The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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16 THE CURATE OF KIRKCHRIST. Il* ft. H. Plim KKTT. CCOpvTlKhf. l*v 8 It Oorkett) Th< n it Kirk * rt ’ pur!h wan b ** than u ns; I >v%n tl. #!•). B b*#d oUy u we*k r • . ► T • * l • t ik®n po? *-• •.*><• of l > is * i ! ain. an Ignorant ft*llc\ tr-5 I<k mttu I*hl uf >*n ■* " the n*w fcifM-up * "or M ‘llll** rt, our >l<l ii. 1 tr .1 nlnt-'#r of *Kd, Ii i f m re move#) tv-n i- Mr RuMurfurJ had l"**n put o if AnworU* -ni * •< aum- time Tbit tier ■ *n wr to* k cur *av, 1 with wy MM •• i * mo, th* alecv- li r ' * olt fr,rtl t *° that 1 . ) * * btna \% > . r Ji* th' k#t hv tae w*#’- H. • 1' .oiltig Mi® a For ®lir . i *<...•! - I her lift* Ml the K.4JP, v ■ h a t*** 1 h#* n** ♦in * t *•< dfiiU \ J;jr n .'.***<f not Mv troubled Fur a** O'* *n* from far away. light *# 4* waft of v. :nd Mown athwart *• rn .# 4<rt w iit It! • horn of tha rohtcr rrv In :... i u -of K ik"hrt*f and m* r prn* ft in u-\ i* l * ’he vi.i *• of the R * il*. ui. *. .u *: *'! f* How ull to v*4.* .r. i JntJ v i l.iv Homegrhat •Up* rfl 4* 1- Ii l if.f" tir.m ■#■ f r tlw # t I I*'M ilhi I |#s a **nrlv b r> ••rtanr tin Ilk r. , . ,ght •* the I* -t of Uitnr ability and opr #r Dint m#*- After cr*l* Hm * ■ I w*rt * Httla more openly mm < w • i . *.*'!• f* n.y a***" In .ii • un ion r ( ‘nil an*l * t Ltba brai** !■*♦ ? l n*h*** • * • ai wi p(> in w • n I *rn in.ikl me more ihan * e wn wi’h the pain. Aral Hu hri k (! a h’M. i-uiealh me on the hi 1 u J .* I* ■ * bi** *n b.< lon her abonkPr iv;• v; frost I *MM not I re, h o\ei latnl ami that the nrnre 1 did Ums more wih.kl *li know fha‘ ! I©v*n| her In thi* larhlot. w- . hiik- to etse *1 m* • oral- thf bed *o l*e#*ly bru 4ntrtMi*l ui>*j;s t:* fnanau uf godly Mi. Hilbert ll o till chirk the h tter* p over tls* i\ inlow f >>t I tr *<f nh* frrnn without. Tmn with my eworil hilt 1 be. gan to ki k 4ful t>e n*i*•* of the r* <1 the hi-aiew hollow rd loud FOr th" Hlgbiamlmun had a- y**t pi; ilttie fiirnrttir* in It euve .ie they a stKWt *r two f rtmt r~* for h bed lot I’m *lf aid *i •>' I* r for t:- w*fi < h that k*> | • 1 house to him >hla sister, a® to >mU J In no long r o| time hla reverence f4-t a h.M a i*• mI •-* the wifi'li*®. to w 4* was tt . dir The whl h h* *!11 In a t4d nr* .e th igh be w re the lord and nia**r of fh* n* ■ i4rntorh**<l |tiit I tan -l him, t<*r 1 Iw b m don htn < ;irate# oai him and bring hi- eet vk.' book, tor that he was to marry then and Chen "Who be you thftt reek to be married ro untlm*ou he "Cmnot ye be •*ntsn*M till th‘ mon n*’" *Thut p Jurt why* w** ran not be ron tent. ' I Atisw red V\ o muwl la far •way by thru'” fk* In *4 little he roe up aid eame down •‘Hava you iwit also a maid In the houis* ‘ I a*>ked of him “Aye.** r*id h*-, very dried like, “my •rimer Jean "Bid her see We have need of a wli resn." I bade him. Ami 1 •! sonn one to bold th* •ndh*.’* 1 added It Wat hl*ot ll 4 of i)ie lot k and the e4kt tit tie more than graying that we four stor'd m front o{ the nun " of Ktrketarlm Hmi any teei nt*roa*l to im* ua we had lerri a curkwia romiany The t-ur it** In Ids wife gown ot>l hla*k handw. hi. Humbling nlghtgear p* • pirn; out el*-*.* and iMtder. a red poaked dgnt< i cap oti lu hwal. fhe of which * *4 , timmlly nodded over hh* ryht *v in a most |udt routs numner (only *ht non*' tlMßight oi ml Mi that night) !’• -id* him dripping • ji4i In her hand, to*!or. a buxom qiaoan, bloww.l with fwalth and ruddy ue the rharry. J*he ImmJ .4*oll lo r nought b*it a s* ant wdi Vait •bout the wtiiat ctmf * am** a little tv iow 1 the knee i Imxll< e of a* arl* t fl4nne|, like 1 the curate’.a rap. hwiUv buttoned and wartlght tor her I tatty harm af.l *n tier feet a ahap**l*M pair of hosh* (• ” •r Cor>tg-ai, hum* fashioned out of old rage and fr.igm* nt* f * loiit Before three* two 1 atuod. “a Nark, tow wring hulk with one arm in a ellng * (Rxchftl'i wortie’i and bejdde m" th* brl*!** dainty and light aa a taitlerfly at |*o‘a on a flower h lip ttveriiead aimasg the trees the wind gari to move, blowtrg rhlll Moe* the d.iwn An even •• the enrate (humhe.| and Oiumliel, I aa w th" I ght break !>•• hind fht mack Craig of I>ee, nd won dered II ever Hu" and I w*‘ild dwell In pea- e and content In the l^ 1 of it At id tiaauw neither Kaehel nor 1 knew that form of words. Jean Main kepi ne right, promising US hew to kreel here nr id what to un**wer there, her*- to eay ©ur nam* ‘ ovr -nd there promise to love ea h other- ih*- last not n.-ce-*ry. lor If w* had not *kaa that already a*- hid hardly have boat) at the manee of Kirk* chriat at four of the August morning to b* wed by *in alien and unnovenalited priest But scarcely b *d the ble*lng of lon aid Bain made us man und wlf- wh*n V" heard the roy®t"rers rhonw nifkln shrocul on the hills *r.d Jean Hain nm* 1 yuahing upon us wild with alainv S'>* guev(d well enough Who we wer* For the J*ear hers b*l been at th** manse ih** litgld befere wart ring to have my I f**. • I'll Hi** raid “Take tv Ih*- leath er for your llv • i*. They have sworn to kill your husband!" This 1 kr.ew wrll en*ugh but the per Vefe:l> >f faM When w.t tim** • lung to m* n id" tre* r*wl\ to f lint I cannot v 1 n d/z> with mv wound!" I eld. n*l would hv* fallen l>ut that H-* hvl and the highland woman 1,.M m" up In thelf arms All this Mm* ahoullng enrl hallooing like th* trying of hunter *n th*- hills aum mart*i. and th® day was breaking #*i t. ftachei Uli( | 1 W er# Ind**d in a -trnlt fI i ! ■ thought ni" t*( Ml" little fair man and almost raped led t •t hi.* cuim *ci4 hu*l brought m" to this But own than, in fhe boUW of th" l*hiii v tliii*, help tnu •Vomf In with y** both,’ eai*l J* an Bain In • n* re* %.,!.*• m if daring con* UatHcTioii. *'lonald. off wl* your sun l> ■ and on wl* your cost. You must tt> • them tad hold them in parley. It rhall not )„ M ,,| it at .* lirlfl- icrnom -t.u,;ht* ,<i u ,„,„ our doorstep within iui hour of Ids wedding. Wtih that shr hus'l‘l US npftilM to lor own room Truly ouitli lh<T- nut one hrortJ pel lot <>( i* otto r rov. red with rushes Xtnuil >n the fluut, ami no other furiillute whatever Near the tsd-head there was the low aortr of a litl i-leeet or deep cupboard Into this •ti liadi ua enter, mi ••>>* n that ahe would hang her lolhlng ovar u upon tho wooden pegs which were there for the jnrposi (time no teeter might |je we entri-l. for mv head war running round with my loo* of blood and the pain In my wounded •tm. I wa (lad tu lie down anywhere. Then, through th buxalng heee hyk* In aty skull I could hear Jean Ilaln giving r<ar lit ■>' lera to ileur ye. Donald. lee to them wee). Ya hoe aeon nochtki n in lit. anil If they offer to bide tell them that It Is the hour when y huv< family Worahtp. That wdl flit them tf ta> t.t else will* And. though 1 rould hear the ranenue voiee of that gomertl brother-in-law of mn nt the bottom of the atatra. 1 could ta>l help hiving my head on Rachels ehoulder nnd whlaprrlng In her mr the word* "I,title wife.” to whh h she re sponded no more than “Hush So there we pi-eie. cnuehln,: and cowering In that dark cupboard, while a eeore of raging de mona turned the curate* house upelde down, asking for luge of brandy and tarnica of aquaMty. while Jean Hum shrll- Jy declared that no brandy could Ibay get in guch a poverty-stricken land, but good uVmnna-Uy-.ahaatk ah* W ‘ A tit letuii wrt have unless they behaved themselves And am l lav thus 1 laughed, for I heard, ever Slid rtnon, the MUitid of ard lm n • hsn mllt' ii -m.i k* with sh* .*1 f the pilm on rom*'Of r* . h‘< k F..r I k*.w . well .* I had fit It w at w • < happening below lVr Jto*rtng Bait • I t • other V4**rthte4 h,l often w*rn * my hearing Jhat h*y w iM kl •* th* i>ri"*t * sister and thi& w.*# her mantlet I r\ .. r •ni H"t ever as J lay the darkness S"cmd to sire?' h far above me th* w l.* to mount 4*i<l then awtftly • ome t ••(•■ther again; now I was unheaved on d*U >oue *f .alter air ann at.on I tell • arthwsrd flirt. Jgh ' • ll'4nif. vault f h' dvni V* t every now fr>d thru I • h* •*1 on a *■ w** te r than A am - I * '*(n i*l t n f.ii *o ' (Jiif- mrui.g my toll*. 11*i• •*■ I ha : nni • to r* allr* mv hupp in* s I VC ..rr . . r. - :uh tr- n,\V- r* rnt onver * with I, in lral i. I ti i' dc and of TTurkUg spirit*, that moppd and rn ’e*.! a tn*ut m l . |*th Fur Ivc i- J t f.*lliri|7 into a fever n'd my l*ar hi * had ' f put • r ektrg bout my mouth *** keep hm from bearing me moan and struggle lu my ph if.tusv Hy t* o' doi U th* y had drunk-n all th i wa-* in th cr.ite he* i ■ *t. * I [*nnr I** all BMn la*.l g r* to *-onv th*m on ttelr Tte> were i4Ur.g (-* they • wore! to th* Hla- k Craig *f 1• to root rti* out **f m *! n Ar and thif triad** Ho* and v. ry sor* ?ifr,.l*l for ah' knew w*d; • a'. I? W" Wer* go 4 l< to th* *l*mp Ivs f I in* f would never i froin my bed nltv And r *w. .* h* thought, the w av was shut to our only putt oft f ir* AI o the f*-ar for John my brother nt Isi'K i *i ianli with John ui.l < <*n- v- i- *• • ino;b ? *! f hirr; an bn f ogetner with the plougo li t ard ..• r in th* 1* , . But thi n* l not have ii | * Bio- k *eg . I**-*, u* Mr. and any !*•*•• ft*,* tl. i Boiirir.g Half and lu r w should *n r ar *’ hand to fer-elv* th*- welcome prepared f.r film But In M * verv hour of the storm hrcaklrg ther** app**ured >i hi* luv iyk* l. i k to shelter two poor lo*-t wand* nog lanihe F*r ?• poorer wi> !• *ld It.iln out of the hou*e with nil th* un * **|ly erew than J* an. hi.-* sister, fl* w upstair* to u>, wi‘h her g**w it all pu!l**l awry a.** sl e hu l *vj' aped from the hand., of thf roy t, r ■ • rn yoirr w vs out you pulr young thli-.g- ' I h* cried, “they or" gin", end the foul fiend rhi" xhlnt th*m May they never (omu tin- rs l again, that kenn* and i.Pher how to Im have then*>*-lves s*-* tn- Iv ft) a mar *o nor h*w to • ondu* t them before o decent las Faith. th**V lit*• hllionsed how I r Ml W*re t geftln* dtirk l **w* en the ril* But w letfi Ba* hi 1 and I* in Bain got rr" out of thf*t dark oni* v !*••. I was fairly t" td* in vs. If Th. rv. r ran high .• I I raved about rivers of w t* rs n* and th* sound of great flood* and threj i with them Ch’ 1 •ik tt" I.itth I' r Mo- on Ing on th* wmga of set.iphlrn.- and )** r tiblm** and lifting me up out of the rnlr* Anl m soon •*• Jean Bain heat 1 h< yamtntr arwl vat ter of my foob*h rui - ning on. ah" ran to the cloned f*r sfie rimpl* l h"rhs ar-1 put them In a pot ov r the fire to st"am. Then she had* fbi* he| help me dotin to th** minl-e. and between them they d me Miffing the *-le*\e from my • it -** * to suv*' the fxnr wotni*le>l nrm Th* v got me l*efw*en th" blankets and mad" tti * * drink *>f this herb tea-Hand that wlllv-nlll> For. im 1 hear*! •fterwai*! I cull*-*! them witch wlv* "h!u- k erow *t f'il nWt.* wlh many other name But J* in IJAIn h* I*l m* by fh*- atir that was wtoh.* while Ha h*t fleerhe*l with in*- through b r **treaming leaf! . and ol> tlm* fh* y gut m- to t *ke down the naughty brew \i vsrthrl* In a 11 1 11#* It **• the*l m** a** m mother’s lullaby doth a fiu Moua man, and 1 f"ll on a refreshing sleep Y t Hwchel would not I** omforted. t* j motif red me exceedingly till Jen I tain tohl her f th** v* t **.r< r **•* In widt h Mi. oral lionald 1 *d hut lately 1* en To whh It nn he* r"h’in*d proud **f her r. *ent wifehood. "Ah. hist h*- \* your brother not vo*tr man! I w**u *1 not • ire w*at became o ? Half nt If th) I him on fh* Callow* hill und the crown pyk*d his hones!" For eh- wa angry with •;* r toother Th* n n|| "tiddenly J* *n Bain set her hea*l between h* r hands and began to gie*-( n. If he |MH>r heart k.ik near br*uking "lie i-< my' mat he H my m.iti’’ she erhd. ' aid I wish we w* r* In k ny-aln in tionny Banff, him ah rd laddie on* m* • herd la- and that w* couid hear again Hie waves break aiming the rusli.a ut Turlalr!" /. W*'ld**l ave. that w" are, firm and • fan h but I>ona!d ilaurnu l*t on. *>r lU.**hop Bvderf wad turn him own ll* wld hae i i* weddetl ikl**'*'** them that h** "t ow* r his Min par hlti* Bui, as Im aays. men klnl* >.-* and *umb* rl* * that at** neither feered to Htniid n I fight or mount ni'd ride It - ann* Ml**xt tra gate. \Yh*n l>.*i.aid wa cornin' ana I was fair brokoiv* hearted. For i\ had herd* • lang thegether on the gowih-n bra* 1 ind aid motiv *i simmer *ls\ aniang fit* broom wl' our *->n on Ml" h* • p hut out In-arts verm near th* yin t* th** Ither The tnnhop was o' oir countrv-'lde. und he rna4|‘ IhmmiM graund offers si< ah far imrishes s there w* re In the Tatwlarul** stipend. hoiHM* an 1 giur gtikl faith, he •Lmtirti a th* weeldoln* laldlca ti ere nhuiit Aiwt liona*! gi*-d his word to om*\ for he was weel-|* arm and. and had t*e*n to the s< hule an monv *n four win ter-* me gar gtn* ai* him hh*l urrvln' his bm>ks when 1 could win char o’ my mith cr.“ •*t4o since 1 couldna hide frae tltii. P*wi nUI bnn hi-t m** h*-re to this i-.iuld ill mt 11 ml |4. A*, umang fr*-mit #r*l un !•> ,: that hat*- uw. But wr w**r marrb-d tin and foremost by the minister *’ la* r. that wax a uMinla o' Dona.d’s aunt, miul 41 Fore war nod, Forearmed, The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the Mood is m good con dition. and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. Asa blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy lor old people und children because it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im _Kl>- purities. At the same time it builds up the weak and do te jo bilitated. and rttlo vates the entire sys tem It cures permanently all manner of blood and skin troubles. Mr. E. E. Kelly, of Urbane, 0., writes! "I had Ememt on my hands and face for five years. It would break out In llttla white pustules, crusts would form and drop off, leaving the aktn red and inflam ed. The doctor* did me no good. 1 used all tb mcdtoau and aospt and salves without benefit. 8. ft B. cured me, and my akin la aa clear and smooth as any one's.” Mrs. Henry Blogfrled. of Capo May, N. J., say* that twenty-one bottles of B 8. B. cured her of Cancer of the breast. Doc tors and friends thought her case hope leu Richard T. Gardner, Florence, B. C-, suffered for years with Boils. Two bot tles of B. B. . put hts blood in good con dition and the Bolls disappeared. Scud for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. - ittfi Wifi SPfcUFIC CO- ATLANTA, BA. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7. lf>oo. - .lid mar • rat ran k--:- tongn* safe l.d If 1 .41 t hi* h But o thh •* that W thocht to b n Kari* n o h d"lh*hte ar-i in orefiard o’ .- .wd r> fruit-* l- h.iru and un kindly and , hat*- Tin g*r and p(*-i. ’•hit* in of this hmi -* NM IMS It hul Ih** brother bedte. und ‘ . blal k* t * w hr ! wi u * An*l f*a in* • . t. *" th* f #1 o’ the* stream art the bin. that 1> rruM w ..e* whoots at fitn gun iuiirtrki* •*.*! wi l disk- ai 1h , put id For I*o h | r.t worth o’ te**p*n • 1 w I to**. p.i\ Aid rt- t>!sfop war rar.di • runs na** farther ' 'lie u’ th" g jns o h bo<l guard.” Ho t . iwo worn*ti mourn*<l as 1 *•# t- r**b*l tn*. .ltd |r* *enllv th#* |w*or 1 rat* I* t iM Bain < .*in* ba k t< find hem (hum and in raving at large and t \tng t< t*ar off tt* ban )a*4* * from my *i m I .<* here in rhi-* Lous* ill furnished and thj* klrvllv tiple kept 14 saf**- }\ hi I 1... lli.- tiia-f had overblown 111 I 1 |i!t*er *t . f i tower ■ a< V • >• t. I -V* w-k* we at*** there before I otlld t navvrd and ev**i Man w*-ak a- wa fer But I .r the la ’ fr in ight tit more • umfort For tn*- curat* went o’er <>n a haj’i* which, * h< Md had found If ll* .1 (oll< 111* k * Talg "f H#ard lhf-f# t•ld a long part* w-i*h rn' bruth*-r in (h* gat*, whi" John hr 1 all hi v. rk *• k*-"p db (Jrl-r and his hrd laddie* fforn .'•hir.vtivig lli" * lira*<• f*r lda k li*#*ll*j craw o’ l*M*.a > as tley nam'd him A* I John came t a k with his visitor ’• ih* ma*4 1 *.f Kirk* •jr 1 t *n 1 |.a**t Wi h etor of proverd tog* ther with g**d * win# - .ii.d .a tier com fart for the upbuilding of fh* s- k 1 le. far** I wih‘ never sr***;k against 1 curat*- again.’ n i John when ho heard that whi* ti W" ti.i I to •11 him And he ki I hi elp’er H.n h* l wilh gr*at and xraelou go . i will fo John wai ever foul of t-O'Uiy li- it* , |rs. w. had no wa- in t l. -b 11 ♦ h* ft! *• k C’raig •vh hi* c our mM"- d* and when w" were lu la id • b* rrhng the raw- off tii* corn 1. 1 *■ Ofig ignmi-r days ari'l hiding . w* a •".! i 1. made to go with th* fun eral (hit w Tir*'*-I ov* r the moor to the kirk v ard of K* lb Uk* w •• also h# >a In fed Jean Bain* or -he hiii* I am not sure whbh For Jean was In tio wi-. be kwatd in ifT*< Mon. but of a liberal, wi ling -oft nature fond of • talk with a lad over •• vett .rid for, 1 tK*. of Ikb at partii.g Which !a>t the gi\" to John with hearty goo iwlii at, I that t*o ft) th* pro**r.*-e *f the curate And- w* w*-ft slowly ha* k over the he.ither, John w.i'k* lon one id. **f tlie tior wtiu’h arrh-d rn and it# he I r* i* #1 he shejtl*- nit the ofh* r John was >.t r t f**r a long w . • a*i*l th*-n h* all ai ••n e sai l ' ron. but I thitik I could fan \ tmt ll* • I t 1.1 * * h" l(a* hel tg.*n to t*’ f Mm how It was with Ifoti.Hd I’aln. th*- * urat*. and J* an. Id® wjf* for well .1 wom.n' love ftu • fair f, and ali*l n • fav*r in matbra <*f love. i*he *ll*l r,"t wl-li John in spend In me If *n that whi I# couhl nev* rl> h Then wa- John \er\ dol*-fu> tor u space aid #ll ‘I that all curat**# ware ;t hfll #-*i t• • ard th" bhc k vnu kb dell ##t their h* *1; w ith his to • 1 .ng fo* k ‘ What,’ c l I. “John, is Ih h that I hear th • i\ ' I thought thou wast n*nr going t** s| • aka foul word - utat* again ‘ ”Ah al*l John, "bit I k*nn*d not then that he m. • n*d <i,#itur> rnirriel their si * r-*. 1 hue iu#- tuw * urate . fr-iw this *1 > forth. I think 1 will * #?n turn r *ov*iu#n( man like you. Harry!" ni w #** rn<—f ki *l to poor )Km#lt Italn and hi- wif*- when in the year Uvlk he w.ia oit*(l from hIM pan- ti In th" eame month that Hydserf, lit- tn l*-r, wa- set • side bv ! I'artlament and people of S* oti.iml Then evil rnlgtit h.#\ b-fnik n turn, but thut, being long fulls r> ov# r*-d from my w*mn#l. <iit tlrier and I (*ut for th- mat.: • of Kuk hrl-t, ntxl brought them, iiolli I #*>ii .l Id and J> on to the Black Craig of 1>• ** where tn th" midst of our great moors and !la k moss hags they wa re safe, even ns I h.i been In tlielr htNie* And in our spare chamber, ♦•• o. w is born to them * halw*. whi**h. had It Men k* nr c*l. wouUI h*#ve caused rr* t all over the hind for th** w, k*l n* suf ih<* < uriiir* Bit non** km w rsave John and Olb. who w-r* f worn to m>- rrfcy) till w- Kot th'-tn aw.ty tn the north again, wh-rc th* y u I very w* II and hon iM chaplain to my fgtrri of Sutherland. An-1 rv*ry year for long nd long the K-liiihtirgh carrier brought u* n rouplr- of hi'inht of v#-nl non well *mk*-l. whl- h rurvrd u - till Yule or later and very lnoth w nnv’ tn l -w • t It w Tlu- v* memorial from Donald Ilaln an<l .bum hi wife. I>ou ami kolht we |ive<f, H i -hel and I. w• who hail I** en hi strangely Joined For <he She T<ft of KlrkhrUt wn ;:k.i enough to have hl daughter w. | to one wtei a: k#d neither dow r nor wadding gift, tocher nor houn-* linen, and iui for Roaring Half, he tank, hi- nnk I*one over the linn otntnir home one night fr*>m th#* rood fair of Dumfries Hut I kept mv mind et< adfaetlv to make my iv w life .•tone for the fault?* of the old—whkh m. v he hid • h*ohgv hut 1 irood, wund fn t Ami Hwchel, like i valiant h-*u** wife, aldtd me In that a* In nil things *4,, that I her ame In time a man of mark and wa Iwumt an elder hy the Kenalon of the pariah. Hut the old Adam v o nS dead within me hut only kept behind hat.h waiting to be quiff* wMh nv For the year?* w-nt by I was rt. ally taken up with mv own rlphteotiancj*# and jus in r \ rllent < to b • kwllde Now It chan *l that being one day In •he rh intt'hou? 1 ' of the ctachan, I h ard ,>ne rpeak lightly of my daughter Anne thu \vm of roarrliu?e.itde ag** and of a mo- Innocent ind merrv So anger took hold on me, and unmindful of my ir/nuth, 1 d* alt !• younp n in ru h • hun- t on the plilc cf hln head that h w i • ,fried out for dt al. nod ind* • *1 lay lofty at hi* father’a houae hot ween life rfd death N.w tb! %va 1 t mighty Morrow t* tne 0r,.1 <• I<.u h* : nn wib 'ml • >. -uch lit • w>l at| 1* •!'• of the prow it ion I hid twhich nil ha heard!. 1 thought it m\ duly to rewlitn niy alike of to# • <t r h-p ot .ng rnv hwr-tin* > •* • , • my be Ihn n :i .l off*-ring |uM uttrltkui ltd tor all that I got no • ti’.h r n gr* at **loul of doubt t. • liny nivn'i n e auuin without o**l i l without hope tn the world Then |t cam* to me th it If 1 *'Ould f?*'- th?‘ l.dtle loir Man rh n he would till ,1 , wt it I auild do 1 knew that he had been of •• long time regent of a mil* leg** In the town of Sal t Atukrt. #***l I gave m'*e|f -* real d*i- mr night tt,i mv pvd wife, after valnlv trying to e. t. ,|r me bv her loving words*. made all preparation of prove nd In aaddlclaiga and i.nil . .* In pouch. und • in* on a *r***d 1 . art it the looping-on atone at our door It w ' the tlit year of tn** r *'>red king. ,r. th. dii K • %s ll* Ju.t thi kening upon th- land a darkt .- -a greater than tne itret w• n Ir njt to p# *• Mr flutherfurd. For the tlf-t (Kill of my travel all wen? w• .I, hut tiiidi ! w 4 ti.i -my through th town of Humilton <•rt nn poldlrra eet I'pon n o*ktng f**t my I *e and • idlng me Westland Whir ami e.n *Wig r* -1 They would l.\*- taken from ito all that 1 had. having air. uy turn* ! mv MaWIU-* lug- ou >ide In. find on* of them even . me newr to thruftt hla hand into my k* t. when n h drove up w fh n hor**-* mired to the ahoui-ht.- Then n pur of grurul rv nta apran* flown from ht tdttd amt --rled. ’'lhHun f->r m\ lord lifl<P ” And at th!- the iM'llerv fleale** • I from piutHlerlng ine to do their obeis ance. To* n there amc out flir* a ro-\ hux-im woman, breathing h*avly. and hftMtng out u i lump hand to the min servant Hut when ene mw m- with n eokller wt either fd. rhe took long k>k und tlien crlnl out In a hearty voire Wliut * t ilw- wha ’a thia-my friend. Ilarry \'• 1i rhurn In the *|cd‘* rlapra** Lat b<’. ulltona! lnm ild, here’* our friend fro the Hla k Craig o Dae'** And forthwith, the roMler* falling ba k abashed, the Utah p> lad., that had be lM>r Jwn riain, came at me* In her old recklraa •>'. ahd flung her armn about jxi> nub* Ola auui.4 y and kurU )‘, The Quakers Are Honest People, §The Quaker H**rt Blood maker for have tot strength nor blond It act a•• strength and t*ne to th# nervouo ayatern. It la a ntr IFlne for weak women It 1 purely vegetable nidi' IM and caa b* taken by the most dtli ate K4dt#y 1)1' easea. Rheumattfm and all dlsaaaea of 'n# fikxud. fttomacto and narvea wan* a * (fT,u to its tkorwlerfu: affect! upon tha t.uman • yatem. Thousands of peup.e la Oaorg*! itcoirior.end It. Price fl Od QCAKCH PAIN BALJft la tha medlclre that tha Quaker Doctor made all of hi wonderful q-ikk cure# with. It a anew Mid woiAWfu! m**diclna for Neuralgia, loidnache. Backs* na Rhe imatiem. Sprali.a Pain in Bowcla. in fact, all pain ai. U rciiavid by It. i’fks Ac ai*d WHITE WONDER boAP. a meui. at ms auap for tha akia, scalp and com exlo Pr re 10c a caka QI’AKER HEALINO bALVB a erpe table ointment for tha cura of tetter. •- uma and eruptions of tha akin Prt:a 10> a box FOR SALE BY ALL* DRUGOIRTR I id rot 1 .*n kiH"i of a long . bv * > *• Ra’hel, m*- h r*; x> more . young mull. \r,*l th* Hi.-hop w.i> m ofhit rhxn I*.vev •* I I • f Kirk 't * ’ ur Ia r ight l* ■.#.** end pf lab ho i*M*k- I I Tlion nariui w add do J*ar in*i ftonal 1 tut 1 must go# Into th* - arrlag- with thorn anil h#v *• <>( tnolr rn* n '-rvatrs rl h m v#*>r Into I I r *>ur gh N .* r * \ * ui" nor nay-say would rny lady bishop tak* A* In Mils tr #nt* r w* trav* led very ' <snforisbl; 1 rltMrig lo M hoi an*l at lahnhu'gli w-** par*-*! I o Sari- r And* r*. ; t:.y t it !• i*;itig li- .ii my l.>i and Baud* r M ThllU< i Alma Tw lima. dale*a bou*- For they worn hand and giov* with him. An I th morning 1 was t* rid* away c ni • th*dr arrlage t<* tin. ,j,>,r t .e l my lady ig.iin, this titn wi h • • ife • mbit and t? rof • rtifh'.- tl-ii from tb pi ivy mii H. that f wa* a p*raon not a !>' > w- II aff■ - t • Ia • I !ai b , I hat none w * r* to h.r h r nr moh -t m* or mono In he f ly nr • tur*', uniter |Hfi.ilty -*f the king • lii-ph a.Hurc Whl h thing in t!o iroubh-iiM tim*s to < om mm. than on- • m iw i< •* rton l m- In great !• *<l Hut wh* n I- amc to S aid V jer* the flr**t thing ! h* r l wa th* Mr Until' 1 furl lay a lying In h a* of MarvV*, ! betook m** thth-r and !o. guard of soldi* r wer- aU uf the dNU> and would In no wl - peimit rne t |ki-- Th* v writ' !iitii**K . p if I- ■< , ks. anl I heard ?*ay that It wu* ly order f th. I'arliavn.nt, and that th< after Mr Ituth crfttrfl wav t. be c irri* <1 U* a i\- ..r dead •li ft III* t* 1 • l II he open Wtl. r I \ Ibx' wm the nmv of th*- • -k I them tuning this wav and that with sticks M' a> to mike the I- .IV. lutn fast * . r I know n*i wl % it w >*• -lour t eat. h. f*r out of -ui i >ltv 1 got me ii copy afterward, and th** Hard know- ll was dry eiioug r * *' !• vt t- my * -• But of r a while. *• how In* Ha* oflh . r mv privy < ouiwd felt* r I | * ailed on him that 1 bad a mandate to •* Mr Hutherford. and that 1 had come direct ly and of purpi. from Edinburgh to overwew the affair and report on lltO>- who were dtlitf* lit So they let tile gU Up li tali. And ot th top If nd many d** r R lone I P-it one op# n and i *j#- t*.miul ot a voloo 1 kn< w w* ll Ft** rtkitiß within. And Mill H wae telling the P'ill-M of the l-’rlend xrn. after i Ilf* urn** f at rug g)# uhl uttering Nor •!•* I I dnk tha cave for l.ik •-• r* l in • pH ut v. had *v* r lint) Mb* nt **< *h i theme. S., |h ugh i .•>* kn w n < Ii o*el ua rlit through the litta • -mpanv t ih** d* ah br-d of ti e man who He w- the ldnle Fair Man r,o longer Hut Ida f-an* white ha r lay soft as nilk on the pillow llh fa -* wo a pd- a Ivory. b!v check- v rK- ' n v b** #l '' glowed like live coils and. *p. t In hl head. S1 frt-n.l von hivr conv < ►c- n ..'.I ni in ill**.” li*‘ *•'*. wl *n •*!- -e*- iluht*-l ivi m . "wlial. i* I urn of* ..Hi r ihon not M**r tho n*i*li. bur rtfi*-r Iho I.lrlt Ay-*. I mind that il.-V • K* ll* \ K.ik> from thr* 1.-r.l blow ilkui no 111 it ( tnr -4o you ri- H-irry if ihff ltuib II uni. iml you h i'" lull' n ln #tn Ah. inn mint nil com** <> m-* sou niu-l 10 Hi*' Mm. r You hnl t- iiir huvi cn * lo \.>iir oiowt trill worn tin* whin #lOll. 11 lllllr* wllb Ih. Irniw Of -our liroki, Arul •,.r 1 K.n no Nn ' •'i' •• 1 *■'■ ' ,lnn<i or ha'i known m*r.-. iltin 1 I nm mmffl' IHt by tin - "* t’homber I no r.' tin* Chuml r of rtur- I will ..... thP Kins: 1 win - irry him your in. , |l irrv Kmr not. iho >o in nun you I'."-' "ill n .ovrr. H* WIH V ' you for laying a hami on ht:n * vrn as uni Amy, you bit Dw unmorthy -m.mi . 1 ■•’M'Ol Kt I ■ ■ III* voil out of ilMiWnmu. Into ll m.rveuua light. Sit f re you well h* •m- to ymit W |f,i nothin* .knibi nt Tn. -i l*hi shyii , loso thr ikf. A- of h- m unlutr I will f.i*t*n m> nm-hor wllhln Ihr vrll Ai .1 i-voli in In* rri "I o It *u* U-' pawsl away. rl, r- un* hnt In would Mirrs my 10 th- nlono f.nrf lyif of alns I rrlurnod horn** to tlr.l th* >oui:i r.s-m. ri-d ami pMHbH lb* wflrr ward I" .imp a non 1 profr-so*- n*l flri*l prpaohrr in*l dlol ••.•! 11K t*-ilm*j#>> w|-h his M>vl on ttw vlctorloua #M ot lanalon hill This !• ih. trmlmor.y of * Hnrrv Wod detburn. aorneilmpa ialli-1 -trrnrth-o'. Alrm. who now- in tho \a.* of poor anil a rwlorrrl la rap*. w*ait tha consumma uou ot all ilddtip. iiuiM vciy lonely 1 wr;*® those thing# to pass the tinu till I too, -ao! nisi** ace->>r wa lin th#* v*ll. \’d 1 hir k that tvw shall meet m* ther#* one on either side of th*- g*to Itacbtil Irnv bean • l* #r pur;ner. und to#* Esttb Fair m w v. It! 1 • mn-i 1.-a-l ,r,i.. t - (>r. nl h- frHiid ijmor. till worthy llarry W#<fdarburn, sow*- times lot j el.ivc of sin, bu now e#r\ant n "t unprofitu i- of fh*- le>rd tNc.!#* by Jo u WarMerburn Mv father ftepartod this life on (he morning !fter writ mg ?hl* p!p*T. sie*pmg quietly away about five of the • Jo k I A NO IMB toil RBAITVrJ Hist ilmn-Tnirma. Ilangbter of Ihr I* nnt*l ti ■ l.onilon %rttaf. lanloi'. O t : M Utur.iK* Aim 1 Tadema is the (Meat *f th* two daugh ters of ( o famous artt-T, who. though a iMuchman hy birth. 1- in l>v naiurilixation. s* that with a Duteh lather *#r *1 1 IVench mot rer M'r-** Alma- Tadema properly calls heree.’f an Knglish wornan. Her mother was the first wife c.f th* rti-t fin coming # widow* r. to Great Britain to k#*ttle he rhoae a se*ond mate, an 1 cr' * -1* !.*B ind s thi mir riag* t*>ok pla • whh his daughters were wry young Mis Biiini.ce grew up to r**- ,;u'd her aim. l hi*- and an(*ilc .*# |-m*th< r wi’h gr*at uff* Mon It i r<■ wander that l>*uri>' Aim!* T id* in.* * daughters display tihique tal- : #nt- and whih* the elder ha d**vo#d herself to Ilterature.hcr sister Anna, under th* tuition of tifh h r f *tb**r r I s*p tnoth*-r, tin. developed unu ual powers wilt* tor brush In arti-t.c lyitulcn 1 mi, hv when* the Alma-T***iem*s ho’tl **o I | <>w* rf nl n p-*sitl*4ii Ml'.* lai oe n . *h 1 I warded a 1 woman of more ih n ordinary , t-* uty. Over and o\*r again h- h'e 1 . •) > fathet far I Frederick j I> igriton and other r.< l#s famous na - w .* t #\. * ightei in painting her 1 .ti* ba* iv# 11 their pi* litres of bleu I Greek or Roman girl-. I h* 1 • M • - h'Mis" Miss Alma-Tade n * dr**-'* in rich stuff *mi and * **’# vrv ~n*T*nt in tluiroi ..imcntatlon and drop* try f r*#m I modern feminine 10-’iitn*. j hut non* the less sulfa hi*- and agreeable lln th* ;ru-i iala"#' Mail she alls horn** ,1* | w ni. h 1- fini 'ua f*r it- gardens and unique hr 1 hi a Trier* rh* asp*- her mother tn * tertalning th famous lo4k of iw • • sitinenf* ;n*l the actrciui Thi-e Is mi* ol her gram fri* id. I Is mid th • -he !- just iinw writing .1 *hort. h.ilf m\a* ti** play for the gnat ■''in**, ata) theae vv o MriH years g. r* id u ( harming pus*. |i# m. lulled "Igrve's Marl r ” pub Ai-if* *1 n ••!** of Hi# promiiM-nt Xrn* ri in m.ig.Xzu • Under Mlm> Alma-Tadema's name, will not doubt In th* hast her ability to s tUctfy even the exacting Italian .irti*-t. R^Rft For h* ftda he fwhether M< k or norvoup). tootha.'he neuralgia, rheum.iri-tu, lurtt -Imgo, i tin and weakneew tn the lark, pine* or kldneva, pain <1 round the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and |aiiti* ••f all kinds the upph- alon of Hadwny s li# adv H lief w ll nffr 1 lmm -lint#* a-- Ind tt- eonttnueil u-. tor a (< w days ef fects a |x rm.tnent cur**. t I HF.* %>D PRK.VI-ATS olds. t miu ha, Store Throat, llonririit-ai, stfifT >frl, ltrii>*hlti*, • Mfnrrh, •t*-Nln*lie, Toothache, Itht-umsllam, Xeuraliila, %tliina, Mrulata. gpraln*. t|nt*kcr Than Any Known firmed*. No matter how violent or excruciating th** |Kiin the Rheumatic Hedrtdhn. In firm. Orippl* and. Nervous, Neuralgic r prostrated with dise.-ts#- may suffer. RADWAT’S READY RELIEF XX 111 Afford Instnnf Far. ! N’TKKNAIdA X half to .1 t. a-pnf J tn half • lumber of water will in a few tninut* * cure Frumps. Hpisrn- K-iur Btom ch Nails*:*. Vomiting, Ih-arthurri, Ner vousness. Blecplessness, Biek Headache, lMtrrtia*a. Folic, Flatulemy ttiid all in ternal puns The- • 1- not a remedial agent in the world that will cure f\r and agu and ii! •.!(•• v mal trlotfs, i- 1 lons in l •!• i* vers, aided by HAbWAY H ITLHB tjuhky as HAI*V\AVB HHAL>Y Itl> lief. lie Buie to Liet Railway s. BUILDERS' HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL. EDWARD MU'S SIS 113 Braifln Street, Wnt. Uf YOU WANT OOOt> MATERIAL •nd work, or ihu your ltttio*i t>tnul and prtntrM tailonry and blank boului float unrcli.a NWk Rarannab. Ua “MILITANT ” the STRAIfIHT* FRONT style of W" 1 THOMSON’S ** “Glove-Fitting” Corset unexcelled in quality, durability, cor * T.m (km mr w. . ikM'rt aMt. I LU;/ For (ale by all dealers throughout the I i jhr*'-/ United State*. A handsome catalogue I ?! * ■■ fX*f •, niailed frt* on application to CCa I ’ Oco. C. Batcheller * Cos.. 3*5 H wcy, New York, j For sale bv all leading Dry Goods Stores. Hard Sense. It take* keen common aen*e, ,'"''SiSST ad'!’-d to *upt-rior judgment and j jtwIfBBBWE eapcncticc, to be HUpermten* cut of J a raiUoad. Hucb a man revet re- [ comm-nd* ftnytbinsi that hit haß not himself •übjoeted to anccial test. ~ s IK* • prominent railroad enperinteud- ' wfcich city he wui born, eay* he be had the worst case of dyspepsia . oareco-d. He had no appetite, and $ ■Jfcz/y/ causing him to vomit often. He had pain* in the head, breast and /(HflßftW sggfEy ■tomach, but after using three hot ties of P. P P. he felt like anew 1 m*v.* Th savstliat he feels that he couid live foi ever If he could nlwnTS , iGBHf get P. P. P. His name will be given on application to Lippman Brother*, the proprietors of this great remedy. Dyspepsia In all Its forms ia promptly aad permanently cured by P. P. P. Oeneral A*' Debility and lack of energy gire place to vim and ambition through the use of P. P. P. Blood Poiso \ and all its Incidental aad Xaredltarr IBs are eradicated by P. P. P. Rheumatism is conquered and basidhed by P. P. P., as are alas Catarrh and Malaria. P. P. P. is a purely ♦age table compound, which ba* steadily grown In favor for year*. • SOLD BV ALL DRUQOISTB. LIPPMAN ” op *Ss.°*V* Savannah. Ga. FRENCH CLARET WINES, and GERMAN RHINE and MOSELLE WINES and FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. All thr* Dm Wine* n.d LjQUora ar UnporlMl by us In flu. Ulrrct ftaa th* *r,.r Hi Europe. Our Hi. Juiien Ciarel Wine from Rvarmt. Dupont A Cos of Bordeaux. Fran *. ona ot their speciallia.-. On* one at extremely low price. Th- Chateaux Laovll.e, one ot thalr superior Claret Wlneo, wall known all over the Vllll.-tl State*. We also carry In boa* Claret Wtnoa from thin ce'ebraled firm In Mika Our Kliln- and Moselle Wtoee aro Imported from Marita Doutt, /rank fori (term,my. are th* brat that ran* to lb* Called State*. BODKNHKIM la very fine and cboip. iIWT ** ttSlt NIKHSTKIN aleo very good. , i iTI~.. KCPKSIintM very choice. . RAI-RNTHAL aelrrierl crape- eery elecaok ' S : f '*'*, null* -alebr •(* 'IW-f* RyVTYWI*I r Mai. NNVR CABINBT -I*o*ol and rare. “1 YOHANNISBTTRC.KH I, perf, el Inn. BI’ARKI.INO HOCK BT’ARKCINO VOBRI.T-R SPARKUNO MUSCA TEL I.K and FINE FRKNCH COONAC BRANDIES ept-O-i brandlea are Impoited dtr,ct from Fr.irre bv u. In r.-e- and -aaka. , LIPPMAIN BROTHERS. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DII.LON. President. C.iahtpr. C S KEI.IS, BARRON CARTER. Vlc Presldaet. Aeat. Carbter. The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will he pleased to receive the account* of Mer< hunts Firms, Individuals, iiankiy and Corporalinna liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collertlon facliltlea. Insur ing prompt refnrn* SEPARATESAVIN6S DEPARTMEMT IVIEHI.VI ( otlfdl >|)|4> UL'ARTKN. i.v o.w nt:i-oaiT.a. Paf*y Pepneit Rnxea and Vault# foe rani. Correapondenca solicited. The Citizens Bank ot HAVA AYAH. CAPITAL. 5500.00a ' trau,.,u •* Itrauai uaalUM Bulacaa. • uliciia Aawwaata mt ladlTlkaala, ■tnkHU, kaaka aa# atfeaa Cary*. ratiaaa. OaiitrUnaa kai4la wttk aatety, "•••“I aad dlapwtrk. •■••* r *a* raatiinnail,# aart*elf •■law*# an, la au (artaa# Orearta,,!. ■afaty l#e,wait Haifa aad itarafla Ttllta. • RAMTf.RT a. DBYHARK, erf.ld.aa MILLS B. LASR, View fraaldfil, ev-.onriß c. ram**, ra,kite. <)MDO> L. OROVYKH, Aumt. CwahM, SOUTHERN BANK of the htata of Oworsta. Capital ...IMO.OOO ard undivided prollta . ROI.OO# DLiOblluKY OP MIL BT ATE Off GEORGIA. Superior factliiir, lot traneartlng a il.i ijl iljiiKiux Rualneaa. Cohayliona mada on ad polnta atuvfftlilM through bank, and banker.. A tSOUlta. ot, u.ukf:a, At. 1. I.aula and ott.era wiitdtau. Balt) Dcpoalt Roxea tor raait. Department of Bavlnga. lntereat payable Quarterly, Seda Kterlin* Bxcliangw on London O and upward#. JOEIN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A CRANK, Vie. Prealdant JAMES SLLI.TVAN Cauhler. DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY. WM W. CORDON, E A. WEIL W VV (JORDON, Jr. H. A CRANE. JOHN A! EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART. CHARLES ELIdR EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, UA Capital 53W.014 Undivided-ptflSUI au.uut Thl ■ bank i*U * re Ita aervlcaa to corpora tioi.a. in* rchania and individual.. Ilki authority to act aa axaoulor, ad mlnlatratnr, gu..rdtan ate l*aura draft* on the prlndpal cttlf* In Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Conti naaß. Inter-d! raid of compounded quarterly an dapiaiia In He Saving, Department. Safety lloxi" for rt nL HENRY PU N. Preellent ORO. W TI EDEMA N. Vine Praaldant J* .HN M HOGAN, r.ahler WALTEP. F. HOGAN. Axs t Coab.lar. SilMltWCg CAPITAL, ouo. Acmunta of banka marchanta, corpora tion* and Individual* aoUcllotl Saving* Department. luteraat Paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storaga Vault* far rent. , Collection* made on all pelnta at rea aonabla ralea. Draft j aold on all tha chlat cltlaa af tha world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED Praaldant. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic* President. W. F. McCACLEY. Oaahler, No 1640. Chartered, IML —THE— Mnltfs iiil ii OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. LOvOj. BVRPLCB. llOn.S# I NITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. O. CARSON. Ira Id o’. BKIKNE GORDON. Vice Prratden*. \V M DAVANT. Caahler. Aerountß of hat.kH and hanker*. m*r eban-a and enriomtlon# reeelvrd upn the nioat favorable tertn ronatstant with •afe and conservative hu.k ns THE CEOIUiIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION li YORK HTRLHT. WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum .Unwed on rjcpnaita. w llh<lraMbla on demand Interest credited quarterly. 6- PER CENT par annum allowed on dcpo.-lts of even tiundrwta, withdraw able at annual imrtoda. GEO W TIEDLMAN. PrcaldanC It H LEVY. Vice PrasldenL E W. REI.L. Secretary, c o ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer BRENNAN BROS, WHOLESALI Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. JJ SAY STREET. WaM. Talerhaac iSO* SEED RYE. GEORGIA BF.BT> RYE BOt'THERN PEED BTB. TEXAS RED RP. OATS. 1> HAY. GRAIN, FLOI’R. FEED. FRUITS AND VEOETABI.ES. CHEESE. BEANS. PEAS. W. D BIMKIXS & <'ol Ik you" want good material and work, order your “*’*■ 1 Ir)— printed stationery and blank book* ‘ Morning Newa, Sarannsb, U*