The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MIMS AND RICE LEADERS. Ml XM IIVU. POLITIC * 111 HHIM. 1% % u. %vi I. Candidate Ml the < hnrur off l andldnte Mini* With Npiprct to mi \ Ilea**d llleaal lr of I'ropt-rt f the tll >— — Itail- W >ll and MiHtlns Iwtereat* llronaht l liieldentnllp —%llm the Favorite In the Hefting Atlanta ** t With publl f’* r' **' n t Frldaj. t • * the *n*t in<* for the van • ofll • r. r before did offu * *-• k* - • i o <n Atlanta Ititerxft h> iintif'l in • *■■ lir-eor* r*l t * for Mi** r - alt <f ha ■* • 1 ii l Uvt •-=** • < -t n jnk i|*al cor.teft ever fc’ "*ti •r> Living* **n M.n* ami Frank Hi •* ar Milras ■ frith IS' i It t Th#* tfTlfl a r roltf me nt of HU- mad** b> Ml in .. !*• a- th'* ‘ Hand Op# r; liotiM , i . * v\. %■ .mi. ?ly an *wer* h It •-* to i\ Mini barged T City a i-. .• ; -i*rt f-*r I* on vnv a flog) of tht H to on.lid and Movrrv 01*1 i* i nni*rt he wrbh# <1 th* d> ->l frnm r-->rd for -on,#* until after hit term of rfn *\l ir 1 Mmph ••Took** Mia Proptrly. In h an tf • r Iti ••Imb h.. rjt old t Hot mak< • # tU until ifter hi- trm Of ofh e t. il * xp.r- l He .->> the Hoard of )du * n mi ! t k hi pr ert> an I kept It un i ki l- fltion legally sell * f " Ui-m The ni( |h rfp-K <*f ft: • 1m that tie hal fully refuted tt.*- irg* ag t r**t him. atntie the Mima moo dt .**•• t *’ R • l.a* pimply ma le matt# i- worse lor him t* f The fraternity -eem Inclined to * tnor* strong!’ * -eilght ft r ever McCullough i* out with a i* 'laration ihat H: . i> t *• * andidate of th. Atkinson street ral way af.d *■. < trt ight Interest* and that Mima i r* pr anting the Hurt fa* tlon A? an lodep* ndeut candidate, nreartng n* ollar h* ask* for vot#* Mitch* II 1 r unning h very quiet race lie I- the t*nh inayoraltv • andi-lat* fp*m the B*Mith S I* t I wi’h go *d man*#* met,. hi * irnpalgn night have been made a winning o • Indeed, n ina> prove 90 a It 1- But Ittlo 1 h* ard of him up town All four of th. nd date* are bie akitig to-night. Rice a tat Mini r* making th*- fur fly. ami the other* are doing their heat t i k e*f to the front The Atlanta <* institution 1 generally understood to favor Mini- although It ha* mad* no open and < mat In to that ef fect and th*- Journal i- torognlx*! * a supporter of Rl • ivriamly these candi date* are g. ttitg th. I* t treatment re gpectlvoly >n th* two paper*. \i Bulnea nt the apltol. Because of the election to wv. the Cap itol hat- leen about th* qul. f* *t p a • Imaginable The ••• ••ui-. ofTi *re near ly al! wnt to their bom* to vote, and h a cot -* s <iu**n< *. b •n e imd r the htg dorna w.- a m t entliely |* t led l-'tlM .11 H.MII I HlkmiJ. ktepa Taken Toward Mnlldlna Hr forum for * In ttlnnto. Atlanta. Oct 3-The County commH •loner* of Pulton to day as>jroprlated S3 - fflg. from the county fun le for the pir < haM* of i lot for a reformatory for Juven lle criminal' Thi F th* fir-1 real atep toward* ft;. Ir.'t n wbu h b- been m-d. by the auth *rlti *, though there ha leen a nt effort made for the re formatory for the | aat year The county own- a lot n*.ir th<* atate c apitol worth n- arly the Mini ! i*r<*pt lot - ed for th* rnformator\ Th** c *mmle*ton era d* l*le.| to Midi thih lot t* ralee th • money f..r th* aidro|*rlatlof It .** the lot where the I'uPtrfi county jail et ***** I for man\ y. ar> prior to the *r• ?I *n **f the l*re*.#*nt new Jail The . ocnmlealoner* deemed it a fitting dl-t*oaltlon of the property to convert th* lot whereon hun dr*d* of < rim in.ll*. hv** lv en -nflned Into u *um which will Indlre* fly serve to le*- een the number f criminal* of the coun ty In th tiitur* Bth the new*!*ll** ra her.- have been advo-it|' .* reformatory and a trernen dou* publt. Influent • btei brought to bear In favor t.f tht Insilttitlon The grantl Jury baa roo-mnvndtd the expen diture of countv fund* f>r th* tnirpi-* The action of the i’minty <Vmmlj**lonr* ha* met the popular approval on al! *lde^ AFFAINf* AT KMOHV. ••The /miMhc*' •* H** lift l*rd—Other Matter* of Inirreat. Bmory College. Oxford. O* . < - For the ln. k -t two yeir* puhllcui|on of the Km ory annual. The iodine," has lec* *ue lendtil on accoupi of various ad\ erne Hr tumatAii'oa. The senior cluxsi ot tut'* year ha* again undertaken thi* work, and It |* hof>e.l that their effort* will renult In the iMunttg of mi. annual next spring tiwt will at h t iw the equal of any that haa pmert*-*J It. The following have t h*j*en Hdward aiming Se nett of Atlanta. Chi l*hi, Hugh A Wool ward of Wlncheet* r. T* en Sigm.i Nu; laiuren* W Foreman of Washington. Ga . Bigma Alpha Fpellon; Wbllam F. Qtihhan. Jr. of Madison. Alpha Tau Omega. I. s Hopkins Jr., of S: Jgmin. Mo.. I*hl Drltt Theta; Howard K Hitler #>f W t)vre- Kpi A)ph, Juilnu H Jnrthin of S.n dervllie. Delta Tau Delta. H Olin Jone* of Tocixa. iinil Lero> I'harr ot liuford The liov> iiint,i will b. a few <ki e,ect from nmong their numbt r in edit**- Ir chief, ui>l i bun**f - manager. It Is conceded that Mi Hamnett will *+ *le< ted editor In chief without opjiosttlon. Athlet offirrre of ***nior t I.m-- were choeen as follow Manager *f 1 a*- k**t ball, chap B. Dowmar Jr of Ox ford; Captain of busk'-t ball. Henry 12 Moore, of Culverton Manager of twi*<**btli, Jcme M* \Vlr Bawl* of Cutli!*ert; C,ip> tain <>f hi-- -all. Kslward *’ Sunn of .Attatita The*#* ofll• era ore ail men *f wMlltj- an#l t-xjx rlenr. Mina M> l Inm *•( B*vnima. who hs beer, n guev* ,f Ms.** Lucy Boyil ?♦■- turned to b*‘ home. The !all* -of Oxford w I‘, n*xt week Ap#n • bazar, lot the benefit of the Kmory Athletic An> iation. will h proml- J to hr of g-r t Interest aoeielly kMIP 4 NHPFNTBIIH 6TKIKE. They M *nfi*l mi Illathf-Vlonr Day n •internment \%nrk. Key Went, Flu . O • 3 A ittrik# hi* he* n declare#! ng ilnet Curry by the •hip carpenters, who have ie*n working •t their steam wn> on the Ilg 'ihouNt tender luurel When w.ork covnmen •tl on •i ■ . Ii demanded 34 a day f. r i-lgh* Inair*, * It w i fi government umir i t Th wu* refute I arwl fhe men went ou* The firm erf to Jacksonville for men, and six f th* ni have arrived t;*i elartf i t<* work, getting f>r#\ ceiHP nn !-’*• for .til work lon* Th* • arpent. r k here have ilk-l on th** J rk eotiviil* men *ivl have *au<l their griev ance* to them but no *•+*<*• *'• been taken in tht matter. 04 Great Haste is Hot ! Always Good Speed." cMany people trust to luck to pull them through, and are often disappointed. Do not dilly-dally in matters of health. With it you can accomplish miracles. With out it you are 4 4 no good. Kw‘t> thr livrr, ktfineyn. nd blood liralttiy by uparilla th<- (multi*-., blood pnritirr. Dyspepsia 1 know <* pcwiuv, for !id tlwt i Hhl SnrMpa rill* II i'Urvil mi-. My nwir*ll ulo " U' U hi n*in. 1M <>*k .Itreel. Blnchnrntor:. N-w York. Tired retting 'iy * caj.rl' iou, niy liver di-ordend and t a tlnal H'KWI • >.ra|'ari!la rvtl-v-d It *ll II ruiad a frlmd of inln of f-mal- wrak nri* a Mrn, ciayfon. I>l - SaiM/totitta Nevp^Otsappomt' Ho**d' fllla cut Wer fh* nor sr.c only rat*. >rMr t * **ks with Harsypafi tTIII.W t.HFAT t %ItV I % IL tirenteaf Fret Hie t Inaale Fit* tfna l.trr l\ hum n. A then*. ta Oct i Alihtiugh there won m drizzling run during fb morning, mil itary day at the trnival wa n s-i •*- Th* largest rrwd during the carnival w i t<*-dav The military parade forme*! on Prln e Hv<tiij hi l moved prompt.y t U o'clock. At th* city h*adqurtera th* regiment was vU wed by Confederal* \*ft rane. who f* II Into line as ti.e f*lnmn |M-*<i A.' the entire parade, with Van* Mddietln line, fil**l Into low er Broad Mre*-' the < law* U cit> band atru* k up "Dixie ■ and a thundering cheer broke from is of thmatw It w\ • the iri..'t inspiring •<* ne ever wltne**ed In Athens To-morrow wl.l le the ■ rowning da> t>f the arnlval T? e jiarade will *• lip-* anything ever seen here and if the talk of the town Tomorrow night will on ur the floral bull and the identity of the king will be rev*.tied •W• • | ltl\ KB h| tll* t OMM \NO. t mpt. Utlrt-tl I bura* U >' itli on fuel I u tier*mu I iiu no *lfllcer. Atlanta. Ot. 3 —Captain K K A hired. f Company A. Ftr#n Regiment. b*** :i reln-v*l of the (<>mtnnd on charge of oondu't unbetsanlng tfi officer, and viola tion of jo (lon* *f". 61 nd 62 of the at • ticks of war. (k*\ Candler ha* the • harg* * before him. nnd the reglm* nt u> anxkMiviy hw tiling hi** iKh*l*lou. H* may order h court-martial t on ■* The i \s*r> filed yesterday by Aujufanf Harry Anderson The mßiinriv of wh*-h ('apt A;lred i* commnler was formerly the XCinta Zouave- AM red highly pop. ular with hie m*n MU HIM If TO THK MW. Wtiuili tnrollnu >fgron Come Near l.>nehtOK One of Their Harr. Columbia, S C , Oct. 3.—Negroe* of An der*on county only refraine.l from lyn* h ing Prince Maxwell, colored, after holding u meeting and having a heated debate It m-'IM that the wife of a negro wte lived some dliaance In the country' came from a point m North Carolina, where .-hr had been visiting, ami engaged Max well to drive her from Anderson to where husband lived. When alone In the country Maxwell overpowered the wo man. After consideration hi* captor* turned him over to the sheriff Itrutli frtn t arrlriuipis. Hal- yon lab-. <b , Oct. 3. —While prank ing with u pistol yesterday afternoon. Charles Full wood, colored, living n*r this llac*-, accidentally shot and Instantly klll ii| wlf*. Cilia Fu’lwothl, who was hi work In the Held. at*out M yard* dis tant I*. Walt XVliltman % Treated. Columbia B C. Oct 1-0 Walt Whit man. who has four time* been candidate f*r Governor.j*em* to have taken his lust defeat too seriously, lie ha* Ir on arrested in t’nkm. his present home, f>r disorderly conduct and currying oru ealed weapon* Died at Umm-kliorn. Way ne-|*oro, Oa , Oct 3 Mr. K. O Dyne, i prominent young man of this city. dld thlb morning after a short Ill ness. Hun fix era l non 1 * i all N% 11la Ills \\ heel. From lhe Wilmington A* Albert Miller w * riding in hls wheel toward 1 tlgelow Mill h* iim* plunk upon four t'OOfls gimUdlng In th* road Miller's whl made so little noi.-e that he was right among the . mitt* befote they wi re aware of hi- prro in ln f.< t the front wheel of th* bloycl* t in over t ill attached io one of the coon*, an I that un fortunate .ir.lmal Dt out a howl that m*d- Miller * Italr stand on end so sud denly that hls cap flew a foot Imo the air it was hard to tell which war startled the most. Miller or the coons. The coons quickly recovered their pres ence i>f mind and n I four •lnrte| up Into a chestnut tree. Miller rallied, aid te „• m burking like u dog. In . r ler to k* ep the **>n* In the tre* Chelsea Young was ul tra* ted to the s- ene by the commotion, and procured a gun Mill* r took the g in. fired thre. tlins In rapid *u ce**|tn. and three dead i<>>n* • ime tumbling b. the ground ITo fourth coon scrambled down the further sld* of the trunk and man age*! to get awav Three fair* of Twins in Four Nears. From Hie N* w York Tim** Pittsburg T'. . f-b j t 2* Three *u ce.M ive pair** of twin- In f. ur year* wen- 1-*t by the ptnrk at the h'm** of Ylutor Beau quiet, i elcrl worker at th#* Carnegie lloment* *1 plant Th. fjmtlj live* m Third Avenue, llomenfea i am! the chil dren ar* all hraifhy Wh#n th fl re t |>:t arrived the f**h*r nd mother *• i# * * lut*d that they name I them Victor Hugo and Napoleon H'<n,n rtf The second pair wan *hr stMi*<l #en Grant and Gen M Malion. md the !a*t will 1-e Willtnm Jen niugM Hryan and John I'urman. the Ut ter t>elng a Demo ratio leader of Home stead. —Peru, Ind., Is UMuulng a heroine In the |m reon of Miss Huth Covington. 1* ye.r* old, ril th** flnughter of Nut Covington, manager of the eb-< trie iighi works. The other mortung a gang of eight men were working In a eewer tumr her home. arl the hrth <avd in an! engulfed Angelo Fortunu. no portion of the man* body being visible. Hi* a**#>*|Hte* e*cti|a*tl without Injury, but ran h* tplesuly about Ml** Covington, having witnessed the a nt, eprang into n* ditch and with her hand* frantically began tearing away the dirt and atone* . .werlng :he man Bru>**d. bleeding nnd f!lrt-l#egrlinfd, she finally’ *uc* **ede I In uncovering h;* head. * tbat he could have air Then fhe ran to her home and aeeured stimulant*, which *he admlnitwer#d In per*on. oml through her timely aid hla life wax saved THK MOKNING NEWS: TJIT IiSDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1900. ALWOftT A IIMIIHU MHKAKKH. I I 1.1 Month ran. Nmr H-lna Mira esf Srpfeinlirr on the lleeords. The Weather Bureau reports *h "W i f month to have hwn tht warmest H#ptetn* I b-r with one excepion. that of Heptem her. JaM. •*;nr. the Weather Bureau wa* e* t;i lished its H.v ?.f.ah In ’VTI The mean t* mp* r iture for the month was 71 dagre* f, Tt * tert|eratur# of Hep*ember. IsXl, wa* mi degree- The nverag- f r tw*nt>-nine year# 1* 76 tk-grees Th* highest that nter ■ ury went was tei and ’ 1 • law*-j*t waa 63 drgre* *. The m*on temperature f>r Hepemb*r for twenty-nine year* it a fu luwi IST.* 7k 73 1*74 7 * ‘ 7*i I*7'. 74 I*oo TS BN 7.1 i-ti 76 mn 76 ifc: 7i D7N 7* ! Ti 1*79 71 IFM 77 ISAi 7.'. l v 9a 7* )M3 7*. !*s*l 7* I**4 76 Do * _ The ran.: .: for the month wa* 4T* inches :u.ut half an in h more than the rainfall during the last twenty-four hours. Th*- September rainfall since I*7l l* as follow -IS7I 642 IW6 1 1*72 5.&3 HR7 17 j*73 4 03 I*6* 10 34 1j74 SM4 U>*9 4.W I*7', 3 !♦.% !m# • 16 l*7c 5 M !W •? 6 ]77 N K. 1692 1 K 1676 .. 7 2# 1093 * 29 IS?.* f. 4 IWH • 7 v* 1 W*i 4 *i7* 2 00 1662 742 1*97 6it 1603 2 S5 lied a 6 I>M 4 h:. 100 4 22 I*.v.y 12 '• lfsu 439 The den ier. y for the month w ** nearly inches and for thea *ur far i a frac tion over 10 in* he* Ther* were flfjefp b ar dsvs during the month, twelve part ly cloudy and thr**e cloudy days. IIE6( LT6 ON THK DIAMOND. llrnokUn * aptored ll*th fiames front the llmslmii Triun Boston, Ocv 3 Brooklyn took hmh g.irnep to-day w is wild nd tnef fe |ve in the flrM game Huperlr ba“ running by the Brooklyn's enabled them to win the second gum*- Attendance, 1.2*" Score: R-H E IbiMon .... A 0 3Ah 1 ft 0 ft—4 5 2 Brooklyn . .1 ft 3 ft ft 2 ft > ft—6 7 2 Batteries - I*. wtr nnd Sullivan; Yeag* r and Farrell. Second Game— K H F. I to* ton 0 3 ft ft ft ft 1-6 9 2 Brooklyn 1 0 0 2 0 9 f—R * 2 Batteries—Dlnesn anl (*onnor. Kennedy and M<’Outre. 4 inrinnuti, I2i 61. I.owis. fl Cincinnati. Oct 3 B >ht side-* were forc ed to chamt* pitcher* in the third Inning to-day. Young, however, failed to stop the hitting while Phillips did Attendance. Score R-H E Cincinnati 4 ft 3 1 ft 4 ft 0 x 12 16 2 St 1 jOulc ft3 2 ftftftftft ft— 6 H . ! Young. Powell and Crlger. Philadelphia Won the t.ame. Philadelphia. Oct. 3.—Philadelphia d*'- (. tied New York by u batting rally In the ninth Inning Bc*r R-H E Bhi adelphla 2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 3 r. 12 1 New York ft 1 ft ft 1 ft 2ft A-4 D 2 Batterb^s—Orth and Douglase; Hawley and Grady. Football 4.nne. Cniversify of Pennsylvania, I*. trank tin and Marsh.*ll. 0. Yale. 27. Amh* rst. 0. Harvard. 1-. Williams, ft Princeton. 4**. Stevens' College, 0. Columbia, IP. Rutgers, 0. The Baee* nt Morris Park. N*w York. ()< t. 3 At Morris Park to da\ well lacked hors**- won th*‘ various event-, although on!\ two actual choice were first to the wire Summaries: First lia<'t>- Autumn hurdle, two mile* Klondvke 9 to V won. with Ben K.der 4 ti 1 and 6 to 6, second, and The Burling ton. K* to 1. third Time 3:44 Second Ha - Five furhuigs Didv T n as. 4 to 1 w n. with Hls Royal H ghne-- ' to l Htid 2 t* 1. s*'*onl. and Gold lwt'*e Ato 1, third Time *6 Third Race Hurricane -take*, five fur lings, selling Templeton. S to 1. won. with liasuto. l to 1 and s to s* *md. an*i Sw* et Tooth 5 t*> 1 thir l Time -9 Fourth Rare- Six and • half furlongs Rolling Brook. 20 to 7. won. with Hervlll*. '3 to 2. and 6to second, an*l Gold Heels. 7 to 2. third Tim*- 121 Bolling Brook disqualified for fouling Criterion, ami the placing was Hervllla •old Heels and Drl oil Fifth Race On a mile. Templar. 2 to I, won w ith The Bla* k Scot. 3 to 1 and 6 to ... second. *n*i Fatalist. 3 to 1. third Tim* l 4: Sixth Bar*-one mile, selling Godfrey. 10 to 1, w.m. with I* lando. 7 to Ift and otit. s*- ond, and Brisk, 7 to 1, third Tim** Kentucky Trwttlnit Hncr*. 1 exlngton. Kv. ‘>ct 3. An Interesting ird drew a large crowd to the second day'* race* h* Id under the auspice*, of th- Kentuekv Trotting Horse Breeder* Associatlon. The Futurity for 2-year-olds, purse 3-'* ••■. was won by L. V Harknrs*' Walnut Hall Summarle* Th*. Futuilty. 3-year-ohls. ptira*’ 3Y'W Walnut Hall won second and third heat* and t e. Mary !' Le>burn second, win 1 ti g fir-t h* at. .1 \ M third Time 2 21; 2--*# 2'2o* 12 dust* pacing, purse fl.iftft Gam Hm>v won three straight heat* and race; Balmy L. Mvonii. and Vesper third Time 2 "' 1 ;. 2 ft 6 2 ft' 1 # 212 cla*s. trotting purse, f 1.60 ft. Geor ge anna won third, fotirh and fifth heat* ami race. Lump Girl second winning fir-t and second h-t*; Kdwln B third. Tim* 2 OJ. MO*-.; 2:UK*; 2 11. D#*#tflt fr#iM **plder fllle. Columbia. H C o-,-t 3 -Thomas Ku tiink’* w.i* bitten on the leg by a spider In •he Union Cotton Mill, where he wa* em ployed i foreman. A physician was 11- , and tn, but Inflammation developed rapidly | and nothing could be done to relieve the -uffering of the unfortunate mm. Twen ty-four hour* after twang bitten he died trt great ngony Mr. Kuhank* leaves a wife and *lx children Wanted for llnnk llolilierfr. New Y’ork. Oct. 3.—fit* wart H Gray, "B'Otty.*' was held to-day by Magi*trate Mott to await paper* from Virginia Grey i* wanted f>r alleg'd complicity In g bank robbery of S3,fifth Irt Strasbourg. Va. Deadly t nkr*ulk*. Columbia. 8 C . Oct 3 While three ne gtoc* are n trial at Abbeville for ar many murdet* uimmiUcl at <akwalke. anoth er wa* killed In l nton at an entertain ment of like character. , , * ■ Ximiiur Hull Drlllrd. Auiruaia. <Va 3 —Th, HO/mn autt of Piirry v„ Iho Rlv-r,l,t- Mill for |o, of an arm In machinery wn, fo-.fav out of i Aurt h>- th, paym-nl of ll.Jip to riHi. t rtii.o in <*m: n*Y. Tak- Ijisatlv, B,i>m.> Qulntn, Tahlrfa. I All driiggtt rfunJ th.- money It tt fall, to cur,. E W Grova’a l<na(ura Uon ’ each box Sc —a* PURE, PALATABLE. PURCHASABLE Bill I JM llffl. .// - n|Q| Jos. A. Magnus WM & Cos. ■HHB Cincinnati, O. ■KKTIXOI. _ r r ! aOt.OMON’k l.ftlKiK 60. 1. F. A A. M. A regular communication of this a !'*♦* this < Thursday) evening at k 13 * o' <. lo** k The C i* Degree w. 1 be conf* rre*J Tfgnslent bt'ihren aid members of sis ter lndtf* > fraternally Invited to attend JOHN W PARKER. W M JAS R CAIN. Se* rel.irv . Of F%N un MMHiK NO. 5, RNB.IITk Ofr HOI Al. AH4 11. Savannah. Ga . Oct. 4 lfn>. The regular rneating of this lodge w|| be I * *1 at the K of I*. Hall at fc o'cl* k Thurs*lay evening, n t. 4 19<v* H F DRF.KS* *N V C W F COURTENAY. Recorder ( I NTH tl. OF GEORGIA H.AII.NAAN 4 OXOPANY. \ii ti mil Meeting of Wtork holder*. S.\onnah Sept T>. 19tf) The annual meeting *f the stockholders of truw i <an|n> w l I he be:d at the office of the company. 13 Bay street e?* ♦ in ttie city of Savannah. Ga . on Tuesday. •he j#th day of O.toher next, at 11 h m city time for the election of dir**, tor* and the transa-tlon of such other busi ness a' may come before the meeting T F SMITH. Asst Secretary OPKC IAL NOTH Lk I.KYAN * TNIII.F D'HOTE DINNERS. 000—DINNER—00c Dinner 1 to nnd 6to 9. Thursday, Oct. 4 Claret Wine. SOUP. Oerman Lentils. FISH Whiting ala Boulletfea. Potatoes a !a Marechale. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen * :ives. Ch*w Chow. Mixed Pick lea. ENTREES BraDed Beef ala Mode. Boston Baked Beans BOASTED. Prime Rib* of Berf. Dish Gravy Shout. Apple Sauce. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes. P.- lUd Okra. Butter Sauce Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. Green Peas PASTRY AND DESSERT. Tear Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Sago Pudding. Wine Sauca Drip Coffee LEVANS CAFF: AND RESTAURANT 111 Congress street, west. HEAD THIN. Messra. Nlnaf Bros, fo., kavaiinah. Ga. (ientlrmen—l hitve been a izreiat • iiffrrer from Indlaeaflovi nnd anger n grent deni. Heard of your N egr lable IBttera llirongh n travellug waleaman In Baltimore. I prorarrd n linttle nnd find tt gives me great relief. I certainly recommend If to in> one angering from Indlaeaflnn. N mi r* reaped fully, 4 It AN. A. 4 It ANDAI.E, Nnnapolla. Md. OFFICE COMMVMIONERB CHATHAM COUNTY healed bl-la will br received at this of flre until 12 m Thursday. Oct 11. 19ft*. for the removal of two closets in the Jail er’s reside?.re, and for furnishing two new closet.-* and for connecting resid ue*- and Jail with the new system of house drab age Work to le -l *ne in a- 'Otdance with the city a si* i float Ivs and under the su pervision of the Jail C mml!t- . C C C, iti I city Itopv’i'r Bids to be marked pro, * a .or Jd*l Hunt it g HEI BEN BUTTER. Clark C. C. C !H ATT • ATTREhNEk. Hava >our mat tresses artd Bathaia ten ovated by out medicated steam proceu before a change In w* atner takes place (The ordy plant In 8 * ant.ah.) It over comes ail tmpurttiaa and rrnaws life and volume in all bedding material Prices ot renovation of feather* a.- fot.ows: Beds $360. ho siers sl. plhow# 6*> v'otton. nioas Miid hair maturates rna i to order Fin# woik. low prices Work guarantee,!. NATIONAL MATTRKHB AND RENO VAT INO CO Bell phone 113. 331 Drayton atraat. 'IASI, NN AN Id CLEAN C ARPET*. Ti-a only way to get your carpata prop. #r y taken up, leaned an I taken vare of* for tba aumu er 1* to turn tha job ovar to tne District M-aang r .md Delivery Cos., telaphoiie 7, or c.i.l al 32 Montgomery it w, and they will moke you an ani mat* on the ost of the work Prtoaa reaeoraMe They also pack, mora and atore furniture and f*lan>a C. H. MED LOCK Bupf and Mgr R|< i; MILLING. IB>: FLUt R. HIM’ II IFF. We have anew ml*l with ill modern procerus, and machinery, and are n*w ti-ady for buslnc-.* We eoilt li your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; rice chaff free lo patrons THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO.. T M Cunningham President. John Screven. Jr.. Manager. DR V % I*, m bin returned and eeaamed bis practice PHONE 383 And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. H/AN/E YOU HAVE YOU CATARRH ? I RHEUMATISM ? THEN TAKE Frank's Rheumatic and Gatarrh Remedy. It will positively do you more good than any medi cine ever sold. Price $1.50 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for SB.OO. WHEN CURED YOU REMAIN CURED. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Ml .oil UiMrcsi Bunch 304 Rill Street. artuAL Auiitha, HOW AND WMN AtWANBK SPRUNG* U ATEH f I HFA. Ther* if b:i* *>o# cardinal reason: The water lea natural diureti Get hokd of that phra-e in !ti* full mean ing If you please Turn 10 Abrnothy Nature s way of cure r>( <Hae*i** la bv fre* diuresis And Nature ares for the kidney* That !• health Ard Bi hat llanHh is impossible if the • llure'W he neg?e,-tad And the rearon lor faith in tha future of the Spring |hn Jubalr was wont to sac to hi* p tler.ts ’.See- Mtrra Die’* The Buxnn**e Spring is rne American Meora iNee the string Live We tire sending our p • lenta to KJorkla for their winter.*- Be pirtb uiar and sf>* !fv 8m *nee Springs Put it in rhls wa\ The warer hoe a re |e tlve a -tlon on the kidneys. The ex cration of the *<id matter*- the urea.uric • rid and extractive rnat• ene- la Increased by 1t In other words. It iau*s :ha elimination of the products of the in reaA***l metamorphosis of tissue And \et, notice that this i done without any im|alrmenf of the quality of th** bkio*l. c* ary iow-erirur of the force* of the or gan! am Drink the wafer unsparingly Drink It and llbpimi The more fhe better. Be sier- Msfefit. liberal and faithful in Ita use Drink It regutariy. day day after day. Bea Buwanee Springs Wafer Irehrlatw. Ail you can drink a* Livingston's for Sc. Pl!i:m:h\f voir ik.iit By wearing glarsea that not alone enable you to aee. but correct every defect that may exist. There le no gue**work In our methods Wa have the latest and meet approved scientific apparatus for accurate eya tatt ing Wa tnak** no charge for consul fa llen or examination, and should you nto) •he services of a physician we will frank ly tell you ao. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compare*! in value to the kind offered ua cheap by th<- ao-calleil opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a aide* Una. DR. M SCHWAB A SON. Exclusive Opticians. <7 Buli Street. N. B —Oculist prescriptions filled earn# dsV received. Repairing dona at short notice. PAILDING OP LONG ISLAND CELL UK ATE D PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pur* cider le t-*rv*d on st* amers oa the American line, ond at the Waldorf-As toila and lead ng family grocers in New Yo k city Paulding a l lppln' la made from he pu e Juice of hand p. ked apples from hls own mill on the premises, it la abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the error vac nc. .a natural, and we guarantsa it to be the choicest elder In the world. plys. lans in N-w York and Brook \n this cid*'r to their padents ffs p rf ct putt y Is gia’ant ad In FguMlng s I'tpptn cidar, only Is land Newton s Pippins sis t*twd The ap plet are left on the trees until Ist** in Oc tober when they ar** hand picked and placed In a dry ro *m to ripen. Paulding says ’’the aipha are (h i Ufb ly crushed in h s own mill and the Juloe pressed nut and run Into sweet clean ceaka" The difference between * rushing and grinding apples is very arsat Yoa will snow tha dlff*rer® between er ih*d <| pes and ground apple* ff you take some s'ema an 1 chew them >ou will flt.d that bitter taste which I* not with Paulding'* rush and sppi* * This cider has not the extrem** aw-e n ea of tha ituaaal cl er. and ev**r>one will find the I'au d 't*g a I‘lppln cider just right to take with dinner. HITMAN BROB. Sola Agents In Savannah. ROT ICE. We are now moving our Wholesale fv*- partment to the .ommodious quarters 127 '>ngress street (formerly oreupled by M Dryfus. and will he in prrfe-.'t shape in a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY PAINT* AND HOI AE PAINTING. We handle nothing but the VERT BEST grades of PAINTS and OILS, and einpkvv the very best 1 -amt* re to be had. Ahow u* to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congtess and Drayton. Phona 319 ot It < LIEN T 9 Loan money at six |*-r .ent on real estate security RE<’KETT & BECKETT. Attorney* st Law and Conveyancers. KIO.Nt>9 EAEC i TED Uy the Bonding ati 1 Trust company of lialtlniots. W# ar author ised 10 exw at* locally (lmm- dlately upuo application), all bonds in Judi lal pro c* * dlt g In either the ntsU or Unitd p ates court*, aid of admtnistrat ra an j guardians DFABTNG * HULL. Agvnte Tslarhene 334. Provllant But l ng g PEC I At, NOTH f.. Neither fhe m ter tor c tilgre of the l ritl h te>amehl|> City of Gloucester. Mliburn. master. Follodon Hall. W Hqn ter master will be re-punsthl* for any debts contract • 1 by crew of said v esse la. J. F. MINIS * CO.. Consignee*. A M t atCME NTS. grtVANNAH TMEATEK. ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY. OCT S. CHARLES DICKSON ANH COMPANY PRESENT th* dainty roro.dy “Mistakes Wi Happen. ’ Bo* office row op^n. Price*-25*\ 60c. 75- and r. ftft. ■IOINEM NOTICE!. ÜBUVEHI WAGONS We have been compelled to rent extra show rooms to display our large line of top and open delivery wagoni*. and invite jour Inspection COHEN-KULM AN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Broughton and West Broad streets. Babcock's representatives FOR SHOW CASES of every description call or address HENRY SOLOMON & SON, H, an.l Jrflrrronn fMrrrta. tritcuL aoTicii. KOTKE TO TAT 1-ttF.H*. Hiy Tr,.ur-r'.. offlr*. Havannah. Oa.. Ocl. 1, 1900 Th* followlnfc (ax*, ar* now du: KKAI. ESTATE, thir l quartor. 19<P ST, *’K IN TRADE, third quarter. ISO* KI’RNJTI'RE. *t* , tlilr l quarter. lt> MONEY MORTOAUES. He., third qu„rt*r. 19-10 A dla.'ount of TEN PER PENT will „• allowed utm all of th-. above If pay. m*ni I* made within fifteen day, after Ocl. L C. R HARD ICE. Clly Treasurer. LARGE IV A HI.MO l SB AND 04- FICE to rent, Ittated head of Broufhton street, on West Ilmt l, row occu pied by Savannah Carnage and Wagon Cos As th#y will up | fer 1 for r#nt from that date H. F. SMART kPEI I Al. NOTICE. Neither ih nuidfr nor •onaign,,, of th, Rrlilah ,{,am,hlp Cyc|, wl I b, rc ,pon,lhl, for any dtbl, rontructel by ih, ,-r,w RTRA’*HAN A CO., foniignm. rtaviuinah. lia Ocl. 4. 1!*. SPECIAL NOTH E. All bill, ax ,ln,t (ho Rrlilah ,team,hip Elirlckial, m„M be preented at our of fice hrfflp IJ o’olook n, ml, day, or pay ment lh**r-of will b* rtebarrwl BTRA’-HAN A CO . ConxlKnaes. Hnvannah. Ga., Ocl. 4. IMA M ARTELS, un ATE# AMI TILING. We have ih* laixr.l ,lock. rte ,i*n,. lowest prices. Call and examine ours before buy!n Beautify your new house with pretty mantels. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. CITY OF UVA.XUU POCKET MAP. 341 CENT# EACH. PRINTED IN TWO COLORE NICELY BOIAU IN CLOTH AND •TAMPED IN yoi.D ON SIDH. For #al by THE MORNING NEWS LXOPOEn AI'I.BR. JNO R Pre.tdant emta, * r 8 E 1.1.15. / BARRON PAH'i p Vie* Pr**td*at Am r The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. " Wl!l h* please.) to reoaiva tha a-o, of Merrhant*. Eirma. Indlvtduala. L:, and Corporattona '**" Elbe ral favor* extended Ufiaurpa-aad eollection faeUttlea 1,*.,. In* prompt return, SEPARATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST rtitii-oi \nr.t, art,.r. Mr ON OK POSITS. Safety TVpoelt Boxes and Vault, tm rent rormpondetu-a aottetted. The Citizenslani' OP •AVAA.US. CAPITAL. Ssoaooa 1 - lita.isi, ■tala.u, •ulletia Aoo.wats mt Iwdl.l<i..i s Sulu >■< .u.r Ur,. ratio we. Collarflowa hawla with aal.t, —*t dl.patrh. latere.l rwwpnaodrd all-wad an In oar Dey.rtoa.i, •afaty <*—#aalt Box.. ud a.. ▼aalts. BHASTI ET A. DEMUBK. Par.,,... ■ ILIA n LATE. Vie. SKOROB C. PR REM AT. Cashier BOHEMIA L. OROOVER, A..L < a.klao, SOUTHERN BANK of Ule State of Georgia. Capital Mt:< Surpiua and undivided profit, t* :aw BEPOBUORV OK THE STATE, u? OEORGIA. Superior facilltiea lor transacting a General Banking Coilecllona made on all potnta arceesibir through hank, and hanker,. Account* OJ Banka, Banker,. Mel an and otnera aoiiouau halo Irepu-tt Buiw tor rent. Department ot Bavlnga. Iniereet pay.tua quarterly BUa Sterling Exchange on Dondoo a and upward, JOHN FI.ANATPPY President. HORACE A CRANE Vlre prealdent JAMES SI f.MVAN Co.hler DIRECTORS JNO FDANNEKY. WM W GORDON E A WEIL W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN let: ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERBT H P SMART CHARLES BLUR EDWARD KELLY TOMS' J KIRBY iwiiuiil CAPITAL, f.H.%0,000. Arrount* of bank*, merchants. corpora (ion* and Individuals solicited. fia vinca Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collection* mad* no all points at rea sonable rates Drafts soM on all the chief cities of the world Correspondence Invited. JOBKPH \j WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W F. McCAL’LEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. UA. Capital .'*• Undivided proflta M.mi This bank otter* its to corpor*- Ilona. m> rchanta and individuate Ha au’horlty to act ua executor, ad mlntatrator, guardian etc I en.e drafta no the principal dtlea In Great Itrltatn an I Ireland and on the Continent Interna: teald or compounded quarterly On depi.lte In the Savings Department. Safety lton for r. nt. HENRY Bl.l'N. r-**ldent. 0150. \V TIKT'EMAN Vine President JOHN M HOOAN. <'aaht*r. WALTER F. HOOAN. Ain't Paehler No IMO. Charter*!. I**- —THE— MIS ill Bill OK SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. KX) . o>. SURPLUS. COCOA UNITHD STATES DEPOSITOR*. J A O. CARSON, Pre Id nt. KEIRNE GORDON, M •< Pre*ldenC tv M. DAVANT, Cashier. Ae eunia of banka and banker#. i*r- Chen'a and eorporatlona received ut* a the moat favorable term' ron*)at*nt with eafe and ronacrvailve hanking THE GEORGIA STATE BULDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEST. PER CENT per annum allowed on tJ depoeli withdrawals* on dom'i Inter--*! credited quarterly. 6 PER ' 'ENT p. r annum alloae.l on deporti* . f even hundroila, nlthdri"'* able at annual periodic (JE<> W TJEDKMAN. Prealdent. 11. II LEVY. Vice Prealdent. E W. P.KLL. Secretary. r. G ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer "for rent,’ from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Real Estate and In* provement Company. It RRTAN STREET. EAST Jo News Doper Plisft For aale. a Formalth Newipaper will fold ah ret Rate. It la In good order. Price COO. It coat originally B.IW ■ve have nu uee for It end want the ro* II occuptea. It will be an invaluable adjuaet t neweapapar ufßoa. Addreaa MORNING NEWS, ■avaaaab. <*• ABIIIB ■ Morphin'and tr c. 'ke, •£ n MTTI ' if It* treated Will- Ut r OPIUMIIi^