The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Image 13

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pakt two. pastoral portraits. tiib HF.W (ANKRA gospel I'BBACHBD nv THE HOI HE TO HOI IK rHOTOUIIAPHEJt. If. Ways Tlim Is no Haft Mkr Horn* for Pasilllsr Family Picture tnU‘-s—Hs W*fs Scarfs. Playa mas. Rcal* Porlry or Inntala , . tor ■ Mis Sympathy DlPtsies In order lo list Ibe Ural Hraalta From Hi. subject*—'Til* Noulk la thr Ke , note of Expression — Women I .ik Brat After Pronouncing thr Word “Violets"—.Mrs Are Impro.- a <1 by Repeating a (ioaorons Lalla I’brass. > * York. Sept. SR.—Tho newest phase r - . rrrlslnir photography Is thn camera „ i who tracks the well-to-do family to . country residence, with a view to i rg what he calls familiar home stial- I ' hem, by the light of anew process, j, a ay* turns up with letters of Intro , M n and recommendation from eml , ,i aders of society, and not a few i r. of royalty who have sat before his camera. He has Ingratiating arguments t the effect that no subject Is at his or yr h ■< In the artlflctal and unaccustom ed environment of a studio. Surroundings j ..ays Influence a sitter's thoughts to In- I advantage or proportionate dlsad according as tha background Is l pathetic or not. !( U pre-eminently an artistic looking w. tlila Raphael of the camera. In i nr contrast to the city photographer, who seldom dresses or shaves up to his 1 ness. Hla enterprising rival usually •* ts a Quartter Latin beard. liair a trifle !., a carclraa and pl.-turesque necktie • and takes every subject with reverent ae i. ness. He hnMly decries the crude lent*, tame painted scenery and stagy ( ritura of the conventional studio, and ' ne cases out of ten this reasoning , right down with the country house r- lent, who is further amused and In • ed hv the Infinite pains the picture r r Is at, and the elaborate schemes he r ve* to achieve a unique result. The Psychic Movement. The home studio aril-t usuallv spenls f . ■ with his subjects, studying their • res and varying moods, the house ■ mi, nnd discussing groups and sln i ->..rlralta. v n ihe camera appears on the scene. I the new theory of Inviting . xpres ( I as It Is called, Is brought Into ae t -mpicyment. It la a theory nf Irsfl-s --i i j agreeable emotions by pleasant is. odors, color schemes, etc. When i mtographer has ordered a youthful I . Into her pose, he subtly places a 1 i of pale pink roses In her view or or ders a servant to wave a baby blue llb carf In her range of vision. Prompt r she responds to a pleasurable sens.i --• evoked by the sight of the tender < r and a superlatively charming llke i i* obtained. ■e. \ err. It Is not always the baby I e .rf or the pink roses that produce •> .1 glibly termed the psychic moment, t .1 ” icnt temtieram* nts are differently , ■ i ami the man tiehlnd the lense lias . -s methods at his command for • i.g your temperament.” One sub i will only respond to tnueic, and men. i,|. are susceptible to Its charms; . • r one arouses to certain lines of | i v a hen read aloud, while nervous i -n an never be photographed on a wday. The Vlaale Word. \S h n It Is settled beyond argument that • • l idor or movement vibrates most I niomously with your spiritual make ii > her a plate of doughnuts, a sheaf . in- the moonlight sonata or “Hello M ii„|,y.” it then Iwcomrs neceaaary. ae . r g to this new gospel of the came n give the word that casta the lips i .1 t dr most natural pose. ur artist photographer the mouth 1 tiling, thr kfyootr he calif It.uni i • ii -ilnet of every subjet. directly on I rig a |Hwe, Is to drag, twist, or stlfTen < lips Into a hard, affected or simpering 1 To overcome this defect a whole , • of single word* and sentences has 1 mpiled, and the sitter Is enmmand •i • speak a piiee at signal and then, - i.e niial word or letter slips from the I Hie muscle* of the mouth assume I rejHse. the line of the lips that curve • i rauty, which softens and naturalises t whole face Mo to speak. With women the word "violets'' spoken I • g.title tope will, as a mle. lend the I dli Its happiest arrang-ment. while •• h liberate and clear dcclamatloti of the •'ii. motto on tha coins of the United i • casta bearded llpti Into a sort of t i atul heroic mould befitting the ms -■ .n nature. These, however, are but 1 ' - vample* of the words and phrases ' i . minonly used In the new science • an of photography. Whether or not i any valu* In method, it I** Inconlrovertabie that the picture* t by the. exponents of these novel • an ure delightfully successful. The I*hotowrn plier'a Harvest, tint of families have come hack from ' r outings of last summer wlih outdoor hat are more properly called pastoral ■ rails of the Brown ups and young f ire worth the effort and good price tided on them. The consequence has > • distinctly detrimental to the city I ".crapher. for the man with u studio . p up expects tilwnys at this season he year, when wanderers are lo town, a rush of custom and one I -Mon able picture taker talked bltterb *■- n -1 his Itinerant fellow artist. b has cut under us terribly,” said a • pried photographer, "because he has \... n-es of a studio and he asks as ' t for hla plates as we do. At this sea • w u-uaily are huay with the children •ml parents, who want a likeness of oys and girls In all the robust beau -nltlng from ibe country life and sun- There are hundreds, too, who have a raft of new friend during the '• lys and hove promised their likeness hip! left, and you would be surprls know whet a boom the summer crop r-igemems are to us. The majority rs have their likenesses taken epe for one another, or they pose to and order the plate broken, ami b these pleasant elements that give tdness Its autumn activity. ' year we have had one sitter where ir we had five, for the rich harvest ily groups and fat babies, ami fond has been neatly reaped by ths men ike the house to house rourds In mry and promulgate the new doc "lat there Is no plare like home for your picture taken.” Fanny Enders. ''•rsvheard Is a family medlclnt with •4 a prominent b nines, man r*a ' > My wifa cases It, aad 1 Bodes • i* enjoying bsHer health than for Tha childrao keep well by taking 'irtvb-ard may be obtained at all drug *' : o or w Mta tmus for It. H*paa Drug to -. wd* prop*., Savannah, Ida. M>X Jsabannah illornimj -X'cttis. WUN’T LAST LONG. sfflh GSgr* rf IRISH POINT PURE LINEN f | // si Bureau Scarfs and Shams, beautifully ap hemstitched and p' iqued and embroidered tand worth 50c eac h* A each. BLROUGMIOM fir BULL ffifc OUR FALL OPENING Demonstrated beyond a doubt the superiority of this store, and established beyond all question that ADLEK’S is the fashionable store for all kinds of wearing apparel for Men, Women and Children. Beautiful MILLINEKY, GOWNS, SUITS, CAPES, .JACKETS, WAISTS, CLOTHING, HATS, SILKS, DKESS GOODS, Laces, Passementrics, Trimmings, Gloves and Furnishing Goods exhibited at the opening, will he placed on sale at prices that will forcibly demonstrate that we have no competition in values. Exclusive individual garments and rare novelties that cannot he duplicated elsewhere will he marked at prices that will find ready buyers. Our Fall Millinery Is a revelation of pleasing styles and charming effects. It has been pro nounced by ladies who attended the initial display as the most perfect Mil linery exhibit ever seen in Savannah. There is a touch of elegance about it that appeals to every woman of taste and refinement. Dainty, bewitching styles that were selected in person by our buyers from Vierot, Marecot Soeurs, Caroline Reboux and Loys Soeurs in a great variety of shapes and effects, are here, and only here, for your inspec tion and choice. wru.4 Floor. • Elevator Service. Newest Things in Dress Goods and Silks. Wonderful assortment of Black and Colored Dress Goods and Silks in an immense variety of weaves and patterns, in numberless colors and effects, a showing not equalled by any other house, and the price remark ably small, considering the extreme excellence and desir ability of the fabrics. SILKS. Black Silk Taffeta*, Art" weava, 1 lnctiea, 49c. Black Bilk Taffeta, heavy weight, re duced, 69c. I,volts' Black Taffeta,*, (wear guaran tecil). Beguiar 11. quality; Monday, SJ.OO. Black Peau Da Sole. ReveralM*. all pure silk. Heavy weight; apeclal at Sf.OO. Pllg Taffetii.. ft rich heavy lustrous high grad*' quality; In exclusive wait; patterns; street and evening .hades, $1.25. Art Department. All different styles of Battenberg pot terns Entire wbls* and sleeves to match, tlo ends, center pieces, yoke*, etc. Puchisw braid In white, creom on 1 black nI so thr.o.t nnd buttons to match- A pretty line of Mexican drawn work, piece* from 30c to 118.00. Zephyrs In all colors, Sc Up. All new shades In Shetland floss, lie bank. Stlkalln* in all color*. 7‘sc y*rd. Bed embroidery cotton, fo* color, lo sketti. Stamped pillow shtuna. SSc pair. Battenherg BrwM In linen. lc Virt- Irish point scarfs and aqimres. 3W- piece. Colton ball fringe, all colors. Sc yard. Satisfactory School Shoes. Children * Pat and Kid Tip Button and guaranteed *>d *U- sue*. UW >2. Bo >‘ Bch#o ' Shoes. 11 to PA. H-W M n', Vlci Kid. Tan and Black, hanfl welts. Dec. 3. and Ml* price. $1.98. SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER flO, 1000. Colored Dress Goods. English Home Hputi Cheviot*. very su perior grade tn mixtures of color*; a very popular fabric with *pl*nd!d wearing qual ities. and a great value. EOc. Frwtch Koute Cloth, anew weave, medi um weight; It* (Ireen. Castor. Porce lain Hlu* Claret, t'ambrldge Urey and Marine Blue. 4 inches wide, JI.W. All Wool Oolf Cloth*; the real ralny day skirt fabric; all widths, |t 2., to |> Black Storm Serge, 38 Incliiw, 25c. Imported Black Serge*. h> new weave*: Vicuna. Diagonal, Soriana, Imperial. *tc. Reduced to 7ic. Black Crepon*. with ft heavy blister weave, and a rich glossy finish; worth from *2.00 lo *2.50; sell for *1.25. New Fall Hosiery. I.lsle Thread and Kina Colton loidie*' Hose, solid Mai'k. tan*, stripes, figure* and fancy colored, plain and Richelieu rib bed. full regular made, double soles, toea and beets, extra high spliced, worth 35e. all shies, at 25c. Children's Fast Bla. k fine rib school Hose, high spliced h"cla and toes, and double-knee, sues 5,0 4. Hpeclal prlc*. \2'Ac pair. Boy'a Black Bibbed Hose, warranted fast and stainless, extra heavy lor school wear; special. J9c pair. Children's Fins Bibbed Black Hose. Spliced heels and toes. JOc patr. Adler’s Bunker Hill School Shoes. NONE BETTER. Children s lse*. $ to I *1 Children's sites. *H to U H *2 Misses' sue*. *> * 1 10 jAttla Gents site*. * to l* l * 1 10 Touth*' Heel. ***** U to 1 80/* - Heal, sua* fitUiW *'*' School Books ANI) School Supplies AT CUT PRICES-Second Floor. First (trade Grammar Hehnul. Barnes First Reader (Oct.) l*c Cyr'a First Reader, new edition (March) Mo Second Grade Grammar School, Barnes' Second Reader (Oct.) J3c ■tlcknoy's Be.-ond Header, new edition (March) 30c Merrill's Interim'Hot* Copy llnok A, double-ruled (Oet.) *c Merrlll's intermetll.its copy Book No. I. double-rule.l (Keb.) Ic Third tirade Grammar School. Barnes' Third Reader (Oet.) 47e Holmes' Third Reader (March) 37c Reed's Word Lessons 23c Montetth’s First Lessons tn Geogra phy 1 23c S.dlter's Geography No. 1 Me Ni holsona Intermediate Arithme tic 13c Fourth Grade Grammar School. Barnes' Fourth Reader IKI- Reed's Word lessons Me Frye's Klements of Urography Sic Robinson’s New Practical Arith metic *lc Thompson's Mental Arithmetic 23e Lyte's Elementary English Me Fifth Grade Grammar School. Barnes' Fifth Reader lie Beet's Word Lesson* 23c Lyte's Elementary English 23e Frye's Klements of Geography *l>* Chamliers' Hchool History of United Slate* 65e Bu*ller's Primary History of United Rtatea 23c R-shtnson'a New Practical Arlth met b- fle ThMn|on's Intellectual Arithmetic... 33c SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Book Bag" *c. 150 25c Hook Straps. <c l°c Children's School Companion Sue Pencil Boxes, lfle. 150 2Se lYnet! Sh.-irpener*. I*'. Sc 10c Ink and Pencil Kraners. lc. 5c 10r. Lead Pen. 11s. tc. 3o 3o Our Busy Basement. tThis week we offer you, for one thousand Lamps. Decorated Table Lamp, with 8-inch shade and large burner, worth 81.25, go at 79c. A beautiful Decorated Banquet Lamp, com plete, with 9-mch globe and large burner, worth 81.75, go at 98c* At $4.98, we offer you something Extraordi nary Fine in Banquet Lamps, see them and 11 you will buy. Fancy shape Hall Lamps, complete with ipySa burner and chimney, worth $1.25, at 79c# In Onyx Top Brass Tables, we have a chance f IT.' for you that may not come again this season. \\J / We are offering a table, like cut, with a large /D V Onyx Top, for $3.60 J thy are worth Y $5.00. The Chafing Dish. The true symbol 4 ‘ s^ r — of good fellowship. See our line you buy. We arc offering a nice one for T $3.75, ,at * s worttl 85.00. FIVE O’CLOCK TEA KETTLES. ALL BRASS, WORTH $1.25, GO at 59C. f COMPLETE. ■ BASKETS ! We have something surpris. IMlv cheap, in silk lined warn, lor this week only '* . We offer one that is worth 50c. Comes in three styles, at 25c. [ For Monday ONLY, 10 to 11, SELEXO <Uth ((rail* Grammar ftrhool. Barnes' Fifth Reader (Oct.) Mr Rrad's Word Lseson “I* - Lyle's Elements of Grammar and (YmiftosMlon *7 r Frye's Completa Geography. iww e*llllon 11* Robinson'* New Practlesl Arltb metld *''■ M* rrlll’s Copy Book No. 5 (Get.) 7*' Merrill’s C*>py Hook N**. 5 (Feb.) '*’ Reel s )\ onl la-ssons 23e I'. 8 History, "Our Country.” pew edition Mr Sa.tller's Studies In United States History Me Lyte's Elements of Grammar and Composition Uc Robinsons New Practical Arith metic r Frye's Complete Geography, new edition 1 ’•* Merrill's Buelnee* Forms No. 1 (Oct.) 7c Merrill's Rust nee* Forms No. 2 (Feb) *1 lilt.ll M HOWL. Collar * Danlell'a First Book Mr Allen A Greenough's laiDn Gram mar Shorter course ' Allen * Greenough's New Ceesar I 17 Greenough's New Virgil 1 39 Allen A Greenough's New Cicero.... IS3 Goodwin's Greek 1 ** lA'ighton's Greek Lessons I 15 Goodwin's New Atmbaels 1 ** Hart's Rhetoric, new edition *7*: Ss in*-ford's English Literature k'***- Sainton's Outlines of History 1 37 Henderson'* Test Speller 170 Maury'* Physical Geography (Jan )...I 13 Lincoln's Physiology (Oct.) T3 Avery’s Elementary Physic* (May).., **<• Sleek*’* Chemistry (May) Mo Steele's Astronomy (Feb.) Me. Wentworth'* New School Algebra 1 '*> Wentworth'* Plana Geometry, re vised 700 Pen Wlp*' r * * School Compaa*. se. 23c 2->c Ruler*, lc. 3c **' Sponges * c Pen Holders, Ic. H*ats Pencils, soapstone. * for I*' teiskr 81 Me Pencil*. |“-r dogen I"'' Slate Pencil*, per Compare Before You Boy Furniture. You will pay as much for common or ordinary styles or designs in Furniture as the pick of the latest New York creations with us. We make a special effort to give you the very latest the market affords at a price unexcelled by any. Complete Dining Room Suit, 6 chairs, 1 china ffj QO case, 1 sideboard. 1 extension table OJUiOO This Chair in Rich Golden Thls tslra Ur * e * *%?s&** ll jj Oak, Cam Seat. Carved j )lk S |p EBOARD| RfflSv Jack, Fancy Trimmed silver Drawer JSgR) H-H Spindles, worth, $1.50; phsh lined, lar<e(feggjjaL Nrltw, , French Bevel Mir- TP? nii: iif 98c. ror, polished, and *• r* . J rl^aW tui „ , r large naked lop. KSPiflMl Tils Hoc Indian hoc, aga* jjj ; m,, HEBI3SB colored reed Clolhes far**& ai* oa. Hamper, with cover, lull M/r worth $1.98. w TWjnr Tl,is Cllina Case ' - ronnl glass ends, line g p |i v U w adjustable shelves; This new shaped table has lo he seen ■■ H worth $13.50; this to be appreciated. Has the new water are* sale, rubbed linisb, polish top, rich golden i oak color, worth $2 ,00; this sale, < |I Id.DU. $6.98. corners and fantastic dens, niki iMnV wor th sls; this sale. 9.50. l adies’ Wearing Apparel. Our dress show In Ihe new department, second floor. Bull street able. I* now at Its lie*!. All tha new styles, modirn fabrics, < .during* and effects are here. A few week* later many of the last line# will be gone. I'nle.w the weather moves most unfavorable this will be the best week for Sulla. Capes. Jackets. Skirts and Waists that our second floor has ever had. 1 | )ilf 1 oldies’ Black snd Navy Blouse and short coat suit. Pebble Cheviot, new low French effect In both blouse and skirt, coat silk lined ..Idi $13.50. Ladles' Black and Navy suit, all wool S.rge, new lined coat ami flam skirt Pedestrienne Skirts. We have been told that our assortment Is tetter than can be found anywhere else In town We would like you to com# and Judge. Gray Oxford Skirts, all handsomely stltehed, * . _ $4.00. Excellent values In all Blue. Black and Brown Skirt*, all well tailored and stitched, $5.00. New Walking Skirts In flare styles. In Black and Irark Oxfords, at sfo, $f 2 and sls. Taffeta Waist. Hla< k lined throughout, and cord and. shaped > 'liar, $1.98. ladles' Twill s-tge Klaiwtel Waists, handsomely tucked front sh iped collar, $1.75. Children'e Cashmere S hoot Dresses. In Green. Brown and Navy. Eton effect, trimmed with a Fancy Braid, lined throughout, $3.50. Children's Plsld School Dresses, fancy raver* of solid color, lined throughout, $1.50. Children'* White I-awn School Apron*, embroidery trimmed, 35c. PAGES IB TO 24. Gloves for Karly Fall. To-morrow and ail thl* week a *r>octal showing of our new • Tampa" Kl<t Glove. In all the new ami captivating shad#*—all Bisea, two-4 lo*p, over ream and pinna erwn and iwo-daap overwam Buede Ulove* Assuredly lha beet IVollar Glove on ilm market Every pair warranted and fitted. Price, SI.OO. SPECIAL. 4 0 pair* Kid Glove* left of that woo drrful seven ty-flve-eent Glove aala. all leading ehad'e. such a* Tana, Mode*, llmwn* Navy*. Illark and White, all sices. There will be no more after they are gone. They v 111 go rapidly Monday at 75c. DOMESTICS. I M Direct from the mill*. (Ivin* every ad vantage which mean* a saving lo you. Past Color Dree# Print*, So quality, Ilia Apron mnghain*. So noallly, S*<\ HI in peon Hun*' treat print*. velue, So Navy Ir.un and garnet Ik-Inch iwrcalee, S'*<- value. Sc, New Blur* and Garnet Print*. In 10-yard pattern*. Mo. Yard wide Fruit of !em shirting bjr the I writ or per yard, sold everywhere at lth\ 7\r. 2't yard wide Pepperel Pleached Shirt ing. .*- value, O'/tC 42-lnch IVpperell Bleached Pillow Cas ing, 12Hc value. Sc. Ilaby Outing*. laced on both tides, IJHd value. IV*c. Printed KUnnetlelte* In light and dark coloring*. ISc values, lPy. Eiderdown* for cloaking and dressing gown*. 20c quality, 11c. Immenaeasaortment of printed, embroid ered and not Id color French fianneta. Aak to are them. Pine l.lnena at Idttle Price* IS-Inch Bleached Twilled Crah, M V H iUC All-linen Checked Doyllea. SOc value. (So doeen S-S All-lelnen Damask Napkins, *: < value. Tic dosen. &4-lnch Bleached Damask ISc value. Sc. M-Inch Turkey Red Damask. J6c velua cant*. m-lnch al'.-llnen Demeek. TSc value, Ida Bleached Duck Towel*. 4c. Large Hl** Linen Huck Towel, fancy border*. Ur quality. 10c. Alll.inen Huck Towel*, hemstltehed, Sr. value. ISc. TSc quality Crochet Spread* Ska.