The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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MILITARY LAW IN TIEN TSIN. LA*U U ■■VASTATtEO AND 111 IN || SEEN EVERYWHERE. Unitisii* nnd Japanese I'rrdomlaafe. How the Troop* Arr quartered, toirrliana H*f All Behaved Wrll, l>n Native lilldrrn or Uouirn Are Arm—Food of All Kind* I* Scarce—Ttoere I* Apprrbrmlu* of a Famine. Cori'-spondende of the AMocl**d Press Tim T*ln. Aug. 86.—Military law (till prevail* in Tlcn Trtn and th* city ht* *. y*< made no rltorl to recover from the terrible (hock which It experienced. Everywhere I* ruin. Th# land M devas tated, village* wiped out. crop* comman deered or destroyed and the native* either hiding or killed It would lake a wl*e crow to fly down th* valley of the Pel-110 with out carrying It* rations. Nothing la left of tht* once populoua and flourishing re gion save roofleea huts, fallen wall* and "Vastated gardens. No sign of life I* t,. be seen outside the city except th* • -altered outpost*, and within th* walla there Is only aoldlery. Mere th# Russians and Japanese pre dominate. No one know* th* total strength of either force, but they run In to the thousand*. Skirting the river on e t her hank, the Rueelan camps dot the mntry, th* Russian flag flies from the illway station* and Russian troops are onttnually passing the roads, either mov ie towards Pekin or establishing ad vanced outposts There are both Cos sacks and foot soldiers, and all fin* look ing fellow*, making a splendid ahow In their whits blouses and black trousers in ked Into top boots. Next In number are the Japanese, and here again not even a rough estimate can be mail* of their strength. They appear, regiment after regiment, and as fast as one consignment arrive* from Taku, those stationed here are pushed forward. The Ormans ro also active and are not slow In getting them In and to th* front. Meanwhile the American and British force* are quiescent In ramp, and do not seem Inclined to pres* matters now that the legations are Ale. The American force* are camped In the extreme eastern portion of the city, on a flat lying along the south hank of the river ami are. With th* exception of some Russian troops, the only force liv ing under tents The other forces are 'Hiartered In buildings In the foreign con < salon. Col. Mohl, of the Fifteenth ln tantry", la the ranking officer In the ab i-rnre of flen. Chaffee, and his headuuar icr* are in the home of a wealthy China man. who was also an undertaker. The ■sr. one-story structure, full of quaint > ourta and passages, was full of coffin* when the Americans took po-es*ion and in on* courtyard were a number of bodies ■ t wealthy Chinese, Inclosed In hand me lacquered caskets Here also Is (he headquarters of the commissary end ■ t inrtermaater'* officers. On two aides of the building lie the camp of Ihe Amerl m ermy. while the river, yellow and ligglsh. winds along the north of it It not an Ideal camping ground. The tree ■ plain la Inches deep In dust; there - no vestige of shade, and all the water must be carried same distance to the imp. The sun beats down pitilessly, >,en so late In the season as this, and the mosquitoes are a plague. The Marine Corpa ha* fared better. Like •h- Europeans and English troops the a soldiers are quartered tn airy, com <■ r able buildings in Ihe English conces sions. The men occupy several large structures with h‘g court* or compounds. the otfle -r ate quartered In a se ries of private residence* In Victoria Ter ri* The Americans are kept pretty c ova to camp, and there ls very little at t mpt at fiaternixtng wl h the other arm l s In fact, it Is almost preyented entlre- I by the Inability of the vara Us forces to • mmunlcste. riactlcally none of the for eigners know any English, and Ihe battal t n of Welh i'uslllers ate about the • lily comrades the M uecoa;* can And. On the whole, the nations keep pretty well to ihttnselves, noticeably so In the case of tie Russians. wh> ore seldom seen tn mi any with any other nailonallty. The American-, without exception, are behaving splendidly, and their officer* have been much compliment'd on the dls cip me and (tolice of the force. No grave charges have ten brought against them and In the loot they do not s-'cm to have h. en |n th.‘ same class with th.. others. especially the Itus f in*. Many grave stories ere told of the cruelty and ruthh-ssne*** of the tj: sacks during the lighting, but It Is nat "tady Impossible to aubsiantlate them at t .i- late day. An English resident found Cossacks, or oilier Ru.-slans. loot - leg Ida office, lie snatched the shoulder ornament from one of them, refwried to the Russian flagship, and a few days ht *r the unfortunate offend* r was swung from the yardarm. Here tn Tien Tsln an American found a party of Hussion sol- Uiers looting his house, 110 followed them up, and meeting the Itus an i ommander, -fated his grievance. The men were lined up along ihe street and searched and con* luerable silver bcougt t to light. M Ith ■ tit the cumbers 'me formality o.* a court ni it tlal. six of the offenders were placed g ilnet a wall, and shot to death. However, who ever did the looting, did I thoroughly, fer of the many beautiful i lencea In ihe foreign cvnceaaloo. few eaped. while the na’lve city was •'ripped. I hlg shells from the forts swept U w n the Victoria road, flew over the river mid left devastation tn their path. Grim. *1 -elite, blackened wills are all that ls lift of his once beautiful section. They • * li Is Impossible to convey an idea of the um* in ihe native city. The thatched roofs burned ttercely and the mud walls tilvered st the Impact of the shells. Probably no accurate estimate of the 10- • t life in this densely populated section will ever tie made. A curious fact Is that • unlive child or woman Is seldom seen •v. n yet. The Chinese say they were killed, but the resident foreigners believe they are either hidden In the native city or have been sent to the country. of cooley lohor there Is no scarcity. The word has gone forth tht the foreigners will employ them and the supply far ex - eel., the demand. The wages rang- from rnts (Mexican) to 33', cents (Mexican) l-er day, the latter price being paid by the AmerlcanS, who also give each cooley two pound* of rice a day. All ordinary occu b itlona sre suspended, of course, and be nd what the native* derive from their lair for the forces of occupation, they hare no mean* of subsistence. Naturally food of all kinds I* scarce. A l fie produce la finding Its way Into the V, some sheep have arrived and poultry ci he occasionally had, but the fare at t I* hard, and everything Is at war < e prices. The trooi*. however, are Inc w II on camp rations of which the A -er.ear.s have an abundance. A sp.en ’> y slocked commissary dc|iol t being iblt*h*d here under comand of MaJ. 1 rh rinllngher. ehlef commltHwry ofli cr. the river Is lined with lighter- bring '' provisions up from Taku. It Is under "<><l here that the American hasc la • • -•nhllshed for the winter at Tong-Ku. h ha* fairly deep water. MaJ Oalla • ,i r has also establl-hed a sales store, v ‘sre luxuries d.f alt kinds are pur-'hva "Me, including finned frubs. mineral wat ■r armed meals and venerable* and *•>- • •■ CO The Store Hr llherallv patronis'd by 1 *'* oflteer* and men. There Is absolute -1 no suffering among the troop* except Pom the heal, and Ihl* I* now sonie *htt relieved by the cool night*, forces are enjoying exceptionally good Pretty Hands* Hands delicately moulded and daintily white are among the chief of woman'a charms. V. hen such hands arc marred by eruptions, their very beauty draws attention to the repulsive disease. Hu mors which break out on the body he- | — i . gin in the blood. I and salves _#| may cover up a hu- Wm not but they can’t W*- cure il There is a p,_f cure for salt-rheum fc/ jTJ and other eruptive Rjjg and <iiseaaea, causer] by FsSl “ corrupt 'condition E*# HejJ of the blood I>r. F “ ,< ’ rce ’ Golden 1 Medical IJiaroverv cure# these diseases fwgnel M3 manentfy. It came* ~ _ A- y j off the poisons which Jr il cause disease It ® 1 makes the blood jVwjl pure and rich. It P lncrMsr s thr quanti- tv of the blood aup tjCj ply h> increasing the /// /' Jr V' .A action of the mood '// Wr, /9xvJ ma ' tin K If'ands. It 7 f i A makes the akin white f and clear by making the blood pure. "Gollen Medical rhacovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or other intoxicant. •I write to tell yon the beseflt t have received from vrar •' .old--. Medical riHcovery.' alter having •offered for three years with veil rheum. • write* Mm Bertha Peters, of Lain. Monroe Cos Mich -The humor vu on my hand*, and I hsd been treated by oor home phroctan who did not help me After I began the uac of Dr Pierce* Golden Sled teal IHacoeery I took eeven teat lea and can now aay with pleasure that 1 am cured Nobody know* the Intense pain t have suffered ! could not sleep at night, the slinging, burning, and itching sensation would fa* an bad, sometimes I could hardly bear it. 1 thank yon for your kind advice - Dr. Iherce'a rieaaant Pellets assist the action of the " Discovery ” when there is coostipatiou. health, eh* hospital* are not overcrowed, end with systematic communication with Taku an<l Tong Ku. and rorsiintly arriv ing supplies, the physical situation at Tten Tsln Is excellent. Strenuous efforts here been made lo put *h city In a sanitary .onrllllon. mid they have partially succeeded. However. It is more than the work of a month to undo Ihe work of ikiv*. l-lme by ihe inn Is being used In courts, alley* and gueier*. oral Ihe surfs, e drain* which line the * urhs nr* kept cleaned out and free. Nevertheless. European residents agree •hat the nearness of frost Is * thing to he thankful for. Huge sea- kn of rotting rice and tons of burned and decomposing sugar All the region of Ihe river front with an unhealthy ond terrible stench, while the ruins of the Chinese city are almrat lmpa-sahl* because of vile odors in the heat of the dev. A Chinese pro visional government ho* been **nh!lshed over the native city, administered by American* and Europeans. A |iollce force, native and foreign, ts In woiklng order, aid system I* being gradually evolved out of fhe chaos. The foreign city ls efllrlrnfly policed by troops, and perfect order Is maintained. At every corner 1* a sentry, while guards and pa. irols are constantly nfoo* night and day. The foreign resclenle are gradually re turning to And their homes either destroy ed or occupied by thq allied force*, and It Is expected that on attempt soon will he made *o fix compensation for occupa tion. and use of such property. The resi dents accept ihe situation philosophically, and there Is apparently no conflict with th* military authorities. That It will be many months before the rehabilitation of Tien Tsln lt< begun. Is a certainty. That It will ever be restored to Its once lieaiittful proportion#. I* douleful. The slow work of years was destroyed In a week Reau'lful villas, superb residence*, once handsome ground are hut wreck ond ruin, and the hot hreaih of war has blasted the I’le-Ho val ley from I’ekln lo the Gulf or Take. Tien Tsln. China. Aug. 81.—General ap prehension si* felt here of a famine when Ihe cold weather sets In Foreign , resident* of Tien Tain do not herliste to predict terrible suffering among the na tives and military men who leave linked into conditions In the I’el-Ho valley are Inclined to believe that the fear of a fa mine Is well founded. Already there Is considerable suffering, although fresh pro duce is i-omtng In slowly, and whal the result will 1* when frost puls an end to vegetation Is not difficult lo foroee. Rice, the great staple of t'hlna Is no longer In the market this far north. Every eick of the while grain has been commandeer ed or purchased by the allies, and the na tives. thus unable to buy It. must ile|ien.| on the charity of the force* The supply on hand Is none too plentiful. It Is pr.ic tlcally lm|K>**ll)le to even roughly esti mate the quantity hut It Is stated to tu> considerably lose than normal. I .ua ly at this season the river Is crowded with vessels bringing Ihe winter’* supply of rice from the South, but now every avail able craft la In the service of the fori***, transporting supplies and materials, con sequently there Is little chance that any ■ onslderable quantity of rice 'n arrive between now and the freexlng of the river. The situation Is concled to Is* very crit ical. and the outlook Is for gr*at loss of life. At best, the mfltary authorities, even with a systematic dlstrlbullon of food and acting In concert, could relieve only a tithe of the people, and no such ar rangement or agreement ts prohatde. At best transportation In the winter Is a dif ficult matter, and every resource* will be taxed to provide for the big armv whl h will he scattered from the coast at T ikn up to I’ekln Th* army must lie fed. and fed il will Is while the natives will starve. Every nntlon la rushing In sup plies. there Is not an available boat hut is pressed Into service, ami even now the lack of bottom- Is a serious one. By Dec. I the I’el-110 river will be frozen as we,l as ihe Gulf of Taku. on w hich Ice forne. fer ten or rwelve miles out. and superhuman efforis are l>ii>g made to take advantage of th* remaining week i of autumn. There has already been some Informal dis cussion as to the means of keeping com munication by water o|x n after In- forms, with the result that there Is a tentative understanding that the Russian force will bring in l~ ** J h * h ,”* v> , prevent any great thickness of Ice In th *:„|r. and it Is believed that with a suit „n|t. vessel a channel can be easily kept clear to Tong-Ku, Hi* railway terminal. The river Is a most serious matter and I, | no: likely that any attempt will e free. In this way -he rail _,v will lx* laxe.l to ll* utm.r.t capacity. All Ihe governments are employing na- freely, hut the supply Is . far in excess of the .ternHnds that the per cenfaV W '“ ,hl *' T tn ' v.d to live through the winter la 4- ?rimlv amall. The belief Is *>.•,•! that starvation cannot be avoided at this late and even the most conservative for residents all conversant with <on- Itnion- admit that the coming winter will £7terrlble one In the Tlcn Tdn coon try. m t _ i „okk* t oil w To Fine I- Tbl* Country. Drxlngton. Ky.. *- T “ r^ jTsoll to A P- Ileimee. Hoboken. N J two fine horse* fox the person.l use Of' Count von WskVrsee eommanier-ln rhlef of the German forrio In They were Ch*?*yrka by rhesterdsr*. and Eureka, and Craoeeua. out of th* dam of IB* celebrated On Tim*. They will be shipped next Monday o Bun Fraoctaco, thence to Hun# Koag THE MORNING NEWS: SI N DAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1900. HANNA TO THE TRAVELERS. (Continued from Firat Page ) tha club, read the following latter from president McKinley: "My Dear Hlr: I have received your I*- idr of the 21st lent., telling of the work tn which you ere engaged and send cor dial greetinga to you and th# members of yur club. "Plea*- accept my thank* for your kindly expressions of good will which ore much appreciated Sincerely yours. William McKinley ” Senator Hanna's speech consumed twen ty minutes. In the ourwe of his remark*. Mr. Hanna said: "This tr Ihe business men’s campaign It 1s for >oir Interest, for th* Interest of th* t'nlted mates, to try and make a su- esa of the present fight. Every In telligent man knows on which side his bread Is butter*-!, "During th# last eight years wa have hod the iesi opporranttles to decide upon thee* et-nnofmc questions From 11*2 to Utsa the Iremncrattr party was In power, and wo saw tires go out In tns factories, w-e mw i lie men In ihs street* and wa know what that It ’ Since ( hi- admlnlsfration ha* been tn chnrge of the government It haa been one steady march of prosperity. It ha* placed u in rhe front rank of naltana. Thera Is r> limit to the development of our coun try, and the txvilcv of the present admin lat rollon is the best guarantee of tbts development. "Rrush aside all the collateral Issue# meant to deceive you and make you for get hut the one Issue Is proapertty, and the one fact that you fight for. your home, for bread and butter, for your chil dren. and for condition* that shall mean ro more soup houses All men are equally workers Without 00-oneratlon between Ihe, workers with the hand and the work er- with the brain, success Is Imnossthia. \\ hen Hryan. or any other demagogue tries to Introduce that pernicious doctrine of elass. he Is n enemy to mankind end an en*-mv tn the country No such thing a* cla-s can exist under the Republic of the I'nited Slates. Every man can achieve all he Is ntt*d for "Most of the great enterprise* of the country to-day are managed by men who started at the forge or In the shop and rose by their own Industry and applica tion Any man who seek- to divide the intei-sta of capital ond the workingman which are Identical, Is asserting • doc trine that makes agalrst his country. "The Issue of thle fight Is more Import ant than It was tn I*9;, because we have found w* were right then and have risen In the scale of our own estimation and In the eyas of ihe world and In huslnees con fidence. If we fall, we have farther to fall.” HOOIEITI.T IN K ANNAN CITY. An Elfert to Interrnpl Him—rie Talk, of the lee Tenet. Kanxos City. Mo . Repf -* —lmmediately upon his arrival here ihl* evening. Gov Rooeve!t na* e.roned to Shannon Park, in Armmirdale. Kansas City, Kan., whera an Immeme open air meeting was held. On being Inlrodueerl to Ihe v?t nfeem hly an organised effort was made by a largo numlier oi men and hoye on the edge of the crowd lo prevent hi* making * •perch. Crlex and Interruptions were fre quent during the flret few moments. Karh interruption wa. followed with hard hits from the speaker until quiet was restored and the gi eater part of the apeach was listened to in silence. On th* concluxion of his address here Oov Roosevelt war driven to Convention Hall. The vast auditorium was filled, the Immense galleries had not a vacant seat and ix, standing room anywhere. Th* sealing capacity of this hall ts said to he 22.0 0 Although they had been waiting from 7 o'clock until 10:10. their enthu siasm was undlminl.-h.-d, and their i>a tlence unexhausted. When Uov. Roosevelt mounted the platform rhe audience broke Into waves of applause lasting for at least twenty minutes. Order t>ctng at last restored the Governor proceeded. Gov. devoted considerable attention lo the ice trust, saying "Mr. VanWyck was by Mr f'roker put on tit.- committee on rraoiullons at Kan sas city, which drew V,p the KkiaMs City pisiform and the plank agnlnet trusts wa* partly ilissn iq, by Mi VanWyck. who at that tine- had In hts porserslon the lee trust stock. This plank was ul-a ttacked hy Rcnator Jones, tlx- chairman of the National IVmocratlc Commutes, one of Ihe chief beneficiaries of the tulle trust In hie siate. The Democratic convention tht haa Just been held in New York condemned the ice trust and at the very 11 m- all of the leaders nol only had stock In It. but th< Ir lawyer* were flghilng at every step the Repun llcal attorney general's efforts to dissolve this trust. The '-ourts have not derid'd the question yet ami we do not know whether that trust can be dissolved. "As things are now. only the elate* can deal effectively with corporation* That Iwlngs up great dlfftcultlew owing to tlie lnter-lraflt'' ix-tween stales. We have got io have a constitutional amendmnt to give the national government proper power." WEALTHY FARMER RtNCMD. lint,lied of NS.tMM* by aa Allesed Banker and Hla rale. Coldwater. Mich.. Sept. S.-WIIIIam E. Nlvlson, a wealthy farmer llvlog five mile* from Ooldwater, was buncoed, as saulted and robbed of *5.000 yesterday aft ernoon. three miles from here on on* of Ihe most public roads leading to Cold water. Nlvlson says a well dressed stranger giving his name aa Oosmer, a banker a4 Janesville, came to hla house this morn ing and offered to buy It provided he could get an adjoining farm. Nivlslon drove to Coldwater with the man. drew *5.iW from the savings hank and started back to buy the adjoining farm. The couple were, met on the road by a third man Who. akled by he alleged banker knocked Nlvlaton senseless and robed him of the *S.(W. Officer* are In pursuit of the tht'vea. HKt KIYI D l> BlltMlYt.ll AM- Members of the t anal t ommlsalon Visit Alabama. Birmingham. Ala.. Bepl -Former Senator I’ssco and Prof Emory Johnston members of the sub-committee of the Isthmian Canal Commisalon. who arrived In Birmingham last night, were met tht* morning by a number of yepneoentatlve busnees men at the rooms of th# Com mercial Club and after an Informal meet- Ing, at win h the object of their visit wae discussed they were taken In charge and escorted over th* district on a special "rhe principal Industries of fhe district were viriied. including the many Indus trial and manufacturing plants. ITT the arnscH short. Athletes Ihsl tiff • Demoeratlc Or ator In fit. Loots. Bt. Louis Bepi 29 - David Overmeyer. a Democratic orator of Kansas, attempted io make a speech at th# CoUaeum last night under the auspices of the Working men’s Bryan Club, but met with po>r auc eess The buLding ta given up nightly to athletic sport* in connection with the St Louis annual exhibition and Mr. Over rnever’a time having expired, the athletes present, end portion of the audience eg- “77” For Fill COLDS A Cold taken tn lha Fall of th* year Is a dangerous Cold; It may "hang on" ail Winter long. Yet II # an easy OoM to get rid of before the had weather sets In and tha Cold settles Into Grip Dr Humphreys' Famous Hpaelfle, *"TT." restore* the cheeked circulation Indicat ed by a chill or shiver, the first sign of taking Cold, starts tha blood coursing through the veins, and "breaks up" the Cold. ’ Peventy-seven" consists of a smalt vial of pleasant podeta, fits tha vast pocket. At druggtets. 2&r I factor book mailed free. Humphrey*’ Hemeopatbtn Medic toe Cos. corner William and John streets. New York. ■fj Hnr Rtlease-Nareal. S3. Pari*. postulated against th# orator continuing further Mr. Overmayer refused to curtail his address, but w as finally compelled to, owing to the slhletlo programme being continued. • HOMED SPLENDID RRMI/n. Torpedo Real Stockton Will Make the Required Speed. Washington. Sep*. 79 - Representative* of th* Trigg Shipbuilding I'ompany of Richmond. V#., were at th* Navy Depart ment to-day and state.! that at a private trial spin of the torpedo boat Stockton, how: m course of building by them, she had shown splendid results. Insuring th* • nrcnty-stx-knot requirements of th* con tracts. This was whits she was over loaded and deep In the water, so that when tn good trim even betscr remits may be expected. Rhe will be docked at Norfolk ami hev* her bottom polished preparatory to her trial trip about a week bene*. NHCTIMiI IN NEW YORK STATE. Ilryan Will Speak One Hoar at Sar atoga an Oct. la. New York. Sept. 29 —Chairman Mc- Guire. of the Slate Democratic Commit tee. *ld to-day tint: Mr Bryan will apeak one hour at the onrrvcntlon hall in Sara toga Oct. 1 Ixivtd It Hill *lll preside ! Mr Hill will also preside at tn* meeting j in Albany, Oet. 17. at which Bryan will i speak tlcn. Patrick A Collins, of Ho*, ton. and John Unerty of Chicago, are to apeak through the stats from Oct. 12 to jilrt. 8h So far I*' meetings have been arranged for. HANNA fiOKg TO CI.RVKt.kNn. Think* tlrpabllean Outlook In New York la Height. New York, Sept. 89 s*iia!or Hanna left for Cleveland thin afternoon, where ; hi* family ts. Ho w(JI leave for Chicago early In the tveek It Is wald he will not return to New Y’ork until the last week In October The Serin 'or will nceompany ' Senator Fry# on a tour of South Dakota Speaking of the sHuatkm In thla state, | lie said: "It is a good deal better than whtei I arrived here early this week, and It looks aa If It were getting better '• YVANTN A SIX MONTHS I.KAVK. tfobaoa Finds 14 Xreeaeary to Give Ifla Eyes a Heat. Washington, Sept. 29 —l.leiit Hobson has applied to the Navy Department for six months' leave of absence because of iroubls which ha* developed with hi* I eyes. Ho has experienced considerable pain with ht* eye* of late, particularly when exposed to strong light, and It to understood that a apeclallat has recom i mended that the organs be given a com plete rest for six months. Vtnor> r It'a \V*-*t 4 4r* Inin OntM. N#w York. B*pi. 29.—Arranir*ni**n4* for Gov. Iloo**velt‘fi lour through W##t Vlr- Kinla wrr* p#rf#o|#i| to-d.iy #t thr Repub lican national headquarter# Hy’the Itln rrary hr mill rra'h Wheeling the morn- Inr of Ort. 27 and ito thence lo Parkrr#- imrir. Or*. 2* hr wilt rearh Huntington hy the Ohio River Railroad, apeaklng at fharl*#ton. Hunt ins ton and Intervening point*, and #rrtv!nir at Baltimore, Oct. 21. ADREftTISD Foil TMF.FT. % Warn 4 oii|il* 44 n* Vlimnlng * Frnrr In (aalveaton, Galvrxton. Brpt. 29 -Mr. nnd Mr#. Ou# Stone of Waco, were arrested here t'Miny. charged with theft. They mere taken from n houar filled with a oiin-rllaneoua collection of valuable#, and orna mental. chinnware, alfverware and nh**- mnre of every decrlpUon. taken from mreck#**! ho u#ea, and found iimonif the dehrl*. Twelve *a*r# of allverware. chl naware and were found ready for fhlpment. The bou#e occupied by the our We wa* vacant at the time of the atorm A hoc re nnd m neon wa* i>*er| to haul ihe goo*l# to the hou#e. NRKIVF.R 1014 A H44K. f’aahler la dltcnrd to Have 4||aap proprla••*! Fiikilb. Oharlenton. W. Va., Kept. 2< _a re ceiver be* been appointed for the Mont gomery Banking and Trurt <’omp.ny of Montgomery. W Va.. on the application of rrwtdent <*hamie. an*l Vice President Him# e. who allege the ra*hler mlr*l fund*, making thr bank In eolvent. LialuiMiea are #tiitei to be !>.- gaaet*. llu.nOM, of which only cash. Mi##lng note# nnd securities hmount to R.'.OU), It I# alleged. Hela Talk** to aoclallla. Chicago, B-pl. 29 The* mt'onal cam paign of the Ho< lalDt I>erm>cratlc party wa* launched to-night at t'entrai Mu*lc Hall. FxUgene V*. l>rb#, candidate of the party for the presidency of the United Htate*. addresard a large audience with in the hall, and other speaker# held the overflow by speaking through the down town streeia. Mr. Deb# delivered a care fully prepared gpatch. *Ha wa# received with enthu*ia#m hy hi# hearers. ftlnlrrfniunirnt nt ll< niirorl. Beaufort, H grpt. 29 - The ladle* parponaace Aid Ko’lfty of the lleiufort fta|G*t t’hurch gave an entertainment a; ihe arsenal la#( night The dliitrirt school of a century ago wa# admirably repro duced on thr #tage. the Rev. O. f\ Bun* dick pre#ide| a# school inanter. and re ceived a visit from the trustees who were cl*d In the conventional garb of that peeled. The acting was excellent. 4o Notice of 4 ait 44 yck’# Answer. New York. Sep* 29—00 v. Roosevelt’s secretary. W. J Young#, who wa# in the ••My to-night, said that he had received no nortec of the receipt of the answer of Mayor Van Lyck In the Ice case. He did not know whether the Attorney General had or not The time of the eecond exten sion granted was up to-night. CA*JCAT ATIII.KTH ‘ H M ORIMI. 004 Work of roll tWtlos of Wew York Atklrtlo (lob. Tork Srpt. 21 Tho annual fall ****** ot thr Now York Athlatlr Club wrrr held to-diy at tha club’s rummer homo, Tmvera Ul*nd, on the round. In the prerenco of about 7,nn> people. The went her war raw and unruMable to clever performances on mrk rnd hold. Notwithstanding this, two world’* rec ord* were broken. Tha f\r*t of them will be tan* remembeard In the athletic his tory. It war fhe 4d-yard run liandUap. In which Mu swell W. l-onn of ColurnMn I’nlVerrlty covered the distance In the re mirkable time of 47 4-5. Thlr et llp*er all former retards, amateur and |rofe*t<t*l. on a circular tru- k The bet prevlour record war 4Mt ee*ond. n>!* by the Irte L. K. Myera. at Htanton. Fa.. on Oct. IS. I*l. The |irerent Knalleh record Ir 4A* second, held jointly by H C. I*. Tindall and F C. Brr<len Wendell linker of Har vard hold* a straightaway rthibltlon rec ord of 47V mnde m Heocon Turk, ftorton in IST. hut a* hir best record for • circu lar pa*h I* fin ret-ondr, the former one hr* never been reriouriy accepted by nlhi# tb nuthortttee. Irmg r performance \n rllll further enhan*el when It Ir considered that he ran from rrrat*h In a hrmlliwp raca and had to run rather wide at otic of the turnt. He won hv eighteen yard* The other world’s record occurred In the hammer thia>wing event. In John Flanagan of the New York Athlete* Hub, war ihe performer He rent the mlevtlo 1© feet ant) fottr tnch*w. heati* the former record of I*7 feet and etht Inchon, made by himself on ths an me grmiiKl tw year* ago In the shot-putting event, Morgan hold er of (ha IQngUah record, failed tn hte attempt to luet the Amerl<n record of forty wvm feet, hie beat efTort bektg for ty flve feet four Inche* Tha *w mining championship* of the amateur athletic union wete bald In con junction with the meet, and K Bchaffer. of th* l’nl\eralty of rennaylvnnta. carried off the 100 yards, 23• and 4tn yard* event* In the ltd yard* he lowcretl the Ameri can record of I AM* to 1 l>r W O. Itouglasa. the old-time champion *wlm mer. cnrrloi off the half-mile In capital style end hla victory creeled great en thusiasm among aquatic enthuaiaats. MAC Alf Till H't AM AI/TY I*l ST. 4merlcnns Hilled and Wnnnded In Ihe V*hlltpplnea. Waahtngtori. Bepi <4en Mac Arthur to-day nahled to the department the folknving Hat of casualties; Killed. Hcpt. 3. Company K. Thirty ninth. V. H V. I . John Nllea; Hept. X 7. Company R. Tivelffh Infantry. J. K. lu -pree, Kept 22. Company M. Thlrt y fo\rth Volunteer Infantry, W H Mer >*r. Rept 17. Company I* Thirty-seventh Volunteer Infantry, J. N. Wells. With reference to rny leb'gram of Itth, woumV*l in thigh serious. In*ted killed, Alfred J Mueller. .Comtwny I*. Thirty **venth Volunteer Infantry. IViMHitlel Hept. 23. tvmisiny K. Ttdrty ntnth Volunterr Infantry. John Iturket. in K. l*we|fth Infantry. Joh*. M induka. hnnd. *erhug; J A Kenne.ty, ah<Md(|er. eenoiia; Mept. Thirty-fourth Volunteer Infan try. Capt C. A lilce. arm, * light. Aig ?3, Company F. Forty-third Volunteer In f intry, W’. F* lennl*. leg. aerlous, Fred \l>*ra. aeverrl) wounded Kept. 14. Com pany I*. Bigteentli Infantry. Hergt 11 V Hchroeder. thigh, serious; Kept lfi, Com pany O. Twenty-ninth Volunteer Infan try. Bergt L* O. Ho’lls. ell*>w. severe; Aug. 17 Company M. Forty-seventh Vol i unteer Infantry, Oeorg* Kennedy, neck, mortal; Aug V>. Com|any 11, Forty-third Volunteer Infantry, Corpl. Thomas A. Kennedy, abdomen, serious MacArthur " It will be noticed that the above Hst floe* not contain the names of the men in Capt Shields’ command. re|*orted cap tured or klfled on the Inland of Marln | duque AUG IST A'(* 4HW (OMMITTBR. tppofnfed hy Chairman Barrett of Thcbils y Mght’a Urtlln* Augusta. Bept 29 6tr T*lioma# Barrett, who wa# elected chairman of the ma.-" mere ing by tha balloting of last Tuesday night, was thereby empowered to appoint the now white primary committee of flf i#en. He furnished them to-nlghl for publication in the Hunday paper*, aa fol lows: First WarvY—W 8 Mnrrisx Hugh Mr ixtwx. Georfft* F. I.imtn k. Hrconi Ward—James I* Hoiqhly, Eu eiw. Foster. J. llenrjr Meyer. Third Ward— W. M. Nixon. Geor* H. Hoa'ant. John F. Cooney. Fourth Ward- John I*. Mulhertn. Will iam It Young. F. E. Ohenauf. Fifth Ward—Henry K lx>wery, Roht. H. Hike*. W T. Bbra. There are elht Phlntsy and oeven llayne men on the <ximmlitee and ter. men favorable to the secret trtllot, and flvo opposed to It. The rx>mmttt* wilt probably meet at noon Monday so organise by the selection of a chairman and secretary. This committee will have In rhnrge all arrangements for the white primary, to be held for Mayor and Counrllmen In few week*, and for any other elections that may come during their term of office OIY K* AN HOI It IdINUEH. Ylnaria Residents 4 an Now Afar Oaf I atll II O'rloek. Washington, Sept. 29 -Gen. MacArthur • t Manila recently issued (he following general order for the better government for the city of Manila: "Kxlsting orders requiring resident* of Ihe city of Manila, to <onftne tnefmelves to their home* after 10 o’clock p m . are hereby amended 40 exlcixl the hour to il p. tn.. after which hour the street* of the city will he cleared by the police, itnloona will he closed at 10 o’clock p. m . and the sale of liquors is prohibited after that hour " Naphtha Laanh tanxhl Fire. Louisville, Sept 29—A naphtha launch biasing like a tw,ntire floated among the steamboats at the laiulsvdle wharf yes tirday, and the bcatm-r. were •■miielbd to summon al! hands lo save their craft from catching lire The launch was finally sunk in the river. The naphtha was leak ing and caught fire from a cigar In the hands of the owner of the boat. Dr Will Durrett. Just as he was (lout to board It. Dr. Durrett was severely burned. Severe Fire In At. I’attl. St. Paul. Yllnn,, Sept. JO.— Shortly before I o’clock this morning tire was discovered in the Union block. latge ala-story brick building In the heart of the city, and de spite the efforts of the fire department to control 14. the Arc is still burning fiercely. There were a number of lodger* asleep in ihe building at that time, but so far oa known all escaped without Injury. No I I tin. a l lon Front f hill. Washington, Hept. 29 A formal drnlal I* gtvrn here officially by the represen tativea of the Chilian government to the recently published report that Chill had delivered an ultimatum to Bolivia con cerning the pending boundary question between them. Rig Flrr In Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Wla.. Sept. 89-Flra to-night destroyed about JAtitim worth of property of the William F'avley A Son* Company, foundry and architectural Iron works The foundry proper woe saved. A UKOROIAN WHO WIIX \OTK TOH M’KIYIoRY. Yet He Oeaiends White Anpremary for fhe Aoeth, t ome 44 hot From the New York Hun. To the lDdttor of the Hun Hir Ho far a* concern* the result of the pending pre--Wien tlal election the vote 1 mav * : rft can have no effect hut to a self-repe t- Ing nwn voting Is a matter of pniwlHe The question has therefore been Ite sub jc t of mu h thought *w! deill*'V it ton with me. nrvl white no time was need*l to determine t.ow 1 sliould riot vote, th* conclusion as to how I should Vit* hi" been ret hei *iowi\ arel deillw’rateh Fverv man i* ews tanl to bn ak away from the surrport of a party whose prin ciples were born In him. and he will not d* so without str-ms bll*r The r ct (bar pttikogtty all th** AMtikavti pam p|e vote the democratic ticket, whether the platform and the i andMat<* suit* ttu*m or not, has been the subject of many of your editorial* and paragraph*, and seems to Incite in you spirit **f anger w hich you endeavor to conceal un-ler the gut*e of distressful pli\. 1 have notwl with much ini# i m \tir reply to the lO< hmnd Tines, but I think the discussion ietwrrNn you has failed lo totrch the r*i reason 1 am a Bouhein may by hlrth and hv descent for many generations 1 born before the war. and I have alwo* reetilcd In Ihe city of H Hut I have never foutwl any Houtherner. wii- on the negro question, wa* afr ltd of i.l equality.” The Southern man Imbibe* 1 wo)** i mtlc |rlncl|l’S with hi* mother's milk, and never stoje* to give careful con sideration to the fundniiwMital prlmdplee on which are based ihe Issue* liefwnlt ihe lartbw. e. g.. the doi*trlne of states' rights, lie beJit-vtw In It because hla father te lleved in it and the parly with which he stands Is for It. lint he I* not so much fig* the Ivmoorat* a* ig.ilnst the ltepuh li an* Why? Not because he foim ‘‘so cial equality.” but because h*’ f**ars to nee even the i-nleritig W *l*o t> negro ilmn- Inntum lie l*elb ve that he negn ru ••• Is an Infer!*** r.*e. and he k*ep* th* *le elaratbm that all nu n are born free and equal * suit •I* *nly for |4atfoftns H** know* that they are not 110 knows thal a gecu r.itton ,/o ih*-v we slave* lie knows them to be utU fly mrtttel •* gov •m thla country or any i*rt oi It. t>l ho t* rletermlned that, come what may. the white man shall rule ll* l>eMne* that the H*qaibll< an prty ha* endeavored lo prevent whit** supremacy lh th** Huth, and hi*, at every p|*rtiinlty. tried to advance n*'gro dotnlnation. Now. in answering this, yott speak of civil tight*. n*l mhL If w. are not going to accord them ihelr * in-tltuthwi *1 rigid* |,(i us n*H min*** matters A truthful Houthemer ivttl frnnkly tell v*si No. not If nci'ordlng to them tn**ir ♦'onetltu tloiMi rights will interfere* with th* com plot* domination of ihe whMe race In all m.rt*‘rM, • omniert lei. atnl p*dltl ** Nofr. fhe Hmltf* of thU letter do not per mil a dlsctiHslon of the right or wr*nc of this, nor do I believe tlwrt any argil in* fit could establish the right of It 1n 4he mind of om* who <loes n**t live anemg S‘ Hut nil who **m* to 4|ve h r*. ec#.|g thf*e who try to nvik* 1 a living: out of fMMtlce, cotne to our view In a very ehort white. Many of our cMlscns vole*) for M* Kin ley in IMK. In reply to th** suggertion of n*gro ilomlnatkai * they *kl they did not l*el|eve he would follow the example of his ftcpublican prHb-c****vrw In the aiqstlnt ment of negroes to high office. In this they were -adly *liap|*>lnted. The col lector of the port of Havannah and tb collector of Internal revenue for the slate are negroes, and oHy the herculean *f fnrtp of sxtx 1 prominent Itepubllcans pr*- \enfed other similar appointments. Many of those wbo voted for McKinley in IPs’, will not vote for him this year solely cm account of these appointment*. However, there are many of i* here who lelleve that lie will not do so again if re-elected Manv features of the cam paign of H sre locking this year* Wa believe that McKinley personally believes i in white supremacy In the Mouth, and we are going to cast our vote toward giving him an opportunity to ahow It. If he will, he will asslnt many who are anxious lo keep a iv.v from Hryan and Altgeid and |H>|>ultsm and atari hy and ilartMgogy and trv'viNofi We shall vote for McKinley and Roose velt because First We are Americans, and are against a‘l of America’s enemies. tlerond We are iwitrlotlc, and are de sirous of suppressing those who give aid and comfort to our n*mles Third—Wa are hnnoi. and are against all efforts at dishonoring (he nation by currency legislation or otherwise. Fourth—We are law abiding, and ara ngalrud all encouragement of force In Ihe * t b ment of dlsnutes. Fifth Wo are progrcKSlve. and favor le gitimate expansion of our commerce and our power , Sixth- We are hopeful that Mr McKln ley has seen hi# former errors and will treat our Southern peop’e fairly and brisdly, and < r<fu ly refrain from humil iating tb* tn Will ho do *o? If he floe- not. then all hope of ever breaking the solid Bouth must be postponed until be Is succeeded by a wl-er man; and we. who are leaving the beatfti pith,, will sorrowfully and pen ifently return whence w- came. Alexander R. Lawton. Ravannah. Oi., Sept 24. 41 *•*: Oritrrs laaiml lu IfMIO. Wimhinilon, Bepi. 29.—And I lor Cailli, for Ihe poatofllre department. flni*hel 10- i|#/ ihe vtoiemetii of the money r<k-r hii"dtie## of (he country for th** fl***| year endlnjr June Ju, 1900. The **alemenl ex hitHt# mn Inereaa# In Ihe money order bu#- ine** of 14 |*er cent. liurlnK the year 33.- Ifii.OGf) money orders were |##ued. The •v*rai* amount of th4MM or<ler# was 17 70. To lie Kept In I l#rk(* I <nnt y . Chlrano. Bepi 29.-Willlam L Goklwell. accused of complicity In robbing the of flc## of the Mexltan General Electric liMilway ofWcea of Jewelry worth is.wo. i# under arrest here, lie deni#* hi# guilt. avctior halkh rt ti ns days. HANDSOME FURNITURE AT At fTtON. I. D. I.* HIM HE. Aurtlonrer. On THURSDAY MORNING. Oct. *. 190, at II <'clc k. at premises No 4U* Hast Oglrtbor|xt avenue. 1 will sell fer cash to the highest bidders, all the House hold and Klichen Furniture eontelned therein, consisting of very handsome Hed iiorn Suites, Parlor Mult* a, llalr and Moss Mattresses. Ijics (hirlaln*. Carpets, Malting. Ihctoree, Fancy Kockera. '’en ter Table#. Sideboard, Extension Dining Tnble and ctiulr*. Crockery. Glassware, etc.; In fact, eve-ythlng found tn a well furnished house. AUCTION SALES' My rni 'll" A DB9IMOND, Jarllnseers. YVe will sell at auc.lon, TUESDAY, Oct. 2. at Court 1 tense, nil that traet of land, in city of Savannah, known as por tion of wharf lot, six and seven North Ogjtothorfto- W’atd, fronting 150 feel on It.ver street, formerly ('anal street, ami having a depth Of 42 fert en Ihe eastern side and 41 feet on the western side, all more or )ea#. with the Improvements thereon, consisting of a brick building now usel a* a blacksmith shop Tills prop erty Is totaled midway lh block between McGuire street and a private street lead ing to Iho Morris Ice Company’s Factory. mffNto ■ Motphl** and Whisker hah- TTg m Its (rested without ps ,r or I I HI! confinement Cure gvisrsw ! \ llfl teedoroopsy •> H Y’BAL. II 111 Mn gr Lttrua (springs Sxm- V ■■■ Itsrium. too | AdSttU. us. AMIIKME.4TI. gAVANNAH THBATHK. KL'di i.AH rniricfi MONDAY KVKNINO. OCT. t ’’The Greatest Dramatic Trtumptog,** CIIARLEH FROM MAN p< events WILLIAM tIILLFTTK’* New Four-Act Drama, f *• “SHERLOCK HOLMES,” with all scener\ and effects exactly na In Its run of 34 we k* In New York City last eason. SAVANNAH THEATER. Tt’KHDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT. OOT 8. SIXTEENTH ANNi'AL, TOI’R. The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels. oLDRtrr miKinrr! uicT! kb-PROFUMO An Fnt'.r* Tritlti of I'aisca Cara! The most xp nslve crganiXHHon of thg kind In existence Watch fur the Idg street pageant Prices .Matinee. 7&c. 50c at a) 35, Night, $1 j ainl 2’> gAVANNAH THkATKIV. WKDNKHPAY BVKNINO. OCT. I. Mr George W. I4r|t*rer presents tha fa mous ljondon and Casino Theater New York success, THE BELLE OF NEW YORK. Gorgeous In beauty, Glorkus In P'tig, Greatest In Success. Seventy People. Two CarhMds of H encry, t r< fully Selected *ast Hale of seat* open* Monday. I Priceo-fl M. )i no. 76c. Me and He 1 1 1 •rkUAL MTHUCk OFFICE COW MIHHI ON KIUI CHATHAM CtMNTY Hejle*| bids will Ih* re • Ived at this of fice until ]j ni . Thursday, Ort 11. IWJ, for the removal of two closets In tlie Sail er’s residencr, and for furnishing two fi*w closets and f r c tmeeting resldenco and jad with Ihe new *> *iii of hous# dralrtagt* •* Work lo le done Ir* accords no# with the city a s|ecittcatloiw and under the su lervlslun t\( tit* Jail Committee, C. C. C., and city Inspector. It bis to be marked proporai for jail plumbing. ItKCHKN BCTLER, Clerk C C. 0 Bl 4 OM' it .i m*4. It ASh The best (• the Whetlrr Rrand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. mode by Wheeler A Cs, of Belfast. Irelana, from th# celebratwt Cromwt: Hpiiitg* of ituu city. Tt)#e# epiings are ihe property of Wheeler A Cos., henos no *Ah#r Ginger Ale mettofae- I haa tixiea watsra but Gienteelves *! he Whsrter Ginger Aie la made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one la daleterlous -the other Is a tonic. For Ileslthfulness and Purity th# cel#, braird Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ala la the best LIPPMAN BROTHER* Sole Southern Agents. Savannah. O*. in i m\ in*" i % il;. lAberty and Whitaker. Tha only up tc dat# cafe suitabla fog select parties In tha city. One block from De Soto. Phone 444 J. 11. lIKLMKEN. Prop. \ ■ AVANNAH FOt NDRY AND MACHINB COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stalloner? Boll.ra, will furnish esllinaiae on new wrk in competition with Northern and Weelsro manufacturer* Repair work on Encin** and Boil*ra i . .. % lu ILK.D 1 ihi'i.ii Tli* only aay to get your carpet* prop erly taken up, > l*.itit an i taken - or* of fur Hi* I'lmniff l/t io turn th* Job over to In*- District M-aa-ng r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call al 22 MonUomery *ti*ei, i'l they will moke yu n *sti. male on the cost of the work, l’rto** raa*<naMe They aleo pack, move and ■tor* furniture end olanne C. 11. MEI>IOCK. Hup!, and Mgr. LARUE SY .4111.H0t AE AND OF FHE to rent, lo'-sled head of Broughton streat. on Wegt Brood, now occu pied hy the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. Aa they will give up businaaa In thr city on June I, 1 of fer It for rent from that data. H. P. RMART. HOWS# UIKI ITKU By the American Bonding and Trust < ompany of lialtlntore. Wo ar author ised >o execute locally (Inns 'lately upon application). all bonds In Judh la] pro. e> .dings In either the state or United (It a tee courts. slid of administrators and guard!* ns DEARTNG * Ill’Ll,. Awls. Telephone 31. I’rovl.lant ihilldlsg. 11l H CLIKSTI Loan money at six per cant, on real rsiata security. lIBCKKTT * lIBCKFTT, Atlorncya at and Conveyancers. tOI K I'HIIIK HII'TIOIIS will be flllnl al Perk Avenue Pharmacy while >o wall. W’e till them at any hour day or night. The only live drug store In southern eectlon of Hsvannah. I'AltK AVK.NUK I’ll Ali JIACY, J L llranan. Proprietor , Corner Park avenue and Mat card It ■o-Phone lIW. (itiuo l.iqi on. Get Wilson Whisky al ROBT. RBM. LKR’S, Llter'y and Drayton. Ut* quarters for tha best brands. Country trade solicited. j *; No charge fjr tugs. J j Phone til. ' *i _____________ . .... -i-n..a II W ill CLARK. rpholelerrr. Ml Jeffciuon. Itrlng m<* your furniture to repair, or drop mo a card and I will tome for If. let me make you a line matlreaa. My stock of Curtains nnd Covering material will open your eye*. At my price# you ran have the fine old plecea worked over and they will look like new LOOK. The flneet line of Uantela. Tiling and Graeea In the dfy. Prlcea rock bottom. Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. BAVANNAII BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Comer Oongreea and Drayum. Phone kit. 3