The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 29, 1900, Image 1

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TUB MORNING NBWS rtblt*hi l*^ l * * Incorporated JM J H. EBTILL. I'rraidrnt WILL SETTLE STRIKE lir£RATOR> RK PRBPAIUM TO SURE CONCESSIONS. TO BE 10 PER CENT. ADVANCE. SIAV Al.<> Hike ROTICTIOYS IN I'HICK OF PUWIIFH. All In nrl> n. lnu Made to Hrlnp thnui n Hrlllreirnl—Nllnm Ry Not Ac , ret Itt I’rr (>t. Advaarr Ilnur, ifbrr NNIII Get \ alnnblr I nrn> ■*■>. Hut ttprrelura Mill Not Rrr • eniur tlir I nliiu-Military I'rrpar ttuat to Go Home. llkr**rrr. Pa.. Hrpt. St —An Import er! uieetln* of the coal oprra'or* of the Nt >. inlti* and latckawtnne valley* was ) . id at 'the office of the la-hleli Valley Coal I'ompatiy In thta city to-day. All it . repretentatlve* of the bl* coal com. lumi-s with colllertea in thla sect ton were promt. W A. I>athrop. ereneral tuiperinteiulent of the l.ohttih Valley Company, the chalr ■ an of the joint aeaoctatlon of eoal opera i .re of the Wyoming and LeKkuwanna re t one. presided. After the conference wu over several rf the oprrators were asked for informa t ■ tu. but they were very reticent. Supt. |aithro|> said: ■We discussed a achetno of advancing l c wages of all the men through the re. ptori at least JO per cent. The powder l, . stJon was also dlscuascd. but we are iot prapared to give out any Infornta. t on regarding our deliberation! on the • Ject.” From another reliable source It was I arned that the preetdenta of the coal ro'upantea In New York sent a draft of 1 •• proposed settlement of the strike to : netr representatives here with Instruc t ns to meet In conference and discuss v tiler It would be advisable to make t ms with the strikers on tho basis tilted. ffeicncia of opinion developed as to win her the operators could stand the |n <: iso In wages. It was reported that all I e.enlaitves of the lax kuwanna Com I v thought they would I <>m what east be harmd the operators v e not opposed to granting a reduction I . the ptlce of powder, but there was a f rig feeling expressed against an out i>:.d out recognition of the miners' union. sTIIIKMItR H %U t IBT DAY. 'They Will Not be Satisfied With I’er laai. Ad an nee, Hstleton, Pa . Hept. *.—Notw lthstand- J g the rumors of settlement and of con i .. ti upon the pirt of tha mine oitera tor there was no change In the great o;il strke situation to-da>. It was prob al. y ilie moat Inactive day that President Mu ill and his olfi.lal alatf have spent hi V the strike began. ue |jy gave promise of lleveloplilg Ini j. in events at the I’nlted Mint* Work • - h' idquartere. but all those lnteres*tc*il . . doomed 10 di**appointment. That * lent Mil hell was waiting for Ittfor vaation from New York ranr.ot be denied. * h- lntlm,t**d several tlni- during the • •> that sjmethlng might d'velop before i icht. In the lorenjou he had two 1 t'gthy cnveraat one o%er the long dis ta * tel* t-h ne and between 4 ahd * • k thi> afternoon l.e was at lh' wire tor more than halt an hour To whom in to k*i lie .lei lltifHl io say. li< he gave r'. the informotion that he had nothing t.. impatt \Yh n he was pressed, how- e to, ay ?oTethlng on the general H ike situation, he said if the lo *er cent. increase mentioned ti he n*w?*|'af*ers i* y>rrect. while far Jr* m eaiisfsctory. it is the greatest vh - • ever icltiivtd by organi*ei tabor. ini won under the most idverie clrcuro 1. of rout>'' have nothing to sav . to what action will be taken as to the eptanee or rejection of nny proposition; Miv most he determined by the whole* i4y of anthracite miners themselw*. tir organisation will not make the mi* i *k* which has wrreck**d many other or • nizationa of iseuming the |ower to •S* trrmine through Its officers the happl • sa or misery of rmn.Oho men and women i* id • hildren, dependent upon the anthr i- ■ nol industry for a livelihood *' In discussing the reported 10 per cent. ad\ nc offered the men. Mr. M.U hell haul: “I'ruler the sibling scale, such an in • would practically amount to noth ing what the men would gain In one day the* might lose the next.” continues to prevail through- it the Valley region The J. S Went* Sc Co.‘a colliery at IlasHhrook it down to-day. a body of 100 men hav mg marched from Freeland to the plae* •*nd Indiitctl the men working ui the the Wentz colliery to quit. fITII.L lIBN in* I IIIKTTI.KD. Home IlMtilit About the Operators tlrsntlag on ln*rease. Philadelphia. Bept. >.-Thc coal strike remains unsettled. Reports of ronferrn ecs of mine o|>eiaiors a id of lending oltl- . l of the coal carrying railroads were plentiful. IVyond the grrb. l slate meat t zit the principal discussion was the advisability or practicability of i anting the mine workers a ten i>er cent, advance In wages, very little of the de t < * of the meetings could be learned. The operntor** generally •*pressed the Ihc I net • sse > • ,i| i n M ** granted am! the operating rxpemsa met ♦’•ileus there was an advanot in the price i f coal. ihe larger opernting companies, how • r, took rather a hesitating view of th 1 >O-11 lon to further ItuTewse the |*rlce of “ firaclte, oont ending that the cong'etli 1* of hltumlnoiis coal Wins nos too sharp ■ * Ido lit Mitchell, of the 1 tatted Mine V rki r-. i reticent on the general qttt* of aecfptitig 41 ten per . cut. increase ' out other conoeuaton* and tic lined to ,• interviewed on that point intirne the strike leadtrs are ron • 1 trig their efforts to Induce working • i * i ts to Join the strike. Quiet pr* vaitaat. to-day throughout tha mining rejlon MAV SOON HKMOVE IROnri. I ver>tblnA Points to Settlement ot the Cool Strike •"h'nandoah, Pn.. Sept. 2i~*berlfff Toole this afternoon came up bom Potts 'ilis and held a lengthy conference with Gto. Uoblu at ths Utter's hesiquartsrs. jiatrannai) lllofning ICrto& Hi* trip U will to hive been caused by the repon* the strike wan approach- Injr a settlement It l?t under*toot that the general and the pHi Iff ui <J th question of re movtnir the tr op-. So iar ** can be learn *<l to-night. the -ol4|ers will remain here to-morrow mi. i Hun-lay. but how k*ng af ter ! not known. This question may be leiMied at a c nferetic.* I* twen Gen Go *!n and representative* of the various op erators In this vicinity. which has been fixed tor to-m *rrnw ift mom. Assistant Adjt Cm. K doit. chief of staff of the divDiun, after an interview with Gen. Oobtn. sill he felt confident tIMU the strike is nearing h settlement, and that th. n-c K-.ty tor the troops would ho t\ be obviated NEGOTIATION* IN PHOKIIKAH. Bald striker* Will Hefarn to Work fit in l*er Ost. Advance. New York. Kept 2*.~The Herald to morrow will say: One of the men, who hoe participated In the plane for the settlement of the anthracite coal miners’ strike, and is fa miliar with ail the facts at.U attendant circumstances, *i<l in an interview last (Friday) night: The rumor that negotiation* looking to the settlement of the strike re off. Is My belief D that :he strike will 1 ome to an end some nm early next weak. It will not be ended by a blare of t rum pet m or by sweeping general orders, but by the men quietly going to work it , colliery after colliery day after day, nt be 10 per ant. advance. There is no Inclination to rex>g ruse Mitchell in un\ wa>. but as a matter of fact the miners really deserve the 10 fwr rent advance, and they probnbl} wousl have obtained It anyhow, wneti the question first came up. If so many of the member.** of :he different hoards of directors of the mining oom panle*- had not been uway on their vat x tloiis." Prices for anthracite coal In thla city have to-day dropped or 75 cents per •xi Indicating that the end is In sigh:, and the rush of the retailers to buy from the wholesalers is almost entirely stopped \ lolatlons of Ordinance. New York Sepr. 28 —A large number of warrants were !.*u*d to-dnv to officer** of the health department for the .irrext of fer*ons charged with violating tho smoke ordinance. President Murphy, of the health department, declare* the Mm ok* nuisance must !** *top|ed .xt once. The l*‘rsorig summoned have |>een using soft coal. BTRKET Dt KL AVILL BE FATAL. Ilarriiigfnn’a Defenac of Hla (lister May End In Hudson’s Death. Atlanta. Sept 28. —ln a street duel h*ra to-day Bheffieid Harrington, a United Btate* postal clerk, and Walter Hudson, superintendent of a fertllixer factory, were both fatally shot , t Tha duel was the result of Hudson's re fusal to marry Harrington’a sister Hud son was engaged to Miss Harrington who lived with her brother In East Point. Two week- ago he lowan to deny rumors tha he w.* going to marry her. Hhe left E.t Point suddenly and went to Waynesboro whet*- she has relatives. After hi* sister’s departure H.irringion met Hudson and de manded that he go to Waynesboro and bring the girl back. This Hudson re fused to do. Harrington left the city on his run to New* Orleans and returned yesterday, lie went to Hudson’s pfflce Immediately and repew led hi* demands. Hudson again refused, and the brother declared he would die defending hla sister s honor or would kill Hudson. •’Y'ou will go to Waynesboro by noon to-morrow, he .**ald, "or one of u* must die.” ' Promptly at noon to day he called again at Hudson’* ofUce. They met outside ihe door and lioth drew pistole, llarrinsttoi got in the first shot, the ball passing through Hudson’s body an Inch below th>* heart. After the first shot his pistol would not fire. Hudson find twice and then fell. Both his shot* struck Harring ton. A brother of Hudson’s ran out and fire! twice at Harrington, both cho s taking effect, he is under arrest. Tne two pin ctpals were removed from the p one by fi lends. Both of them arc expected to die. Phy sician* ur Hudson* wound* n- “urely fatal, while H.irrington ha. two danger ous wounds In the .’host no TMITH IN THU HfcIMHIT. larhlo'. Mar Denies thr Hrgr.l •>l„ titnlnal Hwfll. Pueblo. CO.. H-l< ■-* r *••* r<, *° ,h, ‘ n .por. prlnl—l In the Kasl. ato a plot „ ~s.lnat. . lurty by Ital lin .narohlata upon th<- nrrlv .1 of lh. ■twrlal trjln nt the union atatlon last nlaht Mavor lleorpe K Wwl >n<l Chief of Police OrlWn made the followtn K ate m'?herTn|‘.‘nothin* in It and the report j. a r ,la. one maimfa. turod from whole ' "There are several hutvlre.l Italian. ln m Pueblo, nn.l mo.-t of th- men work ,n ,lie smelters As .. claw they are most 1 tol* cltlsens. iip.i’i t V Tiipbikt Kii.i.P.n. Was Try Inn l< I‘roleet a Nero I rttm llelnat l.ynehed. Houston, Tex . Kept. -A apeclal from I-ake Charles, let., says: Van, Sloan, a deputy shertfT, was -hot Hal kllhsl " n ' , * r ” fr ° m Z venxe.ncr of .. mob. All da, .her™ , fr ,, rumors of the probable lynchtn, of Pierre f <' " n ' * ro hPrr ’ ' h * r * ,„h isanuitlnu Miss Oswald. .e.l 73. . n .. . o k un unm.iskl crowd -o-S *>'- M "- fer adtlreHHd th. . row,l and told them tlm intstim. ,it of criminal- must be left o punishment oi crowd lo dt ; pr ." usl to take UP .he c- T th, i,.<r,i In court to-morrow, On .MS tne <rowd broke up. and It * •* 1 howeier fresh outbreak was mad. by mofc who advanced tow.rd the Jail .oh an iron battering ram V* Harmon and Paul oan. daputy sheriff* warned them to come no further. !-? irenlbo. orer *h* heoda of the crowd. someone In the mob fired et tha rt.puites Paul Sloan was shot and fa'al ? funded He died early to-day. Toe h.Hff in. deptitlee then dispersed the .t lU * thOU PH.OU. SAVANNAH. GA.. SATI ItDAY. SKITKMUKH 2!>. liKKi. GERMANY’S RETREAT *IIE HA* AI.MONT fIIYKN 1 P AY IN TUN AIII.F. POSITION. NEW PROGRAMME EXPECTED. FnnnifA paper* mi.i* talk or TI AV PROMOTION. Relief That He Is atlll llirertlns Ihr Massacre of Foreigners Tuan’s Promotion W 111 He Obierted to by the I nKpil Mates—Min Ister too. ger’s Instructions Have t.onc For w nrd—Russia's Threatened lllock* ode Is Not Viewed Seriously. London kept. S). 4 u. n. Apparently Germany's retreat from an untenable |*>- sit km has been virtually accomplish'd. The Paris correspondent of the Morning says: "An agreement on the Chinese pro gramme has been arranged be# we* .1 France, Germany and Russia. It will be submitted to the other Powers within n f w <lays. The action recommended will le nvkler than Germany's proposal org Inally rmle. jiul it is expected that all the Powers wtd accept the programme. The Cologne Ossetic. In another semi official siatement. apparently Intended for consumption In the l nl:l States aid England, points out the serious position resulting from Prlnog Tuan’s ascendancy, "the conemticd massacre of missionaries and converts und other tndi< at ion* that the anti-foreign movement is directed from an influential center.** It thinks that the situation thus created “must appear Intolerable even to those Powers favoring a policy of indulgence and forbearance." The Tien Tsln correspondent of the rttandard says. •‘I learn that la Hung Chang has de | dared that Vice Admiral Alexieff has gone fo Pori Arthur to avoid meeting Count von Waldersee, who was to hold a conference wrlih him and with Vice Ad miral Bey moil r and CSen. Gaselee.** The follwing dlsfuitch, dated dept. X 7. ' has le#-n r elvevi from Hhanglial “It is reported tliat Gen. Me 4 Kung Yi has expelled the Boxer's from Shan Tung and is now following them into the prov i ince of Chi Li. “Some excitement has been caused by a rumor that Chlneec steamers, flying the British flag, are conveying munitions of war from Hie Shanghai areenel north ward. “It is reported that Russia has offered to advance money to China to jepay the Hrllish loan “ nnriSTUtAT not am i.kd, Twlk of Rnaaln'a Blockade and To wn's I teat re .In t i *n. Washimcton Hept 31 —Thn elate depart ment has not been advised offl tally of any of the events of m-ire cr less lmporiam■<> which are said to have occurred In China a cent-,Hn* to varloua Kuropean report* within the past twenty-four hours. If Tuan has been degraded and If Rua sla contemplates a b'o* kade of the t’hl nese naval ports, the department doe* not know the facts. It has let It be known to the Chinese government that Tuan's pro mo leti would l>o unwel.sane to this gov ernment. but It has not yet be n Informed of the result of that tepres. (nation Respecting the statement that china has been dlscove.ed to he a contributor to the Poxet* cnu>e. It Is said that all th* In formal lon that the department has been able to -secure touchlnir his personality went to show his unvarying friendliness for the fore nets. and upon that record he had hern ac ept< and as a .ompetent en voy. The officials dr. lined lo say whether or not the Instructions to Minister Conger have gone forward yet. hut the Intimation |s that tne minister Is by this t!m fully advised us to the s ate department's prl l<c ft Is said, however, and the state m. nt may be rlsnlltc.nt, that no develop ments In the Chines*, situation of Import ance are expected MHltin the next two weeks at leMt. A •Pnellte Blockade. The report from St. Petershuru. said to have been made on the authority of the Kusstnn naval staff that owing to the hos tile attitude of the Chinese ffe. t at Slmnx hal. lines!** proposes lo hka ka*!* the Chi nese "noWi ports." 1 rested much Inter est at the %.*\ v department and In gov ernment tlrks generally to-day As there Is no statement to the effec. tha. It Is to he preceded by • declaration of war. It is assumed the blockade proposed under the designation In International law of "pacific blockade." If the report from Bt. Petersburg ahould prove to be correct, tha supposition I* that, as It Is lamed on th* ail*K*d activity of tha Chinese fleet, the blockaile would be directed against Chines* port* whet* there are naval store*, dry dorks or r*i trig station*. There are but *ll of these port* on the Chinese coawt not within the sphere* of foreign Power*, namely Ntu chwang. where there I* a mud dock; Taku and Tien Tsln. where there are Chi nese government do*!** and yards: Shan hal. Foo Chow. Amoy and Whanpna. wher* there Is * granite dock owned by the Chinese government. COMMKAT CHOW HKIU.I*. German Papers Throw inn Rnnqnrli nt hreretnry Hny, Berlin. H*pt. i* Th* prlnelfwl paper* comment up rt a dispatch from Washing ton which assert* that 8 eretaty Hay will return to th* active discharge of hi* of ficial dull** tuxt week, having made It a condition that Pr** d*nt McKinley should give him an ab*olu;ely frea hand In for eign affair*. Th* dUpateh •>• al*o that "a lack of energy nead no longer be ex pected '' . Th* I.okal Anielger offer* the following Interpretation: "It means that Amarlca* departure from th* concert of th* Power* Is now fell at Washington to hat* been a Oaaco, and we max expect the I nttrd States to en deavor to correct the mistake." o\ thi; hi aai %\ niuM H H Oprrstlon* of Troops and t apfure of Several I'imna. St Petersburg. Sept. Gen Aigustoff ha* sent the foliowing dispatch to ihe war ofllc ‘ Renn* kampf captured Kirin Sept. 24 and eetablisliMl his headquarter* there. The Chinese troops were disarmed ’The operation* soutliwa'd from Tsltsl ker wtre o\ei a \ry diflicult country, h* avy x\ l h ra ns. and the roads were bad T'.e Chinese made several \aln at - t<*mpt* t resistance “After th* cap tire of the town of Ro dim* (or 1 etuna). Gen. Orloffs troop* were bft there a- o garrisoti. Gen. Ren neiikanipf marching on Kirin, and Gen Fieiscber'a detachment cn Mukden." K\m( i: MIT PHOAOt AC ED. Trial of I lie Alleged %a*sln uf lloroo von Kelteler. Pekin. S*-pt > The i as*aasln of Baron von Ketteler was tried by court mariiai yesterday. No new evidence wa* presented, and th* court declifeil that It won id be unjustified In pronouncing sen* Since u|ot) the prlsomr, who. however, will be held In the hope that further In formation will b* obtained ! The Russian and German legations are i still awaiting dCvrl pmenls and the re • elpt of former ti struct on*. LI Hung I Chang I* expire ted to art lx e within w woH Hustress is Improving and the people are ga ntng confidence, but no progress Is Is*- n.K made toward the return of the fugt rive government, the event so greatly do tdt*d l\ every one G n. Fukush mu has returned here aftm spe: ding twelve xs at Taku IS t HIM. A t OXTRIBI TOR f He la Reported to Have Given to the t nuse nf the lloxera. (Copyright. 1900. the Ansorlated Press ) Pekin. Sept. 22. via Taku. Sept. 25 —The American legation has In its possession a subscript ton llat of the Boxers, which shows the name of Prince ('hlng an hav* Ing made three subscript ket*. The lint was discovered by Misshmury Wherry A'rierwl* of Prin*, Fhing and tare that he was coerced Into giving It Is repotted by th- French that a pa trol has been fired on outside the eat gate of the city. Otherwise everything is quiet. KAMI. 1.1 MAKE* PROMISE*. *aya China Will Not Again Take In itiative in Flahtlna. (Copyright IF*V the Associated Press ) Tien Tsln. Sept. 3. via Tal.u, Sept 24. via Shanghai. Sept 28 —LI Hung t hong told Uen # l barter to-day that h|s chief detdre wa* to a • rpitlon of hostll- ItiOa and he promt**<l that tha t’hiasva would not again take the Initiative In righting He expressed confidence in the of the Fnlted States, and said he hoped the American government would act a* a mediator, using its Influence to hasten the as-emhllng of a proper tody to taitl A the whole quest! n He is in constant cable communication with \\ u Ting Fang, the Chinese minister In Washington, and It is understood that he has received assurances that a major ity of the |>owers will recognise his cre dentials. At the suggestion of Gen. Dhaf fee he Is hastening hla preparation* to leave for I*ek!n. A British cavalry reconnolsaaftce forty mile* to the southwest of Tien Tsln and or- ii pled several towns without opposi tion. The region I* reported peaceful. A messenger who arrived here to-day bring l new* of a massacre of thirteen Hxvedish missionaries In the northern part of the province of Bhan Bhf. KUrKROH THINKS Itl ee|%. Will Perform Memorial Irmemony Oyer ton Kefteler'n Grave. Shanghai. Kept. SB— Kmtieror Su has Issued lilt edict thanking Kinperor Nicholas for his decision to withdraw the Russian troops from Pekin an*l al*o an nouncing his own willingness to perform a memorial ceremony over the grave of Baron von Ketteler. ft Is announ ed from a Chlnea* official source that the Imperial court has order ed thsl the palace at Bmrnn F*u. • *iial of th* province of Blirn 81. l>e Immediately prepaid for It* recs|eton. A DKII.!H!TUM *•' WAR. 1 lerre, a Expect It I'rom England nn*l ttermnnv. Bhanghal. Kept JB-Acmrdlng to private advice* receive*! here from N*n rung, the southern viceroys expect tirsst Hrtisln and Oermany. to declare war on China, as there is no likelihood of China sur rendering Ih* author* of the antl-forelgn upt King for punishment. Should such an attack be made the Tang-ts* viceroy* must make a show against th* country's en-mie*. though well ansi* that the situation Is hopeles*. and though anxious not to sacrifice Ilf# un necessarily. M<.mwhlle force* and provision* r being sent to Tat Yuan Ftt. captital of the province of Khanghsl. The position of the viceroys t* grave. Keymnur at Tien Tsin. Tien Tsln, Sept n. -Vice Admiral Sey mour arrived at Taku cm Hept. 23. and la expected here to-morrow with Count von Welders**. Gen. tiaselee I* expected on Thursday. The reason assigned for th* small num ber of casualties among the Chinese at the caking of the PH Tang and Lai Tal forts. Is that U ilung Chang had ordered the evacuation of the foet*. •In pen’s Ministry Resigns. lyjndon. Kept —"The YnmagatJ* min istry has reslaned.” cables the Yokohama c.wre*t*ondent of the ftnlly Mall, "and the Marquis I'o will probably succeed lo th* premiership Buch a change would not of fer! Japan's policy in China. Marquis Ito favor# hearty eo-operatlon with Great Britain and strongly oppose* th* partition of China or Russian ascendancy there ” ■o ■ Explosion n# Naphtha Tank. New York Bept .-At t 4S o'e **k l>l* morning a nophtha tank exploded In tha Central Oat Ughl Company's woeka at tha foot of East l*th streal. Th# ex ptoelon was heard for mile* around and broke all windows In tha vicinity. The burning naphtha flowed down the street and Into the engine room of the gas com pany. settkig It on hr*. Thera was no loaa of Ufa. ~ THEIR FATE IN DOUBT (OMhiM F OF TANARUS%% I.AT% -AtATII H 44 DIMfPRUIKD. WAS SENT TO SMALL ISLAND. MANY OF IMF. 4IMIM>V* MbiM DKN4 WIdHI. UKimt.llM. Pritlnitil v the Fifty-oar Meat With I apt. ahlrlds in t oniiannd. Were Killed. Wound ed and < aptwrrd—Nothing Heard ) row the (•■iilionl Which tarried Them— Flat of Tho*o In the t out paa> •—Wrv eral I’rorn Valdosta. Washington. S* pt 2* Gen. M• Arthur to-day cabled tin war department from Manila that. <n Se|* 11. Capt Leverraux Shields, with fifty-one men of ( onuntny F.. Twenty-ninth Yoluqteer Infantry, left Santa Crus for Torrtjoa Nothing ha* been heard from him since, and It Is sup posed that tha entire party, including | Capt Shields, ban been captured with irmnv killed and toounded. The cablegram follows: “Manila Sept. 2b —Adjutant General. \\ ashing ton. Sept. II —Capt. Deveresux . Shields. fUty-ocie in* n, i ompmv F , Twenty-ninth Regiment, F s V 1., one lM>*pl:al corie man left Santa Crux, Ma rlnduque. by gun.mat Villa lathca for Totrljos, iniendlng return overt aml to San ta Crux. Have heard nothing sin* fi*m Shields. Scarcely dttubt entire party cap- ttired with many killed, wounded. Hhlekl among latte*. Information *etit by letter from commanding officer at lbxa.\ dated Bcpt 3ft. received Bept 34. consisted of rumors through native* Yorktown and two gunlmats. George H Anderson (cm onel Thirty-eighth Infantry), two comjwi nlea. Thirty eighth Infantry, sent M trln diM|iie trnnc-it.t :rly Anter*ori <-uitlrin<* flrsl report as to capture, hut unable Bepr 27 to give details of present whereabout* Bhlekt* und party. naniev killed nd wounded. This information prohahtv available soon Anderson has orders com mence operations Immediately, and move relentlessly until Shield* and party re*, cued. All troops expected soon Logan will he sent Marlnduque. If -oary clear up situation. "MacArthur." Th* Twetit y-nlnth Infantry wa* re cruited at Fort McPherson fAtlanta) Ga Bhl* Ida was Lieutenant Colonel of i *** Se-’onff Mississippi during the B;an | ••I* He was mad** aptain In lha Twenty-ninth Infantry July I \m He was a resident of Natches Miss , where hi* wife now reside*. Th* acene of thla latest reverse Is In a small Island lying due south of the south ern coast of Luion ami shout Di ml<e* from Manila Murlmhique |* ahcMM twen ty-four miles In dimeter and was garri soned by two small detachment* of Fnlted Btatea troop# One of these was at Roa<- on tin* west roast of the Island and the other was at Hants Crum, the princi pal port on the north side Capt. Bhield* appears to htvf started from Bants Crux on a for Tor rljos. n small coast port and It Is in ferred that h* host as Weil a* the Kaly of troops utalcr th4l officer haa *een rip 141 red. for the di pat- h tuwkea no icfcretn -• to her return. The Men With Whlelils. The Bouthern m*n In the command are Capt tia.areaux Hhlelils, First I.leut Madison 11. Wilson, heoopd Ldeutenunt Rowland 8 Bike, and the following non commissioned cfflcera and enlisted men. with pla, e of their enlistment, which Is p*o >ahi). In most instances, th* place or th*lr residence: Tlxrnta* Malloy. Carl W Rheberg. El more K. Murray. Lady E tJllver, Fort M* l'h* rson; James Maxwell. Auguata. Marshall H. Baker. Montgomery*. Thus C. Williams. Valdosta; David F. Wood ward, Mu on: ldvloue 8. Colvin, Jai kaon vllle. Fla.; Edward W. McDaniel. Colum bu-; John T. Hall, Mac.n; John (J. Orels er. New tjrleans; William It Andrew*. M icon: William J. Crawford. Jr.. Colum bus. Patrick Kweency, Augusta, John W Arderson. New Orleins; Charles J Meek. Bryson titty, N. C-i Edward C. Brook*. New Orleans; John K. Cumpbell, Bcvler vllle. Tcnn.; Roshler Campbell, Fort Mc- Pherson; Idvpard ll.Ca ,well, Valdosta. James I I'hrlswell, Fort McPherson. Harry K. Core. Blst< rvllle. W. Vo.. John \V. Dorsey. Atlanta; Isaiah 8 Grant. Jacksonville. Fla ; Henry l*. Ilaygoo*!. Va.dosta; William V. Hamrick. Fort McPhcraon; Daniel U. Harrell. Valdosta; Wylie HemFraon, Columbus; Edward A Her*. Huntsville. Ala.; W. II Ho*lges. Bevi#rville. Tenn ; Cicero A Hop kins and William P. Hownrd, Fort M*- rherson; C M Huff. Bevlervllle. Tenn ; Wesley M Hunt and Hobcrt D Jackson. Fort McPherson; Robert F. Ja.kson. Jr., New Orleans; William M. Jenkins. Co lumbus; Toliver O. Johnson Montgomery; John 8 Jones. Mar-on; Theodore Kuptran Atlanta; Elijah L Kirk. Fort McPhertot; Brune Kraft. New thleana; Curtis E Isotve. Augusta; Henry McDaniel. Colum bus; Abner D McMillan. Macon. Fr.-*l A. William*. Columbus; James H Mltch e'.l, Fort M' Pherson; Emanuel M Murphy. New Orleans; John E. Myers. Montgom ery; Edward J Nargele. New (trie*tie. Berry J Nebion. Vablosta; Tom I*. Os born. Columbus; Charles C. Owen*. Be vlervllle Tenn ; Juan H. Pool*. Birming ham; William Kcesl. Auguata; R Renfree, Valdosta; Archie Rice. For* Mc -Pherson. Hiram Rke. Rlstersvlll*. W |Vs ; Jasper ttearcey. Augusta. Benj. J. Beay. and Noah F Seay. Bryson City. N C-. John P Sharpe, rort McPherson. Jame* V Slmkln* and Thonta* J. Splrev. Boson City. N C.; Y. Tall Templaton. Augusta. Frank Walgand. Naw Orleans. William r. WlUett. Montgomery Th* officer* of the gunboat Villalobos were IJeut K M Ward Bimpson. *m mandmg; Enabw Irwin F Landis and -Naval Cadat K. W. Vincawt. WESTCOTT’S TRANSACTIONS Ild on the Vtiisil of V srlons Ileal lnu He Ha* Had W Itb t.reenr nod the tunnnr* New York, S-pi > Robert F Weatcott, fnthei-tn-iMW *>f t apt oberlin M Carter. corrtinu*d hi* testimony before Commis sioner Shle d* to-day In ihe hearing on an appli at.ou for the remoxal of John F. K. II . and William T. Oaynor. and Ben jamin I Greene, to the jurisdiction of the ti’e rgla F. <l*ral Court In detailing the history of a number of st>ck transactions In which he wa* en gaged In imi an*l Mr Weatcott said he Introduced Capt Carter to hi* atock brokers, Reid and Flagg. * me time in l*fM At that time and in apt. Carter held his power cf attorney. He said h** might have had. railroad bond* to th** value of fIMi,OO in when he went to l*.tiro|H hut that the greater I art of hi* property so leal estate A clause In th* piwcr of attorney t apt Carter lit Id In IW*. gave him authority to ’ buv, - 11. and deal In all stock* ami l*ids.“ own* <1 by Mi. Wt or hi* wlf.- At th it lime Mr Weatcott *all he owned no tu k or b nd- The clause w met* y a put of the formal document. Mr \\iN(fHi *.initn.l he h.ul received money from John F (.*y ti or and from Penj.iniln Gr**ne ni different time* It** could not remember the exact amount*. If* received ItO.ini from ra* h of them, in IM r Ivjh. tu and in Sepiemlwr of Ihji. .*• tho Waldorf-Astoria. arter g*ve him Itoooon in hill*. He could noi remember what he dbl with the tn*n y, hut pre sum* l he put It In hi* safe dej-wdt vault or de|H>*l!ed It to his a* * omit In the bank. On Oh- beiit mg In July last It wa* *h>wn that the AtVuitir Construction Company receiver! $4*1.075 S* p 11 191. from the government on a contra- t and that on the warn** day there waa deposited In the iuus' of R F. Wealootl, with R*i<l and Flag, brokers, (r/j, and In the name of R F Westrott, with the Fnlon Trust Company STAOOO The pro*e< utlon then cialnrHsl that the amount repre eitel Captain f arter’s share. Mr Westrott said that he handed the money he received flay nor and Greene to Carter, and Mr Kellogg pro dined a *1 sen or more hark deposit *ll|r* to show ly their dates and a imam t a that the money a wre dej*>sltel In lomk* and with brokers to the credit of R F Weat cotl. The differ nt amounts aggregate more than s2Softin. and ranged Individually from sN*> to $53.<00 The croes-examlnatlon of Mr WtMßcOtt wa* not corclud- and at 1 o’clock, at whlsh hour < otnmis*loner S teida ordered an ad journment until Monday at 10 a m. *w ■ ■ ■- i NTAM’imi) SHOT TO IIK4TII. Fatal Reaalt at Hlvarly Retween Pwrl Tangs City Factions. Tampa Fla., Sept 2s.—For years there has been rivalry, social and political, be tween two fa* don* at Port Tanrpi City. This rivalry has resulted In *evcral af frays. hut none of a very serious nature until to-night C. Stanford, assistant marahal of the town, wn* standing on the platform of the !*lant System depot when Hope *nd Charles Barnett, brothers, and sons of W. J Barnett, sdltor of the Port Tampa f’disy South, cam*- by. Th* Barnett* an I Stanford are members of opposite factions and have been re|Hited to be car rying platols for each oiher for a long period As the Barnetts parsed Stanford slid: "Them goes the Barnett cavalry. Hope Barnett slapterl Stanford s face. Quick a* a flush the assistant marshal drew a pistol .xml fired two shots at his asaallant. th*- bullet* taking effect In the left Bm jilr and the ne**k Me and hla brother re turned the Are. one of the bullets enter ing Stanford's forehead, a not bar hla wriat. The first shot prove*! fatal, but not before Stanford had tired several mors shot*, one hut lot striking Charle* Barnett In the jaw Member* of the nppodng factlona step|N'd up to take a hand and for a lima a general battle *eeitud Imrtanent. Cooler he4d Intervened, however, and pact was partially restored. Stanford die*l two minutes after he wras *hot. The two wounded Barnetts were taken to the Plant System Hospital, where they are being attended Their In juries are very m-rkiiw. The affray baa Stirrer] Up all the bad blood existing be tween th** faettona and It Is not hellav-fd that this la the last of Iho trouble. BOEHM ATTACKED FACET. They Were Rente* off After Three Nasra* Fighting. Ixmdon. Sept M.-Lord Roberts reports to the war office under date of Pretoria, Sept 27. as follows: •*The Boer j* attacked a port I*o of Pa get * force at Pienaar * rlvfr station this moKitng. but were bcateti off after threo hours fighting. "JJuller o*cupled Mac Mac rlvar and the eastern able of Burghers Pass on S*pt. 3g ,fter slight resistance. Ifellbron. Belts ami Undley have been re-occupied.’ RUE At H OF %Et TH A MW* Kruger Mad Ao* H*’ Allowed to Car ry Off i.old ll ii I lion, loxndon. Hept. ® -Great Britain has sent a note to the Dutch government, ac cording to a dispatch from Amsterdam, to ha Pally Mull, which contains warn ing thiJ il Mr. Kruger I* allowed to carry bullion archives on hoard the Dutch warship.*which 1s to bring him to Europe. II will he Regarded u* n breach at neutrality on lh- part of the Nether lands. t.eriunn* Want the Roera. Brlin ♦!>' 2* -Th- Ta* 4ay publish** an arilrte wrongly artvwaf. in iha offrring* of luduwmnin to <hr Kara to el*a In Urrman 9oulhw*l Af rica. Tftfla Rrark,. Norfolk. Norfolk. Va.. Bapt 3—Tha b*ttla*hl*> Taaaa arrlvtO hrr* thla aftamoon from Narrporl. R 1., and nolutag Admiral Cot ton'. flag. A raturn aalutc waa flrad from gt. Hlna Th* Taxaa roma for *a-n --lva rapalra. to ha mad<? by tha m*n who huJlt har, owl aha will probably b* hare oil ib wUjtrr. DAiI.Y ' A YKAR. t'KNTH A COPY WKF.KI.Y J-TIMKW-A-WKMK II A TKAR BRYAN IN DAKOTAS TR % % EI.AID *J:o MII.F.s AMD M \IIF. A iM/.r:\ a fe lot m:s. CROWDS GOOD EVERYWHERE. FF ATI HE W P TH$: I*l. Aft* DIS PLAYED AT MF.vrVTAtift. Li ngeat Sprech Hmlr at lltirnn, I. D., There He Inawered t|neatlona Gl nl Him by the t rimd-Thr Ire Truat n lew lork Iffnlr Which the Itairrsar lisa \t ( orrerlHl. Bendy Answer U hen Aaked Wby ltooae% ell Wna Aaannllt and . Aberdeen, S D.. Sept. 24.—William J. Bryan completed hie tour of South Dako ta at till* place to-nkghl. He arrived her*' at * hi o'clock. au*| mmie.liaiely re isliwl to tin s(*e.iktng place near the Corn |*>is • where he wa* met by ons of the largest crowds that have greeted him during the campaign. During tle day Mr. Itrysn traveled 2*h lubes, and made almost a doxeo speeches. He began the day with a three-minutes’ speech at Elk Point, and hie first speech of length was use I* at Yankton. After this sfMcch he made long addresses In th towns of Scotland. Mitchell. Woon sof'kct Huron, lb III* ,and nnd Alierdeen. The crowds wen* mi ill Ihe place* of Witch the part) stopped. A feature noli *able at nil the meeting* of tiie day wa-* the number of flags dis !*•*>■ ed They were small in time, hut they were carried by xlimei every one at each stopping place In the state. Mr Bryan wa* rnet m the depot here by a runnier of fl.imbeau clubs, proba bly comprialng tor or I.l*o torches It waa 9 o clock before Mr Bryan began tty speak and he *|*ok for alstut an hour, lie wanted tha.votra to think for them selves, arid having done that. |hey should meet the issue like men. not nelng bound by the servile following of a party name. He wmt* and not only the electoral th ket alec led. but the slate, Itgu'iMtlve and con gressional ticks s as well. %%M>ite| I'etttn rni Mrtmned. He was eaperiaity anxious, he *ld. tnas Benator Pettigrew *houM In* rettAtied to the Beimte. In (hi* eofineetton lie took strong ground- for the election o# ATnltod Btate* senators by dlrio4 vote of th# pe>- pie and he proinD* and that If elected Presi dent, the next four years should one :fea enactment of a law to that end. In response to an Inqtilry frowi fhe crowd. Mr Bryan said that In dealing with the Phi li| pine quasi lon he would not anliclpata the possibility of a Congress not tn sympathy with himself in case of ; hD election. In that ev-nf he wa* quit a | certain a friendly Cong res* would also ho • elected "At any rate," he said, "I am willing t > t*il you what my policy is. , y* u egy vs much for your PrcaidseWT* 9 Mr Bryan left here to night for N i*-fb Dakota, where he la booked lo make nine speeches to-morrow. Huron. 8 D . Sept. -At Mitchell Mr. Bryan mad* the longest speech of tba •lay. sfeaking f r more than an hour. Tha audience numbered many thoitpand* or persons The meeting was held on vacant ground near the ('urn pila e, an Immena* structure of Indian (urn. In which lha corn bell exposition was held. Mr Bryan also had excellent audiences at Woonaock*! ami Huron streaking at th* former place thirty minutes, and at (he latter almrat an hour. He Answered R neat Inns. The people at Huron seemed disposed to ask quest on*, and Mr. Bryan announc ed that he would r*p!y to any tarson who would give their name* and their politics. He responded to quest!* ns aKm I reme dies for th*- trusts and then someone aak •ll about the Ice trust. To tkls question Mr. Bryan repled; "The lo* trust is a New York and not a national affair, and the New York peo ple can take rare of It. I.ut the Governor' of New York. Inaieitd of correcting iba lae Duel, comes out West lo make apcr.'hes. But I want to go a little furq th* r Every director of the lee trust la a Republican, and yet you people do not evsn attempt to destroy a Republican trust." Bum* one also asked: Why dll Te.ld> get rotten-eggad in Colorado?" • Mr Bryan replied: "Ask those who did It. I might sug ge* lo you that when they threw rotten eggs at tne In Chicago, no Bepuldhwn found fault with It. hut. my friend*, f am going to do better than the Rr|Mn* lb an*. I am going to find fnult with any on* who Interferes with any man who expresses hi* oidnlon on any question In the United Htat**." HIM. VISITS HKAfMgI \HTF.Itg. • ..i ——— * Ills t nwipnlgu lattnerary line Ursa llnp|*e*l ytliil. New York Bept. 2X.-Bengtor Hill made life tire! appearance ntioiit lu-tnocratio stale headquorters this evening since th<* eotiventlon at ttaraiaga. Ha ha*l a *‘Ot- Irran*e with Chairman M*'Gulre. Ch drown Campbell. Mtate *'ommlt(eeman (Tarllslo an*l other*. "I (peak tn Hr*k!yn." he snsl In an swer to questions, "on Monday nigh:, next. On Tuesday I will speak In Rich mond. V#., and on Wednesday in Dan ville, Va on Friday, on my return trip, I will si*ewk nt Newark. N J. The Na tional * ommliiee in Chicago to eparin* my Wtwtern Itinerary, and will .bn|i to me for apitroval Ido not know Just w hit It will be. I have iieest naked to apeak in this, and tnat place to save a congressman, but I have not time.** Ml KINI.F.Y'S I NSKI.FIHNEB*. theme of IkiintT Speech Heforat New lorl* Republicans. I N* w York. Bcpt. a.—Senator llapna. In th* course of an address at the meeting of the Wholesale Dry Good* Republican- Club to-day *aid: "Coining down the Itreet to thM great audience I taw an Inspiration over ■ store' or. u;,ie*J by Tamifkg|y Mall. It read; 'Brlf-preaervatton I* tne of na ture.' To title I*y amen. There could tie nothing truer I bellevd that skin th*' American people are firtty aroused to the sense of the critical condition of tflatr* they never fall to do the rtght thing I am witling to trust to th* Intelligence of not only you business m*n, hut to th* working men to *ll which *id# their In ternet* and t -My frttndi, ! don't think It neceeeary . {Continued on Mvettth Pago.)