The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 28, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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FIGHTS ARE IN ORDER TIH.KK is a rkdhot iohwotios IN ATLANTA POLITICS. franchises are involved. •minis rnamoks uaiw an At lanta ALDHRMAA. iKmnan Hmlell’a Curd. litn<-<t h loiarkoil) l.lar. I rd In < harira of Corners—l nnnllmilon llml n U arm I'.itlturlal noil Inair Hnl llr|illrn Ire Slmlt* In the Journnl—Mourn llnrali Nnrara Hoar Hern 4 ollril anil Trouble In Kapvrted. Atlanln. Bepl. Ji —Never in the hl.lory ol Atluntn. h** the pull,lenl tmo*|>h*ru, been .it the white ittent, which prevail* I ere *n-<iy. The air la full of rumor* „f peiMuml encounters, likely to raiae out of Hie bl(t street contention, which <a mixed up In the pollilcat cumiwign. Alrlermnti H. M. Beutell. who In a con ri'dnie for Council from the Fifth ward, returned to the cMy to-day from a vwlt to North Carolina and proceeded to Ret tr. a real 001 quarrel which ha* been was ng In hi* atoence. between the tOndltu tlon and H. M Atkinron, of the Atlanta Hapid Transit Company. While Beutell wan out of the city, the Constitution. In scorching editorial, attacked his record in the aldermanlc hoard, charglnc that h> obstructed competition In electric light ing here in older to favor Mr Atklnaon. who Is president of the Georgia Electn. l.ighlmg Company, the only company of the kind doing hualness here. After ibe appearance of the editorial on the street* a card signed "H M. Beutell." was sent to the Constitution office by an office boy of Mr. Atkinson. The Constitu tion discovered that Mr. Beutell was no! In the city and exposed the fact to It* readers. Inferring that the card waa writ ten by Mr. Atkinson or some of hi? asso ciate*. The paper followed this up with a blist ering editorial to-day, charging forgery to the author of the card. It was of such a warm nature that the entire city Is talking of the editorial. In the same pa per a cartoon depleting Mr. Beutell a* a treed coon In the Atklnaon tree U printed. ' Nome Warm lieplle*. Replying to the editorial in to-day’s Journal, bis own paper, Mr. Atklnaon di icclly call* the author of Ihe editorial a liar in plain English. He says to the editor: ••I am president of ihe Georgia Electric I. Company, and have been since ll* organization. I am entirely familiar with and wholly responsible for Ihe rondo. I of its affairs. Each one of your statement* and suggestions of corruption I* m.tli kiualy false. Kurlhermort. the Individ ual who Inspired them I* a liar." .Mr. Beutell also has a warm rejoinder to the editorial In to-day’s Journal Ht ays To ihe Constitution The Infamous editorial published by you on Ihe 241 h In stant was replied to by n card over my signature which ha.* since been published 1 did not. of course, acluaily sign this . aid. but I authoriaed Its alanature, and ain responsible for every word that op erand In It. I was absent from town at the time this card was sent In. and I see von have made a great hurrah about the method by which ll reached your paper. You attempt to make a great howl about this, and make It the bads of your foul ..nd falsa accusation* that I om owned and controlled by the Georgia 11. trie I sight Company. Tht* course of yours 1 submit. In the Amt place, is on tt iroH means n-Vopt.-d by you In dodging me real question before the people, and It, the next place, u l* twitted ted dis torted with a view of attempting to e* tuhllsh something that you know I* fal*. to-wlt: That 1 am acting otherwise than a free agent, and on tny own account. In a wont, the Constitution amt the Jour nal are filled to-day with vituperative expression* a* If the writer* had search'd tbe dictionaries for the most prickly term. o( abuse. The matler ha* reached a fever heat to-night, and people are standing on the street comer* In expectation of tioubie In the neighborhood of the ofTI. of the paper* To-morrow I* scheduled .* a day of flghi*. If they do not occur to-night. INDFsH A HKIAIOt* CHARGE. A School Prlorlpgl Held for an U aanll on a Voting Manama!-. Va.. Bept 27-Prof J C. Ileahm. principal of the Prince William Normal School at Brentevlllc. In nla county, an arrested late laid night t>> 1 inputy Sheriff Horabugh and placed In Jail at this place, upon a warrant charging him with having committed a felonious as sault upon a young girl 13 years of age. who was a pupil of hb* school. To-day he was taken before Justice Rice for a preliminary hearing, hut waived an examination and was committed to Jail to await the action of the grand Juty. which will convene nn Monday next The young lady alleges Hint the usault o urred several weeks ago. and that her life was threatened by Reahm It) cnee the #- is were divulged by her Hranm r.imr to ;hl county from the valley of Virginia, and together with his brother, I N H Reahm. established the school, which Is t ow at the beginning of Its third session TYPOTHETAK t OSVKVTIO*. Provision for a Pond to Fight Boy cotts and Strikes. Kansas City. Hept. 27.-TH* most Im portant action taken by the national eon-, 'entlon of the t'nlted Typothetae of Amer ica so far Is the establishment of an emer gency fund of The purpose of the fund. It Is said. I* fo provide money to fight strikes and boycott!. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, George K Matthews. Ruffalo. N. Y.; vice presidents. E Park < oby. New York: Charles P. Byrd. Atlanta; secretary, John E. Burke, Norfolk, Va.: treasurer, Thomas E Donnelly. Chicago. Evereti Widdy. Richmond. Va., was made a member of the Executive Commit tee. The convention will be held next year at Buffalo. i.Koroi.i> titf abdicate. Reported the Belgian Klag Will litre t p Ills Throne. Paris. Sept. 2* -“Emm a source worthy of conlMence," says the Oourrtere dtt Bo|r. • e learn tha* the King of the Belgians •nds to abdicate, before the close of the present Belgian Parliament, In favor of the Prince of Flanders. King Leopold counts confidently upon the result of his action being the sinking of the quarrels of the rival panics, which would then unite to observe the condi tions of the new regime." Howard's Motion fnr Aew Trial. Prank fort. Ky.. Bept 27 —A motion for anew trial was made to-day in the vase of James Howard, found guilty ye*tr •lay of Jveing s principal In the ahootlns of <k>v. Goebel. Argument warn postponed belli Saturday \ I your stomach your liver out of order. Ayer s PiUs will clean your tongue, cure your dvspcpsis, make your liver right. Easy to take, cast I to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want y...r ruou.Wrti, or Sa*iU a beautiful i't "r rt.-ti Meek ? Tl-en in. BUCKINGHAM’S DYE STEVENSON ACCEPTS. (('ontinuiTj from Ktrsl Page.) millions* In money r,<l thounancD ,f \,u imlllft llvr*. Tin* qu(loa to U<* HiiMNy. l •> * i Am*rl\n \. t*<r nnu hi .I hi No vcnioer i' Wiijr ih*. war? Whai ii 10 our jii.-nn >iilm .# th ba’’ of history? ’ All m*-re u- .it* nn! eiorlrit ution of ih* U.**; th ►.! fn t remain* that t purely a war of ronqurnt. m war of .HuhjuffHtloti attain** a |M*op|f. wM>, a* bn - been elotjiH nily .-*!. *li th* ir wiruk pl** for Ittdepr title ire. have inifrpmf.l ilie lr litrntioii of .)< rf n • i .ntiiii.-: th* .itiAokM of hi# own otfontrymm.' 'rtlxty thouaamj -okllcr* n< noiv In th I'hlilinjiikf* lulantli, how much itrcidr wilt be fh*- a< rlfbu- of irea-Mir# ar l hu m.n lift- before the . ‘owjii* ♦ complete*), no man hi know And when complete j w tiHt next? How or* thr>- ixlitMl.- to b< held and icoVerned? Doe* any mno mm. doubt that it can only be h\ force; to the power of the army. md of the navy? An.i thi* not f.n . day or a \e.r. but for *1 time. \|| iht> Implt* > the exorcise of rwer unknown to the ...ns tit tit lor. It l In very truth Government outalde of the onttltutton. It th w*tft|Wion hv the Amet lean public of the oolotll ll method# of European monarchic*# It moons th right to ,ioM nllen p opl*-* .j* ■itbJectH It enthrot>o# force ue the con trolling agency |n government. In a word. It for#Mha*low> ih* empire. %ml Thin tlie titiinilinu %rm>. More than thl*. followlnc doee in the wake of imp* rUll*tm. .in the night the day . •’bine# the Irmnenee -tatMlinK hrrrvy The drea.i arm of nillitatriwpi is to be mnd bare In the New World ae h in in the Old The atrong arm of power \n to he aubatl tuied for the pcwceful ggimcle which f i more than a century' have bruight con tentment and hnpplneiw to ill our people. Exlatlng condition# In continental Ktuotv* —entailing taxation and mlerv to th. verge of Ijtiman endur.m •• Illustrated by a aad object anl the Inevitable result of larije Ktandlfifr armies In time of iNeace. '•< ondltiodis now • xUtinK In th** Philip pine Inlind*. for which we an* In < m a- Mire ies|M>n#lb|e. 'impose new dutl* h upon us. Thepe fieofde ait* entitled to our pro teetlon against the cupidity ami agar.#- slvc spliit of other natlotv# Atid this, not to the end of aiibjugnttou upon our |art. but to ihat of the full enjoyment by then* of liberty and th** ultimate cstab!!*hnu*nt of aiabk- government fasblom-1 by their own hand#. “ImperialDm, ’the republic or the em pire,* D indeed the overshadowing Imu* with which we arc A*nnfmnted In th* pending struax.** for political #upr* m.n v it# determination D to he by the Amerl an people through the pea. eful Instru mentality of the ballot Mmim hl ( , lis dDcusalon will contmu .at the fireside and on the hustings with an earnestness rarely equalled in our history. It ws Hurke who paid: T love clamor when tlicro D an abuse The alarm bc|| dis turbs the Inhabitants, hut H hiv* them from Ix'lnK burned In thir Imda "Acrtln thankliiß th** committee and thoftc they reprea**iu. I ic.cpi tli** noml nutUm so g**neroualy tendered m Should your action b* ratified by th |*eoplo at the poll#, it will be m*. eartieet endeavor to discharge with fidelity the dutle# of the great office. I have the honor to remain yours very truly, * n%>qt>:r m u*:%. orm. Speech of the Esenina Slmle by lien. Joe Vt heeler. New York. Bept. 27.—MaJ. Gen. Elnell 8. Otis. U. 8 A., was entertained at din ner to-night at Delmonteo'a by Lafayette Post lit' 01. A. R. The following telegram of regret w.-n received from President McKinley and road: •'Enable to be present at banquet Ibis evening. I Join with all assembled In ap preciation of the distinguishes! w.-tvlee* rends red to our country by MaJ. <Jcn. Oil und wish for him long life and happi ness.” . tjen Oils made nn address, in which h s.tld that the tden of now wltlllirs* wing the Amerlcan troops and giving the islands Independence was preposterous as It wouhl be followed by anarchy and a carnival of blood. lien Joseph Wheeler spoke to the bast of ”<lur Cotintry.” He said •■tireat and glorious and grand as nur country is. It Is yet a marvelous contra ill. tlon We are not n military people \\ , are n peace-loving people and yet . wtc the most murilal and. when necessary, the most warlike of all people on earth lake pride In our triumphs of peace, but we startle the world by our prowess, our heroism and our vo-lories In war We seek to avoid entanglements with other nations, but to-ikty every nation on the fa.-, or the globe before It makes a diplo matic move telegraphs to Its minister In Washington and learns the views, wishes and demands of th American people.” NEW YORK HtO 4 A UTIOBfT. It Will Not, However. Interfere With Her Hrlnrn I rip. Bouihampton. Bept. 27.-The American l.ine steamer New York. dipt. Hots rts. from New York city Bept. 19 for Bouiu ampton. arrived here last evening at 10 o’clock, about seventeen ami a half hours late. Capt Kolwris reports that the steamer had broken her starboard thrust shall on Tuesday. The accident will not Interfere wph her return voyage, as li e companv hss spar on the ship, and she will leave Botilhampb-n at noon on Hun day. AMEHHA HBfWVKO MtT. ftlven I.arge.l Number of Award# Except Eranes. Paris. Bept- 27.—The Jury of Anal spreel of the exposition .wards has finished Its work The slat* menl prepired for the Enlied States comml-s on s'owa that ~ received th* highesi number of „. i, „f any nation save I an- e. mid she .*<• received more award. In each rlaeelh*Alton, ex ept gran.l prises, m which Germany secured a greater num ber. a * tnierlran Arrb bl-bop. to Meet. Washington. Bept 27-The mes ting of —-r), hi arehblahop* at the < atholi tmve.sily here has I e'en set b*r Wohler ... , K ., 1® tin <*ct. . the hoard of di re.Vor or trustees, of the Catholic Enl versltv are to assemble In yearly session^ , ordinal Gibbous wIU preside at both 40tct*ng*e THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1000. BRYAN STILL IN NEBRASKA. M UIK TMHKK MPKKC Nlflfl \ IM PRHIIUKM nn ITU *Tf. % Ided llnnarit la Ilia < nmpalan for i iiiiirink-Rnoin elt and llaitna Not llarmonlnaa an the Trnnt t|ar tlon-l liairninn Itannw *aa T here Are an Irnal* While Hoaevelt l>e clarea There la an lee I'raat In Ilia * hw n Stale. rkota rity. Neb Sept 77 -William .1 Bryan arrived hate to-night and addressed j mtcMng In the court houc yard lie made tine |>eet he* <luring Ihe day. trav eling a l mo*t foil) miles by carriage aid 130 mile# by rail. The entire *la> whs devoted to the Third • ongrcsaloiiat thairid. and It wat* ltrgc|y a canvass In >eh.tlf ># Kdgai Howard's candidacy lor t’onKrcn* From P.i pi l lun Mr Hr van drove to Blair in comiMiiy with Howard. distance of thirty mi'fs. making two brief speeches on tne any, on* nt Mlllaid and ihe other at Bennington. The drive consumd more then four hours, and It w.s ntmo*! 4 o’clock when Blair was reached. A Mr. Bry an w*# to t k*- Ihe tram at this point for Dakota City he had only 4 ll*lie more than half an hour for hfts talk In mat time he hurriedly over tfie principal Issues of the campaign, giving • wp* tal intention to trust- and imperial ism H* contended that the tendency of the trusts was to increase the price or all irftcles of consumption used by the far mer while they del nothing to produce a coir* '•ponding increase In the products of ihe farm He also warned hi* hearers *g.ln*a the encouragement of imperialism. ot only because of what lit: believed to Ih* ihe inherent dangers of that tendency, but also because of the requirement# for a • urge army Involved In a policy of undue expansion of territory without a corre sponding extension of American Institu tions. He Raid that ap|Mrently *halrmin Han na and Gov. Hoogevell wcr not harmo nious on ihe trust question, for * hiie Mr Hanna, w i declaring that there were no iiiieis. the vice presidential candidates vv is going about the country making com plaints of an ice trust In hi# own state He remarked that If Mr. Ronsavelt was r.*ht in this matter the remedy iay with himself As Governor of the state in which the trust was supposed to exist, he was in it position to destroy it. In his night speech at Dakota City Mr Brian asserted that the Kcpuhlt in party ltd not dure ke Its full dinner pall ar kU.inen; Into Hie anthra its coal regains of Pennsylvania, anti declared that whether i man was a laboring man. a farmer, or a m*r< hant he must see ihat opportuni *are constantly narrowing under this trust system He asked; "If you complain, what Is the answer?'' .:il replied by saying “A large stand ing army to mike you afraid to com plain.” At the conclusion of his speech Mr Bryan left for Sioux City, la . where lie will spend the night. RRri BLK AI ll ' I. % Y RA( Fa HrKlnlfT to tfffiil n Mrimef fo \\ emt \ Irulnlßiiff. \Vh**Hnir W V* , #?*[>• ?7.—Wh^Sln* > in hav** a novel pollti<l on Oct. 13 At th* rlm.r fair *roiind o TlHfl <f*y will b* h*WI In ron nittion with whirli will hr run from c*onton to a r‘!ay ra-'r. Relay* of bleyrllata will carry t nie**aK<' from Pwl4*'nl M Kinley fo the lirpublirana of Waal Virginia. Th* m*.%- * igr* wiil lc rood in the aolien e imme. iiasely upon It* rHpf Ktrvrnßim f lie In >ri York. New York. Hept. L 7 —J.mea K Maguire. y*’iairiTan of the fttnte Kxecutlve Commit* lee. nnnounee<l to-day thot he had receiv ed word that Mr. Bieven*of. vice preel tlentlal candidate, will he In New York fur several day*. He will |*'uk at the Itryan meeting In Madison Hriu.ire <kir den, Oct. li. John J. Ifelaney ha* been f*<led*>d to accompany Mr. Hr van on hlw trip through the *tate. Hlr Hrrfrldgr %l**4 I njt. Minneapolis, Minn Bept. 27 —The meet ing m honor of Henator A. J. Heverldge here to-night, wis tho mo*t lmf*tnß po|it l l*mon tration ever held in Minneap oi< el nee the Republican National (’on venikm ighi year* ago More than i.OW men were in the parade widt h the Hen;i:or r'\ iew*d. and more than 7.00(1 hetird him \e.%k. other* being turned away. I.ohi Drmneraf* 4nni|alun. Indlatiopoll*. Ind., Bept. 27.—John IV Irlah of California fo-nigfit opetod lh# <• im|aign here for Ihe National (Sold In-m --ocratlc organization. The meeting wa* held at Kngll*h> opera houe. and l.aO* people were present. — j TO AVOID A OrmCi LTY. Heeling of Atlanta’s Water Hoard Was f allral Off. At taut*. Bept. 27.—A meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners scheduled for this afternoon was called off because |i was feared two of the commissioners, Georg* W. Harrison, president of the hoard, slut Judgs <••■01 gc lllllyer. ex- Mayor of Atlanta, would engage in a per sonal difficulty, If the board met. It wi, reported that President Harrison would read a paper |tt which he would attack Judge lllllyer vigorously- for the lattM la tka conduct of the ,\,i r affairs Judge Ulfß no* repeatedly that the expenses of the wa ter department here were too high, and that some of the men employed therein shouki be removal. It was to combat these statements that President Harrison’* salty reply was proposed. At the hour appointed for the meeting, none of the commissioners were in the t’lty Hall building. The Intention of pres ident Hartl*on. It Is said, reached tlts ftleii'lnof Judge lllllyer and Mr. Harrison, and they were wise enough to get the call for the meeting rescinded The Imard will meet to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock and lively developments are expected. EIGHT!AU l\ COLOMBIA. Hebei Forces Heported UisaeeS Almost to Pannms. Kingston, Jamaica. Bept. 27.—Advices re ceived to-day (10m Colon, Colombia, say the rebel forces again advanced to within fourteen mile* of Panama, but were checked there by the government troops. The latest news wa* that ffghlrig was proceeding between th* opposing armies. A STOMACH REMEDY should be Judged by It* merits That which cure* —and has for half a century— deserve tho highest praise Buch a rem edy l Hoatetter’s Btomach Ritters. It should be taken for Indigestion. Consti pation. Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Nervous ness. or Malaria. Fever and Ague There If no medicine known to science which will give better results In stomach disor ders. A trial will certainly convince you. Our Private Revenue B*amp covers Ihe nr. k of the hottle It i* HOSTETTER’S Without STOMACH An Equal. BITTERS. Dressy and Up-to-Date YOUNG MEN BUY THEIR CLOTHING HERE, because they know that less money will purchase more style in this store than anywhere else. The solid men of the community come here, because they require the best fabrics and finest tailoring without regard to price. Our offerings this season are the most attractive we have ever made. We command the best makes, and the result is that we regularly furnish first class clothing at prices lower than are ordinarily charged for inferior goods. We have styles and prices to suit everybody. The popular range is from $8.50 to $1 5, and in these grades our assortments are unexcelled. We ask particular attention to our specialties in the higher-priced cloth ing, garments displaying a degree of stylishness that one could not reason ably expect excepting in high-grade merchant tailoring-rich, smooth fab rics; high square shoulders, perfect-fitting, superior linings and trimmings, and all the little style touches that are required by fastidious men . . . Men’s Furnishings Alpines and Derbys Boys’ Clothing. Brimful of latest creations. We have every style and A assortment this fads and fancies. The ex- shade that well-dressinj; qmsite Neckwear in all the . year than ever before, lou latest shapes. Half Ilose V - men wear ‘ 1 here 19 no - . lIM and Handkerchiefs. Fancy letter than our Hawes and Full Dress Shirts. Pa- S.IOO Hat. Plenty of men mannish they are.” Prices jamas and Underwear, etc. So very chic and priced so I )a Y for a ' ,al no in little. ' tor. if as good. l() 4>0.0U lie £i£r Plain Price Figures. ANTI-LYNCHING LAW FAILS. .11 HIK* lir.l l *K TO I.IVR DAM%GtC i*ho\ u>rr> ron. father of !•■<• Hrun*. Uho W* l,| nrhnl In *wth 4 ■nillna, llaa Tf* lee IsOMt III* Mult Omnirharß I nunl)-Jury l>l*rr- Mirriftl I nurt'a I harge—lnin Is a brad Failure *o Far as (tefllnai Damage* Is ( oncerued. Charlealon, 8. C\, Bept. 27.—The intt lynchlnir law of thla Plate, making Ihe county roaponalhlc for limaaea to the family of ihe victim, ha* received another bla< k eye. On Jan. 4. 1N97. I Mac. Ilrown. a negro, wa* found hanirtnff to the railronl rroaliiff al Bullion, Orangeburg county, hU neck broken and hU body riddled with hulleta. Urowrn'a father brought *uU againai (he county for damage* last year, hut the jury promptly brought In a verdict for the county. Tho verdict wa* *et aMde by Judge Gage, and another trial of the avne ' ca*e ha* been had. thin week, and another verdict rendered for the county of Orange burg. The defense offered no testimony, rely ing upon the failure of the plaintiff to prove a lynching, which they contended required Ihe concurrence of a mob or a multitude of persons. Iturhanan, the pre siding judge, charged the Jury that a lynching might be commuted by a mob or by any person or person*, but Ihe charge appear* to have had no effect on the Jury. A motion for anew trial will be made, but this second verdict allow, conclusive ly that Ihe anil-lynching provision* In the condltutlon of IKNS Is a dead failure m far * II provides damage* for the heir.- of the victim, though It Is admitted that In It* primaly object, the suppression of lynching In this elate. It has been largely successful. THE ir.WI AT DMIOLAH. Politics Somewhat lls el.— of Some f hll.leen. Douglas. Ua., Bept 27.—1n the habeas corpus case yesterday of Mrs Idssh- Mancll against Hiram Mancll, Hr, for I lie recovery of tier children. Judge Thoma* Young, after hearing all the evidence, award'd the Are of the children to Mr. Joshua Troupe, a disinterested party, lit* Judgment wa- approved by both the fath er and mother of the children Politics Is warming up at*l both Demo crats and Populists are marshaling their fortes for next Wednesday. The three In dependents. It Iw conceded, will poll a very small vote. But as they are from the Democratic fold. It weakens the party vote Just that much. Best Island cotton In th* seed readily brings a's cent*, while a real good arti cle would bring * cents. Rev R A Morgan, missionary for lh* Piedmont Baptist Association, prea-hed a most able sermon at the Raptlst Church last night. He t* In the city with a view to locating a bran* for his family Th* only ca* to create much Imer st In the October term of Coffee Bupe lor Court I* that of Dennis Paulk, char.- 1 with the murder of Mr. Floyd last year Mr Paulk belongs to one of the best fam ilies In tin- county. The case will he fought to the bitter end by both sides. Judge T. B. Deen left yesterday for At lanta to receive medical traatmciu for a chronic gflUcUOfi, W AKKI.Y Wl9 tt Ql ITTtSD. Mare's \ollng Ntrenglh—Knitting Mill I* Non %snured. Waycross, Ua., Bept. 27.—Judge W. N I S|- te eof the Albany circuit, presided over I Echols' Superior Court this week in platen [of Judge ilansell. who H Indisposed. 1 The damage suit of Joyi'e, against tho Atlantic, Valdosta and Western Railway C'umiasny. was lost by the plaintiff The case creating Ihe greatest excite ment wan Imi against t'ol. K Wakeley, growing out of i rlmlnal mlm-onduct, charged against him at llaylow. tu>m<* tlnm ago. The defense claimed that there wus it conspiracy found against Col. Wakeley, 1 for Ihe puritose of Injuring him and de feating hi* property rights, at llaylow Wakeley was vigorously prosecuted. Tim Jury promptly a quilted Mr Wakeley. The Board of Registrars for Ware county have concluded Its lannrs, and the books show a total of 1.K12 voters In the county. 1,081 whiles and 1-1 colored. When In Washington recently Poel master \V A McNeill was toM tha* Way cross would have free mall delivery on Oct. 1. Everything Is about In readiness, but the officials here have not been noti fied as to who the carriers are. The knitting mill Is nn assured fact As soon a* a charter Is secured the work will la- begun. At the mee*tng held last night temporary organlsatMsi was effected with the following officers: O. R. Ynumana, i president: J. H Halley, vice president; O. j 1 Allen, secretary. A committee was ap pofnted to secure a location for the plan*. The death of Mr- H K Itarnes. th* faithful wife of Mr. 11. V. Rarnes. has cast a gloom over the neighborhood In I whbh she lived. Hhe died this morning about ~ JO, surrounded by her husband and children. Mrs Rarnes hss lived In Waycross about fourteen yeats. her for mer hem- being In Ohio. Hhe was shout B year of age. and was a devoted OirG tlan. Mrs Bsrnes leaves a husband and six children a- follow- Mrs. J. F Rep. pari. Mr r'lirence F Wllsntt. Mrs. A P. Perham. Jr t'harles If . WMIIe and Hassle Barnes The funeral will occur to morrow morning, the services l-elng con ducted at Ihe family residence by Rev. J M Olenn. her pastor. Hon. W. (I. Brantley delivered one of hla strong Democratic speeches at filaten vlllt yesterday. LIFE riHVII T RULE ISKD. Terkalcalllr Hay let Many Others at Liberty. Joliet. 11l . B-p; ZT.-Tlie ruling of Judge llanecy of I'hlcago. who released Joseph Wyman, a Cook county life convict nn a technicality, may I wive a sensational ef fect. Warden Murphy of Ihe state peril tentlarv declared to-ilny that If the ruling I-. sustained over ?<i convl, Is could secure freedom The Judg- lielil tnat the Wy man mlttimii* Is void hecaue* It dl<> not rperitbfclly stale Ihe crime for whl-h he wa* convicted The majority of the nlt timuse* at the penitentiary are In the same form Fifty-four life convicts are Included angtng those effected. —a— | Celebration In Memphis. •Memphis. Hep:, 77 —The offl-lal figure* of the census of Vsnipltls. Issued from Washington to-day, which had been held hark for verification because they showed ruch a large Increase were the oewsion of a celebration here tn-nlgh A paradr of IMM) people, at comtnlrd by severe! brass bands and carrying torches, inarch ed through the principal slreeta. Sold a I’smt.oi Filly. Islington. Ky.. Bept. 27 —T. C Mc- Dowell. a noted turfman here, sold to James Fralley of Philadelphia, hla 2-year obi bay filly. Ameriln. by Lamplighter. Price private lie bought of K B Harper, a yearling coll by Imp. Roesingtot, for 4J.000. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Friday and Saturday— Georgia: Fair Friday; colder In north ern portion. Saturday fair; colder In southern portions; winds becoming fresh northerly. Eastern Florida: Generally fair Friday mid Hut in doy; fresh northeasterly wind... Western Florida: Fair Friday; day probably showers, cooler; winds be coming fresh northerly. South Carolina: Fair Friday; colder In western portion*. Saturday, fair; colder In eastern portions; fresh norshely winds. Yesterday's Weather at Savannah— Maximum tempeiature. 4 p.m l degrees MU..mum lempeiature. 6:30 a m degrees Mean temperature 7x degrees Normal temperature 72 degree* Excess of temperature i degrees Accumulated excess since Bept. 1 76 degrees Accumulated excess since Jan. 1 6 degrees Rainfall IXI Inch Normal IN inch Deficiency since Bept. 1 ...*...140 Inches Deficiency Jan. 1 10 fd Inches River Report—The high! of the Savan nah river at Augusta at 8 an, (73th me ridian time, yesterday, was 6.3 feel, no change during the preceding twenty-four hours. lotion region bulletin. Havannnh, tin , for the iwenty-four hours ending at 8 a. 11l , 73th meridian time, Bept. 27. lSUtr. Station* of |Max. M.o.|Hatg Savannah district. ITenx|T#m.; fall, Alapaha. tis . clear j 37 | 39 | .rat Albany, clear n | gg on Amerlcus, clear I M 2 no Kainbtktge. clear | M | 61 no Gaelmnlt. clear | M j 63 | .00 Fort Gutties, clear j 17 | 03 f .00 'Gainesville, Fla., clear ~{ 06 |C3 no Mill, n. Go., clear 69 | 6n m (Jultman. clear j 03 ; 37 j 00 B-ivunnah clear | 82 | 66 | .00 Thomasvllle. clear j tu 61 |uo Waycross. clear t 4 62 | .00 •Received too late for telegraphic aver age* Bt>e lal Texas Rainfall Reporls—Corpus Chris*!, trace; Dallas. .16, Huntsville, trace. Hla- Max Min Rain Central Htationt. 'Hons,Ten. Ten. fall. Atlanta j *" J M I 66 : jT Augusta j I kj M j i>i Charleston j 8 H 4 jS3 .<*> Galveston .....j 23 93 |7u { .01 Utile Rock | 1* | 02 : 60 | T Memphis ...,| 13 |9n ox |Oh Mobile | X J (SI j 66 j ,0h Montgomery I 7 S3 j 66 in New Orleans 1 13 i t | 70 T Buvannnh j 12 | M | 62 | eh Vt.-ksbnrg ] It. , 04 | 6* no Wilmington 10 ; 04 | 62 .00 Remark- There have been no marked temperature changes, bin the temperature, continue* unseasonably high over th* western districts. Very light and widely scattered showers have occurred In the Galveston. Little Rock and New Oileans districts. Observation* taken at the same moment of time at all station* Bept 27, IW>, I p m . 73th meridian time. Name* of Station*. ' T ! V I Rain Bostm iMr | 00 | 6 o. New York city, dear f 66 0 00 Philadelphia, partly < sly. 71 0 txi Washington city, cloudy. | 70 | I. ! T Norfolk, clear .1 74 ' 6 | .. Wilmington, clear * 70 j I> 00 Oiarlott*, clear I 04 1 L .00 Raleigh, dear | 04 calm T Charleston, clear 00 I 0 0 Atlanta, clear 64 j 0 W Aiiatteta. clear M j L .00 Havannab. clear ' 70 0 on Jacksonville, clear | 76 ] I, j (> Jupiter, clear ....f to ! 13 ; Oh Key Weot. clear j T 0 ! 10 i .<*> Tampa, clear JOO j L OO Mobile. .Tear { 70 | 6 I 00 Monlgomery, clear Ml L ; 00 Vicksburg, clear 84 | L j .00 New Orleans, clear to 6 ■ . Galveston, clear j 82 8 .06 Corpus t'hrlstl, dear 82 16 .00 I'ab-sttne. elmgly to j 8 | T Memphis, cloudy | 76 | I | 0 Cincinnati, cknidy 6N 14 T Pittsburg, cloudy TO j 8 T Ruffalo, cloudy 63 14 .00 Detroit, cloudy | il 8 T Chicago, cloudy | 34 18 08 Marquette, clear | 44 1 L, | T Bt. Paul, latrtly cloudy...: 32 | L 6* Davenport, .loudy 84 L ih Bt laails. cloudy j 62 I 6 .10 Kansas City, cloudy 1 to j L 82 Oklahoma, cloudy M L M I aalge City, raining 46 L 08 NoMh Platte, rloudy ....] 44 , L 00 Halleraa. down. H. B. Boyer, 101 l Foreeaat official. | MII.IT4HI It 4TE 601 ESTMIA. It la Passllng Passenger Igeats off Western Hoads. Chicago. Bept 27. -General passenger agent* of the Trgns-Contlnental roada ate finding (he military rate question a h ir.l p.isale to solve, and pending Its so lution no decisive act ton looking to tho formation of an asao. Ist lon can be taken. The woik of Ihe last two days has re sulted In an agreement to refer th* di vision of military buslneas westbound from Chicago to the Pacific coasts to Com mi*h*n-r Mac Isold of the Western Pea se nger Association, who will arbitral* all mailers In <li*puie and tlx percentages for tin- various road*. Ills decision I* to be final. t oaaty Trraearer Bobbed. Merced. Cal.. Bepi 27 —County Treasurer Bamhauer was held up late last night while on his way home and forcod at tb* point of a platol to go to hi* office and open the vaults containing the county funds. After securing *1,600 or more and some paper*, the thieves forced Ham buuer Into the vault and sprung the com hlnaGon. The Imprisoned man was discov ered this morning ulmort unconacloug. * * I 111 reetary Pun Ushers. Atlantic City. N. J . Bept. 27 —Th* third annual convention of the American Di rectory Publishers' Association yesterday elected the following officers: President. A. L. Polk of Detroit; treas urer, A. If. lionnelly of Chicago, secre tary. W. II Hates. The ae-sgon waa de voted to the discussion of paper* c,ic hlng on directory work and advertising. Will bat Briars the Flag. Keokuk. Li., Bept 27.—At the reunion of brigade yesterday, a pro;- ofltlon lo return to the stale of Doutfc Carolina the flag which Coi. J. C. Ken nedy. now of the National Home at Mil waukee, captured on ihe Columbia, tvae unanimously voted down, and the nag will remain In the room* of the lowa Htetort ml Society at lowa City. Pooling Flan tbandnned. Chicago. Bp4- 27 Executive officers and general traffic official* of the Western roads were In session here yesterday to recognise me territcrlaf freight committee* said bring shout a better mslntenence of late*. The pooling plan ha* been abandon ed. and all that |e expected of the commit tee t* to prevent further rat* cutting. — To Meet heat at Hlehiunad. Peoria. 11l , Bept 27 —At the final sea tin' to-day of the National Association of Postniaaler* of the first rlaa*. It wag recommended that Richmond, Va.. be se lected a* the next place of meeting. * a •o* In Wyoming. Evanston. Wyex, Bept. 27 —All the coun try between Granger and Evanston la cov ered with about fiv* incite* of snow on th* level. 5