The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall** (treat Dtarovery. On* small bottle of Ha a 'treat re covery curt* all klJt e> and bladder trouble*, remove* grtv*!, cur* 1 * seminal emission*. w*ak an t ni* <> k rheumatism and all !rrgul*rlG* s of the kidneys and Madder in l*** tncn >’“ J women rcfuUt't bladder trv#ub * •* • ' ll drat. If n.H aold bv your drugs**! will r *•*<• >! mi . i ■ • . 1 ' •mall iMtttl* I • m mi'- iMIMM •ml wii; 'Tire anv ra* -V' m < tlnn'<t *># E W Hill, aole mouf*ctur. r P O Bn 13 Hi Uv U I Mo Hen- ,or tnonlal. tiol I,> ,| <* Mid BoiO- Biona Cos, baumiii. (i-< Kpsil This. r>r F TV Hal . St. L uD, Mo Hear Br- Tb-as# p ;p rn* * loz-n Hal O’idf D * #vr b\ fl'*t •\p " I have ao and over one K’*'*** It e p. rf*ct aat Isfietlon ar and I rp<*'itnftipf and it to ut> cuatomera Your* trulv II r np^vw Prep An* i Monopoly Dnif fit ora. Deal* Fla Dec 13 IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. AMI VII’WH • Till II %V l\ TM (I % 11->. l*rlae Offered for (it rlr nlfnral I % - Mhlfa at the (Ilia n llm H|—Mrs. Whiffle** filed !>• I fleet* ol ( urbollr Arid nf t nlambl* —Jones %rreatel nt 'lm on fr Kllllnu lirrra-1 lir oafb I lorldn Military Institute nnd the last Florida Se Imi y \••u co tVoiimn lllrd on n 'train. fin a warrant i**uici from Ju-tb • La’V rrm’M court nt Mo on, !>l M Jon# h-*# been on ih* i h ir;* f kl ling Robert L. Or eon. The warnin' w •- nn.r.i out h\ Lafayette * Irl n b-*thr "*f * t • |e. <hi*h| Ji. e* hn*. not • ' I# 'V# r * and 1 .tm i • Otoen The dlffl Ity o • ire I . le v w*#k- *£• i beiu •ii ?h* two m i i* ber * note Gr# en li#*l in a f**w H>ut - from the pistol wooed !• re. -lv*d from Jon*- It a tls b# •> rilw** b• b - fore Jon#*- is tbl** to stand • minim nt trial lb Is j-till li/lro lto bis \ l Killed In i nrhollr %rld. Mrs J H Whirl- ' • *♦%*! -II- Krilov morning at h**r hum on H*-o Hill In Columbia M Whittl* > lad been an invalid lor -##me time. iH* ring with heal- n Mil l* In •oniti.l •rb to this ompl.liut t: -unit i -ill ~ Of ammo Ita we:* ie> <1 Ofl la • i *1 *est*> nigh' Mi V band went to ih# i-l W eUs iHily kept ll** |'!'k*i 1 • not noticing ilia it l I* *** i bottl* •*• * monla he nave his wl.e mouthful part of which she *.wallowed 1 | art of al ’' * ah* r?Kina*:e.l sp t nut. The !01-n n fortuna'eiy fti m w**rk. h* r •* •n’"'i *i tm? le|nK aitotig enouith to wit tm I IN effe* t 15. - j. her Kd* I strb k* li bu ban*l sin* 1- survived by one • n 1* ir> Whiltles). t U rl(-II11II rlt I I'rlrea Kor ih |Mir|>oiM. of K .liv.-r --•snrd rl. ulti;n aixl i > hl> **r UK Ituc the f irm* i l * ai l bn i non t<*- gether Ht an n. .iy n Hat will l* I' * * * tcvac and profitable, the following |>i no um- are off* retl t* * xhlbttotr at th tl.*' 1a , arnlval .ml rile • fair to 1*• h* Id at Albany on Nov 31, . nd J.I In. b**a half toil of ha> O. n.i*iv ;a**-ey. $-■*. t "* ae.aid leel half t n of Iniy tut Kiasaea ||o. for of P‘ ilN ,|!V for s* .oial best ion f 1 • vln* hay S’, fot* bet- half tor- nr b t: ; i’we.d b>. * •*. for lei ten Imsht le * .-rn. •* * ~r best iwenty-flye sheave- a for best burhel niliilUftH* turnips. Is, f ,>r beat hush* 1 purple iop iurnlte. tor beat five bush* -of awe* pot tin* s. sl*>. for best iw.niy-flf. stalks *f iciecti-m*- 1.,. for last tw*:t>-hve sta.k of r l cane for t*s: flv** pounds ;*enut- 11°. for i**st dtaplav * f 1 r u 1 |,M O:n corn aiom H* H u . f ,,r * unp kibt- k* f *le I* btig. to* *>%• * >o*ra old ami raind bv t> exhibitor for the tal est b* *f. sl° Kr the **e .X --hlblta of prcvlu* - Of *n tarni k* FLORIDA. At * mHin* **- -- I *' - ' 1 'mintv Ji.-m --orrallc Cl*>. 0,1 Tu<-' lay. Wrmi T.l.r 'Wxli-r.-t hi* rf.'lgngllon • |>rr- Vl'*nt of club. 'hi- ii n .'| I and Hon '' A Ho**ll Wl ■■ •■* “> n ih va aiKV. air*. Iltotili'n Fell Head. yjr* M £ I>.wd wife of Hon M t* Dowde- wh* !' itd *b •! At h**r hm* • t Homeland. Paiiiidm The W"l --tlort l. that .he dropped dead while at tending to her hour, -told dull* -hr „< a itoMf worn in. nn*l will l talti tntM>e.J hi her many friend* throughout toe country Mr.. Shettlrw orth le<t. Mr* Shettleworth, one of the cl !e*t In haWtont* t Evlnglott dle.l Thtit*<lu> .if ter an lllne** of nt*.ut two yr..r* Mi*. went to KHn*tott from l*t 100 rounty. B <*.. at*>m fifty y.*r* ns She ta* the motnei ol the h-tdlng fartinr of K'!nton a. -tlon. v\ !’ Hhe!i|i’*n th The hOilv -* burled nt Kletnmgton bealde that of hrr oMt.n daughter. tiled on a Train. A co!c*r*<l woman wltone home w.i* at Mantand died on the train Friday night between Han fot and ml hrr home, a* ahe an returning from it ab*enee of *ev<rat week* H • • he n In the employ of It J iekj.ui II” ,1. anttetpatlng '>• return -if nlr wire, and went to the train to mrrt her It n a aovnre tdow to him when the trainmen lifted out her llfele Kaat rinrltlit ar mlaary. The ennollm-ttt of laipU* at the Ka*t fejorida Hemonaty Oatneevllle, to date Ja *B. 60 young ladlre. 45 ■ ehl* There ore 34 jmiula outal<le of <• • In• vtlle o' whom 3i. ... ei. • .i l ■ - t ■ - count lee are repreeen'e.i ou -tde of Ale h ua and thee. Ida vl* lillnola. <•.atn.-tl.ut an I gla The work of ..Tollmen* hi* l“'.|i rompiete.l and thr |.u|>li* have ttow-n to their etudn* The .outre of aa* been rated tt ter-t * t t*r.e • able and further advan. e will '*■ mad. •ttother year. The gra.l miing .*•* cot. elate of four young ladle, and four a data The Military Inatltnle. Thl* year protniee* to he the moet jwo*- pero't* one at the South Piett*tii Mill ar. 1n,1,1 ulc rlt. r It* eetahll*hmenl. Mu h Improvement ha* made In the hull.l *ng* and ground* Tne alien.l j* for In advance of th.t of l*- aeaalon and there .re other* < ‘.Hit. The new radet* eyprer* them-el.e* highly jdea*e| wild the place an.) at entering upon their dut g* with ehe.r?u! rewHuflon Th* ameilhtment of id* officer* for the *e,*e.n of tatr-ni ha* her. deferred for a limn owing to th. Itlnee of the commandant hut will prohanli b* made next week Cadef-IJ*..tenant Her ring will drill the company Prrtbytrry to Meet. Amerieu*. i3a . Oct I—The Macon Pr* bytery. ambroclng forty churche* In Mtd die and Bouth Georgia. a*emblee In Atnerlru* thl* week, and a Urge gathering of PrerhvterUr.* I* experteJ The opening oermor. w*.l be prea hed by Hey. t>r Strickland cf Dublin, ‘ia . on Thuri*lav • vailthe lasting through thr w-rk. m:w üboHbH Mm l’. Hr, i Immiins \(ltb( *f Cairn l)la*aa • i*k fht* I'rmlurl Mini Itie ( r-iji. <*.lro. Hi Ctrl k -Th- hraf r-uptr -<n# •uip of 11 /* prs-kiii yrai rot* • • •‘*■•l tin thr* of 'am *ai Fri|\ .•*! I This .w>ruj‘, wbif it* tin- unmi ursl - on* til Hon t*f th** '•!? * w of rr h*r |v.r I qUitJly. n*mills! II • bl i‘.*h , v* •t V | i *i T ;s | •* ♦ • ? |r j< • r#;i m-I f.r (hi- |*r*lu t *f tls- Cum ; fcfi s v**r t! ' • nr.- Mr Thom*- \ Uht of Wight Hnr f• i v s*t in.J bhlpp* r s of (}rr>rgi * * ah** •*yriii. m\ • T • fn*iK* * !- riow in l**Tf**r • ■•ulitlnn ► i.- w • • j.i* *. I. r*| ifi ii, It ii *• - nr.v nm< t > -fir f.irnis b*-- tai! j* unMriir hi— f>r in rk* f T f* ii •r ** bav I* -i n|t| iJi haVMI. ml t** | ck-mao! f*r i-*r *yrip fi r Ir -1 it*l it!* ' ar* Afn.i g in from I .m • th* **n|i *1 ton *.f fl * *r | prl***. rt I |r*#}Sct i bn? I' *i*r urotlii' ♦ • and -bab -s wi.l tn.r inak** rh* # Il'*h mtMk> that l m. ?•• bv Hi* ly'iii *ni p r>|)t in mixing (lu- OM witfi t?u ayrtif* to glv* It ‘*<r|\ * .Hi lor r> wiil b* f*mr cai** )f ojr • f **f f.irm i*r*' iU't 'As has b* * n frovr*n bv analysis our r* Mltip i•! to tti* growth of thr in* r I t?i* tbrn<fil ? sa<Mly in r*as iri' f- r purr ffi-wis H> |i -* rving thi* |mii* by of ot<r syrup w. nt only in- r***!M* th** >l* mat I r w*l| .* rh* |*rl • NdiotiK • ,ni*! but th* *x• *ialv* amount -f su r i.t -air * ! fhor**ln makr* it * *i- ally b irai * f-i ?h** mola- d^abm <n tf th*- irg ? m*- is*’ -loalr-r.* in ti. 1 t i’t*l S?at*s. who tia- i>**n buying • iir avrup fr-f*!> fur th* | ol rw seasons i? f itfni‘ i no*, as* y- ar Mint h** ha I n* *b'traiul (• *vru| i- hi- market, hut tn'v i *ur s*rup with rnola * * to In • tin* sugar rorit-n' an I mak* th*' • olor brighter t,’t • .hi farvnrra r triv*' bv rxp**rb*ni *. at;j ?? *■ ii of rtn <l*'rn ri * tiin* 'Y. to nak i '*'-•• r >tu ii!tv if \ r m* t h y-ar !>*•• • -ur b b r ,ifiv-ri‘ |ur* -vrup an-l live up t wii? th**v a*lvt tlo ’Th*' prrsrnt rop in South <S<*ur- Kia will I *• r* lu * I about .V* |***r cent., as mpai'l wirfi li-r <• *n The a-re ago i about *4jual to that of the previous k> anon, but tbc yiebl. *wtng to x • slve • ip,- ipirtrg lii* spring ital -Irought lur p : July at. I August will I * r*lu> t<l * *n sbi*“t ably " I'I.DM 1 tF %MHH\TH*. %nierl*iis Mill \*l l.nrk Ispiranlk fr tlunlrlpNl lltmors Am* rl a< • . <> ’ s The muni* ipAl • h-re has o|**n**l with the f r rrvil announcement of <*jpi. K. f'larke for mayor, and Americus w.ll soon hiv i (solltft .il carnival with a four-corn** el mayoralty ra■-• as the < rownlng faliire. I'h* r** will he at least four * a mild at*** for mayor ami perhape •* b/*n f>r the thr*'* 1 \ i am 1* - ui*n th* al-l- rmanir t* ard, ami rh* > ami'tiutn fa month will be warm r 'n! tor i. , . ||*ts it ll* war*'hmh* - he e P I iff very -meldorat-lv during ito p € w •k. and cotton men * up* • -till fur • *!• r tp-t ii now. • the bu.k of the lo - ir In. *1 ii*- m irrlac** of Mr. I#. O. Couftoll <*f rl. * t it v and Mi s Flor**n< e Ml dreh o Hive nik. K!a la ate of mu b so ial prominent* and h> 1 ln*rrst The mar nag*- tak* p!a*e at th* hotw of tba brides paren *- Pi I give 4 iak on Tuesday aflertMJon Mi Conn il and |urty I'fi to night for that city in a s|**,Ul car. li*- ii- pn*mln**?; banker and *o ton factor .md * Mi** of the wealthiest aid mo-t auc *- -sftil young men in Arnsrl us while the hri b* *b * i is on*- *f th* most teau(ifltl nt,.i a< > ••nipltahcd young ladira of Live Oak Amcrk'us is billed for two .-trouee* al r*s4*ly n<l th** small boy h* re In coire spondingly happy. il \DF \ MftVTH I Aft*. Jury In tlr Henry *Muh Taae ( onld >* inn*-'. Irwintott. ... O. t k Wllklttwm Su- Fourt hi* ■diourned Henri Ktubhg. who wa- tPM the fus-omi time !<•! th** f ('lsm <i lsofi. waa **nt ,K to i 1 1*• - oui *ll to await the next it iiii of *outt. s th** Jury, afier Mayim* <ut two days utid h tugnt. n*le a mi**- t rial James Tlndull. the l . year-ost boy wh** was riel for |*t>ls*nlnx his father, was i <|Olt!*l l \\ a- tepirted here this w* * k tha* if \t?orn*y Oemra! J M Terr HI enter* the r,i e ftr btvernor. J-Hig** John tV Hart will V- tmd diN for attomnv general I', tin *v< -1 (, the pi • •*? solicitor r<*n* rl *r this - iri'iitt, H-ti H <*• wis. will t *e,gn is mllc|tor ind mak- tae r •• for Jude. an*l Josefn K. I‘ottle of Mll bMgeville wi I mak*- the race for soli - it*r •I! of wn*m the of this ioun tj h**artii\ in*lost . The \>unty Court will be in se*sk>n iier* thi.s w** k The oftl. ers *>f tills court are umisii iv t ill nun The Judic-* statt*l* six fee? nnd six inches, the clerk six feet m i rtv* n- h* ■*, th** nherifT six feet, ami four in* h- anl th* •*>! j. it or six feet ami • hres* In- h* Aerldmt \*-nr latniiin. Kab-nton. (** >• * Arthur I, Cl^m en*>. rt>mP *-nt planter of this - ountv, nr is terribly cut in a gin Saturday, mid w.i* brought t* liatotiton frvr medical at tentlon Ills right arm v\a shorn nf fle*h fr*n the ells-w to the hand and the txone was cut partly through \V If Jackson who was hurt at the new ginnerv of the Mill tige\ |||* OH Com piny .it this place over w** k ago, liad his hand anr.MJtaied The Utan-lard Oil Company will estah listi the tank eys’em of supplying oil for this place In th* near futur**. Kora long lime Kstont-n b paid more for oil than th** neighboring towns, and this has been aid t be -in* to th*- tank delivery in those towns iii'ililliiK st >ltllen. Millen. 'la.. <Vt Mr \V If Ison and M's * Sarah RH<l wer* -iul*’tly m.*rri<sl it the home of the bride s brother. Mr \\ M lt di. la*t ev* iting at T o’clock, llev T J Holmes of Tennlllf. ofH lating. r.n* but th*' family *nd a few friends be ing pr*'-*nt. The cotton fad-try here is nearing con jb'ilon It will be put in operation about Jan L ilormon ft.lder llrosNfil. lUtorton. ck . <st R —Henry I>. Hron hoii a Mormon el.jer w is lr*wne| in (Vo* t oe nvsr nt laong Shoals in thin oountv, Saturday lie w swimming for a boat •o convex the party across, and was < /.r l wdfh crump /il* family Is In Lla no The- tvsK has no? I*een recovers*! Should It b* .t w'lll be sent to Idaho for burial j A Messing to all Women" && \ Great joy and comfort come* into every hr>usphold • when the virtue ol *• Mothor’* Frlond ’* is Tv* YX 5 known. No more gloomy foreb<xhngs or nervousness jf • hv expectant mothers, as all pun is i.revented hy the * external use of "Mother’s Friend/’ the marvelous I liniment. There is nothing like it. " _\ ■ * r •iMnr.rfSMM.ii.MH! -M..y ,■. *•*•*, * //? SSf • "** ' ■m,• Mi lk.f • rr.T ►*•’*—™..'. e l J I U. •lUsou. h*-t.f It. - i,to. tn P< ><* • See, *> r-e-ro *IS " ""-p. Mr"- I.o Knitl*. m~>. ~ n I vrtiieiep. .I:,fo',twnf i"-d ! acui n <4l mi-ooutv tbi nßtnni in nn'.t t. smn rn, stunt*, c* THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1000. “t.. v i'-i-j ’ mM p> kj 4 Jh and frtst rrcdicitul Don’t take the witrrv 1| jj Pi • >f V'itch !1e! rrprti'm<! !o h< “Fie *int J> PONDS f r , EXTRACT. Thfv jtntrt!!y tonUin “ .Kd xltohol." wtiith IrriUtet T pf *? tht tk.n, *n<J, liken ir.Urtullv, l a dtndly po.ton. Oat POND'S EXTRACT. fol-lnnlT Inxalw! huttwrapparx. | * R p i:o AT MONMIR I* \lt K . • Mil* Orb Ontsliler l.rd fils Hunch at •he Flniali. N’*w York, b>t fc Thre* favorites ‘w e?rong oi .| t hol • * an*i ***• ou(*i*ier fiivkin) *,*i* iifd at MorrN I’ark <iim| fr->ni a ra ing .iiind|*lrtt. a fur *ia> s sfwirt * n Joy ♦••I Kir-* Pa • l r' Mon*lay hindbnp sev en fut I'inge l icu (? mon-le. to a, won . I lard: \ It t* 10. tfiird Tim** 1 -*7 1 * S- <a and Ra-t Tiu < >iy mptan flv * an*l a >ail furfofiK l:. it. .* to I won wit/i C -f 1* n* • *u 1 aritft *?* • 4 i and Advot.itof ft to !, ! bird Tim** I Tfilrtl }’ * * Itailv h It \' it ii *ii ip H\ hi <1 a half furiungs <l*bi Heels ** to wui w?i '*<-'< hf-tcr. to 2 a?*l I to • on* I ifi 'ft 1" t* 1, thsrj Time J .*1 F'-iirt.i l!a-e ' 'i** mi* '’-xnivnMtion, g to . won with Reigr LM to 1 nnd • ’< 1, M-cond an-l \\ati No*. t* 1, turd Time 1 1 Fifth Ra*e~()fie mile seLin-- An'O , 1" to 1, w<a, with Ole. K to 1 and n to 1. *•** <>n l jn*l Tit* Am.k to .. thir l Tim*- 1 UN H.xth Ita •'-Over ?he HHI h irwlicap. nn* mil* and a- i\te* nth I’- t* nte, 3to 1 won wttii (a*M inus. *'< t.* 1t *i sto f* • -* and. •in-I lmru-ivt. b to -. tiurti. Time 1 L*. Ihr Track. Mn Hail. l<exlngi*in, Kv (>*■ h H*he tr i k tl* • li\ x u in * ttii*;i ihb condition, owing • o the . *ittnuuu** rala of Hlunday. and tli*- xx eat her was cold and raw Thr Ashland -.f • f< it - * dwli lown (• a h“bl t f three ? irtei and fie g .-i . oni' -t l**• tw• *ii Charley Herr and Itorulnia dl-i mm material!** ■ the lat ?r wur w'hlrawfi by hi own*T. Th- \ iilirui 3li t tot ting, purse F.Ohh fhai.ey lb rr won three straight h**a - and r* >■. .M-'-rsliM ►*■ oml. I’lbltiß thirel. Time 3.14, 3 1.V4. 3 17\. Walnut Hall tip H.'W for 21* tiot t#rs Crmiti Sh-t won ge-on-i. thud a tel fourth heats Chestnut King >* < oral, win ning first beiit. Angie Muiiuin thirel Time 3;lJ>. 2 lf**%, '3 •j 1* pa- e. purse |fst lone won thre** st might heats and rate Nonamie se ond. 8a i phi re third Time 2 14\. 3 IH, 2 17’* look lio l il tHNKI. Hni’lnnali Took the Last Two l-nnn < lit* nu, Oct A *kx'hle header with ’in nna * loe*-d the season lt**ro iie vi-itor?* taking both gm- s. Atteral fin* e i*!k 8- ore; it II B Firs’ 'l.mie— Chicago 10ftbOA21h-4 13! '*iiicliMati 4 ‘3 h 0 33 ft 0 1— 13 14 4 Ha tier lew- and lonahue. Hahn ar l Ki'hoe 9*t t>nd Uame— RUB Chicago 0 0 A A A A 0 I—-l 2 7 Cincinnati 0 1 l 0 1 1 & o—-Si 11 4 Hat teriesk-Taylor and Dexter. Phillips and Kahoe. st. I.osi* Lost Moth. frf Lotii*. Oct R l’lttsbiirg easily t-v*k the douhie-hea<ler to iax Waddell plt*’h *• 1 s*-nsational ball in the Mm? game an-l let . i\. and f*s*tfe t -up|ort The yf< -md gam* was a llstleh.H one. Attendance 1.3 m 8 or*' R II K 8t I anils ...OhOhOOhO M) 4 2 I’ltt-lmrg .2 2 l h 0 3 0 h x 14 h Hatterlfk Jon*> und <*nger. Waddell and /,lmmn Si cotwi g ne— R o I'- 8t Louis (V--2 7 4 Lit-shut g 3(10001104 llatterles Sudhoff an-l I'riger. Tannehlll and Zimmer. stopped by Hals. I*hll idHpltii. Oct. t I'hlla-l-dphiti Hrooklvn were to hnv* played two games hete to-day, but a luaxy whower ropj-| the flr-t gain** when each side hid * -or-**! one run Hnlihard’s ottun stst- mrnt. New York. ct x The market■* have been very firm on the fer of frost jn th** Southwest, and the movement being lighter than anticipated, on ?h*s advan-• . the '*eller> of Friday and ftaturday were ftpp buyers to 1 ovtf r takings , the offerings of exporter* and the orders which followed the market as prl--es a'l \.m e 1 \ xery 4-rsxr bureau report i ex it • ted on We.tnws'iny, which, aMed to the strength of th- markst Where the local trale are -lecide.lly bullish, sellers were e. as pone desire lo b** short and lh‘ -hurt Interest seems to be greatly re du and Home high grade cotton is pointing h-*re f. delivery n O tober, hilt not in larg** rjuallties A decidedly higher Liverpool I.x . xpect•' i to-morrow In to our strength till LD t 111 N % 111 %T THE UOH 1.0 f |,ord \l olßflei !• to Have Tkought wo Twelve irtr* \go. From the Urn F.\|resg It Is a ftr-klng f t that all Kuroi>eanp xx ho have been brought Into inf • t with 4ho Chine-- r-gard th*m with admiration. a a rare with a future. Htotit and muscular for Orientals tem p. rate Indus'rlous. abb* to live on the merest pit tan* e. an-i easily contented, the Chinese make their way wh'rever they hi and them ••■lves The action of the I’nited Htates, An tr ilia and Hrltlsh Co lumbia in praetl ally prohibiting their immigration to protet the white men sh--w> that famt larity with the Chinese breeds un isina-s • Thau <*ei tier-lon no Ktiropean ever knew m*>re intimately the 'h’.nese And. wlille .kn >wl* igtnc their defects, h* hel l them in h'gh e*t in Tile latent possibilities -f the 400.0n0.-WO of ('hlna he !•-. lared were 'lllmltahie Wols*ley. who in China as a Vtritih repreetitstive tlurlng the Taeppi|f rebellion, h-dds the same Views He h lieves the '"bines- ar- the coming race an-l will overrun the world In fils opinion the battle of Armageddon will he fought between the Anglo-Hux ns and the Chlns-c For three hundred years past, the <"hi- ir , it axe I- rn under Tartar txranny Th#* Man* 1 huv tuUd by the simple •-xl w h* r -f - ?-*j|lrg ff .'ll the most ,i.*vrti- t -p*tle h-ads. lest re formation vhould begin. Tint ?*,* - dip** -e ,ir** the subject ra e of tn- Man-- - “l--u and n* ver b** furg*>t tfti Th* -lav of 4he Tartar tyranny must rtn ti '• ether A Chine'-. Mohamm*d -? N.ipib ati .1 great lawgi-. er .r <n er # . will aMr arou-e tti*- Chine * hun •ired • f mllb fr.-m their thre** en (iiii - mil- and lead them forwar*! and -nwnid Th* v wj.l take." said Lord YVolseley • • m fnt* rviewer -i ./en >*ar ago. "to th*- pr.*f* •-.‘ion of arm*, and then will hurl theinslv**s upon th* Russian Km- Iu e |t. f ,re the Chlt e-e armies as they j*. every miiltarx virtue, at I s?olld -1\ in jifY- retu b* -hath an*l capubl. *>f it!*.\haustib!- enduraic the Ru- ian. W.b K 't-St "Then ih* Chinese armies will mar h W ♦•-* ward 11m will overrun India x*. f P.g up ini the S*A A*!' will l*e • 1.4 to them, and then a' last Knglish, Americans. Australians will hav* to rally for a lat desperate . onflltc H* certain -h I regard this that 1 think one Mxel P Pit of 0111 |*iic> should b.* to strain • v rx nerve at-I make eery sa.*iiM-'e to k i* -*i g-.**d t rm?* with china China is 1. • • rnltig |iosrr Th.-*-r of the Tappings, who forty > e *•- sg<* would hav#* Pti -cee-lexl in over ftituwlng th** Tartar dynasty but for f "htnej*e *i-*rl n very nearly became ti. Mohamme.l of China ll** was a re firmer, professed 11 sort of bastard Chti-nanitx. -ivllng iitmself the Fteritie Brother of J***u* ("hrist Had (Jonlon no? r* v ue.| the Marichu government, china to-div mignt hive i**en a vltai for* instead of an inert mas* Hut f r 'Jordon thedvnasty would have fallen 'hlna might have her housn it order, as Japan ha* done, atui an up to-doto tiafl iri of eo Ota) -no |x a world powr T .lax- China j, at war with the world if tins** things had hap|*ene<| it vv- ild have tax'd th# white world's re s to war with China Thl* Yellow !>*ng*-r D a r-‘al and great on* I* | 1 attrac-ed the fancx of varl •us novelist!, whi • the <*erman Km p*smr's - artoon of a few vur* ago a P -w**rfnl pictorial repres'ntation .of Europo at hay against the yellow race. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tu-e*dav and Welnesdav: Georgm ar) d Bouth (’arolina (generally fair Tuesday ex- ept o> .sHnnu! rains on the mas? Wednesday fair, fr#sh north 10 w exit winie F.aslern Florida Fair exce; t rain and - -*l**r tn northern pirtlon Tuesday Wed nesday fair, fresh northwextsrly winis. Western Florida (generally fair Tues day and Wednesday; light to fresh nor h to east winds Yesterday s Weather Bavannah— Maximum temperature 3 p m IS de^re#** Mud mum temperature § p m TO degrees Mean temperature 7* degrees Normal temperature 6f* degrees Hx‘*es* of tempeiature 9 degrees Accumulated excess sin-'e Oct. l 57 degrees A- nmulated ex- ess sm- e Jan l 91 degree* R.iinfoll .is inch Normal 13 inch F,*- * i- since Oct. 1 ... 39t Jn hex Deflt ten since Jan l 6.t2 Inch*-* Hixer Reuor?- The hight of the Bavan nah river at Augusta, at M a m (75th m* ti*llan time) x*Merdvy. w *s 7 3 feet, a 1 lee of o 2 foot during the preceding twen ty-four hours. (‘ft ton region bulletin. Bavannah. (la for the twenty-four ending a? Ha. m . 7." th meridian time, Oct. k. 19-w*. • |MI Miu. Hag Bavannah dlNtncf. lT#nx|Tm.; fall A 1~ 1 1h a 0,4 cloudy .T 77. |BA (TT 23 ~ AI turn v. • loudv HH 7-t di 'Jou*iy m* 9 h> n<4iii<*rt*lgc. cioutly M t*9 h> Eicrtnan. cb-ur h* j no Fort •J i itics*. cloudy S7 *>9 31 * Flo *-|car hu 70 pi Mt.ltn Oi . rloudy hh kx | u:* tvubtiiin. cloihlv Kg *v, *>i Bavannah. pt cloudy H3 73 j .09 Thomwpvillc. pt loudyv H7(W j .'■> W#ycrorn. ->ar HT <*< 05 Bpc lai Tcxa. Itiinfall Report?*. lx-ng view !!!■ >, Corpua Chriatl, trn c. Gai vt!on, .32. Hetivy Rain*- Mobil#*. Ala.. M lit lvUle, La 1 9*. Rom#*. 4Ja , 2 .*-0 No. ? •—— Bt\- Mix Min Rim Central Station*. tlon T#*m Tom. fall. Atlanta I II 1 5t2 j (*d • .29 Augtixia II f M .24 • 'harlerton j n wi *?H ..2 OilvftHN) 2H x 4 90 c 2 Ll.lie Rock 13 7H 4H #* Mcmfvbla 14 74 S3 34 Mobile h 7 | 52 LlO Montgomery H K 4 *>* N*w Orieana 10 m hj 71 Bivann.ih ....j 13 M hs <*i Vi-’k**bu' k 10 TH fJ* .& Wllmlngtcm lo mi m .02 H> mark* Rain ha fallen In all diwtrt l Colder over the western jorilon of ih** l*ll .tv I 1 tie lempei.(lire lh now falling over the Ob*, t v.?ic;-i t -k-n at the Name moment of time at all MAdoiit, Oct H, 1900, H p 111 7.%t1t rn* t-1 -n time Nam* -of Station*. j T | V Rain I’oxt n.- loudv t’4 10 ok New York Ity. raining H 2 10 1.14* Iphla. i louly . ko 12 4H W .ivhli gton city, raining (40 K 31 Norfolk, raining bK 10 <K Hattaraf*. clrar 74 L T Wilmington, pt - loudy 73 L .33 Charlotte. * -xody tw H 7h Raleigh, raining ... 6H K 34 Charleston, raining 73 IH .02 Atlanta, clear 62 IX <x> Btvannah raining 7* X 3x Ja* keonvllle. cloudy 7H f L 10 Jupiter. - dear *•> ) L j .00 Key West, cleftr ! NO 6 .60 Tam 1 1. pt cloudy 7* L .00 Mobi l , dear 66 .(> Montgomery, *!ear .. .... KK 10 T Yickehurg lear 63 L |"o New orle nr, c **a r 6t 12 00 Galventon. pt -loudv 74 12 * Corpu* Chriatl, doudy 74 l-> < .1 06 | 8 j .60 M#mphl> cloudy ... ’*4 ?* Cincinnati, cloudy ' M | 12 Pit "-burg. |*t c!ou*!y . M J K 00 Huflalo. pt < loudy S2 14 00 Detroit, cloudy | M 6 on Chicago, clear .. ... 62 H on Marquette, clear .... J 44 | L ‘(O Bt Paul pt cloudy NX L 00 Davenport. c|#ar M L 00 Bf Lout* clear M 10 no Knnaa* City, clear M L .00 Oklahoma, clear , M • 00 Dodge City, c ear M j L <Y North Platte, clear ! 63 | L j OD Aug ua—Mtaein# W B B-vier LOl, Force aat Official 4URIM: HTELLHiE.M E. Matter* of Interest to Shipping Men (•enernlly. The British b.rk Liflie Curry, which returned after putting to se* on account of Raking, Is iutrthei at th*- (Jordon wharf < apt. Lan iry telegraph* and the own ers of the vesel yesterday the condition of thing* and will not *ak anv step# l* wanii 1 • ‘pairing her until he hears from them It is likely a suivey will b* tailed for 4 apt. Landry I- unable to look after the vess* 1 at present, however, to his illness, lie w.• removed during the • tay from the Pulaski House to Hi. Jos* -ph s Infirmary. Th* ship Harvest (jue n whi-h is ex pi** led to arrive h*re shortly to load lum t*er for F H Hunting A Cos, will like one of the larg*-t largoe* of lumi** r eve*- )itpp**J from Bavannah It 1- stated the vessel will - arry deck Th* re. ord for th* t igg*--t - argo Is .w held bv the four-masted s* hooner '7o\ Am* - which loaded in Baxannah two years ago. I’RMrnii-TR by wteamshlps. Passengers by steamship Na oot'hee. New York for Bavannah. '• 1 * I Kru nlt* and w*fe. E-ther K -units Rctta Kau n;tx. R. * Porter and wife John \llen. J K (H'onnor B K Ban-ls W J Mi liken, c E Dunham. A L. Hatch. E H Jacobs W L Marshall. I. Gill an I wif* L. I< Cole. < s Hollat 1. Mrs. J L. I'ea cock. J M End la, A Minis A O A k • rtnan Sum Wright. M - L II (Vrtin. Mr *' • Tlrsler. B ilrahum an-i wife. ' W Mevers it**! wife. H Blsbee. (’ K Purr. M L Richter, J BjiDnu* an-i wife Mis <* M Lively. \V A Patterson. A Grimm, Ceorge *; Fie.lerl- k. F NA Fos ter V It. Wallace. It C Harris. Mrs 8 V. Harr** Mr Hlappey an-l wif*. M Do Mot. 11 DeMot. J H I.ankenau an-l wife Mis*- M Kuglcr, D '* Pell. Mr- It M I-ane. M-ter M Lane. Master Mi Uii*. Miss A Miss A M* Lane. 8 K Bmlth and wife. F Freiherr. R Parrott. 8 Muller P Lukogerwi- k Irene Hamburg P Wash Ingtof). J H Chrl*tupher. M Hall. J Hnasen. F Rogers. W. Biewart. Dan Ro gan. Miss a l*alterson Miss M Carroll. .Miss It Murphy. Miss M Murphy. Miss 8 Bharkie, Miss H Drury. Miss ‘J Thompson. W J. Wldenk *m|. J. E Cooney. J. Corned. H. Olsen. T. W, Gall* i !urd. H Aronson. A Gott P.isseugeis last night from Hal . timore on steamship Texas Mr Reynolds. ;II I Let,-her. W M Wlllholt* . Mr Willholte, Mrs. Trapani. Mrs A Bur- h. Mrs M Friable. Mr?; Reynold*-. Mis- M • ohen. Miss Frail' *. W D Friable, Miss Maty Ti4|>ani. xtavanuah (Inianar. Sun rlaea at 601 a m an-l set* at 533 , p m High water at Tybee to-day a? 7:51 a tn and B.l# p m High water at S ivan nah one. hour later I'hatrt of the Moon for urtnbfr. D fl M : First 4juarter 1 3 10 eve. j Full moon H 7 IH morn | Last #juarter IS 3 51 morn New moon 2T 7 27 room , First quarter 31 2 17 morn ARRIV 61. e AMD DRPARTI RF.9. Vessels Went to Sea. Bark S*-!l*l (Bwedi. Wedew Liverpool. Bark Nuuanu Joaselyn. Ir. tow- tug Cyil j rhla for Fernandlna. thence New Y’ork * Schooner Hilda. R;ne*. PhllidelphU. Hhip|>lna Memoranda. Port Tampa Fla . Oct H —Balled, ateim *r Mascotte. White. Havana, via Key • West, steamer Mae. Ilutchlneon. Carta- I r*t Schooner* Wave. Havma. Dr Lyke* Ho'.ana Mlddle.xboro. Oct 7 —Balled. steamer ’ Thlrlby. Bavannah. Barry. Oct. t? —Balled, steamer Telefon. P* n.-a- ola Hondeur, Oct. 6 —Arrived, steamer For e st Brook. Port Tampa Hi Michaels. •• t 7.—Arrived, ateamer ! Betty, Fernandina. Baltimore. Oct H Balled, steamer Anno j E Kratiz. Bavannah Charleston. Oct. X Arrived, steamer* j 'ilenroy (Hr) Mehagen. Il.imburg !r --I'iol*. Kemble. Ja ksonvllle. pro* ee*led to New York, Navahoe. John n. lkMlon, via New Y’ork Fernandlna. Fa . Oct H -Balled, h.ark Zlpi*om <Ncr) Nakllng. Liverpool; * homi er James Davidson. Janison New Y*ork Key West. Fla. Oct x Arrived, ?tem er olivette. Smith. Havana, and sailed for Port Tamiw. Whitney. Blrney. New Orleans and sailed for Havana. Ystlre to Mariners. Pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge lv Vnltcd States hy drographic ofll • In Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. HMKRK %** liRIHTKHT IMPOSTER. I'orgotten nnd Miserable, lie Is hints a Herder 4f ll*rses. From the Philadelphia North Am*ri< an 4me of the mo*#i temaikahle character*, and probably the greatest imposter of the age. l James Add Don Rerivls Now n tall, thin, higgar 1. elderly man. he llv- In a lonely, **]uali*l shin In the outskirts of Albuquerque, N M There he eke?* nut a miser *bl-* existence bv looking after a bunch of hor.-ex along the Ro Grande. An-l yet he at one time ** eme<| likely to come Into |*ose'j*s|on of over 13.4W.fX¥) n**re* of va uab.e lin-i In Arizona .md S> w Mexico. The story 1 f this man’s effort*, extend ing over a perio*l of eighteen year*, to ex tnbilsti hi* fraudulent claim to thl* rich trait, reads hk*- a r mance it endel in Ids being *en|en- ed tn six years In the l Htate* IVnltcntiarv at Santa Fe. In January. !W From thl* confinement he emerged broken In health and spirit*. anl with several other Indictment* hang ing over his wretched head It I* not like ly. however, that anv of these Indictment* w 111 l>e pressed against him Reavls w.* born in a lltile Missouri town In the year IM7 For a time he wa 41 tin p#*idler, but flna ly he began to feel the stirring* of ami tlon and became in terested In real estate dealing* Through the documents relating to the claims of on* of his clients to a large estate, m heti’ed through 11 Mexican grandmother, but never adjudicated In the American rourt* under the treaty of tiuadaloupe. R* avis conceived hit Idea Then begon the most remarkable swindling career of history He laid claim by alleged Inheritance of a strip of land ome fifty-seven mile* wide In Arizona and N*w Mexico. Roughly estimated thl* va*l property would have be* n worth tom# s9ft,ftiwn R comprtsM go and. silver and copper mines, vast mim- Arrest" disease by the timely use oi Tutt’s Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTf’S Liver PILLS Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers are always dissatisfied-always trying something new —or something differ ent. as there always seems to be some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They arc always good. • Three hundred million smoked this yer. Price. 3 for 5 cent*. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. i/rin ?>*znctjcrr, {xt/t/rmui Twice the price could buv no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. discount' " r Buck'* 8k ud k .'':' ■ '< one must be moved from off our Hoor this week. This is the time to buy your stove. Every stove guaranteed to be first-class. I his discount is only for one week. LINDSAY & MORGAN ill remove to 112 Broughton, west. Scotch and Irish Whiskies. W e are agents for the most celebrated Scotch and Irish whiskies, imported direct from the distilleries of Scotland and Ireland. These Scotch whiskies are the blend of the finest Highland whiskey matured many vears in wood before bottled. Ihe expert Analvist describes this Scotch whis key as the perfection of Highland whiskey, and is special H., selected Old \ atted Highland whiskey from Glasgow, Scotland. 1 he latest novelty in Scotch whiskey is distilled by Rutherford of Leith, Scotland, and is called Scotch Cherry Whiskey, and very palatable indeed. We are also agets for the famous old Irish wbiskev, imported bv us from Wheeler, Belfast. Ireland LIPPMAN BROS., i Acents for Scotch anil Irish Distilleries lers of s ttbr’s homes <nl ran hr*. He* 1 f a !• i#ti r.aiitoad--, several Indian reser vation.-. military fori*, farm*, towns of a* much as 4 |s>;.ulm>n and mining and • attie imps Innumerable To substantiate his - loun. Rc.ivts forge | a < halt* of #‘v kirn- c so strong that ho sue ed#si in lealtslng latg*' sum* of mon°> fr< m farmer*, mine owner# and even tMiltoals 111 nit 1 the agreement that th( ir Interes?* I*c left unmob stel Ho also oh* lined more $40.00 from well-known lawyers ami l u-n - ineti fr th** col!' - tlon of still m re ev-' l n* • 41.4 to h - pre t4ndei rights. ll# forg**#l long deed* inr Hpanlsh. In *#• rt* 11 fabrb’ated ’l-)-iim‘tits in ancient pnhll- r# >rD. Invented royal Bpantah rfdtilas, • irefu'lv mid out wills datlt.g a cenlurx or two back. Invented detaile<| pr# bat#* pro r-edlngs and nllerrd obi rathe. #lral records in Mexico and Hj aln All thl* was to it \. t; • grant made by the King of Spain In 174# to Don Miguel -le Peralta To ihs grmt the dbnt Wlllrl*. who hail hrst turned the it tent lon of Reavls to th#* Idea |.il<) claim At the death of \V|J r‘g. Reavls showed a -1 eii of the claim duly mail#* out to himself ||D next move was to 4i|pear with % voting wife whom he * la m# and was he lineal les #-n-|ent #if Ik>ti Miguel -ml whom he d*<l he had met while pro*' ut ng hs search When th#* • a*e tame up In the I’nited Btate* courts It ?*#'m- *1 that victory was ie? tain, especially w lien Reav ls and his wife sustain'd a searching nnd -h-tuth-d c or*- examinat! n !ft wh h loth dl*pta\ -1 remarkable r*olness <nd ai-|>arent a#* curacy. The defense, however, was able to prove ?he long and svstematic serle of forgone- on which the claim was based Finally, the wife brok#* down, confwfSl, ar J* 0 brought ttie remarkable career of Re.ivts to a *<|tialb) end The Monßnnar In .Inmiilea. From the Review of Reviews The agrhul'tira! feature* of Jamaica cannot l-e disposed of wit;i*>u due p f re? c to he part plav*| by the mongoose H#-m> years ago. the * ane-heßi* bee ime Infested with snake* and rat* to such an extern that dras-lc measure* had to be employe#* In order to rid the country of the pcai- It wa* decided that the mongoose woub# do the work, and ac ordingly the mon goose was imported The animal went t< wrrk w-jth a wl! . and soon there wn •rocely a snake left on the Island Th -at#, likewise, were drlv.n from the field* hut. taking refuge in the cocoanuc tree* the roden-s h-gn to do that damage the nu. which over sine# haa bean suet I , . drawback to the raising of eocoanutg. I*iii the mongoose did wornA than thl*. The moment the inlmal found no more snake* and rats to f. e I upon. It attacked the ground-laying bird*, destroying them n*l the eggs an well The*#* bird* had ) heretofore been invaluable to the country. I* cause fh y lived u|mn the pe*ilfarou* j Uk which was Pitch a nulaance to min | and ■ iftlc With the di*up|caran'e of tha liirdp. the ticks Increaaed etiormoualy. and ‘*w, in tlielr turti. they are attacking th mongoose Itilrtera of poultry In Jamal I '* won and consider it a lilepping If every mor.* g *oj*c w*r* > off the Island Whm the animal had succeeded In doing a way "dh the Hioik . and made the rate safety in the cncoanut treep. It went the hfckeiip. Naturally, priceh roe.- <k>* ward, and it wap considered a luxurv to have poultry on the table With the de struction whi*h the tick now does to tha voung niongoo*. It Ip said bv those who know that the ground-laying bird* art • nee moie appearing, and It i* further suggest# and that more bird* phould he im ported Tie . nf|e.owner* will weir me the fe.ither*d agency that formerly mini mized tin effect of the tok by feedtn* "tr th*e inse. ta With the Introductloa of sugar-cane in Utihg and Porto Rico. th* identical destructive condition* are llk #! ' to confront the planter* there; but *tn , ‘*a Americans, with experience bought in J* mat la. are at the h* id of the enterprl*’ 4 in the other lalandp. It Ip unlikely th* 1 the mongoope will be Imported, even hough ratP might appear numerical' strong enough to warrant draette if extermination. Care will be exercts— In the selection of an antidote. A* f* r a* the mongoose |p concerned, a recent ot of Coiirihu prohibits the Impcrta’ ’ 1 ’O of the anlmnlp into the United fttatee or .ts colon! Hawaii, where th#- tn g was Introduced in I*l*l. yapped a lmi * r law in The hletory of the monconse n the Itrltleh colony may *tand for onv l -son In agricultural experience. - Prof. l„. o Howard, chief of th* Division of KntomuJogy In the Unite*! 4tate* Department of Agr ulture. hat he fe| high.y flattered one day uiv^ 1 he receipt of a personal letter from * •entleman In o Western town aaking him o be so good *• to *end a copy of h •eport Prof Howard replied prompt v dying that he wx>uld be pleated to comp with the request. and aeklng to wht ** particular report ht correspondent r# erred The reply v* ae follow* Am tot particular which one you tend. 1 mi i> want u for a fcmp book.**