The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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FIVE dollars a box, ||( I'tlrr f of '** Flfarr Willi Him. „ ,m to any for th# banrllt nf aome <l. .peptic Btuart'n Pyxpepala Mill give comfort and a cur* i m*. Five dollar* a boa would not pur.'hoein* them rhouM I ever , r ..rain a.* I did tor a welc before ue j. g i hero ,10 .vi-.'nn* hr.a 1 bought at my did ill* work and my duration a iwiht a*ain. ~ of my noljthbor* ha<’ niao rl<J ■ .i.ior- and found them to 1> Juai i, rr • ntrd. ~nd Mr. Klim* all* want* . u- hi* tut mo in Indornnii Stuart s ~,„la Tablt* xidiird. A Klim* end , F.# Musa*)) Asst Postmaster .mo oudbui.t Mara Ja* Barton of Toronto, t'anad.i. For iiifhiom month* I aufT.-rrd what I mi |i|Hii <1 wa* liladd. r and pv trouble, an I look nirdli'lne from ..Iff. rent doctor*, without any *i*n . ur<- 1 felt *0 111 at last I wa* hardly to do my work ti,..,*ht 1 would try a hox of Btimrt * - 1 p:. 1 Tab.*’* and *ee If lh<> would , me feel better, newer really Ihlnkltiß I ■ 1 dvepepWa but after only three or I taldol* bid I ecu taken all tlte acid II i. .in ared and then I dl* .f>>d I . ! ; 1,1 .icld dy*pef*la.while the doctor* t eeo irejiinß me tor kidney and blad troulde and one of them treated me rheumat |.tn. OmeMlon Is fin*, ray complexion r .md I am able to do my work and . plflt* nr. unknown In me .1111 mi thankful for fln.ltnir a rur* *0 I and *0 pbwrant lo lake a* Smart * , <l*la Tablet* I am surprlfed at the . j.iro they have made In me . I druKßletr sell and recommend p , r f t>y*pep*la Tablet*. because they ~ln .ally ihe almple natural dlßestive*. 1 taken after meals prevent aridity • use prompt dtaestlon and usslmlla • n of food. ivslrlann everywhere tfilorse them h*- ..c they are a* *afe for the ehtld a* 1 ihe adult, they are Invaluable for , stomach, nervou* dy*pot>*i hearl ri* on stomach anl Uiwel* and , form of Stomach derang. merit. 1 7T0N SOLD ON THE STALK. m 11 tun\ni.r: nuAid* hum? these im hi Tin: ruiTEm. Island I at ton Helllnß at * leuli and abort Staple at in f ear* a Pound In the Field*. Ihe Hn>ers laklna 111 Hlsks-Wr. W. H. C bap lfa Heport* I pon Ilie Condition# Wltleh He Found In fleorala aa.l Florida—Tlir Props Generally Poor and the Former* Ire Well l*are of the Far I—lnterior Porehoocr* Ire Hu ring Freely nt Flaares I have Market Frier*. Mr Waller H Chaplin, of Dancy A ,pUn. ha* Juki returned from 0 trip ir -<„ißh ihe aea Island cotton country of . rßia and Florida. durlnß which he 1 iied all the lmiortant point* In the ter ory tributary lo Savannah. Mr Cha|e reports a rather remarkable state of irs In Ihe country Nol only Is Ihe crop , rt. but the farmer* mi interior mer it.. ire convinced of I hi* fact and are I ,tiR and telling the crop on fhc atalk I In the seed and that too at price* -h are hardly warranted by the *tat* I I .he market at Savannah. Th> condition ts a most remarkable *ahl Mr. Chaplin to 11 Morning New* r.l-.ner yesterday, "nnd one I have never *een equaled In h* hl#torv of the 1 .1. At Boston. Ga.. I found that sea Urd cotton had been aold In the held bv firmer# at JO cent* i>*r pound, fhe setter .MR to'pick and deliver. Thl* was on c *- stalk, the purchaser taking all risks •o stains and other damage* to the , 1 The Interior people are Ihor c V convinced that there I* a short both of the abort and the lo '"' > and the men who have money seem * ■ g to Invest In > oMon at prte** a: ~ , they could hardly realltc a profli .. s tvannah market at preaenl. tak e in consideration the <uat of delivery Other expense* Short staple cotton , .„, E freely bough* in the held* at 1 , pound and many farmer* are verv tfui akout making 1 deal, if 1 ft mire*.” ... .. v. l.akc City. Fla wild Mr fhnpllm I. reliably Informed fhat *ea inland ■um was being laiughl in the seed at . . nts a i nund As tt takes from four t,.ur and one-quarter lun.|e of seed „ to moke a fiotwi.l of lint, you can W ait price the purchaser* arc pay . „ r Kv. n allowing for ihe seel the until J 4 cents 1 pound, and at t ‘ißtire* they coukl lnrSy deliver It I .md RttU except ot a km* 1 found inetan. >-* where interior buyer* ar. I ,„■or h ive paid higher prk*# for both 1 , ind nnd short staple cotton tlttt. • 1 it th. ports." , .luntry iieupl. are fully convinced • her* t* a short ciop of both staple* lr Chaplin, "and judging from what I * .ii*i what I learned from other*. ,i*. the right of It The cotton crop rally a isxir onewln Ik* sccllons I visited, nnd report* from other ire to the earn.- effect. If tne te.lured In th# same r ilk. through >uth. ihe yield will riot b. more .1 • to 75 per .nt. of fhat of lift f ’hi* prove to tie the case uplands K g., to IIS c#nt* and uhove. -lands to I,’, lo • enlf liefote In many Instance* buyer* are • ,tton In ihe country tn the belief will go much blghor. irm.-rs ar# generally In goo.! oon -11,1 Mr. Chwulln. “They ar# re n,or# money for ihelr cotton, arc I heir advance* promptly, and *'t. independent Ttie firm, r I** thl* year, and I am glad 1 Mil It l,|A IIKMIIF.hT IfitlK. 1 *0 the barrack* and 4*ked to He l.ncked I p. I 'urtis. a member of th# deml wnlk.d mto the police barrack* ttnrtiy before 11 o'clock, and sergeant on duty to lock her the mlstreias of the house wh< re id been stifylng also called and o the uulhorillcs Ihut the girl ug from .b in.iitjc nnd that she 1 1 utisiiicrablu trouble with tier ,1 hours. The unfortunate crei ! inla, she said, took th# form of imtlpathy to staying In tho •I It ha.l requir.*d the combined ■ f several of the other inmate* her from ee.'.t|tlug into Ih# 'Her In Hie evening - m)>tnm* of the malady made • known tn the earlier part of '"on. hut then they appeared to e more serlou* than a nervous 1 I were rendllv mtrlhuted to "fee that the .girl had indulged *>•' As she grew more vloien>. M X. Corbin wa* called lit “>l th# patient to be suffering 1 ute dementia. ' lolen. e had been attempt' and 'ban the other inmates of the Crald that an outburst of •'"ght occur, and th* worn#!' " lawn arreateii and taksn lo * \ " had ahe not elected to " own wtli MATHEWS FOUND GUILTY. H'ontlnti* <J fro* I ißhth Vag+ ) mo*>iy in hnino m y that would not re quire tderUiM. all. n “1 (miSJ out oil t>f that mon#y. or almost al of It, during ih Klvtnit Mr Mc- Millan s42* i rh lam hmocctit. auntie mm of fhl> ■ hargr I ic\tr tK*k or ippnt th** tuoti*> I am thirifl whh taking I itn n t aul|t> lam not gutliy " Mmthows continued to |>rot**if hU In noi flic** Imt ho told an r*. r*-dtng!v v.igu*- atory of tho ttunnrr in Which the had l. cn *ient At the r ltndon of hU htati rn-ni the t. wi*d I?si * aj*. In troducing no further evt I* i.eo In ri'iuiti*! th Mate Introduce*! but one wltncFh. >|r. Pott* who that h** hook* of tho Savrit.iia!* office whowed no payment of $! to Mi 8h rp or lo any one **lm' 'Thh j* ih- rnt tin> .** t*aii tho wtTncM. * 1 tiar l ev*r hoavs! ol any |av m*ni ln'ing mad* by M from t*iw money. The IkkjKh ol tho oth o tl • not hhow that any > uu |aym*-nt wa.-* nt.!•■.” Hero tho *tato r>tod and tho .irgumenU to ho Jury worn begun. *’ol Cann mad* 1 the opening and con cluding urgum* nt*. tho defence being en titled to both by rcaenn of tho tart tt ititrodut **d no c\d**n other than tho fUtrmcni of the h* .Mr. Or l'orn<- m ol< a brief hut cogent argum -nt on behalf of tho mate. t'l Cnn rousted roundly th** fori* In tho •*'• again*! Mathowa. aaMng It had bean shown that tlntr manner ot eondurttng iMhincMt wn In violation of i.iw and good oniK'iefit • anl that It was hut in accordance with custom that the p**or and the oppreia* *1 altudma thua 10 Mathew.-* should tic wkoted for eacrifl ** while l*igg**r heh ew im merrily ami tatdly out of tho not. The argument of tiio Holloltor Oeneral, courhoil in few w>ili. went straight to th** p*>tnt. ami it >ulll e-l. Mr Oalorfto ewept away the nua of to. hnl- il obj.-c --tlone with breath and !** larcd that the question eimply whether >r m>| MatiK*wr had MOlen tho money. Then tho Solicitor |)I-m *nl I to show to the ‘,|tn pletc eatinfactKHi of the Jury, that thia was JutM what ha*l happened Judge Faingant’i* rhargo wa?- a c tar o*- poiitlon of th*- law that -h u and govern ih* dcitberation-* of th* Jury and thev • drntly found tt at dlffl* ult to determtn* whit they ought to do Within a f**w min ute?* after leaving the * tirt room it w> announoe*! that they hod agreed an*l they r turned to deliver, through their fore man. a verdict nf guiltv " Judge Kalligant announced that he would not pa:4 tom. imm iliatHy. and th** defendant w*> tak*-n ba*k to Jail Th**re aie two oth-r ■ a.-*ea ag.dne* htin but tt eoettiH ImprObabU- that thev \lll l-o t4k-n up before n*-xt week There ha?* been wome talk *f noil prn?dnn raeow m*on a conviction In this ftr*t care hut It Ih douhtfu! If Murphy A- ** will ho willing to eon retit t mi* h a proceed ing, after th* < h irge made againat th* <-om|Mtn Math* w*. In the course of hie statement The ienalty for iarcon\ after truet !•* confinement a? hard labor tn the pefii*entiarv for rot lens than two or more than reven years. TO (iRoU ay:% idUIDA. loietman Man *•)■ I'lHiilrrn Will Unlit- It In Hodge < ounty. The good price* ppa if land cotton now command** nnd tho pro?p* . t of a still let ter demand for this staph- from season to season, if the m tny un 4 to which it being put and the. prospective large con sumptive drmind may be mken as un In dication. Is stimiJi iting an interest in growing it in motion** of Georgia winch have hitherto been negleciad. There u* u decided Interest in *h*- growing of se. islands in I>odg** county, and the Indica tions are that planters tn that section will give the crop more attention n**xt s*-a#on. Mr. W T. Harrell of Kastman called ut the Morning N* ws offl** y-sterday. t*p to a short tim* ago, h* a>>. no att* - tion was pail to the growing of this *ot ton. but planters believe there are profits in store for them If the crop is marketed Intelligently, and. therefore, intend to raise more of It. Mr Harrell states that many farmers planted >* • Island cotton this season, hut The drought which pre vailed from about Aug 1 damaged th** crop greatly >o that th** yield will be minh lighter than thev calculated or However.he siys.they are not discouraged, and will probably plant pr. ry generally next sensdn. While there ;.r* a f*-w of the trade who express contrary view, it 1 nevertheless the general injpre?**iai that this e* Island crop will t* shorter than ex pi t ted during th- planting season. Go*hl prlc# -* are being paid for upland cotton, with th** belief prevalent that they will go stilt higher. nd many believe it will I**- th*- same with long sfaple cotton So far the receipt* have been light In this mar ket ( ('OLORKD (OI.I.KGFI tiPI'AHG D%V. lmlrnu from llir Trl \mon •hr Applicants. The Georgia Htmr Industrial College will iH'dn Its Itnth annual session t'-du\ l.nst night a lirge number of students hud already appeared on the groun.ts uni! the boarding hall looked u* If school already begun. At least fifty new stu dents mad*- their opptaran e unions the old uns who had already come In. The main Indy of students will ''Otm this morning. Home have • ome from Chat* lattpoca. Tenn . Du Hon. t vdartown, Jl url elta. Atlanta. Clarksville and various places through Middle and South Georgm Augos'a, the old home of President Wrigin sends a large delegation It will, perhsp-. number some tlxicsn. Brunswick hae h Urge deles ulon. In fact. Bruns wick ha In proportion to Its slxc. sent more students than any other city outside of Savannah About V> oer cent of th. graduates of the eity schools hove ap plied for admission. The Georgia St lie Industrial College lias become more widely known this yaar than ever before, and students are coming In not only from all sections lr. Georgia hot from South Carolina. Florida. Arkansas. Alabama, and one student u tu illy came Iroin Oregon. President Wright has also had applications from some Afrl an stu dents from the Tra -\anl A gr*wj man\ students have already hern denied ndmis slon on account of the very limited ue comomdatlons This morning speeches will he made >v th- president md some of •he other mcmliets of the faculty, and ot Interesting programme w.l! he carried out. r'apl. Wallers Badly Injured. Thomasville til . Ocl. if —Capt It T Walters while driving '• two-horso tr im per the City this afternoon fell from the wagon and was run over, having his held dreadfully mashed, and one eye din grrously tnJutWd New Commissioner eef llecils. Atlanta. fct. '.’.-Orafli n C Kennedy has hern |.|siinted comml-vloner of d-eds far the State of Georgia In Ohio Jhc ap pointment was made hy the Oovernor and the Secretary of State this morning Is sued the commission dlffr<tion with W irlfcliy. n oITtEB 5 so. - THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, G( TOHEI? 1900. Nt- P.'KLS SH‘\PF\ 1 - ! THt r oaf LOW'-.V j FOR SAU AT AiUCADINj C*] ** •' : THO I RU: M fill Tlir \% IiIH. PlfVerenre •• to Tlielr Itrmoval %f --ter tiring t nt. The wi **l question appears to W* the *uuhe of conselerable Irritation and un* ..appmc— #0 a good many cilia-►. et-|>*'- ia-ly in the southern ** -*tlon. w-eii as of <-onHldergblo trouble to th** city *l*. partments There arc many re.-ii*lerv<s of ;he Souihshlc. who regret now* that the -übJH t.• ntlr the wi-*l> w * **ver agi totol. and are In lined to think that inor** si kn -.■* h is been ca•* •! by de aying veg etation ih hii-*- of non-removal of in*- wietlf- after being cut than could hav * is-en charged to the weeds hod they been allow'd *0 waif for Jack Frost. Health OfTb er lirunner was asked yes terday uuuut Mr. P. b Springer's at air men ts concerning the death of his lit tle son. but said that he did not wre to *lim ues fhe rn.i. "#i • vond egpitsstng his sympathy for Mr. apringer in his bereave ment. Mr. Springer nnd other rraiderrta of ihe &>iitiksklc,“ said Dr. Hrutmer, "aeem to r*e laboring un*ier .& wtong impression wub r*gar*l to the w-d ohttntnct Th* ordlnun* *• distinctly says that the proper ly owners --hail <*u and remove the w*e*i it the w*td tire aitow-l to remain and •b y. it is th** fault of the lot owner* aml tot of th*- ciCy.” !>r Drunner wan Informed that the b- avenger ciepartmeirt had l*eett removing •l - w*<six, and apparently • onsfciered it its duty to do s 1 He replied that Is- was not aw*are that su* h was the cose, as he a*. hud .* number of property owner* • I** Ktlt'l. who nad cut. iHJI had not r* moved the we-ds fr* m their lots. At any 1 ate It dsl not change the onJUian ‘e. he .-aid Director Godialerk of the public works *s>k .* somesvhat different view of the intention of th* ordinarx** from that held b\ Dr Brunner The e* avengei depart *neni had 111 tdoubtediy Imen Itioksrl io temove the weeds wneituT the *.► -pet tiled or not. he said, and had bern doing so 10 the b* at of Its ability. No w-ee*ls have been allowed to remain I■* long a ten days after being cul,*‘ aaW the Director, "and assertlon to this ef le, t are incorre t. "Where weeds have cut and piled on the street line they baa 1 mn\ 1 by IM inyrngtr wag ons Mny lot owners, evidently mlsun i ;-1 indlng the ordnance, have simply ut the wet-d* and let them lie in many usee 1 hav* had the scavenger men r:k up the weeds and either reijiove or burn them. Jjurge lot owners or their agents have in most Inst mces -implied with fht* ordinance by having ihe weeds cut and plied on the lots. Instead of removing the weeds to the crematory lot and burning them there they* have been allowed to dry out for n few days and #hen burned The scavenger force has Its hands full with the regular work at this season and it ts out of the <|u*-tton t attempt to haul off all of the w* which have been cut recently If is rarely the edra thin weed* are allowed to He more than three or four •lay**.” Tho director r* marked th ( the wr*!n and Hrra? 1 !* r* :*irn|*iv cured by the pun he did not w*ll pw how they could breed dlaeape. Th* rultinq of weed<* and grap* in unuped Ptrefe and gr ipp pl.tntp thm year ha been a cotiPlderable tax uprn the de part men! The afreet" have been iron* over twice already and are now being g<*n over for ihe third time With a view to srcurlne sotnj apfiatance In thl" wrk I>lree*or Oadeden a*ldr* i *ed a felled ye**ferday fo f'hnlrman Daffln of ihe Dark and Tre f'ommlPalan. nktn<r h m to co-operate in denning off the graph plate, th**"*- l*e!ng oonaldered unrler fh# Juriedlctlon of the commip|on To ih.s f'halrman Tkiffln replied fhat the elend* r force of the commleplon. rendered nece - iry by lift pm ill fund. l liarely able to keep up with the regiil ir and neceaaiiry work of Hp *|ep(rmerit, which Include* •he keeping of the equaroe an*l park" that M would be unable to lo anything for the gra*e platp, nnd Miggeettng tha* If th- Stre* and letne I>e|Mirtmeni wer*- un ibl* to * o|m- with the work that It call up on round! for apeiptince. lit** wim: i hot MUD. Itrporl of III* Itealh IHarredlted lt> a I.otter from Him. It was reported In bavannah pome time go iht Private ()native A Witte, a na ive of thl - city, had been killed or had died of die- p* In the Philippine*, where Le wa p* rvftng with the Sixteenth Infan try. Witte waa a musician In Company K ibnv innali radaisi, First <borgia Infan try, I* H V., during ih*' war with Siwiln and It wa** a master of r* gret to hip old comrade" when they heard th-* report of hi :* <le.ith Private Witte hap wrlttn a leiter to Havannah. however, that indicate" very clearly that he Ip still In the ),m<l of the living III" letter h*arp the date. Aug 1.: *nd was written from Apart. Islani of Luzon Wl*t* d* ?crihes the metho*!* of fighting Indulge*! in by h*- ffttlpMffM md entertalnp bm a poor opinion of it II" iyt the aervlce of the Klrpt eorgla was a "dream’' In comparison with what he has to stand In the Philippines, .ud h e letter donut with the hop' that it will n**t be long la-fore they are out of that God-forsaken country." KIT hi R.VIC4 T FOR CHARITV. * % Little White Girl * * Monae of 111 IVe|ate. What seetns to b* a fit case for eom* . harltable wx-Uty Is that of the rescue of i Util* girl, the laughter of a dissolute woman with whom she lives, at a house kept by a negro woman. The child Ip probably no* more thau 6 or 7 year" old. but already. In the at mosphere In which It Is forced to live. | picking up the habit and language of Ihe degraded half world. The no-her seems to have no regard at a!! for It. and al Hides to It in language that ts associated usually with ©nl% those with whom h** mint!• " The rhlU'w father, who Is dead, had friends who. though themselves un able i*> a■siimo the responsibility and rare of the child are nevertheless anxious that It should be rescued from the Ufa wnirh will only be its portion if left In li- present surroundings ■resignation leeeglftl. The resignation of *JJ Ernest Dart of she Third pjitallon. First Infantry, has tieen a -cepted MaJ lad was In com mand of tha battadoc wince tha raorgam agtlpiL to visit hi * ttvrivt: ia\d, I’oriwnltttea John Sint Has In (*n Tlirnuaklt t fief Hack Wain. Chinaman John Hlrg was making h‘s prepxratb ns yesterday to r* turn t hi in live land. For the l.n-t k* vi nlern >-ar* JOIIII has held f.rth n Whitaker near Oglethorp** avenue, where he ran a laun dry Deputy Collector of u toms Johnson • ortifled to pap* rs y-sterday whb h it will l*e necessary for John to present to the customs off!rails at Man Francisco in or der to land there un his return The law *ai ihe subject may in* rtaidlv enforced throughout tho country aa.itnut the re turn of Chinamen, but It would *eetn t ir is a ch*nce to do.ige tl by ustnn deceptive tactics. In order fo obtain permission 10 land on returning, a departing Chinaman must qualify to an oath that he is mar rbd and that his wife remains in th* f’nlted Mtatee. or that he has uns**ttled debts tn this ountry 10 the ni unit of SI,OOO In fha presint < aj*e the Chinaman is un roaitied, hut swore that two Chinamen with whom he has been In eo partnei hij* for several year- owe htn an undivided share of the two laundries which amount to tymij! $l,lOO. It se*-ms to be lit* |> ir pos** of the I*w to keep d*‘|art|im f*hlna men from returning to ttds country unU>? th* v have buslne-* here Mr J>bns*i smv** tills is th- first a( plh-atlofi for a certificate of the kind s ti<. th** liw w*nt Inf effect The document re. ites that Him; lives here, that he h< unseitlcHl delts. and At the itottom his photograph is attach** ! The certlfl- at* will he presented to ihe cmsioms officerr at San Francisco, where it will he taken up and another Issued UF A T **lll.l. IA P.MICII, Main for To-day and Tnnmrrni* \% Ifh Fresh Aortheasf \\ Inda. October is here hut still there has been little let up in the h*-a whb h continues twy above the normal. Yaaterday’ <h maximum temperature was 82 degree* and the minimum 71 giving a mean of 7- which is six degree* above the norm.\ nnd which, added to the excess of the previous day. gives the month already an exceaa of II dt*gre#*s. Tim rainfall yeatrritay up to H o -|*> was 04 Inches. Imt late night and • •arly this morning It rained almost c n tinuoualy. The state forecast for to-day and |* morrow is for Mill more rain, with fr**sn northeast winds, be**ming brisk on th coast. roi'Rt yrtips ixtfhkdrkuk. 1,. \\ . Then* Mast \of i:n< uimlm-i Property 4’latmei! h y Janie Janes. Judge Kallignnt. granted m restraiuli 1 order yestertlay prohibiting I. W. Theus fritn alb-natlng. encumbering or otherwlm Interfering with a pi* *a of property on Huuth street, which is claimed by Janl* June.**, until the further or*ler of th* .‘Ourt. I h** plalhtifT seta out In hor |et!tion that she borrowed $l2B from the defendant It. ivq. on she then thought to h m mortgage on her property Hbe hd eln mad*- several pavm#*ni?* of prlrn’inttl and interefq nd heva r k< * , w tnat Tceua cii|j e.| title until *hort while* ag< Ile.irlng on the application for a femtorary In junction haw been set for Nov S. LOCAL Pi;it>o\AL. Mr J Ash of I ndine la a guest of th* Screven. Mr K. Berkley of Atlanta is a guest of the De Hoto Mr IV 11. Williams left yesterday f i Jacksonville Mr <* W Philip* of Atlanta Is a gnesi of the Pulaski Mr. J. P. M illoy of Howell Is a gue*' of the Piil.iski Mr A I. Wtbb of Abbeville Is a guest of the Pol.-iski Mr. D. M. Bradley of 11-tgan Ip register eJ at the Pulaski. Mr (*. E. Tubman of Baltimore Is h gue?t of Ihe I'ulftski Mr. W. f P. Alford of Jacksonville Is re*, ftatfftff at the |. Mr Js*'oh fKetx of port Koval regisier ed at the Screven yesterday Mr A J. Snedeker left for New York yesterday Via th* Nncoot'M** Mr? Iterlha Dixon left yesterday via the Bout hern for Washington. Mr II C. Butcher left vL the Plant System yesterday for .M&ntgormry. Mr Hiltenhouse Monte |ef via the Plant System yesterday for Galveston Mt A. Peruchj. agent of the Pertichl- B* Mini Vo. la registered at the Hire van Mr Allan Kw*-al left last night on a business trip throiigh southwest Georgli Mr <5 M Brinsivn of ffflllmore wis among the arrivals at the !>e rtoo yes terday. Mr. Jos L. Htubb* of Adahelle w* atixuiK the arrival" at the Hi rev* n >•- terday. Mr. Charles K Arn**ld of k wa>* In the * Ity yesterday and rgisierel a' the Pulaski. Meßsrs. John A Graham and K H, liar rison of H* Mark s. Fla. are. registered at the Pulaski. Mr and Vlr- Tinsley Hmith wer* ammu tlie |** ■ -engera of the Houthern yesterday for Washlngt in. Mr and Mrs W. C Perk*n", Mr. W It WallA'-e. and Mrs T- W H.riwlck ol llagen was gu sli of the Screven. Mr J. C. Halle is Ihe latest nddirion to the city's soiithsblers, having removed from Parry street to Abercorn and h'lrst streets A meentig of c*ire|e No. A Kina> Daughters, is announced fvr 4 o :< to-morrow * ft* moon at the renklenr* *f Mr?* Ardsn. No 4. Henry street, east Judge H. P. Brewer and Mr- P Brow er of Oliver are reported much im proven from their recent Illness A telegram was received hv Mr W. ff Brewer ye*- terdav* to that effect. Mr O. r Holcomb who has been for a year with Messrs Kavanaugh fk Cos. has accepted a position With Messrs. Dugin A Hheft ill. Ife has the best wishes of his many friends In his new position. Mr Ijouls D Mu? gan has returned to Havannah after an ibaence of two year*. Mr Morgan has h*,cn in New York air* •< leaving Mavannah His many friends here will be gUd 40 hava him among them WALSH 6c MLYtff, 1-4 Broughton, West. LADIES* FURNISHINGS. TL la the -ei ti >t 1 .. u,r whan ae take great r• ire tn showing our NEW GOODS. I F TCAI.I *-* Ot TIN .H FLANNFi.M KUNNEU.TTKR for IIOFMF. tiOXYNM. HIIOHT SKIRT*. UNG SKIRTS HOUSE FURNISHINGS. PHAI-KKIK-* AltT .''Vl'lNti HI. X IMA T \FI.BTIUFF frBTAININO In H4VI!*SI H l,A< r. IU.I I-' I. Sl'Hi:r• MI HI.NB KAI K ana NET 1-AXKtA* for 111. ASA IXK*HF ——t c" i t *1 LOOB! foman in a picture of per 4th. Her existence U • mlaerable by Shattered SV’oatinK Irreynlarttiaa, la. the Bluett, or any of nifold ilrrnnjfetnenta y weak or Impure blood. 11 of life and ambition, ndxumc. She la happy. )d courging through her Intalng her magnificent Hid, warding off the in le dlacunca to which a 'MauwwtU be iu... P D n (LIPPMAN’S GREAT REMEDY) lathe ideal medi ti ti cine for women. Itn nut* ingtireo health nnd thegub • Bill Hlitntinl nttrgctivenegN which health alone can be stow. P. P. P. is the greateal Blochl Purifier known to l dical science, curing all Scrofulous Affections, Dyspepsia. Rlieumv tiSm, Catarrh, Neuritlgia, Malaria and Nervous Derangements. •P. P. P. is sold by all druggists. $i a bottle . six bottles. $3- *. BROTHERS. ... Scvannah Goi KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. t///rA' nr A>//&// //ryrr t/a/*. SrvHCtMXr, <'*if</rrnM Twice the price could buy no better. LI PPM AN BROS., Savannah Agents. To Save Expense ot Moving, we have decided to sell entire stock of Furniture. Carpets, /V\at - tiny;, Shades, etc., ot sligHt ad vance fc>ove- cost during Sep tember. VA/HI be in store?, 112 Broughton, west, early in Octo ber with a full arid complete line.. \A/e can fill nny order Right Now. Cali and see os ot old Post Offioe- building. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. WHISKIES. WHISKIES. The R. G. Whiskey gallon $ ZOO Glendale Whiskey gallon $ 2.50 Crystal Spring Whiskey gallon $3.00 Goiden Wedding Whiskey gallon $3.50 IN CASES OF 12 LARGE BOTTLES: Th Antedi'uvt.n Whtok.y boll.d by Oaborn. of N. York ,YI(M Th. FMrlm Wt.i.key bottled tn bond In lirnd.nLon. Ky (12. M Th# ProrU WhDkry butt.d In bond by Cl.rk Brotb.r. 112. M H.rrdith Ky. tVlilikly, bottld al dtsttllary ill Ohio HIM Oo.rian Wnldtne Whlak.y, our bottllnx M-M LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Lippman Block, ... Savannah, Ga. Best Cooks in the Country recognize the I ! W superiority of LEA & PERRINS’ -J/\ C AIIPC th ontoiNttb OHUUk WOICUTIMHIXI / V . ob ° r *•▼•"••• ' * ~ rjl 60,1 *• nK. Steak*, trout.. s#p., / ga.'' . y and .vary variety of nude dMiu, u mi Km-*—*** "e Jonm Dc-wr ah's Sons, Aoivti, Nsw You, Emor\! (XoUcoc^-w^ R -''’’xiiiy. f 't 44,1 '■•'Ml .'I Atlanta Situation hi*!) anl healthy IO BfrrrTTral SI N" Tl|note Hold tn rounty Inir#o!!tlate xamee pro IT 8.-l I ' iibri C. j hlMte.l Yuli rollex# wiirai nflrr.d S.adlnc tn A 8.8 U S'; . ■ >Ta mil Ph . and M h l>Y'eri. Kn'tr# n.#.eaary ipn..a with V\ // in .<> Mrd annual aeaamn hrxlna hpl. I. HO. For ,\W catalogue and full information, addrea* C. £. Powman. ©tcsiocni. Ocean SieamsDla Go. -FO H- New York, Boston -AND THE EAST. tthiiirfiAßifd cabin accotn modal ion t All (ha canfr(a of a nuMlaru liu(l iaiactna ilghr* l‘it* xi.ibl** Tirkata iocluda nieaiff and bertha aboard aMs*- Lssensct Fares lrorn iuraaotil TO Nj.U VOHK—FIRST CABIN. U*; jFIIt ST CAUIN HOI NU IRII’. IAI. IN- I TFIt MKM.tTI CABIN. *lO. INTKKMK -I'IATB CAIIIN HOL’NU THIF. ***- i STKKHAHK. lit). TO BOSTON - FIIIST CABIN. dj i FIHST CAlllN HOI N!> TRIP. I- N l i: CABIN. *:T. INTBRME IIATK i AIIIN Km SI) TRIP. *■*• BTKKRAGK BITS Th# ipr,.i Ni,„m-htpN of thl# Itn# ar# apimloti i to sail (mag Batrsnaal*, C#*ral iati) mrrl.llim tlm- * -ollow# 44V4.444U IO 11.44 VURK. KANSAS c|Tl i ~|it, Flrhrr. THI’RS f*A V. Oi l 4 l no p m TAKI.AHASHKK. A-kln*. SATI.'R -I>A V, t)< i it 3uo p. m i CITY OF 4I OI SPA. C.ipl. t'4rg*<t. TCKPMAY. Ofl. ADA [) tn NACtHHTIKi: t p* Smith THt'RSPAY. On U, . ... p m KANSAS CITY, Flh#r, SATfR -I*A Y. o. t 13. •> ix. p m. TAM.AH AKSKF A.ktnS, TI'ES- I"A V Oi l Hi. 11 tp ~ m CITY OF AFOCSTA. Cpt. Inggrtt, THt'RSUAY. Oct lx, tn> p m NAc.iti. to i f.,pt Smith. SATI'RDAY. O t ji. 3ip p x KANSAS CITY C.ipl Flhr. TVES DAY. 0.-4 23 4 3** p m TAI.I.AHASSKK Ai>kln*. THORS IMY. Oct (S, AJn p m CITY OF At'4ll'STA. <’ipt I>*gtt. SATURDAY, th-t Ti, 7 <44 p m NACoocIIKK. SmMh, Tt'ESDAT, On Jn I<> <*> p m 44A4 lllkk TO HUITM. CITY OF MACON. Capt Mavogx. WED NESDAY <!.-• *. HUPP. CITY OK MACON. Ca|,t Savage, MON DAY. On i. I4<ki n CITY OF MACON. Cap*. Savage. FRI* PAY On IS 1400*4 CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED S’ 4:81 >AI .On IT, noon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MON DAY. on Tt. ia.n CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY. Oct J*. noun CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. WED NESDAY. On tt. tioon. Thl# company reaervea tha right *# rhange lt eotilng# nllhnnt notlc# anil without liability or a. nountahlllty ther#- for _ Sailing- New Y'ork for Savannah Tua- Oavti Thtirwlvva ami Saturtlava Ann p nt W O IIRKW4:R, City Th-ket ami Pa-a enger Agent, 107 Bull atraet. Savannah. Oa F W SMITH, cootractlns Fraught Agent. Savannah, Ga n G THKZKY'ANT. Agent. Savannah, Ga WAI.TF.H HAWKINS. General Agent Train,' Dep't. 2M W H#y atreel. Jaek .nnvllle, Fla 4: H HINTON. Traflto Manager. Sa vannah. Ga 4> E t.N FEVRE. Manager. New Tier 35. North River. New York. N Y Merchanis K Miners Tronioodaiion Ci Steamship Lines Sdvanruh to Raltiniore & Pbiladelpbla Tlckela on aala at .■otnpany - , ofll. ato th# following polnte at very low ratea: ATI.ANTIC CITY. N J BALTIMORE. M HCFFAIAJ. N Y. IIOSTON. MASS CHICAGO, II.U ci.tJVELAND, O. ERIK. I’A HAGERSTOWN. I'A HAHRISBCRO.PA HAI.IFAX. N. S NIAGARA FA 1,1 S NEW YORK. I'll II.ADEI.riIIA FITTBBCHG I'ROVIDBNCa ROCHESTER. TRENTON. W I. MI NO TON. WASHINGTON Flrat-claea tl.keta In.-lutle tneala anl bertha Savannah lo Ibiltlmore and Fhlta driphla AccommodaDona and culatna unequal#*!. Freight capacity unlimited; careful handling and oulek dlapalch The .1, am-lilpe of ihl# company are ap poltiled to .all fn.t44 Savannah aa follow* (Central Standard Tlmei 111 II tI.TIMUNE. D. II MIM.EH. ( apl Petera. TIICRB DAY. Oct I. IM l m ITASCA. <'apt Hlllupa, BATURJIAY. O. t. . 4 <) p. m DORCH ESTER. Capt Jamea. TCEIV DAY. (XI . *.4*o p. in TEXAS. Capt. Kidredge. THCRSDAf. Oct. 11. M> a. m. D. II MIIJ.ER, Capt Petera. BATIfR DAY. Oct. U. p m And from Bultlmore Tueadaya, Thnr daya’and Saturday* at I® p. >• rll PHILAOEI.rHU. AI.I.EGIIAN Y. Capt. Fo*tr. KATCR DAV. <KI . * <*> P. m BERKSHIRE. Capr Ryan. WEDNES DAY. tiet 10. .4 p m AI.I.E'.HANY. Capt. Fofter. MONDAY, Oct 14. 12 noon BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan. FRIDAY, , Or*. t. *' P. m AI.I.r.UHANY. Capt. Fot#r, TCEBDAY. - Oct 73. 500 p m BERKSHIRE. Cats. Ryan. BATCRDAY. Oct. 17. 700 p m AEI.KGIIANY. Capt. Fot#r. WEDNES DAY. Oct. 11. 12 noon. H.WRINGS FROM PHIIeADEtePHIA EVERY FIVE DAYS AT 4on I* M Ticket Offlrw No 111 Hull atreet. J J. C A KORAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav Agt. Savannah. Ga W F TURNER. O I* A A D. BTERBINS. A. T M J C WHITNEY. Ttaffl. Manager , C.. iiervt office*. Baltimore, Md. g DUMB AGUE anO m ala . ria^ LIPPMAN BROS.. Praprlaiara. OteflUti. Llopman'a Block. SAVANNAH. BA LADIES REMEDY A safe am! powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, pain, and irregularities, in API O LINE (CHAPOTEAUT) Soreaa.fullr prearrihed Fv Speriallata for DU> ea*. id Women. Price $i no of all DrueelaU, ■ by maU. p, P. Box xoA;, N. Y. 7