The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 puptrwic ArpirAy tdiotc oumvww m niv’l I m< www> 1 \ PIS* Ht.T IN THI I. VTM 41 RK- CiloN II \ A \ I M.l hH IHWfrikJ* Ptinira anti ftl<4 ISr k-r *— % f*r - Ilk** That *aia* , t th M**la* Liah t*l l>rM ta-lu Ib H#ar * thr Urphaat oaatfi ClMßriHir ' -*l •**s♦* y ■. f EfEgtofsd -eportS af * * ’ * .? r - Kwart § ‘Jrt'4" r. esters* . ? ■* KUiy gg fc'tg eXp*"* 1 *'• * * * *’ *• J *"1 fie v sjr tra f * f * r Ini#y*#‘ i.o tb* * " *r* *. _*.-*** of bsg a * * ‘ * ' *' • * # f&#% if. and* * * * .:>■ a a * ?*> iowe-l .? *# r til* V was I'm th* *• - rr. ?#? .car *** • * tfat tofthSH# shore a . • *.*> 1 *■§,* t<rwer*d '* * tr.igr.'.y rr * k r-fig* whose *#* o? ttft g* a- r* hrox * *h* #•*#: t .* 'Vene of ** A-. * thrive*. |* *- #•*• ** ? afTi'a fir,* of ?&■* *r,*r> t , *r •- * • ♦-* * • e* p* - T*-- ? *• -a < : #4 bjr tr.* I % i-nM a * rr> *♦ e*>u :4 - * r■ - - *-*• * <*>*-. #*' +,* try. ■•■* a ram Tb* n.4* *** 'tamed m* *sm! a-. -** . * ? -a - c *irm * u „r:r,i- *:.e - m - , ft w - - - * . I den IT* it* or **t AH fh f * '"%*■ ■ *• a aft ■cannot %it ■'.* •*, *arvl f* n.. * * ? g sjvef * r \o t*;*.i r *r' ,* arc* J f-. „r-1 • dtflft e-ui? to <jnM4lf jr**x f. r forma " ••. -f. i the fart. that '. tor* a* ■ 4af< f'l' Ik#- ‘ ' , - - *m- Ilf* k 4 ’err . f.: f t f: }• - ? of • . tn*'% e#n o no wrrl to tM T-'/r ■**•.-< ' f • - ere . ik# turf*-* *#v*r. v*f r-to rf *n.* It .*B e- rtTi; ; . *• • r * Mar, wafer l**r:g okfair • % *•.* , • I *':*■ Off the f >s* ,- , ; 4:r • T- * f r** *h ■ cUm*.e its* of th* vo* tr.* a** fk 4-, X . '4l ■* f **, + T y. tfciivtr tit t--* Mof* 4 .- or nw* dt.v ’'w* h i'- rt * a 1 - *1 ►** ‘-r> : * r ......, rrf fu of e!*f>* *i *• r ;- after a aHßek t ferrit > trort to■*,t I ! •• - ! f 4fo 're at ho it r* rl* , !f I * * I •' S ro |ori*f #*■■ a k/ . f- . • >• • k * an be bet fir inr. . 1 h*r r ?>- I Tti** fei u*' I ?a..<rtr . .; H- ’:,*■? ar.-l after kr ■ *r.: #r h.m : m\ *hr r.rr - ißrtcw* ) rt t, rare I S • ♦ k *• . elfrM by th*- ru*h }ro> * orr tr* - <#*; ftet ika * f\ r- r- * •, i# ; , ed -if tea yar a tr * * ,;.**>•* .:•#> . *#or. fuJ! of btoctrS ' *r, r**-jm n* • *■ ha* fee go? nr wttvl ntt*.i r • jt r the barge nsert-Sj let o-ff *-*>me •wperf •' i# a? ,T - m 5 • t *■.. r>w,r.ff tr l # a .u t a purforir. i r • *fcr • . • #*d n* rr. • * . I have r;#ver f . kl* 1 an elephant with • any degree of comfort etne*. Tbe kikilnc Mak* When maklrr the eir jk of he ♦wo ** \ live * with a m*; r- .mt* *of fo ! town. I ohaerved eocn* a a*)tk* rreatoree ketifsf it m- from -* o*r,d Nri and with consftftoraloe fff; uiry my Rj- \ aad a guide to-lK **i - • • of •• *m io come arid be !n#re-”.ed H* we* a tail mar-, with , the lone arm*, rewba! paanch and *hort : leg* rf the ape. propound e tjjr smtll M^ade*! e-id prog r:■.- *'■ ■ i.* . A* fir** he war terr *.n|y alarmed but aoofi gained .mliden **. and when 2 lahed him elephard end debar gam* he gave m* rrvea - •,. ?!- re 'ayaeea ta t ion a of them erd r.ow trey •ftouid le attacked The at amp of he brut*- wa* ao *tror.g whom I m twenty or thirty Individual*, that I ahould place them lower n the hu man * lie char any other n itlve* 1 have aeen in Africa Their f.. e My ard IlmN were cover*'*! with win- nalr. and the hang of th*- long, powerful arm* the alight **oop of the trunk and the hurs'ei j vacant **j*re*l* of the fare made up a j tout enaembd ?h"i w> n terrsbl* - •oriyj j proof of tmrwlnuiß. The pigmie* are of aimilar build hut | t < the appera eof f -I":*! e* ee* ! fngly powerful mn. compre*ed and with mu 'h m ‘*r lr* . **n* f *’ i sgmse. ar*- to theae “apelike being* e the d-g --fa< H baboon* re to t t f*t h ahiy they are, like the pirmb • *.,*• of the former inhabits? ** of th ■ the differ*n. * in their type d* *>* 4 ndtng on the rmo ndiflf* w . M; *•■ to atrugg e for ei • * • T true type o' pigmy I* i mg? t‘ • e*-?mtd* .f nature's .odaptability being a omidna kin of Imm- r*e wtrength. re- *•* ar > for the prtfwrtow hunting Ilf# h* lead ard COBlpartne**, indlupentaid* ♦ rapid move ment In d*n*e forew* where the j *- r ii •re the only me;tr,- of pa** <*• While J wa* In the main rarav n 1 never *aw either a pigmy or cm* of ?h *• nature* end to twudy them It I* n< • to go almoat unattended Thta ohvtoualy entail* a great rl*k and It i* ooacquem’y very difß ilt to find out rr> - h a -#ut them They both have th*- furtive w y of looking at you characteristic of ?he wild an mat. and. tboiigh I had ore of * ne*e curt- u* men with me for •* week when I made the circuit of the •. ••4- a no* * h- *< uM alma,, mart if f locdied at him and he followed my tor. m-•••* with hi* e>- a* w- a nervou* dog The o’ I bed of the Albert KdWard la rendered Impataabie by pit** of fire and huge je* of smoke shooting up in all d!r*' - •* ; r * • * *.e HM • of the vokatd activity. Rven to an un* ien tlffc observer it w* evj ten* * net the >un try between Kw u and ■ • A bert Kiw ard Is the key to ihe • -.**# g**ograp i* a Slow growth of hair comes from lack of hurfood. I nenair nas no life It t*starved. If keeps coming out, gets thinner and thinner, htld spots appear, then actual baldness. The only flood •tops starv-a- aM W ■ VS tion, and the KpW W M hair grows ■ ~ visor also. Keepl a bottle of it on vour dressing table. It's a splendid dressing. It always restores color to faded I or gray hair. Mind, we say “ al ways.” $i.H a fcafiit All Imjfit?* •* I hare found tour Hair Vigor to be the be#: remedy I lar* n*>r tried for the hair M> Last fall mg out vert had. *0 I thought I would try a not tie of It I had useaonijr oae bottle, smi my hair •topped falling out, aud it la now real thick aud l'ng ’ NAJICT J. AiTLR. JuJy, Ik*. Youkera, K. Y. Mfelf* the Oeoto#. Its will send ynu h*s * , T be Hair and Seal*. Aafe hm •bout your tak. Y'* will rtcei* ay t wyx answer free AM?*** tta. J. C. aveh. tx>r. sum. ONCE MORE A HAPPY WOMAN. CoiU|b*tely Cured of Catarrh by I’criina. M m 14% Murray w *e frtm : To go-ad *■ jr‘ * rr - * ?* I its *■ # i, , & -, *r. !** r ■ f ■ * V ~-' -/"v. i a* h* ard t- ,rr* . * ; a * - hr** c- :e to * * pyent rr * ■ i* -• M .ve found so rr t * arr ■ i :n* uvl •'*a -as* r *i*ur* rr, r* fr.mrr tmg it Catarrh Generally Thought to Be a f>i*crt*cof the Head Only. •ta •* • ‘•* teen so ge? •r to t* a d:# •!> ■ tr.e, to *N# head and mnn to -,n4*r.?ard that /atarrn ma> ffe t *r. off -• • o' toe f jßiif. b .4 . ** e organ* # * * f*d - are -d w.’fi rru u* membrane ?r raw- j Of *- iKd 4fe aio lltied Wit j mu'ou* membrane •I srol geokurFal pro* *m ■? Afrt * I *r. from t*?* to *?*♦ ‘' <go lua*t j t*r U*r r, rh* * et*p • • *"> ' ln h. •nifjfry tr.e p?fv*..iifttype of eieptiar. * differs considerably frcrr. ! h Toro ar,d N?l*?y*e Puiigr*>w 1 irnirf m* tnty. eighty. r 4 r.2f.'> > . ?uka **<>ol • • *• h * r*t*• two of tb* Toro i >j* w h i■ h I rr.*-.v*tir**4, were a foil II f f . ir. .*,*•* TM ivory wit * also Q’Ji'f diff-ren*. *u*k* from ♦be former being thin on 4 * mo#* * raig.u? and very * ar t ff*> fro ■Mr-St* a* ofvf*o*#d to th* ’r;\ duM-white tusk* .*ovrr.s wth ‘ r*‘-.k* of the neavler tnnlhrr Tfp** of tlnrnnnlM . The ft;'*.* #f i. who Ink,hi* th* hill# to tn*- north, wrro suffering terribly m thl* tirro from tl**> eff* ft-* of a km dr--ug." Tney tooied upor me as .1 g r*-sn inati'y * too arsd *w trtnoi do* rs in hood nod* for trw elephant meat A weird *igli? * ** l.>rk-MhH savage- wt?h !•■;* gr*. **•! plait* of h.'ii - hanging •rm • * 'hdr ihouk d*rs w * ra |4 r, nr l or* ever vtU2 > inch of the ar hock ng away wish krs: . • and st***.rs. yelling.,. w no-iping, wr**stl ng tirttnt and mundktag. wrwd with blood lump* of tnrat artd #w flowing th*-m raw Ilk* a ardor arrival *. finding gr**'- heap* of offal and rohar >2k i **-* while o*o*r* aere crawling in and it of tn* itstesj, -* • Hk* *0 many prairie dojt Old wen. foum ro*rv i*rehl orl' hag*. babe -one and ail .n 1 ’ Wttfi blOO) ilUfhibr nd I**>!- <f? blood a’rtp* jf h'.l*. •*! b-n >-W* kof m*a*. irvl vwho h*d no? di <dw s* y but too w*il lay ground In bewildering uil f iiors and In two abort h* *ri all w *s fin ished, rso*hin* remalrn l '■■.* • *>* *r*-a* gaunt rt*v*. i;k* ?b* ak*b ton •fa :p an*! a few die* ofisoia?*' volt Of r* t he rron Immitf the UtiiUn; At Bohr which had only r# nUy keen rvaruatrd t>> tha 1 brgan my homeward march thtotigh a **fnile ► w*’m *• to Sohat The fir** two d*y the* I *ink*** were qoi*e am* n*l * to tr* -tnv-rt hovlna ferar- in con?a * w,* whl* men brfor# \it af**rwar !Ir . ) very .* so * tiro- with the* native The* number of * • and they for mad aarlour m p*dlm**nf to our march #%w they rrfuaad to move* out of (he way. Nearly every morn- Ina w** wa*t#d an hour or -a > ehoutlru? throwing <* n*-** at eel tary old tu**k‘ r* and herd* of younger elephant Bank* and hank* of he • n avwrv ‘lira - lion, hut t>hcr game* w*i "'r # Tr:< mow* ultOM rr* M-l'* • ' • 1 r-af.i l'' kllM r*ff *wo of rov leuya who had Innw tn k Tfi f!.-* h> day were even worae* The* htnkae have* enomu drove-** of f ttle. wh h treey value vary h.ghiy Th#*y never ki ! th-m for food, hut from tim** to . . m k free 2 U The* men are* of do* -e 1 eotne of the* heritHiefi I mw tnutt have* b#., n veri eeven feat, aid * every * , j \*■ me T iey th*Tn**Svr* wth .* {uite made* of wood a* to :*r- * f. tha ! r bodley from th*’ mosejul*>*• and trw* long ,f irr, ’• ?hr im th*-:r w-> -tn gl* fi> through it * ’ - I k* m> many gray *j * ?rc* Thwy are- y nude* considering tiny sore of covering *f fem|mv Thrlr weapon.* er* a long wood en - lab. a fi*h lame*, and a hroid-hljdwd Rjea-ar Th* y hlea h thedr hair w ith mi litire*. Akng parts of the* routs th* whole* population of eanti village *urn**l out in for e* and >m|c i-d n>- ; **♦ of - t . to th** ne*x* village*, singing wild, **%r ple*roing • hant. and condntKHU.y |K>inting to the* *un. I mppose thry im glmd 1 had juet taft there l m* t many groups of wo men carrying watrr pitchsr>-, and di*v !n --var f'd m- *•* .* - ?n- w • e*m harme*lng dan< ' It w* **h *r *ru* lby fbe wild*?' abandon, ami tarmlts mil In every one* hurling thetnielvee in a m * on the* ground and th**n d.y*hlr.g off tn all di re* ttot lnto toe- bi*h u?fwring - ?* k* lm{oeible* to d* * rib*- The* roe*! oI of th*' Dinka- of eh>wing re*sj t by vp ttlng on the* t of th*lr atvtntlon. Shortly before- t*a hing Kohr I w *** -r*-. hsroueiy nttf**kd *> th- n*ivn*. They gave- me *om*- trouble* in rnj out wve*nlng. hut ipjve ire*d quite friendly In the* morning and turns*! out In > -n*i i* f ? bl#* number* to o company m* on the* march. I had not * I hat ?he*y were crowding round m* when 'td*!* f y eh* v itarinl k.Hcd my b*"t m .t> win >pt*t*r wound ?hro*ih the be-art nnl hr -k. the* skull of two more The* r.*t threw .Sown their toads and Iwdtcd A ejul* k r gbe and Je*ft lubi out the rr.jef and hi* ,ni 111 • I# 4r. and 1 -wuns aroursi j -* ;rn* -o dodse* a epe*ar ami to ward of? i blow at my hwa l from s club, wh h ro* to my kn- *- I rs*ia>nd*d by p *king mv empty rifle Into th** H' of mv .il tni’s atom >- h. a f’d th*- ensuing t site *: • m*- time *o slip In *i cartridge* and finish him. The* r**t then drew of? to about 3•* *r U, which they ovi I**nt|y considered , dls tan- An enormous man of abot - f-* 1 ? * Inchas. who had caused most of the* trouble* In camp, ’tied to Jc id the*m on ag ln, nr *1 if hs S still alive*. }* know mor> about tbs effects of * dum-dum hut -I*4 than most me 1 ,s I have much liked to giv the mn s* vrre* * on but o I had very few r ridges, f k k-d a* other gentleman off an nt hill t *nng r tege* and having thus given them an Id- of the uses of n gun. I mode for ’ marches out of country Our of hoys who lagged behind for a few mo ments. despite my repeated warnings, vau tshed completely an J adeotiy THEMOKNING NEWS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1900. % '' ® -L 7 irrL-i. I > v * ■ >, ; / - v .* - * [ / Mlis Ida "lurray c e T tp ; i — : .d ’ ~s y. 9 b ’Cjis *' r. *e V e r * * * a rn . 'i* m*m i - ' *-• * es'arrh may e*-.* *T • # i- * ->r that ra*arrh is m-vre ft- -'••* r, • pa? vf the nos* and r ■■•* i* i<4 luee the*# oa**ag*t are m©e- ear * ’O ' j'} ’bar toe other por no* f *-' mor * mem rraae But -r e *r * a- * irrh of to# lung*, or k:dnev or stomach, or liver, *-•- -■•#• ar-d e*p iaiiy the bladder r.. *- er t* v.r organ* i .n i* a .'*- tn is*s of female we.i or r-* • * arm and i* heart i’>* ■ • r**4 by all ?■ e w-'-meti. A fr*-* took wd’un e*. e -,: |y for m-er e-*i’ e 1 Ha *h and Beauty.’ * f• * to -.r ■ aidre*- t > Tn* per. * M-i - , r r Cos iurabu*. Ohio. **iii n vi rot>rr,MED. Made Known Hi* l*nr tn the Defen bach < a**. *ago Or * Frank N .-"rn• V y the and * • . ♦ €** it* Mooney and Bo'arci agrn cr. who w,* - ore of *h mer affewtevl t - ■bi in with *h* tnaurunre fr* i* * I h ended with **<• o' Marie Defer **h A g 2i. ha* mole a full sr tn. cor.fs-aslon of hi- pert in th* T‘•• nfess *n ff t r • Impl <•■*?♦# with v •" !►’ A !l t*tiger ard Frar.g Way* lans! Browr. assistant mnapr o* *h*- Moore-y and Board agency, ’' • O' e* fWO m*f ,Tm\*T ItT+f W nen ihs as# goes on tna 8m: *ey it J* arnour**d. wl2 turn ••♦ ev ic*-ncr. State's Attorney f Uisn exps ** that a I rmr stl! be f'onrsrud o' •or spira y to defrau*) th* New York ln*urr> * tVgnpanv Car ad an Ortftr of foreittr* trd fhe s *rd Ir*<}| * of Honor but it i vary doubtful whether if % ffvarg- o' rr ur can even re form ally iTM-le on the * vide roe nvailab:* A? >4st oro other man eoamee tsd with the m ney and Boland agency i now utntfwr survHllancc for *u*picou ftctions *• r ♦ turn*- o' M* Iks fen bach death at and 1* is not improbable that several oth -r -nspiratcrr n y*i be coonec:ad with the nme Dim;K 11% 4 % TO*. Italtroad* and •‘led Hall Mnnnfite farers Disagree. Cleveland O, Oct * —New teel rails f r Imnud ate Use are needed l,y the Shore N kel Plat' 1 Whetting and l#ak* Kne. Toledo, S* luta an I Western, Ohio Ofstral and * •vrund Terminal and Vai c railr*.a if to the eater.f of >*.‘'*< ton-* * •. ' t agree men? ;n N*w %'ork two week ago to mainta.r. the pr, * of t>’> |er ton The railroads names! above have on the of her hand, agreed ro* to pay more than 17- Th* re*ut U being awaited with In terest oHUbHM) ;i,mm t %B*. Ilaltimore and llliln la in %rnl of tdinlp Hunt. * hi* ago. Oct. R—Arrangements for buiuiing 2,(00 freight vir* for the Bald tn r* anl by * • P rnai *>mpa were r mplstoi ttHli.v The eontract .l for . box are an*) flat < er* Th* C.V v;. - e ll.KfOfti This i ?h* *e. ond large order givim by th* - * Haiti more and Ohio management within the Us? w*'K The flr*! order wi* 6. *. ** el ar - to - *ea s*'. *.*• *• nku \ m i rio%. That Pays F.tpert* from 130 to IT3 Per \% rek. From the ciro innati Enquirer N* w \‘Tk T u g r vog e of tne mo* -r vehlc.e his develop* i a iu in dus’ry The men wno hive taken up ic w tr 11* are f*w m rumler as >*e, -it tree- .re m* n who at* making h very comfortglde living a their tra*lf They are instructor* in motor driving as they < cl tfirms* iv p When a maker of th* vu. I’d os -* il* otie he of course mout to - * i ,' ha.-era man who eU# him a" * t f* *n in the *>*r time allowed by firm, how :o hintli? tne machine This r* *|*rt *- *|iip.e o IIr?!•* m*- hunl sl k.I *. ’ part of ?se cfsemtor. for h* muftt u* r* iv for ail of triflutg •l* de-c’ tci t ere s i o hook of printesi in -#r ic,us that will tell him Just what *i - w er. m*‘ f the unfor•’*#**> emer w* * - ns- ': • av'-iage man l not lf ! i w h al skill unti his first ?*.• %\- <s * i •;' ii.g hi- m ohiic are .*i*t to * nffeti c.| with same discom fort* • J ‘ • it.g t a* there mum* neitl among ■aivcrs i r orv- fur .ier instmrtkm tie n ntak* r •<f th- machine would give t. otic *>f ?h* *i 4in**rs #l> ?t .ran- n out for himself as a motor ln "u t r Th**re are •w at least s- >r of men ,n town, pruhih.y more, who make i -i -of ving th* mysteries .f t • ma for the benefit of the own - at f * r hour. * • of .*m r*| t* I *1 li h* "• j-ns slid v do at • i? ta’ rod that other# in th** were equally * - successful u* he. This p .r* ii*e*r invru *>r wno jw a II > ! ?t* a v**u * a erith ste cf a t* <u - to u. •- • ki se n.i at>u? the m k*- | of roachiwhether steam, gasoline or • i*-* 't j ;’ y s* to*- I H* ha* l*esti mur>i up In ni< orts of * idante. as h* tor>k a our*, of s.•• ju- [ trie t• ! m ;ng < rage f!r*t l itnc run purr, t er* This •• ivoi he h **- leen ( *t **n.< as wed * in i lot of other it-* where machines hud been phi el lt| r> • • had been fwitaied for he ha * li*l the good fortuf-.e to * re,-ofnmended 't* owi •** i v manufa Hirers Asa ptoit* | --r he - perhaps getting the cream of tha Mi*ir ew. m* he *an safeiy count on • ’re*m <' t* fT3 n w*ek for nis e**rvf * - according as ie fee,.* .imhNimis or U*>. -Hit Reply -Bapptngton—'Your l*ter look* sweet enough to eat. Untie Rodney— g.*e dova eat.-Judgk • I* HOVJU LI . Murk l.lffftt DU.lartd la thr fc Ma ins Klrrllim. •'••.ST.apcliK erf ••. A** .I*r* > ?;•*. S--TM r t!v Havitl • * * ar** *w c g r. i icf***ft in the ap* pfo*-r <; r.g ei* t.on of a 4ei*-gate to Con g ees jR4 are regie? rapidly and in great r.uar.^e:# <ut of -sT voters regutered on the |sl r i '■*( t ah r n ?hi* rf*> :•* ue*i nearly I.mMI a.r Hawa.ians This *n tgrest u %er> . kf*> prodv.- ed by the re port whicb has been circulated arrsorut - .efji th! :f .:*-> an *ue **l m # ' ttng iimexst: -n tin will be repeskd sn-i the f*r:n -e 2>av>d o* ifee Ka *kaua Ue u i be the candidate for d* to rongre#* on th* Demoeratic * * Th* Pr-n^e i* ?,#. ofi of •-e iate Kinf K v.un ik-tr.a and of LJUuka r.i a.-.d w!t . hie briber. f*o/> <U;-U * legatee m.-ier tn- w.i; of The of the jndejend#".* or *■ *. Haoi* tr * -**■*! * par*v w -•• H W' WiVvu, tbe |eadtr of the mo*, e. mer a ae! f I4e,i .fi* *1 with the native foment He ras r* 1 -n*iy m fit- a t---uf of the f*:nd* for the pyr * e *ee* mg i *- -H o> ** nrtt "be *v wed - of gamu.g ontr. w - jivk . -ed,y be ftamuel Barker a . f wh:*e s.attve Men> signa point to •”* t e tlofi of Wso x r!Muton • iin ii %t. Roosevelt %and ttiin ltere| a Roat to the Democrat*. B*r- , Ii , > * *—Gov Roosevetf *. w* he**- :r |* t as fcl. -w* ' im Bryani*m meant r *o- d**gyi*e Sow they *'k to slur over the pr>r• sp’e. tJ f that platform and to * ib stitute tre dig he nor of * .oe flag Let them remember tnat m* r c*'t incite rim either or. he stump or through *h* o umn* f the newspapers and hope to #•- sfe he regponstb Uty for disorder Wren '•>' appes, *. ‘m-ide every fceil ri evil pa**.rgi of rr...' *. r . when every of med • !•-. an: ,r. v*H'tlve ip resorted to by tr.** chief* of % g* st par* - w h*T*r ig 'n*.r ewspap#r. srnich is hseif a # ->,i p'igc spot on the body politr 1? |* we,. ag.- * •n trim! • 'ys the r* -:*>*!*-.'■ ;t*y for |rv dieord*T or mob vk.:*R> w rh fI %x • **w l** w!*h -re p-rf-.p. S so -r ;k *n* 1 -f ir*>?k<- and who rrw- *h ■ ■ o pi the pn<.Mv than wt*r, ?*■■•*# who w:*tmg at es** n a ;ds * of safety have dor** v. they cou.l *o x -’?* no? or.ty *h* vIcM.- tv.:' the w ire* !ng !ir. *ar to a* *i©ns which •?!* *redi? our Tlli: <l*T OF p%pf:a. Ilryaa *hfiwp| Hn* the Truer iffrrt* t h*• I h urrhe* Calr-'. Ill* •• t A* Mir: r a *#r tr.tri u* * Stop wu*i.ised r<> Mr Isrvar. in a dtm*jc<n of t ♦ tru* '•:*•*: r There were many Hept.r • an* in th# aud.etica, a* indicated by th* yUlow ribbons Mr Hrv#n r*il a 'dipping wru~h p*ae | that I*r Jennir , m hi* fin. r- ul --r-*’* of *he Vte.^ rn g*tMl*t Book of Cln< .mu, mod* t ’he rh!o C>nf*r. *t #, de ared th- white paper ?r* ha* it '-reared the o# paper used by th* Methodist Bpis opal Bub i*hlcg If >Ve at ir ':rt.rf J U # :t the j ast w*.\- months Ui- me ms m. in r-as* said Mr Bryan, ‘of over I*• •*> j n the fast year for 'he whit# piper u*d by he pubilah. g J*‘ of ali r - • ard y* mv frier is, _\fr Hanna saya there are no true?# Tb*re i* a mu*! 'axing the :r-Re* off“. ountry J • •• a year. < and the f. Tple who • .be rlbe to chur- ces wp; huve to pay If.” Miki'aK or Ft %D* ( VMRi.rn. 9r4er of Nnllssn* Telegraphers Mui Ifenr *ime >rwi B* lk>uis. <e t * -The grand division of the Order of Rai way Telegr{her me- In a. ***..m a? Odd Fellows wil ling Because of differences betwrean Boweij pr- i>i*nj of the order •'1 H B Per an * - necretar treasurer whi h involves marges of mi** t:e Of fund* of the order, ’he- meeting, w h i* egp.eeted to eontitu;* we*k or t#n day*, may develop a sensstlon. WHM.MII) IHHIK.MIf), i barge % B aln*t Him of DUrhnrglng a I nlfin Ftttplo* e. T'hilsde.pMt, O • •—Former O-reral f*U|ertnieni#fiS I A Baelgard of the IT! - •delphta rff>d Reading Rallr ad Com;>*ry was to-day arraign*- 1 before Commie-loci er lief! cat complaint rf tfir firot er >ol of Rsliway Tralnmet hargei with vidit tg the (, * ral law prohii-itlng t d* r** of employes of a rallr \ because of their mer. uerahlt* i.. 4 ia*or union Mr fiweigard sulvel a t and *n *ered tsiii lor hi* apje arar. e in court. bay* Me I* Not ill. * V*shocton. O, < 1 t t AdUi F B>v ’ I . iug him a- I* Inc ill la wit .out foundation. He j* 51. eg. eiietH ie|tn and spirits, an I will begin hi amfaaign in West \'ir kinia to-morrow NN 111 the Kxhlblt, Merlin Or* par. Is on foot to show- in virlouf Herman cities, beginning with Berlin ibe Herman exhibit at fh** Baris -gposl'l n UNNECESSARY ANDDAN GLROUS, hurgiral Operations f*r tire of Bile* lllsfarclftl h| Me*l Mecllfal % if liorltle*. A prominent orifl :al surgeon soy* It I* th# duty of every surgeon to avoid an o|rt*r.ittO! , .! t s'- t" art in at % other way Tints Is *-f* iallv tru- in the treat n ?! of *!.<* and re tal trouble* l>< a use vu< < i ope rat 1 * are #? •nI *1 with ekeru elaltng ; aiti and *• *louv danger to life by c baj-se of ’he nervous system. i'tilhcrmare, j * atl r.s for piles are of trn un-u< **ful and a.ways very #xi*e#i- vs. The most a b arer I physic ans now rise an i r omm* tvl ? j .f t!)li,Rf I with h a ll g oils of Vegetable fgtraetton. and adm n stere j in tupp s *or> te r m The no*t w idely an I l-e-’ known remtcl* of this character I* the Pyramid Pi.e c re * dd l*y druggists ftftrywhtw. Thta iule cut# contains no ***•111*0. no opiate, no *isonous dru' whatever, aid as r gle **“ e< t package In some In star* * tow c roi s a of s#v eral years’ s ending. The hn rme|e * n ids. -• r ingents ar do I * ret airid 1 the Byr mid Bin c ire *use th#- h|oo) v* -sel* and o sirsted veins to -wm ru ; 1• a ** . t or lit inn he and I# tumors a?e absor v *ed and the cure Is made without pain, ti, enve-• in* •* or ! n-ion from daily o* t pat lon • Being In suppository form It tan he car ried in the |m k* always ready for use CHntmottts, salve* and * tlw sometime* red* ve piles, hut the > do no* cu t The -afcsi and surest • to cure any form of piles. Itching. • ’du g o: pro truding, i- to i* a * tie J'vrami lßt e Cure Full rtised packages a! 4 I dr g store SP cents. A bjok on . ause ar.d ure o' pi’es made 1 free by addressing Parrgn**4 Drag Co*. MarihaU. Mi di. EDUCATIONAL VOTING CONTEST. A FREE EDUCATION . . FOR TEN OF THE READERS OF . . The Morning News. The M"RN!N< News ha* arraace-: with the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Pa., to present Ten Free Scholarships to the ten person- se curing tbe largest numbers of votes between now an 1 November 20, 1900. The p*r*nn ree*-lvlDg fh* largest number **f %nte **4ll have the choice of oae of the following ten Irlinlartlilp*. The prr*nn rerel*lng the next |rget aaasber of *ote. the *erond choice. The per*rn receiving the third larg**t number of vote*, the third choice, and no on until the ten |>rr • or* receiving the largest number* of *ote* have en* h • lected n *i hilarhlp. I Free Scholarship In Me. rhaniral tlngtneering, • .• di g ( - rr. i las r * drawirg rr*e nan -4r * | geometr uid trlgoctom* • • m* ran: • •ce r%. logarithm* pceu rr.': • he a* am ard steam ♦- gi-e* strer.g*:. of material* app :~i n 'ban}'*.* M*im U-. *rt maefiir de *rt and dymmo? and mo or* • 4 Free rholsrhls In Klee trlcal Fngloeerlng. •r ding iriftruotlocj in grlthmetio, ferm ikis geome*riea! dnwins tre ohar 1. drawing ge*>metry *ryi trig- #l#rn*n'v? merhantes hy* dronr' '*•. *n* lge>ra. ogarlt.nma, r*neyrr. • vif * art * earn *r* •* *• '*rjr?n of mater a* *p p e 1 rr*- Mn 1 #’eim bodere. ma chine design prinrlpN of el* tr*. :ty *’• •**’*-.. mea‘urementy applied eje - •rt n> Fa’?*rl* *1 *nc trar.amlculoo elerTK* rn: way* #>**?:' lighting, de g • it .o’-j" ma hirer'. f ootiru * 'irrert mo* -* p *r"*p>s of a ee rgtlnf-eurrer; *f>i '-ra*u* design of al terr.a re- jrrent apparatus T* e iS -bolarship tekudes a Free t*- fr 4 K *n- Apf 4ira * is with which to k* the wrork of the course r% 4 Free Wcholnrshlp In 4r cbltertnre. r t * i' arUhraMir for rr. v* geometry and mensuration e- 4.1 rawing arch:te t *ural !rs wing.ornamental Irmwlng advance*l ar hlte'tural drawing maaorry, car §A\t bu Sing:, oft bm ■ - ?al iro*ysrc*rk roofirg iheet metal work. EACH COURSE IN BOUND FORM. Each of these course- will Ir:* : He Instructloti sr.d Question Ba:*rs <nl L#rawing Plates necessary to study with, and in addition a comp ete set of the •am# fif-ers hand<wne‘y and -iuraby bound in leather Including a took of For- ITiua> and Key# for the whole work ol the ours# for use refer*r *• ho *k Cut nut tbe atisrhrd Voting ( on* T T p*n and mall or lirlnu It to the li*- AaU W laewa olflre of the MOIININD MAM. Savanna h. Un. to F.Arh ( nopon ntn*t l*ar the nnme of the person for whom jou tt|*h t Vote- v ▼ V/l V • Note* will be received wmtl nid ntjfhf Not. in. itrno. noCTOHlSCi I.IQIORS. Why flnrk--t***r %r- TrftAlstfM. 411 < hsmiissne 4llke, From the New- Y'ork Preg* When or e o? aur leading candy ahepa hires anew girl the rule .* to say to her Now- Birdl*. you may help yourself to the best there Is In th** house. Eat a4 much is vou please Fat morning, nooa and night Dent mind u*. But you mustn’t irry any aww> in package* * In a snort tsm< ahe so surfeited that h* t nought of eating an4y cause- nausea. F r I’iite a different rewwvn th’ btrteti I* r doe* not drink He know* too w'|| the m gredk-m* of his liquor* He l* too fa miliar with blends arid compound**. H I* satiated with the constant vision cf m n pu th g the enemy 10 their mouths *0 # e away their brains Tbe sight of drunken ness fi.Ei* aim with disgust I venture the assertion that the most abstemious ca n to this community is composed of the m* 1 behind the bar The non-refilling bottle i* unpopular wi*h keeper* of bars because st p~eventa the harender from putting his own com pounds into packages bearirg standard labels One of the more noted restaurat eur* in this city t openly charged by a wholesale liquor dealer with watering his whiskies I dare say they al! do 1 Th** dru’.kin I* got to support the eatin ' Dealers In barroom and bottlers' supplies openly advertise essence* and essentiil oil*- for the compounding of whiskies, jus* • other merchants advertise Coring matter for making white butler lock tw 1 and lit to •■at. There are rye whisky **#- sen * * Viourbon whisky rssen.-es, H 01 h and Irish whisky e*sences, gsn * -*rn' -s. rutn essences brandy essences. kimm*l e--.-en ' *■*, and alt kinds cf Lifters essenc-a A m.i?erial N aldd “Age nt ' i* *dd for the purpose of “mt’llow 11 ’ sn'i smooth* i’ n i j-.or A stna <j■ 1 rttlx: w I m {•.irt to • • w I'quors all the p'ojrtle* o - f-rr**l by age in a < a*k. It 1* !oft an I agreeable to the palate. a"d gives not or ge but body to the blend When whisky Is too dark or t o light lr color the correct shade 1* produced by a •-ugsir -dorlng which Is guarantee 1 rot to cloud or thicken by age I* i* oid by the gallon. There are other artificial col orings for different drink"—s'arlet. red, green yellow and brown. There are seda tive powders for clarifying wines Other desideraiuHia glycerine, prune Jul* e herry Jut< e. l*ing:ah and geiantine. no* to forget bead ol . withdut which ro grog *kop laboratory l* complete, with b ai oil you put the head on. Y*ou may have at 1 cf the head on the rye. Full dlrv iioi * with eavh bottle And labels. And bottle * apsulee—special brands on short notice, made to fit any bottl# ad stampnl a or*lif g to instructions. fHandard D hr** supplied to the irade All splevMlilly liihogr %phe*l in bright, lively and showy colors All ■hampagnes look alike to m Th t snti sm*iet> row says because the 1. t, ion fad of washing the labels off the b tties ts now in vogue here The hidden glory of this notion lies in the purchase j of native champagnes at sl2 a case In* j •tead of the imported brands at $Sj a * damvis chemist inlvrroed the genatt Com* e> -tr. g.-t wr - fid •• I work : a rg s I gasfltt ng. bt atln g a- l vevtj ~*■ pvrf r g and a- :n.g estimating and tlatlTvg an tit - lT* list#r -i**r * orstra *?s. perm!t •*. Tie., ard try fis.ra! #ng : - ' nrsr t % Free w-hular*hlp in Civil Fnglneertng. tmihis • ••• ■ i 1 Kwmg r- * - iml drawing s* m*“*ry ..d trigonom etry, eiemeuiary m •nam"*. a'.gebru, logarithms hy irauP • I r.ramat •s, #letertirv gra; r ♦. -* M s *tre ;gtii ©f rr. tterial# a*>a :*- of re - - pro .. rttettag m** WittrU letalla of ct •trurtkMi. 'eiai # bill# and estimites. survey: g land aurvey" g imr| in?, railroad railr*> 1: c- r,sru m *c. tra*k work. ia;ir \r ; if- - drain •g- sewerage tfee.- u.d fi t tI.VI pavtrt water-wheels hydr i! m cWreih water supply tnd di*tnhu tlon Irrigation, heat, -’earn *1 *1 steam engine*. ste rt nj l*dkr !•* m tlv#s and mo* -r- • • **r ltr e.ertrv railwra>s d* - r;* ve astiono -n> e.eroentary * hemitry. blow pi j*4 ng. and rrr. neraiox % free Scholarship In Snnl fsri I’lonibltia, ll it l *144. sad % entllntlon. Including laatruction In arithmetic, g<m< ra I drawing, mecham and 1 as trig mensuratbsn. roec nani- plumb ing arid drain?^r* ga* ard *a--n*- g siring an* heating and ven*ilatkwi. §'- tin beating, ho? w it#*! h- a* ng f.r a'# r t iting. ventilation of buildings mitre# on Pure Food that w* nave ii mis country fiv- ♦gitimate chamj*a*r.c m.anufa ?ur-rs r > .• • mk c 'hsm pagne wine- a* fin e* *n • f r>lu* * and in the work! They have dangeroti> rivals* w > d> not ferment at a... but uk a still wine and inf no It wish carbon t ac i gas by nv- ir;*- of a Mrbonatltig rna chin** Arlifl' iaily varV.K#na*ad ham pagne sel.s for any ol l |*r* —b>m $S to tit a * as* F’s- en the cor.sum* r know* what he is buying. Ft wrten h dotini T fie peof |e ; *i - ar ii'.ng Ui-lne-s aie cot wine producers at al.. having neither vineyards nor cellars. the\ buy everything .nl In the trad* ar- ca<V*l guerriila- As Set. a tor Billy Mas n sad in Con gress “Thcr i.- a die,-*•*•.ion among . • ertaln cl %of %mc r ‘ an* to buy every thlrg a hr-Ad No:, g * so v***d a* an Importesl t igar or Imported w n-- Far fet 'bed ani l**nr - ia • •* m to have been the < raw with American 1* for s -m- tim* Kx-Judge Fr**l- ri k C. Gedney years ago uoifH*d hitting Im parted i hampagn* - w * u it w , -h:- trea*. and r* ently a mil.s--nalre in up * r Fifth avenue turned 4>wii every rhampsgr.e •get:t in this city whet he gave t we|| dinner Hi wines came from a eiiar In the state of New Y •it and ther* were 1. labels on the bottle-, bu* it 1* a soiemti fa t that ro one f his *u- -*s hung t k or, that account. f**> beautiful man the that a.I jut**lhHity of identtfic.-a tson was removed ai<>i ■h- gu-o-ts thought they err* <trinkifig r. ar from the alk cellars of Eperc ifif ad of 4 natural wine from up Htat*-. recommended for Its t -uritv ard effrrv--• * .* Duncan 1; Harrison When the millionaire* of *leer tMttrioti; and economical instincts got wind of thl- they tried :0* Am- rc a, w.u-, minus labels .irwl *!:• fn*l was inaugurai- LIKE 4 lIS IN DUN. 4 flnptlst * In < Ulna Who W rnr* 11 I’l is tail. Err*: v n H* *-c- \\ tn a paper *n the October Otmir * - r.blng a visit to "China * H’ !y Ear. 1 e!ls how an Amerl •an mi* > onai > m- • ad ♦. th** natlv dress, p’gtat it c. . * i Dr Urawfotd. m> ntiahle Baptist host, who with his v ft ha- lc*n r* Ming in China for tu at ly half niuty explain# l to me why mi-i i ati* wet* • mpdled to abandon our \\ * - e?n and * When h* fir-* came t Clnna t p* • the Gu-pe, he considered I* hardly •14at lb with th. dignity of an American elthbn to w**,*! a pigtail and Mi slipper* Mor- \. r ih# "• i * r I I in a oge :n hi* mission, tno:. liable t*. attract the attcntlcn *nd rep < ■■? of the popm*. tion in the *1 fT* - he u-r. J in fact no effort wa- 1 1* ; t *an mdl en e together far gi*ut rowd* immiy c ll* - ted stoat him, at vio . u> >irn what the tall atra ger with t o . -pip, hat. narrow trouse** >td \< .: *t coo's had to say. But hirt) had h* h* gun to pre * h ■ jo th**m Iti the r own language than they j be ame nld r. a,v* *tn* *t ** t tr,*' rut of hi* coat and trousars, f It the materials be- I tween their fingers, touched his >OO4. an l interrupud h m continually w ith all sorts A 4 Free kchnlarsbip i n f Neva Ist ry, Ir lading instruction tn •-* elemec.wry age ra and functions, phytic*, theore*.< is try. inorganic chemistry, q ~.. •nayisle, organic chemistry, 41 1 ~ . tUwtive analysis. 7 4 Free Scholarship In l .. m . me rein I Branches. including Instruction In an h- *1 t *]**■ Ulr.g vertical or slanting \• • r . ship, grammar punctual!-r p wrl ing single-entry bo kk* iioub!e-er*r> t*ookkeej :n* - O i stenography. w \ Free •-holnr*hlp In Me. chnnlcal llrnning, tr luding Instruction In ari*hr for mu a* ind ion. g' -n drawing tnecham el dr,;v. *• noUrship Include* - Lr<ifling Outfit, retail price $ .' ! 4 Free 4rh<larhlp In \r rhltectaral Drinlni. in* luding Ins ruction in arlthtne geometry and mensuration, g- on -• 4 drawring, arc‘litectural draw ng < - 1 mental drawing and advanced tec-urai drawing This Bchohrtlilp Includes a C mp> • drafting Outfl:, retail price. 1U.56 1• A Free kcholarabip la or namental Deatan. *nr| cling instruction in ge tnetr a drawing, freehatid drawing. ? ornamer.t, comiosl ion. arid ipi • i sign This fr .' olarship includes a Oorr.: >t Designing Outflt. retail price, tou. ON EXHIBITION IN ADLER'S BROUGHTON STREET WINDOW. T ♦ Bound Volurtv** cocitainlng the In fr > *l.l ard Q >etion Papers of th e course* th* Drafting Outfits. Electrical Outfit, ar.d Designing Outfit, to be given w:h ’he course* arc e*n exhibition in Ad- Dr - Bali stD-et window, and the public is t* rdia'ly in% ite4 to ome and see them VOTING COUPON. Kim* StrMt an-1 No. Town f qu'Utionw—how- the leather boots were put on an*i off where he got the t? ■ itei ki, ti " hd ktiuisl th dr language— a- ■* *oi Whom h*- preuch*d Interest*! !■ m ti* little Tire ! of these c< tit nu* ! r dM* n*. he at last determine! ? - *xfv | the curk*lty of hi- listeners from ’ • v* t Arriving In the t ext viSl addressed th*- crowd ao*mhol about *rn .* follows Brotiers, I hail from Am " • a. my trou*rs are made of wool ■ .ff • b** got at r* i tug lias f r two tlao |* * van* m\ to ts ar * made of calfek n r i * •* ) put on the same way t* ’he o k* r i a? wearing, your ,ge I acquire. l * P* kia. and I have come to tell you a‘ * I it Ocd,” e:c. This, however, -**' *he audi-nee hut little. They w*ivl p ? • n:l> tin he had finssh‘d. ard ” r, ‘ ' s e a ,| of app o.rhlng him. crush 1 ii f ! truihs. in order to a-k f ti*m. they again began quest tor. :t>*. r kb Hit hi* trousers Finally lie he. an - "®* vineed that If was by far the be.-* i "jr to n iopt the t’hlnes* dress .nd ior early fifty years he hi* worn no o*her llunfintc Oatrldi \rata. From the Youth’s Compank r Although the -kin of an ostrich n f'*>ro S ■ to $: v) on the si*>c, th* ’ 1 ' cf tn** le*ert usually prefers to set c eggs wrien he h*is *ll- <’*• ostrk-h In flight. An English tr.*' I 1 t ♦ Hihvra Mr. H B Tristram e* hls search. dn- sand once ol> . I had the g c r lut e jo take an ettrich*# nest < • * - f * *h eeg* were to? Infrequent I * t -n \y the Arabs We observe*! wi f t* *op* - two bird- standing f tun* in the sime spot, ami we * e rk!e toward them They raid 1 > del off but on Interceding th* ■ f v • tiirne*l \m k ind reira 1 U !*' ™ > ontinuing a vain pursuit. An ostricn's track la by no tn* * 9 ( erber to follow or o retra* • t stri i** measures. wh*n h is at fu * | fiotii 72 to 2R feet; ai l th oblo g r ' r s. n of two toe* at so wile Intefvci * * f* u** ro very evident track to a !•** expert than those of huntsman M w* retraced the impression to ’ wber- we had seen the b rds *ta gather, and where the *gnd w* w , 'j - < d* w. . Two Arab* it >?■ ••• s s ‘ 1 iml l*‘g.*n to dig with the;r 1 !t presently they brought up four fr fr>m a depth of about s fot u warm said. # Os rich-egg omelet we alw • -f most welcome addition to ■ur < of far*, tind .* nv*tilent an i provision, for from the rhFkm ? •' shell the egg* keep perfectly s* fresh for a fortnight or three w -~RvSp>k<r Rl brtnr hin 1 ' mi>M m- ,1 mart, iikar th- ■ him to h* aa |iun-tul In btartif l?r a, h 1.. Tn, oihrr <!.' h ‘ r ’ man.k-.l an offle* hoy for inf ,1! ' ! of r.i., arrtvnl a: th, oth. **. 1 ( . •hr hoy. "you Ml,l thrr- *** 1 Itko rojrulartty. atwi or I* **? 1 , *' . i,,. Into for tha |*t to a"** * **'' t-1 t.> ohanf, m> tnethoJ anJ come m lint to-Oa-.’