The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ATTACK CAUSED BY ANIMUS. HO Ji.U THE MettEKn OK C'HtltClllft THI M. t lalm Thai Rdmonilaon U In fine •#*•! l (hr Ktrt Thnl HU Hrnlhrr-ln. Imi llrlrr l.oaf Soar (inilrta Which Went to hc HrHrr i imp*. They (Uny In Inlo hc I hargr* That Innocent I'rrumo Ha%r Hrm Nrolralnfd. Oa 77 —The penMllmriH hiory nhH h wnt- print in Atlanta yea ttrOy. aixl - tit out to the Aimilith) rrc% from ih.i city la t night In refe*- cn *• to the treatment of convlrt* at tl. lmwtnie.-* county *onvKt camp, create*! •i greater itoiutton lutr than In prooahly ary other |ri of t > niat-. Fortunately for th l#-v%nl* county convict r.impa the M* •*t> McKee, who ar* at the head of them. !il l***n given on inkling i>f lawyer EdmoiKhon'r pur- \ pertv, and had already invited a full In* veetifatloa. Hon. Tom Ka>on rprnt u daj thcr laei week, and make a very oioif 1 Inipecflon and wm* much plcaaed with the managemetii Mr. Kdmondeon. It Mrmf. make* hi* * hargea agatnat the M< - Htt, who run the convict camps, but places all at hi a u.Ug*d fact* a* having liapttened at Mr Will M Hr*'* plac* . where free labor |s employ*'*! entirely Mi JM McKee wn* even by your correspond *nt thla morning • •! qucnkaeJ a* to the i ha reg* *n>* 1 here la %nlntua. 'The animus t**nlnl the charges la o plain to us," he saM *fi • t i hardly fee. ike no: k I rig them Mr F. I mom 1 son la a brother-in-law of Mi M Brice who op erate* a county convict camp In Rrooke county. Mr Hri< e has contracts with certain counties to hire th* misdemeanor convict*. In one of the** count lo* w** vnle a contract with ►om mlN.l*meno f tnSMlet*. agreeing to pay their fine* ••nd let them wrk It out with Uf. They preferred to go to our piece and we took them Mr Hri *• heard of this and Mi Edmondson, hi* attorn*), - fine to our |>la'* and stated tha lie had hern cm* ployed by Mr Brice to Investigate the •natter and get the men away from our pie* *. as Mr. lirlce labor* i at his pia<- ll* was given access to them end we found that he had done his utmost to get the men to leave, aw well as oth er* employed by us. hut they refused to do so He also claimed that he was rep resenting worn* relatives of parties work ing at Mr. W. 8 Mr Bee's pUi.-e, which adjoins ours, and Is not a convict cany* Brother Will told him that he was not re straining any one, and Edmondson was allowed to go among his laborers. By promises of better pay in Brooks county Be mad- some o| them dlssat is fled and filed writs of h.tlieas corpus ami the case* went Into the courts here It was (-.early proved, to the eatisla* lion of the Judge upon the bench, that the laborers were not restrained against their will, and Edmond son had the costs to iwy tn the case. The negro*-* return'd \o|untarlly to Will's place and even went to his lawyer and lagged him to get Will to lake them back. Urfralril In ihr (narti, "This hawin'*! only laat awl Having been defmted in Ihe court*, Edmondson ■oca in Atlanta and itck* to prejudice the people by semuiilonal ‘iinr*.* in the newspapers. If 1 had time." Mr Me Re. continued. "1 could go further In Ihe whole elory of Edmondson's attitude to ward- iia and prove eonclualvely that ma lice la behind hi* every statement. Mr. McKee ray* further that he ran prove by the heat rltlaen* of Loamte* and Brook* rounlle*. hoi liy crlntlrial* and Ignorant nearer*, that Mr. Ednuuilson said only recen*ly that he woe "d—d tired of the prism board, complimenting ihe McKean on the tnanaarmcni of their ramp* and condemn ing Brice upon the 111.1 tiagetmm of hi*." McKee* camp* have been legal tied here a* a ierfeci model In every reprcl and the charge* In the |>re*e a* coming from Solicitor Kdnvindson created a lilg *enra tion AU.ut ihe only complaint heard against them heretofore le that they belt their convict* M > humanely that It 1* not regarded a* punishment to be sent there. In fact a negro convl ted of stealing here aome week* ago siaied thai he committed the crime In order to get where he eoutd get plenty to eai and be trvatcJ well. THU ItKW't AT t ILDOfTA. Death of Mr*. t . K. ampler—t 01. Kheneaer Wakeley te|nlttet. Valdosta. G*., Kept. IT.-Mr*. Caroline K Stapler, one of the oldest and best-be tovrd women In thla aeotton, died at the home of her granddaughter. Mrs. Y. R licatel-y. yesterday morning. Mr*. Stapler came front her home at Luke Al cyone on Tuesday on a visit, and was pre paring to come to town yesterday when she was setxed with paralysis nnd died In a few minute*. She was W years old. She was a native of South Carolina, was mar ried to J. R. Stapler In Houston county about sixty year* ago. and had lived at the old hotnsteud at laike Alcyone for the last half century. She was the mother of Messrs. R. I*. Stapler of Jasper. J. K. Stapler of Lako Alcyone. Mr*. K. J. Spain of Qut'msn. \V. W. Stapler of laike Bark, and Dr. M M Stapler of Macon. Her remain* were laid 10 rest In the city cem etery thl- morning the service* being conducted by Rev O. B. Chester, assisted by Elder F L. Adams. Echols' Supetlor Court a<Uourued lan night, after a busy evasion of two day*. A Urge number ot misdemeanor cases were disposed of Will James was sent to the chalngang for seven year*, lot attempting to murder Henry Washington some lime ago. and O W. Session was Plied fan for disturbing nrllgtoua services at Melrose some time ago The most’ intrrewllng case of the session was that against Col Eneneger Wakalev of Chicago, who Is an announced candi date for President of the Cnltad Slates, on a strictly free allver platform of hl own The charge against Col. Wakeley was that of public Indecency, an suount of which was wired the Morning New* at the lime. The grand Jury found a true bill against him. Inn when the case came to trial the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Col. Wakeley made a siate ment to the Jury. In which he said that a conspiracy had been entered Into against him. Hts statement took up shout an hour, and m id* an Impression upon both the Jury and visitors at court. The ver d'tt of tne Jury was. therefore, not unex pected Much Interest w# centered in • his case on account of the prominence of all of the parties Interested . Fertiliser Pleat to lleantne. Beaufort. 8 C\. Sept IT.—lt Is authori tatively asserted I hat the lag plant of the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company, at Baldwin's near here, will resume op eration* at an early day. and also that the big fertiliser concern contemplate* In auguratlna extensive Improvements at It* fa ctory h r* The plant closed down Home two months since for on Indefinite period aid the strong probability of an immediate resumption of operation* cornea a* an agreeable surprise since It means em ployment to a •onsUlersble number of per. son* hereabout*. Your Liver Will be roused to It* natnral dot let and your biliousness, headsebe and coastlpaHon be rured If you take Hood's Piiis SoM by all druggists.. V> cant*. INTERESTING. IF TRUE. lon Can Try II for tnirwll and Prove It. <in> grain of the active prlri. Iple In t*tu arl'a I>y*pe|Mila Tnlilclt will digest 3,f0 grain, of meat, egg* or other wholesome food, and thla claim has been proven hy actual experiment which anyone ran |*r foim for hlmeelf In the following ni.n ner Cut hard h lied gg Into very -mall ptecea, a. It Would be If mail h aled, place ihf egg and I*o or thr.e of th. 1 .ahlei. In a bottle or Jar contain!..* warm water healed to 9a degrees (ihe I* m|. rattir. of the boilyi and keep It at thl, ltnil ra in re for three and on* half hour,, at th< end tf which time the .gr will b. a, completely digested or it would have teen Ir. the healthy stomach of a hungry l.oy Th. point of till, experiment I- that what Stuart', 11>,|mpi* Tablet, will do to the .a. In the lu.ttle It wlh do to the egg or meat In the , h and nothin, el,e will feet and Invigorate the atnma< h ,o safely and effectually Kveu a little child .an take H'uart Tablet." wilh sale ty and t enet)*. If it, dlKeatlon la weak and ttie thnuaand, of tire, a compllahed by their regular dally uee are eaetly e,pann ed when tt I" under,too*! that they are rompmol of vegetable es.erices aw pin pepeln. diastase and Golden Heal, which mingle, with Ihe food and digest II thor oughly, giving Ihe over-worked atomach a eha nee to rei up-rate. 1 tic.tog never cure, dysp-psia. neither ilo pill, ar.d catliurilc tnedlclnee. which aimply Irritate and Inflame the lntetlnee When enough food I, eaten and prompt ly dig. ted there will t no constipation, nor In fact will there be dliuase of anv kind because good digestion mean, good health In every organ ihe merit and success of Stuart I Dy p p-la Tablets are world wide and they ate aold a the moderate pr c of jA cents toi full si* and pi k.ige In evety drug store In the t’nlted 8 ate, and Canada, as well a* In Europe. For the Information of those Interested a llitle hook will be mailed free by ad dressing t' A Stuart Company. Marshall. Mich . giving brolly Ihe symptnma of the various form" of stomach weakness caus es and cure. Flit K tT nt III.IN. I ul. tifwhbs l oses ItnlldluK* and Con- Iru Is Unr I h Slo.nuo. Dublin Ga Sept. 27—Yesterday a few mlnt.tes after 3 o'clock |* m. tire was dis covered In the gin house of Col John M Stubbs of this city. An alarm was tm medlMtrly rung in, but, owing to the fact that no water plug was near, the tire com panies could render no aid. The flame, quickly spread to the planing and grist mill, all being consumed. Four bale, of cotton and a carload of sect) were also de stroys.l The loss lo Col. Stubh, will be about IW.O®, with no Insurance. Itelegatea from the counties of Emanuel. Johnson and l.auren* mot tn Duhlln to uay to nominate .. Itcino. rr*4|c candidate for senator Mr <) W. Carter, who. In Ihe primary lasi August, received a ma jority of the votes cast in Lauren* county, and who la therefore, the choice of this county for senator, was nominated with out opposition Haltlmn and dal'.lmore. two young iwn who about ten days ago opened up a dry goods store In Dublin, nave determined to quit iMislneaa. and will ship the goods purchased by them Iso k to the Jobbing houses This Arm purchased their goods In Macon, ami ill covered shortly after owning up that there waa tittle difference between the Moon wholesale price and the Dublin retail price. ClttKßgtS TO HE IIHI’IIHTIa Three Mill He Sent Hack to I hits and Two to England. Jacksonville. Fla.. Sept 27.—Foiled Stales Marshal Horr haw received a tele gram from the Treasury Department. In structing him lo proceed at once to Sen Francisco with Kim Dee. laowe Chow and Charlie Jorne. three of the Chinese who hate lo procure the papers wich en title them to stay In the t'ntted Stabs lie will leave for New Orleans with his pilsoners on Baturdsy, from where the Southern Faelllo Hallway will transport them to San Francisco. Ju Chang and l'ing Dee hove been or dered deported to England, from which ountry Ihey claim to have come to the t’nlted States, Deputy Marshal McCor mick will leave for New York with Ihe two latter Chines, also on Bat unlay All the Chinese who were arrested will then have been disposed of. STOPS THE I Ot OH Dll MtIHK.I OFF TMF. COED. Daxatlve Hromo Quinine Tablets cure a cokt In one day. No cur*, no pay. Price 25 vents —ad. MACON'S C ARMY At. QIEEY. < toward by lint. Candler In Pres ence of Crowds. Macon. Sept. 77w-The officers of the Sec ond Georgia Heglna-nt were with Gov. Candler and staff to-night at the military ball and crowning of Miss laiul-e Rogers as Queen of Flowers for the Macon Btrcet Fair. The Governor crowned the Queen, little Jewltt Williams being crown-bearer The maids of honor to the queen are Mlsa Calhoun, of Atlanta, Miss Edt'h Btetson, of Macon: M!,a Ethel Davidson, of Augusta: Mias Pauline Carter, of Car ter,; Miss Minna Birother. of Columbus: Miss Mabel h Taylor, of Macon: Mias Daura Rrunim. of Anniston. Elaborate l>re|a<rations were made for the affair atui the Volunteers hlg dance hall In ihelr armory waa tilled with participants. e SHOT TO DEATH BY A NEGRO. Young White Man's Head Blown OR by Ilia Prisoner. Elherton. Ga.. Bept. 27 —Mr. George Bell, a young white man. was shut and killed about two miles below here this morning by Will Brauch. a negro. Brauch had been charged with stea.lng cotton and wounded a young man named Mills, who attempted to arrest him. Dalrr he was arrested by Bell and another man. While under arrest Brauch snatched a shotgun from Bell’s hand and blew off the top of his head with It and e-.-aprd. Posses are out searching for Brauch and If Gaptured by others than the sheriff he Is likely to be severely dealt with by a mob. * * —■' - - \ Tbe Brat Prraertptlon for Malaria. Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and qutnlns In a tasteleaa form. No car* -no pay. Price Uc -ad Death at Mr. W. M. Osteen. Pembroke. Ga . B>ql 27 —William M Osteen, who was so seriously burned tn the explosion at Osteen A Bon s turpen tine still on Bept. 23. died yesterday and was hurled to-d> beskle his brother, Jakei, at Ashe’s Branch Church. Mr Ose teen war one of Bryan county's most prominent young men. having recently graduated at the law school at Macon. He was appointed county solicitor for this county, which place he was filling at the time of his death "nwintl! Burned nt Mystic. Myall- Ga Bept 27, The iwmdl and ginnery of Mr D. M Hogan at Irwlnvlll* was burned tbla gfternoo. Doss D’.rOO, no Insurance. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2S. 1900. THOM tflt IDEE YEW A NOTES. Demand lor Dwelling Hrensee—Entl llrd to Erce Delivery. Thom .-vllle, Ga., Bept 2T.-M C Ball has let the .ontra* t to Contractor Rooney for a handsome dwelling to be built on I’iwsou sir. t for rent. Dwelling bout. - are so dlflti ult to get now In ThomaavUln that tbe Tlfton. Thomasvllb and Gulf Itallr.Md Company has ..bout decided to build four n-at ten ement hot..-- on their l-.nd fronting Bmlth avenue, to . commodate their men. who cannot get home here osh. rw!e Dlllle Mot I' a ID It*- 111. fo ir y. ar-old daughter of II J. Ashley. Is dead Tl ■ Kavann.ili. Florida and >rn ItwUrrH.d Company Is pr' l-artng m remodd Its pn-renscr depot In this lty Three new ofttees and n large dining-room will I** . idvd. Toe ftreignt d.|t Will .tl-o he ft tend, and and n i|ui'."Ui tranef. r .-bed ‘ dt siruct* and G H Perdue of Greensboro, Ga.. ha* < -is-d i ivxltion In the Hotuh Georgia College m this cltv. Y It UeaxJey at present agent al Val dosta, has ben promoted to the position of passenger agent for the Florida and Western Railroad at this point, in place of Ward Clark, who will be transferred lo Savannah Railroad postal service has become ef fective over the new Tlfton, Thomssvllle and Gulf road Noll e has been given Ihe Poslofllce De partment In Washington that Thomasvllle has complied fully with all the require ments for n free delivery service. 11l BIRD fIIDB BY SIDE. In.preasly e Funeral of Ex-tiov. Dreyy aii.l His \t Ife. Jacksonville. Fla.. Sepl 27.-The bodies of ex-Gov George F. Drew and ill, wife. Amelia Drew, both of whom died eikldenly yesterday, were this afternoon Interred In Evergreen Cemeiery In a double vault grave, the caskets being placed side by side. The was the largest and most Impressive ever seen In Jacksonville. Com mittee!. from various political and com mercial organisations attended tn a body, anel the floral tributes, at) representing a unity of life and death, were several feel high In the newly made double grave The funeral services were conducted at :P3O o’clock tn the library of the Drew residence In Riverside. Rev. V. W. Shields, rector of SI John’s Episcopal Church, officiated. Hundreds of friends of the aged couple gathered and viewed the bodies, the two caskets forming the center pieces tn a prtty mound of ferns, cut flowers and palms. T HAT THOI BI.E AT 111. Nt'KNHE NH. The Ollier aide of the Srrap In the < onrlhouae There. Hlackshear. Oa.. Bept 27.—Editor Morn- Ing News: Referring to an Hem In to day's Morning News, on local page, un der heading “Assaulted in Court House." we desire to call attention to certain Inac curacies. in the flrst place. Col. Moultrie J. Smith was not conducting n Case. Instead he was on trial liefore the Mayor for a viola tion of the city ordinance against shoot ing In the streets. w During the progress of the trlafr and while hlw father. A. N. Smith, was upon the stand. In reply lo a question of Mar shal W D. McMillan, the elder Smith Called the marshal a liar. The word was hardly out of his mouth before the mar shal struck htm In the face Both of the Smiths Immediately attacked the marshal and a row resulted, the outcome of which was Col. Sfhlth was shot In the leg. hy whom no one seems fo know. C. D. Ahl was acting In caiwclty of dep uty marshal and It. V. McMillan, a broth er of the marshal, was present merely ns a spectator, and when the marshal was In-lng assaulted, went lo hi* assistance 11. V. M .\ltllan. C D. Ahl. , t 9 FF2AY Port I.IMT* GATH EH ED. Candidate Traylor Received Quite a Frost at Americas. Americus, Ga.. S.q.t, 27.—John H. Tray lor. l’opullst candidate for Governor, spoke here this morning, but despite the fact that the occ..k>n had been exten sively advertised, less than thirty people heard the speech, ami twenty of these were Democrats drawn thither by curt osliy. Traylor spoke for an hour upon the rela tions of the obi Farmers’ Alliance to the present organisation, denying that the Populist party was the oulgiowth of the alliance, and discussed the old sub-irea*- ury plan amt money question generally. The address aroused no enlhudasm among the Populists present The Populist party, as an organisation. Is do id In Bumtrr. and doxena of Populists have returned lo the Democratic fold and participated tn primaries recently. Traylor's reception here was n decided frost M Cures Dandruff. Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching. Eczema, Eruptions,etc. Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. CURE GUARANTEED torn offer off of her remedies hove /oiled, or money refunded A TIXAS DOCTOR WRITgg. Saver. Tas . MsrS.NR “ftok# tlsndrug Cura" hsadoev ms mors good thsa **7 [>tp*rliuo i k*w v.or trm4 p For Hale by all Druggist* end Barbers. Trwe tlso <•)) hmr sui! Scalp Troubles free on request. A H. Ituriictt • *.. • t'blcega. Beware of Im tatlonw. The only hair preparation admitted to Ihe Pari* Exposition. For sal* by Llppman Bros.. Columbia Drug Cos. and Knight’s Pharmacy, Savwa oah. Oa. artt ui. xuTicgg. iiuX 111-111. Broughton atrot. west. Week commencing. Monday. Sept. !. A SHOW OF BRIGHT LIGHTS. MISS HATTIE CARLTON, SHAFER AND THOMPSON, MISS LISKA SPENCER, WEST AND FOWLER MISB INEZ F LEE. BINNKY AND CHAPMAN, MISS BABE LA URL BOXING NIGHT TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! FRIDAY. HKrT 21, A Grand Six-Round Glove Contest BETWEEN TWO Loi AL UNKNOWNS. AT JOYCE'S. Rich roasts, line steak*, rlcefleld lamb, fat i oultry. Call any lime of Jay. 1 can All your order. * Phone* 107 JAS J. JOYCE. P. S —Remember I kecu ail kinds of <aib.> gtocerlet. i PI X KgAL mfITATIOIk MIDDKIt—The frhnda and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. W E Miller ar* Invited to attend the funeral of their daughter. WU lie Beulah, from thetr residence. No. Ml Indian street, thl* af.ernoon at 4 o'clock Interment at Daurel Orov* Cemetery. ■ HKRTtaUI. POST A. UgOßOli DIYIIIOR THAY. EI.F.MM’ PROTECTIVE ASSOCIA TION OF AMEHK A. Member# are requested to attend a regular meet uMk JBgk I*" 1 to rn- rrow ■KH (Batur tail. Bept. 39. a'. V P AtAS ■ ■>< p m . at parlor of Vmlnf * oven House By order of ihe President. PAV'D |„ WORTBMAN Secretary. •FKCIAt. nOTHKA. I.EYAN’a TAUI.E D'HOTE DINNERS. SOr-DINNER-Flc Dinner 1 to 3 and 8 lo 9, Friday, Sept. 28 Claret Wine. SOUP. Crab Chowder. I* I*'" 1 *'" FISH Bo led Whiting. Bauce Potatoes ala Puchesse. Cold Blaw, Queen Olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickle*. ENTREES Diamond Back Tcrrap n Slew. Apple Fritter*. Fruit Bauce. ROAHTED. Prime Rib* of Beef. Dleh Gravy Rreaat of Vast, with Dresatng VEGETABDEB Mash'd Potatoes, Green Peas Rice. Btewed Tomatoes. Beked Yams. TASTRY AND DESSERT. Pumpkin Pie. Assorted Cake,. Chewe. Crahers. Lemon Water Ice. DrU Coffee. DEVAN B CAFE AND RESTAFRANT. 11l Congress street, west. < t HTML of SSMUA R tlMt tf CO Bivaniioh Oa.. September I. IMO Interest at the rate of hi per cent., be ing 122.30 dollars on each bond of a thou# and dollars, he* been declared payah.e October Ist, 1900. on the First Preference Income Ronds of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, and will be paid on presentation of the bonds on and after that date to tha Guaranty Trust Company of New York or to the Ctllgen# Bank of Savannah. No Interest Is payable on Ihe Se.-ond Preference Income Bonds or the Third Preference Income Bonds. By order of the Board of Directors T M CUNNINGHAM. Treaeurer. BIDS WANTED. City of Savannah, Office Director of Public Works. Savannah, (la . Bept 2S. 1900. Bid# will be received at this office until Saturday. Sept. 29. 1900, at 12 d'cltM k noon, city lime, for furnishing feed as follows: No. 1 Timothy hay. per l® pnunde; best quality feed bruin, per I® pounds; hesi quality corn, per bushel; best quality mixed oats; lo be weighed at the city lot Envelopes lo be marked "Bid, for Feed " Tne city reserve* the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened tn th* presence of bidders GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director A CARD OF THANKS to the following persons for donations lo water cooler for the heneflt of the In mates of the Infirmary. The same wa asked for by the Christian Workers of the Georgia Infirmary: Mr. 11. H. Livingston Mr. J Gutman. Mr. J. J. Sullivan, Mr. Jos. Solomon. Mr. Moses Epstein, and other,. Committee—D Mock. Jos. H. Raker. NOTICE. All perrons are hereby warned not to harbor or trust any of the crew of the Norwegian bark Werner, Tonnesen. mas ter, as neither Ihe macer nor consignees will bo r sponsible for any debt# con tracted hy said crew PATERSON-DOWN ING CO. Consignees NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the Italian st.amshlp l-eatta. E Noberasco. master. British steamship Newby. Clark, master, will b. responsible for any debts contracted by crews of said vessels. J F. MINIS & CO., Consignees CEREALS. ) Pelt Ijohn’s Break fust Food. Cream of Wheat. * t)nnker Oats. Inst Marla's Pancake Flour. All NEW goods, at A. M. A C. W. WMT'I. MARK APPLE. 3JO West Broughton street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Agent for following manufacturers, make your selection from them: Mayer. Columbu*. Buckeya. Frailer, Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown. Weat cott. Rock Hill. Old Hickory, Mllburn and Florence Farm Wagons. Full and itanplete line of Harness. Sad dle*. Lap Rohes, etc. Kelley Springfield Rubber Tire* put on at tshort notice. WE HI V A\U SELL HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loan* on same at 6 per rent, and collect rent*. Represent The Travel er*' Insurance Cos, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York I'nderwrltere Fire In* agency. Represent Ihe Greenwich Fire In*. Cos. Represent the Phoenix Mutitel Life In*. Cos, All busi ness entrusted to u* will be eppreclated. end will receive prompt and careful at tention. No ff Bay street. east Tele phone M* W. C. FRIPP A CO. Wall papkm. rang haaoino. We carry complete assortment of talw style paper*, and employ only bett eiUsta Bee oui goods and get our eeilmaie be fore giving out your work Our prices the very low**!. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone Mt. GOOD ME ILL Get on* of my extra mrela and you will praise It costs you her* only lie. Else wh- re they chergr you JOc for It. Everything served special order. Jf'E CHANG. Proprietor. • ogle '■ ■•I) Re-tautaft lit Drayton street P. o.— Meal tickets to regular boarders I will make It an Inducement. AT O IRIIfIKRT. Get your fancy ‘roasts her*. Special heavy teef received every day. Fine limb, bed yout g |>oultry. Phone* STS M 8 GARDNER P S.—Remember you can get sweet bread brains, tripe, eeueag* here any bar. Brat vegetables and fruit*. PHONE 383 And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. fIPECIAL NOTICES. rKrruri>itT)Kir” FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Evaporated Teacehs per pound 10c Honey Drip Syrup, quart cans 10c New Oatmeal per tankage ..10c New Oatmeal, 7 pounds for 35c- Georgla Peaches, 2-lb. cans for l'c 1-lb. Jar# Jelly per Jar 10c 3-lb. cans Jelly per ran 10c Fine Oranges per doen !• Fancy Aptdea per quart Be Ealing Pears. 2 quarts for 2Sc Sickle Pears, 2 quarts for iAc Wine Flavored Table Jellies, package 10.- New Mackerel l<k'. l&c and 23 Fulton Market Com Beef, pound H* Small Dean Strips Breakfast Baron. Small Pig Hams Minced Ham. 2 pound* for 2'c Circus Soap, 7 cakes for Sr 3 |M. kage. Washing Powder for Be Gold Du*t. large alxe 20c —at— JOHN T. EVANS A CO.'S. Congress and Barnard streets 2 fonca 280. SPECIAL NOTICE. If the party or parile* who came Inlo possession of the paper* from our safe on Sunday, the 15th tnst.. will return them to us by mall It will be appreciated by ut. and no question* will be asked. A BODOMONB COMPANY. PROPOSAL* W ANTED. City of Savannah. Ofll of Director of Public Works. Savannah. Oa . Sept 25 19®.—Sealed proposals will be- received a! this office until Saturday. Bept. 39. 19®. at 12 o'clock noon, dtj time, to furnish the city of Savannah with supplies until Oct. 31. 19®. All iwoposals muel he made on Official forms, which can be se cured at this office on und after this date. Envelope* lo be marked "Proposals for Supplies." The cii> reserves ih<- right to reject any or all bid* Bids to be opened In 4he presen, *• of bltklers GKO. M. GADSDEN. Director. at v ohli the ui:rr ginger ale. The best 1* th* Wheoler Brand of Bel feat Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated irowac springs o( mat ally. These springs ere ihe property of Wheeler A Cos., brnue no other Ginger AJe manufac turer Ml Ireland hag those waters but themselves The Wheeler Olnger Ale le made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as other* are; ooe Is deleterious—the other Is a tonic. For He.vllhfulness end Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale la the beat. LirPMAN BROTHER* •ole floulhern Agent*. Savannah. Oa. MATTRESSES, MATTRESSES. Have your mattree e# and feathers ren ovated by our medicated steam proceas before a change In weather takes place. (Th* only plant In Savannah.) It over come* all Impurities and renew# life and volume In *ll bedding material Prices on renovation of feather* as follows: Bed* 13.50. holsters 11. pillow, 50c Cotton, moae and hair mattresses made to order. Fine work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 1126. 231 Drayton atreat. LAROK WAREHOUSE AND OF* FICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied hy the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos A* they will up buelness In the city on June 1. I of fer It for rent from that date H. P. B.MART HU MM KU.I I t'KU By the Anml an Hond ng and Trust company of Baltimore. W are author ised lo execute locally (Immediately upon application), all bonda In judicial pro. aeedtngs In either (ha Ut or United B ates court*, and of administrator* an) guardians DEARTNO * HULL, A**, ta Telaphon* Sit. Provident Building Ot It I LIRSTS Loan money at six per cent on real estate aecurlty. BECKETT ft BECKETT. Attorney* at Law and Conveyancers. THE GEORGIA STATE B IILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO.OOO. I TER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. • PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual periods GEO. W. TIKDKMAN. President. B. H LEVY. Vice President. B. W. BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer OrriCE, U TORE STREET, WEST. A MI'SEME NTS. V ANNA rpTHcA tT>C~ FRIDA! AND * ATI HIMT, MATINEE SATURDAY. SEPT. 28-29. Wm. A. Brady's Superb Scenic Produc tion of “The Sorrows of Satan.” Adapted and dramalixed Pom the famous novel of MARIE CORELLI. A marvelous .ltsma of mysticism, por traying the story of the devil on earth PRICER- Night. 11. 75c. Me and 25c. Matinee. 73c. fdc and 25. COM I NG—Charles Frokman presents William Gillette's Drama. "Sherlock Holmes," Monday, Oct. 1. a —•_ at/aansaM TtIKaTER REGULAR PRICER MONDAY EVENING. <M'T 1 "The Gteaiesl Dramatic Triumphs." CHARLESFROHMAN pi cents * WILLIAM GILLETTE'S New Four-Act Drama. “SHERLOCK HOLMES,” w ith ill Kenery am! exactly as In it* run of 3H In New York City lant acavovi. tii silt teas MOTicn. Our Stock of Wcddinn Gifts Is very foil, the newest things In shapes and finishes. Sample pat terns sent In nilvnnee of the regular stock. A siinly In the Art of Silvrr smithing. THEUS BROS. We Wash To Perfection. (&// /ut/Hckq, Office *O7 Bull Street. Telephone 7®. FOR RENT, from Oct. 1, that tine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply Tbe Chatham Heal Estate and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EAST liliiifPiste. For saia. a Forsallh Newspaper Folder wllKMld sheet 21x4*. It is In good order Price C® It cost originally fi.ioo. but w* have au urn for It aad want tba room It occupies. It will bear Invaluable adjunct lo eay newspaper odlos. A ‘idles* MORNING NEWS, •avaaaah. Oa. No IMO. Chartered. IMA —THK— HlllS Iftlitlll H OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL LI) . O'. BCRPLUBS, 1100,0 ft UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY J A. O. CARSON. I re ld tu. BEIRNE GORDON. \| ■ Prceldent w M DAVANT. I’arttler. Accounts of tanks and hark era. ittrr ehan'* and con>ori t lon* received urn the mo*’ favorable terms consistent with safe and consnrvatve hinkmg SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 ti* only way to set your carpets prop, ar y taken up, . leaned and taken , an- of for the summer Is to turn the job over to tn. Die net Mssertg r and Delivery Cos talcphi n ~ or c.l at jj Montgomery •‘■'l tl ej will moke yt u an asii. mat* on the tost of the work Prices reaaut ai le They also park, move and •tor* furniture and tdanoa C. 11, UEDLOCK, Bupt nntl Mgr. t Our SCHOOL SHOES ,2$ are as j | and need Less mending. They are honestly made in the first place: We pot Backstays on all our School Shoes and ONLY Genuine White Oak sole leather soles. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DILLON. President. Cashier C S ELLIS. BARRON CARTER, Vice President. Asst. Cashier. The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will he pleased to receive the accounts ot Merchants. Firms, individuals, Banka and Corporation* Liberal favors extended. . Fnaurpaeted collection facllltle*. Insur ing prompt returns. SEPARATE lAVIN6S DEPARTMENT INTEREST tOM'OCIDSO qi.ahten l-Y ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Poxes and Vaulta for rent Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank OF S.UA.MMI. CAPITAL. $500.00a trea—... _ u,Mtal kaslasss. salts! la Aeoeauta eg Individuals, ■•reheats, Hawk* aag etast berfs ntlsaa. Collectloaa haailed with safety, y aed dleeateh. letrrrii compounded gaarterly ellewv* s* deposit* In awe Savtaga Department. Mwgoalt Hoses and Ataragra ▼walla. BHAATI EY A. DEDtAKK, Pveetdowk ■ n.l.g n. LATE, vie. Pre.d,.,. eEtiRGE C. FREEAIAV, Cashier. GO IADOV L GROOVER, Asst. < aektew ‘ SOUTHERN of the Stale of Georgia. Capital isao.ld) and undivided proftla... Ddl.fcx DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior fa ... . fot transacting a Getieiai Banking Busin age Collection* made on all polnta acceaalbl. through loink* and Banker*. Accounts ot Bauks, BUnkeis, Sicicbants and others solicited, date Deposit Box** for ran. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly Sail* Sterling Exchange on Londoo U and upward* JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SUL!.TV AN. cashier. .... DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON. F. A . " W. GORDON, Jr. **•* '.£*L ANE - JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROd MYERS JOSEPH FKRST H P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRItT MWiiti CAPITAL, gnso.uuo. Account# of banks. merchant*. corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes end Storage Vaulta for rent. Collections made on oil points at rea sonable rate*. Draft* sold on all the chief cities of th* world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice Preski act W. F. McCauley. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, UA. ! Capital P Undlvldrd prottls b u*) This bank offers Its services to corp rse lion*, merchant* and Individual*. Has authority to act as axecuter. ad ministrator, guardian etc. Laura and arts on the principal cttle# In i Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Continent Intsnat raid or compounded quarterly on dap-veils In the Savings Departm'*t Safety Unxes for rent HENRY 111 .UN. President. GEO. VV TIKDKMAN. Vine Pres.dant JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER f. HOGAN. Ass’t Cashlsr. srivciAL vuncKSv st um.i: spring* hotel Isnsare, Fin. Situatrdon the l ank* of the buwsnae rltrr CHnate unequaled. No malaria. No ai*!,' toes too I nights Most healthful and densst tul resort tn the t-outh Water cure* even known disease llrard gll) per week. rate for commercial men Of Si perdey. mi hides tranafer Table and accommoo* ttonsatricllv first das* For Illustrated pblet address huwanee Springs W-kuntt" . opting*,Kia. ANDREW UANLSi, Mg®