The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 05, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Pk Mofttinfl Jfeta>£ tflorutaag >flM HhiNllic; Mj**n| (•* ntinn. w mum *. i?**. lUrnl *l the Pi* ofli e in Bav ftliiAh The MORNING NKWI t* published every u„, n Ui yen:, and i* efrvl to axtxct ritM ia .n th** city or w*i t nui), tt TW • owMith. *4 a for *** month*, k W for uii >ir The MoRNI.NG NPWB. by mall. *l* flutes a Mrfk (M inuut Hund) ■ *•> tl.rr* auntiu*, |i in isaiHW L ■>*>. on* >MI JiW The WKEKt.T KKSWB, C Issues a week, Monday and Ihuiws) by mu 1, on# Si OU bob * flptiona imyabla in advan e m:i b) ihi(sl order, dir :k or nulrtrrHl irltrf Currency aent by mao at rw*k of •rixlcrt TvunMani advertisements. other than ap*>ial eoimmi. local I>r rM<iir.| rofirr* amu * men ti* and cltaap or want column It- cans* a line Fourteen lin*a <* type equal to one inch square In dop*l - is tht standard of n*.isufcmefit Ccsilrad ruin and dtsounf male known cu* ai'P 1 ’ cation at biem*ta ofh< a Order for delivery of tha MOW VINO Nan to either ir.ikSanca or pla e *f bubtirs may be made by pwdl card or turough telephone No -10 Any irregular ity in delivery should he lmtnalistciy t** iwt'il to tlae oflli a of public* Uo*. Lot tars ai.d telegrams should ba ad dr tawed MOUNINU NEWS," Savannah. Ga LABTF.RN OFFICE. 3 Pa r k Haw. New York city. II C. Faulkner. Manager. LNBII 10 fat\l ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetingf*—l/udrim l#*lrc N* * 1* 1 r ’* A M. “ " Nnti #n—Wantmt. f'Mn>li*> In4f p<mli-ni Mill Cos.. M<l Klwtloni- far Comii.l'vi'*n-r of I*llo*. *,* . Wni 1* nail* )'. Clrrk of Council; ltc. oil anri Cnrk.ra A MAC W. W*•I; KlH|> Nolle—. J K Minis A I'u., ’n ~i *<*—*•- Ill'll* for Wlntar I'nl form* for HHr- T>*pr(inrH. Bhi|> Noti r. btrarhan Cos 1 Vwi.lpii*-*•. Hhlp Notice. Wt)d-r A Cos A-nt. I>i WatchaellMiim Hue Upturned fo Clljr; lrtll of Karr. 1a- j van'a Cafe*. Busin*-# Notice# —K. & W. laundry; profslc Who Buy. John T Evan# At Cos ; October Bride* Hunter a Van Kvuren; Horn, thing Nsw. Tin 8 W Branch Cos Tha Great Advan* • Blanket dale—-Leo |*oid Adlar. Buvannuhtons Bin Their Faith—Wm. A H H Baltimore. Amiae'tnrntM —“A Guilty Wife." at The ater. Oct 8. Hutto Bhora— Byck Bros Leva I Not 1-an—Citations from the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. Legal Ba|e— Bankrupt Bala of Assets. Havannah Box and Basket Work*. M helical—Munvon'a Dyepepeto Cura; W ,im*r'i Ha fa Cure* Cheap Column Advertisement#— Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Kent; For Bala, l-ost; Personal. Miscellaneous The \% rather. The Indication* for to-day are for rain, with fresh north* net to **4l-! winds. _.W T f ' Fn>m all Indications th* {publicans are pr* ian ring to make an effort to buy the at ate of N* w York In th* coming el ac tion If they are figuring on making cer tain of the thing they will have savers! other states to buy as well. It will tak* a K'Ol many Dudley* and “blocks of live” to do the work Kel fir* and music will knap New York awake th* night Mr Bryan reaches that city Tammam will i*ind atmut 12VWI to rnak* o*'t m .1 memorahh* d.iv In th city's lV(iuM<rstl( history. Tha <h manstra fton promised will l*e such s to atrlke awe to the hearts of th*- Republican*, who have hrvfi Hgtirlng on N**w York as u cer tainty foi H Klnle> Th* spirit Is not ahogttlier confine*! to th** golden nil** when it tomes to China “Ther* lno <**• talking settl**- metit,*' says Mlsa Duow •*! Albany. N. Y u inlasomr> to Chinn "until hav* th heads of Prince Tuan and f the Km press lkmaget " Miss Duow wains both of them beheaded h*f*s • iiegotlailnn for |h a * are enterad into It is evident that Mis* I mow would i>** m woman aft**r Km* prror WlHiatn's own heart Exd'ongreestnun Cam pis* 11 *f Illinois has be rme an Imperialist atnc* his re turn from the Philippines and has gone over to th* BepublKan part* The ex- Congressman will t*c rt*m*‘mbere*l in B*- varnmh * the <oh>nel in romm.iinl >f th* Ninth Illinois Kegim. nt. which w *. is re with the Seventh Army Corps. The * Congress mat i mod* many friend* in Sa vannah who will regret to l*ar:i of Iho error into which h* has fall* n The Standard oil trust ha* again re duced lb. price f oil in Pennsylvania, and eorne other section*, in order to grt rid of a dangerou •om pet I tor Himulta neously cobws the report of a rsluction In the prfcr of sugar by the sugar trust and its romp* tltor It is to t*. tiote|, however tbiit the action of these trusts la for the purpose of killing competition. \Vh* n this hits he**n cconphshe.l the public will pay dearly fH th*- brief rt apM they have * njy* I According I o ihf figure given for Ar )(jns( th 'Mil tup of lik r• i • In t' • population of the* i* not going lo , huw up anything like .*■* I rg* ** hii* 1 been the * *m in th* cltlea Some of the olio r at at* > with several large title? frill no 4ouH how *• larger i r- C(|)tK< Of than W> - which I** the InrrtfNt' for that elate, while others I will probably tv tfltllcr. In owl* r to make out the ep| In* re a*** 11 th tot. l l population for the country the j elate* mu*t ehow n average *f rom*-thing like S3 I*2 per rent Increase. Galveston. with *• good argument at bund, will undoubtedly u*k the t'nlted B<at* government for an appropriation for the purpose of protecting th# city ugatnat d**tru*tion by tidal w ivo* Prof Igwl> M. Haupt of tiie hthmUn <\n*i Comm Ur ion. ray- s3).oft>jU! would rot b* attfh*'ient t lo the w ork require! in ord* r < to afford the m* • iry protection. How* rwr, even th • ruin spent In providing the city with ppotootkm againet nidi another disaster wouil Manure the maintenance r a {ort which dotf more buainepi. in one wear than tin Philippine Island* wouln Ho for the frilled State* in ten. though Fl' 'i tim<. that mount Uuvw already bvee Xi.iiHO IM VI I > %Tl* \ In a lett* r f< ti e New York Bun. whl h w* reprwfuc* on *att**r pag- Mr Alex - ! ■ ier l( lav" *f this ity dwells upon the fwdnr that th* South <ppo** h* He luhli an prr'y U* ■■ *• - *,at partv i r. ' gard and tv tte H*- ittiern p***pi* •• s .iudn z ! for i*-gro JorntneMo' tn Southern p*llthwl ; iffoti- That is i* Mlonwbly th* |*>* 5 I linn li. -h th* i *r*\ tv- • ija* and in thr I |m** 'Th* whl** ir in 1- unwilling to h*- i <UtviiMit*d ty I* kr* * wf.j h was f<*r m rl* hi* -lav*- .. v Mr i*uion. “#•*! * this without regard to th*- go<*J or lw I U *•’ tie- *f * In * >mm r*ifig .{*** Mr Kawton’* letter th* Hun e**\ -* "Whir** people in v*r\ |rr of *h Cru*n wool l f* 1 In th* *me ar i . if h* y e>w *#r itna t * J tii'il flu v saw th* I** r-Hulify *>f ■ i ti don*** *tflt>r>. Nor will t'M*r 'an rn> *ltntru-Ir*itl#fi at XVasli ington or .n> party n power ther*- Inter f* r- with any ■ institutional mrninife* fak**n by • Hnuthern w!lt*> fn pr* veiS It ‘ It will I** seen that the Bun fail- to grasp th*- full nt'-anlng *f “negro t*vnlna tk*r. <• Mr la*w*<ai no doutt I <d if ir< rnlnd wh*r* in wr**t- arid a- a 1- In • ver . other Southern mans mind wdren h* litliiiis of *r •Its* ursett th iiulti r. This, la th** way, i* but *ti adfkd proof that |er son <f Northern birth r-ulen # and as sociations 1 nnf understand tb- ra* *• |ii*<Cinn as it (-gists in the Mouth, a*.d therefore ar not competent to '•ff'T val uabl* .suggest lot is wMh s|*e. t to It (me must Itx • ht th* ifnuMplyrt' *f ti • him k rr.ii it fatal his true rel; or, with r s|H * t to the p**ly |*o||tl And **\ en a ► hurt resid* n> • In that atmosphere *ui th* l.rt of n North* rn whit.- man l w almos* Ihvartably eufh- lei.r to briny him to the South* rn white ruan'f p<tnt of view Tiie Hun says Nor will nor tin *ny al ministrntton nt Washington or .ov party in |M>wer ttu-r*- Interfere with any *rii*tl tutlonal mea*ur*s taken by tl*- Southern whlt*s to prevent It." meaning negro I*#tii (nation. Clearly the reference Is to st ile, • ounfy and munh-lpal domination The Sun no doubt had In min I the dtsfrum fil ing of negro voters in Missis *U*P' and the Ciroilsg*. Ther*- I* no f**ar lii th- South of any such negro <|ornmMtlgi a* that The tltn* I* past wh* ti |gn*rance and corruptkui may govern the rmiking and *x*'cutin of he a| law* in th*- Hoath. as was once th* * arc. thank* to the Re puhln-Mn party. But all of the offices in th*- South re not *tnte. county or municipal. There are also federal offices a large number of them Many of them sre quit UnportMnt The holders *f them are ne*-es-*rlly brought into dally conta-s tn*l ommuru • aflon with the t***et clgsges of tt4x*ns Among these offices are th* po* mastership*, the . oil* dors hips, etc In cumbents of the offices .ire the employers of clerks, stenographers, typewriter* and laborer*. Many clerks, stenographer* ami typewriter* are white women. White wo men. u* well a* men, huv* business from Mm*- to time at the pnetnffh e. the collec tor’s ofth • or other f**d* rl office. Never theless whenever the Hepubluan party i* In f**m*>r at Washington, negro* s are ap |M>mted to such off P•- In the Hotiih Is that not "negro domination.” as far as the Republican party can accomplish It? The Sun cannot see. It nays, "h**W' the question has any pertinency to lhs elec tion.” It tiaii pertinency to this election from the fa t that President McKinley. Ilk* his Republican predecesors, has up point negroes to ninny of the most Im portant uffl * s in tiie South, against mi l over the protest of th* intelligence and property Interest* of the communities. • lid there l* absolute ly no nssuranee that he would not do It again. To hop* that h* will pot. If ele led, Is ho assurance at all. MOBM MAMTIOH VI, KIM HKt. Ten I*4ll on dollar* of reaourraa Is some thing hf'ornprt-henslblp. There is no inlnd that evtn understand Its full meaning. It simply convey* in a general way the bleu of untold and unllmit***! tinanclal power Ye*. It Is stated, that Is the capital repre sented by th** American Hankers’ A*•*> - lion which has just concluded Hs sc*|onM at Rk'hmotul. Yh There sr*- many Amer l* an Isinkers who r not yet rn*nilH-rs of : tlvat association. Wh it the figure would* go to w re they all m*mler> of the n**o ■ elation, ther. u h* way of telling Nor would It convey any more deftnh*- id* a were those tlgur* e know n, than do*** the 1 rm-ni that tin* association repr* >• ids >1" o*l ll* I Conveying no definite idea in them-elves, the question arts*' what do these enor mous figures metin'* Treasurer Kilts 11. Robert** **f th** I’ntted>, who pr. rented th** figure#, and who te In u |osl- Hon to certify to their *<*rrt < tn*si, thr**w *n* light on tlx Mibj* t when !•• stated that this .nioiin* 1# m>r than doubb- (be banking jHw* rof any otht-r country In the world Leaving out China, which Is* said to l>* th** to**! |Mpulou# country In tin* world, but which I# weak tlnan. ially. this stut erne tit m.iin# that th* InMtxl Ktslta wr more than twice a# powerful ctally s lb** wlwxlr- BrllUh Empire, the next nation tn six*-, with a population -f more than SXa,OUO.UuI people, or four n*l a half 4im*> th* |nj|Uil.ittofi of the 1 nit* and H' il4’p ai)4l Ihdr colonic#. A* coriling to Treasurer B**lvrt >ia(*nint Gu tunkcfi formir;g thD iiusoclatlon 4*mild pay the public debt of the I'nlml Htdte# marly five 4lnn# *v*i, that debt being about 12 - rtff2.4's'X),.*sfi No wond* r th* l’nit*sl ilia |K)M|||ot) i lend tndilotte of dollar# to oth er countries whU f fhwl themeelv**# in ne**d of cash to . arry out their * xiienslve puhh policies Ar *| It nniv 1m tiot*-1 lo r* that on* of the chief ,f the.-*. joliv l tt* mili tarism. That i- ii (<*• i.r w*lu. u ha# created mu* l of th* great x|h n# In the operation f foreign governments. Thai t# In par? th* reason whs tin I’nit* 1 8 it. - w*h**<* military e#tubli#hm**nf heretofore has been * omparattvely In* xpenuivi , ba# reached th* -unnntt *f llnand il #upr m c> Ti Fnit**i .State# *r* th* oiUy eouHtry of their #.*e In th* world who## exports greatly . x *-*-d th*- Import That has built up th. *ounfr> within a .m --* absent th* factor of nitlttarDm. or a large standing army, to aid In *I:H.-i|H?irig that wealth. There n* a* reason why w. should n<*f nuiir.tain that supremacy Th* growth of Ih* standing army will be one of Hr* worst for. It I# a pity that nolxxly utand# with a whip over Mr. M.itmu •# he does over Roosevelt, for he k**in on raving things Just a little bit worse *han sum# of the 'gttersn* of the Republican vice presi dent Is 1 candidate. It I# another ♦ \ ideuce that Mr. Hanna Is the hvad sod liotU of THE MORNING NEWS- FRIDAY, 4 OCTOBER 5. 1000. 101 V(. MM IV HU.ITII*. The convention f •! N*t lor a I A**o ation cf Jem'- nt lr clubs at Jr -lianap ,,|f draws attention l 'he interest wht It > ii,g meii ,i r * taking lr. ** Ther** are now r early T.fii) fun* rati* < tut*w in th* National A**o tatcai aggregat|t>A pproxlmately l.lSUftt voters; an*l th# 1 majortt> of the membership i mole up of young men This how-*• ver, doe* not represent th* -tr**fgth of the as so* ia f ion a* it will ie- *xt mr>th when the vote-* ir* ,i-1 It 1% staled that new chibs nr t l or gw niged a the rate of several ■urnlred rerdav. B> el***?firm day. there to** , it i teas ■ able to as-time that th*re will la or fnr* iut* mern l r- actively • w.rrk for th* su- ■ e**s of il * 1 xrrtiocr vc i. k- t. It **iH our.ig;: g to know that so many yotreat men sre inter* log th*rns*lv* in ih** public affa wi ’hit jtinetur* Tti*v will bring enthusiasm and the • apa •' f*ir fast anl hard work t t<* the **art palgn with hem Their |*artl'lpltpn in th* * iut* work, therefor*, mean rnu* h la-sides the 'W-tlng of t i**ir own votes for the Democrat! I’andWtba Th* v will seek -t .tik-w arm voter*. xtay-Ai home nd voter* sh pride themselveg Kfton Ihefr "lnde|s ndence." fird persuade them to g** to th*- ftolls and .ist their hoi lots l*ir the Ilemcs'ratli • an dldates Tr#rs ire rood re-nns why the young men should In- r--p-cially Interested In the approaching election Trusts form on** if the l*-a*l'f)g Issues of the imjavign. As lev** been frequently |aiintd out, the trust)* ar curtailing and d* s’roytng th** chances of young rner, b* omlng Indepen dent workers, 'on their own licNtk." Avenues *f enterprise are l ing closed hv n*s- ga'ed t apital l*eiti. n it Ing crushed the weight of wealth arwl .‘•mall dea'ers *re Is*tttg forced out of busines- !‘nd-r the rule of the trusts the young man will have r*> Inde pendent career to look forward to What ever may la* his vparity or his attain ments. h* ran only be an under ling, at auch m!*> of woges as It pleases the trusts to pay him N<# onlv this, but th** number of opportunities for employ ment even in clerical and oth#r posi lions, h belug always re*lured by the trusts Tli drummers have felt th* weight of ’the ma:ied fl*t of combined capital Thousands of them have lost their tmettlnns. I*ecaise com (te* it ton being d#*tro>rd In the line# which gave them emplovmant. ther** was no further need for th*ir e* • vice*. The consumer having no choice In the matter, but being compelled to fwirchase from the trust producing or rortrailing • rerttln artble, or go with out. obviously the need for bright and enterprising salesmen disappears. The trust make* its price list, anybody who can read anl write can quof<* that list and take orders, therefore, the trust sales man, while supplanting a consider a hie number of able salesmen for formerly lt>- dependent concerns, need not necessarily he a mat of shrewdness and capacity. Without competition a "cheap" man may serve a* the medium between pro ducer and consumer quite as well as anv other. The young men have another Incentive t • activity in the campaign In the fact that Mr. Itryan Is himself a young man The Ideas that he represents are old and well gruurld. but h* bring to them vi rility. enthusiasm and unimpeachable in tegrity The combination Is attractive, especially to th* young man who will • wet his first or second ballot. Th** convention at Indianapolis will serve to Increase Interest In the work of th*- Democratic clubs. They will re double I heir efforts In the doubtful States; and when the Ik*Hots have been counted It will no doubt be seen that their labors have borne fruit. A POLITIC AI. 11l HE AC. The War Department of this govern ment seen** to have been lately trans formed Int*. a Republican campaign II - erary bureau. About the middle of Au gust Secretary Hoot cabled the Philip pine t'omnimelon at Manila Instructions to send. I>y iMo. a r**port to W (shtng ton respecting the •’ondil.on of affairs in I th* islands Ills Instructiunw were so worded that th* commDslon could not 1 help knowing that h*****l a campaign ! document lit reply there was seat a long report, ; the s ihsfance of w.htch w ts that the war was pn**t illv w*r aisl tht oftposltlon ' to tb*' I nltctl States would disappear If l*tsl(lnt MtKlnhy were r* e'ecte I In Novemls r Tin tc'*graphl. tods on thl.s : report, nnmunttng to s< ver-il thou>md dollars, arc to l*. paid out of the public treasury. I nfortunately for the ho;* of the i tr tlsan Ir**sa ug* nt in th*- \\ r Depart- I inilit. *ai the vary ! \ that th* commte ! skm’s reply was mu le public, th* news | dlffpot* hes contained Inform.ituai of ** rl- on- America:: reverse# In Luzon a into t within sight of Manila; and sir that tint* ther* 4 \* I# #-r> n am* ru: r> i*ortx of Filipino adlvlty in varlou# par!.- of th** archil* logo So far front the insur rection being "prat bally ended." the fm t se. tn# to be that It 1# quite vlgorou N**w It ap|*atf. t tic War D.p *t t tm-lil Is making publi i l.i pf captured Fili pino corrtwiion.lcnc* .ib *1 to show that th* hop* of th** Insurgent# l- basd upon the |*n#thl- • *•## of Ma Bryan at the (tnlN next month It I# to b* oh ■*. r\. l from a reading of this con •*•!■.n 1- em **. thiil w hil* th. Fi lpino writer# ex pr#-- th* bop* of mor* limr il treatment In tne event <*f Mr Bryan # ki ll- ti. they do rani s*y tliui th* tnMirt. tlon would col lop** 4 as .1 consequt n*e of hi- deft it. Th* )frob;ibllille# ar* that il would xo on. Th* D’and* rs seem to have litll* diffU ul ty in getting arms and ammunition, and (h*> hav* Ixen ulle •*. far to miintain nn arm. .1 res| -* n. almost up ta the wall- of Manila. Meanwhile. It is i sorry s{hh tnclc to * * • "f the vie at executive branch## of th. government th* War D* turned lna n |irtl*an polltk il bureau for the * oil. tlon. public expanse, of Re publican *miulgn m t.rial. Whlh rusing t#y a#cnt to Germany*# poaition with regard to th* punishment .f Chin* *'- Boxer loader# us .* preliminary to negotiation*, the I nlnd h it** upp**ar n*w to have provi.i.-d u balm to gi -many’s wound**l feeling in the shajx of lnsirin tl.uie to Minister Conger to ar (ain the name# <f all of tiie## notorloti# leaders, th* punishment prescrib'd for them and whether or not It I# carried .<ut China appear# to have lem brought to the point where the Dowers can tll her Just what they want, and have It done— at least until th* fprv>e# of ipt I‘wwtrs Th*- w ls*r* * touts of one Rk hard t’roker. Jr - to become a v*mt> puxxling ques'ioci In N* w York. If. Indeed* it Is not air* al> so Or. f)> t £ one of 4he N* w* York yellow journal* |o* trd th* promls ing son of th. T irnmanv h*e- in the t’or neil * otteg** of Law at Ithaca, where it said, "he bids fair to lecome us potent m fa tor in the ro.h g* world w* Hb father i* to iHshtlr* * Th* afof*sui(| y*llow jour nal’s rival on the am* <Hy. had the mwi *f ti -- Tamniany ehi**ialn h*-gi*jnmg work at th* bottom of *h* ladder In the wp yarJs m Kl xabetbport. N. J., where most of th* employes kno*k*>l off work for a w hile Ih *tb**y wer*- busy wat hing th* n-w man wim is *n th* payroll a Hi * ard Jr What a genius itl t.ard t;r*ker, Jr.. woul*i muk*- as a newspaper r**j*ort*r: With th** ability to h* tit two sue h totally different pla* *■* nt one n*l th* Mm* Hn*. the only oculu ston Is that he tui.- missed hti < .tiling A good answer given by the N* w York livening j’u#€ to the charge repeal* • and by S*i at. r Hoar In he North Aner lean RevPw. that Mr. B> *n wu i sponsible for th* rufifl- ollon of that “hor rlb|e tr*-aty with Si* Th** fact is. n> wu> ipfi iniit at the mis. that th* H*- puhll< iiti manage rs woukl not hav** allow ed th* tr-aty to *vm to a vote wi’hout the ertalnty of ratlfkailon, . spe lal.y when they could have waited month for the r**w Sermt*. and ha l it ratified wih it any difficulty. f*reklen4 M< Klnley wanted ro chances takan. * w shown in ihi übje* Uon mode to having a poli! of *h- 8* fiat*- mads It was only when a majority was <srt.ln that the Hepub li" anv allow*-*! th*’ treaty to go to a v*u *. i 'vatham county # single IVpuiist voter must feet so lonesome that he no doubt row very sorry he did It ai ■—Palermo and the surrounding towns and villages will celebrate on Thursday the birthday Of Signor Fran isco Crutpi. •he h**d Italian statesman, who was bom tn Ribera Btctly. Oct 4 l*lfl —Dr Paul Haupt of Johns Hopkins Uni versity, wim secured for Yale a collection of Arabic manuscripts on his recent trdj to Burop**, bought also for a Halttotor* gentleman another collection of Arabt and Turkish manuacripts valued at 82C*,lO*). This last is to l • presented either to Prtnccoi or to Johns Hopktnx. —lx>rd Holierts has ordered from a Ixwv d**n jeweler flv** watches of the kind known as ’’lron-clodf*' for presentation to hi# Indian orderlies Th** wat* h* . h**ur the following inscription: "Presented by Field Marshal Rcoberts to ’ his faithful and unwearied pcrsonul orderly throughout the South African campaign, 1900." Hinc* the death of Miss Van lew of Richmond, It has become known that she r fivwl from a Boston gentleman an an nuity of about Si fll Thl- B*uton fri* n.i w.s on* f the officer? who tunnell*d out of Libby* prison at tfw* time so many made their escape from there It is under*'***! that Mies Van lew aid***! in getting him through th* lines to his horn*- In Boston —Prof I .outs Dyer of Oxford I'nlvemtty has been chosen to fill the new lecture sh!p on the history of art at th* Unlver slfy of ('altfbrilLi chair established ♦ hrotigh the generosity of Mrs Pheh* Hearst Prof In*er was formerly mem her of the faculty of Harvard Mrs Hearst has also advan- *d th*- money n-. e.-sary to build a residence for the president of the Callforna Instltiition. nit hits. —Back atal Forth—"Elmund. what mad** you so late Mv *l*ar I came up in mv new automobile, and passed the house five firm* !• for* 1 could arrange to stop.** Indianapolis Journal. Hattie—“He na:d me a verv pretty compliment. He said m\ tnovenv-nt* w<*n birdlike Bertha-*' I saw him the <iav t>**for*- gazing t Mrs Qtielper’s ducks You don't s ip|*•- it was the\ that put the idea into hie head?**—lkwton Tran- Vlpt -Ban* titled "What'" ex* atm*d th* t’hlnese. affecting to stand aghast "You continue vour military opectk>ns regird l—s of the Sat*'*ath '*'* "lh. yen," replied th* Powers. “Tht* cotiKrrt of Europe is • sacred concert, don t you know."— Pmk MI- lt*-M—“Did yoti hear about owe i of oir (‘Addles getting man led?" Miss Greer. "No. is that so"*" "Ye*. anl be r*<piest| the organist n play s*m*-Uiit>K appropriate." “And did he?" "Yes. h. i*la\e*l 'After the Ball.' *'—Yonker- States man. N*t ll*r I'ault May Putter- "Every ! laxly n talking about Ih* you b-t Jack Haggard klew you on the links yesterday ‘ Bell*- Hazard "Well, I couldn’t help It I w • Juki t*-*ing **ff when tie a-k<l m<- If he -ouUt tiave just one kiss | yelle.l. Fore.’ and h* took tht rA Philadelphia ! Press 4 I KIIIM 4 OMMI VT. Th*- rhlc Igo Ghrcmlde. (D m) sava ' Andr w < amgi uiqs>rt of Mr ST Km ley Is. a he frcinklv says. Imsed on in let* t n*it prii c i*. ||e all-ges six .x pit* it reasons f. r his uurs* . th*- first be ing that the Hanna candidate i- for the •protei tlon of American lnlustrb-s * The Laird f Bkibo and Mom* stead being the chief beneficiary of this protection, the other five reasons are not especially im portant" Th*‘ New York World (I>em > says: “Bome of our Republican friends are giv en to calling Mr Hryan a “demagogue But w rt.-k them. In all candor, if Mv Bry m s habitual g s*d t*mp*r. his un failing court* ty toward opponents th* mo-lerntU n f Id- language and th*- *Ug. nty f hD *le|*ortmefit do not Mii*tly i s*t ng ind pleas ng ont apt to the swashbuckling ex-CYionel of the Hough Hlders." The Bpringlleld. (Mass) ftepuhlh an. ! (Ind.l says A round addid to th** British national debt I* one of the osts of the strangling of the Boer r* • publics, which Ia figuring somewhat im pr*.~s|v ;y in the **u tent polltb s of Eng land This sum. it 1* not**), exceeds all * cumulations In th# posioffice sayings banks of the t’nlt* I Kingdom, in 90 years lmt*etialism it such a pa*, means much more than this. It b-ads on incvttabl> to domcH?|c revolution. A measurably fr* e |**>f*ii will not long abide the burden of R." Thr R ochre ter (N. Y> Herald. (Dem) ! s i vs: "The farmer b doittg a great deal tnr* ttdnklng 10-tlay than rver l*e-for lie has had mu#* experience than ever I at *1 as h* thinks of his experience, of th** i low prices for his crop** and the high prices for his supplier*, of his notes and rr.i rig Ages, of his #'*• dy anl vain industry i and of his final and Inev.tabl* failure, be i hcgln* to call nanws He calls the tariff on agricultural products a fraud, and t delusion, the men who hoodwinked him with 1 liars, and himself • fool This vejr he seems to be brg.nnlng to .-# clearly that tt i# hims*lf who more than anyone else has fa*lenvd about himself ; x :.2 *•! Sr-**** '■ Mason uml the 4 hliugn Poet. Becretary John A Mason wu busy jraa* afternoon at the Ix-rmxrati s'.t headquarters in the H! James Building when he was InurruMMl by Abraham Lincoln Myers, the handsome and dls* reef do rtender, ay the N w York Trlbtim "Gentleman named Jones fr**m Chicago wants to **• Mr Mu-oti .moot some am paign poetry." said Mun Certainly m wi cirfainly*" ejaculated Mr Mar* n ‘We’ve wutlng for the la* - ! MX we* k - for Jon* , of Chicago, to m ike hi- Aids iranee with satchel! full of ’htrago |*oetrv Show- Jones, of Chica go. right In." "Th v ’vc b* en singing s me hot sttiff In th* mm halls in Chi ago. and l v* •na*le h - orkii g good parody *n It." itd Jo res, of Chicago “G h*.d atul give ui - -m* hot stuff.” sai l Mr M who *an be a* solemn a judge when he wants to, "and I’ll keep tab on you.** Jon* nt Chi ago, began r a*l ng. T R-j'ibll Cr*-k one recent aft neon •'Flirty darned ionic feet gu* ss It came from Chicago all right enough, mumbled Mi Mason. ”Dl*l you ray anything?*’ asked Jon* “Oh i.o ” iid Mr Mason, "don’t stop your Cripple r*r***k parade. Go on ' And ;s it passed u w*mm rti the street displayed a Bryan l*nn*r Bully for her*’’ *-j icyltatrd Mason Ar.d quickly d‘wn tie side her Jump*! a t<oid Ruugn Hld**r Who sna'rhed It in a very viol nt man ner "I truct -he sun of a gun wax promptJ> put out of*," said Mr Mason, with fee.-uig Jones of Chicago, look'd as If he didn’t like to b Interrupted, but Anally resum 'd reading Then that woman's hu-band ame with a s antltng in his ban 1 And jump* i into that warrior fresh from Kettle Hill “Good! *tood!" sad Mr. Mason, "now you’re getting action in li That's what I dk** *o see Give us more scantlings and Kettle Hills' Go on. Jones, go on ' And I 'Teddy" swore by "hully gee*" this Crligde Creek nu-le* Is now the issue paramount to setth* Bi 1." 'Bill* who?* d*mar.')ed Mr Mason, looking sternly thioigh hi glasses at Why. llryan, of courie.'' said Jones W> don’t Bryan settled v*. w*nt Bnun elected" *abl Mr Minon Mr your song don't end right You should r**mrml<rr rr tw<* 'Bills' running ur.l when you say settl • HU! and let it go at that v oti mix thing* ! like the Hn* about the woman carrying thr Urvan iwnner. and the lloes about th#* man who cams wlrh a scantling to hit- hand and jumped into th* man from Kttlc Hill, but hang me If ! Ilk*- to take any chances on tha* last lino You have on** ' IHII* In the air, and about half the people who hear your sor.g won t know whlrh Bill Ip in the air ’ l'* Kn to t-xplaln. hut he ra~ rut short. Show In the nett visitor Myers." said th** Hcrretary. as Jones, of Chicago. sad ly took hip leave Th** Power of the IVma. Old Mike and ht* wife llvnl In a Utile •bln on the mountain, one of a type whl<*h Ip happily every day becoming more and more rar* , says an exchange. The walls were of mud an.l th* ffoor of the “* m§ useful material, with a gutter run ning down the middle to divide the family apartments from that of the domestic ani mals To this mansion came his reverence on*- - old. snowy morning In March to hold i Ptation Hi* umbrella w<i wet and drip pin*, po. being a careful man. he placed It open. In the apace vacated by the anl mala. who were grating outside After the ueual devotion*, when the congrega tion had dispersed. he went for a stroll, while Moira prepared breakfast, for to • ntertaln his reverence afterward is the rownfng honor f u station He hid not gone far wh>n heavy phower obliged l.lm to take -helter under a tre and pend ! * little go.**oon running buck for his um brella. HU revecanre js ufther sending me to bring Ids ombrell." said the loy. bursting Into the cabin The saint* preserve up!" mi.) Mike ‘Maybe I?'* the thing be left beyant In th- corner." and "rising the umbrella h tried to i-.isp fhmigh the door, but the entrance was low and narrow and the umbrella large and wkl* Without .1 mo merit's hesitation he caught up a** and to* gun shoveling down the wall at either side of the door. Man alive.'’ .ild tti* priest. appearing on the scene, whit ar* y- at?" "Shur* it's mskln wuj I am f**r yer riverem-e'e ombre!!." said old Mik* . "dlvtl a Idt of It’ll go through it all. at all " Ah. nan>ens* man." said his repervenee. laughing. 11 ml stepping InPlde. lie took the umbrella twit of Moira’s bund and closed it before them Ul<l Mlk* star* lat It ag-dnst. Then he turned to his wife "Story be to tlod. M"lm " he raid, "is then- anything lu ytitw the power <f the priest Knftilinla f*l i-it of M In a rec* nt I/xidon publication, ways the Pittsburg News, there Is a signed article by the editor of one of the old* st newppa lers an Kng'and. lie t. II in a how h* reached hN present exulted po-pbm In hi-* sketch he tells this story of him*Jf, whi h h hu* subheaded "My First Scoop." lie■ w 1 young on hi* paper and was *m plo>*d a 1 min of odd Jobs, included among which was re|>ortirtg A big law cum l wup m trial and then was every reason t•> be|b v* *hnt <h*‘ court would i.l- Journ before 1? wup finished until the next day The suh-extttor who was in charge d*. bled not to hold the p iper. ll* sent it to pr* -s and went home The young man stayed around the ofTbe for a short while and then w* n out for n stroll on Fleet tree* Passing the offb * of ’h Standard he no tired a bulletin announcing the conclu sion of the big suit He rushed in and 1* eight a paper. hurried hark to hip own ofhes. pfopp*| the pr*s. and had tlie n**ws set lA4• and Inserted. •‘On the follow *ng day. Saturday," he writes, I re elved s reward and encour agement n florin and the thank** of the nub-editor!" There is an Knglish "scoop" for you. It's funnier than an English joke Too Mnr* ••Itialula lllahi-a." From the Baltimore American. We don't g*4 anything to eat at our house any more There’s never any common dl*h rom* through the kitchen door. For nut and all th- girls ip workln' like they wm m achines—- A-makln’ ’ and ainty d*bes" from the fashion mugustnes. They give us dabs o' this an’ that, with n am* * w e an t p rnoun< e, W ih sprigs i*’ stuff itoun-1 them all, Ju*t Ilk a little flounce A s4 lk or two o’ ppliMge takes the place o’ ' meats o’ green*"— We'r# eai.n' "dainty dishes" from the fashion magaxlnep! Th* itro ry bill's a-hummln* now 1 tell you it's a sin. We got to buy the dainty stuff an’ things to c*.k It in I m blamed If I'll call h**n toup *ny "consummay de. beat**!" „ Bui It’s in "Balmy Dishes” In the fashion magus! ns*. I want a *ick—l want It quirk—l'm hun gr> as a hoes— I want It with thick gravy—no new-fan gled kind o' cause." An' listen kerful an* you'll know Jest what the ol* man means nt:MW OK ITTEIIEBT. • An witomoblfe evident Insurance as -O* la Hot) Is .iby> it to be formed in New York ity !*s object# will he to mstire Its poll*- % holders against a* c|dentP and to defeiid th*- lnuitn*rslf> laws tit* whb*h • havs been brought ugatnst motorists *ll over the country, often on very alight prove* - * 11* ti The xirgeon grtal of the navv has rtrtang- •) to send to Guam a d*-rtl t to treat the teeth of t v * m**n *t thx# naval ‘tatior*. Th* r. has l* n m i h comp’aint from sufferers at <• am. and the services of m *ieii*x| are greatly i.*eded The den tist w -*:* enlisted as a hospital steward ut so> a n.*aith. Women nre t ow qua ifted to enter as ■tftbnt l the f.unlly of un- nt th* Vienna Knlvetsjty on the raun* t*rtn as m*-n. and th* prof# - mi toe frull\ *f j law in Viet tet hav* p tllloned th* mint - I try of # tu* atwai to al <>w wotn*n to enroll themselves a* regular tudnt# in that branch of hon ing also. A German government expert. Pr laiubert. *fter *t trip through tierman W st Aft ha*< com-* t* th*- conclusion that rot only is th* n-qulto-malaria lh**- **r% as in do 4v* 1 by Koch **rr*.-', but tlait there is a close connection betw**ti mala rla In beings and Hie *U*< * * > which * arry off many horses in those .’egiuM*. •In there were In* umt>ent# of 4 hur h llxings ;n Ei.gland who had ocu pled th* same living for fifty years or more ard of thes* twelve had held their pates f*r sixty years. Their iverag*- in ome amounted to a yr. and in six t<***n -ases the h "in'* after fifty years' • ontlnuou.- seivi*-** k between the iimlta 4f and 1710 a year. One *.f th* Liverpool clergy of the Ks tibl h**l Church ‘>f K.gland Is trying to employ church women a.** regular #up -I*l*m*n?aiy * urat**s. and he suggests that 1 mu h organizing work of th** parish might I b-tt* rI * don*- by w-**men than by clergy men li* declares that he .an g**t three women to work for the price f one cu rate at id to lo three rimes th* work The French Court of ' AsMtlon has now before It a llbG suit arts ng oit of the t>attie of Waterio , certainly one nf the m*>st cur|.- on record A re **ently published history having *atd that Count 4b* Lourmcnt *les#rt#d o the enemy in the famous battle, the nobleman's des endants ave taken action against the author for this aspersion upon the Count # memory. —Th- royal Prussian family Is the larg e>t owner f for-st tracts In Germany. The propertN • onsLts of not than 118 ih" acres The routhern branch of the Hobenxollerns ow ns a tract of I.V Oho a**r* s The Frlrce of Rtolberg Werniger *le owns fore*t . ov**rlrg 1 If) aO acres, which i* about the mi*- of the city of Chi ago The timber lands of the Prince of Pies* com pris** Kd.flflO acre#. On Aug 3 last Fred Kiltan was ad mitted to the Cincinnati City Hospital, having been prostrated by the heat. He hx been uncxnsrious ever since and will probably dir Shortly after being admitted to the hospital Kiltan developed alcoholic mcnlngPUs and had *o be strapped to a 4X>t. where h*- has lain thoroughly obliv ious to hi# surroundings. His wife spends an hour at his bedside every evening, but the patient cannot he arouaed sufficiently to recognize her -The Island of Guam is shaped like th* sde of a sho** and has presumably a total area of about lto square miles, al*hough It has never be surveyed. The narrow #-st prt has h diameter of seven miles <nd It is about rtf**en miles In length There are a few lepers in the island, but nobody pays any particular attention to them and they appear to do no harm The water there Is not good to drink, but U Is not missed, for when anytmdy is thirsty a native climbs m tree and throws down m cooanut, the milk of which Is a re freshing i# verage. The driving of the Great Northern Railway tunnel through two miles and a half of solid granite in th#* Cascade range of mountains Is one of the most notable engineering f**fs of fh*- century. Boring was stared at each end toward the #*en ter. and so accurate were the engineers' calculations that at the meeting point the difference of Hlignment was scarcely one Inch. This cutting through refractory ma terial was h ompllshed in forty-flv# months by “* men. operating thirty-two • ompressed air drill#—a veritable miracle wrought by modern machinery. on *he recommendation of the war 4|e iiuttm*-nt the Agrl< ultural Department Is preparing an order setting apart as for est reserve# the Is.und of Knmholln. north of the Island of i’anay, also the Island <-f i’au.taul. which is one of the *-xtrem* grou|> of the Jolo Islands. Officers of tlx* 4nn> who havr been looking over the Isl ands ha\ •* found that these are p*-rhnps me li-hest in the world for rubber tre*e*. and it l> the tnt*-ntk>n of the Washing ion authorities to hav*- the trees pr*- serv* *l and car *l f.r, esfwclallv as some f rs lat* ly have been expressed that the rubb*r supply may bscomt* exhausted. In a paper read lHfore the Paris Elec trical Congress. Mr. Kellur gave a good general *1 t*slfb atlon *f the electric fur naces employed nt the present time. There ••re thr## classes an* furnaces, resistance furna ••‘•. and Incandescent furnaces In 4he ftr-t dues the heal Is general**! by n voltaic arc. In the resistance type h* heat Is furnished by the passage of the current through imperfectly conducting material, ond Ip the in* anles.ent furna.* Hu- mat* rial to be acted on Is no* Initial ly conductive and m #pe ml ion*ltictlng lay#f required to start th.- current The temperature# Obtained m the ele trie furna. .* are said to be in excess of S.AM degre* s c . and are the highest yea at tunable arttfl* tally. A German paper, the Deutsche Wo • hens-tiff Flier die N'iederlatal*- (Germ-in Weekly for the Netherlands), contains h.* following explanation of th** origin of the name of the well-known American must* ur *1 composer Housa: "Sousa s real name Is Simon Ochs# <Oi). He assumed th*- name “Botisa* after a friend had *oll • and his attention o the combination of the letter* H lltro-n tehee) 1* (nited) S (tales) A (meri*), which were InscGhed upon his trunk This Portuguese-sounding ap pellition seemed better In keeping with his much-admired personality, and so h# pmsale name Simon Oche disajqs are <\ from his posters." A German contem porary adds: S none • vero a mahxloaa m< nte trovato." and. Ilk* th** Gossip, leaves the responsibility for he truth of th** • dement to thr Deutsche \Vorh**n- S4*hrift —Not for nearly eighty years, says the lamdon Court Journal, ha# there he**n ►uch a small line force in the Fnlted Kingdom as at present There are now at hnm** only four cavalry r**gimens—the First Dragoon Guards. Second Dragoon Guards, Reventh Hussars and th** Twenty fitst L.iii* ers-exclusive of the Household Cavalry nd s present Strength of about men. and eleven batt ilion# of Infan try fin paper there is a fairly strong fore# "f artillery, but a# many of 4he bat teries at home are r*rntly formed w# nr# not mi well on In thl as numeric ,n y *•,. ap|H-ar. The British garrison in India Is nlso lower than It has been for many year. The normal white garrison of In dt wa# flx.*d ut a certain strength by politicians of both sides, but It l# now some 10.000 or IS.dou below what ha# al wy# been considered a safe margin Ow ing to the necessities of Bouth Africa. • here i* at present lee# British Cavalry In India *hin has been known sln*?e the Urn** of the East India Company, only flv* regiment# being now In India, and the] MIJNYONSI U * c,l rf <Tyt^ •>. Ind!*' qta 1,117 t- 1 , 4c,* JEm tl)t '-•n& t U ■* one* ,• j \ - -jk* to Hrnlth io4 I I r ci fr— iva | Arch Phil, IDYSPEPSIACURE LkUAL ISO TICK*. • JEORGIA. CHATHAM COF\ty - Wh- rMi# \V II M n lei ha apt | *<j Court f Ordinary fr letters a* administrator, on the estate of Frn s* M* nd 1 d* < *-as* and. These ire, therefore, to e|i- ar I t Oh all whom It may toncern t* t | att*ear befor*- said *ourt *o mak tlon lit ih> they hive) on or )• f.. first Morvtoy In January, n-xc oh rw . said letter# will be granted Witness, the Memorable Hampt n Ferrlll. OnMnary for Chatham ■ this the *>th dav of September l 4 **- FRANK K KEILBAf H Clerk Ct Ord'y. c Cos NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRr ! f. OH B. GEORGIA. 'HATH AM OOI'NTY Notice is hereby given t all - ha - ing demands against Mary Ander-on h*p of sail i-nunty. d* eased, to preset to me properly mad* out. within the • prescribed by law - , so as to shurw cburacter *ml amount, and all p*- r *oi f n ddaed to c)d b< eased are require*) m muk* immediate ikayment to me ROBERT W McLACGHLIN Executor Thundcrbot*. Ga. Bavarnah. Ga . Repr 4. 19U0 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA CHATHAM COT*NTT- Notice is hereby given to all person# l.av trg demands againt John Green late of raid county, deceased, to pree* nt them to me. properly mad* out. within the time prescribed by law so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons Indebted to sard deceased ar* re quired to make immediate payment to me PATRICK O'CONNOR. Administrator Care O’Connor. O’Bvrne A Hartrldg'V Attorneys at Law. Savannah, fra.. S*p 4. IWO GEORGIA CHATHAM COFNTY- Whereas F G Cahants# has applied o Court **f Ordinary for letters dtsmts s>ry as admii strator *n the '-state of Elixj M I*iß*H'h*. deceased. The#e are. therefore, to cite ar.d admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear htfare said court to make objection (If any they hav#*) on or before the first Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will b<* grant***! Witness, the Hon Hamp ton L Ferrlll. Ordinary* for Chatham county, this the 4th day of October lk* FRANK F KCILBACH Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C Cos NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEOfU7IA. CHATH AM COI*NTY - Notice is hereby given to all penr n* hav, Ing (kmandi against Eliza Barrett. la*e of said county, deceased to present them to me. properly made out. within the time preacribed by law. *> as to show their character and amount; and all per •on# Indebted to said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to me M A O BYRNE, Executor. Bavarnah. Ga . S* pt 4. 1900. IT'S UP TO YOU TO BUY Uouseiurnishing Goods, nnl wr well them an cheap— lnf wr aril nnt > GOOD fiOODB. The lasting, wearing, honest kind, xxith no extra charge f*r <|unllly. That WTI-TRIHT TIY we sell I*4 441 AK WI ELD hy the maker and ourselves. It enna>t he had else where, and Is the cheapest tinware yot ran hay. We have everything needed la the home. G. W. Allen & Cos., State and Barnard Streets An Open Letter Jasper Springs, (near) Vsvsnnsh. (•., kept. TANARUS, 1900. Columbia Drag C ompany, havannah, Ga.i Gentlemen—l have been sagerlag with Chllla and Fever for more than three months. Have heen aader treatment of several doctors, tried several so-called Chill Tonies, none of which benefited me. At last I • red one bottle of yoar Smith's Chill and Fever Tonic, and within three ilaps I felt mart* better, and after nalng the second bottle I am glad to say I am entirely eared. I write this so that yon may be able to Inform others who may suffer and asuare them of a earr. Very traly yonre. (Signed) HMRY TOKTTRR. BRKNNAN BROS. WnOLESAU Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. 11* bav street. ** TikplnwlU.