The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 MATHEWS FOUND GUILTY. aim Hi'.tti iiir.n ji *t t* ixvh MIRtTR* Til Mill**. I> A I IWUIIT l‘rmrr *tnun&-r lor llarpliy A * o, Pla-*d on Trial In Ihr *uierl„* iMrl-bildrarr I lianri Him Will* l.arrrn* Allrr Trail ol la hui|rl t*f thr lodlrim.*nl—< a.' Hard Kautiht from llrclanlai In liad-lnii oihrr ladlnamla An I alrlrd—llalhrwi Hrolralrd III* I'rrlrrl Inaurrurr ol Ihr iHI.-nar, liui Told a l.aiur and larltl.-lral Mlor,. At T o.'ka* Hi I nlm th*> Jury that had b<<ii tryln* all day Ihr .*-<* airalnM A\. C. Mam-an. oh a ryot with lar.cny altar iru: ol *&<#•’ from hi- rmptoyora Murphy A Cos, n-luior.l a v< rtl, 1 ol gßjly, a with* it !■ onimrmlallon JWy had l**i . -it ol UK oairt room Jum twolvr mlnulon tSrni. nor wa not pronoun, rd imm.'ilitr ly, there bcln; wu #wher !•*♦*# agaii t Akat >< w . whl h nre yet 10 Ik- tried and in*imal custom !**< rvtnit w-nIMK* in t*ii of Uti m uri ti ill hav* b#-vn dl©|K>~(d of By th* verdicts ol Juri* > Math* w i* taken bank i jail. H© had h*rl Clerk Carr rifl • ! virrtlft of lb#* Jury without any mut if* Mat lon of hdu<i<m, munition ing th© a*m air of composure that hi nvr k*il hi* conduct and uppcaran*. * dui - lag tts trial The rjH* on trial was founded on th© flrwt of ito#* thr#*c Indictments that have In in found by fu© annul jut' The two o their* an* pra' i. ally i>*ntl 1 win tn* Armt In ©very particular, #*.*Yi* il> <Ut< of the crime durgfil. anil th** *#n><if! i money alleged to have Ixtn tniaapprofiri aded by Murphy a Cos i > uh ttin* man ag©r Home ©lx or seven witness©** were exam ined during the course of th* trial, the rrmat Important being Mr David < *ar of the Havwnn ib Punk and Trust Company. .Mi 8 H Y k hitan. vice preoklenf of the corporation of Murphy A Cos., and Mr. J It Fntts, formerly opera - tor and at present manager of th* Hav tn nxh office of th* company. They tb*lr #vkl< ru e utter Judge FnllKnnt had overruled n motion mud© by <'ol Georg© T. Cbftn, of nMinM'l for Mathew.* to quash the Indict m* nt. Mr. ('arson ten titled to the payment of th#* money, alleged to h.iv b n convert ©•1 to his own ua© by Math*-* to that in dividual In |*eran, on th* morning of June 2. Th* money w. paid over In a cord an e wMh **d© t h graphii ln*trtn tlon* from the Atlanta oftl • of th* rot porntlon. which maintained two < count© tit the bank Th* -mailer of th* •• wa subject to th** personal • h# •< k of M it hew as manager, while the* larger could only b* drawn upon by Murphy A Cos . or some off • r of tti** corporation In per-on Mr t\ir*-<n ©aid that \luth'W> t*k*! for the cash for the #*•ler. Miylrig h preferred having It In largo bill* H ©xp'aliw-d ihl request, which It sppHir< <1 was an ue tauai one. by raying that h# bad a ue fotner who wiAh©t to receive the money due him by the company without having hi© name |*|*ear In the ttanwe tkai >t#nce the customer did not core to have a check Mr t'aieon gave Mathew© 12 r *Dn tn the ©hope he want*d It It hr* on the day of hi© dleappwarance from th city that thl© order bad been a*hed Mr J R Pott©, who w© the operator for the company In Savannah at the time of the dl©a|*pe.irnn< of the < ompan\ > mating* r. t-tirbd to a r.iimkr of In connection with the larceny after trust He ?*ald that he had made a ctooa ©eorch of the hook© f the con cern to ©how what had b**en k*n#* with the 12.(1© In queotion. hut that no entry of It ntpeared on either cash hook or ledger Neither had Mathew© ever vol unteered any verbal or written explana tion on the subject. Th© l©*tliTU!> of Mr. rh lan had regard to the request mod© by Mathews upon th* tAtiapia office for $3,000 and the rewpone© that bad been made In the ©hap* of th* telegraphic *rW-r u|on th*' Havannah Hank an*l Trust Company. He also slated tht no exp.anation bal ever l©en mad to him by Mat hew- in the manner In which this mon©> had been applied and that tu a< • vnint of it© appli'afton ap|irared In the banks of th© company. Thl© evidence made up the essential© of the charge of larceny after trust. The testimony wa© *ontuntly interrupted by objection© from Col. C.inn the-** ; lieing baaed largely upon hi© theory tbit th* establishment of branch •-© outside th*' state of New York wa an act beyond the corporate power- Murphy At Cos and henra that th© larceny after trust, con ceding this crime to tvuv*• been committed by the defemlant.could not have bsi'iicom iß.itt**d from th* coriKmntion. but from th* Indivtml shareholder© by whom the money was sent from Atlanta. Most of the©#* objections were overruled by the ourt. The state *toacd Its ease at the time of the 2 o'clock recess, with the offer In evi dence of the charter of Murphy A < V> . ob tained from the New York ourts. Fur ther console ration of the case wa© post ponetl at that hour until 4 o'do. k fn the qf ter noon Thers era* on interesting Incident rnm# up when court tg.iln convened. tht nerved very effectually to break the mo no tony of the trial. Thi* th 1;-.|- pearance for a time of Juror Walter J Ale 11. The rase proceeded with M tthcw* on the stand and miking hi* st.tem*nt, It ut terly failed to ronvincr the Jury that h tnt sHicrre In anything Im* hid to nay. Mathew* started mi? by irillng the Jury he Old not want to throw mud >< Mate. Client which he (oHon-el with nud-throw ing that spat tr red Murphy A C os from head to foot He avowed that his forrm-r employer* were engaged in the conduct of a bucket shop.* pure and simple. and that they had not enough to conduct a legitimate brokerage htalneni of the mm nltudc of the bucket chop btiln>e tb *• actually did conduct Murphy & Cos., bald the defendant, had a capital of fatly fwo - 000. which would I *- totally inadequate to the business they did If they actualty pur chased and were pr( pared ta ib liver the rto k* and other mercantile commodities ordered by ihclr <*uloiti What ac tually happen# and wao a let made I* ns . n the (UPtoitur and Murphy & Cos In refer ence to the market, a* to whether It would go.up or down. Mathew* claimed further thot the bti*l -of the firm was so managed that It atood no chan e to lose. the quotations being repeated from the Atlanta to tin* ftavannah office of the concern after such fashion that the Innocent customer had no chon* to win. utile** Mtr|*hv A Cos won with him and ewsry hanc.- to lose, without any consequent lo*< on the part of the |>roprleiom of what Mathew* called a bucket shop Mathews wag not il*o gather clear In hi* explanation of low these various transaction* had U*n and wer* accomplished “The reason 1 left Havannth." *aM Mathews, "was because I had been *•• Ing how easy Murphy A Cos. made their gnonev. and I wanted to make son* It. the aame way I up* cuts ted and I heav ily and then felt I h id to get out of town to avoid discharge and trouble at the hind* of m> • mpb y err •The day I left I found I had not mon ay enough to pay the customer* of the concern and I wired to Atlanta for 12. W One of our customer* want'd fI.W, and there were other* to pay I got the money from he bank in largi- hill* the custom - er. 1 think hi* name wan Bharpe no: raring to appear by name In the transac tion; and for that rea*on wanting hie fConttnu and an Seventh l agt i t.uibi TO %! I*l *T4. Many aaHMitnnh irlrrsai Mill At tend the tirnril© Iteunloa. The * V*nfe*lerste Ve ©ran©' Association met la -1 i. ,ht. and among other busir©©© considered the reunion of <Georgia voter©n© tti *t i* to l• held in Augur-ia. Nov 14-16 A * ommltlee. const.-ting *>f <#en I’eter McGUshan. Mr John 8 Ham#-© and Mr. It K {taker, hh appointed to ntako in* qulrie*' Mtieing th- Sav inn ih member© of the o Mtion to a- ©rtaln bow many would attf iid f t© reunion Many of tho*>e ♦t ? ’•■*• nv • *-.g ma ,, !f* -ed n desire to do ©o an*) prom.-cd tha: they woiild. If they w ©r* not prevented by cin umstan •©• l*e yotwl fhrir control. To th*- House Committee we© referred tn** quthtion of quarter© for *h • .ipate y by tlie *mmh ■! at lon Th© lfav*tte M l.*w- Camp ii retired from tn© quarters in the Whitfield budding t*• tho?© of the Knight*. t Pythias, where a i.mlnal sum I** |aid fr the um* f th** for meet. In- purjw#©# - The x|>en-* of the Whit* . tb al fel ling q>. (fter *. therefore, i© left ..rsilvld i ti;->n to#* a * *<> la' ian. ant som of the members* tnought it might i* si© t* h©* * rtaln If .**me m*r* ©atl-factorv ; and 1* - * x|* lirlvi at ranxem* nt • oust not la mid* It w i brought to the attention of the m- * tng #hat th© Btot*- Co* v ntlon of the 1 Haughtern of th*- Confed# racy I© to l*e h* M In Havannah on Oct. JO. unless an ef fort o |Mj>t|wn© it until Ileeemlwr ahmild prove • ii' c -ful. (Jen McGlashnn rledar **l that -*>m* action -hould be liken by 1 the u ** latlon, •**• he thought U Incuin b**nt upon the v‘t*tans to *lo what th*\ old to id tn making to* • ytiyention a w ■ the Ikiughters having never f ill * I to render every asalslance in their * powt r win n anything touching tha w* il #*f th© veterans wa© In hand. The secretary ' w m.-tr i t-d to proffer th* aid of the j voter rnr* to whatever extent It might le j •Je-tred MaJ and M© and other© stood spon* ©or© for the :ibilM>. ©loqiuence. humor, patho* md Confederate devotion of Mr J K It Hmtlh of Wuyrroo© MaJ. Ttynl© - all h* had learned that there wa- talk ! of having Mr Hmlth come to Savannah ! to deliver * b lure for th#* benefit of th© .I-- * bit tori, and h* gave th#* plan b's h* r t (ommendntlon. iiasurlng th© no©tli • hot from ill account©, th© l©c- i lure !•* th* Ire©l ever delivered by a C*n feder *** u|m h a Conf**l-rate question. Thr 1 .d-a 'f b ivufV Mr Smith e**m to Savan iiiih grew in f ivor *© it wa© discussed. ! nnd urrungement© f*r hi formal Invita tion and. in tb* even# of hi© acceptance, for th*- lecture it-* If were left with u committer < %**: vt%% hi: iiki.o ip. More ll**lni I'rnhalil© it the Coart |N*el4es Vaatnaf Harris. The re*ord© of the trials before the general ourt-martin! and the finding© of j the officers In lb© threw ases brought Ih fore them, arc still awaiting the return j of the Judge advocate. Ueut. f>avid C. ( Harrow aim must sign farm nnd send ! them in t the ofth of the mlujutant gen- ! . ral. nt .Atlanta In order that they may ..* In prop# r form Mr Harrow will prob. ! ably b#* away some day© (longer. Provided the decision of the court proves ! favorable to Corp. It 8. Harris, of the j It#publican Itluea, who©© <a-e wo© the j prim tpal one brought before It. ther* I© I no r*a>*oti why the result of the trial | ©noubl no# b© made public Immediately uiKn the receipt of the court's finding in j A riant * If the decision should l>© un favorable to Corp Harris there -will he j further l*lay In fhe case, a© Capt J Fetri© Cann. who defend* *1 the a< • tire 1. , hn*% given nolle* >f l* sire * appear le -fore the Governor on t'enalf of hi© client C;pt Cann I© convinced of Corp Harris' Innocence, and 1© determined to us© every i effort for hi© vindication. While the Harris cj- may he held up If the court (©nrlud©.* he wa© guilty of the harg* • preferr and again©! him. there i- no r son why th© announcement of th© results in the case© of <'orp Drown and Prlvat#* Walker of the f'olqultt Blues. ! * olored, should not be mod© upon the r©- j celpt of the (Indiocs at I fie office of the adjutant general KlM>fr:i4.AßTK*ft UHAKD. t hlldrrn Now at M nrk tn lt*th Kate ltnldln Insttt a f lona. The Kate Baldwin Free Kindergarten. No 2 No 307 Park avenue, west, opened y. -ter lay with an attendance of twenty thrc children were there with their children, and the opening parsed off very satisfactorily. Palmer I© direc tor of Klndcrgarv n No. 2. and six as sistants aid* and In the work yesterday The Kate Baldwin Free Kindergarten No. 1, on Ann street. n©.r Indian, opened the day b for©. Forty children and ©even assistant© were In attendance Mis© Har dee I© dir*** tor of Kindergarten No 1 The nt tendance ut No. 1 and No 2 1© expected to Increase greatly during the year Mis© Martha G Backus I© supervisor of th© kindergarten work, the entire v©t©m being under her direction Hhe also ln sfru t© th© corp© of assistant©, for which there r#- many ipplb ants A record of •ho**** who cWlre ln.-truction In Ih© kinder iranen methods ha© to b kept to (111 va an* i** in the order In which applicant© appear. A location for the Phßbert Kindergar ten ha* not le n deckled upon, but the institution will be opened on Nov I. lMi WAITING UT. \ nrinrlfa In the Public ©rhiiol* Fil led ns Hnplflly an Possible. More children were admitted to the - hoob* yesterday, t’ard© for admission to the public ©. hoot© were !©nu©d the after* i iuioi| t** for© to i few of those whose nans*© apt*ar upon th© walling llwt kept i iy s ii* rintend* nt Ashmore, and It was , with these that the new children appeared ! ©t the Mchoolt to which they were os j signed. The waiting 11*1 l* to be at lit further do rr . .'.d Mr. Ashmore ha* been busy .•* < crtatntng Just where vacancies exist, and card* arc sent to the children who want :5 • plac*'* in the order In which their names are recorded. Hy ttie end of the w -k Mi Ashmore expe< tw to ha\e made quite a material reduction In the number on tie- waiting lUt. The superintendent I* also busy making re-ss*lgnments of pupil* in cases where h** rind* it expedient to remove children from • bool* that are not within thir own district*. It i* preferable that chtl ,!i,ii att-nl their own district school*, and Mr %*hmore will endeavor, in so fai a* n> may be aW*. to bring thl* About. Attacked li* m It ii 11 il nu • While 'jMtrolllng near B:at? and Ilous toti street yesterday morning i'atrolman S. M la\i* wm* attacked hy a \limi* bull dog belonging to a resident of that vicinity. The dog. which wa* lying hld d ti in a gateway, **uxcd the officer a - passed, catching him hy the trouser* leg. fortunately missing a gilp on the flesh of the kg A* soon a* possible the officer got out hi* pi*to| and shot the ani mal through the chest The l.nrgeat Brewing Plant in the world produ-e* the celebrated tonic, M A LT-N t *TK IN K. that boon for invalids an4-^convalescents Made only by the Anheuser/Husch Brewing Ass n which fact guarantee* its merit, bold by fill druggist* THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1900. CHATHAM COUNTY’S TICKET. %17. KOK MUnniTt I* TMK <U (I CKTIO* hiH DM 111011 TO.DA*. I'.IU for •! Kl.Ptlnn of lalr I.iuir OlDrpra Mill K* * O'rlork la Ihr Mural,, nl C'laap ■ I IliU* ItVlsrk la Ik* Kiml'l, Hl* Tlmr-l)lPrrarr In *n •<! H Tlaiu Prudarr* Ihr Odd MlaaOa. Tbr I Irrk aad Maaa,rri for Ikr a.irral Ruiri and Ikr lurratlna of and ( anal. Tlrkrt llaa Hrra Krlalrd la Kull. Thu prill* lor Ihr rluction of alatr anti lOunty olllrura will oprn al thr Court Hnuur lhi* tniwrln* al 7?4 oMot k. Ihr full alaiu and county tlr kui la to I— vorud. put Ihr lack of any nollcraMu oppoalllon ha* prrvuntud th-rr brlnif murh lal In terrat In tha election. Tha pnlla will remain o->en eleven hour*, frtmi ; JI In the mornlnir unltl * 7* In the etenln* Thr raid minute* teault from Ihr requirement that lha election* ehall run ky un lime, which I* Jul tweniy-four minutes slower than the Kaatrtn time by whbl) Savannahiana teulaia their af faire. Th* manrutera and clerk* of Ih* elec tion*. who were *e lee led * week ago. have been anaigned alao fo Ih* boars of sliuit they will be in charge They are requeued to appear In Ih* olh. e of Ihe County Comenlueloner* In goo-l tim* if lore ihe hour liaed for the opening of Itie I*, so lhal they may be- *worn to dis charge their nol very taieroti* duties faith fully and Well These m.tnagera ami clerk* have already been announced In lbs Morning New# They are a* follow* Kliai dJ-trlcl. taa uo:iccioe'a ofll. e. Hull ami York ktrerta—Manager*: II K. Wickham, J IV, <; K Havana, J. P.. W. K. Corbett, freeholder, llerk*: Thoms* Kern*. John J Burke. J. Itolart Creamer Second l>ttriu. County Treaaurer * of fice. York Street-Manager*: l*ac K Nathan*. J P . <. Noble Jone*. J. P.; K t. Jaugrteiler freetioiiler Clerk*. \V. J. Malloy. William Knnl*. J M Hpelgh* Third DlidrKl. County Attorney* Of h,e. Hull and President ,r**t— Man ager* M. Naugbtln, J P'. Charles ft Kline J P . John K Sehwar*. free hold* r Clerk- Mike Kean*. M llltam I The.-, K M. Hull Four'll lilMrlci. Ho* 7*o I. nc*|\*r of T.i* Itelurn*' Office. President Street— Manager* H*imue| Itevnold* J P ; H. K McKenna, freeholder.-M W n'son. free holder Clerk- John W Prendlble._ J. Mc- Bride, Jr.. John J Olnon Fourth I>l*lrlct. Ho* No 5. Ordinary'* OfTlce. Pre-ident Str*-a- Manager*: J R Biiay, Jr.. J P . W T leopold. free holder. Henry F . freeholder Clerk .l C Murphy, T B Maeter*. Thom.i* Halllgan. Fifth, Ht*th. Seventh and FlgMh T>l trl.-t*. t ifttce Clerk of the Superior Court. York Street Manager* YV. J. Cleary. .1 P. ftavtd I. Chtlettan. Ireehold.r, M J |>e*verger*. fre*-holder. Clerk* JoiM-ph Molina. F II Oliver. II F Baker The omlealon from Ihe elate It ket. I* sued hv Ihe Slate tYenWH-rglk' K*< ultve Committee, of the blank- for th* i*mi of the nominee* for the office* of clerk and *herlfr of the City Court of Savannah ha. been rendered harmle** by the print ing of ticket* here In Havannah. Iri which the name* of all Ihe Iremrvrallc candi dal**. salaried al the last primary, are printed In full The ticket ha* no blank* t* beaded *implv "Democratic Ticket.' and will obviate ant neoe**Hy of the vo ter'* writing any name*. Ail lhat he ha* to do I* lo take a ticket from one of the table* Hippiled with them, which will be maintained around the poll* at the ri prnae of tho local candidate* for om<e. 1-t.unine If closely enough to eee thnt It I* all right, and then present It lo the manager* of the bo* for th* district In which he live* The prominent politician* of the c|u and county, more especially ihoae who are randUl.ite* for ofH< e. will probably *pnd Nine portion of the dav about the I**ll*. but It I* doubtful If their efTort* ivlll serve to ,|i-*tpwto the deadly apnlhy. so for as tlte election I* concerned, that seem* to have sell led over the voter* Chatham county I* K u*e>l to scene* of Interest and esettement In at! about e's Hon. that notnlng b-* than Ihe proepect of the repetition of euch scene* seems adequate to the task of drawing the vot Ing element from their home# and place* of bust ne*s. Mr A W. Harmon lio announced hi* eanrildacy for the office of county com nil.-.-loner. but *o far no other opposition to the regular Democratic It ket for • ounty office* ba* shoan It* bead In time past. JtltM after the primary, there wa* some talk on this subject and It wa* rather believed that there would be on tesl* for two or more office* Theee gen tlemen whose nanus were thu* useel a* prospective opposition limber have doubl leas yielded lo tlte advice of their friend* or reached better • ottnael within them selves. and decided nol to make the race The e-ommlltee appended lo purge the registration list. Messrs J. Robert Creamer. Thom** Cooley, and Wm Pease tlnlshcd ll* labor* yesterday, having re moved forty-one names Of these five were removed for cause and Ibe other thirty-*!* because the persons have died since registering HMtel* of Ihe qualified voter* hy district* were made out for the manager of Che district hoses, and will be given oul thl* morning The total qualified vote la something over seven thousand. - | 011.11. t riONN TO FHAM HIIKI. Innnrll Will Hoar Several to Con spier To-nlaltf. At the mtetlng of (Tty Council to-night the (fueattofi of new street railway fran chise* will probably be brought up.though the absence of Mayor Myers and several of the A Mermen wll! probably cause ac tion to be deferred. The petition of the Eighth street residents, protesting against the granting of a franchise for that street, t* In the hand* of the clerk, as Is also the protest from President 8 Krouskoff of the Oglethorpe Ileal Estate 'oni.*nv which own* a vmtnber of lots on Fight n street A communication was received yester day from Messrs 8 Guekenhelmer's Bon*, in reference io the (petition for franchises stating that they would protest most strongh again!? the granting of my fran chise* for additional tracks on Hay street between Montgomery and Barnard, those already on the street proving quite an ob struction to traffic 111 M \\ ITU HI ILDIXCiB, q**rtrr at Fort **revea Cannot lie Finished for Some T ime. The officers’ quarter- and men's bar rack* under course of const ruction on th* government i- nation at Tybee for the u-c of the garrison of Fort H revin will not be completed unill long after the ex piration of the time assigned by the con tract Thl* was Oct JO. but Contractor Leonard ha* been delayed In getting ma terial It Is *id the building* cannot be finished wuhln six week* after the date mentioned In the contract The buildings are a second set erected up>n the reservation, at tip* garnon was doubled months since, and It be am# necessary to Increase the accom modation * for officers and men At F.stlira. An. 4A Hull Afreet. A full supply of echoo* hooks and school supplies can be had at the above. nd<r* a - MIfMT ROO AND ftlllLll. WrdUinx of Mr. Jimn Nmlfh •!*! Mika Annie Allen Wmm Celebrated. Th© of Mr. Jamra Tlaelmy Bmnti and Mi© Annie t•onion All*?n, which took piß'e at noon. wa an Impr* >*lve an i Ix autlful one. ele brareti at th* horn© of th© bride'© patent*. Mr kind Mr© C 8 Wood, on Pulaakl Square (Jo Men rod. that brljeht flower of atitumn. fllied the drjrwinuroom© with vivid color, It© yellow xlory ©often#©! by Ihe xrecn of |alrn© and wandennu ©mtlax, while in th© iln Inf room white rone©, hid ing mnmi dell hi© fern©, lent their palr beauty lo the ©cen+. Promptly at twelve •>'< lo k a© Ml©© Mo r - XKi played eoftty on the piano th© o|©*n tius note* of the wedding march from 'lx h©nnrih. tli* little rtbt>on bearers, Me© Hume foie Winburn and Maater Jack L*inda> . entered th© south drawingroocn two .lainty figure© In pure whit©, each holding a whit© eatln itaboo and tormina Mm they walk*©!, aii aisle. Through thl© I©l© th© bridal coupl©, entering together. I*aa©©d until they reached the arch of pwlm© between the long win dows in th© north r</om Here they atoud during ihe ceremony, which wa© in formed by th* Itev. Arthur J Hmlth. ar eordtng to th* ritual of the Kpt©copal C’hurch. Mr. \\ (kml gave th#* bride While the ©ervice wa© being r©al Mina Morgan rendered ti Hromiee Me’’ on the pMnq. with exrjutette taete. The bride wore n lovely traveling gown of golden-brown. ©rtln-rtnl©hed crape loth, the ©kirt j-ifnm©d with narrow fold© of velvet. A Ja- ket in Eton affect, out lined with tan guipure applique ami tand of velvet, open©*! over a draped v*©t nf while ltt*erty #Uk. the game ©oft nva* Gal formiitg th© high collar and ©hort un*ler aleevaa. Thl* charming gown, ©o becom ing to the blonde beauty of th© brtd* wa© comjJetcd by a ©tylteh hat ot brown felt, trimmed witii a loo©© roll of whi © pann* velvet above fold© of brown. Her bou quet wa* of while n< ph©to© bud and maidenhair fern. Only relative* an#! the more Intimate friend© of bride and groom w©re pr*©ent nt the wedding Among the OUf-of-©own gue©t> were Mr* It. T. l'#*reot© •nd Ml©© Annie Hmlth of Forevth. the groom's •©- ter©, and Ml©© Ella Thompson of Quit man After the ceremony light refr*©h ment© w©re ©erved. Mr© Wood being iatel by Mr©. Hiileton Wvlly. M .©© Edith \V'*d Ml-* Nwnnie Bradley.and Mis© Hat tie Bsussy, but there was no reception. Mr and Mr© Smith leaving over th* Ho ut hern Railway nt 12 H f*r Newr York They will b© away a fortnight, visiting th© hrl!e‘© ©l©*er. Mr© Walter Wyimn, and In H.illlvan county. New York, w here •he t© ©pending the summer, ©topping In Washington, and. on thHr return B*uth. visiting ’he groom'* relative© in Forsyth. They will be at home after Oii 16. at Mr© Robartson's, No 612 Barnard street The bride, who I© the youngest daughter of th© late D. G Alien. I© well-known In Havmnnnh. where ©he ha© lived all her life, and where her gentle nature and wo manly character have made her ©o ad mired and beloved. Tne groom I© the ©on of th© J •#© Mr Thomas D BmFh of Fonsyth. Ga Al though not a native of Havannah. Mr Smith who hold- position in the freight departm* nt of the tVntral Railroad, h.i' lived here for the past eight or nine year©, and ha© n wide circle of friend- The wedding gif were numerous and beautiful, consisting principally of arti cle© In ©liver and uf gins© saitj vai:hi: b ather hi.ow. Few Off er In u • Made Before Court Hut*©e floor A eaterdav. The county ©vie© before the Cour* House yesterday morning were rather few and fvr between Transaction© In real estate j*em now to be confined principally to those made dir© fly between the parties and there were bu 4 few offering* a! pub lic ou*cry. Mr R II Tatem sold three lot© In the southern section of the city, on Mont gomery street, for PHV The lots were situated about Vi yards beyond the junc tion of Montgomery and Twelfth street-. Mr Waring wa - the purchaser. Three lotson Reynold* and Arnold street, in Jon#s ward, were ©old by Mr. t\ If |ior*©tt for s2.7*' M©ssr Youmans A Demmond offered and sold an undivided Pdf interest In piece of property on the (fgeechee road, which brough# SI,OOO The property sold embraces about twenty-live acres There were some offerings of property made by Glty Marsha! Tower, which brought nbou* the amount of the tax ex ecution* against them Altogether Ih© day wa© an exceedingly quid one. HUMIAV XllillTS VKTIW. u \\rll a* ('mill Hr Kprrlril from Ihr \ntnrr of Thrlr AAnnnda. Pete Mangle who wax shot night before at Ihr Hoyal Miimlc Hall by A R Hysan spent a fairly favorable .lay yes terday In Ihr afternoon hr was removed from Ihr Royal whrrr hr Ipd been Miner the (hoofing. 10 hla homr on Writ Con- Syan l dill at Ihr barrack* but has ah ready engaged i-rojrwwl. having ac-urr-d Mrarra. F <! dußlgnon, H. D. l. Twiggs, and T L 11111. Alfrrd Wilson, Ihr negro who wax (hot by H. Rlrlljrr. alao had a fairly favor aide .lay a' 'hr ilmrgla Inllrmory. where hr wa* lakrn Immediately a.'rr ihr shoot ing, but li l not thought that hr ran re cover. KKI.LVS Af rill AT* O. K. Ilrpaty Mnrahut'* Hooka Fono.l C ar rrrl nod In t.nnd khnpe. Thr book*, piper* and account* of Mr I J Kelly a* deputy city marshal were checked over yesterday by Marshal Power, and found lo l*r abudutely rorrs ' In every particular a* well a* In excellent order The work I* also fully up lo .late. Mr Kelly ho* shown no relaxation In the discharge of hi* dutte* because his posi tion was threatened In order to make assurance compleie. Marshal Power will r. quest the city auditor to go over the tKKik* with him Mr Kelly ha* not decided what vocation he will pur*ur a* yet. but his friend* are satisfied that with lit* ex cellent record as a city employe, hr will not tie lacking a position long THB LOATH UT t IKWID. Little Hlatera of the Poor fo Add tvlax to lln lld I ng. The contract for erecting the addition to the building of the Idttle Stdcrs of the poor on Seventh street, ha* hern awarded to the Stewart Contracting Company The work will consist of the construction of the western wing of the building as coo templaied in the original plan The addi tion will he Hi fe't In length by U In depth. Work will l>egin shortly. Isle of Hope's I losing Dance. The closing dance of the season at Bar ic* A Randy's at Isle of Hope will l> given 10-nigbt There will be the usual guessing contests, tn which a gentleman's prlxe of *.’> of merchandise, by the Metro politan Clothing Company, and a ladies' prize of one dozen photographs by Moore, will be awardsd The entertainments that have been given during the summer by Barber A Bandy have heen popular and have heen largely patronized Fish sup per*. with diamond back terrapin soup, wll be on the card A Hlgh-drade Institution for Ijtdles-- Phorter College, Real* oa. Write tor vgatalogue.—ad. THE JURY LACKED A MAN. tm: or the twelyb 4#ood RE* AM) THU: A ANUbIIU) oi l OF 4 Ol NT. Inetdeoit In the tlatlii'W* Trial That 4 umblned l*niliu© for th© t nfwi In nate 4 anof It. \A Itb Amu©eni*nt f*r the *|iFciii|urs-Jor>nn AAol ter J. Melt Disappeared Darina the It* *-• and Ills !*•• AAas Not l)U --covered 1 atll Alter € ourt Atiain 4 on eaed—There AA a© 1 roublr f#r a AA> bile—Motion for a New Trial Made bat 1% ilhdrowa—"Hr Bor Coaid I nderstand.** Juryman Walter J Mell. one of the twelve mat tries! W C. Mathews yester day. narrowly ©fcaped the wrath of Judg* Fsliigatit and resulting unhappiness while the case war In progress He wander* and ouc of the court room when the recess waa taken at 2 odo k. an*l did not ap pear until aeveral minute© after 4. when the cou|*t again convened In the meantime, a© Is tne Invariable pra tice m all criminal case- 4he jurymen were ©ipjo*#Ml to be in charge of the ©her* i iff No one ©eem©d to nav noticed that ' he twelve ©**©! men and true had b#*vn i hang©*! to eleven, and whan Judge Falil gant nvuintfd the bench tho naltlff in i * barge solemnly brought in his charge© i.d waived th©m to ecate. The prisoner 1 also wa.N brought in from the off#-© of tbc i eh* riff, aixl counsel ossum<d their pla - I Thing* began to w.,*r the air of t*xi© t an y (hat prec*de© the resumption of a • trial that is exciting Inter©**. There was a wait while the Jury box full* 1 to fill up i;d everybody looked about expectantly. The spectator© sup posed that the trial would he resumed within few minutes, but th#* alwent ' Juryman dt*! not put in an appearance. Hherlff Sweeny and hi© deputies beg in to | make fruntk rushes up and down the ror rklors, looking in and corners and unsuspected places, where n juryman might he expected to conceal himself. There • was nothing doing "Where is th** oilier Juryman. Mr Sher iff**" asked Jude*- F illlgani "I don't know. jHr was the sheriff’s j answer, and the search w* resumed "I | have looked ill ov r th#- tuiildlng for him " -aid Bherlff Sw'tny, In the ini* be tw#*en two rushes, ’and I don't know Where h# Is " In the m d-t of all this excitement and when the spe tators hud begun to look anxiously about for the m gl* bin who hid spirited away an Inoffensive Juryman. n:i excited Individual rushed hurriedly into the court room and >ank. with an air of evident exhaustion, into ?he remaining hair in the jurvhox It was Mr Mell, and everybody smiled. 4 Where have vou been. Mr MdlT* ©lid Judge Kallleant. sternly. "\Nh\. your honor," aid the Juryman, with an anxious glun<** at the clock. *1 went home to dlnre r nnd the time Just j sllpi***d uwuv fr >m me " "But what do >*fti mean by b aving the i < mtrt room at all?" continued the court Didn’t vou know that the Jury wa. tn the hands of the sheriff?” "Why. no. sir," said the b# wI Me red Jury man. "I thought Wf were excused until I o'clock, and when the re *eaa was tak n I Just went home " "The defense mnvr* the court to declare a mistrial." said Col. Cann. "on the ground th#it the Jury har- b*©n allowed to separate." "I can make no objection to the mo j lion " said the solicitor ' Take the order." said Judge Falllgant "Anti. Mr Hheriff. you take Mr. Mell Into custody." It was done in a flash and the case looked tike if would go off on this ground llowrver. t’ol Cann relented before the or. tier had been signed and stated that he© would withdraw his motion for a mistrial lie wa© ><mfldent. he said, that it was all a mistake on the part of M> Mell and that no real harm had been don*. Then the t a*e proceeded It waw fortunate for the thoughtless Juryman that this was the course f events, as It saved a punishment that would certainly have been Inflicted ha 1 hie thoughtless conduct cost the county the ex|M-n*e of a trial without results For a time, though, he wu a badly scared individual In the midst of the excitement he hid created he made a feeble attempt to get up to the Judge's hen, h "Take your Mr Moll." eald the court, and Mr. Me.ll subsided without a murmur He got a lecture from the ceurt. however, that he will remember. MIT AAIMKLA. HIT TOO \\ 1d.!.. Negro I’assenaers Jumped from n nnpldlv Hosing Street Car. A street ,ar accident that might have brought sertou* conse.juer.ces. happened on the West Knd line last night, at about g o'clock. The sand In the vicinity of th" accident prevented any serious re sults. * A car was howling along at a good rate of spent, when the trolley wire broke, and the wire began to b.-it down on i!i# top of the ear. li made a weird and unseem ly noise nnd the colored passengers, with wliom the car was almut half 11 bd. made a w I’d Jump for teira flrm.t They reached It, hut . on’ let with Mo,her Kartli brought htul*e* and dl*com'ori lo two of them None, fortunately, were seriously, or even very iiainfully, hurt This rrporl was made by (Jeneral Mana ger I-ofton. who made an examination Into the causes and result* of the acci dent. The line was so n put In repair and was In working order within a short time after the accident occurred. I 111 Hid*.IXMM. OF II 11 KiriTH. Observance llegan at Hamel and AN 111 He f onflnned Tlirongli To day. Yom Klppur. or the Jewish Day, of Atonement. Iwgnn yesterday afternoon al sunset, and wilt continue through to-day until the same hour This Is one of the most generally observed of all of the hol t.lav* of the member* of ih" Jewish faith and yesterday was no except lon to the rule By a few minutes after a o'clock al! of the buelness house* whose proprietors arc menils’cs of Israel, were clo-ed an.l will tie continued no. until late this af ternoon. and In many cases, until to-mor row mprntng tbrvtviea commemorating the day wcr< held In the Temple Mlrkva Israel. In tile H’nal Jacob gjrnagogur. and by the 11 C || a. Odd Fellow's llall. In alt of which will he continued to-du> I iilore.l Hfndvwfa for Atlanta. About forty colored students left via the Plant System and Southern road yes terday for Atlanta, whence th. v will go to the different schools 111 Atlanta and North Oorgl* Th* even! of the season will he our mil linery opening, Thursday and Friday Gutman's ~d Fifty ferns Will Mop Tour Scratch ing AVhethsr II I* from tetter eegema. ring worm. aalt rheum, or any o her akin trouble, us* Tetierlne.snd accept no sub- Mllute, claimed by the desftr to hs ' Just as good Nothing else Is Jus; a* good If your druggist can't supidy you. send to rent* tn stampa to J. T. Hhupirme, Savao nab, oa., (or a bog poeipa'd -gd, M UN YON’S aiCni'ii* 1 t!l f oarfies ,b • , m f Ki # n -F Cor * ■7jWfef'CSß ” ,!1 f,:r - lw p- r r * B? of sll form* of l4n*y ociioplalot sud •to .JOB tnsry lotl*o'-*, th# V BY- ': -y most arrlou* form* of Y ** VW Bright'# dl*oM. If ..... '# tb* (lloos** U oO® \ pltrstod **ofl • foor- Sl"©# ouoc* rt*l of or! ns. -W* will oslf(* It ooJ odrU* 7os £ro dt *ll drugriai* IB* • U 1 OoM* to H**ltb m*j .J.ioofi** tyo *m ' . Fuji* KIDNEYCURE A HITKD TORONTO. Bev. J. I*. Irally Found 4*reaf Pleas ure In a Hrtur© to That 4 tty. Rev J L Hculiy, rector of Bt Paul'*. Mrs Sully and Miss Tyapn have return ed from a six weeks' ittyHo the North and Canada. Rev. Mr Bcully* was par ticularly phased by the trip, as It af ford# 1 him the opportunity to revisit his alma mat* r. the Toronto I’nlverstty. and meet again many whom he recalled with pleasure* Bcveral of the professors from whom he r#' lved instruction are still at the Uni versity, and with them klr. Scully spent many pleas int hours One was particu larly Interested In anthropology, and be and hi- farmer pupil discussed the sub- Je t The professor was especially anx tous to learn something about h* status of tlu* negro ;n the S uth, and Mr Hculiy. having mode m careful study of the race, w *nah!*d to throw some light up.rn nhasf* of the subject While In Canada Mi Scully found great - ittsfa tlon In wltn-sing and taking |xn In seme of tb#* perfect church services are the rub* In the Dominion. Churches of parishes not so larg#* as bis ow n at h me. he note*!, had far more Im presHv© and tv autlful services, and from them he g ithered Inspiration and the re n* wed determination lo strive An the ef fort to Impt ‘\e the service at 8t Paul's. The r©* • r derived great encouragement ffom th#* work, he saw. and It 1# Iti much the mi* nfldence and c tivlctlon of sue cess that mark'd his original Issuan e from the university that he returns to take up the adm Inis t rat loti of ht© parish 1 Bt.FD TO AtITF. FOR LffAKER. Ilnllock Coanty flrpnlillrans Head ing Ont flrratara. A circular receivfd here from Bulloch county, sent out from the Republican headquarters there, urges all Republicans to register and get In readiness to vole at the Presidential and Congressional elec tion The circular glv#*w Instructions as to registration and says: "It I© In turn ben! upon you not only to register and vote yourself, but to see that every ll* publican In this country registers and vote.*-, that the National Administra tion W'hbh has brought prosperity and happiness to the whole American people and <Kaie much for the glory and honor of our (Ountry's flag, shall receive ihe largest vote ever given to a Presidenttal candidate by the citisens of our common g • Register and vole for McKinely and Roosevelt for President and Vice Presi dent.' 'says the circular, "and W R L* akin for Congressman, from the First CongreaMonal District of Georgia, nnd continue go*.| government and prosprr- It y " Evidently the Bulloch county Repub licans retard Mr Uiken as already In the field. n*>4withstanding he has aw yet given no |.uhltc India tlon of his Intention of accepting th© nomination recently ten dered him. Th*' committee apt M >tnt# > d Ic rot If) Mr Dwketi of his notification is understood t* hav* *Kne so by letter Mr !>*aken is in linltlmore. however, and may not return f*r some days. Fating and 4lrrp|© v . Food supplies and substance for repair ing the waste* of tho body, and gives strength Hl *p affords the opportunity for thr-c repairs to be made. Both nr© necessary to health. If you can't #*at and sleep. taK* Hood's Sarsaparilla It cre ate* a good appetite and tone* the diges tive organ*, and It gives the sweet, rest ful sleep of childhood. Be sure to gee Hood's. Biliousness Is cured by Hood's Pills, tte —ad. TB! ATEI) HI TI.FB AA FAT \A HONG. *ttle H||vrrnrr nnd Jewels Vint AA am 4 aptared. Jim Frasier, colored, was yesterday ar r* •ued by Detective Stark on the charge of larceny from the home of Mr. F. A. W• 11. No. I<M Jone© street. (*-t. of a lot of silverware, table linen, and Jewelry. Frasier was employed by Mr. Well as a butler and was left in the house while the family was away during the summer When an inventory was made after the r#tirn of tin family It was found tha a number of things were missing, and the matter was reported to the Burra* k and turned over to Htark. The detective has not only landed the thief, but secured from him a confession of guilt, and, bet ter still, bi** recovered the greater part of the stolen go#ds. Frasier will probably be given a Inuring before the Recorder this morning The latest in artistic crention* will be displayed at our opening. Thursday and Friday. Gutman's.—ad. ■ •I© f Hope, Big dance at Isle of Hope to-night This is the last dance Bar he© A Bandy will give this sea-ton Guessing contest for the ladle* and gentlemen prlxes being J, worth of merchandise donated hy th#* Metropolitan f’loihlng i'ompany; a doxen photographs donated by A. 11. Moore There will be u fn supper waiting for you. Including diamond bip k terrapin soup <’ars leave Tenth street every half hour. Respectfully. Barbee A Bandy.—ad I'atildlng'a Pippin 4'tder. Tills ('elebratcd pure, apple Juice cider, made In Long Island, can be had In pint or quart bottles, direct from the manufac turers, with their own stamp, at Ltppman Brothers. Druggist©. Savannah. Ga.—ad. AYonders \AIII Aever <>•©. Ltppman Brother*, wholeeale druggiats. Llpr-man block of this city, are giving away fra.-, a splendid regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with calendar attach ment. al*> three doxen sample hot tlcs of Llppman© liver p||| f# to thw purchaser of three dox en Llppmana chili and f* ver tonic. This c bbiated and lenowne*! chill tonic ia sold with a positive guarantee "No cure no pay." #nd th#* price and aloe la the same is other standard chill tonic# This great expense Is undergone simply to Introduce Ltppman s chili and fever the beat In the world—ad. For Over nfty Years. Mrs Winslow's Owning ffyrup has h*en use,! for children teething It aoolhiw tha ; chid, aoftens tha guma. allaya al) cures wind colic, and Is the beat r*medjr for Diairhoaa. Twenty-flva caota a tasUlc. OUR Armored Cruiser Shoe Is bo tit to stand hard ser vice. is the most popular, and has the largest sale of any Shoe sold for TOYS* WEAR. k. has gained its popular ity truly on its merits as there is no Shoe made that will equal same For Service. MOLD ONLY AMI* FKLI'IYK.LY nt )7 BROUGHTON ST. WEST, LATTIMORE'S. We want you To remember That we are Offering big Bargains in Wheels. Our Entire stock Must get a Move on itself During the next Month. We Make terms to Suit you. The Clevelands are To go with the Others. fTATTIMORFS^| IT'S UP TO YOU TO BUY Houseiurnishing Goods, anil wf aril them an rhrnp-hal a#* •ell nnh <•<>OU (iOOI)l. Thr laitUf. nparlnß. bunral kind. nilh no aitra rhnrgp for quality, g That %%TI-TRIHT TIT wp aril I* UtAIIUTKBh •>> thr maker and ourarlrra. It rannnl hr had ele> t\ hrrr. and thr rhraprat tinware you ran hay. W> hiitr rtprylhlng needed In flie home. G. W. Allen & Cos., State and Barnard street* •C MOO LA AND I'OLLEGKI. THE SAVANNAH PIIEP AH ATOM A SI HOOL. MILITARY. Mr Strong has returned to the city and moy be seen every morning between and U at the school building, on the corner of Barnard nnd Harris streets. Ormond B Miron* (Cornell). Head Master A *• hoot who*.- Instructors are untve alty men familiar with modern niethod and men who have demonstrated their success a* teachers In pie|Hiring boy* for college and business. A school whose diplo ma is accepted ill lltu of examination tv many colleges, and whose headmaster has ihe highest endorsemeiK by the presi dents of Cornell and of the I'nlverslty of California A school whose directors are among the most prominent mm of ih* state. A school where your boy would reeelvo supervision and en couragcmcr.l, where lie could obtain * thorough and sysn-malic training In bob and mind; where h, could prepare Id lessons for the next day under an In structor* tore In the afternoon Just a# he would at the best lioardlng schools, and where you would have no worry aboil his associates A UHOWIMi HCHOCU. ST. VINCENTS ACADEMY N A A ANN All. OA. FOUNDED IN 15. I)y School (or Young Ladles, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy. The course o Instruction la thorough and cotnprehm •lv*-' , .ar The scholastic year commence* hA’> WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. EPISCOPAL MHIH SCHOOL. L M BLACKFORD. M A . Principal For Boy* Three mile* from Alexundt .a. Va and . t*!.t frorn Waahlng'nn. (*• C The Kd year open* Sepl . IW\ Cata logue sent on application to the prtncu*** at Alexandria. UNION HOTEL. West Broad and Haris strsstA opposite Centra. Depot. Modern appointment. Convenient to ah otrset oar line*. Bats# *1 * and **•* **” £to per day Blngl# meal c •L J. PATERSON, Wn*** ,