The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 09, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial. , ,> . otto* Kin hk* the *"' rl it, ill OK THE MAHKBT*. I.* |*itlnl• *i , orrd on (kr . Hi*. . , aueeal •* Hr|.rt of Kroel sou lb *'*■* Limited Hank , • Morl to Kfift. ...*- ki™ • :7 Willi IrmlrMoy for Improve. ||irlh rira—local mud Tci ‘ . ria| lti* >l*rLrl. Ti.e Mori; in* N>wr <>ftl *c. Monday, <Vi. R ot tnc marketr to-day nn • . in rot ton lutiire*. 10 and 10 t.i* tr*nirn of report*, kidl m tts*‘ Southwest. The > are Ui.. oM w i’her report i whs i by Iho report* of an of i ,n LiverjwxM future* Trml lwv very acftftv*. though there Itrat> liquidation to realU* V\ il aireet and the South houfrht 4 , id March, while Liverpool , I me erne 111 verve** of our mar* , it.,. ,!| weather tP|on:- w . dis* J tif l* *i*>t market closed u. n a moderate demand prevail *,m f.o h. w.ia in fair request, • i nrlddhnir boing 10 7-10*' to 10***' ► ,ok mjiltft .o*el irregular .it -i tea tlon below Saturday* cloe _ *- Thw* wa due to the advance , iuan.- du* largely to fhe limltnl • f the axfOi'Uitcd I*4llk -* of New fho*m by Saturday e bank atate* ~. live marke- xiao mvium id 4 4. mg movement. ptrM turpentine market closed ..17 centr, with talk of letter prices id It aus Mid that S7Vj cent* * , it 1: rernu (hern lea better fe , rne market, which it apt to bring , i •* tmprovenvm with a ron immi , . tnand lor eiippiie* The roem r , .• • .<>ed mm at an advance of 5 •. H The whole<-.dc markets were aui in the mam. un hinged. The *.ng reeume of the differ* n mark* * •** the tone and quotations at the .£ t**-day• t OTTO\. ■tton market clojmvJ steady to-day, a* > on the pot of 12Ti hale*. The *i *1 wi* modcraie The receipt*. were igainet 7.210 la*t year, and 11.142 .. ♦ tore last. Hood middling fob wa* *| - I to t*e fiom to !•>* The • m l was (air, though w,tt not i.-hing character • following were the official *pot quo * <.* at the elope of the maiket at the n Kx< hango to-day: ; Thla La Ft •lay year. f mididling K*S M.oiling lb, •** •w ml idling 9\ K** 'j -i ordinary .. j.. Mark- t steady; yaicF I2T • i itinan Receipts. Exi"trti* and Stock? I'*- *Mt* thi* day 5.687 **pt thi? da\ l: *r year .. ... 7.21*? 'lr -lay year before last 11.142 !. emi* since Sept. 1. 1906 342.051 >’*me day last >ear * * exports 2.5t4 S'ock on hand this day 71.922 're. day last >*r 117,47** H' * ipts and Sto ks at the Port*— H* * p:*. this and y 4*.79* H- • p*s this day last year . . ift.964 t•* 'hts la\ > ear hgfor# lasi. 74.271 *i r- ejpts since 1. 19*A* . 97.**..^**’, fame ime last year 1,106.513 r•* :me year before last k at all tvorts to-dav 479.1.19 •me day iast year 732.**l movement* at other i**rts. — * toft -St*-id> . m ddpi K, 1< net re 4 70!: v Oritana—Firm. middling lov,; n<t r •. 19.908; gr*s.". sak***. 3.'WO. fit*- 1 179.34**. 1 k l irm middling. 10' # ; net re • 2.'*93; gross. sales. *io>; stock, -rk'ton Firm; mnklMng. 10. net rs • 1.144; greet*. 1,146. *io.-k. 14.*.3*. Wilmington—Firm; middlh g to 1 * i^et r.. ni> 4.1.1 k. gios. 4 139. stock. 27.741 N- folk- Hteady; mbhiling. 10H. n# t te ;t.T47; gross. 3.747. >als. 453. sto k 'itlmorie— Nomlr aI: middling, lo 3 *, net t (its. I*o. gross, I**9. Mock. 1.441. v w Voik—Quiet, niidtlling. l*. net re -247. gross, 9.557. sale*, mo k, •ui .Steady, middling. 10‘*. net re • p'f. 'X. gross. 590 adelphl.t- Firm: middling. lUil bet r • pt*. lls. grow. 119; slo k. 1,613. I runswick Nel rwejpt*. 7.<kl, gross. 7,- •s -to k 4 530. >Hih movements at interior towns.— \ iKUSta -Firm, middling. 10U. net re h 2.'i55; gross. 2,509; sales. ;si7, stock, 11,387 Merophis— Steady, m.ddllng 19 3-16. * ■ Mpt 5.991, gross. 10.539; sales, *•’. *<* k. 34,832. >* Louis—Firm, middling. lb 4 ; net re • 1.374; gross 4.992. stock. 12. b-o. •ini,ail—Quiet. iomina4. middling i tc r* *lpi* s 297; grtis>. ‘297. stock. *1 or. Steady; middling. 10; net r - k* I 'rfTT gross, 10..V77. stock, L9.*?9S. Igv csville—Firm; middling. IW| KMtrts of cotton this clay— Sf-w Orleans—Coastwise. 2,964. > >nnuh Coastwise, 2.964 j: •-ton—To the continent, 7.260- < folk—Coastwise. 3.83 M a York To Great Britain. 2.359; to lh nt.nent, 2.274. > wick—To Great Britain. 7.043. T foreign exjvorts from all ports thi *l* Tt> tireat Britain. 9 471; to the eontl t‘+r t. s 474 To ii fore gn exports all ports thus we*k To Great Britain. 41 .'M. to t * • MU', to the continent, 11.974 i f* reign exports sin* e Sept 1. 19n • ° *• t Britain. 234.546. to France. 69.737. 10 ' ontlr.ent. 233.471 •■>n H c*., Oct. B—Cotton firm. r - 2 1 fc. 10 cents; sales 1:0. 1 altmit aw follows tgrades received 22 C 23 •jt Georgias 214 } n . hole* 21 Q 214 S** * P r and Slocks. 1900-01 lUMMO ■ ’ wms . ini ■ .>1 w*,h IT. • : thM ,M,on | 2.27i 11.0 ft! “ ‘ I'J ' | I.IM i.l o hand ! H.rt* J.5<4 1 OTTOS Kl Tl HK*. I *'' ' ln tnß Mrnilv a, a Spl Sdvancr of UK.) lit I'olnla. V..'k Ocl. S— A froat a.r> IfMtk •" of iho oottott markol thi - **nd prices a*tvmced 17$f2k points, tn advanae of 3fib> joint.-. 'ured nn the oivenlng call Th- ‘ Wfd i gtiod <4eiil of uneasiness itc tensed by the fact that 1 s teporred an advance of • , ’ f and one half sixty-fourth* In r * r Phis, however waa attribute*! j ' I* to frost fer* as to more j. • ]r *l- at ions respecting a demarxl t, , , *‘ ,s *4till another stJmulatinc ' 1 ' u current belief that Wednes •* ’ * ,n up a bullish monthly crop ' leg wa not p.irtlcuiarly gc • *•• were several periods of ! 1 weakness* under selling to sc- | ; w,, ‘ 'V ** hp-av> | fW,i •nuary >.l g|arrh ootfon. th** j W | ' l “" * lirge buyer, while IJv at the opening, but iaur j MURPHY A, CO.. INC.. Bor.l of Trado Bulldtn, Savannah Prlvala l*.d wire, dlrc< to N,w York, Chicaco and New Orleans torruv sto, ks ano gh a in. New York offl.-v No (1 Uroadway Ofll.-e, in prin pal . ill.. 'tiroutho it the South IVrkp for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for tradera. bouirhi on nudiiiK our market >m >allv bp th.> a .ie „f k.w i.m perature. a coi.l wave havua re. >..., ■town Ineo Northern New Steal.-o arel flklahomu He. - Iptn 5... ..U.ut ae cV l>e t.s, A heavy demand t*.r K-- d was reporte,!. In ,h. afternoon tr. were the prln.ipal euppori ~f ihe mn set Whl. h steady a 1 a ne, advance of 10{j| 19 pomte Kl.l < TANARUS, STIOSs |\ Kl Tl It PA. New York, hi s Cotton future* open ed Arm and ctopes! steady. Tri e. fol low p Open Hl*h Ixsw. C.o January .. .. >s 10.15 !W lo nsh February .. .. 9 S'. io in -.a. pa,,, Mar h .• .. .9.99 10 19 ;* p* n •April p>.olh 10 Ofj 10 02 10 t** May 10.02 10 li l(M*i Ml June .. .10.01 P!7 1* •* 10.10 July 10. no I**l7 io oo io.m August .. .. 9v, 9 .*n 995 9'*, September October .. .10 4** 10 O 10.40 JO 17 November 10 10 lo .1 10 lo p> Dec ember .. ~10.00 10 i* 9.97 iV*)9 LIVERPOOL 4 o*l*l ON Ft'Tt Hl>. Llverproi, t* t k. 4 p m <vtton Hivt moderate Y j*lrs-. prices firm. Armn •n 6 13-32d Th* -ab-s of the day w*-re **.•■■( Niie* of whi h ••> wer* ir u- Haoon aid export, re. ip*> none Future* openei quiet but- . ujy. anl cbwed firm. American middling. |.*w md dling cjguse 4*s*tiher. . *i3d. vlu* . 0.-10- fvor-November. 6.4.V* seller- November December * •?*“! buyers, De.-ember-Jan u*ry. f.s3fid !kd, sellers,<§ry-Febru* *rv. . ifii'j I'al. valuer. Febru.r> March, ' .12tf.5.33d. sellers. Mar April. 5 *hi eeilers. April-Mav 5 _*!. J9d bi> r>. Moy-June. 274i5.26*1. eeiler*-. June-julv. s -■** seller*. July-Augu>t. -kl. *e|lere. Aug u?t-September. 5 I7d. NEW OKLF4NW ( OmiN El TI RE>. Ww Orleans, Oct. -Cotton future* steady. October 10 or, February . 9 9:ih November 9 91h9 92 51 irch r * 96 -p* 97 I*ecember . 9 59419 :* April 9 '*.,|9 91 January .. 9 894F9 90 91 tv 9 97449 9* 4 4T*rON IfFI TkM? New York 0 r "o sa' CVitton tn Liverpool . „*d to-day. 5-64 j ♦7-**kl above Saturday *, on fear of colder weather over the This rmtrke* nil.d feverish hut firm I**tt!S poin* udvan e Offers confined to longs reah* > g • fvw car** to sell short and riek eff * f an unfavorable hurefiu report of trist or col dweather over the hep as early killing frost in *he soufhwej>t woui<l •ouse a sharp advance in r*rl • * Sir- wriin< the at-vve gener,xl buying set m ,n*l pri 'e* ore row about 20 points over S• * - urdav’s dosing Private advice•* report frost pree]|. ter| over Texas rollon ruled active and strong tnts af*err**on on g#i.- eral buying. Including covering of .-.tie for local account i OTTON (iOODf. Now Y'ork. Oci. 6.-The w.*ek opr-ni In dr>' llooii? without change In harvirtr of gr*n#ral for i-otton goi*l' Nil Hnrs arr glrong In rone l>. no higher prlc+ quota] at th* * dr mm-1- whit* i aro raiatlvrly hwp ar* qtii* tly hardening In brown aril ro;4rw* ilorM <-niton* Breach**) In moderate rrqiaxl hut firm y hKld at full Th*' m.irket for p in’ loth% look* likr higher pri- rn for ► tun r.irrow odd good*. Print** or*- very Arm hut not quotahly iltr*r, Glng’ *ms .l n Arm btit quiet Whlto goo<la firm ljgiit tx*i.Hh f 4hri* selling v. ,i for spring. M\ Al. STORK A. Monday. O, i t HPfRITB TPRPENTINI-: -Th* gpPliti market opened Arm to-day at .17 .yntf. witti reports! aa!> *f 4*x • 4>k.. .m l rlo- and firm and unchanged, with * lorii g sai**a of luO Tho ikman i was raporlo I and liio lrei*llng li.fluorU'f'* < me I to favor thf mark* t Tin m* w 4 com*id* tab •- inquiry for supidl**-* during th** lain hour** an*i il (v*4s t.ilkd ihat . halt **nt abovo th* t livslng prlro vfax paid. Th** f* fling was for a iwtter prion, and it 'xil ti*i 1m surprising if an improvom* i t *i*vtl.p Thf day’s receipt* txer- ui and ttic * x p<>rtF :67 UoHINH -With Iho ox* option of on ad vanoo of five cants in II rosin it:* r* waa n change In the market to-day, whi h t-iosnd firm on Mhs of 1,444 birrfh r**|i*t oil at the yp*uiiig The demand for st iff mh understood to l* m***i**rao but jIII (lent to maintain th* pres*ni level of pri ** well Tha day’s r#. ipt- wore 2 xx; and Ihr* exports 2.251. The foiiowtng were th** quotations: A. B. 4* $1 30 I $1 1 30 K 1 6.5 E I V. 31 1 70 K 1 40 N 1 9u C, 1 45 \V G 2 * || 1 fid W W 2 60 Receipts Monday— Spirits Rosin C R. R 1W 170 H, F At W 02 1.0 and 9 A. I *i v Exports Mon. lay— Spirits Rosin H 8 Itasca. Bn In more I.U-i 8. 8 Allegheny, Philadelphia 2.** 676 8 8 Tallahassee. N* w York. 317 445 Naval Stores Statement— Spirits Ro*tn Htork April 1. IHO6 14. -i Receipts to* kv - “ K> * Receipts previously 235 6*ll '-16.061 Total slnor April 1 238.9.1* 6X1,473 Exports to-day • >i7 -*- 51 Exports previously Exports since April 1 19*.979 .*P x®9 Stork on hand to-day 39.9' f 132.’74 Stcnk on han*i same day last \ ear ■ I ' 4l> Charleston. 8 <*.. Oct. 8-Turpentine Arm asked R .sin steady, unchanged w. minginn. Oet. 4 -Turpentine. Wtfi re<*Hf*ts. 61 Rosin ste*l\. $1 15. i I2o.rece|pts Cruda turpentine quiet, tl 16 and 66.16. receipts. 62 Tar firm $1 M*. receipt*, 3**l New Orleana, Oet • Receipt*: Rosin 55 barrels, export* ntme. KI4 4.M I *•- MONEY—The demanl keep* fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Market t w> ik Commercial tl' - mentf. 4 93 1 .; rlx ty rlay*. 4W, ninety .lay*. 4.77 V franc* lari* anti Havre. *txty 9i' !li, Swiss. *lxv day*. ?7; Belgian S.2V, mark*. *l*tY day*. 93 . ninety d*i \j* 93 3-16*’- DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - banka *r- huying at 3-l dl*. ount and e.t I„g a* follows *25 an.l under, hv pre mium. 125 to 350, Uc premium *o to MO. X)c premium. 4100 to l.*ho premium, iso to ll.Ouo par. *I.OOO and over. 1-18 di count. SECURITIES—There is bu* little doing new- money ruling c|ne Quotations con tinue rather nominal (taeka. Rid. A** Auguala and Savannah R R I** !• Atlanta and Weal Point 124 19. do 8 per cent, eertiflcalea 107 H I’i Augusta Factory >' ** JOHN W. DICKEY, Htonk anil llond Bruiser. Aiatrri, 0.. Write far Ltat. THE MORNING NEWS:') TUESDAY'. OCTOBER 1), 1000. Fltixena Bank 130 132 Chatham Bank 10914 I2OH hatham It E A I Cos . A MS S?S do do B 5>S S Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Co— !'5 Edison Electric Ilium 160 105 17titrprts- Mfg Cos 99 102 Germania Bank 129 131 Georgia A A 4 bam* 25 27 (Borgia R.iilroad common ..... 210 215 iranltevillc Mfg i*o 190 I*k J P King Mfg Cos I<W 103 Langley Mfg Cos 117 I.U Mer, liuir • National Bank .. 110S 111 Notional l ank of Savannah .145 150 Oglethorfw* Saving- and Trut 166 110 People'* Savings and Ln 101 162 Soiithw. vt. tr Railroad Cos 10TH 10§4 Savannah <in-' Light C * 8011 them Bank IK> 165 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 116 Sibley Mfg *O. August* 36 Savannah Brewing 95 100 Boxda. Bid Ask. Ctmr Co] A Aug let ss. 1990 106 106 Atlanta lt\ 4s. 1922 !M 106 Augu 1 1 itv 4*. 1927 106 107 do 1925 110 111 do 7*. 19U3 10f I*6 d<> *? . 1911 119 121 Ala Mid .. indwt 1925. M A N 9*4 Mt Augusta Factory 6|.r - nt .1913 10 HO Brunawk k and Wiittrn 4*. IM '■i 33 C l; B Banking collateral 5* 92 kl ( of G I*l 5s 3*)-year gold, 1945 Fa A .119 121 M v N * 93 C of <1 l*t in, itmr . 1045 39 40 do 3d Incomes. 1945 .. 10 11 do 3d tncoam -. 1945 5 6 C of G. (M ii A A I>!V s*. 1947. J A J 90 914 C of G (Eaton Branch). 6s, 19J0 J A 1* ‘*4 CUy A Suburban R R. I*4 7s !• 110 Columbus city &*, IN*9 ixi 107 Charleston city 4*. 1945 . .. 101 I**3 H igh* A Phoenix Milie 44.. 1926 1"6 104 Edison Kle. trie 1 liutninating 6* 104 I , ‘* Enterprle Mfg 6*. 1903 102 103 <. •' ■ Rallt 1 i HdO 111 ll' 4 G S A F 1945. .1 A J 1114 1124 Georgia A Alabama Isi 5? 1945 I'M 106 Georgia state 34? 1930. J A J I**6 i*f do 34- 1915 M A N I'M 1< do 44- 1915 ..117 118 61 .iron city *?. 1910. J A J . ..116 118 do 44*. 1926. Jan par W 1"9 Ocean Steamship Rs 1924 . 100 103 Buvannah city ss. qtjar. f^'toher, 1913 110*6 IH4 do se. quar. November. 1909 1094 1104 Roith Farnlliia state 44*. 1933 ..116 118 Sibley Mfg Cos 6s. 1903 101 1 Houth Bound 6s 9f*4 H F A \\ gen tntgs. 6s. 1934 123 124 do do Ist ss. gntd 1934 1104 1124 do Pt John Div. Ist 4. 1934 94 9*'* New York. <*cr B.—Money on call, firm 2fj24 lrr cent . la -t loan. Birr ling exchange very %v< k w ith actual huem* ** in I>.inki - bills ai }4 SY*O4.M for demand and .it $4 MV'*, for s:xly days. I rttei. JI - J aid $4 Fd s tV4 66 Commercial bill- $1 K**h4 Bar sliver 044 c. Mexl * an dfliatk. '**■ Government bm *l. . stea*!y ; state bond>. steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. BTIH K? % Nil 110.ND9. Depletion of Its nk Reserve* I net 11r s>|eeulntlon. New York O t 8 Trading on the Stock Exchange to-day was marked by a revival of a considerable bear party whose activi ties were agKr*slvo and persistent The effort- to depress prices were contested by the speculative holders of long !-•* k who were successful in the work In lifting price- in spite of the various un favorable factors which developed tn the situation The conflicting forces t work were tefb ted In a feverish and Irregular movement of prices. The marked deple tion of banking reserves revealed by th* Hut-irday bank Ftatemenj had the effect of unsettling speculative opinion. There was a constant variation between ni * prehension over • constriction of money supply and the prospect of relief by Im port* of gold. The conviction became presty well settled as the day progressed, th t goJd would move from to ward New York this work The market for foreign exchange fell feverishly by stlcrei*dve stage* there, throughout the •lay. and demand sterling dosed a full •*ni In the poind below Friday's level, who 1 was h* last day of active business in the exchange marker. This price is within a small fraction of the level gen erally agreed upon as offering a profit on Import of gold at the pr* sent price of gold and rate for money In Ixn*lon. and Is probably within the limit that would make th** p# ml tran?) tion which gen *r.liy preceded n regular gold movement In • *fr.iggJing fashion. Owing to the temporary abundance of money in 1/mdon on 1 count of government financial opera tions and re- eipt* of gold from India In payment for silver discount rates continue to f 11. and offer no resistance to She prestire for gold WMhout future and rnand to stipi*orr the axchange market, the flood of cotton by tis which continues to appear 1n the market insures a movement hither of gold, which only a sharp ad vance in foreign discount rates will serve to check Such contest for gold as would thus be precipitate!, even If It resulted in favor of New York, might pot b an altogether reassuring circumstance for speculators, as the forcing of liquidation In foreign markets might have a reflection her* Hen • the unsettlement of the speculat ive mind to-f.i>. in spite of the prospect of gold Import? There was also an ap preciable narrowing of the money supplv off* ring in New' York Th* prevailing rite held at 3 per rent, for call loans and ran up lo 3 . per cent, 'hiring the after noon. The higher rate brought an abun dant supply to All the small remaining re quirement, and the rate ran off to 24 P* 1 * cent Th.- interior movement of currency continues unabated. With the exception of a period of strength in the M*ei Go, k led by Ten nessee coal and Iron, th* reactionary ten ,len< v was predominant, but the leading -tocks were off from I to S points. With •he lute break In call money nd the call In exchange to about the gold point prices rallied somewhat hut th* market closed . feverish and Irregular The active bond ! issues were w ak. but there were ex* ep- ■ tions among high grad* bonds Total sales par value 51.f100.000. f*nlt*d States bonds unchanged on the last call. The sales of stock? to-day were 281.9t¥> j share-, includ'ng Atchison. 6.080. do pre ferred 9,745. Baltimore and Ohio. 6 931. Burlington. 10.990; Manhattan 8.375. Mia- ’ ao'irf Pacific. 6.816, Northern Pacific. 7 - ?■• Reading lt preferred. 7.190; Sr Paul. 6 7V); Pennsylvania. 18.848: Southern Pa- • rifle. 5.620; Fnlon Ptclflc. 36.865. American i S*ee| and Wire. 11.810; American Tobacco, [ k 280. Brooklyn Rapid Tranait, 16.990; F*d- j ml Seel. 6.Jib. People** Gas. 20.646.; Sugar 20.540. T*nnes*e* coal. 14.375. New York Stock List. Alchtaon 77 r . Union Pac 57*% <k> pref . 7"‘. tk> pref ........ 73<i Halt A Ohio 7'H. \Vjliah fat. Can. f*ae. . N34% do pref l7a, Situ .... 80 Wheel, ft L. K. M% Ch ft Ohio .. 2' >lo 2*l pref ... 2314 CM. 04. w. ... 1014 Wtae. Con ll Chi.. B. ft Q Ufa 1 , Thin* Avenue ..10W; Chi., I ft L. .. 21'x A.tum* Ex .. .123 do pref *2'j American ISO Chi ft E I. .. 98 Unltesl Slate* .. 45 Chi ft Ne Idh Well* Fargo .134 C . n I ft H ÜBV At" Col oil .. 33 C. C. C. ft St. j do pref SO • \m Malting ... 4 Col Sou 5 <to pref 23 do l*t pref .... 38', Am 8. ft R. .. 37H do 2d pref 14 do pref SS<% Del ft Hud. .110 t, Am SplrlU .... 1 D. L ft W. ..174 | do pref 17 D ft H O lV'. Am Steel Hoop I*l* do fr*f 87 do pref *B', Frle ... 11 Am Steel ft W 33 do let pref . 34d0 pref 73'j tp N pref 15.1'-. Am Tin P.ate . 30', Hocking Coal 14 do pref sitj Ho, king V 12 .Am Tobacco . (% UJ CB IMS' do pref 129 lon i Uen 17 An* Min Cos . 44-k d-j pref 39 ,Brook. R. T... 41V ■fP. Southern Railway. TuUi, Arrlvo and IVparl Savannah on '"th M-ihliao Tlmf—One Ilnur Slow r Oily Turn IcMuka tn Kff I Sunday Jur<* 10, 1400. READ tX\VN TO Tin: FAST ' ftBAO IT. i N’- * (Central i in. < \ No lj JOpm 12 .M#m l.v TT.: Savant ih Ar .. >,m :I li|>m | | (btl< tn Ttmv , < npm 4 .'vain Ar HU kvlilc I.v 3 unni 1 Tpm 4 OGpm 0 l*Um Ar I' dumltla ... I. 1 II n hvpm Ovaun Ar t'harhwta . l.v * ..|im v hum 11 44|Hit 12 £i,>m Ar .. . bom 7 liipm ■ Oim ki No (oik % dp 17 Mam I Mpm At Danville l.v . n i>m 4 ‘, m tl Ottotn I Jtpni Ar ... Rh'hniot..! l.v ’ ■*!(.m-; A>|*m :Um 14Jpm Ar I.yn. hbura l.v > ,m . ••••in 4 Item 5 ,I'uvm Ar .... . ChirUvt* vtlb l.v ■ tn t: 4pm 1 Uni v ..uni: Ar Wn imte'on l.v 1 ' irn ••.•(• in I ant 11 Ar Haluntor. l.v * . tm v .•.'i , m 11 Stem 7 sm Ar I’hlli lt i|th a . .... l.v ••on •• a i m vV'ipm t is..m Ar .. N*-w Vok l.v J .1 i*n 0 Xtpm 3 tn, m Ar .. Ho 4rv l.v O'ntu hi l“itn \ TO Till: NORTH vn i • vvt.n r NaS H'rntr .1 Tim. i 12 20am ;Lv Savannah ... A, 5 10am (t;Mi rn Ttni.i tv Avint I.v I.v 1 .’■•tin it Ittam L.v BparUnttura l.v t I&|mi 12 lOjan l.v A-h villa l.v I • .pm 4 02pm Ar Hot S|.tln>r l.v II I• mi T MpmitAr ......... Knoxvlll, 1.. V 2 aim h |im Ar u< alnmori .. l.v In AA’tn 7 t.vam Ar Tm Innatl lA 4 topm oopm Ar .. St Ho lla .. l.v itm 7Am Ar I. ot I • I.' • < All iraina arrive ami •,. part from h* Plant s. i. m Sinn >n. TIIROI’dII I'AII skrvut: I.Tt' TRAINS 33. AND J 4 DAII.Y. NKW YORK VM I I.<>lt 11 • \ i:\PRI7SS V-vt| bills) IlmltrU rrairtf, with Pullman litawitu; lUmm Slmnirv tat .i> tiali anti New York r'onnrrta al Via tnvion with < ..lorn i Kvpr- (or lb. Con. Pullman si.vplnrt Car* harwrrn Oharlott- ami In hut .ml an.l • hallo,ln ami ,Nvr folk 1 lining Para tvrrva- all mralt* batw. an Stv tnnah at .1 \\ i rnniilon TRAINS X. AND hi DAILY. TIIK I NMTI.It STVTKS', VST VI VII, Vm'lhttl. I train*, carrying Pullman Dtawn rc R ont Sl..|.it „ • it. Smi nah and N> York DlnlitK Pars .•,v all m- tl; l-i..-n Svv.tnna, am, VV'a.himilon. Alao Pullman I>* Room Wr.ptru: t n h.r..n Savannah ami Cmvrtnnail. through Aahrvlllr ami Thf "f t‘r Sk v For • omplete information an Cos ralr-a .■ h.dul. • ri apply lo <1 OROOVBR Tirkrc Aurnt. Plant SVrK-m St t lot JAMBS FREEMAN. C P and T. A., HI Rtlil tint' Tt lt phonrr Ball. PO. tJeorgla. ASO. , S II HARDWICK. AfMelant Oantral P. Ac. m. Allan i tin 1, K AW. 2 •'ol F I 5 ' * do ~rf Ift Com Tob. ... JC a Ukr Stvor*- 31ft ■ <V> prof j, a N 71V* Federal Steel .to* Manhattan t. . 1 l>tel Mo' Si Rv 14SV* <}n Elen U> 1 j v,e\ ren •.in aw s Hrar W M ft |. L a do prer M . do pref .91 Intern Pa|ter . H'i Mlapvurt Pa-' C*K do pm, ■'>., Mobile A- <hst .39 laanlede <!ae ■> t M K A- T 9* N—tl Hie.nil I ; k <V pref 27V* .bv pref w ‘v N. J C TO Natl Itead ... 17\ j; Y <- HP; do pref lev v s fit W M\ NG Steel 2 . do pref .... T<h do pref NY. North Ptac. .. sv N ya h 4*. pref . AKA,'North Am . h 1 * On AW JWvParlflc Crwet .. 97 Ore Rv A N 42 d-> PV-f k do pref 7k | do 3d pref ... -bi Pennsylvania .130 iPm-lfl* Mall ' Headlttir 1* People* Gait ... do I*l pref . M ; preeaed S C. .. : do 2d pref ... 251, do pref •" Rio G W. ... U Pull Pal C....1k1^ do pref 9> H R * T 4 T * St. 1,. AS F . 10V*. Smear IH* rk> 1t l*ref *4 1 do ,wef 117 ek> 2d rref . M'pTertn C A 1.... 7.7’* 8t D. Hw .. 12*. P S la-aiher .. In do pref T ANARUS, do pref *>. Sc Paul 112 ‘V. S Rubber 2*'* do pref HP*, do pref l |* a- O. ....106 Western I'nlon. 7“ v i Sou Par .32*1 R 1 A ’( Sou Ry H*V do pref ii do pref IH p c <’■ * Tex. A pn .. !'** IfOtlla E! Bond* P S ref 2*. reg 14 | 2nd* do roup l'V4 do do ,v fit*. do .3*. re* l>4 ?V' Y. (' I*l* .. do .3*. i'OU. 110 ♦>’ J C. km. t*.l23>* do new *.re)i 134 No Pa a do new 4a.eou.m do do 4* .. 102 do old 4*. reglH’k/v' Y\. C. A St do old 4* eon 114 V. 1,. 4a 1"..'. do o. re* ....11.3', N. A W. con 4*. 9*n, do 7*. tyu . lIJV.PH*. Nav. I*l* !• D of C. 3* . 123 do do 4 Itv3 Ateh a*n 4e 99V, <re S Elite ** 127 do a IJt 4* .... do <k> null i- 112'* T of (1 &* S3 Read Gett 4* .. **, do lt Ine bid. vR ‘1 W. Ic do 2nd Ine bid 10 St. I, A Ir. M. rv*n So 2nd* ..Kni 1 , eon. 5* Kft*, f A O 4‘,s .. 9**4 sc. E. A 8 K do do 9* 19’ S-n. (4* 121 \ j, eon.7* 139. Jit P eon* .. ..ItiiC do do H F S' P . C. A P. Deb S '9* I l**e 117*. ml. Term 4.. 91 do do .’.* H'a Col So 4* .. A> H“ P. " 71,4 (v A R G. I*l*. 192S S° Kl'- ia 1" , ‘* do do 4* 9S**t Hope A T. * <ft Rrle Gen 4* ... *9 TAP l*t ....113 E W a D C. | do do 2nd* .. 3 i,„ RH'Pn Pa. 4* ltd*. lien Eire te ..113 |Wabah let* .. ..117*, lowa Pan. lata .llS** do !nde 108 f. A N I'nlda (*3 W*C Shore 4* ll2‘* j o 4* . - 94 4VI* t 'eft 4* .... 8.3 1 * k A T. |Va. Cenlurle* **, ' jiew Y’ork. Oct. *.—Standard OH. i l'u UJ. NIM'GI.UJBOt* market*. Nols.-Tlirae quolatlona are revised da ly. and are k-pt a nftar a* possible In accord with Use prevailing wholesale prl e* Official quotation* ar* not ued when they dlsagrae nph the price* whota *aler aak Country nnd Northern Produre. POULTRY-The market ta steady. Quo taiions Broiler*. 3WJSo. per (ualr; half grown. 45®50c; thre- -fourth* grown, ofa@ k . h-n* tifafl7sc. rooster*. 4<>&faoc, duckw QQO7SC; geese. 75c0il 'V hex*■ <Sted\ at 17*|l8c, BUTTER—Th tone of the market is firm Quotation* Waatarn creamery. Keff 24<%. New York state dairy, 17i>tl22'r:. extra Flrlns 7lff2sc CHEESE—Market flint. fancy full rreum heese. lJtfac for 9* to 22-pound average, 2SC9*-pound average, 13c. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES—Northern. 32 00 sack CARBAGE—M>7c per head. ONIONS— Yellow. In barrels, $2-001 crates, 90. ; red. tl 90fl2 f b 111 tt. lie* nntl t.raIU FDJt'R Market steady; paten*. 34 40. straight, 14 f*, fancy. $3 *5. family. Ii 8> MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. 32 75. per sack. II 0. city meal, per sa k. bolted. II 2"tJ 1 26. water ground tl 25. city grtte sack*. II 27,. pearl grits, Hudnut*', per barrel. 42 45. per eack. tl.lo. sundry brand* I! 2501 30 sack CORN Market Arm. white. Job lota, 86c; rat load lota 82c; mixed corn. Job lots, 6.*c. carload lot*. 59c RH'E Market steady, demand good; fancy head. 8- . fancy, 5V4c. Prim* 5 Good 4<%44 Fair 4 B<‘% Common .35% OATS— N*. 2 mixed, carload. 34V . Job lot*. 354138' . while dipped, 40r Job. J7c. BRAN-Job lot*. 95c; carload lota. 90v HAY—Market steady; No. 1 timothy. 92V Job; 47H ears. No 2. 36c Job. $344 car# Macon, llama an,l l.nrd. BACON—Market Arm; D. SCR aides S’.ilJHc. D. S heilles, fa'.fj 10c (Eastern, ac cording to average sis*. D S bellie* 9*40 94fac (Western), smokexi C. R. aide*. 9'.® 9V\ * *. LARD Pure m tier e* uya' .In •• pound tin* ard A'-pound tub*. 909', compound. In tlerr**. **%c, 50-pound ttna. and 9)-pound tubs, Kfac Sugar nud I offer. SUGAR— Cut .oaf 8 53 Diamond A i 8* Crushed 8 13 Confectioner* A 533 Powdered .. 3 It Whit* Extra C i 33 XXXX, powd* C fa. 47 tiranulaieei .. >u, .b.l.len C %tv * til* : t 1* Yt U.tW . i vt.. Mould A .. . . *v 21 rOKFKB— Mon ha 2>‘. |l’ttme No 3 || ~ Java 2ft* j t ivMv.l No 4 . lib, Pealterry .. 14 < Pair. No !> . UK-,- | K.inr v No. 1 12 CTOrxhnary, No. it lit I Chotne N 2. 11V,. (Vtoimnn No 7 nt,. ■ ituvov.iv aud klutatu* * ti|vllr• EIME. CAEPIUM. PLASTER AND 1 CEMENT Alaiiami* at and Ueor*l.v ltm In fair detttanv, and e**lr ac Hf. i*ent* a laurel; apeclal calcined |>tater. I’, uu per barrel, I hair. 4Vi la* Roaedal-* cement. || j, u j &, carload lole. apeclal. Portrand nemetic, re tail. 8. <artu id Its* 12 ti 2 30 El MHER F O B VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, vard etae*. |IO &U./11 ®t; In tr *111", 112 .Vtsl3 00; dlffl* ull t.iae* 41401 4274 00. ahlp etock. |lfi nbaikOO. sawn tlaa. J 8 0048J.&U. hewn Ilea 3343 ft OIL Market *iead> . demand fair; alft. nal, WOCOc, Wet Virijlnia blank. 9®lJc; lard. 6*. . tteatef.tol i*,|7on. machinery. l lltireed ml raw • • 1.. ~ , keroaerie. prlma whlra. 12 ; water whltai 1.3 ; Pratt* aettal 14; deodorlxed etova Caroline, drum*. llVc. empty oil barret*, delivered *6e SHOT Drop. 41 to. B P and larfe. |l :*• chilled 41 73. IRON Market very Swede. 5140. NAILS-Cut. 1:1.0 ba. . wire. |2 Hi baa* BARBED WIRE ISM per IJO pound*. atralKht ftood*. 2Si4n, rugar lion, tn laaee*. I&IfJDe. GUN POWDER- Per ke*. Auetln rraek ■hot. 41"° half kec 1 i.,.,rter k.**. 41 25; rhampion dtiektn*. quarter kee 42 SB; Dttp.vnt and Hazard etnokelee*. bait j kea*. 411 27. quarter ktp, JS.7S; 1-pound 1 ranldera. 41 00. lee* 27. per vent : Trotedorf i •rnokeiee* powder. 1-pound can*. |1 00. 10 i pound can* 90c pound aall, Hide* and Wool. BAIT Demanu ra ralr and the market [ aleady. carioatf lota, lOu-pound tiurlao Bank*. 44c; 10U-|>ouotl cotton atvnk. 44n; I 110-gMiund burlap hm< he. 4*Vie; 110-pound eottfsi aa< k*. 49t*e: ZE> pound burlap s.n ka fat* ■. 12E>-|.omul not ton aaek. fab. , Xlu pound burlap aaek*. he. HlDES—Market Arm; dry flint. Hike; dry ..ill, Illy, irre-u -ailed. Sc. WOOL Nomina.; prime Georgia, free of aand burr* and blank woo). IV. black, lie; burry. 10c. Wax, Sic; tallow, |v*c. Deer *kln*. 30c rrnlla nud Ante. API'LES Early North, rn variety, 32.2fa0 3.23. BANANAS 41 27.511 7.0 burinh LEMONS Mark* t vt. tidy at 43 .V). ialla tA NI TS 4.1 7'.lt ton PEANUTS Ample atonk, fair demand; market firm, fanny h tttd pl-ked. Virginia, per pound 4Vfae; band picked, Virginia, ex tra* 4e, N C aeed iieanut* 4e NUTS Almond* Tarragnna. lde; Trleaa. He; walnut*. French. 12e. Naple*. 12e, pa . an*. 12n; Hraxl|*. I3n. filbert*. ISe; u**nrt. *vl nut*, fat.-pminvl ard 25 |uml hoxee, IJe. lotion liaaalax end Ilea. BAGGlNG—klarkei firm; Jute. Im pound. 9V,n large lola, 9Vfac. email lotav ( pound. k s ,B9c 1.-pound. ISa'dUVfac; *ea bland bagging. 12V*c TII-7S Htandanl 45-pound, arrow, large lot*, (l 40; email lota. Sl.fao ■uu it and 4.xnitornted t rull,. APPLES- Evk|>oiated. 7u7n. aun-drled. fat -/0 tr APRIt'OTB Evaporated, rtfac pound, nectarine*. 10c RAISINS—U L, *2 00; Imperial rabfnele. 42 70. |rvu*e. <9l. pound tatxe*. *./ V 1 v I* 111 nll PEA' IIEH l va|.rated, pealed, l*Vy. unnenld V*./9. PEARS—Ev t|*>reled. k'ie- SI Ist ELI. (sum 9. FlSH—Mackerel, hill-lrrel*. No. I. I* to. No 2. |7,ui. No. 3. 16 75. kit*. No 1, 11 jit. No 2, 31.10; No. I. *5 t'odtlah. l-poutel brick*. %'.* . 2-pound bricks, tfa' Smoked t • n|*. per 1-0 Iftt Dutcn herrings. In k< ir. $1 It), n< t* mulltes. hell lefctrels. —. SYRUP Market quiet; Georgia and Florida eytup. buying at 2*fj3oc. selllug at 328135 c; sugar house at 108f!5c. HONEY Pair demand, strained, In bar rels. 55*JtK)c gallon. High wine basis, 31 28 Ot KAN 19*. COTTON —Savannah to I baton, per rwt . 25c, to Ne** York per carl., 20r, to PhikMlelphla. per bale 11. Baltimore, tl. FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen, 66<'. Liv erpool. .'6c, Hamburg. 67c. Genoa, Ai; Rnrcelona 7T--; Manchester, 53c, Havre, 57' . Antwerp. 57c FOREIGN INDlßECT—Liverpool. 7Jc. Manchester. 85c. nominal. Ilomburr. ftv. Havre. 75c. Genoa. 73c; Revel and St Petersburg. 75 . Antwerp. 81 LUMBER Hy Salt Freight* dull: 10 Baltimore nnd eedward. It fab lo |8 00 per M . Including Portland LUMBER Ry Steam Savannah to Ba llmore, 17,90; to P R R or B, ft O dork* 1 59. to Philadelphia. 18*%c. p*r cw <4 pound, #0 foo*) to New York 18 W) per M 97 25 to dock: lightered to Boston to dock 3* V NAVAL STORES The market is firm medium six* vessels Ibeln—Cork for orders, 3s •>! per barrel of 310 pound*, an.l 5 per cent primage Spirit* 4* 9d p*r fact gallons gtoss, and 5 per cent prlmag- Large vessels, rosin, k, spirit*. 4* 2d S',xm lie per 190 pounds on rosin; 71V on spirits. Savannah 10 Boston and 9V on roaln and 19c on spirit* to New York CiR 9 1%. PMOVISIOA*. K.TU. New York. Oct 3—Flour was very quiet and a *had lower 10 fell owing tn further decline* tn whsat Rice flour dull. Corn m"*l steady, yellow Western. 90. Rice ffrm No 2 Western 80r Bsrley firm, feeding 44Vl4*c R,rl*y malt dul . Western. *2Bl*B' Wheat spe,! ea*v. No 2 red. *l4*r. op tions opened steady on ra'her llaht nftsr- Ings but quickly developed weakness and a sharp decline under bearish cabins, big Plant System of Railways. Tr.iina |9 r’*l (•. 9*>th Mrn lian Tlmr* on*- Hou Si wr Than Cny Teiu®. 33 6 78 Korth ani So ilh 23 2.5 & 111 Vl DOWN l ff. 4 li\. (Kl 1, Mn> liK\h If t.’ ‘V 515 % 1 .* I.v HMVannih Ar 2in 7 '*•. 0 Io| I 19i> 10 30.1 6 x i Ar < ’h.f U510t).... l.v 11 15| 6 i io . , •*. 3.M i 7J. |* \r Ill' ll Hi4nl ~ I.v !***. b (s. .... 7oi i ll 90p Ar . Waft* mg ton Li • 0 *. <j7 h ’2ix I (Mi Ar luiitmorr . L\ II . a I 4>;i ..... jloX>i ... .1 * Vr i'nilit|p.phui , l.v L Jpll 1 lip . 7 'Oi Ar . *V (* Ymk . Lv 9 xJw. x Jo|' i ()0f Ar IW>*ioii Lv j I 00|i L*mi, i ..... 16 .73 ! 53 23 ~~ Hn ilh 7? i 2! 32 16* >• ■I * .1 ?,.p x |oi ft .y i,i .1 |,V Lv Hiv ii, i!i A 1 '•*► ! 2 I6i 7'■■ 1 i '6 I*A X , 44*|' l' ;* ... 7 -•• t. .4 * Al . lit) •' - 1 '<* ? "af* 9 I f* 4 l'*f* ’* Vi I 7 05% JU. 4 U'p i 15p 2l |* ' f* Ar Tuom 49. li. L\ 6 lop 6I j •16 2l .4 10 ?'p 7 K*|* 12 56,4 1* . i 8 r**i \r . ,!.• k iiv :i •* Lv < (Wp. 7 4;*p J UUp xw- . *?x ■ h‘ •"I* 1 12 i2p U 4)3p Ar .. i-•&% *ka I j. (Slip ,J t • 3 35* 2 u..rt 5 4*n Ar .. >%4.r r t | . J, 12 :..p . .t.i !J *0 .. ,j 2 3*|* 2 6| Nr Clul n*i*vll|a Lv 3 4<p ..... ... ..... j | .... 3 ’6f* 3 !*H> Ar i# Lv j 1 top | j i0 rn jo ■* | Ar ,r*i l*rt buig l.v -i ay* 7 *k% pi rxq* 10 Wp 10 00p Ar I*in|*a 1.% x *►,* ftOUk| M v>n* h Ooi x .V4.,i lo *1 |o ;t <p 10 3rp Ar Ft*rl i rmf. i I.v 7,...* ; 7 2f*t> 7|p \ I'liiiU Uor4(i I .v 4 |i 10 45.1 I*> 4*.. Ar ! An, i-lii.. Lv n 3h|. f ..... ii jt .1 15(4 - >f* . JO-4 Lv iifiah... Lv M |s M r 0 ■ . .... 4 45p 6Um 4 ;■**, 64 m Nr . ,L Mip |, v o;|i wip . . x .Mf* 7 lua 4 35|* H 4iv Ar Burn %i. k | <x #; 01, f ut|>;. ... j NORTH NV FeHT NN D SifTM W KST Via Jkkup V’la Mon(|(MiM*ry ~T6 f , tap 5 2014 Lv Hiv nn h Ar 1*? 12 ♦ • **)|> n ;oh I.v Savanitah Nr 10 15aS I®% 11 4.• |> ti 4*m Nr .L*a*lp l*\ 6 16 - H‘ * :••*• U j** Ar Mrgm- ry l,v 7 46p!t1 ttxx :i •>, l irp Nr Mat tel L\ 10 * 7 3*t* 7 Jof 0 .)X Ar Nahvftlr* Lv! 9 00a 3 31% s 1 .1 ( p Ar Ail-irn Lv 10 45|> L* 6*i9 2 **m U 3><i* Ar LiUPvllio Lv 2 -%a 9 lip (ki x (4*f> \r 1 1 ooK iL% u*l * 4.54 7 I (¥4* ,N Ctnclfmall Lv 11 00p 8 iSp 7 >l* 7*m Nr ,ldi> lav ilia L\ 7 4 7 lap 7 2Vn 7 Itq* \i Hi. f xul * Lv, 3 56p| La 7 'h* 7 • At ('‘lni Innatl Lv| x ;>>.* 7 00p j (I*. St N.) * 7 i*4; 6 oOfi Ar ,H( I *4 911 In Lv 018 00*4 7 3?.i .... Ar Hi IdOtna Lv|, 8 OOp 7 Isu 6 lop Ar Chicago Lv 8 *Jp 9 00|t ) (NI AO) || | 9Va 4 IN' l.v Vtltnta Ai in lp 11 lb* • • ,; H' Ar < hi. ,gu| 701 4p xii|* 7 1.5i Nr M* m|hi- Lv * 204 ?h* 4 12|- :\ * 1 Nr M->bilK l#v ,12 Sipl2 20% 9 (.'ni 7 104 Ar Kxitra ' 1 yl*v 6 &H> '* li* x *'j> 7 4*ki At N Orleans Lv 7 s'*aj 7 45p *si| 6 :>*a t.v Rivannah Ar 10 1!U 12 10% Thivajgh Piillmin Far Hr rv I r 1 45a 12 30| Ar Tifton Lv 2lai 6 2R9 3 4*i 2 10|* Nr Allvinv I*' 12 Ola! -1 *6p to North !’.?( an 1 Wml arul (o Florid 1 6 .*o| Ar o. tmbu L K . |lO •% 4’ivnnt tiivn in nl#* t For! Tampa with ateatnrm for kv VV**at and Havana. Leaving Don Timpi Montlayr, Thur?l%v <• ami Halurday? **t 1109 p in .1 11. Folhatnu T P A E A Armaod ' lly Tkt Ngi Dr* Hoto Hotel. Phona 73. B NN NVBFNN Paxrrngrr Traffl. M.inagar, Ha van nah. Ga McUOi\OUGH & BALLANTYNE, V Iron Founders, Machinists, *““•, *• tier Mh ei,, e..ul, alurm e' ■"■• 888' •" •' I‘erteM. ItaaleM, x.rtie.t Hr **IIU, Mill e.d '• we, Ik* III.* Kwllere, Me V TELEPHONE NO. 123. ll W'lrll* shipment*, clear weather In the Northwc I and fureign selling An unex || .ted de.i.-ae- In the visible brought ac tlv. afternoon covering, however, and a pamal ie. overy of th" early lon hut final rrallalng loft the market we.k al |c net .!• tin. Match N.V . May, k 6%, . Oclolwr, so. . De- embar, k2N. C,,rti spot easy; No. 3.43 c; steady to firm ail day mi renewed export demand. Haiti speculative ufTer.iig* and covering by ehoris In near by optl .n*. closed firm at -Sc nm advance May dned, 41V. Oc tober, I' V . December, t.’ l , ' Dal* *i*a dull. No. i. 3fac, options quiet but steadily held 41eef quid. Cut meat* sleady. Fork firm, family, sl* M#l7 HO; short clear, 314 fauta 17.Ut. ine*.-, 414.907715.50. Tal low rjulei Rosin, steady. Turpentine steady Rice him *’,.fTe„ futures opened steady el 108120 (s.lnt- advanee and ruled firm and fairly active, following higher Ktiiopean cable* ond foreign buying Speculation we* die. ked by . iMitlnued heavy receipt at Rio and Santo- Closed steady with price* 10 to 20 point* n I higher Tolfal *ale* were jif.otw tag*. Including October, 7 A*, lie. ember, 7.4fafai7 i*k'. Jmuary. 7 b'o7 fa-', l ' sp >| coffee. Itio firm; No. 7 tnviUcr, N\.- bll Mild market steady, Cordova, 9V<r 14c Kll gar— Raw steady: fair refining. 4'%c; centrifugal. 98-test. Ufa l '. Molasses sugar. 4c, refined steady, tinner o'lle*, Hestern creamery, 18IU 20',c; slate dairy, Kga'.'oc. Cheese nominal: large while. Hr; small white, lie. I*..tables quiet; Jersey, 31 OOgJ] fg>; New York. 31 'Ol,l 82',. I-oitg Island, fl .5101.75: Jersey sweets. 32 2503.75. I*.atiut* firm, fancy handpicked. 48f4V: other domeatlca, 2'%*isc ' aid,age steady: Ixnig Island per 190. 31 5U2 25 Kielghis to Liverpool dull; cotton by steam, 4ttc ttlTTtlt 3EKII MIL N. w York Dm (. -Cottonnee-I oil we# firmly held on light rrfTeiing* and a fair export demand for everything. Hi Ime crude barrels .9' asked prime stnnne-r yellow. 371i*7V prompt, off aummer yel low. 38t)J>>'y ; do winter yellow. 41$ O . prime white, loe; prime meal, 3%. 4 3*14 *M tMHKKTX. Chi t*o. On 3 Wheat wa* qulei and Irregular to-day, wlHt lower oabloe and good weather Ihe predom natlng In ft Hence*, November dosing Stf'** under Saturitay. Corn closed H higher; oils, ’ unchanged, and proviaioi)* 8V lower 5c higher The lending future* ranged as follow*: Opening llfgltesl. Is,west Closing Wheal No 2. Oct 7S 78 7 fa pH, Nov 77V77t% 77'. 70S 78’, I>rc ... 773'u7* 73 M 7314 771% 77'%®17 , Corn No. 3. Oct 40'% tl'i 4W. Ufa, Nov. 3U.037V4 377% 3.', .TJ9,t7’, If. 34’, 35 4335', 34’, 36 $3, . Oat* No. 2. Dot 22'. 32*4 22', 22 A Nov 22',If23’fa 22*%0J2*% 23*%<323 23'4t/72N Dec. . 22502294 329% 22N 225t|22% Men* pork, per barrel.— Oct .. 317117 fin 318 99 318 m Nov 11 V.u, 12 Ut 11 *7(4 11 79 Jan 11 12 99 11 86 11 *. laird, per 100 pound*.— Ocl. .... 7.12', 735 7 32'* 7 32* Nov 7 27', 7 321* 7 2H* 7 27'* Jan 7 nu 7 D2H 3 97'% 7 09 Short rib* per ]no pounds Ocl k (in 3 15 in 3 10 Nov 7 371* 7 46 7 *H% 7 40 Jan .... 6 324* 8 37'* 6 03!* 635 Cash quotation* were a* follow. Flour, aleady, No 3 spring wneal. 7 Va77V ■ No 3 ted, 77ft'DV, No. 2 corn. 40\(j41 V. No 3 yellow 413,4)41 V. No Joels. 22*a2jA,c; No. 2 while. 24'. 1128 V. No. i while, 241) 25**c. No 2 rye. 62.-. (air to choice malting bailey, 49553 c. No I flaxseed 31.53; No. 1 Northwestern 3!'Ofi! <*>. prime timothy seed. 31 2tffjl 2), mere |rk. per barrel. 31:. 50® 16.011, lard, fier IM) pounds I7 3.HU 7.36. short rltw side* ihaieei 33 45ff*55, dry sailed shoulders, (Ixntdl. 3<, ih,4)6 00t%; short ilear *lde*. (boxed), 33 46973.55. — 1 e 1 A Delicious ViMiikr. Thu Herbert Bpenc*r la an elegant cigar and I* truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fume* of this fins tobacco; II la evbilarallng and drllclou*. etee that the name of Herbert Hpencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which non* are genuine The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by th* box of Ui Conchas al 33 50. and Ferfeclo*. M b) at IJpinnan Bra*., whole axle druggist*. Barnard and Cgograu at rests, of this city —ad. ■ -a- . 1 "Oraybeard la a family medicine orlth *a.” * and a p,r mln.-nt b jalnes* man ye* tercMty "My wife takes It, and 1 n doe ah*- Is enjoying be'let health than fur years. The children keep well by taking IL " Gruvb ard may be obtained at all drug ■torse or writ* to u* for It. Reap*** Drug Cos, Sole prep*., Savannah, Ua,-ad. VCEORGIA U'YCO. y •rhadulaa Rffacllv* Brpt. 10, loot Train* arrlv* at and ik|n front dtallon. Want firoud, fool af 1 ..I,art y •Irani •Oth Mrrtdlan Tlmn -On* hour alowar Ilia a rlly lima Arriva ■avannah: Havannah: | Auk iihi * Main •* iam*, MllMgavllla H oiptn !n<l all Intrrmrdlala point*, |Auu.ta Margo. Atlanta.l (Alhrtia, Muii'i riurv C*-| •9 Mil in'iiimbiia, birmingliam Atnlt (tea |rloua. Eufaula and Troy | t< Mjpm Dow AooaoußadaiMa ||7 taan f* Otiptui Guyton Du.nar fi £ R Mas •Hally. fßirapt Hunday IIETWBKN SAVANNAH AND TYIIRB. • Slh rnrrldlan or Savannah rlly lima. HEAVE SAVANNAH. XliHiday only a Dally except Monday 9:30 H in Dally 300 p m. I.BAVK TYIUiB. 716 H "> Doll* Monday io 2u u. m. I>i|y &30 p. m. Conntrtftona rnd<* at po.nta* I* 1 * HI trains .North weal. Weal and Kiilhwff|. j Staoplnc rara on nlatit Iraliia hat warn savannah ami Auyuata, Ma tai, Atlanta • n<l IHrmlriKham ' “ r, ? r r* r " o,> '•"V tralna b-twaan *a van nan. Ma. on and Atlanta. '"otnplaia Information, aryhrdulea, ,V‘ '■®nna. t|on apply to " ° HHKWKIt oily Tl. kM and Paaa nrr A.tni, l 7 Dull atrrat or j'r" IUtIT' r o F: r ’- pn ' Tlrk.t A Karl. F II IHNTMV Z'"- *"• iuKA ,T ON ' T ram r Manayrr. D. KI.INE, (]*n Snp„rlnt. n.lnt, Savannah. Ob Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington, Baltimore, Fblladalpbia, New York -—* the East. I No 44 | No M Lv Savannah. A- A. L. Ry U Mpmjll 59pm Ar ( Olumbl*. g A. L. Hy| 4 33pm 1 4 18am Ar Raleigh. B A. L. Ry (ll 37pm 11 50am Ar Durham. S A. L Ry | 7 >am 4 18 P m * r I viwbun, B A.L. Ryl 4 13am 4pm Ar Richmond. R. ft. u Ry 6 Rare 3 4*pm Ar R.iehlngton, Henna , 9 46am 9 39pm * r '. “!'': n ? r * |lu Oftern 11 pre Ar 1 hlhidelphla. Henna.. |l] 77pm ■> bSam Ar New York Henna j 303 pm 311 am I No 44 No if I.v Bavannah. B A L By 12 Sspm 11 Spm Ar Horismouth. 8 A L. Ry| 7 00am 5 tOpre Htrunier* leave Norfolk dally, except Sunday for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Waablngtog. The short line lo Montgomery, Mobil* and New Orleans, leaving Bavannah at 7:25 a m„ arriving al Montgomery 740 p m , at which point close connection Is made with the L. ft N. R R . arriving at Mobile Sot a. ro. and Naw Orleans 7:40 a. m Th# short 110* to Fern • vtlle. Tampa and other Florida points. | No. 77 i No. 31 rr'lL\annah;TXX.~Ry; 6 tgamiTSfjii Ar Fernandlna, B.A.L.Ryj 9 Item; 9 05pm Ar Jacksonville. SAL Ry| 9 loamj 7 40pm Ar Tampa. B A. L. Ry....[ 6 Mpm; 8 loam Magnlffcena Pullman buffet sleeping car service lo Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining car, from Bavannah to Hamlat, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor car* Bavannab to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket Ofßo*. Bull and Bryan atraats. Fhon* 2* J. D. WEED * CO •AYAMAM. aA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Bose. A goal* far NSW TORS RUBBER BELTIN'O AND FACJUNQ CUJLPAN L 9