The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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mum h\*:hh a%i> b*\ah. 4 hlef \% rife* I r Her on %*tln*l laur*. ho# •rrtlt#n a letter to the :j!•, giving hi* vkwi of the ,m,kh. The Mayor has Just Mom Nror York and had oppor oi“ rvlng ihe iiliuatkm closely, ii con net-1 lon wlih his Inter , Morning Nr art a fewdayi ago, , 4 ,i with Interest here. u f the opinion that Bryan*# Lm Ing elected the next Presi l’filled State# are decidedly they were four year# ago. and , (rend of event# favor# the sut> the Democratic ticket, says i* Nowhere. North. South, cV>rt. i# there to-day apparent feeling toward the Dtm> run* end it# candidate# thut exist#*#) •Hex Kmplo>cr# of labor are unj th’-mwelveM so determinedly . tr men Into line for the Repub ' , , *,t. Capitalist* are not working tm** determination and x* ul for and prosperity" a# they were lime. The people generally teem . teached the conclusion that II ii; ta elected the* country I# not . . > going Into bankruptcy, and , .-torle# of Irretrievable ruin to , i commerce that were i* bowed #. t?.*in every Republican platform in v , i b* c onsiderably discounted. The ns a whole. Is rfatisfled that Mr j an earnest, ##>n#* lentlou*. pat i i* u. loving hi# country fully aa u# Mr McKinley; thi he re- Ul. and principles worthy of t careful consideration by every m and that If elected all of hi# if, iclty f*r work would !#•• u*l In whnt h** consider# the best !i -. of the United State#, fries of • •gue," "charlatan." etc., *• freely l In by hi# enemies In the last tl , , .I-, ar** conspicuous this year b> gusMce. The Republican leader# w i •> i ill*# that by no such campaign expect to win this year. They r. that the people are not to k* • l b> abuse and that the irgu . i ,• forth by the Democratic l*aler I r be met by counter apt tea Is to reneon , i.,t #n*l*## vituperation. For this • ii i iv* ause to thankful. i principle# for which th* Iwmocrattc j a r stand# in n*# apt# lto vastly K r,r numl*er of our people than did i for which It stood in Capitalist* j i uMmss men generally do not ft-d the • timidity that they did at that time, ie.iltz'd that If , b 4* and Mi ltr\in inching rash toward n change in fnamlal system of the country. A# $ -ilt. they ir* enabled to study the . < |Mie# that present them#* Ives and • fiom their conviction# upon them. I##ue* are Mich n- M}q**"il to the {„!? of a host f vot*rs who In for Me Kinky aralnst "fro* silver" To my mind. Mr Bryun i- a - practically itl f tm* v*t he got ■ ars ago. together with a eonsider j idiitton f Republican voter* who • ♦•#? with their present party poll- \ T . rc* i> not n question e f doubt but • Mr. Bryan this year will • irrv the South. There will not u Itepub n elector from th#* Houth. In the ‘ Wland Northwest, In my opinion, 1# ?• cattle ground royal There th* fight . t** waged that I# to determine who .L* the .xt President If the tier r Vmerlcan. Scandinavian - American ..ther foretgn-lorn. but now thorough l Xmerlcanl**d vote of that section is for Mr. Itryan and against th*- policy .. ated by his oponeot. with it*< ■ *llllv of a vasty increased standing i mv and heavier taxes upon the masses ~( n* people, then the DenuKcatlc leader vc be the next occupant of the White H A* I have stated, viewing the i*un through th*- report# that com* •■wapaperw and from other sources, .utlook there Is favorable for l.temo cratlc success. AT THE THIMTEH. IVi u< hl-llrldeiil i .'* Opening Be fore a Barge luillrnrr. TANARUS:. Peruchl-Beklenl Company opened • ngagement hist night before n large it **ri o. and from the amount of ap j s* that was bestowed throughout the performance. It was thoroughly siti#f c. arsl entertaining in • very respect. 1 e bill was "The Guilty Wife." na with enough conudy In it t*i drag •w .y extreme heaviness. The scene Is 11-l in Arkansas, and ther* are som* , ty scenes and situations. Mr James \lorton gave a strong and vlrll* por • ul of Tom Martin, the hero, and Ms# I Irni war* g*x>l in the chara* ter of tle ty wife. Mr. Peruchl had % cn.ira t**r that of • trami>—which he did ex *n. ly well, and beskles. gave an excel • xhtbltlon of acrobatic feats. M'.ss J *ll giving a goorl interpretation to the ,r;* t**r of Hue Barton. The other# In t • ompany are capable. •tween the fouith and fifth acts, the f K*-rt family of gave .i • y In dancing that w s excellent. 1 is iult n feature of the programme ' I t<xvk well. • omiMiiy will be here until Friday This afternoon the first matin#*,* v >*• played, when the bill will be "The 1 •e in Rngs." To-night, the bill will v Western Romance." The Florida 1 *s Asso. la:ion will alien*! the per lotmance through the oourttwy of Man- Wei#. Mr Charles Frohman will present, for ■ oral time * t Havannah Haturday r ee and night. He la sco*s "Znx." mv is fresh from New York, where enjoyed the must phrnomn al sue* Th# fact that Mr. Re Ia sen** name •' •' 4 for the authorsnlp of the play is * guarantee of h# egcelbnce No wlight In America his built more cn monuments to attest hi* skid In v c • r a (lons than Relnsco. With l*s ex <* humor and isithos. It is #nU! to hohl •11- throughout Its telling of the of Zaxii." an#l It Is said that the ’hit It contain# smiles, thillls and 1 ■ - In proper pioput ons to constitute ■ * r . t entertainment I# ihe sectet of *-s Of "Z.ixa." The sale of seats ‘ in Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. Miitlnet*. orchestra. 75c; balcon>. r night, orenestra, $1 50 and $1.00; ‘ ' 7*. and 50c. the t *t %i, MoMm ( itown. M*.u n Hearing Inlrrtlny Murnlnu b* Itreurilrr tin rl rlilgr. Recorder had twenty-seven prison ’erday morning as the result of i| turc# by the police during Batur •h*l Hund.iV. The Ones Imposed '*■ l to iso. of which $lB, was col n r*u;hl>ert, an 9-year old colore#! hoy l Haturday by Detective Hinrk for t R of a bicycle, was turn**#! over to 1 ' ’# for punishment, his ag#* mak- Impossible for the court to puss r 1 on him. • • M*‘ k. colored, arreste#! for the theft * frm the j * til tor of the t’ourt *a# remand# and to the ftty Court \ r h.nge of simp * lar-eny. nr. It< ruon, colored, for the larceny u ’< h fiom Mr M A Wachsteln, * >*-nt to the City Court. Daniels for an nssault with inten •***r u|K>n Kate *rh 'mas, an account h was published In Sunday's r 'e N>ws. was remande*! to the Hu , Court. r i Deloach, colored, for being drunk “tdviy mi the street, was given days on the gang. < hinamen far ( h im. * hinamen en route home. left Ba for Hnn Francisco, yettarday via “‘aboard Air Lino. rORGET ITI The siiTMt wy to Itcrp thr womanly hr.ilth is to u*e I>r Pirrrr’a Pavonte larly. It dries the drains which weaken women. It cure, inflammation, ulcer ation, and female weakness. It soothes and strengthen, the nerves, drives away despondency, and gives a healthy appetite and refreshing sleep. ft makes childbirth easy, and nursing mothers will find in it a strength giv ing tonic. - Favorite TYescription" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocsine, nor other narcotic., "I ocmcoortf l ncwsrvnpcr nofcristr **write* Mr% K A Hendcr. of Cwhuctoo Cos . Ohio, 'yet I am not afraid to (xrak a good word f**t your ‘ Favorite rrescrlption ' an#! Plraaaut pellet* ’ Over a vear ago I suffered terribly for nearly four week-# with prolapsus and weak nets;* After using one bottle *f ' Favorite Pre scription ‘ and nr o f Pellets 1 was .# well wrotuan I have taken no medicine since and have had no symptom* of tny former trouble Have used the tavonte Prescription ’ at differ er.t times for more than four years and fin#l it ha no cqiul " Free. Dr Pierce’s Meilical Adviser, in piper covers, sent /ret, on receipt of 21 one-cent stain pa to pay expense of mailing only. In cloth binding 31 stamps. Address Lit. K. V. Pierce, iludalo, N. Y. riFn;i:\ n\t* ok k insii. Mr. T. n. Is trrsnslns a ITraf-l Inv* Meet for Atlanta. For lift*#*n days after Oct. 17. when th** t Fair ck#* *, the AManta J*>#*k*y Club will hold dally races. In which wl I Ik* entered the b**M horses of many of the Northern and Western stabb-s, old and new lavorlt#*’ thiit have w n distinction on aim t every Important track In th country This race me# ting 1 asur# *1 and th** sue#'#’.-.- whl#*h has atten*le<! cff#ri'- to .ir range It affords ample evidence of the fa t that ih#*re l** no real dlfll ulty Hut the matter and ht similar r *# •* meeting l * might U arranged for In Havannah. wb*a ih* ** amount of brains anti *netgy. particularly enetgy. iv applied to the io iutlon of th problem. Those who ha vs tin matter in hai.d have "hltche I their harlots to a sir" an#i from thi* Ire p ti .n of th#* pro)* t have not been satis fied wi*h r# * urlng anything wore • than the best. The consequence is au evs is air# a,dy a enured. Mr T. O. Mi Bride of Havannah. Is act ing fir the Atlanta Jockey Club In ar ranging th#- details for the meet, and in selecting the officials who will have the ra e# in active < harge. Mr Mcßride has . >ir<d Judge John Mason, of the Cana dian lUn ing Or# nit. as presiding Judge of th** ra . ~ an#l Mr. J Gratz Manly, as se* retarx Mr. Itamy Is well and fa vorably known In taking circles, having s# rv and in that capacity at New port. Ui tonla and other tracks throughout the country. The starter will be William F. Bria n, who. among racing experts. Is rec # gnTz#*d as laing one of the best men with the flag in th# Fnite I Htotes Mr Brun is the official starter at the Ht l,ouis fair grounds track. Among the horses already booked by Mr Mcßride for th. meet are a hundred and thirty from Toionto. Canada. There will l#e . so three cars from Chicago and two or three cars fr#m St Louis. Both ••f these great Western cities are racing ■ enters, and th** hors#*# that will be sent to Atlanta are among those that have achieved rec# m success on their tracks Mr M Bride stated yester!ay thu: the ,*• *s ivould be conducted in strict >•- cordain •• with Turf Congress rulings. Tne officials hi# m#*n, who hive managed r*o es on Turf Congress tr.i k** and they kn#>w an*) nmv !-#• r lle#l utoii to do th#*ir full duty. 'No outlaw’d'! horv*s or Jock eys* or disreputable racing "tours" will be irl.ow* I on th- grounds. The cwttl will consist of five or six ninnipg race# vch i.4> of the meet. Ther** will lie no harness rat es. Mr. Mc- Bride and the club having reached the same conclusion on this score as lias the public—that harness race* are thing# of the past. Thos#’ who like ami admire spurt and nre willing to pay to s#m It don’t #t* for buggy contests They Ilk#* the noloe and the excitement an#! thrill of acute. And sustained interest that the sjm -ui< le of eight or ten hlehetrung thoroughbreds, urged on to victory by as many game little Jo.*ks. always tiring Mr Mcßride saw) that there was no r# ason in th#* world why a race meeting, with ixir.l and events# equally attrac tive, could not be pulled off in Havannah. All that l*# necf-ssary is concerted #*ffort on the part #>f thos#* who like good rac ing. and are willing to put up a little m ney In order to secure It. A At 801 MAM im firm. ( Imrlrs Marks anil 1.. A. Levy to Open Business >'or. 1. Mr Charl r s Marks an*! Mr. Louis A. Levy have arranged to open up a whole sal' hat business here Nov. 1. They have secured the two store floors over Htsrn berg’s Jewelry stor#, No 117 Broughton w# st. and will shortly lave both floors w< 11 filled with goods. The gentlemen who have engage#! In this venture believe there I* i good opening here for the business they have undertaken. They wtll cater to both the local tra!e. and to Ihe retailers generally throughout Havannah'# terri tory. Messrs. Levy an*l Marks ore both well known to the Havannah public, having l##n engaged In business her** for some time 511 Marks wiil continue his retail xli t business while Mr. L#vy will devote his entire time to the hat business. They have very assurance that their enter prise will meet with the hearty lnd*rse nient **f the bu#ln*s public, both here and throughout Savannah's territory. HOI NK KATE HKD %AD KitllltU). %lr. .In lln n Settle? the Victim anti Ills boss n l.i* ru** tine. The home of Mr Julian Bohlev. No. 1011 I label sham street, was robt>eJ yes terday morning, probably, during the early hours The burglars got Into th'* house by breaking the blind# on tho Waldhurg street lane #!!*, ond then open ing the window. They appear to have matte a thorough search for valuables, ns there was no part of ehe house which yesterday morning did not bear an ap pearance of thHr depredations. Mr daughter vh*n told of ttye rob bery this morning, said (hat she had seen the fices of two men in her mirror lat night, but until told thnt they bad ic tually been m tho house, had attribut'd It to a dretim. Among the articles taken were a gold watch, a valuable revolver, a Knights Templar charm, arid several articles of THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1000. lesser value The case has Wen turned over to f.xe detectives, but up to an early hour this# morning no arrests in cotinec tlo. with 1t h 4*l been made. LtH %L PKR9OMAL. Mr J II Johns:n of Postal Is a gust of the Pulaski. Mr R IJpman of Ridgeland Is registered at the fferevep Mr J. C. Ilunter of Atlanta Is registered at the !*u a-hl Mr O. Noble Jones is expected back from Athens to-day. Mr. R 11. Brown of Mrtcoii Is regie ter*s ,*t the I’ul.iskl Mr i*. A Mi Dantel of Atlanta is reg ' tstered at the* Pulaski. Mr J. P. Htnlling* of Folkston Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr C. L Row.ande of Waynesboro Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr i; A. Edefifleld of Htillmore b# rrglster*'*! at the Horeven. Mr J. \V. Quattiobaum of Arulerson Is registered at the De Boto. Mr F V ‘ani|*tiell of Jacksonville Is registered at the PuU.*#kl Mr M Pats of Htufftor. was a guest of the Pulaski ve!*t**r#liv. Mr A L Hatch sailed from New York Haturday on th# Nacooche**. Mr. J J. O’Neill left via the Plant System yret#*nl y for New York. Mr. W L Marshall arriv'd Dim New I York Inst night on the Nacoochee. j Mies* L Pl'r#'#* left via the H#-arw>ard Air Line yedertNy for Han Franrho. Mr T It Hlappey of Hagan was among the irrlvals at th** Hrreven yesterday . Mr W II Allen will **ll for New York to-*Jay on th** C’Hy of Augusta. Mr. L. A laevy will sail for New York io-*lnv on the ’*ty of Augusta. Mr. J C. White ieft \da the Plant System yestenlav f#>r Auburndal*-. Fla. Mr A C Wrlghi was n pa.**eetiger of the Plant Sjrwtem yesterday for Boston Mr Janir |i Nei#on of (Charleston was imotig the guest# >f the Pulaski yester day . Mr F. If McGee of Amerlcu* was among the guests of tho Pulaski yester and i’ Mr. A Mini# was among the passengers of the Nucoochea from New' York last night. Mr. C K Harr was a pass*nger on the Nacoochee from New York lust night. Mr J H. Haslam will be a p#sseng*r on the City of Auguetn to-day for New York. Miss Per la P Aluxihoms will s.*tl for New* York to-day on the City of An gust .1 . Mr R. F Black of Wauchula was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yes terday. Mr A. r Ackermin will lx* % passen ger to-day on the City of Augusta for N#*w York Mr C. B. Dunham Is a paiwenger on the Nncoochee. which sailed from New York Hitunl.iy. M.*J G. M. Ryals left on the Central last night for Gr#fl!n, where he will spend to-day and to-morrow* In uMendan *# upon the meeting of the boar#] of #llrector of the Htaie Kapenment Ht ifion. From Griffin he #-xp**ts t< go North, visiting th#* various cities In which he ha# busi ness <*onnec*lons. H' will return to H. vannah with his wife and daughter, who have been spending the warm mouth** In Virginia. CITY HIIffVITIPA. Mr Charles O’Connell was seriously In jured by being struck by the shaft of a buggy while crashing Drayton str#et, at r*t Julian, las* night The lriver of the buggy did not stop to se> whikh#* had •lofie. but drove #iff leaving Mr CVConnel. who was taken Into Rivers' ral estate and renting office. Dr. Dunn was sum moned. and made an examination of Mr O’ConneU’s Injuries The shaft stru k him In tha side. No tone# were broken but the ho* k severe. LEGAL NOTICES. Mts AN?rcREDIT ons GKO HOI A. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against William J. Marty, late of said county, deceased, to present them to us. properly made out. within th time prescribed by law. so ns to show their character and amount. and all per sons indebted to said *l* > eased are requlnd to make immediate payment to tie Mary Ellen Marty, and Marie Marty, FTxecutrlres of Will of William J Harry, Deceased. Savannah. G., Sept. 5. IMO. Fleas Kimball vs. Cornelia Kimball. On at ham Superior Court, June term. 1900. Th#* iWcndant. Cornelia Kimball, Is re quired to tie and appear at th#> next term of the Superior Court of Chatham county. Georgia, to be held on Dec 3. IW>. to an swer plaintiff upon the merits of the pe tition filed In above case As tn default of such appearance, the court will proceed a# to Justice shall |tertaln. Witness. Ihe Honorable Robert Falll gant, Judge of said rourt. this Hcpt 14. 130 u J L MURPHY. Deputy Clerk. 8 C.. C. C., Ga " GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY ~ Whereas. Mathew F. Dunn has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Laurence J. Dunn, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish ’all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make ob jection (If any they have! on or before the first Monday In November, next, other wise said letters will be granted Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham County, hls the t FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord’y. C. Cos. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notice tw hereby given to all person having demands against George A Kel ler. late of said county. #)• eased, to pre sent thm to me. properly made out. with in the time pr##*# rled by low. so as to show their ch>irs*'#*r and amount; and all persons lnd#bte#l to said deceased, are re#tutred to make immediate payment to MARY K KELLER. LAMAR KELLER. KxecMiors, Melohard, Gu Savannah. Ga., October 1900 NOTICE! T< * DI AND ciUBDIT ORB. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY - Notice is hereby given tu ail penions hav* ing demands against iKm Agm. late of said county. #l* ee#*d, to present them •o me. properly mad#* out. within the time prescribed by lw, so a to ehow their character nisi amount, and all Iversons Indebted to *UI deceaawl. are required to make immediate payment to m* Savannah. Gw.. Oct. 1, IJOD JORDAN F BROOKS County Administrator, 15 Ray street, west. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notlce Is hereby given that I have m *<) MpplFatlon to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham County, for leave to sell the northern portion of lot number thirty seven 117). O’Neill ward, in the dry of Havannah. with improvements thereon be longing to estate of Ellen Morgan, de * ejis#*d. for the payment of *!ebrs and dla trlbu'lon and that said or.ler will b** granted at November term. lMff. of as id Court UJileaa objections are fllei thereto M A O’BYRNE. Administrator. CASTORIA for Infants and Children. C'a-toria In n barmlFNs nubHliliilr lor Cantor Oil. Paro- Korit*, Uro|s null Sootliiuir Syr on-. It is Ploasntit. It rontains itoitiu-r Oplitm. Morpliiuo nor oilier Nareofio It run’* Pinrrliu’u uinl Wind <'oli-. It roHovrs 'lVrlli iiiK Troiiltlt’H uiiri Hires Consti|otion. It rojrulatos tins Htoniacli anil Howoln, yeiviiif- lioaltliy and nutiirul itlt’t’p. Tin* <'hiklrou*H l*anaoeu —Tho Mutlicr’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. - CLASSIFIED AUVtKIISEMENTS. Ikkiosau •• Y JIU" Til AT IS A BPI.I'S ;>! ri make up Kven your n*>th**r would have n'ver ktavw n I’, Th it mustache \s gr* ;t Who supplle*) that outfit ’ "Th* Gcorgta hair eX|N*rt. Savannah llair. Jewelry and Shaving Supply llouue, tlu* pla* • for ev erything |M-rtalntng to li.tir. whether t remove superfluous or unsightly hair, or to replft#*** ug#- or stekneee h • aus ed to prematurely* low 1 order#*l from him through the mail this mustache, wig and whisk'-r** ar.d they' cam# O. K JUST ARRIVED. HOCK WAY OYH t#-rs to-*lay at Levan’s cafe; 111 Congr# str#*et. w#*st. THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 113 Bormird stre#*t. buys and sells all kin#lf of second-hand furniture for cash. IS YOUR IRON SAFE EIRE PRO* >F S'lffel Ar Freeman have a standing offer of 11.000 for every saf#* *if th# Ir mak** that ine# not preserve its contonfs. Oti# was In burtilt g debris 113 hours When t *ken out. the hose hal to I• turtle#! **n It When opened, not a pag#’ was #lls#*ol or#'d. not m record !o*t. not a #l**ll a r d# stroyed If you want s • urlty, buy a Httffe! A Freeman safe C. P. Miller, agent. fou WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It’s rich and pure, try It FURbfITURF UPIIOIJBT EH FI. MAT ire#*#*# renovate*!, Ant!*pie furniture r#* polished, furniture packed and shipped In best manner Send me your orders. C P. Miller, agent. FINE RICHFIELD r.Utfl at "BaT ksr’s," every day. best of all otlisr m #t* tr. msrkst RONE KLi'UH. ID-POUND BAG. leave or#ter with E Moyle. |A Broughr#n street. #*ae or 114 Park nvemie. east. J. Gardner, agent. IF ITH RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from Mi'Gtllls. SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nics willow rockers, ladles' stse. st $2 J W. Teejde. “school BOOKS nfw and sc ond-hand. sold and exchange*! Unro 2nd R#ader. :x> . 3rd Reader. 2T*e; 4tb Read er. 35c. Reader. i.V*; Linc<ln‘s Phvslolu gy, 4 f # . l**t Stepping Stones Literature. 25c; 2n*l Htepplryr Ht*ne#. so- ; Prlnca's Arithmatlc. I.V; Montgomery History, •>'. At Gardner’s Basanr *1 AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WRT Broughton, ring up 24**4 If you want to have your furniture moved or pack**! for shipment or storag# . I guarantee prices th# sam*- n- I •!# th#- work that’s given to m- A H Griffin. 414 Broughton street, west; m;ittrej#see made to order. "MILLER'S STOVEB AND RANGES give satisfaction The Magnetic, Econo mist. Waldorf, King, and other good mak#*** at reasonable prices. 3U7 Brough ton, west. KENHINOTON FARM MILK IS UN" surpassed for richness, delivery Is per f*ct; phone. 2345 see Siller* Ft*it < ifpici desks! office tables, office matting, office shade#, jery Broughton, west. WHEN YOU SEE M OILLIB* SIXTY- Inch $9 cents rug#, you will buy them. Ju#t can’t help It; will sell In any quan tity FOR FLORAL DESIGNS UUT FI/>W cn*. p.ants an#l bulbs, from Oelwhig's nursery; leave >rd*rs with K. Moyle, 10 Broughton street. east. J Gardner, agent. ""FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." I# a specialty with McGtllls. "MILLER S NEW STYLES IN CAR pets, mattings, linoleums, window shades, etc. All work done in flrst-c’ass style. 207 Broughton, west SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sain by J. W. Teepla; alao agent for insurance gasoline Move. ~ M'OILLIR IS CHEAP ON RUGS. curtain*, hammocks, water cooler*, pillows, pictures, stove*, bedroom suites. •nd furniture of every deocrlpMoti. while they last Large assortment of rockers, divans and easy chairs. C. P a#> nt KENS I NOTON FA R M ~18 ON AN elevation In the country, fre#* from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you wan pure Jersey milk, phon# 234.7 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. MOrLLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos snd furniture; best work only; no "Cheap-John'* prices—no "Cheap- John " Job*. SIOO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS, while they lat. C. I' Miller, agent. If OTLLIS LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. S2.M) FOR ART SQUARES" WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grades of art square-, rugs, mats, portiere#. C. P. Miller. agnt. M OILLIB SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 rent*. ■SOICAL. TADIEtTr^TrUCirES^ Penny Fill* an* the best. Safe, re liable Tiik no other. B#nd 4c stamp* for particulars "Relief for Ladles, '* in letter by return mall. Ask your drugglt Chichester Chemical Cos., Fhilada., Pa. HOW ABE YOUR FEET 7 IF YOUR feet are >ou. call on me and I will give you belief; 1 cure Ingrowing nails, eorna and all diseases of the feet without pain; charge* reasonable; can give the best reference* In the city; pa tient* treated at residence*; order* can be left nt Llvtwton’* drug store. Ruft and Conrres# sere#!#: telephone 293 Lera Davl#. surgeon chiropodist ■elf VN AM —9-.MAML BRICKI*AYEHB WANTED AT DAR lington. 8 C. Flynt Building und Con struction Comieny W A NTEI4JOCUnsI TLKR. one that understand* how to care for horse*. 10* Jones, west “WANTED. BRICKLAYERS. CARPEN ters, pasterer*. blacksmiths and horve shoers. wheelwright*. tailors. German forkeeper*, tie and log choppers and saw yers. mill hands; *ce lluber, 317 Writ Ray, Jacksonville. HELP U %\TECb—% %|.r.. TTVTm h lv*r Irupjlr#* <#i M.iretiall Hou*#* WANTED. i*M ALL BOY. WHITE AP plv *O4 Bay sti##*t. w#-t WANTED A WINDOW TRIMMER IN clothing Htoi'*. M.*i# r# f* f. lie* A*ldre>- answ'ct "WUuiow Tt liiim**r," #aro Mcnlng N*w TWO WHITE ROYS TO LEARN li.irn# * making Apply foreman L*o I S< J IDn an 1 )\ ItKak# i street en train*?. $. •• A YEAR EASILY MADE BY hunting ntrinr. handling our whit#* and fancy rubber •••bat-*, cuff# and n# ••kit#***. |ial#*nte<! and gu.iraufe#i| g*.Hsk# our *.m I align ti#- r# winners; liberal <ommLsion. \ lusive territory. send stamp for #|* - t.l term- et *. M A M Mfg. Cos . Spring ft# ;#l Mo - III:1.1* VV AATEU—FI:MALE. A MIDDLE-AGED wToTaN oil y oti ng girl for c* u*r.l b# Ip In small fun lly Apply loi*7 AbtrKgn afreet, at on* #* WANTED. FIRS'T-CLAHB WAITRESS for (lining-room. 4trj t gl#*t Imrin- wvt iiu# w# t WOMAN OF REFINEMENT WOULD Ilk*- to l.ik* entire charg** of infant or sm.ill child; In# refereiwq*; r*f# , r# , nre ex chaiig*#!. Addr* ## Mrs. 8., 71J Montgom ery str#t WANTED A GIRL TO TOLD rißUD lat* m*l *l offb ■ w.rk Apply Iboni No 29. Board of Tr.*b* bulMtug. IB >TE 1. 1. MI * 1.0 YM I: NT A G KNt % Y. 317 W#**-l Bay. Jh ksoiyvll!#*. whl4* man and wife, mill lMMi*ling hou#** s'#o.o. white wo man #*>#*k. Fltxliugh, sls. lto#l“*k, tn ble girl# niabi**. laumlr# *• . *ok HMIM.nI WEXT %VANTED. WANTED. POSITION AH WAT* 'li man. clay or night, sober white man; lent reference. Addri •* Watchman, car# Morning New.**. A SETTLED WOMAN. < WHITE! ivlsh# a #Mnation in a prlvwte family, to •’Ook Mtid rtmk# t* t *•* 1 f g*tt# rally useful, or to tuk** care of *in tnv ilt*l lady. A|- plv tin < Tmrlton str**et, w-#t. \\ I.U.OKUI*. VN ANttoTlSw l?\’i:i*iglons. ad dress H. W. 8p rry, Duval ilotH, Jack sonville, Flu. Incubator "w\St i: r > s¥\ - i ■ imik**, 4'.|*##*ity; must be in tr***) 'oiill tlon. Answer, giving details. Chick, * are N’ nr, * \VB WANT A NICK GENTLE HORSE for a lal\ . must i* g**##l six**, and a good trial r*qulrel; must be a horse with ntyle; no other wrant#*#! Addrews J imes Thomp son. general leUvry. I’otoffice. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from S|#ringlield Dairy , H r rich, pure and whok some. *"IF YOU WANT A PLACR TO DUMP earth, dirt, trend, manure, etc., free of charge. Ju*t at city limit*, hauling over h*rd road writ* or telephone Brown Pro*., come.- Anderson and East Broad street#. FOH It 17% T—lt 00114. FOR RENT. TWO FRONT ROOMB, furnished or unfurnished, use of bath, with or without hoard, fa ing Park ex tension. No ]dt Dravton stre**t NICKLY FURNISHED ROOM, ALL convenientw hoi nn! cold water, Yw Barnard, near Liberty. “elegantly furnished front room f*r < oupie or two gentlemen; ev*ry m*b rn conv*ilcn#*e. and first-class at - tentlon; also single rttnm Private family. Habersham. n*ar Broughton. ROOM FOR RENT. CONVENIENT TO Plant System. £ll Jorv s. east. “nicely furnished south front room to on# or two gentlemen. 122 Tny lor stre#*f. w*#st. fi.%l# roit to small family. No. !2 Jone* street, east FOR RENT. SEVEN-ROOM FLAT IN fine location, low rent. I’latsh# k A Cos., Bryan, #*at. FLAT BIX CONNECTING ROOMS with bath, fir * t floor, Lyons’ block; suita ble for any iurpo-e John Lyons. To RENT. A FLAT OF 3 ROOMS. OR will rent singly. Apply 10f Ferry at reef, w est. PARLOR FLAT. 417 GWINNETT. we*l; possession now or Nov. 1. Refer enc#-s exchanged. ft’tut Hi:vr-iioi'ffi DCFIFY STREET east; |#osseesH*n at on#*#*. Apply (ieorge L <l.l many. g*nt, l*. Bryan stret. east. FOR RENT, COM PORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 Waidburg street, east. btw#*en Aber<*orn an#l ian -oln, first-dam order and condition; every convenience. Rl/ht rent to right tenant. Etate Baiom#n Cohen, West Broad aiid Br#< *ghton street* 'FOR RENT. DESIRABLE HOUSE fronung Anderson street school. Apply 41.** Anderson. NICELY L<►GATED" ELEVEN-ROOM residence, stable# and outbuildings. D. B Lester. ~ FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with a i modern Improt#merit*; in gor>d rrfwilr. 303 Jones, east. Kolloch A Screv en. FOR RENT,' LARGE RESIDENCE. 20G Congress afreet, es-t. southeast corner Aber<orn M 8 Baker, Agent, 224 Ogle thorpe avenue, east. —r FUN ME3I-9TOAK. FOR RENT. 8 ORE SOUTHWEST corner Whitaker and L L rty streets. Ap ply 13 Lib rty stret, w. t. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. I’llll HEAT—aTORF.H. tlon for miiv bu|tte■■•*♦. reasonabla renv Plitshek w Un TOR It! NT. STORE. 115 BROUOIL t<xn street, •st i w*. •on lrnm ll.itel. al*o sever #1 i si able tr leuces an ! Ants A|p;y A Wylly, L Hr van strest. a* st I lHt ItIAT-NIM I I I (M ill 4 Flt RE NT MA So NIuTTaL able fu theatrb .!■#. tiiie, <l.u><-(ng school. *t Apply J S Txron. r.* 4 t >dd F# *• *%% building FOR RENT DESK Room M : RNIHH til. K* at inn Itryan #tt**el, east, itu# Unite rates. Ad#lress De-ks. News oth BIN 111. l —IILAL U.ll 4■ A "^tTrpentTnTt a TJood locution f#*r large o|erator. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. TWO ELEGANT DWELLINGS ON inittA str**t. betw*’*n Drayton ati| Alt it. urn streets. 1 I lailUn he FOB HALE. A Lot EUR TWO HUN dred dollar#, easy terms, on Ninth street, near I asi Rrxiud. no city taxailou. C. 11. pargill RESIDENCES ANt Bi’ILDINO TOTS for sale all over the city. Iluieri II T#4#'m real eatats dialer. No. I York atre*t. west. I-OR HALE. TOTH ON NINTH. NEAR Fast Broad. .# SA each; will noon ba sdvan el to tTX>; when a lot has been paid for 1 can nrrangs to get a fcotut built. <\ II Dorset! FOR HALE, THOSE I#TS ON NINTH street, near East I tread, have only b*#*n sold 4* first * lass purttea. k -*to will make good neighbors, an#) none other can buy The term# re very easy, and they t*ra cheaper than uny other to tht vicinity. ( U !">r-*eft FOR SAL! LOTS ON NINTH S! U! FT n#r l ast Broad; no city taxes, at s2a§ each; twenty-five dollars cash. nd r Jy monthly payments. C II lkr#ett. roit X.UJL-MIB bLUAkUin. ""TvnvmiA/.KL! Till.UK IH WITCH haz*i and wltclihazei One I# mad## to curw. the othr in made to nell. put a hot:la 01 ours by the *ids *f in* of tha other klid, we give you sli the quality and all tho quat.tnjr that your nmacy en iltb s you to a pint for a quarter IVr*-#* a Drug S("r a, llenry and Abcrcorn, Whit aker and Taylor. I*OR HALE LARGE. PAYING I.lV *rv stub!#*. Bargain. Address J W. Kim brough. Webster, Fla CoWS FOR HAL!. IF YOU WANT A g*"d milk *uw re a# liable, I can supply >.ii Call 471 West Boundary ahti and cyprrmi lumber for •ate* 150.0UU f*et of H#h aultstds f*r wheel wright# carriage makers, car work# and Interior bouse flnl*h. Also cypress lumber of nil size*# We have resumed ('tilting our famous bran#!# if cyprere ehlngles and will soon have n full line of them for #ali. Vsle Itovsl Msnufiirtiu'ing Company. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rl#*h. pure mUk; try It; you will be p|esed Pl.t WIIIIMi. to your tnir-re* t (, let me give you an es tUnite uu your plumtung, new or old work; r* pa!r w*rk a sie. laity, mm I am a praett il plumber No guess work to evxlnnger your life. Wiggins, ’phono rot. Georgia or ReM MIIICELDA %KOI7A. JUST ARRIVED. IU(’K WAY OYH t# TH to-dny (it Levun'o rare; 111 Ccuigr#-** Street, west. HAVE YOU It HOUSE FAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire sati fa iion g iarant**ed. Adams Faint Company. "It IH NO TROi’HLK for US To fX timet#* **n your plumtdng work; our plumber# lire first-*lh-* and our work guaranteed; l*t us $o your wirk an#l wave %on money. A. C. Price Or Cos. Phones t*. r A.’ an#l J# ff rson str##*t* WANTED. ONE THOUSAND llt’N. gry |iple at the B#iithem Grocery Com pany, 114 Bernard street. "WF: SELL HEWER FITE. FLUE pl|*r. fire clay, fire brick at loweat price*. Adams Faint Company. 104 Congre**, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of ymr hard-earnd hard cah at the Southern ftrrrcery Company, 114 Barruitd street ""if YOU are I?nNEED OF FlliST l.isa plumbbig work of any ktn#l, A. C. Fri > A Cos will do It cheaper for you ttuiu anyone 4 !#*’ Fhon* CTB. State and Jefferson street*. FtJYRHINE IH THE REST WALL FlN tsh made Adam# Faint Cos.. Savannah agent*. 104 f’engreo*. went SEE orn STEEL ENAMEL BATH tubs, only slo.Oft dollars; estlmat#** cheer fully furnish##! A (?. Frl# •* A <*o.. State and J* ff#-r#on street*. Fhon#*#* 6T#H. "REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hnr#l-'*urn**d hard cash with the Southern Grocery < v omi>any, 114 Rsrnar 1 street Good Positions J_V‘§ECU R EO B/AcJiVe yfxir £ Young Men ;^'Woiwen '-XjHfeßs \M|o tiKf cur practical fiiJrse p ,chmonos I BUSINESS COLLEDES.I AH/r.j/svrjS'tj M/atCdalef* •{/#' Numii. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY - Nolle* I-* hereby given that I have made application to th*- Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave •* s*l| uil th## liiiuls telonglng i# th* #t*ti(# of <3**org** H stone. )y *a*ed. for th#* payments of •|eF>t< aiwl lb#trlbutlon. m*l that said or l r will let granted at the November term. 19uft, of ft*l court, unless objection* ore rlb-i thereto. 4TIARLKS W SAFBBY. A!mini*trator. Oct. 2. 1900. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. LEGAL SALTA. liANKN PT SALE *i AflflßV VANNAH BOX AND BAHKET WORKS Under and by %*trtue o 9 an onler grant ed by th<* I loti A II MacDonell, Ref rrea In Bankruptcy, In th* mutter of W. 11. Iteliluger. Bankrupt. th# undersigned W'.ll sell, at pubil* an ’lon. oti the prem ises located *i th* r ad. in the city of H iv.tttnah. G; . on Monday, Oct. 15, IflKSt. at 11 i<•#e k (Savannah city ttnu i. In the forenoon, a hit of ma# binary, tctls and apimratus for the manufacture of lot#*s, crates, barrels and bi#kets, among Whl* h are Titus Veneer Machine; Tisu# Adjustable Il< t I Haw. Haw Table; Haws. Ilrnl . and Power Cltp p r*. R A B Holmes iHiubh* Surface Planer. <*ut-Cff * and Heading Haws, Al- Itngtun A t’urtls lllower Bfniun. com pl *• . Hot Air Dry Kiln, I’ullevs. Shaft -111 Beplng; Basket Forms; Barrel aid Hoops. Orange Box Heads, No. *. !11 at Wire. Tack. Nails, etc., ef.- Private* -*il* l bids for tiie whole or any part of th#* assets wtll D* received by tin* undersigned, up to Oct*iter 10. at Ul , |. k. in ’ln f rt%tmen. wirich will lo Opened by th* R# f*r* at hi•* office. No 1 lirynn street. # st. at nuM time and plac*. Bight t rrjwl any or all hitftu re- Krv***l Term# of sale #’ash. Property mty t** ln**tected and full list re*n. by aptdving t*, JACOB CJAZAN. Trust#*** H Provident Building. Havannah, Us W# st End Htreet Par goes to the Fac tory. TRUSTEE HA EF? Under and by virtue of th# power and authority v# (#**l In me, the u <l#*rlgned John N. Geil. trustee, uruler that certain •J <• f trust fr*m Helen M laiverlng. •t itthe eighteenth, fisth) day of Au gust, eighteen bnndrcsl and ninety-eight, (100, .ud r#’ord#d in fh#i clerk’s office and the Superior (Vurt of Uhothwm *ou*ity. In te.'or*! I*#wk of M*rtgag*s 4 D’S. fol! . i*'. et. s**q. <th* •aisl Helen Al l/Mflftlif t avlng mad# #l*-lault in the |#ivrnent of • ii* prtn lp;l m#t inter* -t irwl obligation* I r>vtl#'*t In s lid #|ee*l) 1 wdl sell, at fHib llc mitcry before the Court House *lnor. tn Chatham <ounty. Georgia. *ti th** flr*t Tualiv In November, l#'feng the sixth (tlh) hy #f Novemier. nineteen hundrtkS, anl during the usual and b-itnl hours *f sal#*, to the highest and best bid tier. for cash nil th# fotlowltig tl#**** rlbed l**t nr#l parcel of land, with the iiiqmivc rnents ther#on Vo-wlt All that trad or i*.ir# e| of land situate, lying and being in th# city of Savannah, ikl <uinty uiml sto4*\ an#| kruavn on the map of .‘*i#l city sh ih* western on*-half of lot. numler six F.i, Crawford ward, con taining a front.ig#- of (hlrty nu feet on Oglethorpe avenue. (fortnerP Houth Brow#! str#et>, an*l 11 depth of ninety iK) fee*, to .1 Inn* and lMeirsl*d north by Ogle th#irpe avenuo*. ##•#• ly • istervi **n#*-hulf #f *.l Sl l#t. south bv •• lane, arsl weet bv lt niimhcr five (.*> of aa!*l war*t The *j*l#l western of said lot number six (Hr. Crawford w rd. is subject to an annual ground rent of twelv** 3-raft dol lars. payald#* to * !•- Il.tyor and Aklermen f the city of Havannah Tog# ther with till and singular. tho bon*#**, building-* eaeetm-nts. rights, mem t*ers and wpfiurtenaneeti thereunto belong ing. th** |Mir*'h.r'*#*r paying for tit lew oral revenue stamps JOHN N GEIL, Trustee. LEGAL NOTH ’ft?*, IN the District Court *f th#- United Htt*s for the Soul hern District of Geor gia. Eastern division. In th* matter ot J B. Goo twin, bankrupt. In bankruptcy. I ? ri|er nisi by virtu#* of an orlcr passed on th< 17th day of September, I*oo. by A II referee In bankruptcy. I will sell on Tuesday. Nov. fi. * the Court House In Chathnm county, within th* legal hours of sale, to ih* highest bidder, for cash, the following property of eat#) bunkrupt estate, to-wlf. Lot num ber 21, Cummins ward, tw ing numb r 212 Third afreet, eaat. In the city of Hivaniiati, In Chatham county. t#*e-th* r with (ha Improvem# tils on same. Right to reject any or all bids reaerverd* The above prop erty 1# soJ*l free from all Hen# and Incum v \i P H HUM 11 u#toew STATE OF GEORGIA. CflAI County. To Mary bulu Ellis, Lillis Horton Waring and Charbw Elll# of ai*bl county and state. Frederick llortoti Eilla f Hi, ('art N Don Brandt, Carl Kills Brandt and Erdmann Ncumaa ter Brandt of Hot Hprtnga, Hath county, Virginia Charles Elba having as execu tor applb and for the probat#* In aotemn form of the last will and testament of Clara M Kills, late of raid county, d* *•#•<!. and having mode known to the #*##nrt that you are the sol** Iwlra at law of -abl testatrix, you are hereby cli#*#l to and a|t*ear at tlie next Nov*mb*r term. Htfvi at 10 o’clcH'k a tn at said term of th#i Court of ordinary of Chatham county, aa th** said will of the said Clara M. Kills will th*n and there le offered for prohata In solemn form, and for record and appll r,it|cn for Btters testamentary will be consider*! and ihumml upon HAMPT>N L PTRRILL Ordinary C. C., Go. Attest: FRANK K K EILBACH. Clerk ct Or’dy, C U.. Ga. IN the City Court of Savannah. July term. 19t> Michael A. Connolly vs The Atlantic Contracting Com§wny. Benjamin I) Greene. John F (laynor and Edward H. Oaynor Attachment. To the def#*nlMnt*. The Atlantic Con tracting Company, Ibnjamtn D. Greene, John F Guvnor .in#l Edward 11 Oaynor: You. und each of you. are hereby com manded to h#* an#l apfM-ar at the next term of the city Court f Havannah, to wit, Ihe November term. 1W). mi the flrst Monday In I * <**mt*er. during said term, nt 10 o’clock a m . before the JiMlge of #al#l court t show cause why an order for the #ale of the property levied upon In the aliove ntltl##l cn*o should not be granted. Witness, the Honorable Thomas M. Norwood. Judge of tb city Court of Sa vannah. thl* 10th day f September, la tha year of our Irl, 19(> WARING RUBBELL. JH., Clerk City Court of Savannah. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM County.—Jacob Shellman ha* upplled to Court of Onlinary for an order requiring Mr*. N. H. Burroughs, administratrix es tate J. 11. Burroughs, d#*o#ed. to mak* title* to five (31 acre* of land at or near Burroughs Station, county und state aforesaid, to him. Th*#e are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and ap pear before said court, on or before th* first Monday In Novembar. 1900, to make objections. If finy—otherwise said older will !e granted. Wltn*Nn Hon. H. L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham county. Georgia, this Oct, 1, ISM). FRANK E. KKJLHACH. C. C. 0.. C. Cos.. Oa. 3