The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 10, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ALL OLD OFFICERS ELECTED. Continual fr m Tenth Pag*. used nnniMltv for th- rctlr* mrnt of th<* |cm**r * . and that whn th* f-m” shall h ive !•*• ri mihhI 1 i ;ir) inquiring nlo>it thlrtv >. ir-i th* r*ainl haii th*n Be rcdm<4 to SIO,OOO per .tun,jm Th** of chi* pmpertx -otviju of s2*'.)o* of stock and of bond* Tlx 1 Hr mot) *i>l I'liviora H illway. now ritrmMnir from Itruton t* |{t{|wr a ill** (any of tiff>•-•*!f*t mil* * i <** brni 4 - citun'll mi <1 for the l**ue of m iMrlßi riol mm mort is .I** at $♦ *** p-r tni to *vrr the pur* rhwf prtff- n> 11 prxn He for on extension to the main 4tt.- a# <x te r Piiirom whl h will remov* fh- IHf|en:t * under whh'h the projeriv I a - fa*-en operated and imt*rov- th* tr.i?*l* Mvilitlovt. A pKnumii.' ,t*ft f r> tiir .hulrmin fo th" kt* jr- ■, M M M ro(n* r who died < ii* home in Havanrmti, F* t 2v H*t Prekb n HcarT report the foi* lowing ‘-ifMinir • to *arn!ng-. •• l.'ltf r 1 oO *r l foil# taming from faaie*-nger* t \,X7’>. 433. an IneruiM rf $49 071, from fr** 1 ari• $4,010.(2*9, au* of ggiK.eut; from tnaik *, ti |i n-w of Hi.’ fivm an hi' r-a-* of 1922. ar.d front other “our.’*'* s*‘•7 •>* a decrease of l> :3*. th# Im.ll* being s*■ an Increus of S3IVU. KlKi)***# of any an) rtru ture*. fj.ouj ,K\3, an increase of $93,091. maintenance of equipment. s**•. 7sl, i*j. in -1 rof‘‘ o' S77.<LA, rofuiurting irny(<orU lion. R,i43.Wfi ,ut inn****- of Rt; 44*.. gen eral experi**.*, KiyaiT in In r*i> of s2l ITT. T*tai ex pen*##, |i,9l*7.T4V an liwre*** of s£i:.rro. Txn*. s3oft.&7. nn increase of $1,524 making total .tenure and taxes, $4 i 4*16. an ir.<r *•*'• of Trie n-t '•wrnlmr*. m* hiding taxes, were sl.*T9,<9) an ir..r.*a.e of $79 224. and ih# rati * f e***nd un* to earning* ! ftMi. mi. lncr.*uw©f 22 Table* unow In* iiiw tartilnitf ope .ttin* ien“ ar. 1 nr! earning*. average |*er mile rp*-r --ateel. uvr u>- p*-r r**vei,iu t tin mile. #tr are *!<> giver. t'ompann* the fUoal year ernlnl Juno 3". I*** wltfi tho ptevtoue year the following reMiilte The revoncj*' iwaon*ori* arrlwl *\ irimr the year Inoraaeeel Hi ,UH or 13.52 |>er cent with an Increase in revenue poftnenirer* carrle<l one mile of *r 7.01 per cent. The re\omte frelirtM rank'l durln* the year Inereweeil tone, or 11 T 7 fer cant., with an lncrne In tone one mile of or 2 V* p r oent , a*l a ilef reaee In the average haul of 12 9 mile*, or 7.97 per cent. New Mteel rail* placed in and a<kll tlonal P 1 mi epur track- cau*e<) nn fn rreaee li, the coni of rnaintnanre of wav The Inrreaaed coat of ntinf nnrtce of wj npmofit resulted from placing air hrak-* nnl automatic coupWe on iot'omotlvee an 1 fieight care In c>ani>!lanc- with the natlo - al at a 1 ne-. nl<o frtim th- purchase of three new aieepin* earn. Tnc lncre.i-nl oat of conducting (ran** pomtiun ww- produced by the additional mileage and the IncreAw- of bus* nee* on of the road During the* part year the re ha* ! eeti a conaldt rable in. r* aee In the coat of l lot. vnntrriaLe and mippllM rerpilred in the operatl<n of r/Ulway Bv<tte. county n I muni tj .il taac* In crcaeed .93 per cent. The ostenaion of the Mobile \ Girard IMvleion from B*arlghi to Andaluala. Cov t rig ion (ounty Alabanur, a <ll at a nee of *lx~ ren mllea, \\*a ofiened for traffic on S*| t 24 Iw. Twenty mllea of the f'hatt.iltoorhee and Gulf Haflroa<l extending from f'olumhla to Dothan. Ala., were received and op eration* thereover romtn* nc*l i>> ttil.* x>miMi)y on Ml) 2. Hk* Thla railroad le leitig oonatrur:e<| to the western part of Geneva county. Alakimi During the yewr one liuvalred and ten new aid#* and spur track* were construct ed. axgreguilng 25.33 mile*, and thirty thre< ><ide and atur track* were extend ed. .Aggregaittig 2.17 miles, making a to tal of 30.5 mtie* of aide titxl spur track* (ion* true ted and extended. 492 mllea of eWIe and spur tracka were removed or shortened; 71$ 6.13 croastlea wer<* |>iaced pi track during the year, an Increase of 74.* 237 over th<* previous year. Twenty mile* of track were ballasted, the materials used being stone gravel, rtac ami cimlers. Jn reniitidlng snil constructing bridge* find tre*;tea <Mirtng the year, there were u#ed 7.59.0QD f**ei. (Utard nv ia ure), of timber Two steel highway t>rk*gee *fi run.l riHtr.l m 4 plaint ui ; lodtion over thn tr—. ki*. one m Colkp. lrri ■ti.l thn oth-r at Fourlh Mr—t. in Macon, Forty-oc.t* trcarlca, aKarcsailnir lineal feat, were flllr.l with ••nrth. <!int<l,nl waterMaaya ner. provalcl al the aeverat place* conai*;ipK of taluk or h-Mttvcri*. cir:hern pl|h- amt Iron pipe New bulltllnir. were er.-.le<! a. follow* A keneral > arrlm mter’* ..(Tt.-e at Aavan- Pah. a ticket oltlce and btnß*C* room al Tybee. combination trHcht and |.a**en aer de| at Dover. (Sorkiii* ami I’nr terdal.. Ut., and ai Gantt and Andalu ala, Ala., anew [Nie.riißrr de|iot of Ueor *la and prreaed l>r|. k at Amrrl cu. Ga.. new water tank* at Columhua. YVllllamaburß amt Blakely. Ga many ela tion bulldlrißa were added to and improved durina th. year. Nine Ihoueand and twenty tone of W>- potind eteel ratle were laid In the main track The cuwt thereof. toether wlltr 1M.31.1t carried over from tile prevlou* year, have been charged to tnalntenain-e of wav The policy heretofore fo.lowed of |>iacln the relraaed rail* on branch line* and uetriß the lighter rail* taken therefrom for eat.nxinn* and aide track* ha* tieen ontlnued. The motive power end .qulpment have been kept up to their u*uol atandard of exrellenc*. Three new eleepmg ear* were received, a* contracted for. ami placed In eervtre Five locomotive* were equipped wuh air-brake#, and *txte!i locomotive* with nuiomatlc .tjuplcrc Fourteen hun dred and twenty-one freight car* wer. •quipped with air-brake-, and three hun dred nnd twenty-ltvc w,th anromotlc coupler* Owing to thl* large expen** the policy heretofore purauer] of oon etruettng itor* to replace tho*e condemned and d-atroved waa not follow, t during the year. The following equipment I* owned and operated by the company Sleeping car*. 12. chair car*. 2: pa**enge r car*. 115; combination car*. 21 baßgagc, mail and expree* car*. f*>, box car* (ven tilated). 2.22*. hox car* (common), tr,?; atock care. 45; coal car*. 973; 11aI cat*, l.tns. other car*. S*. Fnder the head of gener i! remark* the pre.ld.-n' had the following to soy: *■sl9.. 973.22 wers* exi* nded for additional rlcht of way and edition ground- Flf y-elx Ist diiHirte* were local. >1 on I'. Iltu* of th * railway, i onelxting principally <.f nun* io the manufacture of yarn. doth, knit go *. and of product* obtained from cotton *e. t. Th- -e Induairle* are capll tilled a: J; - ’/MLW Pii4 Is your breath bad? Then your besi friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, 25c. All druggists. W*nt yoar m<>ut*cb *r h**rd * bsaauful brown * rleh Mark ? Th*n ate BUCKINGHAM’S DYE W&.iCS™ * -* - DOUBT! THERE should be no such word as “Doubt” on the lips or in the heart of any honest man or woman as to the efficacyof WARNER S SAFE CURE for the cure of any and all dis eases of the Kidneys, Liver and Blad der. Kindly keep in mind these few facts which, in a word, embrace our claims: Warner’s Safe Cure Is time-tried and world-tested is guaranteed to do as represented Is made on honor Cures when doctors fail Cures before doctors fail Cures permanently Stands on its record CIVE IT A CHANCE TO CURE YOU. Free Rumple nf Warner'* Hafe f’ur* ent c*) applicaMon. Addrasi WARN Kit S BAFK CFRK CO. RCKhtr , N. T. and furnlah employment fur 4,*7a p r *on The dlorovery of mineral dejmella 111 Alabama ha* *ilmulai<*\ that bram h ”• s . t , - ■ - m tb— line bat waei Coium bu and Birmingham Th- ftnut.clil n dltlon of th. fartnere, marc haul* ami other* locate,! In the territory triver*,.! by the line* of Ihl* railway I a* Improve I The re haa been a continuous. Improv m.-nt of lie iwoperlv. an.l It* ph, ileal • oodltlon I* i-ow far better than at tny Mm, * n the reorganlxnllon in ikl*-. Th* . tt** ■■ ,* and rmplnvo* of Hie company ha,. |>r fortie and their dullea In a mo t . ommen l uhle manf, r" The corre<tneae of the Income -alancc eheet* an.l the general profit and lo** „ sr-.ia of to • lantral Hnk|n* A Sell* public a .Mintant* of New York Several table, by Auditor Dunn, relating to the Itnam ,tl condition , the company, an 1 It oiwratkai- in Knowing *ttltlcal compart*.,te- ami aver ag##. are aitacti.*! to the rt |>ort*. all *f whl*h or.- psibb*h**l tn a neat 3h-p.xve pamphlet atsoiit *by 12 Inch* The .(t --lire allowing ! thorough and complete. Till; V. M. f . i.' UMIIWTH. The tarl*ll<>* It 111 Id I tig Nat f.arge lluough far the ( ln**e*. The acene at the Young Men - * f'hrl*- •lan Aaaoclatlon lat night wo* an In lerentlng one. and abowid lha |ncre.i*e,l laspularlty of the Inatltutlun. Numbeix o' young men were bu-liy engaged In their work In the KnglMh. bookkeeping iml abort hand c laa*e*. or In the Bible da**. Awnorlatlon City Council. gymna*l um , la**e*. or were reading the Ute t JUfTfS Mixl lUHWlinf!'. f4*rr#*srs* Johnson ***kl that Ih** number of y.mnir mon in ttif bulitinff <lurlf)K ihs ♦*v**nln was shout 100. Th<* isj*©claUot Ims rss* hl a p*>lm whr-r** It has <m - ismwn its |*r***‘nt hom\ i*l <Wfb i iiity is In linllnK room for thf various The membership of the association Is growing dally. During the post few weeks over fifty young men have sent in their application. IMI |<.4at:tl* \\ 1* %4 4HITTF.iI. < hargel %\ llh Murler of George llus her lu Heidsvllle. Reidsvllk. Ga.. tkt 9-Tl)e use of the state against 4* W Driggers for th< kill ing of George Hus ••* on 1 • • 21. called on Moral.)y ifternoon and conehi kxl to-day nt 2 o’clock. A verdh-t of not guilty was brought in by the Jury ofw h.tng out t>oiit twenty minute* Bus;**** was originally from Wih-ox county and his general reputation wu* very bad. lie met I>Ttgger* at Honk*n*a mill on the morning of the killing and advanced on him with a revolver and shot a i>r‘g ;*s five times, one shot t iking effect in Driggers* left shoukler. Driggers return ,.l the fire with a Winchester shotgun killing Ilusbee film-et instantly. I triggers Is 42 years old. a native of Tatt nall count> and has always !een consider •<l a peaceable and aw-abkllng citiaen. Ills many friends throughout the county will lx* glad to know of his a.|ulttul Mr. Driggers was ably defetxkd b> JiKlge M D. P Twiggs of Savannah and Col. C. |f. Mann of the loal bar <i h% % fiiMMi rir.i.n. len. Wood 4 oinMrnils 4he %dxnn fages It Ogrrs. Havana. Oct. 9 Gen Wood says Cuba now offers great opportunities to Ameri cans who w.ll come here and settle. l*and is cheap or ran b* rented on % small roy alty of production. Returns will be quick He recommends the cultivation by immi grants of tobacco and fruit and the rais ing of cattle. At th* palace •- - risers- motive* of every mercantile guild in Havana Joined in presenting to Gen. Wood in address expressing gratitude for what h< had done in the way of reforming the mercantile registries The address was a •mt*nnl*<l with pen mount*d with dttmonds and rubles. 11l IDT I MF. I HI •*•■*. The %%leosla litter Spread Its Wa ters titer Portage. portage, Wls . Vt t -The city levee <n the weal side of th* \N> <Misin fiver broke at Harden’s this afternoon, and everything Is under Severn I feet of water. With the bre iking of the levee tlx wafer began flow it-'g in a raging current down th** Harahoo valley, emptying into that street, and through H back to th* Wis consin. With ti* rush *f water, residents begun to move In vehicles and ls*.*t.* t'spt Holley of the government works, st a fee that ,t Is th* highest wat* r ever known. To-night there P about five inches of water on the floor of tli* 1 isimp iitg station of the water-works plant. \N ter has covered the tra -ks cr the Madtaoti-Fort.ige bran, h of th* Milwau kee Railroad and trafTk* is alMtnlone<|. (,nnllnr F.|l*drd. Chicago 4 id. Mrs The*xlore fltewart of May'wood was fatal > burr*l on l half a dox* n fir < men and her broth* r-ln-laa, Hlueford Stew.trt, were hurl ns th* n- ilt of a gasoUn* explosion t**-.l*> The a*- rident occurred whik Mrs. Hiewart him attempting to fill the tank nlrove lhe stova without turning out the fire < THE MOKNING NEWS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10.1900. UMILKI'I roimilON. Hr Trll 4hr Intrrrat* (hr %llrgrl 4 unsplrNlors llud. Chicago, o**l 9.—Dete. rlv** F Smiley** "onftoo of the* detail*, ha hr claim* to know Ihrm, of the insurance fraud con •piracy trait brought nn untimely and tragi' d> util to Ml** I>efenba h. wa* ma le public to-day at *h* ounty jail, whore b#* i n t onflnrl with F. Way kind Brown and Dr. Augu t M Unger, thr other al leged con*t>lrator*. In hlw confession Hmlley gay* that Un ger anti Brown b.d arranged to gain thr It. Unger was to receive s3.onp, while Hrown wus to tnk'- $7.00® flnuity asserts flint hi* wa only n tool In th*- plot and that he was to receive s].uno from Brown lor allowing himself to la- known as the Intended hustwnd of Miss Ik-fen bach. %fl 1*4*110% AHI aoriBTY. rliirt>-first Innniil t onvenfloit l nn nt HprlniHeld. Springfield. Mass . Oct. 9 -The thlrty hn<i annual ooti vent ion of the Women s Foreign Missionary Hrxlety began a thr. day*’ leuioti to-day In Grace Church. Th** executive noard re* oinm* *)d* <i an api*ropriatioti of $24 'O* for the coming year. The prtii' lpil aklres* of the even ing session was delivered by Hev. N. 8 Hopkins, a missionary, who escaped from Fekin on the last tniln Waving the city before the foreign legations were inveete I by th#- Boxers. f Hilled Hartenhnek. Holbrook. Neb., Orf. 9.--far! Barien b‘ k. living one mi’e south of here, trie | to kill his wife and family last nlgat. They rnn to the tiome of Mr. Kilebc< k. who is Bartenback’s brother-in-law. Barlenback fo |. wl thrni and flrrd several s!o*s at Ktelbeck and hi* family. Kbd beck returned the fire and killed Bartcn back. 4lrls it it ii WtrlLe. Akron. 0., 4>r*. 9.—One hundred an 1 fifty girls employed In the parking department of the American Cereal Company quit work to-day because they were refused an increase of from 70 to cents per day. 8* \ eral hundred men employed in the mills ar* in sympathy with the strikers, and a shut down may result. < ♦ tifintr err II %rrlrel. San FrMn*'i*<*o, Oct. 9—The steamer American M iru, which arrived to-night from Japan, has among her |>o*sengerr F. I>. Gamewell. president of the University 'f lVkln Mr. G.imeweH had charge of the fortification* during the siege of Fe kirv turrnl ns to Itntea. Chicago, Oct. 9 After a *es<Urvof two •lays ibe p s n e glass Insurance men. repre s* k ntatlves of the largest plate firm* In i -ie country, hav* come to no agreement as to rate*. Hltrlilr \f fattllty. Ottumwa, la . Oct. 9.—Samuel J Bitchle of Baltimore, who has been on ti til for alkged complicity In the celebrated Kldon Bank robbery, was found not guilty to day. *IKM|t UT. FOR t'Ofr’FKK, Trias Plant *all to He a Ciooil Ink stltute, b*it line F. perl men t Failed. From the Chicago Record. The prairies of West Texas are covered with mosquito hush. The name of tree would be more appropriate, ns H often nl talna a bight of twenty-five feet and Its trunk a diameter of six to ten Inches. This hush or ire* has been .id to flourish be*4 in dry weather, but the tri:4h of this al leged characteristic has not been prove*l by this season of prolonged wet Wipther The rain seem to have benefltd the hardy mesqulte equally tis much as they have the ither v* get niton which Is fouiwi on the prairies. The mesqulte Is greatly ap preciated by the sto kmen of West Texas in times of extreme drought cattle have been known to live for many months, on the |fV( of the mesqulte, when the ruigt was bare of grass. The mesqulte tree promi-e* to become of consl>b*ruble commerc. il importance through Its production of a bean which so closely resembles th* coflfe* berry In fla\**r and appear.n e that one cannot be told from another when rousted. The b*)in of the mesqulte has long been used . 1 stlt i • for eoffn b) *.* m* gnx of th* Rio Grande border <*f Texas and In Mexico and New Mexico. A few years ago the |Mssible commercial value of the mesqulte bean was called to the atten tion of a large wholesale coffee house In 8 laouls. This firm sent a representa tive of West Texas lo make an Investiga tion of the product. Thorough tests w. re made of the bean, nnd it was found to be a perfect substitute for coffee It was proposed m use it In great quantities for adulterating the cheaper grades of coffee. With this end in view a large roasting es tablishment was put up In Han Antonio to prepare the bean for market before shipping II to Hi, !uts and other-points. This plant was placed In operation and many Mexicans were employed *t low wage* in gathering the hem Many thou sand* of pounds of the l>ens were roast ed and shipped tn Bt. KnuU, and I? was said that the Industry wA* very profit i bl*. The next season, however, the me*- quite bean crop was a complete failure, and fh roasting plan# hu<l to remain Idle. When another failure of the bean crop oc- curred th* se*-ond season the business* was abandoned and the roasting plant re moved from Ban Am onto. ll’LTil JOI%* **•• IJ.I.O" HNIItADR. firs lid %‘lsler Tltoualit F.leetrleity Ilex IF* tVnrk, but \bdul To*k a t tinner. From the New York World Washington. Befit 39 American *b < - tricily has Just given Turkey h hhock that promises to awake It from the sleep that has e*n|rd for so miny gen era Ilona over the Kast The auihcriit* In Turkey oppose all Inventions They bell* v* t *tn t • works of th* evil splri Manilla* tuiln-' w.r and commrr" would b carrt* 1 on In th*- am* w.> that I* wn*- fw<* • '•nod years ago It * ***rva!lvc tial !*■♦s' way in the Hu It ait * land. F irtb'iilarly ba* Turkey obje. te l to eleidrb al liino\Mllon.- The -b l.*r. of th* Korun <-annot und*-r-t ind th*m and so hold them as unlawful An American firm did r t know this. rwi. flndir g that Turkey was behind the tlm* * lr mutters of * ie* trl* lights nnd telephon* *e i * smart young Yank* * l * 4‘on>f intlnople with a shipload f teleplon<*, lighting and ottier apiairatus. Not only w-is the young pioneer, upon hi* arrival, forbidden to take his mate rlafs out of IP* ship, but they ac-. i.ik*n out for him ami N-iil H* apfa* k<l to the Atm rl**u. t’ons il General, who took the to the Grand Vlxler. After h dlstiif.-lon of witch' rnfl th*- Yixier g ns hi- con sent to the setting up of ?..e Arn* r (• .in apparatus In th** SuPa*, *** It was for ih- purpose of giving the Grand Vizi* r * < ban • to prove that n* electric machines were th" work of liu* devil When the rooms of th** pal* ■* ha I been filled with colored bulbs, tel ephone Im Ils clicking telegniph Instru ments anl ottier ele trlcal applln * - the Grand Vlxler was calb-l In Th** effe. t was truly eiActrj, ni IB* fle| in dismay as soon as the dynamo was started He ordered the American seized and the ap paratus was taken out Th* Amm an appealed to the 8 It in. who in*pf‘fe| the lights and teleplmnea himself, lie was wild with delight and lmmt* Jy the whole palace fined v Ith wires for light and t**!ep tones. He Installed the engineer as ex pert of the palace ami issued an Had* taking th* prohibition from *|e<-tricai ap paratus The story Is told In the latest report of the American Consul at Constantino ple, J%st received h* re VIVIMICTIO% D* TffeK FID. American t.lrl** Witness Torture f Dumb Animals In I'mtly. From the New York World FarJs. September 29 B*>*le:> has been horrified hy the revelatloti that vivisec tion fiartle* are h**coming im popular here im slumming parlies w* re in !:, g.nral and America o few years ago. Jt has l*ccn revealed that on Thuivda\ la'*’ fifteen fashionable young w men, including four girls prominent in the American <*oloi*y nn<l another American young woman tvmi had been married only two weeks, attend ed a vivisectioti party where the experi ment* on live animals were conducted for rheir *pec!u! entertainment by a you* e physician. The afT ilr was arranged prim ipaily to satlsfx* the lemards of the Americcan itiri*. who hid h*tr<l that vl<*l* lon par tie* were “the thing.” and who w*re anxious to witness to th* fc I cxirnt the horrors by w hi. h the surgical operations are accompanied. First a live frog was cut open to show tlm circulation c*f blood through its ar teries. Then 'onvulsi. ns were prohH*ed in the frog by n heavy * lectrl current ap pli*'*l t. th** various exios*d nrv* s. Th*-*e experiments caus'*l many ahu<l*i* s among the young women and on* of them fl*-d from the room In the next demons!ration paralysis was produced in a Newfoundland dog by the removal of n portton of it* brains. The surgeon far cod the animal to attempt to walk In order to exhibit the exact de limitation of the paralytic effect. T result was painful to witness, but th* young women bore the or .lea I with forti tude After this several cats were kil led to Illustrate the lightning-like effects of prussic n< id. Th** most terrible experiment of all was left for the l-t. A <l*>g whose four legs had been so strapptd iifwirt that he cou 11 not move them t‘*l whose jaws w* re iiound tight \ to prevent him from how llt.g. was split open by the surgeon’s knife so that the heart mid lung * wtc • xposed, the objec: l*elni? to hots for in I Instant th<* >|x ration of th- -<• organs. While witnessing this awful sight two Of the girle fainted. Two other* were un able to end jre the horror nnd rushed from th* room on the verge of hysterics. ARE QUICK TO SEE (••hml Doctor* are 4|n*ek to *>rr nnd Appreciate Heal Merit in Mfw Medicine*. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tabe s are a dis covery of gieat value to the medical pro fession and the public They are an un failing specific in all cmc* of dyspepsia and <ll ordered dges'ton. Almost everybody** digestion Is disorder ed more or b t>*. s aiid the c'mnionest thing they do for it Is to take som- one of the many so-called blood purtfh-rs. Which m many cases re ncr<*l\ rong cathartb•- Buch things arc not n*** *lcd If the organs are in a • 1 gged condUlon, they need only a little help and th**y will right thc-mseb ves. Cathartics irritata the tentltiw lin ings of the Mtomach and liowel* and often do more harm than go*>d. Purging l not what Is needed. The thing to do Is to put tlx* (oil in condition to Im* ?ea illy itge-tt-d and ft*-imitated Stuart's Dyspef-s a Tablets ‘lo this *er tcctly They tartly dig >t what Is cuen and glv* the atom ich Just the help ;t needs They stimulate ih k s<<*retlon .m-1 excretion of the dige-* Ive fluids and re. Ileve therongestixl ndltlon of the glnnds and membranes. They pu* *h<* whole di gestive* s? stem In *' t)• I!tloi to k> its work When that Is >1 tie you need take no mor** t ildets, uob v>u wt what do<*s not agree with you. Then take one or two table - give them i • d*M help and you wdl have rv more trouble. Its a common •■ense medicine md a com mon sense tr atment and It will cure every tim* Not only cure tin* disease but cure fhe cause <;o*'- altout J in .i perfect|> sensible aixl s< lentlilc way. We have test motilaD enough to fill a ls k. but we don't pun i-h many of them. Ilowex n Mrs 1! M Faith of Hvr<l * <’rcck Wis says: I h\e taken a’l the Tablet- 1 got < you and they hive don* thH work well In my *•*•. for I feel Ilk*- a different per son altogether 1 d.*n‘t toubt If I had n<>t got them 1 should have be n *t rest ly this time II K Willard, Onslow. I . says: Mr White of font n, was telhrg m*- of your Dyspepsia Tablets cunng him cf Dyspep sia from which h*- had suffered for i years. As I am : auffer myself, I wish you *o send me a pw k:ie by i**turn mall. Phil Brooka, I>etrott, Mi h . says: * Your dyspvpesla cure has worked wonders In my case. I stiff* i> I for years from !y< |M<psia but am now entirely cured and en joy Jlfo as I never have before. 1 gladly recommend th< ni It wII c-at 50c to find out Just how much Bturat’s Dyspepsia Tablets will help you. Try them that’s the ta-s! way to decide All diuggists srll them. A little kook on stomach diseases will I* malbd free by a IdrcsMng F. A. Btuart Cos., Marshall, Mich. EDUCATIONAL VOTING CONTEST. A FREE EDUCATION . . FOR TEN OF THE READERS OF . . The Morning News. Thf Morning News has arranged with the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Pa., to present Ten Free Scholarships to the ten persons se curing the largest numbers of votes between now and November 20, 1900. Thr |MT*nn rrcrlvlng thr Inrgral number of votr* xslll tiuxr thr choice of onr of thr follnxxlng tf D *<• lihln r*hlp*. Thr fter*nn rrrrlvlnit thr nrxt lnrur*t number *f xotr*. tlir second rhulrr. Thr iirrinn rr**rlvtuii thr third tarue*t namhrr f vote*, thr third cholre. nn*l so on until thr ten p*r ion* receiving thr largrat nuuihrr* of x*lr* liaxr rarh arlcctrd m Mcholar*lilp. 1 Free grholar*htp In Mr. rliNitlml Fnglnrrring. Irv hiding in-(ruction In Arlthmoiic. for mulas geometrical drawing m* i l draw lug. gromdry and trigonom etry. element* ry mechanics, hydro me* homes aigehru. lognrlthms. pneu matic-. heat. st'nm aih! *tenm n -glues. Mrrngth of materials, applied mechanics, steam b tiers, machine de sign. and dynamos and motors. • A I rer **<• Im in r*h 1 p In Klee trlrnl biisinrerlns. Including instructi*>n in arithmetic, formulas. g*om*irlcal drawing, mc <hardil drawing, geometry ami frig onomerrv. elementary mechanics, hv* dromi** hunl's. algebra. iogaril tns. pnuimattrs, heat. >inm nl seam engine.** strength of materials. >p pile') mechanic*, steam bollerw. ma rhlr* design, prim iplet* of el* trl uty. eb trlcal m**a* irements. applied ele - trleity, batteries. eßctrlc transmission clmrle railways, electric lighting, dr s'.gn of continuous-current dynamo el* trie machinery. de**lgii of continu ous-- urient motors, principle* of alter nating-ourrent ai>par*itus. design of al t* rnatlng-currer.t apparatus. This S holarahip leludrs a Free Out fit f Fleetr. il Apparatus with which lo do the work of the course. ;i % Free *cholarblp In Ar chitecture. Including instruction In arithmetic, for mulas geometry and mensuration, geometric*! drawing architectural drawlng.ornamrntaMrawlng. advanced archlte tural drawing masonry, car pentiy Joinery, stir building, ornamen tal irotiwork. roofing, sheet work. EACH COURSE IN BOUND FORM. Each or thro* course# will Include 'he In.lrncllon and Queetion PajKrs and Drawing Elate* nece.wry to study with, and In addition u complete set of the same papers handsomely ond durably bound mula- and Keys for the whole work of the i-ourw. for use aa reference books. 4 nt oat the nttachrd Voting fun ▼ T pnn and mnll or brlnn It to tlir l*n*- |nrwß „mrr of tlir MOHMSG NFAVB, havannnh. Ga. to Enrh ( onpon nu*t bear the name of the prnoii for xxliuni >ou xxl*l to Vote ! Votr# will lie rrr*l,*il nnlil lultl nlglit Nov. in, lUO. I'RAIRIK CHICKBK W.WiEH. John Hanlon of l hlcngn F.nla • Ulckrn Knch iln) for :tl> IH. From the New York Hun. Chicago. Oct, 7—Tom llanton. pre-idem of Tattersull'* Athletic Club, now holds ihe record In prilrle chicken eating. Thir ty bird*, one each day for thirty day*. * the feat he accomplished, an undertaking whl< h no MM • I M *b> hue atUßSpltd tt ha* been nhle to do. A month ago Mt. Il.inton was eating In company with Tnoma* Sawn. th comedian; Ale* Jacobs of the Olympia Theater an I "Smiley " ,-ot ctt. in Charley Kira's retaurnnt on Fifth avenue. They ordered prair.e Ml ken ll.mtcn remarked during the he could cal prairie chicken for ovTy mtnl. • Vo I .ant cat a prattle chicken a day nr thirty I'nys." N.vwn fal l. A snir.r waa made. Nawn aid Jacob* I iii Ilia Sltet In Ihe hand* of the r' ranik-e|*er igaln-t of Il.inton - mon. • bat he could not accomplleh the feat. The was that Hantun w I, r m the bird between and * o'clock In the eveninif, was to order any sort of .Irlnk he de-lred. and the toeing side wa* to pay the restaurant hill Al t! o'clock u*l evening Hanlon called at Kina'- te.- taiirant ntnl in' the order for hi* thir tleth prairie chicken. Ju*t a* the dt*h wae lerotiahl l>efoie him an orche*trn In the ■ treet. whl. h had Itecn hlre-l for the pur ik-c. b gun playing, All I Chi ken." They followed with. "Who t!"t the Key lo Ihe lln Coop” Hanton ate the chi- ken. but deflate- tha! he would not eat another foe 11,000. For Oyer rtf'.y Year*. Mra. Wlnaloar** fAmthlng Syrup ha* been us cd for children teething. It loolhee the cht.d.. aoftens Ihe gums, alley* all puln cure* wind colic, and is lh* beet remedy for rltoea Twenty-five cent* a bottle. —ad. % DflirluMH Nmokr, Ttie Herbert Spencer 1* an elegant cigar and is truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumee of thta One tobacco; It is evbiUrallng and delicious. Kce that the name of Herbert Spencer i* on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by ihe bo* of 30 Concha* at 3.50. and I'erfectoa. W SO at Lippman Bro* . whole sole druggi-t*. Barnard and Cangreta streets, of tht* city —ad. g g t "OraTbrard I* a family mrdllne with n." -a and a prominent bu*lnca< man yes terday "My wife lanes It. add 1 nolle* *b- t* nJoying better health than fur yeara The children keep well by laJUog 11. Orayb ard may he obtained at all drug re# or write to us for It. Kespesa Drug Cos. sole pr p* Savannah, (la. ad. A Hlgh-Oradc Institution for lat die* Shorter College, I tome,, Ga. Write for watalogue.—ad i electric-light w iring and b *.I w ork plumbing and gastittlng. hratlug <l \ ♦ ntllutlon. painting and doiaitng, •Hi mating aril alculatt g quantities history of architecture, anliltectural design, specifhwtlons. building su|***r- Infenißm-c. • omr t '. prmls, etc., six! architectural .tgineericg. I A I’rcr kcholarablp In t lx II linginerrlnK, including instruction In arithmetic, for mulas. geometrical drawing, median local drawing, g* n< ry and trigonom etry. elemeniary nx nani s. aigebpi, logarithms, hydraulics, pneurnati* s. elementary graph! al static.-, slrengtn of materials, ana ysis of stre-se pro |K>rt toning *he material, details of con struction. details, bllle. and Kurveying latxl surveying, mapping, railroad location, railroad construction. Ira k work, stt :ur*s, <lrsln age. sewerage, stiects and highw tys. paving, water-wheel**, hydruuli'* mt chinery. water supply and distribu tion. Irrigation, h< a . sieam and st am engines. r *um loller- loc m- tl v< s, <ly(iamo* and motor*. el*cir bg King, electric railway-, des astrono my. eiementary chemistry, g blowpiping, and mineralogy 2. A Free kcbolnr*bip In Sani tary Plum lilng, IfcntliiK, nnd A cntllntl*n, including instruction in arithmetic, drawing, meehaiilcl and aw ing. mensuration, mechsnb s. plumb ing nr.d drslngage. gas a:*l sa--fi tlng, wiring anl bellwotk. principl of healing and ventilation, steam hot wafell h‘ H* ng. fur. ace heating, ventilation of bull*llng-. st huuls \.MI t UU.KUtIS. Tilt: Sit ISMH I , HKPAHATOIV SCHOOL. MILITARY. OPF.V IIIT. N. Mr. Strong lit- returned to Iho city and tnny Iw seen every morning between k and 3 al the chooi building, on tho northwe-*! corner of Barnard and Harris •tre**tc. Ormont IV Strong <Corn*-lI). Head M.i*tcr. A ** hool wnoM lu>iruciorx are unlv<r al!> in* n familiar with modem tn*t hod, and men who have *l* momurulcd th**lr succexx a* teacher* in prep-trlng l*>y* for colhgc and bu*tn A Nohool whof* diplo ma lx accepted In lh u of summation by many rollege and whnac hetdm.ister ha;* the hlghen ment by the prexi *}♦ nt•- of Cornell und of the* I’nlvcixlly c#f California A acliool who •• director* ar atnoiiK the ntoM prominent m*n of th (•tali*- A >.*hool whore your hoy would recelva pmonil vupervixlon and en couragement; wher** h could obtain a thorough fend xyxiematic training In holy and mind; whera he could preiwr# nt* 1.-#son** f*r tht* next day under an ln ■tructora ait* In th* afternoon juxt nx }># would at the here Itoardlng xchno4, ai.-l whan \ i would . mm ib it and SfT VINCENT u ACADEMY RAY AY A All, G A. FOUNDED IN IMS. Day School for Young Ladle*, conducted hy the B;;urs of Mir y. The course of in-trucilon la tboroiign and comprehen sive.. The -choi.i-dic year commence* LAST WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. ALSO I’IIKPAHAToni SCHOOL FOR 1.11H.K HOY s. Small lmy receive th.ii epectal rare and attention whl< h then age demand*. For terms apply to MOTHER HITKRfOR. OPIUM Morphia* and Cocaine habit* cured pain lessly In 10 to 30 day*. The only guaran teed painless cur*. No cure no pay. Address, Dll. J. 11. HEFLIN. Locust Grove, Ga. MDJ7VBMI I EBORD'S FRENCH PIUS FEMALE REGULATOR. .nt pampas! tor the - adj .■Dr pr . j: Better than 1 inny ”W and hesea JM to an, Beard Chemical Cos.. Hr. at* Mao Olive street. Louis- lllc. Ky. Empty Hoflshcads. Rmpty llolasa <■ Uogalirads fo* a*le by C_M. GILBERT & CO. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books I rum Morning News, Savannah, Ga. j t A Free Kchnlarahlp tn t hemintry, including instruction in anthmet elementary algebra and* t functions, physics, theoretical rh*-i . )- •r \ mortal.] •, • m •-• * \ ■, ; • • ansylsis. organic chemistry, and p.. . titstlve analysis. 7 A Free *cliolar*htp tn ( os ■me rein I llranehe*. including instruction In arithmetl , spelling, vertical or slanting penn.n* ship, grammar. punctuation. >**• r writing, single-entry bo>kk* p. double-entry bookkeeplni, 0,. i. i . riOHing. and changing bojks aid stenography. N A Free %eholnrah!p In Mr* chanical Dnmlnx, Including Instruction tn arhhm * an<l mensuration, tl drawing, and mechanical draw This scholarship Include* a CovnpM* Drafting Outfit, retail prior. SIIS 1) A Free heholar*htp in \r ehiteetnral DrMxxlng. Including Instruction In arithmetic geometry and mensuration, geomeirt I drawing, architectural drawing, <-r x mental drawing and advanced archi tectural drawing This Bi holsrshlp Includes a Complete >raftlng Outfit, retail price, sl2.sV> IO A Free in 4>r iiniiirntal Detnn. Including lntt ruction In se.xmeir and drawing, freehand drawing. hl*tr. ornament, ronuo>!;l tj. and applied i sign. This Scholarship includes a Oompbt- Designing Outfit, retail price, 19 ON EXHIBITION IN ADLER’S BROUGHTON STREET WINDOW. The Bound Volume* containing the In- FtrueGon ami Question Pap*r. of th'-a ctiiirFrx. the Drafting Outfits. Electric!l Outfit, and Outfit, to hr glv. n wuh th** course* are on <*xhlbition in Ad- Dr s Full strrrt window, and the public is cordially Invited to come and >ee them. VOTING COUPON. N’nme Street and No. Town TRUNKS. \V# arc handling at our rot dl Moot 314-31# Broughton fltrert, went, a full lin of Irunlcx from thr choapfst to the be.*t made, at our own factory on Bay Street, Our Great Leaders* Ladles* Trunks, full tray, leather strap* Z* -lie, well made, a p. rfe 1 beauty, only $5.00. Wf mkc a Rpfdalty of Hk.rt Trunks 40 to 44 Inched, the otil> Trunk for la.lies fkiris. full length of wk!rt 1 3 irayi*, will preserve tho clothe** In tr.if original rhapo and prevent wnnkhr**- made to ortlcf. from SXO.OO Up. Our Leather Bound Trunk- La or Gent's, made of veneered hi: wool brassed trlmmlnga leather alrm around, never sell* for less than L• 0 Our price $12.00. SOUTHERN TRUNK FORK. M. I). LUbIX, Prop, Phone 11 HR. RING OUT SWEET WEDDING B ! ILS. The Drldc ia delighted because the WEDDING GIFTS All came from G. W. Alien & Cos., THE WEDDING GIFT SPECIALIST. They were selected from WHITING'S SOLID SILVER THE MOST BRILLIANT CUT Cameo IVarc In all tile new shape* at- 1 coloring* CHAFING DISHES, the large*! line in the city. NEW LAMPS And other thing* lo make a woman h