The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 28, 1900, Image 1

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the morning NEWS r . and 1850. •- ■ Incorporated 1M j II EKTIL.E. President MAY SETTLE STRIKE r „i irit w. ivfi,i EsrK seem to be HARD AT WORK. increase will be offered. (111. II irons ABO IT nrnnEO TO MAKE A PROPOSAL. (, I. Icl the Miner* Will Be Offered ii 111 Per Tent. Adranee In Wanes, mil-hell Anya the Strikers Want til They Mare Asked for—Effort to the Miners of Soft • oal to Aid tntlcraelte Strikers—Olhbona Mrn i..toed as Arbitrator. V lidelptlt. Sapt. 27.—Th towering feo l of the coal strike situation to-day, , one which attracted the attention of olrtd, was the wide r ed report that negotiations are pen-1- 1 otid rapidly .earing completion for st. amicable settlement of the strike. title the Identity of the person or per t re, who are said to be at pork endeav r if to hrlhg about the Immediate prace -1 ,1 ndjuatment of the differences between ! . tnployers and employes, has no! been r -closed. It was openly admitted tn au i dilative sotifces that such endeavor os In progress. rrurldent Truesdate of the Igarka wanna r< mpany. Is quoted an making such ad r salon, but In what manner or by whom i znttaiions were being conducted, ho d i med to stale. I’reslden! Mitchell, tha head of the strik l g miners' organisation, expressed th* I lef that the operators hod deckled to rffar the miners an increase of wages, ’. it he, too, declined to admit whether ne j *wed any further Information on the tinject. Influences Arc Political. from Scranton to-night came the state i ‘-nt that at a conference of coal opera t >ra of that section the opinion was prev u.ent that the Influences at work were of <i strong political nature and that tne <>p tialor* would be obliged to offer the men at least the concession of an Increase In wages. The Information upon which the opera *>rs based ihelr conclusion that the work ing Influences were political, could not be 1 irned to-night. "oupled with nearly all the reports of |,rob.ib|c early aeitlement of the trou t came the announcement thst the men ild be offered an increase of pay. but I the mine owner* would positively de - to arbltraie the difference* through ! -idem Mitchell or to In any manner f recognition lo the United Mine Work- j i organisation. s refusal of recognition, however, t l not prove a difficult obstacle lo , me. President Mitchell. In hie open 1 • r to the public, having expressed Ills i at gness to accept n settlement through lie conference* of committee* of cm- , nnd Ihelr direct employers. U tha i ad presidents and others who con i'. I tlie mines would accept the proto > .in he said, he would waive all claim i i< ognltlon of the unlot*. !mer* were quiet throughout the strike t •is to-day. and the strikers' forces * re Increased by Iho closing of a few B.ltK r. yfIF.R Wri t MIMII A MINERS. I hurt Made io Them to Assist Anthracite Stir I hers. Pa.. rr.-Pr^i.lstit M .*il. of the United Mine Worker*, to r nt n to the Central lV*nn- . in bltuniMiouci real Held*, which p**- * may have the effect of the -oil worker* Into the content, which t ii ttiiarlte workers re now w.gln •* m t ie mine owner*. '!egrmn whs *ent to Richard Gil * retwry of District No. 2, Clear- J Pa. It wa an follow*: ♦ ■.l* t letter InUructhiK oil i workers In Central Pennsylvania i are not to loa.l coal for ship ' 'o markr** formerly *upi>lie<l ty t‘ i operator*. We ere Informed ' 'i Philadelphia and Rending. DeU * ' c.| llintaon amt the Jersey I’emril ; I>* 1 1 arc now attcmptlhK to defeat " ' ii ,trik by sending their cars at Pennsylvania to I ore I them i In uminoua coal. Please comply t request at once." nt Ml'chrtl said th.iUhe Im I been c (lie Idlunitnou* coal tt*|.| dose l -i ,ucli n move a* he allege# i made hv the rationale menttoh * telegram, and he doe* not fear will make much of a nieces* in - th- soft coal into the anthracite 111 o k. i ner* in the Central Pennsylvania T 1 I ■ rontlnuea, are In thorough sym 'h ther fellow workmen In the •it of Iho elate, and Pre-Uent feela eure (hat a* ,oon a* they 1 i Ho coal they may be loading or • load I* to lake Ihe place of il, I hey will refuse lo handle It. i h r* do not anticipate any aus [' "b < work in Ihe soft i-oal Held* un nuor* Insist upon .eiallng ihelr inthraclte market They also " the Phtl.olelphta ami Reading. " ' ' 1 nn.l Hudson, and Jersey Cen ' P dlrn.nla lalng unable to IUI their for liarit coal, are prevallkia cu-tomer# to accept the soft J' '*h. ver It can be uae<l a* a aubstl- ' Hay nf >tnny Itnmnra. t-ihl- Intereat la ItoiiiK manlfeet ’ * '• ■ (Tof Prealdenl Mtlrhrll'M i “lUmpting to defeat the alleged f h* ■ '*!-• arrylng road*. tl . the day of rumor*. Around 'l'lnarlem there ware atorlea In s<( ' '■ ihat Archbluhop Ryan an*i 1 tlenti.i coming here to eee ' Ultchall; that all the coal-car i-i- had agreed to arbitrate all and that tha atrlke had been ' T h laat mentioned rumor and ne which the labor leader* paid , * rtion to. and In connactlon with n 1 telegram to the prealdent* ~ ;oo In the three dlntrlet* com t, * "i- entire anthracite coal region r " 'anla. The telegram la a# fol ■L " i currant thae operator* have ton<.ei iona m wage acaie, and will Satiannal) IRofninfl Xruts. attempt to Induce workers to resume work rien.-> advise all miners In your district that no Attention should l>e rlvo.i to these report- nt that lhry wi n ofll tally not inert should ny offer of set tlement be made Under no considers tioti whatever should work be resume! unless authorized by a ton vent lon repre senting ail mine workers in the anthracite nek! it Is important that all miners stand firm amt determined, and not b.* deceived by thoae whose Interests It Is to defeat the purpose for which the strike was inaugurated ” *nnt %ll They Asked for. in speaking about the rumors of a set. Ihment Mr Ml'* hell wat t the strike could not be ended without his know trig It and that he had no knowledge of any fl*>it that might now be in progress which would to an immediate settlement. Alt Mitchell's attention w.i . alld to a dispatch in which J. I*. Morgan is aakl to have said that he (Mlichclii would ac cept a 10 per cent advance. Mr Alitcheil said: "It Is absolutely untrue. I am not em powered to accept anything leso than what the miners in convention decided to ask for. Anything under those k mauds musr be acted ujon by a tegular conven tion of delegates representing the anthra cite miners.” Mr. Mitchell also dented having any knowledge of the opening f negotiations mention**! by President Trueadale of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Kali road. He doe* not know who the third parson Is that Mr. Trucshle speaks of. and says he has not been approached in any way. The entire Hazleton region was quiet to-day. and the only notices bio change in the strike situation was the collierlea of G. B Murkle A <’o. An predicted by the strike leaders yesterday, there was it considerable reduction in the forces work ing at the \nrlou* collieries operated by this Arm. Treasurer Wilson, of the United Mine Workers, arrived to-da\ from Indianapolis. He said nothing definite has yet been done with regard to the payment of bene fits to the striking men. The question, he said, will probably he settled wlthm the next few days. NEGOTIATION* | NOKR WU. I'roriHnlr Effort* Are Rrlna Made to Irltlr Strike. N'ew York. Sept. 27 —President Truesdal* of the Dtlawara, (Lackawanna an ) West *rn Hallway, to-day, referring to the meeting yesterday at J P. Morgan A Co.'a offle#, nyt: "I waa at the martin* yesterday at J. P. Morgan'* office and at other prrvloua marlin**, I know of no settlement hav ing yrt hrm made. hill It will ilo no harm now for mr to tall you that negotiation* toward the settling of the strike are actu ally under way. They are being conducted by a man who doe* not directly represent either party to he difficulty. "Itn’t'that a good deal like arbitration?" Mr. Tuesdale *js a*ksd. "I should prefer to call It mediation," he answered 'Senator Hanna 1* not the man I refer to," he luide, "and I have not aeon Archbishop liyan at all." ASKER TO Alt BITHATI* VI HIKE. Cardinal Gibbons nonnested to Or oide the Agreement, Baltimore. Sept. 27.—Cardinal Olhhotis haa hern mkal to act as arbitrator be tween the striking miners and the o|>ero tors of the anthracite coal region of Penn sylvania. While admitting that he haa lieen ap proached on the subject Ills Kmenence said to-night that he had henrd from only one side of the parlies In controversy, and must decline to discuss the question of arbitration until ail had been heard from. His Eminence declared that he would Ire glad to do anything In his power to help solve the problem which aetlously af fect* so many souls. It Is had on good authority that the Cardinal has practically agreed to arbi trate the differences, and It I* thougnt likely that the various Interests concern ed will decide to leave the settlement of • heir disagreement to the head of the Catholic Church In the I'nltrd States. ADMITS AN O PITCH tt Vt MADE. lint Mitchell Declines to Talk About Ha Pnrpnrl. Hazleton. Pa . Sept. 27 -The Associated ITess at 10 o’clock to-night secured from President Mitchell Ihi admission that oe believes the mine operators have agreed to make the striking mine workers nn offer of a 10 per cent, increase in wages. Further than iliis, Mr. Mitchell decline* to talk. He his been reticent all day on the subject, and several times declared | :tiat he knew nothing of the rumors of a settlement of the strike. RYAN V*. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Judge Waddill Will Render Hl* De rision About Oel. IH. Portsmouth. Va.. Sept. 27.—’hi* tte k "f Thomas F. Ryan igainat the Seaboard Air l.ln> Railroad was heard In Norfolk to day before Judge Waddill of the I'nlled Hlales Circuit Court, upon the motion lo file a supplemental hill to the original complaint, which was tiled In December 1 ist and upon the objection* of counsel for the railroad against the tiling of the same The plaintiff was represented by Mr. W. I Mar bury of Baltimore. Mr W II Page of New York and Mr. D. I-awrence Gro per of Norfolk. The Seaboard Air Line was represented by General Counsel Leigh n Wattr. Judge B. J D Crow, and Mr. Hugh I. Bond of Cowen. Cross A Bond or Baltimore. L. L lewis of Klcbmond. for mer Judge of the Supreme < ourt. and Gen. Edgar Alim. I'nlled State# district attor- " The argument conaumed the entire day ,nd it It" I'onclualoti Judge Waddlll took Ihe care under cona.deratlon and wIH ren der a dee I* ion ae early eating Oi l !*• " *hc |>rol.h:e dan in. Ceding, wer purely te. hnl. il. l-'oW only ijue-tlona of pleading* >nd pro < edure. slid I he de, lelon. even If the plaj • ,rr la allowed to file a aiipplrmenlnl Nil. wMI not ffeel Ihe right of couneel for the r,| road lo attack the ni.ill-ra contained i7‘rr^T.i ■£ &arss -s sassrjrasrjss evidence In the < ror the lialveaton Fond. . Oeni ST The auhecHptWn ut clo thing, ate. j SAYANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER *2B, UNTO. MAY SOON NEGOTIATE IMTHITTIOM TO CORKER WILL AWT HE LORO IIM HKD. OTHER POWERS MAY JOIN IN. HIT COMikK WILI. OM.V IIEPHE- E%T IMIIII STATES. Ilitnrar (imrramrnl Masi Suppress Prlnre I'uan. If tt Desiree lo Sirsrr I’rsiT— tin*or Leader \\ 111 >ul lie Tolerated by Any of Ik. Power*. Miii'li an tunranrr of Marl M Thai American Intrr.ilt Will Hr I'rnurlfil. Washington. gept. 57 —Mlntst.r Congar has been advised by the stair ikturlmon of the substance of the regies mode by this government last Friday to the gov ernmems of Oermany. Ft us. In asu.t China, respotlng China, which clearly Indicated to him the general nature of the Instruc tions he la to receive. Moreover by this time he ts Informed of the orders Issued lo (Jen. Chsffe* to reduce his force to a legation guard. The note to China specifically pointed out the lines on which this government will Issue Its instruction* to Its minis ter. The document Itself Is In course of Anal approval. Acting Herretary Hill hav ing completed the draft some day* ago, and forwarded It to the President. It was tha belief of the state department late this afternoon that tho acunl trans mission of he Instructions would he cxr rled out very soon, probably within the next twelve hours. It Is said that tha text of the Instructions will not be givn publicity at present for di|domatlr rea son*. hut there is no concealment of the general scope of the document, which ls on the lines laid down in the three rote*. In this connection. It Is said at the state department that Mr. Conger will pul these negotiations In motion without any purpose of acting for any government other than the United Stalea.althougb the government keeps in mind that the t'nited State# ta hut one of the several nations mutually Interested In obtaining a com mon end and It Is hoped that the effect of Mr. Conger's making a beginning to ward negotiation* may he to Induce other Powers to follow. At the same time the government has never assumed to lay down any mandate as to the course to be followed by all or any of the other Poa- er*. Mwl Suppress Tuan. 1 la believed that tha stile department already has taken atapa through Minister Wu to Impress upon tha Chinese govern ment tha undesirability of the appoint ment of Prince Tuan as grand aecretary and the painful Impression thl* appoint ment ha* creat-d throughout thla ■•oiintty. The effect of hla appointment. If perslst ed in. It 1* aald. might ha to retard seri ously the'final negotiation*, or In fact any negotiation* at all. The government feel* that It la much reinforced In It* present position by the note from IJ Hung Chang, In which he gave positive aneurance to the I'nlted States that he had sufficient authority to protect all American Interests and would see that thl* authority was exercised. The government now looks upon this assur ance a* a guarantee which must be faith fully performed a* a r*ondltlon preccleiit to even the establishment ol relations with L.I and Prime Thing If the appointment of Tuan promises In any manner lo obstruct the perform ance of thl* pledge, then It would be clearly violative of the guarantee laid down and would warrant the Immediate withdrawal of Mr. Conger from further relations with !h# Chinese envoys. Ho It appears that much more depend# upon what Tuan doea than upon what he has done. UK*. I'HtKKK.K AT TIK* TM*. He Went to Look Into file Matter ot Winter Uunrters. (Copyright. !!>. the Associated Press.) Tien Tain. Sept. M. via Taku. Hept. 25.- Uen. Chaffee lias arrived and conferred with the staff officers of different depart ment* with a view of establishing a win ter bare In the vicinity of Tien Tain. He paid a visit to Tong Ku. making a general Inspection. The present plan l under stood to lie tentative and based upon tne possible retention of the existing force. The plan contemplate* placing the lroup, upder canvas ou.sklc the city. (Jen. Chaffee pual a vtalt lo Id Hung Chang and Informally discussed the out look for a settlement. It la understood he proffered an American officer to accom pany the viceroy to Pekin. No other Power except Russia hn* yet officially rec ognised Id Hung <•hang's presen.-e. Field Marshal Count von Waldersee, commander-in-chief of the International forces, will arrive here to-morrow. H will he received by w review of the troop* of ail the allied nation*. It I* reported mat the Russians, after the capture of the I.u Tal fort*, began ru<|hlnK troop* north along the railroad for the purpose of occupying Bhan Hal Kuan. PRIAtE TI’A* , H iPPOIATMEAT. mate Department Aollßrd of Ilia Re. pent Promotion. Washington, Sept. fT.—Th# stats depart ment has been advised by Bheng. the tao lal of Shanghai, of the appointment of Prlnte Tuan, the father of Ike heir *p- Isi rent of China. a gratnl secretary lo the kHe*says nothing of the reported desig nation of Tuan a* president or a member of privy council, but It I* bHl*v#o here mat It I* entirely according to Chi nese form* for a prince of Tuan s rank to (111 both posts simultaneoutly. •TILL AFTER THE BMPREN. Ministers Ar* Trying to ternr# Her Return to Pekin. Copyright. I*. the Associated Tress rekln. Hepi 21. vl* Taku. H*pt -All the foreign ministers have addressed note* JO ritoc* ChkH. HIIW" 1 * r * llua 19 Pskin of Iho Emperor and the court Tbs not*** were Informal anil not written In a llplnmn<tr capacity. The writer* do not t'onsklcr them binding upon their re spective government. The diplomat* acted Jointly in th# mat ter. but oi* letter* we're oent Individually. These did not contain any assurances, but merly suggested tha return of the Em peror. Prince Thing undertook to deliver the note*. The l* a mat tor ol •pecu lation. th* tlduhtful element being tha in fluence of Prince Tuan atul Gan. Tung Fuh Sung, who may restrain the court Gen. Uhalted*, discussing the probabil ities to-day. said. "1 do not believe that any European monarch woukl enter the camp of hi* al lied efiemle*. and 1 doubt fh: the Em press Dowager will do #o. Ii |x generally concoded that the remoration of the Phi nes# government is **enttal I have favored the withdrawal of the main al lied force to Yang-Taun and Tien Tain, having two thousand mixed troops to guard the legation*." Mr Itockhtli will leave for Shanghai on Momtay, Sept. 24. EXPEDITION* irmTIVB. Reqaeaf trot to the Empreea to Re turn to Pekin. London. Sept. 28. 4:30 a. m —The only dDpatch of ape ial Interest from China thl* morning i the following from Dr. Morrison to Ihe Time*, dated Pekin, Sept. 21: “The recent punitive expedition* have had an excellent effect In increasing se curity and facilitating tha entry of sup plies. but nothing can bo counted * ef fective until Pao Ting Fu has been raxed and the foreigner* atul refugees at f'heng Ting anti other place* known to the gen iwls are rescued. “AI. deGiero has addressed a memorial to the Km|re*. Dnwuger. offering her the protection of Russia and requesting her to return to Pekin Forty chief Uhlneee officials have pant a memorial to the Eni l*eror and Empreaa T>owager beseeching them to return. “The eonflteeing Interest* of Russia an-l Great Britain pterent a systematic at tempt to reconstruct the railway, although reetoration woukl be easy/’ The Russian*, according to tha corraapondana of tha Morning IVwt, have virtually abanffona.! tho province of C*hl 1.1 to (Jarmany, THOTKfIT OF THE COMfll'M. Effort lo Prairnl kppnlnfmant of a Hoier at Khnnshu!. Shanghai, B<pt 27.—Viceroy Uu Kun Yl ha* talagraphad to the con Mile to the ef fect that he Is communicating with the Imperial court regarding tha appointment of anew tan tat here. The coneuls believe this wilt delay the Installation of the ob jectionable appointee for several month# The foreign conauht recently protested against the removal of the tao lal of Hnanghal and the ap|>olntmrnt as hi* suc cessor of the notorious boxer Kang Yl The viceroy of Nankin. Uu Kun Yl. re plied that at leaei a maun would lajwo before the arrival of the offl' lal docu ment* In the ease which would enable him to give the matter consideration, and • hat If It wa* proved that the proposed euccea.or of the tao tat of .Shanghai had been a Itoxer he would proteat to the throne against 111* appointment. ANSWERS TH (JERMAKYI ffUTC. t'nmer* hot Wtlllug to Postpone the helcollatlotl.. Berlin, Sept. 37—From iwo high diplo matic sotireeH It wa* burned to-day that all tho answers which have been received to Germany's propovitlon have one fea ture In common While accepting In principle the de mand for a proper punishment of the ringleaders, they refuse to postpone all peace negotiations until after the settle ment of this one point. The replies of Japan and France are In agreement a* to this. Therefore It cannot bo truthfully *a!.| that Count von Huelow's latest move has proved an unquallfled success. HEfITRI t THh OF MlhhlOhfl. Effort to S.|i|ire„ Anll-Cbrletlao Outbreaks. Hong Kong, Kept. 27.—Tho American Presbyterian amt Catholic mission* at Bhok I.ung. on the East river, have been destroyed. The priest In charge of the Catholic mission escaped and was pro tected by a mandarin. Numerous antl-Chrlsilan dlsturlasnces are taking place In the provinces of Kwang Tung. The authorities are em pbtng active measures to suppre-a tho outbreaks and there buve been several ex ecution*. Native Christian* are flocking lo Can ton. AI.I.IEH FORCE# Ih CHIhA. hum her of Troops Earh t oaatry Ha. lamtled at Taka. Vienna. Sept. 27 —The admiralty has re ceived a dispatch from Taku, giving the strength of the forces Inpded there by the allied power* as follows: Austrian. 4*l; German, 1.171; British. 53&3; American. 5.80*; French, 4.175; Ital ian. 2,431; Russian. 30.931; Japanese. I5.&T0; total. 48.253. A hEV CHIhHUE lIKteRAL. Vleernt sand tiovernora taatraetrd to Fight Foreigners. Pari*. Sept 77.—The French con*ul at Shanghai cable* under date of Tuesday, gept. 25, that Tung Fuh Sian has Just bran appointed general of Iho Western and .Northern armies. The consul adds that according to Chi nese information the viceroys and gover nors have received an Imperial ae<-tet de cree Instructing them to tight the foreign era and destroy them Tn Blockade f hlaeae Porta. gt Petersburg. Sept. 27 —The Russian naval *teff announce* that It ta proposed to blockadt all Chinese naval port* In ronaequenea of the hostile attitude of the Chine*# fleer at Bhanghal and to send faat eruler* from the allied squadron* to protect trans port*. The general staff announce* that Russian troops are massing around Kirin, in Manchuria, whet* lhe ait i.UOU Chi nese, WESTCOTT ON STAND UiVE Hl* DAfOHTKII 4 VEill I*OH TWO IIUKI. CARTER GAVE HIM $4OO-000. (iOVERMtKUT ruim THlti 1141 1 APT. ( AnTM'l mi ARK. Ilnnryr Was Mon to Weateolt to Hold for I srler—W estcott Denied Any Inlimatr Acquaintance With UrreHr or the €a> wore— CCIVort fo Mum He Wan Their Partner In llusluess Transactions—Once Tried to Urt a ( onlract fr Greene. New- York. Sfjd 27.—Hearing In the matter of Benjamin D. Greene. John F., R. 11. and W T Gay nor, Indicted In Georgia for complicity In the <>. M Barter conspire y to defraud the United Htat#s government in the Savannah harbor im provement Works, was resumed to-day be fore United States rommissioner Shield*. The hearing la on the application for the removal of the defendants to the jurisdic tion of the Georgia federal courts. When the adjournment was taken Aug. IS. the defense reserved the right to re call Robert P Westernt, < apt. c arter's father-in-law for cr-****>xamlnatton ha fore o|m>iuii their side of the c.tar On his direct examination Mr. Westcott testi fied that during the two years from IWW to UK he hud given Carter s wife, his daughter, about tMsst a year as an allow - ance. aid that during the same lime Gar ter had given him sen titles amounting to over s**>.* to hold for him. Tha theory of the government was that these securities represented the share of Cspt. Carter In the Gaynor-Greena contracts. Mr Westcott. on taking the stand, was asked about his presen? finait'lal interest In the Wrstoott Kxpress Company, and in the Union and American News Com lainieo Objection was made and sustalrv ed. Mr. Westcott said his business with those comtainir* prior fo IW, brought him Into contact with many prominent r men. He retired from active business some time in UVtt He first met Capt. Garter m Huvantuih in He wtm Al ways o* friendly terms with him and his wife. Ills friendly intimacy w|ih | Cart# existed until 1*97. but did not now eglst Meeting* With tarter and Greene, Mr Westernl told of marling Capr. Car ter In Scotland In I®.’. and In Waahlngton In IM7 Ha went to Waahlngton in re | spotter to a telegram from f'spt.(Carter The witness replying lo question* told • of his several meetings with Benjamin ! I Greens. H* also met John K Oaynor ; several time*, hut knew him very slightly on one occasion Oaynor handed him $lO,- <x*i at Carter's request. Commissioner Shields rubai on Mr Kel logg's motion that the answer was not , responsive to the question, "When did you first meet John K tlaynor?" Mr. Kellogg when asked lo whit ha i cross-examination tended, aald that he meant lo show thal the securities Mr W eat cot t lesillled to having received from ' Carter ware bought by Mr Weatroft long prior to the date of the acquaintance with tiaynor and Greene. Mr. Westcott ileme.l any acquaintance wlih K P. or W T Oaynor. and said he did not know If Capt. Carter was In terven'd In any railroad contract* with Mr. Grretio. Mr. Westcott had refused to Join with them lit bidding for some contract* they were discussing In the spring of ISM Mr. Westcott said he signed n bid for the work on the Morris and Essex Rail road. hul del not get the contract He allowed his figure* lo Mr Oreene and ask ed him lo make a lower bid. Mr. Orson* said the work con Id not be done for tha money. Home time In I®* the witness sat.l he obtained a letter of Introduction to Colli* P. Huntington, president of the Houthern Pacific Railroad, and look B f>. Oreent with him 10 present II The object of the visit was to ontaln sperlflcailou* about a contrast about to ne given out Mr Weat > ott could not remember any of Iha de tails of th< Interview Claimed Me Was a Parlaer. lawyer Kellogg said Ills object In get ting tbis testimony was to show that Mr Westcott tvae a part.ner with Capt. Oreene ■nil the Oaynor* in several business mil lers. and that at various limes between ltd) oral I*7. Mr. Westcott had done n great deal of the preliminary work looking to obtaining •■oniraol*. Mr. Westcott denied that he had ever been Interested In a proposed contract to elevate the tracks of the New York Cen tral Railroad ut Buffalo. He Introduced Capt. Greene to Chauncey M iMqiew. but could not recollect making any tieraooal attempt* to obtain contracts for Cap*. Greene and h|e fr.vnde. except In one Instance with the Lackawanna Railroad Company, but he wrote several letter* of Introduction which may have helped them to obtain contracts. Replying lo further question* by Mr. Kellogg. Air. Westcott said that all hi* transaction* on tha stock market were done through Reid and Elagg arid C. If. Vandeventer. He was a alien! partner with VandAventer for a year, lie said After Mr Westcott had Identified ropl •* of the |>owers of attorney he gave Capt. Carter when he went to Ktiroiw In IAE* and In I*7. arid several letters from hlm sei: to Capt Carter written at dlfTerenf times between I*l and Hast, the hearing was adjourned until to-morrow morning. GOING TO CHICAGO COM TRIAL. Duaton t 'barged With Embesallag •20,1*00 I'rosi n Rank. Norfolk. Va., He|>t. 27.—W 11. Dunton. alias W 11. Duncan, the alleged Chicago einbegzler. aiqieared before Judge Waddill. lale ml* afternoon in the I’nlted State* District Court. t'nlted Stales District Attorney Edgar Allen movwl that the court Isau* an or der to *nd Dunton lo Chicago for trial, on the charge of emheaallng IJO.iwo from tha t’nlon National Bank of that city. Judge Waddill said he could not Ittue such an order, except on the consent of the accused Dunton. who mi in tha court In eharg* of Deputy Marshal J E West declared that he sii wbling to go. The Judge said the order would he Issued Meanwhile Dunton will h* kept In the JalLhere. with out an effort lo give hall, uptll to-morrow night, when ha will be taken by Deputy Weal and a guard to Chicago. i MOV C . A. < ol l WOIMMCD. Mutt, Probably by tlurg lars. at His itlsntn llowe. At lama. Kept 27. Hon. C. A Collier was Injured this morning shortly after 4 o’clock by the accidental discharge of a pistol. His condition Is serious. Air. Collier Is now under the Influence of opiates and has been since a few minutes after the accident. For this reason he has not Iwen able to give an account of •he affair. lie was found by members of his family soon oft* r the discharge of the pistol Kven then he was unable to tell Just how the shot was fired further than to say "Burglars ” The wound was made by a M-callbre pistol and the hull entered the left able and passed through the body Just below the riba. The accident happened at the residence of Mr. Collier at 2% Hawson street Mr. Collier, who had Just returned to the dty was with a number of the mem bers of his family until the hour for re tiring when he went to his room, which is near the rear of the residence. It la though* that he was disturbed liy some noise, and either knowing or thinking that a burglar was attempting to enter the house, went, with a pistol In his hand \o the rear porch to make an Investigation As the end of the porch stairs go down to the hack yard It was .*< the foot of these stairs that Air. (’oilier was found by mem bers of his family. Mr Collier had Just returned from Pari*, where he had gone a* one of the twelve cxwninisatonera from the United Btotes to the exposition This was his ae.AHld trip to Paris in the last few months Only a few weeks ago he returned to his home, hut after remaining a few days left f>r Baris again Yesterday he arrived from tills fMsmxl trip and had only bean at home a few hours when the accident oc currred. Mr. Collier was president of the Cotton Hill* <• Kxposition held In Atlanta In IW*. an ex-mayor of Atlanta, one of tin* twelve United States . tom ml *e I oner* to the Bari* Kxpuidtlon and a member of the lot fay ette Monument Association. He resigned as vlco president of the Capital City Bank a few months ago and la now pre* blent of the Business Men* League of Atlanta Mr (’oilier to-night shows a slight Im pro\ rnient. ■ - • TWO YKftMQM MAVR ftTAHTKi). Alterations to He Made In the Krn fnelo Hefore *he Goes. Washington. Kept. 27.—0f the six war ships which were last week ordered to proceed to the Orient to reinforce the Asiatic squadron, the Alt*any and the Wilmington have started on their long Journey. The Albany sailed from Piraeus yester day and to-day (he Wilmington left Afon tevldeo for Bahia. Brazil. Thence she will cross the Atlantic and proceed via tha Alfditerranean. It was expected that the battleship Kentucky would not he delayed beyond a few day* in her prepare lions, but after going Into dry dock at the New York yard yesterday It wag deckled to make some changes which probably will delay her de parture for three weeks The principal al terations will he made In connection with her torrent gun*. ('apt. (’heater, who commands the Kentucky, found that after firing. he turret guns run out too quickly and made (no great a shock on the gun carriages The Ordnance Bureau.therefore, decided to put on counter recoil checks to remedy this defer*. IN I I7M N I P I ED THE MEETING. Gin. Misuse i ell Had More Trouble at I ans City, Col. Pueblo. Col , Sept 27 —When Ihe special train hearing the Rooseveli party arrived here lit!* evening the station was crowd ed with people lo see the Governor. Three evening meeting* were held and all of them were attended by largo audleneea. During the day at the various stopping placa* Ihe rVoe-d* were remark*My large and an unusual Interest attended the meeting*. At Canon City another organised at tempt was made by a small minority to Inierruiit the jirisceding. The mob waa composed mostly of hoys, with a few men. who shouted for Bryan and cheered so as to Interrupt Ihe speaker* One of the youngsters, being asked why he was act ing so disorderly, stated that he was hire*! to do so. They wore uniform caps and acted In concert. AN EDITOR W IS AHAIXTEO. llesalt of the lllslnrlianre at the It mu* veil Meeting, Victor. Col., He|*t. 27 -tA* a sequel to tb, disorderly proceeding* at Iho Roosevelt HepuMlean rise tin* In this city last even ing. F. N. Brig**, editor of the Victor Dally Record, was assaulted In hla offl •*. In nn editorial denouncing the partici pant* In the riot, the Record stated that a "few dissolute women waved rag* In the very faces of the distinguished guests." K K. Carr, a miner, who claim* that ibis statement Is a reflection upon his wife's character, entered Ihe Record office to-day and struck Editor Briggs on tha head as lie eat at the desk Briggs Jump ed up and struck Carr In Ihe face. Rev. I'at her Itowney interfered and stopped the fight. Neither man was hurt. noma: large im hmua Memphis Has IIs.SA and lloastna fII.RT Per lent. More People. Washington. Hepi. 27—The census bu resu announces the population of Mem phis. Tcnn.. as MB,HO. as against *4.416 In lMi Thl* is an Increase of 17.82*. or HAS per rent. The population of Houston. Tex., f* 44,- 03. as against 27.167 In IHO. This Is an Inert*** of 17.077. or 61 .ft per cent. t HAT’S HEALTH IN PRO VINO. He He* Personally shaped the I Ill near Negotiations. Washington. Sept. 27.—The health of Heerelary of Hlale liny haa Improvid rapidly of laic, and li li expected But he will return to Washington early nexh week snd resume the duties of his office, relieving Acting Reere-ary Hill, who has been suffering from a maiarlil attack As sistant Secretary Ade* said to-day that Secrstary Hay ha* bean In constant com munication wpb ihe department during the patt month, and personally shaped ihe Chinese negotiations In that period. Hariltner for ( ongreaa. Nw Orleans. Kept 27 The Republican convention of the Fifth Louisiana district at Monroe to-day i-xntuawj Henry U. Jlardiner tor Coogreaa, DAILY. 88 A YEAR. f> CRNTH A COPY WEEKLY 1-TIMKH A A TEAK STEVENSON ACCEPTS me MKrt.Y to rnrt i.iwt notifica tion imnnm.t; IMPERIALISM CHIEF ISSUE. ITU IMPOHTYN4 F. IIUF.LT I PON BY ' THE ( 4NHIIMTK. li-mot-rnll- Vice Preeldcnllal Nm|. err Urilr, a Krnng lrtirr—Oer Prealir In 1 üba anil W hat It It rani— llnnitd in Fnltomr an ln.|irrlall.lln I'ullcg—lll. He. ■nark. I |mn Hit- H IlhtinmNl From Ik.- Ttrkrl nf I Itarlr. 4. Tonnr. Un. nin. Nrb . gept. 27. —ln a Inter re rrlvl In-.lay nl llir ptrir na tional hriMlqiinriiTa, Mon. A.tlel K gleven* •on llic iwmiin.ilon for thr vica pfo.lilrw’r trntlrrr.l him by lh.<t pirty rarly thl* month. The l-llrr iinlirym# Mr. glrvrnenn of til. nomlnouon follow#: ’•Colfax, lowa, Hrpt. 6, 19U>—To Hon. A, K, fftevrnmin. liiotinittgioo. lll.—lrer Kir; In 1.h.1f of Ihr .mnmil're of Iho I’roplra Parly thr uiuteielflnmt lake plnarurr In nollfylng yon ttml yon wrre on thr 27th ulto. rrtei'lnl a. Hi* raiulhi.ilr of l parly for Ihr office of Vico I'roaMent of the l.'nlinl Htnir, to fill Oh* Vii. hiic\ ta-i kliiuml by (hr lUvllnatlon of Ihr linn. I'hurlre A Timm', who hi Mloux Fall#. "Thr m<'mhrni of I lie Propl’e Party In ■it perikmo rralisr that wr have reached ■ <-rl*ta In which thr vrry llfr of frrr tn miiiiiinin. In invo vift a cii.i In which tnrrr parly miiHUlrrellon# nrr of Mrcmut <lary Inifairlancr and ehouhi br laid aaldo unlll ihe prrll In averted. "Acting upon thla ovrrehadnwlng con viction our mtlonal ronvrnlkm, which met at Hlotix Falla, In proof of the un.elrt.h character of lh party alil h k represent ed, and In order to open the way for har mony .imoon all clarerr nf patriotic pro. pie. went out.lda iif lla own organlxallnn for both of tie nominee. Thle action mat with hearty approval among our .on.lll urncy everywhere "Anil now a vaiwnry having nceurrrd 111 our ticket we It live In Ihe eaine tinielfl.h eptrlt reieele.l you lo ,111 lhn> vacancy ai’d nek Inal you aeit-pt llie name We know that you are not n PopulliH. but wr ale familiar with your career and the patri otic character of your unflinching devotion to Ihe principle* of free government aa taught by the fathers of the republic. (Nn at lou* that nothing hut goal to the public can renull from your elevnthm to thlfl high nffl e. with sincere regard ne have ihe honor to be "Very truly youra, "J B. W.avar. •A "J. 11. Edmiaton, "J A. kelgerton, "rommltlee of Nnilflcation." Mr. kl.-v enaon’a Reply. Following ii Mr. gleven,on’a re.ponae: "ni<Himlngion, 111 . gepl. . UN, To lion J. li. Weaver. Hon. J. A, Edgerlon. and Hon J. If, Kdinlaloti. <’ominHtee of noitfieailnn Oenllrmen: By your com nninhatlon of Kept. 6. l am ofllelally ad vlaeil of my aelecilon aa the candidate of (he People , parly for llie office of Vice President of the I'tilled grate, m fill 'he vacancy U|WUI your lUke| oe<w,|oiied hy Ihe realamatlon of lion l-harlea A Towne. "I .arm be, enrurally expreaa my a|i pre. lalloo of thla manlfralallon of Ihi- con fidence rr|xieil In me by your ciMiunltlee and the great eonailliirncy you rirreaenl. Nor rati I withhold Ihe exprcaalon of my admlrnilou for the gineroua action of Mr. Towne In hi* endemvor lo secure thr liar monioua co-operation of all Ihe aupport era of Mr. Bryan In Hie iiending,|e*lden lial contest. "The ml ton of the Profile’* Party In se lecting candidate- outside of Its own or ganisation Is almost without precedent In our political history. The explanation la found In your own candid declaration: •The member* of the people’* Parly in all sections realise that we have reached a crisis In whl.h'the very life Tf frea Instltiillons I* involvel a crisis In which mew parly .vamlderatlon* ar* of secondary Imporiari n and should tie laid aside until •he peril I* averted.’ ••I pon lho Important question# of (Inaiier, of domratlr admlniatrailutt. and of reform in our methods of laxalton. Iha platform of the People's Party give* no um-erialu sound It Is no less • mphatto In ll* demand for a return lo the policy of lamest and cconomi. uj expenditures of the public money. The further demand for wise and efftclent legislation looking lo the suppression of truats cannot fall lo challenge the attention of all thought ful men. The Overshadowing Issue. "In common, however, with the Bllvsr Republican and the Democratic parties, you recognise the Important fact (hat all these are hut question* of the hour. In the presence of ll>e overshadowing Issua of Imperialism, others are hut as the dust In tile balance. It Is not alrange than that thcr* should now he concert of action between I hose who sincerely believe ’that * crisis has been reached In which mara party consideration* are of secondary im portance.’ "Involved in the settlement of this great question are consequence* of deep Import to the American people. The suprema gravity of (be laatieeannot be measured by words As was truly said by an eminent Republican senator: The question Is greater than parties, greater titan tdtnln lalralion, greater than the prosperity and h.iiqilneas of a slflgb- generation.’ "It 1* well even now to recall some f the recent event* of our hlrtory. Before ’breaking the peace of the wotfal.’ Con gress referring lo Cub*, supplemented Its declaration of war against Hpaln with ihe words: The United Mates hereby dls rlnlm any disposition lo exercise sover eignly. Jurisdiction or conlrol over said Island except for the pacification thero of, anil assert thrtr determination when that l accomplished, to leave the gov ernment and control of the Island to Its people.’ ’ll was the solemn declaration by the American Congress that Justified tha war at the bar of our own conscience and of Ihnl of the wotld. The |irole*l* now that thla disclaimer upon our part applied oniy lo Cuba ami nol to other Hpanl-h depen dencies. la ’to palter with words In • double sense.’ mill Kaaaged In a Mar. "Existing conditions abroad now chal lenge our serious thought, whether wa will or no Spain ha* been conquered and the ’pacification of Cuba—the declared purpose of the war—secured And yat nt And ourselves still engaged In war. a war. too. against our former allies In our conflict with Hpaln It is s war against a people miles distant, and of whom, until recent year#, wa bad scarcely heard. It I* an expensive war. having already coat nearly two hundred (Continued on JVtli Pago