The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 05, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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,r the theater. r i 01 win Hnil** n " To-nlff lit. , Pi kvn and h! company of ,'j on MR 10-ni(lil In III* con *' Will HaPI-in ' Mana**r .. . , , miracttaa 10 ih* patron* • <*r wMh hi* pcraonal indorac • na* rm tha play and know* ei*m 10 tw> a go ad on*. mil* an amuln xtory An ao icior ar cr*i:y marilad—th , ihtlr **crcy not twin* ap , .„pt oul of d*f#rance to tha of tom* well-known American Tha actor ha wrltinn a play. ,| ni wife *al about ftn.hnK an . produ *l* Tom tianowin, tha . m null a younc nontan. >lr. • ~e. aho haa an Idea lhat an* , lr , aid who haa po**tt>n, in • * , itini 0 f n n, h and ancient husband . or.- youn* wife. lorolhy Jlay mra • lualnlad with Mr. Hun ‘ . Each Independent of 1 1** other. ai ■ nt*r*et the money*! ones in the lr> Hunter-i* want* to etur \\, . as tin niai*ur and make* on : .-m to nave the play read before a rehear’•rd Mr Hunter- Chase p.iDH The wife make* the Hp m , with the actor. the husband ► . , tree- and toe play 1* to tw* re r,i i . both in the stable of the Hun ,f, ... n. ami at the same time Mu ~ ,1 ,< * ov< riM and the lover* of a maid |f in are ln> Idem a 1 to the second ( r i* the third maker* everything aa;- r> to th* parties concerned and the i, .Ur - fry the otover of th* Ut f *. r% tie actor-husband. Mr. Dl'k p • • 'tar. ta a popular favorite well -1 .*■ for hit hreeay *-ome|y method*. \ m thit* play he ha* every opportu x . i.. exploit Ilia company ta mid to p. .x eptiotMllh* clever, and Include* Aim.* Ht I Nell McEwen. Coralyn Mnxweit. L. •* H\de. Itavid Conner. Harry Me- Hd ' \v - 'ter Carter B Weaver ami Will 12m Wehb. The company la under the nanaeement of George Homans. The Ivrurhl-Heldeni Company will begin i <|v* rights’ engagement next Momlav. pr*** 1 ’ nnf for the opening hill the com ei% I'.ima "A Guilty Mother." Ladles • 111 h* idmltted free to the opening per e with every person holding a p‘ and ent ti'ket. The following la from toe At.ant* Constitution: The Peruchl- B* den* Company waa welcomed by a lirr audience last night at the Columbia The .iter. *’A Guilty Wife." waa the bill. tnl thine present seemed to enjoy the performance and genercam.y npplnude*! the pUver* Chelao Peruchl waa very funny at In Fillup, the tramp Thla role At* him ilk*- a glove and hl every appearance w *h* 'lgnat for laughter. Fran* U Pler : m ilea good darky; hie dialect t* per te i. J anal Morton and Charles Brewer deserve mention for their work The specialties were probably the beat ever here with a repertoire show The '’’arietona. Daale and ll.ixel. strong At lant * favorites, mu lea big hit Chelao per jhi with lid* aerobatic a pec laity br ;ght down the houe. The Ptokert* ir.’rt i ; *0 some novel dancing, rake walks and fancy dances. They nre very ever -od were forced to respond to am*- Rra! er ores. Baby Blanche Is quite the dslntleat and most charming little per former seen on our local stage in years.” t>:mpi:h ati he kr:i*a high. More Its In I'redlrtnl for To-ilny mil I'oaalbly for To-niorron. ftavar.nah's temperature still continue.- 4.*r.urmaily high In spite of the fart that p ha rained almost continuously for the latt two days sr.d nights. Yesterday th* maximum was 82 degrees, and the mlnl- Bun 72. giving a mean of 77. which ex resdei the normal for the day hy 5 points This gives to the month already an ex • ess of temperature of 23 degrees, and tu ♦re vear an excess of 57 The rainfall for the twenty-four hour?* erdng at 8 o'clo* k last night waa 7.S ir e*. which. adde<l to the ralnt.ill of t"e past two days, gives a full for th~ month of 455 Inches, end reduces flu • or.igf that has accumulated since Ist 1 to *. 74 Inches T •• state forecast Is rain for to-day end pr ibly for to-morrow Fresh nortleat V* *wt winds may be expected. FIHAT (itMb 05' THE Ratkef nail Mill be Plated at the 1. M r. A. Tn-nlaht. The flrst of the ladies' evenings of th V M. C. A will be given this evening The entertainment will consist of a gain asket ball between two of the three ’•m- thM will play this winter. No ad m sjori fee will he rhargetl. and as th* ► .uk | very Interesting, and often quite * x ’ *'<■ then* will doubtless lea gool a* ‘ Glance. The teams are; R ~l* Bln** H E. t. Do: v. \V H RltA ' Rlshion "“h' < horullor ' 1 PMicraon ' ,r J r Blk*. lh phyic4l dlr*clor, *■ - b* Hi* nm;^r*. Turn i*IT .UK NW A l.lfiHT. '"■l IIIWA .hr Poller to Nrarrh .hr Ind.r.iin klreet Rrhnal. A ifly who llv** In th* vlrlnlt)’ of Ih* Arnl.r.on Hir**l Hf'hool r-pori.rl in.t :• ■'•out 1 o'rlork o I'mrnlmin Jlr ' r, o tht *h* hl *r*n a horl tlm* ho rn-on* atrlkmu a match In Ih* il hulMlnir. and that *h* waa sure foni, wa , (n th . r r Th* nffleor ha't '"'"t r*iKirt„i to ih* barrack*, anti 1 w*r. --in to h*lp hlin •h. > hml an I premia** for lh ’ lntni<l*r. A tltoroiwrh **arch ; ' 'i* hut fa I led to r*v*al either an ihr rf any on# having u **ti ther*. ~H "Ted r.HMT \ EH lilt T. 'l‘tl* Hlttramp on th- Way *° Elnal l,raal Keparallnn. A ’ ffftllet of total divorce waa 11 1 '* r ' Maggh- Wlltcamp from her 1 lo.eph Wlttcamp. in Ih* Htipe -1 ye.terday, Th*r- wa* tio opi*v ' • rendition of the verdlt-t and ' ’• -'imotiy thun lhat of Ih* plain m Ih* . a**. „ ’ I* * ll l*, were mnrrl*<l In HE. and , ' '• fT 'wore lhat two year* later " '*>)i. her hti.hantl. liecau** of Mr l *e<* 111-trea'm-nt hi* failure to . t "' r Bn, l hi* h.ihltual driinkenn*.* " '• red a veullct without leav * 'h*ir chair*. n,; U.PIT FOR t.RAt’E CHi RCH. ' 11 He *•!'** Ta-alabl at Vniir'a Hall. "rtalnment for the heneflt of Von '' ' !l °'*l*l *'hurch. will be given al I H * l '. Duffy afreet, to-night at h. allracllv* programme r-.i,,. 1 ,rr PK*d for which a mall ad n.r., , ['• wlll h* charged. Refrrfh — : b* narvod. CASTOR IA fr Infant, and Children. : Kini You Have Always Bought ELKS* FUMING I IHMVAI. Aperlai Rate* Gle*a lor It hy Heath eo.tera Paaieagpr A**ortattoa. Th* Elk* are rapidly getting th* plan* for their coming Carnival, which takes place Nov 6-17. In such shape that they are already making up the programme of attraction* and wUI begin to fence In the Park Extension within the next ten day*. At a meeting of the general committee l**t night a letter wa* reed from the Southeastern Passenger Association as suring the Elks that a specially low rate will be given, not only on all of the roads leading directly Into Aavannah. hut also on all connecting line* This means that practically ail of the cities and town* of Georgia and Florida will he Included, e* well a* Charleston. Columbia. Spartan burg and Greenville. 8 C.. and Montgom ery end Birmingham. Ala., together with all Intermediate stations Besides this of fer the majority of the roads not included 111 the passenger association have likewise assured the Elks that they will offer prac tically the aame rales as those of the as sociation. In addition lo low rates, the four rail road* entering Savannah, the Southern, Central, Seaboard Air Line, and Plant System, will distribute along their route* printed matter Illustrating the Carnival, and In other wav* use thetr utmost en deavor* to make the Carnival a aucces* Mr G. p. Benson, the director general of the Carnival, wilt be here Monday and will Immediately begin arrangement* for the street parade*, flower parades and. in fact, all of the procession* and parade* that will take place outside of the show grounds. He will also assist the commit tee in securing other attractions to be .uhled to the Midway. The IM of these attractions will, It Is expected, be com pleted some tlm* next week The attractions already secured are: "The Anglo-American Trained Wild An imal Show " Street* of Cairo, including Elephant*. Camel* Donkey*, etc." "Oriental Theater." "Talking Horse Bonner." "National thm lng Theater " "Cinematograph, showing picture* of the Boer War. Kltselmmons-Ruhlln Fight, and other up-to-date subject* "Boscoe. th* snake ester, who devour* even snakes at a time " "The Midget Man and Dwarf Pony." "The Gondola* " "Haby Btts*. the largest man on eurth." "The Wild Girl " "Th* Ferris Wheel " "A Miniature Railroad. 1,4 m feet long " There will be also racea of all kind*. In fa'-t the western half of the Extension will lie fenced off and devoted entirely to this sport. The Elk* are enthusiastic oner the out look. and there Is no doubt that If they carry out the programme that they have outlined, they will accomplish their desire to give in Savannah the largest show of l*s sort ever held here GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE. Norris Thompson Found Not Gnllty of Larceny from the House. Norris Thompson wa* tried In the Su perior Court yesterday for the offense of larceny from Hie house, hi* alleged of fense consisting In lifting two boxes of cigars from the wholesale store of Smith Bros. Norris Is an old offender, who has spent certainly half the year* of hi* Ilfs on the county chnln gang It appeared, though, that he had been trying for a tlm* to make an honest living, and this spoke In hi* favor. The positive evidence against him was that of two jail bird* and all around bad character*, one of whom. An drew Saxon, ha* already been convicted and Is serving a term for the same offense with which Thompson was charged, and the other, known a* "Willie, the Shark.” Is a stool pigeon for the city detective* "The Shark" confessed on the stand that he hod been on the chain gang himself so many time* that he could not remem ber the exact number nor the offenses, the commission of whl-h had Induced hi* -n --ll*tm*m In the corpa now known a* Dale's cadet*.” Th* defendant told arr) story on Di stend and wmrd. for one- In hta Ufa. to fr trying to tall the truth Hr may, of mum* hr guilty, hut th- evidence of th witnesses against him was so manifestly unreliable that the Jury could not rid their minds of the reasonable doubt which the law -ay* must not hr present There fore thry brought In a vrrdlrt of • , noi guilty." _ , UK'AI. Pi:*OML. Mr C. O Blltch of Blltch la a gurat of thr Screven. Mr r H. Parrish of Sylvan!. la a guraa of thr Pulaski Mr W. H Blltch of Bllchton la a gurat of thr Pulaski. Mr E M Hendry of Tampa la a gurst of thr Pulaski. Mr W. A Mlllrr of Waycroaa la a gum of thr Pulaski Mr D McKinnon of Jerome la a gurat of thr PutaaM. Mr R 8 Noah of Atlanta la rrglatrrrd at thr Hr Soto Mr Roland H Hall of Maoon la a gurat of thr Screven. Mr E L. Tryrr. Jr., of Blakely, la a gurst of the Pulaski Mr. W. A Gossett of Atlanta la regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr C. S Waggow of Hlggston la a guest of fhr Ucrrven. Mr and Mr*. W. le*rmon of Ocllla are guests of the Screven. Mr. C. H Watt of Atlanta registered at the Screven yesterday. Mr James D. No lean of Charleston is a gurst of thr Pulaski. Mr E I, fpnam of Augusta registered at the Screven yesterday Mr (’has S Heard of Augusta 1* reg istered at the Dr Soto Mr John E Hirtridge of Jacksonville I* registered at the l>e Soto. Mr R P. Smith of Ochwalkee register ed at the Pulaski yesterday. Mlta MrAlpin arrived from Near York lasi night on the Tallahassee Mr Tom O'Neill has returned from a two week*' trip to New York Mr B R Shnrpe of Halcyondale regis tered as the Pulaski yesterday. Mies Maude O. William* was a passen ger on the Tallahaesee He* night. Mr J While of Atlanta was among yesterday's arrival* at the Screven Mr A. II Ouerard arrived from New York last nlghl ot> the Tallahassee Mr* Oranvllle O. Roger* le on a three weeks' visit to friend* In New York. Mr A Dougan arrived from New York Tuesday on the Tallahassee last night Dr. M F Dunn was a passenger on the TnMahasaee from New York lasi night. Mr T J C Pwrk of Macon aras among the arrivals yesterday at the Ire Soto Mr. I II Dugan of Augusta was among the arrival* at the Screven yesterday. Mr* M. Maclean *• a posaenger from New York oil the Tallahassee lag' night Mr R. Simmon* of Statesboro was In the city yesterday a gueat of the Pulaski Mr Allen R Wreon of Jacksonville was among the guesta of the De Soto yeater day. Mr William E Keener of Augusta wa* In the city yeaterday, a gueat of the De Soto. Mr M Meoende* of Tempo wa* In the elty yeaterday. and registered at th* Pu laski Mr W W Mackall wa* a passenger over the Southern yeaterday for New York Via, V T C> Af VAt^kVllM—JEAa-J THE MOHNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1000. arnaaig th* arrivals at tha Pulaski yee 'erday. Mr and Mrs B R Nash laft via the Seaboard Atr Etna yestenday for Jack• eon villa. Miss L A Barnard H> o passenger on tha Tallahassee which sailed from New York Tuesday. Mr C. F Mason was among tha pas sengers of the Seaboard Air Etna yestar day for Jacksonville Mr W Lg>uta Vogel has resigned hi* position with the National Bank of ffavan nah, and accepted the position of book koeper for Mr Cha* Mark* Mr C 8 C Thoma*. formerly a Savan nahlan, but now a resident of Charleston where he Iw engaged tn the Insurance bua! near. Is on u visit to this city and will spend several days here Rev Charles 11. Rtrotig and Mr F C. Hatley, who. with Dr J II Van- Marter .-pen I several weeks In New four,-Hand hunting caribou, are passen gers on tha Tallahassee from New York SPEAK OF HIM HIGHLY. Abbeville People Think Well of Ar thur *1 Inn Who that Mantle. The Abbeville (8. C.) Pres* and Ban ner. In It* last Issue, contains an account of the shooting of Pete Mansle by Arthur B|fan. the latter of Abbeville The .cir cumstance* of the affray, which occurred In the Royal Music Hall, on Broughton street, are familiar to Savannah people. His home paper gives the young man a good name and speaks of hi* record In Abbeville m high term* After rehearsing what Is known there of tha trouble, it says: "Mr Byfan was reared In this communi ty, and ha* always been regarded as one of our most worthy young men. Even If he la not blameless In this sad affair, he has behind him a good record for Indus try and efficiency aa an engineer. Aa a man he has n good name No young man wa* ever more considerate of an aged father and nofatherever looked more con fidently to a faithful son for needed help in tha years of his Infirmity. He always sent a liberal share of his monthly salary lo hla father. Asa peaceable titlsen there has never been heard one word of complaint of him " t THE SENTIMENT F THE (WITH. Cal. Lawton Still Further Elaeidates to fbe "Saw." From the New York Bun. To the Editor of the Sun: Blr In your issue of the JXth you publish my communi cation of the and answer It with a atrong and earnc.*i editorial which closes with a question addressed to me: "Bryanlta domination as an escape from 'negro domination'' "Mr. Lawton. Is not that a humiliating alternative for men and descendant* of men who won the admiration of the world hy their splendid valor and endurance In a gigantic war?" I cannot refrain from answering your question. Yes, a more humiliating alter native than you. who do new regard negro domination ns so humiliating, can con ceive. I abhor a* keenlj* aa you the one alternative—Bryantsm. but you who do not live nmong us cannot adequately ab hor the other. You do not. therefore, ap preciate the fil l extent of the humiliation to which you so strenuously refer. In votw with th party whouf ascendancy hf bfll#vn will beat promote th** welfare of thr wholf, cvfn though It .may greatly him j or hi* lmm*lloc pectlon. But thl# Is not Utopia. and h man will prefer the welfare of his own <*ty and state to that of th* nation. Tiie white men of Georgia be lieve thst their stste and her people will l*e more prosperous even with dishonest money. wHh Altgeld and Tillman In the cabinet, with the flag Ignomlnlously haul ed down where our brave soldiers are fighting, with riotous mobs permlttted to pillage and destroy and kill those whose estimate of a proper wage differs from fhelr own talthough we do not have such mobs In *eorgia. with all the other evils that Rryanlsm will bring than they would he under such negro domination as we have had In past y*ars; or. worse still, such as Bouth Carolina an<4 Louisiana had And there is race prejudice and sentiment Th* white man Is unwilling to be dominated by a black race which was formerly his slave; and this without regard to the good or bad qualities of tha* race. A word as to the effect wh ch presiden tial election* may have on the question In politics white supremacy means that the white man’s vote shall control, and that the white man shall make rind Judge and administer the laws The Itepub'l- in party ha* In the past combated *ueh su premacy in the South, and has. on the contrary, placed the negro In office r legislator. Judge and executive officer It Is only in the belief that It will not con tlnue to do so that I shall votfc for Its presidential candidate I have neither the time, the Inclination, nor the talent for full discussion of tht* subject, and there are many things in your editorial w hich I must f.asw over Mv first letter w-as written for the purpose of showing you. •* an ardent Republican, what reasons restrain moot Ronthern r* from voting with you They believe Mr McKinley to b* the representative of ne gro domination. and for them the alterna tive present**! In this campaign Is, indeed an awful one I think otherwise, and believe lhat by FIVE DOLLARS A BOX. Th- Pair*. I'nt An Elgar- With Him. "I want to say for th- benefit of sot*, poor dyspeptic that Stuart'* Dyspepsia Tahiti* will giv- comfort and a cure -very tlm- Flv- dollars a bo* would not *io|. my purchasing th-m should I suffer again * I did for a week bef >re us ing them The one 50-eent bo* I bought at my druggist's did th- work and my digestion I* all right again Many of my n-lghbora have alto tried these tablet* and found them to be Jusl ae represented, and Mr. Klims also wants m to us- hi* name- iti tndoralng Stuarts Dyspepsia Tabl-l* Signed. A Klims otld (has F Bussell. Asst postmaster. South Sudbury. Mass Mrs Ja*. Barton of Toronto. Canada writes: For eighteen months I suffered from what I supposed was bladder and kidney trouble, and <ook medicine from three different doctors, without any sign of cure I felt so 111 at last J was hardly able 10 do my work I thought I would try a ho* of Stutarf* Dyaprpsla Tablets and see If they would make me feel better, never really thinking I had dyspepsia but after only three or four tatders had beer Taken all the acid trouble disappeared and then I discovered 1 had had acid dyspepsia.while the doctors had been treating me for kidney and blad der trouble and one of them treated me for rheumatism My digestion l fine, my romple*ion . ir il l I am '■ work and low spirit* arc unknown to me I am so thankful for tlndlng a cure so good and so rdw*ant lo take as Stuart s IVytpepala Tablet* I am surprised at the change they have made In me All druggist* sell and recommend Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet*, because they ; contain only the simple natural dlg-atlvM. and tak-o after meals prev-nt aridity ■ k nd cause prompt dlgeatlon and assimila tion of food t Physician* everywhere Indorse t.’tn# to- | cause they are a* safe for th# child as | for the adult; they are Invaluable for ! sour stomach, nervou* dyspepsia, heart- | burn, gas on stomach and j The Quakers Are Honest People. §Th Quiktr H*rt Tonic • not only • btot*l purifier, but o Blood maker for Fate. Weak and De bilitated peap.e who have not strength nor Mood It titi m a tonic. It reg ilatas digeftlon. rutti dys pepsia and lends strength and tons to fhs ren’Ots syrtem. It Is a Mdlrln* for weak women It l* a purely xegetabla medktne and can be taken by tha most dellcata Kidney Dis eases. HheumatUm and all dleeaaea of the Blood. Stomach and narvea soon succumb to |to wonderful efforts upon tha humao •yatam Thousand* of poopla in Goorgia if commend It, Fries fl o#. gI'AKKR FAIN BAUM lo tha medlclre (hat the Quaker Doctor made all of hla wonderful quick cure* with. It a anew and wonderful medtclno for Naurs igla. Toothache. Backacha. Rheumatism dpralna. Fain In Bowels, m fact, all polo can ba relieved by It. Price Sc and Me- QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a meditated soap for tha skta. scalp and complexion Price 10c a caka. QUAKER HEADING KALYA a v*ra table ointment for tha euro of tettar. eo tema and eruption* of tho akin Flics UK a box FOR If AI.R BY ALL, DRUOdIfTTR voting for McKinley In this election I am helping to p|*n I th* day when the negro qutwfion will lie* eliminated from South ern politic* and the voters < f tnv Rial* will divide on other lamie* Whether this d*v will come or not detn nde •ntiiVly or. tho course of the Republican pnrty If it con tlnuee the political promotion of the ne gro the day will never come. Alexawter Rudolf Savannah, (la., Hep 29 TEACHING HER < 111 DO TO FH AY. Drfrnaf Given lit m \\ omnn C hars* rl itli % lleua Unit llualinnit'a %f --feettnna. An Indignant colored worn .in mmel Car rie Heyw.ird. called on h policeman lost night to arrest Nellie Hhellnmn. colored w iiom eh* claimed h id assaulted her with t poker. The pollct-muii made the arrest and sent the prisoner to the barracks, anti tVirrle went along to prefer charges lgainst her. To the sergeant m rhaigf she told her tale r>f woe. tvhlch was to the effect that the woman was n vile unft designing c rent tire, who hid. by ner Clrcean wiles, won her hti-h.ind from hi* allegiance to the wife of Ms lo*m She further told the sympathetic ’officer that mistrusting her spouse, she had pre tended to he asleep, and when he gone out she hal followed only to find her woi*e suspicion* confirmed by seeing him go to her hated rival s boose (the fol lowed and knocking on the wtn!ow. de manded Unit he come out. ins'etad >f corn mg out he nvtde Ids escape over the bock fence, aid fhr Hheiimun w tnun came out of the front door .nd assaulted her with ji |sker, while a girl who lives in th some house, '**> attacked her with u smooth Iron. Hhe displayed bruises which she alleged had berta mad with these improvised we'.iptme* After she had gone, the Sheiimnn wo man was re|>asd on bond, they, she had her side of the story to tell. Ahc was vol uble and excited, but not too much of either to make her forget any derails might add a semblance of veracity to her story She Indignantly denied as on ns lersion against her cnura ter the rhorg* thru she Itir and ih** )*• yw .ipl woman's husband, and the further to con firm this story, and to shoe what a duti ful wlf* and mother was, she said that at the tlnv- the H yward> came to her house wa< Inaklo teat h ing her little child to pi ay. BV. worn* n will te,. th*ir stories this morning to the symj ilu tv #ar* t .f th.- order >o i—■ f M ADE IT THREE *TH 4IGHT9. float oa Asa In hint Dow* Hefnre the llrook I % ns. Boson. Oct. 4 —The Bostons finished their home series by dropping to-day’s gom*‘ to Brooki>n. making It thre* straights for the visitors and gtvlng them for the series sixteen game* to four. At tendance 1,000. (icoie R H E Boston 1 0 00 002 0 A3 7 a Brooklyn 1 102 1 200 0-7 9 2 Batteries l*wl- Pet Unger and Sulli van. Kltson atsl M**Gulre The *core \% •■ 2 to t. Cincinnati. Oct 4 - Jones wn hit harder than Hahn, but Ht Louis hod all the luck and won an interesting game Attendance 3W. S<ore; R If K Cincinnati —0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—l n o Hi luls 0 1 n 0 0 1 0 0 o—2 8 2 Batierles; Hahn and Kehoe; Jonea and Crlger. Outliatteil Pbllntlelphle. Oct. 4 —New York out batted Phllaflelphla two to one. but the locals hitting was sequential, and that dr dried It Score: RHE Philadelphia 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 x 571 New York .1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 ft—4 14 1 Batteries: Donohue and McFarland. Taylor, Carrlck and B**w. 11 Tilt: It % it %II WORLD. Items of Interest In *aaannah and Elsei% here. Mr Fre.f I>. Bteh. district passenger igcnt of :ne lul*\ Hie and Nasovllb- with headquarters In AtUntti. was among the visitors to yes* teruuy. SEED RYE. GEORGIA REED RYE SOUTHERN SEED HYB. TEXAS RED K. I* OATS HAY. GRAIN. FLOUR, FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE, BEANS, PEAS. VV. 1). iSIMKIXS aV COj JOHN <i. BUTLER, —DEALER IN— Paint*. Oil* -nd Glass. Sash. Door*.Blinds, and Builder*' Supplies. Plain and Decora- I tlve Wall Paper, For-tgn uml Domestla I Cementa. I/me. Plaster an<l Hnlr. Sola Agent for Alkaline fold Water I'alm Congr-aa street, west, and It St. Julian street weal PHOPUIAU WAlTfiO. office” of UUARTKRMASTER Fort Fr-mont. S. C., Oct. 2. ISOU Sealed piopoa-ils. In 'rtnllcale, will he received here until 12 noon. Oct 22 l*d). for con structing two frame buildings Envelope, containing proposal* should be marked "Proposals for Construcllon." addrease.} Stanley D Emblck. Q. M Information fumiah-d on applinatlon Empty Hopsheads. F-“P< M-laaasa Moaaheads (aa ante by m .j a, 11 - CLASSIFIED AUVERIISEMENTS. PEN HO A Al*. "Confusion % RKi^^muTm: for a few da>s more, hut still have time to find and sell a handsome engagement fingrr ring an everlasting, good-luck bringing plain gold linger ring Hpc. lal sal# this wek of plain aid fancy sat gold finger rings B*did gold spectacles fitted with best Bpetit **rs lenses, stther for short or long sight. $2 .'*) Kegeaa. 28 Kat Broughton llalr. Jewelry and Hft.iving Hupplv House Mall orders promptly filled V SHOrED HKF. MIEUER'II FVRNI - newest styles fur bedroom, dining roocn. parlor. In oak. walnut aiut niut.og any. Millers prices and terms aro rta soriabl** 2U7 Broughton, west YOU VMlal. LIKE TIIK MILK FROM HprlngfWld Dairy, It’s rich and pure, try It l* SHOULD HER MILLERS NEW wt\ies In carpets, matting, window- shades, art squares ruga. u* curialna, etc. Miller a prices anl terms are reasonable 207 Broughton, west FINE R ICEFIELD t.AUD AT BA kar*, 1 every day. heat of all othar m an In market IF ITB RUGS TOD WANT YOU CAN gst them clieatier from MrOtlll# BFKCIAL. AN UNLIMITED RUPPLY of nice willow rockers. Udirs atse, at S3 J W. Teeple, school” bookr* new and rrc ml-haiui. sold ihl exchang'vl Barncn' 2nd Header. 20c. 3rd Reader 2fM'; 4h Rod er. 25c. .‘th Reader. 4* Lincoln's Fhisb*lo gy. 40r. Ist Stepping Htoneh Literature 28c; 2nd Stepping Stones. Sl>>’, Prince s Arithmetic 15. . Montgomery llistry, tiv At Gardner* Iktzaai V BIIOULD SEE MILLER'S STOVES and ranges, the tirst makes at reasonable prices. U F Miller, Agent DARK KVENINGB ARE NOW COM ing; let ua s< 11 you h l imp, price**. 7T to ySO VV F Higgins. 12.’ Drayton KRNH|KUTOK FARM MILK IS UN Mil > and foi rteiMßM fttllvei feet, phone. 2846. U SHOULD SEND ME YOU II OR derwfor uphobtering parlor and dining furniture tn bather, silk and other fab rlrs. In tne best manner curled hair, *>*•■ and cotton n>*'irese* renovated, all wtirk well don* and *atisfactlon guat anteed C F Miller, Agent fl FOR WOVfN WIRE ( % OTH while they last C F Miller, Agent WHEN YOU BEE M QILLIS* SIXTY Inch W cents ruga, you will buy them Juat can’t help U. will aail tn may quan •R r "FURNTTURE MOVDD WITH CAJUBT la a srwctalfy with M Glllla HKE THE JEWEL STOVER AND ranges for sala by J. W Teepla; also agent for lnuranca gasoline ato*e. M'OILLIR IS CHEAP ON RTTGR. NETS, ksc* curtain#, hammocks, water coolers, ptllows, pictures, stove*, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description % DUTCH AND ROMAN HYACINTHS frestas Eaater lilt* m. Jonquils my own lrni>oriitlon fur gool results plant now A C. Oe|'hlg. Opporlte Catholic feme n ry, tlardner s B.ix inr. agr>nt. U SHOULD SEND TOUR ORDERS f>r tuning unl ie|Hirlng fManos and or g.ins to W F Manning, with U I* Mil ler. Agent, prompt attention to out-of town orders. C. p Miller, Agent. THE PRICES AT WHICH WE SELL bicycle sundries .r- entrancing. Try u \Y I-' lllgglne. 125 Dravion IS YOUR IRON SAKE FIRE PROOF? StlfTH A Freeman have a standing offer of $1 for evry sale of their make that does not preserve It* contents One *afa was In burning debris 113 Imurs When taken out, th* hoee Imml to be turned on It. When opened, not a page wa* dis colored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Stiffen A Freeman safe. C. P Miller. Agent KENSINGTON FARM is ON AN elevation In the country, fre** from city drainage Impossible for milk to heroin* contaminated, bv ImtHin* odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, photic 224 c De livery prompt, .'atisf.iHon guurantee*! If'GILLIS MOVES. PACKS, HHI I'd and Mores pianos and fumltura. beat work only; no ‘Cheap-John prices no Cheap- John” Job# flit BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS. ladles’ atx*; large assortment of r*e kerM. couches and easy < hair* C F. Milkr, Agent. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank hooka from Homing News. Ravannah. 00. ” OCT IRT I WILL MOVE TO 414 WERT Broughton Ring up 24*4 If you want lo have your furniture m<*vel or pa ked for shipment or storage I guarantee prices •he sam** as I do the work rh it’s given to m** A H Griffin. 314 Broughton street, west, rmDresses made to onler. MGILLIS' LAP'S! CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. r SHOULD SKIS MILLER B"OFFICE desks. <>m<— table*.. office chairs, nfflee matting, office shade*. C. P, Ml.let. Agent HAVE YOt’R RICYCLE REPAIRING don.- properly, that* the way we ■!)> ■( W F Higgins. 125 Drayton V WILL BOON MOVE AND 17 WILL rertalnly riee<J aom+thlng In iny line; l* will *av money b> trading with tn* C. I* Miller. Agent M’OILLIB BELLA BJXTY-IVCH RUOB —Bmjrmw pittrrnw- for M renta lUUiaAia HOW ARE TOUR FEET’ IF YOUR feet ara troubling you. call on me and I will glva you relief. I cura Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all dlaea**a of th* feet without pain; charge* reasonable; can give the beat reference* In tha city; pa tlenta treated at realdence*; order* can be left a* Llvlngwton a drug elore, Hull and Congre** street*: telephone 293. Lem Davl*. eurgeon chiropodist HLi r U AUKfLgil I cr need apply, under odd Fellowa’ Hall. 117 liarnard. ' WANTED A < iOOfT MllsK ERT’ MI HT *tay on prerm****. apply, Dark avenue weal. WANTED EXPERIENCED DODBLK etury laM>kk‘*'ier; glv refereAcae; ad dr*-**. X 25, this • fll'f. WANTED. A FIBHT rLAsSH AND HE ll.ihle tinner for both outside and Inside work, ateady employment; at ate wage* expected. J. E KuchFr, Jacksonville, f . WANTED. WHITE BRU’K LAY EBB car|*enter* anti plueterer*. union pay. long John, blacksmith*, tlcrman bar k**# per*, tKK)kke<-p*r* and stenographer, tailor*, wheelwright*, tie chopp<-r*. llubcr, 3J7 Weft k*y. Jackeonvllle. . XTKD PIMT'CIaAAA hanger*. 92 50 a day Addre** C. K Hoyle 4k Bon*. Jacksonville. I* la WANTED. FIFTEEN HRICKLAYHRH. three month*' work good pay. aleo planer man. A M Johnwon. Tampa Fla A RELIABLE ANDLX" prrlenccNj clothe* preeser with good refer ence. Addre** Curry. MKI.P W A AT* l>—A LK. WANTED. SEA'ERAI. SALESLADIES, anil sal-sm-n; must have *xp-rl*nc. no othttr* n-,<l apply. Managar P. T. Foy-. WANTED. RESPECTABLE OIRL AS nurac 421 Waal Jon-s sir—t WANTF.D. COMPETENT MAKERS Apply P T Foy# 1 * mllllnwy A-parim-nl. HOTEt. KMPIAYYMENT AGENCY. M 7 Wsal Bay. Jackaonvlll-. wn*-*J. mat- and fsmal- cooks, chamh-r mal'la, tabl* girls, latnvlr-aa-a. hou— k—para, ate . Eaat and Weal wuaal IK-i.Jia. alsu Mci>r:s. ; EMPLOYMENT WANTED. EMPDiYMKNT WANTED KXFKRI enrt*d bualnes.- man woqtr* iMltlon with go*ul future, a* offli •• man or A'l4int manager. A<ldr*>H Box W. this oft 1 • %% AATKb—-Hin ktUNMCI. WANTED, l.fctfi LIVE I'ItIKONH, AD dres B W Hprry, Duval Hotel, Jack sonville, Fla. WE W ANT A NICE GENTLE “fIORRE for u I *lv . must be go*l s*a*. and a good trial ret|ulretl; must t** a horse with style, no other wsttte<3 Al*#reas Jam*— Thoni|>- son general |e||vt\ Fos4olll ••• IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, erdet your lithographed and printed stationary and blank books from Morning News. Ravannab. Go. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK.'“GET*IT fr*Hn Springfield D.*lr>. It'* rich, pure and whole -Mime ~!F YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. vend, manure. *gc free ot charge. Just at city limit* hauling over hard road write or teiepleuM* Brown Bros . come. Anderson and East Broad streets —— • pem tirAT-nttous. FOR RENT. TWO FRONT ROOMM furnished or unfurnishHl !*•*• of tiath with or without fa lng Park ex tmslon. No !*rt; Diavion stre. t ItOOMH FUR NlOll ED OR UNFUR nlshetl; w ith or without board. 34 Yot k street, east FLAT* PUR It KIT. FLAT 1 Ft >1 ’ It • ’IN N ECTIN* • rooms with both, second floor. 308 Gwln n*tt, ft, *xt l* Barnard Inqiiir* an premises or if XI J M ter ally, Jr \ FURNIHIIED <>|? 1 NKURNIBHKD flit. <ll lomt'iilfnc-H. mrn**r Al***rcorn .ml ogtethorp avenue. Apply 125 Broughton street, xmi '""FOB RENT. FLAT Rim MS *:. BAR nurd stre* t Apply to G C Muthews. FOB RENT SPLENDID FLAT. FIVE rHm?* and bath, 111 Slate slreel. *ast. large rn < and t vary convenience J K Fulton A Son "“FOR RENT FLAT AND BASEMENT to small family No IJ Jones street. e.t FOB HEAT—HOI HM FOR RENT. STORE RoUTIIWEffT corner Whitaker and Liberty strsst- An pl\ is 1.110-rty street, west. "Voikhknt to an acckptabuk party, my r**sllenca. northeast cornsr First and Drayton atresia Apply C. W Howard. \" 3’J B*\ Mtreei east FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY HTKKKT. east; |ncn>.ion at once A|plv tieorge I* Garmany, agent. 1* Mrysn street, •ant FOR RENT COMFORTABLE HOUSE. Ni 217 Walribiirg stieei. east, bi-tween A her corn and Un-oln, ffrst-ciasn or. r and i’otidltlon, every con v**nbnce Right rent t** right tenant Eclats Halomon Cohen, West Broad atwl Bmughton streets FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with a.I modern Improvements, In good repair Jones, east. Kollo h A Hcrev en. FOR RENT. LARGE RESIDENCE 306 Congress street. st. soutloast corner Al*ocrn M H llaker. Agnt 224 Ogle thorp** avails- ea*-t rim HL3I~STUII2. FOR RENT, HTORE. TD t*4) street, .#!; iHtiM-uiun lirmw dlatelv aho -everal i-*alr .tle taudancea an I flats A i*p. y A Wylly, 12 Bryan at rest. oast FOR IAI.R-KBU EOT %TK. TWO ELEGANT DWELLINGS ON Duffy Street, let wren Dr a \ ton ami Ab er’orn streets. I D lai Roc he. FOR HAL!.. A LOl for TWO HUN. dred dollars, easy terms, on Ninth sirsec. near East Broad, no city taxation. C. R. Dorsett. Rl BIDKNCLS AND BUILDING I/YTS for sals all over ths city. Robert H. Tttfiri. real estate dealer, Na. 7 York Street west. FOR HALL, LOTH ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad. n< each; will soon be ad van M to S2S*. when a lot haa been paid for I can arranga to get a home buIN. C II Duraett “FOR BALE. Tllofß LfTH ON NINTH street, near East Bmad. have only been sold <o first-claa parties. Ho will make good neighbors, and non* other can buy Th* terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In tha vicinity. C. H Dorset!. FOR BALE. LOTH ON NINTH HTRKFT near Last Broad; no city taxes, at each; twenty-five dollars cash, mid easy monthly payments C. H Dorsett. ■TOR SALS—MI SC ELLAS KOlia, Tfxr h.z* 1 and witjtihaael one I* to , curw. the other Is imvi*- to sell, put a i t>ot*la of our* by tin -id* of on-- of th# offer kind, we give you all the quality and ail the quantby that your moaey en | title* you to n pint for a quarter Ifraw a Drug Ht.-r e. H nry and Ab* rcurn, Whit aker and Taylor TURPENTINE. WE HAVE A GOOD I location f<*r lnrg* operator. Gifford Corn , party. Ja< k*mvllle. | I’l'MK JKKSKV MILK AT IV DKR [ Kiiilon 21* Duffy, east. IP II telephone I 2955. COWH FOB HALF., IP YOU WANT'A g""d milk row. rragoiMbie, I can supply you. Call 471 We*t It >uiidary Ahll AND CYDREWI LUMBER FOR l&t.orjn feet of aah aultable for wheel, wrlght*. (orrtage mukera. car worka and Interior houae finish Also cypre** lumber of *ll slxen We lav* rrsumal cutting our famous brand* of cypreea shingles and wMi soon have a full line „f them for sale Vale Roval Manufacturing Company. ~BriUNGFIELD * DAIRY IB NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try it; you will be pleaid KbUAIIOML. iTJ^^nT^THHC ty-second mnual seaalon of the Havnnnah Acwdemy commence* Oct. 1. preparation ! for college or business; sfiectal primary and grammar whool department Appl> of 394 Bull stre** for catalogue* and wpe. rial term* John Taliaferro, prln ipal "rOLLBGK MOVED BHAUGIION’B Pr ictloal Business College moved to Odd j Fellows’ Hall, corner Barnard and Heat# street* Finest hall in the city. Twenty per * en* discount to thnac who enter this wck J T Bmnl\ Manager. I.o*l AM) BUM). LoHT. FOX TERRIER BITUII DI P- 1 py, answers lo name of "B|*>< ’* Reward wlil be (said if returned to W K. Grady, 1 113 Bay etreef, east. dm nance. - I —i i~ i i— o nri MODERN PLUMB] NU IT WILL UE lo your Inter.',! to ivi me give you an es timate on your plurolUng. new or ild work, repair work • apeolally, aa I am a practical plumber. No cues* work to mlanger your life. Wlgglm, phone rOT. Georgia or Bell SiISCKLL AYBOI’S. NO BOTCH, NO 111 MBI'G. HUT A thorough ptlnter, taper har* r and dac orutor. Taylor. K of P Hall HAVC TOUR HOUSE ” PAINTED with German ready-mi*el palm, entire satl.fa Alon guaranteed. Adams Paint Company ■"DON'T FORGET WHERE TO *GO when you need plumbing work done; our workmen are the very beat, prices low A C. Price A Cos., Slats and Jefferson, At*CTIOW MI.RR Tlfl DAY# CHOIC eTurn Itur eT" m I. 11. 1.% HfH IIK, Ow FRIDAY, sth October, 120 u. at 10 o 10. k I have receive*! in-ini tions to sell by auction the entire tiorpchokl furniture ai the premises. No 3W corner Hall and Aieivom streets. oneleMng of Vlasalva Mur Rack, L.**y Chairs. \l ih>gany Ta b.f. Flciitrev. II ll Rugs. H air Carpet. Ixounge. lire Fenders, Flro |t*4l' c >1 ,-4. tiffin VVtlfer Cooler. fikH •ti es. Figures. Ormiilo Tnides.l pu*r Slher p.alsl Candelabra Lumps. Ebony St*r i with .4 k tt|*‘ H-tl.iy Fren* h M intel Ckt k. Fancy Tablev. lironxe V'i- Dining Table. Chair- Lounge*. Buff-t. Irish Point Due t'urtalns. Library Table. Walnut Desk China Crosets. Kb gun: Cut Gn Hllverware. China. Linen!* t l.i|n-lv Refrigerators. Antique Blue Dinner Hervlce. Oak msl Walnut lt4H*k ta-*e. l&u volum* of Rtandard Work* Engrovlngs, Turner’s Works aid English An Mieii. Belroom Hull* " Hprltwr* M titr* -- et Om Ht*ve. Hee| It uige and Kitchen IMtnSlftt. rl many other tiatxlwim*' articles too •*urn*-root* f<> rnenrion Rubber Flunt-*, Ferns Palm*, etc. One fine 7 Octave Upright Plano. Coat I'NO Abercorn •-.ire p.-iss the door MISf KU.DKOUI. |nhi and tailor made lr**s*es dyeil by 1.0 **Xh *| \ • proce-s. guaranleetl not to shrink oi out of ahap’ New York Dye Works. Whi’okrr aid Htate. ‘Phono 848 FOR RANGES AND HTOVEB. GO TO Cornwell g Chipman THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM all. New Di*fii*tu- Macliln*, with ball bearings Fenton A So* “c.ET YOUR WEDDING I'REHENTff at ko h a Hvlv.m’s 4H Whitaker. Thay •*r* Ih lufiful and * (imp WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gl****a finish t* rf- • w**rk Fuieat Clly Ltiuiulry Park avenue PAPER DA I S M ADE Ti nRDEIi. at :stf* Tattnall street WANTED ONE T HOUR AND I MN. fry |MOplc at the S.>uiherii Grocery Com pany. 11l llarnHfd street FOR PAPER HANGER AND PAINT’ er get Tsy|or s estimates You won't rw gra: It Painters* sutiplles WE HELL HEWER PI I*l i c plfw. fire day. fire brick at lowest pn ea. Adams Paint Comt>;iny, KM (Tongrosa, west fIINGER NEEDLKB THREE FOR five crnls. gill i*|| with do*.*fi fr* * Pentou A Hon THE MOST IT TO |A*n: WORK Iff being turned out by Forest City laundry. ‘Phone 1575. IIP EOT AO LEA OF TIIE BEAT GRADE hI morlerare prU'ea; eyes tested fr*#. Ko* h A Aylvan. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS. GO to Oornwsll A (*hlpman‘s. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every lulLt of yi*ur hard • urn*d hard •ash at the Southern Grocer> Company, 114 Rnrnaril street WE Im PLC.MBING WORK OF ALL kinds hi I can ffgtirw dose with you. glva us a call when In need. A O Prltt A Co s, State and Jefferson, phones Cat UYPAINE IH THE BEAT WALL FIN- # Ish made Adams Paint Cos., Huvannah* agents. IM Congress west. ‘PHONE 1878 FOR FOREST CtTT laun iry They will call for your litten Immetiiaiely WE CONNECT AND DIACONNBCT ranges, our plumbers know lheir bual nea--. and our prices art Ms. It will pay you lo give us your work A C. Price A Cos., State and Jefferson, Bell and Geor gia 'phones 65* “ watch and jewelry repairing given personal attention, at Koch A Avi van s. 4** Whitaker. FOR FISHING TACKLE. NETS. ETC. 7 go to Cornwell A Chipman. WALL PAPERS. PAINTS. VAR rl<he* kgbomlnes end *!** and m* chanlcs. Kee Taylor. K of P Hall WE CLEAN CLOTHES BY TIIE BE sorclne antiseptic i*roc**s Try us New Y‘# fk Hteam Dye Works, Whitaker and Htate ATTACiiMENTH AND MACHINE RS pair* and while you wait; all work guaran teed For poor iwople fre. I’ent -n A Bon. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by lnvettng your hard-earo**! hard cash with the Southern Orocary Company, 114 Barnard street Norwood's "Satire” For sale at alt News Stands in Savannah. LKCAL 9ALBI HANK Ilf TT HALF) OK AHSKTH. 8A- V ANN AH BOX ANl* CASK ICT WORKS FvwJi r and by virtue of an ord#>r *crant ed by the Hen A. II M.irbonHl, Kef i/* In Itankrui try. In the matter of W II Balltnjrer. Bankrupt, the undemUfnnd will h 11, hi public Min'tlon. on ih* prem l*e* 4*<**! *d on the I ut*vllle road. In tha city of S-ivatinah, <>*., on Monday. Oct IV I!m a< II ©Vice k. fßa\annuli city time), in the forenoon, a lot of machinery, tnol* and fipparatu* for the manufacture of Uiiri, era ten. barrel* and l.i*ket*. itnixiiK a hlch arc Tit in* Vender Machine; Titu* Adjustable ll* id Biw. Haw Table; Ha we: Hand and Power Clip* pera; K A H Holme* Double tturfaeo l*lan*r; Cut-Off and Heading K.tws; Al* Hnjctoti A Clirfla lllower com plete, Hot Air Dry Kl'n; Pulleys. Shaft* In. ftcltlntr; Basket Korin*; Barrel Hath* .ini Hoop*. umnp' Itoi Head*; So. I. Iron Wire, Tack*; Nail*, etc., etc Private re led bid* for the whole or any part of tb- a*ret* will t*e received by the tindendffned. up to October 10. at Hi o'clock, in the forenocn. which will bo * ** e I b\ the Referee at hi** office, No. i Itryavi *r*-et. e *t. at Mild time and place. Riaht to reject any or all bkta re *erve*l Term* of *ale: t*3*h. Property my le ln*p*<*ted and full list reen, by mj plylmc to. JACOB OAZAN. Tru*tee. II Ihovldent Itulldln*. Suv.inn all. Uh \N c*t Knd Street Cur got* to the Fac tory. BURJfCS W { : Dyspepsia -7 Curb .sJfclTTablets *| |- if..- , e*itoMMM *J t ’ M '* rw * nrtwJimrtm. fW Promote the Appetite Ir er\d Put Flesh on Thin 7 Pood I e *“ 4*m*n** °* um *ovi< mi 1W “ *• **a by Hwr ■V *••• "•* '***•* i. ik* e*i ■ *1 bte V*r pmr tll -1r ..*• M too aua* g co. HaaSs*—. m*. a CUKE YOUISELFT <’a mt l (or a.Mianl Itarksim. lp*.uiaa.u.M. or ukoraMoM ■f aiat.a. aoMabmm. Foiukm, tod not utna> , cant or aoMam. Or Urmmw**U, SL - a< **'■' orm*, t> '!(*., rroMj.r (of 3