The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 NEGROES HELD AS SUSPECTS. i'iinm i v im ximi l* \ i.tinmiHi > '•) fnnrral of th. Murdrrril fnailuflnr 11,1.1 IrOrrilai of llrn.wli I. ahrrlt 11.-rrt. I nilalio ih* I nlliirr lo I'rn 11 fhr Ntaru Uilli lloHtl. -i,,. flr "rar,-h for Ihr Mmm %\ 111 11.- I*r Bruti'i. k. <; "i hvf U-cn made 10-da* •( ' si- .►!'<-i-l < Uondurior Uticn-w n ' < POMIU* Khntm .>n . ; •• ' nh„ (*■ n made. The fumral serv < .r th* remains ~f tha mui.V-rl < • h* r * tO-L.v an<l **i ,>'.) Iby ; large con tour:*# off l *# * ’* “ M frit i Iti rl* i ► • * '*** to ©••cure bounds foi ih • h*fc' i - ’*• • Morning N‘*> •r if.j th*it t,* rti ©vety effort t oiid it o dog*• >i%! and t>> privet© oljki!**. but : ..I'd to a- r th* < t> - b©. **- h ' vx- -• j.r .< Ural P in.* ■ -lM*. bring 22 j IT . ii.r wni.' • private >wi*r. t% HI I l not ld th M out Sheriff licrrle -*i - that thrr* depti -Iles* then L*.lowed etipp -• 1 trail tor t rvt v odd mli*-!* i* i* w* : un ■* * -ful after an .•!I m** • i t Tr- n-\ dx h* min - rfvirt ofb •ft bad to ** n Bruns vi k >* attend i 1 •!!. hut that Hie Mtrrh *.u* Mill • utwl H* feel* th i he ha* dot- 1 ' • : i> in ir > ii£ to aopff hr 1.1 t 1 * n> . ... r ■ Sheriff lierMe Mates that ih* ,rarr*h I* Mi l on aid mil i* k* pt If* to the best of the oft) •n- t it\ m I informalk*u •MM I% I. 4 I I II IN •* I t NIT*. *1 hr Colonial In \ilnnln In the ll*inl> of * Hrretser. Atlanta. Oct. <♦ \t inta * newe.-l aorta tub. the <* Ii il to-dav went into the hands* of a Mm; ra:y ** i iv* r pending th# hearing In <* .rt *<f bill for n jet timnent r* • >* 11.• imund i at the ©rg.i/■ .juiiion ie n-o. • lit n<! ui.abie t I 1 Company un i of era made th* apfdlca* lion for a re. • iv r Tn- amount n*m*rl in the Mil again!*! •he club I- about $! N *‘ Non-paynvnt of O iobrr lue by t m• mb. r l • l.cmei the cauar of the lubd Mimn' ki. •‘trail* >lany of th* prominent young in* r In At lanta rode tv ar. membera of the club. IM III! *i:i M* I V\ INSKH. Mrlirard Mr Will Hr fhr Nml Ad lulnni (irnrral. Atlanta. O t. k It I predicted m politi cal flnrlea that Thill <i l*yrd will b*' ap pointed by Gov. Candler to eu< < eed Adju tant (leneial Kell, lio died r* *ntl> The (Jovemcr ip ove. v with appllca Mon* for th© joo. but It ro mr a ii oci a certainty, a* wording lo the prophet* that Byrd hae the appointment landed Amoc.g the name* urged upon the Gov ernor for the i* ,* e ia that >f Ooodloe Yancey. Col J \V. Robertson of Cobb county le klmi in the r; M \% UhOHlilA H AII.HOAD. \\ ill K.ileud kr%#n Mllr Hrtwrra *iatetnro ml Itrglatrr. Atlanta Ort. •. —Secretary or Btaie t ook has reretvwl apptb ailon for a char ter for the Statesboro end Hegiater Rail road a line eeven nu)< in length, to run from S'Mteeboro Cos Register. In Rulk>< n count* The capital t** M'.on* ind ile in corpora tout nu- Thom a* K Klllott of Winaboro. S C . Chari* - P. lH)ugU-- of Washington. I> t* , Jam*- E. Hog ci F f* Register. Br.*k- Stmmona, Jum* ■ T Bothwell. John I> fth* .than. F. T I> khart end J. B lxw-knart a tin; mihim*. Atleuta Wants lltr Federation ol l.n Itor • Ml Vi >•••. Atlanta (•< t '* A mov*mei;* is on font to trb<g the annual onvntlon of tb*' Ameiit'nn Federation of l.n>or o At uti;. 111 This l* lh grc.itest lt*or body In the eorld. having under ti- Jtirbdic fion nearly JJW.OfW otgaulait workers The in • ting t i.- year co<ivena In jLoulfvtllc Ky ,on I• . 14 nat iborgi.i will t* vil r* pt * -nled. and It I- <-ontl - exp* t- and t o* d‘ K.toc from th** Houth will be auiroiful in securing tin prise for this city. tiFM ii.i:* mii %%r.%. tint. tlrAwsrnfr Will Perform the Wrilillna t rrnnom. Columbia. P. C . Oct 0 Teo >oung men who ar* friends .*• Gov M Hw pih v rt 1 Ganttier. will marry !;*• * ► *f th* Jewi.-h faith at Klngatree on • * V They have ]* t*'d that ml her pr.e-t nor minister shal l otli Ist* ur.d hav* In vited the Gove;nor t -ittend the double weddin* and in .tM*lty *f chief tnagH frate, perform i te r#-ismony. Gov. M * Sweeney h* a opted M tilt: Hhl.liot IXSI’F.I Kill. Well-K noxs it Newspaper Alan Ap pwlnfed lo the < nattnlMlntirr. Atlanta. Oct. f Frank Weldon of the Cone'itution j*toff, wt- to-ditv oppolnt**! oli lusfM . *or b> Comm.--itMo i Stevens Mr Weldon is one ot ttie best known young men n A Untu At t nt w-|*a|ar worker ti. -n *m*- b*i> l.imi ihi .*.I Ah the own*; of the Southern Engraving Company he is prominent among the Jowl bus in* t* men lti|itit* in I nlhoilnu, Talhotton. Ga On The Columbus Baptist A.-'•*• i.itton convene*! tth T il botton Chuch to-d*y Ther. are twenty five churches In the aseo*datlon, find nearly all of them *i represented Dr. Taylor ol Ad. nt.* Dr !? W Rue aey. Rev. II C*. Hurtey ai *1 Capt F. J Johnson of *•• uinlu.s H\. li J W Graham of M on. .• and othet prominent BafHlvts :r attending Th* -esslon will continue severu *tays i ll*. |M* I tii-*l *Mp** for. Atlanta, t* • 0 ‘ apl **org. If. f-fep* was to-day * • t*d b> \ >-• 1- ard of H*. t tO serv* a.- < ns*-. and aiy Insp*' *•*• In th place ef J T Umrj who re igned this afternoon. Lowry wok euspemkd. j• i dim* riisrjfi - against him. several da> ■ a.o. Hi- realgnution f<- *v was u sun rise to the board. Capt. Hope iv m • ommand of Troop b. Governor s Horse Guard. First Georgia Cavalry * ( iinanl mlh 11 iiu ft* furits. Atlanta. Oc* '* Pe rt ir,v of Plate Cook in to-day r* 8 *Tvlng and uinoild#tlng returns from th*- vir.iK# counties for she last state election The election of Judge* and fOl.citOT!* “.> th* pe*vp * 1* likely to prrdorr th* working of •on sol Ufa t lon to • hre* irmi read <tf wo. kiys After Dinner To a*.lit diur* lor., r<“iirv>* dlitr<*M after estlna or drlnklns 'oo U*rtlly. to prevent run*:lout lon. take Hood’s Pills Bold everywhere. 25 cental Afoollinaris JL “THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.** Bottled at and imported from the Apollinaris Spring. Rhrnish Prussia, charged only with its own natural gas. Annual Sales: 25,720,000 Bottles. AN iNTK-HoHTKAI *lll Hill NT. Alleo Told lfHt Hr Mud Hern < lit V> Martin. Qrlffln. <; f. * ) ie V A I r wh* w 4 itabb* t ; f r. 'i • n ’• ase 1 ur i • j efftetaof which h* d* and *>s* * morning <f ; Oct, 3. mad* .*• iM -mor*' m ► ateinsnt j.jKt ten mil'll* be lore h* • plied hIK phy -.udianN having infoitivd tdm th .t there w* no i rd: • n* !*• li in i > I"* an hour longer Th* -*.*•* tit* s. * I* **w In the hand - *-l th* Ju-n who t -*k • • i* Hon *'f t * pr*.-* iiifig i lorn* v a i ha . no; been given out to Ihe publx Th* pi*miiien**** **f the ; irtles bag given ri.-e to in i h Interval in tb* •**>• wn **n nil. - vlgoiouely proM. utfi atol del* nd ♦ and It will i* r-*rn< ml t * ■■ 1 thru Alien aiwi Martin hid • few w rd i.n the night he* foi* the lilting over All'll During in Mar Hi. - more Hot word* brought (mi ; n tinea*.- and All*n re, ..d find teulincd i xt * y and tmewe I he .* ,*ar* it *i thi wound I hot ft 0 fatal In hi* dviiig .statement Alien a-iys. * ofttUig to tn Morning New Inform ant thtt' iteillg duly •on -. lou .* of * fvi : tiiat d* fu i;pra h**t nd being **f i tl i • it tfio tun of th** cutting had h* u knit*, wave tn one • nat w.i shut. In til p> k* ? ind th*r did not ait Mai tin or h*v* n* *■!>*■• in hie hand, that h*- vn w htkl by Tin- • wt‘,i* Martin > ut him. a id ht l*.#- to. A -! it, n, iftev >d been cu • bv Martin. Thb ! th** oiiy important , matter on fit** drpoidllon. and it will i>e u **i foi all It Ik worth The pi<>-* • utkm %vtil • r* pr* -• nt* Iby J i.lg* M f m W He* k Martin will l'* reprr.-eflt* and by <’ol Llo>d Clevt land *>f this city and Col. I" '/. <*utt> f Jnk ton w’td* Put a haM employed Hon Kobe; t T Daniel to defend him Botu Martin ar*l Pitts nr** 1n jail her* nwait- | lng a preliminary trial, w.'ii h will prod ubl> not be demanded. URKiI.h u 11.1. %TI UP. (irnrglii f <ngressnt*i n I filled on to spent* in \**m ! ork Dawson, Ga , Oct. o —Congressman J M Griggs has been called upon to do some campaign work In the stale of New York lie will leave horn* in a few* days for New York and will probably spend two or three weeks stumping that slate (irigg ha- a w.*y of talking about and explaining Democratic principles that will no doubt move a great number to vote the ticket Mr It M Willson has Just completed her new hotel building Hinre Mrs Wlll kon was burned out some months ago. she has been put to much trouble providing room for all of her customer- Since the i-hower* of the ptst week Ter rell county farmers are n* ginning to sow gram Quite a number of them ar** sow -i tng In their cotton fields, plowing up tb** stalks perhaps one-half the cotton acre age of this section will not h** picked over again The cotton \x all open, and most of It pi kcd. —i m - ft TO PH Till! I Ol .tl AND WORKS OFF THK € OI I. laxative Bromo Qulnln* Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure, no pay Prico 3S> tents —ad frit lit N AI. 1.111. k* tin lletm nm Iterated flte 'lnn Who IMiln't Atnke taood. Atlanta. o,i 9.—ln the Foiled rttates Court to-day Robert Bella lebaum plead ed guilty bf s- tiding mprop* r letters through the malls, an*! was fined which he |M.d The letters he sent were .*•! dressed to Prof I. 11. Anderson of Chi cago, who olv rM-'d that h* could make .* mar. M\ always for s> B* hallebaum - tvs he sent I3h through the malls in ! r* • tved a ma -of adver tisements In return, but a careful sear n of th** matter fulled to discover t* him the s* • ret **f **• rnal !<• ter wh! a he had ’paid H*‘ then begin set dinK lettet n to the learned physician. t ling him In no choice language what he thought of him The po-tsl authorities arrested Pchalle hsutn In He Is a traveling .*!* -man The fleat Frrseriptlan far Malaria, Chills and Fever, Is a bottle of Grove s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It • simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cur# —no pay. Price fsa.- —ad MKKTIAC.9. C LINTON I.OUOB NO. M. F. A %. k. A regular *om muni** at km of this jk lodg* will b • • k! af Mu-on* Tm- BrJP pie (hi tWedr* - iayi evening at s o', ,o* k The i; A Deg re* w ill I*** conferred Members of sister lodg*s and vtsliing brethren an- cordially invtfcd to m* • t with ur A 8 COfIEN. W M \\ \i(!N< ; i:,— !::. r K *> • I’M I AI. AU I II 1.1. t %T.I till Nl \ OR li'ti \M> t FRI ITA. lIMSI i* At K. Will arrive this afternoon. o’clock. ! nrst car. lk'o iw k California dried fruit-, •'onalrtlng of apricots. |>C3 lies, pea re prunes, nectarines, tigs Goode ready for delivery at'l for Inapection Thursday m*trnlng 11th ifis.ant First car California canned fruits, 19 and Im Akl. arrived Monday. i out tin in* peaches. p< are. aprlcote. white cherri* gohien gac• ■ k tnd egg plums, inquire tor quotations. M FEHBT 8 80X8 & CO 1-Say and Whitaker streets. Phone 42. HO N I>9 KAfcLl I LU By the AtnerF an Bond.r.g an! Trust Company ot i.alun.ore W* are author i*ed to ns it* I*>- aiiy (irnm and atd> upon appilcatloiij a.i bonds it, Jud i I*l pri>- c'dlngs In either the *ute or Unlt.<| B ates , ourts. and of adminuirat. r# mu J guardlana HEARING A HI LL Agent* Telephons 3ft. Provident Building, W ALL IVAI’I H, r irftk iianuinu. Wo carry complete assortm*nt of iat nc style pa|crs. and employ only b* it srttsr* 6-e our goods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work Our pHca* tn* very lowest BA V A NN All BLMDDINO SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton atiu Congicao, Phone Jk .* THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1900. PE( IAL NOTH Rt. Li:\ AN * a T A 111.1 D'IIOTF. IJIKAF.M. Wc—DINNER—4Oc Dinner 1 to 3 and < to 9 VVidncsiay, o t lu. Claret Wine. gutr. Okra iP I Tomatoes. FISH Uf,|! and Wh ng Egg Bailee. I*, tat.i*.* t M ire* hale Slice ! Tom-cn*.*. Qu** n Oliven ('bow Chaw. Mix' and Pldklea. ENTREES Brochette- of Ylver ala Blentonne Green Corn Fritter>. (‘ream Bau a. ROASTED. Prime Riba of Beef. Dish Gravy. 8? • at. Apple Sauce VKGETAHLES M • he l I’o aioe*, Green peas. Rlct. Stewed Tomato* I *. lt.ik*l Yams. I'AST IIY AND DESSERT Vanlha Cuxtard Pie, A.-orted Cakes (*hee,-- < *Mkrs Ltinon Bh* r lAt Drip Coffee LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT 11! Congress at reef. west. N E\A FAST TRAIN NRRVIt C ON PI. ANT AYATKiI. Effective Oct. 1 n fa.-t train. * The 1 Savannah Expr - w.ll te operand be tween Albany and Savannah. Ga.. on the followii g schedule: Ia *ve Albany 12JH n'n. Leave Tlftofi l.jO pm. Arriv* WaycroM 4 Oh p m Leave Way* roee 4 10 pm. Arrive Savannah ? <>i p m Time Aituiny to Savannah, six hours and thirty minutes. R W WRENX. Passenger Traffic Manager NOTH E OF % MM At. IIILI. Non e i- hereby g.ven. that ■ th** om tng K*sslon of tne General Assembly of (Jeorgi.t. a lo*>il hill will i>e introduced, ent it led: An A t to ronver* the B*vannah Vol unteer iJuards from a Volunteer Corps of lntontty into a Battalion of Heavy Ar tillery, tomp*sed of four hrtierie* an*l Hint'd with rifle •• *■--at eqi*|*- rikentf preserving all the cot pot ate rlgh * a*>d fwrivilege heretofore, and nw en joy vd by .-aid Savannah \ olunteer Guard** nnd*r it- A *t *i! In •nrporutton ni ameni ni* ntk thereto, and for >tiier purposes * N‘* i m l n iA \ PAVBBI city Treasurer's Office. Savannah. Os., Oct. l. lsno The following taxes are now du* REAL ESTATE, third piartet. IPOO. STfH'K IN TRADE third quarter■, lpfth. FFRNITURE etc. ttiiri quarter. iw MONEY MORTGAGES, etc tnlrd quarter. lAfs A diiMount of TEN PER CENT will be al owe! upon all of the above if p*> - mn.i Is made within fifteen and iyg ifter Oct 1 C 8 HVD*I CRy Treamtrer ST I IT. AND #(il NT A TUFA. ItNKL Office Collector Rta*e and County Taxe-. * hat ham County, <Li.. Savannah. (><t b, 190n The dlgeel la now open for the collec tion of th ahov* tan* ot- all property, real and p rsonal. the apr'clflc t.x on pro f* uoti- al-o th i Poll T.*x foigg-Mu .itlonxl PutpOK* - nil Mil Mail* Hesideilts >f the city and county between ih*- ages o( 21 in l *■* >***ll Office :l th- Court lloUS*' I louts. 9 a. in to 2 p m JAH J McGOWAN Tax Collector. C C. EDItMIN 1.1. M rilll II.M MIN A UNG 4 O. l A A ANN All. The October Intele- on the nut-f inding t'oriif* of this company wiil b*- |vld be tween the dan sof Oct 1 and 20. Inclusive, on pr* sentstton *f coupon* at the Mer chant.-* National Rink of Savannah After Oct. 2i* they will be p,<il on pres ntatlon In Boston. Mas . hi the office of the Am erican laian and Tru>t (‘ompany. GKO J BALDWIN. President. GENERAL DEBILITY. 1. Plneus A Redell. Ait Studio \Wm Twenty-third street. New Yotk city. Sept 26 1193. Mr Andrew Hanlex M> Dear Sir ! have long i*cen a sufferer from g*aeral debility and tieivoueuc- f tak* pleasure In t-Ktifving to the a real cura’lve powers of Htiwane* Springs Water. NVlshlng you * very sue. eee, I am. truly yours. L PINCUH N Y A L K U R. Produce Exchange, New Y ork r* pt 22. 1493. Mr A Manley Dear 8lr: Ph-a.-e mii I me. us oin .? t*os-!hle. one • a e of Hu warn* Spring- Water I have improved far beyond my rapi t.itlow. and my ki l nev.- ue in very god condition now Your* truly, C. E LODGE 111 I.AIKEN'S t VI t Liberty and Whitaker. The only up tc da‘e cafe suitable for •elect parties tn the iity. Om bio k from De B©to Phone Mt> J. H. HELMKEN, Prop. HOLER AVI % Till It MAN A lilt %< INI. El l Et T. It makes you feel better and you can * iijoy a g,Kx! m*i. mote eK|>ecmil> wnen xou get ‘nine of th** flt-e meats to be hal ut my - tall* In the City M trk< t To- t> Ft im* Beef. Mut:otr and Veal. M *t. hb - Cornell Beef . * JOHN K INK I not H * phor *•* ,V<7. F Highest cash prices paid tr good calx eg. fflk 1.1 l NO ll* I Neither th* mi ter. owner nor con* signee <t th* Hrlti-h m- ip Bi,merle and will he rrsp*xnslte for any debts contract . 1 K I w \\ Cl RTIR, Mater. T4SI- UA! TO CLEAN lAltlhdl. Tb# on ]y way to get your caipets |krop er y taken up, leaned an i taken • an- of f* r the summer l to turn the ;<b over to t.* District Mss r.g r nd Delivery Cos., teltphon or cad st 12 Montgomery st set, end they wil make y u an e*t|. mate on the cost of the work Prices re*s r.a le They also |w< k. m-v# and Store furniture ?nd 'dsnoe C. !. MEDLOCfC Hunt and Mgr. Vll If IX lliving severed m> connection wtth t ie ( • ri-•• \ ory of Mure I hive -soured parlor* northeast corner Alrryorn and Oglethorpe avenue, wheie I wil: be pleas ed to serve the public l JOBKPH BTLEO. ”* PHONE 383 And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. BELSIN6ER & CO., IlhtUl \Uillkk BF\l> THIS. Mrun. aloof ltr Cos., >n xitn nn li. lea. Gentlrnirn-1 linxr brrn • treat • ifl**rer fr*m anil suffer u great deal. Heard of >oor Vege table Hiller® through a traveling • aleamau in la It I more. I proourrtl n bottle and find It give* me great relief. I certainly reeoinmeud It to liny nne Buffering from Indigestion, loan respectfully, ciftAfl. a. t it%>n%i.r. Annapolis. Mil. MIRK UTI.R, :t2t! U*st llrtfugbton street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Ar* n! for lot lunlng manufacturrra. makt >our xeiectiovi from them. Mayer, roluenbua. Buckeye. Frailer. For Hand. Waterloo. Watertown. West cot t. Ho* k Hill. Old Hi kory. M.I burn and Florence Farm Waqon**. Full iin! complete line of Harness. Ba<l dirr. Lap Rohea. etc. Ktl.rx HpringticUl Rubber Tires put **n at ehort nolb e. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Reef. Wine and Iron 75c Roach Hull (guaranteed) 10* K R < ...Ilk* TaU uni Powder, boiated oc Paimrr n Toilet Water# 60c Empty Capsules. 10* fcr b- T. P Dyapepsln Tab ©te Free Imported *'n>til- Soap >9 Insect Powder. F I* A Oo V e Trusses - r A• to $-• Syringes, Fountain 77r to S3 no Thermometer (Fever) . 50r to 62 00 We lead in ©ve-yihtng In our line. KNIGHT 8 PHARMACY. Ga Phone 53d. Bell Phone 539 \\ t. Hit am* tmt I UAL BSTATBf Negotiate loar.s on same at 5 per cent, and colli*t rent*. Kepr* ei t The Travel er* Insuran e t;o , Occident and liability departments IF pr* ent ih** N* w York Fnderwritem Fire In* sr fl v Rrprea**nt the Greenwich Fire ln* **o Ripn-ect the Phoenix Mutual Life In*. Cos. All busi ness t ntruaird to us will h* apprei latwl, nnd will re eiv* prompt an*l cartful at tention No 2/ Bay strec-r * t Tele phone m W. C. FRIPP A CO. I Ml HUM \ %M. Prescription* filled anytime, day or niht eompMind accurately, use only the bNt dru nt The only wide awake pharmacy in the sou hern weetlon I ARK AVENTK PHARMACY. J L Rranin. Prop.. Corner P rk \v#nue and Barnard street* ’Phone 1116 0000 mu Off Gel Wilson Whisky at RORT. REM LKR’B, LlLepy and Drayton. Head quarter- for ha I>est brands, i ountiv trad* eoUcltad. No charge far iug. Phone *l3 t 41661*: TO MR. Brlnt me your furniture to b© upho] ‘■tried. I have Just received the flne-t line o? cover!* :0 *t *1 curtains in Savannah Furnittir** leaving my house I? as goo*l a* and as pretty. DAVID ‘ LARK 111 J< ff'arson P 8 —Remember I mike mattresses RBD mi \HI. The beer of all beers is —RED HEART.- All good people orink It WM BRICKCeN, Manager JVNG BREWING CO. Phono 915. IF IT'S MIR, HR tf.%% i: IT. V ilk Ohvc 22*.' and quart. Imported Kdam and Bwiss i’heese • nnnad Strawiierrles. Pitted Cherries ar.d Red Raspberries Fresh Preserved Figs an 1 Oranges. California Evaporated P*v hc% I*)c lb Thont >55 HARDEE* MARSHALL Ot It ( LIIAT4 Loan money* at stx per lent, on real estate security BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers. ‘ • PbtlAL tOTICKA rAI LDIMi OF HIM* IILA9D t RI,L --UR AT ED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pur cider is set v*d on st amen on the American line, nnd at the Waldorf-Aa to U and lead ng family grocers in New Yo k <'lty Paul Hi g s Pippin c ids- Is made from the puie Juice ot hand p ked apples from his own mill on the premises It Is abso lutely pure apple juice, and all ih** efter v so. nc :a natural, and we gu.traniea it to be the h> tce*t cider In 'h* worl i. Ui(l:ne phxa tars in New York and Brooklxn recommend this cid.r to their pa tenU tie p rf< ct p*tl y is g iarant**#d. In Paulding e Pepin tder. only leng la* I .nd Newton's Pippins ate used The ap ples are laf* on the tree* until Ist** in Oc tobar when they are hand picked and placed In a dry room to ripen. Paulding save “the appl e are thorough ly crushed in hi own mill and the juKe pressed out and run Into sweet cb-an casks” The difference between crushing and gr ndlng apples is very great You will snow the diff renc© between er at< and app ea and ground ..pples If you take some atoms an I chew them you will find bitter fast#* which 1* not with Paulding’s crushed apples. This cular has not the extreme aw< e*n hs o' the Kuseet cl **r. and everyone will find the Pauid .g a Pippin cld*r just right to 'ake with dinner. LIPPMAN BHOfl, Bela Agents in SavannaiL AOTICE. We are now moving our Wholesale De partment to the commodious quarters 127 Congress street (formerly occupied by AI Dryfus, and will be in perfect shape tn a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY Ml Cl AL NOT n 1 City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Councl Oct. b. 19®k*. A vat *ncy having ** urred in th* Hoard of th Commissioners of Pilotage by rea son of the death of ‘ ’onimu**iooer J J. Wilder, and by virtue of .1 resolution adopted at a meeting of Council held on th* • vunlng of ih** Jr.l ins.ant. Notl e Is hereby given that an < ♦•cttoi. will be held at th** next t* gular meeting of Coun t 11. Ort. 17, k 1* m to r\4l the unexptred t< rm iM-casionexi by the death of the *aid Commissioner Wilder • All ppll< ations to t>o fllc*d on or b* fore 12 m. of tne 17ih Instant WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council SAVAKXAII KOI6DHY A AT) MA( MINK COMPANY, Builders of Marins and Stationery Boiler*, will furnish cstlmataa on raw work in oompeltUon with Northern and Western manufacturer* Repair wo.k on and BoUera Mil ! IH "I V .1 \ I I HRMiA Hove you: inaitressea and feathers ren ovated by our mediated sieum process befote a change In weather lakes place. (The only plant in toexannatj ) It over come-a all ImpuntiC* and renews life and volume in all iKHiding tnui*rh*l Prices on rer.ovation of feat In re as follows: Reds $3 50. foist©n* 61. pillows s*> Cotton, m<*es and hair mattresses ma le to irder Fine work, low prbes Work guaranteed. NATIONAL M ATTREBF AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 113. S3l Drayton atreeL ■imp: milling, rhk ixui r, rice 4 II AKF. W© have anew mill with ill modern pvo-'fss**s, and machinery and nre now ready for tmstn*.- , s. We solicit your pai ronag* and invite correspondence; nee chaff frr- to patrons THK SAX ANN AH RICE MILL CO.. T M ('unninghsm. President John Screven. Jr.. Manager W \NTF.D. Two thoroughly competent Rice Millers. Good salary and permtnent P*v*itk>n will b* given to • actable men Address, slth referene#**, PEOPLE*B IN DEPENDENT RIFE MILL CO Ltd . Crowley. La % r . uibM.irt. Rlce-fleld lamb fat poultry.’heavy beef, vegetables, frulta. Orders filled as early as re ©ived Phones S7&. H 8. GARDNER $3 Handsome, well made and as easy as an old f. -*T shoe that’s “SULTO.” Of all the shoes advertised this is the \ only one that has a / j five dollar style at a j* three dollar price. Lofe They are made by artist- i JBS v * shoemakers and you’ll /hCS/ j need no ‘ spec” to SEE that / A j they ARE fine shoes —the j for $3. ' AMI.KMK.IT.. gAVANNAM THCATBB. PBRfCHI-HELPENI CO.. IN REPERTOIRE Mitlne. To-rty 3pm by requeit. A QI'ILTY WIPE." Prtoo,—Aiults JBc. ihlMrui H-. Ta.ntghl *2O o', lock. THE HEART OF PARIS." Prlcf—l(k. 20i‘ bikl loc. gAVANNAH THkATER. SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIOIIT. Oct. 12. CHAREES FROMAN th** erLumou? dramati triumph. David ob Vcrgloa of “ZAZA” Ar fir ovr-r 2A NIfSHTS IN NEW YORK Prices—Alatinrr. 7oc kV’ and 2i. Night. Il.sf*. *l.<. :> Sr an<l Kc N,*t Attraction—Robert Downing. Oct It ■tancii toTii Ej, Our Stock of Weddinn Gifts In rrry full, the npffrit thinu* in Mtaapr* and (Inialiei. 'sni|ilr pat term seal In mix*in*r of the rritular stork. A study In (hr Art of Silver* smlthiag. THEUS BROS. Whenever the Eest is Wanted PHONE 700, 0(11,,. jn7 Bull Street. Telephone Ton The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. m Ncwipei Puite. For ••!*. a F'orMlth Newepaper Folder will (old sheet .MU It li tn good order Price ttOO II cost originally ji.ioo, but we have no use (or It end went the room , occupies. Il will be an invaluable adjunct to any newspaper wiheu. Addreaa MORNING NEWS, •wvawnah. Ga. Water ColorSe Brother. Latsis. Nrw Mouldlngt. I I‘ortrnlts cnlaigrd. GREENE k CO„ 13*4 Whitaker THE GEORGIA STATE B LILOING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 1J YORK STREET, WEST. - I’ER CENT per ,nnuni illowrd on • defrwlt. Withdrawahle on drmand. Inter,et cre.llte,l quarterly 6 PER CENT per annum nllowed on depoetir ol even hundreds, withdraw able at annual period. 080 W Tl EDEMAS, President. B. H LEVY. Vice President. K W. HKI.E Seirretary, C. O ANDERSON. .IH . Tresaurer ■ PECIAI. XOTICKS. LARGE IYAIIEHOtSE AND OF nets to rent, lo* ated head of Broughton str*et, on IVut Br ad, row 01 cu pel by the Savnn-ah Carriage and Wason Cos As hty will g. V s u p business Jn the city on June l. I of fer Il for rent from thar data H. I. SMART LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DILLOR President. Csani* ’ C. S ELI.IB, BARRON CART R. Vice President Asst C,h!r The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the acr, mu ol Merchants. Firms. Individuals. Us. ka end CoG>orat]onak Liberal favors extended Unsurpassed collection facilities, inaur- Ing prompt relume SEPARATESAVIN6S DEPARTMENT ivrtitusT nMi'ocgono u vim it. IV ON DEPOSITS. Sefely Depoelt Bores and Vaults (<* rent Correspondence solicited. Tiie Citizens Bank OF SAVAM.SAJI. _ CAPITAL. 5500.00a - OcitliHi tHiMklttß Baiiatat, eutieiln Aaawwute ad Iwdlvldwals, Streksaii, Ksaks and sines lores- Nlioai. Cellsnioi,, kentlsd with enlsty, •••••* nnd dlsystsk. Interest enenpuunded anrferly sllsrrsd sn deposits In nne Ssl.e Depnrtnsnnt. •nfety Bsgssl, Roses nnd atsrnnn ▼nnlta. ■RANTLBT A. DFSMAHK. MII.Lg B. EASE, V|ee Pwsaidsnt. GEOBOB C. PRRFTtIAX. Cs.hle, GORDON l. Oft oo 1 KR, Ami CashtoK SOUTHERN BANK uf Lba buil of G**>rgia. Capttil Surplus ar.d undivided profile Mvl.OW will U3IIUIU OF IHE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior tn (HUM Ml rrmsacilng a i . IU|,,I[,K i: i>., Collections made on all points s. esslbia through honks and (rankers. A, counts'Ol ssi.keT Bsnkars, Mrcl.*,‘, and others aolrcllnd. Safe Lrepoatt Boars lor rant. Leper tmrut of Savings, Interest payabla quarterly 1 Sella Sterling Exchange on London and and upwards I JOHN FLANNERY President. HORACE A CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN Cashier. . , DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E. A. WEIL w w GORDON. Jr. I H A CRANE. JOHN M EOAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH EFRST If V SMART. CHARLES EEI.IS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY. SiailMlM capital, saoo.ouo. Accounts of banka, marchante, corpora. tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department. Interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxe* end Storage Vaults W rent. Collections made oo dll points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice PreaMeot W F. McCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital Lre.'A* Undlvidtd pr fits w' a ' This bank offers tta servicee to corpor* lions, merchants and indlvlduala Has authority to act ua aaecutor. ad ministrator, guardian etc Laura drafts on ,he principal cities In Great Britain and I.eland and ou tbs I -ießt lnter-at paid or compounded quart er.y 01, depislis In the Savings Departmt- Safety Roxey for rent. HENRT BLt'N, President. OEO W TIEDEMAN. Vice Pres.deni. JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN A‘ Ce*H-r No IMO. Chartered. -**■ —THE— Mtdiii ill it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. IcOi. OX SURPLUS, lib'.®*- UNITED STATES DEPOSIT! Ri. J A. O. CARSON. I reeld'Bt. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M DAVANT. Cashier. Ao o'in:i of t#nka and banker*. ' chants and corporations received u ’ the moe: favorable term* cocelstent * safe and conservative banking BI’IMMS KOTICK*. ~FrILY WOlDggFl L. A ftubttltur* for oil. P®* 1 * 1 \ n wash. Fir*-proof end w* ather-pr y excellent elißtnfwotant Can b* y any one to any kind of CO, kind of bru*h. ANDREW HANtEi Sole AgeniA