The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 05, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SPOT COTTON MARKET OFF. t . I INK. >K I-| Kwrr ronw , T |UK l LOAINU MIA. , |r ,. k ituelneee In P® I'*' I '"* h ' oil on for I. n. b. Delivery In , ,ir Oraanil-Tli* Stork MnrUn , a ml a,.||a r—l rtrprntlnr firm !,!■. I rgi>-nln Klrni and I n "h.ui.a-1-oinl •* Telegraphic l||l The Morning New* office, Thursday. t>t I. pot rollon market droped 1-1* cent , n-lth the closing quiet. and trading irmlorni* scale There wa* a apurl <lrman.l for spot# to nntlnfy urgent . , r ii< which ran the transactions for ■ abov< •I" 1 average. The d’-min.l ..non for f. o. b delivery wa# fair. n,.i lip to Hr usual brlskner# The pi troll worn from 10 5-16 to 10 s. with holder# In mmy caw- taking ii .hly more than these prior# An ml movomrni war th* order of Itio In the rollon future# market, and onlinurd until tala In the grsalou, , ;>rlee* sagged In response lo i!lm f, ; profit#. |. stock market ran off at the olo*e. ih the tone eaay and arrive The drop it.• sieel and Iron group was caused t, ilie final dip of Tennessee Goal A- Iron. i attracted murh allenllon. This , . k closed veeierday at 524. and openc I i lay at .V.'j Humor# that a quarterly, l.nd had t>een declared ran It up to and later on a contrary rumor hick i , When a 2 per cent, quarterly dlvl- i■ h authoritatively rimoiai. eel the l jumped I>ack to Sf It closed at > net gain of IS points. ■rhe splrli# turpentine market closed ■ m a t cent#, wnh no Inclination on i jart rf factors to aril for a lower I e Hills were filed HI 36 cc-ti'e but II . not understood that any sniff was k.d down lo ihe bidders at this pri e . roaln market closet firm and un i .od. with a fair d-mand prevailing >. the third day sale# have been made i irate terms No official transaction' >i powted at the Kourd of Trade. The . I.- ah market rliswl steady. The fol ,* a resume of the different markets show the lone and quotations at the mg to-day IOTTOV The sjari cot trauma rke I closed quiet i0...1> ...1> •' a decline of 1-1* cent on all grades, dil son the spot were 1.431 hales Thnee . .. understood to be fiw the satisfaction o! urgent demands. The receipts were 9.- 7V, against MU last year, and fjß year liatnre last A fair demand was reported • I o h cotton at prlees ranging fr.m n; to in' \r for grs and middling llolfi Ui re Inclined lo ask higher price*, tn . ome Instances as much as 10-3-Its lor goesi middling. fhe foilowing were the official spot qun uitt.gis at the close of the market at the • ot’on Exchange to-<lajr: _ ~This I I-ait | day. , year. ■ ; Td - middling I“** Middling I' ft 7 I. middling i*S 16S i; and ord nary • -*4 Market, quiet; sales 1.491 jti.% annah receipts, exports and stocks Her-ipt# this diy 9.71S !:■ * ipts this day las’ year A056 1- lay year before last 7.539 t: etpis since 9pt 1. POO 916.3*1 ' day last year 303.260 'i k rn hand this day 76.153 Sine day last year 99,96* K-1 eipis and slock* nf the porta— It csipt* this day to.nn H ■ Ipts this day Inst year *6.3*9 f • - ipts this day year before last 61.3* al receipts since Kept- 1, H** l - 811.626 rstme time last year 971.536 Same time year Itetore las' 1,266.116 ,#-,ck at all ports to-day 433 29.1 beck same day list year 696,t)W cd. Movements '• Other Ports. r.ih'sston —Steady; middling. 10*'. net re • pis. 4,014 gross receipts. 4.014. sales. •-. stork. 72.97.1 Vew Orleans—Quiet; middling. l'H%c; net t accepts. 13 364; gross receipts. 13.701; sales. . M#i; stock, id>.r>7 Mobile -Steady 1 ml.M*tng 19c: net re • ipts. 2.306. gross receipts. 2.306. sales, o, stork. 11,901. luirleston -Quiet and nominal: middling. ■#•; not receipts. 1.617; gross receipt#, L •T. sales. 130; ulock. 25.575. Wilmington—Firm middling. U)%r; net rc elpte, 4.134; gross receipts. 4.134; stuck 20.00. Norfolk- Steady . middling. lOQc; not re *'ipts, 3,649; gross rei'clpts. 3,619; sales'. 300; •<ak. 21.715. Ilaltlmore—Nominal; middling. l<t* 4 c; cr.-ss receipts. MO; stock. 1 979 New York Steady; middling, lt)7*c; net re -ipts ks;., gross receipts, 7.076; sales, stock 31.629 !g! quie: hihl steady; middling, 'so. net receipts. 367; gross receipts, eel l iiil.elelis.u—Qutet; mt.hlhng. 11V . net " 'lpts. ir.o; gres: receipts. 150; stock, t,- ttally Movement# at Interior Towns Augusta—-firm: middling, 10 3-ltlc; ne# ’ nipt >. 2.170; gross receipts. 2,857; sales. '• stock, 29 717 Memphis—Quiet: mslftlng. 10 3-16 r; nt '• 'Spts; gross receipts. 4.265; sales. ' 60. s'r, k. 27,437 At I anile-Steady; middling lOQc; gross it. ~p,s 4.646; stock. 11.2*6 •'lneinnatl— p'lrm. middling 10V*c; net re t'lpts, gross receipts, 39. salsa. SU: e'o-k *t,7l Houston riieadv; mtdttllng 19c; net ee '*Ud# '•‘*.•.7. gross receipts, 9,*f,7, sales. ’ " stock. :.', 646 l ouisvlltf Mteadv. mldtlllng. I.xports of Cotton This Hay— New Orleans—To France, 4.500 Mobile—Coastwise, 31# Wilmington—To fireat RrMitn, 12,765, 'n the continent. 10,Of*' Norfolk—Coastwise, 4.077 N‘-w York- To Hrltaln, 713; to the continent. 431 Bi'sna, To Orcrt Hrltaln. *572. I*" il foreign exports from all port* this To dreai Hrltaln, 22.0f0; to Franca. 4 *e to the con'lnenl tft.B4o I foreign exports from all ports thus far this week To Great Hrltaln. 67,819. I t t rance. 3* 337; to the continent. 116.059 1 ’ll foreign exports since Bept. I, lgc, To Great Hrltaln. 170.143, to France. 50.85?; 10 the ■ ontlnent. 307.948. 91.9 11L49D COTTON. " - Ia k< receipts wera <53. against 3.- tast yeut The sales were 604. against to lasi year. i t ea ahnttt as follows ' "tklas tg rat let. receive*]) 21ff2*r an, v Georgias 2IC X!it Choice 3099021 c Hft v and Rxiru Choice Georgias are 0 ' quota Hon# Some obi cottrm below ihe above prices, but 21c riven a* iho actual prl-e of Fancy- and -'ra Choi,. Georgias It t# unusual to ; .:ve Florida* at this season, hut soma the,, grade* have been received and , r Hald The receipts are eo short -nt year, and advices from the |nte ■tre ao exceptionally had that these >-* are regarded as reaeonaoie. roTToq mi he*. I| ” B " 11 Crotvd \9 tellls rtiina* Ita Own Hay. ' ' ir * t - o*4. 4.—8u1l opinions pre , In to-day a cotton market and r *** v, * w ware backed by substantial pricaa Improved apace. The opan , - *steady with prices unchanged to I, ’ " ll, *s*r By midday the advance . " n 'ncreaaed to *Oll points, while flnr>g nf ihm Hv _ _. t MURPHY 0t CO., INC.. Board of Tra*i Building. BvannAh Prlvat# leaped wiren dire cl to New York. Chicago and New Orleana COTTOX. STO( HN AMI (.11 %!%. New York office. No. il Broadway. Office* In principal cltleg throughout ihe Bourh Wnae for our Market Manual and book contelntng inaiructlons for trader*. rtf I“||l3 points wa* apparent. Tne cl owe wan rtte.jiiy with price# *> to 7 ptuna- aliove the final prit. of y*-ter lay Tin . on* ‘dualon* of the trade .nit the public wre founded upon huUleh cable* an ) disap pointing Information hearing upon th* i crop condition. Llverpx>l .nlvan * and in eyni(>athy wdb y*eterda>S iinptovemnt here and later displayed Inherent atrength of It>* own on i e 'are of foreign ► horte. following r**ducd crop eatlmai* from the Houth ami t lalm** that cotton ► happed by Manchester vpinnere' r* ir-• n tat Ivo m the Interior of b< t not rea h the Knitllah mill#* In the tliru .*l - Ituying ord**r* w >re cabled to our market and helped to strengthen bull con viction*. New* from Texa* to th** ♦ ff* ct that th* dnmuee to trop In that ►? t by the recent flood* would rei-dt 4on.<>wi bale* gave .iildltlonal strength to th* mar ket In the early afternoon. Klrmu* •> In Southern *|>oi market*, for -mall rec'elia.f ,*t leatltng town to-morrow Hi;d a forec.iat for wet w father over t • central and eautern neetlom >f the Ih It were hill) Influence* of no email lmjort ♦ nce. Near the * loec eclllng for profits broke the market eeveral point*, but In no way weakened the feeling in general. Trading wa* brl.-k throughout the ses sion i in M viionn in rm/MM Near York. Oct. 4 Cotton future* open ed ateady at the advance and loaed steady. Price* a* follow*; Opn 'High Low. Close. JantTary .T... * *S 9s I* M February | 9 91a S kl Mar h ; 9l* <• SM 9 W 9 9i April 9 lith 9 9 992 >|a>* 9.89 9 r M* 9 Kit #8 Juno |9 9h 999 993 993 July | 9 Dftl, 992 9SI 991 August .. 9.80 b 966 966 962 O.'tohrr .... (It 3* 10 40 10.29 10 32 Novsmber . . 10 **lb 10 Ift j 1" "ft 1" Ix-osmbsr 969 995j969 |9 91 Ltvsrpoot. Ort 4 -fipot. tmxlsrat* busl nsss. i>rl.-s-. sasy. Am- rk-an mltklllng fulr, 6 27-3211: good mldtlllng. 6'gl. middling. 1 MM. low ml'blllng B'.-l. good ordinary, .'■VI, ordinary. s''l Ths ralss of ih. day sirs 7,ftfto btlos. of whlrh 2"ft wt-rs for spsrnistlon and sxiiort and Inoludsd 5.- ■jftft. A mart, in. rstslpis. 4' ** * Isiitt, Ini lutl trg 3.6)0 Amsrlcsn. Fillurss opana.l qulat but staadv. and idosod staadv; Amr-rlr-an mlddllt.g. low mld.lklng r-ls is*-: O, lobgr 5.60425.8 M. buy ars; Grtobar-Nowmbor. 6 54i1. sallvrs: Gr loln-r-Noasmbar. , 39'ti5,461. ssllsis; Ps cwmber-January.'s.3so6 3*d. buyars; Jin - uary-Ksbr USry. 5 561. tvllars. Fvbruary- M.irrh. .6 31d, sallars Mnn-h-April 5 >-T 5 ?9d. buyars, April-May. 5.27d. buy. rs: May-Juna. f, 2.‘.05 --*1 buyars. .lun* July, 5 24d. buyars: July-August. 5.23d. #• liars Na-w Orlaun*. Oct. 4.—Colton futures steady G,*tnber .. .9 6609 69 Ketiruary 9 November 97ft|i9.71 Mar h 972419,74 Pa. emt'er 9*709.88 April 9 7^i'.‘7l January .. 9 6709 *6 j May 9.7309.75 t'tlTTtlNi I.KTTKHt. New York Get. 4.—Hubbard 1-tros A Cos. say The marktas have slowly improved without sn Increase In speculation, moved by the expectation of a poor bureau rejsart on the 10th Inst. From the ripening the selling appeared to b* only to real!**- profit on previous purchase*, while the buying was lead by New Orleans on a better apo* demand tn that market. Crop act-ounts continue In the same mixed character, though mainly of a rharaeter to fore shadow a poor bureau report Our local trade have been operating on fhe long side and look for a further advance In Liverpool to-morrow. New York. oc 4 Murphy A- Cos., say: Colton In Liverpool to-day was 1-I6d low er on spots Futures advanced S-4*t and Liverpool operators bought. This market o|tent‘d firm but ruled 9 to 1" {stints higher during the forenoon with fairly good buy ing for Southern account, owing to the belief In a small crop Picking expected lo be completed unusually early owing lo small top crop. Coot non ruled firm this afternoon, owing to absorbing demand tn cover bear sales, because nf the unexpect ed atrength of m-irket* and fear of an unfavorable monthly bureau report next week (loth Inst.l.anti early fnwt scare, pr. spite liberal receipts at port un-i Interlor prtces In the South were well maintained, owing to firmness of holders anal ahsencs of selling pressure * IIHY tionii. New York. Get 4 There l_jve i>cen no further change-1 to-day In htea -hed cot tons. and the demand on current rrlce basis I* quiet All des-ripllon* of brown sheetings and drill-* are quin also but prices an- well maintain'd. Wide she* t logs are scarce and firm Penlm-t show continued upw in! tendency, find other coarse colored notions very firm Print cloths quiet but strong Prints aid ging hams firm, current demand moderate. Business In woolen and worsted goods In different with an easy market. THE Hire MARKF.T. Advices from the South as to the rice market are of former tenor Generally firm condition# maintain; everything placed am market promptly taken up All reports from the respective rlec growing section" are encouraging and w-tlhout some untoward harvesting-condition* super vene. the yield will show an Increase of nearly fiftv per cent over the hlgheri ever obtained The situation In the Houlhwc-tt Indi cates a radlral change In the handling of Ih*- crop which ultimately should redound to the benefit of the planter. When mill ing facilities were limit’d an alequite supply Of rough was scourahle on toll, but now under tb* constantly Increasing number of inlili* anal the enlargement of okbu plants. In malty Instances a cam slderable per cent of the running eiipplv has to he purchased This enable* the planter to make quick dlepneltlon of hie crop without waiting hl turn at the mill and the ofl-llme# disappointing delay In sale tvf the cleaned product; tip- <•<>rope tltlnn between the mill-rs assuring the highest current values* It should .il-*n ad vantage the growth at large In that the miller by purch islng. In-come* vitally In terested In the outcome and perforce com pelled to tet-k rtlatlw- price# for the t inn ed In order lo secure his working pn fit With co-operation the.planters at and rompettHnn nhnve suggested among iho millers prosper value should la l ss-ctirel ami ih# monetary results from th. p -s --ent crop exceed thoe** of any previous #*•*- •on. „ , , 4-able* nl n< * *rom ' J 1 ar fr***. but onlv to meet early reqiilrema-nts I'rlce. are firm at recent advance and the trend up ward as there seems to he no pro**peel of other than shortened upplv the text twelve months India rontliuire Its hswvv drwft upon Hurmah Many of the *m.l *r centers tn the latter, parted with stock under expectation* of fnrthet rc-ettas and natch failing to arrive, arc now seeking lo cal supply In adjoining market*. NAVAL 9TOBEB. Thursday. Get 4. BPIRITF TTRPESTINK The spirits turpentine market oopeneil firm t”-dav si Ml# cents, with sale# of *3O casks reported JOHN W. DICKEY, gtoek and Hnaal ■raker, tvm sTt, ot. Write for*. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1900. al ih* Boaril of Trail*. and closed firm and uiu'hanc*"<t. Hlth further of IT rark* Thr <l. m.iitd was lMirlna ihs kais hours porters WilMvoml to fum nur pric>. but fnciors thowfd ro uull nation to ►cl) l>)ow the mark* l prtrs Hsvrral bid* of M rent* were flinl but ti n**f underifni>d any burins** wn* don** on thi* Thr m etpt* wtrt k 7 and thr export* nooe. HOA4INI9 The ro*tn murk* i clo**<l Arm and to-.lav. with no iranaa* tUn r**|>i>ii*l .if ih* Board of Trade ll Mu* rcj*ore<l *Hn buHinc** was being lianas* ird on private trrmi* For th pa( ihr*- day* no of rosin* have been I tout ) yrt it t* generally knodfn l.viom are m.tkmg e.ilr* at pncee iU*v the mar ket It i* un<ier*iood to It a oiuli!ion rsquired by buyers in |>*iylng thr advanced price* th**! ihe tn>;cilorn* should be on *irt< tly private term* eo far a.- running up th official mrk i con rind. The day a w*rtpl Wvr- 3 7.lft. and the exports none. Prices ue follows: A. B. C . . |l an i fi *r, P 1 > K 1 *• E 1 35 M 1 6*' F U> N I *•> (1 14:. W O !< H 145 W W 2Sj Rei t ipts Thurelay— Spirits. C. II n . 47 445 ?* . V and W 414 1 071 s a. l m zm Kxporn* none— Naval Store* StateiTKnt— Spirit* Uo*ln. Stock April 1. IfOft 2. lfT 11.' pts 10-day kk7 1.7*4 |l iipiH previously 233.24i Total nine*' April 1 2.K3M Export* fo-day ...... Ex lions previously IW.M &**•.'< Exports since April 1 181 nM M0.3N4 fttock on hand 10-dsy 42.230 133.01 glo k on hand same day last year 31,153 18ft. *6l Wilmington. Oct 4 'Spirits turpentine firm iireceipts A9 Rosin steady, tl l* -i -•, r*ceipH 241 t rude nirpeniln# quiet, fl 10fi2 10; receipts 71 Tar firm. 81 40. r< ct ipts 71 Charleston, o i 4 —Spirits turpenflne firm; 3*i* 2 isksd. Roam steady and un changed t>rleans. Oct 4 —Receipt► Rosin. 144 l*rrh-. exix'rrte none. FIX A AC I %l. MONEY-4-The demand keeps fairly up wUth the supply. FoHKIN EXCHANGE - Market weak. Commercial •b, 4 six tv days. 4 7f 7 a ninety days. 4 7*. fram I .iris nd Havre, sixty days. S .23U. Bwlss. sixty days. 5 27; Belgian r. 24%. n>rk sixty days. W* 4 c; ninety days. M 3-lHv DOMESTIC EXCHANGE Steady; bmke are buying at 3-lf discount and sell log follows 126 and under, lftc pre mlum; s2' to BV* 16r premium; B.'ft to 81w, 20r premium to 82**>. fic premium, lam to 81.00n, par. 81.000 and over. 1-18 du count. H Kent IT IER There \m but IfMle doing now—money ruling close. Quotations con tinur rather nominal Mneki. Hid Ask Augusta and R R ... 10* V 0 Atlanta and West Point 124 13T* do a per cent, cert flutes 107 H idP-y Augufia Factory *6 Clrlxers Bank W 132 Chatham funk Chatham R E Ar I Cos . A 5*4 574 do do B 5.54 6^4 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Cos. .106 Edison Electric Ilium 100 10ft EnterprliM* Mfg Cos. '1 108 Germania Bank 123 131 Georgia A Alabama 25 27 Georgia Railroad, common .... .210 215 Oranitevllle Mfg Cos I*o IHS J P King Mfg Cos m 103 Isiinglev Mfg Cos 117 130 Merchants Notional Bank 11<>4 I*l National Bank of Pavannah 14.S 15ft Oglethorpe Havings and Trust... I<* 110 People’s Havings <*nd Lan 101 PC Southwestern Railroad Cos 1074 10*4 Savannah Oast Eight Cos. 244 2.V4 Pout hem Bank 180 155 Savannah Bunk and Trust 114 116 fithley Mfg Cos.. Augusta K 5 8) Savannah Brewing 35 100 Bonds. Bid. A.k char., Col A- Aug let ss. IW M ltd Atlanta city Is. 1922 KM 108 Augusta city Is. 1927 W 6 107 .lo S 1925 110 til do 7s, 1903 105 I’d da, Bs. 1913 , 119 151 Ala Ml,) ss. ind'al 1926. M AN 98V* I<* Augusta Factory. 6 p-r cent .1915.1(0 110 Itrunswlck and Western 4s. 193# .81 S3 C K It A Hanking 5s 92 93 C. of O. let Se, 50-year gold, 1945 F A A 119 121 C. of G. con ss, 1945. M & N 93 9.1 C. of G. Ist tncoma-s, 1915 39 80 do 3*l Incomes, 1943 10 11 do 3d In.-omes, 1945 6 8 C of G (M G. * A Dlv) ss. 1947. J A J 90 91V9 C of O <EaI on Hranch), ss. 1928. J A D 93 94 City A fiuburban R It Ut 75.. .I<A HO Columbus clly ss, 19(A 106 107 Charlestcat cltv 4s. 1946 l'l l'<2 Eagle A Phoenix Mllleßs.. 1928 ..Mt 10s bVIIMMi Ela'Cirla- lllumlnallng 8a..104 108 EnterprUe Mfg 6s, 1903 102 103 Georgia Railroad Bs, 1910 lit ll'-H O S A F 1945 J A J 1114 11*4 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1945 .104 108 Georgia stale 345. 1930. J. A J... 106 107 do 14*. W 5, M A N l<d 108 do 445. 1913 117 11* Macon city 6s. 1910, J. A J ... 118 118 do 44.. 1928, Jan par I**7 !*• Ocean Steamship ss. 1928 100 108 Savannah city ss. quar. fvtober. IMS 11041H4 do ss, quar. November. 1809 ...1094 1104 South Carolina elate 14s. 1883 ..116 119 Sibley Mfg Cos Bs. 1902 Xfi l' South Bound 5e *(>4 88 8.. F A W gen. mi'ge, Bs, 1934 123 124 do alo Ist Se, g*4d 1934 ..........11084 7124 do fit. John Dlv Is* 4s 1834 94 V. New York. Get 4 Money on cali firm er at 2ti3 |e-r cent.. last loan. 24 per cant I'rime mercanttb |srp< r. .VflfA* per cent rtierlleg exebang* firm-r with actual bust mss tn losnkers bill*, it 54 65 for demand, and a* 54.514i4 H* for sixty 'lavs; post ed rales. 51 *2fr4 824 nnd 54 *6114 *B4 Comma rclal bllla. 54 80404.*1. Silver rer lltirntrs. 844ft85c Itar silver 64, M#x lollars. 50**c. Govarnmrnt borxts • isy; Mate tonds strong; rallrowd bonds irregular. STOCKS 4911 Btmns. Everything Han (I* a Close With Tons Easy anil 4ctlve. New York, Oct. 4 —To-day' stock mar ket tml to undergo the straws of realising profits, avklrh was she natural sequence of yesterday's successful manipulation for the advance. The dimensions of Ihe up ward movement were Miflh lently Impress ia- to attract a i-onshtrrahle outside de mand for storks, and the first hour of ’h‘ m irht-i saw- very active trading wl.h vary small fluctuations In price aTter the opening which was made higher to factll- Iwtt th>- taking of protita. The general drmand wa# judlcjously fed by ihe professional operators In order not to dl*, ’Mirage the buying bua before the end of the hour an Impression began to he made In the rallroaol list Selling for London account war an additional factor toward depression When prices fell baek to ahout lots’ night's level the selling pres sure was relaxed The bulls then turned their attention to other quarter# of the market, bidding up prices actively wher ev- r any signs of #*rength showed. In or der to support the market and help on the realising. They found Ihe beat field for these operations In the steel and Iron group Various factors combined to give sgremr'h to these storks The final settle ment of the tin plate wage eeale wee a stimulating influence, not only In those stocks, but throughout the group The Tennssee Coal dividend spleodt Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on Ist h Mr Mian Time—One Hour Hlowvr Than CH> Tim Schedules In Effect Sunday. June 10, 1900 lIKAI* lft'WN fO ¥RC I V.'l RBADiTp - No ' Na - ! 38 “ (Central T.ns | N 12 2ftptl! 13 .’"arii Lv fllavaniia Ar 5 lftim, 3 I.’IHU (Fa’letn Tint,- ) l I 31pm 126 am Ar Bl*. kvt . Lv J *n-. 1 >7pm 6 K>pm 6 l"m Ar Columbia La 1 luni ll . n 9 lifm 9 85am Ar i hjrl.H’. La ,-i>ni li ana U Hpm l3 Mpm Ar On I l.a 7 Wpw •> Btam - • ii ifi No - is l.a 6|.f!. A: t‘< La .. Mpm 1 ■- "II 6 issiin 6 2,(iin Ar Hi, iinmii.l La 12 01|m 11 '‘i*in ~2 kium 3 Upm Ar Lyn.-hhurg . “ La 3 2|.in 2 ism 1 :t.un 5 3&|im Ar .. Charioti.-svlll* La 2 IM4IIII 12 tpm 7 a.iin s .Vapm Ar V -ningum La 11 1 -am 9 m• n * 15am 11 Vnont Ar ililmaar. I.v s 22. m a .'7(>m 11 wain 2 :<,im Ar I'l l-i’lslphia La 611,47 m 2 u3|im 6 2377> Ar . N-w York l-a 12 li'am • 6 ,*'l’7T7 3 IXgim Ar . . lUa-ton La ,'. UDpiu 10 Iliant \ si ' ' Ti> THE hORTH ANt> WEST. No (C.aiir it Tiiih .1 12 ioam l.v (Uvonnah M 5 Ram (Laslrrn Tuna I 6 A sun Lv Columbia Lv I 2*im 9 59am Lv b|Mrt tnbiirg Lv 6 1.-t-aai 1* 10pm Lv Aah vllls .I.a 1 ',.|Nn I ,r 2pm Ar Hot ktpringa Lv 11 4,Vim 7 ,9)ii7i Ar Knoxa*tlh- ~ La * 2 -nit 5 li'ain Ar Lsxlllglian La In *l"ft 7 4|am Ar doclnnatl . La * 00pm 1 ni)iiii Ar fit Loul# Lv Si-Slim 7 9wn ,\r Louisville Lv 7 l.sani All trains arrlvs and <V-|irt frown lh<* Ftam fivslrm fiiailon. TIIROI’fiH ('Alt SBItVICE. FT<' TRAINS 38 ANI 31 DAILY. NEW YOltK VNI> I'IdAHII'A KXl'ltßSfi Vrsil Inilnl llml(a-)l trains, with I'ullman Hiawlng Iboom Flo. plug C.tis Is-tw .li S.iam n*h and Now York Cotuw-rts a( Washington with Colonial r. ss lor lloston I’ullman fill i ping Cars Iwlwi-en Chart ’ll. hii.l Rb hmolwl rml Ch.iiloll” and Nor tolk I’tnlng Car# servo- all meals lietween 8m innoli .11,,1 W.i hliigton TRAIN'S 35 ANI> 38 jiAILY. THE I'NITI.I* STATUS* I'Yfi'l 'I Ml. V stlhule l tlmliod train., <-.irrtng Hnllmun Hrawlng Room SI.-, ping Can. l.etn .11 fia annah and Nrw Y'ork Ihnlng Cars aerai- all mo ils le-iween S.ia.imian and Washington Also Pullman Drawing lt.m Steeping Cars betwn-n Savannah anal Ctm innatl. through Asheville and "Thr Lanai of Ihe Bky Kor complete tnformattor. as to rates, schedule# tc . apply lo G ORorrVBR. T3ckei Agenl. Plant fiys'em Siailrai JAMES FREEMAN. C P. and T. A., 11l Hull sireef Tele|iliones-Urll. L'-ft, Georgia. 85ft I fi li HARDWICK. Assistant General Prssenser Agont Allan 1.1. Ga gave the final dtp It* the stock# tn this group Assertions have been made with great boldness anal have been published that the dividend on this no- k w is sure to be reduced or even pass'd at Ihe meet ing 80-day When the news was publish •and. therefore, that the regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, had been declart 1, a large short Inreresl was badly c.t ight and a violent rea-overy ensueal The first sale after Ihe anncnincement wa* 34 points over the |>r, sale The #to. k ran off again in the firm I dealings, hut rinsed with a net gain of 34 fiugitr nnd People’# Gag were very feverish all day .1# a consequence of tie- rut In refined su gars and the legal steps taken Ifi lb tin* war In Chtcsgo fiugar has a small net gain and People s Gas a small nel loss With Ihe exception of wide movements In ■mi’ of thr closely held dormant stork# the railroads continued sluggish during the latter purl of the da' The whole market ran off at the close, which was easy and quite active The decision of Ihe directors of the Ilnnk 0* England to leave the official rate un changed at 4 per rent was accepted fi vorahly by 4he bulls, who argued that It insured import* of gold hart the sterling exchange market unexpectedly developed n firmer tone and the rate for demand bibs recovered >,c Gall bsin rates also advanc c-d to 3 per cent to-day. but fell back t< 2pr c*nt. IWor** f bc clow*. The bond mark## continued Irregular and not very arrive Total sales, par value. 81.189.81)0 FnlSed Slate* new 4's declined 4 per cent tn Ihe bid pric- The total sales of stock* to-day were 423.. W shares. Inchidlng the following Atchison. 11.800; do preferred. 23,39' Hal timore and Ohio. *.S*>. Chicago Hurllng on and Quincy. 21.M0 Manha'tnri 33.113. Metropolitan. 2.448; Missouri Pacific 11. 325, Northern Pacific. 10 914. Pennsylvania. S.fgft. Reading first preferred. 6.510. fit Paul. 10.100; Southern Pacific. 13 330. Texas and Pacific. 7.726: t’nlon Pacific 22.3V': American fit.-el and Wire. 10*75; American Tobacco. ll.Atn. Brooklyn Rapid Transit *7.699. People's Gas. 18 364. fiugar, 56.7*5. Tennessee Coal and Iron. 30,975 New York Stork l.let. Ajlrhlwtn ;>4 t'nlon Pacific 5*4 do pref .70*, do pref 73*4 Halt A 0hi0... 70QWabast) 7 fan. Pa-lfic . *7 ! do pref is fan 80 604jWheel A L. K.. *4 rh. s A Ohio 26', do 2nd pref 334 fhb G W 10% Wls Central 11 C’hl it AQ . 1264 Third Avenue 1104 Chi Ind A 7a. . 214 Adams Express 133 do pref 55 ftm Exrora ISO Cbl A E 111 96 17. ft Express 45 | Chi A Nw I*l4 Wells Fargo ...123 C j{ 1 * p lost. Am. Cot OH ... 34 c. C. C A fit. L 824 pret 6* Col fio 54 Am Malting 4', do Ist pref. ...38 | do pref 234 do 2nd pra-f. 144 Am S. A R> fng ?,VZ t> | A Hudson.lll 1 do pref 66\ Del L A W .1734 Am Spirits 14 Dm A It G 194 h> pref 17 do pref 874'Am Steel lloop 19 Erie 114! do pra-f Ol do Ist pref. .. S35,Am fi A Wire.. 3*4 Gt. Nor pref.... 152 J dai pref 74 Mock Coal .... 1* !Am Tin Plate. 31 Hock Valley 324 do pref ....... M Illinois c*nt 11*4 Am Tobacco SO lowa Central . 17'-.. do pref 129 do pref 39 'Ann Min C 0.... 43'i I. Erl" A W 2* Brmok R T 5*4 do pref 94 'Cok> F A lro>n . 324 Igtkr Shore 205 iCont. Tobax-o 26 L. A N 714! <lo pref 76 Man I. ..... 904 F*der*l Steel . 324 Mt fit Ry. IVI, do pref B*4 Mexican Cent... 114 <ben Electric ...138 Minn A fit L 564Hlucoee fiugar t!*- do pref 91 do pref 9*4 gto Pa.4flc 196, It'll Paper 194 >lnhtle A Ohio . 3*4 oV> pref 83 ,Mo K. A T 94 Lie leaf a Gap .... 69 do pref . 2*4 Nat Biscuit .... 334 ,N. J Central 134 ’to pref 6* j M 5 c.iiitsi , Nat Lead ... A West ...344 ’lo ptef 894 do pref <5 National Steel 27 No Paclflr .... 4*4 do pref *• do pref. 694 N Y Air Brake 119 | Ontario A W 304 North American 144 ' R A Nay 42 Pafific Coast 60 do pref ?6 J do lat pref —*7 | Pennsylvania 12*4 do 2nd pref ... 86 Reading 15\ Pacific Mall 304 | do Ist pref 5*4 a'eopla- s lias *8,4 j do 2nd pref 254 }*re**ed fi Car 394 Rio G. W 634 do pref 74 do pref 90 |’utl Palace Car I*2 j St L AS F... 10 S Rope A T 14 ' do lat pref ... 844 >ugar U 64 j do 2nd pref. ... 334 do pref 117 fit L fiw IlHilTenn C. A Iron 686* do pref 2*4 C 8 lorather .10 fit Paul 112 a|o pref .884; do pref I*4 L\ fi Rubber 2*4 j fit P A On . .114 1 ilo pref *P. 1 fio Pacific 334 West t'nlon .... 7*4 i Ho Ry USB 1 *S 12 ; do pref S ito pref 524 ! Tex A Par ... 18 IP. C. C A fit L 61 Bonds IT. a 3s ref reg 104 do p 504 do <oup U 4 M AO. 4s. bid 836, l’ fi. 3S. reg W# J Y C )pl , do 3a. coup N J C gen. sa,in do new 4s. reg 134 No. Par. 3# 4, do new *#. cou 1.34 | do 4* ..1034 do old 4s. reg ll4\ N Y. C. A fit L cjo old 4s. eou 11*4 4s 106 do sa, reg .1134 N A W ron 4# 96 do ss. eou ..11*4Ore Nav lets 109 D of C S 65* 133 | do 4s 1024 Ateh. gen 4* 9*4 0 P LB* IJB4 1 do *dj. 4s ... M ) ilu ’onset 5s . 11l j C. of O ron ss. Read gen 4# .... *B4 bid 4 R G W Ist* 9*4 do Ist Inc. bid B*4 g*. L A Ir M do Al Inc bid. 10 conaol 5* WO yan Bo 2nd# 2M%£t. L A Han F. C. A O 44s ... 9*4 general 8* .... 1224 do 5a 118 fit P consols 168 C. A Nw. sou. fit. F. C. A F. I 7s 1394 Ist* 1174 ! r A Nw fi F i .1” f 114 ! dfb nft 13ft Mo. Far 4a .... Chi Term If *i Rv fin *•(* Col. Mo v* Si M. Ro|h* A T D A It G I#ls I’M frx A P Isis .119% do is 9*4 do 2nd* 61 Erie Gen Is b* t'nlon Pac 4s 10t T 4 F W A I>. C. VN abash Ist* ... 117% lata 714 2n<ls 101 Gen Elec 5s lit W Shore 4# 1124 Jow ■ C Ist* 110 \'a Centuries I*4 LIN. I'. * 99 Wls Cent Ist# *34 M K A T 2ds tsV, N'o-w Yoik oct. 4.—Standard OH s*o® 542. 3H9CEl.l,tyyortt markets. Note.—The#,, quoiatlona are revised daily, and are k-pt aa nar as possible in nrcord wllh ttm prevailing wholesale pri es Ottirtal qu itatfcins are not uar’l when ttiey dl-agree w-|th the prices whine salrr ask I oaatrt and tnrlhrrs I'rnitsre, POULTRY —Tb* market Is steady Quo tatlons Htollers. 30t|35c; per |salr; half grown, 4'dt'3* ; three-fourths grown. .V,-,) ♦JOs-; h-n* t..,q75r: coster. Ptfiloc; ducks, ISVI'TSc. geese, 75c1i8! 0(1 EGGS—fiteady at a*- MUTTER—The tone of the markttt |* firm Quotations: Western rream<ry. ] r e-(j 244 r * New York state dairy, 17441—4’-. extra Elglna. 2li2Sc CH EKHE— Mark* t flim: fanry full cream rhi ese. 134.- for 20 to 22-pound average, 2*4JAi-|a"ind average. 13c. i-.arl> tegelal,!,'.. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, |2.00 gack CAHIIAJaE stu7c per heel ONIONfi- Yellow In barrels, 52 00; crata a. 90c. red. |i9t*d2u> ■lreadslnffe, tin a anal Grata. FLOUR Market aleady; patent 3150. etralght. 3(15; fancy. 81 <>'. family. 53.76 81KAL-Pearl, per barrel. 82 76, per sack, 31 and. city mral. per sack. >oli,-d. 81 .'0 1 26. Water ground 31 .5; clly grit*. "O'ks. 8125, i-oil gilts, lludnuts', per barrel, 32 v.. per s.u k. 81 30; sundry brands, 31 25 l 3" sack COHN Market firm. whlf . Job lota, 85c; cal load lota. 62c; mixed corn, job lota 6.C. carload lota. 5V HH’E Market steady, demand good fancy head. 8c; fancy. 64c. Prime £" ,r 8344 v ninmon OATH--No. 2 mixed. <, 2*c; mi. kds. SSc; white ' 39.-; j..t.,' 37j. ar y. BRAN—Job lota, 95c; carload lots, IS*: HAY Mark'd steady; No | timothy 9241: job. 874 cars. No 2. Kc job; *24 cars.' Hsi-'is. Ho ita# and l.ard MACON—Mark’d firm; l H c. r aides 94494 c; D. fi, I •allies, 94t10c (Eastern. r'- cording loaaeragc si*., it fi t-llsw 94© 9%c (Westsrn), smokfl C. R. aid’s, 94© 9**c. HAslH—fiugar curool, 1240134 c. LARD—Pure, in tli-rcas. *4-lt*4c; tn 50- (Sjund tins and ks pound tubs. *',u9r; . ••mpniind. In tler. < 04 , su-poiind tins,’ and W-pound tubs, 6', ( , Sugar anil t nffea. SUGAR— Cut loaf 6 8.7 Diamond A 4 a Crushed 6.88 Cnnfw-Honers' A 423 Piw da-red 6 53. While Extra C 69* XXXX. )iOW and. .6 ,73 Extra C . 593 Granulated 6.43'Gnlden O ..6 7* Cube# 8 5* Yellows 55* Mould A 6,58; C< >FFEE— Mocha 28c 'Prime, No 3 ....114c Java 36c 'Good. No 4 UUr Deo!erry 144c'Fair, No. 5 ~i|o Fancy No 1 ... US'’ ordinary. NoB 104* Cholre, No. 2 . ll%c'Commori No 7..1#r ■ Uransri and lluKlas Wuppllre Ll MI/. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEslENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair dernanos and s*l> at 80 renls a barrel, special calcined pfnster. 81 09 ps- barrel; hair, 4-gsc Rnsedale canest. 31 J9QI ii, carload bat*, special; Portrsnd cement, rs tall 82 25 carload lots. 82 ono2 y> LUMBER FOB VBfißELfi SAVAN NAH M.nlm-im, yard rises, Bio gr>; rar sills. 812 6(01* fb dlff>-rsni sites, 3:400 018 80; ship stock. 3lf vat*oo. sawn tie*. 3*llloß 50; hewn Ilea 26031 c OIL-Market steady, demand fair; sig nal. 4Mj6or; West Virginia Ida-1c 9012 c; lard. lac. neatef.wl, to7oc; machinery. |g #)2.V , linseed oil, raw. 66. la,.led, SSc, kerosene, prime while, ll , we ter while, 18f ; Pratt s astral. 14; deodorised siov* gasoline, drums, 114 c. empty on barrels, delivered, 85c ■HOT I'roop. 31 80. B P and large. B Tl' chllleal 31.75. IRON Market very steady, Hweda. 3Ue NAILB—Cut. 82 80 base; wire, 82 85 base BARBED WIRE 83 per 100 pound* ■tralgbt good*. 23030 c, sugar houaa sa. laasen 15020 c Gl'N POWDER—Psr keg. Austin crack ah'd.-Ytiv ha.f keg*. 82 25. quarter kegs. |1 25: rhamplon and i king, quarter kegs! 82 25; Dupont and llararn smokeless, half kegs. 31125 quarter kegs, $5.75; 1-pound canisters, 11 00, teas 25 ner cent : Tmtedorf emokelee* powder, 1 pound cans. 81 00 10- pound cans. 9* pound. Urled aud Evaporated I rults. Al’l’LEfi—Evaporated. 7074 c; sun-dried I 3’908c A PRK'OTB— Evaporated. 9%c pound; nectarines. 19c It A IfilNfi—L. L. 82 00; Imperial nMneta. 82 15; to. se. So pound boxes. 8034 c pound. FEA''HE- Evaporated, pealed, l<4c; uniwalrt). *‘oo9c PE A HH—Evaporated. 30. yruiie and Mata. APPI.EB—EarIy Northern variety. 82.250 380 11ANANAB—81 3601 M bunch LEMONfi—Market steady at 84.0004.51). ) CoCOAN UTS-44 00 par 100. Plant System of Railways. Train* Operated by 80th Meridian Tlme-Oim Horn 81ow*r Than Clly 32 ♦. 7k North and South 25 J 56 5 J I READ DOWN Effective 6*-In,‘!biir" HEAD Fl’ 12 * 3f* l.v vunrTTFTT Ar 2 i'. 7 **+ 4HV ...f 4 I3pjlo 3<X i 2Xa Ar Our "*ton . I.v 11 lip’ •'* 3 U>; j ...... J 23a . 7 3ftp Ar . Rb hmnnd I.v; 8 36a k 4*p .j | 7 Ol.i 11 >| A r Y\ ••'h.nglon l.vj 4aw i j | X Jhn 1 r-D Ar Hsllintorr. !.\ 2 a 1 4*>t> ..... j j ift .15i* :: sftt Ar .l'hll*del|>hla. , I.v| 12 2n ll tSpj | 1 1-t* , 7 W.i At N* %v York l.\ 9 25p * WWi -■* l H Jup a Mof> Ar B**moh Lv 1 OOp llhOnl .... . “Th : X :, l '23 Ron lb . 23 33 T W vft|> J 25p * 10ji f iOu 5 I&b]TLv Rv .innah Ar lua 12 Iftu 7 UUp ll lu lft 15x * lop b •op I' l *Vm 7 2>*a r. wAr Way r*t |.\ Ift 1 ,*p 4.'.| 4 bk* s* 7 1 ti...i *.• *i|> 2 lap 2I | ' l. r p \r Thoni*R\ ill. l.v • i"p ♦ l"p ♦ 15i 3 I’u Ift :op 7 4t** 12 u i •* 25a a Sou \i *•*• k*oiville Lv ftftp 7 :p 3 ttrp * ft***! 5 1 38p .<| 12 02p 12 03p Ar 2 : 40p Ar Sanford I.v 12 2*p .12 2Utili 20.4 j 2 Jftp 2 20| Ar Guliti -v|ile. I.v ~f '2 Iftp | j ... ... 10 >k‘ *0 s*i Ar .Si l*et* burg Lv ** ‘**p ? .... 7 *'lue ift 00|t 10 Vp 10 xp \r Tampu l.v *v ftft.i s a*.r * 'Op * ftftp s ,i .- *|. • ;ip -•-. j. \ t ’ -*m • I•. 7 7T.f 7- p 1 ]ftn i ift.t l|o Ar runla Utuda I.v | 4 36f, lo 4." m Ift 4>.t \r H? Abg iftlnr Lv ** A*i* ft Jfi- J . 4,V| 5 15a 4 ♦ 4".i \r Ji up % t \ h fla.lO 50p •! h .Vip 7 lun H 25p * •£*. \r Hrupxwl. k ti yi.i (V*p NORTH. WF.ST AND RfM’TMWi S I ¥* Jeaup 1* M i Vin M l* fT* i . > \ • . * * ♦1 4"’p * bVn At .f**eup l.v * Jfti Ift * l*u t ?i| Ar M tg'mery Lv 7 46r* 11 2frx 3 001 1 15p Ar Mfttoii l.v 1 ftft; 3 s>| 7 lOp *f Ar X*thvllffp I.v 9 Mu| 2 21a * A*.i 3 sftp Ar Arlunt’i l.v 10 45p 12 ft p 2 •‘kk# 12 2fp Ar lU4>v dle Lv 2 TAw 9 12p 9 4’.i x Ar Cha'iuNiga I.v ft 66| H 4*m 7 06a 4 <Y.| Ar Clnclnnafl I<v 11 mq* 6 4&p 7 *Wp 7 \r 1 souluvll’e l.v 7ik 7 4%p 7 2*);i 7 Hip Ar H Lv 3 sTpj 6 2iUI 7 30p 7 45aj Ar < inc|nnatl Lv llk 7 % (LAN) 7 ft4a 408 pAr Hi l>*ule Lv 9 lip ><•♦* 7 12a ~ Ar Hi l<orna Lv| * Oftp i; 5 • i. AO.) I to,. 1 li.|. Lv Atlanta A' io p'ii *i l " y *' * ,s l' Ar ''hi..*.. Lv 7p 1 *Ap * ftp 7 15ft \r M* mphl- I.v * :0t 9 ftftp 4 12|> ;*• ft'ia Ar Mobile Lv 13 .dpiST 3Ag 8 4fia 7 Iftti Ar Kat)eaCl vl.v ft Mp 1 9 45p Rp 7kw Ar N Orle-iri* Lv 7 56a 7 46p TANARUS, oop .* wa I.v 8 iv.inn vh Ar 10 15a 12 th-i Through Pullman Hleepiivg Car Service l p',i* 12 .mp Ar Tlf o Lv 2 15a 6 ?4> I i'i 2 lftp Ar A bun I.’ 12 o*a! 346 p lo North Kafi and Weft. ftn<l •< Florid* ' 6 20p Ar Columbus Ia 10 *n,i i *onn ••Hour mmlf nt Fort Tampa with Rteamere for K*> W*i! and Havana Leaving Port Tampa Mondays. ThurtilE , # ami fhftturday* at 11.60 p tu I. 11. I . * A I v \ ry ift' Afft Dt to Htl l'hocia 73b II W WRFNN. i'anirnpr TrfTV Manager. Havannah, Ga McDonough & ballantyxe, Iron Founders, Machinists, **,“-*6.w.i.-fc,, f. „t xni’-u .jgQpjSsHKSAK •rs ••. > k.aC*<n*. aallr.l •. J t~v K 1.1. aI . . '*'* **GU, Kill 1'..., Ska (<!#, Falter., ... TELEPHONE NO. 123. PEANUTS Ample stock, fair drmand; market firm, fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 44c. band-picked, Virginia, ex tras 4c. N C seed peanuts. 4c NUTH Almond*. Tarragons. 18c; fvtrss. 18c; walnuts, French, lie. Naples. 13c. pe cans. 12* . Draxlls. 13c. tHIn-rts. IV, assort ed nuts. Ik.-pound nnd 35-pound boxes, IV. Caftan ksgi'ss and Tlea. BAGGING—Market firm; jut*. 1%. pound. 4< ; large lota 4r; small laim. . 8-pound. 3%09c, 1% pound, B'moß4c; **a I Island biißHlng. 134 c TlFfi Standard 46-poind. arrow, larga lots. 8140. await lots. 81.60. *nlt. Hides nnd Moot. BALT—pemana is lair and th* market steady, carioad tola. 100 pound burlau sa.ks. 44.-. lOD-paaund caattaMi sack, 45c, UC-pound burlap Bucks. 484’'. 110 pound cotton sacks. 494 c: 31&-is,und burlap ... ns. 16c. U5-pound cotton sck, 58c; 390-pound I burlap sacks 86c. 111 DEM -Marks* Arm; dry flint. 184 o: dry salt. 114 c; grow, salted. Bc. WOOL—Nomlnae; prims Georgia, free of sand burr* and black wool. 19c; black. 18c; burry, lftc- Wax, 35c; tallow, 14c. Dear sklna. 30c. Mini BI.I.AfiEOI a. FIBII-Mm kcrol. ball tsar rets. No. 1. |9. M. No. 2. 8 No. 3. 86.60. kite. No, I. SI 40; No. 2. 31.85, No i, *5. t'Ofkfish. 1-pound lari'ke 6'y. 2-|*tawl bricks, 8c Hmuked hea-riiigs, |>er !m*. 2tg- Dutch her ring. kn kegs, 51 10; new mullets, half bar tads 8-7 Ml SYRUP Market quiet: Georgia and Flnrldn syrup, buying s' 2*oJc. eellliq; at :12035c. sugar bouse at 10015 c. HONEY Fair da-mand. slrwined. lb bar rels. 55080 c gallon High wine basis. 81 28. Ot KAN FREIGHT*. COTTON.—Havannah to Morton per <-wt„ 25c: to New York per rwt . *oe, to Pliitualelphla. par bale 31. Baltimore, SI FOREIGN DIRECT Bremen. 68r. Llv erpnol, 65c, Hamburg. 67r; Genoa. Rarrelama 10c. Manchester. 6*i-; Havre. 67c; Antwerp 57c. FOREIGN INPlHKCT—Liverpool, 71c; Manchester. 65c. tinmlnal, llumburg, 85c, Havre, 79c. (lenoa. 73c; Revel und fit i'etersburg, 75c, Antwerp. 83c LUMBER Ry fiM - Freights dull; to Baltimore **eod ’S*##ward, 81 72) to fi t# per M , Including Portland LUMBER -By Hteam -Havwnnah to Bal timore, 85 80; io U R R or It * O docks. 8158; io t’h ll"d*l I'hts, 18%c, per cwt , (4 pounds lo foot), io New York, 88. V) per M. 87 25 to dork; llghtrred to Boston io dovk 8# V). NAVAL BTORBH—The market | firm; medium slxe vessels—Cork for orders 3 6rt |>er barrel of 318 poimala. and 6 per rent primage Hplrtls. 4s 9d per ♦ 1 gallon* gross, and 8 per ceoit primage Isirgo vcaeels. rowln, V, sptrlts. 4a 3d. fitowm. tic per 100 pounds on rosin; 314 c on spirits. Savannah to Boston, snd ■ ' on rosin and 19<' on sfitrtis to New York GRAIN, I*MVI*ION. ETF. New York Oct t Flour slow; mtl4 holding for high prices on spring branats. Th" dose was steady; Minnesota bakers', 8.7>. Rye flour dull fawn meal a-asv Rye easier. No 2 Wewtem. 59%c. Barley dull Harley malt dull Wheat, spat, c.isler; No 3 red. 824 c; options were again very Irregular under a nervous lep.-ri trade, dependent upon Northwes* developments Asa whole the early market was steaalv to firm on com - parstlvely light otTetlngs, higher English markets, small Western receipts, expsrt rumor-, fairly lar go clearances and a bull ish Ohio state rcfgirt Most of the reac tions remitted fraam local profit-taking, a final sharp drop leaving the market easy at unchanged prices. March closed *S%c, May rinsed 484 c October ileed fitp-; De cemhrr closed Wy t'orn. s) s,< easier; No. 2. 49*-; options market at first were strong nnd higher. Influenced by October covering, higher ' Shies and the rise In wheat, hut subse quent realising Inspired afternoon weak ness snd da-, rlne#, r!o#*d weak 40 V low er May. 414 '. October, 44c, December. CQ. Oats, spot. ql*t; No. 2. 26r; options dull end about steady Reef steady Cut meat* steady, islrklo-d hams 940104 c Laral rosy; Western steamed 87 *O. Or toher cloe-ct r *oi nominal, refined easier; continent. B*o Pork steady. Butter dull. Western creamery 184j21r; state dairy. 154020 c rheo-se eteadv: large white. 110114 c; small white. 1140114 c T*llnw quiet Petroleum weak, refined Nw York. 87 45. Philadelphia and lta!rimr*. 87 40; do In bulk 84 85 Koslti easiy, at rained, common to good. 81 47401 50. Turpentine steady Rice firm Coffee, spot Rto steady: No 7 Invoice, 6V mild quiet: CoriVavs 9%014c. fiugar. row twrely aaswdv; fair refining, 44c. centrifugal, *6-teat. 6c. molasses su gar. 4c: refined weak Eggs firm, state and Pennsylvanla.*iao iCouUßuad o* Sixth Pufs.j #, 0$ fieheilulea Effective fiept 18, 198*. Trains arrive at and depart froan Central Station. West Itmsd. foot of Ltaarty stree t 98th Meridian Time One hour slower than etty rime p***s Arrtwa ■avapnali! fiavannah: JAitgusta. Macon. Arianta.l t 45am Covington, Ulllastevllle>B Olgn l*hd all Intermodlale points! JAuut*. Muon. Atlanta.l ’ I Athens. Montgoniery. Co-i OOpm lumbiis, Dlrmingham. Ain-|9 Data lartcua. Eufaul* and 7Yoy.| risen n opnj Guv ion f (inner Train ~~|t4 dpa •Deity tEs.spt Htinday. ————— BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEE. TRth meridian or Havannah clly tima. LEAVE HAVANNAH. Monday only 821 tu Daily except Monday l.b a m Daily 380 p n. LEAVE TYnEE Monrlay only 715 e m Dally axespt Monday 10* a m Dally 5:80 p m Uonnsctiona mad- al terminal points with ell trains Northwest, West and •WUlhWfifl, y Hl*e),tng cars on nlgfit trains between fifivannah und Augusta. Ma<on. Atlanta and Birmingham Parlor ears or, day trains betwaen Ma aannah, Macon and Ailunls For complete in format ton, acvheduls*. rats. *"d "onnrc, l ™, #pp|jr to w. O URS UFK f„ v Ticket and P**a enge, Ai , nl> MrM| * na rmm TrWlVlr n, ' P °’ Tlr *** Agent. F II HINWv O *' r i I’aseer.ger Agent I fiINTGN. Traffic Manager 7HKO D KLINE. Gen .Superintendent, Havannah. Ga. VKTIBUHn [jMITED Trains Double Daily Service The Short line to Norfolk, Washington, the Lust ’’ Naw York sod ZZI _Zn 1 rwftifrwiT ia se > r 8A U n >'! *P" Ar Kalelgh, H A L. Ry itl J7pm'll F’.rn Ar Durham. H A L Ry | 7 JUarr, 4 lpm 2' I a-t'-rsburg. HA Lily 4 13am 4 18pm Ar Richmond. 8. A. L Ryi 8 15ami 5 40pm Ar \>nshlngtnn, Psnna., | s 45am> 9 18pm Ar Baltimore penna 10 (Bam 11 Spa Ar I hlladrlphtir. Penna. ~|l2 27pm| 354 am Ar New York Penna j I 03),tn, i llm r-j. N'u H N M Lv Bi.vann.rb, HA>- pm ll 58pm Ar Portsmouth, B A L. Ity; 7 00am 5 50pm Ht'-amers leave Norfolk dally, excep< Sunday, for Baltimore, Philadelphia and N' v*. )>' * ai t dally for Washington. The short lino lo Montgomery. Mobil* snd New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 725 a. m., arriving al Montgomery 7:46 P m , at which point does connection le made with the L A N. R R . arriving at Mobile 206 a. m. and New Orleans 7:40 a. m. The short line to Fernandlna. Jackson ville. Tempe and other Florida |<nta. ' ' 1 No. g'TWorn* Lv Savannah, B. A t. ftjT 5 88am 1 (7pm Ar Frrnemllna. fi.A.L.Ry 9 35am 9 06pm Ar Jarkeonvllle, HAL Ry 9 10am 7 40pm Ar Tampa, fi A. L. Ry... 5 30pm 8 30am Magnlfi'-er* Pullman buffet eleeplng car service to Waehlngton. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining car* from fiavannah to Hamlet, end Richmond te New York Buffet purlor carf fiavannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply re Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan afreet* Phone 38 jnXWEIDTcb BAY AfiHAM, ua. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Bose. Agents for NEW YORE RUBBER OKLTLNQ AND PACJUNQ CUMUANL 7