The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 CITY’S FINANCIAL STATUS. BTAfIfDIYG OF DEP VHTWE.\T T EMI OK THE Tllinil I IRTM. The Third Qmrlrrlr statement. ss Prepared hr I lerk of io„n rl l fur fabmlMlmi to f out,,-II I'n-nlubi. Thr llr|Mirfmrnl ttiiilgrte \\ ill In Maad-KImU sail Inara and I'm ins lludarla art 111 list# I na.lilrr ablr aii in Their I mill In spit#- of Aapnrral r.irron-thr seiner Appropriation Srrnm likely to linn abf. At thr mrrtlng of Cii> Council to-night Clark \V l*. H.iilry will suemtt hU third quarterly statement for thr year, show lng thr rn|'. n in: it - *.f thr *H> depsrt mrntr from Jar,, IloOt. I. Thro quar trrly aiat.mrnta arr always of Interest# na showing o thr public, aa well as Ih* member! of the Hoard of Aldermen, Ilu financial standing of thr various de|arl ments. ai well as thetr cost of malntenam r. The follow In* are he figure* ns made up yesterday by thr clerk. Su h altera tions. If ar.y. as may be mate to-day. will hardly • hanges thr standing of any de partment more than a few dollars either way. Balance Expendl- or over | tures drawn fioard of Health ... I 17.51S 50 $ 2.425 '• City clocks I 152 ' 9# Oj Colonial I’.irk. tlefer red payment m.d In terrat UTS < 85 City lamps 27.1** .1# 9.SM 42 Crematories# ... 3 Alt 71 3.491 I’ll Xllapensary 1.1*77 47 1.222 33 b niMK>* and d r y < ul- Cure *>-111 51 4.6*4 19 Vlre uniforms 1.2*1 *5 175**5 Fire department maintonanev .. 55'30 *7 13 MV 13 Flrn department, new Improvement# 4,00100 Fire deparlinent, de ferred payment, en nine house. No 33 .VC 17 Hailmr and wharves 33."* 4! 524 30 Hospitals OP 2.40t* in House drainage. *pc clal maintenance. no appropriation ... 34*> is* pi 0*" House drama** 94 79.’01 1t,782 01* House drainage notes (Rotirke. M. A I> 4 447 fV> *• Incidentals 2 41.1 53 1 3WI 12 Interest bond'd debt 131,4 V 44 41. mi .51 el Orave Ceme tery 3>n S3 1.590 77 Market 39 v 115 1.29* 95 Opening streets. In truding deferred payments Xl.7*>s 37 1.29143 l ark-- and Hquarrs 5.769 74 3 23' 24 Paving street# ... 3>951 41 10.9>l *l* Police *>5.433 73 14.537 37 Police reserve, white military 1 194 09 Police* uniforms and overroata 2 66S 61 1.331 74 Printing and sta tionery 7.077 31 432 44 Public buildings 1.445 39 51 41 Quarantine, no ap propriation I*o b> lio few Rtorm sewers (8 49 4 It* 51 tialarles 30.553 4* 5.706 52 Scavenger d-part-| ment 14.7 C 15 9.37 55 Pink deportment, <O. E. Ml 4.990 07 2.009 9S Sinking fund 23.444 > 33,3*4 00 Streets and lanee ... 37.99’.' m> Sidewalks 14.907 73 3 39: 17 Water works RIM :.ot* U Water mains exten sion 3.500 00 Taxes, no appropria tlon t 744 9* 744 94* Police Court, refund tng VerukPa tine. no appropriation 100 ot> Plumbing Inspector. •fecial appro IX2 45 47 35 Admiral I u-wey enter-j | talnment. special! appropriation 443 45 New city map. spe cial appropriation WOO Sheriffs and Chiefs convention, special appropriation j 30>i on •Overdrawn. Some of the appropriations have been heavily drawn upon. The Board of H<a Ih had extra expenditures to meet this year, and the ext css in hour* drainage appro prkitton has already been explained The figures. 330,951.41. for street paving repre sent the total expenditure* for that work end do n**t make allowance for lh- assess ments levied against propert- owner#, ptrl of which ha# already lieen collected. While the appropriation I# < *g - * and he total expenditure 139.951.(1. ‘Wwing an appar ent egcee* of 319,951 *|. the city's portion of the sum expended Is only 313.754 47. which shows a credit still remaining to this do partment of 36.215 53. In the same manner the pi reels and I. ine Department has n better standing than would appear from small balance to Its credit. Out of Its appropriation of 157..Mt* for the year. 337.999 *0 has le< n expended for afreet and lane work, and 314.997 73 In laying sidewalk# There was no appro priation for sidewalks a* the cos# of this work Is collected haek from the property owners. With other rharges for work done for property owners the street and lane department Is entitled to a credit of 314.41* 55. most of which has be* n collect ed so that Its actual standing Is 321.211 32 to the good The Fire. Pollee and Water departments are evidently running well within their budgets The salary appropriation seem# to tie somewhat overdrawn, the expendi ture# running at the rale of something over 310.990 per quarter, while he appro prlatlon t* only 334.'.49. leaving 3.5.706.72 with which to complete the last quarter Jnstlcr Nnughtln's V less ■■( It. Justice M Naughttn ha* r#turr,#<l from New York where he spent the last two week* on a buslnesti ami pleasure trip While In New York Mr Naughttn pal l considerable attention lo Ihe |io!ti|ral sit uation and Is convinced that wnlle New York city may go Democratic Hie state will go for McKinley and Roosevelt. Y M. C. A.*o City t'ounell. The Y M. C. A. City Council met for ths first time lal night at the a**<v tatlon rooms to hear an addre-s on i tty govern ment, which was given by Mr. 8 H Adam, pitiii I Dizzy? Then your liver isn’t I meting well. You suffer from bilious- I ness, constipation. Ayer’s Pills act I directly on the liver. For 60 years I the Standard Family Pill. Small I doses cure. 25c. All druggists. jrour m<miA#lt *,r l**-*xU a bMtttlial bf twu nr rich hltck? TNn uw . BUCKINGHAM'S DYE VK&, w i- *• jwt":n " -—!i**# AT THK THIUTCR. Field'* Mlnatrel* rinvnl to *tJillnii Room Out). t \I (J Fl*•*s’• minftr'l* play**! to *Lirwl* ' \r4 owm only 4a*( night Every eegt If* ' ihe T/iekter nr* Mkt KlekTi minrtrel* nri* the moM that fom*- to Haviin* r.iih. ami thry arr alwa> well patroii lied It ran hardly be *.id that Fie.#! h xkl -much that la ne* ui hi* i# pretty •tifti*• uli thing to do In inti orHv * ■** dayi Nearly ail of the uell known n im< * which have been <i ***>!• fed with FlaW* tor yearn ar* Mill to be found on the p-o --iramme The prat part . en;Mled “A Night at the l*ir,jd Hx|9<j*t(Uh> * rhowli ti the arri it of ihe mlnres* uni a military p#t* nt Tommv Itor.nelly -1:15 toon pori;% .nti H*fw rro*P r r.ina For l>*\e Alon* n •} M\ IJttie Helle Frank Berry rm*V ,1 attti ’Fvery Race Htv #• i ti** Hut the t ex* 1 ’ The dan inr of ’ iw Quiffl* y. the •* - centrl dancer with the nomed-. |e* ** the protff unrm- a|dly put> It wnc one of the mo- lauaha >( an*! entert il ihK fe, lure?* of the ehow \r:hur Tule mnk "The Holy t*ity" and The fa m*. ' b <ti of which beautiful i;.were m * * •*nj**\# l Arthur Rig wttr hia fJ i \ nr.*l Tha* Mlnetrel Man of Min' am) a < lever monologue art wax well re ceived. The Fron* Porch rampalgn”—n poiiti burlesque on tlje presidential ramiwlaii. waa funn>, fa#<wiei in a rohatir and contortion work wan great, and there weie many other little entertaining think* 1 049 numeroii* to mention The Moork 1 MamHukee a ever a I of v horn lookrl etispicloufly llk- Japanes*- on eluded the f#erfrm ir e with fevfn •' stretig:h and agilltv. nil ot, tvhioh #* \er> clever but harfi\ new ‘The Belle of New York will be the attiactlon to-nigtit The ellr of the piav Is Ml*a fteulah I>dg4., nil artr -- ri4*w to American audlet s- who |!ays the Salva tion Artnv lass w}h a <iemur fa s 4 m n poke bonnet. Miss was formerlv a schorl mat.' and chum of Miss Kdn \ May. and I? 1- remarked that she resem be* the (lr Kdn.i In many respect* Ml-a lA*>dge is pretty, wins me. at 1 posse--#* an nttractlve voice, and it is s fe to I*l dir: tlt a Y *he wil! make a r;ew record !n the part of the Salvation Arm) lassie, wh! h was trade f*mius hv K ina May In London There will he n new ‘Klfl'’ in the percn of Mae Hwllor K J Connelly, wh 1* w4ll known a the original Joel Gate* cf Shore A re* fame, will lin personate th* part if Elder Bronson. tl* part fotmerly played hy Mr I>an I>a.v Josept Kane wi.l be seep aa the polite Lunatic. Mistakes Will Happen.” Charles D! k son's far* t* ermHy, which will he seen Frldnv 1 IkM. t If* a storv more interest- It K than is ustj il y to'd by far#*e come lie. A young actor. Tom Genoa in Its- mar tl'd i leading lady of Ills cempany. Dor othy May land Ti elr marriage ha- been kept .i secret as their manager will not allow m.rriei |9#opie t wotk for him Genowln has also written n piav and Is Icoklr.g for someone to pr<xluce it Beg 11- fir producers have all failed him It Is ne# essary to n and what, In iheatri* l par ■ ance is termed an ’*arge!.” The heaveti • V 'ldtor seems to tn.iteri.daee o both husband and wle to tic actor In the shape of it soctrfv woman who wish**- m I ‘ v "mr an a. tre-s and to the n *r * in the * ,>>• worn in's hu-ban l. who w hile writing highly moral literature. I- *u*t as human as those w iio make fewer nr • n -slons Ea h arty agr* es upon the same place ss being suitable for . reading *f the play, and when they unexpectedly ctme together, there nr# many an 1 nfiius ng ompli. atloiii* <f course, the j !a\ turn* out right and the llier.irv genius protluces It Chare* Dickson, who en a :s fhe leading role of Tom Genowm. Is one of the few clever legitim ite come dian- of the day TH AH II %*TKVt IIK %| I*HIK RK*|<;\k. Horrrrilnl on the Vrslinnril Air l#lne •*v k. ||. Ileimett. Mr. W. B Besupric hi- resigned ss act. kng trainmaster of the Seaboard Air Dine find has gone away for Ids health. Mr. Beauprle was rondmasier of the Gaorgwi and Alabama before the consolidation with Yhe and formerly was dl vision superintendent on the Southern Railway, with office at Atlanta Mr. H B. Bennett succeeds Mr. Benu prle at Btvannah. Mr. Bennett has )eep assistant trainmaster, headquarters i Amerh us. managing the Georgia and Ala bama division. Mr. XV A Siocum goe< o Amerlcus to take Mr Bennett’s place Mr Slocum was formerly trainmaster of the Georgia and Alabama, anil, therefore, will Iw* bm k In his old pin e. M FT. V. K. MrfKK IIKHB. n. A . Is. General Superintendent Looking ti*rr the Terminals. General Bur>erlntendent V. K Me Bee of the Healvoard Air Line h is been In the ck> for two or three days over the terminals. Mr. Mcßee was well pleased with the evidence of the great business that Is being done by the Bcabor<l at Sa vannah. which has considerably exceeded the expectation* of the nffii lals Mr. Mc- Bee i necompanted by Mrs. Mcßee and their daughter. With His Father’s Hotly. Mr. W A Hlocum. assistant trainmas ter of the Beaboard Air Line. In charge of the Georgia and Alabama division, left yesterday morning on a sa4l mission for Ashland. O Mr Hloeum's father, an aged gentleman, died the day before in Savannah, and the son returned to the obi family home with the remains Mr K Berkeley, superintendent of the A'lanta division of the Healvoord Air Line was among the visitors In the city yes terday. Mr. S P. BoylMon. well-known In R vannah nn ihe former K'orMa Ontra! in.l I>nln*ular tick*! ngem h#re, ha * brcn dnnfffmuily 111 from malarial f#ver it Jncknonvlllo. wh#w h lit • mployetl a* chief clerk to the local num* of hc Plant Hyptem. Mr. linyltnn‘ii friend** will le pbaaed to know ihnt hi* Improve ment Ip reported I FINK* IVKHR NOT FUIITHI M I Mi. t'hnraee %wnlnf Officer* of tlir I Itatlmm Infantry U Itlnlrim n Deaplte the outlook for a email c- uri that appeared up to midnight Mon.l \ there un ao erent n number of nrr between that tlm* anl th. next morning that when the Hecordrr convened c urt there were eighteen mc to 1> heard These unfortunates were dealt with with no light hand, either, three of them for disorderly conduct were given ea h thirty daya. Three other iirlaonert w.-re g! ven lhr option of paying II" or npendlng twenty dy* in confinement Tlir*#* w. in Kdw.nd Robinson colored, fur disorderly conduct on the Clifton. J .1 Scott, colored, for cursing Tosher llnntll. on. and .ton Hick* for attempting to aojiull the *am<- platntlff Thr other cases were of .■ mi nor nature. Thr fines impos'd amounted to |Tti of which at quite .1 tale hour yer- Irrday afternoon only M had been paid. The docket ease of Walter Suite, and C. O. Ijisseter. white. against the offi cer* of the Chatham Light Infantry wnoai they charge with having collided c;• thttn on Montgomery street l.i l'i m port of September. *a not heard a.* the charge* were withdrawn befora the matter wu brought up. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1000. STANDING OF COMPANIES. Fltil MI'S l*F VIFIUT 19 R1F1.16 1*94 At THK l> F1449T INKA-TM9. I.rsd Ms# Tail'll by 14' xsis.ssh < nl**ls— Mrroril. f lb*- Twelve I iimpaslr# lr the l*.l -es.'in ns tb.inli li, the tte|,nrt al I #9l. 4*. 11. Itli'hnrtlsnn, trllag ln.|,eetnr nf It, He I'rarllre First Hsttsllnn l.esil* the Three—Mvl>-I'Hir slinrp ■ bnnt'rt In the II e|, I men t H"#t mrndntlnns Hegsrdtsg Hllle l,rnr tlee Mmle lit I opt. It lehnrrf.on. The Individual figure of merit attained h> the Hu; Infantry, <|rir*U d’.ste Tro ip*. 'luring thr |a: *e,.. n of rtfl* ,iraotl*o # 32 I. an It,- rex*e of 52 I per cent over the figure of merit of the rea son of !*9 Ahhougn tn figure of merit lor# not equal those attained tne reg iment in 1'94 and 1497. <‘ap C. H Rl’h arJ- n, aeting Insp* etor of rifle tira* t|ee, in I.l# re,art. dtreet# 111 entire to th" faet that th eommand ha# been IneraMed from sevtn , * twelve niti,#nl#f. thu# In* erea-lirg vei> m.itertii> *he number of lower etas# men, and ile rra.-lng the |,os #:tlllty for a higher flxure of merit. The figure wout I hove been higher, too, had n t #■> many men shot who are ssrvln* under the flr#t enlistment, being, there for. a# a rule. Indifferent rhxts It char Inn l.alleve#, though, that the ea has hroug.u great xuceess, and that the lntre#t and enthuslarm arou#e,i will n suit-In advantage for rifle prartlre In aearons to come In order of rank the companies of the regiment tland a follow*. Figure of rm-rt; Company K Savannah Cadet# 113.5 Company H, Savannah Volunteer (luat’ih* . 59.5 Company H, tlerman Volurreers 39 i Company I <*Bleihor,v* l-lght Infan try 31 5 Company L. Irish Ja'jier Oreens . 30.2 Coni,siny A. Savannah Voluntw r tiu-arde 37-4 Company C, Savannah Volunteer tlunid- 83.7 mpai y M Republican Blue# 13 2 * 'umpu ny I>, Savannah Volunteer tluards 13.1 Company F. K*-11 Rifles Statrehoro... 11 : i ntnivinv ,i. Brunswick Rifle. ... 9 6 f mpanv E Burke I-lght In'sntry, Waynesboro |.{ The tlgure* of merit .Maine I hy the Held and utaff a# *i4 It, thl* being the next bet of the #>a#on and the best ever at • tirlned by the oflloers Tlie battallone stand as ful . Figure 1 cf merit First Battalion # 43 3 Seeon I Battalion 2 Third Battalion 9 9 The Frist Hat’alton shows the least number cf fourth class men these being 53 out of 29U rlafsltleil. yvhll the Second Itat’alton sttows ll,e gmq’eit, be ng 94 out ■>f clarsllteil. the Third ila'tallon sh ,w --•lg only 67 out of ISt classified These, •vlth two on the tlei.l and tnfT make a total of 2!i tuif of 459 rlussffi'tl. or a per eentag. of 32 7 f. r the reg.ment The num ber * f sit Itpehootrrs qua Ifled was 44. or nearly in ,e-r e-r.t of the elnaelfled shots The number of maiksmen in the regiment as 25. t'apt Richardson directs attention to the Interest displayed bv the out-of-town ■omt'sntes. all thrs> of which sought • au tl urlird ’ ranges at a distance from their home Station* In order to get In rifle prac tl C He also rommerds the promt>tness with which company commanders sent In their u p r' of rltle shooting for the sea son As 11 rr-ommendatlon. Cnpt Rt-hsrdson sugge##. that It would he better for com pany I.m . rs to go to work early In the season, gelling their men to visit the range and shoto. Home oflleer* seem to have great faith In having a number of ’heir men qualify on the oeraslon of their annual contests, hut egperlen e tearhes 1 ho# this expectation I# not realised A ten.levy on the part of many men to re main too long at the short ranges, 299 and 39U yards before going up I* noted by Cnpt. Richardson, who says It would be better for them to go on to th" longer ranges wlh moderately good score* Instruction os to the part* of ihe rifle, the use of sights aod wlndgoug# and oth er Important features of shooting Is com mended during the wlner months, iui many men who appear on the range show aVoa Ignorance of these details. Cap! Rl. hard-on favors the Hrmlnatlnn of the rifle season upon the date estab lished. a* he regnrd extensions of the limit as dnmagtng to the figures of merit nf . ompan’es Green men are being enlisted In Pep,ember, and their poor records pull (thwn the genera’ record. MHF.TI\G IHI IIK r<yTl*Oi|El. t.enrgl* *nw Mill 4s>aclatlnn Will Meet at Valdosta I’rnbably Oet. -TO. The October meeting of the Genrgln Sawmill Association, which was to have been held at Valdosta Oct. 14. will prob ably not he held until the 90h, os there are a number of the mmher* who will he unable to attend on the date originally set. and they have requested the presi dent. Mr. J T Tift of Tlfton to pos#pone the meeting until the Sn-h He has not yet been henrd from on the matter, hut theie Is little dnuh that he will grant the request Mr William B Stillwell of the Southern fine Company 5.,1.1 yesterday that there Is really no reason why the meeting should not be postponed, as the lunibt r business is a whole I*, eompared with the earlier liar# of Ihe season. In -a very good condi tion and It t* dally growing better. Thl# doe- not mean, however, that It Is In a satisfactory condition, on th# contrary, there I# still a great diwl of room for !m --provemeni. for during th# earlier part of the season it was In so unsatisfactory a condition that there would have to be a most decided rise In both prices and de mand before It could be called In any thing like a normal slate The r.wson# assigned hy Mr. Stillwell for the recent small demand I# the fact that tonnage, loth foreign and domestic. I scarce and In consequence much higher than In the foreign shipping this ■ an readily he accounted for hy the foot that o gn-at many of the ships formerly engaged In thl# and kindred trade# are now being used ns transports to flouth Africa and China. Another reason for the poor condition of the |iimh-r n, irke; Mr. Still think* to tie the unsettled state of most Industries during a presidential ■ lecilon year. He lias Iktle douht that ths hitstness will show a most decided Im provement ns soon ns polities havs hern retired for another four vesirs. IIOI.MI’S 11 tVTS A MVTt'H. lustration lloxer I.onklng for n Set-to. Cockney Holmes, an Australian hn*er who will he remembered hy those who pa tronlxe the fights In the old Pastime Ath letic Club of which Joe riman was in# main cheese, drifted Into town yesterday. ttru leaving Savannah Holmes has be-n •o Australia. Houth Africa. England and oil over this country ard has turn In acv. er I contes s He la here now for ths purpose qf getting on a match and any one who cares to take him on at 122 txet-ds wait probably be accommodated < y that Is curing women . /y' p I J Mrs. Watson tells B / / men how she was ‘ / j cured and advises p H J J * hern her p vfii W / J Here is her first letter jj| r9m Ptokham; I *’: * ■ '*Bjjjt months. I hive a continual pain and soreness in my jj^| down or sitting in an easy chair. When I stand I suffer l - / —&' ‘vw ->CsV ' v ’-' V. rlfl with severe pain in my side and hack. I believe my * SI troubles were caused by over-work and lifting some giving 0 \ recommended to me by a friend, and 1 have made up my mind ipijj * ’JT. " I write this letter with the hope of hearing from you in W\ Mrs. Pinkhatn p s ad vice was promptly received hy Mrs. i Watson and a few months later fl I she as I ■ t.i ■■ in ovary. I used your medicine for four months and was so much better that I could walk three times the distance that H Mrs - Watson’s letters prove that Mrs. Pink - E ham's free advice Is always forthcoming on roguoa* and that It Is a sure guide to health. These letters are but a drop In the ocean of Yggfl evidence proving that Lydia £. Pink ham's Vege- B 9 tebl ° Cosm P° unc> CUf tEs the tils of women. No other medicine in the world has received such No othor medicine has such a record of cures of ET . w female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. r Do not be persuaded that any other 0 % medicine is just as good. Any dealer who BB v t \ suggests something else has no Interest In your case. He is seeking a larger profit. B of women whose letters # , Pinkham’s B Compound | oKRte, RriA/ADn Owtog to th# fwt thst some -kmtk at tawfl# hsr# from lim# i,. nn.. .i.i5.i......t ME2WSKiS*4H? S # M M m w m M 'I I— WV F* IT L/ thr g#ni nsuss- . f IS# t<-tini n . Inters #rr .ouu# tlv publishtnc w# A4issAj|.‘fgK'JP I MM ■■ m - ; h## .Irpntitefl With Ihe N#tK.n#! Citv lunk, Lynn. Ma- 3, <wx which Will QU|EB^p4 W M be P*l<l to SOT person who will show that the three lestimonisU see nm genuine or were nuhlishe<l before *3 Vky,-.- W 'mi*' obtaining the writer’s #penal permission LTDU II PINKItAM MKUICTNK CO . Lyns. Mass. ■ Sonic Trick* of the Trade. Harve> Sutherland In'a. “If I hod room to describe a!! my ex perience.- with there modem wltchew 111- 1 wirarde I should like to tell you about the amiable old fraud that tat my horo *co|ie lie lt* la en to i ate’* prison far 1 swindling. hut he advertise - in * '1- Sun day paper.* just the same as tistiol. ..nd hie office |s full of people wbos.* burn In their pocket*. I ahoutd like to describe the doctor with three framed diplomas, two medical hook* and a half* Iflnt of pill*, that wen; ktto • trance for me hardly distinguishable from the wirly stage* of a fft Hie wrtl shook like a tid <l.t r'* playing fknuberf* ’Serentsh*.' and ht* < ye* rolled up till they lesutesl Ilk* It ird-hoUd <ggs with the ehell off I - hoot.l Ilk,- to tell uoout the ‘peych. me dium that did u little miracle for tn. ,11 the way of reading the answers to my question* through the envelope In whim they were *ealxl I could explain how he gave me a dummy to hold while he opened th real envelope under cover of washing-hi* hand* I should like to tell how wroug In every particular •* me ,ady that read my palm by the light at pure wclence. Xo for lune-telHng ahottl it. oh, dear, no.' 1 ahould like to tell about the 'true and reliable fortune-tell ers' that ran the card* for me. nnd saw trouble front n dark man unat luck In the lottery w-lth the number k, or t*s>. or k.ijnr>. >nd how there tt money coming to in- In a letter front a.-roee the water. (It ha* to come to me *hat way or I could bor |mv the grocer, for I live ! Urootc lyn. nnd Hrookiyn t* on l*mg Island, and n’V Wills girl ho* Ju*t come home from school with the information that an I*l - u a body of land onm[i)ftly ur rounded by water. I had *u.-pectsl •* much.)’’ tale Innkrr l.lghtnlnu. From the New Tork Press The lewrat yam from Connecticut nlnatw Interesting Rer-ntly Itghtnmk ■truck a barn there and set It on Arc Jpst a* the dames were gettl -a *"j hold a *econd I olt struck a tank on the r.of and krncked It to flu <*•* * n ‘' the water put the lire cut. Lightning UP In Connecticut *ema to he almo t • '* UDlgant aa a NtwXHindlawf dog.