The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news rtbllhefi I*o • • Incorporated HM J H ESTILLn Prealdent DEATH AT THE STAKE (CtRnX GIVE* A WOUV) WMIL.WT. WAS ANOTHER SAM HOSE CASE ptSBASD oar VII TIM iIfMIB torch to the pyre. ~,,n.rn<l Attempted I i>on Ora. MurrlttAton • Eeleette. , i a .—Blood hound a Pat on the : rati and Finally Treed Him—The It hole Town Taranl Oat and De rided to Burn Him at the MaAe. \,-iro Cnnteaaed Hla 4 rime. tv. tumplcn. Ala.. Oct 2.—Winfield Town a|ia Floyd, a nero. *t humeri at In the little town of Eclectic, mllea from this place, a half hour ,fet mldttlpht thi* niornin*. n*#ro' erttne was an attempted ■- a.u on Mr* Lonnie Harrinuton. who** > .-nand ret fire to the brand* which rt -4 ,-*d Towneend'* body to aehe*. Y**terday afternoon about 1 o'clock the r .r S r. a nephew of the negro Floyd, who an , hanged in the Wetumpka Jail week ia*t. for attempted aa.iult, at tamp'ed to outrage Mr*. Harrington. Mr. He rhigton wa* engaged at a cotton g*n m K lectio, and live* one mile out of limn. The negro came to the hotiee anti to 1 Mr* Harrington tha' her liushtnd ha ! eent him to get twenty cent* from he- She told him she had no change. Then the negto left, hut returned In ■ it ten minute*. The woman'* *cream* he.rd by Hob Nlcholt. another n i who wa* p***tnT along 4he road at pi* time He ran lo the hou*e In time to e. the negro eecape. eoon a* Mr*. Harrington wa* re* tore I • on* louanee* Ntchol* gave th* alarm ev. n ew* *j*read rapidly All the etore* • Hcle-ttc were instantly closed; the gtn • ~ee and sawmill* shut down, the people ' f their wagon* In the road, and their p.o*- In the fieldandgathered for a pnr r:r of the negro The crowd divided. *m* *. curing the wood* near the scene ' f' v . . rime nnd olher* went to the penl t*nt; .ry for Moodhoupd* Nfro Treed l> Dni. 7h# <!omr wre not brought to thr • rnt w nearly dark. They were ak'fi to wj.*'e the a tracks dtsapjieared.and - rxritinjr cha>e mfucd The in** to| ;*<i finally at a tree in front of Odlon s ‘♦r* on the north outaklrta of Eclectic. "*• road centime up oon discovered the ji'r'o fitting on a limb. , rat hrou*hr down at once and taken ; n the a era* of hi* crime There he wa.- c ni ttted by hi* victim. who poaittrely j 1 *i **l h.m Word wat eent to the other f* ir |M*i tie* that the negro hod been f>tmd and about 11 o'clock a crowd of t \*•' i hundred wa* gathered in the lit tl se. The negro wa* taken to the *■■!*• f the vtllajrr and Mirrctmdcd by th# •‘hiverlnjc with fear The prr;ar* * •f ■ r death were quickly made. A rope vTin* over the limb of a bi* oak and aid men **ood ready to lend a hand *’ the rope. it It r net! at the *tnU*. T"*r a halt wa* called and the manner c i th dlcuiued by the mob. To decide j t matter n vote wa* taken and the i • i.m* ehowed n majority' of the crowd Mvor death at the etakc. •take wa* prepared and the negro * • ound to it wrltn chains Pine knots * - piled about him and the fagots were ? M by the hut band ot the negro'* vtc- A* tne flame* leaped to wretch'* fle*h hi* wild cries ’ ♦ iod for mercy and help •I be heard for mile*. The crowd “ V and on deaf to hi* crle*. and in an hour 1 wa* reduced to a*he*. ■ wn*end before beinij bound confMMd ’ rime, and eaid he waa alto Impli ' 1 with Alex Floyd, who w** hung a • f weok* ago for an attempted a*- ‘ ' on Mis* Kate Pearson, in the at u that time He *aid he and Floyd * m to I for other crimes of like char * ' but that Floyd's being hanged put * o them. lui pit cm ted Mvrn Other*. Tow >r*nd made a confession implicate • # n other negroe* in hi* crime. As P'e second white woman a**ati!ted ’•. Inity within the month it I* be d there ts a conspiracy anion* the ne tro. • the negroes implicated in the -? of Townsend was In jail here • 'iiM w.ih burglary, and a* threat* of w. re made he waf sent to Mont > to-night for safekeeping. The dep -ifr hai u wild drive of fourteen v • ugh the country and had he bevn itnutes later a crowd of men who by train would have Intercepted r* hlng Montgomery two other "ho are Implicated In the crime ‘•d by the deputy. They are *'d rn l Jake brothers of /• b Floyd, who wa* lynched near * " •i I'k). Hept, . • r coincidence I, that Mr.. Hnr no was areautted yesterday, l ’• ar of Mis* Pearson, who was * ri K *Pt. 3. for which Zeb Floyd i nched. ? trouble may arise. '°l I'MVS I (KG CALLED I P. l.lvrn I mil Tn-dnv to Prc Pare for Trial. t ' *"■ Ky., Oct. I—Henry Yout ’ '■> "granlier In the office of Cloy du'ing 'he latter'. Incumbency, ' f'*r trial to-day In Judge Can •ii the charge of being .1 ' me rhootin of Oov. Goebel, •mionled by hi. wife, wa* 'lie court 100 m He appeared called nfty-two wltne..*., , ' 1' hem answered A number h .never, when wanted The r- .. 1 • * 1 and wa* granted until to. I.• • ’ n c io answer whether ready not. Court then adjourned. Satiannal) fllornino -Vctos. SHE STILL WANTS BLOOD. KMprrnr W llllnm I Ihntlon* Will Not l*ii y for l.hra *f Uft* ißiiiik liLi ii In < hlita. Berlin. Oct. 2.—Following m the text of the Chlr Kmijcror'n message to Em peror William of Germany; •‘Greeting. That Your Majesty's minis er ha* fallen a vicr.m to the rising which hap suddenly broken out in Thina with out our offL'haJs being able to prevent It. whereby our friendly relation.* were dis turbed. la deeply deplored and regretted By decree, we order th it sacrifice be made on an altar for the deceased and Chief Becretary Kun Yang has been Instructed to pour lltKiflon* on the altar. The com mercial superintendent* of the northern and southern port* h.ive been ordered to take the needful measures concerning the conveyance of the c*flln of the de. eased. When It reach** a second offer ing shall be made on an attar. “Germany has ale aye maintained the friendliest relations with China. We, therefore, entertain the hope that Your Majesty will renounce all resentment, so thru peaeo may be arranged as soon as pov*tH* and that universal harmony be rendered possible for .all time* This Is our most anxious hope and our most ardent wish.'* Emperor William's Reply. Emperor William replied Kept. as fol lows; “To the Emperor of China I the Em peror of Ormany have received the tele gram of your majesty, the Emperor of China. I have observed with satisfaction that your majesty is anxiou- to expiate a* * ordlng to the custom and precept of your religion the shameful murder of my minister, which e**t at naught all civilization, yet. as the German Emperor and a Christian I cannot regard that abominable rim* as ofomd for by a liba tion. Besides my murdered minister, there have gone before the throne of God a large number of our brethren of Christ ian faith, bishops and mlsslonarfe* wo men and children, who. for the sake of their faith, wlhch Is also mine, have died the violent death of martyrs and are • cusers of your majesty. Do the libations commandby your m Jesty suffice for .ill thee innocent on* s? I <k> not make your majeaty personally responsible for the outrage against the legations whn u .ire held Inviolable nmong all nations i*or for tlw grievous wrongs done eo many nations and filths ami to the eubje is of your majesty oi my Christian belief. But •he advisers of your majesty's throne and the officials on whose heads rests the blood guilt of a erlm** which (Ills all Christian nations with horror, must ex piate their aboominabie deed. When your majesty brings them to th* punishment they have deserved, that I will regard as an expiation which will satisfy tha nt tions of Christendom ■ If Your Majesty will use your Imperial power for this purpose, accepting to th*‘ *nd the support of all the injured nation*. I. for my pan. declare myself agree.! on rhat point. 1 should also gladly welcome the return of Your Majesty to Pekin. Poe this, inv general. Field Marshal von Welder see. will be Instructed not only fo receive Your Majew y with she honors due your rank, but h* wili also afford Your Majesty the million protection you may desire, and which you may need against the rebels. “I aleo long for peace which atone* for th** guilt which mike* good wrongs done, and which offers to *ll foreigners In Chi na sc urlty for life a tel property. .irvl above ail, for th* free *rvi e of their religion. Wlillain. I. R AGHEEMFAI sKKMs |\ BIGHT. It May lie on a Hast* of i ondltlons burned by I niter! Mates. Washington. <rt 2. Favorable news has reached Washington from the Euro pean chancellories indl .ittng th.n a com plete agreement to China Is within sight nnd that. too. on the basis of the propo sitions laid down by Secretary Hay In his note of July 2. and the subsequent notes treathig of ’hat subject. The accord of Bus la with the Unit- *d States Is more complete than was an ticipated st ttret and the report* show that all of the European nation* proba bly are placing lliem*elv.s In position to lake advantage of the opening *mado by Ihn fnlled State* and soon will tie ready 'to begin negotiation* for a settlement with Hi* Chinese government. The Russian* have given nKle* of such purpose and while the text of the French note on hi* subject referred to In to-.lay * pres* dispatches has not reached Hie Rtate Department the otlleial- ir* sntlsfled that this I* • "re tly reported, and that Franc*, like Russia, is reaily to negotiate st one* A* for Germany, either the position of that government has been ml*und*rsiorl or It ha* sustained a change of mind Possibly the foimer Is the case; hut how ever tha* mai be. ll 1 quite certain from theadilces which t.a\- reached Washing ton to-day that th* German government upon careful Inspection <>f the pl#n- for a settlement projected by th* United Rtate* finds therein nothin* Inconsistent with , h e German aspirations Therefore. It may be expected that Germany too will b* prepared soon to Join tn thl* common movement toward a settlement It may b* Stated that altoge'her the prospe t. of an adjustment of the Chine,* difficulty without resort of fo.mal war. are very much brighter than they were one week •go. rt mui'ii '■ 04 t i:\ h iiv Prises. Deprl.ed l Hlghl. and to Hr Tr**d 1 0,,r1 ' Washing on. Oct. 1 -The chin*** mln.s ter has delivered < !•• •'**' dep.rnnen official* confirm.non of th* de.nutaHo.. ol Prltice Tuan and many o-her Chinese Issider* The following otfi'Ul statement IS made as to Minister Wu's dispatch: • A cablegram received from Director General Bheng at Shanghai slates that by imperial edict (ssueil on R*pt 23. Prince Continued on Filth page. SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 11KH). WESTCOTT GOT MAO OBJECTED TO TUB INTIMATION TH %T HE W G A THIEF. GAVE COUNSEL SHARP TALK. DEXonrrEo the iwm itiod MADE A9 FALSE. He Admitted Mating Loaned Money to H. D.Nireess t pun Instruction* from tapt. I srlrr— %11 of the 'lone* \\ n Repaid by farter. Mode Ikn pit a tie Denial That Hr Wa* Ever In An> Way Interested With Greene and the Gayaor*. New York. Oct. 2—Hearing wan re sumed before Commissioner Shield* to day for the removal of B D Greene and J. F.. E. H and W. T. Gay nor to the Jurisdiction of the Georgia Federal Court- Hubert F. Weatcott. father-in-law of CapL O. M. Carter, who has been under cross-examination for the last two days of the hearing, was the first witness Counsel for the defence showed Mr, Wes* cott camelled checks aggrgutlng %lOMI. draw n by him to the ordrt of B D. Green* and asked what they were for Mr West roll .-ati ha could not r^nent>er. To .i direct question Mr. \\ estcott raid he never knew until th* legiiuitnf of the present pres’eedings that B D Ore ne SH- Intwraated in any of the Kavaunah contracts. lb- said he had some indistinct memory of the Atlantic Uotitractlng Gom patiy. but did not know what business they were in He did not re<y>ileot hav ing loaned ('apt. Greene Dfr.’XW to.arn* o'* ,i contract In Georgia Mr. Kelbxgg produce*! aeveial letter'' from Mr Green asking loans and letter* from Mr Westcott to Mr !reene encl.m ng S'nne varying from V*.W) to In his direct examination Mr. W>-i ott said he honored Greene’s requests for money urtder Instructions from CapL Car ter, * H rter Repaid the Moaey . ’ Ptd you get lMthr* from Greene for every check you sent him ,> *’ asked .vsin .-el. No. frequently I had nothing but In structions from Carter .Mr WcsU'Ott said Carter repaid all the money himself advanced to Greene. ex.'ejK l-l.non. which Greene paid by check i'ounsel took witness into ail the b tails of his purchase in 18!d. of a pece of prop erty on Eighth avenue, that he subse quently eokl w'ithceit proAt to t'arter. Mr \Yestcott sold he paid for the property ta bills He could not remember the trans action. and could not And any record of it In bis check nook. All through the cross-examination coun sel had several times referred to informa tion given to the government b\ Mt Wt cott. The witness lost his temper when the accusation W.IS m.ide to-day. "1 never said a word." he retorted, "un ill rffter Copt. Carter* aentence wa* con firmed. and he wa* in Jail. I save iny hnok* and paper* o my counsel, Mr fltimoon of Root. Htimson A Howard, for Investigation offer your firm had accused me of being a partner with John Gay. nor.’* It Arnaard 111. Wrath. Witness denied that he wa* ever a part ner of (jaynor. The wltne*. *ald In an ettclted way when roun.e! taunted him. on ht Im proved memory. "It Is a atrlklng Incident Ir. a man', life when he I* accused of be ing a damna*d thief. You know that I am Innocent and that theoe atatement* are damned lie* made because I refuse to be Implicated." The wltne**. In reply to a question laid he was Innocent and admitted that he re ceived SIOO.tOO from (Nipt. Greene. "You had transaction* of If*, arm with Held and Flagg and you can't tel! u* any thing about them?" asked counsel, "1 have had transaction* of million* and can't recall the deiulls.'i* Wc.lcOU re plied.* A' fhl* po nt an adjournment waa taken until to-morrow. MAI KOKH A HICK TRUST. Said HO I'er Cent, of the Hire (.row era Have Assented, Beaumont. Tea.. Oct. A meeting of leading rice farmer*, miller* and other* who are Inter* te<| In the culture of fi e wa* held In this city yesterday to consider 1 proposition which I* practically to con trol the domestic rice market of the full ed Slates. The meeting was held at the Instance of Anderson Herd of New York and C. C Duzon of Crowley, La Mr Herd represents n syndicate of New York CHpltallsts which he claims haa a capital of r.* Mr Herd In explaining hi* purpose, said the purpose uf the company Is to centra*-t with the rice farmer for all of his rice for four years to come, with n option to extend four year* more If de sired by the company, and to pay a stated price for th rice during the existence of the contract. The farmers ar* Inclined to sign the contract, and Mr. Herd sayi that already over *0 per cent of the rice growers of South fsroltna. Georgia and Lottlslina have Wgreed to the plan. \\* MILL 111 REfMtRD. several Thomaaad Slerl Works Em ploy ea ‘las strike. Harlshurg. I*a . Oct J.-Notlees weia liosied l**t night In the various depart ment* of the !>o#an Iron and Siee! oWrks at Burnham of a reduction of r> per cent, in wages la great dissatisfaction among the 1.000 employe* and a sulk* la thre'ned. _ , Dewey Areli to Be Removed. New York Get. 2.—ln the municipal co.jncll ro-dav a r.olta|on for tha removal nf the Dewey ar> n waa imroducad and wdopied. WREC K >MH JOIO't IM.IU) Engineer *no<llng. Flrenmn Thnmp mn nnd Flagman White Killed. HArdeevtlle. j* O . Oct 2 A to*al we k took place tcv-nlght on the Charleston iih! Savann.ih Railway. The engine of the local freight, north. Jumped the track or a curve, near John’s Island K t\. al*>ut 5 o'clock derailing six cars of cotton and merchandise. The wnob* wre k ur** wi piled lip on an embu ikmept U|n the en gine. ntnl caught Are Engineer Cuvier <Binding Fireman Har ve> Thompson and Flagman Ben White were killed Klranian Thompson wn • aught under the engine, and ha> not been fotiis! up to a late hour Tne cause of the wte- k k unknown yet I Engineer Gooding was ore of the best | engineers on the roa*i attd nan llkeil b> cveryhiMly who knew him He wa**nar ru’d to Mi-e l*eakr of Cbirleion K C . | only two months ngo. The young brtd* ; i* prostrated over the wa.l fate an.| loss i of her busiMnd j A wrecking out At from WaytiMKi, with Kupr W II Wright has gone to the scene Of the wreck, m \ they expert to cb ir the track in a Ww hours. AEG ROE* FEARED LY At H 1 AG. They Vluahed to ttforortnen Jail lo I’rirtrrt Hrixvntteld. Columbia. H Oct. 2 -Gov Mcffwecney was advised Ibis morning that all Is quiet nt Georgetown. The presence of six com ! pante* of mt'iiia has overawed the ne groes. The cansc of the trouble ha* Just been learned. Faturdny afternoon J. C Kcurry, a white deputy, went to t ollect debntpieni taxes from a negm barber, John Brown field. A fight ensinnl in which Rcurry's pistol droppetl The negro gribb*d it and hot Kcurry live times. Brownrksld wits *r rested The negroes heard that the white propie would ring the Ar** bell to get the negrow* to assemble In another part of the town, tnd then the whites wnutd rush to the jail und lynch Brownfield. Tha negroes tang the bell thomselvm, and a thousand of them flashed to the Jail with riff. ■* and plstolw to profuect ti* ptisoner. Ti.ey k j>t up horribl* orgies ail night. The white* intend**! no viol**nce to the prisoner nnd fearing the negroes would i*e led Into an aggressive outbreak they aaked for the militia. DY.AAMITE FOR TAMPAH DAM. Another Effort Made- to Destroy That Ilia Work. Tampa. Fla., Oct 2—An attempt was made yesterday to blow up the immense dam of the Tampa Eleotrlc Company, six mites from this city, the unexploded dy namite being found this morning This work cost Utt.OU} and was destroyed by people In the neighborhood two years ago. It backs water over a large terrl tory*ln securing power to run an elec tric plant People living in the neighbor hood are opposed to Its maintenance, extra body of guards w this morning placed on duty about the plica. •ALL <|l IET AT GEORGETOW A‘. soldier* \\ ho Went front t harleaton Have Heturned. Charleston. H. C., Ort. 2.—The Rumter Guard*. German Fuslleers and Washing ton Light Infantry, together with a divi sion of the Naval Reserves, that went from here to Georgetown last night, re turned to the city at 7 o'clock this even ing The soldier* report everything quiet at the scene of the threatened riot The only service which they were called upon to perform was to patrol the town while the civil authorities were making several ar rests. COMfOCTKD AA HOLE S( lIt.AIE. Serious Charge la Slade Agalnat Eatea G. Hafhhone. Havana. Ort. 2—The Havana Post, re ferring to-day to the po-io(ltce frauds, made the following statement "We have been quletiy, and on our own account working up the ca • agnmat Mr I Kate* G. Rathbone; and we now believe 1 that he will be charged with having con -1 coded the whole scheme of emhegxlement. It may even be sh own that he se ured for hlmslf something hetwm 117.000 and S>.- oui Mr. Ernest Is-e ronant. special counsel of th* government In the matter, when asked to eordlrm or deny the assertions of (he Cost, replied that hr would not deny any of them or confirm them lie said, however, that the Invest gallon* had not been confined to a mere revision of accounts THIEVES IS THE VATIC AY. They ( arrlril Og V aluable Securities and Aturh Money. Rome, Oct 2—lt hemme known to tha public to-day that thieve* hid entered the Vatican, forced a safe and carried off e -eurltles worth 157.4H1 Hies and S. lire* | In silver. The safe, situated on the second floor, belongs lo the management of the apos tolic palace, which look* after the horses and carriage* and the decoration of 6t I'eier'* cathedral Evidently the burglar* were well or. | quatnled with the ii(mrtmenl* and pre |.a*d for the theft Thus far (he Investigation* by th* Vati can police have leen without result* Aalnulde Shoe Enetnry Horned. Williamsport, l o Oct ?, 2 a m —Rhort |y after midnight lire broke out In the large shoe- factory of J K Dayton (t Cos., amt at i o'clock nth- morning was not un der control. The plant will be a total loss. The factory ami content* are valued at .Own. partially covered hv In . uran e llemoerat* nf Montana. Butte. Mont.. Oct. 2—Nineteen of the twenty-four coun'les of Montana were represented In the Independent Demo eraMc State Convention which met her* to-day The convention waa the out growth of the convention In Helena In which the Clark people secured control Thoms* Hogan. Populist, was nominated for Governor, and the Democratic preal tdsntlal electors Indorsed EIGHTEEN SPEECHES (OL HR YA A WORKING II \RD FIE TIEA HOI Ha A Dll. TALKED TRUSTS TO FARMERS. REPt RLIf %A PARTY VATKREATED IA THE W E %LT 111 * I firmer* (nitnnt Get l.eglalnllon In I unarm, bat When %it)lh!ng %f -a Trast There I* %lxay *• Lobby There—W bnt Mr. Hanna sm* of Mr. Itryaa Mr. Ilrxatt'* Itinerary In the East— lln rr l*n Ms) Make a Few *peeebe* Lnt'rosse, Win.. Oct 2.—When William Jennings Hryan oonoludfHl bis speech her** to-night he tial made eighteen a*l (dresses, aiwl ha! covered about fifteen nrnirs of time during the dav Begli;nmg at K o'clock in the morning ho talked at Intervals until 11 o'clock to-tught. putting in. all told fully six Milft hour* of •peedi-tnaklnf Tha region traversed to-day is a rich agricultural sec tion. an<l Mr Br>an s remarks w* re ad dra-Hii esjie*'> to farmers, th* tmt quest ton r* riving c\*-i a greater share of attention than usual. At Hha kopec, Mr. Bryan aid “Why Is it that the Heixiblban part* allows the trusts to grow’’ Hem use the Itepublirao Is more Interested in th**--' who |s • - the organised wealth of the country than in lit***** who arc contributing to the large dividend' col lated by the (riel: Whf k>c* the Ite publican party w mt a large nimy * They want |t at home to suppress by force tne •• -content which should he cured by leg klatkm. ai*l tlMtjy want It abroad in order to exploit the Dhlltftpine Islands, and ff you will lock up the rsconl you will And that the Republican member of f\*igre** who stiinaß at the of the Armv I’oni mlttee of the ||ou.*c of Reprrenta!lves is the president of the Bhtdpplne Dumber and Development Company, ami they h ive already gobbled up n |< ( of l<unler land-* ami lkn cantm! of the improvement In the Phlilppine Itdnd> In their |>r>ep*' tus they sa> the labor question 'a* e.isil) solved There |* plenty of Chinese latmr * B\ reading their proepe -tus you can see why it |s som- wan* a targe srmy ami imperialism. anl while it |h a go**l thing for thnss doing the developing, it ** a Ink! thing for the p**>p|e who furnish eon* for the army, and the ieopl* who pay the taxes * Ao Legislation for Kirmrri. Mr. Bryan discussed at Wauie s the ef forts to secure legislation for the control of the trusts He a.-erted shat Republi cans had not really desired at the last ses sion of Congress to secure anti-trust leg Isiaflon. hut had only brought in their hill for a constitutional amendment towards the close of the session and after sinning away their r*al opportunity. The Demo crats had. he said oppoaed the amendment he- ause f look awav fix>m the -tales the right to nrol corporations w .thiu their boriisri. At Rochester Mr i!r>an said "It was my good fortune to be In Con gress a short time—Just a little while—hut I would not take a (rA* for my * perlenee there In all that lime I did pot see one single farmer u-kiog for legisla tion, hut I saw lo** of fellow* who a*ked for legi-lailon against the farmer In th* hearing before the Way* end Mean* Committee I heard It stated only on* far mer epfieared and he ltve<|Anear enough to Washington so he rouM walk down Rut the gr-al '•orportHlon* had tuctr lob byist* there. You attempt to g.-t a hill torougti to norr*< t unjust railroad rail*, and you will find a lobby (here You at tempt lo reduce the tailff on anything, ami you will tlnd a lobby th*t*. You talk to Republican* about the tariff, nnd they will admit that some rates are to > big", hut whenever you nttefnpi to lower* the tariff en a particular thing you will find that ihe producers of that thing are Just on the verge of bankruptcy ran not nfford to tak the tariff It. and after you get all through you are lucky If you don't raise It " "If we have a colonial polb-v we will administer It wl'h Injustice (Jed nr\*r made iteople aclllsh enough t* w-ant to govern other iteople. nod then un-> Itlsti enough togo\em thm we]). Ropublt*an*. do you want to teat down th* alntt"! ef liberty In N>-w York harbor and *>nd It back to Fiance to tell them we are o'lt of th’ liberty business? Instead of that we ought to put another statue of 111 city In the harhoi of Manila, and proc uni Lbcrty throughout the Orient." WHAT IIAAAA *A A a ItE HH AAA. Declare* Only Isaac .a Prosperity and Ike It ntlnuanrr nf It. * made lit* first odd:e- - in Chicago slruc his return from N* w Yt.ik- He spoke at a noon meeting of the commercial men and retail salesmen. Th* hall where he spoke waa lllltd, not a few worn* ll being In the audience Remit or llonna spoke In part as follows: "It Is encourag ng for me to see that thr buslnes interests nnd the workingmen of th* I'lilted Hi ales are awakening to tip lmt>ortnnce of the Issues. Every Demo cratic Issue that ha* been pre*ent<M to the Anierl- an public thus far has been for th* purpose of leading astray Ht* minds of the people from the real Issue There Is but one Issue, only on* —the |- j<- of prosperity and the continuation of it The Issue to-day is Just what It ws* In lWi. only more so. The* question Is. do the American people want as n foundation for their Interest sound money and pro tection to American Interest* and Ameri can workingmen? "I do not want to talk about Imperialism, my friend*. That I* played out It I* a hugahoo i! was Intended to be a hugahna U w.. tend. 1 ' - A mat i , rople It I" an Impossible Issue; It ;* a fraud: It Is a humbug to talk ulsiut thf American people resolving th' hiselves In to an empire or to say that a man with the reputation, with th* character nod ability of William McKinley would be on emperor I'onsr stf Taosmany Hall. "There war a conference |n Chicago re. eently of all 'he head chier* of the oppr>- gt'ton. and the New York people are anx iously wflung to know wnat wtu be the mll when Mr Bryan ermer East H* has been summoned there by tils rmi>ror DFk Croker. and he will be h must not talk free silver In New York I have seen |n the new#paper*-nrt I be lieve every word of It. strange to syi that there was a deal made that ptite Mr Croker abova even wuh Mr. as far m* power is < on.-eraed in ihls cam paign and t want t* of our West •in frientie. whether Imo* i.tic or lie. an whether the> |*e,po*e in view ;of ih presen .omiitlofi of affairs In our country, to folh*w r>v man who I* db ; tilled to from Tamm mv lleli Everybody • m m rani I 'f tin- Dem ratl' poiltl* ar s m N w Y*rk. und if there is any thing approo* blng im periali-m m this .-ountry |t e the power *f the I**#* of Tammany, li was tinder | hr* |mwer t.’ op t -.u wa |H'rmittsl to lind a pc und of |ce on the kw f New York without hie permission A* t the latittrluu Men. Mr Bryan *>- that h*- is a friend of j the work;ngiutui Is he** How do w.- know li lla he ever proved it * Never The old I -sue that in de M< Ktl*y tle her* ( of the worktngmju was th* tariff, which prote. tH toe workingman Tha* Issue was fmight for vears and I do tmt kuw ••f a labor organization tu this iu*lry r those otum o I with nrgaidzatins. wh* ever they wanted anything of public i legislation or anything to prole t th* lr honor or interests, that did ti * go to Wil liam M' Kln.ey when he wa- in tlie House They went tti him l • anno they kn w ihe\ gil g to their friend. The hill which pro tected them and l*oie his nanv duritig Its short life, was a monument to the friend ship that h* bears to the wo. king c!a**e* of the i’ r | *d K’ale It was repr**dueed hi the Ding ev bit with sonie mod lA* a tlutis. biy during til*- Interim we had an experience uf tariff for revenue. vt Mr llrvsti was one of the chief expo nent* and th** principal advocate of that ni' isur- and- ••* atd wa- h so carried aw a\ wtth the succ. s* of the movement I that he wa* one of toe two men who j shouldered little Billy Wilson and carried | him around Ihe hill ef the House of Hep r- ntattves on his h/i k No. mv friends, Ho demagoguv or subterfuge* a*-e going j to Mln*l the ey* m of the working • nle of the ! nit* I Kt.a*. t- I know them I have been with (hem and 1 believe r them An*l when Hr van shows that over anxiety in their interests. 1 k tbit he | Is not true to what It* say*, lln simply j want* your vote '* Mil.l. artlKE %Y Ml* MMOAD. %Y* trrnnlsil an tlxatlnn ly a Itlg Crowd An the Mata. Richmond. Vo . Ort ? Although the weather here to-night wa* Intensely dis agreeable. a cold, rirtssllng rain falling, a large crowd assembled at the reservoir park casino, a mile fiorn the city, to hear i Hon. David 11. Hill, of New York. i|Htik Mr 1111 l was introduced In a few *p piopriata words by Kmie Ilemocra h j I'halrrnan J Tiyka Elhson and wag no eordfs! an enthusiastic r**<r|Mkm Mr 1111 l h *p*-, h was lrrgely * <*ntined to a constitutional argument against tmi‘rial Ism. lie hardly touched upon th** ffnan ■ I issue |e sail that on imperialism •4 1 th* |M*rmount ls*ue it ws intuit l and proper that he ahutd • >nAe his ad iliess to that theme He Stood squarely on the Bred Beott decision, under which he argued, he eon •tltutlon applied to all territory held by the t'ntte.l Slates He denied that thl* feature# of the decision had been either formally or Informally reversed, and clalmeo that It brought the territories and our new |s**e*ston* under the eopstltu- Itot lie distinctly and vlgoroualy an tagonised the pro|*Mditon tliat anil-#lw-ry Judges bad deliver* and opinion* that contra vened or dl tented from Ih* eanllnal doe trltn laid down by Chief Justice Taney as to the rotation# of the constitution to an nexsut territory. .Alt Hill declared that It wa* tight that Bryan wo* given the Demo* ratlc mmitna tion and held that In hi* public . arret for four year* the nominee had not said a foolish thing. In conclusion the speaker sals! hat h* brought good cheer from the Empire Ht**!*. that the people there were falling line, that the Democrats w*r* work ing ti ght and >lav. tha* luahing honorat.le would he left undone In order to gain • Democratic victory and tha: the Item*' crate **p*. ted to carry the Empire H'alr for AA'dilisni J Bryan Mr Mill wa* the redp'ant of a good deal of social attention during Id* brief stay here, and l*ft late to-night for Danvtll'. where he will s|o-ak to-morrow GOA . ROOURVKLT IA LI At tll.A, He Mas Accorded a Alatinllleenl ltrn**n*lratton There, IJn <*ln. Neb.. Oct. 2 -Col. Roosevelt wa* accorded a magnlfk'ent demonstra tion ltd* afternoon by lb* cltlwn* of Uncoln Nothing e*tuoi to ll ha* yet b**-n seen during the piogr. ** of the govern or* J*"irn*-i through lh<- VV*-et Aksng Hie lire of march from the station In ( apltal House Hquar* Ibe street*. w!p<lowb noil b.ileotd* - were filled wuh cheering people In many streets On crowd* were so dense a* to Impede Ht* pa a*it* of the carriage* and the mounted curort. Arriving at Capital House Square Gov. Rooseve't was **ri*lu >cd lo a revb-wlng eland, before which the long |.r. ...n laissed in review, occupying more than an hotir Thee* arete many unique and amus ing feature* In the t*ara*l*' Gov Ron- veil wa* conductad to a speiker's etaiMl where he spoke fur Ihree quurter* of nn hour going over th* same ground In hi* remark* a* he ha* I ravelled over before upon the Issue of expansion, militarism. Inq* nallstn and patriotism. On Ids say (rotti the stafwl to Id* *■ •*- tl.ig, he w.i* falr.y mobbed by a wildly . ig* r < rowd who wished to shape fi.ttpl or to g' t a word of look of r***acn!li It* roa* lied hi* carriage somewhat bet tri ad In appearance but In line spirits. ml.. IHIA AN’h mWBRARY. Dates and Piece* Named for Hl* Upeeclie* In thr East. Chi* ago. fM 2 —Senator Jones, chair man of the Democratic National Com mittee, to-day announced the tolowinx Itinerary fer the Eastern camiMtlgii of Wlllbim J Rrvan. Madison Hquar* Gar.len, New York clly. Oct. I; al other point* In the stilt* of New York Del. 17 snd 2>. Inclusive; AA'est A'lrglnla. Oct 12. Marylend. Oct. 23: rtelawar*. Oet. 24 N*w Jersey, ftet. 2f, hikl 2*:. New York Ity, Oct. 27 On the latter date .Mr. liryaii will address a meettng of Biyan >lub* of the Atlantic coast slatr*. ll haa tot betn tie I lei whether Mr Ilryan make any speech** In liltnots after closing the Eastern toufr. CLAIM lit' THE Mt-JPI RI.ICAA*. They hay Urklnlev la Certain of ttntl Electoral Ante*. Nw York, Ore 2 —ln a statement- t*. *u*d from Republican national headquar ter* through Committeeman Manley th* National Committee claims W vo-st cer tain In the electoral college for McKinley. 112 for Bryan and M were put down a* In doubt. The states conceded to Bryan are (Continued on Fifth Page.) DAILY l' A YEAR. 6 F.NTK A COPY WEEKLY I-TIMKH A WKKK.tI A YEAH PARADE OF MINERS ADA %At'B OF HI PER CENT. RAT NOT II EE A ACCEPTED, MITCHELL TALKS OF VICTORY. HIT THE % DA' % ACE OFFERED 111 ho I Alt IONA EAOIGH. Tlinmanila of Miner* 'turned Oat af AA llkeabarre auil Heard Mitchell apen k—■ MI ner* AAIII Af (in to AA nrk I atll a * uatrntiii* Via* Iteea Held and They Have Reached aa Va derata mlftna—- Mitchell AAIII l.eavn It to the Miner*. \Vlike*-t*4i re. Ih* . Oct. 2 The parade and mu -** meeting of the striking miners in this city to-<la> w.i* the. greatest Ut‘**r •lemons! rat non ever held m Northa*terrt Pennsylvania President Mil. he.l and part> arrived from Hazleton aborti> after 1 o clotlt and were met at the depot bv a large and enthu siast! crowd. The p.iraie rsqulrel an hour and twenty minute'* to (** a given Point It in • *4mated that there wrra fully ll.fht men and breaker boys in line. Th great bulk of the (wrath rs wra** made up of atalwart men. Asa rule they wera well dressed and s>nie of them from their apiiearance nilght he taken for a body of farmer*. Many burners and transparen cies were 4 arried by the mtu Among tha nrnet iHifttwabk* were these; "Wa want otir dinner ixiils 1111-1 with substantial food, not cwl tvtron** taff . 'Up are fighting a u *- thAt is Just an I right;" Stand by Prasldcni Mitchell and the union.” “Our union min', be rerog nlmed,’* “We will r.n longer he slavts.’* "2.210 fiounds for a ton;** * w* want two w -ekj* pay.’ Tt.e breaker bojrs rarrle*! banners which road Wa need schooling hut niiiat work,* "Knv. us fr. m the whlnis Of 'he (herlfT and ilffMitlu." “Down with oppression, we will st and by Mitchell ‘ 9 President Mitchell rtviewol the great arni\ if mar tiers < the river common, lie wa* generously appl iu*i and by tha marchers. *all It AA a* n A Ictory. When the last of the marcher* swept past Preside?* MPchell he arid his col leaeues were driven to West Btds Perk, where the htg nias-* meeting wss held Nearly Pi.iOu persons were m issetl in front of the stand when the 'alor president ta*- gsn to speak Mr A!itt-he>|| said "The greatest strike in the history of the world is drawing to a close Already the great coal carrying railroads have • Creed •*> increase your wages 10 per cent., which la a great victory In itself Trua, it Is not enough it doe* not satisfy us. nut the time Is not far distant when tha anthracite mil miner* will receive es much fur their labor as any other data of am fc men |n the world ■ This afrlke shall not he d*rlar*d off by me It shall rot t*e endid until a on vent lon of anthracite miners shill so decide Every union and every nolllirfy will b* asked to hmwl ore or more dele gates to •* convention, to determine thn question for themaelve*. Your lnt > resta ire greater than mine ! shall not dec id*' the question of your going’ back to work You must vote on that yourself I wilt not pretend lo determine your fate, or that of the MiO.nori who are directly af fected by this struggle.” MINER* ARE HOLDING HIT. lint *aie Have I hoars Delegate* to Prospective t nnimtlnn. Philadelphia Oct 2 No break has yet * • urred in the ranks of the striking mine workers, although aikiMloaial tsutlcea of the o()ferVr>f an Inert*>• of lo per -*ent. in wage* were posted throughout the region. I fa*t tnere were many indli'ailons to • iav of an Intent ai the part of the strik er* to Insist on other conmaioiit. nnd to remain out until the operatorr give nL’loti o their >atbai*l organisation. The feature of the day wax Ihe parade and mass me* dug of mine workers a*. Wllkesharre. arranged with tne object <yt demonstrating the strength of th t’niiwl Mine Workers. Ptevident Ml • hell was exie ted to trwii sb In his *pe<-h to the miners, his view on the 10 *er cent. Ino re owe •on coded by tne o|*ersbut beyond raring H as* a victory, ne had nothing to say on that point Neither dUI he intimate nnyhlrtg as to the probability of n early convention of miners, and after the meeting when ius ttoned mi that subject he said that not a hx*al union had requested tha calling of a ccnvcntlon A *ig iffcant move In *o|s jire- v, however, develop and to-nlbt at Hhenan durih. where all th* bawl branches of the United M'tie Workers bed rn* ■•tings and pe|e ted <le'ega e.“ to a convention lo he • ell* and later by President Mitchell This Is the fftst announcement of the selection of convention delegate*. Th* entire region was quiet to-day and very few min** w re in o;*>r*ilon. KOI OUT 111 Kl. WITH I'OTOU. !.<• rr and title Hu lllr ■■ Hraulf off Their Kiimtt nle r. Timciloom, Ala.. On. Rodney l.'arry, nrphrw of ex-Oov. Lowry of Mleeleelppi, fought a dual ihli> morning at Moundvlllc. Ala . elxteen lull*-* from here. with W. H. White, *t lion foreman. Roth. It la lw lleved. ware fatally wounded. Lowry l the mail for the railroad company al Moumlvllle. Thla he had eome worda wlih Heel lon Foreman While over the moving of a oar of cot ton aeed. W hite. It la alleged, .threatened Uiwry, and Loarty procured a pMtol out of hte office. White w.ix already armed and aa Lowry returned to the platrorm the men began ahootlng at each other, advancing aa they hred. l/iaty was ahot four time*. In the leg, right aide, right forearm and cheat. Rich man tired five time*, hut lwry # a laat ball to the only one that atruck White Thin laM thot waa fired within live feet of him and el ruck White In the abdomen. Lowry with hla right forearm h*. then clubbed White Inn Ineemlblllty with the bull end of hie plelol. White bait a wife and three children. Lowry te S3 yeara old and atngle. Bo h men are In a critical condition. It U re ported that the men had word* latt Sat urday afternoon and that the (hooting thw morning waa rupertnduced by that disagreement