggy; can be seen at lilt Montgomery. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF NO. 3 Gordon slreei. east Jil be sod al auc tion next Tuesday at lo o'i Im k A rare opiMirtunity lo luiy chot e furniture and rare bric-a-brac at your owe price. You malis A Demmond, Aucii.tneer ‘Fitß SALE. A TAII/1R S SEWING mscblue almost nr*. heaviest and llnest work. Price S2o. Address P It. 8 , 117 Jones street, east "dINSMORK TYPEWRITER IN FlßST dass condition for sale, at a bargain price. Call and see It at 2 Jones street, •■si. FOR SM.E, ECLIPSE GAS RANGE, In use only four imtnlhs. Apply 3H Jlry -911. HW>t . gam "(Stove w-Ale nut sldelsr.ird, |5, wslnia extension talde, two leaves, 31. 12.5 Eaat. Liberty. "FOR SALE. PARLOR ffl'lTE. VERY cheap Apply' 714 Montgomery street. FOR SALE, (INE BEDROOM SKITE, dining room chairs, and other hotisehold goods cheap, 211 Jones, west. FOR SALE. PIANO, 14 TA Y LOR alreel, west FOR SALE, ONE U>T SHELVING and alore rtxltrres In aplendld condition must lie sold Monday or Tuesday. Ap ply at 112 Drayton alreel. IH-GALIXIN FAMILY MILEVIG COW. without a fault 218 West Huntingdon street 'WILI. SELL AT YOKNGLOVES A Slpple'a auction on Tuesday, one mare, boggle and harness, mare sound anil gen tle; safe far any lady tn use. also one saddle horse; two lop huggl-s and one wagon, several other horses and mule#. ONE SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC fan; only 2* A C. Price Cos. FOR SALE. A GAS STOVE IN FlßltT class isHiditlon, price reaoonable; can be seen at 4IS Jonia atreel, east. FOR SALE, KNA It E-GAEBI.E srpinr* piano In gyMvl condition, price slOll. on easy terrna. Addreaa, P. O. Box 72. I-V>R SALE, RAZORS. AND HAKKTY raxors, hotied straight, and elge sharp ened; concaved and hollow ground cut lery. and cash register* repaired and re. plated, wllh m silver bronw plate, steel heel plates, and razor strops; beat for sharp eilges. orders left ears llii.cbm A Cos.. No 147 and 144 Hull street. leuivo your name and address on article* to It* repaired. Holier! McDonough. Savannah. Ga. SHOW CASKS THREE TO TEN feet, perfect condition; cash register, good draft horse. Itewan, Bull and Second. "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. MARVIN safe. 3 feel 6 by 4 feet 8: good condition, trill aell or exchange for smaller safe. Kirby. 10-cenl store. COWS FOR HALE. IP YOU WANT A good milk cow. reaaomtble, I can aupply you. Call 471 West Boundary ASH AND CYPRES* LUMBER FOR sale- 12M.0U# feet of ash xullable for wheel wright* carriage maker*, car works end Inlet lor houee finish. Aleo cypres* lumber of all alaes. We resumed cutting our famous hramla of cypres# shingles and wMI soon have a full line of them far aala. Val# Royal Manufacturing Company. ' SPRrNOFIEI.D DAIRY 18 NOTE!' for having rich, pure mUk; Iry II; you will be pleased. LOST AND FOUND, "lost! BLACK ANiTtaN RPC’ll answers lo the name of Clide; Reward If returned lo ho* ofllro. Theater. L>srr diamond UNO, L kakat pear liglrlhiirpe avenue and East Ilrroal atreat; the finder will ha rewarded If re turned to A. Jerger, care of W. F. Retd's drug store. STRAYED. A SMALL ThARIK brown Jersey cow. wllh crumpled horna; reward If returned or noltfled at 13) Jones atreet, weat. g-- - - ■ BUAkUIXO. NICHLY FURNISHED fXINNECTTNG roonot with tswird. 123 Gordon street, west. "WANTED. ONE OR TWO HOARDERS In private family. 317 President atreet. West. "front ROOMS with board" at reasonable rates. Tattnall, third from Liberty. drug Store; one of the rest piylng small stores In city; dean atoeg; good reason for selling Half cash; bal ance cosy terms. CalTrln. PLEASANT. W ell" FURNISHED rooms and good board, at 14 Oglethorpe avqpu*. west. PLEASANT ROOMS GOOD TABLE nice location; reasonable rate*, at 222 Harris street, east. "PA It TIES DKHI RrNG ""lIOA It 11 IN r--ld*ncc‘ section; most reasonable. ITease call 401 Als'rcorn. KDL CAT ION Al* MISS IIARTHIIKIB. (VAWIAK A. R.).- ill re-open tier school IM. 4. rorner tits lon ami Huliersham aireeis; Alisa llart rldge will be araistnl by, Mais Waul, A. 14.), Ml** Cornelia K. lire, Mrs. Mark Gorfaln, vocal music; Mr*. George Schley. Inmrnmcfiial music; Mis* Sara Charlton, i-alealhenlcs. For further Information, .utdr.-s Mtm Hart i sly South Orange, N. J. "SAVANNAH "art Wilkins will rrapen her art school at the Telfair Academy, Oct I. Large, rotno dlous atmlloa, nml u thorough erpi'iHneßi' of plaster casts, model*, etc. Latest meth ods In all bronchi -of art taught. Apply al Telfair Academy, or 119 Jonea atreel, east. -SAVANNAH ACADEMY THE THIR- Iy-ac-cond annual tt-telon of rhe Savannah Academy commexicee Oel. 1, preparation for coileg* or liuslnesa; siwctal primary ail grammar school department Apply at 334 Hull street for catalogues ami spe cial terr.s John.Taliaferro, ptimipul THE JUNIOR TRAINING CLASS OF the Kata Baldwin Frre Kindergarten la now forming, tind has only a few vacant places. Applications for entrance should be made at once to Ml** M O. Backus, 3>d Huntingdon street, east, Savannah, Oa. Mil EDWY.N K 7 WOODHAMS. OR7 ganlst and choir master of St John'# Church. Is prepared to take pupils In sing ing gnat organ and piano. Hours al the church from 10 to 11 daily. Studio SIS Park avenue, weal. MY SELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL will be reopened on Monday. Oct 1, at 812 Drayton street. Pupils will he In atrneted In the epmemary branch#* and students prepared for college. W. H. Ra ker. ______________ 'miss EDITH W WAHFIELD WILL I reiurn to the city Oct. 1, ami be prepared lo glv* piano lesson*; best of references. For further particular* addreaa Mli N. | Calvert street, Baltimore, MJ. i RDr CATION Al* I R privat* schoat < lot. 1. at uornrt Übtrir amt Tatmall etroat, boat rtooemmatula tlotift; terms reasonable AppUcotkea caa be made tt Ik Hull, wool. MRS GARNETT WIU, REOPOf REM #r-hool. Oat. I. at 201 Hooond atreet. opraag Aberrant; special attention to amatl oM3- dren; muslo and Frenca Inarms to *2(te le mu THE OGLETHORPE EFOiTNART will reopen Oct. 2. at 802 Drayton etroat. Savannah. Go.; for particular*, oddraaa Mrs. Licit G. Young, prinolpal MISS CAMPRELI, RraOPENS "hwr • bool On. i, at 7 Hetxry. east; a-hotora prepareil for !Jia ptxblio oobooi. Mktw 819 Ninth, weat. lIISS McRORT WILL"RF.OPEN HEW school on Monday, Oct. 1. at I Taylor alreel. weal. door from Bull atreat. MISS LAVNT3AT7 WILL RWiUBM her klmlergarten *ml prlmarv achooi WetV ' ' O S Aptlv 6 i.aet Isiffy atreat. JOHN WIHOAND, JR . " PIANO IN atrurtor: lieginners ami advanced pupil) received Aildrrsn 24 Harris street, weat. MISS WOOLHOPTBn WILL REOPEN hT ic Im iry schiiol. fjet. I. at lift Holton street, ea*t MRS J II Ro'IuNWIN 4tV. TlQrfni atreel. west, wilt o|ien orhool. Oot. 1. ... aaan PI.CMIIINO, RING KH UP FOR AN ESTIMATE on your plumbing work; already ready to figure wllh you. A C. Price Cos., Hia and Jefferaon slreei*. MODERN PLUMRING IT WMJ, BM lo your Interest to let me give you an *a tlmaia on your plumbing, new or old work, repair work a t-r- Uliv. ts I am n pracileal plumber. No goes'* work to embtnger your life. Wiggins, phnna tT, Georgia or Hell HI tllßSt rNAICKi. "HONEST SPECULATION." SEND for mv “method" of ''Security Invast mentg" If yiHi are aallslbd with reason able prottls Invesimanta l>y thla method In slocks and grain have vamed In thirty days more Ilian a rm liml earn. In Bu. Send for free ixtrtlculars. Customers and bank reference*. Richard Jones. Invest ment broker, 8* Exchange Placa. Now York li PER (I7NT MONTHLY: BOOiC muker of blgli reputalkjii and aticceaa will acoept auba rlptlons of llftft upward* lor an Inlcreal itt hi* hook (hiring ivanlng Cal ifornia racing season. For twrtlcutara *d •b.w* Hktke. KM Eddy atreet. San Frau clsco, Cal. 3 ■ —rt MiatKi.i-Ambot’a. . SAVANNAH DI4AYAGE COMPANY will move your furniture with double trucks. Telephone 4142. "THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM all; New IbanoMlc Machine, with ball Ixartuga Pinion A Son FOR PAPER IIANGFJt ANDPAINT r gel Taylor's estfnuitea. You woti t re gret It. Pslntera' auppllet LADIES. HAVE YOUR FINE CRB poo and tailor made drsasta dyed by new oxndyc process, guaranteed not to ahrlnk or get out of n w York Dye Work*. Whitaker tutd Stala 'Phono 143. THE MOSI UP-TYi-DATB WORK IR being turned out by Form! City Laundry. Phono 1273. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given persotml attention, at Koch A Syl van'*. 48 Whitaker. INTERIOR DEI T>R ATING OF " ALL kind* done by skilled workmen. Interior Decorating Company; ace us early. FOR FISHING TACK IJC, NETS. ET<’.. go to Cornwell * Chipman. A BOTTLE OF FINE OLD" CROW will be III* thing ttu-eo dava. notw so pur* ** at William Dlera, Weat Broad and Liberty. liADIEH AND GENTLEMEN, I'M ready with spring stock of umbrellas, par anoia refialrrd and recovered; lock* and keys. M. Dumlultg, comer Oglethorpo llarnard Georgia Pnona 1024). "HAV'E YOUR HOUSE " PAINTED wllh German ready-mixed paint; entlra satisfaction guaranteed. Admiu Paint Company. " W ANTED. ONE TIIOI hand HUN gry pef>l* at lh Southern Grocery • oat l>any, lit llarnurd atreet. ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE*, pair'd While you wait; all work guaran teed. For poor people free Penton A Hon WALL PAPERS, PAINTS VAlt ntehes. kalrotnltirH ond |!uh and gotxd mechanic*. See Taylor, K. of P. Hall WE CLEAN CLOTHES HYTHE HE *ori ln ntle|i4lc process Try us. New York Steam Dye Work*, Whitaker and Slate. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect work. Korea! City laundry. Park avenue. "KOCH"'* SYLVAN Si 'REAM PASTE cleotis gold ami allver better than any thing on,earth, at their aora. 48 Whit aker. WALL PAPER. PAPERHANGING don* In best style by Interior Decora ling Company, 111 Stale, weat. hull HARDWARE AND TfX)UI,~dO to Cornwell A Chipman'* "step INTO MY STORE AND GI7T A ladlln of line old l-ewls 'O2; rimemlatr It Is ‘BB, anti not some other bragd; old Crow l great; try It. William Dlera, Weat Broad and Liberty. WE SELL HEWER PI PI pll'. Are clay, lire brick al loweat price*. Adum* Paint Company,. 104 Congress, weal. "MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned bard cash al ih# Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard atreet. SINOER NEEDLES TmiKE FOR five cents; gill oil wfih dogen free. Penton A Son. "no DOTC lir NO HI MRU3T BUT — A thorough |einter, paper hang-r and dec orator, Taylor. K. of P. Hall. •PHONE I £75 FOR FOREST HTT latuiriry They will call for your Rnao Immediately. SPECTACLES OF THB BKST GRADE at moderate prices; eyea tented free. Koch A Sylvan. >; “PAINTINO AND KAI.SO MINING done by experts at Interior Deoorattng Company; 'phone 1031. "for RANGES AND STOVES, GO"t6 Cornwell A Chipman. "OYPHiNE 18 THE REBT WALITf'IN lah made. Adam* Paint Cos., Bavmnnab agent*. IM Congress, west REDUCE YOUR I.IVINO EXPENSE!* by Investing your hanl-earned hard rush wllh th* Southern Grocery Uomtiaay, 114 Barnard atreel. £ ~ IITIONS B Secured? ToungMen <'Women (otilif ourpr*tlicl usiriess (oiirse nicnmufliow I ; BUSINESS 111 yr-ga ■ ■ .aattii." "Tw. ~T9s"iffna 5