The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WANTS THE CITY ENJOINED. |N<l , ** lO%X r °‘ i-ii thkkt ksgive moi se. Jud<- " ,k, ’ a *• * lop "• •■ Thn. hr lil(lJ , IB Which It !■ „ nl „, l<* tor the lc Tnr. Ot Opcnin* El*hth Mmt. r„.nrr < *•* ■ W ‘" *- ,r * rrnir rtlnbl> tm*el •* •*•• ~n,U * (|l|4 permitted •He < omplrlr.l Hcarlnd Tht. %Oernon. A ;(l iion (or a temporary *n<l peim.*- lunctton. reelralnlti* the city from Th, non of the new ttre en*ine home K Chth strrct and from the use of the o, which It l* proposed to build for v .1 her purpose than the wklcntnr of T ANARUS„. was tiled In the Superior Court yt ■ If r ll' • petitlonrr In the ea*e I* the I'eo , '-avina and laran .tjry. which the city the lot In quretlon and ,| other lot* in the same *e llo.t. T particular lot la at the coiner of liar r,v ind Elahth etreeta Tl pat it ion recites that the company , . owner of lark- tract of land in .dion. In which the ennuie Itouee |* w , preeled, and that It sold to the nrialti portion* of Ire properly tor . purpose of r.penlna Eighth street, ao „ to make II at tht* point of equal width „ other portion* of the rwrect. It la , and that tho company's object In malt int t he sale to the city was largely that , remaining property might he im preyed, by being located on n afreet al- and beautiful Ihroughout Its entire ♦xter.t. f :* further alleged that the land was | to the city for the aolc purpo* xr.t with the sole Intention that the city rftoutf use it for opening the street. find na* relying upon this understanding th fompany hnr proceeded to make cop*!v and valuable improvement*, which have t*r\’nl greatly to Increase the value of Its larst hut whifh will have their usefulness •sd \alue much impaired by the execu tory of the j>ian the city at present en tertains. and which it i* proceeding no*’ •o men to its conclusion. Already, says tr petition. the founduflons of the hultd :u are being placed in portion. I- this purpose and plan of the city Is permitted to be executed. the |etuion t iarges that the street will b made nar row and very much lej-a avra.tlve to prospective purchaser* of land, who r.cht otherwise wish to become owner.' c homes in the vicinity in quest low. Th* k dim age **o incurred by the company woul-l te certain, in the sense that it would te sure to arrive, but It is said would be ipabie in its nature of exact computa tion Thi* explanation H made in the petit ion a-* he Im.hls of a plea for equitable re lief. by the writ of Injunction, the action for 1 images not being adequate to do Jus. srk on the building l restrain* I and t : ,f the city be prohibited from using the property for any other purpose than op n ii.k he street to its full width. judge Falligant issued a ru e requiring t ,-ity t< appear by roun-ci before him t-,t- afternoon at 4J) o’clock, and show why a temporary Injunction should to: be issued. The petition was served , • rity Attorney Samuel IV Adams, by *u.m service was acknowledged. Tt question at Issue aeem* to he a ]:• % i! one purely. Thi’ dee 1 to the city re that the lard Is sol I “for opning 1 vh and Ninth stree’s.'* and the ques t; n whether or not the city is legally rf'*rlcted to this particular use of the property it ha* purchase!. The petitioner i represented by Mes-rs Beckett A* i. kett and the petition verltied by th* iavlt of Mr. C H. l>orsett. president cf the company. at the thbatk#. < barle* Illeksou’s 4 leier Prodaetlon -Mistakes Hill Happen. ** Mr. Charles I>l kson and his capable . u.pany. which present*-*! “Mistakes \\ il Hu pen“ hist night, did not have a larg* to iso. for the reason mainly that the ar and tiie play were almost unknown be re but It i* safe to say if either romes here again tho house will be fllied. T play wn one of the cleanest and Inellest comedies that has been played h* re in some time. Tho story Is told in three arts, and the * f action of the play Is wrlthin forty e_• it hmirs. The piot d*.>es not follow th*- ite.iren path of mst of lueh comedies which depend im>oi the mistaken Mentl t* fabric for their groundwork, and there In om originality In it, and the lin<*s an*l u alogue are extremely bright and clever The second a*t Is strictly Ingenious, and while nt first it seemed a little out of I* 1 •• e to have a rendeivou* in n stable k'r. he idea worked very cleverly. Mr nickson has for some years been •* favorite |n the North und fcast. and t- will he in Savannah after this visit H** o very excellent comedian nnd a*- cr iuid he portrayed the character of 'Pom <;#nowin. leading man of the .\|oral- It* Theater. In a thoroughly capable ant) omical manner. Mme Nell McKwen. the leading ldv—in the play and the The. ater -was tweet and lovable, and there :* r* wonder that she found n “angel * M -'* Atm i WhftseM Miss Coralyn Max w ’ i. Miss Ittle Hyde. Mr. Ouvld Poti- Mr Harry Webster. Mr Webb and Mr Weaver, were others in the company. ud fhey all cared for their parts above reproach. Mr L Keene, business manager nf th** z,l,a i'ompany. arrived In th city last n, * } '' make arrangements for the *p- P r *r.m*e of his lompmy next Saturday m-ttine* and night. feeds brain workers * food Mode E.prrinlly fr Thrm. A llt.rary woman. Mrs. J C. Robert*. ' Ho'fn** stre-t, Oall.i*. Tr* , ha* .1!*- .'ovfnd t| —t u profirrly .rl.rtrd brain * ‘ I i* of brnrtlt to any brain ’■or'K.r Bhr says: "My dull** a* Journn ** r *"lrr iw to writ* all .lay, parttcu 'r v I* l it'- a*lntrr. but hrrrtoforr. aftrr , no matter boa- light I madr It. ' * o "twl myarlf lnrar*arltatr<l for ork for n 1, ..0r or two, for my brain would no'. r "bond to ihr demand ■ aw an adv.rtl.rmrnt of <lra|'-N’ut* • riin worker* and determined to give a trial I am rharmrd with the ra*ult. J' I~m now tn perfect health. I u*e ■ pe-Nuta for luncheon, and never *uf * any lneonvtnlenee whatever, return • to my work at once, feeilnK a* bright ** :n | left It I knAw from e*perl • that thi - preparation I* Invaluable brain worker*, who are apt to find tha l p rlod cf time givm up to dl t one of almost ( eclipse of —-ttal |ywer.” i tht. Jay and ae of concentrated ef. ■ It I* wl.e for brain worker* to u*e r, l—-•lly adapterl for rebuilding f . ,r * ln tf** nerve renter* Orape-Nut* 1 Invented by an expert e*peclal 1, r that purpose Knowledge of the 'lrmrnt* contained In the grain* and I, * Prepare ;hr*e el ments tto as to .!• . **'' *• t*eorhid by the body, and u*ed t. • *° r ‘ Ptenlth the >oet phosphate of „ **htch t* exhausted by mental po t h * V * hrou * h * about the r**ult. The whe J.? n h * l * by otiJf brain worker Nut. I' 1 ~k* ,h * lr ouM U> uae Grape uu *•■ * t*w days. Wifehood as the Test of Womanhood. The (ood Woman Who Make a Ikwl Wife. Marriage was a serious thing to the grandparent* and great grandparents of the present generation No woman entered lightly upon wedlock Slfb knew that she was going to found a family, and that she must be equal to all the responsibilities of the position she assumed. She must be able to order her own household; to knit, aew, spin, make bread, butter, soap, candles, and indeed care for and clothe a whole —be so weak it seemed ' almost impossible for 1 me 1 , 1 U Tvi r-lfV" ■ to breathe at all. Had A tlf ; ; J WJ [ —nf months, and my clothes a. fW. yJn It I [I would be just as wet as— attest * 2iEXy jfJV w* —jj could be. Had uterine trOU^C * thought ont so muc^ . / ww money for doctoring, and ~ jgpSegj. - ” there was nothing that did /*. me any good till I con \ I T :X -sented to try Dr Pierce's T , JA- f'* '-'il , Favorite Prescription and . f ‘Golden Medical Dtscov t VB Ji J * ' ■■ I err.’ I did not have any y J t •e'“An| /”/ // \t t *tr faith in these medicines j Jj / // \\ ®t all, but I am only too 1 O'/ j IA ft j’ Zfiryff/ . At iZarr-g'•. glad to say that in three 1/Xl 1 t “AX “^ er the med t k¥c jj ij ~ \V/fc- V J icine 1 could see a change \ \ frwti Wp |V' for the better In a week \ N V, I commenced the treat \ N. \ ment for uterine trouble. ' In three weeks I was able family. She must not be craven when the whoop of the Indian wanted of a dreadful danger. She must stand by her husband, gun in hand. How manv women of to-day could undertake wifehood under such condi tions? Few indeed. Not because the modern American woman lacks cour age, bet because she lacks as a rule the Ehysical health which is the iudurpensa le qualification for a life soch as was lived by the women of the past. That is why a good woman may be a bad wife. Virtue and goodness are ex cellent things in women, but to guide a bouse and bear children demands above til sound physical health. WOMEN CONVICTS. To a great number of women the bouse they live in is almost on a par with a prison. It is prison-like in the monotonous regularity of daily dnties; prison-like in the absence of all pleasure in what is done or' joy in the doing. And the reason is to be found >n w omanly ill-health. Few women realize how intimately the general health is re lated to the health of the delicate vomanly organs. A woman may suffer with heart "trouble,” disorders of kid ney*, liver or stomach, or with nervous Sroatrstion os a result of * diseased con ation of the womanly organism. Many such women "doctor" for years for various diseases and wonder why they don't get better. They cunt j|et"better until tne womanly organism is entirely cured of its diseases. This is not theory. It is a statement of sample facts founded upon the testi mony of hundreds of thousands of women who have been cured of woman ly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. They had been just "dragging around” for years, with throbbing heauj and aching backs, nerv ous, dyspeptic, miserable. The once f:oah colored cheeks had grown sallow, the eyes were dull, the body hail lost its plumpness They had in numerous instances tried many doctors and medi 1,04 AI, l'BHo> AL. Mr M B Wood of l>aytor.a 1 re*t"*r -4 ut the Ptila.kl Mr. W. Colby left over the Central ye terJey for Atlanta. Mr. U B. Inxrum of Stalerboro ts regia tertil at the Sereven. Mr E. f. Cmpt>ell of Jacksonville la a gueat of the Pulaski. Mr H. It Williams of Exoelalor la a xue.-t of the B'-reven. Miss K Wicker of Tampa regis*ere<l at t!ie Screvin > sier<lav. Mr. aml Mrs. H T. Sinclair of Darien are guests of the Pulaski. Mr. W. K. Grady lefi over the Central yesterday for Birmingham. Mr. H n. I star left via the (Seaboard Air 1.1 ne ye*terd.ijr for Tantp, Mr and Mrs K. K Siacer of LOM reg- Isterol at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr G. D. Jackson of J rekaonvlUe was a auesl of the flereven yeatenlay. Mr Philip Itihm left for New Orleans yesterday via the Heaboard Air l.lne. Mr and Mrs. M Msn n.l.x left via the P.ant System yesterday for Tampa. Mrs. K. A Nesla-I of Matvxt was .imoiiK the irrlvals at lh< J'ulaskl yesterday. Mr J Dub war a pasaeroter of the Sea board Air Line yesterday for K.insae By Mr K C. Oliver of Kuiwbow was .1 monx yesterday's arrival* ui the Pu laski. Khv. W. A Nlabelt baa returned to the etty after spending a delightful vacation In Tenneaaec. Mira Annie von Heriren returned borne yerrterday morning, after a plea.-ant utay in New York. visiting friends. The Masters Min- left over the Southern yeaterday for N< w York, where they go to Join their mother, Mrr. C. 1> Mm, Mr. William H Stillwell and Mr It !<■ Neal will leave via the Seaboard Air l.lue to-day for Dallas, where they go to concatenation of the Hoo-Hooe. Mr. Fleming D. Tinaley. formerly of Savannah, but who haa been living for aonte year* In Atlanta. ha* returned to thin cltv and will make hta home here. Mr- Johentm von Bergen. who turn been attending the last three month- I" Ham imta and Bremen. Germany, returned on the Tallahassee yeaterday morning Tho friend-, of Mr. Joaeph K Harty will regret to barn of hla serious Illness at the family ree.drnec. Habersham and C-ongrrs streets M' Harty had be.,, suffering for acme time with a ‘'-‘mtm-r •old Which, neglected at hrsf. Imposatble to shake tff later Hr has beer, confined to the house not quite two weeks, nnd has developed a severe ca-e of pneumonia He I* receiving every at tentkai from his family ami from h.- phvalciane. Drs Simmons un.l tlraham There Is no more popular young man in the city then Mr Harty, and a large cir cle of friends and acquaintances hope for hla recovery. both CLAW HID PROPERTY. Mary lintinr Wants nn Injunction Against Thunderbolt's t ounrll. Mr. Henry Amboe la seeking to re strain the Mayor and Aldermen of Ihs town of Warsaw from further Infringe ment upon piece of property within the corporate limits, which la claimed hotn Ay Mr, Am bos and the town authorities THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0,1900. cine,, exhausting the local medical skill at their disposal. At lari some friend or neighbor who ha* prrsonullv proved the curative power of ''Favori*e Pre scription " recommend, the use of this medicine and that in almost every case means another rick woman made well and strong, ASTONLSUED THE DOCTOR, "When I first wrote to you 1 did not think I could live till I could get an answer to ray letter." says Mrs Isaac S. Harris, of Gayvillr, Yaukton Cos., S. Dak. "At that time I did not tell you every thing. When 1 wrote vou I had just got home from the Hospital at Minne apolis, Minn. Had been there one month. Could not see as I was bene fited any there, so I came home, thinking there was no help for tne, and every one here said that I conkl not live. I would bare sinking spells every day Sometimes they would last an nour or more and I would to be around the house some. T have taken nearly twelve bottles of the medi cine and still continue to take it I am getting better right along, can nde or walk anv place I can never praise your medicine enough. "The doctor here savs that he never would have believed that your medicine could have done so much for any one if he hod not seen what it has done for me. He also told me to keep on taking it, for he could not help me I thank you a thousand times for vonr kind advice and for your medicine." SAFE AND SPRE. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is unrivaled as a safe and sure medicine for the core of womanly diseases. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and cures female weakness. It is the best prepar-ilive for motherhood, giving vigor to the body and buoyancy to the mind. It so strengthens the organs of maternity that it makes the baby's advent practically painless. As a tonic for nursing mother, it has no equal. It increases the nutritive secre tions nnd strengthens and nourishes both child and mother. Weak and eick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence strictly private and sacredlv confidential. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Accept no substitute for -Favorite Prescription.” There is nothing "just a* good” for weak and sickly women. A WONDERFUL BOOK. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser it a wonderful book, condens ing as It does into 1008 large pages a mass of medical and hvgiemc informa tion invaluable to every woman. It is especially wonderful in that it is scat free to any woman on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 nne-cent stamps for the book in cloth binding, or 21 stamps for the book in paper-covers. Address Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Tho latter declare that the property haa been condemned for the rate of the pub lic, while Mr. Amboa avers that thla la nut the case. At any trite, he wants In terference atopjesl until the further or der of the court and a temj-orary re straining order has been granted by Judge Eallignnt. I*l.l'- •' si ISDN ENDED. i —— lleswra. Ilarbee and Handy Glee I.nat N l|i lit Ibe I.nat Entertainment. The last and one of the beat of the Isla of Hope entertainments, that have been so |iopular this summer, w is given last night by Messrs. Ilarltee A Bandy. The principal ottrarti n was King Stanley, the clever slight of hind performer, who ochl'ved as derided a success, as he did on the preceding occasion, D.inelng, as usual, was indulged In throughout the evening, to the music of an orchestra which had her n engaged for tho occasion In I lie gue-slt.g contrst the gentleman's prize jr, worth of merchandise at tha M< trois.llian f'lothlnx atore. won by- Mr. N P. Cortsh. who guessed the exact number of people on the platform, nine ty-two. Tht same number guessed by Mr* .lames I lender sn won for that lady the prize rtf u dozen of Moore's Jj photo graphs. _ i it* ititi-vrriKN. The Antlwptlc Broom 4’ompany has got out a neat thing In campaign badges In the shape of u miniature Bryan amt Ste venson broom, with n r*d. white and blue rlbl>on. on whlrit Is printed the names of rhe Demorratlr leaders. Patrolman Qorlbold last night raptured, on river street, near Jefferson, a lot of old rope, Iretwi en thl anrl 400 pounds, that I- eupposed to have been stolen and left there by the thief until he eould re move It to a place of safety. The tlltef Im* not been captured. There w re. but few arrests made yes terday. John Wariilngton. colored was sent In by Detective (iarrlty on the charge of larceny from another colored man, while Patrolman Godliold arrested James Smith, also <ktred, on the charge of the theft Of u pair of trouser# The widow of Pul O'NfMI. rirltose child In recent article in the Morning News. vn, referred to as living with Its motn .r In a moral itmosphrre unite for it, and oft already burning bad habits, among them that of cigarette sthoking. admitted last night that h- r home was not fit for the i hi],l, hut said that she hod taken her iires--ut quarter* no( from choice, hut of necessity, as she had only recently left the ho*pltal. nnd there wue no other place to which she could go. Hue know nothing Of her child's having smoked cigarettes, she paid, until she saw It in the Morning News. The wo man mid that h had mad" e -jMitted attempts to get the child lit an orphan home, and !h.i a number of her friers Is ho.l also tried, hut without auc cem Hhe Is anxious to secure for It a home tn such an Institution, and will welcome any offer or mudatance thai will enable her to nceomfillsh that end. Brooms for Galveaton. The Antiseptic Broom Company, through 11, [.resident. Mr O B Kulrnan. has ten dered a shipment of airilsepOc brooms to toe now (strivesto*. Orphan Aay.uua j 11l HIIIVIIN TAKES * REST. i hatrnian'a Hark in tli* Cam pit l■ n (irnrmlH Eulnrri|. Han F. O. dußtflrnon left ye*?rr<l*y at noon for N*w York. arcompanAott by Mr* luHlirnon They will tw* none atnnit trn ♦lay*. Th* Mat* t anipalan brine over Mr tlußiimon felt that h* %%. rmltlrd to lak*> a hhort rt*4, hi* hralth attll not of tho hrMu Now that the rampatirn la aver and a hi* majority ha# been plies! up for the l>emorrmtt ticket, coo l thine:* >r** ur ine throughout the Mate of the chair man and the excellent work done by him Hie rourer In Inelwtlne upon prlnmrie# tn all the countle* to eettle tmh atate and local difference* within the p.ri\ nn*l thus leave a dear Held for the el* • (ton I* brmu highly indorsed, and hr I* belne e*v en He credit for pladne the nefro entlre- I) out of the question ae factor In the election. IIK AI FOIIT FINK DtSPiKTtIIMT. I*lan for the Volunteer Fire fkrvlre, Beaufort, 8. <\, Oct. ft.—Plan* for im proving the volunteer tire depnrtmrnt here have been perfected by Fire Chief \V. la. Bhat*well, and u eerie* of public fire drill?* will be Inaugurated with the month. In line with thl* much needed reform, a <a>mmut.leaf lon from the chief wa* received at the Town Council met- InR lan: night, asking that Mull* and fire harncea be place*! In the Waahltißton flre enutn* houee The guitgiailon will doubt leM !*• crrie*l out lmmcdtn?cl> The fire department t* equipped with two excellent fir** engine*—the palmetto, operated by white volunteer firemen, ami the Waehinßtoo by olored firemen VOIAU HIM tlllll rTEO. John Heyward of Florence *ald to Have Keen Spirited %va>. 8 C Oct b —lt I* report**l ftom Florence, that John Heyward, the n-year-old non of J E. Hevwardk ho# been ih*luctel A m.n fumed Simone, who preren|e*l to be a clock i>e*l<ll*‘r. hat been In :he neißhborho*f for week* It eeem that Blmon* promleed the hoy to take htm to the town of Florence ao that h** could return with hi* father who wa* there, in the afternaon It h* believed the man ha* carried the bov into North Carolina Hetnrn* Pram *y|vanla. Sylvanla. Go.. fVt s—The ron*o||iat{on of the re*urn# from the vartou* pr* inctf of the county have not vet been completed, hut the estlma'e is that the average Dem ocratic majority will l*e ahtuit Fol lowing I* the county ticket e|#*ted Senator Seventeenth dUtrlct—J. H Dan iel. Sr • Representative— Is. H. Hilton. Ordlnary—J C. ftvrraireet. Clerk—D. H C Nunnally. Sheriff -W. B Thompaon 'l*Bx collector-T. V Itohhlna. Tax r*Melver U W Walker. Coroner—H. H. Kemp. Burv* >or—J. T Wad* Treasurer—Abram Burke. Count £ commissioner*—J. A. F-tindi 1?. C. Rvam, J. W. Freeman. LEOAL SALES. BANKRI PT SALE OK ASHKTS. HA VANNAH nox AND BASKET WORKS I'nder and by virtue of an order grant ed by the lion. A II MacDonetl, Ref er, e In Bankruptcy, In the matter of W H. Bellinger. Bankrupt, the undarslgned w ill -ell. ill puhlli am Mon. on the piem l.o- located on the Louisville road. In the city of Savannah. 41a., on Monday, Get. P>, !**'. at 11 o'clock (Savannah c|ly tlmei. In the forenoviti. a lot of machinery, tool, and apparatus for the manufacture of box* a, crate,, barrel, anil boakets, among which are: Tltu, Veneer Machine; Titu, Adjustable Saw. Saw Table; Saws: Hand and Power Clip pers: K A t II Holme, Dotib'e Surfure planer; Cut-Off and Heading Saws; Al Itngton A Curtis Blower Svslem ,e>m |i|ete; Hot Air Dry Kiln; rulleys. ShM- In; llelMng; Basket Forms; Barrel Laths nr,.| Hcop,. Orange Box Heads, No. 9 Iron Wire; Tacks. Nalls, etc., etc Private se.lel t-lds for the whole or any part of the asset, will tie received by the undersigned, up to October to. at 10 o'clock. In 111, forenoon, which will he opened by the Referee at hts office. No 4 Bryan street, east, at hiII time and place. Right to reject any or all hid, re served Term* of sate: Cah Property may he Inspected and full list teen, hy applying to. JACOB GA7.AN. Trustee, 14 Provident Building. Savannah, Ga West End Street Car goes lo the Fac tor V. LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COt’NTY.— Notice Is hereby given to all per-ons In ecrested that the estate of Isabella Nell), de unrepresented and that !n term, nf the law administration with the will annexed will be vested In Jordan F Brooks, county administrator, on the first Monday In November next, unless objec tions are Bled thereto. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrtll, ordinary for Chatham county, this the th day of October. lWri FRANK E KEILHACH Clerk Ct Or'dy C. C., Ob. GF.ORtiIA. CHATHAM COtTNTY - Whereas Ahrshim Rundtaiken has applied to Court of Ordinary tor letter, dismiss ory es administrator upon the estate of O Helen© Rundbaken deceased These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to ts and apjs-or before Mkl court to make objec tion (If any they have) on or before the Mrst Monday tn January next, otherwise ►aid letters will be granted Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the Mh day of fteptember. trim FRANK E KEILBACH, drill C O , C C. at MOOI # AND COLLEGES. THE SAVANNAH PHEPARATOHV ■CTIOOIo MII.ITAHY. OPEN 411 T. H. Mr Htrong has returned to tlie city and may be ser-n every naarnlng between 6 nnd - St the school building, on the northwest corner of Barnard and Harris Streets Ormond B. Strong (Cornell). Head Mailer A school whose instructors are univer sity men familiar with modern methods, and men who have densin-iratid their success .is teachers in preparing boys for colli ge still hiwlni ss. A school whose diplo ma I* accepted in lieu of cxaminetton by many roili-gee. and wlioe he.dmaeter has the highest endorsement by the presi dents of <;ormll and of the University of California- A achool whose directors are among the most prominent men of the State. A School where your hoy would receive persona! supervision and en couragement; where he could obtain a thorough end lystrfnatic training In body and mind; where be could prepare Ms lessons for (he next day under an In structor'# car* In the afternoon Just as he would at the best hoarding schools, and where you would have no worry about his associate A GROWING SCHOOL. j- l t till These tiny Cxptulet are luperta * to Balsam of Copaiba, I N 1 Cubebsorlnjecdonsand fararjl Isj CURt IN 48 HOURS'O' IV i the tame disease* without inconvenience. Sold by ell druggiitj. .- asi-rcR-otir New Paris Shapes ;••^Bli\ ... for a*jt *r ! M t UA>nNan^AiiißS,; > CLASSIFIED AUVtKI ISkMENTS. PRltatl.lAL. ' UKIUns sTT*kf;Mi for a few day* mor*-, but till have tim** t<> tied uml II a li.ind*om- enaaiem**nt finger ring, an everlxetlng, gtod-luck brlriKitvg i!atn gold flriK* t ring Spec la I •a!o thl* w* k of phdn and fancy '*•' gold linger ring# 8 did gold gpectacle* fitted with be ,1 8| tn* r- len? *1 her l*i short or long Mght, |* u K* g .*. > Ka*t llrotlgliti*) Jeu.lrv and Shaving Supply House. Mall ord- i puunptly lilleJ ~V SHOUIsD BEN MflsUI'HS FUBNIj ture, new*t Myle* f.r b*'|i.*m, dining room. i*ir’or. in *.k, walnut and mahog any. Miller * prices and terms are rva soluble 2*07 Broughton, west ~ YOU Wild. 1.1 KI THK MII.K FHOM lFio|fltid Dairy; li n< f ind purr, try it r HHori.D sf:f. millers new •ty!es In t .trfe-f matting, window shad*-*, art square*, rugs, la* a curtain*, etc ; Miller * price* Mini term* at* reasonable 207 Broughton, west. FINE HICEKIKI t r A Mft AT BA ker h.“ every day. best of all other m si* In msrket IF ITS HUGH-YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlIHr SPECIAL. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nl e willow rockers, ladles alie. at 12. J. W. Tssple. SCHOOL BOOKS NEW AND SRC onl-h,inl. sold at l *\.*-*l Barnes’ 2nd R aler. . :t and ltealor 2- ; 4th Read er, 3ic. Gth R i**|er, 4 * , Lincoln** Phveioio gy. 40*’. l*t Stepplnc Stone* Literature. 2&c. 2n*l Stepping Stone*. ;n Prince.: Artthmatlc l.v , Montgomery 111-Iry. *<• At Gardner’s Iktsaat ! AM NOW DH’ATKD AT 411 W EST 'Broughton, ring up :‘M If you want t * have your iuridtur< tnov**! or fir Hhtpm* in or .storage; I guarunte pr * rt * the name H 4 I do th work that'* given to me A. 8 Griffin. 411 ItioiuJth'ii *lr*et. We and; matiret v* .* ma*l*' t* ur*lei. t: SHOULD BEE MILLER'S STOVES and range*, tho best makes at reaaouAbl# price*. CV P Miller, Agent. KENSINGTON FARM MII.K IS UN- f*r rlchnr*-*. d*livery I* |M*r fect; phone V- V SHOULD BEND M L YOUR OR d4*rs for upltuiaterinff parlor ami **r room furnltur* In iafhrr, nllk and other fab rics, in th* l r si manner, curl**! hair, mys am! **otton mattr*"##* renovated, all work writ dor* anti xsii-.fariion tMr ■ t*#*i C* I* Miller, A **-111 SI.OO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS whik ls*t C r Mlllrr. Ajr^nt ~ WHEN YOU RES M OII.US BlXTY hx'li •** rsnta nj|, you will buy th*m. Juat can’t help It; will •*)! In quan tity •'FURNITURE MOVWD WITH CARB,** Is • with M -GUils “see the jewel stoves and rtnf for aale by J W. T***pl; also iS**nt for In-nranre a<*ollne stove ~fct'G!LLlß IS CHEAP O.N Rt'Gfl. NET.4] Isr* curtains, hammo-ki, wafer cvji*lera, plllnwn, pin urea, stoves, bodroom sullea. and flimitura of every description. “ lUTUH AND ROMAN IIYAUINTHB, frewirt*. i:Ner lllle*. Jonquil*, my *wn Imfvoriution; for kool r* *ult* f*i *♦ n-w A C. Ool*M'hlK. e|af t itt Catholic I’rtne lory. (iHiriri* r h fl.isasr. 8|l)l. U SHOULD BEND YOUR ORDBRB for lunltiß und iqmlHnK piano* and or gans to \V I* Mtii.nlna. with C. P. Mil ler. Agent; prompt aiiont lon to out-of town ordr. C. P. Miller, Arhil. 18 YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? Rtlff**| a- Fr*ermin have a itiandlng offer of 11,001) for every safe of their make that d-'e-a n*i pr* (f-rva It •* cotifenta one *ufn was tn burning dehria 113 hours When taken out, tho hoee Ihl to Im* turned *n It When opened, n*f a page was dls (ob>red. not a record lost, not a dollar do- Mroy-d If yHj want security, buy a Rtiffell ii. Freeman wofe. C. I*. Miller, Agent K I NfI!N<IT<IN ! A lIM IS *iN Alf olevhflon in th** *oun*ry. from city drainage ImpoMxlbie for nilik fo Ihh-oii*** mniamlnated, by Impurw odors: If you w*nl pure Jersey milk, phone 3345, De livery prompt, eatisfuctlon guarantee- MGILLIR MOVER. PACTKR. SHIPS and oresno* and furniture; beni wrjrk only; no "Cheap-John” prices- no "Cheap- John'* Jobs tl 4* lIU YH NICE RATTAN ROCK ERR. ladies** alxe, large i.>rirn*nt of rM.k*rH. couches and eaay choirs C. P. Miller, Agent. 'IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL •nd work, ordsr your lithographed and printed Hntion*rv arid blank buukf from Morning News. Savannah. Oa. “orr 18T I WILL MOVE TO 414 WERT Uroughton Ring up 244 Ulf you want lo h.-rve your furniture mowed or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the name mb I do the work th-it’s given to me A 8 Grfftlr. 114 Broughton etreet, went; rmittrexyex made to order. M GILLI3’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. V SHOULD SEE MILLER’S OFF!CM dvfki*, oftto* tHlit*#, ofllce chairs, c*fYl< a ms Ming, ofllce sha<les. C. P. M::ii.r. Agent U WILL SOON MOVE AND V WILL rerfainiy need wrnv-thlng In my line; II will !*av*i money by trading with me C. !\ Miller. Agent M OILLIR BBLLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS -Hmyna patterns— for M c*nts. SUIICAL HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feat are troubling >ou, call on rne ©nd I will you relief; I cure Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all dlaeSKca of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the te*t reference* in the city; pa tients treated ut residences; order* fiin be left at LlvtngOon’a drug store. Dull and Con grew* -sreet telephone 233. Lem Dari* surgeon chlropodlrt HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED. A FIRST-' LABB AND RlS lLtble tinner for both outside and lti*l>l* work, steady emptoyment;*? wage 4 expected. J. E. Kuchktr, Jacksonville, Fla, WANTED; WHITE RRlcic LAYEIts. carpenter* ami plasterers, union pay, long John, blacksmith*. German *ar keeper*, lK>k keeper * and ate nog rapber. tailors, wheelwrights, tl* choppers. Huber, 317 We*t Hoy. .In k r. .l ! WANTED FIRR lABB PAPER hangers. S2 t A a day. AddrfM C. E lloyle A Rons, .Jacksonville, Fla. WANTED. FIFTEEN BRICKLAYERS; three months' work; goo*! puy; also planar man. A H. Johnson, Tampa. Fla. ""paper hanger, apply to wilL Uam Erianwilii at Andrew HafUty g Ntru* u OTKO-im.r.. WA\Ti:i, A RELIABLE AND KX- P* rtett e*t lothe-* pres-er wnh got*l nl r- net Ad<lre * thirty \\ VXTED plembi:rs AT W II L Behrotb*Fa, Amerb-u*. Ga. wanted! man cpiiigiit CIIAB •t* ’• t, to huvlnewi* of old estab lished horn**. dar> lbs per w* k and ex t* ti j?.• v #l• I*• ***** h week dir* et from he.ulqttnrters; ex|M*n*e mon* y advsn* e<l, po-|iion permanent, reference. Standard House. "Ji'l Caxton building. Chi* ago tNI Dol.L Vlt \ YEAR PftOTF.CTM >ou We t.**#* ij* more i*eeid*‘nt i*oli h than hiv oth*‘t slndlor i *. nr.*.my In th* world. I*e***aii*- w<* I .“sue th*- t popular and *he *p* t insiir.iu*-,' wrttt*n tine *k>llai a >oar pay* f>r * Ri) |Mdiy. other aniuunu in pronortlon; no a —^►ii* , nt- or flue .* *? ,th benefit- weekly liibumlty, fr*- in* It- a 1 attendiitu'e, • li* r origi nal and |*.-pul r featiir***. **tth* r m x. I** - tlVeell Ik .Hid * • yejil -f Jbl* mil d* |M*|led with N* s \*rk ln*urti*.* I>epartnv-it profeet* policy bolilrrs under our system; ail tlalins promptly ami liberally settled; %\ t for iipplb iillon blank. reliable rep r. eutatlv* e want'd eyervwh**re The In f* rnatlonal Registry Coinf*n>, !K llronl won New York 111:1.1* WAATKI#— FKMALRfi. W ANTED. A FIRST ’LABB COOK, none but those having reference* nee-l apply No 21*. Park avenue, west. WANTED SETTLED WOMAN TO . >Mk :ni*l w eli Apply 22" - Bull •trget. HOTEL I M I*l .OV MENT AGENCY. 317 \W*t Jm k-* uivllie. Want* l male and female cook*, chamber maid*, table girl*. I Hindi * - -e-4. house keeper*, #• t<■ East and i West •*< i-t Florbla, also Georgia K-nri.ov rii-ntT w,Tf;n. i Triririm' M|:S’T HANTt:I KXPKfM j enced husinef* man want* jwvdtlnn with I good futur* . h* ortlo man. or assistant ! manager Address Rox t. (hi* office. a amtki>— Hit KLLAREon. \VANTi:i>. I.MO 1,1 VK fIGKoNH. All dre>* It. W Sperry, Duval ilote!, Jak ronville. F'la. V WVi.D SMALL M* f El, OR Exuding h*tn* to run on percentage f*r ih‘ winter or the year, by a man ,ml wife.• * Box 113. WoiMlmont. f^t. WANT A NICK GENTLE HORSE for a iud> must lie koml six**, and a good trial requlr#*!. must t* a hor-**- wbh atyle. no other want**l Adtlrui Jame* Th>ni|>- **n, g*ner*il *lHivery. pontofllce. IF YOI WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy; It** rich, pur# and ft hole some. ' IF YOU W ANT A PIrACD TO DUMP earth, dirt, oond manure, e#.‘ . frea of marge. Jtist nt city limit*, hauling over hard road, wii'e or talephona Brown Vtto*.. toim. Andereon and East llruod street#. FOR tl ENT—ROOM*. FOR BENT. TWO FRONT ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished: use of hath, with or without hoard, facing Park ex t*t in N*r* !*; Drayton street ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFUR lushed; with or without Ixiiird Jof York treet, east. FI.%T* FH RENT. FLAT OF FOUR CONNECTING room** with hath, h*oiil floor. 2W Gwin nett, w t. next to Iturnird, Inquire on premises or of W J Ml.-* ally, Jr. ~FOR RENT, SEVEN-Rtm>M FLAT IN fin** |b iitbm; low rent. Platahek A Cos., Hryan. • FOR RENT. 3 liCKJM FLAT; ALL mod* rn lmprov**tuents; r*w brick houa*'; private family; references. Call 308 Jones, east 'FOR RENT SPLENDID FLAT. FIVE rooms and bath. HO Btato stresl, *st, large raotn* and tvsry conveolcoos. J. E Fulton A- Son. "FOR RENT FLAT AND It AHEM ENT •o small family No. 12 Jones street, east FOR RENT—HOT#EN "Tor rent! htore kouthwert fern**r Whltuker anil l, If ry streets. Af ply )M Llle-rty strief, went. "FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPT AIILE party, my residence, northeast corner First und Drayton streets Apply C. W. Howaid. No. Hay street, east. FOR RENT, 17 DUFFY STREET, * *et; possession at a*< e. Afqtly George L Uarifitny, g*nt. I*i Itryon street, eu*t. FOR RENT. COMPOKTARLE HOUSE. N* 217 Waldburg street, east, between Abertxirn and lJncoln, first Gas* order and condition; every convenience Right rent f right tenant Estate Balm<rt Cos lien. W*t Rroad and llrn'ighton streets. "FOR RENT, 1111 MONTGOMERY HT.. cheap fu K'**d tenant; In flrst-clus* ord-r. Apply at corner. FOR RENT. DKfifRAfILE DWELLING with ail modern Irnprovt-rnrtifs; In gM*d repair. JOK Jones, east. Kollo* It A Screv en. FOR rent! LARGE RESIDENCE, 206 Congress afreet, east, southeast corner A ljercom M R Raker. Ag*mt, 224 Ogle thorp** avenue, east. rOM HCXT-TOKkS. RM ALL HTOR EH FOR RENT. LOCAT *I on rtt.lle an l President streets. In rear of WhittDld llulldtnv. splendid aland for small business. Apply W. M it W. K. Coiiey. "FOR RENT, a STORE. PERT LOCA" tlon for nny buslntaut; le.i-omiblc rent. Platshek A Cos. ""l ull KENT A SMALL BUILDING*, suitable for shop or store liuu.iv. Apply 212 State, west. FOR HINT, STORE. 11*7 DROUGHT trgi street, aat; puaeeialon IrmiMxltately ! o several and si i*Me reddanoe# and flats. Apply A Wylly, U Dryart atrest. aast FOR ItEXT—MI9IELLA%EOL'I. T^orrTTNTnDKtGrToosrTT^ ed; Its aflon Rryan street, east; rmsj rate rates. Address Desks. N*wa ofllce. FOR 4|ll>-RK4I. KKTATK. •treat, near East Rroad, h*va only been sold lo first-class parties, V*4> will maka good neighbors; and nona othar can buy. The terms are vary easy, and they are cheaper than say other tn the vicinity. C. U. Doraett. AtmOt IALKI TMtt DAY. ~ HANDSOME FURNITuRE 4 11,1! IONTIMI.iI THIS DAY at 10 o'clock, corner Hall an*l Ahercorn. lit i H 1.1 lof UK. Remaining Furniture, lwk •. Book ’Plan**. Fern*. St**-! Ring* utv*t Kllchwn Furniture and thmoiine Stove, etc. A MOTION lAIJIN FUTURE DAY*. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALeT“ I. |>. 1,1 IttM ItF, Nnetlaneer, on TEESDAI the 14ih dav ot o toi>er. 1* it nt 11 o'* oek o in . I will ell on tho pr* mi -♦ * that g nerol Mok of gx**l*, oneKttng of dry K'm*L clothing, ohe a tut no tons. vail** -, fancy aril* lea and fund in u . g ’th**r with show roe#. Huf> -* inu-r • t'Aww and general afore Ilnur' out line*! tn store, corner of Ht*m**• .11 I W* and Hr..S I gtreef*. lately *> - • upp'd by Don Agoos, *lca#*ed. Term* •>.'* r kan he m*peete*l an application to the au imi*m r. J F BROOKS. A*tmli I- irator 1 Mate Don Ago*wi FUN KVI4TE "^FOR^SALIC^TT' Tjltmkor tvvo <lre*l dollars, easy iirmn. on Ninth •iroet, near Last liruaii. no city taxation. C. 11- I 'orsett RESIDENCES AND H 'II.DINO IX>T9 for sale all over the city. Hobart H. Titfin. real estate dealer. No. 7 York • treet weal. - pfVft HALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at each; will xoon be advanced to wbeti a tot haa bean pal>! for ! can arrange to get a homo built. C. II Doraett FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET mar Fast Broad, no city taxes, at t** each; twerdv-flve dollars ca#h. and aa#y monthly payment*. C. II liorsaft. POIt .%Lke—fUiXl kLL.I.IKUtX, ha/el and wltcbiiaaal one Im n.ado to urw. the filler Im made to aeli, put a t*ot )• of our# by the *sda of cop* of tha oth-r kind; #r# give you all tha quality mi and all the quantity that your mn#y en llt leu you to a pint for a quarter lVr*H * Drug Ht*r*a, Henry and Abercom. Whit aker and Taylor for SALE. LARGE. PAYING LTV cry >tiihl*’ Bargain Addrc#* J, W, Kim brough. Webster. Fla PURE JIBSEY MILK AT r PER gallon. 214 Duffy, eaet, Bell (fdephott** 2*^s COWS FOR HALE IF YOU WA NT A g> <d milk cow I can supply you Cali 471 West Boundary ASII AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale ISO.OOO fee# of aah auttable for whe*!- wrlgMs. *arrtn*e mskera car works and Interior house ftnDh Abo cypreas lutnber of all site** \\> !..v# resumed uttlng our f*m)iis hrarwl* of cyprsea shingles and will goon have a full llr># of them for sale. Valo Ron *1 Manufactuiiftg Company, ' SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pur* milk, try il; you will he pl.a ed. r 1.0 4 1 AND roiYD. LA^RGiTTrT\ r i:* anTT^white (Hdnter dog; #traye*l from Vf East Park avenue la*a night. Liberal rew ; arl If re tumed t* J. B. ttllver*#* A PAIR OF GttlzD SPEC* In ca<v. pr*d*bly on Brought**), y'**ier*ia> B* nv*h I will In paid on return to Garrard A M Idrlm rERIGER MITCH PUP pv. answer# to nnirte of ’"Spot.” I4*’waf4l will h* If returned to W. E. Grady, 113 Bay atreed, •art. ITR A f KU. MoniK'tn*ry Mref( in<l Oglflhorp** utiwt lane*. one* “mall durk l.iy mul*; rrirttrd If rHur -fl to lot <>r'i* Mill KUKAIIUVtL kiixUrKui tm orhooit at 41-' Kaat Taylor, Oft f ■“SFkTMaL To CIT V HTI ' I >F. NTH Twenty i*’r cent, discount to city Htu<t< rrt*. If fiMtr noon. No monpy re qulml In udvunc**. Not MtiaflM) quit and no pay. DrauirHon’* Practical Buntnosa College. <Md P.dlowH' Hall, comer liai nard and Htatc atm ln. ■ ■SS PMUtIIQ. to your interval to let me *lve you an ea tlrn.iUt on your plumbing, new or old work; npalr work a mieclulty, aa 1 etn a pra<-t|ral plumber. No gue,a work tu re,ln niter your life. Wiggins, phone f Ol. Georgia or I Udi. MIICKLI.4IIBOIII. HAVK YOUR HOUSE PAINTED Willi Herman ready-mined paint; entire aatlfa<llon guaranteed. Alim, Paint Company. _____ _ ______ "ikiN T FORGET WHERE to “oo when you need plumbing work .lone; our workmen ore the very beat: low. A C Price A Cos.. Btate and Jefferaon; 'phone, fill. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN. •rry people at the Southern Grocery Com pany, lit Iternaid utreet. WK SKI.I. SEWER PIPE FLUB pipe. (Ire clay, lira brick at low eat prtcaa. Adam* Pnlnt Company, 101 Congrosa. wait. * MORE Til AN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard rath at lha Houthem Grocery Company, 111 flarnard atreet. wi l' PDUMRINO WORK OF IM kinds nnd ran figure .loan with you; give ue a rail when In need A. C Price A Cos, Stale and Jefferson; 'phone, <Ol. GYPHINK IS THE REST WALL FlN |,h made Ad am. Paint Cos., Savannah agent,. 101 Congreaa, weat. WE CONNECT AND DISCONNECT range*; our plumbern know their bual mw*. and our price, are low: It will pay you to give u, your work A. C. Price A Cos., St ile and JefToraon; Hell and Ooor gta 'phone. Hall. REDUCE TOUR DIVING EXPENSES by Inveatlng your hard-earned hand oah with the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard atreal. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savanna!. I.ICUAI. NOTICKS. NOTICE TO DEBTOR* AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice la hereby given to all persons hav ing demands ngulnst Mary Playter. late o' said county, deceased, to present them tu me. properly made out. wlthtn the time prescribed by Saw, so as to show their character and amount; nnd all persons in .l* t.tisl to said deceased tire required to moke it'- payment to me. JORDAN F. BROOKS. County Administrator. 11 Bay ssrei, west. Savannah, On., July Z. 800. IF YOU WANT GOOD 11 ATbiR.'AL and work, order your lithographed and prlnlsd stationery and blank books froas Morning Newa, Savannah, Ua. 3