The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 05, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 COLLIER’S BODY EXHUMED. !*MVl€'l%\ 10l \|i Till 111 1.1 l l ENTI Mi l) PROM Till I ItOVl. I'oil llorlrm \% • llrlit In Thut* Who Mir •lill** lio- Irrnl I roiti III# ll* I# noil 1 Iml •!• Kllllnv f Not • !***• Rrrn lr. rldnill-l %fmtri *f the Fatale flntl Ihe V'o*t Morlrni Meld Atianii (Vi I ■< *n#tr i#-j A Colllar*# body ana# rxhiiml -v- • ay **r I ai * x •mtnation *a m**!- *f ' • *''•! *hjrh cau*#*l I i* i*h \'i*r i |v< mortem The |*hv V *mi r N toitof i I YYDlift W*-inr *ii that the hull*! I( . r ' I U bo 1 from ’to frnft T’• i* * r r ’i*m t* 1 toll til * r. Juiwin Hi' ir l ll.w#of '•*!; • •** |on f r ■ • hh. I •* r fr >i'i' r>il\ rlr . ulato that Mr • J!U*r w ohot in Ito ■*- t • ¥ Mr Collier who u • Vnr*la> comm * a. r i th# Vh- •\p i.o , found lying lr *he \ K \ of h! home on KatM'Xi Mrf**t I***? Wadn# , lri> muirurg at . 4- k Ii vs., ipp***e I to t. l bftn hunt In# bur#i*r* and had fa.leii rV*r the 1 j*> I#. ■! *. <r>m t; to k I*.!** h t the >rtl tol* w barging the | |he an* l Inflstlng rh won, I •cridtntijlh A h *"• t hole wa* in lii* !#fi .*• ,\-t anl i tVr r hi® ban*, the toll having paentirely through hie body He rltol th* tie*! muffling Tr - < oroncr i#turn* Ia venli ' *h it the • * kt'itVnl'tl from the theory that Mr Colli# r ha t f a ! Vn 4o*n the riep For the p*t few ,1 *ye r .mor have in drrulai on ttot of the (/bytir ani who .t‘* i IMr * *oher w• r* of the of>lni<*n ihar th# h*l w** r*<\ from th* to k making ih* ttory of nr. rWer’al nhor* M n# lmpa*#lhl# The p,. i mooern wa held without the knowledge* ol .me n • mtor® of ih* faml John Collier, to-thc of th* dead mu <L<l no? know th* todv had torn exhum'd until he r**ii of It In the newspaper to- - day %t€.t*TV* HM.hTHV LAW. Interesting F.pldr In the 'lrrlliii of I'iilirr I oniinl*Huifr. Augusta. Os . fVt 4 —Two special meetings of Council were held to-day for the ftfor! *l and third readings 1 f Council man Ellloft'i amendm* r. f to the registry law There was some opposition lo the amendment. but it w>e p -**•'! and re quire* a voter, not inly to take the cus tomary o.*th about hi* residence and the payment f but al*o to give hi* • Councilman Llltott sold the only object of the law- was to throw an additional ele ment of safety around the ballot bo* by •ddir g another means of identifying the voter It has **en a custom to take •tames from th* registry lists and ha'e • hem voted by other- Now a man will have to fit the ag* h well a. the name There was a sensational episode In the meafltng of the l*olt* e t'ommlMton-r‘ to night Chairman Asbury Mull called *• ten*lon to a paragraph In the Tribune's account of the recent miw masting, in whl h It was stated th-it Chairman Hull had ordered a poll* **man to arrest a man, hut Commissioner Fulgham had told •he pfliictaUß lo pay no atten tion to his order. Commissioner Fulgham admitted the fads and contended that >lr Hull had no tWftMa* taking ACtto* port In a I*. 11l at m*. ting as police com tnieeioner that thet** wa- a popular de vnand th* poll** and tire departments sh**uld be K*| t out of politics, and If the commission hop* and to a* mplish this they must keep out of politPa* themselves t'oir miss loner Fulgham. continuing turned upon Commissioner Mattison and •a I*l he had hear*l he w dispenser of the Phtniiy • impalgn fund* In the Fifth w ird. and he (FulfUmi pruirnel against polite!* entering lnt* p*. tit In this n dive wa\ MtiUexi replied that he got no pay for services as l*Olke Commissioner, and while he was willing lo render the eer* vice, he was not wiling to m. rlfl- ** hi* rights as a rltlsen and voter lie would resign first After further talking the routing adjourned without taking any ac tion or. th* * jb,H * t HI %M * Mil iTl’wrt IATIVE. Struck the Man U ho Plead for Him nml for Hta %rt. Columbia. H C . r. t 4 —Lewis Hvars. of £par*anhurg Is a sadder, but wiser man lie smote the hat.d rai*ed in h*s behalf, and now he wtd hav. ample time to gmlte the r *k* on the c unty road* Byars, a white man. w *s pled In the b -slons t cmrt for .inuult and battery o 7 a high at I aggrgva**d nature. He had used j4st<*l, but hi- aim bad le**n l*oor On a vetde t of guiit> le|ng ren dered th* man who t i l been assaulted v*nt Into court and pbaded ,with Judge fienet f.r leniency Because of this ple.% •he Jury fla* l the penaltv at one year in the penitentiary, or a fine of fl&o This fine Byars ws g ;ng to pay. but In going cut of th* c*airt room be met tb* man w h >m he had attempted to kill anil who had plead hi* case, and struck him heavily In the m*>uth Judge Benet on being informed of the a lon, hid Byars alb 1 into court, r • v- k*d his flirt *nten< • ind gave him eighteen months .n the > holngang SEW it HF.IH I.L I’IIED. I’rlrrfc on Varna (grrnl V pn ly Ihr I MNtrrrtirr. Philadelphia. Oct. 4 —'The conference l*e iwwn < oiiuiiMieea representing # h* Southern Gotten Spinners’ Am>- rtatftnri and the Yarn Merchants' Aeeoilatlon. with reference to a revision of prl ♦ * for \ rn to*day, com* fueled the work An Increase of t arid 7 cants m |*ound was decided upon. Following u the schedule of prices for the various grad* Plv Yam#—Noe 4-V !, 10. 14V; 11. MV I ! 22. 20V* 24. 21c; 2>, 21V . >. 7%; *. 3V* #> 2* . 40. Me Black Bkeln—No *lO. 17V. 12. !7V . W. I*V Warps. Two-Ply—No. fcty, 16.'. 10 16Vi 11. 17V. 12. 22. 21c. 26 22 %• 3V 36. 27r. SO. . ,4HNKTI.II POM Two \p(ropa < liNrppd U lili Mhi lug Killed %e|sn *lg|i|i). Macon. Oe. Oct. 4-J* ff Orr .*•• Sol f*olomi. two negroes, were arrested to day and placed In Jeffersonville Jail, charged with murdering Mr. N* Ison fclappy. t West Lake, a year ago They are paid to have tv * n heard making threats against the vmin* man's life, a phort tlm* tefore he was killed. In the swamps near his home It Is thought Bol ognan shot him after the other negro had decoyed film The state offers s2k> for th !r conviction, prd Mr Slapp>*f father offers SIOO. Headache Blllouineii, sour stomach, constipa tion •nd all liver 111* are cured by Hood's Pills The uon-lrriutln* cathartic. Price £1 cent* *< all druttflat* or by sail ot C. I. Uuod * Cos.. Lowell. FRANKNESS is admired by every honest man or woman. The subjoined, unsolic ited letter from et promi nent physician cannot ffi il 1> lj t carry conviction to any unprejudiced mind. O % K II 111 * WIT\l(ll >l. hniiM* t Hy, kaai. 11. .1. \\ itnilriin, Mar. AMtin t Ity, Kan*., %nu •**. |!mn. I tbe plrnsure In *fMtina tlmf I ti n\r u*r| Warner’* sfr t nre e % |-n*l rI > lor fli •* la*t ten *nr* In in * prni*- flre. Imona flic mail) rraaaetlle* employed, I lime foiintl uttflilna that lm* ultrn *u*h uratlltlnu result* In all ease* of hlll'.\ %Ml 111 %lll*ll< IMtH 111 l In leverr case*, in almost e*er> iioiumr, I hae had to resort to Uaraer’a safe t are hef**re • ftreflu* n perma nent rare. I am happy tn a that It I* rellahle, not only n* a kltlnri and hlndder reaulntnr. I*ut It net* a* a eneral tonl<- a* well, (hr moat *l*-Iteate iionint bi lielnu ahle to tolerate It. In many ra*e* of Y I M % I,K THIH lll.f'. I base used If with marked *aeee**. I feel JtiatlPed In statina (here I* an other kaown remedy that au e|iial It In all Kid nr) or llludder I rouble*. Wry *l*crrely your*. K. .1. VluoDNim, M. n. Free Mtni*V of Wimtr’; Safe Cure rent on appiP ation Addre®*. WAKNtK fi SAFE CVIU; CO Ho htMtr N Y. ATHI’VC !• II %M I* %H % 1111. •*|4lr H4ll(l l*arant Wltne**el !> tlie f rnlv*l % lattor*. Athena On . Oct. ♦ —Th* f**iur* of the • irnival 10-dav •.* he floral unrd* at 4 o'clock fhf® afternoon. If wu on* and * half mil** locie nd roniatnel twenty tight float n It wa- offc*dd by a quad of mountat poll l *m*n. followed hv Gov. Candler and hi® Maff Then ram* tto t acort of honor. rowMMln# of fifty of Ath#n‘ young oriety fn*n on hor®#* Thl. pre-etled the queen who followed In the mo®t #44rgeou* float ever aeon In Athena. Mia* lulae Duboee *e tjuern. w• * vision of lovellneno When her fl**at im to *he triumphal ar*h on t’lnyton etr**i It pfr(*ped *rxl the 1 eremoniee of OfOWfi in# the Queen wore gone throtigh xxith Th* judge® F* W klelrirlm Bur ton Smith. H. C Neely, (leorge Baldwin ♦ ncl M Dufsi. mad* the aaard of prlie*. Th* ftr*t Ifl*e W> was given Mr® Fer dinand Phlnlty. who a carriage oat S2 ***> f4>r decoration* Thip wan the mom au- float ever e*#*n m Georgia. ®o ray th judge*. It wu* d*4orated In C’hl* ag* The aeeund pri*e war won by Mrs C. A Bcu*lder. Gov A I> and hi* at aft at* In th* city to-night To-inorruw will Bryan and Btevenoon day. and Gov. Cand ler and Congo eman Howard will make •ddreaaea. Ai ihv .wrnlval ball i,-ntght It is ma le ptilklc that Ueut. Col John Welch I* the King of the carnival Col. Welch la (MM, of the moel popular young m.i in the city and hi* selection te approved by all. 44 ILL ELECT .% 41 44 OK TO-DAY. 4tluutn lli'ii germ t imfiilrnt 4| 4VHI He fioeeeeefwl. Atlanta. Oa.. Oct. 4.-All Atlanta la ex etted over the Impending city election, which comes off to-morrow. The eam i signs have been finished up. and Ihe can •lalatee aie anxiously waiting for 4he re sults. The public la also deeply interest ed In Ihe outcome, for the campaign ha* been one of thv holiest in the city * his tory. MuJ LtvlngMnn Mims candidate for mayor, to-day ■ liarged Frank Rice, mi caher I andldat, tin the same office, with selllnk the city a lot while be wae In Council a deur violation of the low Thin 11. the second charge Minis has made of this nature against Rice, the first having been made tn th- major a Opera House speech Tuesday. The charge to-day I* printed In the Journal. It Is ronreah'd generally Inal Mlm- will he elected, Mlm* men having teen hunt ing In vain to-day for an opportunity to t>et large sums on their candidate. l"p to yesterday Rice men wire found on oil *td* sto be-k their man But tin y have disappeared to-day Four out of every five men on tls* street say Mime will t>e elected W't h Rice second, and Mltrhel and M'Ciillough ne. k and neck for last place In the race The fight I* clearly lie twish Mims and Rice I The Best I'reserislles f*r Malaria, Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Orove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It I* simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form No cute —CO pay Price We -ad 814.8.000 I'llH Nt 11,48144*8. The Leal.tain re 44 111 He Asked for 4loney for the Teeh. Atlanta Oa . Oct 4 The legislature will be asked for a $35,008 appropriation to he used In the erection of new build ing* at the Georgia School- f Technology this fait This was decided u|*m at an meeting of th'- board of trus ts*- a. held In the office of l'iof Liman llall yesterday. The school open, t this year with an attendance of oxer 4>. which l umber has been Increased and the total attendance thl* year Is expected to ex-eed ,V All the available space nf the Institution has been turned Into dor mitories, and .till there D not enough room. •TOP* THE rut fiH 4418 WORKS OFF TIIE COLO. laxative Brorno Quinine Tablet* cure a rob lln one day No cure, no pay. Prl e 3 sent* -ad I *BIB 4 4%14t HESTER. lint lemon's Hollet Itirtatialely 41 Issesl Its Mark. Columbia, fi C.. Oct. 4—Die harged for drunkenee# A T Vernon, boss Jof the Southern < r shops here, dtempted night before last tn kill R A. Overton next tn authority He fired at him with a Wln i heater itfie at short range, having pur chased th, weapon for that purpose Over ton happened to turn hi* head Just as Ver non was pulling the trigger and Jumped in a door Vernon was arrested. He did not seem to tie In his right mind. t . A 41. I ouilllltlee Met. New’York. Oct I—The Executive Com mittee of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road met to-dav and considered various matters of routine preliminary n the an nual meettna wht h takes pine on Get. ,3 According to th* best information no #< rtous consideration has been given to the dividend question thus far. THF. MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1000. EUITIIHS UK THF. KOIBIAC. • tall •elected to Get Out Emory's An nual I'ulillrutl UR, I-ttvwy roil***. Oxford <ia Th* *l**- tl *fi for oftl era arvi editor* of the Zodiac wa* h4*l#l yesterday rnorrm* In the office of Pr#Rtr|ent lomun. and rerulte*! In a manner that will be entirety Netlefartor* to all part lee concerned There ha.i ts*n ouiie a la*#* amount of (SttconMon as to th* flllln# of soma tf th* piaces, anl at ona time it ltoked as If thera would h* nQ v lum* of the Zodiac published by th* das* of IJ*M. However, a sat Is fact on Mr-m*nt watt rear bed, and the e tot lon resulted a follows. Editor In chief. Edward u .S ntt of Atlanta, hiulm i>- nunas* r, Howani E Ei l* i. of Way rosr. literary lltf-rs. I S Hopklna. Jr . of 8t Louis. William F‘ Qutlltton. Jr. of Mad Ison, Ferry l*harr, **f Buford, and laiuren W Forernaii. of Washington Oa . ath “tic editor ilu#h A Woodward, of Winchester. T*nr. wrtton editor, Henry 1 din Jones, of Toccoa, at<l statistic ed itor. Julian H Jordan of Handersvtlle Thl*> staff 1® in every wa> competent to **t out an annual of th* highest order, and for which there will be a large de mand TE\M AT EMORY COLLEGE. \\ f-ii nr*4| >'• Tiinrna mr n tb fir F*l l*wed fly another To-dny. Emory Coll*#* Oxford. Oa., O.t 4—The "second round" completing the prelimi naries In th* tennis tournament came off yesterday afternoon with th* following re sults Goodwin of Atlanta wor from Anderson of K ivnnr in. th* '‘Chinese wooder." the scores being f—l. Ito 7 and d—l. M 'aln of At.onto won from Boyd of f*\(nr*Y after three **-t* wtth the scoree 7—5. A—2. 7-5 Moore of Bolton beat f’allahan of M,- Donouffh after three hard sets, the score# If which were A | I—4t. S 4 Guyton of Dublin won from W. T Qutl’tan of Mailtom in two sets. s—2. 1M On Friday afternoon this afternoon’s victors wtl! meet Trumbull, Turner. W G. Qoilltan nd lllouni who were the win ner** yesterday, and th* contest will to narrr>wd <lown ns quick y .is |K>sslb|e. Interest in tb* tournament Is In nod when the Ann s take place Krltov larg# i**trt of th roll eg* will to around the courts. •I’KVul ROTICKt. sm I %L NOTH E. City of ti<iv innah. Office Clerk t>f 1’ unii, O t f*. l(*n A vn inn having m'ctirred in the Board of the <N>rnmle-‘i4iners of IMlotage by r*a son of thr death of < omm>sl'*icr J J. Wilder, and by virtue of a r -olniton filopted at .♦ meeting of CJoum II h# Id .n th* evening of th Srd Instant Jfotl e l* hereby given that an etotlon will be Ik id at th* next regular meeting of Coun -1 il, CK't. 17. R p m.. to fill the unexptred 1 t*=rm *a.-lon**l by th* d*ath of th- said 1 Commissioner Wilder All applb atlon.H to to fltoi on or before 12 m or in* 17*h in*iam WILLIAM I* BAILEY. 9 Clerk of Coun- II HUM)* I. \ 4 1 I MO lly th# American Bonding and Trust company of iialtlmora We are author ised to sxauU locally (Imro diatel> upon application), ad tomsia in judn I*l pro c* dlt g* In aither the stole or Unites R ates court#, and of adnrnisti atora on J gua:dt* ns DEAR!VG A Ifl'LL. Agent# Telai-h'n* At. FTo\tiei t Build ng \OTIt K TO TU I’tll 18. city Treasurer’s Office* Rttvannah. Gs., Or*t. 1. 1900 The follow ins tax** ar* now due BEAL ESTATE, third quarter. IWO ST*CK IN TRADE thlr.l quartet. 1900. n’RNITVRK etc. thirl quarter, ismi MONEY MORTGAGER. etc third quarter 1900 A dls ourt of TEN PER CENT will tv nl owed ui>on all of the almu if pay ment Is male within fifteen days after t Oct 1. c R HARDEE. City Treasurer. w mi n. Two thertm#h v competent Rice Miller- *Fx.d salary n I permanent |w>*na>’' w II to gtv* n t4i 1 ipabb men AMr<ss. with referem#s. I‘hol Li; R INDEPENDENT FIR E MILL CO Ltd . Crowley. La LA II is I. W AtlLllOt E AMI OK- Fit t: to rer t, totaled head of Broughton str*et. on West Broad, now o> cu pel by ih* .Savannah Carriage and W’aiton Cos A* they will g,v# up in the city on June 1. I of fer L for i*nt from that dtta H. P. SMART WALL PAPKR, 11 A.YGIRQ. We carry complete assortment of laPwt style pipers, and employ only bat aitiata Be* our gXNis and gl our osilmata ha fore giving out your work. Our prioas th* aery lowest savannah building supply CO* Corner Drayton and Wotigrea* I’liWA dll. MCBTI4U,. LAM.It I 41 LODOB 0. M. r. AAO A VI i . w n of tut. tk . Flily, . . atNb i • •'Xr' a • UKk*r# of .Itlfr r.) trirxicnl : rolh.i* rrrdutl. Invilni to tt*<, H> or (Ur GKO T CANN. W. M W C Tit A VIS, hcrrliry •raCIAL AOTICKS. LBV tV. TAIILK D'HOTE niAVKR* 10c—DINNER—*#e Dlnn.r 1 to 3 an.l A to 8 Friday, Oct. 1. Claret Win*. HQUP. D.arronl ItacD Terrapin. riSH Rockf!h. f:* Kaure.* . la* Sliced Toni a tor Olive*. ( hoar Choar, Mt*d Plcltlea ENTREES. Shrimp C'r<vjtie*.* ala Ven.tienne: Macaroni au rQatln. ROASTED. Frim* Rib* of lieef. rth Oravy S'ufT*l loin of Veal, drown Oravy. VEGETABLES Mahe<l Po'afoe* Snyar Com. Rlie. S*ew*l Tomaite*. .'amlled Yam* I’ASTRY AND DESSERT Apple Pte, A.-eorted rakea. Cheeee. Crarker* Flnaappk' Shertiet Drip Coffee LEVANS CAFE AND REST At'RANT. 11l Congreaa etreet, we.' October Brides Will he the happier for racelv tna preeent* e!ect*<l from our Bea infill. New Sto k ol St*r l;ny Silverware, Bl.que and China Statuary and Ornament*. Art Pottery. Ru*- *lan Enamel. Eti Our e ore la now an Exhibition of Art tn our line And all |>o'e are right. HUNTER & VAN KEL REN, Jewrelera. 113 Bull etree, Oa Phone 981 >1 ait R IPPLC, W>*t llrnn*hlon street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Agent for following manufacturers, make your selection from them Mayer, Buckeye. Frailer, Cortland. Waterloo. Watertowrn, Welt roll, Rock Hill. Old tfl'kory. Mtlburn end Florence Farm Wagons. Full and tomplete line of Harnees, Bad dies Lap Robes, etc. Keliey Springfield Rubber Tires put on at abort notice. biscuit AM) t#t%t Ki:na. Our crackers are always FREH. CRIfiF. DAINTY AND CLEAN. Try some of our JELLY OOODB AS A CAKE FOR TEA Our crisp GINGER SNAP AT lfle per pounff lfi QI’ITE POPfLAR A M A C. W. WEST. ■ATTRCBSRB, MATTRI ‘t * Have your matireaset and feathers ren ovated by our innlKaMJ steam process before- a chance in weather takes place. (The only plant In fiaiannsh.) It over comes all Impurttle* n-1 renew* life arxl volume In all b*<kilnc material Prtcas on renovation of feat here a* follows Beds |3 Mi, bolsters It. pillows MV Cotton, most and hair mattress** male to order Fine work, low price* Work Kuaranleed. NATIONAL MATTRKBfi AND RENO VATINO CO.. Bell phone 1138. Cl Dravton street. 1111. VX 4 1 ID i 1.1,44 t .414 PETS. The only way to (et your carpet* prop er,y taken up, cleaned and taken are of for the Burmner I* to turn the Job over to the District Mraser c r and Ivelivery Cos., telephone 2, or call al 33 Montromery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of trie work ITloae rate -hahl* They also pack, move and *tore furniture and pianos C. H. WEDLOCK fiupl and M*r RICE X|||.Ll 44., HICK FLO I 11, RIFE 4 MAFF. We hive anew mill with all modern processes and machinery, and are now leady for business We solicit >our pat ronaxe and Inx-lte corresponlence; no. chaff free to patrons THF, SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO.. T M Cunninsham, President John Screven, Jr . Mana|*r 44 L HI 4 A4D SELL REAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent and collect rery*. Represent The Trad era Insurance Cos. accident and liability de pa rimer i: Represent th* New York l n-lerwrtterw Fire In* *K*nry Repreeenl the Greenwich Fire In* Cos*-ent the I’lioenix Mutual Life In* Cos. All bust ne** entrusted to u* will he appre- teted. and will receive prompt and careful at tention No 21 Hixv street, east Tele phone 34* W. C. FHIPP A CO. BI V ORLY TIIK REST 4II4UKH ALE. The best le th# Whaotee Brand of Pel fast Ginger Ale. road* by Wheeler A Cos of, Ireland, (ruin the celebrated Crumac p.-u. ot that city The** epilogs are the properly of Wheeler A Cki., beniw no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters hut themselves The Wheeler Olnger Ale Is mad* from pure Jamaica Ginger Hoot and not from Red Pepper, ae other* are; on* la deleterlous -th# other t* a tonic. For He.xithftunes* and Purity Ih* Cele bes ud Wheeler brand of Belfast Glnaar Ala la tb* best LIPPMAN BBOTHERE ■ole Southern Agents, Savannah. Oak SI 44 4NEK •I’Rlkna HOTEL, Sue. a nee, Fla. Situate 1 on the honk* of the fitiwanee river t’llmate unequaled No m.ilarl.i No moequitoec cool mgnt* xio-, hesl'nfu' and delightful reeorl in th* South Wnt.r cure* every known disease Ro.trd 110 |u r W.ek Hjvecial -ate for < ommerrlal me -of 43 per day. which Includes transfer Table and aeoommodat’tsn* strlrtly tirtt-cia#* For lUttalraled icmphiet tddres* fiu wans* fiprtng* Ce fiuwance Spring* Fit ANDREW HANLEY Mgr • PEL I 41. AOTIf 8:. City ol Savannah 4vflic* Fire Department Savannah. Oa.. Oct. 4. lsnx Bid* for furnishing the Fire Department w-t'h winter uniform* will he received at the office of the undesigned lieforc |J o'clock noon, of Oct. 8. !• In ac.-ordance with specification* All hid* must lie sealed and o.tdresaed to the Fire Commit tee The Committee reserve* the right io re Jtct anv and all hkls or to award the cOit JOHN E MAGUIRE. . Isuptrlnlinden* I v * PHONE 383 And Let Onr Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, ■ III3MI IOTKLL Something New. Beardsley’s Luncheon Chopped Beef, 20c. Thl* rMlriou* la-ef for ome lette. eandwlch or ealai, 1* now offered In thia rlty for the first time. It la tas lly packed In ykas*. Beardsley’s Shredded Codfish, 20c. Thl*. a!*o. 1* someth, tig new In thl* market. It l- th.' finest ee lent codfish, pocked In ftlaee; designed for most exacting tract v. is. i m co., Corner Hroughton and B'hlfaker Our Stock of Wedding Gifts Is very full, Ihe newest thing* tn • tiapee and finishes. Semple pal. Irma sent In advance of the reanlar stock. A study la the Art of Hllver ainlthlug. THEUS BROS. tmciAL xo i itu. HOW AI4II 44 H 4 •! 44 4 4 8:8', BPRI4HBB W’ATKIH 4 I HBJI. * There I* bul one cardinal reason: The water M> u natural dluri-tl Get hold of that phra* in its full mean ing If you plea**- Turn to Abernathy: Nature's tray of cure of dt**x*e I* by free dlure*,*." And Aveahrugger: ''Nature core* for Ihe kidney* That I* health And Bichat Heahh I* impossible if the diuretics he neglected V And the reason for faith In th futuro of the Spring’ Ibn Juhalr w.xs wont to sav to hla pi tlcr.ts "See Mecca. Die." The Suwanee Spring te the Mecca. See the si ring 1 ,tvc We are endinK our pa tients to Ftorkla for their winters He ptrtlciilnr and specify fiueeanee Spring* Put It m this way The water ha* m **- lecllvo action on the kidney*. The ex cretlon of the solid matters—the urea.uric acid, and extractive m,it*rw Is jncren**d by It In other words It cause* .he elimination of the products of the In creased metomorphosls of tissue Aral yet. notice that thl* Is done without eny Impairment of the quality of the hloo.l or anv lowering of the forces of the or ganism Drink the water unsparingly Drink It ad libitum Th* more the better. Be per m-amt. liberal and faithful in Its use Drink It regularly, syeiematleally, dav dav aftw dy. P* a fitiwanee fiprlrg* Water Inebriate Ail you can drink at Livingston'i- for sc. HOTirr. We are now moving our Wholeule Dee partment to the commodlou* quarter* 117 Congress street (formerly occupied by M Dryfue. and will be In perfect shape In a few daye and he pleased to serve our friends. * BDLOMONB COMPANY. Ol ft i ÜBiITI Loan m-xney at six per L *nt on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorney* at laiw and t’onveyan-'ers. till 4XIIIII*I.IIIXIXI Has rrlurned to the rlty end resumed practice. FB:tixi NOTICE. Neither the matter nor coaelgneea nf the British steamship Yestor will be re sponsible for any debts contracte.l by the crew. BTRACHAN A CO.. Consignee*. NOTH F- All bills against the Brllleh steamship Jessie' miuu be presented al our office by twelve noon this day or payment will be debarred. WILDER A CO., Agents Oct. 5, 18(0 •rr.t i 4i. 4iti4 F. All hill* against the British *teamshlp Elfin. Nielsen, master, must he present* I I at our office by or before 13 nx -hi* day. Oct i. or payment thereof will he da baited. J. F. MINIS A 00.. w AfIBBE- . am ikHcm. gAV AVNAII THEATER. TO-NIGHT, CHARLES DICKSON AND COMPANY PRESENT the rla.nty comedy “Mistakes Will Happen.'* Box office row open. Prl.-ea- Kc. 60c. TV and II 'O. gAVANNAH THEATER. Five Night* .ommencln* Monday Oft *. PEJRI' C Hl* UELDHNI CO.. Pretenting the i om-'dv-Drama "A OI'ILTT WirE ' i free Monday night wiih every paid 3(v th ket Dally matinee*, ion menclng Tuesday. HI < RPTiCKS. PF.OPLR H HO 111 %' A dollars worth i t groceries here hod better have two market ha-k*t* We don't give grnrerl.a away, oh. no. but we have a way of etretchlng dollar* *ha* Is appreclat* i by our customers We eel, nothing hu, 'he het 31b pkge eelf-raMr.g huekwheat If,- 4Hlh pkge ee!f-rt*lng buckwheat c 61h pkge eelf-ralelng bnkwrh. it gin 2'h pckg" fresh Oatmeal l<y- Honty drip lyt ip cans .... Evaporated Peaches |>er pound . '.V Fancy iv-ar! Oyster Cracker*, per |h. ton Cracker Ttust, per .. New Mu kerel. fat and Juicy, 2 for. New Sarutogg Chips, i*r pound New Edam Cheese, each yv. New Hwtss Cheese, p, r poun.l ... Delaware and Niagara grapes 3>- Fancy Oranges, doxrn SJc At JOHN T l'V ANR A CO., Cot.gres* and Karnard *tr,eta. ! 'Phone* >tl. We Wash To Perfection. jfaundrif. Office vn Rill: fit reef. Telephone 7<n FOR RENT, from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply Tbc Ctutbam Real Estate and im provement Company, io Newspoper Piste. Fcr sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder will fold sheet lik It to In good order Price SIOO. Il ooat orlglnatty *l.lOB. but we have nu uee for U and want tba rootn It occupies. It will bear Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper ufflo*. Address MORNING NEWS, •wvwnnnh. Us. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 1* YORK STREET WEST 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on de|*lt*. withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly 6' PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. OEu W TIKDEMAN. President. R H LEVY. Vice President. K, W BELL. Secretary. There are more SULTO shoes traveling around town than any other brand. They are more numerous because a lady feels most at home in them. Best shoes in the city for 3.00 Bros. foorcm'£/rrirs~Miitt/Ha LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO R DILLON. President Cashw C fi ELLIS. BARRON CARTER. Vice Presldejt Asst Cashes The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH to j'li ah*-! (u receive (h tcotunu of Herctontp. Firm*, lcdlvlduoia, b*nikk a/wi Corpora tfona Lsltor*i favor* exl*>ruJ*<). Fnaurpa***'! collrtion faclHtiea. 'raur* fr# prompt return* SEPARATEiAVINGSDEPARTMENT DTtNUT 1 UHI'IILABW) ql 4K11.1l- LV 111 DEPOSITS. Safely Deposit Boxes and Vaults foa rent Correspondence solicited. Ttie Citizens Bank Of BA 4 A.V\.4IL CAPITAL. 5500.00a ''**‘*‘“ - lisacnl **sk‘* luSta.M. ballelia Aceessu o ladlvldwale, ■efektsu, beaks aa4 sikat targe. Mtteaa Cwll.rlloas kssdleb wlik safety, “•••■r dUgateb. ***"'•• eawaponadeg (atrterlr alleweS so deposlta la set Saeiaga Department. Bw*y Uegesli Homos aad Iterage Too Its. BRANTLEY A DKSHARK. ■ ILLS H. LANK. Visa Pre.l4esL PKltnolS C. PRF.EMAff. Cashier. BORDOS L. OROOVER. Asst. Cash Saw. SOUTHERN BANK ot the biuto of (lenrgla. Caput I ...AMO.Otb Surplus an.l undivided profits 4401.U*, bti-ÜBllUilV Id lilt. STALL Of GEORGIA. Superior raciliiie* tor irsneactmg a tj.ii.lsl itansing Business I dHacttoqg n..i. on ill polnta avceselbi* through banks and baokere. A, C4HJI.I* Ul liut.aV, u.liktl,. M.lslisi.le and Ollier* aolKtta.l Safe Deposit Boxes tor rant. Department of Savtnga, tntereat payable quarterly Sella Sterling Exchange on London H and upwards JOHN FI.ANVERT. Prestdenl. HORACE A CRANE. Vice PreeldenL JAMES BELLI VAN Coshler, DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E. A WEIL. w W GORDON Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FKRST H P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLT JOHN J KIRBY iiiilllßiCi CAPITAL, SafJO.OUU. Accounts of banka, merchants, eorpwa tlons and liulitlduals eolßltmk Savings Department, Interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and filorags Vaults for rent. Collections made on all potntt at rea sonable rates Drafts sold on all tha chief Giles of <he world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. PreeldenL JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President, w. f. McCauley, cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, oa. Capital <>.t*B Undivided pronta .* This bank offers Its service# to corpora tions. merchants and tivlividuaia- Ha* sutborily to act a axeoulor. ad mlnlatrator, guardian etc Itinif drafts <>n the principal cities In Great Britain and 11 eland and on tha Continent Interest rsUd or compounded quarterly 4>ri deposits In the Saving* Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY RI.EN. President OW> W TIKDEMAN. Vine President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier ■WALTER F HOGAN. Ass't Cashier. No I*4o. Chartered. I*4* —THE— trills loiioii hi OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. ItOvtt. BVRPLVm lIOO.M. I NITED STATES UEP<)ITORY. J A. O. CAHiON. I rtrM'du BEIHNB aOHtnPN. VI * W. M DAVANT. CtohliC. Aoctunta of • anlui •fid bnk*f*. m*r~ ehmwrn and of r i>orm t loo* rec*lv*d up-9 th* moot f*vomb!* t*rti* *ono!*toi*t with oaf* *Td cooo*rr*ltT banklnjr m Morphine and TiTTTI m it* treated with nu j**” 09 UI I I HII confinement Care gYiarat* Iwr 111 111 l t#*rd tr DO par U H VEAL 1 II I Ml Man gr Utn*spnn^>J^“