The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ALL READY FOR DEDICATION. Tin. \i.u %iitmt\t wni.Dnu i* rßimi ai.i.v ooHri.*n>i \\ orU I |io H the Vital* AUr U• I'lß* (■lit <1 lflrr<lli)— 'loph *t Hr liitm lhr> l*pv Till* Urrli Tl- I Aral lt©*ifal of the llrfllrfl* I|tn * hair in Inkr I’lnrr In I'rhm* 1 Tkla Mornlnt-A l.r*ul Urann Hr • •* It** lit nl thr I Hlliriiml INI *!•• r I?— Hair nf riclirta In •• Unll allnn ( It* am Ihia '•** rn I iiu , A \untlit*r *i mml I Irrji lln*© At-trfi fed. The program m f* •d* a’ -*n of th© Bew linn m ' aIN * *i|*>©ira' hi" n**' b©en air un -I yet id pmrvih ' will not t>. lor 4. k r '* • th* d©d© atton rkr tin* * V • T 1 • • ’ I * . It*** la ’ S-indny Ir t*>w in'll*' * <<n * j l©t* nt I* a few U Inti Ir. g |> ,r •* r* i t ■ i.( to l 1 ♦ Id* l*hi > 1 n <bl tl*n i-o dd tak*' |U> *i i ■ Th* r. 1. nn tb© hstrh altar wa* com plat* I -in \ nr.4 r *!th th 4, f . . .ir a beautiful • tu** Th* an- .id >1 and ih© I* vs l l b- tv*i on i r por a *1 h vsork rally thin meek Thr ' 1 mis nf *h© oi* * Vi 1 hr* cot!i|*l* ■ I b\ l‘ * 1 1 '*• '•* Join. Hr navi-. r w+~k Th© ori;ai% * |>ioin. fofet •r* /it i i* r dal itl !*• Uiitvl <i i mr.M.t ; for tt f nM time ai t*>- Oral Trlli•#* ** oi • •©'“ Choir * * ji r , 1 R* •r I nir r. f*• th© dedioatlai: Th* r* •ad will I ’ " ufur i v U‘i tnu and %s: 1* 1 L*itva Rep. * - • if ‘ • * r <* n• * n fnvUa a. <* <u b* H* •* ' i•• 1 ti.. .iM.-i. vv< rc r |r* . s * V. . .:i p't'H. WIo Will ■ **r *1- t t • th* f©Uo* I k P’ Hi' !* *• #*ffntf 1 **•s (Mr Intontimi of *lmr pr*©©ti. Uns.'M** V;*nd©vlvar oi It *•* ©• '* Hill o* Nor 111 i*i * * in Northrop *1 'irh ton. By PH* of Niuah.nlh*. Mo* h* i of F luanow. i*. M#raa*;l *l < *kla ninu tlirti?* >A JU,t .nan r* n* pmhaUiy Hi^hop of Wlin n*t Th* re r* a**v©r il tot ***r |r*iiif*M fritn whom - *rw ** A • timkr <f th* haw .* mi* nt *u h- >w I*’* '**i i mul i i** \trokmol** X • t ■*■ ri tw m of th© cl-rv ©ill *** irutt** l nu*' 'lh* Ji . httr e i ommitin'', w ha?* ''horn* Of *hr* '*u • .*• r*f * r* itMNi. h• - tier yet *•- *l**l 1n whit tnaner it will ©nt*riain * -i**rcal fiiwi’t l**n H I ■* to remark lhal to-r** will I** *•' k* ic of rtU**r - ourr ?©*>• or hoai*n*ill'v. Th© ttf tU'kr*ta for me*#rvwl ©rata a* Ha* *1 llditlon w)M hegrln *> day at 10 i o‘<%*>-k -t th© • at h fair al* ©tier th !©•* n’M Thr *l* will !•*• 'Ofi'lnual ti’irlr©; fh© w- • k l*s th** Few <"rtrnn>l?re* miHlatNr ol Mwn* I* I*' iHwafonn. J>hn W tkrkkn am 1 M A O* Hyrm- and tkk wt?* will atm be plac'd on ©ale at <*on nor 1 !* hook *M>n- on Butt tr-et. It h i** horn *leeMe<S to h v ;i p ihll nr can r* 'ital at the <*ail>©dral mdltorlum oi; the night of < I 17. wiun the ptulu* wrtll h given n opportunity to th© iiaw ore.tit to th© fullest .nh intage. Prof J I#iwl Brown of Atlanta. -n* of th>* •km©il *>rgantMia of the South, will pro wide at the organ un thU o .-lurk Prof Brown, thougli not a relative u- n ap** al friend of In* oik an huil<l i, Mr John Brown He * omea lo S.ivannah on this •dr lon, however, ut the requi -t of 111 hop Ki ll* v. Mrs* M o‘ltrleti. one rf Atlania © lug voealtHtP who In** a hre Hops ino voii •. will take |,rt In th* |tro*irunun* # m r. b gar i in >mm bet of th* fine vote**'* w-liteh are in trni • In# lot the le*l. Mtiuti #*-t\l will le he,ir>i. The iffair will I- *> imjwrtiint event In mtiM' I t ir*i- s> Th* runthlnatlon of litt* itwgniO.i’iit atehiorlmn *>( the i.< sv Otthediiil. the gram! organ under th- Imi.J of a maeier and the epi*■ n*lid voices will l* on* i *>t to l**- lightetl The muahwl pi og mm me f*t the dedica tion will I- -ill • *ii.*t* *fYair Mr Itl - hat* Imhl • number ol \*s * s In train ing for ue k and now with the n* w or fait in ret*.Hi - - tor us. frequent rehear- Nit will l*e held. 'ih*ii\ h (.mu Minis*:. If* Thirtieth Atinanl t oibtnunlra lion nt tmrrlru*. The thirti* th annual rommunleotlon of th* Moat W*rid.lpiul I’nloci Lit and 1/dge of Colored M •'on- held In Am* rl us during w •k. The Oraml I.odg* xnet for th© Ural timt In th© building of th* Widow* and Orphan*' Horn©, which k* ts.nrly omi*leted. When the building H PnilM it will 1m v lined at td,Wl. W Ith th. nw* on font it will le <oinpleted befor* the next at .H*h*n of the brand bodge. lr<d* ga4 n from all part* of the hi *te w*re jr* i* A k<>! deal of hasin*-s waa transacted • and ii**arl> |J a* waa ol lefted. The aesaloci waa u very hurmo- Dtou one hs wtr att*at*d In the unaiil' tnouH * lei firm *f all >f the ofll- r§ They ~r e: w i. Terry, Cotumbu*. tlrand Master, H H Huiler. M l , Atlanta, X'puty Omni Master; J H Covington. Am* Si ua. tlrand H*nlor Warden; Floyd HudioD, W ay* tJrand Junior War tien. Hoi C Johnson. Havanmih. flran*l Hecretarj*; ti. U Howen, Savannah, Grand Treoauri--r. Th* white rlltsrna of Am* rl* un are deeply tnt©r*ted In th* Orphans* Home, ©ml tht- ss * rounlfeeicd hy the jr*-*•* of Mayor lluou n*l hia Hoard *f Alh r iii*.u *4 the opening of the Grand la>lgr Tin. Mayor made the nddre -of webome. which Hit i* .-ponded to by Past titand Maetcr lieveau* of H ivannah The female aualliury. th- Order of the Kaatem Ht: aim* H* Id Its annual e* -slots Thirty-five chapters were reprn** nt* >l. Thin Inatltutlon made a liberal donation to th*- Widowt*' Horn* . Ti. KilwatUa of Sa viannah In th© worthy tlrand Matron and >: Walker, Worthy Grand treasurer of the ordt r. COICOKUI \ 4 Ml VtHFH© HD. Other ('MM In the Hrroritr'l four! d•- f rIH % . 11l the llMtilft * lift yrrter.hiy the thirteen firm*****! Thurvdiy .1t In I’onroMu t'lu i "ii New trt. u*i heard. Three of them. (Thar*. J* k-on. H.ini Thom i > 1 Wiltte June* were irlvt n petitm • ••> oi $„'V or thirty lav eah. while lithe of them were taxed flu or imntv t.i\i *ch One. n woman, wa the ftamred • Th *• •.iln-i S Mnn, the p.iwn lroe* r m' .t w hom M* r \ \V H hit roiii tr>uti the *Jy tw-forr. %\ t* i tried an lt>* I hiif'Ki'H were wit The i, %v * war bnoujft.: in the vr.tfhc from Hillkeh rmm'v u Jo’Ki wanted 1 **r the munkr of (SlotomMiii \ armukM*. turned out not :o In and wa *lismkxe| UII II 11. 11. let \ A HHO. Hir. Kelly Now In < liuryc <f the I n|- Iretin li lt*|iM r lim-li . Mr. Blw.rl J Kelly, until recently deputy city marshal, has been ihi* •••I In charifi* of lh* coll*' Uon d* |*.r tm< nt of 11 11. I.t*vjr A Hro From hie loiik • vi**ri*tir e In *•< <ll * < tin* the city blits mul Ida thor ough *• (luaMitafh * with to* city Mr. K* l ly should pro% the fltni Ills fr. J v* * <tihed that It wu rJv .i fjueett n of short ttm wht‘l hi would nnui*e satisfactory em l*lo>ruetit an I th y will he pleased to . knew wl Ida tublicvUou vwiU Hum yv^u.-ir I" 0 * _ _ . ff'tiMTlt VI. A I*4Xlll IHPIKIAT. Iter, f II ©lrons on III* Heeent Trip nnd |*ol|fl<’ at Itir North. Hev Char lea II Htio'g. wiso has ju?t !r*** **r t i to the etty ©ft* ran i*b-*en< © f, f I n* *rly tw . niuntha. th** gr vt* r part of w. r ssa- ipnl tn Newf *uttlhir. J, I* *t * - ng . artbou in company w ith Hr. Van Marter ar.d Mr it. laittey, v. I r** mi- Isl* rv. f* at Ht I hit’s t’hnr- ft tl morning Hev. Mr S'retig return* rn . strengt he tied an Jg* • • f 'v t t :<*rtt!fe Ib> ' trip 'New found dr dha a glorious* lima' p.ibl Mr Stra.g *• * t* * . • i ' ■’<** * * l lng wan *>f n re \alu .*s *4 ne*i- pc • u* than th** hunting lor h w k .*• v • Were iloirtg 11 s** * ilmnl- Wtl pi * tight, rung i k from t*< - !• gr • .i* r u ' t* I ruing t*> 4.' to .'** during 're ua t.l Ji-t two r t Is wrri th* th*motor t*r went to i and It .►* hapi • tc 1 tliat *>n *w< ti day w* had it. 1* *‘a k* n t* d* a lot of climbing Jh it.t <** and bracing I‘tmite w e could h* an irnrn* n ■ amount of work In < day and then **p Ilk* • t 11- tir*i, ; i < ,t jr tin atni Wh '* affortb**i only m par lul pruf*<tioti fr• t* -1* weath ' (Sam* wa- |knfiftiJ W * ..ntd In **re week itrlbcnj, ount*iig lit one das Th* rt ar* *'h* r attractions f r tn- .*port men i*- i|* -f ,ill*‘u Trout ai l attn*n =*r*> to b* found in the gr*a , < ?*t quanttt in the hik* . which uf* ev*rywher* I I-* trout fr*cm on* hole in u f* w hoiitt* They ii.c- tan K.’ lof ft> lb • nt>m p' for r*-*ti rt ih fly ha i N* w founds.m l l the b-trv ourttry l h.v* eveg r*mnk*d Mi Srork ’ Wild gtraw I • I.* - **f I * * f r * f1 . *r ©■ to be found in prolu ion an i .. | o fit * pberri at.*l other w* l known Urn*-. *nl •* n imier of other- • t w* I known. ißiuiik th* rn Bak* r A||d* whk hh. a Jine. (art fbt\r 'ln N*<s .* S *’lv w | i •and t trough t Wvergtaide country, -• rmtgnlfl* ent country ©• *C. ta *1 the *ld A* adlan at* pro - l>*r*M! ii*d content* I attl we e by fr the rnoat rourietUt and ho-pi abl* p* o pie w I tom w- tne* o. **r trip r*rn nding nj* \er> much of hif Houth**rr | * •>;>.*• Thla country He along rh* B **f Ftndv, w* re fli* rich h rl!*e t. . night fif or *>* g•. 4 effecting a wo: hrful * b-tnge in th* .i p|*. 11 .* n* e of th* • ountry 4 * few hour* The country around th* lira# 4'Or hik*‘!t hne Juet be-n ojwi **d t*> tei ri ©? s* and Is tne-t attract ve flk*c4lon to vhdt Th* ra’eg fr cv*rvthlng *r** \ er> r en-onub!*! and good * ountry l**ar*l an be had verv *h* p. When tr*** Amer l it tourtstp 1m gin to ft-* k there In num 1n rs*. BJ* th**y d*>Ubtle' will, l irn nfrul I thy will riun the good* nuinner.-, .y* well uh the r*uwnable ciarrg*#, f th* riativ* At pr*ent, however, they are n mo.-t le- Itghtfu! j**m>pl<* In -i beautiful country.’ 'Tn New York." Mid Mr. Htr*nc ’I was itni< k with the apathy on the etlld-et of th** nahonai *-l*-ction. With the el*-‘itlon barely n month i*ll 1 exp*-* te*| to hnd th* city cover* and with bunnera nnl bunting, and every atrvet c*mer o*:upled hy a w gr>n with u *!*• 41 binder at th© tail-end To my aurprkic th* batsn* rp a! I buntli c made r v ry glim showing and the *|>* ll ts!sd*-r.-< were* tsowher* to Im* Je*-n. The |{.itn!b!i"tana appa*r t* b* taking n* Inter ♦ -t w nt* ver In th- • • t l*n i-•hey regard 4he re*tilt ••■-* • foregone .-oriclii >• 1* •* IVemo* tat* on- m kitig a ©how of lnt*-s , e*t but th** mas-eg of the people ar*- paying little attention The |*ol|ti *1 hurrah Is* all In th*- newpap-r* 1 n not a prophr-t 1.111 It ee* mn t* ttse th it Mr. M* Klnb . * lection la ri for* gone conc|utkJt After till* tm* leino*rati i rt> will undergo reorgunlxatlon ami our frtenda at the North lo>k tb* South to ftimUh the bruin*'* villa. Nl. *ll.\ \l.l-"** ©Ttmo. Opening Heeeptlon With an Krrrl leul I’ruKraminr tV**t. Ml. Mr* M Hllva-Tesaniile ha* reapene*l n r **4i!ttl<* for vo*-il l* -**# * al No 1© is rrv afreet, went. She will have ***’*< ii.-*l with l. t during t ♦ coming msisoo, Marten ’m*p , 'T. \vl •. wilt :> h e Hiot nnd Ml-* Kdfth T* a©l.i**, who wsil g.\e in.*truction oil th** mnn.lodn and the piUTSO Mit. Tra-**lb • r- ' ptbo - to her hn*l fri n*l- which were -om* of th* tn**©? • nj.c able **f I* * wltst. r mu i-al affair will In. cm-rlnu*'*! thnaten the prem-nt i*N*n, the fii>t ledng rl\*n Oct. ?,i Th*- programme ha* not y*-t l*eeti irrung* I. ijiit will r*iiMi. fc t of n.'uik*, r* ital ion.-, 4m I unit -k-i.n e* 1.. I lor..** | I*ol It I. Nl % k I'. I 1 W IHIIK4T4. Tso Noting Negro t nlprlf* the t hief t atelier**. Tl©*re were hut f*w *rrest* ye*terlay. t is- dtty for I* Saturday, being unu- tall** qul* t N• lien •14 n .*oU>re.| Ns\ 17 y.*nm old. wu!* irr **t***l b> I*tf r.inan Sh*** !.sn *ai th* charge of et.-alsing a gdl watch liom M A Wit Mtegi, ais*l air.* a- auh li N|r© Wucherein John Cuthb*rt, jnoth*r ymtthftil eolor- c*>pr wi* *pnt tn By liete*-Mve S'urk. on the charge 'f t * larceny f n bicycle from Mr II H Mi kler NOT IMAGINAHY. % < otn mo it Diiraar, \\ hloli la Hi \ M©Ntia Ihr It •*ii 1 1 of I (imu I aiM l lon. Undiut>(oil4v many n©rvau© prop © MjflVr from trouble© purely lm iginary li ©* a hi* h ©xl©4 only In th© mind of th© p# fienf. iiik! ©ii> h trcmhle* furntah f*-rill* (W ld f*r th© qua* k a wr 1 n. for laith li* il©r.H ni i! Uhriittan t** letui- tr©.itm©n( Howi vfr, thrr© I* one cHnnKin an<l an noyliiff tiff * a © whl< h Im In n n*© of th© word imaginary aiuj that 1.- Hit#, I’ll© *uff< rer* do not n©d a kin to Oil ih'-m I© th© matli t; tlu i© l no oka*cui!(y about it Neither ulll #t Him,di lution or olninwnt cure H. You • annot *l© e©lv© u pU auff* t©r tntii !>• Ilcvtng h I© la in* curved 1© iu©* the |*aln nn! It lii*m whh*h h*- ‘'uffir - n*l inn: nit \ and iannul Ir i urMl by Imaainatbai A pH© remedy nu# l bav* until l ikable riv-rU. 1' murl r* 11* \ * th* p in ut ,m*. th© •liwa-c #|M *dily tu ii will t>. n -tlimix and Mi VV. N. I‘tinn < { .'.TU* rt.’ij. llh • \ r.#i ( 'hi ago. Vi rli— "I uin ln b‘ht*<l to th Pyr.imld Pile Uur© i thu©and tlm* * for tli© relief and p©rtminent ©ur© of a K-v©re r tine of pile* l wm rut©d p©rf t ly wih *>ii* > *nt box mi-.I n©r than that I ©ii;l have 11r ** of tn© I’uun nl* |c-'f o! th© l**'x I did not n**©*l in us**- l think ih© F>ratnll I'll* *u r © * ?h* rraiub l thin* *-f th** ** *n*l I *hall **r t ilnlv r* • otnna tul It ilt-r r- T manuf t tiirtfa •>f th© I'yrarrl l I*ll© Cut** ar* it p©: ft liiw riv t* r* f ■ r \ |wr*on tn ri* Mli*l l Will frUl*v tnw*r anv corr 4 -*pnn*l©fie* 1 am ©•> *rrat*ful f>r m tin- th.*# l Wiint all pile iuffrrt-ra i•> iliui the ©am© t* Il©f ’ All clnifTkilit* ©'ll tii© l’vr,imi>l I*ll© ('nr** at .Virrnt- i-r l*x and •*• it oont.ilru* no ** Ir;©. opiat* i any |m‘isoii whutev* r. l> entirely ’uif* anl rvllabie. PBIUUMIU A ( • 'VUMdiUM WHIM uwiitn* of horn * pay un nu- i> t** mak© thetr horN©* ©uffer from ill-llttlrii; n Im©--* .o* it Woukl rod to hn\4 th© Job don© by an ©xj©rt horp. *horr and. th©t* fi>r©, don© right, I guarnnte© th© fit n*l work ©very time. Mo in ha n. th© her***- nho* r an*l fitter, J©!Y©ron mt ©t. neir Liberty NEW TRI NKF FOR OLD; REPAIR* lux thoroughly at toct price# tieor kia pbona lAk#. lwa *k Jordan, 21U VVhit •kcr, * 'HIE MOKNING NEWS: SENDAV, OCTOBER 7, 1900. IIS SO ATTRACTIVE. IUR FALL EXHIBIT. I mrl ltn- hv, Wr *how n The (Tu-l eat Production from Home and Abroad. US til Gffi A most eomp etc aa*ortment. r’ch In all that it e,HI> the moot perfect in the world. T*t ©b And Mbb> n ! v here NEW ARRIVALS fTA’KRT OAT. cadi* ir \ a**e what 1 th* proper tntng THOS. WEST & CO., II BROUGHTON STREET, W. CLASSIFIEU AuVtHfIShMENTS. I'CNNONAL. • Y JIM 'IT IAT IS A SPLKNDIO in.ike up Kven >'"ir null!- r ha\ never known l' Thai mu!*ta*-he I- gr* 1' Who fuipnhed outfit" -The Georgia hair expert, Savannah Ifalr, Jewelry and Shaving Supply Houw\ tl.. place f**r v erythtng (g-rtalnlng to hair, whether to remove niperttuoua or unsightly hair, nr to repln . wh g- or t-b ki * - ,I!J •>*l to prematurely he**-. I ord*-r* 1 from lim 4hrmigh th** tc ;l thl n u-’ 1 be. wig and whl*ken and they came O K ** Til L Ft’HN ITI HK KWH ANGt). 113 Huriuird etreet, buy© und all kind* of *•- • ond-hund furnituro for ath. WATCHKS. I>h KS ANI JKWKLRY repair*-*! piompth miJ thoroiuhly hy A G Gtierln, f>rm*rl> with J. II Ko* h, 113 \V U iker afreet, upetalre IS Y< >I U IH‘N SA V K FIRK-FROOF" Stiff* A* Freeman have 1 etandlng *ft* r of ii.igio for *v*-ry r* *.f their mk*- that does not preserve it© r *.nt*rit - <*t • f -a.*s In bun ng debris 1L hoti-*. When t.iken ’ the h • I.d t be turr.-l on P Wb nOl cne*J. not a page w -*• *llcol •r* | not 1 r- or I **-t. t t a dollar and - rmed if >4Ol want * urlt\. btv a Stiff©. A Freeman safe 1* I* Miller, agent. STAFF <F LI Fl*. BRAIN B UFA f> r. anrr*n*bd by physician**, crimp *nl Vienna or*-ad. fr* 1 lo*kG twice • !** t**am lNiffa a:< . mnherry p *e. Urvt i*f th © te* *s* a All nr-’ * Itu k ery. Yt T WILI. *LI Kb THE MILITfROM Spring ft* :d Hairy, it‘ rich an*l pure, try it. ri'HN!TrHK rplloiiSTi:UFl. MAT ir- s- .- renovat** l. Antique furniture re |Hll,-tisl, furniture pack'd ar 1 shinp*-d In 1 **t manic r Sen*l me your order©. C. I* Miller, agent. _ MILIdNKKY AT Y >FR ViWN PRB'FS; hat* trimmed -- Mr*. Te. ple, 20-j ll *bei *ham FIN] ft FIB! t■ ir ami- aT BA ktr n" every day. teat of all othar m at* tn murkat Han k Yi’ii watfhbs \ni jfw . r> r paired at retuwmohle prl- **- bv A. 14. G tier In. he has !**•< n with J 11. K***h ver twelve year XX hltaker ©tr** t ti|MMalr .•- if its liras you want, you can get them cheaper from McOlllla. TH K Fin LA I• K LFHIA I FNTAL 1, itks. 24 Brough* at stre* t. must, is th* only u|©to-date uili- - in Savann ih; all work rcason.i Ne and guarnt.-*l tlrn'- • * nk for |la ♦* ami utal r ime THE PHI I S XT WHICH A\ I SKI.!, h*i v le aundriea are entrancing. Try us \\ I Hegira*, 125 Drayton. CoLoRED WnMKX Tit AIN KD AS m:r~e* and mMßivv t*rm hegii * <* * 15. w** supply nui*** nml midwivr* r* i rtufiiitvly. 4v Montgomery atrect, Doctor* M Kaii<>. SPECIAL. AN VNLIMITKD SUPPLY of nl * willow rocker*; ladle*' *4ro. at {2. j w Tuple. KTE N( K; R APH U ItS 'VI Til Of It ton li\vrlt*T Von n. without seeing th* keyboard, opw ile my standard type writer by UMich Wo uill s* t.l one • n t.n *J i a’ fri ll #• my * ‘caiographor w • whl |m\ In Idcntal cx|vnH 1 .- which will not v\< **cd fo am) guarantee it* sf* return. In .!>* y*>u are not -atlafhd ml willing to pay for earn*. by giving u Ibm th*re>n I* fore shipping For further purileu. it - write the Tou-hwrltcr Com p.u >. A *ar ii i SCHOOL HOOKS NEW AND SEC or. 1 • hand, s-*>|d aid exchanged Horn* s' 2nd It. al< r A* 3rd Header. 25 ; 4th Read -11l I 1 - l i• • • 1 g\. * . 1-t Stepping’ St-m* n Liter aim e, 25* . 2nd St* ppuig Bi.nea, GO . Prim e*• Artihmnth i Montgomery History, tih At ttaulner'a lkizuai TIM NKS. HAIiS AND UMBRELLAS r* i*aIrr*l nt th* lowsi prl * * t’l .itham Trunk I’m tory, Hi •>,htoii. corner Ab* r i orn 1 AM N‘i\V 1/b ATI;I AT 411 WEST I’.i.t ikli >•! rinw up .'l'd it \mu warn l > hive your furnitur* moved or tack.d for 4hlpnifii or atorag* . I guarante* pra * till e • III* Hi f do tb Work ihill :* given to m A 8 Griffin, 41* Hioughtoit air tel. w-nt; matlM*o* mad*- to order OLD CAItI’KTH AND It! GS M ADK ivvi Pari.-lan Carpet Cleaner*, telephone k DARK KV 1. NI NClf* Alt R SOW >OM. lug. let u mTI you h lamp. pr ee 7m to $. o W F liiggtn i.;, Dmvton millers stoves \nd kanji;s . liC t ill-; ioti *n ti. Magnetic, Econo- ji-: \\ nldorf. King, and other goo-l nmk* a i‘ • prices. - v ? Brough ton. e! K KNS INt >Tt • N~! Alt M MILK "18 ~U N nirtutMoi for , rt* livery la pr feOt; phor.e. :45 rvvitPKTH CLEANED n.V THK floor Try u** Piriman Carpet Olranera, ! ti !. ; !w ne 4143 l l'Mi *LSTKHtNG AND PACKING f imituie, repairing and mattr-him * . w li. busy owing to I*w pt s * t to m(gin phone l.'< I v * VVldWik- : “SKI: Mil.ld R KtR nKKKT. DKSKB | office table** offl e mitdng. offlec hbad> ,e 7 Pro ,gbt >u. w• Mt IND j . , |Hr *•• ♦ t** Cbnthifn Trunk K* tory. I |tr**iig * rn* r Ab*i 'rii WIfPN YOU BEK M ‘III.I.IS' SIXTY Inch ti cent* rtifs. you will buy them. Juat can t help it. will aril In any quan tity RKORETS THAT WIN KNoWI.KIhjk ! h*t |Mil\ a* s**ne* that bring> bualnr*.* nd *•!uI au -oigeji run t* dlai .u** ami l*ad habit*, w n * love hiul frtrn*l-hlp; gr.itph 4 ,rn tinr*. gf\ea wonderful power ml , . ii• i* . .\ r other* You i, '* nrn .t itMiiK Write* to- la\ f•*:* o;:r fy I - luatnn*l bo,k whi< h fully • *pD!n , | I i h.*M* n rny*terb i of p. r*o „ m.igmt 1* lam, hypnotlam, magneti.* h aili.g c? ; ti'a fr e. X'klrewH New York lnatltutc of Science, Dept. 141 A., Xlochciwr, M. Y. I*I.H©ON NL. V? \ TTf: FHHKtt III' NOV A TED, ON E dollar, r©io! ©d • tn* day, a I work guarantted Te4©p4a*ne 41CL •*FI’RNITURFS MUvKD WITH CABlfi. * la © ape laity with M Ullita. MiLLKHSNKW STYIJ7S IN CAR* fa la, matdng-. Iln©!* umi, window ah.l* **, * \ w ik done in ftrat-c as© rtyS* 207 B. *• g * ti w * 1 SHE THfe JEWEL STOVKH*"aNT> r.*fge* for tala by J. W Teepl©; ©Jo agent for It uranic gvcolin* atov* VOB A COMPLETE LINK r>F I tru;k** ii 1 traveling |asi* >•*■*• th© Ghat ham Trunk l a tory, Broughton, comer A fttirytii. MaTTRI-SSV.S renovated, ONE d*i!lar, all work guaranteed; relurnetl **ame day T*■!♦■-,dor • 4lilt. M GII.LIS 18 CHEAP ON ftfOS. NETS, lac# curtain*, harmrerka. water cooler*, pillow.*, pi tures. alovea, b*#4room aultea, and furniture of every d-©> rijaion. HXVR YOt’lt lIJCYf*LK RKFAIRING don© prot*©lv. that* the way we do I! 3X F might* ;i Irayt**n. PTTCff \\| ROMAN HYACINTHS fr©siie Easier lllh jo quite my ©Wi irTg*ri*tt for g .od r©*- ih** plant n w A C o©P htg. oppoett*- Catholic Cetne lery <iardn r> Bz *a . ag**nt. 1 ”$1 4* BI YS NICE RATTAN ROCKF.UH whr* th*-\ Ja.-t 1 #4l i-eortmcnt *f | rockerp. dlv ii h and eaay i hatra. C 1* i Mill* r. agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON* "~AN ©lev tl©r in th** ©ouidrv fr** from dty dralt tg I tup*'--ihl* I r ml k f* h* ut.* •* !. i. Itnp r** dore. If u w ant pur*- J* r-* y milk, phon* > d.v !••- Mv* -. prompt. ,i’■ 4 tbn guarantc* I M GILLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and oiore© p4anoa #nl furniture, peat work only no ‘Lheap-John * price*- no ’’Cheap. John" job* IBdO FoR \VO\ i:.N WIRE t’uTJ while th > ia? t c, I*. Miller, igi-nt. M’OIBLIH LACE CURTAIN 9 WILL tieautlfy your parlor. $ ' FOR ART SQUARES ** WHILE they I.4?*t Biff a>e*jrtm*nt. a!I grade* of trr Hquore** ruga. mat!*. jM*r*l©r*-9 C. p Miller, uv* it’ M’OILLTS SKI.LS SIXTT-INCH RUGS -Pmyrra pattern*- for 9S> centa ■BOICAL. DR M GKHKK VISITS ANY PART ©tty, R 1 h. *.f?t - t r*ai*menf $ r - j-r niontn; tneali* in© furnlru*i Co-nuipoi’ • lu.-p*/. -#< lJ<*©rty ami Ivneoin rtr#* I pnon*t- V* . 01*1 I’M MoRrHINE AND WHISKY | habits died in four t t* n tay<. without I drug;t)o c* 1 tifi©fn* n' My tr- a rn* nt < •r --| * * rn©* r.crvoii-n*pain and other diftl - till tea, a.*, uvnpanyirig orb- r method ’ hire g arant*** and Dr W. C Van Vah it. I’>’< hrdoy 1 -t, Giai*l Bui,d!ng, Atlanta I * la. LADIKH CliicHLSTLii 6 ENGLISH j Pennyroyal Pili* at© th© t*->t. Safe, re liable '1 aka no other. S©nd 4*- Mumps for parti ulur* ‘ Belief for Ladiea, n i letter hy return mall A-k your dr iggn4 1 Chlchc*ster Chemical Cos., Phi lad a.. Pa. I HAVE FOFNI A POSITIVE CURE •or drunkenn*©*. *an be given secretly; wl 1 gladly it-il you whaf It la. don’t a**nl money Mr* Ma\ ll,*iwk!n. Lo k Il*i* L H 121 Grand B ipld-. Mich MORPHINE. OPICM, LAPDANFM. ©ocaim tiafut. my.lf ©ured, will Inform you of h,4rmles. permanent home cure. Mr Baldwin. Hog 1212. Chb igo. LADIES* SAFE VIoMK REMEDY*; Clover Brand Bu*eta PHI. , mot!*-y refund ed if rot .1: .#fa i*a v. by mail $2, circu lar ft*- lux HOW ARE TOUR FEET? IF YOtTR feet ar© troublLg you, call on m© and I will glv© you Veil©'. I t-tirt Ingrowing nalhi. corn** nd all 4liaea**es of the feet without pain; ©fiirgea reaKonnhl©; can give th** beat r©fer*-n'-©a In tha ©lty; pa tient# tr.-nt-d nt realden* ©s. orders ©an he left at Livingston’s drug eto©e. Hull and Conrr©**i Mr©©t: telephone 218. Lena Davds. *4irr©on ©hlropod?©t HELP UAXTUK-tltl.K. XY ANTED. FIRST-CLASS PAPF.It hang* rg, 12..‘0 n d.iy. Address C. E. Hoyle | o Hons, riville. I* !u WANTED FIFTEEN HUirKLAYERS; i three montl work. go<| j>ay, dso planer i min. A 11. Johnson. Tampa. EHi. ”W\NTED. I’hi MnKItS AT W. II ft S* bro*f* r*. Amen u-. tJa RKLIAHLK MAN WANTKIi WITH j g***l X|erl*W>'* ill Tm 111 k. *'Wl- ! edge of bookk* • ; ng In i *•!* ; musr *• abb* to w.irk In*•*!*u^alcntly; hive go**| rrfer*irrw . -* rd Hill part ilia-; nlw stnlo aalarv to Host 15. Morning News. \ NTI-iD. TWO PHYSICIANS TANARUS * AS *f“t in treating laiilent* in fller wtrere ilv M r-.l*• 1* don* must Ik* registered nr.d up to snuff will pay -alary. |*r -ent tge " aifer. >t in the miMn* . only •m*e hiving brains tu *1 egp*rb n- *• need nd lft - Joboii, Morning N w prick'i.a virus wanted at dxr ling ton, s c. 1 lent HntMlig and Con atm. rlon Comnanv. W \NTKD. CUIA)KED |bY T ASSIST around th* hour-* App|\ .1 Rollon. ra*t WANTED A HOOD SMART ROY from 14 to 1. to do •-•dleeting for a ref ill rliv goods hmi*e. Address Akims. e ire New "wanti;i* a'i:i;miit y n • nr;~m7vn •I* tiv- g .0.1 if figtir* . who has *>m* knowledge of shipping and * an make him - If g*neialh ii * fn| on- ealiry Ad- Ire Hu-itbr. m- M.rrning Na W ANTED 1 OR 2*o CoRORED ROYS between D aml *" Monday morning. 7 o hu k I! C Liberty and Tatt nall WANTED. SIX MVTTINC, LAYERS ird -h.nle h •* g• r Apply \V K Wimpy WANTED .*rn:.\ M 5 RA PII KR; ONE who h i Hiir*’ kn* wi.-*lge of l*M>kkeeping . am** ilor y uantol A-idt*-- /*-no BTRONH. ACTIVE WHITE ROYS wanted Apply South* rn Cotton oil Works WANTED. ROY FOR LHJIIT PORTER w rk nt tha l' • Hive. Sr Julian and W'dt k r dtt* s. W ANTED. TWO CARPENTERS. MEN who ar. us.-d to | a tng Apply at shop. IH Pr *l bnt rtreet. R N. Stunt. TANARUS" PAF' K R HAN'tJKIIS WANTED A atrntly hr>t riars workman. ap.i')e of tiklng harge. *.*•<.! in estimating, nnd fully i* liable. - in ►* ur> i i>erm<ift*nl m.l A1 position Adilrr -with f ill part! u- Ir - (Wall Papers), stricty conlidrnilal. Morning New a. WANTED A WHITE BOY AUDIT 11. who an write hi* tntvnw and ninko plain flgun 17 Congr* s* street. w*st WANTED, IIRICKLAYERS. PARPEN ter*, p.aster, r* bt.i-kamlthw rind h**r**- who* r- w lalwright tailors. German Iwitk * ••*-■ It* and log ebopyei in*l iw \.i . tn 111 f md- . .-* Huln r, 317 AY* 1 1 Hay, Ja* k- onviih . WANTED, RFJH )NBl RLE FIRM w mtH ottha manager at Maxannah; salary fi.Vjh n > ear an I Mmrni. -**n. I7CO e iafl and referrncr* r/'q.ilr* l: poußloti perma nent Add res- Manufai turrr, 1.A32 Cherry, Fhlladelptll r Pa W ANTED. MAN UPRIGHT CHAR m rrr, to manage buslncaa of old rat ah lulled house, aalarv |H per w * k and ox pensen pa\uhle •a h week direct frm headquarier -. **p nae morn y a lvan ed; |m,-h |on permanent; refer, m•• Standard Ilouge. 101 < .moil bulldl.' ff. Chicago. |2,Vn A YEAR EASILY MADE HY 11*1. . g agent- handing orr v\ te m l fit y rubber ..iiaf a * ufT* atwl m • ktw*. i and g ** g.HHIw, our eam pilin tie are winters, '.literal com ml union, eaclualve territory; aend nr amp for *pe j .ail plan, erm* etc. M. A Jd'MXg. Cos., i SprUigOcld, kilts* 111 I P W IkTRO-SALS. ONE bOI I.AIt A YEAR PROTECTS you We iskaut nxr*‘ a- ld©til policies tnan any other elmlWir com;-ar.v in th© world, b* aua© at* issue the most popular nd cheapest in-uran • written. On© dollar a ©ar pays for a 16ft) j©>ilcy. olh©r amount' in proportion, no aa*©r-Hm©nl- ©r du ' ikeUt hafitfVlt w* *-k v Indemnity, f r ***• m©di .41 at tendance, many other origl tail and |*of> Bar f*-at'irf© *dther ©e* I***" tween 2 and k.'i >*-ar. 41W.0S deposited with New York Inaurar*© lkpartm nl l} 1 ti*< 1 ► poll-> holtera under our ay-tem. all tlaiinx promptly and llbe-.illy <*etiled. r,i.. f u r up 1. ati*T blank, reliahb rp -r. ij tallve© wai t-*l everywhere Th* In tematlonal Rcgtatry Compar y, IK! Broad* way, X* w York ~ VVA NTKD A N I:N ERt lETI* MAN TO j mnnag© an fti It * Savat ah; f-ai.iry I2* per tnorOi <1 !id ex'm pr**l* must w* i| rw otnm**i ded aid h- v© s** <a>h Ad dr©w Manager, P. O Box llil. Phliodtl ph . 1 a SALESMEN To FELL PERFUMES toilet ftupt *lc., to 4l#-jiler; SIOO monthly #r.d ex j-erian*'# unnwtstsry. Pluuibtr Perfum©ry C’o.. St. Ix>uls. Ma WANTED. RUPTURED PEOPLE who will work a f* w hour# for a fre© , jr, Dr S|*-ir Box 613 Went brc*ok. M© SOLICITORS* FOB "GALVESTON Tin- Horror a of a S4n k©n city." bv Murat Hal©t id; pag©*. biggest hook. t>* t trm. demand ©n*rmoua; solid ter* ©l©!irlng I to Y> drtily outfits fr©© S#an dord Pub House, 332 Dearborn ©treft I ‘hl< uga BRANCH oflb b o! 1 w-t.iblWhe*! mar.ufs tiirtng h> j- 41 irv sl2T* p* r m *nth end • xtra ommt >1 m * furnish ©atisfo tor ret ■ .• i |BQO adl Dlatrk Mai Kr o iohnunn Itu.allny t• .O. "SALESMEN T* HELL LINE OF l : P 'o-i '. printed wrapping pap*u ; utm |J) to s*l weekly. *4© l ! lin© K©mp©r- Thomsjf Paper Company. Cincinnati, 0 MECHANICS ENGINEERS. BLEC ti. rn • ?ir-na©r. *t n free hoiarahip it ©m: rH'©ring will b© ward© Ito © b w well-r* omtn*nd*d applbumta Anwri rnn S hook of Correspondence, IkMtotv, Mum . STRAIGHT lioNA FIDE XVRKKLY .!ir> paid direet from offi©e. expense© ©xtra. ( ommGaloiui; txipabl*- in* r a*d w>* n „.„ r* ; - --r.t u© af(iotntlng agents; nip 1 promotion and tncrx ae m wr ; f it Lt *© Butler & AlgT. Nt w Haven. C*nn SAUI!.-MKN KAHN K '••• A YKAR; I,lb . „ M. jry in t .iftn Hh; i.qutrM. Ha* I**. Mlnn-.iim li- Mmr ~\v w ;.1 ■ B\ ERYWHKREr HI * to 1, k ,l*n. ,41-trtt.ut- rlro,.lar-, -nnu,.— ft rt. rsnvMVtn,: !>■*>'■ S.l \.1..-rtikHmj llurvau. •'!! ,<> THAVKI.INCI PAI.BPMAN \V A NTKf > far ht,n ,r.,iV Itn* to <trv ~! I k->-' :l 'i.V rontra i for l*ln.r '* 'his \. nr ani al, of r-tt If -als nr*' r*t- I- Am-rt nn Ht.imkird J-w-lry Cos. 1,-trolt. Mich. WANTF.I' IVTH-STRTOVS Ml'.N AN'P w,im-n In -*v,'r>' town lo \%.rk for .in n 1 ttvir hintin' 1,0 rnnwnln,. , ” will -,i'> • work an) dtoUnrt; ♦>.,\ aarcta Jln* of work 10 rivo nut, -om** of wh!rh !**- no . \|x*rl-aice. If you con t A 1 vo*— II- wliolo rtjy to our work you can ,rn V* or ts a w.k I.v worklna nn hour or two ••c niiuts. AcVlrc a Hiamlard Manufurtur tr.„. Cos.. 142 W.-t tr*-.t, N'-w York H \l.lvS'l AN. W ANTKII HY AN OLD ri.t,.t.|iah''.l vhoi-w!, toi utc) ,'ofr* *' hour,*, a briirht -*i tahtanan - ~1 .unt,-,l with th.- rrt nl ,nmv ir id- In ,-nannoh and viclnlly; 111-thl pr(>-i th , to a nun of punh oo,| aMlftv. -naro rxi-nTlrr.- H. hy whom rmptoywd. Mo A0,1r,-‘i ,Ir,-‘i Import or*. I*. *>. Hox S.V., Vice: ul©4phla young men learn illfstrat itii: !* 4-orrespon*l*-n©© # free; tultlofi |wy• ll© vlxty days after position Is ©©cured; yvr lng sl3 1 week Correep *nd©nce Insti tute if America. Scranton. Pa. WANTED. AN ENERGETIC MAN T* m inaip an office in Ba\ u nah; lar> $125 per month r.*l ••xtra promts, must c ine w. 1 ri 'onmirnikd and have s*>(.#b. Ad dr* sa ,M it ag* r. P. <. lt**x. llal. I'hlladel plda, I*. SALESMAN; BKLI ABLE TRAVEL II mi!-iiman to till va-nn* v in good t* rHory -*1 irv <r commission; dry good* • xje-rien |ref©rred; r-rmanent position arul .xtra p***<d pwv t< light mar. refi-r --. Er©n*h A Ameri an Imiorilng Cos., lowa City. la. A riVE MAN $ • MONTH AND FX p.-n- poslthm. ©xp rl*.*n*e un n*4©*Marv. ('.ark A Uo., 234 S. Fourth #!r©**t, \\ \ NT V I. S * LEH MA N TO R 1 !TA TTa to merchants, hands >m©*t cherry finish© 1 -w.Mping brush, coat 4* -ll SLOO. War ren Brush Cos.. New York City. WANTED. BY wholesaler, kn ©rgetic ©l*smen to huiiu ' s©ll d©g nt In* depart men I good** t* merchant'-; L,r-,. milarx , r>> ©xp* ri©n © 1*- -* . w* *<*!!!• ;§•• Bx 714>. Chicago. 111. SALESMEN NO SCHEMES; ItEOU Un*' \t lualv** Of tt,* t<■ line; r**f ren* s N*w England J* tv*dry Company. low a City. I. W ANTED TtlE PEOPLE To KNOW that w* nmk© th© beat ©ipr© l *- laundrv* r>*| delivery w(ion nn*l * lt\ lr44© in this country. Miller A Koewiech. 40 to it CmirGwnd tv*nu©. Atkinta, Ga. W ANT KD. CO I />R E D MAN. SC > B Ell ifd • ru , *t wort ay. to prepure for t ravelin*?; SV! month and all eg|ens*s to Imglu, plegw e jo-*- (wlf-twßdressmd ©nvelop '|i ..*• D. 1 1 • ’i > *'AgO. MAN TO TRAVEL AND API*OINT 1• 111 at -fn ory hu •or with go**d nferen**s $1 ,*••* *rul exp*-nr-s; perma rrn n *1 promotion A*Ur©a© Min over. Travelers." L*l Star building. Chi ago. IIL t.l* %\ AKTCI>—nCM %I.K. WANTED WHITE GIRL COOK etc . famllv in country; s•< and b**i p r tmvnth Address Cook, ar© Morning New© 'wanted. A COOK BEST REFER inn* r* |4uit I Apply iki3 Whitaker street "\V ANTED .'"A‘COMPETENT* WOMAN to < ook u ash and iron for small family. Apply Monday morning. 318 Hall. eaat. GOOD SERVANT FOR ALL (trout and h< j.** work In amtll family. 812 Ninth street, nest. \\ ANTED. A good COOK. APPLY 422 M * ft J4>ne* street. ‘ HERN ANT WANTED. AS NURSE AND hmi©glrl. white prvr©rrc*l. Appy 117 NN ftlilbug street, ©gst. SOPRANO. ALTO AND TENOR wanted f.*r .bob .i*n| opportunity f>r singer* with limit*d choir experience. Ad . ir* - - Muni and. Morning N* w-* WANTED. COMPETENT Ok K.WELL re.-ommended Apply Waldburg, aecond from Price. W ANTKIh FIRST-r I.A KS _ T'Tw>k 712 ftirti" tr.rl, *fll; nore other nriM reply Uondty. W.W'TKn. 01-KRATORB TO BKWiNT. Inn pinf ,hlr'i uni overall*. Amrrh-an Mnnufcttirln* Company. 238 Broufhton. ; irel. i \\ \N !RD V•> MA N to <*56R AND ,<h \, ply if(,T f* o', kv'k, Mn.l*y ,• I i,o Jon# -n, -t WANTED B3IART CAP t! :.i and wllUmt irirl for *ri#*r*l hour#, work: <ll I nf'rr h o'l-loyk. M>3 Broughton ra*t. w v vTcrr V: xprrTknf.d inalra*- womn f-r ,K,r clunk ,n,l ruli ,t#*(irtm#n: A*>pi> to',. 1) Brourhton *tr#^.t. WA*rt. W A NTKD. A NEAT. WHITE OIRL TO . with hourwork. Cali at Hall 1 (UMt, *a*L n him \rmm romen. The makers of these famous Shoes have given us the exclusive right to sell their goods in Savannah. We offer them to our trade after looking thoroughly into the matter, and being sure that we are giving^* the ladies of this city the Best Shoe in the Country for S3. They have Fit, Appearance and Wear, and arc made in anv Leather desired. GLOBE SHOE CO., SOLK A4iENTh. T HLl.r W*3TED-ntl,*L. ''wANTiTiv AN AITHKNTIfB OR mnk, r h r „ur mtlllnrry workroom. Ar>- ply tn liutninn,, ! Itroughlon atrrei. wr,t. ~\V A NT V. I >, A <;<>•• I > WA2IIKK AND lmn#r nr | r#tnk f s. Apply I*l-, H„b*ril>,nt *,rr#t. Mon lay, l,ciw>" n T ami * . m. "WANTED WuMAN TO < OOK WAIH ~r.l irnu i,.r a mnatl famlhy. IIS Mali nii-i. east, Monday luomkra. WANTKIi,' A SKRVANT TO rot>K anl ln rm-ral housework Apply E>> Owlnnctt, #*a.*t, Monday aft.r 10 m W A NTKD, CAI-AULE HOI’SKMAID; m i-t h- nrat and taW*. Apf,ly with refer#*ru-. 7QC WhMaker street MIDI>KK AOBIi WOMAN TO RKPHE aei- eat a liti !,•<! Ann nfßca manaer; wnrk can b<* rot.lw!e#t from one* nwa home min be lntelltent and enrraeti •; o iiyht t>arty 11 hne >-erl> Manas', r. !:#,,, h Ofll. I#e|riment, f#T; Star Mlkl -In* <’hh-aen LADIES' 1 MAKE 810 WAGES AT Pm# ami want all lo have the same op portunttv. The t*mk Is very pleasant and mill easily pay r weekly. This Is no <D eeptlon. I want to money atni mill ,'lailly send full parttrulara to all sending stamp Mr#. H. A. W Inina. Benton Harbor. M irh. HDTTn. EMPIsOYMENT AGENI-T. 317 W. -t It,' Jackmonvllie. white man iiru) wife mill l-wriflna house s.'*><•': white wo man rank, i'ltlhuah. *l.'. hou*ek<-erer. ta ble Blrls. mwwls. laun#lre..s#-. #'aok*. CKtH-IIETERI* WANTED. TO CRO . het for u al home Good pay ChloaEO Pro. h#m Cos , ibC Dearborn street. Chtcaao, 111 WANTED. LADY IN EADH COI'NTY for hrnneh office work nn eanva#atn; • iralith* hnnu tide salary. Ilk per week. ~t>l experses. psysbls dlrert from hexd quorters #. h week: permanent position: no <- ipltnl required, ev ept *o#wl re'er Address Standard House, HO t'ax ,on tMilldtnk. t'hica*<>. AUEYH WAITED. AGEN TS WANTED GALVESTON: Th. ll..trot, of S:n< ken ('itv.' by Murat llulstead.'fully lllurtra sd, fastest selling book ever published; only; best terms simranl.-# and: outfit free; he qulek. J. H. Zeigler * Cos., ClllrafO, 111. AGENTS FDR SICCKSSFIt7 _ RT tTI - for eorset lsm>n for medium and slender women: six.* ierf. t tlsur** with out piiddlny Wrtaht Dust K#rm Ca, St. L<>ui~. Mo., and Newark, N. J. *|tlG DHOFITR HANDLING I.ATEST Imptov.d gasoline lamp, sell* at sight; b-ata ele#-lri.ity. ehe.iper that, kerosstn*; teiail DAO up. 1J <tlfr#rent styles; exelo #|ve territory Sluialanl latmp To . Slim ufarturers. Chicago AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMIS sIon; the pr.ittest ntr.nts' seller ever pro. due* .1; e\ ery' user of pen ami ink buys It on sleht. 3H> to .'slu per e.uit, profit; one ,i,, nt's sales amounted to Jt'.2P In six day s; inenher 31. 1 In two hours. Monroe Mf|t. Cos. X 4.'.. I-n Cro*e, Wi. "fiAI.VEftTON HORROR 1 'FIT TAI. i. ii ;.■* i lllikitfated; ,icm< clearlnk per day: I>#-et terms; freight roll: credit itlven: Iss.ks rend'.; out fits free; EO>d salary and cxpcniM'S to sis-elal aaents. H. J Smith l-übllshtn* Cos. t.’hieaipt. AGENTS: SPECIALTY HACKED HY ntisnlui. euaranttc to stralahten kinky n#xr.t hah . r. arly all profit, and W'lts on sltfht Write Itoston Cheml al To.. Ith h mon.l, Vu , for territory and iwrlleukirs. AGENTS. GALVESTON HORROR, thrilling j-tory of the greatest f mtslern time# grt ater than Johnstown Klond. Larye |M,ok. Illustralrd. hl/r profit,. ,)„i, k ei|.<-outm free M.rim DeGartno Cos. 441 Race. Cincinnati, O. tiro MONTHLY. NEW PATENT Mr tall). t read hoards Sample free. I. For shee, fin Innalt. O AGENTS TO SFI.T. OFR CfT TRICE Xmas hm.ks, f/v hoik IV. $1 hook 3V; I! VI hook Ml 12 SO Iwik Tfk credit Riven, fxlsht paid. ■ til fit tree Ferguson Puh li -hlng Cos . MA Fifth street. Cinelnnatl. O. "wanted. AGENTS IN EVERY eountv to sell "Family Memorials." seel pri.rits and work Address Camp bell A Cos . ATI I'ium street. Eigln. IH. AGP NTS AND OTHERS EITHER sex establish a paving business In your |. ill'; oir trails eerr,a tea h vou how o d#> )• For parti.allots write Wheaton A- Cos New Ttedtord. Ms - - AGENTS, COMPLETE STORY' OF TH': Galveston horror h\ Murat II ilstead. tr ,utlf,!lv IHustrated: Inrge hook; htg ~,mm)s>Hin. . r.-IH given; outfit free Ad drew* A merlonn T. A* M Aasoriatlon, .T-4 I>#arls,m. t’hieago. CORSET AGENTS THERE IP OVf.Y np. sh.t s th** Hyrsla, she afandard of the century for service and satisfac tion. For particulars address th© ern Cos. St. Louts, Mo. iqf PLOY WENT WANTED. WANTED HOI'HEWORK RY’ UccGD pesent whl'e woman. Address M WANTED, RY A DOT OF IS, po. sltton where eneryv. hone iv and ambition will ns t.t ad. tneement; m hob-ale house pxterr. and Bright, care of New*. Y YOl'Nfl LADY' DEBIRES A PO. *r.t. a- stenoßrapher and typewriter. Addrea Mtes M B T , in* Eighth elreet, east. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. v LNPMIVIIKYT WANTED. li.siTiGN ywCntetUrty cap Tu and #*x(>. rl-n.-fd l*-kke.... p arv ,| mall, rt f.u. n.a fumlrlwxl. Addrss, t tills ofllee, A WIDOW. AND GOOD HOLAEKJ if. er and sir. s to m ute isatltluu as keefsr for one or several gentlemen. Aa dreWidow B care Morning New, A YOE.Ng'i.ADY ItIXIRFS A Rogj. [ tlon as rt.n#tgraph#a'; also wtlfii.g , 0 H ,. I **ct |n tmkkecpmg. Address c. \ Motnlng New*. WANTED. BY WKITE WOMAN place as cook; good reference a,,,,., , 4* Montgomery street. BITFATION WANTED. YOTNG Mar. rlcd man wants , i#ri< al position or a# . ol- Icctor or sal.eman Acquatn ed with an References Address ") " ear. New# WANTED, POSITION A A DDC. tor s driver or private carriage Adores, P M. F. 8 . kg) Price si reel. ~I,ADY' WOI’LD LIKE PfkWTTOr TO te. h two or three children tn nhun'ry II H . care of News. I.ADY WDELD LIKE POSITION Ah cashier; small salary. G O. LADY WITH HGEEREMT* WIBDES powtiton as nou* *-keep##r; aim wt#ne place as cashier In hotel, real,ninny .*■ Ice oreum isarlor. C. YV. A SETTLITD WOMAN. fWHPTB). wish#,, a situation in a private famtl :n ■ ook and moke her.eejf gvia-rs ly i #.f |or to take care of an Invalid la#ky. Ap ply Yin cparlton etr.-et. west. FIHBT CLABB WAIST HAND'AND talloress wants position with dressmaker, or In store. Address Mrs. And- to. Gen! Del. O .MPF.TENT, EX PERT IT N (TP young woman stenorrapher deatres pc* Hot.; will be generally useful. "O." ejre News T.A I>Y IV A NTS POSITION. TRAINED for nursing el, kor Invalid. Addre-s L, Morning News FMPT.. G MRNT "WANTED. EXfl ©need buainess man wonts position with good future, as man. or assistant manager. Address Dox l*. this offlec WASHING WANTED HY A RFT.IA hIe woman, at fill Gwinnett street, east. HOLM'S WAY TED. rent cheap; near In Mrs Mlnnla Daiy, 111 Oglethorpe. ROOMS WANTED. noma ard hath, between Rott#*i and An derson. and Lincoln oral Whitaker Ail drc # I'tit, U*: Anderson street, nut, wanted, by thb nocim’T'np ro h"uttl Dames, a room or rooms, ftrmltdt tsl or imfnrntsnod, on psrlor fhor, on rr h" ar Bull street, between Oglethorpe menu© and Gaston #rre.(. Ad-inra .1 217 Churfton street, east. Y-OENG COFPLE WANTS THREE rooms, central location, no children, state terms. Address If., this office. HOARD WAITED, WANTED. HOARD IN DEFINED PR! vale family; state terms. A.Ulte-s I U. HOARD WANTED FOR GENT! ' man. wife and two children. In privet ■ family; north of Bolton preferred; r.-fer cnee* exchanged. XX.. .Morning X#*# Wanted, single room “with hoard In private family; terms, please. Y’©ting Gentl.-ntart, care Morning News. WA\TKI>— MIS< KLLAYnOHL dress B. YV. Sperry, Duval Hotel, Jack sonville, Fla. "PARTNER WITH CASH TO ENLARG* paving manufacturing business; no trl tlers Box *6, care News. WANT THE LADIES TO KNOW that Mrs. L. Griffith Is still at 12>! Ogle thorpe avenue, west, where she Is ready to <ki all kinds of dressmaking at tint shortest notice. YVork and fit guarsnt##.! 'WANTED TO RENT A IJGKT weight htiggy for a short time 42! Aher corn street, 'wanted! TWO GOOD MFLE. # sound and good willing workers, at a rea sonable price Addreuui Merr-hant. csre I Morning News evs STOVE; ADVBRTIRER lr© pur.ti,i©r on© Jon©©. Morvilnff WANTEf*. mtOKRN FETTER bltrh pr©f©rr©<l; mtit r©'rl©v©. !•'*- ©?• c*h price. A*l<lr©#a Co*h, rare Morn ing K ©wu. la.\nTEF CALL FOR XTANIUTR In* an*l nh.imjxMnjj, compl* © nr - - tr©.il©*l nn<l nrittki©* r-roov©<i ■* " MwrhM n*l dyed; #Mp©rfluj* *r re moved without Injury to tho 4* ,t --* t© kln; *\*o my *©l©br*t©4 vapor ro hath*; consult a Ron fr©©: B#U ’phone 81&1. Mr*. C. Fmlth. 104 Harrl* §tie©U east. WANTErT your olxPm att rff* (o r©no\aio, on© dollar. lfu.rarf-*d T©lrphon© 4143 WANTED. RELIABLE MAN OP m©an* i Join ir** In planflnn larff© can© rro| nctir Rvannah. have lind M© B I,©*t©r WANTED, to rent HORtE light wagon. Address J. H , cars Nw* WANTED. BPSCOND-HAND BL and harness. Address X. V /.