The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. | Hall'a (irrai Dlirnvfr?. Off umall bottle of Hal! * Gaat Di#- miry curt* nil kldna> and bladder IfWUIIM niK>vj> frVfl. fUi' *1 •annual emissions. w#ak anti >arne btrkv rheumatism and all |irguUrliß of th# kidney# and bladder lit both rn**ti and worn*!;, rf uUtfi bl adder trout le In chil draft If dcm sold bv your druggist will be sent my mall on rece p’ *f 11 One •mail bottle la taro months' treatment and will curt any ras above mentioned r>r E W Hall. sola manufacturer. V O fin* *29, s Louis Mo Send for •!!* monsaia Sold by all druggUta snd BM>n Cos . bavannah. On. Rend This. rr V, W Hall, St. bouts. Mo : Hear •lr Please ship m' three dosen Ilal< * o*Hr r>in averv bv flmi fiprM' I have sod nver one gro* It glvw# perfect f Infartlon ard I reomfn*nd It to m y customers. Yours mil H r GROVES Ab*{ Monopoly Drug fltora. Deals rig Dee IS , IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. sews AM) vieu or tih: imv i\ TMO STATES. \t lint l.lhrrty Independent Troop U I*) j*—tniiury for Albany** Militia I roil 'l'hnt l-nl * blckena. %n;utm Hllla Are o|irnlm-ter -uln 1 rtn.lnal nptitred In I- lorliln M. Anu u*t Ine Mend* om speaker*. tMber Florida Apw*. Cra wfordvilia Derno rot Mr Tom tiharn of thle county. b i* te *>? a lara** green frog lie .-i\- the frog riugnt a frying sis- c Picket n* r M hou— itnl be Id It until he k> I* and It Th# frog h* S | • tiem to il with h death grip. Mr Guam eaya It Is commmi to #*■♦■ chi* ken* *at frogs, but it la the first lime It* t vff ru* a irog at a *hi k* i Afrn-Amrrlrniia 4dinrn. The Afro-Amen an t’onferen <\ whU h baa been in •etmon in M uon for never.*l days past. adjourned .Saturday, and lit# delegate*- have d{*itt* 1 far • r.* 'r I Hi' The conference was largely*-i an*! j*>|t (patient wa* manifest, i in every feature of the tic etitu A great inm v while pep!e attended the m.efing and the apee< hep dt live-red l> th* visiting t i<r*! minister?* were said to l*o the best ever heard In that city An Inlereatiiia Appeal. The Gibson Record niuk* thl- interest ing appeal to voter- tin t semen in tv-na-i of civillzathH. pernitl the white doy* of l*ejee lo hover over this • **inmufilt> on election day Dlt .*rd your evil t ugh make the day >n* of p- <t -ur* nd wh* •he balk*!- are count'd you will have nothing to b** adnttml and you •an m#N and g re* t your op|Ni t ts w ith a clear eon science, but to d< oihtrsin:. >ou can not meet anyone wtih a -mi . Allll* Oticiilittf Audio The King Cotton MW of Augusta open ed again yesterday aft* r being shut down for two weeks This action Is taken larg* Ijr out of interest In the otM iativo* who have been idle while th null w m cloa l since it Is said there la n< money to tv* ma le at the i re* rnt prh e of • ition T . Sibley mill, which also closed down f r two week -. will not start right aw.ty on account cf hav ink to make some exten sive repar#. The l.lberty Independents. Liberty Herald: The parade of the Liberty Independent Tr<*oi* here on Tut* da\ was one of the best attended In . long time. .*59 men and officer?* wet* out Th* arnio! v tin* u--ton am* up as It h.i-* been for the past five yearn mil it w.s finally decided to ili**w tn* work on the aimorv to proceed. and the work ought :•* be under wav pretty soon The tt<*op d* * elded to hold monthly iarad* for th* next three months. A t eat tom h* tom * will be placed at the grav of Private R A Curtis wno wh< ii omruaratlve -trange? In the county Mt Curt! wi- member of a most cxrelknt Not th Carolina fam ily. To Have n Arw Armnrf. Albany Herald II is probable thal with in the next few we#k.- the Albany Guard** * ompamee K and G, will b* domt i.*d in one of the most conveniently appointed armorier In th* etatr Th* ir* now on the tv of . losing i on tract tvl aetile the matter definitely. ind there seem to la no obstai h In the way. As i generally known, the Guard wih b obllge.| to give up their pt* •* rt armory tti a short time, th* htr'l th* > have hereto fore occupied having teen rented t< other ta riles For a time the two com pain lew were at a k?s to tin*! a wultnbl* place for another army, but finally a• hente w:i eugg**ieri by whi* h their reqtilretmtii* may he *n*t In a haril- rn*> m.tnnei Tl*- scheme is nothing more or lees i’ran •* lease th#* Halcyon pavilion. Mr Morris Wesloaky. to whom th* property be.tMige has agreed to make th** • ivrtittr) int provermnts. arul will give the Guard* a lease for a term of %* -. FLORIDA. The first case of cruelty to nlm.N since the reorganisation of the 8 I* C. A., came up in Police Court In HaWir day morning Jacob Kubstctti w • found to he guilty of mtssrea Ing hi horr*. and was fined 111 on. N*|Mtllenn t ampaiaa. Hen M 11 Maefarlam*. It publican can didate for Governor of Florida, and lion George 11. |*atters>n, Renubll* *n 'anil date fongres- from hr Fiist district, n|end the iinpatgn in Tampa Us* night. The sf eak>ng party will be In Ocala to day, and In the cour*< of the ampafgn will be ? fakelund Oct. 29. and at Bar tow Nov 1. Wnrkitiu for M. Inunsllni*. Fully m <Siz h *p< aker* left Bt. Au<ju tin# for <tifT*r*nt irctlonn of the ptat# to advan e the inherent# of fti An gtiPtlne'* tun fit :?ary for the mate capital All of the Mw .4k fh %% ill lour the rial*’ <1 urlng the entire week. mi l In that tint** ttfarly all of the prlnipgl titles and se - tlon> will b* cover* !. He publican Wllhdrawa. Tttuwville, FlorMs Htsr Mr J H Dewey, the Republican nom tree* for the Legislature In Dade county. has withdrawn from the ru> in*favor of Dr. It It I*otter. she has In the past defraud h* Democratto nominees in that county; ** ii behoove* the iKmoerary of Dad< to m in>l unit* I ard work hard for the | of ih<‘ Dtmocratk nomlnef. Mr. Hurr. .4 Uoinnn ••fli*aphnter.* Mrs A K. Eate||. who t Ihr most noted woman pho-ph iter In Florida. and €he only woman who. in the !utory of phos phate. has run her own mine* on her own proper’y. 1* bach at Oral.* from her sum mer visit to Boston, and with her adopted daughter Mn Katie Wengtr. has gone to Julian# to look after her phoapnate property a< that place. An Aged Woman's Death. Mrt E F Perley. aged ftt years, died at Orange dry Monday n!ght. after a short ftekness H#r body will he taken o Plca ♦onlm# 111 . tn care of h*r son Mr. **•’- 1; ( with hia wife, went to Orange City t twenty-five years ago and settled one mile esst of town, '-arryinff *r> gardening and orange growing. Mr Ferity will remain there. lire Mt Apnlartiieoln. Ar-iU ■ hfrola had a fire Wc*lnesdav. whi* h t one tlni# threatened another crn fUgrittlot.. but luckily comic tion was with th* water s>ft*m <f the Kim ball I,umber t'omiany, n*l a ?• and *f th. fire was p • vented not. however, un til the large two-story building Of Ztn gere’b r Hr** slUale*l on Market street, near he f•#*. h Park wa. t*r '. ally on* sum* and The fir* originated from a de fective flue, and the loss* will amount 10 about $! '■■* Solicitor juriSßll's * use. s# I*, i-r*burv Hub Peninsula Judge tjeors*' P Raney of Tallahassee h*s ren *l* r I r* il*** lston that lion. H**lon Tur man's HptaV.ntmefit a- solicitor of the Hillsboro t'rlmlnal Court of ll**c*rl bolds good for tit#* full term, which ends In 19.1 The candidates who have announced them selves for Mt. Turrnati s |tosliion will c#*n tinue tu run, however and th** mi* esaful • undl .at* will tak** .'** matter before the < Oiirts. i Hoßeltor Turman lhays that he will t ontlmif to hold tb** office without regard to the Nov*mlier primaries. (•i orui'i ( rlmiitnl t aptured. Tit u- v ill*- I).t f tYast Advo te on Hun tley last. Deputy; Hkfrdff M H Jn* Jr. wtio is alway * dong g*od work, brought ttf* to town from Fort Pierre. white man t um*l Hmhh. Mr Jonte has b* • n wat' lung this man for the |w>t thr* week; and when h* learned that *-om*- b* and of Ills nature was w-a tiled in l'rr\. **. be arres** 1 liitn Hherlff M L foot er of the latter plate. utu tit for .nl arrivt I here Tue*day H* recognlied the man the one warded and he pretend ed to Ik- verv si k The charge against him i*- tin* t‘ 'iv Ing *f money .n*|er false I't-tetis ll wa H|io.nted admlnDlf-i tor for an e tate in Georgia about thr* *< V* rs .Igt* Hid ?Oi-l It fey .b*. Ut J " k |.jdng t' Ter;** wh* re t,* i tndti'd • me time at.d then * ame to South Flor i ci. SlicrlfT t'o > i left with hi- prlxe on Wednesday II AD t ltifr. A I' l Of HR A\. <dn llae nd A alaatile t'ontents Were Defrayed. < '<'hran. <•* f> • 1 • k A Ob* r t v m gin h*>u< w?* burn* 1 Haturdav af. ernoon Thirty-eight bales *f cut on eight lull- s ye* l cotton, several thousand bushels .f -a*.l a i*t of lagglt g iuml tbs and other -tuff wr. destroye*! S*m** *f the s*-*s| muy t saved Mi. Pea • k’s dw-.;ii' and bait* taught from •!*• sparks, and W're in imminent danger, but wre mi.*. l without damage The U*s wa 94.0 m with no* It requir**l b-rolc work '•* tv* a I trge lot of *ottou that wa stored near bv TA so\ ATOIIb \A AH t'LOAKD. Albany t.rorrry < n. A|a|r f'om pin In t I bnt a*i•*! It. (*o!rpjltt. Ga Ot. 1 —Of* Saturday night at 9 o'rks k the dot* of W G. Tyson A- Cos. WIS c|os#- l **\ 'he sh erifr T tie Al iwmy Gro* *r> * ompany of Albgn.v ha*l he lo**rs *l**-**l The innuint of th* ilm lsi known h> your cor re* (H-ndeir S R Wilkin wis irarnteh * i for funds eupi***i to I**- in his hand"*, a. \V G Tvhad en con*- for ome little time ••<1 S It W ilkin was employed as c*eik • luring hi abyefice. The funds in hi ll ind*. as *lerk are what he is garnisheed for. IIOAA K\A AM. list LOOK*. Imprror lfl|*| Aml le n-e* I’rom Attd •liulu Till ItNan. Prof. I T. lhadland In Aintdee'w **The (*hln-se Km|*eror I- now .ihout thirty yeat *f a* He Is under the medium h ght. allow, and apparently of # weak * on.-tn utiot ll* ha- i* lv and n good trninlng in t'hiti* sand in Main hu He know* -om* Kngh f. ll* has a wife, n loxen <*n mine-, and no htkiren ils i.- unabi* i• control his explosive temper. It |s doubtful whether h- can exert a rule of authorbv ov i other He has .* kinl of f* minim* energ) to j*u-h nt*l. but la*ks.l r vision of surrounding con*!l tloti? Hi- reform edicts are unique In the history of the empire. It is impossi ble to *a\ however, what part of th*tn is in* to him and eht< part to Kang Yu \\l. tht? greatest leader of the Reform party. "The l.mi*ei*r, as Is ustomarv in t’hina, tram*W ts .ill stst* affair* h>tvvu twelve at •nwlulg' t and the ti-e of the *un B**me sharp gongue ha; *ail thal t ,*)• *hin e lv e d.iikn* ' because their bl- are evil. J ro<sl. howev* r. Is done at itic me tun il Is during these hours that Kwang Hsu formulates his edict*. a hi* h ar ail published tu th*' Prkln Ga x- tie. Two officials shad>w the Kmp*-ror without .-lng Th# sr hi* th* ImjM ital Rrrordt ty Th* v not* and transcribe his (v* rv act. his verv word. Their m* m oranda ar** trariaferred to the tm!rrtal archievew and ore not opened until it* history of th* dynasty Is written, long *fter th*- rotting bones of Hml have become *.u red beyide of his am cwloro.** Admitted Phollv "There? I k!lk*l that op** all richt. didn't I** ' The G.*me k cjs r A’**s. ►lr' He*# Just a- dead as anybody could have killed him'" Puck ECZEMA ’S ITCH IS TORTURE. i causrd by an anil humor in lb- bliMxl coming in contact with the km anil producing great reilncaa and in f?.\mmntiun ; little pustular eruptions form uni <!t<tehjrge m thin, aticky mud, which dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin ts hard, dry and fissured Kc/ema in any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times ate dittos! unbearable; the acid burning humor seem, to ooze out and set the skin on tire Salves, washes nor other eater nal applications do any real good, for os long as thr poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. DAO FORM OF TETTER. For three years I hat Tetter on my WkV'"' H^b of the time thei*ease wasnthef imnf run- Wy —* 1 nmg sores, verv pstn- RyM Ja fu! snd causing mr gfe. "• f „ 9 nut* Four ( doctor % sstd the Tetter fliy ha*i pr<>*rrk%rd too far hr •' j|B|^l do nothing t* n*.* ! t<->k only three ,JW . . sunt wa- compietrlv cured **w ARP* rhi '• fifteen years igo. and I have never sttirr wen any gn of my old tumble.'*Mss. L, H Jackson. 1414 At . XamasCttv. Mu S S. S neutralizes this acid poison, cools the blood ami restores it to .1 healthy,! am! the rough, unhealthy akin Iccomts soft, smooth and clear Jfc j3j aNW < urea Tetter, Ery 'w sipclas. Psoriasis, Salt Rlieuni and all skin jpjfl t diseases due to a pois- Se oneil condition of the blood. Send for our book and write uc about rotir case Our physicians hare made liiesr diseases .1 life study, atid can help you by their advice; we make no charge for this service. All correspondence la conducted in strictest confidence. (jJJ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, A. THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1900. CASTORIA for Infants and Children. Cimtorin In n liariiil.-KN wuhntitilte lr t'aftor OH, Purr- Krtr, and Soothing Syruns. It is IMi-uxunt. It .-nntaiiiM m itlirr Opiniii, Mitr|liinn n.r oth-r Nurontii*. subotan.-e. It (iMtrnjr* Al .irniH and allttyH Ft-vrriuhniMt.. It Iliitrrlt.i-u aii.t Wind C<tll-. It relieve* Tedlt- Intr Tri>iildi-H and riir.-H Counti|ation. It rt-iriilal.-N tlm Ht.inia. It and Ituw.dM, (-iviiiK ln-althy and natural The Cblldrcn’H Panucra Tnc Moth.T’a Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. ’Ht Itt u CO*’** l " r * t>'i*' ' •"if >.(* TQHW C'T* GOT A PANTHER ON A HOOK. A KIM* Of IIMIIM. THAT 17 AA K AAAI/ION M. A I .It VAIIOIF Allot T. I ini- AVna Hulled f#r l niNniuunt, Hut If Held Allien li*r> lllguer lilßtr Took lloltl —l.nnl**l Will* n Ulniluun-lltM* un f*#nr#f Unnnlnlii lt% Vfivnl Ilia I Mrle'a llulf*in. I rom tb* N- w > rk Hun Thw man with * ’or* 'fD'.ing (.*■ *b* la. I the rc*l tlosn ni il. l*.t k #i I turneet to th* man who w . g- tting the lunch r*dly. "This kind uf flnhlng kw.#.*' he said, when then oth* r kind iround but fl*hlng f*r intn-r tv th* r.-al thing "How |N#nth*r ' -k*<i th*- other man, >p# nlng il lavtll'* of hr er. "J*h fl.-blng for panther, that all." "Rut how t • *li kens <l*> you fish for pantliM lnldel ttie *th*r man. ?**: • busy with th* lun l "I never h.*l f .-iich a thing. 1 thoiiglit they hunt**! for lamther " "Home do, and then again Mom* fish for them That the wav I did " "Weil. aid the other man. hope;e*vg of gening dire* fly at the mifter. "you come • head and g< i a wav wtth your p.*rt of tbl lunch. nt.d while you at you'll forget how bad It ia in t* 11 mg rn* how to ft.-h for panther." Th* panther fisherman drew* up to the fea- thd as he ate he ta’k**l "Wh* n I wan h hnv of IK or there* alKMifj*." h*- sakl. "my father died It: T* i n -**e<- and I tv* lit to iiv- with .in un* .e in the < >£tt k Mountain country * .Arkan mi!* My t** I*'- farm w.# tn a country w here the . .tam-HHii** gr w *i trer- and we had lot?* of trouble with them and vh*r varmint* keeping tb* m off the -heen \V** had on.v about a hun*lted, aiwl couldn’t afford to |o * anv #o we ttxe*| up a log nbin near the •n* * p <*heda. And I used to flop there with • gun harxly for any marauders that might come aka g .A utamour t is a michtv hhnrp unimal and 1 never got a 'lint . one that did anv harm. s* I began to -ni*ly up - >rn plan to get h a* alp. and I final v . v>n lud* and to try f)hlng "I got three t.ig wturgeon ho**k you know what they ire Ilk* fastened to i fin** *t*c| i ham nltout /dx feet long that w.i # strong enough * haul i hnyM n k with, m*l to the chain I tied iliotr hftv teef of new hemp hop* Mv un.-le nm*l (un of me and wan ted to know if 1 wa* going to use a reel tnd whut kind of fly old I use, but I told him to ntitid hi own bn-4nes and give tn* n c|an**e. When 1 had my tackle ready I took a p|*ce of fre-b meat and burhl the hook** in it Ju-t <|eep enough to cat h hold e.H\ when lr was time for them to begin Then I carried the Isilt out tcw rd tn* wood from the cabin the lull length of the line, and (dipping the other end through ten by twelve w indow w•• had in th** door I looped I? over a post In the cabin for anchorage "I# was about 9 o'clock when I bad ev erything In shiir** and flu* m*on w i*< shill ing like n big -liver plat* in tb* -k> I lav* down with the old -dmtgun by my -Ide. thinking how I woiiid crow* over th** uncle If I caught a c*t imount. and Iw-for* I knew what hal happened I was asleep. How lnv I lept Id r t know* but I w < * aw akened by a scre*-**h In tti* woods tb I knew did not com* from a cat imount. I* wa* n panther, for I had h*.*r*l them before, and I was on mv feet In an In stant and wide iwake Catamount?, were bad enough, but panther* were a lot worse and th** few times w- had hid them *‘ome around h* \ had **tir• • I up the countryside like an •1* Mon I wa* so wrought up that 1 forgot all about my • atummint bait rind I r ng* ! up along- I* of th* window Mt in the door we ba.| one each -,*|c of th# :;un to command ill approaches with th* shotgun clench ed In my hand as If It were something alive that w- trying to get *wav from me Izordy. but I wa* geared and ahoky on my peg*: and not scared either exact ly, for I was |*rrfectly safe in l* * abln. tmit n IS-yeur-old bov facing * hungry panther, even when b* is behind a w ill. Is liable to h ngi at* <1 and I wo* that to such an extent that I could hardly ke t* my face to the w inlow lone enough t. look out. 1 heard mother s r.* h in n minute or two after I go* to th* window and the sheep in the sheds began to m< it kn and to irovi troiifi i lit ft it ’ You know if there is anything h t scares a sheep it Is a panther They don't v *rn after catamounts ;n*l dogs exactly, but [ pan*her -imply drives the curl out of their wool • I located him by bl- n* at screech, and ibe came slipping out of th* thicket • * I acros— ttie open with h.s whoi* mind ti\**l lon the shd where the sh*-*-p were 1 could *♦’•* him •• t* Sn *- l\ inl : was o sigh' lo behold N*? • v* i tv big one ts panthers go but gra eful o- *u ! mg. I and smooth u • ' n* nt as h ,r* pt through the grass with the verv ! motion and a snake iml not •* if h* had J legs to walk on. I was nm # hund*d | yards from htm when be appeared and i as he had to pa - *-lose to the cnbln *i ■ get to the sheep shed entrance, I laid in ! wait to surprise him ft lamed tf I detu't think mv heel** wrtukl kc - k hl* ill tn r>inr-h*'on floor I w is shaking .* nd if the pint her hadn't beep so intent on ho' Ing mutton chopr- for super h' cr. I have heard m* NN **n he tv a wdth.n • ilrtv yards I rals# i th*’ gun t w i t win*low nnd for the first time n "i .-*1 th it I had sen ton •\*D• I to * kit I w, • in a hurrv now of course. anl I giat ! I <i the rummer m l thtrwr It ha* k w \ n nish nick worn* thing went In ‘j.b* the lock and tl* hammer dh**pp- l limp and li-tl*s* •* i *ltshrg I bad broken the mainspring "That left me help]. a- fir n offer *4ve warfare wa concerned. nd being *m tha dvfenxive now-. I recalled the rat moun bo * I stoo*l still tvatchinf th# pamher slipping along, and T hope.i he would get near enough to take the bait bc-auae you know, the feline kind a*.* •'of hunter*, by scent ard want to sec ; heir prey. Did you ever see a cat lose i mouse in the grass and not he ohie ?o find it f ,11 she saw It move, though * wasn't a foot from her nose* l wa* a Iraki mt* panther was going by the bait, hut there was u little water In his path. *1 *1 i • • ime over t*ward the *ut*n to l*.t *•- t The * h.itige of coins*- brought him ft . to ia < wtth the pie#*- of juicy bun • I had * t out u a* lun h for a • urine jih I gu*s- he mn*: have leen l*i* h iiigrv for b* iqu i tni arid leaped f** l* und ft* ddn'i w ilt for .ny *at l• • N * f a gu p* 1 it tg -I down "ll** ha*lti * riKr than w tllow-ed it •• ii h • t l tht ll w t i not exa* tly .1- it should Im . .ii,*i h* lay flat wii his iieily oi.d lx g.n i<> l#H?k warily around, a* If lie sus|m tid the p sen** of .*n ••ueniy The bain t th* ball bothered him io, for h* uiiiM not g*-t it out of hib mouth and In b- gan Uut king ha* had letween ii:a l*w ilk* t rat (?*• win-n sip* gets a ting tangled tu he. muuih I kept still, und didn't interfere wit tv hi.* meditation#. f*r 1 knew I wotikj ••• tnou> of him !*- f *r- w. i'.ri'd ■ *>mi iny. The blcadug of • *h*e| moved him pr#Mently, and he gut U|*. shaking his und pawing tils ia • ~id mouth l g.-l th* lmiin away. ll#' Marled for the shed again, but the ro|** pulbd on tilm. arid I reached for mv •nl*f il an*l gav* i’ a x.**Di<l jerk to ( tin- hook.' Insid** o| fiin# You ought to 'hav* seen th i panther Jumi*. bu h- Jump*#! In th* *dii Mon *t the pull and not uguin.-t il. tor I gu*-c when ih books i<k in>l*l ih* v ii-u.-i i■ iv*■ hurt din He • r*ech*d a If they did. anyway. I hell omo th** ro|n an*l he Iwmncod around an I roll'd over rwhirig Then I started to haul in. 1 itißught when I began Mil part of my fishing h** would probably g’t awuy, but It hurt h.m so to pull la k ihut I (lrugg<l him u(> toward the door why I w intd nlm th* re I couldn t tell If* must have .n ns through the window he i inn- up reluctantly In re e *ne t. nr. pull. for. with a yell, the r**p. Mucked, and he cum* at the window as If h#* w.uild g* i ut nx* in ejlte of every thing I dropped th** rope and back* 1 over into a corn, i of li*** cabin, while h* tore at tie door with his (law like a miner witii pick Not icing ;ili> io d> any harm !•* ha* k t ae *y nr.l lav down al-ou’ a *ix*-n !•* fn*m it;** *l e. w here he one* mote I** * gun hls altempl.' to g#-t ihe chain out *>f his mouth or down hls throat 1 ifirite up to th* top* again and began paving him once nxiie. an*l II wae more . v iung than at v tioout p'aving von ever lir that panther was a terror when he if I**l to get away, and worse whan he ttb-d t** law hi* way through the door I l*i him * awhile and presently he got up and tried to make a sneak for the w"*hi v I nev.i sail a word, hut when h* loth*- * rid of the line and the hooks I.* gan to pull on bis lnMd*s h*> look*#! around In * .'hatrx-fa* • and ki *1 of u wav and lay down t th** *r.*l of bis tether. i bis s*emed to 1* an auspicious occa s on ft-r m*- to g*-t out and t<* go to ttie house f r help. I I >|* n* *1 th* door real .. . \ <ii and start'd to >dip out Rut he was wale mug. and I had no more than showed myself wh* n he uin* . nr*’ with a ter r,n. scre.-ch antUl rlodgfd i a k again with .x. , dmg hi'T^He tre at the door for v. rul and I drew the tin#- up taut ard he'd Mm. snarling and clawing and mapping Talk about fishing Well, '•*) don* invar anything al*out It till yon have houked a i*un.her. Just h*w long I w *uld have t* play him t*efore he , * .ii w u m horn i would ti.ive . V.ntiiallv landed him 1 don't km*w but the rumpus going t* about the ewbln hud awakened mv un. !•• atul he *am down io s*~** what was the matter XVlun he hov* in sight around the corner of • h** sh#** i* ahxt ih panther was lying down iout tw ntV'ftv** feet fr an the , 4M r . and when h* raw him I thought tho b* iM would get aw iv #>ven I' he hud t * tds vital* out 1* ng it. 1 held onto the rope Ilk* grim death and yelled to n\ mu le to g t out of th#- way. which he • lid bv skinning up a p'M to the roof of the sheep ehr.l He had a gun when he -tart* i but he left it on the ground when lie went up the j*e^* • We row established communications ard I tod him that I had the panther l, ok#d all right If lx would be kind • tioiigb t“' * * dip net *nd land him lie -ai l If I would h II the blamed brut* st'-ad' b* would come off th- roof ami go back lo the hi me and finish hls tan*, bcciuj-.- he didn Hk. to get up so early any h*w Alice posting on the roof awhile and ji< t|iiirin inorf t nntl Ini * in mv hi* .1 tftimm! io tin* Kr*>un*i „ m t k<i hi. k'm bill h<* bit.jn i lh<- .i>nr i 10 > i .. pant h< m# .hool tint 1 .Inin', iiiame him hit for Hull *-Hh-r. I M ,|u*i- I km* kiiMt ktfi't o( ■* li*fnp**r ih.i; 1 .inlhcr hiiil I ll>l him (o brink th. ittin .ironn.l in ih* '* k wln lok of th* ilnn .irwl b*n.l It in lo in. *n>t tn.iybr 1 .on M in.k It n.i'ful It *• i,*v • t'.o'ikh to ib> t i • with tho ibln tirtwi. ii nlm .uni tin- p.mth.r .ind t oo t\4.l in.- B un w .th hi- iimn.. hr- It l pul ,i himlful of •'un* in brrl tot grea er effe. ilveness. T in panthrr h i* unlink pr-lty tlrr.i n..- go.l Kh. n mv un. lo .Uwippcarwl from vi. %\ tic t.v (own main .uni brk in hi* .ill o* . up.i, ion of p. wink it thr i tin in in In* nmiih v> rulibtiik til frr on I n* roun.t I pnln*.| on th** llp<* to ,tir him „!■ n bit .iii.l K>! him lo i-omi* m> oroy, ii in* .not Inn n piflynl until ho won -tuhbnrn. nml thoukh I J.-rk. t him |.r**iti nr.i hr onl? srowint nn t MMppo.l .it th. . h.iln Ho ho.t kono off a, for a hr I*olll*l Rrt, lint 1 .hmurM I monkl tir *nif* In tovit nk htm por-*Mi.*Ui to n.mi n**ar**r on I o|n*n.**l ,ii** rl.wr nn<l Irt him r**r mo T il - I him wild main in*l I soon ha.l all I coukl .to to t ikn |n ih<* alack aa hr aim* up. I w.ia anfr l.rnln.t th** *Vx>r wnrn 11* Ut on It wtth all hta . twwa ou\ |n th* Hm .*a faat aa I I |t.*w him up rh**.. * ' th* wir low Aa it atu.-k Mu kmi liuouah to rml Ih- hal lo ho canuht It In hi* month, nml Ju-t ih.n I r.ull.At imth fritß.-r* I kur-n mv un lr hart put In wh**i** toil of trail pip. for ihr Kuo kl-knl mo char i ro*a th.* , .tun in I I ..I m. up on h< col In corner nml tt .lldn't lo.ivr rnough of tho lainthor a h*ml lo mako ht akin orttamrn ■at w hrn wo i nuio.l it Thar." < onchido.l •hr Hoi* * .Iter, "I panther tl-hlna am! lit t- vhv I -av iii klnrt nf tlahm* wl.l .to when inrr* none of .nr real thin# Tolllrr a Weekly har now sakon |ta plan it ihr very lore-front of American ll'.ur* ira’ert weakly Journal, It. art work le alwaya clean freah and ttmaly, illuatrat :r, evema tr whleh the people are mr ruled and elurlrtatln* the n**w while Ii I* yet ourrrnt hlutorv. Ita aperlal aril lea. 100, are Invariably well .elected and well written r-oliler’a haa once more ’• m unrated (hat there la room at (he op.* FOYE’S FOYE’S FOYE’S FOYE'S ONE MONTH Having passed since the new store was opened to the public, one month that was hut a succession of trade triumphs, we can safely say that the public has appreciated its efforts. The career of the store, universally considered a very remark able one, warrants a few words concerning the principles which made it a success. \\'hy did the new store succeed so quickly? BEfAt’flPl w* d#> n#i tnlr#f>raxf*nt in •h# nor#* or out of th More nd Jo not permit our employe? !• do -*> * ith#r AN •• •ay what w. mean, rn* n wh< wc and live up *ri< tly to the letter and nf our advertlim ment. BKi’ACSK w ai* attending to our own hunineiPg. We look etraight aheud anl attend to our own affair- W# have n. • kwlr* to plant the aerending etar of our fui ***e-H in |li r of the descending nar of another more, but are hap|y to liv* ar.d lei Uvo. F*. X. ROVE, Corner broughton and Barnard. MARINE: lATRLLItiKMC. Afattera of lolrrral to Ahipplnx Nrx Generally. There were eeveral arrival# of Pteam ehlpa yesterda> to load for for ♦*tgti porte They w* re do* k* and at the dif fer* nt wharve.*. an i will be ready to gln loading promptly. The report of the eteamahlp Rritleh Queen running Into a .-chool of wnal*- are I cutting one In two, recently, h re minding of the feat of tlm* Riant Lin* *tenmtiip Olivette in the line **f a ''cut ter " 'tin** aumm* r while running be tween R#:oti and Rar Harb* r in .* thick fog. In command of Cap?. Jae M Kay. in* •truck a thr* -ina.-t uchooner between th* moln and ma-t#, ran rigii* through her. returning nhe cam*- up ur.d r tlie •• hooncFe rtern and rr.-cucd the captain and id.** family and th** man at the wheel, the only per-on on thin part of tb* wreck. The rent of the crew were taken off tho forward part of the s- Be ing loaded with b. the vessel did no< sink Tiw* end.- w. re towed ituo Portland and the ve--*d r*-|Miid Th* Olivette !•< p. rhaps a.- narrow a .-t.unship in pn*- portton to h*r length ae there and ie ah sharp as a w*dg In this col lision the Olivette rcrlv*d no dutnag* Aith the exception of losing her foreiop- KlO' l*aarngera bv ktramahlpa. ra#*engen by ateamnhlp Kanraa City. New York, f-r Savannah, i* pt. 19-F O Miller and wife. K S Warner and wife. Mn B. Ptuehrler. Mlm Stuebrier. Dr. \V W. Francis. Mr*. A. V eta bung. A VeUburg. Mauler If \ atshurg M K Fuaebaum. J K Burton. A Ftm and wife. Master Ferat. Messrs A M and I* Feint A R Spillers, K IL Campbell A A .McGinn and w ife, Mr? Boie>. Mi'--* M Herman C M Alvarex AV J < am* ton. V L Alvare*. L Desplnnd. Mis- K R. Collins. Mrs. I-u ft In Mu? Mary )* Colllnv. Mtoaea A and N Luffln. C R Mtrong. Thor II Chase .Alisa Lena Holme*. Mrs J G Bell. T It Raker. N. L Baker. Kihan Allen. K H Allen Mipii K Low and children. ML* M Her man. Mis Marie Ehrlich. Mr- H I* Rurum. Mr# If P. Rurum. Ml## Ruth Mlfl M Bl i I h T E Wl M and wife. Mis# A. Thom.i#. Hmllli Bak*r and wife. J M Jonea and duughter. Mi-s Silver nail. Mrs. M I Silvernali, Mis J M !. A \\ M- J A W all M R Well. Mm A Ehrlich Mrs M I Ehrlich, J S Williamson ind wife c M Gilbeil. H J Gilbert Mis C. M. illlbert. Mary Bell i;ill*cri. Mrs. AV. T tlllaon. Mrs L. II Fleetwood. Ml#> M Ravage, vir-. J Brully. Ml## A I Tyson, Cap! Itlun. G E Noblltt. J L. Sciil.y. A S iloweil. 4 • AA loner, Mrs F. A Eaton. M I AVit-chcn. Mi-- M Kan* . Mi A E Kne. Dr I* C Ex lev J AA i'ros |#y, Mrs H R Htialt. Mr# J. D Paige. Mr# J If Metcalf Mm. Taylor. Mrs If Taylor. Mi# H Blun and mad Walter Hlun. Ifeien Blun. Judge Naughton. Mt## O. -bouillons. Min* I Bridges, r’ F Luerasen. V H O'Neill, i' F' Camp. N J Jon ex, T A O'Neill G M Huge. J P lloafford, E. AVoll zkv. M Rritwits. Ml#- I Urffken. Mrs Lu*u--n. Mi-.- E Brannon. J Mangan and wife. Mis# L H. Hamilton Mis A Jones. !>• Rov M Chaffee. Fred K*‘nt. rt A Peterson. Ham Kcsier. AA K** er. Ham Sn'llvan. A Hln- Kleton H Hutk* n. E J AV; k-. George Heer. L. H#er. J. lain I* rs. B Ferguson. *A' Larsen nurae of Mr# A Ker-t. Sam Sullivan. P Cairn#. J It irron *nd wife, A Lir-en AV II Madt#cn. K Schwartz. AA Hayes. Ann.* Hteven#. Mr. Shapiro. I. Line*. G. AA Ht even#. G. AA Stevens. Ji PaMsenger# arrived kst nigiit on I II Miller from Baltlmor* Mrs J R Moor* . A i*s Kate Brady. Mi# Geo N .than. Ml#* Coleman. A. A Berg. Jr. Irwin Bwan#- lon. Ml## E briii. C E Tulwmii. Harr) M Smbh. J L. Miller. Miss Mary AN' 11 - llama. Mis# M Moor*. Ml## Mamie Sin gleton. Mts Cha- Coleman. J M Solo mon. Jr Mr M R Rehman. Mr#. Swannton. J N Shuler. Master Quinn. Fred Pnnkle. Mi## Nellie William#*, all## E. N. William*. Savanna!* Alumnae. Hun rise# at S:W a m. and set# at 5 4.'. p m High water at Tyhee to-day at ! , m and If * p m II gh water at Savan nah one hour later PhNiri #*f the Xonn for OrUihrr. D H 91 Fir#? quarter 1 3 W eve Full moon * 7 1* morn La#t quarter .15 35! morn New moon 3S 7 J 7 morn Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health.. The liver is the great ’’driving wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt’s Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. RFC AC HE we give quick aarvlc#, quick deliveries*, and are quick In adjuHlng cl am* without lengthy argument*. REOAFBE refund money. If# your great eat #afeguard whenever you do no: Ilk*- your purehaee you tan get yoyr mon* > bark. BECAI’HE we huv more and #*•!! mor** merchandise than any other #tor*\ We buy more because w*- sell more, and we #•*11 more i*c<auf w< #ell cheaper, aid w< #ell cheaper bc:au#a we buy cheaper. i First quarter 31 3 17 morn. ARKII (L AID UEPARTtnCi. Vfsirla Arrived leslerday. Hteamablp Ardova (Hr), Smith, Man , heotei ,—A. K Churchill city of ik>u**e#ter lßr>, Mil buri Madeira Mini* 4t Cos Bream#hip ( athorne <Bri, Wi llama. St Michael# Htia- hart A t'o Hf*am#hlp FallvMlnn llall tßr), Hostler. Philadelphia —Mini# A Cos. Steamship Katira# <’lt>. Flahc-r. New* • York unun Comiany Ship Thr <Norr, Andr* n. Rotterdam. llenrj Juchter. Ship Henry A lliard. Qul<*k. Philadelphia. M .(Mar. s hooner Millie R Bohannan, Smith. Philadelphia Master. Schooner Jennie Thonai, Young. Baltl nioie. Vrairla 4 leared Aeaterdif, Brg Zenit (Aut). Orhanovich, Trieste. —Strachan A Cos \ raarla Went to Sen. Steamship City of Birmingham, Berg N* w York. Sailed for w a %nnnah. Shields Sep' 2v-Salle.). #tearner Hur worth (Hr). Keith. Savannah Shipping Mrnaornnda. charlreton. net L—Arrived. #teamer Al gonquin. PiaC. J.e k#onv Hie. ptoceeded to New York. Sailed—S'hooner# S B Mart*. Hollo way. Kialtimcre, Warren B Potter. Slo cum Philadelphia Key Wet. Fla . Oct 1— Arrived, ateam rn* olivette. Smith. Havana, and nailed for Port Tampa. Aran#a*. Hopner. New Orbnn* and sailed for Havana. Nueces. New York, and eaLed for Gal veal on JackMonviile. Oct. I Entered. H*'ho)tx*r J S II a-kins. Cr kett. New York t'lrared- Schooner Me.hebeeec, Perry, Paramaribo. D. G. Shield*. Sej i .u —Sailed, steamer Ling- I ld. Pensacola Hhlebl#. Sent 30.—Salle 1, atramer Nord- I 01. Pensacola Baltimore. Oct. 1 —Sailed, achooner Ida l.nwr. rice. Savannah Fb'twood Oct I.—Arrived, #teamer Deptford. Pa# asoula. via l*en#aco|a S' Mlcha*!#. Oct. 1. —Arrived. #teamrr Tulto limX)r. Peneacola. f>r Alexandria. Eng and (for coal.) Fernandina. Ha . Oct 1 -Arrived, •hooner Etta Slmpaon, flogan. Sagtia. Cuba Janies David#**. Janaon. New Ha ven. Conn. Sailed—Schooner Lagum, Baylea. San .'uaii. Porto Rico Pensacola FI i Oct. 1. Railed, ateamer Deiamore tßr). Barton. Ro liefort. #hip II ingcr (Nod. Danll#on. Bueno# Ayres. Notice t A|rtnera. Pilot chares and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished mwaters of ves sel# free of charge in I'nlted S ate# hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tain# are requested to call at th# office. Report: of wreck# and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy I>epart rnent • Xorf Ik. Va fk t. 1 -d’Ammandfr Albert 1 stn> t. has been notitie I bv the keeper of Hattera- Inlet Light Station. N C., that the machinery operating the light in urn- disabled Sept. .*7. making it Im possible to *-Herat* ‘he signal. The light will Ik* replaced h >* a new* len# to 9how I flashing red every twenty seconds This I work, however cannot Ih* completed b*- I f,re t)*t. S. and until thal date the light will show fixed red. instead of flashing red. every thiity see end# AA ashing ton. S*’pt. J 9 Notice I# given by the Light House Botrd that on or about Oct I.V 190D. llgut vessel No. 71 will be temporarily establish'd In aliout f*x fath om** of water. a|iprox mately In the po*i tlon row occupied by Junction 4>o 11 buoy, to #**award *f the southeasterly end €>f i tne Tall of the Horseshoe, inside tlie er- I Dane* to cherai'eake Mu. and at the .iunetton of the main ship channel up the ! hay with the channel to Hampton Road#, j The \e##• I wilt #*hnw* two fixed white j lights. r*ne from each ma>t-head, and each i produ* ed by thr e ’.t*n# lanterns encircling | ihe masthead. The focal plane of each I ligiit will lie V. abo%* the s*a. and the | light# will l*c v slide 13 tnlles In (dear i wrath r. the observer s **ye r feet ai*ove | the .a Llg Im vessel No. 71 I# a flush I d* • k ate win vessel, ha# two masts, sehoon : • r figged, no lMtwi>prlt. and ha# a black j mok**-< ick and tlie fog signal between h** trusts. There lw a circular gallery at • • I) tna-tbea I, under the len# lantern#. The hull I# painted red. With Tl" In white • n arh low During thick or foggv w-ather a 12-Inch #team whistle will • ound blast# of 5 seconds' duration, sapnrabd by silent Intervals of < second# The ap- I ro\lma’** r**ogr.iphlcal position of the Nfi-el will le lat 3k U M N; lon. 76 02 >• AA Bearings and distances of promi t ‘ ii object# from tli* profsised position of ?he ve## I ar* ’|m (diaries old tower. Ni. y 11*. mile#: Cape Charles light vea- KNK'.K 17 miles. Cap* Henry light- I * ns* . mile#; Thimble Shoal light house. WNWtyW, 9 miles; York Hpl* '.lghi house. NNVA'%\V, I7 l * miles. Rearing' are magnetic and g v**n approx iniaf. lv, mile# are nautical mile# On the ?am# <)aic the red and black horizontally striped l>e|l buoy off the southeasterly end of the Tall of the Horseshoe, entrance to Chesapeake Bay. will be d.j*contlmied R It.more 9 pt J -*Xotlco is giver by the Light House Brird that the revolving apparatus et Hat’ers# Inlet light. North Carolina, t* breken down The light will shew ftxe-1 red until O ct. . when anew len# will be placed The Light House Board also gives no li* e of the following dvange# l'otomac River, Md —Dade shoal (lower) BECADRB we permit no one to un ••• #ell ue. AVe oonsider It our §pr ui t .. sion to sell ' Better good* for ti, t mon*y.'' or the same money than .* store#, and, tome what rna\. we’L f | ,j this promise. BECAFSF. we have the FINES M . TAIL BtMLDING IN THE CITY C* rt and fo<* admit thi*. There i# not retail buiidinc In the city that * 4 compare with (hi* merchandb'’ pa.aca buoy. No 13. a black spar, which been reported missing, will bo repia ri a# soot) a# practicable, of which du„ n . lice will Im* given. Chesapeake Hay. A’a —On Sep<. z& h rej and black horlsontally stripe ! apar buov wa# * tablisherl In 31 feet of wat**- , m irk tlie wreck of a sunken dredge *• T ANARUS of a 4i)ilc above the upper end of . Middle Ground: Old Plantation V , light house. NE. Cape Henry light h*u e, S l*\ E*,E. York B|4t light house. N\a y Foreign Kttiorta. P* r Austrian brig Zenit, ljft) barrels i calf. >6,(174.92. 300 casks >pirlts turpen: a, U.5C6.00. •'onalmUr Exports. Ter steamship City of Birmingham tu New York. Oct. 1 —1.706 bale# uplar. : -u --ton. 75 bale* sea inland cotton. 552 hxrr* cottot) seed oil, harrel* rice, 1.027 har rels rosin. 19“ barrels turpentine. * •/> tcet lumber. 31 ia#e# cigar*. AA boxes fruit, 33 ion# pig iron. 2 pkg# mdse telegraphlT markets. (Continued from Ninth Page.) Lard. p#*r ion ixMindn Get 7 <TP, 7 17H 7 074 T 7, Nov 7 <ft 7 17S 7 “5 7 TS Jan .... a 77*, U7*, 6 77% g)C , Short rlhs. p*t lf* founds.— Oct 7 R7‘, >034 7 fTVj > 0 Nov 7 25 7 35 7 25 " li Jan 4 31 g 30 4 31 6 77 , Ca#h quotation* were aft follow*: Flour, steady; No. 3 #pring wheal. 7107 V; N* 3 red. 77ti78c; No 2 corn. 39)fygv. No 2 yellow. 39‘,1i405c; No. 2 oat#. 2tttf22V. No. 2 white T,n&\c: No 3 white 23 26Se: No. 2 rye. SISc; good feeding bar ley. 474 c; fair to choice malting. 5M15 No. 1 flaxseed. >1 4?S; No 1 Northw*’ **rn, 4.70; men# ;mrk. |er barrel. $12.6001. 3. lard. fer inn ftound#. $7.10117.31); short r.hs wide#, ilooee), $7.96ff6.20; dry #alte*| #hoi.l **r#. (boxed). $6 (DSftti.OOSi; #hort clear *kle#. (box(d). .joti# 40. whisky, basis high wine#. $1.27. Our Autumn Display. A collection worthy of your attentlo*. notable for Ita exclusiveness and exra - ience. 111. %4 K liHKM GOODS. AW herewith present a list of new im portation* direct from foreign manufac turer# all huh cla##. stylish fabrFa worthy of your most particular attenttor. M-Inch Ladles' Cloths and Venatlsr . $1.25: regular \nlue $! H 5. 54-Inch Cheviot Serge*. ss'; regular value $135. Crepon* in the newest weaves. regular value $1 45-inch Black Fopltn 96c; regular vslua 11.35. Ml.kl. Fashion claim* a? one of her favorites this season Black Silk of almost every description Black Taffeta Silk 49c; regular 6V Black Taffeta Hlik 69'*: regular 3Ac Bla**k Satin Duchess 69c. regular Black Peau de Hole , regular $1 3A t OLOIIED SILK a In many new weaves this season Colored Taffeta tn ail the leading #haVi 69c. regular R.V. i*oi*i l%h m:\fFS. Broadcloths. Venetians. Serges. Popi;n, <*hevk>ts. In nil the newest shade# I’KHAt M FMAAKI. 4AI) SILK aillftT WAISTS. AA'e show, at this time, a very attracts** and varied assortment of French Ki t* eel an*l Silk Shirt AValsts. comprising n* west effect# and representing unusual ' good value# New Ladles' Embroidered Hanlker chlefs. SPKt 111, SALE OF HOSIERY. isidles* Rla k Fancy Hose 69, ; worth $1 < Indies' Black Ground Colored To'kS Dot# at 43. worth 75 Lalie#*, Gents’ and Children's Wooleh Hose. I.%niKS* SILK lADKHAKIRT^ We have also received a mot W' * assortment of lutdlee* Silk Underskirt*, tn black and leading shade# Foil THE %i HOOL HOY. Bov#' Colored Shirt Waist*. Assorted fixes Rant#, suitable for S'b^ - *'' 23c to sft* Fascinators. Baby Barques ard Br>ct# I anile#' Kid Gloves, black and color L all the leading brand# Iwi< e Curtain# In great variety from to $7 on per pair Brown and Blea< f hed Table Dama*k 25 cent# Home beautiful design* at 75c. SI.OO I A * a full saving of Tt I White Spread* SI 25; worth $1.75 White Damask Table Set# In gretf va riety. rolored Plain French Flannel# Satin Stripe French F unnel# Fancy French Flannels. . (biting#. Flannelette and Gingham# targe variety. Matting*. Hall and Stair CarpGf. Moqu* ts* and Sm>rna Rug# Daniel Hogan, Tt corner Eroufhton nrt Birnurd > * JOHN G. BUTLER. -DEALER IN- , Paint*. Oil* *nrt OU* B**h DO-tr* B - and Builder,’ Bupplte* Pl*ln tlv, WH ppr. Poreurn nrt Dome ' Cement*. Lime. Pl*tr *nd A#ent for Ahe.llne Cold w *'* r r ; , n V Con free, ,tr*et. weet and 1 8t street, went.