The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 07, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 DO* ATI ON* H:i WHCX. Mlm llftrrnn % for the llonwit f of fkr 4 oin mlttn a. OwfvyN>n. Oct. * Mtv Clara Hart mi f>r*nufart of tha Amm an KM Yow Ho ciuy. ton4ght t.wuwd th# following tn an*mrr to crR l ciwng in **v*?ral n#w#i* par*. a# to th* mrtjMtd of tfiiMiihujiatg r#- Il#f to the storm *ufTwj-#ni in this oom tn unity. "To the Fublta: My attention he* batfi called to e !*:o’# rustic raid to lw\* t*oon l<nnt#*o in Detroit •>! Chicago pr>. to Uto HT*rt tbwt the ml#f fund •ocu to the Gtlvcatim Osnatai Comm!'.* n, lin*i been mw* pvrc>pi lat*■•!. and that Hid foudi a>kl by the com- TOltte*- to lorai dealer* to again be gold • t high f*r ## It la wall that the Oal* 4'omuntt**# pays rw> i to ror i nafifji'i.!-* U* I ftwU it in> duty to *p#fi* Jn tta baba If, Jen tf*- report gain ciirii kit ton without v*itradl Don *Tt la probably Impossible that 51.000.600. or any other anatiterafole gum. or a I .into Quantity of food and lorhing could !*• do nated for chart table and philanthropic purpo*a and the |-r>oni* aei* ted to dls trtbiKe the ohartty sampo unkind crttl clam. It la an unfortunui* trait In th*- hurra r. charar'er iu aeaall or a|erae oth er* erir..gid in hummltariHn a ta. Per haps fee- have had a alder field for ob serving thla dcj>)r*raMe trait than mr##lf The motive may not be queatloi.ed It la of little moment alth the cruel •tine inflict**! ami the great wrong wrought. no*, to those atfnlnat whom the poisoned arrow w aimed but to the tin fortunate* who anmild be the recipient* of the bounty m> generously bestowed ‘ liver alnce mv arrival In Galveston, Oti# week afier h* terrible erorni I had •ha pleasure ard the hon r of dally meet ing or communicating with the rommlu te**p, haidel by Mavor Jotiea and 'hair man M< Vlttle. iHjfb c||v#|) 1 have gt thatr ao!:< Hatton counsel lei with them day by my l have tv*en permitted to know the detail* of their work and relief tr.itis tt' tiofia by fitting dally In executive *e*. alnn with them It would !>e uttange in deed If 30.00 ft tone of food of every con ceivable <haiacter could he hurrledlv gathered by ten* of thoupnnd* of rM>i>le lr. the Northwest and aeflt to thla c!l mate, of which little i known by many of them, and not a d*l of parish able and uiixultable material he includ ed The good* here wre no cap tion. although It has aeemed to me re markable that so little of that nature wa* sent The que-tlon of selling the Very amall quantity of aueh provisions and thus a* curing the greatest measure of benefit from the donation wa* the most earneatly and thoroughly considered by the oommlttoe 1 firmly advised the ewl of all aueh good?. so limited in quantity, where the money thoe received would af ford greater benefit and the good* them <se|vew be made use of. rather than aooll In the warehouse, on the grounds that the donor* had chosen a* widely as tnev knew, but that If their selection had not been the moat sultabe they wo ~l exjses ? of the committee the exercise of as much business Judgment a* though engaged In their own alYalm "A# to the calibre, business capacity, un stinted, earn* *t application to the work in hand and the Integrity of the commit tee. individually antf collectively, I have never known their eq>ial. I am not prone to volunteer my endorsement, either o' persons or committees, but I take pleasure 1 In assuring the p*sf4e of our country that their donations could not l*e moie wise ly. economically and honorably di*f n* and la being done by the Oa I vest on com tnlttee “Clara Barton “President of the American .National lie I Croat. ** WILL Hl'll,o HOIIIPJ. Mlm Barton Inking a Grading Fart lu (in I % ralon V*|nnn. nitfMton. Tex , Oct L—By art lor of the CVntraJ Relief 'ommnio 10-day Mftn wwa appropriated for repairing wreck'd home* ami fMO.OOO for bidding horn** for thop# whose resktoncaa ai*rr compt*!* ly dtftroyiKl. Th* rrcl|il#nt of fhla assis tance are lo bo determined by th* HulUl 111jc Committee Muh Barton ha rub vnttted to the Building roinmliltr plana for four-room cottages to McrotmTKUtc twelve person* each. And ban made a COBlptvte bill of the lumber ar.d m at# rial* ry to bourn viSfl profile The value of the materials will be tn.'i.lWV* to fiO*.o% and the tout of lalnr l* lo fc'UlV Miw Barton think* *he ran twurf by direct runt rt but ton the gr< ter portion of the material*, and ahe will Issue an ap peal therefor The bufcldtnK ounnilttee re port* that exeaselve wage* are <l* I nlng and the Indlontiona are normal on* dltlona will be reached within lo or K> dky* . / Ten thousand dollar* waa appropriated for the purchase of tool* and sewing ini rhlne* for person# who are able to rup* |Hrt themselves. but are unable to be fool*. •low wonh o% thu boat*. Another Kilenaloa of Time Mnt Vie Urrinlrd nnlrarlnra . W*hburton. Oct. 8.— I The time for the ormtpUvtbat of the twelve torpedo boat.-*, under oo net mutton again. ha* expired and n movement Is on foot to grant the but|dcrs aim month*’ more time By the contract they should have been completed Oct. 1. last year. Loot apnng a year's extension was grunted. dotting back to Ootoher. Thi* time I* ik>w up, ho that another egten #lm wQ be necessary. none of the boat* la near completion Six of them are not vet in water The chief can** of the defcty pew in the Inability of the* r* to secure the mi htnery. WUI,IPI'I\K.*M K\ M W. Mairnifnt •Hinntm Hrcrlpla (.hrn Ont Hj Hie Unr Department. Washington, Oet s—The war depart ment to-day m*d public a statement ahowing the wvrnuw In the Philippine lelands for the lint seven month* of 19h* Cos have b>* r* $4 7tC.*c an increase over the opt rm ponding period of of s2.oss.- sat. The cwfAmn receipt* for the period tiame l In lure* were $<.362.?4.> and the In - ternnl revenue receipt* $336,101. Ttfo |*e tal receipt*. beginning July 1, were de posited In the treasury, and for that month ftmouQtb) to lltu.MV WILL SIRVKV TIIH TKIA*. Possible the Vlntftestiip May ||# He* tired I’ rnm file Jtrr%lrr, Washington. Ort. 6 Tlii> h.iitlrshlp Tcx/ui Is about to be |w '>-*1 upon by u boajr<l of aurvwy at Norfolk, to detet mine Wfeclber It Is worth htlc to spend anv tnof*- money on this obwolcts type of ship. If tho ovsrhoulunt con b* brought Into reasonable limits. It Is probable that It will be authorised. but If the sum re quired !> large the vessel will practball> retire from service. MAIFK COCHN INK PKefUiDP^IT. Appointed It v the Ctntrlmn Tde irraph find Telephone t ont potty. float oh. Ort. 6 —The director* of the Amer.ran Telephone and Tr egraph Com pany have aprolnted Alexander Coch rane president pro urn to fill the varan * caused by the death of the late President. JoHft K Hudson. Mr '‘***hrne Is a direc tor and member of the executive bujrl of the American Hell Telephone. nnl the American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany. TIIK RTORM WAV HKIK H l.lves and Property l.o*t In a Tor nado In Minnesota, IHliuth, Minn.. Oct 6 —One of the fierc est tornadet thit ever visited Nort.i Minnesota and pun- of Wr one in struck ’he e)ve of the Me*, aha range town of Hiwablk. rot* afternoon killing two per son*, injuring eight and doing damage orwoualy estimate*! at from PWIhD to 5M0.600 The dead John Mofiarty. crusb^l by* falling wall. Mrs John Mori arty, Mown against a tree, h* crushed The ri.ime- of the |njtirel carries tie ob t ilnorl bur the> are workmen alsratt the Iron mines, and in>tie t* f.i aiiv hurt The print ilull damage • onsfe'e of rtie lestru*r*tloti of e;u*f? Imhc* • dW' llmg uisl huslnes* houe-i The Autmrfii settlement of Blwitbik Mifferel sav*rHy Twenty houses were blown down In the dborlct Tornalv omlltioi s prevailed to-d*y a i over Northeast Minnesota Vio*ent thun der-torm* were almost mntli.uou* A grew! amotint of rain ha* fallen The funnel-shaped c.e* ,and ps-s* l over fti wabtk wit*! u |*wer that w.s Irreistlble It tlpp**d l<y^omotive* over 1 ftr<J srs • *ff the track and srrbd tt.em from IhO to Abo feet lioufe* In the ps'h of the tor nado were Mown to atoms arai the fur niture scattered for mile* Thw Duluth Miring Company shaft bouse* and other biUdlng* were blown down. The Drake-Stratton Compsn) sue t.ilnetf considerable 10- to locomotive and cars M ANT* I Ml HHM AAM TK. \m%y Department Has Initiated a Hovement With that t.nd In t lea. Washington. t>ct A The navy depart ment has initialed a movement to secure an International agreement upon a uni form system of naval salutes The great #•! diversity now exist* In the practice of the various nations, and the friction engendered by quarrel* between naval commander* over the ealuteaghas given them in some Instance* almost *the Im portance of Internationa! Incidents. For Instave e. w hile Admiral Krmpff was Ly ing at Taku on his flagship Newark, an exchange that took pla between himself and an bh.gllsh aptuin. to the lat tsr's refusal to give Kem' ff the same number . f guns whi h l a I been accorded by a Itusalan ship gave rise to a good deal of fee ing at the time The lirblsh naval sa utes are eat h Je<* by two gins than the ior res ponding Aireri .in ealutes Thf same different exists betw'een the military salute* of tliy two nation* The French salutes are like thou** of none of the great Powers of the world In fact few of the Powers .‘>rre sporwl In their practice In this matter In view of th** mlsunb rstandlr.g which might arise from this state of affairs, it has l*een considered advisable by the navy department to bring the matter to the at t**ntlon of the state depnrtniSn and wug gesf that the other government* b- com municated with, with a view to their ap pointing repreaentatlves to an internation al conference to m- ure the adoption of a system of uniform salute*. Rfill TT .1.1M.H %|*|| COMPAN T. The Fichnngr Ifa* kiren Formed Ith t npltal of gh.tMM.OtAO. New York. O ? fl A certificate of In corporation of the Ivxchange Telegraph Company has been Med with the county clerk of Hudson county. N. J.. and with * the rerary of state at Trenton. The au thorise.! capital stock Is S.YOnMWf> divided Into 60.04) shares of |MO each. The ohle*ta of the company are to ac quire by purchase nr lea** to operate throughout the I’nlted State* a system of telegraph and telephone wires, to conduct the business of transmitting message* by telegraph and telephone and transmit an I sell market and all ktndti of news to operate tickers and Ilk* Instruments for the prompt transmission of all market quotatlon.N and other n* wrs; also, to base to other com|ati!es wires to conduct In the rlt|e* and villages of th* Fn%e I State# a general messenger service. 1 to manufacture and eeli electrical power .and do a reneral telegraph and telephone builntM. %\ h ii i4Mii *•> mm Oriental* and African* Are l.ratlng the I’arl* Lxpoaitlnn. Paris, Oct 6—The exposition has been shorn of one of the mou picturesque ex hibit# in the departure of the majority of the Oriental. 1 * and Africans atta hd to the co.onial m Hon in th garden* of the Tbwadero Although tlie weather Is still fairly warm, th* Orientals have been shUerlng with *old and demanding their return home ‘consequently nearly all of them have been packed off to their na tive lands. While some people are still askinV that the exposition closing le postponed there I* no chance of their appea;* being grant v*l. The exp*it!on will clone Nov. Many member* of t|* American Commb sion have nli**ad\ ?•■•tilt • I and the ,yr* are or. upled with the task of krrangtng for the return of the exhibits. ,a , } no AND HAS NOT At.ltKllD. t|ne*tlnn of the fill* for the Nwvnl Wtotlon Ant Settled. Washingiorv <• * * Tn* naval hnord inquiring Into the question of removing the naval station from Port Royal, h not agreed upon a re|gjrt. It i* under stood thiM the inquiry as to t "bar leg ton ha* narrowed the question of wli*v* down to two. and that the Unitd is likely' o present the merits of both of (hew site*, with in espresslon of preference f>r one of them This tvili lewv* the navy depart rnnt fre* to mak< the final selection, and I* Intended to obviate the po**niity of omblfiHtlon. or increase of price by thuee 1 (Here*ted In the successful site. mil It Mil I * I I.OXKIK Offletnts Neport the MttiMltt* Honn Hue f l.firk of flemnhd. Minneapolis. Minn . <>• t Nearly one half of ti • flour ml I o|terntiiig It Min neapolis closet! to-nlaht dn Indefinite length of time The ofth Ini* report the cruise due ex!u*lv#ly to the late marked shortlist* In the i nvind for fl ur. It t ••outended generally that the coming flec tion has to some extent larught the tud den decline in demand, and it Is probable that none of th* mills *lll resume opera tions until after H Is over. Wll.l. HKH IIK oi*km vrio*s. Twf*nt) rint* of flit* Tin l*lnfe C om* puny Will H|rt Ip. N w York, Oct •—The report that the twenty plants of the American Tin Plate Company nre to resume o|>eritton* Mon day was confirmed to-la> at the local < f* ft ,* of the coni|*n\ The mills. whl**h employ some li <■*' nun. were closed down for more than three month*, pending a settlement of the wage scale p€atadft*r llulitncr *hert. Washington. <. t < The'balance sheet of the poet off! *e department. just com plied. shows the following condition tor the past year: Expenditure*. $1()7.249.25W. revenue. fUC.. JM S7H; excess of exiend|ture. SI.M 71* This ie about sl,floo v <sio lea* than the dv jtett for Vhv preceding fiscal year. THE MORNING NEWS. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1900. SHENANDOAH OVERRUN. Continued from First Pag#. with it ••These charges "he paid. **are absolutely Ufltru* ' Mr Mitchell iitred that, despite the statement of the that they would not rts at**'*e the union, they had already don* so by announcing the 10 per ant ttier*sow He said It wa* strange that this advance was not granted until tha United Min* Workers rm* here. MANY NOTH KA I' Mine Worker* Aln*t Nose Decide %• to AAliat They Will Da. fAcranfon. Pa . Oct 6 The T*nlt*d Mine Worker* cannot much longer conalftently delay th* call for convention to oontdder the 10 p*r cent, offer On Tueaday last six of the larg** companla*. reprej-enting .v per cant of the total tonnage, poatad I notices of the offer, A number of amall* er ompnnies did likewise To-day a result of yesterday's meet ing of the Individual operator*, most of the more important individual operators joined In the offer, and on top of all thla. the Delaware at *l Hudson Company, op erating twenty-one * ollterie* and tarry ing 9 per cent of the total tonnage, fell into line this afteu*mi. by posting the natt. e* The Pennsylvania Coal Company Is the only large operator in this region that has no? posted not). *s President \S V 8 Thorne has stated tlgit the Pennsylvania will agree to whatever the others do. so that thla con.pan) Is prac tically in line. - ■■■ - ■ ■ w * i * THE llllhß AND M inrcm llcafeit Dl*rn**tnn Among Baptist* Over an Offer From llitekf feller. Houthlngton. Conn . f>ct .V—At the New Haven Baptist A>-oclatlon to-day a res olution was Introduced that all the church es in the a**o lallon be asked to take a collection for> the Newton Theological Seminary. It wa* announced that John D Ho kefeller had protnleed to give to the Institution flfiU.OJ) if a similar amount could l*c ixirH The Rev T A Hanna of Hhelton. op|*eed the resolution In vig orous language He said: •This seminary anl aleo the Baptist University of Chicago ore hotbeds of her esy Their inwtructors tear the pupils fr> m the soiid foundation of the old th*- o|.Ar>' to the ahlfting quicksand of the new •o-cailed aclentlflc religion Young men go to these kistltu ion* with a true, unwavering faith in th** Almighty. Be fore long, however, they *r*- siuiken by cue tlcfubte of their tutor*, who turn on the Bible the Hcwrchiight of science, and w hile not absolutely rejecting portAonw of It untrue, they so hedge certain pat* wages of trie BtHe wTh dsjbt* ands en tlftc data t!at thetr teaching* Uwe thatr weight and thrdr pupils become atheists at heart. If they do not how their ag noattloism outtrardMjr." The speaker went on to *ay t;*at the '•w.-hings of N'trv of the doctor* of divin ity In the Baptist seminaries* had lieamt s* outwardly agnoatio that It had kjoert nrpsaaary to relieve them of their pos.- j tton* 'The weeding! he said, “is rot \et '-ompk-ted. and the seminar es still hold men who endanger the future of •he Christian cauae." Mr Hanna's remark# arousad a heated controversy A long debate was ended when Rev. W. (J. Thomas moved th** adoption of the resolution, and this wms •lone by an over wbtlnilng vote. MAJORITY WILL Btl UO. Allnlatera fan Reply I pnx hnpport In tlie New Parliament. Ijondon. Oct 6.—The only results of th* • lay s polling received to-night are those from the Flint and Carnarvon district*, both of which fleet Liberals, and from the Shipley division of Yorkshire, West Hid ing. which returns a Unionist Those do not alter the gains of the respective par ties There have been Hected 111 member* thus far. 322 of whom ar* ministerialists. wht<* U 4 are representatives of the oppo sition There Is no probability that the result of the balloting tn the 1M constituencies still to be heard from will materially af fect the present positt n of the party, and it Is generally conceded that the minis terial maj rlty In the n**w parliament will he In the t>*lghlHrho©d of i&j The liberal* captured .is at In W est moreland. where Sir Joseph Savory. < on narrative, the former Lord Mayor of Ixwidon. suffered debat Plr Robert Held. Liberal, who wa* conns ted with the Venexuela arbitration, wiu re-el • fed tor Dunfrtes by a slightly decreased major ity. while the Liberal Imperialist. II H Asquith, whs returned from Fast Fite with double bis previous majority. FI V B IF. Alt* FOB BIUAHV. Jury Found McAlister Mud Been l. radius a Double Ufr. Columbia. 8 C.. Oct. 8 —George McAlis ter of Ppirranhurg had 100 many wives, and wlf* No. 1, wss *o pretty and d>nl rbd and earnest when she went on the stand, the Jury quhkly concluded McAlister must be of the bid kind not to be contented with her They found him guilty of h gamy and the Judg* Imposed a sentence of tlvr years on chain-gang Margaret Gregory testliied that In she married McAllister at her home in Wellfotd The preacher who performed the ceremony *e*llfled to that fad. Uit Mar h. at Arlington. Hpartanburg routi’v. McAllister married Miss Surah Wllkereon. lie lived a double life, and for some time deceived*both the >oung wo rmn Hi • | nothing In his own babalf, and the Jury found a verdict tn live min utes. m. fi. avaga\ died. *u-rambed to the Injuries He Re ceived In a I’rlse Fight. Philadelphia, Oct t -Steve Flanagan, the ex-chnmplon Imnturn weight In pugil ism. died to-night at the Hahnemann Hospital, never havlnv regained oon scioiisncsg since his collapse In the tlfch round of his fight with • Jimmy” Devine ut industrial llnil last night While several men. Including Devine, who were directly connected with the con test, were placed under arrest, the testi mony presented at the magistral*’* hear ing to-day (before Flanagan's d*th> was positive on the pari of all the wunesse* that no blow had been struck Immediately preceding the time that Flanagan sank to the floor Devine was to-day held without twll to await the result of Flanagan’s Injuries, and Ernest iTowhurst. the referee, and Itoberl Delaney, Flanagan s manager, and the seconds of both fighters were released in 9900 lutl as*. Conventions nt Old Point. Newport News, Vo . Oct I—Two Ur I conventions sec e h luled for the forth coming week at Old Point Comfort. Toe Nation ii Pain: *nd Oil Association will meet in anntsal session at the lfo:e) Chamberlain Tueolay morning lasting three da>v The Traveling Passenger Agents* Association of the l’nlt*| States wi,l meet at Old Point Monday evening, the Bth. \et Meeting nt t'hnrlcatua. Denver Col.. Oct. B.—The convention of the National Funeral I>irecto,• As *, at’on to-day slr-'tixl P II Dickson of Mobil*. Ala , president. Charleston. 8 C., was vboaan as th* next meeting ptac* A SHORT TALE FROM REAL LIFE. AFTER ALL ELSE FAILSPERUNA SAVES. A Bright, Vounjj, Happy Girl Suddenly Begins to Languish with Physical Disease. Doctors Are Hurriedly Consulted % They Uxamine, Consult, and Shake Their Heads in Grave Doubt. The Girl Grows Steadily Worse. All Hope Seems Futile. At Last a Girl Friend Calls Who Recommends Pcruna. Pcruna Is Obtained, and the Result is Another Glorious Triumph Added to the Ar chives of Medical Science. { Mia* Mil tie B funis. B-cretary Uflon of Royal Women, also treasurer cf the Craddock Club, writes In a recent letter to Dr Hartman, from Hotel Snlrm. Bos ton. Maes, .the following: , •'I ii firr*-d for over a year with general wrakarn and debility, manifested eapertally In severe backache nnd headache. My ph?*lclan prescribed different ntedlclne*. pone of which *crmel to help me any. until n dub a**oclate advlaed me to try Pernnu, a* It cared her of con*tltiatlonnl headache and atomach fronhle*. •'I at onee ordered a bottle and be fore It waa used felt greatly improv ed. •'I have taken four bottle* and for two month* have been entirely free from these malndlea. "Heveral of my friend* are n*lng Htrana with beneficial reault*. espe cially In cne* of trouble with the kidney* nnd other pelvic oric*n*. to gether with wrakne** peculiar to women.** MATT IF CTltTIf, Doaton. Mas*. The first twelve years of a woman's life •he I* not ao subject to dlecaae and bodily derangements as u man. But. from the age of puberty fwhich us ually occur* when she is about 14 year* of age) until after hc han passed the change of life (when nhe l*. a* a rule. 4k year* old> the woman Is much more sub ject to functlonalfdlaor ler* than the man The peculiar derangement* to which a woman I* liable between thoe two criti cal periods of her life, all have one caute. namely, disturbance* of the organs pecu liar to her sex. The mucous membrane* lining these or gan* %re exceedingly sensitive and are constantly liable to catarrhal disturb ance*. From early girlhood to old age, few wo- GENRNG. CATHOLIC* (Ol'M IL. The Question of Holding One Will lie Considered. Washington, Oct. 6 -One of the most m|*ortont questions to be considered by Q Amerh an archbishop* at their meet ing in Washington next week It Is said, will be the advisability of convening a general council of the Catholic Church In this country* at early date. Sixteen years have elapsed alnc* the last plenary council was held In the Pnlted States. It was convened under Cardinal Gibbons’ direction at Baltimore In Novem ber. 18*4 It Is stated that the Roman au thorities believe that another general meet ing of American prelates ought to be held coincident with the opening of anew cen tury. and as Baltimore has been the held of all the epi- op.ii councils lu this coun try since October, IKJR- when Archbishop Whitfield held the first, the Me* c f Bal timore. ptobaMv. will be hnseu as the (•ration for the next meeting It Is the mother Bee of the Union, having been founded Nov. t. 1785, and originally em braced the who# Am* r.can republic. It is learned that at least ten of the American Archbishops will take part in the meeting; here next week / A hhI.EADIM* TITLE. Government Disavows Neeponsibll- Ify for a War History. Washington, Oct 8 —Acting Secret try MMklejohn h*.“ een advised that n short timo a;o a young null called at a house In Augusta. Me., and presentetj a raid on which was printed ’’Commit :ee on I hat ri but lon. Official Records. Washing ton. D C.. Represented by Arthur J Chalmers." He said he represented the war records office, of which Oen. Marcus J Wright h**l been tor twenty years the head, and he wished to sell the •'records of the Spanish war,'* The work proved to be phtoral account of the late Spanish war. published under o misleading title. |. !* shat tlen Mamas J Wright r**ferrl to 1- u puhordlnate employe of the <hpartm**nt He never was the head of the war records office The work is In no sense an *vfficlal publication of the government. will nm: Kulglita Templars Will Hr Attended llv Fair Women. Lou svll'e. Ky.. Oct. 6.—The Executive Committee of the 28th triennial conclive, Knights Templar of America, to le held In Loulsvlil*. Aug 27-I>. I9CI, has deoi led to ask every grand comvnandery in the rnhel Btotes to select a of Its stile as sponsor to acc mpany the com mandery to Louisville. No conclave since the first one In New Yotk In 1816 has had s.*onsors. Flint It 4k RKB3 FLOATED, |he kmes I anal Is Now Freely Open to Traffic. Port Paid. Oct. * The American steam collier Ftnlr. h ch ireently sank tn the floes canal, while on her wty to Mant 14 wi h coal for Amer.cin fleet, has been fltated and the canal Is n.w freely open u> traffic. '^'lissrmTw-earlis. ( m>n are entirely frw from some dogr of catarrh of those organ*. Tht* rcrult. In many ailments to which th- man lit not liable. Pcruna lr the only remedy so far devised by the medical profeerton to correca this tendency. No womnn should be without Pcruna With pcruna the ihournmt and one ail ments dependent upon catarrh of the pel vic oraans eon he wholly averted For all of that class of disorders known as female diseases. Pcruna Is wtthout a rival, because It ssrtke. at the source of these diseases Peruna produces clean, healthy mucous membranes, wtthout which no woman can he strop* or beautiful The day has been when women, especial ly married women, expected to he hag yard and sickly—that day has passed. N'o up-to-date woman can afford to de- PLOT AGAIART ALBERT. Plr* Persoas Were Arrested aa Im plies fed at flriaasels. Rnisael*. Oct. 8 —As the reault of a discovery of a plot against Prtnca Al bert. five arrest* have been m ide. among those taken Into custody being the per sons a. • used of complicity in the plot of Jean Baptist Slpldo, the youth who at tempted u> assaeeinate tho Prtnca of Wales in Br’rssals 1n April ioat. It Is said that further arrests am con teen plated Th*- city authorities have Anally per suad*-J the Socialists to abandon the dem onstratton they had proposed to bold to morrow*. and It will occur 00 Monday. In consideration of the postponement the 80 ciallsts demanded and secured a prom Ise of pardon for the Roriailst Molneau. who Is undergoing a sentence of Jmpris on meet at hard labor for having p.aced an infernal machine In a doorway The magistrate pat at th* town halt until 11 late hour to-night to investigate th* plot. One of the arrested persons has been released, but the others am detained Jh# latest reports reduce the Importance of the conspiracy. Of >1! I.GEL BOAT LI AE. 'lores f ompaalrs Decided to Attend Gen. Retl'a Funeral. Macon. Oa . Oct. 8.--Th* Dairymen's Association decided to-<2ay to build a central milk depot in Macon, where the milk that la put on the market will be in spected and distributed Tb* Garbutt Bros and a number of oth er boat builders or owners are investi gating the situation here with a view tc establishing boat lines to Brunswick Rev cml conferences have bean held and It Is thought a line wall soon be established The gvivernment has cleared aome of the worst sand bars which have made navi gation so difficult in the past. The Floyd Rifle*. Macon Volunteers, and the Hussar* 10-night decided to leave here at 7 o’clock to-morrow morning to at tend Adjutant General Kell's funeral at Griffin. Roster Given SUVt> flt Joseph y|o t Oct. B.—The Burlington Ral way to-night sent to Express Messen ger Baxter of Knnas City a warm letter of com mend;* lon for his courageous nc. ti© frustrating the hoid-up near Council Bluffs by shooting and killing one of the robbers The letter also contained a draft for 85flb as further evidence of apprecia tion. The dead robber was to-night identi fied as Albert II Poon* of Kan Death la 1 olltalon. Tacoma Wash., Oct. B—A Great North ern passenger ami a freight train col lided passenger, was Engineer Rmnrt of the freight was fatally injured. Horne G. Hchybiirton and Mrs Marshall we e seriously Injured. Rnnrke Carkrsn Spoke. Topeka. Kan.. Pet € B tirke Oockran addressed s vast audience In the Audito rium In this city to-night Mr Cockran discussed imieria’lsm Joe Gan tiets tlie Ibntrr Deelalon. Denver. Col.. Oct. s—Jo* Gans cf TJal tlmore got the decision over Jo* Young of Buffalo before the Colorado Athletic As sociation at the end of tn round*. prive herself of a remedy ao Important to her health and happiness. Peruna Is an Ideal safeguard for the woman in all phases and periods of her life. mOHIXF.IHT AMKHirty WOkRI who HF.roMMl'.an peri vv Pels*. %. Lorkanud, Us.hlngtm. D. C. Mrs. Senator F. R. Warren of W a.hlnxtnn. f>. f\ Mrs. \ ernnn K. Itoarh, wtfe of Sen ator Roach of l.nrlmore, SI. O. Mr.. Urn. James l.nng.trret of IVs.hls.tnn, n. r. hi*. Nellie Hanna, niece nf Senator Marrun A. Ilnnnn, of NS aatilngton, I). r. FIRR AT D ABIEV Resfdenee of ft. 11. Ksot on the Ridge AA as Destroyed. Darien. Oa.. Oct. B.—Fire last night de stroyed the pretty residence of Mr. R H Knox, on the Ridge. The discov ered about 1A o'clock and when help ar rived the entire sc. ond-story was aflame. Some of the furniture and crockery were saved from the first floor. Mr. Knox is In Europe and Mr*. Knox is at Asheville, N. C. A negro who was sleeping in the house give no Intelligent account of the Are. aa In fact he probably knew nothing shout It until neighbor* made the dis covery The most valuable furniture and silverware were parked lv room* up stairs and were all destroyed The Are was moet probably started by r.ita. The loa* Is 83.0X* or 84.0 QA ond l* largely covered by insurance The Dnrten *nd Ridge academies Kid the largest attendance this week of aay first week for several years. moot t Tio\ 1* growing. Condition* a* to kugnr nnd Tohncco In Calm Are Improving , Havana. Oct. 8 Boih the sugar and the tobacco industries are settling down to a large and permanent production, and the mornings ore now estimated at over D.- mitm. New sugar machinery Is at pres ent In the course of erection In various parts of the island. During the last three day. BKO Immi grants from th* Canary Di ns!* and Bar •'*.ona have arrived here and hive left for the country districts, where employment la readily obtained This continued influx (tartly solves th* labor question, many of th* plantation* having been Idle owing to lack of lafcor to cultivate thrm. 4ddreaed ly tluny. MeadvilU. Ha,, Oct. 8 M. 8 Quay d -dr#shd .1 large her* to-ntghi Mr Vuay’ll speech opencil with the words ’ Yoti s*e before you th* next United States Senator from Pennsylvania ” Af ter a gasp of surprise at th* assurance of this utterance, abut at of applause was given.* It in Grand** Western. Uhlwgo. Oct 8 Word was received to day by the roads whL h for a week oast have b**:i strtiggl t a with the formation of a tians-eontlt.crtd r*seng*r associa tion that the Itlo Grande Western had de cided to bet* -mo a member Appointed n Rrrrhrr. Chattanooga. Tenn.. Oct 8 A receiver was nppoln?d to-day for the Cumberland Building ard I earn Association of thl* state liabilities are stated to be about 81*4Ano. No statement of the assets tun made. *hot n Jockey. Islington. Ky.. Oct. 8 HTank Perkins, a Jockey was shot to d*oth t his home here to-night by Tom Christian, white, a former Lank clerk ami exerciser for E. T. Grave*, the turfman. Barones* ton Retfelor. Washington. Oct. 8 A telegram from the United States consul ot Tien Tsin con veys the information that the Baroness von Katteler left for Yokohama Sept ja in fair health. Air*. Grldley, mother of Captala Grhlley, off the ateamhlp Olympia- Hra. .%!. C*. ( ooprr, the promlneat •ealptres*, of \\ asblngton. D. C. Atr*. Hobl>-Mn her, attorney -at-law, llano* City. Kan. Mr*. Colonel IVamlfroa aff Colam lins. O. Mr*. Tlieophlle Schmidt, wife *f the ri-Grrrfsry of the German Con stilate. of Chicago, 111. Al*o Mias Jalla Marlowe, Mr*. Mc- Kee Rankin nnd Mr*. Leslie Carter. ’‘Health and Beauty.” a book written especially for women by Dr B R Hart man. will be sent free to any woman up on request. Address The Peruna Medicine Cos.. Columbus. O. WILL TFftT THE LAW. Corporation* Do Hot Wnnt to P*7 Tsin on Their Frnnehlaes. New York. 8 —The Herald wIU ray to-morrow lYarporatlon* holding Important fran chise* in thin city have decided to t**t the conatltutlonality of the ForJ frab chiee tax law, and mil Hone of dollars tn taxes, now due. remain unpaid. Edward Lapiterbach. counsel for the Third Ave nue Railroad Company, said yesterday that the com panic* have been advised that the act la unconstitutional. Only one large corporation baa paid '<t* share of this amount. The R?andrd Oil Company sent to Col. Austen a check fre f1.D8.78 The Meirojiolltan Btreet Rail way Company and other corporst*nns holding franchise* In the city street' which are heavily taxed under the I*w law. will fight through all the court* 10 that of last resort before paying Instead of paying the tax under pre test and then testing the law, the ca*a lain ten will take refuge In the claues which f*rmlt* taxes on realty to remain unpaid for three year* before proce* lings ran be begun Meanwhile they will en deavor to obtain remedial >gilatlon. COTTOX I* TOO HIGH. That Is the C omplalav Made by the Mills tn Mexico. Mexico City, Oct. B—The cotton tnaru factutlrg Interests are badly affected hy the extraordinarily high prices for ‘Al ton. and at Puebla, which Is the center of the cotton textile Industry In this country, mill ow ner* propose running *ev *n or e ght hours a day until th- end -f the >ear and then shut down three months In order to give time to work off th* heavy stocks accumulated B mills at Puebla are Just now merely run ning td give work to the operative' v* are several other cotton mills In dlff r r* nl part* of the country. 80 Inffectl on* N,k„. Olv„ton, Oof. *—Humor. !>*'"• irnln.d olrrulatfon offooflnit th. P 1 holth of (Hilv.*ton olfy. Holth I't* 1 clan Wllkln.on to-<lny 'Mroot 10 ov.ry |ihy,lolan In *h oliy. ” fhy hnrt ny omo In thrlr pmotloo of f> Infooilou* or op'drmlo naturo. E''h n ' ,n ’' rtoofor, repllofl In Iho n<-Kflv<*. o,lv , ,n i fro, from ny *uplolmui onot.! t.nun. Prinoofon. 12; S. • i ~n URtimylty. IT; Purdu, I. I’onnovlv,nln M, Hovorfor.l, 0. Yiilo. SO; Tuft*, 0. Oolumf.l*. 12; \Vo,!oy,n. 8. eorvartl. 12; Bowtlom. 0. Prawn l; Holy t'ra**, 8. Cornoll. 8; Buoknoll. o. •Ilohaol tho Minnrr. nltlmoro. Oof. Jlmmv SHoh*r> w " a iw.nfy-mllo motor pa.-.d ra,— to-nlk • at tho CoHaoutn from Arohlo MoEa'l> ,r ' by *0 yartt* Tima 31:2-S Th' B'** flvo mil.. .r* rlrtflon by Mloha.l * n mlnuioa 82 2-S aoootvlr. on, aaoolhl f*' l than th, form,r worlri'a rooord. Klkra Hr..Ur Hrntrit.- Hro-’.nn. Matt, Oft. A-Harry KM* J* day brak, v,ry Wojrol, ord frnm mU.a lo th, hour, with ordinary p Th, rrard I* 3 " v r,rand by Cha* at Par!*, rol !e ’ nrdA