The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 BIG DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY. it i* i>:n %ii thi \% %i | HO>l .%4MMHI 141 *U 1,444144. Thr Furl Thuf Thrrr fa Mill# **Ml*- •I t inn I••• tl In Urrrff Hi** % olr Hmlh r %% • 4.Urn 4>,4MH %l|nr*l Tnn VruM %M. OrniiM-mi* llhii \\ u***l n \lnroi C m in|ia lift n—4tul Innl* for Frraltlrtt 4 lit I Dlrrllon in \o%rilM*r. Atlanta, o-t. . 4;• rt * Dfin* ra*b majority over I'oj.u i Will Ik- .! MiM* in tht mi* ibm t>morr*w. Tin It* publ<> it ill •omo.n* with t o )*o|ul I l’ tn.u oil * *•** ' “•*" l •* tn In-orgU. *rai b i#d*t* .4 i<n Allen I> r.i i rn .•* * n > • Jorliy over J II Traylor. Doiuh-i Candler *:• t. i two y* ra i*o *•> ma>> w>i* * 1 rmn o|l I from th !• *- • Kd T. Brown, vb t chairman of the •tat* iomtn.l • ►> * *• l Nn *‘ r4 *“ voir wnl u l t • *x *u • lh * oi*|* lllon r i"t s'i• *ii ij m*l .*in*h> •x --|*t> in in* lankr ll* . limut* • !* 1,1 tire vote at *••*■• •>( w hi- h t* tnu*in* i Opihiritton u, 4 I *l"*Jl 15" The I’opuiiat* have a full tb k*t out x rept for oftb •of ***.a Uor *s* ••i -• I I will t ■* i lilt* ■ (, f ** lounilt'ii in • ■ *• * In ’* *• • *o-intl ctpfXMif’ii* * i *• Iwm •. r• 1 1 tl* ket * * running I'ojulit mi.*l H* *m -u|i > *' M I>*-iiiu' rain 1: to I it v ro *“ am )>.iUm in ont* r t • ni kir •*’*’ *• nian> voir* an |M>i*i*ihl* Though rontliiffU *f the Mir-* • sf iia r i K'i h*> *i* -r* !►*: vnajorita for i:i* •n* i it will h.i\ m •he Novid)h r | j. i l*irkil +[+■ :•* Oov. Car.*! • ami ili the ataie hmta* of flreri* have bean on tht iiunni during the part month. The November Hleell. Conservative ewiimwtee of lietnocrati. major: Hen m the- Novnt)"r • nni i*l* • * in cHatrli ts l*oi**lle will * **m • with It ymfrii an* in return f*r Rejnibh an al*l in the *Lat" *•!"* ti*i The |.rt >i.l* niiil . . , tinn will draw out ni*r‘ v**. than the atatt eh tloa * for this r*si-i the ]i*in*i> rifl* majorlti then will be i*vr than show- up tomm - Tow Drum* rail*- traders claim the > * a: p4* up a major it > of thi- )'r over nil opposition lo Bryan ind ht#‘V*ne**n The Refiublbans are . >nfUi*-lit th- !** !•• erratic inajorltv in thr- last pre.-Utenila! •lertion will b rtu>'ed thi* yea: by ten thousand at leu They cU m the Imm o> rnti. Hpiih) at *1 tm lr <* a* uvltv will renult in another <lecre#?a of the Pent* or ratio mijorlt v mi* h * |f'**re| in ltM The penes ratlc majority then wa* *.•*• In I©2 ft w •- The ii five campaign f"r M Klnley and Rooaev* It hi* not i**gm In Oaoigi* \** to oiv extern Republican leaders i* waiting for the result of the state cle tion to-morrow, which they believe wilt ehow derreises jn the Drmorratlc atrength throughout the M*te kii m m%**ll i h\ him home Warm Talk In %llanta’ Map oral it v ampnlin. Atlanta. Oct 2.- The hottest race for Mayor Atlanta ha* ever known, leached •i climax to-night when Maj. Llvltiguton Mirn*. one >f the indldat* l ** nwd* a -n rational atta* k on Frank IV Hloe. an other can*! date M.J Mims <l* lr*d that Rice wa* guilty of violating a provision of th* city chart<*r in failing to the city a lot when he aha vcrviiijf m an aMerm^n in 1*93 Hire time acr* of larvl on Wil liams etroi, Mims lo a cl, for rxl m i one-half acre of th*- ir >i>artv to the city for a#* hool h- us f r I**..'*so The i“l was not re orl* I until thirteen months later, after Ht e* trim of of!W • ha<l ex pirfd M m t*ad what he mi 1 w. a c.rpy of ‘he dee I. and then re.d an extract from the city charier, showing that such conduct wax .legal and tmnUhahle • veraL Mime further declare! that during the Cl' II War. Hh e ran away t< Nassau He aJso ralatd the fact that Hlce, chair man of the t.*it> Council Finance Com mute* in 1893 sold Atlanta ity lonl* at U>. while bonds of i' dartown were sol i about the same tin* #t |.ir Atlanta lost about by that trail* niton, s lid M ms “Mot** lanids are t be sold. Clod save us from euch firm no I’ riitg,” Mims de clared M ms -| ke at tin <1 an I Opera Hou-- to an enormous cr-wil and <roused the wildest enthusiasm. lie entirely Ignored Mitchell and McCullough, hut poured not •hot mu* Rice, his most f rm*dahle oixto nant In metrics friphton. Hlce to k de ellrwd. anl Mims sts k ad van- h 1 in pro portion. aftei the me netting Is about even, with Mims a slight favorite, wdh the sporting fraternity IVi’lticians. how ever, ate itrorily hacking Hlce. WARM POI.I I II a IN %144111 TANARUS%. Ila>ne Mrn <•! Ilrprrtrnistlon- % ••envy IlMinntte *tl. Augurta. Oct. 2—Th White Primary CommlMoa gn * to-day for org.mixation and unanimously elected Oapt William R Your.g chairman. Then w.i- a He on the vote for secretary After the election of Young, who Is h I'hinlxy man. \N S Mor ris. another Phtnlxy man. was nominated for se retry, whenmain tne Hayn< in n it tht ■ ratalyahlp should to them, and nominated V K. Obenauf. A tie vote reu 11eI and Chairman Young evidently agreeing In ih view th it th Hayne men should nave one of the offi cers. >M h*- dec ding vou for ohen nif The commHtee adjourn*.! it* meet next Tuesday when it will take up the work of arranging for th* municipal primary un der the secret tmliot system Hut for such interest as the newspapers have been abl to arou** by .ailing on Democrats to vote to-morrow, the st te election would hive pas*d here nlmos*. unnoticed, l ine men In ten not even re mrmh. rlnir It Th.- vote will douhtler he .mall. a# there i no opposition i>* any of the county ol? •r --% ten ih> • uvd .lollar iljm.ige mill Is holnß heard In irtc r ;ty Court—Or-urgi p,irry vp the Riverside Mill# He lo*i an arm In the mill machinery Curry •* rapreeented by Messrs Henry H immon.l and Hamilton Phlnlay, an the Rlver*id* Vi"* by \|.*-: Ilretin Cummilw nnd I It Komar wb!l the 'm! nl*- bl -h *rry th* ml’.l rl*l< .ire reprr tented by Smith. Himmon.l A. Smith. of AlUnln. Th< Chr-nl- I* ill publish paral’el col unn: to-morrow ihoaln* hat I. . |r> ihr> mayoralty nomination In Augusta. Mr L C. Hot rn u-d word for. word, tn* lerter of in maun. * of Up) Livingston Mim* when noniiniil-.l in Atlnni i a few weeks before Xnleleeata'a I !•**. Aflan-n '>rt 2 <* It A-li>v, Mayor of Valdosta. h* til- <1 with Ihr S.reury of fitate. a ceriin. I Lelennnt of ilir hull,ls ievent iy I.mii.l by X'aldost.i. Fifty l.ond* were Issued All* 1. 1900. imountlng in Thry bear 5 p< r . nut. Intercut, and arc repayable Aug. 1. 193n —— 1 1 - Constipation Heartache, bllinuanci*. hcartbti-n. indi gestion, aii.l all livc-r Ula are cured by Hood's Pills by all (Uugslats. Z> ccntg. -THE POPULARITY OF Abollinaris JL rTHE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS”) is chiefly due to its irreproachable character.” Tiu Timrs. "VyfrilX. NOTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such as r*,< Apollmaris, free from all vegetable poisons.” Boston Journal. lim it ITHKKT t h.rlrr l.mnlril for thr Itrw ftull nai t umpiHf. AtUnio Orl. I A hartr w. 10-l.y Krantr.l thr "Htn.ttinah Wlmif xrA Tmi tat Railway < ofnpony,' h> H.niry if Ktatr I’hll Cook Thr foltowtriK ! *h petition. In part, upon aahlrh thr ch.rlrr ll *<<l: Thr prtltlnn of Wtllliim W t;or<l-al>, Itirrit*- <#<ar.iin. \V. \V. taordon, Jr . J H kltmjr. \V !. Hurrlaon. H. C. Ilaarriron. II 11 up i rr. Thnnan Iluntrr, II M I'* k W. Q Hltlthna n<l Jolirph A 1.0*,.n all Ilf Kavatmah. <ia. r••sportfully ta!u>wp Urol, that Ihry ilnaltr to form a rallruail I'orpnrattofi fotr. to thr proorkMona <C thr a t of thr icrnrral mhly of tfmr tfWt. approvod 1 >•■• 17. IS&J. U* l&K. rtc, and thr amenalment thereto. ttaxaul That thr name of the rom pany that they dMtrr to haae lnror|>orateal will hr the "Savannah Wliarf and Termi nal Railway Company " "Third. That rtaad lx- Ire ated entirely within the limit* of Chatham lounty. length, at tit ar at can be eallmareat. one nua-, runnlna from the iraek of Cential of liroraia Hallway Company, loeated on lot number 1* of l>. on the wear aide of Rantlttlph wtrert In the , tty cl ttaaannah, lo the Ira. k.- t.f the tiaianiiah. Florida and VVrelerfi. Its ittal eaat of the lllltai I.trial In eald county anti e'.atr. to xtuhrr with the nreeaaary .-wit 'he* and e|tur tr-a* ke et> aa lo facilitate, the tr.inea. *- in. of hiteltieea of railroad companle* with • a h otla r atal with Ihe (triiperly In eul<l lily, county anal elate known u. tna tior- . tlon wharf ' This roa• I will run tM and west and will ttaint ■ t the Rlvt r air-• l ira. k of the Central Railroad with the Savannah, Florida and W-iurm. Twenty thousands tlollare I* the pr •- poeed apllal eto. k dlvblei In to ehnre* of till! eat h. The privilege of In- r-awn thr Mot k to Utot la ranted The road la int'orporaied for a period of HW ytwre AT on'OHll, lie, inoina ttf the Tournament of the Knurr Athletic Aaaoelatlnn. Emory Cnlleyr. Oxford, Oa.. Oct. ?. rTh* tennis tournament of the Kmory Athleil Aeeoelation was oftened this aftemtton wtfh four Inlerestln* ronteats. The*- sanies were all ptayrd on the campu simultaneously. Three sets were to he played by each pair of contestant* un.ea* the first two were won by the same man The playing w eharp anti Interesting and resulted ae follows on ihe faculty court, l*rof lliadlty seorer. Turnbull waai out over Maahburn In the first two sets with the aeores M -• on the ft A K court Turner over Naplrr In what wa- p-rhai** th hardesi fought rnoiet of the dav Napier won the first -* This was followed by a love set amt Turner won the last is • .sis *-. -l on the fielia Tail t ourt yullllan was an easy victor over Hitch, winning 'he first two sets A. S I On the K A court Itlount won the first set from Roberts after w hard fight. Ihe score be ing 7-ft. In the set ttnd set with five games played Roberts was taken slek and was forced |o have the game. This set wl 1 he played off later. Wednesday afternoon four other pair, will play In itrellmtnary • onleata. afier which the winners will play those who were victorious to-.lay and the .oniesf will fe narrowed down until the ehatnp ttn ship for single* has been awarded Tht* will he followed by a tournament of doubles. Ureat Interest Is being manl ftsietl In these con tests and some splen did tennis Is egfwcted. SI \T\ THltldt AAU VOTIWI. It* \*ll Poll That Majority In f.eoratn To-day. Atlanta. Orl 2 filst IhousHnd ma Jorlty 1* the vo-e the I*emo. ratlc party of Georgia expects let obtain at the geneta! State tie, than to-morrow The Populists. ho hav- a slate ticket In the field, do not expe t to elect It. but In many of the doubtful nounlie* of the stale they claim they will name th* lot a! officers and the members of the general m** mblsr. Th< B* i*uMl n oraunlt.iilon h** no Ki ll#* tlvk**l to he vot. and on. In <ll - t'cmgr<B**lonhl * arvlilat**h h*v* lr o mimwl. mr for th* pr‘*rvftiion of tin partv orgnl*aiion than for *Kh-(|4M .t> . :hrm 4 *"•! “ ki Ikhw "• >klj i lo he fkiH by a general vo'** rtf the l*ie The umim! number hue been 'ncr+ntni by r * *nt enaotm+nt f th** gl*laltir* derlarin* for th* e #*, tioi of liklit* 1 * n*l soil*'!tor* of the JtKlklil cir t-int> by ‘lire t vote by the Tin i-*imi*44ii*n whli’h ha* been ix.iu* i in the doubtful rountlf* only k*§ed laet night. I'DI.ORRO M 1% SKMION. I, rand 1.0.1u0 ( the Mate la Mrfllmi In Amerlena. lia. Or I 2.— The Colored Maaonlc Orantl \sm\k< of tiot*ia nnvMi <,l In annual areaion hern thla afternoon, with three hundred member* and dele gate* ittendlmt The cerement, a con l|. 1 of the Informal dedication of the tplcndkt >h.>ol hi,.l orphanage •rtrinl fccie li> the Clr.iml Lodge. Hon J A Hl*on M i\or of Amerlcu-. delivered an of wel- **mr lo Ihr vlaltora, while oddreaaea w-re llkcwl**- male l.y Col. Deccan* of Hivanrah. end other*. The ilriii'l lanlK*’ will*l with olli nil but.n.- 10-nn rrow. the e* *h n cn- Ilnuii.K until Thu - I,J Mina pr .inln- nt colored men of the mate are nmrai Ihe Oram) Ul* om,.r n.l delegntea. J •Tor* THK ( ill lill IMI WIIHM OKI tiii* roi.n. L,i*atlve Hrom*> Quinine Tabtera cure a , *4*l In on.- <l*y. No cure, no pay. Ftl e JS *enta.~ ad. Wll.l. I'll THK riHMKKa ttKI.I.. Many of Them Making I'alll nn H I'rr < cut. I oil.mi I rnp. Atlanta. Oct : —i'oinmlaeloner of Auri .uliure Slovene returned iht* mornma fiom hie old home. Ihtweon, where he went lam Thureday on huattio**. He *.t> a (he lirmere ol Hoothweot lieoraia will muke fully an *0 per rent col lon ct op. which at 1" cent*. ha alveu them i>l< r>' or moo. V and left Hem In hotter ia|>r than they have been In four yeare. 11. eaye, however, that there la .otnpatally. - |v llltle coeton 111 the flehi* of Southw.e. Ueorffla, though there Is a .onekTetuhle aiuoutn atilt tu tiatUci in Middle Qvoigla. THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER li. 1900. TIFTOVJ* 4 41XI I*l. %I \ I llAllrontl* *sl%ri Time lo File Their Brief*. Albania, o t 2. Th# lt.*ilro,dd ‘‘ommle •lofi met ti*-*lay Tin important nnatter before th" rotnnkl.*--101l wh- the complaint of th< mayor hik! rotlfi* 11 of Tlf tori r*‘ii •' nt#*i by *iftorne\ h‘ Boat wright, Hgalnrt if* Riant B>M*m. *B-or aln fkiuthcrn ind Florida, tVntral and Houthorn It* 11 road r. H'b'glng that there road* dl.*- vlmlnate agair.-t Tlfton In th** matter of rat. from At: nta Havonnah mit*l <ih**r markets i •••m|af*d t*th •**!• fi<n (hr niii* point.-' t*# A.bany. t ’ord* i*- *nd lai w>*n Attorn* Boatwri;lit MilatiUled hi* nr gument by brl* f *nl the mircwidp who were represented b\ the tf.itti- ofln lal*. f*r further im- in ahkh to !*•- teem thir- In ,-lmllar form Thi?* r#que*t wmh grit ted ntl th* matter went over to b** taken up a* soon a* the*** argument* nre reeeivad Tin pFop.e of Hartwell who were repre sented by Mr K B. Henson, hied com plaint lualnM T J Linden, leso* r of the Hartwell Railroad. a*legtng tha* the depot which he Is building at Hartwell by order from the commission. I* not Mni buill in -i ord.n.. e with the plan* and spet-irbadon* agreed upon The |eaee w‘aw cited lo opfe>ar before the . ommKeion on \Wdn *day Oct. 10. on <hi Xi. there will be corwklered n propi>*tt)on to make * nil* allowing the railroad to .. .-v- t shipment* to and flag Mations the rate that applies to the next regular station la k of such flag station, where not over live mite* dis tant This ha- been the custom hereto fore. but the proposition i* to make it a rule of the ommisston The petition of the |e*ople of Hawklns vlik* for anew depot building was not acted upon t**da\ hut will be taken up on Wednesday Oct. in AXOTHRH TAX 4| I MTIOX. rtrm Unnfa ** (el Out of I'aylQg thr M*(r MI.4NMI. Atlanta, Oft 2.—C ii Oray A Cos . through th*ir attornwy A L Mill*. iav4 *k* i C'oniroker Gfmral Wright *o xuftp*nrl th" m#ciHion tirat h* tun i*Mi*tl igain*t 4h*n> for tax"*, until Attorney Q*n*ral Terrell ('wn give an opim*n os to tho liability. Gen. Wright hi* grontM th" i.* *iK*ary tlm**. .irul Mr. T* rrell i* in\ in* th*> matter. The t|U**gtl4M) Involves! i* that C*. O. Grtv a- Go., have tok*n in l urtnet, woo wa* form#rly m the firm of Talbert Ar Baimer Toibert A have signed. nl they Mill th* U linn j ibi it *• •. .pt •<l as from them Th**v say they are continuing buemee* under (hi* tax. On Wright bokla that they *r" u eopwrate firm and muet iiy n *"|Miiate tax. Trie tax i* 11 W. Thr ftrut l ,|itlon for Malaria, Chills and Fever. J* a bottle of Groves Taatele* Chill Tonk. It 4* •imply iron and qulcdno tn a tastelew* form. No cur* —no pay. Brie* ttc —ad. •reciAt* soTiou. 1141 \V %MI Win S( \\ IH.K SFHIMit W ATHH 4 t HM. Th"r* i* but one cgrduial reason Th* water i* * natural-diuretic. o*l hobl of that phrase in |t* full mean ing. if you pbaiM Turn lo Aternethy "Nature** way of cure of Hf*ea*e 1* b\ free diurest* " And Avenurugger “Nature ar for Hie kidney* That i* health " Ami Bb "ll'.tN i i* dluretk* l>e oegleefet).'*.** Anl th* r*H'<it for (alth In th* future of th* Spring? Ibn Jubair w at* wont to any to hl>* ii tkuit*. "Set* M*i Dl*." The Suwatiee Hpriim m ihe Am* ri- n Meo* *. S* •• tl** ej ring lJv*. We nn aendlng our p tbiita to F.**fUla for their winter*. Be inrtl ulHr and *|m lf> Bu%v nee Spr.r.g.- But it in thi* way The water hue a ae le< >ive ail km on the kidney*. Th#* ex cretion of th* solid matter*—the urea,uric mid and exti etiv* matter*** la It- reused h\ it In other word*. i <ius.x* b.* elimination of th* produ* ( f the li -• ffa*"*l imdomorphosta f :1.--e And \#i no l.* that this l> *l>ne without any impuirm'iil ot the quality of the bko.i or ati\ lowering of the four* of the or ganism. Drink the w trr un*parlnxl> Drtnk it *l llldiuni. Th** more the better. Be |**r- m-*rnt. llhcril and faithful in It* u*e Drink li regularly, systematically, day iUi- aftei <lw>. Ben Suwanec Spring* Water Inebriate All you cm tlrlnk at Livingston’* for 5 vi \ I'l it t:v,t.v, is XIT Nl.vEI. Have your mailrea-es and (vathets ten ovated by our medi< ated steam process before a tHange tn weather take* place. iTlu- only plant In Savannah > It over comes all Impuntle* and renew* life and volume tn ell bedding fnntirial Price* on renovation of feather* a* folavw*: Beds S3..'XL tiolster* 11. pillow* .'*> t’otton, nt-o* and hair m ittrc-ae* made to order Fine work low prl. ea XX - .,rk guaranteed NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. Bell phone 1136 >3l Drayton street. mi. vv n ro cuuji cmFbiv. Tba only way to get your carpets prop ar.y taken up, cleaned and taken care f fur tha aummer I, to turn the job over to th*- Dtsirlrt M ss.-ng r and Delivery Cos., telephone 7, or call el 33 Montgomery street, and they will nuvk.r you an e*tl male on the t o*t of the work Prloaa raaa mahle. They also pack, move and store furniture and r-lanoa C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr. Ah Hi t AXIt SIC 1.1. HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loan* on -ante at u per cent, ant totievl rente. l(ei>r.*ent The Travel. re Inauran. t v’o , emollient uml it-elul ty deparlmenta. Ki-preaaett the New York Underwriter* Fite In.- agency. It.piee*-n| the Greenwich Fire Ins. To ltepre*ent the I’noeiikx Xkutual Life Ins. Cos. All bu,l n*a snfrusted to u- will be appraclatad, and will receive prompt anil careful at tenllwr. No. 21 Bay eireet ea! Tele phone MX W. C. FRIPP A CO. HUMS* KUIITMI By the American Bond.rig and Trust e oinpany of 1 altlmore Me are author ized to i, -it" lot aby (Imß dial el y upon apißlcatlon). all bonds In Judl pro c-.ding* In altber the state or United s all * courts, and of admmieiratora acJ guard! rr. DFARTVG A HULL. Agnrta T-larbone Bi. Provident Building. IMVin t I.AHK. Uplnilster-r, 111 Jr-ffi ron Lrlng me vour fnrn‘ture to repair, or drop m<- i ..ipl and 1 will mmc for I- Let me mak- you :e One truet!t'.-n* .Xly *to. k of I'urtaln* and <‘nvcr;nif m.ilerial will open your eye*. At my price* you can have the One old pie. ea worked oyer and they will look Uku new. mnui. nmariom WI UK >N Th* frl*nl and acqualnl aft<i. of Mr and Mr*. W. C Ford. Mr. and Mr*. H B <Jarti*tU. Hrunawuk. Oa.. are rec|u*si*d (o atirnd fhs funeral of thslr mother. Mr*, rktrlnda Wilson, from th* B-thleh*m Hopiiwf Church, it 1 o'cltv k this afiernotrn. Your*, with radne**. the family. iuTPUMk HKiminrTiuFreir ho. a it. a. m. A regular convrswtlon o' this chapter will 1. haid ihlsC (Wednesdayl evading at Ma- U 7 'Of soni Temple at *.30 o ■ Its k. Visiting i rgnpanior * fraier- IN K yjf Invlietl to meet with 1 1 us By order of Iwwmww II K COUItfNO. H. P. W. B ROCKWELL. Becraiary. • I'F.i IAI. hOTICK*. LEVANS TABLE D'HOTH DIIAERI. SOc—PINNER—Wc Dinner Ito 3 and to S Wetlneeday.Ocl. S Clare* Win*. ■OCR. Bcottleh Parley Broth. FISH. Mackinaw Trout. Tomato Sauce. J'otatoa*. an Oraltn Sliced Tom aloe- yucen Ollvea. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickle*. ENTREES. Haricot of lamb ala Bnurgeolse. Klee Cakes, with Jelly. BOILED Freah Fulton Market < trued Beef and ('a hhage ROASTER Prime Riba of Beef. Pish Gravy. VF.OETABLES Mashed Potatoes. Sugsr Com Rica, Brewed Tomato**. Candied Tims PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanilla Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes Cheese Cracker* Lemon Sherbet Drip Coffee LEVANS CAFE AND RF.STACRANT 111 Congress street, west. • AVAXIAH rOt’WDIIY AJTO MICBINB COMPANY, Bulldani of Marina and Btatlonary Bollari will fumtah tsllmalaa on raw work in competition with Northern and Western msnufacturara Repair work on Engine* and 801 l era knight-s phirhuy, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Wine and iron TSc Roach Ball (guarameedl 10c K R C * l#n Talcum Puwtlcr. b.irale.l he Palmer s Toilet Watera Bn Empty Capsules, ion for *o T. P Dyapepsla Tablets Free imported Castile ***' Inss t Pnwd.r. P D. A Oo Trusses tOc to Led Syringes, Fount iln 75c lo IS (10 Thcrmc-mMer (Fever) Mr to 12 00 We lead In everything tn our line. KNIGHT S PHARMACY. G* Phone 1W Bell Phone S HICK MILLING. IIM K FT.OI *. Rlf'K CHAFF. We hive anew mill with all mortem processes, and machinery, and are now readv for business. Wa solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; rice . ha(T free lo patrons THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO.. T M Cunningham. President. John Bcreveei Jr . Manager. DR. PINB has returned and resumed hi* prsetlee. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither Ihe master nor consigners of the Hrltlsh staamshlp Clly of Gloucester. Mllhurr. master. Fnllodafi Hall. W. Hun ter, master, will Is* reeponslhF- for any debla contracts! h\ crew of sakl vresejs. J F. MINIS A CO.. Consignees FINE Ml ITV Prime Reef. Mutton and Veal, Lamb Match lea* Corned Beef. elf. Alwaya me heel ae my st ills In Ihe City Market liiti it pIMBM M JOHN Kt'NK. VOIR I* HE St UIP'IION* will be flllirt si Park Avenue Pharmacy whlla yo wait. We fill them at any hour day or ntghl. Th* only live drug atore In southern Section of Savannah PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. J L Erunan. Proprietor . Corner Park avenue and Barnard St. 80-Phone IMA lIF.I.bKr.V* f'AFE, Liberty and Whitaker. The only up tc da'e cafe eultahle for •elect parties In the city. One block from De Soto Phone 646 J. H. HELM KEN. Prop. RED HEART. The beer of all beers Is -RED HEART.— All good people rink It XVM BRICKEN. Manager JUNO BREXX-INO CO I'hone 915. IF IT-* Ml K. WE HAVE IT. Bulk Olive* 23- and o<a- quart Imported I:.lam and Swl** Ch-eae Tanned Sttnwherrlea. Pilled t'herrie* and Beil Rsapbcrrle* Fresh Freeervad Fig* and Orange* California Evaporated pea hew ]oi- |b Phone Hi HARDEE A MARSH A I*l. Goon LiqiOß. Get Wilson Whisky at ROBT. REM LEK'S, Llter'y and Drayton. Head quarters for -ha beret brands. Country trade solicited. No charge for tuga. Phone ail. * pl a iter i;ha* tan m asoxs- si p- FLIES. Cement. Umr. Piaster. Ilalr and River Sand Prompt delivery Kearonahle price SAVANNAH building supply 00.. Corner Drayton and Oongrasa. I’h-ne 319. wPEt I XL NOTH E. Dr. A. 11. Bimmuiis hi. remoyed his office and residence to 17 Gordon street, west. And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress West. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. BFI SINGER & CD ULLOIIIULn 06 UUi| full link of claret wines. iratiAL aoutu. THia i* not (Uimae. Mruri. aloal Bros. Cos., aavaaaab. Ga— Oratlrairi-Plrpir ship op, dmra bofllea of Rlreat'a Vegetable Bllfcra. PI.OO aiae. We have been nalna It for !n --dlarnilua and tlod It O. K. Have derided to pot It In stork. f>hlp at oaer. lours Heaped folly, J. K. IMMEA A CO. aummer complaint of chil dren qulrkly cured by MoaCa Vrartahlr Bitter*. roH rnrwTY couuiwiosm. I rrpprelfully announcr myaelf a* a ranrtlrtiir for County Commlnioner, md ask the support of my fellow cltlarna Those who know me know that I am ac quainted with the county anrt It* needs, and If rimed I promlae to dl,chare- the duties of the ofltrr to the best Interests of the people, anrt not bow to the dicta tor of any man. Reapectully. A. \V. HARMON. MARK art-I.K, 020 Weal llrouahlnn street, CARRIAGES REPOSITORT. Agent for following manufacturers, make your peleetlon from them: Mayer. Columbus. Buckeye. Frazier, Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown. West cott. Rock Hill. Old Hickory, Mllburn and Florence Farm W agons. Full and -omplete line of Harneas, Bad dies. I.ap Robes, etc Kelley Springfield Rubber Tires put on at abort notice. NOTICE. W’c are now moving our Wholesale De partment to the (ommo-ltous quarter* r.irgrw, street (formerly orctipled bv M Dryfus. and will be In perfect shape In a few days, and he pleased to serve our friends. BOKOMONB COMPANY BIT OilLt THE HI ST ttINGKR AI.K. The best la th# Whealer Brand of Bel fast Gtnger Ale. mad- by WTheeler A Ca, of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Crvnusc aptu> of mat city. These springs are the property of Wheeler A Cos., hentst no other illnger Ale manufac turer In Ireland has those water# but tbaenselvea The Wheeler Ginger Ale le made (tom put# Jamaica Ginger Root and oot from Red Pepper, as others are. one la deleterious—the other las tonic. For lleallhfulneos and Purliy (ha cel*, heated Wheelar brand of Belfast Ginger Ala la the best. LirPMAN Bole Southern Agents. Savannah. Os. tit It I LIKNTI Doan mono at si* |-r ,eni. on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at U* and Conveyancers. M'KI IAE NOTICE. Miss Christie Goeis. after a summer couise- under Mr Fei llnand Dunkley. one of the leading musicians of this country, ha* resumed her tea h'.ng In litslrum. ntal mush MI I II B. Neither the mister nnners nor const* nee rtf the British steamship A-dnva will he responsible for any debt* contra- led by the crew R V SMITH Master. I It: til THE I. AMI. I seem to lead th-m Mt lamb I* just it loetle better than you can gel :>■*■ where do Is m> beef, bo t* my |ultry. Order any Uhk. Fhonts M. S. GARDNER. AMI SKMENTS. gAVANNAH THtATEH. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCT S Mr. George W Lederer presents the fa mous Dondon and Caakno Theater New York succe,*. THE \ BELLE NEW Ssd?V YORK. FHee*-|1 . i no. 75c. MV- and Z’J gAVANIMAH J-lIbATISR. ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY. OCT. 5. CHARLES DICKSON AND COMPANY PRESENT the duintv comedy “Mistakes Will Happen. ’ Box offW row of>rn. frf>r, 75c and $1 ftrt. BUINEM X OTIC EM. Our Stock of Wedding Gifts la very fall, the smut thing* In shapes and flnlshea. Sample psl tern* sent In mlianoc nf the rranlar alack. A study In the Art of Nllvrr aintthtn*. THEUS BROS. We Wash To Perfection. Ofllce 307 Hull Btrret. Telephone 700. Water Colors. Brushes. Easels. New Moulding*. Portraits enlatged GREENE A CO., TRH.I Wo Mir. || | i , WATER jEEMfe co^Tateb TAINT A subttllute tor oil. palm n< whtie wa*h and weather-proof An ex- client dlslnfe-iane Can be applied by anv one lo any kind nf surface with any kind of brush ANDREW HANDEY CO. bole Agents. ■FKCIAX. MOTICK*. NOTH F. TO TAX PAIBBI. City Treasurer Ofllce. Bavannah. Ga.. Oct. 1, 1900. The following luxes are now due: REAL ESTATE third quarter. !M# BTOCK IN TRADE, third quarter, ism Fl ItNITt RE etc . third quarter. l*>t MONEY. MORTGAGED, etc., third quarter. 190 b A dls ount of TEN PER CENT will he sl.otu I ui-oit all of the above If pay ment Is made within fifteen day* after Oct 1. C. S HARDEE. City Treaurer. LARUE HAIIKHOISK AND OF- Fit K to rent, located head of Broughton street, on XX’ear Broad, now p eil by th- Srivnnrah Carriage and XVuxon Cos As they will gve up businea* In the city on June 1. I of fer It for rent from that data H. P. SMART LEOPOLD ADLBR. JNO. R piI.L s . President. C,.h* ’ 1 C. 8 ELUS. BARRON r A j !T R VP# Preldajt. Asm i , , The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleased to revive , h * * of Merihents Firms, Individuels. L. . and Corpor tllona ’ ** Llher*: favors extended. Cnaurpaasad collection faclllti**. in-,. Ing prompt returns SEPARATESAVINGSOEPARTMEKT DTISHUr t otll'ol MIFAI Ul ARI,. H . ly ov Dcromt Safety Deposit poxes and Vaults t* rant Correspondence solicited The Citizens Bank OF aAVAAAAU. CAPITAL. $500.00a Ir * M > lit.ual s.iilua, • aalaaaa. Suiieita Arraan (a— Mareha.ta, a.. k , , u .u., Carga. tsliasi. Owileciloaa ksadlsg with safety, •••••“r and dlsyattk. Interest namponodad alia wed an dapoalta tn nar 1.,i, n Departnaent. •afety Bases and a.„. w Ynalta. ■RANTI.RY A. I)KV MARK . fee.,a... ■ 11.1. gB. LAVE, vie. Praatde.,. OEOROR C. KHF.FWAT. Cashier. •OHDON L. nnOOVKH. Aaat. Oa.htn* SOUTHERN BANK of the Stale of Georgia Capinl |id/i*a Surplus and undivided profits j* DEFOhI lull k OF lIIL STATE OF . GEORGIA. Superior faclllut-e lot irei.sacilng a t.iierai Manning Xuslnaaa • o.l*. Hons it. ..I all points ac.-esslhk- through hank* and hiti.ser,, XscsHßiia or Munk.-, SauCaFs i. ■ and others eoiiotted. Safe Dipoatt liuo for resit. Department of Savings. Interest payaols quarterly Sells Sterling Exchange on London u and upwards JOHN FLANNERY President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SVM.TVAN c„.filer DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY. WM W GORDON E A WEIL. W W GORPON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EOAN LFJE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES E 1.1.18 EDWARD KEI.LT. JOHN J KIRPT Mi Mi li I CAPITAL. g.tAO,O4M>. Account# of banks, merchants, corpora (lons and Individuals solicited! Savings Department, Intereat paid quarterly. Dafety Boxes and Storaga Vaults for rent. Collections mada on all points at rea sor.atle rates Drafts soil on all the chief cities of tb* world. Correspondenes Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C ROWLAND, Vice President. W F. Me CALLEY, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital OX).-,* Undivided proflU to.tot This bank off-T* Ita services to corpor*- llotta. merchunis and Individuals Ha* authority to act a axeoutor, ad mlnlatrator, guardian ate l-su<a drafta on ihs principal cltlea tn Great Britain and Ireland and on th. CortiC * *t Interval pld or compounded quarterly on dep-slu In the Busings Department. Safety Box#* for rent. HENRY BI.T'N. P-estdent. OEO. xv TIEDEMAN. Vice PrasldatH. J-tHN M HOGAN, Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. A**‘t Cashier. No I*o. Chartered. IBS —THE — HllS Bill 11 OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, KO-. Oj. SCRIM.CB, llOd.M. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. CARBON. I reAd-nt. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W M DAVANT. t aahler. Ac-mints of tanks and bankers, mer chants and cnri>orat|ona received up a th* most favorable term- consistent with aafe and conaervatlye banking THE GEORGIA STATE B lILDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed oa deposits, withdrawable on demand. Inter est redded quarterly. 6 PER CENT per annum allowed " deposit* of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual periods GEO xv TIEDEMAN, President. B. H LEVY, Vice President. B. W BELL Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer OFFICE. 15 YORK STREET. WEST. FOR RENIf from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Ktal Estate and im provement Company, U RRYAN STREET. EAST jo mm pm*- For eels, a Foraalth Newspaper Fo-deo will fold sheet fit- It la In good or °*' Price tloo It coat originally .!<*• b ‘” we have no use tor It and want the room It occupies. It will bear Inyaluabla adjunct I* *” r newspaper uißo*. Address MORNING NEWS, garaanab- °* sis-es