The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 19, Image 19

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T he merchants will help. TMKIK AMIftTAKC* TO -1 „ ,Hl> * K *' OF KLK ’" CA "’ RIVAk „ rt |.c W'*' l **“• (t |ion failed tor ' Vr *> n eaday ••• 'Yh'*' h *wkw *•#■- *rr lavlted-Havew.#.. to * C '*F *•*• „„„ Maa 1 * Approval ■I r . I p Is Rraitlly Kilrudril. dO'l " F L,erall* 1 u |nml,t '* Isase# • *<- |r ,.,._l hr More I'eoplr, the Better \’, r „,,*nsah-Work tiee ItMdllr ,I*a ard. . 'fori tc make their Street Fatr , ,l ihr tdggest and moat auc 4-,lr of Its kind rvrr hrld In Sa ,,n effort which bda /air lt*lf )* ' , W( the Elks are aeeklng to e aid of the mcrchanta of Bavan * t way possible ,h * merchants are ". t ,mpt response to thla appeal for mallxlng that they oonserv, i inter' sts and advance thoee of lien they Join a movement de . promising to bring thouaanda , to Savannah. i e of this aontiment on the part £ , . merchants le found In special r .bllshed In the Morning News to ng a meeting of the Ketatl Mer t6l i Association at the De Boto Wed te evening at **o o'clock. In order meeting mu> be representative y of the merchants of she city. , regard to thetr membership In the jlon, ibs Executive Committee of ‘ . c t Fair and Carnival baa tasued , . dress to the merchatus. Inviting ,rrn eil to be present. Thla action la with the approval of President R. H ixvy of the association, who la hlm se.t la hearty sympathy with the raovs .'.4 The address Is as follows: ... the Merchants of tiavatinah: Tou ‘ 4J. unties* seen the announcemesft of ,% .lat.d Carnival and Birewt Fair, to y h.-el m thla city. Nov. S to IT. under (y „ . |.I es of the Benevolent and Pro i . inter of Elks The various at (r4 e features wilt exceed anything IV, roi lerrvpscd In this city. Any profit* res-,, ns will bo devoted entirely to char itst.i- purpose*. T lie |ir merit price of 104 nas |do red the former ami the .ntry merchant 1n a better financial norm <tv than ever before within the ls i Dirty years. The reduces! rates and attractions offered to visitors should bring i;re i rowd* to the city. If proper steps if tnketi to Induce them to come Tne b-ser Hie number, the greater the bene- S* to you. In order that no irton* Is left unturned to ihtlntse our friend* In n Igsrer.t terrl t*n you tire earnestly requested to at l.| meeting of the merchants at the fw Rom Hotel, on Wednesday, Oct. 10. at BSO p. m.. to discuss the best r.iii:- and mr'rusts to produce the de l*rl results. If you ore Interested In jwir own success and that of your city, t* i"-sent." The address ta signed by the member* of the Executive Commu ne sod In addition to being addressed di re ily lo e*< h of the merchants Inter- I* publtsbeo in the Morning New*. There Is no doubt about the fact that tie nmmlttees In charge of the rarloua ie irimenia of the carnival are (oing •heat their work with good will and the ir-\ mi; accomplishing results In dlreo i.s end from source* that heretofore have proven barren ground, when at .•ni|*r to till them were made by the pro moters of various enterprises of the like an ter. One thing that la helping ta the ii demanding that everything readied , for harlty anti that no member of the a**, anon profits tn any wav by the en terprise. There are no buildings to erect tor ihi use of the member* of the bulge aid .-very cent of the prolit* will be be Mowed upon those, so numerous In all Itlee Who need the kindly offices of the uooii Samaritan. -a- J t lill, MIHYHK KBAMJNATI4JA#. Siircreafol Candidate Who Passed In September. The annual examination by tha tlnlted Si.uj civil Service Commission for the 1...n0na of clerk* and carriers In tha i effli eln this city will be held In the H >mce building Nov. 2L No application si': |. accepted for this examination un tiled In complete form with the hoard . > e Postofllce t*fore the hour of ctoa .tig business on Oct. 23 Ti n examination Is open to all cltlxena il the United Btates who may deslra to tn <t the service, and who comply with l rfouirement*. All such persons are SrvPed tn ap|>ly. and appltcanta will be tt.iiilned. graded, and certified with en t Impartiality, and wliolly without re tat.j to Bity consideration save their abll 1' , shown by the gratis they attain In tt exam nation, but from those certified t." department usually select* for so ft nient etigih es who are resident* of Hit llstrlct In which the vacancies exist. For tuil instructions and Information itl i to the duties end saalorles of the a rti t positions, and the location of !.'• > lamination room, application can be i Mr Harry G. K.iwla. secretary ' * board of examiners, at the Post ed 1 .. e i retery Bawl* ha* received from '’■•l rii't.-n the results of the ejvedal ex *■ ' tilon for clerks, which was held her* 6*l 18. the fifteen applicants for the position °f • *rk, nine passed, as follows: lu!s uer, t'larerulon Bang*. William J -1 • ~ William Mela, Coolldge, F.dwln I U. Cab*. William B. Adame. Charles B. IF ct, Joseph J. .'.00.1 win and Carl K. There were also live applicants Ft the position of carrier, but none of •hem passed. Na returns have been received yet from '*• .tiers submitted from the seml-an t tal examination which wa* held Oct. t At M a* examination Iher* were fourteen fdid*teg. many of them residents of a tnd Bouth Carolina, as well as " > , Kiv* of the candidates, on# a h : were examined for places a* lype * 're. three as messengers, two for t* l " men. two skilled laborer*, on* prlnt t st and taw. weigher. MIW 4 ITV I’HVBICIAJI. r ‘ • 1., Osh.xrne Appointed to Sne ered Hr. M. 11. Lexl. It F 1,. Osborne was appxlnied yea l,,|:lv by Mayor Myers lo fill Ihe place by physician temporarily made vacant " r-eigiiauon of Ur. M. H. The **"• r lefi the city recently lo take it "f nvllclnc at the North without ' g any'permanent arrangement a* to - riargt of his duties here, hut seem ' >'t i ave decided later to send In hi* ’m at ton | t will be necessury to order ' • •i.-m by Council to (111 the varan, y 1 r 1 ’'lairne la a brother Of Stdldtor tSeu ■ borne, and a sou of Mr. J II H . retary of the hoard of tax as lie grailuated in medlcme at one ( Ihsltlmor* college* and located in “ tm th sonie month* since. <‘U.HAC* MKTt IIXHU HOUR. Ar, ‘ 1 rßf|Qp N || nß 11,,, Link* find llna Tlifir llnnl In. r ,. cc4nct urn b**tnnt?ir to ' to city th* club link# ar# b*- ■* n an *n air of Ilf# onr# * 1 nlui h*v put In gomi much (o thn pl#aur of th# T o* int#r<Nit tn th# gam# app#rt • m% #v#r and all tb* Indlco t mt o • Muon of groi por|. OVER OKI THOI v% \ D PHO\K. (irorgla T. A T. € •. Ilmna n (*tn of lift IVr Out Mac# tlr. Th* tlfoifU TVlephono und T#l#graph Compfiny ha Ju*t iPued a n tvr lift of *uhcrih*ni nbich phowp that tht n\tnl)#r has lift p*r t #nt. nine* the rtrt look nP iP*ued lust Ml) It Ip • record of which th**y ompany is jupiiy proud. op can be seen by a reference to Its ad vertisement on the tenth p*tge of to-dny's Morning Nws. The Increape in the number of new sub scribers. fnid Manager I’oik last ntght, l equally divided betneen the busli.eea and reeldrnl portion* of the city, though the resident auctions have been rather ahenu Plnce the <omi'liton of the pouthern ex leneionp along Aler< orn and Barnard •tree's. 81fi** the company commencer bupi nepp 4t has bren forc*-d to make urn ad dition to |tv pwitchhofird. and the oullcnrk Is that .mother and even larger addition will have tn !♦ made within fhe near fu ture Ix-pite the number of 'phono that have already been put tn the company hae ptlll contracts for 150 or more tnatru* menu and the order* that come in daily keep the Mat up to thip mark, though be tween eight and ten ‘phone* are put tn each day Some of the underground cables have al ready been completely need up and oth er will have to be provided to a** ommo date tha new 'phone* Thi* oddtttonal cable had be*n ordered and will be drawn in aa oon at It arrives. The company W abo bulkling a line be tween Havann.ih ami M )drlm in order *o eet h direct connection with Bt.tfptioro and the other towns along the and Stateyilioro road. This connection ie now being ma<lw via the line of the **ea board Air Idne. but hap grown too latge o be handl'd In conne Mon with tie ; other bualnepp of that line, hen a the new conneotlon. Thla work will be fln- Iphod, |t in thought, on Tuesday, and will be put In use Immediately. NADU MOTHK'H (iRNMIAU I'ormrr Mother anperlor ef at. Kranrlf Head of thr Order. Bister Antonia, the former local su per tores* at tho 8t Francis colored or phanage In .Savannah, hn* been elected mother general of the entire order through* out the world, with headquarters at Rome. Tha oflUchtl name of tho ord*r la the Sta ter* of the Third Order of Bt. Franda, the work to which the membership Is de voted being teo<#ting and the care of or phan*. Bister Antonia came here About three year* ago when the Savannah orphanage wit* established and took charge of the work, remaining about e year and a half Her time t!ng entirely drvoied to her work, she did not become generally known here even In Tat hollo circles. Bhe area an Englishwoman and obowed no repug nance to mingling with the nwgro popu lation with whom shf wa* thrown by her work. Rl*hop Kelley, however, aprake of her ae a kidv of refinement and poosees- Inif high intellectual attainments From fUvannah Bister Anronla was fnanaferred to the house of the order at Cairo, Egypt. Bhe afterwards went to Rome, where he atttended a oeeaton of the general chapter of the order ami w.a leted elected mother general The n*w mother general will visit this country shortly for the purpose of looking after the work of the order and .will very prob ably visit Bavannah The order has not teen long etahll*ned In the I'nlted States end at present has only a comparatively small number of houses. iNJt'Nt Tio* was hki - i tr.n. Jn.tge leshrsek Tried and Devtded g Fane for Jndge Fnl I Ignn t. Judge fteabrook, of Ihe Atlantic Cir cuit, henrit n caan for Judge Falllgant tn the Superior Court yssttwday, while the latter was engaged In another hearing It wag upon tha appllcatkin of J. O. Hrown for an Injunction restraining tha Kilts-Young Company from further pro ceding to forclost# a mortgage on cer tain of tha plaintiff* land In Bulloch county. The mortgage wn* for 8.1,50(1. which ihe plaintiff a- the Injunction rase contended whs nor ,hie Judge fteabrook tUsagreed, however, wtth this contention, and it ft ex nearing evidence and argument*, refused the temporary Injunction and dissolved the restraining or.ter prevloxailv granted The pxntfftlß was represented by Mr. II B Strange and the defendhnt by Mr. 8. U. Adams *OT I I’ TO tm iKK ATIOJU, Knight** Phorraaey Company *oea Oat Deelaratlftn In tttarhmrst. Knight'* Pharmacy Company filed a da elsnatlon In attachment against Retnha Bros. & Salmon In the Superior 4>>urt yes terday. It Is based upon a claim for dam age* for 1600 for breach of contract, the attachment having been sworn out and levied by service of summons of garnish ment upon the Cltlxena Bank some time since. The defendants In the case are manu facturers of hardwood furnishings and fix ture*. In tha city of Baltimore, and ha 1 a contract with the plaintiff to fit out the drug store at the corner ,rf Drayton and Oglethorpe avenue. The damages are claimed for Ihe alleged f.itiur>- of the de fendant* to carry out thetr contract, It being contended that the fixtures actually placed In position fell far short of those conttacted for and that they are not In accordance with Ihe specUlcatlona. ATTACKED 11ITH A KYIt'E. Charles Daniel*. Colored, Arrested for Attempt to kardrr. Charles Daniels, colored, wa* arretded about 1 o'clock this morning by Patrol man Joiner of the Ocean Steamship Com pany's force, at the request of Kate Thomas, also colored, who charge* him with assault let* hud attacked the woman with a knife and given her a number of alight cuts be fore she could escape. None of the wounds I* serious. nnTKt TIVE GAHHim PHOMOTBD. Sneered* Jo*. Mogolre as Snperin tendont of Scavenger Department. Detective John J. Garrlty mas yester day appoints! superintendent of the scav enger detiaitment to auoceed James Mo gufre Mr. GarilG- Immediately tendered Ids ie!giiatlon to ftuperltilrodent ftcreven to take effect at once He will osaumv Ins nrw duties to-day. Rons BoDfwent of its „ isras-r i-rSI 'OTHERS mW ' (that marv!lou l.otment) U relieving aad \\ \ V* ' all the atraintd tendons and mu.vles^*^ at the diatandsd organs. h * r ® I* n ‘ tb ',. lh , U.iem.-. -V- I6xh*<l 1 abta —Wdu-tbu i wia< ssotstM l - I v:x r-r *■“ ' THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1900. THEY MEET IN NOVEMBER. IOMKITKH OF til OlttiM DIVISION 1. D. C. # (UU KNM IIF.ItF BOV. T Hate llae Been Flnnlly fleclded !>eti, After orreepoadenea aad With the Intentfoa of Meeting the rnv rn lesce of All Concerned. ( barter 4 liaptrr, of Savannah, Be ginning Active Work for thr bar er of theC onventloa—4 nmmltteee Natnnl to book After Details and Arrange Plane of 15atrrtatameat. ottfrdrrate Orgnnlptiona to As sist. It h.i finally been derided, after Umg discussion, that the annual contention of the <*orgta Division, I'nlted Daughters of the Confederacy, be held In Buvanngh* Nov. 7, fi and 9 The pla<*e was selected at the last convention, and the eaact time wap the only question not deckled. The .-electton of the date of tha conven tion wun designed to subserve a double purpose, tha convenience of the members of tha confederation from other |iarta of tha state and that of the Cbnrter Chapter of Bav.tnnah. whore members ere to be hophase* during the convention. The de cision was brought about by correspond ence between Mrs. Halle Alexander Rounsavlile. president of the Georgia Di vision. and Mrs. Margaret Branch Seaton, president of the Charter Chapter. lauM year's convention of the division was hr Id at Athens, and 8 ivannah s.u chosen as the plat e of tn*etlng ibis year, Mrs Hextoti extending a graceful Invita tion on behalf of her chap cr and the city, that met with acceptance, equal y graceful, from the convention. The opirlt and the manner in which the Invitation was a< reptrd assured the delegatee frx>m Savannah that their fellow in*-mbers an ticipated more than ordinary pleasure and en)oymem from their visit here and the determination was then made that this an ticl|xttion nitouirl find l>ountifiii fuMlmont. This determination the members of the chapter, under tha direction of Mrs Sex ton and of Mrs little Wirt Dupont, eec ictary of the chapter, arc preprlng io carry out. The plane of holding th** *e#. siom* of the convention has not yet be-An chosen and the selection of the hall will probably be delayed until the local com rn tit cr* have teen placed In possesion of some reasonably accurate estimate of tha number of delegates and others who will be present. In th meantime, however, a number of • ■ommlltees have been sppniniert anA will boirtn active work at one*. are follow— Executive Committee—Mrs. Merraret I Branch Mrxion. '.Mr- Marie F., Br.ineh. Mr* leltlfl \<lrt Dupont. Mr* Bueanna C. Bryati n<l Mts Bally i. ft-reven, the j officer* of the chapter, will* Ihe chair -1 man of the several auh-oommltleea. Hojne Commute*—Mis* Abble Orme, 'chairman; Mm W P. (Miirtn, Mi* I* uioodworth. Miss Georgia Freeman. Mir. C'athenn* Mclntxre, Mia* Ktxllock. *311.. Mini*, Mies Braiiley. Mis* Axson, Mr*. Davie. Mis* Hattt* Baueay. Transportation f'cmmlitee —Mra. C. Abrahams, chairman; Mis# G Dillon. Mrw. J *i BoKxmons. Mlaa iel Thomas. Mra ('roeland, Mrs. L. H. Raines, Mies E. Clarke Entertainment Committee— Mrs, Marx*- ret Branch Bexton, chairman. Mr*. A. B Hull. Mr* H A Fran., Mr*. H. C. Cun nlnaham. Mr*. Barron Carter. Mrw. J Wilder. Mrs. Thonme Wayne, Mrs C. C. Bchley, Miss Barrow. Mrs. W. B. Blephcns, Mrs. H. M Branch. Mrs. W. R. leakrn Mr. J H. Estlll, Mr# Krl Myers. Mrs. Hsjmanl r>.mere end Miss Wither*. rommitle. of t' -Mlse Rebecca Du pont, chairman; Ml** Marl. Drse.e, Ml** Phoebe Elliott. Mis* Meta Thomas, MU* Una lluxt. Mis* K. V McLswi, Mis* K. H Me Law*. Mirs Latham, Ml** Vaughn, Miss L. Dupont, Ml.s Aiidu- Barnard. Mlsa Anna Harmon. Miss H Ctwrlton. Ml** K. Milller. Miss Annie Bell. Mis* Mor gan. Mis* Nonn Bau**y. Mis* J Ander son. Mis* Nichols, Miss Rena Falllgant, Miss Lillian Fleetwood. Mlsa Lula Itnvla, Mias Georgia Freeman and Mt*s Husl. Austin. R.iilk* Committee—Mrs M Wolff chair man; Mrs. W. D Krcnson, Miss Hradley, Miss Martarct Bell. Mts* Cslna, Ml** FID- ChapraU, Mi' Mary Hell, Mlsa L. Harmon, Mias Axaon, Mis* t’lnrk. Mlsa R L. Pur*#, Mias Vaugh. Miss murievant. 140 oration Commit!*# Mrs. C W An* tin, chairman; Mrs. K. F. Lovell* Mrs. T It Chisholm. Mr*. F. Demcre. Mr* H. I). Wood. Mrs M A Drecsc. Mra H. C. Harden. Mbs Viola Kennedy. Mr*. P Hul llvnn. Mr*. M*rmet*teln. Mra C. H. Rrmshart. Mra. Ihin. y, Mra. Pir.iion. Mra H. C. Hall end Mr*. A tt Nlchol* Musi.- Committee Mrs Wlckenburg, Mis little Dupont, Mr* Raphael K-t’a* The function, of the committee* may he un.lcratood from their titles. t>l prtm- lm pot ranee among them Is the work of the Home (Mmtnltteo. whlrh wl I look after the entertainment of delegatee ami other g tiesis during their aiy In tiavannah. Delegate* ami gueata will be receive! In to ihe honuw of the mnnleri of the chapter ttttd It will be within Ihe attrclal province of thla committee to aee that all are lookexi after In thla manner. The En tertainment Committee will look after the programme for the convention and ar ruirg. th<- various gatherings which arc designed to glv. pleasure to tha guest* of the chapter end h* city. It is the special wih of the president of the chapter, expressed In a leau-r to ihe secretary. Mi Dupont, that every member be In Ihe city while the conven tion la In prngre**. and tend loyal assist ance in miking Ite vnriou* feature* su. - ci-saful from every *tandj4olnt There Ie every Indication lhat this will be the case. The Confederate Veteran* - Asaoclstlcn ha* already extend*! to Ihe Daughter* an offer of any assistance its meml>ers con render .hiring the convention, and It tn prohwble Ihe other allied Fonfed , hit* orgwnlxatlon* in the dty will take similar action ae soon a* they hold meet ings. A t oat Thief Landed. Ed Muck, a notorious negro thief, wa* arrested yesterday by Detrcllve J. J. Murphy on the charge of the theft las* Saturday of a coat belonging to the Janitor of the Court House. When the negro saw the officer coming for him he made a dash for It, hut wa* dun down by Mur phy before he had gone a great distance. King - # Daughter# tn Meet. The regular monthly m.etlng of the King * Delight' rs Fnlon will he held to morrow afternoon at t;3O o'clock at the Sunday Bchool room of the Independent Piestyterl n Church. A full attendance I of the member* H dcalr-d. Ready Hade Clothes That fit all forms. “What a great change in the make of Ready-made Clothes." This remark was made yesterday by a man who had just been fitted in one of our new Fall Suits. “Why," said he, “this is the first time 1 ever put on a Ready-made Suit that did not have to be altered, and I have tried to be fitted in many stores.” The build of this man was entirely out of propor tion, and ordinarily could not be fitted in Ready made Clothes. You will not be surprised at us fitting him so well when we tell you that our stock is made in the fol lowing shapes: Regulars, naturals, longs, leans, shorts, slims, stouts, fats, extra long, extra stouts, long fats, short fats, extra shorts and corpulents. The styles of our Suits, Overcoats and Trousers are made in the following ways. COAT. —Broad, square shoulder, in short, medium and ordinary length skirts to suit any and all purchasers; loose-fitting backs, tight-fitting backs, military backs and bell-shaped skirts, raglan shoulder, the newest fad; 3-butt*n or 4-button S. B. sack; 3-button D. B. sacks. Single stitched, double-stitched and hand-slotted edges; lap Reams, cord seams and plain seams. VEST -Wwltoo no collar, D. B vrrt 4-btifton lap#! D. B voot. 6-button no collar A D ml; 6-button, collar. P B vest. Tftorßßßß -lUfTrront ahjipo*. wldomodium, narrow OVBRTOATH.-6 U Box Ovorroats, 8 B B#ml-Boa Ovsreoitl, 8. B Oovart Overcoats. ftniEiana, Darby and Rain Overcoats. Tim irreat Box cWorcoat, tha naweet in Overcoats hs* a 46-ltw.h ah let, loos# fitting, broad, square shoulders. with Havllork porkM* The 1s worn by tha best drersera An exm|>nt garment to wear over a *lre suit Overroats ran** in length from 36 to 46 Inches. To make Ready-made Clothes of this sort root extra time and money hut the result pays Notwithstanding this, our prices arano higher than you would pay for tha ordinary kind. • Suits or Overcoats from $7.50 to $25. One ~)nsi ttv Plain .BT f W J Mtt N 3 p; |ftAg — SAVANNAH— *0 LOCAL Mr Dan Peiwrd of Atlanta I* registered at th De Boto. Mr J B Allen of Atlanta t* registered at tha De Soto. • Mr. N. J. Gillespie arrived oei tha City of Augusta last night from New York. Mr J H Eniellman arrived from New York last nlghi on the City of Augusta. Mr. F. C. Bowyer of Tampa waa among tha arrivals at the De Sotu yaelar day. Mrs. Julius Stark and children ware pa.'engert on the Ftt'y of Augusta las! night. Mr. YV, B. Orear was a passenger on th City of Augusta from New York last night. Col G. B. Whatley has bean confined •o his bom* the past week wtlh malarial fever, Mra Fnber and Mr* D Heeht arrived from Ni'ir Y'ork lasi nlghi on the City of Augusta. O. D. Jordan left yesterday for Au gueta. to enter the Augusta tfnlverWty of Medlclpe Mra I. M. hTank arid Mls V Frank arrived from New’ York last ntght on the City of Augusta. Mr. D. R. Thomas was a passenger on the City of Augusta, which saMwl from New York last night, Mr YV. J Ktl|>p and Mta* E Frlpp were passenger* on the < Uy of Augusta from New York last night. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Puder and Master Puder were pa-eengers on tha City of Augusts from New York lust night. Bishop Kelley will conduct the servlet* at Bt Benrsilct'a Church at 10 JO o'clock thla morning This will he the Riahop's first episcopal visit to the colored Cath olic Church. Mr Joseph E. Harty. whose very seri ous Illness Is causing much concern lo hla friend*, wok reported laat nigh, by hi* physicians to hive ahoevn some Im provement, but hla condition I# *UII pre carious. Mr. Arthur W (tolomon of the E * W. Laundry Company, hae returned from a six week*' mm of Inspection of ih~ principal laun.trle* of the most important town* of Ihe Eastern. Northern and Western mates Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Slappey. Mr an I Mra. W. C. Perkins, and Ml** Josle Ylav Perkin* of Hagan. Mrs T YV llarrlwl k of Ban<ler*vllle. nd Mr. YY' It. YVallacir of Cordele. made up a pleasant parly *1 Kb Id * Minstrel* Tuesday night. lir. Hetman W Hesse 1 In the city, having stayed over a few day# en route fion, Philadelphia lo Atlanta, where he goes to-morrow to be examined by the Sint. Medical Board lie will then go lo Hcranton, Pn . whete he h accepted the poettlon of resident physician In the Most* Taylor Hospital.* * CITY III! FV I I IL*. A meeting of Circle No. 7. King's Daughter*, win be held Tuesday afternoon at IP o'clock at the residence of Mrs Robert Gibbs. Abercorn and Second slreita. Matters of special interest lo the circle will be considered. A lady of well-known charitable dispo sition Investigated the i mvittlon and sur roundings of Mrs. Ann e Burn* of No. 232 Twelfth Street, east, yesterday, and found the woman worthy and In nel of ihe ne cessities of Ilf*. Any on# desirous of ant ing Ihe unfortunate woman can obtain In formation of her from No. 11 Tenth street, east. Hamlin Deellaea. Home. Oa , Oct. 8 —Joseph J. Hamlin, who Ie the postmaster M Rome. an.l sno was for Congress by Ihe Republican |rt>. ha* written a letter whl •> will be published todhorrow, de clining Ihe nomtinvfton, lie eaya circum stances he caoiKtt control, compel him to iio this. RHOUKI.VY THR H ItfMffi. Took the Game ITorn Philadelphia on a Score of H to U. Philadelphia, Oct. -Brooklyn defeated Philadelphia by better Raiding. Both pitch er* were effective, but McGlnfilty wae the steadier at critical stages Attendance 8,- 503. Score: fI.M.E. Brooklyn 0381888 ft 8-A 17 i> Philadelphia .0 ft ft I 0 ft X 0 2—B 18 3 Batteries Mi-Glnnlty and Farrell, Fra ser ard McFarland Pittsburg, ;l| at. Leal,. 4. IT't-hurg. Oct 8-Pittsburg'* flcld day yesleiday evidently unfitted the player* for hasebsll. Fourteen mm were tried, hut they could not save the day. Attend ance *,2no Bor#: RH K. Pittsburg 0 1 ft 0 2 0 0 0 ft—3 ft 7 S' lul* ft t 2 ft 0 t ft 0 \-8 8 1 Batteries—Leever and Zimmer; Powell and Crlgar. fulled on Account of Hutu. Fhli-xgn. Oct * The nnclnnutl-Fhtcugo game was called In the lasi half of the second Inning on account of rain Each team scored one run In the first Inning Halierle*. Fmdnnail, Newton am! K ho*. Fhlcago, Menefee and lionahuc. Um pire O'Day New York. 4| Boston I. New York. Oct. ft.— In a pitchers' but tle Iha New Yorks beat the Boetm* ariln Hits afternoon. Attendance l.¥n c. .rre R |( L Hmton 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 ] i 5 * Now York ~.0 20061 1 *-4 44 flatt*r!**-4Nlchols and BulHvan, M*rr*r and Grady. WILL gPi:K FOB F.tIONT. Her Representative In the Fomina <4ra lories If onlrst. Emory College. Oxford,, Oa . Oct 8 - The contest for the mesial offered lo the members of the Georgia BtHe Oral'-rntl V • ’ r II ■ ft',| will occur In Atlanta at the Granvel on the morning of Nov 2 and Kmory will he well repreeented on that o-casion by Mr telmuiid Funning (Yasntit of Atlanta who I* one of the best speaker* and moal pol ished witter# that Emory ha* ever pro duced. l-xet year Mr YY r oodwaid made a splendid Impression amt waa awarded sc caul place, but In the rontef to take place next month Emory la ronftdeni ot win ning the meda! and u-lth good reason. Besides telng a ffuetil ami graceful speak er, Mr. R.isnett Is a clear and Inf ctl thinker atMl po#sc*4xs tn an eminent de gree Ihe happv faculty of expressing hi# thought* In a fotrlhle and convincing m in ner He has devoted quit* a large amount of time to Ihe preiwratlnn of hi* siwech, Ihe tlile of which I* "The March of 18-1- nice." ami has succitslrd In producing an oratYrn which lo an unusual extent ctm blos-s eound logic ft tal true literary metU 1.V14M LL FOR HAVIIK. He Will tsnoaarr Hl* faadldury In llrunsvsli-k Tss-duy. Brunswick. (Is., Oct. 8— N Emanuel, president of the Good Government Club, ex-repreaentatlv* from Glynn, and a big lumber exporter, will announce hla can <ildaey for Mayor to-morrow, Thla action I* caused by requests from ths- Good Gov ernment Flub supporter*, which under I’maiden I Ernanu*-!. bar tas-ome the domi nant power In local and county iotitic*. The candidacy will mct aao with the •trotigest su|4port from Brunswick * b>jel ii, s* and eo, laJ rkmtm. and there wt:i probably t>e no opposition from any quar ter the maescs of the i-ils have iihoundant conlldatwe tn Mr Emanuel's ability to administer Hninewt k e execu tive affairs, and they Dove uniimitad faith ta lila lniegrlly as a cluaen. BOYS’ CLOTHING A HOBBY AND IN NO OTHER STORK. HERE OR NEW YORK ARK THERE MORE STYLES OF BEAUTI FUL UTILE SI ITS FOR ROYS OF :t TO 12. THE BODY PART IS A VERY DEC IDED KLOESE, WITH SAILOR COLLAR AND EAC H SORT IS TRIMMED IN SOME DAINTY FASHION. MOTHERS CAN AP PR EC I ATE Til E ( A R EFULN ESS OK IT A LL. THEN THERE ARE REGULATION SAILOR SKITS, WITH LANYARD AND WHISTLE AND EVEN TIIECiUADE STRIPE ON ARM. MIDSHIP MAN EASY—OCR PET. DOL'BLE--BREASTED SUITS ARE AS CAREFUL LY LOOKED AFTER, ALSO FINE LINE OF Boys' Fancy Vests, SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED, SIZES 8 YEARS AND UP. Men's Derfeys $3. H ALE OK OCR DERBY BUSINESS IS IN THESE $3.00 HATS-THE OTHER HALE IS $1.50, S2OO, $2.50, $3.50 AND SI.OO. THATOI (HIT TO MAKE OCR $3.00 DERBYS THE BEST MONEY'S WORTH WE HAVE. IT I h>Ks M< >R E•IT MAK ES THEM THE BEST $3.00 DER BYS ANYBODY HAS. ASK TO SEE THE HAWES $3.00 HAT, ALPINES AND DERBYS. GVnRONft WILL BE THERF. 4 ardlual lies fonisenfeit to Deiltewte the Uacrext Heart t'burrb. Augusta, Ga . Oct ft—Cardinal Gthbonm has consented to dedtt-ata the new Barred Heart Catholic Church tn this city on Iter. 8 Thla Is one of tha handsomest churches In the state and wa* drawn from seine plan* as the Catholic Church that was ileettoyrd In the Galveston worm Thirty-four divorce case# have been fll- Oleil for the October term of court. All of Augusta's cotton mills will be at work again next week The King mill he# already resumed, the Augusta fac tory will start on Tuesday and the Blbley on Wedneeday morning. Augusta's cotton receipt* for the new year, beginning Bcpl 1, reaches **.79 bale* This I* ll.Wft bales more than al thla dale last year, and 4 <l*> more than 4tie record, Augusta's receipt* In 1387-M were S7*.fift7 bale*, but the cotton men are predicting over pin /rtl thla year. They think It I* a abort crop, but believe the price# paid In Augusta will bring cotton h#r#. CHAINED I P A TR AIN. Sheriff He lit II I sill the Road Patil a Jwitgemea-, Folumhlo. B F,. Oct ft—Three r ears ago R. R. Milam of Clinton was awarded I42>> damage* against the Bouthern Hallway for Injurte* to a car load of horse* The railway would not pay, and today the sheriff of Newberry seised a train aa ft Slopped al the station. He chained the engine to the track and held It there for four hour*. The money waa paid. niesey oat—gone. jj^B X AND WHO MAKES THE MONEY? > H : THEN YOU SHOULD H Hi I Ire 1441 Ihe wood stove anil ? Kj, rejjfeffi i GAS RANGE, lift j) The cheapest cooker to the f vj world Heals for gt a tnoalh fj GAS LIGHT COMPANY, l<| 7 ard ♦ < Yingrsss street, wwt I. Y WANT Mi RAII4IO4DH4TRA (oath I mrnllnlnni Will Ralrr • Vl*- arnua f*rnt **t. Columbia. H C . Oct A body of South Carolinian* *lll Invade Ueorgta negt weak, ftepreaenlatlv* Imalafai man of tho atata and th* adjutant general are going to ren te*! In th* I’aaaenger Ae-o. tattoo again** the ratatng of rata* lo tho elate fair, which begin* horn the laa( Tueaday of October. l.aaf year about l.aon people vlallM tha fair and lh* liarveat by the road* waa rich The rat**. n*v*r very low, have b**ra rataed and th* manarmrnl of tho fair, th* city of Columbia, lh* military, tha Otilrlealon *x|io*ltlon ntnMitl and r|tla*n* |t*n*rally or* klcklna hl*h Th* autrraa of lh* propoaed military f*atur*a I* endangered, whll* "Charleeton Day." to advert!** th* eapotdtlon and to which C'harleaton propo**d needing 1,800 people, I* threatened. Th* lommltt** will attempt to ahow tha railroad people where a ipuaan that laya golden ***► may be ktllled. >la|r K. I . He I me* Dead. Alba t# (la., Oct Me), r. O. Helm*• died *1 th* home of hi* daughter, Mr* T M Smith, In thl* city, at t o'clock to night. afler a month'* illneaa He eat S3 year* of age, a gallant Confederal* eol dler, and a preeminent M*on. H# had been a r*ld*nt of I toughen y county for more than fifty year*, and hl death waa greatly deplored Mr. M 1* Helm** ad Mheldnan la a brother of th* .leoaaaaA Made a W orld’a Record. Cleveland. 0.. Oct. At tha Olenvtlla Hack thl# afternoon, Crete nua mad* a new world * record for treating at a! dona, by going a mile in 2 04. which tewta hla own prevloua record by three-quarter* nt a terind Creareua eorernd tho mil* without a rtlt>. ht* ttm by quart are be in*. 01114. 1 <*• >•**. J ®- 19