The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 02, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 SHOT THROUGH THF LUNG. I’KTF MANSI* rNORIRn MT41.1.V avoi aded at imi; Hot al. Ml PH M % 1.1.. Mnniir Hrfnuril In I'rrmll *>*n In I.Rlrr a lint H lif rr Two Uomfii tlfrf—Thf Two Mm 4lu*ed nml Ulruck •wl Oihrr nml **<••• IlffW Hl* !• un anil Plrfil-Hvrral WII- HfHM Mnkf Thl* Mnifmrnl, Thnugh limn h n> • Hr Unn In th* Horn H Hrn (hr ilinoltiu; limk IMar#, and War .Inmprd On. Ileitlrn and Irrfnlfrf U hrn Hr < nine Out fn hff U hal the lion VVn Ibnnl. Pair Mnnxir * well known pugilist and attache of th Hoyal M . i* llall w*f* allot nnd |rh.| -la tally w>undd at the Pall rlu rily u f.r niulnifflii Ui nighi Thf fpool i.k n dotw ly A It Byasn. an engtmet or th' Houthern l:£il way. who*. I*i• I ai S C Ar oulut; • tr j * i****utlls glvn b' wV* rral of th* attai In *•( !*>•• pt i* f* tin* shoot ing war entirel) In* x urahh Mansi*' wai ainarmrd av ■! By sun w.i mu* h tin lir.r man, In addition t tM< h there to havf U*n no aufti lent prm*> in Bysan. aa'onlitut to tin of th* music hall |* plr. mn Into Ihr p!* * shortly after 1* o'ritvk, going to thr *r -h<l floor, whfff Ihr box* arc located, ami where hr spent waif tun • Irvulat it-; | among thf box*** ami tratnir tv %v**fn • Jle spent several do Dr In thru way. though not : diffident tu eHaldish * J‘pu- | tat ion an pliuißf r and cording to Ihr j worm'll with Mliom ha aas drinking w in rol llltox aUd. Bysati Bel lifn drinking with Baba Jai>n arxl Inn l*ee, two of thr Wane ' attache* of the pU • Tory ha ll* ft him and gona around to the other ode of th** tier of loxe* and Bad tak*'n scats In box No. 1 * th* right of lb- *•'•* Father they motioned. to film i<* nunc arrows *r la il. !d l i ifimr .*<• row- an*f join them anyway. Warn hr* arrived at the box .Mniuw, who looked after eervh g th u,rks in the box tier. gB- lined to admit Byoan to the ix. mvliir (hat there w.i* I afnither man In th* r*- wliti in** tw* women, and H urn* ag final the ruln t* permit Intruafons. PyMii disputed Munxl* ’* a* dement an*l resented fu* iruerferem • Tne two men I QiMrraot dielWNitei <-hei-f f|lthH*. arid j then riinhe| Manxie l- known ar a clever stirrer, hut lie pro veil to be no ; mil- 1 in a struggle of till kind for his newvirr antagonist. There w.m h *hr? struggle ,t die narrow hallway, when Byaan and a hi* an*k fired at M inin . . who war d*.wti or partly down, on the floor The bullet thn tight !*• t nl**ut the tii|>i|< i i* ing (fc>wnwun! through i;t# light lung and halging in fh > muscle* of the back *he surf • r> Th shoot mg caused nun til of wild ex citement ni cor fusion In ih h ill There was a crow-i In ihe place and an ad wa in progress on <h<* stage Hysitn ran down the hallway ami flown the steps leading to the street, pursued hy wane of the em ployes of th- place As he readied the street door he was seized by one of the doorkeepers from behind and brought t the sidewalk others rendered i*sb*!noe In holding him and he was shortly turned over to Policeman Frank Wall, who w;i- In the near vicinity and heard the shoot ing Mansie. after receiving the shot, regain ed his fees and ran some distance down the hallway, filling in one of the bnxe- Me w* picked tip and * *.*rrled to hi- mom on the third fl***r and Ir tborge M Nor ton mimmonol The latter diagnosed the wound as stated The hemorrhage was heavy and the wounded mar. aermed al most overcome by tk* tjhork Coroner Cloefle. who had Just left the M* rnlmr N* w office. he.*ir,| of the Ing ard went to the -cene. where he made m investigation and secured a brief state in* nt fr m Mangle. The latter's statement ns taken down by Miming New* re porter. Is as follow*. "He called ne a —- —— . ! hit him and he shot me I struck him with m> fist Thi* was downtars In the Ux**s He was interfering with my business. Me was sober Miss I,#-e. Frank Hlnney ami a fellow b\ the nam* of Ityrne* w**r. I*res*nt. I had no weapon at all Mv name Is Fete M <nxb My wife knows where I live and about ni) | ople ** t'.iarhe Hum? a young employe of the Koy l. germed t< have s. en more of the affair th.n any of th< other witnesses •'! vc as coming tip the stage." he gild, "and saw Pete and this man hav ing some argument. He called Pet* a und struck *t him Pete stru k ta k Then they clinched ami f• I! Man lie being on the floor I saw the matt draw his pistol from his hip po k*t It was In m rubber or leather case I seised tolf of his hand amt endeavored to top titm from shooting, but he was too strong for me *laa>k out. Pete, lie’s going to shoot,* I cried out Then he fir- and You ne. fleeing that he was t o sttofig a man for m* I ran to g* • away.’* Ine* I,ee said that eh*- was In lox N" J. with another woman, flhe did not say there was n\ots with them flh heard the two men quarreling outside and aim - ing each other lit their struggle they pushed open the door of the box and she saw the her man shoot Mirth Hite did not hear the beginning of the dis pute and da! not know what ft wa* about she said One of the women s ild that Hyson had bren treating her and the other* In the various box# > 11 hal l*cen with Ha be l.auri and lues Ue only a short time before, and seeing them from the opposite b*x came around to get with tham again. Turn wa- another man in the box. she said and on this account Man/.!' refused 10 let flysan In liaite laturl. it developed, who wm In the box with Inca lee. is the wife of Manzk. She Is a pet He little Ido ml and has been with the Koval for s#m<* time. t*etng quite a vivacious little darner Nat urally. It would he supposed that Jealousy on the part of Mansie be touac of the at. ler.tion Hysan wa* shoeing hi wife would account tor his refusal to admit him to the box where she was Frequenters of the place, however, **> that such could not have been the .**•** Manx!# was a** eustomed to seeing his wife In the boxes wxh other men. drinking and helping them to spend the4r money, and ever, en courage and In this, r*<gardlng It as part of the business In which they were both engag'd There Is hardly any doubt hut that this was the true stale of affairs Proprietor K A. Massari said that he was satisfied that there was some other tnan in the box with the two women, and that very naturally he got out of the way ns promptly as possible in order tu avoid getting mixed up In affair. Frank Hmney. the stage umnoger. whs also a witness to the shooting The quar rel was under ww> whet, he came up from the stage He heard the abustv* epithet*. *t*v the men strlk at each rater, and clinch, andi then saw the shot flrod. lie did not say tliat Mansie down when he was shot. br said that h ran some little diet an* • after being shot He. Blnney, and others, pursued B\*an one of the party. I>ee, cai hing hold of him but being thrown off Hysan. when seen at the barracks after his arrea: .*aid that he was in a room with a girl and heard a row going on In the hall outside That a?* he rushed out he heard a plsiol shot That he was knock ed down, heaten. trampled on. kicked down the steps, and out Into the street Hysan denied noi only rba he did not *V the shooting. Ihx said that he never car ried a pistol. flysaoa head and face | sheared th#* effe*t of the rottgn treatment j tie hud received the skiti being badly bruised and broken tr a tuimhet of pta# •r Me was in spiring ..(nod showing fa he hid receive. | internal injuries Kvi dentlv th# | . -smart arrived none •#* soon for his w#*., lieu s. b\ ran - *el -hat Ids notne Is a* Abbe ' cl* S < . Hint h* ita#l oe- **c. seisin* # r or th#* Hoiithern. but i*d come to hi , i ant.ah in sear# ? of w*ork ! Ir Norton ► at*d. it e Mai. ■ • ni ’■ 11 that 4 hi wound w hilt a •i • s# i' • w .I i> ikipgermj ot #• not • i*ea'eM-trilv fiio. Should .\|*n*ie recover • fiorn the sho# k he said. h would -far. l .i fair < hatt. #• of r* <>.4 r v T *#' | i*tof, whi*h if #*#? two of the wi?n*##s .oim <• hav ♦ S\san draw troth ft,.- ;* ■ k f ii ti i\ ,th wh* fi the> aeo j*• *ei t 1 1 *- •! | ?,#• -htoirinr wu*> pickwA up .? I ,# ft-wti of ?fi#* Jc;t#Hng in in* 1 k, r*-# having h\ S\-a?* ffe w|;re- • • • ert in the at tempi to ) return it iv ho hip im> ket HR( (HID OF THF i lIIETi. AA Ifh Twenly-foar A harps hoofers. They t rod %11 Others. The Rvvnnnah Cadets |c-#i nil the - om* pit - of the Jc irglii Si te Trofi In fhrir rifle pra ti# # , f (he •< ;twn Th#* c* #l* f h *\e long te# n # eicbrated f*r their shooting, and f<r s* v# >1 >r ns In fact. cvr fin • inter#-1 in that branch of mill • tri w,i aroused In Savannah. they hive tiren leading in the records made up h> th# inspector geneiai of rlfb* practice or the g# neral Th#* flgur* #f merit of the company 1* not so high thl* \# ir as it ha hen, as one year tt rear he# 1 a uiNfk that It will be || matter of wond# r to the member* themselves if they # ver equal Ysl Ih* flg utf iea<l* di #ompeiiiorM bv many piina, # mari> a- t* put (hm out <f th# run nutg it is uar# Twenty-four members of the Cadets qualified H -fatrp*hooter* d>irlr>g the ?#a on and rev# n Clher* ma#ie rrrootw as mark-men. The ltr*t Ia phenomenal one Following at# the nirn<* >f those wn# qualifi-d u* aharpshooter*- Fapt John T West. First Ijeutenat* Jamm *' Tyson, Se#..nd IJcu*enn* George II Richter. First Sergeant A .1 'Thorpe, <jtirtrlermast#*r S#rg#*ont J ft (Tow a * H#-ro H f*. Manly Jr Setgt \A II Put -e. S# rgt Frank Sloat. Setgt 11 or.. •• J Rrrs.k - <V>?|*l IV M. Coney, (’orpi It C Thomson Carpi. K J Kief fet. .Ir . Cor pi Jolin (1. Rtsfler, Jr . iTt vi. t. <* M I turn ham. W II Rost wick, c I In #n wiry. ( Killers, F W Kan* e *r G it r.ltot . K N* Mauer. John M ulloiigh A M Sauls. H K Srillwelf. n#d It J Travis Tii# r#‘or?* of the Inspectors of rifV* l-r.i* . for the regiment in the Gecrgl S*ate Troop*. ha\ been s*ri( in to the ,n -e;*e- 'or general #f rifle practice. Co* George T Fa nti, and will soon g< oi to th#* ofh •• #f ihe adjutant gnetal o*l • '•titi will make some r*-< <itnm< i* la lions t. •he G*vriH*r relative to th#* ♦•teourag#- menf f rifle pra<tl*e among #h* Irtaip# •ml It Is pr#<thi# they will b# fo|l.4v.d • the Governor and other #fhi#?s througfwxjf the state ar#* interested |n th#* rnatt# r ml r#-- ognis•• |t MS ii very lm|*nr mt f# ature of mil <ry training It I* r#ow i> prtoti-aiiy certain tbit t irt* # .ait# -s Witt > held annually In S \ annah 4 mi-: nil, %% ii mom.v. I Hrilal i*nil fIO \\ rrr Awarded Among flic I iglHliorpr*. Tls* Theus medal was presented fr> Wergf < Bourqulti of the OfleOwp# Right Infantry at the quarterly meeting of the company In*? night On the occa sion of the last parade of the # ompany In commemoration of the First Rattle of Manassas which was u|on the anniver sary of that gre it victors for the South in the War Im iwren th# States, Mr S K Thru* presented the medal to the Ogle tltorpi saving that It wa hta wish that ;t Im worn by the h* s4 soldier In the com mand Mr Thetis desired It unders'ood that It i n>t n'. t‘ irlly tlt# let drtlled man In .i comp tr- who ts the best soldier, though prof! Intcy in h milling the piece and knowledge of drill regillations enter Into the ensemble that makes a man perfect In a command Cnpt. ti A < lord on in pre renting th#* medal, said that nil three nfll ■ era of the Oglethorpe* had concurred In the opinion that the medal should be awarded to Hergi Rourquin. jis in every manner that could b suffeilrd he had hern faithful to Ids duties and to the trust d*i*osed in him t* a non-commissioned of ficer. S* i*t Hour# id n will wenr the medal for a war If the r*<ord of any member dur ing the surpasses that of Hsrgt Bourquln. th* mctal will he given up hy the |a?ter and turned over to him wio may d#*f#*at him in th** competition. It is believe#! iho content for the medal will In spire i great dial of interewt and that there will be N keen rivalry among the numbers for the honor of wearing It Scrgt Hourqult s record f*r attendan e ii|sm the assemblies of Ihe .*rnptny dur ing the \ear was perfect. Another prise w n presented hy Cap! Gordon This w•* one of $W to the squad that made the highest average during the par for attendance ti|K>n assemblies. fr condition of locketr and genergl eftlclen *y. There were four squads coniine ting, (’apt Gordon iiaviia; the company Into that number h year ago Tlie |*ris- wis won by the following Seigt. G. A M 11. Corpl Henry Heller. Private Raker. Pri vate Brantley, Private Courtenay, private ll<trmot> Private McCabe and Private H|h ing. A1.1.-HOI Ml i lIOOK CAPTt RRD. Wanted In I nlninhls, Aaldnafa and Atiuustn for \ nriims Crimea. Jim Halts right, a colored suspect who wns arrested several days ago by Detec tive.* Garrlty and Stork was yesterday dlscovt red to h# an all-around crook wanted In many of the cMlea of this part of the country for several offenses. He is sai l to have operated in Valdosta. Augus ta and Columbia lie cam#* here from the first named place and was arrested by the detectives within two hours after he arrived, and before he had had the op portunist of getting in any of his crooked work The authorities in Columbia want him for several crimes and will send for him probably 10-duy. urrti: nhmb pfthrs dead. The Funeral Will Take Plaee This afternoon nt l.nurel (arose. Minnie Peters, the Infint daughter and ! only child of Mr and Mrs Kmil Peters, •fled last right shortly after S o’clock, after an Illness of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs Peters have the sarnuet sym pathy of their frleisle The funeral will take place this ufteri x*i at 4 o'clock from ! tlie residence. No. 32 Hast Brood street Rev. M J Kptlng of St. Paul s Rutturtn j Church will cotdu t the service*. The i burial trill be jn Raimi drove Cemetery. tirorila Huinl %rcl Masons. At the recent meeting of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Mi son# of 1 the Tnlted Htste# at Cincinnati, a Geor gia man J W Taylor of Luthersvtlte. was elected General Grand High Priest Mr R R Coldlng of Savannah was a member of the <#>mmltee appointed to present a Jewel to the retiring Past Grand High Priest and made the presenta tion speech. Mr Colding Is now In In dianapolis and will return to tiavaonah (be latter pan of the week. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1000. SCHOOLS SHOW AN INCREASE. .n..v*i < itii.riHi N bkiik n> ON OPtNINt. liu. I.aaf Irsr r. I#w Children YLntered. Increase Is I lt!t—.% b*nl T<mi More than on lle Opening l.gsf 1 ear %re on the Nnperlnten<lent*s Malting l.lst —\% orL f the open ing flat progressed Nmnot Ii I • —Pri vate ftehoots That ftpened % ester day % Isn llad a l#srge %fl endance. Ihe public s< hoo|s of the < tty and .-ouil) and several of th** private schools of ihe *iiy .per*i tne fall term yesret* •ia v Tn* attendanre was .arg* at alt school*, showing t l it the children wno wera awa> for the siimrmr have r#c*rly all returned and that they and th*ir parents .re Inreresied In their appearance at s hool In the public schools the record of the first dav showed an increase in attendance over that of la**t year’s opening day. This ln> reawe was lie It may not 1m taken, however. a a criterion of the growth of ire c|t) or Its s-diool population, as there are 44? names on the w illing list that Is k’-pt by the .-u|hTintend -ni for much cnil dren as ha\** rug feen ah.e to find the places they e*k In the schools This la larger by about than the first of the opening last year, so kfl may be (< garded as the increase Following arc tables that show the at • **ndam* at the High H> hool and Ihe sev eral white and (Cikg'si grammar s boot* yesterday ami oti th* ofiening day of Use par White 19fitV- Hlgh School TT7 Vn.lrrgjti fT#l Henry •* (*oatham No 1 . 3u7 '*bui ham No. 2 iij Mirnard ... 257 M taste 40T> *ath**dral llSi St. Batrlck’s W* T.dal l.fdrt White schools. IW* High fir hool 271 Anleraon 517 Henry 471 < h.dham. No 1 £*.'• <*hatham. No 2 . .. .H‘, Barnard * Xkv Maai 157 t’athedral ,Vd 8t Patrick’s .. . 4v.\ • ■ Total 2..V14 t’otored Schools. IkfKV lvast Broad 7*>l West Broad 712 Anderson 19k Duffy HO M Total 2.A41 f"Tlored Schools 1 fifth- Fast Broad 7* West Broad 729 Anderson 4i*> m Total .. . 1.914 Total Hi schools, 19nn &.5.M Total In s- hoolk, lfi99 5,44** Increase I*l3 But few vacancies remain In the public schools There arc none in the colored sclioo -. there are always a great many more applicants for admls-Jon than there are places for their accommodation la the white schools they are cor-flned to the two t’hatham schools, which, on account of ther afternoon sesatons, are not as |*oputar as they were before the nertlal desfrudion of Chatham Academy by fire and the consequent remov il to other hullditigv Tliese vacancies chance to be In grades for which the demand Is not so great, or the objection to afternoon ses -i< ns might be overcome and the va< an cle* ailed At 9 o’clock the schools man* I The principals and teachers were on hand, and not time was lost In assigning the chil dren to their raapeotive grades and giving them the lists of books they would need • >rg ini*.itlon In *he varlou* grad*** was effected, and the • hildren were dtsmlssed The short hours of (he first day will be lengthened to-day The Ravannah Ac idemy opened with the largest attendance ever recorded at the beginning of the term. Fapt Taliaferro will have the full limit of the school tie fore the week Is over Morton’s School for Boys also ruined wMh a large attendance. In the Hrammar achools It was found that a number of the children for whom plates were reserved did not appear to claim them. The seats were forfeited, and *urds of admission will be |sued by Su perintendent Ashmore and sent to those children whose names lead upon the wait ing list Superintendent Ashmore advise* IMrenta to see that their children’s nam* s get upon this list, as there will be vgcan • Up occurring from time to time and the chance* of the children finding pU< es In the schools will be Increased by their narn**s being before the superintendent Superintendent Ashmore fltvls that there are a number of children who are attend ing other than their own district schools In the rush and bustle of the opening he lo*>s not see that be can make transfers, but this Is a matter he will take up very s|*eedlly, and It may be possible for him 10 make a readlustmrrs that will prove more satisfactory. MCI.HO FATALLY HOI HHTD. Was Shot Tvs lee In the Stomach by llnhrrf atelljea. Alfred Wilson, colored wa shot and fatally wounded last night by Hubert Htelljes. The affray oc urred shortly be. for** midnight at the grocery atore of Al fred Htelljes, Hubert's brother, at Rcy nolit* and Jacks*m street* The wounded man was taken to the (Borgia Infirmary where u|*on examination It was found that he had received two wounds In tha stomach and probably would not live un til daylight. When se* n shortly after the shooting Stelljea said that it had been done in wclf defense, but further than this h- did not rare to talk The shooting was seen by a number of |*erson*. mostly negroes, •itid from one of thee It was learned that Wilson had been put out of the store shortly before the shooting oc. urred and that he had started lw k to the store with the expressed Intention of killing Htelljes and with hi* lumd on hi* rear pocket when the latetr fired. Strllje# after the shootlnr went to the barra* k*> In company with his brother and gave hlm*elf up. Wilson is known to he a hard character, an*! In fa . at th. ttnv he was ehoi. was a trusty at ihe tairrack*. bring employed a* a kind of stable boy. lie was arrested Sunday, two weeks ago. on the chaigr of cursing and fighting on tlie street. Y. M. t . %.* WIITRH W OHK. 4iy miMlnm ( !•••#• Organised Last Mg hi The gymnasium vlasse* of the Y’oung Man’s Christian Association resum* •) their fall ao leduia yesterday, an*! the out look for a very 1 rge attendance is very bright. Mr Blake, the pnysi *al dire* tor will conduct nine classes a week, three for business men, three for young men tnd three for boys. The Lxdies Auxiliary of the sssoctj- j tlon will hold 11s flrat fall meeting this morning •* tl o’clock it the association parlors The president Mrs Wader Cooney, requests a full attendance of all th# memb'*re am* ■ • I The t’nded State* excel In champagne Cooks' Impellal Kxtra Dry takes the lead -ad. • E HIM. WEED# l %l *Kf> DKIT9I. Mr. I'. H. 1 barge Ygataef i Its for th** Heath of Hl* Won. Mr I* B Springer. wh*wie little son. Lewis Hers, died ba urday from fever contracted duung the earlier part of the week, atfrlbutee his son's death directly to the fa* t that ihe weeds in the n igh borhood. rut by the requirements of the ordinance of the city, have !een allowed to remain on the premises instead of being removed by Ik £ v*nger l#p<rtm*nf Mr Springer said ye>iarday that he thought the m tlon of the city, or what ever department of the cMy government that ! rr*ponsib#* for. tnr matter, nothing |es* than 1 in allowing the weed* to slay for week* after they nave been cut, rotting In the sun, creating pestilential odor*. germ* that are •• menace, not only to ihe itnm* list* vicinity wnere they He. but to the whole city. <n a lot dir#* :!> across the street from him he *ays, the weeds were cut In the early part of week tefore last, and only yesterday was tiny a *lon looking townrd their removal taken, then they were gath ered in pile* and such a were dry snough were burned. Meanwhile. Mr. Springer **ld. the stench of decaying vegetation from the second or third day that tb*- weeds were cut. was m'*si pronounced and continuous “Smebodv is to blame for this state of affair*.” said Mr Springer, “and I Intend lo find out who It Is aid crurr leg il reparation. True |i will not bring back my dead boy, but I shall have, at b ist. the sattsfa'Slon of placing the blame where it belong* and securing by legal action the rtght* that are mine a* a citl xen and a taxpayer '* Mr Springer will aeqk legal advise to-day and further de velopments In ihe *a*e may be expected shortly. ALL TO WIFE IVI BAf I.IITFR. Will of Mr. J. J. M lifter Filed and Probated In 4 oaimon Form. The w4l of the late J. J Wilder was Sled ami probated in common form In the Court of Ordinary yesterday and ler##r* testamen tary granted to J Itindolph Anderson, administrator, with the will annexed. The will nim*d iHessrs. William W Williamson and William H Ad irn* a* ex editor* and trustee* of the estate, but both of these gentlemen declined to erve and Mr Ander***i who 1* the hu*hand of ihe testator’s daughter, one of the two beneficiaries under the will's provisions, was named In their stead The will provide* that the property of the eat ite, real personal and mixed, s tall be held In trust by the trustee for the benefit | Mi* ifcorgla Pag** Wilder, the widow, and Mrs. Page Anderson, the • laughter, of ihe testator to w honi the Income is to he safd in equa' hare* twice a year After the •ignh of either th* income is to be paid to the survivor for her Ilfs, while the survivor I* to have the right of appointment as to the rrpi* of th* estate In any will that she rn.i\ make However. If at the time of the d■*#•♦’ of Mr* Wilder. Mr* Andersevn have Issue living, then the corpus of the #sfMte |s to be paid over to her lmmdiat*l> There ar** other provision*, based upon contingencies, but these ar- the ones of principal moment and Interest While the will, which w is execute*? m*>re than tm years ago. give* n Indication of the else, of the estate, it Is understood to appro imate OODISt. It may le more ith'i vm m.ri ty t Kinm.R. 'worn In. and City Will Have Ills Services fitter Flection Is Over. Mr J Robert Creamer took the oath of office yesterday before Acting Mayor Tledeman * deputy city marehal. the ap pointment having been made by Mayor Myers befor# hi* departure for New York After taking the oath Mr. Creamer reporter! to City Marshal Bower and the two gentlemen had a long und npparently amicable conference. The Indication* are that the work of the office will proceed without f rid lon. Mr Creamer has a large number of friends who will tie pleased at his Induc tion tn office and who predict for him an exemplary and satisfactory career In that capacity. !>epuy Marshal Kelly, who 1* displaced by this latest move after hav ing served Ihe city long and ably and faithfully, was busy the greater part of the day In putting Itls papers and am ounts In shape for inspection. Mr. Creamer staled that owing to the fad that he Is a member of ihe County Hoard of Registration his duties in this connection will prevent him from devot ing much time to his new duties until aft er the eledlon. after which h.s services will be fully at the disposition of the city. ♦* PF.TF.HS ii KTS THF. i HYTHUT. He Will Furnish I'ollee •• Well as Fire I nlfnrms. The contraet for furnishing the police winter uniforms was awarded yesterday by the Tollce Committee of City Count! to Mr Kmll IVter* This was done af*r some very close figuring. Mr. Peters' bid being only s* under that of Messrs. 11. 11. Levy A lira, and about s'.* under that of Harfunkcl A Sons. The contract amount* to about Thl.* doe* not Include hats and helmets, contract* lot which were awarded lii*t week, one :o (•arfuriket A Sons, and (he other to the Faik Clothing Company Mr. Patera disputes* the right of the Fire Committee to fake from him the contract for shirts, which wa* Included In bus bid for file uniform*, util h wav accepted by ihe committee The entire contract having been award**! him li** foes not nl the right of the committee 10 make any change* The member* of the com mlttee. however, state thus tuning found the shirt offered by Mr Peter* Inferior to Hint offered by Harfunkel A Son*, that they mad** the change on thl* account, and not bc( auee of the difference In price TWO 4.IFT# RMT:II KD. Hr the Georgia HUltrlral kortrly at It* Alcrtlug. The Hrtwember mptHni of the Georgia Historical Iwlctf i held laat night < Judge Robert Falllgant presiding After i thr usual routine reporia had hern rend** It waa decided that the treasurer be nu thonged to negotiate h loan of *r to pay certain oti*iati<llna debts. Two member* were elected. The atxiety received from Mr Kotart 1. Rodger* of Atlanta, the historian of Arlington Camp No l.'l. -t.'. (' V.. an article on Arizona Territory, and glen the hlatory of thr cap ture of De Ore.s's Battery. These gift* hove lieett aullahly acknowledged by Mr title Aehmore. corresponding secretary of the society. •tali allow Army'* tr Hall. The palvittlon Army I* holding meet Inge In Its new hall. No. lIJ West President street. The meetings ore held nightly at * o'clock. Capt. Roper of Atlan'g hae taken charge of the army work here, and Is aslsted bv Lieut Figgln There officers will con duct the meetings and still he assisted bv the local workers Nothing moves the bowels so pleasantly, relieves headarh# and biliousness sh quickly as Paraioga Arondark Water All you ran drink for live cent* at Solomon*' drug store. Bull and Charlton atresia —ad. j MATHEWS’ TRIAL ON TO-DAY. ÜBTAII.TIIO M%A%(.ITft or MIR. nil A CO. WILL FAIRS A .11 111. Three • of l.nrreny Yfter Trust Are lo Re tried, and a Pair of Bass. It Is Expected. Will He evasry In Iblrrinlnr Them—4 barg ed w |fh Ypprnprlallnn of S?.mmi llelonglau to His limpid) ers— In leresflna *'lle|iftbta to lie Thrown on t ase Bwrlng tlie Trial —Murphy A t n.'s Manner of lining Huslnesa tn lie liiinr Into by Ifiefense—Clow the *1 ole 11 filoney Went. The irin! of VV ('. Ma'hew*. on three tn dlrfmrnts alieatng lan- ny after iru-i from his employer*. Murphy & Cos., will begin in the Superior Court thl* mottling The trial of Mat/tew* will consume th* lime of the court It I* believad, tor two day* st |ea*t, and Interesting dev# loje inenis are contwiently predicted M <ihew is char 4 l by the prosecutors In rhe caae. of who-e Savannah office he wax nisi. tger. with l iking <>mrthin| hk | Th* history of his flitting from K.i vsnnah to Ala*ka and the wild chase that wa - made by several detectives after him Is |MibU projierty leivtng !■• *me a more than tw*lce-told tab* There are features In the esse however, that have never ome out and ft is h -e that .ire expected to furnish the prlnclp.i. exciitmerU during th* trial Mathews will be defended by Mea>r* < TAJ F ('ami. It 1* understood that It le part of the w h**me of the defense t c • thoroughly into the manner In which th hmliHK- of Murph) A (’o. I* conduc t* I. to ihe • <>d tha. the defendant may b* \ln db ated to some extent tn th* puldic >e. If not In :h* ndnds of the twelve inen b> whom h-* will le tried How rh*s v.ndl r.tlon t* 10 be brougtit aliout hae leen disclosed and the progr*-** of the trial will l* watched closely, partly n this very a* count There were m blent*, too. In regard to Mathews* cap*tire that have never yet seen (he light of du\ or made acquaint ance with the publb print*. It 1* said that he was arrested some two or three different times and that ea h sepur t batch of detectives that nabbed him mulcted him of some of hi* 111-gotten gain*, until he struck the pair that brought hlrn to Savannah Here in the is other material for internet and excite ment The member* f the firm of Murphy A Cos have aIWM\ * said that they have ti- ver recovered dollar of th** money which they lost, but on the contrary were put to several additional thousand dollars' ex pans# In effecting th*‘ apttire of their *b fa tilting manager and having him brought bn- k for trial It wa their purpose and their vde purpo. they -and t mak* an example of him for the benefit of others tn their employ who might in the future l*e Inclined to tak** the same easy road to fortune If indication* point to anything there win la* no relinquishment of the legal bat tie on either a de, but It will be fought out to the end and every portion and point of vantage closely and bitterly contented. The case 1* the common subject of con versation among 4he speculatively-Incltn ed Segment of the city’s business men. Ik %FTKH t OR* till \N. tin n lon Declares He Is Heady to Fight With tine Arm Free. Jack Hanlon l* **lll after Tommy Tor oran He write* the Morning New* from Baltimore that h* would like to meet the victor of the Corcoran-Williams bout, and seems to be pretty well satisfied that he can do for him If that *atl*f i<*tlon 1* ac cord'd him Hanlon seems a It sore that Corcoran will not gl\e him ;i chance, a* he understands !{, to show that the draw declared when the two fought *ome months ago, can be changed into a victory for the Ph tadelphla man Hanlon de* lares that he I* ready to sign arllrbs of agreement to tight Corcoran with one arm free. Marquis o' (jueen*- berry rub*., at any time. He is now mat* bed. he says, to meet Matty Mat thews. whom be will fight Friday night In Philadelphia There ha* been con* Id- era lib* discussion about a Corcoian-Man lon bout, the difficult) In the way of ar ranging otie seeming to lea belief that Hanlon would not ngnt unless It wa* agreed to break clean. The one-arm-free concession inal by llanlon npiNtretitl) leaves It up to Core* rn who has declared h* would mct llanlcn If he would light in this *t>le. llanlon ►• * he want* the match ar ranged wl hoiit hi* ItaMng to come to S*- %arn.ili to look after It IB wa - here not long slncf In the hope of Coro rar to meet him. hut wm.-* not sut'ceasful He says he doe* not like the hlea of *l>eti(llng hi- money too freel> when then Is no certainty that h can get the match he is looking for. Afi ILL HOLD AIEETIM**. Effort to Re Marie to Xeeure a large Turnout of the A otera. An eff.vrt will le made by the politk nl leader* to get out a full vote at the state and i>unty e-lection to-morrow. (Awing to the In k of oppoaltion and the general apathy on the subject. It I* feared th-tt the vote will be small, anil that Chatham ounty will make a |w>or showing a* com pared with her rnoid of former years Thl* Is not considered dcsiraha . A meeting of hal*r>, candidates and worker* wa* hi ki la*t night at which the situation wi- dl* itsa**l, the dei reached bdng tlwst • tinting* *hou;d le held In all ttie district- to-night for the purpose of securing a full turnout of the voters. The rumor that Coroner Goctte will Is a i'indidutM against Dr. J G Keller, the primary nominee for the office of coro ner. wa* revived again yesterday.. The coroner waseaJl to hav# stated in t?ie last month to soma of hi* friend* that he would run. and to other* that In would no:. so that hi* |to-itlNi seem-* woinewhat in dout>t The rumor win pro'mhl) be set at rest to-day Dr Keller’* friend- are among tha-. however, who ar*- moving to secure a large turnout of the votert*. ami they evidently wish lo take no • ha me*. HKt OHIIFR' lIIIMIAA IMH KKT. “Twenty-ala Prisoners Arraigned. Italy a Fern I ae of lntrrc*t. Twenty-slz cases *r heard In the Re corder's Court yerterday H. ' D Ml shoo, white, irresicd Sunday for disorderly conduct In the street, was sentenced to a fine of II or two 'toys' Imprisonment Henry Lamar. colored, i harg* *l with ob taining money under lalse pretense*, was turned over to the I'ltv Court, and to the -am>' tribunal Wire sent James Singleton and Russln Rigger*. colond, charges! with the theft of guano bag* from M r . El Is. The . a*e of Waller tlrsen, colored, ar reetrd by Detective tiarrlty ss a suspic ious characiar. was continued •'ll € a red k. •Orayheard brok* up rheumatism on me." says Mr Chas Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. An 1 put me In betser health than I have enjoyed In a long time Tak* Greybeard Pills for that dlaay farllng—Lo*i appetite and follow R U p with a home of Orayboard It la all you need Respeaa Drug Cos., sola props.. Savannah, ad z TlllYKfi ’TR ILL BE ft’gHLEl. t apt. HI an Is Banking the Sage of I anion for a Seeoad Terai. Cant Henry Blufl believe* that McKin ley will be the next President, baaing his opinion upon several elements of pros pectiv# ve tory. one. at least, of which seems not yet to have been considered very generally. This 1* the influence to be exerted by the sofdler* of the country wrbo are now fight ing it* battle* In the Philippines and In China, with the Influence of their friends and relative* In their home states. Many have thought the relative* and friends of he*r soldiers were so disgusted with the continuation of bloodshed that they were willing to end !h* wars at any honorable prb e, putting the price at the election of Hryan. hut Capt Biun bwlicves that thh influence wl‘| be exerted In quite the con trary direction cpt Blun believes, too. that T>emocracy will emerge from the present conflict re juvenated and with ome of the princi ple* 14 eapouse* h| present relegate*! to the rear With such • party a* he pic ture* Democracy to be he thinks It will matter btitf little to the great ma* of voter* of the country how the election of Ift*4 Wall result. (’apt Blun ha* Just returned from hi* vacation, during whlcn he has had am*le opportunity in study tlie Presidentia out 00k When seen by a Morning News re por*er h*- *ald “If hard work ard ever ae ■ cure* *u< <**. Bryan ought to be the nax T President He Is without a i*er as re ! g irds spec# hmaktng On the other hand. President McKinley, ask* the country to look to hi* record, and the advocate* of hi* claim 10 a second term poin4 with l*rile to an undoubted period of great prewperto the outturn of the election will have to determine “Every one who gives an interview has hlw prejudice*, one way or the other and ( 1 am not free. My conviction I* that - Pres McKinley will be successful Thl* . ountry ha* not tlr**! of prosperity, and ! th* well-to-do element Is patent, with Its adherents, to secure the result it seeks The argument* put forward by Sohutt i and (.(her* m behalf of wnd-imperlgllsin will have contrary effects Especially l* this the case |n the Western states when* i rms of the military rome from. IJttle I t- tbought of the powerful Influence* of ihe friend* and relatives of the Uk>.t>M -•pliers their country’s cause, •ut this Influence will be a ioteni factor in the ampilgn. “Aside from nil speech making “ sal I ‘ apt Blun. “our people hove stislied toe question, and are hut little influenced, though going to hear (*nm either party’s tdvocalee The fusion of Democrat* I f*opulists an.l Sllverltes wnII ia* through tnl* campatgn I took, however, for a rejuvenated Democracy hereafter free from all taint, and thl* well have the ef i*' t of an elect ton In 19M when we may *>k again without great concern as to who the people will choose It was the -Hme way when Cleveland and Harrison ton; the rcsul: would not Jeopardlae the oiMttr\‘s welfare, and we would :ak* ;4easur* again In tlie celebration of a rati h at lon by pMipte of t*oth iwirtles; the fear •*# M to 1 will have been of the |ia*l “ t’apt. Biun came in on the Knnsas City from New York lai night, apparently In fine ph> steal shape and reporting that he had enjoyed himself thoroughly and i*roflt*| much by the trip H*- ha* had an (•pportunity while |n the North to talk with many politicians, as well as with hi* bu*in*s acquilntance*. though, as he says, he start#<l with a prejudice In favor of McKinley and brought It back with him to Savannah NEW LI>F. XTYRTS TO-DAY. steamship Allegheny Y% 111 leave Philadelphia With a Large Cargo. Th# steamship Allegheny, of the Mer • -hams’ and Miners' Savannah-Phllad**)- phla I-ine. will leave Philadelphia on her initial trip to-day. The Record of Sunday says: All day yesterday there was a contin uous stream of truck* entering the wharf with merchandise to be shipped to all of the imjfcirtant points of the South, and when tne day's nuslnes* had been finished i* whs found 1 lu{ the firs: steamer, th* \lleghrny. was assured a full cargo Tt "a* further ascertained by those in charge ha( at the stilling of the setond steamer "t Haturady. urtoter 4, there will be another large cargo for the Southern port* The steamer Allegheny will leave this port for Savannah h 3 o'clock on Tues day aftermMgi. and on the following Sr urelay the Berkshire %vill leave Pier 24 for the same port Tn* schedule there after Is Allegheny. October 10. Berkshire. ‘t' toh# r 15; Allegheny. October 1; Berk dur*. Oct>ber Zi. Aliegueny. CK'ioiirr .*7. Berkshire. October 31 Simuld it be found hat the niuidh's busini a* justifle# R there will be |ut on a!dltl(>nal efearner:. • t th* tMginnlng of next month, or Just • x soon •* su h are required.“ Agent Carroll H Smith said of the out bw>k for business for the line; "I had ox pec ied a hearty response to j •he tnnouiv emenr that a new* line of ship* j would come to this city, but this response MirjM • all our expe*'t*tton* The r.ill- and shipper* in general haie don( n. Iv and w. have a**uran< e* tha I rOl <nl\ the fh>t. but all our ve*e|e. will (Try large cargoes from Pbladeplug t o the South." AA \ lot a i-Tiit me son. lr. A. Jane* Krari I'rhato John K. Jone* Alay Have Hera Ia pin real. Mr. A. Jones, who live* on Barnard I Street, near June*. I* anxious over l|ie i falc of hi* son. who was a private In the ! Twenty-Nlnlh Volunteers In the Phlllp- I>ln- Private John K Jone*. enlisted In Macon fur ihc Twenty-Ninth, and lefi Kon Mcphrraon. where the regiment was mobilised, with Ilm •'ommand for Han Francisco. Ihcmb taking a ship for the Philippine*. PrlvaU Jone* wo* In llic company that has been lost sight of completely In the Philippines. Fifty-one m* mi*er* of the . nmp.niy. under command or Capi PhW-ld*. wT on an expedition wheel tliey were alt.c ked hi n hand of Filipinos. A dls- PSli h In till* lsue of the Morning New* Klies further news of the Incident and tile capture of the Americans. Though the report to the War I>cparim*nt did not embra e Private Tone*' name, his father say* that lie believe* he was with his company when it departed upon the ex pedition. * 1 t Mayor Will Return This Week. A letter received yesterday from Mayor Myers by Acting Mayor Tledeman. atatea that the Mayor will return to the city some time this we-k. but does not stale the . xnrt day It I* Judged fr.m this that the Mayor may nol l*y here until the lat ter part of the week. In which case he will not he present at the meeting of Council to-morrow night So peril AA eliding* The extreme popularity of line cut glass ware for wedding present*, i* partially ac • ouniid for by l. Inexpen at veneaa. ami further, for the teassm that It combines both heauiy and practical utility Mern beig A Cos are displaying this season the handsomest selections In this line ever > pen*l In Ravonnah and those having present* to buy or household replenishing to see to are Invited to call and make, tneir selections while the line Is full— • 4 _ At F.allll'a, No. 41 801 l Street. A full supply of school hook* and , school supplies can be had at the above, -ad. 1 "NOBBY LINE" % of "Riding Saddles," All Kinds and Styles. We Manufacture Them. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. S„ I. S L 01 HOP! R T AND C J l R f si 111.1)1 U Tor 111 of Hop#. MorrtKomrry, Thund.r. bolt. Caul# Park #n l Wmi. Kod I>aliy #*< #pi Sundays. Subject to cnr) C , without notl e. IBLE OF HOrE; I.v 'Uy for I of II Tlv I-|. of (JU am frum ivmb i •u am for Solti r 1M am from Tenth I sOO am for Ter. h *am from Tenth 706 am for Tei ih IS om from Bolton *OC am for T* n h jo SO am from Tenth 10 00 am for UOO n n from Tenth jll 0) am for Bolioa 1 U pm from UoMon jll 10 am for T. JlO pm from Temh | : 00 pm for 130 pm from Tenth ; Ito pm for Hoitoa 4in pm from Tooth j l uu pm for Tenth Ihpin from Tenth 0W pm for Tenth m pm from Tenth ' ouO pm for Tenth JM pm from Tenth (7 00 pm for Te--n 010 pm from Tenth 00 pm for Ten-h 10 pm from Tenth 00 pm for Tenth 10 lo pm from Tenth 10 opm for Tenth 11 00 pm for Tenth MONTOOMERT. I.v city for Monc'ry LTHMontremrT I am from. Tenth t7IS am for Tenth J pm from Tenth |ll5 pm for Tenth Tenth | (00 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. ' ” J v Itl for .at I'.irk Cattle Park 010 am from Rolton | 700 am for Bolton 7 10 am from Holton j 1 no am for Bolton ] 00 pm from Hoiton < 1 10 pm for Bolton 1M pm from Bolton lOttpm for Bolton 7 00 pm from Bolton l 7 10 pm for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton S3O pm for Bolton THINUtKBtILi Car leave* Bolton street Jun tlon 131 a. m end every thirty minutes thereafter until H ID p. m. Car leave* Thunderbolt at 0 no a m and every thirty minute* thereafter un'll 12:00 mldntcht, for Bolton street ]un tlon FREIOHT AMD PARCEL CAR Thl* ear carries trailer for pasnenirer, on all trip* and leave# weat side of city market for tele of Hope, and all Intermediate points at 1.00 a. m. IDO p. m.. tOO p m. Leaves Ile of Hum for Thunderbolt, City Mark** and all Intermediate point* at (00 a m II 00 r i. m.. 3to p. rr WEST END CAK. Car leave* <t aide of city market foe Wat End 000 a. m and every tn minutes thereafter durln* tha day until 11:10 p. m. Leaves We*t End at 4 30 a. m. and e. ary 00 minute* thereafter durln# the day nntll 11:00 o'clock mldnlirhf H M IX3FTOV. Oen r 11 pm 8 m i? 5 Congress Si. M. We handle the Yale & Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else where. * BUILDERS' HARDWARE WAGON MATERIAL EDWARD MI'S SMS 113 Hrowglon Street, West. BRRNNAN BROS^ • HOLES ALB Fruit, Produce, Grain. Etc. >ai BAY STREET, wee*. TlkpbMtllL SEED RYE. GEORGIA SEED RTE. SOUTHERN PEED RYE. TEXAS RED R. P OAT*. ’ HAY. ORAIN. FLOUR. FEED. FRUIT* AND VEOETABI-E* CHEESE. BEAN* PEAS W. D. SIMKINS & ( o. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses Mogsbeads *• awl a fey c. m. gilbert a co. _ OLD NEWSPAPER*. *# for tl canto at BviaUMP QJBtc Mpipiog Nti