The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 05, 1900, Image 1

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Tin: MORNINO NEWH „[ ISil ■ I ncorpnrated IS** 1 l H K*T!U Praaldcnt JRYAM TO THE CLUBS MDIIYEK ARRAIGNED , hi; HKPIHUK* P IHTV. SHOWED faults and abuses. i % ,iai:r* GIVEN TO Mm RKPIB* I M AN ARGIHENTH. lfl , drum AAa# (ihrn m iro*l 0. 111• ii I |Mn MU 4ppr*r*ire Before lh .. \iifonl Association of Demo. i r(Mt< < i ill.*— Bishop Turner Prom j% \ | ( *tory for (hr Itniinrriiih \ ilM ,,.Me*rn*on Npnhr Union r falUm—Hub(ir of Hrso lUlMHl*. ,polls. Oct. 4—The hall in which Mi> the National A*sk iation grille nuba wn* thronged with H 9 afternopti. probably .i.nnn h.* r<: •.-•nt. Irni a# (be hour approach^) u . , Rent of Mr Bryan at 4 o’clock. ... . . .-4 were lillnl and the ho.I wa* i almost to a degree of euffot r A iai K fPevenson had conclude*! i: Sovereign, ex-grand mii*t r - m of the Knight# of Labor. *|okc. u* .• with the workingman from o p jt‘-h ar.dpotnf. He paid labor b* th** letnJition of liberty in all the world. • verctgn wap fol*oweJ by Bishop | M ii.n Turner, minister to Liberia un c- -.Ht'a n*fmlnli ration. who #pok* ,r*. f\ and tn part a* follows: \ fctr*M many of my rare who formed ft*. ijo-ity of the negro population of* *-* and Htatew twenty-five yearn ago *vr ready been promoted, and hava jr- (• their g'Mid Christian fat here, but fc<* lny* are oming forth In teeming ::jndf*d!* and thousands from that ptum li'.r ird eaf< guard of American inatitu hr*. the (Hibllr shoo! system of our . rtry md unlike Undo Tom and Aum ki!r they ore doing their own thinking, lie ofter young American*, for them •me with a frephborn. dipintereet• Id patriotism to put forth our might at m- ; m* in the state* of Indiana, On|. New Y’ork an*) New Jersey. and ■ r *' at e# where we have been making v i*r.ti.|enta for the l*i*t Twenty-ft v** w ’v year*. and we think thl* time. ? •nr buy*. w* wiii i*** abb* to > |t>otia for the election of Will ■ J* ng# Bryan, that we will elect without any possibility of M defeating ft.** lit Ovation for Brian. A F; iop Turner concluded. Mr. Bryan ni upon the platform. He had ** i the city a few minute? efor> n k but did not arrive si the hail until 115 o'clock. He wap escorted tn. iw the streets by a number of ng dub* A* noon a a the Demo • t tonal * and Plate appeared on the ther* wa? a Photai of greeting. • soon developed into a demonptra* '• 1 I h continued for al*out plx mln ' *ll there wap call for a rinsa "i<n fr.*in Mr Bryan himself. The speech • appl:nd*ri throughout. nd was concluded there was a rush ‘‘lag** on the part of those In the .. who wlphed to shake hands im He. however, avoided this dem ’ * ion and noon found hie way back hotel. Mr Bryan said: i pr. late the work done, being kn 4 * 1 i** done by thl* association of Dem • lub*. and I appreciate the energy, thuslasm an*l the ability displayed Mr Hear*!, the president of this as- *n. I believe In these club*. The * *f I>emoi‘rary, being a work f**r the must he done by the p’X>p|e. We • • club* to help u* collect money > on our campaign The lieiMtbli > can get Its money from th* which plunder the peopl* n impugn** in return for the moti* ’ru mi fed during < imiMilgn? miiot go to ft truat anl ask It to because we do not aspect to be The hcpuhllcan party doe* not money for It* national campaign republican out of one hundred, the election Ip over n!ney-nfne *ne hundred Republican* have - to say aitout the running of the I'enplr tlionld 4 ntrlhnte. • *f< t that the administration will i t< and in behalf of the great mass Aimrlcan people, arid we have the ' *ll upon them to help with their "ell a* tbHr vote* to win this b is thslr fight and not our \\ • r,e-d the clubs to help circulate If every member of the clubs •ut *<olllo acquaintance nnl find ' he i? thinking about, prepare to • rguinerite supply him with lit i work for his conversion, the •f these clubs will he astonish l how much can be done. We übs to ()|i she votes, for we voluntary effort what the Re in afford to pay for having IbMlgiiiß the l<uar. I publican party la not prepared ues of lid* (Nimpatgn. The p-irty is to-day dodging, run -1 Ifly everv is\u- I:. *h '* r they start*d out they *.i!d in*'si loti was the question of •inihm t a net*. Rut. my friends, •hat when a man say* that a tnotiey is more important than •>f government he at onca i" on and people begin to won* • r he think* a dollar Is more n h man. Think of trying money question paramount •dun' Why. my friends, when •luextlon was paramount In •and the RepulMicwns trying to 'hit ihc tariff was the para- They said: ‘Lsrt u* often the • of the mints.* and the first •id when they got Into power •• reform the currency, but to r ! m if and give the men who ‘ hanee to run their hand* the pockeUi of the peofde. I '' M ••••.( |n \nt Tn ru moil ti t. " *?.♦, the questions of the human '* * tiial the money ques tscramount Issue. They wer<* f hat we were going to have l"l ar. Now they have given i fltllfi in Pmt Ki. • not tell u* what per cent. and ths Filipino* I* to have, •aid we could not have a 1 of money. Now they * *r\ have a double standard of 1 republic here and a dee- Philippine Islands. They * could no: maintain 1 v h, , 4 ' * n * white metal and a yel Bitt. .. l! ’' •'itiaen and a yellow *ub i-ul.ppu)* Is laud*.' Thty Sutvanmtl) Mcrfning |frto£. tind that It is too sordid a doctrine to say that th* stan iard of money you have Is more important than the form of gov ernment under which you Hv** "And yet, my friends, whl.e they annot now btk.asi if the supremacy of the money question, they :ire not piepir and to meet the other lsuea Mr says there are no trust- That settle# that ques tion. He ought to ask his wife Every wife knows there nr* trust**. Tlw* only trust ttmt any R**iih| can in this country sterns to kn<*w about is the Ice trust, and the K iMildr ans don’t know much about that, for if ih**\ did they would know that every stock re id* r If- Rcpi|blican If they kr ♦ v rty r. lbout th*- |. e trust thex would know *ht Us hrm was con rn* I to the |*eo| le ..f # N* w Y’ork an*l If thay knew that they had a governor of the state of New York a mnn who would r* let any harm com** to his people, thev would know that there would be no Ice trust ther- or the governor would kill It ej*iitilleu n•. anil Triulo. "New Y'ork has u Republican Governor nd a Republican I-egisl.iture, and you Republicans W'hn have been so much .1 l*out the |re trtls* ian ease your minds, for as long as the Governor U out West making sperh** vo* may i** sure nobody is being hurt in New Y'ork Why s it tha* no Repuhlh’an knows anything about the R'nndard oil trust, the sugar trust, fhe salt trp-t. the tru t of cracker*. th* trust of window' gins- the envelope trust, the wrapping paper trust, or the trust In p*i*er that Republic in eilitors ii - to write a defense of the trusts upon W \ don't h**V know tbout these trus**? Is it *1 honesty or Is It Ignoran* ••** Why is it that no Republican speaks out again*' any trust excey* the Ice trust, tnd why Is It that the Republicans In charge do not destroy that, so you ran believe Mr Hanna when he says there are no trus's? Rpnifisa for M!llfnr!m. "The Repuhll an party Is not prepared to defend itself on ihe trust question, therefore they try to get it *ut of th** campaign The Republican party Is not pr* pared to defend Itself on the army question. They say there i* no question of militarism, and yet tn army four ttm*’s as gr* at *- the tandir g arm> of iStig te d* m.inl*l hv the President's message of Itecemher. flow much do wo spend for edii< at lon in the Tubed Htates'* 1/*m than ivnun an H**w much do the Re publicans wont to Rf*en*l on military es tablishment** On* hundred million dol lar? vrar They w ant *o >p* ri more than hnlf a? much for i military estaidishment as we <Mend for the education of a); the children In the Tnited Btat* ls that pot n step towards mllttarlm** What r* ison can they give for if** They can only give one That is the one they do no give "There nr* two reaaons which lead tnen in this country *o want a large standing army. One !•* a domestic one: the other is connected with our foreign afTair*. What domestic reason is there for a large arms '* To protect us from the In dian** No The less Indians we have the more arms' the Repuhh< in party warns That Is not the cause Why do they, want it** Ho that they can build a fort n*ar everV bilge city and ime ihc army to sup press by force the discontent that ought to he cured by’ remedial legislation. "The laboring man asks for arbitration ttnd get- a Urge army: he ask* protection from the h!i k list and hta nsw*-r is a I irge army; he asks for shorter hour.-* f labor In order that he may have more time wtth his family and for the develop ment of his mind, .md his anew*# is a Urge ayny He sks fee representation t n ihe pr* sklent's cabinet In order that la- Imr troy b* prote* t*d. onl his answer Is h large army. That I* tl*e *iomestic rea son which is not given ami yet it is a reason entertained by many What Is the r* ..son thev giv. * Thev -ay w need If for our foreign poll-y. but my friends, thev ask lor the army before ah*- Ameri can* peopl- had ever de* l*led >l*on f*r etgn policy that made a large army neregaary. Nrrilpal ••• *h<- •In IK-c-mIMT of lWv wh-n lh<* Prr*l ,|.nt nrt*l /m h , >‘ ,rm > * h, ‘ ,rr *' v , ~t - •""* "'•r , When hr KopubJl an c ongre^- voliml o ralxe th- army t> !).*> th.- ir-alv h< hoan *lnA b<i no arm t H! IHI.I thl* n.nlon anvwhrre in th- wurl‘l >••: “I* lo [ini.* thl A mart in hnv. tirvrr v.itnl for <1 colonial f* l ,h *- It. iMrty 1* |>l*dd to a lar.-.* ~rnii wnai li “"b " " ntnuh* *o -xplol* Ih.' I’nlllpplno llnnt*. •in.t if wan to mMt*rtand thr r-ioo"" for n I US' irmv r* l tho pro-p~ tu t.y th- t’lii'tiM'ln- I.umbor an.l l>- vr-lopm-n', Oompanx Yoti will fin.l that at th- n **l of liw* -omi-iny .ir prr.tO. rn Mtand* Rrpuhlt-ai- mrmbrr of i •..n*r.*i.K. wi o l< ihr . nalrman oi th- Army Com mi l— of ih- Hour.* of amt anoih-r four. -amah I* ittornry for th- <omiwny What do yo<j warn an army for? To h<* I th- I' pin-- wi ll- til. V ar- brlnn Orvolopr.l by mn.ll. itra hra-l-.l by Rrpubllcan politi cian*? • The proplr have no > V-* *e , <,)n| In favor rtf lmp.’rloM*tn. The H nubl. ori* r-fnr- lo m—: M Yon <to nor i it. i-iihi. of tmprrlallem from tiiove nuthorlied to *|n*ik You Unit that now nr Republican* it- Irvins to hid- behind ttrat one Mihterfuse and th-n another. They wit now that the r-:i*on •*• ar- tti th- Pltlll|plnre. tin re.taon our noys r -ilcln*, the r-aaon a lnr*e nrnit 1* nec-y --oty, the reaeoti wt -annot com- horn-. i*t iH'-autt- 1 hHitci to ratify treaty. Itrpublleana Eta Mr r lllm. "My friend*. I wtini you to so back a f. w moment* and you will find ih<* ihe Republican |tarty a lid we wyr- in Ihr Philippine l*lat“l* hre.iiiat of ihe act of Hod. and It I* a com- down from 1)0,1 to m- If If I* *hc hand of Hod ttl lake* u* to the Pnlllpplne l*land, why do the Republican# want *o lay It on a Democrat - If It I* well to he tht re. If II l* a part of the Divine int**ion. why don’t thev defend Ihe |.eins ihere? They -lalm in lie *llrnt partner* with ihe AlmtsMy, but ih, troulde I* that they make all the nol*e and thu* for the Almlshty ha tteen the alter* partner Now they w the war would * top If II were not foi flie Demo r ratio party They -ay that the would lay down their arm*, but for the hope th*’V have that I may he e|ee*r 1 Whenever Republican tell* you that, von tell him the colonial* fousht Ihe -ame battle that tne FUlpino* are rtghttns and they did H nearly a humlrcd year. Itcfore I wa* horn. ••Tell them that the Filipino* l*ued a declaration of Imlependenee patterned aft er our* before the queetlon of Imperial ism ev. r entvre.l Into American politic* They do me too mu h honor *ay that I am re*pon*lble for th- Kllll no'*' h i*red for for-lsn domlnntloti If ih-v have not forgot-e n the t.saehlns* of Abra ham l.lncdn they would know that he uid It wa* no* a party, but <Jo! hltnaclf yviio planted In the human hear' the love of l.lterly. which no Bapubllcan party ear take away. , •fnlll human nature l entirely chang ed. people held in bondage will rlae again*! It whenever there I* a of auere**. Ilod never made a rare that would welcome a foreign maater. and year* from now no mutter what party 1* In power, the Flllplnoe will hate u* and .(and ready lo rlae againat u* If we al (Contiouad on I'Utb SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER a. 11 >OO. TO CHASTISE CHINA TOMER* mi; SEEK I \ii TO .%% K.HKI’.MDYT. PROPOSITIONS CAME FAST. A\ TO 4.KHMWY UIYK.Y IIY THE DKPAMTMIAT. Text of the imrrlrait Hrply to the (•ermnn \ote-The Isawer Csiered •h* Subject of l*iinlMlintent of taullt y 4 liinear—lni|Mirtant • Itltin Irani Frnnce I m*t*lin y Seroiidetl l> Humnlm-Foar lir maiuiv %re Made. W.ishingtori. Out. 4 —Prop slilons of * fai-reaching character concerning China are being presented in rapid mk > to this government. The state rieiMrtment had no sooner dls|Ks**l of one ot th**se propositions to-day, ly <l-ll\er!ng a re #l>*ns** to the German government, than it nas confront**! by an even more im portant proposition suiimitterl hy tne French government, and within a half hour formally ended hy the Russian government The answer to Germany covered the suhj< off punishing 4*hinese offenders and made it known that the I’nlted State# had instructed Minister <’onger along the lines suggested hy tier many. These in struction* look toward securing the name# of ihe person.- d* serving i-haslise m* nt. al*n whether ttie punishment# ac cord with the gravity of the crimes com mined, and. ore to l>e assured that sat isfactory punishment I# Inflicted. Aside fr*m th*se #|H*cltlc purposes of the note. It Is regarded as important chiefly In es tablishing the moat satisfactory relation# bet ween the governments at Washington and Berlin. Take* n Broader *cope. The Fnancojßussian take# a much broader scope and submits a pro gramme under which the negotiations for t complete settlement can b- cart led for ward The French charge. M Thlehaut. Iki tided the proposition to H* i retary Hay after noon to-day and held a brief con ference concerning It. Half an thoar lat*r M deWollrtnt the Russian charge. arrlvel at the state de|*artmrnt nd hand ed to Mr Hay a nob- >xpressing Rtissim approval of tlw pro|Hsiitons Just euhmit t'"l by France. Mr. Hay gave no formal answer to the two communication*, as they will go first to the President at Can ton The Franro-Russtam proposition is un der tour heads, namely: Klist. punish ment of the guilty parties; second. Inter diction of the shipment of arm# Into Chi na. third, payment of indemnity to th.- Powers; and fourth, sufficient guarvmieo< for the future. In addition, a suggest lon is made for the establishment of a pertiMMient lega lion guard at Pekin, for the rasing of the Taku forts, and for the maintenance of a line of communuxtloti iwtween Pekin and the sea. Iwi p renal on at \4 hlniiton. The impression here in advance of ac tion on these propositions hy our govern ment is that they contain nothing essen tially unfitting them to In* #ub)e*s of con sideration In a Anal settlement. The diffi culty which Is likely to arise lies In the placing of proper limitation* upon the scope of each head. This is particularly true of the subject of guarantees and. perhaps, of that of indemnity. Htlll. as already suggested e< h is undoubtedly a most proper subject for discussion w hen the final negotiations are reached, and. therefor*. M Delcasae*# broadest pro|osl tlons. whllt* likely to consume #om time in reducing them to ult.mate and binding form, may Is* suld to have a fair recep tion awaiting thm. As lo ihe Interdiction of arm*, the Kt.te Department ha* tnttma**d that ther* may be a qpestlon as to its wisdom, ami there U reason to believe, also, that Germany will not view that parih-ulnr feature with approval. But there appear* to be good reason to e*|ect that a middle ground will be reached hy confining the interdic tion of arm* to a specified period, possi bly to be fixed by the time required by China within which to poy the indemnity. The chief objection to the proj*o#ltion 1* in It* being permanent In its present form. What the United Btates government particularly desire? to avoid I* entering Into a programme that ban# tn any man ner toward 4he maintenance of a foothold on Chinese soil, and tf the other proposi tions relative to the maintenance of a line of free and safe communication between I’ekiq and the sea and to the legation guard# •‘an he modified In the direction of temporary egpedlcnts. they will be more likely to receive the support of our gov ernment. It I* apparent from the com plexity of the latent Franco-Russian pro posal that the phase of negotiation thus Initiat'd will take some time lo he dl*- pond of The Hrply to Germany. Following Is the text of the American reply to the German note delivered to day by Becretary Hay to Boron Hpeck von Hternberg. th German charge d’af faires • The secretary of stata to the imiterlal German charge ’ Memorandum In re#|*>nse to the In quiries made of the secretary of state. Oct. 2, IBM), bv the imperial German charge and affair*, touching the China im fn ial edict In regard to the punishment of Prince Tuan, and other hgh Chinese officials The Chinese minister communicated to the secretary of state on the second idant a telegram re elved by him from Director General Bheng. conveying the purpose of an imperial edict, date.! Bept 25. IkW. by which the degradation and famishment of Prime Tuan and other high Chinese officials Is decreed. "The government of the United ftiatra is disposed to regard this measure as a proof of the desire of the Imperial Chinese government to satisfy the reasonable de mand* of the foreign Powers for the In jury and outrage which the r legations and their rltfsen* have suffered nt ih** hand* of evil-disposed persons in China: although It has been thought well, in view of the vagueness of the edict In re gard to the punishment which some of the Inculpated persona are to receive, to sig nify to ,h * Chinese ministers the Presi dent’* view that It would be most re grettable If Prince Tuan, who appears from the concurring testimony of the le gations in Pekin to have been none of the foremost tn the proceedings complained of. should escape such full measure of ex emplary punishment as iht fmcis warrant. or if Kang Y'i ami Chao Hhu-chiao should receive other than their Just deserts "With a view to funning a judgment on these point*, the United Btates minister in Uektn has he n Instructed to retmrt whether Ihe edict completely name** the persons deserving chastisement whether the punishment pro|osd s-cord with 'he gravity >f the crimes . ••’*l. and in what manner the United States and the other Pow ts are to be assured that smG*- factory punishment Is Inflicted. "It I? hoped ihat Mr. Cnnger’s replte* to these interrogator!* ' will confirm the gov emitwnt of the UniM.l Btaie# in th- pin ion which It now shares with the imperial (Vrtnati government that the edict n question Is an lm|s*nan iniikil step In the direction of |w. e and orlef in Ohlna "Ib*portment of Htate. Washington. Oct. i, mo." LIKES THE GERMAN NOTE. 4 oninieti ted I |Mn l the New*. Itritisli t or respondents t owplsln of **Wenk %ltllMle'* In tuna. tn t 5. 4 a m —The Uanftnn ramming |ix|w*rs lire virtually engrr****” I b> the Parliamentary election. Thev nave very little to say a!>out the new Grm n note The Ittily Newrw. w hich •lescrlbcs it s* "dear, straight-forwanl anl manly.** exprers*e# hope that all th** Kiro|M*an Powers and also the United Stu*<> v II agree with Emperor William's last proposal f Drftisli corrcsi-ondents tn China con tintM to comp'oiin of the "w .k attitude." d4#i>layt*l by tSreai Britain and the Uni ted Hates, ms well as the other Powers, in ivphdrawtng from Pekin and in dt*- il> ing generally a yieWHng m>o*l A dispatch from Tim Tsin. dated Oct. says: Gen Gaselee claim* that the British, from ihe guntot Pigmy were the ffrst to iimui the surren<ler of the rfhan liai kwan forts ' The Morning I’ost’s correspondent at Taku assert* that the persecution of Christians has been revived in the prov ince of Hhon Tung Shanghai dispatches annour.•* the die misiuil of two Tartar generals, who have i>een defeated by Ituswians in Manchuria The head office of the Chi nese lommlssla has been re moved from Chin Kiang Fu on the Y’ang-tse-K! r.a. to Hankow and the viceroy# have l#*—n ordered in*- lish branch offices between Hankow and the province of Hhen Hi It Is reported from Chinese sources that the mu* till court has already been re moveil t** Si Ngan Fu. The Paris cor re spondent of the Morning Post send* the foihaw’lng "The representatives of r*hlr>a in Ku rop* 1 hear, are about o issue a collec tive manifesto to the Powers expre.-smg their horror at the crimes of Pr.n e Tuan " A dispatch to the Daily FTxprea* fr*>m Hong Kong reports s< rious rtslag of Triads In <’anton and the whole country it- said to he in a ferment. The Hong Kong correspondent of the Timet* wiring Thursday, says "A thousand braves have left Canton to suppress rebellion Instigated by ‘Triads’ at Wal Chau. In the H. Non dhrrict. There I- grave unrest In the two Kwnng provinces. and precautions hava hern taken at Kow Eoott." MCU Mi l l TO THE POHKRN. liermany Issues inolhrr Hrgßnllns 4|ef|id of NrcnrlnK Banishment Berlin. Oct. 4.—Germany ha* issued a <m .*ud note to the Pwer* regarding the method of sec uring punishment for those guilty of tne outrages in China This note is Issued r a result of the edict of the Kmperor qf China beginning prex eed ii gri nv a In*t Prince Tuan and oth*rs. Th' new note Is a* fo4*ows: "The Imperial government is informed o' an edict of the Chinese Kmporor by Bhcng. the tao tai of Hhangbai. where by the punishment I* ordered of a num ber of prints and dignitaries named (or having si||*orted the It xers The im perial government assume* that all the bther cabinets concerned have received a similar communication. Accepting th authenticity of the srilrt, on which we. for our i*urt. do not wish lo cast a doubt until evidence is received lo th* contrary. w* can |S rcelve tn It the flrai sign tt ward? a practical Ikisls for the re-estab lishment of an orderly alate of things In Chinn. The imperial government, there fore. proposes that the Powers come to an agr**-mrt!i pi instruct. "First. Whether the list contained in the edict of (teuton* to be punished is sufti cn nt and ••orrect "He -ond Whether the punishments pru (lOsed meet tne ae. "Third. In what wav the Powers cab control fbe carrying out of the penaHie imposed?" "The information reoelvad up to the pres ent concerning the reception of this pro j-ueal by the Powers Justifies the belief that a general understanding on this mli ter my be looked for." * WANT TH4IOPN RETAINED. Americans at Tien Tain Deplore I leir MltHUrsnal. Tien Tsin, Monday. Oct. 1. via Ahsng hal. Oct. 4- At a meeting of Ametican citisen# at Tkn Tsin the following reso lution was adopted: "We. ltlxens of Ihe Unite*) Htates, de plore the cont* m|*lated withdrawal of a large part of th- United Htates troops tn North China. We feel the work of the al lied armies is far from accomplished, arid that the refusal of the American govern ment to take it# jwrt therein Is sure to be regarded by th* allies as an unworthy act. and by the Chinese as a aign of in differen e. We urge our government to carry to an end the work it haw so hon orably* and efficiently I* gun and to main tain a •uftlilcnt force here to secure the | prot/'tion of American mercantile and missionary interests until a settletiKnt of the present trouble is accomplished." WITHDRAWING KHiiH PEKIN. Dispatch Nays the American* Were to atari l ast \\ nitirmla t. Pekin. 8* pt. *>., %la Tien Tsin, Oct. 2. via Bluing ha!. 4>ct 4 —The withdrawal of th* United Htates force from Pekin will begin next Wednesday, Oct, 3. The tuarinea. MaJ. William P. Biddle com manding. will march to Tien Tsin, and j the Fourth Infantry will follow them cloaely. The American garrison* at llu 8! Wu and Pel TMing. will also be wlth drawn Most of the allied generals are opposed to the campaign of revenge, which It la supposed the Germans have In view The Germans are planning a movement east ot Tung Chow to capture the arsenal Dutch Warship*. Bhanghal. On 4 —The Dutch warship? Oertderland and Holland have auditny* been ordered lo Bwatow and Amoy, re spectively. ENGLAND FOR KHAKI IIHITONV M %T%l\ THE WAN WITH THEIH NOTE®. GOVERNMENT IS SUPPORTED. MIM4TI.BHI hT dU’IJ' AEE 1114- FORE THEM. UorldnitniHt Declare for the War and the Annexation of the Hrput*- llcx Even I.literal acotlant* Nhnken—Londoner* 4.row taithiißi nstie Over the Government % le lor>— Eleetfna n Boat of the Pro tloers. LiOudoci. Oct fi. 4 m The "khaki" >*m hie swept me country. Y'estei uiy's p<d!inga nr* n inis of increased Min istcriallH' and diminished Liberal major* itie# The retuins from the rural dis trict* to-day, tFrlda> i. and to-nsrrow. my do M>methlng 4 reboldiitat*’ ii* LB* rrals. but the results thus far have fully Justified Mr. Chamherlaln and th*- party organisers, who are bn, k iig the goverti meat, in their chone of tto moment tv* •Hfvxii vo Parliament. Few will doubt that an appeal to the country month or two earlier would have produced an even more remarkable I nioiiM outburst Nevertheless, th*’ Min isterialist* may nit*nty congi itu.nte ’hemselves on iieing return*'*! with an Inorrafe-d maj>nt> Y'est>*rday the Con servatives g<iind twelv** seal*, as aK<nn*t three galtied by the lel*er.le The workingtTwm of the country have teplied in livery decided voh-e in favor of the war. nnd of the annexation of the republics. Even Llheraf H* (Aland is .it bis; feeling the full force of the shock, the Glasgow Tories helitg a- much aston ished as the Liberals at their uncx|*ct MM’ccsa in winning two seats. Th** results In Llverimoi and other In dustrial districts tell a similar dory of in creased Unionist majorities. Mr Chambensln. Hvho wax lls*enitig to the results over Ihe telephone, sent the following message to the people of Illr nlngham "Tills hax been a g*cxl day’s w*rk for the empire " l>*tnkm Itself felt th* 4 full tide of . lie Unionist victory, 'lit* Llln ral repreaen latton from the meirojioli* will not atuouni to more than seven or eight out of iU ry-two memiers Indeed, tin*<l Lib • ral success*# only serve to enhance the nature of tn<- Unionist triumpn In ail directions the an*i-war Candida.* a have l>een de feu ted. lA>talo>r< w*r not slow last evening to testify to their delight W herever Ihe results were displayed crowds collated to and to dernonatrat* In favoi of their favorites In varxnis |n>ll!ng dis trict* th- aodidGs Mpp-ared ot window" or drove about, receiving tremendous ovations. The returns from many point* will not b*- known until toward noon to-dav. At midnight returns received showed the total number of elected to he 397, with the relative strength of paries as fol . Ministerialists. 2*<>. Liberals, Including La barite*. 72; Nationalist*. 45. Tin- Conservatives have gained alto geher 21 scats, and the Liberals 14 The Dally Mail describes the election as "The rout of theipro-lioerrs " and "The J< iiacie of 'Little Kngluhdtxm " " •<’.ip? linihton of British cruiser Powerful. Liberal, was defeated by over Ids* majority. A. Conan Doyle, Conservative, was de feoßd BACK FROM A LONG FORAY. Itnberfa Reports I pun Operations in ftouth Africa— "nin fl Aklrm (sties Oeear Dolly. London. Oct. 4.—Lord Roberts twis wired as follows to the war ofllc* "Hart resumed to Ktugersdorp Oct. 1. He ha# been thirty-three days from hi# base, marched 310 miles, wag in <oniact with the enemy twenty-nine days, killed an unknown number and captured ninety six. The British toss was three killed, three prisoners and twenty-four wounded. Ilnrt brought back 2.7J> head of cattle an! 3,281 sheep. "Butler ha# returned to Lydenburg from B|ttxJiop with 1.000 sheep. ' There arc sklrmlshe# yilh the Boers daily, hut they are small affairs. "The Dublin Fusiliers made a night as sault with the taiyonet on a laager l*e •keen Pretoria and Johannesburg and cap tured nine men. mostly important Boers, who have troubled the district. "A party of B*>er# have penetrated the southern part of orange River Colony, entering Dewefsdorp and Wrpener. De tachment# are after them >♦* f EMPLOYE* DISMISSED. Attaches of the Inimlii rollon office Guilt* of Had 4 omlarl. Washington. Oct. 4 Assistant Hecretary Tayor to-*!*> t*x>k action In the case* of four employe# of tne immigration offb •• af New York. Who ba*l >a*en charg'd with x arious offenses. The a-'tlon of the a-- aistam se retary Is the result <d a rtwent lrveatigatlon condu<‘t<d at the barge office tit New York Emil Au#t4tx. gatemm. I* di*mlssei for violent and profane language anl general ly ro*igh treatment of Immigrants. Karl E. Kumpf. messenger for the board of Inquiry, is dismissed for accepting money from the friend* of immigrants. J Hoes Hrewart. messenger. Is dlrmtss *■<l for receiving money from the fMonth* of Immigrants. The charges of brutality and mlstreal *nent of female immigrants against Jotm Lederhllger w*-re di*mt*s*#l FINE SOIJHEN* PERISHED. Earnped from l'lli|inoa t* Die In the Aluuntaln AA llda. \\ a suing ton. Oct. 4 -Gen. MacArthJf r*i*or;*d to tha war rer*artmem to-*Jay that flv sold.ets died in the mountains or Laguna province, after having made their escape from th# Insurgents, by whom they had been captured The dut# of their death is unknown, and no details are fur nlshed as to the manner or their dear!). It is supposed, however fhat they per ished from starvation and exfwwmre. hav ing lost their way in the mountains in their endaavor to r#turn to their com rades. MORE MEN TO MARINDUQUE. It vI n force **•• ti Im gent AA here %ll*for t*ia** Met Milelda—Hare \A 111 t (iMmanil tlie Washington, Oct I The following r ihiegram liax b• n rec dvetl at lh Wat 1 hutariment Manila. Oct 4 Adjutant General, W ixtilnguvn First Infantry, to Mar- Irduque, h| Hth. on Humr-r. G*n Hare t command i and with onleix to |Mj#h op* tat tons until m**m • lcn I# stamped out abaoluteß lie wl l have twelve full companies of lnf n rv fr the purpo-e. Anderson** tirs* operations developed t othlf g No r* *srts since o**l. 2 Mm- Arthur." The al*ove dispatch rslate* to reinforce ments sent to the it land of Martnduque. w here Capt Hhl* Id* and Afty-one men of ihe 1 weit)r-nln*h Volunteer Infantry w*re ether killed or captured by the insurg ents At that time Gen MacArthur sect Col Anderson and two companies of the Thirty *’1x11(11 V dunt er lnfanir> with tli* Yorktown and two gunlsats. to the r* l.ef of H>iidls i*v! bis command, tf thej Were still alive |t is evident that Gen Ma* Arthur think- reinforcements are tiecessaty, <is Cul Antleraon was able to accomplish nothing with the email force whit'll was Him x. nt oil! WAS IN THE NAME OF CARTER. It eld and I lag* No tarried Delaware mml I.Nt ltini on im Stock—\A rat col I Again. New York. Oct. I The ero*#-exam!n tlon of Robert F West cot t, Capt Carter's father-in-law. who has been on the wt ness stand since Friday on the applica tion f*r th** removal the Jurisdiction **f ill** United Stat* Court In Georgia of J. K , K. M and W, T Guvnor and U. D. Greene, was resume*! to-day Counsel lgan to question the wltneh# al>u4 his iran> i* lion with the sto k brok erage Aim of Reid St Flagg on hi* return from Europe In Mr Wrstrott re membered giving them order# to sell Delaware ami lon kawanna st* k fr him. Inn could not remember what he did with the proceeds Cat ter benight the Mock for him under power of attorney for about kTt.oo The witness could not ro meml*er telling Reid A Flagft he dixap proved of the purch-is* The stm-k was on fhe tmokx of Reid St Flagg In Carter’s name To a direct question Mr WeMeott denied that the unsold stock was turned over •o him. and said If Reid St Flagg testified they turned It over to him they (emitted falsely. At this fiotnt Com miss loner Hhie.'ds was called away and adjourned the further hearing until to-moriow morning. RANKER* AT HH HWOND. Addresaea on Intereallau Aabjrrta AA ere Rendered. Richmond, Va., Oct. 4—At the closing session of the American Bankers' Assn- • lafion to-dny "The Financial Future of the United Htates," "The Internal Reve nue Laws," "Public Opinion and. Banks." and "The Education of a Banker," were discusscd.’he leader# In the discussion Of the several topic# being. re#psctlvely. Charles A. Cofiant, New Y’ork Journal of Com merce; Alfred C Barnes, president of the j Astor Place Bank. New Y’ork, J. A. 8. Pollard, cashier Fort Madison Havings Bank. Fort Madison, la , and George Hague, general manager of the Mer chant s' Bank of Canada, nnd delegate of the Canadian Banker#* Association. The association confirmed the officers chosen yesterday by the committee a# follows. President. Alvah Trowbridge, president of the North American Trust Company. New V**rk. the present vice president of the association; vice president, Myron T. Herrick, president of the Hociety of Hav ings, Cleveland, 0., Ihe present chairman of the Executive Committee, chairman of the Executive Committee. Caldwell Har dy. president of the Norfolk National Bank. Norfolk, vice president# were elect ed from all the states and territories. Two cities were placed in nomination for the next session of th** association. They were Buffalo and Milwaukee, the former ladng represented by Col W. C. Cornwell and the latter hy F. G Bigelow The*quesllon was referred to the Ex* • u* five Council which will de Ide If at the meeting to he held next spring The Executive Council was requested to appropriate s•>.***> to the Galveston relief fund. a raaoiiitlnn dtdgiiiig 1 in fltw #f put V . . nil- w.i - '•* ‘l’ and •’' ’ • l*ug •! '*- slot). Through a resolution sent to the Exec utive Council for action, th* assot'latlon lndorse*| th* proposition for a Federal dc partrn* nt of rommrri e anil Industries The council was Instructed to send • opi*** of th# resolution to the President. rfem ters of the cabinet and member* of Con gress After the adoption of appropriate reso lution# of thanks, W K Trigg, who has been elected vice president for Virginia •poke, urging that the convention be held next year After his D-mark# the con vention adjourned sine ill* Immediately following the adjournment th** Executive Council convened aid elected Col. Janrte* R Branch, formerly of R! timond. secretary, and <leor*e M Reynokin of the Continental Bank of Chi cago tiea#ur**r, both succeeding them selves. These matter# being lls{K>s*ml of. th** I'mindl went Into the consideration of unfinished husineaa The bankers go to Ok! Point on a com plimentary excursion to-morrow morn ing one of the moet striking features of th* morning we salon was th** presentation of splendid *liver loving cups to President Walker Hill and Hecretary Jam** R Branch of the association Th** event wa# unique, in that th* recipients of the hand some gin*, the two Chief offlcrr* of the association, are both native# of the same c| t v—- Richmond—a coincidence which will probably never Oft ur again Tb ctifS w* . e pr**!ent.*il by Ihe Clearing House iMttker* of Richmond. A. B Blair, a*h- Ur of the Hecurtty Bank, making the ad dress. * ♦ ■* TO I* DALE IN DimifcHP. Hark from < arrabelle Needed Aid Off the Isle of Man. London. Oot 1.-Tha Norwegian bark Topdala. Capt Benson, from ClfflMlc. Fla . Aug b, for White Havsti. while an bored at Ramsey Bay. lata of Man made signals that she was In distress and drag ging her anchors. Her craw wart iakk off DAILY S'* A Yf FAR. *. CENTS A COPY WEEKLY 2 TIM EH-A WEEK.II A TEAR MINERS ON A MARCH > % 41. %*| %% %l IMMI m:m row % nm:. PROMPT ACTION WAS TAKEN. or n.imo w %w ti hm i> n%< tc I'NUH I 111 \ I II 1 o\. Hoi Hrrr Murrhlng from Honnf • iirnirl lo I'urrr Hlnrr ( Trever (>i lo l|iitf \% or k— In la of fli •• Hlurr*' Oruniiifiillon I Him t|e| Them—-lie imi ties Hurried loTrever lNOrilrr for flit* llrimrlurr of Haller) 4 lltinted. Huslrton. I*n . Oct i An uprising of striking miner* In th* Hh.itnokln region seemed immlticni for several hour* late to-day, and there were foreboddig* of a aeriou- dash howroi trnod deputies and a liir hnAy of strikers Prompt *< lion of some cool-hr idrd offh Ia la of Hi* miners* oraontx.Hion finally succeeded In mrrltni the ihrmlrnnt oonflbt Home IMUO • iih strikers assembled at Mount Cartnel and. hasded by a band of must* . started march to Treverton, six teen mllrn ihmv. with the avowed purpose of forcing llioN* at work at the North Franklin olllery to qua and Join In th* strike. Till* wax Ihr only mine In opera tion In the region and the striker* had be come anere<| at the refusal of the men there to plop work The m a rebar x w re in an xi-*|iM nd wrathful frame of mind When they nad three mil l of their mr h they are re met by official* of their organisa tion who. after wir'i |er‘MM*‘oo. mduce.i the men to nlmiklcii ihdr trtp. 'Hie striker* tb*-n turmd back, though malty did so reluctantly Meantime Mvrrxl liunl'ol deputies hid let*n pushed to Trev-rlon on special trains and a sertou* con.lit could irc-ly have been avoided had h- tv. lied stitkers ar rived at tho scene .ind efMwavored to car ry out thetr Ihm.i agnttst tbs work men Inter It wop announced that the offt. lain of the North Franklin fhlllii/. to prevent trouble, woult not operate the mine until tin* strike was settled <#n. fSobin, a* a result of iht* near dis turbing element. o tinfh* rescinded his order for Mattery r of the National Oua'd to return horn** to-morro* The I gl*tb Itegiment left for home *hl afternoon Affairs We re quiet in ull other teutons of the authractn Held to lay. mtd the • inker*, scored hn|< . ,un* In tl* 'losing of additional colilrrte# in tne flchuylklll district. WI'B a ceeaauon of ofwratuwv* at the North Franklin all of the Philadelphia and Heading (*om|iany's thirty-nine |lhrie* win now have <e**d work The pidnt of atta> % k by the Fntteif Mm** Workers’ organisers, now Ip the I* inther < ’reek Valley In the lower region, where the collieries of rhe lehtg4 • *oal .ind Navigation Company have been In pra> finally full ojenitimi since ha strike began in the other sect ions tffr*-n •♦.wm efforts are being put forth to In *hice the mn there to quit work and Join the union. * President Mitchell to-dav said there was r.o immediate peoape-f of a convention of ihe miner* to itMislikr the con e salon a offered by the operators None of the Lack iwanna company's strikers availed themselves of the offer of Increased wages if they should re turn to work hy to-day. *f I MOM ft *TIIRt>; %T MI.OCTO*. (Mrr 1.0(10 %len <|i* Work firm They Unninl Uirr IHlf. Birmingham. At* . Oct. 4. A atrfke \m on *( Hlnt'ion, * mining town forty mil** southwest of (hi* city. *nl Ihr mines of ih* Tennessee (‘cml, Iron ami Railroad Company, employing over I.OUO minors, driver* and top m<*n are Idle. Th* strike 1* Um result of the refusal of the rotfifNtny to accede to the demand of 7T. rant* a lineal fool for taking down the roof In room* where the roal runs un der a certain thi*'knees. An aare* ment waa entered Into between the miner* amt the company early in July, whm the .mniial contract waa •tun 'd after a leant conference, and the rom punv • talma that In quitting work the men are violating the contract In that, by Ita term*, they are to continue at work until th** National executive Ikarl can p>* u|ioii any difference* that might .trtaw It I* understood that the matter has bean referred to Mr Mitchell of tha Uftlted Mine Worker* of America through the district official*. Mild: APmormvrioftft. • _____ irw Philippine 1 nnt mission Donated Money a Filipino's W Idow, Manila. Oct. 4.—The new Philippine Commission to-day appropriated $3*7.04) (Mexican) for the paynunt of *undry ex pense* Incurred by the military for the benefit of the Insular government during Heptember ami also donated $1,500 <M*xt tsm to the widow of the loyal and effi cient Filipino president of the lows of Hunt* Crux. who wh* vengefully murdered by the Insurgent* The purpose la to show the United Htates government’* in tention to protect Re friends and faithful servant*, the Hollos of I’ywy Island and Its ctvtl government. A detachment of the Forty-fourth Reg iment. In Hohollsa. one of the Viacayan group, hw* encountered a force of |he en emy. killing thirty of them. One Ameri can was killed. i <mi vi hi nKimnr. r.iriTRD. oilimllon In lirnri.lon. I* I onald era.l I naafr. Columbia. 8 C.. Oct. 4.—Rri>orta from rural acctlona of flrorgetown aay country nraroea are greatly exrtted. and the sit uation la conrlilered very unaafa for tha taolated famlilea of planters In that lo<'Si lly. Women ami cnlklrcn are being re moved to places of asfety. wherever that la possible. Tha condition of Jostah Doar. ex-aherlff and adltor of the Georgetown Timea. who waa a hot In the lag on he night of the riot, la aertoua I *nm!nate(l 4 raae. Boston. Oct 4 —The Uaaaachuaetts Re publican Btnte Conveniton to-day nominat ed W. Murrain Crane of Dalton for Gov. eraer, '