The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Image 1

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XH K morning news is.- • Incorporated is** t'"’ j )( KflTltXo Pr**idm. IS ON IN MARYLAND Dr „.MHnc rwun was it. RPICIOI M.t ■■OCT. GORMAN WROTE A LETTER. ]U >M , rRDVKSTBD MM ATTK\IL INO THE MEKTIWk tfru l TlmuMindM (hr \\ fill h**r and Gathered In H*ll- Agalnaf lui|erial l|Ul mill >lllltarlam—-’I he Enrnrr tlip i.rcdt lirui*—Hr|ahl|(*an Paris’* i Vann ~f Ilf .ponslhlllljr for I’rna rrli) la Aliaard. r, r e, O t S- Several thousaiM i**r- rii.gig whom were many ladle#, j 4 , i ihe element# to-night and 4tt*fl"e.l f ,, pp:io< rallr ma* mating at Musi? ha.n fell in torrent** during the early yin f the evening The attraction*, as j *n m rrd, included Oov William J Stone i of Mi-i* ourl, former Senator A I* Gor r.r a? his state, and * number of well- ; fcrpur local stell -binders. \Vh*n • halrman Jam*** H Smith called meeting to order he Introduced Jam* * j. R nar<l#*n of Tennessee, chairman of i er)c* ratic Congressional Committee. M* Richardaon explained to the audlcn< ** { he had visited Baltimore uti**x|* •te l !i-I was not prepared to make a U**rh. but stated that he hid been re l to read to the assemblage a let *r shUh had been received from "Mary land favorite #on," Hon Arthur I*. Gor rit who, he said, was detained at home cr. i >*. k bed and mat chafing under the | ia ,r it ” which prevented hit* attendance j a "this grand, glorious gathering of the j I 1 *tv- racy of Maryland.** Mr (forman'i letter was written to j M.rmy V andiver, chairman of the lem- ] State Central Committee of Mar v*nl, from Laurel, the ex-Scnator's imier date of Oct. 8, and r*id* e- fobowa: fnve postponed this mensage of re t -' t<> the very last moment—ln fact, un :< elved this niorning my physician * l prohibition I am told that I can n it the slightest strain upon my : *ti at this time without incurring -Linger of |N*rmanent disability You I '■ hevn me when I sa> that my fail- , m**ei our ft lends to-night Is among j >t grievous of the renunciation.* ' t and iipci tn* by my unfortunate s.ate bank I cvi promise, however, that a *1 -f* J am dnie-| this opportunity. ) r, rim** and labor will to the utmost i c> extent b# devoted to assisting th • and rational committees in p#*rfeot ■i 'h- organisation of the forces of lios -0 the new and dangerous doctrine* •>r r* 1 by President MrKtnlOy In the * it lon and forcible occupation of the j l pplne Islands and their government 4- olony. M - opposition to this sinister and ab t policy lsan with it* inception. ; \ ertlog |n iart the suite of Mary I > I u\ the United States Senate, ard j b -inning the disasters that must n**c- | * < v constitute the retinue of those ; 'a 1 .vile. Imperialism and militarism, I * • **d them with all the pos>r at my j ’ rnand. We succeeded only In Pl - ata permanent increase of the r*K- ! army establishment tip to ].<■*. Tie ; * • Iment to the arm\ hill, offered and teiy insisted upon by the |nm<> rats ** Semite, resulted in limiting tie •I u-n of this lix tf’.iMMi establishment ! j v 1 xing its period at July 1. lsttt. It ! * .... -ceit. therefore, that the mir*t'- ■ * of this enormous and unnecessary ; 'ary machinery is one of the tpies and not tiie |ra<t import - * ' of ’hem—to be decided by American people nex'. Novem- If that machinery be withdrawn. * *> no longer occupy territory thou '' f miles distant. and govern against j will millions of people as to whose • ' • *er custom*, and national asplra ' * • we ,*re profouiHJly ignorant. We I th. n return to the time-honored { t *i cs of ’he founders of the republic, ft I to th** safe and honorable policy of ; 1 \ tig such territory as can eventually 1 •' *!mltt*d to *?atehood In the I'nlon. f 11 as federal reservations for r“*r of commerce and d*rftise ex lu T'emocratlc platform aptly aid "ays the jar 1 mount Issue of the ngn is the burning Issue of lmi**r -5 *m When that shall have hern dis i 1 f. w** lan devise and formulate •' ri for Jut taxation, the rcgul-i- M * f "igiMnatlons of capital which in i> > ofYect tl.e Individual, the min* chooting l'nlt.d Htate* senitors. 1 ti tne b rails of all of which questions ■*l ira *r ib# bmm poIMI ih I alt 1 r 'bffer Hut each of them will be dealt % i y the I>emocratio party so that the of govormmmt win bt nlin * U ‘ protectsil. • tlempt by the Republicans to r *• th*- < urrency question pied tnineni That question was. four vetni me Kgi, al product of condition no biiiKer exist. The phenomenal ’ niade 10 the volume of gold *hv • • n arr.tnint equal, if not greater than ’ coin in dr ulation cm the first of s r V of that rcmv*s h- qu •*- 1 tn the domain of controversy. Thl* •►1 together with the Imin* .use ' 1 e 0 f loufe In our fsver. has been about by natural <au*e* which uigenuHy an ,j enterprise of our p* iv hav* utidxed For fhc* It inihli n ‘ 1 ' *la tan tnat it 1- t.w ft i: 11 t 1 b v •• and enlighten* and st.itesmam>hip i"‘posierous for scrlotm oon^ldcr •tion. s sole hope of arresting the present T * KU " progress of iniperialUm. with its , '" r * > mltants of larg* standing armie* *• *’ it owing Inst of acquisition, lies in flumj of the Democratic ticket next ' * What the country needs for is * r 'nMe -nfety and prosperity I* th*- J *■ of \\ J. Hryan and Aibt K. nor,. with a House of Represent a* f u * *>x>id with them In our own ‘ * know that Democracy 1* alive 1 ’ ' and i'l*i* and res|mns!hiiltlee resting , * ( If each Democrat will, from moment to the eve of th** ejection, 1 .( * itn-elf loyally to the completion r •' w..rk of iwrty organization, which 1 , * *'* ™ hrlillantiy ina'igtiraied ni # . ’ A I r<> gressing un*ler mrn happy and t , ( '* l “ ausplcoa, Mr. Bryan w.ll * he electoral \*ot* of Msrylnn*! *’ j 4 .," * was next introduced Tne I ~*, r Tf, s former senator from Mary- j t beg , n --jg a comp*ete anawes | „ * r *bimmea that have been hurled t * h,m blast from his bugle „„ u worrh le.aon men.' for 1 I* no ' r -ment 10 any other leader of tnu 4 *' m ' v 'rer V of Maryland to say th • 4n eapds forth pre-eminent, not on Fifth rage > Jlatemnalj morning MrtojS. TO ABSORB SAVANNAH FIRMS. I \MHRIC ita TIM. I’RlililiTll ro>ii%- 8Y Ottt.AMZFIt ,%T lI%>IHIRU. t atpltallsed wt lAMtO.ono Marks*Tw >svsnnsh >n\al *treft t xp*rinu Klrai* *lil i Hr (.oiiig Into It—Vu Inforniiilinn %hmit the (Irgniiliii ttnn or the >lorpt!u of **Mxian~ nali Firm* tthtnlnahle I *••* Mglit. Berlin, Oct. R The American l*ine lio flucts Company l as Just bean ofganltel at Hamburg to absorb two firms that have been Impottuig from Savannah. The new? concern I* a Join; stock i'omt>ny a capita I of marks. No Information - odd be obtained here last right us t> the exporting 1 aval store* firm lik* I> to h* absorbed by the company. Th* dispatch announcing its organisation was r*ceivtd too iat** t al- Inw any of tie If * ling * xptt**r- to be seen. capli *1 of the H imburg om l*iny. olioiit is not ajflldemly • ter f Hhoiter & Cos., was in Hamburg during the summer. Being one of the largest exporter* of naval store* her-* It was surmised that he might have Mwme information of the drill. ll*’ coul*l not U s.-n however. The Artwr-ip company ami B* ico k. Hunt A- ‘*o., are Urge export-rs. but whether the H hot ter company or * It her Of the lasi two I- iff*- ted by the fotiegft corporation is unknown Th-re have been rumor* of n naval store* deal >f some kin-1 for some firm* but Ju.-t what it w.s and whether th-- organlxttlon of t foreign company is the rc*uit could n*>i be learned. t 1 Hi; Foil Mil* %HI A* llr. K*el Innnilirp* t omplete •*••- rrmm nf Ht K*|terlseats. T.-ma H• ib . OCt. 1.-PUMBRI 1 ! who arrival yesterday from the Orient, rejiort tnat Rolwrt Korh haw arrive*! at Hong Kong. Tho eminent ba teriologlat of the Berlin I'nlverslty ha* devoted a >e:r to sebntiti- investigations Ui the Dutch West Indies, and in the German cdenies of Africa f-r the purpose o* testing hi* cur**, which was only* part ly MHc-fdal in Germany before hi* de parture. The e- ientut r>w announce* to the med ical work) that his cure, is positive, ami that every molarliil district can l*e abs-s --lutfly purged of th-- s-smrge. While on rhe Island of Jav , Prof K*-'h procured several gorilla* infected with malaria, an I gave th*-m lnJ- ‘*tiona of hi* virus an-1 ml*e-i a medicine which con tain* about . per cent, of quinine. The dose.- were much larger than those intend ed for human beings, and the results were eminently satisfactory. Dr. Koch announce* that hi* medicine is both for curative and preventive pur pose*. He also want* It known that he bus found a way of ridding countries of the malarial parasites, the mosquitoes On hi* arrival in Berlin he will present his official report to the German govern ment and will recommend that measure* be taken at once to Introduce hi* method of exterminating the pora.-Hc*. and his cure for malaria which he claim* can le manufactured at on*e In all countries. POMTH * IN ENtiI*AND. They Are ktlll Figuring on the Elec tion Vtesnlt*. Irdon. Oct 8. 2;>. * m.—Only four result , out of the twenty-one constituen cies polled yesterday in the parlimentnry general etotlon. have >een thus, far an nounced. These show that the Liberals have gained two seats, one in Carmar thenshire. and the other strangely enough, in the Radcllff-- um-Karnworth division of Southeast Lancashire, which bad hitherto gone strongly Conservative. It looks, therefore, an if there might 1- rt slight r< iction in the country p*dlings. but his will be to bite to affect the general re sult seriously. I,**! evening Mr Asquith, ore of the Liberal Ica-lers. dmltte*l that - the Salis bury gov. mm-nt would r- turn to power wuii a majority of from 1> to W Of the m* mb’i alregdy declared ofh i-diy -lifted tlie Mmlsi- rial s.* number tfl At Vi the m>posltlon I*W.. The founrr have gained twenty-three seats and the latter eighteen. The Daily Telegraph say* It understands that the cabinet ha* resigned a* a forma - K>. and in order to enable any necessary icv onst ruction. t %m: U l OVI INI ED. Patrlrk and .lone** Hearing Will He N*x• Moiiilh). N.w York. <t. 8 The hearing in the charges of forgery against Patrick and Jon-*, which w* to have bc*n h,*1.l ihl* Hftcrco'in. mi- idJorin“.l until Mnil' 1.1 >■ n*xi the re<|iii"t of Krrjerhk It lion*.', couneel for the r.rlier. A*lhl ani liietrlct Attorney Oh horn* mo'te no ohjc-llnn to the |> flnone'ntent. The orll -ial hall of lie.<>lo eorh na- contlnue.l. Ml. Ilouee hi hi he tnikht olf.r hall to-mor row- . , I,at, thl, afternoon forma, comiilalnt aitalnst I’atrluk anti June, *> made hv Albert faiey, a .!etc tlve, who a. --u,e,t the itefriKlantH of li.ik:iik forked the nlir t.aiure . f \V M Kite ton check for cn Hn em* n *c Pan, IH.llltllHtll'.lt IA Hit tlit). Drprn Marcher# Mere Charset) h nn llrunnl.ed K.aua. Chleaco. tn-t tt.—Hlood,hed foil )Wfd In the trail ol ChAUncey I*e|> w und hl three-mile e.--ort of Ilepuhllomi m-ir' hli.y clubi to-nUhl. Ju,t a, the last •'•mp-my In line turned the corner of ?edw|.k mrert and Chi-mo a\nne. It n* ehar l on by an organl.eil c ink of tnen who had con- ale.) them-elve. In the dork re crnei of on unllkhtel ill >. Tlie ro ! re- wire tr|tula and finally by the marcher,, but n t unit four or flv<- of tie Itetmblt on mi-'-he-, li id I,’’l' Injure I, Home of them qol i H,rlouly Many of tne tmr hei, were more or Ic* hurt and the;r uniform, ruined. Thi min wlio preclfelt.tteil lire il- t e, aped. For l.eae Ma,e,te. Berlin, rtet Herr Maximilian Har den. editor and puhlteber of the Zukunft. ha, been ,entenee.| to *ix month* Im priaenment in a fo. tr-ea f‘T le„ hi, apeelfle olTen,e I emu an artld* in the Znknnft enltthd The Battle With the Dra*on.” Fane. tin. Fever. Havana. Oct. * ~ Martin Poane, aet- Ink director keneral of to,',, w i, remov ed to-day to let, Anlma, Hoeptta). e'A< f la(. |t uke l eved, front yellow fever | SAVANNAH, C.A., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1000. NO USE FOR PEKIN Clim s ROYALTIES WILL NOT RE TURN THF.HE. ARE AFRAID OF THE ALLIES. WILL LEAVE PEKIN *TH.L FI II BEHIND. Mlnlttrr 11 ti COMHisnlcatsd tlc \pi • u (he nr|inrtm**nt ut U Nahlitglon. IniprriNl >li 11 ■ ■ llnr (•nr (<• *hci >1 i roiii Riuiii *l—Shsn l I>lsgrs|lilp Tflurh With Ilii* l %l * ttitiiia&**tii* fur Negotia tion* for Pmcc. Washington. 0.-1. 8 The effort to tn di> c th* ('mil'lmperial >‘ourf to re turn t* Pekin has failed, after a week’s persistent effort on tlic pail *f th** l*w -.'r*. Ness to that *ff**-t wis br**ugn: f th*- s'tc ilepartmem to-dgy by the I’tiinesc minister, who received it. via Petetwburg, from Viceroy* IJu Kim Yili *nd I’hung *hih Tung, under *fcie <ct. 4. Minister Wit Tf elvexl th*’ ine**e.g' last nlgnt. It wa* as follows "Tn* and joirture of their imperial majes tie* fr Bhen 81 (province), was due to distressing condition* at Tai Yuen Fu. There is a srarclty of f*>ol suiqlies In the province of Hbati 81 on H-.ount of long continue*! drougbt. ond the pr**vin <*i il * apitol (Tal Yuen), a* Htrmet de >ert**d, the tradespeople having loft *n account of the dlsturban* e* cause.l )I| continue*! for montri* by th#* Boxer rel***la. wf.<* n.i invade*) that i*r.,vinc with the encouragematit f Gov. Yu. "Th*Jr ni i jeni jes. therefore, were obliged to proceed to Hh<n Si. where telegraphic communication with Shanghai ond other part* of th* empire, is opened, and rapid communication with the.r majesties may, therefore, be carried on. thus court and official business may be transacted more expeditiously by their pr* sen e in Shen SI rather than In Sh in St. The reasons for the temporary post ponement of their fnnjestcV return to Eekln are the presence of the allied force* there, on account of which solki- I*us fenr is doubt lentertained. I**stde* a dre.ul of the outbreak of epidemic dts ses. which usually follow nft*r great •listurhanca*. destruction of property and military operation*. |r i* hope#! the Power* will he considerate tn their Judg ment in thl* matter.** The irn|M>rtant feature of the m ** ige Is the concession that the court | re st rained by fear of the anted forces from returning to I’okin The movement take* the Emperor snd Empress Dowager ul*on 3UO mile* further away from Pekin, thougn, to th*- statemnt* •oiraiuel in l lie meseage, by reason of direct tele graphic communication with Shanghai, the court practically will be nea’er for purpose** of negotiations with th outside world, than it was at Tal Yum. Minister Wu ha* Iwen informed also that Viceroy Yu of the province Just va cated by lit** court, has t e n Impeu hed, because of hi* anti-foreign tendencies, which is the first step toward hi* degra dation. It l* sail there at*, no Boxer* In the newly chosen locality, so that the court will have thrown • ff the im-tile in fluence recently surrounding It. The only disquieting feature of the move come* front Japanese advlcas stating that the n* w pdnr of location I* strongly forti fied. which I* some Indication that the Imperial family i' still in flight and I* sr* king strong* r defenses, but the friendly viceroy* and Minister Wu <U not share In this view The minister considers the qucMior of punishments practically *lij*s'd of by the cd; t of the Emperor ond the Germ in und American note* exchanged Ion: week '[’he only difh# iHv h** appr* hei*k* it- in case th*- foreign mlnl.-ter* seek to *|eMg nate certain who shall he pun ished m addition to tho*** which the government If -—if mark* (>r pun >• ament. Such a course by th** minister’, he *ayt*. would be hard *o comply with, but h* h*ok* to the- sagacity of Ll (’hang und Prince Chlng to overcome any much dim ally. IMF.BK %\s WON’T JOIN. They llellrxe the Expedition I* to He for Dtaplny. Pekin, Thursday. Od. 4. via Tien Tsln. Sunday. Od. 7. and Shanghai. ( i. A. -The American troops will not ptrtidpate in the expedition to Pao Ting Kn Gen. Chaffee has th** a* uran •• of i.l Hung (’hang that If the allle- desire Pao Ting Fu the Chinese will readily surrender that city. LI Hung Chang has given the same assurance to the other g*n* rais. The American' be ieve that revenge end military display nm tin- n v objects of the exp* dBL.n. m and they hold that It wll. retard the rc**o .itton of jeace. The Ku sluiH are to have practically abandoned the rarrond an.l to have stopped its reeoj'.structlon. Gen. Chaffe* favor* ihe return of the ratlioid to Its owners and hs i* onstru-aion and o|Mrrailon on a Joint int* rnational basis. The tirsi nL.f r ement* of German troops have arrived here. G* n. \ tm.igm hi will r*-ain 1‘ 4 (v Jnp* .is A #r**op . . •** of ih*in t P* kin ntid ti • others t Taku and along th*> line of communications. Eight thousand Germans will pas* the winter in P* kin. and 7. V> Bus-ians The numlar of British troop* who will la* re tain* <1 !uk not been decided. Sir Alfr*d t Lise lee will probably k e|) u brigade. The allies are storing supplies for fix month*. fount von W alderse* * headquarters will be th#- bulidings In th* imp* rial pleasure grounds outside th*- Purpl** City DOSAH’T LIKE ’IHE NISII I’HDK. Herman* Hellexr* thtnene It *>> nl l te* Vteturn t< Pekfn. Berlin. (. * 8 The Hamcxhm opilmisfi vj**w of the Chinese situation which pre vailed in Germany last w*ek ha r been un favorably affe* e.I l>y fin* r* iori# that t e Chinese court has resolved to set* * |wr mn* ntl> at Hi Ngun Fu, * aptlal of the province oi Shen Hi This the B-rlioe*- Tagcblitt regards as "indlsputahkl #v|- den- e that the Chinese court l. as anti foreign as ever." The tailure of the court to return to Tekln tt says. * mike* a fa-ce o foe proposed peare negotiations. Inasmuch ■ the Chinese goverenment could annul th> whole procedure at any moment by re yoking the credential of Pi thee Chlng an-1 Li Hung ( hang * Without claiming any official authority for ti* attitude ihe TagcblaU comimnta favorably ii|*n a proposal to declare Em peror Kwung 8u *iep#iMi. MO.NOPOLISKD TIIE fOIL French and lliiealana Are (retting In the Lend. London, o $ The Shanghai corre spondent of the Times, wiring Oct. 7. says **!: is reported tbnt French troop* hold Luko Chiio. on the lai Han Railway. Th* Russians* and Germans hold th* Pei Tang forts, at;*l have ■** taken 'Pong Shan ami the Kid Pine mines, thu* moriop ollsing the x*al sui*iiv in North Chin* ‘ It was exi>ected that (’ount voti W*l d* t>ee would maintain att even balance between the pttwcis. whereas th* result of the i*rations place all the srrntcglo position* Wi the hands of other nations A etrxxig feeling prevail# that the situation * doily lan-oming more gloomy." REPORT OF THE ADMIRAL. Vlrtlrff Gave Information nf the HuMlnna’ Movements. St Petersburg. Oot 8 Admiral Alev • leff, in reporting the oorupattam of Shan Hai Kuan n the Gulf of lailo Tung says. "In iirmrilflnre wkh an agreement of the admiral*, the forts have !****n divid ed among th- different nations. The town iw*s no? been occupied, but the gate* r* guarded by artillery Th*' fort* are nearly Intact, and the whole route from Pong Ken to Shan Hit Kuan Is tiw • > H>pi**l bjr th#' Russians. After th** oo cupatloti *>f Shan Hai Kuan, the Amer ican* refused to further participate In tha operation* Part of the Ilu*slan for e i k ad anclng northward.” HI >v| %\ oi*i : it ATIOJVt, Heprrrt nf the Occnpntlon nf Mukden t nnf!rniel. HI Petersburg Oct. R The Russian gen eral staff has received **ffi lal dispatrhea •uanflrming the reported o*i u|*ari>>n of Mukden. Lieut Gen. Suhbovltch entered the city Oct 1. He advanced from o:d Ntu Chwring on Sept 34 with eleven battalions of infantry, two Sotniaa if (Ananat'k av lry <iiii forty < *i guns, and after fighting two engagement*, routed the Chli e>o army on S#*pt. 27 Befot* wuhrlrawing the Chinese to and fir* #1 the dty. The Russian* captur ed numerous modern guns ond Imm- ti*c store* of war materials. DEFEATED IMPEItI AL TROOPII. Five Th>ntind Trla#l Unrated Re ulsr ttohllrri. London. Oct. 9 **Flva thousand Triads.'* siy* a dispatch to the Dally Telegraph from Canton, dated Oct. 7. "nave defeat**l the imperial troop* and occupied several place* between Mlrs Bay and Deep Bay. They are now* tnov ! ing southward The viceroy to-day dls- I-niched Admiral Hj and (ien. Tong to op pose them ' llecliled to IteeMll Them. London, (ku. 9 The Tlme.% publishes a report that Emperor Nicholas recently decided to re all th*- Russian troops from Man- hurW after Mukden had been occu rd* and. lintel at Wan t hnn. Hong Kctig. Oct. H The town of Flan t’htin |s quiet this morning, and the *tor*** have Im * n r* peti*vl. The retiels, who *ti(k'<l Sai Wan, near San Chun. Sat unlay, ore believed to b#*long to the force of Triads whl -h is pro* erdtng westward, levying blackmail nn#l recruiting The missions in the Hinterland are safe. W ENT O! EH lilv ST ATEMENT. Hank Examiner Johnn Appeared on tlie Aland. New York. Oct s -Hearing In fh* pro ceedlngs for (he removal of J F . W T and E II Gay nor and B D. Greene to the Juried- t|>n of the Georgia Federal cruris, was resumed t*>-<lay before Com missioner Shield#. laiwin J Johnson a National Bank ex amlner. was * aid'd for cross-examination by th*' government. Johnson Is th* ex pert countant, who prepare.| the eiat orite tables of aci-ounts for the govern ment In thi* case. 'Lie * xurnln.i ion of the witness con •kßted prlv* i|Ktly of inquiring into the ohje# of Mi Johnson |n Incorporating certain it* in- In the tabulated wstemsnt referred to. ll#* * xplln’#l in *l* (all his mr lito-l of making ’he |.l*ie Counsel asked many questions in re gar*l I-# th* ••nine** *ai th** form prepared by the witnes-. Ea*h question ne.**ssl iotel * com|del** perusal of th#- large tab ulntMl statement. This consume#! the afternoon, find the hearing adjourned at I o’cSo* k until to-morrow. riNlt %MON 4. 1*1 1.4, it | MS. % l loor (iaif Vin U here 'l‘fie> iiNllit > r**d for a I •■•tli nl. S Petersburg. Oct. 8 Five thoumn I pilgrims >“* mbled at the St Nlkander monastery In h* PorkhofT Iletrl* t for a religion** festival During the night cm* of th** upper floor- coll;|iaed. at.*l nimy of tlwise sir* ping there fell U|on thos*- belowr A fmscil ■ w. • auN-d by a fl*e a aim of tire n-l four in* n an*l thirl)--lx W'om*n w< te crushed eath, many others b* in< seriously Injured. At HIT.M>I . (.1 AH AM EE#. Plchit r*l**’s llevolullon Heaponalble for the Aellon. Han I>onilngo. Republic of Santo Do mingo. Oct. 8 via Haitian cable.—The gov ernment has deerwd the suspension of - onstl ui onal guarantees c*n a ount of a revolutionary movenv nt In the lutertor heade i by Gen. Pichardo, although it !** av-f-ru-d iha: ord-'t ha* lieen restored, and that Pichardo has been captured. All Is quell her*. Arrested Him Again. Liverpool. (Rt. 1.-Jstnts Fitgharris. tne Phoenix Park mur*|erer. known as Skln-the-Goot. ' wae resrrested here Usr evening f**r tailing t# rs|Mrt himself un der the forms of h|s poison release .l.en*- It Is pro. I *ole thit he will only he tem porarily detained To Pay Losses. Cxpe Toorn. Get. 8 —The Cap* House of W#m !y to-day passed to a second read ing a bill to raise t% |nan of i.vmnon to en. sure the immediate payment of half the losses sustained by private person.- through the war. PLOT OR A MURDER HANDSOME MARIE DEFEN BACH DIED IN t Kit AGO. LEFT POLICIES FOR $12.000. THREE ALLEGED CONNPIR ATOR # HAVE 111 .1 N AH RENTED. Relieved the Vnnni A\*man AA *• De ceived—She Thovight Her llcnth 1A to Hr Frig wrd Hneptcloua t tr eanistasieea *f the n*r—lnnrancr ompnn j anil Nweirtlrs and the Aufhnrltles AA 111 l*nrsar the Invea tigatlan, Chicago net 8- With insurance u|*>n her life amounting to $l2.<WO, Marie Defen buch. aged L’3. died Aug in a boarding linure on avenue under conditions which the police lielieve Indicate a plot to swindle an Insuranc# company and two Insurance societies, if they do not point to murder The defectives believe that a conspiracy was concocted ami that Miss Defenh#cfi was o’dgtnallv one of thi* quartette of l leged conspirators She had ©specte*l that her death was to he feigned and that an other body wav to pia\ tlie padve role of her corpse; instead of that. r*wl death came to her. Upon bench warrants Issued by Jti-ig#* Gibbon*, three peraoos sntd to be impllrst**! in the ra* Dr. August M Unger. Frank It Smiley and F Way land Brown have bee© arrested The latter Is assistant innmig*-r *f a detective ag nev ll** was arrest***! to-day on tils return from Virginia The men under arrest were arraigned before Judge Gibbon*, ami In *l* fault of SI.VOO bail each, were commit ted to Jail "When Marie Defenbach die 1 there were three Insurance policies on her Ilf**, aggregating ell of recent date, and Issued In the following companies an-1 as sociations: New* York Life Insurance Company, S&.0D0; Canadian < r*ler of For esters, Knlglits oni! I oldies of Honor. |3.(W> The itlleg.| conspiracy has he. n Infestigat*- I with searching * are by i private detective agenev. b\ th** f*hl cgo attorn* v and detectives of th* New Vork Life Insurance Company, and lat terly by the otaie's attorney hlmeeif Yesi*rlay nt n meeting btween Slates Aftorr-\ Dineen. Assierant State h Attor ney Willard M M* Bwen. Edward O'Bry an attorney for the New York Life In stirance Company, and Edward Maher, at torney for the detective agency, the rae was canvassed, and It wa* decided to cause the immediate ar.est of the oeus pects. "Last April Mise F>efenbach applied to the New York Insurance Company for a IKMBD policy. This was refused on the ground that she was not po*#w**d of suffi. lent property interests to warrant so large a risk, although she was •-xamtnel and deo.ared to bo In perfe t heiitn. In July Miss IWenhach eti'ee>ded In oi ain- Itig from the New York conipan > M polDv for Ikftd ani this forme#! pirt of tba estate she left. About the middle of August Miss pef*n hach also secured Insurance In the Cans dian Order of Foresters to the amount of L,obl Atioiit the Hame time ehe tM*k out a policy In the Knights und Lad#* of Honor for $2,000. Two weeks le*er sh* was lead. leaving a will which dire. ie*l that a (•art of the poih l* s ehoiiid te* pit#l to Frank H Smiley, "her aftiams and hua and. * and that lier bo*ly t-e . remate#). H#r death, at a boarding house In la Haile avenue, was attended by tlie most horrible agony. Drs. lautnard and H hroe <t*r. the latter re|ire#)enttng the Knigtits and I-adß* of Honor. w*r#* < allrd Thev refused o Issue h certificate of death, hut th** e nonet"* Jury later, ami after th** fo#i> had l*e>n emt>alm and. found a verdict f death Itoro dysentery. *1 h* next d-v the Ikklv was cremated and the ashes were scattered to the winds Without much delay proceedings were begun to recover the value of the Insur ance policies Mis* Defenbarti had left, owing to the unu-ual circumstance* sur rounding her demise, the hurried embalm ing of the body, followed the next day by cremation, payment of the t>o!icic* were refused, anl Immediate steps were taken to trace ihe woman’s career during th*- lasi few month** of h**r Ufa An unusual Incident was connected with the mnklng of Ml Defenhaeh’a will On Aug 21. Miss l*fentch called n> the oftl* #* of i lawyer In the Unity building named Johnson an#! to|l him she wanted to make her wall Some days earlier Dr Unger had. It |s stated. toi*l this lawyer wornun wouki all on him for this |sir* fs*se. Hlid she senounced she hal come In aeeordanea tvlth the ap|*olntm<fit. She told Mr Johnson sh*' wanted to leave tier property to Frank 11 Smiley, hei offi m> and hustiarsl. an#l then sh#* went away. Two days afterward she returned and Mr Johnson had the sill retidy. It provided, an sh* had Instructed, that after h*T debt# were |.*i l her property w,*s to gi to Smiley, tut sUe tiieti wanted another provision Inserted. It \ • that aft*r her death lier I- ly be cremated Tills somewhat surprised Mr Johns n. as he emtld not underwmrd how a young and handsome womm w* ukl w sh her Itrwly hurtled afier -bath, but ?•*• <ompll* I with tlie request. II was so struck with tlie circumstances, however, a* th#- *reni4- tlon clause h.**l not le>n in the origin <1 instruction, tha he olic.i in wit new e# from *idJ#liiiiiK offi a** *■ a matter *f pro lection. Mi- L-efrnltteh then sign'd an I executed Hie document. Two ii<i)S 111 t she wa dead. It was learn*d t-dny that. fsldra •he policies taken out on Mia* I * f**nr*ach‘s Ilf#* several cthei- bal l>een <ppii#*d for In each cure SU.*iQO was sought. DEL AAA ARE AM* THE DINTRIFT. I*cpnlatlns Made l , iblle ty the Os •us I* *•**#*•. Washington. Ot \ m. The census bureau to-*biy announced tha* in* p >pulation of the -t.*te of Itelawarr wa- 184.735 in IRH. as iignin t I*W IBU In lf This Is an in crease of 18.343. or 9.6 j*er cent. The population of the DlstrFt of Colum bia Is 578.718 *s against 288.398 ten years ago. an Increase *>f 4V3J6, or y 9 per ent. 4 tirkrsn I* 111. Kansas City. Mo. fh't. 8 —Bourke ran of New York (s suffering Jrom sub acute laryngitis in this any Hi* phv-l-lm has ordered him to cancel his making engagements for Omaha t * m u row night as w*.| a* ohr imnedOte dat#w Mr Co.-krsn strained his hr * t at Chicago a W***k ago He dedire* he will be able to resume hi* speechmakiny within a few days. PLEASED BY THE PROSPECT. It Is Believed the Miners’ eirlhe AAltl *• lltid—Tliouhht They NN tit Accept (hr luerens#* Offered. Thiladelphla. Oct. 8 President Mitchell Issued hi# call t*vlav for the much-talk**’! of miners* convention to conalder the operators' offer of * ten |>**r cent, tatorea e In wages. The convention will lx* held at S#*ranton and will open on Friday next Representation in the conven’ion will be on the basis of one lr|cgate with one \ot - for each ltki persons on #trike It is th-* general expectation that the decision >f the convention Will b* to a# <*rpi the tn cre#!.-#* ami return to w* rk. Quietneas prevailetl throtighrsit the anthracite regions t>dn\ the call for the convention being generally accepted as a signal for cessation of hostilities till armiml Ther#- son- manv exloos o satisfaction by minora and **t*crat*w and by merchant# and aher* in th#* mlnliit ms*4loti to-da> over the pre*sp#oia of an etrL Si'ttlement and the trouble**. To tk> complete#! the thiol weak since the strike ofll tali) went lnt affe A Tlie mineiM wll! h\** partul*** Miwi m* meeting* at Shsmoktu to morrow and ( S#'rant*M) on \v*|n# sb*v I*reeident Mitchell will le tn atten#!uu*’#* ml i# ex l#*ci#*#i ( sp#-ak at I**tli pa* ew fall for thi: t iin a icntion. It AA 111 Be Held hy Miners at Ncran fn •* I rl*ls). ( Nhenandoali, Pa . Oct. 8 Presklent Mltehell to-day Issued a call for a on ; vent 101 lof mine workers of the three dl * , tricts comprising the anthracite fi* Ll to i meet in Hamilton, Pa . **n Friday next. The text of the convention call Is as f>l lows: "Tem|*orary Headquarters I’nl’ed Mine Wfrkers. llasl**ton. Pa. Oct. K To All Miners #ml Min* Em| ojre of tlie Anthra r lie It* gton Brothers In view of the fact that the tnlne operators ha\e |x>st*-d nolk e* off* r ing nn advance in w#g - formerly paid, and lelirvlng it to be niir plain duty to *m - suit your wistief a- to our futuio a* lion, we deem It advLable to ask you *< se'cct delegate* to represent you In * onv*ntlon. "You r‘ thereftire notlfle'l that a con vention will 1m- h*'l#t ai Scranton. Pa , b - ginning Friday. (H. 12. at in m. "The basis **f representation wilt lw on#* lot** (<*r • • h on*' hundred iterate s on strike, r if desired, one delegate ihun r**p resent * many an o min* workers, bu in* delegate will M* allowed lit • Ist nan** than five \*te.. "La ti delegate should have credential* signed h> the siml #*e.retary of I th*' meeting at whl-'h lie is eie te*l. and whenever isteslhie ere#lentlal# houl#i bear the s*al of the local union John Mitchell, president United Mine Workers of Ameri* T I). Nlcholle. president District No 1 Thomas Duffy, president District No 7 John Fatty, District No 9 | * N H Dale pitas will >e tudifle*! of ths hall In which the . .invention will la I held when they arrive In Scranton." After the rail had beefl Issued It was |earne<| that the convention wIU be tMd‘l in Muaic Mall * taai.nta im.aata to ntart. Employment AA 111 He Silven 88,00(1 Tin Plate AAwrkmen. Pittsburg. Oct 8 —The American Tin Plate Uompaiiy will nave In operation this week twenty of Its tin pin plants out •f thirty-five, giving employment to at UaM .iT(Oi workmen. Thi tin plate com I any employs al Inzer .Vl.dWi workmen and within a (• w weeks, it is exp ted. every plant in tlie cointry will be sulk ing. The .M*nongah‘la mill of (his city, the I>emmler plant, and the one gt New Ken sington started to-da\, and the others will follow as eon as fmix-Ihit- Nearly every plant in the gas b* It aJII cotiin* n< •• to-night, and by the •• i *n the w*k every ntu* * f the twenty will bi|**rat' to their full capacity Tt*' I'lants have been bile since the ex pi rat ion of the scale, which expired in June hist no TiiAt e of i irrivß*. York (awn Belief l olnwn llaa Not Found the %latnc aoldlera. ropyrlght, Itafto. the ArMM-ta’ed Press. Manila. Oct. r. via Hong Hong-The re port of the mptirre of about sixty men of the Themv-ninth United Btae* In fantry on Maflr.duqtie Islaml Is confirmed through communication* from Mac Arthur and Kempff. from Marindtique Island, but details are lacking The Yorktown's relief column landed at TorrlJoe on tho Mor.nduque coiiM and marched to Santa Unix, which was the prnjx>*ed roßfe of tho captured purty. without encountering the enemy or learn ing anything regarding th#* captives, #*x *-epr that • hey had entirely disappeared. MarlndiKjue Is a small Island within forty miles of Luxon* I# I* possible that the rebel# have conveyed the captives to Luxon. - t II IFF TOOK At TION. lieterj Promptly Issued Inatriietloia* to III* Force. New York. Oct 8 Chief Devery to night issued an order t< police command ers. ‘ho take prompt #nl thorough act loti with regard to any comp! (inf that mv t* made to >tiu of ofomxadon, llbgrl i*sTstration and voting Th** chief calls *t tent lon to the letter written to hin* by State Superintendent *f M'<*iillagh. and orders Uiviatl gation of Its charges. FOB Nt HAHNN HKLLAtB. Application Mnlc on tlie (inland of Delay in Trial. New York. Oct 8 Applk *tlotl foe the rel#* i of Fr-*|erick S* horn, now in the Tonus, on an hidi -tment ’growing out of bis arrest •* th** tlm*- nie slsier Kate w i% murdere#!, wa# nio#ie t>-duy I#'fore Ju**- ti#e Newhurger i*y ha* attorney. It will be heard on Wswtnesday. The plea for release is on the groiirel that terms of court have been nasfe.l since his #rret without hi* teing brought to trill. Hoera at Uefimrr. Cape Town. Oct s—The Boers now oc cupy Wapener, as well as Rouxville and FPksburg. In Orange river county. anl the British are attempting to surround them Fresh t'##e #f Iksiue. Brisbane. Oet. 1— A frrah cose of the bubonic plague 1# officially reported here DAILY $9 A YEAR. h UKNTS A COPY WEEKLY 2-TIM EH-A WLLK.II A TEAR NO HOUNDS TO RUN TRAIL OF LATTIMOHF.’a Ml HIIF.RKR 4 01 UI NOT IIF. FOLLOWED. NEGRO IS STILL AT LARGE. lIDAPPOinTVKKT OVF.R THPS F*JL- I UK TO AI>I*NKIIK#n DIM. lll,mmllmnn,la r \nt r.rar#il. Kltorr. Mail,- br tlir Hnrnl., n.m urrr.|in,lr,| ahrrllT I,,'nna nt •>.. I iiii.l) trn.rt Ulrh liut th. Unit I'h.a r,r,,wn r ~ll—r,l, i, I ownl.'n ll„,ind. H.r, Tnr.l,.r„„ Or!,'* 4„a., Rrunawlrk. Oa., Oct. li -t’p tn a lata h,Mir nr> ilnflnlta nnara nf thn nap'iim nt <nrtn.,nr l.nttimorn', mur,tprar hart In. racalvml. although arrr.ta hn>l bean m*.la of part lea. Muoh rtl*nppr#ntme'tt ha* been e, prana art h-ra In-,lay ntar tha failure of Ihe rmintjr oftl,-era to |ilara h|,aM|li,„inl* on tha frail I rat nlhr. nurt It I* ronanrtert that had thl* haan dona, niul a |,ar*l.rant aaarrh inuila, tha munlar.r aroulrt In all pmh. lullty have la n onpiururt Tha Morn In, Nana rurr, ,|innl nt want to Bi* Mila f'molnr liar nlchf, and from a,ant lt'*ma\ who aama down from Rvarttt, with ii |>o,*a. .a, urr.l u ,|, -rl|,llon of thn tntirdnrer. aa fulhiwa "Hhort, haavtljr aal, vary -lurk, email minliK h. rtra*a<l in hlun Jiimpart." Tim harm t**,,.|n,t ih- train ar Rvarntt. The i*,-an or Kvnratt hn* tha munlarar', l—l In ••nat.aly, ll* *.iva latlilmoraa aUvar la namal Ir\ that ha t*iu*hi llatol nt ICvaratt Haturatoy, *n,l aural lhat ha wa* ttiK to .laal n rhV> in Mrunawt ‘k Htiriilay nmtit to aa* two hull rtlaa of rioth,w. ttni Hull ha would kill thn man that triad to pm him off iha train lie 'nrrl.-,| out hi* murdamua i*.in* lo tha |aii,-r. a, auf-u.iuent event proved FVoin flit Mile f'riw,iiu. the ,'orre*(w>n,W '■ht want to rmir Mila tTr,**ln. an,l thara f..1 If 1.1 a l.rir,' |*n, f rllliaaia anxtou* to KO on the trail hut they had no do. The mill wa* fraaSi ~,„| plainly vlalhla In the hritthtnr * fa full moon, hut the ahaen, .• of any ofltrlul l„ |. M ,| the |Hr *y Wllh 'hut* prevented ilielr Kotnc. Thn rorr *|>undent dlapil had 111# team on „ .Uieen-mlla drive for hlo,Hlhound. hut tha owner. Mr. Teddy Mala, mated that hla hound, had not Ivan on a trail In two year,, and he dll not think they would follow one Thla proved tha U.t reeouri e for tha croa.l, unla.a the roun iv'a do were hrouht, and ihey never ahowal up In explaining why no effort waa mart# lo follow 111, troll from wheia Me ne,ro Jumped fiatn the train, the offlrara ataia thui thl oounty'a h.*. were twenty-two mil#** n way. a it#l cuuid not b# *#*, ursd m lime The | o*ae. however raturned homa afoul davilkhl. thornuahly dl*appo| n iad at Ita failure to follow an .ilmoat certain troll to the murderer "I>-doy Sheriff Lvari, an,| Deputy Sheriff l*rl,-e of Wayne eania dawn with blnad hoimd*. tint the trail waa too .old, and they 10111,1 ,|,i notiilnK Tram,n,*ter Kelih of the Southern al*o arrived, and la do- Itik nil he can for Ihe family of conductor l.ittlmnre. T(|-ni*lit Delegate, A N Ken drlrj, und W \\ Ivllla of the Order of It ail way rondu.lorr arrived to attend thn funeral to-morrow Mre. Ijittlmore. moth er of Marlon, will arrive 10-morrow morn lntt from Wa.hltufton. In dl*,-ii*.lnk the failure to .neurn a trial of the murderer laal nlcht. frtenda of ilia d-,an*,d axiweeaad Ihe icreieat dlaapt~.iniriieni .aid the tfenaral ..ntl ineni I* that filynn'a eounty officer* *hould ap.ita no extM'nne |„ hrlti* the criminal to Juetl, e The railroad temple feel that Kiev are lare taxpayer* and lhat their ni'*i are enilHed to full prolerllon p U h. lie rentlmei'i I* in favor of the county of tl, Inl* >|>arl„K no pallia or eximtnie In cp turln* l.attlmnre'a murderer, aa It la gen erally felt that it Wji# one of Ihe moat cold blooded and brutal crime, ever re corded hare. TO TIIV <t|# MV\K t UIKTS. The t hnrae taaln.l the Vnung ties I* Haatag. Annapolla, Md.. fret. B. \ cauft tn.rrtlal will convene |o-moc ow a' If* Naval Academy lo tev'.lx naval cadeta now under arreat and other* aa may ho further Implicat'd for li.ixlnc cadeta. Th • penalty, under act of Ctmrcee, If cun'.(led. I, dl-mlaaal from the rv;ce. The ar< u*ed cadets had fourth r|,ea rn h, t'adat Dortch, m a room where hn waa made to aland on hlr hea l l-inu-ri •took waiter. In m.klns on ‘nan'-tt-m. caiikhi the partle* Implicated In t'.e act. ST. I.HOHtH! U 88 KI.OATKSO. Vraael Hn Iteclatnied Prim tho lleep \tlthout trrlnn. Itamax,. Santtasn de Culm, Oct. R.—To-day t'a|W. Tucker, rommondhuc tho Merritt and Chairman wrecking ouiMt, auceeded tn Hoallns the (terman steamer St. Ueorse, Capt. llons-hich. from I’hllidelphta. Au. &, and Norfolk. Aug 8. for H, l.ucla and Uai'iulrl. which went aahore mar the lat ter place on Sept. 8 and wa* then cun eldereil a wreck. The S; ocorse hua bean brutish' hare for teiiijrorary rciralrs, and It la expc-teii will leave for New Vork In a fortnight. She was only *iihtly damatted. 88 11.1. lias HI ILO THIS 81.8181. The whip 88 111 lie Towed Prowl lew 1 oek to hewport Hews. New York. Ocl. B—The North Oerman Moyd atexmahlp Main la to be rebuilt by the Newport New* Shipbuilding Company and wt.l be tow,-I to that plane from tha Krle Basin to-morrow. The rebuilding trill coat over IMu.tOV. Two of the eureratrucfure deck* have been removed, and the vee.e! floagx vary high In the water. She will carry with her the .hell* of thirty or forty metallic llfl boat* that were deatroyed In the flea. Th'-ao will he dumped overboard a. .non a, .he set. outride Ail the anchor*, veil ttlatote. pulleys and other material of v ,lue have heen taken from the burnt ahlp ard amt to flermany on tha Bremen. Killed In t olll.lon. Heklelbert, Oct Five percema were klllal and aeventy-tlve Injured In a rall way colli,lon at Karl.thor Dat avenlng. The wa, due to an error of a.g* nailing. On# official baa been ai taxied.