The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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PRESSURE brought to bear. . . ,(ram Kim ran* ) " ■ i.rii"- Do**f*r wavered until tS* '' ' Jiie expedition to Pm Ting k ,nt' err*lary r*f>orts that 10 Ik* HrtiDh. M' „ n iv..l .1! Pao Tin* Fu. It M 1,1 Hunt: t’tiant: It*" advised *" io return to t’ckln on the # , , ■ ~ )'<mm ran atop supplies p' the province of tfhen HI, Ml mn mb mn. . ,t,,„ Their hJellei Can Be ##ll* * Iml u red t. Hetnrn. t>ct. 9 The Chinese min to-day that It Hi® I’owet* ie ,, . essential t tat the Kmpercr , r .... Dowager should return to , quite lonflilrni title could f Mio • Vl/ 1 I'oui flr*l by giving positive r thf ptraonal #af*ty of their *I then. * plain fvtiifiw* of 1 force* now at Pekin he with. ’Hen Tain. Ynng T*un. or om# leaving only a c ffew hundred j v , i Pekin aw a guard. 4ii;lt M A\ A AXD HP (I*l A AGREKL | t l aniil They llnv# n Plan for thr i ontrol of (hr Railroad. Oct. 9 —The Post way* an agree* v is between Germany ami Russia h Germany is to control the rail r%, Pekin 10 Yang Twun, and Rim . ntrol the road from Ynng Twun r Ku. Thr Pom h!*o lenlea that >rr wit I pend an expedition to Man < ftlM'M; nHCRXTn vnto. Report That They Will Oppoae Por niiit b> (hr Alii#*. Oct. 10 —Thr Standard's Tien j raonJent. wiring Sunday, way# .r that the Chlnrrc ar* cowcen tr ot llwane Lu pae*. leading into \ m r of Shan 81. with the inien op;>o*iiig any attempt of the al ? [ jiue thr imperial purt." u %ITI\G POIt Till. (.KU>my p* Tina Fa Expedition Iw Yel >. Thursday, Oct. 4. —Thr p*| Ting y edition Is wai:mg for the Oer rt# • nrr not r#dy to Mart. It la t tnat there nr** 12.f0> Chine*# im ps troor*#* at Pao Ting Fu. • after has rfturnrl here. *njMi lit* Will Upturn. ! Oct. 6, Saturday—Frince Fhrnc; ve*l an edict from the Emperor, 4 < * r. i, m reply to a note went at .nest of thr legations, raying he will r< i. to prkin as noon as thr nesota t.ikr n f ixorahl (urn. III! :><.(.IMI I I.F( TIONS. flu- 1 111 ad red nml Twrntf-lwe Mrm (mtr of Pfirllument llmk \e ll# en l>-#lare<t. I ci't. 10, 3 s. m.—From the re . ved ut m.*inight, it appears government gained two weatw in >y r poidnga in (he parliamentary r.Grod and twenty-two member* . .v been offl< 1 illy declared, of whom Ministerialists, and IV. lirlong to -ition. The Ministerialists have five rc.itw more than their op x thr noteworthy rlrrtlona was ”.* Mr William St. John Hrodriok, r. t try of Plate for foOMirn af n th- Guilford livislon of Surrey, majority of l'.Sm? over his llLeral it. A. W. Chtiptniii. and that of i >1 ward Kills. Idlirral. in thr Rush ivilon of Mr. a * represented RushcHffr Mnce Hu mlnisterl idFts, In fighting him. fT live u*e of hi.** pro-ftoer letters f puhlished by Mr. Chamberlain, majority he secured at the general i of ls9f. was reduced by IR7 votes. Morley has been re-elecled for V -i burghs in the IJltrral interesrt ; •iR twht votes ovainet 1.390 ca*t Mr J H. !>on. his IJberal t’nionist ■ ‘ *ent. li>'erals are hoUlmg their own in - lire, and in some dissricta their itep have dwiWrl the mnjorltles of • vk>M gen*>ri election. 19 MOHF. 'l'll %\ PRIKXDLY. < Inin iSrtlnew fires! Ilrllaln’s Foreign Policy. I-onden. Oct. 9. Mr. <*bmherlnln, sec of atate for the colonies, speaking t ’airbridge, said: ’'••■at Kritaln’s foreign policy, ss I • up. i* to remain on friendly term-* v every greot country In Europe, and •thing more thin friendly terms * 'be 1 nlted States. ** nrnberlaln rldlculwl the attempt (,f ’ opposition leaders to hold him *i u t<g> to foreign nations. I '’ *f Hrltaln's policy." he exclaimed. *h hanN of Ird Rilisbury. and * aw- riot the presumption to meddle IM*IK*JEIt MiKNTB URT. 4Haul ih) Ire In %nnnnl (onvenfion at (lid Point. N iwt New., Vm Oct. 9,—The m Traveling Puraenuer Acenta* ' ‘ "ion convener In annual .ea.lnn Hygela Hotel, Old Point Comfort, nv-rnlng with about members In ’ ’ L. \V. Landman addressed the • ng .1-4 his theme the alms and *he association. an<l whs follow i* I *ot • |mf|| iNissenger the f'hrsnpeake and Ohio Rall " “ >f *ke along the same lines An • f welcome was made by John * "n attorney nf ffampton. jf f ""'lf twill at the Hygeia close*! # e programme. •H-' l : tKI> KIIOII Till'. AIYLCM. "" Mtukcy Ha. Been <dvrn Her l.lhrrtf. # hlnttion, Ocl. Mr*. Katherine D , wife of ez-Juilire Tlioma. J. 1 • f South Otirolinti, -,< t.eil.iy re. <he government tn.nne aay . , 1 wr *: of hahen. corpu. by direc it. ’ "" *-'°'* °f the IM.tHct Court. u ' v l- the dauahter of Col Will ,” A '-onerfleld of Chnrle.ton. W. Va„ ■ mmltictl to the a.ylum June 2 "r f.ither helnf the petitioner. NERVES ii. - mean thin blood, and ihln ••r. r . ' unhealthy atomneh. To , the nerve, and purify the ~. K : "thfully. It will not cure to 'ipatlon. I mliae.t ton. end prevent. Malar.a Fe and. prevent. Malaria Fe k 1 ' : " "’hy not aet well at one# 1 "'era. Bee that our Frtv hoti ,' 1 " ,J< Stamp covert the neck of the HostcUer’s Iffl SET Stomach S6NU HE Bitters SAVE YOUR HAIR With Sham|MW ol An<l lipht dressings of CfncmA, purest of etnollirnt akin ctire*. This treatment at once Btopa falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, Boothca irritated, iteliin" surfaces, atimnlates the hair folli cles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes tho hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else fails. Complcto Cxtornat and Internal Treatment for Every Humor. ■ ■ tlPSlyjl scslss J.nd m fion the tkicluftwni cad. Ic, Cl.Tn t r.\ <\t**?ct '*►>.). ■ |IAI|JU£ ■■ to tnlsntlv llay Itching, *u ati m, ami IrrHa’l n. ami aootbc and heal, sndCl*TtC'. hs Ui ).■* . ,| u .<1 'a* *•'ti r t.l* <>d. Tu* e- aat Mg A KiXUt t HKT is oft.-n i ' rt to to u.c a t • htin. r, trllh I CIO wOlo (•23 lum of hair, when all el-*.* ! *>!* t thr igh • the rltl. ToT* TXR I)RUU AXoCuEX.Coxr n ßo!o iicjatuo. “ All shout the *kia,Healp, and Hair," trow Am %m F.o tiii: m:ku ( hi:. ('uses IgnlnM Four 9(a(c ( Icured From (lie IFoeket. WMhingfon Oct. f>.—ln the Buprcmc Court tn-day Asristsnt Attorney General Maury for the govrmtiu nt moved to ad vance the Neely extrudilton c.i>e and an nouiutid that he had receives! a telegram from the oppo.-dcg counsel In New York. Mating there would be no objection to this course. T?e- date which will In* set for the case bus not been determined. The case of the I’nlted Bta4es against North Carolina. South Carolina. Florida and Louisiana to-day were dismiss 1 In secordant'e wMh tie decision of t*ongr*>s in these ra-es litrlng the last .*• sslon. They Involve certain funds *lue the t’nited States from the states named. The claim* were adjusted in the settlement following the state expenditure* on a* ount of the Bpatnsh-American War, and the fiction of the court to-doy w merely formal In clearing the cases from the record. l\nt STKI %l. (HM F.VTIOY. % Itrprrsr tln 1 1 1 e Mlendnaee n( Ni* Orlenn* Ilrwlred. Xew Orleans. Oct. 9.—Mayor I’aul Cop de vie lie, after a conference with Be<*retnry Thompson. Mr. Sidney Story and others who are taking an n-tlve interest In tiie Southern Industrial Convention, to con vene here !e>\ 4. h* Issued invitation to the mayors of all Southern cities to attend the convention nnd a Ively partil - in Its proi'eedings. Mayor Cajxle vlelle. In his leltter of Invltntlon. says: "Tne first davV w salon w ill be devoted to the Nicaragua • anal, and his excel lency, Gov. Heard. hn. extended an ofTl clal invitation to the governors of every Southern stole to 1* pr 'tit on that day. j together with their <> of tig- ; riculiure and superintendents of *lnt a tion, t*> that the commercial anl official i voice of the Smith may N united In one strong request to llw l*nlt'i States Sen ate for the prompt pa -au*- of the idll In behalf of that enterpri.-* . which will come up In that body on I>e.‘. 10. *441 %TTFII.H 111 **ll I%t l\. Indian lleservallon to He Tlir%%n Open To-day. Spokane. Wash.. Oci 9. The north half j of the (\>!vlHe Indian reaervatkm will be i open<*l to uettlement at noon to-morrow. Huntlreda of homeseekers are already on the land, hih! many are waiting close to tho bonier*. Some * 'sooner y" have 1- re.itly erected enhins nnd declare th*ir ! intention to hold valuable claim- with Winchesters. If necessary. A great rush in expected nt the and W.iter vlllc laml office* to-morrow, but little trouble is looked for. owing to the great area of the tract thrown open, which •* about equal in six*' to the state of l>e!u --w are. M A IMM lll.F Ml III>KR. Mrs. Sfelfibaoer Pled From thr l!f --freta of Her Wound. Columbia. I*a.. Ort I-Mr*. who Wtis rhrrt hrrr l**t tilxht whil* trylnz to provent Willlnm M. Molt from *hootlnß Madam** Allirrio. whoa* rrol nam* l *W to I** Anno Kiirlonß. dlrtl to-nIRUt at thr Columbl.i Honi-itnl. It haa t—on uwrUltir l thot M ulanv* Alhrrtn ha.l two **>m* In Chlraco. on.* 1" yarn oM, ami n trlrarnm annoutu li:k h*r j jr.iih wr)i ihrr*' in-<!a\ Moll\ faih- i rr Is Mori In Motl of Unbrook. Ison* I*l - an t hi* molli. rl* Mr*. Power* o! Norfolk, Va. (H*F.\Kl> m:%% stathh. Itnilrnnd oflal. ln<l<- Wprrvhr. In Anal** illr. Na*hvlll*. Tenn., Oot. 9. —The formal of thr mattnlthen* new terminal ,lotion In thl* rlty took place to-,lay. Frrakknt Itarrl* of the Chamber of Corn mere.. Mayor H't. l*re|.lenl Thomas of j the Nashville. Chatlanooica and Hi Ixiul* , Hallway. Mr W. U Oranlwrry, Maj i: Q Lewis. Mr.* AUK ii* l Belmont of New ' York aril Hr. *Meni Smith of th. tul vlli,. an.l Na-hvl l* Batlrood .1. livere.l ad- I dre*M The n- w nation. to*eth. r with | necessary tinproi ement*. '**’ K.W.'W. UOItMAN lib Hi; MIT IMSK99K. at. l*nrrnina Hlckdaow aaya of the Ka-Sennlor. New Y'ork. Oel. 9 —Con*re*,mon Hlch nr<t*on of the Notional Democratic Com mittee. returned to New York to-day from Washington. Mr. Hlehantson *v B-oator Qorman l snir-rin* not only from throm atfllctlofi. but heart disease. President In \thll*>*. Washington. Ort 9.-The President and Mr* McKinley, n :com[ntiilel hy Secretary Cortelyou ami the family servont*. arrlr e,l here at 7:F. oekv-k this morning from canton. The President and Mr*. McKln ley rrrs hoth 111 very boo*l health and spirit*. President McKinley will remain In Washington until about the rnd or 93r>l of the ntonlh. when be will again go to Canton to remain until after tin 1> tton. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEKIO. 1000. ItIIIHtXTION Milt BRYAN. Mr ILleJolm Quo(cm (he 9nl(fn of iKcrcniPiit. Washington. Oct. 9 —Acting Secretary Molklejohn c*f the war depcirimenta hss seti 1 the fctiowltig lter to Hon. W J Gryan, who speaks at Peoria. 111., lo do y: "Oct. *. 1900 —Dear Sir: In the press repo re yesterday of your addres* at Tip ton, lid., in which you referred to the overthrow of numjn slavery in th* Uni- I ted State-*, resulting from tho tho nrmi* a* of th* i nlim, you wre also reported >nylng in that connection: *We f>ught then for the mtoptlon of i ('••ristitutiormi am* fuiment that provld •*! that no could own n slave, and yet before the Pbli| j*.nc wr \* enlel *. ti\ the fhilu treaty, which recognise* slavery'.* "Permit me *o Invite your attention to th • fol’ow'ing extm< t from the |*ter of *he S- r*tary of War to Maj. Gen. Otis, tomni.Hiding tin* T'nh. I States forces in tin* Pullipplnen, unl*r date of Oct. 27 1899: •’ 'The Pr# -idrnt instructs m*- to advkai vou that the igreement sign*al Aug. JO, letsMßj, ftrlsr (iK-n. John C. Rates. reptx*senttng the l otted States, of the orn* part, th. Sultan of 1010, I*ito Rajah Mim. th* lro Ai*lk. tb.* Data Clb| nnd the I* n Jnanffi n, of the other part. I confirmed and approved, subject to tin* action of tVngrprovide*) for In that 1 i iu-f of the treaty of |*a'is*tween the In Ilex I Hi me# and Hpaii< whch provideo "Tin* civil light* nnd the I'oitticel status of the native liibabitnnts of th#* t rrltory hereby c-bd to th#* United Slates shall b <je(ermln i by Congress." and with the iirder-tanding and reservation, w hleh should b - distinctly communlcubd to the KuP.m of 1010. that thl- agreement I* not ! Im and •m* and In ,in\ way to authorise o give the coim-nt of the United States to the exiMen. • of slavery In th* Bulu Archi pelago. a thing which I- rrwi !• im|>>s*ihle i\ th#* Thir <enth of the Con stitution of the United Stul**.‘ "l is probably unnecessary to call >otir att# lillC’” t# t * lit that in the #>f the approval of the President, it Is !m --pofudblc for us to *hav. tin Suiu treaty* or any other treaty. V'ery respectfully, * G. 1). Mrdklejohn.' *'llon. W J. Rryan. Peoria, 1 li.* * A HTKR \>* AT ( l ATT % YOOGA. Opening llaaineaa Aleetlnga Mere Meld Ye(erln>. Chattanooga. Tenn., Oct. 9— The open ing business me# ting* of th* Society of th#- Army of the Cumherinnd was held to day, Gen. T. J. Wood, presiding. Annual r# |orts of offb ers were adopted, one cf the mo t imtMiriant br-lng that of Gen. H. Y. Hoyntoti. eorre-inindlng secretary, pro vidlng for the preservation of the record* of th*- society. All tr. ns to-night brought In a<)#lltlonil v terMi- to th#* minion* of the Army of the Cimilerland an l Bpuibh-Anv rican War V# i*rans Associations, and there are now several thousand in the cl y. The council of atlminl-tiaiion of tlie HfunDh* American War Veterans Association hebl a meeting this afternoon. The m# #*tlng was behind cl# *el #lo#rrs, hut it Is understood that : proposition to unite with the other f lety of Btmnlsh War veterans, the memters of which saw ac tive service, received favorable considera tion. To-night nt th* Auditorium Oen Joseph AV. Rurk * of Mobile delivered the annual oration le*fore thr Army of the Cumber land fto*lety. Among those occupying snts on th# rvOstrum were Pension <*om ml* ’oner II Clay Evans, Gen. lkiniel Birki# s nnd G* n. H. V lloyton. The Bpanlsh-Am* rtcan War Veterans will hav# a m* eting to-morrow night, nt which the annual oration will be delivered by Oen. William J. McKee of Indiana, other addresses will be made by <Y>l.Rich ard Henry Savage, New York; Mn). Julius N. Klllliin. Nebraska, nnd Col. Oracey Childers, Tenne*-#e. DPAITKAItIAti < AHNIAGF.fI. llmii rt Hreotomentlrd I hat no AVtvre of Them lie Hade. Washington. Oct. 9- Th It#air<! of Ord nance nnd Fortification* haa been hold ing a protract +d a#*'>!on In Washington and adjourned to-day after taking impor tant action regarding dif>api>earlng gun #*orriages. The board has recomm# nk<l to the Bec rtnry of War that no more* <lis|!f>earlng gun carriage* bo made. There has been much contention among army officers for som# tint# especially among artillery offi *, r+ a •#> th# value of liaai#iearlng gun carriac* upon fortlfb atlons for coast de- The consensus of opinion has been thot th#* dtMppcsrtnv carriage was gooil for low site*, but the majority seamed to think that It was not best for high sites. The action of the board if sustain#*#! by the .secretary of War. will be of far reaching Importance In the future of coast defenses. • 9" • I riralinrris l.llirrated. Liverpool. Oct. 9 —James Fitxharris, the phoenix Park conspirator, known as "Bkin-the-Gont." who was rearreslrd here last evening for failing to rejsart himself under the term* of h.-’ prison release It cense. was liberated to-day. NOT PAIO FOR SPEECHES. Continued from First Page. .msglne from reading the Republican pa per*. 1 find it difficult to reconcile their statedMtits about my financial condition One time they say that 1 am so ambitious that 1 would *pend ail my money to hr Picsident. and another time they say that 1 am so avaricious that I will not make speech unlcMi 1 am paid for H "1 notice a rtti*i*m in the paper* that the people of the town* through which our tra*n p!*es have contributed to the ex pense* of the train, and It w is *uggeted that was for my benefit. I need not tell you Urn? 1 rec#*i\e nothing for making speeches, but. my friends, I want you to anow that when men ride on train* they must either pay or else the railroad com ranie* must furnish them with free jidrs We do not want n railroad to carry our rain free through the *t*ite and. there fore, th#* Btat# Committee paid abou* $1 (ttt for the tram tor yesterday nnd to-day. W. believe it Is better for people to pay their w.ty and to he independent than to hove cori'oratlon* run them after election I would a great deal rather have Republi can* rrtt!d*e me bccauee people along the road pay the expense of the train than to recetv# free rldee from the railroad .•ompnnle* and have corporations run me if elected because they furnished the trains." THE PROMIRITIO* ( AMPMGV John G. Woolley, the Nominee. Talk* Al.ont It. ChlcagOk Oct. 9—John G Woolley. Pro hibit ten nominee for President, who ha* Just returned from a nine days* trip through the #onth on a special train, this evening made the following statement. "The meetings in Indiana have been the greatest of the series so far in #*om parisen to former meetings in thl* Mate. The peculiarity of our work In Indiana is that we seem to drawn our converts nVntt evenl) from the two # ok) imrtlee "The trip of the special train Increase* tally In inrerest. Our heaviest tv.#rk be gins tc-nlght nt the rhliwxo meetlnr. On the Eastern trip we will hold nearly double a many meet mgs a day as we did on the Western and Southern trlpa." OVER TOO MEETINGS. Kepnltllenns Will Have a ltny Time In \r York Xtate. Albany. N Y .Oct. 9-Over 7W meatings, with double that number of speech**, have been urraigd by the Repub’ican Btate Committee for the iat four weeks of the c-amiaign In this Mat#, in addition to the two flying (rip- through the state by Gov. Roosevelt and Chnuncey M De l w. during wrhich speeches will be made at over HO places. rmiCFAUF. TO HWM. *# tin (or P*ttlgr*w Wa(a to M#*#*l Him In Jln( ll#*bn(r. Sfcmx Fall*. B I> . Oct. 9 Ben a tor Pet tigrew to-day l*pied a public challenge to Benator Hanna f#r a Joint debate In Mouth Dakota or el*ewhere on the subjects of trusts, armor plat** contracts, nnd the government policy of Forto Rico, Cut a and the Philippines Manns AN '( Aotlre It. Chicago. Oct. 9 -Benator Hanna said thl* afternoon that he will pay no atten tion whatever to Benator Pettigrew * chal lenge for a Joint debate. Bfeventon ( a nips tun Ins. Wheeling. W. Va., (kl. 9.—Hon. Adlal Blevenson. the Democratic <*atulitlate for Vice President. arrlv**d m Wheeling thl* rnomtvig and made a brief ad#lr#**n from the ear platform Mr. Stevenson *(>ok<* at half a dost'ii other points in tho state during the day. Ilarrlsn*s Po*t(lnn. New York. Oct. 9 Kx-President Benja min Harrison *ald to-night that he would probably issue a stat*m#-nt of hi* io*l tion In the campaign to-morrow. H* said it would he prepared If he could get time to do the work. HAD A 9HOOTIAO AFFRAY. Henry V.etvta llanaeronalx \A minded In ( offer ( <wn(y. I>ougkis. Oa.. Oct. 9—On Hundny lasi, in the lower part of Coffee county, at Ellis Allll. In a free-for-all scrap between Jolla Corbett and Henry I#ewls, on one >!de. a man nmna) Hall anl John Wilson on the othfr, Lewis, while endeavoring to ure his knife, was shot by Wll-on, receiv ing an abdominal wound that It is thought will prove fatal. The oilgln of this regret able affair could not be learned. The criminal d#x*ke( of Coffee Buperior Court will in* t ken up to-morrow. Mr. L. R. B!mmon*. an agel cltlxen of Ixaigla*. was stricken with |*ralyt* #*n Run#lav. Hi* entire right side Is paraivxed Ills wife, who is vMttng In North Caru ln. has bee nwlred for. Mr. A. 8 M<bley ha* ben adjudged In sane. and Will he rurnwl to the state sanitarium nt Milb'dgcvllle at once. The Merchants’ nnd Pl.inters* fireproof warehouse i* n# .irlng < .<cn| l iton Mr*. Mattie Fre#-mn Kempt on. who ha* been visiting her |#ar#nts, IMitor J. M. Freeman an*l wif. returned to her home In Waycross yestenlay. HnriiuP if Hat#* Dead. lymdon. Oi't. 9 —John PstrFk Crlohton- Btuart, Marquis of Bute, died thl* morn ing at Dun fries House, his seat in Ayres ehlre, from iaralyel*. WATCH COFFEE #•"1 Walrk ft , —rrfHlt,’. Any hrln wr>rkr that iVpnuts on thought tor hi* *"<■•* In Ilf-, uo* up •tally, hy brain work, a varying amount of tho dillrato partlctaa of phoaphati- of l>o>a*h and alhum'n of whtrh th* brain a:al ri.'rvi' c*n'rH it re an: Th* tin*. mi*ro*i'o|Hr (•artirlpa of pho*. ph.l* of |K<lash r<* found In quantltl** tn th* |>or** of th<* *kln afi*r th- brain ha* b'*n u**d ai'tlv*ly. Thl* mu*t la- ro piac-4 from food, or brain fax and nerv ous prostration **-t In. Thla breaking down of the Itttl* cell* each day. from brain work atone, I* a natural proaea.', and *h cell* ran readllr be built from the right aort of foo-l. If the *y*tem I* not Int'rfand with hy drug*, hut If an Inereased amount nf eell* arc broken down by th* use of coffee, trouble then begin*. Frequently It flrat how* tn dyspepala. lark of power of th- bowel* to operate properly, or pn’pltatlon of th* heart or some other lack of vitality and healthy vigor. There Is but one thing for a sen sible mm or woman to do~qut, coffee absolutely ‘Hard to do." you aay. Take up I’ostum Food t'offe*, use It r*- ulary, have It well made. *o It tastes good You will find a well-defined, un mistakable change In your health, and there I* a reason for It. You have besom* free from th* break ing down force of coffee, and on the other hand, you are taking a t owerful, nourish ing liquid food which quickly rebuilds the new cell*. These are facts,—pro found facta, ready for any one tA prove to their own *atl*faetl<m by actual us*. Postum rood uonee Is nfaoe at tne tamo Is pure food factories of the Fo*tum Cereal Cos., tdd.. Battle Crek, Mich., and la used by br.iln workers all over the world. Don't call It a “substitute" for coffee; have out the coffee proposition alto gether. Post urn is a liquid food and a true food drink. Eckstein’s Dissolution v'wwww'w ▼▼▼▼ , #r*r*K*r Sale! r-ww ■w'w'w'vw'w *r*r*r* Inaugurated this morning will be the biggest in the history of Savannah. Our immense stock of the finest goods manufactured, which includes Silks, Dress Goods, Black Goods, Crepons, Linens, Damasks. Towels, Blankets, Bed Spreads. Rugs. Art Squares, Ready to Wear Goods, in fact every article in the house will be thrown on our counters at slaughter prices. This is a chance of a lifetime. Don’t miss it. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. RKomunm: tiif. army, t.en. John VI. Brooke Hectares Heor gnntsntlnn Is Needed. Washington. Oct. 9.—lt I* urged. In the annual report of MoJ. tleft. John it Brooke, comm indlng the Department of I the Kasl. nt New York, which was mol i public, at tha war department to-day, that u pressing necessity exists for the reor ganisation of the army on modern lines "For msny years past." soya he, "the general officers of the army have shown tha necessity for an Increase which will place the army on an efficient Imsle, and enable It to perforin Its duties with credit to Itself, and to the satisfaction of tho nation The events since the cmtmenc. - men I of the Hfvinleh War have demon strated beyond doubt the necessity fm a reorganlaatlon which will enable this nation to maintain th<- position In whl h It now finals ttse'.f placed, so that. In r* of war. the army mtiy form th<- bulwark behind which the volunteer army ntuy ho created, aa haa always been done to our country, by organising tt\e people “ ftefrrrlng to the r*haM|.t'itton and pre gress of our coast defenses, he say* that while It Is Impracticable at thl* time to make recommendstlons regarding the ar tlllery posts where the number of men enters n* a factor, on account of the large foreign drafts, kt Is not tot early now to draw up plans for sup,>orilng the roast artillery. It Is not the province of root artillery, he says, to net out of fortifies - lion*, their sphere of op ration being 11m lied, but that the presence of mold e troopa to repel attack* from the r ar and to prevent Imdlng partis* from gahdng a foothold Is liniwratlve. on that account the vicinity of each post for mile* around should he mapped with a vk*w to determ ining the lines of defense brfote the ne cessity for their ure arises. • ■ • • , SKNT H9ONKV Ftllt >AI.VUMTOT. People of lloaolnln Iteapond tn the t all for Aid. Honolulu. Oct 2. via Bon Francisco. Oct. 9 —By the steamship Australia to-<My th t*>n,ile of Honolulu sent 13 *h. for the pen pie of (kalveston Hawaii's three.erwncred pcdltlcal tight Is now fairly startwl. Republican* l*mo crats and Inde,a-ndent llonti Holers a I having ticket* tn the flel.l. 1 ndependi-n * have flung to the breexe at the ters a banner hearing the pb 'ure of King Kam>tiamrhn I. the great Hawaiian mon arch. who first conquered a I the Island Th<- two American partle* • lain that ttv* is another proof that th< Hnwaallan party Is carrying on an anti-white ompalgn. The liwlcpendcnts will hold n teg.tla notnlnatlng convention next Wednewlay, when they will put thetr full ticket In the field. K. \Y. Wilcox probably wI! l>e nomi nated for fTmgress FttlK HI9SFN •' lItMIOT. Flrat Day of Tlirlr I onveatlou la cbarleatoa. ChArlsston. B C., (K't. 9-Pr**l#l^t QulgSay of FjroruK'c. (he twanty #lirhth annuo* convention o< th# Interna tional Fir# f*hl#fa to onl#r at 10 o’clock •o-day in th# Oanoan Artill#ry Hall. Ad dr#*### of wikMM w#r mad* mwl re *poA<i#<t to in a h#arty mnn#r. Th* larx# hall. *#attniK I.W) p#r#ona. wn fill*d, and th* op*nlna *x#rcla* wer* very Inter- Chl#f Qtiiflcy. Mayor J. A.lffcr Rmyth of Chari*#(Oh. Chl*f MrAf#* of Rald mor*. FI roman Grar* of *harl##ton, aritl Chlaf Ryan of Norfolk. w*r amouif Iho #j*ak*r#. Bp#<‘ial commit ter# report*#) at thl# aftvrtioon's vaaakm. aad to-iaht th# flr#m#n hoard :n tnt#r*#ina mlirr* hy Mr. F O. Aff#ld f th* lm*rnaitonal !Uir) of Fir* l , ndrwrtt*ra an#* of th* HamlMrK-Rr#mn Fir# Inauranc# (’ompany of N*w A'ork. Th** itrofrimm** fn- tf*-morrrOf |fi#lada# th* i*#t of apparatus and nn oxruralon to hlutori* Fort Humirr. POA%FI.It AA A fit aPEMIfOO. ■•roaiilrtif off lh# Order tf Railway Tairarapkera Now Out off Oltlrr. Bt I/xilr. Oct 9.—Prraldml AAV V. l*ofir #ll of th# Ordrr of Railroad T#l#araphrra m'nk #u#p#nl#Nl from office t#►-♦)! y by th# #l>*clal convent Win of th# xranl dtvtalon of thut or:nlEntion now in p*#i(|on h#r#. Mr I*o9*ll left th# Odd FaHoara* btilld- Ina. In which th# conv ndon i# held, to ffo to hi# oflli • in th#- Fullerton bulM- Ini Flrat Yh * Pre#ident M M Dolphin of City took th* chair and via con.*ll#rlnx n motion to appoint a comintt i#a to hear th# change* mad* urninrt I*re widen t Powell by rotary and Trea#urer P#rham While h* wax thux rnyatf##) It wa whkapqrOf) arotnw) th* hall ttiat Pow#l ha I won# to th* <Tr -uR Court to m#k for an *krd#r reaffraililiia th# ararvl weawlon from trylny blot. The report found cred ence on ail aldew. B*on th# hall %vai In nn uproar, and a #fox*n #l#l*xt# w#r# ufM.Mt th#ir f*#t d*ma#llnx r*<’Ognltloii, and try tine to innk* mot kirw of one kii>*l nr another. Finally th# chairman h#*ar*t a to e#t ai#f# (h# m*nt of th# commit i## tidfler # -cm# I*)# rat lon, anl t* Pow#|| from offic#. Th# mo tion wna rrcoti'l#! from li |Kirtw of th# hill When lh* queetlon waw put th voff# xtood PA for fcufpcniuon to % ayilnat it. it hai been conc*dal alt alcttft that the Pr#wi<leal had at leaat twenty-five vot#a that h* could count on In any *m*rx*nry, anil hla friend# wer# aatounded when rn y #lx w*r# cj#t 4X 'tnt hV# u|i#np|on Tne only theory on which they cout#l account for th#* flop-over wa# that they b#!l#v*l th#* rumor #’o*#rntn*!: Pow# IP# Intention to tak* the matter Into th courtr and disapproved au.-h action When ###n by a reporter, Mr. Powell aairl that his up< n*ion wa an entire aurpriiM*. and drnl<d that h* had #v*n thouitht of ndinv th#* courm for a re- MtratnlnK order. Jury and tfnl*#a*9 ( orpua. Havana. f*ct. 9—By or#l#r of th* mil itary frov*rnm*nt and through Be nor flener. #ecr#try of Jttatkv. trinl by Jury wtm |naugura(**l in Cuba n-*i#v and th# writ of lial#a* corpus e#tahllh#d (*oi -mlawianerw r#pre#eritlng the church and th* otaio hove been af>toliitc#l to deter mine the property right# off th* former. The Straight-Front Corset - ) Has capture*! the country by its (trace, health- T* ' W fulncas and style. Its perfection Is found in JF' The “ niLITANT ” the • tr " , K h *dront style of the famous m% r m “Glove - Fitting” F ° r ** le bs '* ll dealers in the United States. '' 'I T*m Httm retr and ,n krw fkty'rt mmJr '* * irmm> rmm *'*""<* ’** My S*nd toufor handome iltustrated catalogue. f M flee. C. fiatcbeller ft U.. 3tf Bway, New York. For sale by all leading Dry Goods Stores. %VK.NT iUROI^I). Iltif #lr l.lnnl l lnrr Barked Off With nnl l*|ry. New York. ' h-* A special cable dts fetch Iron) yueenstosso o th* Evening 1 World. says: [ The giant White Btar liner Ocaanle, j which arrlVMl here to-day, bed a nirraw escape from shipwreck off the coast of Ireland. While approaching th* roast and trying lo pick up the Kwiihi light, what m|i(h urtd lo bn a fog honk, eud .holy tlftt ,1 uni showed land dead ahead. The break era could he plainly aeen crashing on the rock*, and Iha veaanl touched bottom, hut fapt. Cameron Im mediately a lopped hi* ermine*, revereed them nod hacked Into deep water with out the ahlp helmr injured It wa* only owln* to the care of tho • optaln that a terrthte dlaaater waa avert ed The Oresnle was noth* a lowly on account of the foar. and trying to pick up the land. II waa 4 o'clock in the morn In* when the fn* lifted nod allowed tho land rliiht ahead, the poattton beln* then he'ircn (he rocks known as tho Bull, Cow nod Calf and Browrhead. The Innd was *o clone that on each how could be acen a renular pye. The atop pln* of ihe engine* shook up and awoke everybody. Half a minute after the en gine* weie reversed, but before the Oce inlc was stopped she atmek with a grlnd tr.*. grating nrlae Hh then quickly swim* clear. Tranquil and nnfldenl In the skill Of the captain Ihe women pnsa*n*r* m Ihq saloon behaved admirably, sbowln* Iha *>eaiest coolness In the presence of dan ger The- water tight compartment* were closed within two minute*, on fapt. Cam eron's orders, ns soot as the danger waa perceived. Th* Ilfehoalß were cleared away ready for lowering with the pre cision of clockwork, and 4he crew were ai quarters ai once. I'OaTttl-'Flt'K t I.I'.MK ARKKSTRD. Had Been In the hew York IMHee fop n turner of Year*. New York. Oct. Richard J. Carroll, who for a number of years has been tho chief money order clerk In Branch "E. ’ of the posmfllre in thla rtty, waa arrest ed today for forging nisi raisin* money order*. Mill waa set at t2.M> The amount of the alleged forgeries is not yet known, but la believed to be very large. I'arllanirnt lllasolved. Ottawa. Out.. Oct. An naira of th* official Ouselle was Issued to-night with a proclamation announcing the and Iff solution of Parliament and the holding of the gen eral election on Nov. 7. 5