The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 04, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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bankers in session vU|lH l> OF TUB DAY BAD IS B TREAM NKR ROBERTS. SCOPE OF THE ASSOCIATION. KBriior.m rrioi ach of tea BILLION DOLLARS. % .,ortatloß ll* Bora Than Donhle ,l,r Banking row" of An) Ullifr i oonlry— Tbr Money Alnrket Dta rossrd—Alvah Trnolirlf of Ifw \.>rU to He President—Other o*l - %oallßHlrd->Tral ( on|*nny .n-llun AArlcomrd. R: hmond. Va.. Oct. 3-Tho American n./ kar*' Convention wa* called to order president Hill promptly at 10 o'clock tiii morning. Report* from the various statea were reai-1, every section of the country re poriiruf financial Improvement. This was ( 0 lowed hy the address of t’nlted State* Treasurer Elll* H. Robert a on "The Treasury and the Money Market " He In part: The American . Banker*' Association r<vr* *cnts In iesour.<e* 110.000.Cf10.U00, which !s more than double th# banking power of „, v other country In the world. You are Kuardtans. the admlnlstratora of this ,t rm. Mis active capital. He who appears bemre you should recognize the honor and ,1. responsibility. Let me express my p.ep sense of both. In response to your . tatlon. perhaps you will be willing to .<ar a brief discussion of the relations Mween th* treasury and the banks as as they have been and as they are , • • • • • • Tor two years our financial problem* . ( v* related to the surplus Th* Spanish nu - .-ot much less than the estimate* .rneral prosperity has riven large reve r The Secretary of the Treasury has r..i to decide what to do with SI7S.<MMW> of unused funds, for the treasury was a hle to spare so much from quick re sources. oral yet to retain about $50,080,080 in us own vaults. That la about the cash kept hy the British exchequer In th* Mark of England; the sum was tW.CM.WI last month Besides, our government i els large amounts within quick r.-u f for emergencies. The task was to serve the government, sod to respond to the frequent and some what urgent appeal* for the relief of the tr.ono} market. The repayment of Inter et .ouid he only a tumdent measure; bondholders showed no desire to accept Interest In advance on rebate. It ringer measure* were adopted and .** u cessful. Offer* were put out Nov. ;y 1!, to htiy 335.0n0.if10 In old fours and fit- it the prices then current, and pur were made of SIR.SOO.i'kiO. In May. the Secretary of the Treasury gave i ti . (hat the twos of the funded loan of ;Co would be paid on presentation and Interest would stop on them Aug I*. By i Ic. ;.o had been paid nf th. • i of >td.J<iu. and on Sept. 25, 31.70).- remained unpie*cnted. free of Inter til. r.irlmngp of Itnnriw. Tm argent contribution of relief, how ffver was by scl of March 14. 18 0. That f*r ■•!•!#* for Ihe exchange of three#, flvea old four* for new coneol# at two |wr During the lx month which have • • tl. auch exchange ham been made to t) tmount of 5332.117.iU0. which In SB.YT l-r *nt. of the hornh"* eligible, lo wl* x.i4U Of them* redemption*. 1*4.- ,7 •• ► wan In three#. i>elng 38 4 (*er cent or it clara; S3o?.*;. r s!Vßft> In old four#. 37 !**• f nt of that rIiMS. ami £kt.lJ>.& In •v**- being 55.81 |er cent, of their to ai !<*.- 1 March. In Ihe exchange the Trgaaury (Mid out aind a net aavlng of war mul< to the government In the tranraftion* while titer# wag no tn t of lh* public debt. T.e Trearury, 14 held of bond# t ihj.M-i to exchange. for clrcula !-r md s4o..T7V.' , *t for depoaltr. For there (.• conol# may In* given, and if ihit • don* they w*ouid iei’ome ■ 1 ih* net raving over ten million dol- I wlih payment In premium# of 140.- Bjo WO. a conrerjuenoc of the provision* of tl • new flnan<*tal law. the bond# pledged * ' r itWmal bank em ulation ran up from I. • 1*47,270 on March 14 to X2M.172.W) Hept. I' The whole volume of bank note#, in < hiding thore rerured by money, incr a#e l let ween the ram# month# by 5113.44.*.^5. •r l berime *:*il.Bß!VS3i. which 1# more than ever before afloat. • • • The Money Wnrket. The chronicle I# brief, but the (• * a lnjre#-ive, and the rerultr are con us Kx* *pt for the flurrle# in No \emter an<l Dormler. which wer* ♦ • V a |.*rt from Treasury operation#. ] • a lion# for call money have not been io 7 |er rent., and tlien for only - f.-rt period, while the ruling rate. #1 t *: lout htng 2%. ia# ranged from I 1 ; • . t*r cent. I’rime commerclol piper li j ft und #aie from 3** to 4, and geldom quotation been above though * -naily touching ? per cent. low rate# for money, the Inwctu > ;he world, havo linvught Ruexla and Hri *in to bortow from u#. and Jain e*‘i flwetlen to #eek |on# here; hist of nil. Germany l ike* 99D.n00.006 of #r monev '•+ York limw be<-ome one of (he two fir-.* .tl center# of the workl Without t * outflow from the Treasury all this *• jV! * iv# bow impossible. W. .1.1 rejoice ut large extorts of wheot I meat product*. We each <<■! n pe eonal pride tn American misiery .tod *t*l manufacture#, in*l nocepi "mpilm-nt to ourselves. When ' I. .ton Timex sav* that Amerlra r V t-itcr locommlvew than the Kn * onr hesrls tirot quicker, In the 'M“ rt .if t.nnutnon worth of roal this year 1 1 m share, Russia buy* from < i i,l fat rattle, nnd no farmer ’ trade. We rount It fortunate I I ur lirnple that we exported of our 1 Ii urea fu2.ZM.3tM> laat year, which *' ,!, ot than the total of all our merchen i•" ... ■ir led h late aa 1*76. The balance ° ' r to our favor for three yearn av -1 ‘ rt,*t.3M. To our stock of troll 1 it *ln e IS9* ha<i |>een added more •'>,one on the average—a record 'ere known among natlotii. Th k" 1 n i Irculatlon. Including certificate*, I nil.OM.tlflt, which h more than irrency prior to mi. ami I* sH>.<S'. ' *1“ ' of our population, which I* ' ‘'■ 'han the tola) circulation In IkSZ. '' 'i ic of the vaet outflow, the gros, ' ,‘. h " Treasury I* the largest tt ever TI.IH and It I* crowing Except abnormal h aril of fiM.WtWi of th* 1 f France, likely to he noon reduced. 0 , , •' tmwhare else In the world ao mum ' 1 'otv metal under simile control n u flow ehali satisfy the appeal for R m..ney, how healthy our currency ...' " "ealth of our people hy the new o. . * ‘ l! not f " M below yso fflonon600 and I , lotmal net llor, Is at least • This wealth and this growth • parallel in humap annals. ' •he Olliers In Hr Named, i . I .te|y after the adjournment of v'Hon f>r the day the nomlnat f. . •>mtt.e, composing one m'mher f ) „ 1 ’■'"te met nnd agreed upon the i,. *' ite mhe presented to the con j, h"niorrow: y... 1 nt-AJvah Trowbridge of New HON. JOHN DIENHART'S MESSAGE TO SUFFERERS. He Writes a Letter to The Peruna Medi cine Cos. of Colum bus, 0.. in Which He Gives llis Experi ence With Peruna. Hon. Joan DlenUiirt. A** Prose cutor. City If 11. Chicago. HI., I; an #n thunta.-tl • believer In Peruna The fol lowing letter nil rerent.y te by The Perunn Me*lU toe Cos . The Peruna Medicine Cos.. Co)umtu*. O • Gentlemen—‘Peruna i* the b#M nKHiic cine | know of for kldnej i,r) liver com plaint, rhcuina'Um. catarrh of the mom ach or lung*. and for ai! moihtd eondi • ion* of the #>iem. I place it at the ha<! of all tottlcr and ## .% nerve r**#torer It has no eupeilor." Very truly youia. JOHN DIKNHAKT In ayatemfc catarrh the lungs. h irt. howela. morn* h. kklneyw and a.I oth* r turta of the mucous membranes are in a flabby, unhealthy condition. Thia It due to a want of nerve fuipply on a* - count of nerve weikne-e The ontant drain of nervous vitality depletes the who> nervou** syatem and the tnuroon aurfncea aufTer aeonllngly. TTil* la the voitdlilon % alle<i tyatemic catarrh. It very nearly reeemb t. an-l there la te.illy no practical difference I•*>tween this condition and ihe lOrulir.on Vice President—Myron T Herrick of Cleveland There will be a fight for the presidency made on the floor in lehalf of J G. For aan of I'hK.igo. W I*. Mayor, of Btte. Mont ; Kenneth dark of flt. P.ul, Minn.. Jam## H Wil lock of Ptttaburg; 8. A Morrison of In dianapolis; William Hill of Richmond, have hern selected for the executive i oord. They will name the atcretary and t rwaaurer. The trust company ae.'tion of *he asso ciation met aeparntely from the general body thl# morn'ng. a*\#*nty-flve members, representing every state In the T’nton. be ing present The association was wel comed to the cMy by John flk#lton Will la ma president of the Richmond Trust and Safe Deposit Comiany. who was fol lowed by Wiliam C. M-ither of Cleveland, f).. chairman of il># section, in response. A paper on "The Duties and Llahili'i## of Trust Companies Acting a* Transfer Agents and Registrars.** was read hy Harry Bowden vl e president of the Maryland Trust Company of Baltimore **The Proper Conservative Attitude ef Trust Companies tow ard Corporate El)t**r. prises." was treated In a (>p#r bv John K. Borne, president of the Co.onial Trust Company of New York City. The subject. of True* Com pany Officers Having I-eg.%l Muottlon *' ■>y Harry Russel, counsel for Dnl n Trust Companv. Detroit, waa the address of ?h* day. The Advantages of r>prmtlng ife I>#- loslt Vaults In Connection With the Trust Company." was treated hy William X. Carr, treasurer of the I'nlon Trust Company, rittshurg. Pa. A (>ai>#r ‘ Trust Companv Advertis ing,’* was read hy Mr Richard I* Crampton. of the Northern Trust Com pany. Chicago. HILL SPOKE tTIARGE CROWD. Continued from First PC* of which represented is N-Ing on securely, prevented any knowledge * ' '•* con tents. If any He praised Brv an nt-d h.i Bryan steo<l for and promised New York to r>emocrncy. ROOSEVELT IN THE DAKOTAS. Heated th* I"H nt Hl * Alleel Antl-SlrlUr kpeerh. DrtMlwood. 8 D.. Oet J. -immediately upon th* arrival of their train here this evening Oov Roosevelt and Senator Dol llver of lowa were taken In carriages through th* street* to the Dendwood nar row guage railway where Ihe party en iered a train and were taken to mining camp, where two speeches were made One of wune length tn miners un ,on hall to a closely packed house, and ~ brief talk from the carriage to a much arger crowd, which could not gain ad mission The crowd In the streets here w is the moit demonstrative and eaclted that has yet been met with on this long Journey cf more than nine thousand miles In his S|ieech nt Gov Roosevelt, for the second time to-day. took occasion to deny emphatically the story published about an alleged speech said to hove be. n made bv him > the Auditorium about Ihe l-ullman riot with t’ol Turner, wnere h* Is reported to hve said that any man who engaaed In a strike or who would go to a riot deserved to h* shot. Gov Roose velt said he never spoke lit th* Audito rium never saw (’ol Turner to speak lo him since he left Cub*, and that the whole story was * He manufactured by those who knew it was a lie "We believe you, Teddy,” w* the cry from the audience. YK4IRO lIIXFHtM IIPEHEAT. subject Dt*cneed *1 \*ro Meeting In < onper I nlon. New York. Oet. I—“ Negro disfranchise ment the paramount l*sue." wa* Ihe suh- Ject discussed by several speaker* at a mass meeting of colored people mi Cooper Fnton to-nlsht It wa* conducted hy th* Color*d CMlaens' League The hall waa ILled und about half th* people present were white. Aesolutlnns were passed protesting against the disfranchising of negro.* In Southern stair*, calling on Const**# to reduce the representation of such state* to n proportion to the votes . >t. asking Congress to pass law* for the enforce ment of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fif teenth amendments to the constitution and a force bill If necessary," predestine against lynching asking the President to use the military force to prevent lynching, pledging the meeting to oppose the elec tion of Mr Bryan and favoring the elec tlon of Mr McKnlley. hy way of "rebuke to recent Tammany police mtdhods." mm to titKi: dpkbcbks. Prralsteat I r*l* on.pellrtl Him to Chicago. Oct. 3 -Senator Hanna en nounced that h- will give more than a week outside of Illinois to mak ing speeches for McKinley and Roosevelt. The Item tor has decided to join b. o a-ar Krye of Mattie on a lour of Wisconsin. Xebratkn and South Dako.a "I have Wen urged so peralalen ly to moke i speaking lour." said Mr II . nut Thai I -aTt.O- well de line 1 am .■*! anxious to go. hu -<' ‘ Her WenaWo to find Ibe time If '*^ r Erve * pinna admit w* may go Into k .n --sas All mV speech** wdl b* * h ® Tl * cowumption." Rooasvelt l *• • 1 °’ Canton. 0.. Oct. 3 -It la annonne-dI th-' Gov Roosevelt will .onie to anion on th* morning of Oct. l for • utes ,ty In that time he wIH make * speech from the McKinley l*>rch while his train t* being transferred from on railroad to another. It I* probebd th (he Prealdent will Introduce hltfc THE MORNING NEWS: THUIiSDAY. OCTOBEII 4, 1000. V * / HON JOHN DIKNH ART . Assistant Pro * cuior. City Hall. Chit.iKO 111. . known a* neurasthenia or nervous pros tration. Perunn will be found to effect an Im mediate and lasting cure in all cases of systemic cot rrh. It .i f* quickly amt beneficially on the diseased mucous membrane*, nnd with healthy mucous membrane* th cutjrrh in no longer exist. Address The Teruno Medl.dne Cos., Co lumbus. 0.. for u tree tat.irrh iH>ok. (2411 I II IATFRKSTS WO> Ol T. Fleeted Their Men In the tf. I.nnl* Sdiithiimlerti Dlrerfopy. flt Louis. Oct. 3. The annual meeting of strckh<’l iers of the 8t laouls flouth western or Cotton Belt route was held yesterday at headquartera In the Equita ble building President Edwin Gould call ed It to order, the principal business be ing the election of directors. As alreidy announced a fight was to be expect**! on th* part of the minority stockholders who protested igainst anew by-law i-i--d at the meeting last year They claimed that no rpacific notice had i>ecn g ven In advance of that meeting of the Intention t,) vote on a change in the b>-l ws and that therefore the ac tion taken was contrary to Missouri laws, undrr whb h the company I* Incorporated The m-w bv-law <n!D f.*r an ejection of only three director* <ach year instead cf e'eetmg the entire hoard of nine This, the mmor.ty forr*e* claim, destroys the cumulative feature of \otmg. which is recognised by the laws cf Missouri. Both parties held large bundles of prox ies* and the entire morning h**sskn was ('onaumt-d In examining them. They wer** carefully smitlfiised by the officials and attorney* of both Interests. The following share* of crock were then declared in be represented at the meeting In person. share*, by proxy. 3M.772H; total. 315..V4 shares out of 3RSJWO shires out- Tellers were appointed and at the afternoon meeting declared the fol lowing to be th* new boaid of dire tors for the following year; Edwin Gould. New York. K. If. Britton. Bt. l*>ut*{ W. R. Pl%c-. New Yor; W. H. Taylor, New York. It- M Oa II a way, New York; Thomas T Eckert, New York. Albert ljc.rU, New York. Murray t'arlton. fl; Louis. A. L Wolff. Si !*ui* This means that the Gould Interest* succee<lel in electing their nrn as the board is exactly th* same as last year. AAA A M. IIAVKMKI EH*?* HIT. I'rraslng Her f la lin for Pnrt of hr Millionaire'* latr. New York. Oct 3.—The suit brought by Anna M. Hgvemeyer. nee Anna M Wright, who savs she ts the widow of the late Thomas J Havemeyer. the su gar king, to recover the amount of her dower r.ght In hts estate, was calld up agoln In the Supreme Court to-duy. nnd a mot in was made by her counsel to have the case placed on "he preferred calen dar Itcforc Justice McAdam and a Jury. The m<>H< n was denied by Justice Mc- Adam on technical grounds, with leave to renew. The plaintiff claims her acquaintance with Mr. Havemeker lieaan when both were children, and that ofter he finished his education In Germany, they entered Into a common law marriage In ISM. and while he was known to hi* friends ns a bachelor, he support!** her and kept up her home In opposition tn Ihe motion to hasten the trial of the action, counsel for the de fendants filed an affldovM made by Henry O. Havemeyer. In which he slated that for many year* before the death of his hrolher he was aware of Ih* relation* ex isting between him and th* plaintiff, who was his mlstres-. Bh never, unell after his death, chitmed to he hla wife. I'Hlt'E* l>F COTTON .AND YARN. konfhrrn Cotton Spinner* find Then, t ndrr Dl*ea*Alon. Philadelphia. Oct. 3-To-day s session of the- Southern Cotton Hplnners Assn elation was devoted to a dtrouwdon of tho price* of raw cotton and spun yarn, and a committee ws appointed. *o look over the schedule of present prices, tr.d ,u -gc.: change* tn the wale. Thl* leel*ion wa, tlte result of a conference between the cotton spinner* and a commute of the Yam Men-hnut*' Association, which '■ontrolK the selling of the product of the ttnlnners' Association. No decision seui reached hy Ih* com mut*e as to th* |>rlce of yarn, but the Statement was tnid, that there would probably he an Increase of 20 per cent. To-night the local yarn dealers Ave a banquet tn the visiting spinners. FIGHTING AVITH ASH.AtATia. Seventy Nulls.*" Rllle.l uni] British Hud Ileus y l.osara. Ixindon. Oct. 4.—A dispatch to the Morn ing Poet from Kumasl retains (hat heavy fighting look place Inst Sunday between Col. Wlllertck's column and the Ashanti* at Abu Asu. "After heavy firing." says the dispatch, • the British column made an Ineffectual attempt to charge the Ashanti positions, but was obliged to retire and to resume the rifle duel, while awaiting relnforce m-nis. Eventually, after bartl work. Col Wlllerlck captured the position*. Seventy Ashantis were killed. , The British losses were MaJ. Melllss nnd Capt. I.und. severely wounded, three ers slightly wounded, three men kill ed. anw twcniy-elght other* wounded." THKI umi.ll MU gIPPIsIAST. tttltude of Power* If They keek M Hunt Chang. laindon. Oet. Dr Morrison wiring to th* Times from Pekin, under dale of Hept , says: "If the negotiations for the settlement ore carried out at Tien Tain, Li Hung Chang being the Viceroy resident there, . .mint be a plenipotentiary unless the for e gn mlnMora * prepared to appear be fore him n* suppliant* for pear* and not as 11, tmor*. for <h'*4. tlon would be ao l Interpreted throughout the empire." ELLERSLIE’S CREW RESCUED.> %AI %\ %TF It LOGGED SHIP H \h %H A \IH) Al-11. She Fneonntered a Saeeeaslon ol f*alea %\ Hlelt l>r%el|*ed llurrlrniu I'oree—Sufferiita* of the Mew Were Intense llt roii alt l.sck of Fresh %\ Nler— FlTorts Made lo (tlrnel Passing \ easels— steamship Aniana Took the I rets O* aad Fired the Ship. Boston. Oct. I—The British steamer Am.ins t'apt t’sir. from Bamarsng. Java, via flt Michaels, arrived this afternoon, baGng on board the captain and thirteen of the crew of the Llvriool ship Ellers lie. which w.t* abattdottid at sea* dis ni.isted and w.itcr-iogged. The steamer rescued the men on Kept. 2S. after they had been buffeted about by fearful sea* for ten days. The master of the Ellerslle Is C'apt Llewellyn One member of the crew was lost overboard on Kept. IS The Kllerslie railed from Pascagoula. Miss., on A tig 18, for Liverpool Bhe was a ihree-mw*ted wooden ship of 1.344 tons. rapt, x'ook states tnat the Kllerslie eatll ui Aug 18. WMh nearly a million feet of pine dumber fur Livrrimol. and had light %vlnd l until Sept. 3. after which a succes rion of gal* a wa* encouotered. developing on the 18th into u hurricane. Dur ing the next few day* the wind blew a I the rate of eighty nuica an honv at times the veasal rolling nnd pitching tn a terri ble manner. The men were for. ed to the forocostla head to prevent being earned overboard. The sufferings of the men became In tense through lack of fresh water, the supply having become exhausted After the mars went by the Uiard.the vessel was leiirved somewhat and the gale moderate*l soon afterwards. The crew set to work clearing away the inase of wreckage from the deck in order to secure a donkey boiler with which to condense the salt water About eight gallon# of iw* water were thus con del ed and the rrsw were given smart drink* minted with Mmo Juice During all theae days the vessel was be ing made the toy of the waves, the crew endeavoring by nwatu* of signals to t -iract ihe a Trent inn of iwssiug voxels. Three or four etenmerw passed within eight of the shipwrecked men. hut api*ir entily did nor see their slgml* of dltres*. t least they paid no at tent ion to them Finally on the 3th at 2 p. m . t'apt Cook saw a faint streak of smoke far away to the eastward, and all hand* eagerly watch**! the volume grow In sise until faint outlines of steamer w*re Anally made out on the htvrison The stump of the mainmast was trow utilix***! for distress flags, ami not only the British Jack, but a bun-h of the tnternaiiunai code signal* wa* nailed to It to mi trad the attention of th* oncoming steamer The latter proved to be* the A mans. Java, for Boston, and was aoon within hailln? dis tance. The Steamer's boat* were speedily low ered and i.fter several Ineffectual r*fols to get the men off the wreck fiom the aide of their vessel, the boat* were pulled under the tthhoom and by m* an* of line* the men were lowered from thl* pari of the win k and taken on b< ord the steam r. The Kllerslie was then set on fire. HHITIMI GOT IA HAD PLACE. A Convoy Captured nn.t Five Cold stream Guard* Killed. Isondon. Oct. J—The following dispatch ha* been received from loci Roberts: "Pretoria, Tuesday, Oct. 2.—A convoy of twenty-two wagon*, escorted by sixty mounted men wae attacked by 110 Boers. Oot. 1, near Dejagars Drift, while on the way to Vryhuld. Twelve of the men es caped. The fate of the other* ts not known. "The Boers derailed a train near Pan yesterday evening. Five Coldstream Guard* were killed and nineteen Injured. "Commandant Dnlrksen. wlio hue been opposing Pag re. ha* surrendered, after a personal visit to Komatlpoort to assure himself that Kruger had gone Into Portu guese territory.'" Return u( the Refuges,. Johannesburg. Oct. I.—The military gov ernor on Sept. 38 informed headquarter* that he would be prepared for the return of 3,030 to A.US) refugees weekly after Oct. to. Holler t oMilng Home, Too. lamdon. Oct. 3—Sir Redverts Holier eay* the Dally Mall's correspondent at Pletermarllihurg. will return in KngLisl tslth Ird Rotierl* and L/id KPchen-r wUI remain in the chief ivimmand in South Africa. tha: main will be rercilt. North German Lloyd aieamer fo Go to Newport News. New York. Oct. 3.—Gustav Schwab of )h* North German Lloyd Steamship Line to-day confirmed the telegraphic report from Newport News to the effect that the steamship Main, recently damaged In the Hoboken Ore. would he rebuilt at New port News at an expense of Isno.txtn The Saal* has no* yet been sold, but Is for sale, and the Bremen will lie taken to Philadelphia, where she will lie repaired. Cottonwood Lumber Ail,a,iced. Chicago, On*. B.—At a meeting of cot tonwood lumber men at th# Auditorium yesterday prices wer* advanced about 33 a thousand with a sentiment In fuvor of further advance later. Thirteen maiifae. turrrs from almost as many different cities, representing a large proportion of th* total output, wer* present. The Cot tonoood Limber Association was formed. H C. Bagby of St. I.oul* being MecieJ president. The net* meeting will be at Cairo, 111. WHAPPED IN KEHNELS. v nieaslngs Bound Ip In the l.lttte Pnrtlrles of Grape-Sals. An empolye In the pension ©flic* st Washington. J. R Weathers, .©>* regard ing food: "For thirty year* 1 have been a brain worker. Originally I Inherited a good physical organism snd this re" rve of life force card'd m- through upward* of twenty year* of ambitious work ua a professional teacher. ■ Ten years ago I turned from that vo cation to the present occupation, here again, was mental work and sedentary habit*, which coupled with poorly selected food, finally *el up Indlgest-on, constipa tion. liver trouble, brain fag. nd kies of m> ulul pow>r Nervousness mark..! me for torture nnd for year* the affliction* In creased I spent hundred* of dodor* In vein effort* to And a cure. }s ''Finally 1 quit all drugs nnd took up Grap-Nut*. which I had heord of a* a food for the brain and nerve centre# After giving the food e fair trial. I found It was not necessary to glva up my occu pation. but 1 have been able to keep right along end do more work, while the re sult ha* been marvelous My anxiety i> gore, work I* a pleasure and 1 am anew man throughout. The wond.rful hte-alugs wrapped op In the toothsome little kernels of Grape-Nut* can be extmctrd by any one who wishes to repair toe wane and wear of brain and nerve.’* ADVANCE BLANKET SALE. November's Gold Blasts Will Soon Be Here. The Soli, Fleecy Blanket Is a Luxury, and here is agreat chance on the center counter of the main aisle: 11-4 KNOI.IUH FUKK'B BUANKETB, 4 52.00 value, at Ihia rale JM.SO. 10- WHITE WOOL. BLANKETS Ejo YdlUf. at this m'p $1.85. 11- FINE WOOL. BLANKET*. S3 M value, at thl* eale $2.50. n U BULL SISi The Leader of L w Price*. COI RTS l> FORT** Nil #. Sfirrlal lea* ,|>|,l,ln*c * the Jndl> rlar) In tile lalnnil. Waahlnston. Oct S- Mr Trarenell. the controller of the tr.-aeurv. ha* renilereA a de-Tlon a* to the (rumont irf court ex penea a rat compensation of I'ntterl male* rlepii'v marahal* vonnertt*! with the 1 nlt r.l state* District Court • f Porto Hlco; the tll*iK*al of the fun.l* earne.l h> them, to what authority th* marehal houlil re ,mrt anrt we count for the iHhur*ement of furl* romlrit Into hi* hanrt* an.l the u*e an<l supply of booh* atfl hlanka neeletl for his 018-’f. These question* Involve an Interprein lion of that part of the Porto Ith-an art relatlnc to the courts cf the lland The controller holle that the Porto Itiran art Alfferentmt-a thl* court from other t nlt e<l States Dlstrtrt Court*, either In the state* or .erritorte*. awl that the ealarle* rf It* officer*. Inclu.llnK that of marahal*. *hall he p.t<l out of the Torto Rican tr antry; that th*- of all rh.e om. es shall he !>al<l out of the Por to Rican treasury wnA all fee. rattled by them are to be arrounted for atid reporter! to the Fnlteil Ht .tea The controller further <!e tries that aU ni cratlna expenses of the court ehouM be* r „M by Ihe I'nl'el Htat-s that the flnse, cost snrl fee,, Chare.l arr! co’lecter! bv the mar-hal shoulA le pair! Into the treas ury of the I'ntterl States that the mat shal *hnulrt retmrt to the Attorney Hen . ral of Ihe I'nlterl State, and account to th- accounting rs of ih* 1 nlt*d Ht*i*. that the deputy marshal* shall •* t aid their ejnipeneatlon from the Porto In m treasury, and that the department of Justice Is tsquired to furnish the t nlt ed fl;atee marshal with a’l necessary Id ink* for hl office PRIVATE FI A Its OF THE I'fM-E. Theory • In the Money stnicn from the % ntienn. nomr. Vt I—The Dalian police have begun tnvestlg itlon Into the burglary at the Vatican, whe e thlevee the other day forced a ssfe are I carried fT aerurlth a worth lire and 3.000 lire In allver. al though the Vatican otllrlalt have ndt lodged o formal complaint, contentln* tl.emoelves with merely announcing tho theft. Kour pnrannn are under auaplclon. ami ore war arretc<l this morning. The Trlhuna iya that the Italian po lice warned the Vatican police in July of Inat year lhat a plan waa <n foot to com mit a me auch robbery. It la believed that the atolen property and e not he'ona. aa waa o Iglnally aaaerl ed. to the management of the apoetolle palace, but la a pari of the private funda of the Pope. . i, ( tttMMKHt I ftle ftll.l HK. There liar Been nn Inereaae aa t om pared With l.nat dear. New Torlt, Oct 3- Report* to R O. Dun * Cos., to he publlahed In Dun'a Review, O t ft, ahow (ommer lal failure* for the nine montha thla year to date to be T. 151. aa compared with ft.Ad during the name period of I*. I.uhllltlea were lUn.K7,4M. nguttiat liI.IW.HH In J*T9 For the South the figure* are Pallufen ISOi. l*. 1,I7; liabilities, t*f. 111.* i^7.0(3; IHU9O -'S> A comparison la alao made between the falluiea <>f th<- quarter Juat ended and llm-e of the e-orre-p-ndlng three montha of H*ft. when business waa nlmllarly dia lurled by a p llllcal campaign and condl l„ na were not unlike lho*e at preaent ex l-tlng. The figure* ahow failure* 1900, 3.- S;;e IkM 3.77.7; I lll**, 1901, r-T.HS.JW PC ft, 173.321 *l 4.1 Mill t'l IS A I*l* HltillT. ft Ilia l.olin* That tarried I i.mpmi* K ftfta* ftnt 4 aptnred. Washington. tret. J,—The- dlar>a4ch from Oen. MacArthur laat week announcing the dlaaater sustained hy Copt. Shield*’ party on the Inland of Marlndttque left In doubt the fate of the gunlioat Villa leoho*. which had conveyed the trooiwt 4o Torrtjaa. A cablegram waa aen* to Rear Admiral Kempff. at Cavite, asking for new*, and the following re-pone h.a* been received ’’Cavite. Oct. 3 —Secretary Navy. Wash ington. No truth In any unfavorable re port* concerning ft'Ultt Leoho* or her crew. Manila pnper, Sept. 2* publuihrd falae re port." ftiroaarl In hoe* 4 anal. lamdon. t)ct. .--The Kritlah *!• amer Kmir. Capt. Goodwin, from Norfolk. Sept ft. for Manila, which arrived at Port S.rd. Oct. 1. I* aground In the Hue* canal. Her forehold 1* full of water and the main hold I* partly full Diacbarge of cargo from the main hold ha* commenced. Steam pump* have been sent for and diver* en gaged. _ Paaaenaer Train Meld I p. Omaha. Neb . Oct. 3—A Burlington pas senger train wo* hrld up three ml e* *outh of Council llluff* to-ulght The .nylna, baggage and eixprci-a ran were detached and run oR A relief train has fust stalled grptn Council ill ad# lid CALIFORNIA WOOL BLANKETS. 1.. O' value, at thl* sal* $3. 50. WM LAMB S WOOL FINE BLANK ETS. IN in value, at thl- sale f 84*5. 11-4 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, extra heavy, fancy border*. Ilona value, at thl* Ml* sli 118. tCLELTIOAV IA FAGLAAU. i.nln* Mailr l% tlr I.Urrwl* and the C niufn atlvri. London. Oct 4. } a m -Th* rwutti of ye-tcnrlay i>olling in the parliamentary rneral elsction* were le** ptrtking than th*e of Tuewlay The fonservative ma jorities tlil show lucre i.ea In numertm* contests, but in i marked degree On the other hand the Liberal* have gwlued additional seals On the whole, the Indication* ihl* morn ing are that there will not be much change in the complexion of the new l*af llnment. A* matter* stand now. out of the 287 candidate* returneii. the relative strength of parties I* as follows: Ministerial:*!*. 312. Liberals. Including labor members. 47. Nationalist*. 28. Altogether the Liberals have gtined ten seat* and the < 'onservatlve* seven Only one fonservatlve seat wa* gained yes terday, but It was a very important vic tory. In the Brtghtskde divl# on of Bh*f fleld, an Industrial constituency, the Lib eral majority of 183 waa converted Into a 'nnservaftve majority of 844 At Derby the Literals had a striking su'cess, recovering there the two peats wrested. In the general ele t on of IttT*. from fllr William Vernon Haroourt and fllr Thomas lloe In the Marthvr Tydvll dsttiT of Wales. Ke|r llardle. the labor Bader, won a seat from the Liberal*. The Unseals retain their seats In Dun dee with Increased majorities, showing that tico-tiund ha* not l*een affe:(e*t by the khaki boom. t)f:bf*r% Barker, the novelist, hae been elected at Gravesend. oe utlng a I’nlonlat majority of 738 John the *nfl-r!ttia!fct emamler. haa l*een defeated at Brighton. iith<Mign he |a*ti#d 4.89.i votea in th# inscrest of his pro|iag4i ndn A curious accident prevents the result at Newcastle, where f*a|t lam'rton of the British cruiser Powerful. I* e.andtng. from iwiomlng knv wn to-night It se.-m* that a mb horse brdiea) an| overturned and nm<i*hed one of the tMitotbnx** in the at reet. Largo crowd* awaited the results In lndon last evening, but much loss ex citement w.h dlspinyl than a the even ing befre T-lay will prove decisive as to the ultimate result. There wer# only twenty-eight contests y—terday. hut eighty-eight have t>een flxejJ fg Thurs day, Including thirty in alone. The l*rimer<se lie ague has Imuel a rlr ular to the efTcct tha* 33.838 mure mar riages socurrred during the four year* of i'onservatlve admlnlstnition than during thn previous rorre|ondlng perl*sl of Lib eral rule. TAX ( OIXIOtTIOKI SLOW. ftftayerni* to Have a Prlae eight. Ollier ftmi Ante*. Wayrroa*. Ga . Oct. 3—City Ta* Collec tor J D, Smith I* finding tt rather an up-hill job to collect < Ity taxes this year I'p to Sept 30 the total amount received hy him wra* a little abort of Kho At that time I lie collector usually has ftom 17.900 to PjIM, but the people are slow In com ing to time. The tidal amount to lie col lected l* In the neighborhood of tovnm A car was broken open In the Plant System yard* night before last and quite a number of articles. Including three hox e* ol whisky, were taken So far no liue has been obtained aa to the robbers, but It la supposed the rohhery was commit ted more to get the whisky than anything visa. bn si spurt* are In their glory lost now Kid carver, of Cincinnati, who has been trying to g-e on ti leoxing match In Sa V'inuah. has taken on Prof Pa; Ryan, of ,v*W ftork. The two will meet In a ten round rontee* Friday night. Itoth men. sm well known In the pugilistic world. ,M a raining good mill Is expected. The evening will lie repine Uh star attrac tion*. ns llure will he four flve-roufid mil.* pre eding the big event. Kat Carver b i well known Cincinnati puglMat. a act ol editor Kara limn, of this city. ll* I* ahifly on hla feet, and uses both hands I reel)- The bout wilt lie worth seeing. B. ftft' Finley, a son of Poslmader Fin ley of Douglas, has hern appointed to hi* old position na telegraph operator at Cascade Summit, Montana, on the Great Northern Rallroid ftft'hen Ihe war wUh Spain broke oul young Ftnlev reclgned his position and volunteered He* was un signed to duty In Ihe Asiatic Squadron, and vva- Dewey's telegraph O|a-rator at the bailie and during the siege of M.tnlla. ftft’hen hi* time of enltaiment esplred Mr Finlay relumed to this country to ac cept Id* old position A special meeting of the City Council was held last night to decide the question of granting a franchise to the ftft’aycroa* and Suburban Hallway company. After listening to argumen.s for anel, sgalnst the enterprise, the 'omptlif waa given a fifty-year fianch's* The comtany Is com pvaed of some of our most prominent bus iness men. the Halllla Manufacturing Company being the p Im-lpsl stockholder* The line will ext-nd to the fair grsttnd* and the Satllla river, where a park will i< il l I out Harrison ftsl 'I a I king Vet. New York. Oci. 3 ll I* announced 40- nlgh' that cx-Presl lent Renjamln Harri son has decided he will not speak In New York slate, neither will he give out an interview while here, but he will spesk m Indiana the last week of the campaign lit Nt ARLKT ALL-WOOL BLANK ET!). KAO v*lu*. at Ihl* .il* 85.00. 11l P ARI.F.T ALL-WOOL BLANK ET!). heavy quality. 17 30 value, at thl* $6.06. on* SPECIAL VALVE In EIDER- ImiWN (’OMFOHTI. well quilted. d*wo flding p 04 Ivtly wrth |B.jh t this M.s $4.50. TRUSTEES OF PEABODY FUND. %N M Al. HKF.TINf, F THE HOARD HELD IA NEW YORK. Hrpurl Mad* In Dr. J. V. HI. Carry, l.rnrral tar.t of tk* Paatl. I.dl a-atr. That Ike O.itlonU la l.*orla I. Homanlißl fllaoa,r— H.w lha l-rahaaafv Faoal AVa. H*a , .tl.<l la I Hitt*—< aadlttona In Itlany of tha Southern States. N*w York. Ovl. J Th* annual ma>*t!ng of th* IVaha.'ty F>!ucatlon l'-und waa h*4! h*r* to-day. Chl*f Jut!ca of tha ffu prrme Court Mrlvlllr W. Fullrr, waa •i.etad flt t vloa . halrman and h* pto ■li!*<! Hlahop Wklppto waa elfctwl aac ond vk'* prr*ld*nt. Tho** pr***nl of th* lioard of truat**a w*r* Hi M*r. H*nry B Whlppl*. M!n naaota. H*nry A. flr**n. Mae*arhu*tti; Jam** T> Portrr. T*nn*****; J. Pterpont Moraan. N* York; W. A. Courtrnay. Stouth Carolina. ll*nd*ron M Nonar vlll*. Alalwtma. CharLa E. B*nn*r. lavula ana. tiw.ra* F. Hoar. Maa.-hu#*tuj HI hard 01n*y. M*achurtt; J. L M- Curry of Waahlnaron. Ir, Curry. a*n< ral a*nt of th* fund, r*ad hi. r*ttort for th* yrar. It trrato! of th* *durattonal d*partm*nt of tha touniry and t<k r*l*van topt<- aurh a* th* *touth*rn ■oof*r*n<'* tn AUbanw lo dla* u** th* ta* prohKtn. Th* r*port of Dr. Curry waa ma*!* up from r*port* of *iip*rlnl*n<l*nt* and rommt**!on*rx tn *tut*a In th* HotKh. rardln* Inatltulo work In Arkan*aa th* condllLtft* at* ittt* provrd In lavuUtana th*r* would tv> no normal and Induatrtal w-hool for n*xro*. hut for th* I’*abody fund. In Ml*t**lp|>l th*r* wa* not a* much la in* don* a* could ).. dr*lr*d. hut th* fund had h*an of Kraal h*lp In North Carolina rdu.-atloo wa, .on.ldrrrd a twcondary matter to party aucceaa. t.loomv llatt.nk l llrarfl*. Booth Carolina condition* are mor* fav orahl*. ta,t In tl*urta th* outlook la gloomy Th* JalK "* x‘ h ~r r o” born alnc* Ih* war and many of th* raco ,how .\fnptoina of Insanity or *r* af fltrt*d with dl.caaea unknown b*fore Ih* war. And y*t th* comml**lon*r *aya moro mon.y ha* t<**r> fumkliol by lha I eabody fund for netro wlucaflon than ha, t.* n tnveatrd for th* higher educa tion of th* whit**. Th* report from Tex*, la favorable. Tho negro ther* l* not only bring benefited ed ucationally. hut agriculturally. Alabama report, that th* tal* I* under In,ting ob ligation* to Hi* Peabody fund tor aid. There ha* not been a year *lnc* freedom In* to Ih* negro that haa wltr**e<! ,i* h widespread dlwuealon of all pha*B of hi* condition a* the preeent on* Th* commt**ton< r b*ll*v*a It will bo rool helpful for th* negro. Virginia r*porta favorably on Ih* good wo k cf the Hampton Normal and Agrl- I ußural Inatltur* of Virginia On* of th* ch'ef Object* of th* *cht;ol I* to craat* In Ih* *tud*nt n enthusiasm for coun try Ilf*. Th* commissioner regard* It a* the only system of education which offfgr* a hopeful solution of th* mueh vexed ne gro problem Virginia w-hool etatlatle* show an enrollment of 211.HK white*, and H 7.128 negro** l>r. Curry report* thet the distribution of th* incom* of the Peabody fund atnee Oct |. INW. wa* a* follow*; Alabama. t'.SM; Arkanaa*. !! •#; F!or tda. Il.;<X>; Georgia. s*.); Loulslanw. M.'; n.M>. North Carolina. SAM; Booth Carolina. S.nri; T*nn***e. *1.380; Texas. *3.788; Virginia *.'..; Woat Vlr gli.L, H.gjO; pe ih .dy Normal College. *l*.- |(4; scholarship,. ttS.BH.RI; to t*!, (U.08&R1. At Ihe afternoon aeealon tha treasurer. J Pterpont Morgnn. offered III* report, ivblch was referred to th* AudAtlng Oom mttte*. Th* In. orti* of th* fund since Oct, T. If*9. In acoordane* artth th* condition* under which th* bequest wea made haa l>**n rlistrlbuted among educational tn •lltutlon* In th* Southern and Bouthwest, ern states The policy of th* trustee* ha* ~efi Of lat* to rlevote thrlr aid atm oat exclualvely to college*, normal achoola and Institution, of more advanced learning In stead of. us was the case In former years, to the common achoat* A few exception* are as yet made, mostly In th* case of negro schools Instead of outatd* support Porto It ten o t iimnlsslse. Ran Juan. Porto Rico. Oct. * —At lha Republican convention held here last night I'ed rlco Degetap wa* nominated aa com missioner to Congress. The federal* will probably nominate Julio lairrlnagw f r the same office at a convention to be held to rntnrew -* - t t nosed Dlsawtlefaettssn. Brunswick, U*. Oct. *.—Tha action of Glynn s County Commissioners in raising th* tax rate, aa reported In these dl*- patches, ha* created a great deal of dis appointment In Brunswick Moat of th* 'ounty taxes are collected from Bruns wlcklanx and they had hoped for a reduc tion from *1 25. th# prevailing rote, rather than an Increase to *l*s. as mmd by tho board. .m , • ii < Negro Mystic Shrlsrrs. Washington. Oct. J. —The Imperial grand council of the Ancient Arabic order of the Noble* of the Mystic Shrine of N>rth and Roush America met In annual session to-day. Prominent negroes from all parts of the country were present. The council wa* addressed by Dr. 11 L Harris of Petersburg. Va. 5