The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 30, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 OFFICIAL ABSENTEEISM. dm,* tw o c%ni*r*T aurnft %vm: AT TMK RATIONAL ( %1MT%1.. Dilirra %*ay on Their \ m ntloii* nr MmUiiu Poll Ileal *prrrhr. W hll*’ f*u lioral iin Han lll** linarm nir n I MaehAnery-* Korrlitn Diplomats *• I'li nmU •• I oailuct Tlrlr ltaln*aa \\ tilt llerla—Addition* to thr >mil I on r In t Nina. \\# hlngton. P* pt 2ft In th iben of tl lTcsldmt and nearly !l the members t*f the niblm t from Washington i Mil* time. I n. U Sam’* workshops Imw arr bc litK ino by lutKirUlnaC'B. The ease with Vi -i h lit*’ administration fna**hlnery I* tt; ,r | u Itd hy ir -Min t englneerti Is the j. t of proof of the y f Iho x -|Bi. form oi government Thera l? dl>i dtion in ertuin quarter* to fi . it a Jin* meminri of the admlnlAtn* ton foi NlNMiUing Ok*mflvf from the v ..t of M|v• rntn* r t at this particular Jun- tur. Soma of the representative* of tor*- n 1-Ywen have that they would prefer to transact Important diplo matic' bin*lnc** direct v with the Secre tary of State rather thin with his depu te Th<* abeenteci-m of high officials Is probably more marked t the present time than ever before In the history of any administration. At th ir**nt writ li.k' S' ret.try Long and Attorney general OrU-i are the only members of the 3*re-uiint’s official family tn the Capital C’Jty. Soin* of the absent on** ore tak ing their annual vacation In quiet re treats, where they have absolute rclu-f from the responsibilities and can * of pub lic office. Others have selected this |e riod to go forth Into doubtful states and ( perform inPelonary work It. behalf of the (Grand Old Party The latter class ate tail'd upon to perform mow arduous and ■ xa< ting dull** than would le required of them at t]i*lr respective desks In the J i*urtin* ntr It Is not proposed to ch irge the presi dent and Ills associates with neglect of the public welfare, nor l It unusual for president# and ablnet officers to f*** I the re-• idly for perlodkwl relaxation from official care. The existing foreign *m ptk atlons hihl the fact that one a-imlnls t rat lon l* about to wind up Its affaire, and the poa>lbtltty of in entire 'hatif of policy In the event of the election of Mr. Hrvati, renders the general exodus of de partmental otfh ia, all the more pro* pounced. Tie system of government is au* well established that the routine work of the departments goes right along In the ordinary < hanm K subject only to such delays as subordinate* who hesitate to assume r* <t|un*lbllttics In Important matters may make in •'Onimtinlcating with their superiors. < li ii'lnnri> Reform Orders. When Mr. Cleveland was elected Pfesl deni, he signalized his first term by on trouncing that he prquged to enforce ihe law which allows government of all grade-, but ihlrt* days* leave of absence -lining a year, lie endeavored to aet an example hy limitlng hi* own va cation to one month out of twelve. He also gave directions that government v**s pe| should not he used b\ public officials for Junketing flips, and for **gne time fils orders were enfor.-ed. His bless in that direct loci sounded high and noble In theory’ tut they did not work out to nts entire* auiia fact lon in practice. B* fore hl Drat adnilnatration had ended, the old system of leave taking to suit Ihe con venience of high officials w.a resumed find It has continued until thw* day, so that the thirty days leave rule Is seldom If ewer *nndud to the official of the higher grades. Our >a%j In Chinn Water*. Naval olTlcer* are taking i-onsbicr.'ihle •ailsfadtlun from the recent devefopment In cone.eton with the lelniinlstratlon's policy in China. A dlsthiguished naval commander. In commenting upon the largo addition Jut ma.le lo Ihe American p., t in ChlncM waters, ventured the as asitlon that It inesna ihai the navy will tiave to aupplant Ihe army In bringing the Chines, problem to satlsfa.tory con clu*l<H). He contends that the history of our country will how ihat the navy lias Invariably led the way in settling our difficulties with foreign lowers. The ormy Is effective to u greater extent In domestic fonipllcutlons, hut |n nearly alt of our demonstratlona In foreign bin<b>, the navy lias plsve,! the leading putt In enforcing the demands of the United Slates. It Is contended that the nuKim n tation of Admiral Remey's H.ct on th. Asiatic station, mean* that the navy '* lo be reibd u|x*v to safeguard American Interest* In Cnlns. and at the same tine Impress ih> Imperial government with the importance of a prompt and Juki set tlement tor all the leases sustained by the United Stales. Republican Indifference. Republican manager* are not only hav ing considerable difficulty In extracting contribution- lo the campaign fund from public off! lal* t their puny faith, but they arc also troubled over the Indiffer ence which certain officeholder* display about going home to vote this year. The Bryan s arc ha* oconstoued a mild form of panic among some of Ihe weak-kneed political |>en*loners on the Grand Old Party, ond they are In doubt whether It is to their personal advanlugc lo take chance* of showing their color* In the pr. •nt contetl. A New York man. who tmid* a fat office Inoio of Ihe .1.-por lm< nis. wa* approached by nn Interested friend (i few day* ago. on the subject of going Rome to vote. The official was unwilling to commit himself definitely on the *ub- JeC. hut when pressed for an answer, re quretrd that the campaign fund be drawn tipon to furnish him wllh transportation to and from New York, also an allowance for aubMvtence while absent from Wash ington. He was told (hut the lies! he could would In- a half-rate ticket lo New Y'ork. good for ten days. There are oth ers tn the name class. KOI Ml DEAD l\ III* MED. K*w ) ork Traveling Man Hied I'rnm h Hrifrr llcmorrhagr. Atlantu, h** pi. 29 —George Covington fcorn, traveling repmwntatlvn of I*. K Vll* m Ar Bon, of lace nml cur tail . No. 47.5 linxnlw.iy, Ni w York, was* found .ol in hi l! at (ho Hold Aragon 1 morning Jui*t after ♦ o’clock. Mr H*- liorn went to the InHi l late Ism night arnl i acred, after which he went Irmru-di •u* Iv to his room, leaving direction* to b* called at 8 o'clock tHI* rooming. Ill* bell wu rung from the oflk* at that hour. lut, tv* * tvlng no response, a bell boy war nr rit up to aroune him. Btlll no r* *ponw I* mg tibmincvl, the room wan entered and (i* turn was found In b*l, up|*arentiy hav ing been dead since soon after the hour of his retirement. The pillow and bed lutlntiK were covered with blood, show ing (hat a hemorrhage from his lungs tmd occurred, causing almost Immediate and ath. The coron* r heat an Inquest this morning ami affirm**! the apparent cause of <b.ih as resulting from a hemorrhage The b xly was taken to l\iu.rm under taking establishment. Ia I*. Ilefea ted Trinity, New Haven, *’onn., Kept if>.—Yale de* feuted Trinity In (he lira game of foot ball of the season here to-day by a score of 'J2 to 0. There Were four touch-downs, but Capl. Gordon Brown failed In two trials for goal. t*enn> Ivanlit Heat l.rliolgli. * Phllatlalphta, H*pt. Jl.— University of I*ennyiv;nla opened Its football season Üb<iuy by defeating tbe Leblgb I'nlvcnity UKT.AWtT lltr AT UtUVEinD. \nl a Kina le Favorite Wnh I*l rat I n der flic W Ire. New York. Sept. I'd—lt was a character* ' Istlc get-away day at Gravesend to-day. Not u single favorite was first to the wire, one after another going down In startling Hi- ehSton The feature of the day was Jockey Henry's clever work. He r<d three winix rs mi>l on* placed horse His followers reaped a harvest Imp wa s* latched from the oriental and J* k Point was then male a hoi favorite with Gonfalon next hi demand. f *harenf .s. the outsider In the lietting. upset calculation*. Well handled by Hums he made ail the running and won easily from Gore a lon, wlio closed fa at aft* r dr* g out *f It on the far turn aisl beat Jaik Point for Ihe place Summaries I’lrst Kac* \bnut six furlongs Tela mon, 5 to 1. won, with Joe Kray. r to 1 and 2tol. y *tul, and Kedp.ith ( 13 lo third Time 1 10 4-5. HrnMkl Race —One mil** and a furlong A Nik**. 3 lo 1. won, with The Amazon, 13 to 10 and 1 to 2. es ond, and Greenock. # to 5, third Time 1 .75 3-5, Third Race Prospect Handicap, about six furlongs Keati Gallant. H to 1 won, with Water Color, 1# to 5 and * to sec ond, and AutoHght. 10 to 1. third Time 111 Fourth Race—Oriental Handicap, one mile and a quarter, t'harrn u. t> 1. won, with Gonfalon. It? to b and ♦? to £, second, and Juck Point, l to a. third. Time 2 W 3-a. Fifth Ri* fb Ihflg five and ;t half fur long- M illoon, Ato 1. won. with Ch* rish ed, 7 to 1 anl to 2. s oml, and Quean Carnival. 12 to 1. third. Time l ow. Hlxth R*ce—One mile and a sixteenth Wooster Hoy, 7 t 2. w>ij. with Cyrano. 13 to f and even. i*> ond, and Wilbers, 7 to 1. third Time I:4ft 4.\ RHn,Tfl ON THR niAWOND. The Game Played Between Boston nntl Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Kept. 2S To-day's game end ed in a fie after eight Innings of sensa tional play, darkness Intervening. At tendance 2.700. fbarr: RII K Boston 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 O~A 15 2 Brooklyn 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0- 4 7 3 Batteries—lMneen and Connor; Donovan, kit*>n and Farrell. Two Faat Games at Chicago • Chicago. Hept. 2ft. -Twelve men faced Powell In the opening inning of Ihe find game. Mven of them scoring on four er rors ani five hits. Chicago made no runs. The second gome was a pitchers' tsittK Alt* rwlance 1,100. Score: R.H K. Chicago 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 7 1 4 Hi Units .. .0 1 0 33 0 0 0 ft 10 ! 4 Batterk# Garvin. M* nefee and Kiln* piw* 11 and Itnbinson. fk*nnd game— Ht Louis o 0 0 0 0 0 tv-b 3 1 Chi* ago 0 0 0 0 0 o—o 3 1 Hatterte* Hudhoff utsl Crlgar; Grtfflih and Chance. Philailelphtn Defeatrtl. New York. Hept 2ft -Philadelphia was unable to do anything with llaw.ey's de livery at the Polo grounds thl?* afternoon .md as a r'-null suffered defeat. Atterwl an< e 750 S< or* H 11. L Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 A 2 New York 1 0 1110 o—4 K 4 Batteries —Fraser and McFarland; How ley and Grady. 4 Inr In tut tl Was Vletorloas. PlttHhurg. Pa., Hept 2ft.— Hahn was in vincible after the first inning. I-ea h s wild throw to first in the ninth allowed the visitors to score the winning run H ore: HU S. Pittsburg ....31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <►—l 5 2 Cincinnati .... ©oolo® oo I—2 7 I Batteries—Phllllppl and o Connor; llahn and Kahor* Time 2 hours. CLASSIFIED AUVERfISEMENTS. rBMONAJU •‘CONFUSION** REIGNS SUPREME for a few flays more; l*ut #tll! have time to flrul and aell a hand no me fßfajftiwnt finger ring, an • variant in*, good-luck bringing, plain gold finger ring Bp** lal aale thla we**k of plain nnd fancy gold finger rings. Solid gold npecttb'lea fitted with boat Hi*f*nc*r’ lena*"**. either for Fhort or long night. $2 ML Feffeaa. 2x Kat Broughton llalr. Jewelry anl Hhavtng Supply Il u Midi order# promptly filled IN YESTEBUAY 8 I’HESS IT WAS iinnounred that u petition w* •♦fit Coun t’ll, finking not to take charge of the M Kane Hoapltal. arwl that 1 wn not luithorixetl to propew** the turning over of the MeKane Ili>*i*i4Hl to th*- city, to t ike charge of it# lndel>te*lnei*?. For -. vi ral month* the institution him ln **n running behind. The hospital hart been witliotit fuel or light, the numov have leen <Himp*lled to f%*e*| themselves* The inmirance han not been paid up. There U a eorjHMifer'a hill, lumbar bill, and toe monthly inatallmenta on the huiidin.; i.ipidly getting behind. An or rear# 'f three numttm will cause the proftertv to revert back to the estate of Gen. Jackson The vorporntpra were Imllffereni I m\\ u cnntifitiel elate of aff.ilrn woukl lead t<* a lona of the property. I called the <or I orator* together, got the content of th majority, and presented the matter to the city hi* directed. I have given four ye.ira of Inhor to thla work without com iNiis.itlon. foil l thle Institution, nnd trained all th *n mlaguidi i! wom* n. wh nr** pla>lng. per ha pa. into the hand* >f vonu* unacrupuloiif* fellow a Theae women know that they have neither the ability or mean* to own thla ine<Button, but out of Ignorance and meannes*. arc* a (tempting to defeat their own object. Had the*#* wonu n ika>e their no appeal woukl have lM*en mule to the city. C. McKane, m. r> "tarty having my bkinuee bi*QL terrkr will pleam* turn him loose, .m.) he will go hotn* to 107 Tark avenue. W. M Jonea. HARK EVEN IN* #8 ARE X< \V ing; let ti a*dl you n lamp. pr- *. "he to $3 ;i0 W. F. lilggln*. 125 Oruyton. "U SHOULD BKB MfLLKK'B FUR Na ture; newat atylee f*r te*lr4Hm. dining room. parlor, In oak. walnut and mahg any; Mlller'a price# and trrma ara sonable 2fT Broughton, west YOU WILL 1.1 KI TIIK MII.K FROM si-iiny;fU Ul Dairy . It', rich and pure; iry It. V SHOULD SEE MILLERS NEW Klyle, In carpet,, malting. window shade, art square,. rugs, lac# curtain,, etc.; Miller', prices uml term, are reasonable aui Broughton. wnt. FINK BICEFIKI.I' r AMU AT "BA kars," every uay, t-est o t all othar m-tu Iti market IF ITS Bros YOU WANT, you can get them ctieaper from McGIIUs. I.AIUKS WIIO HAVE TO SHOP ItT mall will find I) greatly to their advant age to order, to ne for millinery, •hoe,. dress good,, furniture, etc.; I give l>ernal attention to all order* and till them promptly Ml,, S O. Cklvltte. 1211 \Vhlt*k< r street Savannah, Ga bTtIOOL BOOKS NEW AND~BEC ond-han<l, ,old an-1 exchanged -llatnei' 2nd Reader. 2b> ; .'lid Reader, 34c; 4lh Head er, 44c: ath Reader, 44c; Lincoln', Phtslolo gy, 40c; l,t Stepping Stone, Literature. 24c. 2nd Bt< |rpli'K Stone*, an.-; Prince's Arllhtnallc, 14c; Montgomery History, tW- At Gardner's "THE PRK'ES AT WHICH WK SKI.!, bicycle sundries are entrancing. Try u, W. F. Ill,(Ins. 124 Drayton. LADIES ONLY;” MILLINERY AT your own prices; hat, trimmed, 24c. Alr. Teepte, 202 llabcr,ham. f JHE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1900. The Import of Italian Marble -AND- Cameo Ware WK HAVE JTBT OPKNF.D Is a Dcliffht To those seeking Artistic and Correct Wares. The prices, too. are remarkably low. and wr can of X*r advnntnges in these lines not usual to the retail store Our fall diM;av Is being addrd to every day. The CUT OLABH exhibit ia ospacSally tine. THOS. WEST & CO., II BROrOHTON STREET. W. PEKSOAAL. V SHOULD HKE MILLJCR'B BTOVEB arid ranges; the iiest makes at reasonable C I ’ MMsf, 1 Ag-H I MU.O It LIOONARD IIAH RETURN #<I hone and 1* re,ul> for th* fall *as*n t( drt ssmaiclng. 421 Barnard ntre**t. west. PKRHoNALr—WILL MOVK OCT. 1 TO 110 Hiate street, west, where I will always have on hand a large assortment of pure • at whole * tie and regal) C. H*‘t terb l>. 4*T Broughton street, weal. Hall ‘phone 1517. I* SHOULD RKND MR YOUR OR dery* for uphoietering parlor and dining room furniture in i(h*r. Mtk and Othsr fab rl . In the best manner, curled hair. rno*a and cotton renovated; all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C P Miller. Agent. CHOICK KLKGANT. RECHERCHE cut glass. Silverware, china, bric-a-brac, Flid y next. Hall and Abercorn FOR TRUNKS. BAGS AND TELE scopes, see the Chatham IVunk Factory, I- rough, ton cxrner A her- orn II ®0 B)R WOVEN WIRE COTB while they last C. P Miller, A^rent. WHEN YOU REE M OILEIH' BIXTY* Inch W cents rugs, you will buy them Joat can't help tt; will aell In any quan tity “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CAR®." la a specialty with McGllils. DUTCH AND ROMAN IITACTNTHB fr**slas. Easter lilies, Jonqtrih* my own lnr;H*rnitlon; for good result** plant now A. C. Oelsrhlg. opp*eit** Catholic Ceme tery. Gardner'** Haxaar, agent. U SiloUL! SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing pianos and or gans t W. P. Manning, with C. P. Mil ler. Agent; prompt attention to out-of town orders. O. P Miller. Agent. IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? Stiff el A Freeman have a standing offer of ftl.uuo for evtry safe of their make that due not preserve It** contents. One **af was In burning debris 113 hours When takes out, the hose had to be turned on 11. When opened, not a page was dls colorcd, not a rectord lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Btifr*ll Sc Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent M'GILLTH 18 CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, lae* curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description ""see the jewel stoves and ranges for sale by J. W. Tee pie; also agent for In-urance gasoline stove. ~M GILLIII MOVES. PACTCB. SHIPS and More** ptanoe and furnliurs; beet work only; no "Cheap-John" price#—no "Cheap- John" Jobs. \ M \\ and cms date i.inl of trunks and ham* can be found at the Chatham Trunk Factory, Rroughton. cor ner Abcrcorn. HAVING BKVKHEH MY RELATION?* with McKann Hospital, I have op*ne<l a private eanlt irliirn and training school for nuree* and mblwlvrli on the Augtixta iod. Will furnish * ffi lent nurses and mid wive# r. av>nably Fall or address. 40 Montgomery atre**t. Alice Wood by M * Katie, M D. BPBUIAL. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, UUki aixe, at $2 1 m Twpte, t Ift HUTS NICE RATTAN ROC KERB Indies* Six*-; large u?Mrtm<?nt of rocknra. crouches an*l easy claaira. C. V. Miller, \ | • i OCT IST l WILL MOVE TO 414 WEST Broughton. Ring up 2444 if you want to Live your furniture nunel or pa keti for ehlpment or storage; I guarantee prices the same I lo the work that'# given 11 * me A 8 Griffin. 314 Broughton street, west; mot made to order. LADIES. CALL AND SEE MY NEW line o! fall anil winter and rc.idy-to-we tr huts; hats irlmmeil f*r T> •••Utz; tliM clean id and curlwl; luit remodeled. MBs I> KjHMMMT, 117 lork. w I MOILLIB' LACS CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. U BH<ULD BEE MILLER'B OFFICE desks, office offi e chairs, office matting, office shades. C. T. Miller. Agent. ' U WILL SOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need something in my line; U will >ave money by trading with me. C. I Miller. Agent. ftTOILLIA ISUJ SIXTY-INCH RUOS -Stnvniu pattern#—for $9 cent# KING Ul* *24 BELL ‘PHONE, OR AD dress oaal 22 Grove street, ond get your hair work done, llalr cutting. !lng4>ing and ahnmpoolng at residence, without ex tra charge. R. M Ilcttnntt. DKI7BB.MAK ING; MBS M !* PARK r will I** at 12$ Taylor, corner Abcrcorn. if ter O t 1. AMATEURS WITH AN EYE To THE artistic have tlietr work finished at Moore’s studio, 107 llr- ughton, west. 'Rf ► VOI t 'll MPI -ETEI.T era I <i< at e.l front private dwelllnas. slotes. icstau* rani,, effi- n buildings, warehou*,,; order, left at Hie Savannah fTeanlncr and Dve Work , M v..ik at rest. w.>t wilt b* ~i tended with dlapateh; no charge until rat ■ Isfaetory. Georgia 'jihotio i;M “lIAVEYOi'It HIOYOI.E REPAIRING .tone preyrrly; lliai, the way we do It. W. F Biggin,. 124 Drayton. I — HAVE REMOVED ~MY < iFFICE this 'lay from 202 Bay Street, west, to S&N Liberty street, eaat, 8. Mendel, real Ca in i * moot. THUNKS H AOS - AND UMTVrEiTIAB repaired at lh> low. si prl t'hatham Trunk Factory, Broughton, comer Alter* corn. AM VTEI'R PHOTIMIKAPHBRS IF you are not eatitled with the result, you are getting, let ua do your developing and priming and you will get whit you are lo..kinit for. Moose's Studio. 107 Broughton, wet MEDICAL. morphine. oTTcmT ljuTdanTgil rocalm- habit, myself cured, will Inform you of harmless. permanent horns cure. Mrs. Baldwin, Bwx UU, Chicago, l.l r !i! MrtiRHKS VIHITB ANY PART of th- i tty |l •*> •~h <ifllr* tr-nttnrni t. lr mnuih, li* ludmif *ll nri'illfln—. Ottt< Im.r>, rorn.r of L!l>- erly -n<t l.tncoin. Phon.s M. I.APIKB: CHICHtSTtH S BNGL.IHU I’cimyiwy.l Pill* ar. th. b**t. But*. r lluhl. Takn no Other. BD(! te ttamf, for particular* “Rrllef for L.adl.a." m Mlrr b return mall. A*k your dru„UN. Chlchp*trr Ch-mlcal Cos.. Phllada., ra. I HAVE rOL’ND A POBITIVK Ci'RK for <lrunknn*Mi ran b. *l.*■ n aacr-tly; atlil irladly trll you what It la. <!on t Mrnl luoi.ry Mr. May Mawklm, Uo<k tiox U H Ml. Orand Rapid*. Mlrh. HOW AP.E YOUR rKSTT lr YOUR frt ar. truublln, you, call on m and 1 will (tv. you r.llcf, I euro Ingrowlnc nail*, corn* and all dlaa<.** of th. fart without palni charter# rraaonabl.: can ytvo thr twit raf.rance* In th. city; pa tient* trratrd at ra*Hrnc*,; order* ran h. left and ConiTTr.* xrr t<: t*l*phon# 2*3 Lam Davl. atirraon rhlmpodt.t Hfcl.P V ANTBO— WALK. WANTKI*. A COMPETKNT OFFICE t>ov and driver for phyilohn: miwl he wail Apply In* Liberty, weal. HOT 8 WANTED. WANT STRONG active boy* It to l y*ur of age. Apply Monday and Tuesday, Work* of lb# Southern OH Oompany. WANTED. FIRBT-CLASS BAKER, must urdT*<(and pastry and bread 421 Ah rcorn #tre*t. WANTED. C’RANESMAN FOR MAR en steam shovel. Applv Pulaski Huuee. 7 forenoon Monday. Southern Con tracting Company. PROO! READING r l OHT BY MAIL paying situations always obtainable. I luma Correspondence Hchool. Philadel phia. TV ANTED AT PAR* llngton, H C. Klynt Building and Con struction Cos. v. ANTED 80 GOOD WHITE BRlCt layers, tie choppers. 2 goial plasforsrs. mill superintendent, tailor sls, German barkeeper sl2, wheelwright, camp black smith Wm. Huber. Jacksonville, Ha. AGENTS, COMB IN EARLY: 13 50 talking machine free, gyracuae Talking Machine Company. Syracuse, N. Y . don’t gel left. TV A NTET >7 TH A VFLING BALEBM A N: must t*e iioitest and energetic, give refer- nces. Kl Padre Cigar Company, Bt. 1 jou Is. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUS tier* to tack signs, distrllmre samples, etc ; nq canvassing; good pay. Hun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED. MANAGER FOR BRANCH office, by old oeinhllahcd manufacturing bouo* . solary $125 jh r month and extra ommEslon: must furnish satisfactory references and IVJO . ash District Man ager. Johnston Buikling. Cincinnati, O. SALESMEN TANARUS" SELL. I’ERFUMES toilet soape. etc., to dealers; s?o® monthly and expert***, experience unneceeeary. Plumber Perfumery Cos.. 8t lauuls. Ma WANTED. SOLICITORS FOR "SONS of Liberty." Nagro risk# a specialty. Good r'ontracts offered. C. L. Morris, B**cr*ar>’, Mill*-dgevllie. Ga. CAPABLE MAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agenda sl.oo© yearly salary* Per manent position Rapid promotion, flupt . Co-operative Cos., 3jft Dearborn street, Chicago. WANTED. MAN UPRIGHT CHAR“ aotrr. to manage business of old estab lished hoits**; salary sl* per week and ex peiiMes payable each week direct from hendquarSers; expense money advanced, position permanent; reference Standard House. 301 Uaxtnn building. Chicago. sl2 STRAIGHT DONA FIDE WEEKLY salary paid direct from offi*e; extra, com miss Ions; capable men and wre men to r**yre>t*nt us *M|M>lntlng agents; rapid promotion and Increase salary; now brilliant line*. Butler St Alger, New llaven. Conn. MECHANICS, ENGINBKfiS. ELEC- Irlcian#, fl return, etc; a fr*e **’holar#htt> in -*mneerlnic will be awa riled t a few well-re**otnmended ajkplb'ant#. An>*rl iii School of Com>|Wiul*ncf, Holton, Mam. “WANTED, A NEGRO MAX FOR hoi me cleaning. Apply 104 Jonea at reel. *ve*t. WANTED, EXPERIENCED HA I.KB ladle* Apply Monday morning at *> k stein s, Hroughton stnet. WANTED. HY WHOLESALE. ENKit K**tlc # ule>*inen to learn lo ►ell elrsxnt lm goo*!** to merchant#, laige #ai sry; no experience neCtMary; m -*lucal*. liox 7S. Chicago, 111. OALVBRTON SSRROM GREAT hook, by great author, Murat Ha late.* I, he moat authentic anl be*t llluarjinl h*ok; outfit free; commit Iona; t*> p-r cent.; freight paid; credit given. II Stoll. hsitim 1 building;. Chicago. DIG PROFITS HANDLING*" LATEST Improved go)ine lamp; e* i.a at eight' leetrlcM i * Hi toci retail $1 up. 1- different utvle#; exclusive territory. Standard Limp Company, Man ufacturer#. Chicago. SALESMEN EARN fS.ono A YEAR: liberal salary to tgln with; first-clhsh reference* required. Hox 17u. Mintuapo lie. Minn SALESMAN W ANTED. TANARUS > <*ALL ON doctor# only on behalf of the lea ling firm In the bunlns##. Established trade. Posh tlon permanent \ppllcint must le Intel- Hg'nt. Ind ftig.ifile and of good uptevir hi * St.t experience. Address. P. O. Hox R.V. Philadelphia. “WANT El > PA ItTNKR IN ~ ESTAR- Itehcd business, with some cash capital Addr* . a ’‘Capital," No. JO. care Morning New*. " WANTED.''SALESMAN TO SELL POP ular line In city; must l*e Indiiatrious and have good habits. Write Smith, News of uxnti and A GOOD MILKER WILL pay good wages. Apply No. 6 Engine 11 n tie*, Henry street. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DON’T prepare for the pout office or any other civil service examination without seeing **ur catalogue of Information; sent free Columbian Porreapotxlence College. Wosh ingfon. I*. (*. WANTED. RI PTI RKD PEOPLE WHO will work a few hours for a frea cure. Dr. Hpelrs. lioi ttl, Westbrook, Me. A RESIDENT AGENT IN SAVANNAH to placa otir contract*. whl* h offer more attractive feature than any policy ever offered A permanent (melt ion to h man of anility. Tontine Surety Cos. (Southern llept ). €O6 I#\s i<d building. Atlanta. Ga. SOLICITORS FOR “GALVESTON; The Horrors of a Stricken City/* by Murat Halstead; fcw paor**. biggest book. b*t term-*; demand enormous; solicitors tearing 13 to tX) dally; outfits free, Stan dard Pub. House, 3TC IH*nrborn street, Chicago. ‘ s w.ksm \\ i:NTili:nM'siNrVoT r Nn sal* uman, with good business abil ity. can l*srn of good situa tion a** traveling salesman; must u strictly reliable; dry gooils ex* perlen* preferred; |erman ut position; solan** reference. Care paper. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED for high grade staple line to dry good# and general trade; contract for balance of this year and all of next if sales are sat isfactory. American Hiamlard Jewelry Cos.. Detroit. Midi WANTED. YOr.NO MAN KXPERI * need In soda water serving and some know.edge of retail drug business. Ad dress. with reference and amount of sal ary ex pec tad, Ltakv 6t AK.Nvh, Jackson ville Fla,. MFl*r WA.III6D-HAIA. BRIGHT BOY. ABOUT FIFTEEN, for office work and to make himself gen erally useful Address with reference* En* rgetlc, Newt* offico. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN wrtu can use typewriter and make himself useful, state salary t*xpe. ted. Aihlres* II 8., care Morning N w "WANTED. YOUNG DOT TO MIND Apply 7 o'e|<* k Monday morning 212 Drayton street. *HOY WANTED! Mt’BT HAVE ni cycle, no cigarette smoker need apply Ba\annah District Messenger Uompany. "WANTED. TIBiItGUGHLY OOMPET ent |H*rson to |*>*t l***k'' twice or thre** tune*, w*- kly. T . care News. WANTED. YOUNG MAN TO KEEP books, shipf ing 1* rk an*l general office man. TVrite HtnJh t News * ffi***. TAILORING SALESMEN TO BE Li ma -kintoshes direct to consumer. *w.“h on •leiivery basts; currw l prices; h.nd-*m*- •Hinpi*# prepaid. InDutate Rubber Com lany, 221 Fifth avenue, Chicago. WANTED. MAN COOK. FOR HOTEL. Lyons, Ga good wages to right party. Apply 224 State street, west. SALESMEN. TO SF.LI* LINE OF UP 40-date printed wrapping paper; earn s3© to ton weekly, ns side line. Kemper Thomas Paper Company, Cincinnati. O. WANTED, EXPERIENCED TRAVEL lujt salesman for wholesale dry goods and notions. Address with full particulars. Box 100, Morning News. HE Ll* %V .IftTKD—ITM AI.B. waMrese 211 J*mi*s street, east. "GOOD-HALARIEJ> CHOIR POHITIONB open for soprano voice. Apply P. O. Box 337 "WANTED, A RELIABLE NURSE for care of child (wo years old Apply at 41$ Henry Street. e*st. Mv.da> morning. SMART GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENER uI hounrwork. Api ly M >ndsy, 4©3 Bolton east. WANTED, A NEAT AND OOMPET *nt girl to do general house work Ap ply 7k< Ninth street, w***:. WANTED. BY SAVANNAH COTTON mills, ten or twelve girls and hoys, learn ers. Apply to W. N Brown, superintend ent . COOK WANTED, **i >M PET ENT AND reliable cook * an -••cure place at 307 East Eighth street. No other re <1 apply. WANTED. RELIABLE WET NURSE, good place to right party. Tarver's. 131 Jefferson. WANTED. A WOMAN WTI!TK~~OR colored, for general hnuee work and as sist In sewing. Apply Monday, 104 Jones street, west. WANTED. FIRST-CLASS COOK: bring reference; a so house girl. 23 Jones. **ast. wanted; ■white andTolored women cooks, hoti>emaids, tab!*- girls, ft* Ormond. Ban Mateo. Tamps. Oxford, Druvton Inland. Bartow. Eagle Lake. Wm. Huber. Jacksonville, i |g WANTKI. A N ~EX PERI ENVIED nurse, colored preferred Apply at No. 214 Henry stret, east, to-morrow "WANTED A GOOD (W>K APPLY 115 East GorYl.m, Morn lay morning WANTED. A r,rOD <COOK TT! AT>AN cook m* t* nnd pastry; bring reference Applv 12ft Gordon, w**st, Monday morning "WANTEI r A SETTLED COLORED wiiman; one compatenl t> cook. wsh and do general hou*ewwk for a small>l> Apply 2W Henry streea. west. WANTED. COIaORED WOMAN TO travel In Georgia; sß© monthly and railroad far** to start; referen-es required; send addressed envelope for our reply Pres ident Macßradv. Star building. t*hlcag EXPERIENCED COOK WANTED AT IX* Fifth street, west. “wanted, white ~oirl to cook. etc ; family Jn country; ft aid booard per month. Address Cook, car* Morning News WANTED, LADY IN EACH POT ’NT Y for branch office work; no canvassing; ► tralght. liomi fide salary, 11*1 per week, and expense#, pay able direct from he id quarter* each week; permanent position: no capital required, except good refer ence'* Ad*lre.*s Standard House, 300 Cax ton building. Chicago WANTED* A SETT LEI “COLORED woman for light hous* keeping. No. 701 West Broad street. WANTED. A MIDDLE AGED * Wo man to nurse baby; references required Apply 614 Barnard sire* t SMART. lIELIAHLE WHITE GIRL wanted. 314 Usury street, west. Apply at once. *UEVr W A SITED. ''Xfnapfir'Tors? —rrn-STNn—^sTTy selling “Htory of the Galveston Flood." official, beautifully Illustrated; so |m|m: rotall price only $1 ; <u.tU Is free, 10 cents for mailing a premium given to ev ery subscriber Term* better than any other publisher; freight paid; credit linn. AiMr.-s quk. R 11. Wowtward, Ilaltlmorr. "AGENTS- "iIKK.AT GABVEBTON Dis aster;’* only official. authentic and • otn plcte hook, Istw ready, sell* on sight; ISO l*r day easy; extraordinary term,; freight past; credit given; .kin’t delay: oiitHts free; avoid (Itlklou, llrm. Ad dress the old i -tiMI-lied National publish ing I'ompany. lakeside building. Chleiiao ~AOKNTB I,r MINI il "H NAMKPI.ATKH. star- numbers; readable dark-s, nlirhf-. easily aold; profits Inrye; samples free |>oor|*lale Works. Koglewool. 11l A ItKUAtII.K ACIKNT IN KVKRV etty and loan to represent and e I our In. andeseent bus lamps, no toreh requir ed. intually Ih. bst and Iheapest lamp inadi*: ftovl profits to agent*. Hiu-ieha ker Oas lagbilng f'o., Kansas CUy, Mo. ~AUKNTB WlilTK NOW; WE M All. same day; free outfit. "Onlveaton Horror." Hl< liook; big sales: big profit. 11. J. Forshee A **o.. t’lii' mnatl. ft. '~A(!KNT9 T< BF.LX OI R i FT PRIFE ChrkttiMa publnatlone; Hxs twiok 15<'; iHKik fs". >1 .So hook MX ; fsi lauk TSri eredlt given, freight iwepakl. outfit free. Fubllshlng Comiwny, '£A Fifth street, Cincinnati. O. AOKNTH. HI’KCIAI.TY HACKKI* HT absolute guarantee in straighten kinky negro tiair; nearly all prof!: and sells on sight. Write Boston Chemical Company, Richmond, V , for territory and particu lar*. ' AOBNTB. USARN ~FANCY ■ :i.abh sign,: making nlco work: iioi per cenl profit; no capital or experience necessary: send 2"* sorts lor Instruction, and sample Biar Novelty Works. 2M Broome street New York AdBNTa WANTED - "OAUVEBTON: The Horrors of a Stricken City." by Murat Halstead; fully llluslraml; fastest selling t*ook ever published; only ll.liO; best terms gtwiranteed; outfit free, be quick. J. B, Zeigler A Cos.. Chicago, 111. 12 A TEAR EARLY MADR RY hiislling agents, baislling our white an I fancy rubber istllars, culT' atvl nei kites. liateiMed and guar inlosl gonlg; our ram ixilgn lli-e arc winners; liberal commission; exclusive territory; send stump for s|a in ii tw., m , Bpringfleld. Mass. * AtJBNTB WANTED, TO BKKT, TUB latest invention for producing light. Brats electricity. Cheaper than kerosene Ak'nts c .tiling money fairgsst factory l-rompt shlimients. The Best I.lght Cnm pany. Canton. O. KADI KB AND GKNTKKMEN TO take order, for our t'-brtstmas specialties, i koo*l pay; samples free Address mg * | Cos., Uti Wabash avenue, Chicago, We are now Selling Agents in Savannah for these famous SHOES. We cordially invite every lady, who wishes to wear Good Shoes at a moderate price, to visit our store this week and sec our New Fall Style*. "Oueen Ouality” Shoes are made on special lasts and patterns that insure eiine and eoinlort from the first day worn, while giving the foot a stylish and well-dressed appearance. Made in Fine \ ici, \ clour Calf, Hox Calf and the new patent kid. hand-sewed welts and turns, at $3.00 A PAIR. GLOBE SHOE STORE. auryts wasted. A>SKNTB WANTED. HISTORY JAI.- V, .tun Woort: 7.00 Hv** toal; *.OOO/M0 |.rop criy d*troy#d; great-M ni*.-rn um. kia|>hl*'*lly d'-’i-tlbiHl by th# #ml -1 #nt nu:hor. Nl.irat llal*.t-.i'l, %*b. #<*. ui wen* of dlM.i.r. profttarly llli>ira.l; ib-maw* enormous, w-nd 10 rent* qulolt fo oulflt; w give la-at K#*ier-IU- UiKh Company. I’hlla<l#spbm. * MAN OR WOMAN. TO EMPLOY AND aifs rts: l |>#r month and *- ponae*; rxpr-rl-nr# not r#qiilr#l. perms n-nt. Z* .*ler Cos.. 3K I.oruKt •tre.t, Phtl adHphla. (JAI.VEBTON HORROR. OFFICIAL *tory of t-rribl* (Usastrr: by Murat llal ,(.): nearly 600 poKt'*; llluatrsitod. A*<-nt making *lO |*-r day; b*t terms; fr*iglt paid, rradit given, pewks ready, outllt free, good salary rw* expense*, to apeetal agent*; send rjoiek. Smith Awlrears, I*4 Dearlrom, Chicago OBNIbRAL AOBNTB IN EVERV lo cality throughout the United State* lo reprcaeiit large roncern and aptmlnt agent— on a atrlctly *,il try t*ls of IST. monthly and all expense*. Deportment 21. J. J Moran, New York city. AGENTS. WE HAVE THE REST, largest nnd cheapeat line of * amiwtUn, fair and treet noveltlea; *enl for our doubled caialouges tilluett .tied) nnd price*, we beat them all W. F. Miller, 2 Chamber* ittreet. New York. GALVESTON HORROR—STORY OF ihe great rataatroph# told by aurvlvor— and reeeuer*; llluatrated from phoio gr.ipha tak.n Immrsllately after the dis aster; 4*t> laige*. handsomely bound, only • t-ellft at eight; agent* <dear *lO l>#r ■ lav. freight paid; credit given; beet term* guaranteed, send to-ly for free outht. II J Smith Pubitching fotni*any, 2W Dearliorne atreet, Chicago. btll'U)Y*E.>T wanted. 'TT^Tir^SEwfNU^XvTNTEDAT^M West Broad street. “rUTLKK. ENGLISH. MIDDLE AGE. rlean. neat and active; thoroughly under stand his duties, disengaged Oct. 1; wage* modemte. Address A. M. "WANTED. SOMETHING T~ 1)0 RY an hones, hardworking young man from country; want to learn the mercantile buelnesH or some mechanical trade; wMI start on enough to pay hoard with; ob ject lto burn. Please address Anxious, Morning New*. * POSITION WANTED; RY YOUNG man, have drummed; both city and coun try trade, and also up-to-date produce man; prefer wholesale grocery business. A l l ruts A. Z.. P. O. G-n. Del- A YOUTH WISHES POSITION." WITH chance of advancement. In mercantile house, tiank ,>r railroad; willing to ark without pay until duties Hre un.b rsinod; refereti • s "Amblllon*," New* ofh' e. "gentleman OF as DESIRES posi tion til wholesale or retail grocery or hardware, with view to work up; whole sale preferred; have hail eeveral years’ ex|iertence In both and can furnish flrst -1 las* recommendation. Addrcsa New* omer. care Morning News. YOI N’ti LA I>Y WISHKS POSITION TN confectionery or laikery; has had experi ence. Ilakery. care News. wanted; by*a middub aged white woman lOO k; good reference. An swer t'ook, this old, e. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER; age sixteen; want* position in morning or afternoon. A*klre*s "Hrlght," rare Morn ing News. YOUNG LADY WITH BOMB EXPB rlenee, would like |>sltlon a* stetiugraph* er. Aiblresw Lady, care News. "WANTED MY AN EAST INDIA ROY of 17 years of age a situation i* butler, or any In-door work; willing to work. Ad dr. ss jno M Rryan. No. 219 Arnold street. 17011 IK A V\ ATP I* i>. WANTED. A HOUSE IN THE NElGH borhood of Liberty or M' DonoUKh afreets, , r Oglethorpe avenue, west of Jefferson sultatde for boarders Mrs. Alley, north west comer Whitaker and Anderson sir* eta. T W 6 -STORY HOUSE WANTED (wllh lawn or garden preferred!, In good location. Addle** Good Tenant, thla off) ce. Mini ."I—■ n. ■■ .nil ■■■ ROOMS WANTED. WUTHOUT CHILDREN want room and board; Mate price. I’oat ofllce Rox Wl WANTED; to RENT FLAT IN NICE neighhorhoml. suitable for light housa kecplng. A.bite-* Reliable. < are New*. WANTED. PLAT OF THREE Oil four furnished or parttally furnished rooms, auliah> for light housekeeping, with nice family. In pie—sent location Address "Refined,” care New*. WANTED. lIY GENTLEMAN AND wife, three furnished rn>m for light housfk'eplng or furnished Hat, tn vicinity of IVatofTlcc, ref renres given Address W it., rare New* WANTED §Y GENTLEMAN. WIFE and child, two nice rooms and good hoard; llrat-class location; nice anil of 2 or 3 rooms will be considered. Write Jam#*, News office, W A NTKD~HY YOUNG MAN. FUR nlslKd room tK>rth of Uherty street: Mate e> atloti Acme cate Niavs. WANTED 1 FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping In vicinity of For syth I'iirk: mint be reanottable. Addri-• X Y., Ihla office. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. HOOXS W AITED. COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN want flat; state price. Postoffice Box 34. M A A rKb-M Ist ELbAKBOU. ' TO OAM; VoV MANICUR- Ing. massage and stMmfiooing. romplox. lon* tr.atnl and wrlnklea removed, hair bleached and dyed; wnpcrfluoiM hair re moved without Injury to the moat dellr—ta sklu; also tny vapor massage Imth*. con sult. liloti* free; Bell 'phone CUI. Mrs. C. Smith, 104 Harris, c—si. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS'PP right piano. allv. r-p'ate>l cundelabra, ele ggnl hairark. brass fenders, dog* and fire Iron*, attend sale Friday next, cor ner or Hull and Ahercorn, 11 o'clock. W WILD LIVE PIGEONS. Alb dress B. W. Sperry. Duval Hotel, Jack sonville. Fla. HAVE . HUNDRED-ACRE FARM near city; will Join right party In plant. In • large care crop next year D B Ltw it r WANTED. ALL OPIUM AND MOR phlne eater* to know that we guaranroe a permanent cure In twenty day* for *3O No cure no nay. Best financial refer ence* given and required. Wo mean hu* Iness Address the TUden Company, log South Foreylhe street. Atlanta, Ga. IF YOU WANT V FIRST-CLAHSTI'P right piano, sllver-plate.l candelabra, ele gant hairark. bras* fender*, dogs and lire Irons, attend sale Fridav next, cor ner of Hall and Abcrcorn. 11 o'clock. WANTED, COTTAGE OR FLAT IV good locality South side preferred, small family, no rhlldre-; can furnish best of reference*. Addr ss Rox 10, city. WE WANT A NICE GENTLE HORSE for a lady; must be good s.xe, and a good trial required; must be a horse wish afyle; no other wanted Ad.frees James Thotnpl son. general delivery, PoMolßoe. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. OETTf from Springfield Dairy; It's rich, pure and wholesome. A GOOD COMBINATION *add.r and buggy home, one that t per fect! y sound. Horae, care New* office. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS Up right piano. *tlver-plaf*rl candelaiira. ele gant hatrark. hra-s fender*, dog* and tire In.ns. attend sale Friday next, cor ner of Ilnll and Abcrcorn. 11 o'clock. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUHP earth, dirt. aand. manure, e*c., free off charge, Ju*t at city limit* heuUng ovar bard road, write or telephone Brown Bros . coroe. Anderson sod Best Broad street*. MONF.Y TO LOAR. 'SfSctw loan ON IMPROVED ■tty property; one to live year*; low rat* of inf.-rcst. J. E. Fulton * Am. MONEY ADVANCED ON CTTY IM: prove.l property at low rate of Intereat. I. D I—a Roche. MONEY TO - LOAN~AT PER CENT. Interest. W. C. Fripp A Cos. FOB RENT—ROOMS. CONNECTING KOOMB. Ft RNISHKD, cent rally locatwl with home comforts; ZM East ilrought' n street. NICE I. Y KL’BNIBHBD ROOMS FOR genttrvnen, or light i'ouweke'eplng; linen dishes, gas stove, all conveniences; pri vate family; references required. 148 Ldn <o|n strer-t. ROOM# TO# FK.vr OF 4 ROOMS unfurnished. 5 Gordon, east. ROOME-IsAROE Rooms. WITH Ate cove. fumlhed. S Gordon street, oast. THREE ROOMS NEWLY It KNO. v.vied. gua, bjrh, beat locality; central lo cation; no children. 400 Charlton, east. TO ONE OH MORE fIEVTT J.ui v furnished rooms; single or en suite. Jo< Gaston, east. #*>R l’.K\r. HflTi; OF Booms. OC cupletl ns dentist's office for the past ten ynrs; flue location, oppoeite Chatham Bank and facing on square; reasonable rent to desirable party. Api>ly John Bul- Hvan. 15, west. ROOM TO~ BENT Fc”BNIBHED "OR unfurnished; hot and cold water; Barnard. "'r Bolton. Adilress Barnard, earn News office. FOR RKN-tT - FI- RNIB 11 ED ROOMS. f'r gcnllemen. 108 Oglethorpe avenue. casf. KI'RNIBItKI • Boom FOR RENT "AT the southwest corner Jones anst Bull street, opposite ChrlMlan Association FOR R KNT~NICE — BA RGB ROOM. also showcase and counter, at 442 Dray ion. FOIt RKNT. NICKKT ~KFRNT9HEn room. In quiet family; no children. 101 West Charlton. FEAT FIVE ROOMS. BACK BTKFH usa of hath, hot and cold water. 117 Wald hurg, west. BARGE ITNFt ’RNIB HED FRONT room. 215 Perry, west. TO RENT, BARGE NICELY FTR -1 ht l ronm to gentlemen, bath on same floor. 22 Harris, between Bull and Whita ker. KI'ItN’IBHKO ROOM FOR BENT nice location. Blokes, l* York street, est FOR RENT. ONE BARGE Ft'RNIBH e. south room. 316 West President street FOR RENT, FtTRNIHHED ROOMS Appiy 310 Broughton street, rwst. PBEASANT BOOMS WITH BOARD. West Elberty street.