The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 03, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hairs (irrat IMaravrry. On# small bottle of Ha a Grtat DD covery cures ail kid* ♦> and bladder troubles. r*m\r gr\*l car** and •* '**• serial tilalon, w.*k a* j <m *ak“. and all lrr*gul *rttl* a of th# kidney* an I bl*der in both tun and Wnm* . regulatra bladder fruit I * n chll >?•< If HOI sold by \ ur drug St * ; sent my mat on rece.p’ *’f I* ' ' n ' l •■mill bn;) t ti m'Ttfu* irftlni'ii* •iJ will cur# any rai at*ove m*r.tlonrt 1*? I- \\ Hall, aria man tfa ?n --; tnonul# bold by ill d*uggl#t and fto.o b*oi,n <-*•-. baxannreh. Oa. Bead Til la. I>r r w Hall, Sv 1. sf. Mo T>e*r Pl*ae ship m** thi ■ d-*en llal • O #4f D * v#rr b\ f- t apr* 1 ” 1 bav# •o I ®\ir on# gross I' tlve |vrf-<*t ■#’ Lfacrion ar and I rfcannvnd It I® m l f customers. Y*urs trul* 0 it. r CRfVM Air Mr opoly Drug Siora. Orili Ft* Drr 11 • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. m:\h %nd hfu or tiii ih in I uo •m i>. br w Vlatlrnml % iipot a I at** of nt Dub lla-Hittl rir# nt €•!!!'% Ills—J. V •Inrilnn %** I|t* nta 11 Mint In Ills Wife—Death nl 'l.nllon. Fla. Tampa • i htnr blpairai—l%pnrls From Prnaarnla-ltl * Foimil \*nr Marke—-Other l*4>irtt*fl New*. Am#rl> U' Herald M F; • Hollis r • reived a l#ff*r liidtv from Hr wr old son. Eugene. who left ire#! Thursday f-*r Fayettesvllle. N B to \Hi 5 Mrs* Khr< • M i laby *t a • Ttt** Util# fellow mad port** that h# arrtv* and * *f-i It w • qiiPe trip for -\* mg. n n <* ■• I it It #eerm* h# Wat equal t • tb* ■ #!"!< Ilia Rlai# n t l.llUa lllr. lia. fiimdav morning flr•* a • and .~ ove •! In XV A Crow # tor. at *i 1 . i;l* ‘la n'**' Maysvtlt# Th* w h**ie b<• k w* burn--I out \S A C* w * * I i.*’r rha mil#* $• *•*. in - 'ir;*n * I. •* i>. *i : owned by M It Carl* r ti. urai • '* I’ >1 Ja k*on, build)nic •.* 'or* total 4<* K E All#n and */ It Dodd • • rail slor* Th# |*n fti * w al od* l Fire thought to H It r liai>. Griffin t ntloa inrnitnl. Thr Griffin <*l*on carvmal i Ju t tbr* I *. days off. ar.d fkM 4 and * w:! b** day that will Raig br rr-ni- ml* r* and Th# m.ui agrmwnt t w rk*d hard for th- i * of thl* #fll* iprtn< and tt i- wrh -atla* /a lor that tli#y now \i -\ *h*‘ vl*|rr.o. of what th#lr rnrrg\ hah achlrvrd Th*- oprrdnK of th# <arnl\a; Thur la will b att#ndd hv tnr |on>|* and *r* mo wh#n Mayor VN l lavls will form ilv dwliv#r tf- k**\ •> of tin- city t the K r.y thr . ainlu J KM Brrwer. who in ti t will guari.t i* *• (r olotri fr**m r* ttrl' tl* n an regard 'tin and fr In to all hb l**\ tl that freed. 11l <if|M*ndlmr onE on goo<| behavior within th# bounds ol hb kingdom Who! I#> lit* U lf*. Mr J 8 Jordan travel ng rn * * nt.* flee of ih# firm of Inward lx>w#ll A S *ii of Bavanrah, wis#l t and i *rh|* f * ly wourd#d t Ad. lan Friday nigh? about b o'ckH'k h> hi# wif* II and hi* wife w#m* examining a n'W pistol. Just |*tir chased by Mr Jortlan III* wlf# to k hold of the pistol trigger and h#tfor# sh* had realise) what ? * hd dor# shot him through the br* ast, )unt ahov*- th# h**itl •naking an ugly wound and on# that mav/ prove fulfil Mr Jot dan has unt;l • * • ly llv#d In Bavnnnah. where he Is weli known He Is n very popular travi lln* non and enjoys the . onfUl* n* # of his cits tonnes Hl* wlf# Is the #;.|#t daughter of Mr \V W fVaree Bho ! p mtrat# • .it • almost frantic with grief llnll rnnrt Humor nt Dublin. H K r>ial has Just been appointed a aistant general freight amt passenger agent of the Macon Dublin and Hav tnnah * This Is a position Just * rested n#neral Manager Jame* T Wright, t f M <*n h\ Ing been general freight and pi - ng r agent and superlnt* ndent of th s m l ever sin*# It began to be operated Mr IHmI <om#s from Norfolk. V. and has been with the 8 aboard Air Ijn\ an<l ru •nor has it that h- Is sent ?<• T'ublin In th# B aboard edit la Is Thi# rum r wht* h a##ms to be wrll foun*l*l Is Inter #tlng from th# fact that th* fUnb<ard !*• sall t.> have had its eye on the \l >n. Dublin and Havaimah for eome time, and tl Is rlalmetl that a deal H treep m*d* wht* h will srof put the M '>n. Dublin and Sa vannah Into the hand* of I’r. td< nt \\ li tlam's great system From Du bln to K>ona. on the B*a>>ord formerly in* Georgia and AUiatm*. t# only (ort> vnt!e If this gap were bililt a * •mtinu- us line tmild be aperated via th Ma on. Dublin and ftawtmoh and *h* <.! (!• rgi. mu.l Alabama from Macon to Havinnah. which would Ih* at bast forty mile# shorter than any other between those two vine*. FLORIDA. Milton Index Milton will soon have banking facilities. A location h i * n x cured, and we are assured that a bank will open Its do'rs about Nov l Milton l.agdad and surrounding country tie*d a bank, ar.d its promoter a should receive all |oy dble <n* • ragemrnt an Ia liberal sup port frrm our business men. Newspaper tn New Honda. Tampa Herald. The plant and business of th# Kustis L*ake R* glon h - been > M to Rev L D. Geiger, editor and proprie tor of the Apopk • CTtlsen who w II ■<m ilnue to publlah th*- paper it it- j*r* sent locaMon. hslitor Geiger w**ll kn. wn to the peof>l# as a prominent miniver in th Ilaptist Church and has th* requisite abil ity to keep the I*vke Region up to It? present high standing of eg. • Hence. Died of Madison Fla. A tpoclal to th* Nlorn ng News from Modlson, FU.. says: Mrs. James Arch#r Hmlth died here Sunday Bhe was tli daughter of Mrs. lHna and the late t#n VVilitam Walker of Atlanta. Ga and a granddaughter of the late Get! Hemun dex of this She | ives a husbunil and an infant, an aged mother, two si#, ters. Mrs ll* nry I’eeplfa of Atlanta and Mrs kid ward An*l#rst*n of this place, am! also a brother In Adam a. Pensacola's Exports. Kxports to foreign ports from IVnsa* cola last month were valued at 5641.K2, and w**re dlstrthtitel a# follows: Genoa fllu.?3f> Amsterdam and Rottenlam. f*.. - 4st: Bordeaux. ITd.IM. Alexandria. M 1,4 .. Hamburg. 111.0; lndon and Antwerp. hlDO; Cette, I•' •*■". Grimsby. liuencs Ayres. Luteck and WD mar. I?r..(7*'; King* Kynn. tro Koch#* forte. Airbus IU.IKI lirona and LHhorn. f; Rio dr Janeiro. 117jv**; Bremen City. |>.437. Portsmouth Sy%rs. ftouthampton. 17 SOO; Nantas, D.TiO, Rosa tlo. 14.300, Tampa's Cigar Nlilpmenta. The shtpmen's of cigars from Tampa 4a*t week smounttd to <S3 cases of cigars For tha corresponding week last year th# shipments were WO rasas, or a decrease of 253 cases for last week. The eases last week contained l.Mk.h© cigar*, while last year's shipments contain'd 3.0300R0 clears. k J,21*,00Q more ctfara than were ahipptd from Tomps !a*t we k However, the on • erage for the ‘ ear I# ff ahea*l of la? • re* ord and it w .ll tsk- many weeks like *hl# one for lust yeai t *- -tTw- with*n mrh Bln- e the fire! of last January there hw\c been !*,.;£ cases of cigars shlf|e<| from T.tmpa These * .'< # nt n and *a. It* *• tsars. Last \rir fh*-r# wwe I!.* •sti • ases shit p and. whbh contained W.* *. .*o 'lgsr- Tnl I* an In- rease of !.?**§ i ?* for this year and difference of 2* I * • cigar in f Ivor of th* pr *#nt >ear Thi* I# m change m afTair- wh h show* the good situ ation s ilrli i# at r ,r # # nt en t ring in th* ttad*- for Tampa this > c.ii % (irarsniti* I'lnd A trinir ii horrible story comes from lak* Hid* <! mall village nine miles ea-t of Stark* A few I iy* .go two hoys were out on th* Ink* fishing The. k-f*' ne.*r the shut# mis! about JA o■ lo k mad# a la: d|r s >*) th* *af #i<l# >f *he lak* for the | urj •**•# of g*> ng to a r* *i*len* e n# r by tor n *lrok >*f w*• * When l,ut hftv .-jird* from the lak*- eonre they saw m* - hu lying on h# gr- ir*l Thett .in - v*r r *"i* *l. an ! t>ey *cm m* n e*l to sear* h the wood# near by Withlr. fifty feet of the ha m lunch basket was found whb h I**l r* v#r been opened The* I\ ronUnued tfteir s#r h One of them esplc*l s >dump • f buh**e and push ing th' weeds aside glare et in tree look was enough to make h-m r#- ll wi'h hot ror \V fsti he saw was , man * body In - ing *•: it /ro jed • * **! loans i r d th* h< ad and left f >n d#a h#*l from #he bo*ly He *x 11 *•' l his rnp ar,***' . and together they .-xamlred the bo*l> whb'h wa- bn I ly decotnpesed tnd found If to b* the t# m * ns of c M llerkepoant who had dl ,ipp* i*r*l from near there several week* liefor* What rema n?* a great mystery is how hi* head ard foot were severed from h ; s body Roth like th- v had been torn loos# The body had not been tou* h# I by v wit ur -and no tr.i##* of wild an ini als were noticed It l# a* r thought that Mr Rerkeneam n>. t wnh foul plav. but 1.1 • J , |.* II inir il i|*;fh He did not have an enemv rh# wornl and did rot any money to tempt rohber# Th# *• irren # -' • gloom over th# vll lag* n*l much svmpathy D Jelt for Mbs Rerkencsnt who 1* gr*< fa ti. El.l t Tlh\* n I \l\l IDITV. Opening of the nrnixsl , nts %lhrn In t.oln Dress. A?h n* Oct 2 A t me# pg of the t’nl versify Athletn Asstv tation hld yester day !h# following Important elections o* - • urred D I'ratt A*> <f Savannah. • dltor-ln * hi* f of Red and Black. C. H Whitfield. It# al **litor Red and Black. Ha-oi-f H'r t president of Athlete A 1 -o-iat'ot. Henry Kamar. vice president of Afhleli* A*•#*■* iat lor . John Banks, man ig#r 'Varsity baseball team f*u 1WI; Noe Barks manager ’Varsity tta k team John Monahan of Savannah, m ma^er Var|t> tennis t* am The A’hcn** Carnival Is on In all It# glory. The city Is full of visitors and th# principal *tr#ets ore already thronged Ther* wnever a mor# gaily h#de* k#*l . itv than Athens: the buildings are guild masses of bunting The civic parade was gr I eight. It was three mile* In length Toe . in * H'**l w#re by far fh# most b* out fill end imposing part of th# ps t id* * thousmd chil*lr#n In lin*. each -grrving .* flag arwl miking a Ilfs ov* r a milt lone was s ght t*#au iful to b#hold After parsing under th# arch on Clay ton street. Mayor Smith, in * f**w Go* quent word.-, turned over th# keys of th# . tty o th* presbler.t of *h- Carnival A#- soclatlon. Hon M G Mb'h •* who. In turn, handed them to th# Ford Chamber lain of the King Cot 8 C. Epson, and • hey were by him given n the people To tdghf Pun* fireworks attracted thou sand# and the "Kill of Feklß** was pr#- •*nted for the Mrs* time in the South N:\V Hlll.ltnU) Hill K %‘I'ONTON, ttfl-x. J. T. It 4nilrr*un Cine* to Turn pa—Other Ksteatos New*. Ki ton ton. Ga . Oct I—There h* n in -.r* *irg rumor that Fait on lon Is* to have • aili*i*i *a*m|Hißion A w* 11 known law firm of thi# pi** # he# purchased for a .lent Ihe road tietween Btlvaln and White Plgtns, ami It I# raid that an ex tension of the road I* rotemplated by the im w owners, aial that this place will be Included In the route. Interest In military i* at M high pitch j*ti now An* w armory has recently i M n flfttvl up with reading and bath ; .Mms. billiard and |o*l tablcw and gym nasium Rev. J T !? Ander*on of the Baptist chur. h preached his farewell sermon here >* -rerday to a large congregation. H# i#ovs thi* w* k for Tamia ITa. to tk# th# (Mstoiage of ih- First Baptist Church there. Th# Gstonton church has celled Rev J I Singleton of Bend let oil. S C.. and he has a < • f*te*l A * hap er of th# Chldren of the Cnn f*lrn'N has ierr organ!*#*! In Ka ton ton Jid now' they are directing •ffort# to ward the erection of Confederate mon ument. ami so far th* v have b-en mu*n encouraged in their underoikmg. Saturday night fir# roMimel the barn • f KM#ha King tn this county. The year's rop of *xrn. and a sisxl horse were also l.'st by the flames. There was no tn surance Rev Crawford Ja< k#m of this place has -* i t Eta lo the In*iia famine sufferer*. News N*trs Krsm l.xnns. Kyons, (is . 0* t. 1 —lt Is *lr> and h i# been for most of the time past, that h# w* II have goto dry and many fiimlhe* have to carry water from th* artesian w. II Th* weather has l-o had a great effect o alt Blot Mocl tb l it** and liolls sre falling *ff Mi Oup Width* id. a y.uing graduate of Kmor' <*ll* K* and a cltlxen of HawKms vdl* who wh t* a hlng eohool u f*-w mtles from her# In th* country, died yesterday evening, and was carried home for inter m* nt. Mr. L A Kelly, who has been engaged In th# hot**! business h#r- for sometime hiH moved to Savannah Mr Mcßride *>f Ail* n having liought the house that he was running Th pew <i pot I* fast drawing to com pletion. An Kpworth l.#agur is one of th# recent fe igtous rtanlstkr# of the town. I'on it I* fa Ten Moand Draw. Denver, i'ul Ot. 2 Jo*' Gane of Bal timore and Gctirgw M Fukien of New York, fought a ten-round draw l*efore the Olymt b Club to-nlgii . This fight was very fast, am! neither had any gr*w i 1- vantage. The fighting was ikirtlcularly savage ah tough ss-ientlfk* at all times If anything. Gant* had the l*et#r of tn# t* ui. through his aggressiveness mi l sph ulkl block lug. Oltrlen Won Oxer Miff. i*hi- *4O. O' t 2 At Tattersrll s ttvnlght Billy j*tift of Chicago and Di*k O’Brien of iawiston. M* . met at eaten weigh;-. O'Brien winning an easy vi -tory S iff %n .* apparently afraid if hfa* >pp*ncn:. Dan Hawkins of California got th# de cision over ttt Bcdhoff of Chicago. Korsford't Acid Phosphate Relieves Fatigue. A wholesome acid tonic iclicvtng the lassitude of the summer months, Oraiuoc bear* oatac Ho.irair- s on wrappei THE MOKNING NEWS? WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1000. DON’T HURRyTW'" Tak* t<m toaee that^L/ 1 l taS g COM Srfi R ACT around it to convince th# investigators that it was the < au* of the rm hk f The curve I ala** wa found in *uch 4 po-l tlon as *0 f-• * lihe rays of ?h** -un upon a tuf of dry bunch gra- uni start a flam**. *M.\%l*Olt IIOM % BHINONI.R. Kept tn Hl* Noam by n Man Who Had Dwxed 1 . ' HIIm. From the New York Dress * "Whir’s ?h* National R*publ an Com mlttee ’" Inquire*! a stringer. h* walk* 1 Into the clerk room )' ‘ter lay "IP , m there. * a’d th* attendant, pop tint irtw.inl I'hmlrmnn Hanna # *'flife Th* ar.n g r w > had b* * Imhlb ng free It. sank into a chair, and his silk hat rol- I* and off to the floor • H* * . pi k up m> hat! ’ he ordered the att*-nlan t B k It up yourself, or ask me decent ly " was the r* Joinder. "Bring m* 1 - .gar and a *lo## of toddy, and tell Hann * 1 want to #• him ” aal'l • There w < no r#*;-''*!*#, and th* vieltor himself ‘raced ■ l**k for Mr llanna He reu hed Mr H inr.a • room on 1 tap|el on the door. C N B. op**n*i i tn* look was enough for III!-* ami b* ‘-hut the doOf, locking it *n trv tnswi* Then th# visitor sit down Hii*J " 'lt*-‘l Now Chairman llanna we in* *b and he wanted to go home, by- the appe trance of th* vldtor. as described by M* Bliss, wa# no* #uch*a to m mirnr** him to appear on th*- #< * n* "How do# he look" Mr Hanna inquir ed *>f on* of the attendants Well, Just put a Jag on Daniel Webster and von h. . him." we* th# reply “lie s got a heavy snlch*d wi*h him too'* "Get th* |Kr* t and have him put out," said Mr Hanna But ♦h# porter * ould not he found for som# time dst II Mr Hanna was cooped pln hi-* room It w n**.r 7 o'clock la** night before Mr liann.a find Mr Bliss were ahl- o go home. Their vt-Itnr had been get on* into ih* hflll by that tint*, *nd by taking a devious route around th* other sid# of the bull'Eng they managed to get Into th# elevator without being interrupt ed The visitor gave th# name of Tl W Clapp H# wo* from of town, and had met several friend# wish whom be had celebrated hts arrival before going to h#adf|unrtgrs Th* content# of hi# satchel are not known HIT MKVt TONCiIK. Objected When Ita W **h Wire He* ■ Irnyeil and 1 hated Fdlsnbefh. From the Bhila l iphla Bree:* F.li2at*eth Olthen of rr*. Warren street Is tlfty-nli *' y#ars old and all her life has been taught tha* spider w#b> arc not usu ally considered adornment In ceiling cor ners Hence. he appli* 1 a lang-hondted brush to a w#b whb h sh# discovered tn her horn# yesterday, and quickly put it out of existence This particular \*eh. howeve-, ws ow - n* and by a s idcr who evidently knew some title g aliout the hme#t a I rights law - , ot else was perfectly familiar th# rule that all w - any on# to defer*! his horn*’ Consequently ihe evb*#| in--*U made rush directly for th# woman, on I she ran She might have •*#* up and had she kept on tunning but Instead she st* |p#d to scream, and tl D was her un lot tig. for th# spld#r p-< mptly Jumped In her mouth and hit her tongue Si # wn* t*i th# Pres byterian Hospital, talking with great dif ficulty and In terrible pain. Bast night th# - *# **f t ngiie ha I nearly uj*pr. ach* ! normal, and she said she always hat* and -pi br a soi 1, lit udini. xisriatinn Drive* n Man to Fnrtwae- TelllM&. Harvey Sutheri.yrsl In Alnslee’s. "There are of *oul aii*l b#dy 1n fortune-telling The story *>f one of th* craft Is something like this What pr* cedes his arrival In New York yu ne**d not b*- concerne*! with except that It shows a capable, a l#arn*d n*l brave man liui New York ts n bard city to ge; a routing In Sickness came: two pupils In bookkeeping, the only one* he ould get should have paid each m f♦ # of $25 They didn’t The man and his wife .am down to rnnking neckties at eighty cent re gross. One wck h* reach*s| the high water mark of s.v*i They paid f.* a week for a loom and lived ofl 11 dollar or so One drey they overh#ir*l a man laugh: •’l’ll hav# to live *n liver for 1 in-nth to nuke up for this extravagant #" The wife pinched her husbac*lV aim ntwl whls pered *!.lver! Strike- i\‘ thai’s pretty luxurious The 4andlal> -aid on* dav Mrs. 84*-an*l-si>. you *l*n*t go out ottvn • nougk for vour m*ab.' The) had been smuggling loaves of hr ad an*l su* h thing-* Into their nv*m After that they went out ,*nd shiver**l In h* parka with nothing to cat but staying out Ung enough to have gone to th# restaurant ll# kn*w' som* thing of palmistry, and r* red up more A aaloonkeepet that he knew' advanced him the money to furnish up a soothsay er's flat, and now fortun* miles on th# rogue that frowned on the man trying to Ik* honest. And yet. nc I he t* a r gue'.’ la ther* not a legitimate Impute* to seek * uinse! from a -ttang* r. advice as t< the con I ct of life and on mutters which one does not wish to lay lasfore i lawyer, which !o not come wi hln the provln # of th* |4ty#leian? The priest usel t* hear su h hut it la not ute-olutlon that la sought, and inyhow - 1111 part pop . tlon of An eric 1 fears h . mf* s-lou l Braid*#, the lergyman 1# not a man of th# worst, and iak*s view of th ngs whb h. rightly or wrongly, is not shared by man) others How many theie are that would b* g'.ad to go to someone and open their grief and liter* r* iv* an an sWcr to th* question 'What ought 1 lo ,lo?* They do not And any sn*h now that profess to gratify this impulse All ha\# something to do with th* occult, and I Is the experience of those win* have seen much of hi* that the o cult word !lk# fallen Babylon, 'la Income the hafdta lon of devils are! the hold of every foul #|*irlt Mitel a *g of every unclean and hateful tgrd.' " I hlnanaan's nnirlbattlon. lioqnti, Oct 2 The Vmnt. in Kar*l has r*- eived from H* \ Joseph Gam f San Francisco, tf* Mrs! Chinaman in th* I’nlttd Srates to b ordiitud to th# min litry itwi who for pto’rre. l*d i#ikd | has Iwen a missionary In San Prune!* o •f the American Missionary Asso tuloii ,f N#w York, a iheck tor $:o) contnuui ,d by tti* congreggikonal Chims rnl*-- slcns and IndlvWluul Bhinamen. If or# * ontributlons Chinamen ar# prom ixed I.ahorera Accept Brdnctlon. B oomhurg. Oct 2 —Th# 7d> emp oves of th# Reading Iron Company of Danville decided yesterday to accept th# 2* p*r | cent, reduction in their wages, wh! *h wen* Into effect on Se*t 16. and again#! which they s*ru#k after hearing the report of the committee, who stjted that other lr* n Industrie* bad made a similar cuu PAHI.t DIKNTANI MJ’.t TIONS. Home of Ihe Popular Leader* Newt Mark tn Hnnae off ommoas. Ixmdon. 0-t 3, !t *SO a m —Yesterday’s p > .ings In the pirliamentary eiectlsn gave the state of partks at present as follows MlnlMenatDts. 17# Liberal*. 55. Na tionalists. It. | 1f the 23-* seifs thu* disposed of the Ministerialists. *r rather the i’dnerva tives, have gain*d six and the liberals !*even Ir* reaaed 1 'onsetvotive majorities ar*- espe *ia iv natkeable In and Lancashire Almost nil the Ig>ndon divisions were P,led yegterdhiy showing heavy Unionist it Th* r* pre-*entatlor. of Man huet#r is not .hangotf In any of the five and ‘tricts. hut ail the Conservative candl *l *s S4 ur* 1 iub majorities On the other bund. th*> Ki ra majority for Charles Fh*-t S hwann. in the north division of 'i n, h# *l. wa* reduced from 455. th# figur* of DX, to So f*r from Mr M* nry Labnu#hero loving hi# *at in < >fise<|iien# e of hla corres t 1 d#n* • wit’i Mr Kruger. Nirthampton *"* bow repr#eentei by two Liberals Ms Ii- • * .1 re however, did not head the poll. al ■•lijfu he r*.‘ur l n heavy vote? Dr Shipprnuu. who received the gre *tejt iiumh*-r of vorra cast. Is a liberal Im is-rwllit The total vote in North dn,|'t>r w 1 i-.lghtly decrease*! and the t>• * I I nionl-t vte Increane*! A f* w Scottish *on-*tituenr|es hav# bran fedlot All show that the Liberals ate tatldifig thfl-ir own In Scotland Th# reauß of ti.e polling in Fast M in* h#‘**r sat the r* -‘ lection < f A J Balfour by majority of 2.453. or 1.*77 more than th# majority h# -erurrd at the genetal eiccßon in in Hattere##. John Burns *lefea -d Mr. (Jarton. th# Conservative candidate. IBs majority Is 251 The urtioun mevit of Mr Hums return w*■ rer• vtd with t£e wtlie#t enthusiasm In luff* r** a Th# leading thoroughfare f r a mil*- was ttlled with x mob shout ing theme*Jv* hoarse fo* Huent. w .0 upp* ir#*l and trknnwle l-refl! ilia ovation from th* laNony of the town hall A large f *r-e of mourned poil e a'tended. but there was no dßorder. The linily Chronicle says: "Th# government is i*t entirely out of It- a; illation so far ns th# khaki rally oncer tied. bu they will have #o mak it* bent of the fact that there Is a strong F i #ral rally a? the same time.’’ Th# Standard and the Ihilly Mail agree tl it Little England," a* re |aird.mentar> for* • Is dead ill th# Liberal# fhu# rar return*d ex *f*t M**##r labots here hm*l Borne being imperialist#. The Times -onskier# that the poliingp up to •.’at* prove the existence of re big tit* b*nl#i revival jn all Industrial ami working classes ’* George J. Goe# hen’s okl sent. A Georg* e. II mover Square, London las been won by *ol the Hon I#ge, Conservative, with a majority of 2.517 The hrat lord of (he admiralty, who e a Liberal Uniocl#t. was return#l unof>- P**#d for that constituency in the getierai election# of IW2 an* I IW.V .lame** Hryce, Liberal, has been re*skct -xl fxr flouih Aberdeen VI ICIIIH OF BI'.TIftFD H4NKF.R. lard Rilled Htmaelf Beeaaae of Fi nancial Hnrufi. New York. Oct 2 Robert McCurdy Lonl. a retired banker rend broker, wre found dead nt a late hour last nignt in n . on.-* on Mr Vernon, which wa* re- entlv tented by him. There was every Indiestloct that he had lellberatrly committed suicide He was found in th# bath rnotn of the bouse, the door of which had been 10. ked Th# was turne*! on full, and paper had #rt parted oroural th# crevles of th# v m!ow and door. t all she gas j*?* In th# house w#re founl turn*xl on full fore#. Mrs. l**rd receive*! a lejter frvm her husband, rourbe*! In affectionate language. t* llliwr her that hr had sent her his watch iwl ti** mon* > he ha! In his pocket* by -\lr#> *i *1 sh*- must not take his 1* *ith t 0.% hrerl ns it wo** ail for th* best. Four members of the lx>rl family have. It I* sai l died by their own hands one was ;m aunt, another a us!n and still another an un le Their death# Ilk# Rob ert's. wer# mysterious. A motive for his suicide Is said to he th# fact that having lost all his fortune l.e could not hope to provide for hi# wife and family as he had been accustomed to. rend by taking hi# own life, they would >nie Ini > f>o#*esidon of atwiut $50,000 In Ilf# Insurance ♦ I AFTKII HIIiGRR 4 ONC’EbkION J. I'reildrat Mitchell Thinks More tun lie Werwred. Indlanapoll*. <>ct. 2 --President Mitchell of the Unlu*l Mine Workers has written national headquarters here that he Is con fident of securing gre iter concessions thin tlioM offered by the anthracite coal com* p tides and the railroad companies for the striking miners In Pennsylvania. Mr Mitchell says the railroad holt! the key to 'he situation, rend It 1* useless to deal w ith individual oj eratnr#. 9 j HIM | IttllN * I I **N *|’lN NR-; V Will lllscns* Neale of Prlcea’ln Phil adelphia To-day. Philadelphia. Oct. 2 —The session of the Southern Cotton Bplnner#’ Association be g m to-day in th:# city, representative# about fifty North ami South Caro ;itm mills l*elng present only routine bus in* as was transacletl. To morr w th# ques tion • f fixing .1 new #chelu!e of prices will Iv discussed, and if not then agreed uion the mot log may l> extended until Thursday He lit iuin* Heir Is W rallied. Munich, Oct. 2. Prime Albers of Bel gium. hell-pr* oirnptlve to th# throne of the country, wa- married to-day to the Duchess Klixaheth of Bavaria. The civil ceremony took place In the throne room .n*l was followed by a religious service tn th# Chapel Royal, after which there was a reception. Natal Yiilnnfrrrs Detained. Durum. Dct 2 In conw-quence of th# Boats capturing a convoy of Natal vol unteer# l*#*we#n lieJagcrs Drift and Bloo*l river, burning several wagons and cap turb ghe em’ort th# intend* 4 *! hom* going .*f the Nats Volunteers has b*-*n Huiefl nttelv postponed. This has,aus#d a ;*aln tvi I impression throughout th# colony. 1 Opioltltu for Col. Talbert. Columbia. 8 C., Oct. 2.—C01. Jasper Talbert Is going ?o have o|fposlt!on In th# Sc* or and District. Col. J. B. Otraotn, whit#, the postmaster at Johnston ami one of the rms* popular Republicans In the slat* and . man w ith a * iean record, wall run against Talbert. j Some Soon to be Mothers /■V, • J OHIN AVI) ItBAH ITT MT .’v m and o' her a bava months of peace and comfort paaalnz tho weary time before conflnrroeni X 1 The iatterattam thtseaae by using eaternally the aciquo 11DUE ' nl - “Mother’s Friend “ l ’ 'fX M?* If a b-nefScent influence make* chil* bearing a pleasure aa Lt r a- , , g it relieves alt oereonsnaat, headache, pains and naaaea. Hali| VI •• A tsnsaMf. ekaaa efW ued • Mm*.. PHae4,' aaes that Wsk ka* la e. I ' fS—f *Sa we.l ►.) <ah,ln.m,.t, atta>a>eaa l,r.rm.u ' ) 1 laasmabwea. ha-aUdkaw tTem^C FU LAYTON. D.<**u, O ' . SaaiW*baar*tdww"ffea*aor.,fli per bettte. anefcfarnpwtaai " wefSen, ran,tad r ' Mrtw)ld," atatle, frw HOME IN St N tiftC NT DO I I MKNTN. e - Intimated Filipino* Will 4#4ve Vp If Weßtnley Is Klrcted. Washington. Oct. 2 —The War Depart ment ha# just received f; m Gen Mac Arthur by mall another batch of in #urg#nt papers by the A men an. troop# Among sfi#m is a letter fr>>m Theodore Hsndno. agent for t 1# FT I Ip: no Junta at Hong Kong to Lieut Uo| CaatmlrlO Tinlo The writer say# In pirt "The pr*sent campaign and eome other clrrumstan.e# have * rented In America a po ttleal situation which m.*> perhap- pro duet* th# down fad of M*-Klnley which will signify th-’tr!qmph of oue Ideal For the some reason the disastrou war In the Transvaal and mor# rip* tally th# fierce revolution in China h* created a i>ittl* tl atmosphere of sufficiently critical nature to cause the birth of a diet urban.- of th# armed peace of the great Posers that may reult favorably to our aspiration.- I** - cause Aro*rls may prefer to sacrifice some of her plans with respect to the Philippine Isiarui accepting our lndet*n dence under protectorate tat her than sus tain two war# and run trie risk *f basing th# whole archlp* Ingo. 1 believe then. • hat under th# condition e favorably col ored bv the present •ir un-tati* • # it i# necessary that w* continue the struggle an*l only a* eft p* ,1*- on a bai of in dependence. although under an American l>rotectorat "If the r*--e;ection of Mr M Kinley Ik* i accomplished and a revolution In 'Tliih b# wq*ed out. and th* war in the Trans vaal tak* no ne%v •• mplbotlons, then 1 will he tn# fire* t* .1 • |* th*’ p* n * hat I !>#t#ve to be n# • try. thougn it he lat the *>st of a knowiedgtng t/ie *ov r !*lgiity of fa# Bn.-.-•I Sta - sin, e 1 coir ! swler tha' our fi/r* •*- are now jmjs*t#nt jlO *iefen*l our sa i*l and legitlmat# I tights.'* I Gen Ms Arthur in transmitting these ; say# • I "Boss! *ly 8an*l:oo |# a# close to Agui !t. ildo a# any of th** leader> who continue if ojmi hsi ,nti - " hiaoi.i now on s:\-4. 0%. imim! I .led ion Ma nsgr m#d Other 'l'atliihM#*## N#x Nf#. TadahoMiee, FT 1 Oct . 2 The ("ommls r #*ner# of State Institutions, upon l#afn- Ing of the death of Hon. George FT Dr#w. nn ex-Governor of Florida, at a meeting held In the Btat* House, unanimously a*lopted r*>olution in his honor. The (’fiiin'y <’••mmissimiers lor Leon county hav# r. *m* i the clerks and Inspec tor* for the general l * tkm in November. Th# Insp* • **r# anl * lerks for the st t** primary will 1# selected bv the Bounty Democratic Fix* utive Bommitt*-* Seventy public schools were opened in Leon county on Monday The hgh schools in the city, whit# rend colored, had unus ually larg# att#ndan*'e for the opening day The gtiwanne# Rifles, at Live Oik. hav# t#por#d the election of the following of ficer# to Adjt G#n Fiotistotin; Baptain.W. H Lyle, formerly second lieutenant first ll#ut#n*int. A H Lewtn. s*< on*l Ileuten mt FI M Bynum Judg# W A Barter of the fc.Brimn.ii Boun of R**<H*rd for Hillsborough county, has been designated lv th* tjovern***- *o bold the OcVdier f#rm of lh# same court for Volusia county, commencing on Oct. 9 at DeLrend. In th# pla it of Judge Dre i# A Stewart, dlsquallfled to sit In a number of case# Hl* hard P Hopkins a native of T ilia | hasse. nd a long-4 .me railroad man. hre- I token charge of the B#.(hoard Air Line offices here as regent. L I Rail and Fid ward Lewis heretofore 1 partners In the management of the Leon Hotel, have dissolved by mutual consent. Mr Lewis retailing the management of the hotel. 41 Ml IDIHv OF TDK HIFTA. f nrrlrd to Philadelphia by thr ateaiaer I’axlr Point. ! Ph!la*lelphia. Oct. 2 The British strtm ► hip Eagle Point. Bap Hew!son. from lamdon for Philadelphia, arrived h#tc late to-day. having on board Oapt. Al n rend crew and oth*r survivors of th# Brit ish steamship Blela. which was sunk bv th# Kagl# Point yesterday. Bapt. Hewlaon reports that while mov ing nt mo*irmt* 4 *|* *-d off Nantucket shoal during a dense fog at 1 o dock y st* r lay morning his ship ran down and sunk th 1 Blela. which left New York on Sept. ;k> ! for Manchester. Flng I The Blela carried a crew of thirty men ! at>*l In a*!*lition ha*l on board eight c:it- I tlemen and also two company employes ! who wer# returning home to England. , one of tlc latter was a woman. Mrs. Ho#- Arvlerson The Flregl# Point crashed Into the Bids nmldship# an*l almost cut her tn twain Immediately after the ifldllslon *h* Bbl* Is-gan to settk* and In al>out twent> min* j utes th# water reached th*- boll**r room | The boilers exploded and shortly aftr wards the whip sank The bows of th*- llagh- Point were stove In. hut water tight compartment bulkheads prevented the sea from reaching the hold and her cargo is undamaged. SHERIFF IID OPPOSITION. I pcharrh’# Friend* 4 onfldcnt lie U 111 IflCt a IIIk 1 ote. Brunswl k. Ga . Oct. 2 - B?ierifT W H I>trie of Glynn, k* th# only county offl. i.l who ha# oppoatfion in the election to-mor row, anl therefore ih* 4 men about the I (oils will throw their working strength to him. In view* of this opimsttion an*! th# tincx iect#d development# tn the district sen atorial campaign. It is expected that a good vote will L 1 (oh*-*I h*re to-morrow 1 nfor tn.itlon, from Bharlton county | to tn# #ff* s that frictwH of Bandidat** Jht. J. Upchurch are confUkmt of hi# t*nihng th# full D#moi*rutlc strength for th# dis trict. They nr*- counting on Glynn to roll up a majority 10 mill him through when there *an lie no chan*-# for . *om##4 In dication# are that Glynn will give Mr. Fpihurch all th# vote* h# needs. .♦. r Npraktag at IhMixia*. Douglas. Ga.. Oct. 2 —Douglas was alive yesterday with an anxious eager throng to hirer Gov Bui.dler. and Congressman Brantley sp*ak. The Governor through wtvoidable detention with prior engage ments failed to fill his pi!ntm* nt. hut the big crowd gave out Congressman Brantley on# rend re half hours dose at tention. while he examined the Issues of the National Campaign He was followed In n brief and pointed speech, by the next Senator from this F’fth 8* rwiorial Dis trict. Ibm lx-m Johnson, from Ware. Melbourne to H# th# 4 apltal. Melbourne. Oct. 2.—lt Is announced that Melbourne w t ll Ik* the capital of Bonfed • weed Australia SgLi The Straight-Front Corset ha, captured th* country by it* rracr. hr ahh futnc, and style. It* perfection is found m The “ HILITANT ’’ ,hc ,tr *** h| - ,ron * yle of the famou, tl\ “Glove - Fitting" For ,ale hvall dealers in the United Statf ' i %* 1 Turn t'ltrn #rer krtt tkr\vf Bj Send to us for handsome illustrated catalo^u*- For sale bv all leading Dry Goods Stores. MAHINK l \ 1J.1.1 HiKM K. Matters of Interest to Milpplng Men tacarrallfl . A dispatch from Baltimore to th** Morning News last night says h steamship Allegheny of t * ,# * Merchants n*l Miners’ Tran#|*or tret loti Bompanv. th# flr-t steamship to sail from that jMrt In regular o* • an traffic with th# Buith. steam#d k>wn th# Delaware river with a fu l ■ nrgo for rj* ann.ih Mayo? Aehhrtdffe and reptesentatlvra of business organisation# wer# guests ret a dinner given ( n board th# ship to celebrate the event. For th# pr* -etit there will he two -ail ng* each W*y ,1 w ♦•* k and the outlook for ih* sure .'h of the . ntetp. I e is said to t*# piomleing Tii# l*.wer :art of the wharf extending from Bull to Abervorn rtreeti*. which be long# t* th# Georgia Lumber Company 1# to 1# repaired Th. flooring was glvsng rewa> nt a rapid raie. which mad# It dlf ttfl tiit t* w<rk to advantage in loading ves #0- Pile drivers ire tied at fh# dock, rend will b-gin their work a# soon a.-* the o.d part of th# wharf Is r* moved. Pa<M*tt|t-r** t> ai*amshlps. T•.**• #**ni?er# hv >terem#hlp Nacoochee fvr N* w York v#- #r.v 1 D Btlnon. John A BDh* p. GtatiVllle J R gers. Flthan Al ien. Flthan 8 Allen A J Sc* d#k*r. A 1< Port* rf# Id. John \N Burghard. Willi# ftommer. Dr H S * ’oi ling. J F7 Wlllert, % H Sigler. A fr. and Fliern. and four sieeragc. Per staamehlp T#xp< to Biltimore. Get *2 F’rank Smith. J W H. A Ri vin*. J T Ryan. M II Turrentin#. f*nsa ntiah tlnissnc. Pun rise# at &.5A u m and sets at 541 P m High wxter at Tyhee to-day at 2.19 a m and 2:61 p m High water at Havan nah one hour later. Phase# of the Moon for October. n 11 m First quarter I 3 10 eve. Full moon b 7 1* morn Last quarter 15 3 fl morn New moon 21 7 27 morn First quarter 3! 2 17 morn AHI4I V % 1.4 AND DEPART! RES. > VfMfU Arrived Nraterday. Prhron#r Henry rireur#n. Jr . McLaugh lin. Rxltimor#. coal to D R Thomas A Bon—Master Veaaela < leared 1 #*trrdar. Dark B D Mctca’f (Nor). Puus. Rotter *lm —Paterson-Downlng 80. Vraflflfl Went to Sere. Steamship Nre- oot h##. Bmith, New Y ork B(#m#hlp T#xa# Eldrldge. Baltimore Bt* remshii* Treo-ury (Br). Davie#. Genoa Bark Lizxi# Burry. Landry, Victoria Cove. Bblpplnu Memoranda. F'ernnndina. F'ta . Oct. 2 Arrived. #**looner Lizzie B Willey, Waldemren. Boston. Bl ar* 1 - t*i Josephine, ElHcott, Bay#. Boston. K#y \v*u. F’lre r>ct 2.—Arrived, steam #r lanuei-A". Galveston rend sailed for New York. Ma-tte. White. Port Tnu*a and Milled for Havana Charleston. Oct 2 —Arrived, steamer Peareth. McKenxie. Ilremhurg Algler-. S*pt. 27—Arrived. st*amer Tre khve. icolre for Venice Bordeaux. S#it zb Arrived, steamer Kreiim * P nsacola. Antwerp. <k*t I—Arrived, steamer Rio Jren<*iro. Pensacola Baltimore Or?. 2.—Bailed, steamer Itas ca. tk-.varnah Tahl# Bay. B#pt Sl.—Balled, steamer Al ton, Savannah Li# Palmas. S*pt. ML— Balled, #t<amer Nlth. Pensacola Hamburg. 8* |t. 9.—Sailed, sratmer Poro tea, Brunswb k Notice to Mnrlnrra. Pilot chrerss rend all hvdrographlr Infor m/Klon will he furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In United State# hy drographic offl. # In Custom House Cup tains are requested to call nt the offl* e RepOVls of wrecks snd derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. Foreign Kxnorts. Per Norwegian lwrk B I>. Metcalf for Rotterdam 7.(W0 barrel# rndn. sl7.*>6 t’argo by Paterson-Downing Cos. • nnatflvlae Kxporta. per steamship Nacooche# for New York. (>ct. 2 2.217 hub** upland rotten U 0 bn'e* mm Island cotton. Th barrels cot ton##* and oil. UW barrel# soap stock. 371 |m' kagr.4 'loni* -tics. 150 barrels rosin, sk iarr*|fl turpentine. lIO.OUJ fret lumber. 39 bunde# hid*#. 6 lioxes fruit. 39 toiles to bacco. l| case# * igrers. M bales 53 barrels ro# n oil. 23.1 r>kgs rade. per #t#umsnlp T**xas for Baltimore. 590 i arr* Is rosin. 201.300 f#et lumber. 65 lairrel# pitch. TN Inrre's rosin oil. 59) sack# clay. Fo bale# hi l#s. 19 halra ’lnter#. 2> hale* palmetto tiber, 94 pkgs merchandise. p,u P dom 4 st.< sand yarns I*lN> (OINTY’N T\\ KATK. II Unit In He InrrfMfil-OricnntailnK n I lirtmhrr off I iimmfvrr, Brunswick. <sa . Oct. 2.-Olynn County'* rominkslonm In regular aoa.lon to-diy llxp<l the lax rati* hi Thl* rate wa* adopted after conalderalUi* discussion II I* an Idcimh from 1 25. the rat* adopted by the .ommlMlon la*i year In |>rotnt- Init tlguree bearing on the question Chair man ihi* elated In substance lo the rom mi**ioa< r that it would be ImpnaalMt to run the county without borrowing m.mi>v with consequent Increase of (he Moating •I'M. unless Hu- t.i* rate ca raised Th* •'(Tori* of Brunswick’* business man in ••! io* th r In pull for mti.ual good -•nie lo have a fair atari now. At noon to-day a good number of representative boslne*. men assembled at th City Mali lo nra-mlxe a fhambar off Commerce *•"*•• cites warn mule by Col. C. P (Joed year and other iscrtollc Hrunewlokun. nnrl an offer *•■ received ami accepted from the Hour.l of Trade lo receive all assembled a* member* under a suspension of rule* and at a fee which wa* Intended to govern the or* inUatton >( the Chamber of commerce By accepting this off r the martin* placed It* mem ber* In shape to work In complete har mony with the old Board of Trade, and It is now expected that much good will r**ult. A tremendous i ait.fall commencing about midnight and continuing a? ir val# throughout th* drey h** hr k dlaregrcsbl# dry #i># Itn Glynn K r % are tha* th# r iln wa# wldrapread. .. Ita# certainly come at an opportu? • Bongr## 4 *man Brantley h# *• fmm another week of stump m* , rend reports Democracy in gov! #h*p th# Flieventh * Islri* t H# anti- ipjc probabl* * f.<)|c I*y nf Mr. \N li \! ton gth# Reniibll in nomim #. .Ih tho**# thing# whi- h will l*rir nut t 4 siaed vole, rend ihlnkn it w4ii grr * cre*i#c the eturn# from th** F . ven* 4n|#ct#! %narcliira. Rom#. • t 2 A dispatch from % .| t announerrv th arr##t of five su#(ie. • - . ar.-hltr frim the United State** r { u found in posiwsslon of re revolver , 4 l*oin-ard They were supplied with a nltion and Kng.ish money. HKil I.IN ON* THR DIAMOND. Brooklyn and Homioii Tied on n triune. Boston. Oct. 2*— To-day*# gam*- w 1 ed ret the end of th# -:hth Inning -* count of dirkm?-* Both t* m.‘ pi. snappy gam* . Attendance, 2.0 m• R H E Boston 0 3 0 0 2 3 • 0 7 Brooklyn 1 1 30200 1-7*l Ratterle- Dm* n. ITttenger and B: Toonovan ar.d M-Guirc. ( lil a au<> Wbut (MM Nt. I.oiiifl f'hlcago. (N 4 t. 2. Chicago pla>#d n |o:m to-*la> nnl j*hi out 8t l. ;i --ten*lane# 1,000 Brore: Rl r*hl ago . ..00 200001 x Hi laoui# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O—o . Hut ter I#*—Callahan an*l l>-xtr, Bui r and Rooinaon. New York Heat Phllndelphtn Philadelphia. o*'t. 2 Mercer of *♦.# New York t-am pit >#*l a gr*-at gan day. rend to# horn# teams hit# w-r* * are! st'.ittcred Attendance 1,62*1 8 • R H \ New York 1 2 o o 3 0 0 0— Phtlrel#iphla 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 O—J Batserlee M* rcer and B*-w* rman. I ami McFrerlaml. HKM ITT 14 \ II\NRItI I*l'. Iln* HI 111 i#a of gadl.Mft, and l H Ifhont %**rt*. k New York. Oct 2 Churl#* TV Jl* a petitWm In bankruptcy In the 1 tfd Btre:e# District Court to-day. show iirehilithw of sl3l r.iP. no nwtlr Among the creditors are: K.m -D Ijur her Company. Apalachicola. F'.n . sl2 • f>renxler Lumoer Company, Pa#-Mg* Mis# . $S*.D' AtJantl* Lumber iTompo Jacksonville. Fla . $1,320. BURK’S W\ f Dyspepsia 7. . CuCe Tablets I"! I'*' '■r :. ’ #*,*• t I r 1 ?••*"#>*•. **•* . ■ Jiflv t Ist ' - ■ k ■' •Hflcl • M**"*MHl curs jW Promote the Appetite U nnd Put Flesh on Thin ■ / People, fit ■i r af i otaiu*M** •*• ''•fl* •• •• U,* 1 ■ H o ?>*■• V 4 *- r*r N* tl •'! 4ra| *fl* Ei M 10U BUSK aCO . ai—mUfltco. Ml. J Seed Oats! Seed Rye! / Texan Rust Proof Oats. Coasbrai Rye. Cow Feed. Hay, Grain, Bran nr i Feed# of alt kind# for stock and>. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. 11# Bay street, w#C ram CHICHCSTCR CNOLIBM Pennyroyal pills |l ~v *i,<t Only y//$>N NAD:. 1 •!/•(* i# l * L4R. •" “'.n 1 i ♦< tflf clf I4‘HKBTKRN4 IWdl.hH g 1 wnlßl 1* KYI* **4 kflld <(#!! b*m * XX tli UM nb*fl* | •kt* n* *tk(-r. Krffl**- m w'i l>flflrrflfl* **WflUill**fl **d liU L (F (ln ,Mf fs.r I'l.mrn MWI!4 Jf *lW# fti ParUtfllfln. Tfflll"l*L V V v Ml **ltfll<*r f**r I.**!•#•.•# I*## ■ • *■' ■A ' r (amJM*li. 0.000 Tfl**it*K*(*# - ♦ '—'f SI! klrhrfltrr 1 Itmilrfll * - , Moittfle (SO r*}** M• 4Um #***#. I’MILA . ’fl. toil kit Smatwls a Wkflifl PfasfiflU. Q r*—* OPIUM Morphln* and Cocaine habit# cured pain lessly In 10 to 20 days. The only guar*rw teed painless cure No cure no pay. Address. LH. J II HEFLIN. Locust Grove. G#- JOHN (i. UCTLEIt. -DKALKK IN— Paint*. OH* nml GUni. B*>h, Doors.B! and BullfUm* Hupplles. Plain and I> tlv* Wall r\ i* r. anl Dom Planter and llnlr. ’ A**nt for Al**tlne Fold Water Pain 3D Congr* 's wrst. and 19 Bt. J': ,n w4f4*t. wrat. C UK YOUMEIF! lire me u for *" *1 li*harffe, tnflaiwn ’ *• rriuttiotift or altrrt * >f mucuti *u*r l 1 ' "** Faiulmp. and not f. n or potaoaour Mold ly nrn<‘ u or **ijt In plain wrir*f. hr •tptfmm. |>rrf f r fi m. i.r 3 tuttlM. f (irtsUr *>ni on rwc*** DONNELLY DRUG savannah, oa. PRI’GB. BEKDS, ETC. 51*11 order* solicited Hell phon '• P. 8 —Send for free sample t * ‘ Dyspepsia Cure. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Uog*br*d* **' aale by C. M. ALBERT & CO EH lEBOEO SPRENCH PILLS HI PEGULATOH, ' l a\l nest d.iv • ■ *.* a t-> lar price *> Belter; bin and IVtinyroyal. onKtwc , jB to anyone Beard ‘.be" 1 J . *4*o Olive street, t.oul.rU 1