The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 10, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. HmH's Orral IHaroTrry. On# ©mall bottl© of HAll's r.'-Ast Pl ©•r©ry eur# ail kldr.ey and M#dd#r t©ot>bi©# nmovrf f rav* I. cute® and •!>**• ©•mtnal ttnUaiona. weak iti l Um* banks, rhSimativn and all lrn-fuUrHl* of tba kldnaya actil bladder In buth nrn and Warneri result* bladder trmiM©* !n drar, If not ait * m b* tanr rnjr mall on rrr p* ‘f $1 ° n# •mall bottla in iv • monfnn nl. and aril, run* anv -• at-*v‘ m**ntl'fKd l>r E W Hall, tola manufacturer. P Bo* fj* 8 Loul*. Mo Bnd for tea* ' monlala Sold by a! lru**it * n<l ®° io * mati* Cos., ba^noai. Ga. Read This. Dr E TV Halt St. Lmil. Mo : TVar fir ri'aM thlp nv I hit* doiefl Hall a Oraf bv Aral #*pre" 1 * 1 bava ao'd o\’er one l*fartlon at and I cuitomera. Tour* trulv. H r OROVUII Ann M n * opot Prug fltora. Ocala Fla . I>ee it • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. JVBJW* ATI) \li:wi OP THE DU l> TWO HTAITJ. Antaer to the *oth© eater n Plied by Farrar's Altorneya—totton About Ainerlrua llna lleen toth errd UDraair I flritirrt Halar %farh Hay—Air. Plnuler nod oth ers on a Tour of the East I ooat. The Tucker* %r|ultted In llode I ouiity >e* 'l ow n to He Mullt Aeroaa the Hirer Prom Jackson ville. There wa a l.tre uidlct, r pr#©r.t Pun day afternoon at the service* h‘ll in d*d l atloti of the era hulVlinjt of the Youn* Man a Christian Association at Mn >t A very Inteieatliif: programm* wo* ren ter* 1 The addresses an I ingirta in re greatly ©njo\ el. ( rop Itos fteen leathered. There was a marked in cotton receipts at Amerious doriiK the wek Juat ende|. which fan ju-tlMr* the statement that the gr*H' hulk .>f the • op In that sec lion has bean gat here 1, mitkted in I •Old Farmer**** fred> let . their holdings at 10 cems. an*l sum* have in tlrely flnhhtd pi king ind this w**k will l*egii> sowing and oat.** A la r k“ a<■ reage will he planted In gtafn this in l l oiiklnu for n Mi*.. The com mins loner* of Fulton county arc row In the market hunting f *r . suitable alte for a reformatory. At the l ist meet ing of the hoard s3,.’**) '•>* **©l aekle with which to purchase a site* arwl a r*olutln was also pa-ssMl authorising th* cat of the old Jail site, the money to he derive*l from It to h* uaed In th*- roitatru* tlon of the reformatory. It 1- believed tiNtt tie proceeds of thi* sal* with the $3,5 0 al ready appropriated. will In* a suffbent sum to at least common • th*- work, and pos sibly carry It through to a succtasful end ing. # I'armrn liny. There were two |o4ls of h.v on the pub lic auu.iro at recently that a - considerable attention on account of their sis**. The first load belong* and to Mr R. J Guinn arid weighed lit** poind** The second load belonged to Mr. H W Milam It was not weighed, but was >- to be not less than s.** n pounds. The first load was Bermuda and th s ond was pea vine Ten or twelve years .*o lav was to IjaGrang** in gr**. quantities, hut now the i- re versed and great qiiantltiew a■ annual.y shipped from that roint. To give an kl© as to wh-t Is being done in this lln* * )*• dealer this season hits sold twenty-five mowers in and around laiGrang** It l** good money crop ai>l fartneis arc 'akiig , hold of li In a businesslike manner. !• (intUH f lain.ton. A Macon dispatch to th* Constitution J says: Mr. Alfred Edwards, who haa*bren connected ao long with 8. H. J.tques. Tinsley A t o . will leave soon for Ism dot where he goes to a < ©pf a responsible position with the firm of Findlay A Hal ils. former Macon young men. who are conducting a very prosperous busln- s . In Ljeadon. A remarkable clrcumstam • hap l>euel yesterday with Mr Ivlwatd* It* ha*l his fortune toi l by a lady tt * • rat* 1 paimlsi. who tint been In the city h short while. In reading the lines of Ids hand she Informed him that some tiro** ago a lucrative position was offered him ;n London. hut hw declined it. and sue asked him the reason why he refqped. H* re plied that It was because of severe lllne-a in his family, which was tru* Bhe tU I film not to care, as a similar |*l * • would he tendered him before spring. When Mr Kdwards left th* palm and wet tto his place of business he wa greatly surprised to And awaiting him there a lettrr from Messrs Kindla\ A Battle, of Ixarwl n. t n dertng him the aim** position that had been offered him lasi year. F arrar vs. iMinthn ralrrn. Henry A Alegnnd* r of Atlanta, and George P. Jonas of Mn< on. as attorneys for K M Farrar of AtUnt i ha • fil**l an amendment in Bibb Superior Court to h** answer of th** Pout hw* stern Railroad Pompany in the suit of Farm- again t the Soulhweeiem. in which Ik .'*.lß and 1* Involved The original suit w.%* HI <1 in July. Ikft) atnl will te henr.l at th** No vernier term of Hlbb Pupertor t’ourt. Hen mark. A*iam- A Fre* nan of Biunuh ami Hardeman. l>avls A Turner or Macon, represent the Southwestern Th su I grows out of th* re* ent Central lla.lroad receivership case, the Ontrat liiihoa*! lielng the lessee of the Pouthw*etern, the okl l.s** prON idir.g that th* Ceinril should pay to (h sto khold*- of tl>* B*uthw t ern an annual dlvklend nut le-* dui.i 7 per cent on the par value of titer do k. The p.attiff. B M Fa rar. at.ns that ’ms the sum of $8t8.1K3.34 was pal*l to tie* fV>uthw c*t rn > h 5 l* r * • nt c m, t m se of the unpitd divldt iwls *lu** during th** re celverehlp. this sum of money, therefor-* jui not belong to the outhw*it*un *ti pany during the recetveiship at th*- time the regular dividends should have le n paid. FLORIDA. Amfl*t Smith .lit t .It h. Mr> fl Aino juarmr In Buniny from polnon •dmlnl*i*rl by h-r own hind. Hhr *. on- of the waltr-nc ai th hotel, a li of [tl.n.liiß mhnnrr, aril ntrlklnx api'i amr. Everythin* poa.H.e * iton- to aav* the Ctrl'* life, but U ■ to no uvott. Killed ley an ollleer. John Boyre. a rtronße necro, arrived In Penaarola Baturday, flilrd up on wrhUky and lerami' cluwrderly. I’olP <• < >nitv>i William Martin attempt'd lo nrrmt him. hut he r—ntste.l violently and made a mo tlon a* If todr.ia a inn. Martin, thlnkins hl life In dancer. tlre<l,' the bullet taktnc •fTect In Boyce'* breast. Jun alaive the heart Boyce was taken to the hospital, where he dted. The Tuckere Ariinltted. The famous Tucker trial at Dade City ha* be-n completed and the verdict wa* acquittal This was one of the most noted cases In Bouth Florida for many year, Blltott Tucker and hi# four brothers ter, charged with the larceny of some cattle. It I* claimed that the prosecution grew out of a family feud which has esisted for some year* Elliott Tucker was In dicted aa the principal and the four broth er* as accessories before and after the ! fact Th* trial was rommsm-M #arly *• W##k. and it was th# only ism tried at ■ thi** term of the rburt. fatrl firrw n*plclon. A 17-yewr-old white girl, of nice appear ance. appeared at the Timpa polles head quartsr* Runla\ and for trsnspor t.itlon to t k* her to her home In New I York Bhe staid ha she had •• s*s*er roamed and living in T.impa, and was in flu* *d to go there b\ ier lrother-ln-I<w After she arrived intngs looked so sue plt ioua to h r that she I** am** dlssaiia ?ied Hh* !• Ir*-- tnat It looks - If •■omeone had made a plot to ruin her and she wants ?o go bn k horn* The matter w. referred tofhe M *yor. and If h* find* th girl's si. .r> If tru* she will ge the necessary n**t*tin e to get home. %A 111 Itntr n Yew Town, A f>< w tow n will be tulla a ros* the 8t John river from Ja keonvllle Ki-I'nited Hlnif* H-n*tor t’all Is the chief of the lo* .! promoter- *'if New York. Boston and l*hMadelphla apitallsta are suj p. *d *o b** Ansnctng the s h* rn* Benror t all, in speagtn #, f the project, gays 'lt will t*e a tealdei.t town ♦* hi*‘.velv with magnlArent boulevards and tropb al |o*rk It will be provided w th distinct ilsctrlc ligitt site trie enr nd winer systems. It I** intruded to b* a model home town ' The Incorpor ation pMpers an • p**rted thi** week, and then. \4 lalmed by the promoters, work w ilt Ik gin Immediately. Mint mill Rllleit a Yrgrn. There wa i very unfortunate shooting sTap* lt> the Khidy Grove s. t on. right mil* k south of o .*: * H inday morning It -eem that Arthur Galllpevu. white, and a w- gonmaker and bl.< ksmlth, hn<f an .i *. ,nt against *♦ negro by tli* name of John ID E. <d* r.d. but which Bell *• aimed he had i ild y work This Gailipeau )l plife*l w h*r Hell * 111 ' I II leave It to two win*** men." which w.*i agree*! to nl> tlMlllpetu. it Is mill Insisted chat It ho ild 1m tlone then, to which Hell dle vi!ti a** It was Bunda\. but said he wo>.l i Mor*lav morning It Is a !eged that GalhfM .ii b< ame *o exasperated that he ir. w i plet.d and shot Hell In th© neck, from which h‘* died. On m Totir f Inapeetlon. A die j Hitch to the Tlmes-l'nlon an*l r*n- Is-n from Bt. Augustine says: Mr Flag ler. a> irompanltd by fir. Anderson anrl Ft. and Sterrv, manager of the Palm Beach li • * is. arrive and her** soon aft* r fi o . lock l.e-t night where tlw |irty wa** Joined h> J A McGuire of the firm of McGuire A M< lam ild. hotel constructors and H T GofT. su|*erlnt*rwlent of the Florida Fast <' •.*-! Kui|wav Th** sprs'bil train, drawn i.\ mi **n;** **' e.|nipped with on **|ei trie h a)tighi <*(> < tally fr th* o. uslon. left here shortly before 7 o'clo* k and procr*efl *l dlrctl\ to Palin lUh h. To-day was *l*nt Ins|M ting th*- new work. Including Mr Fl.g!er'w new cottage at Palm Beach, the afternoon i*eing devoted to a run •town to Miami. It Is Mr. Flagler s Inten tion to I*■!v* the lower east <s>awt this evening, reaching this city some time to morrow morning Negro Killed at Baldwin. There was considerable excitement In lower Duval county over the killing of a negro by a white man Haturday night. Th© prisoner has been brought to Jack sonville and placed in Jail. At Baldwin, a great crowd of negro hand* gathered for th* usual Katurday night dissipation, unit th** sheriff and an extra guard of dep uties were present to prevent any tdood shed or rioting. All was quiet until the shonfT returned to his home. Then sev eral pistol shots were fired and a number of personal difti• ulb s engaged In Hun* day morning the body of James Williams. h former H-aboard employ©, and reputed to be it highly respected negro, was found dead with a bulb*© through the head. C. M Flanagan, a white man. Is charged with the killing Ftan.igan says he Is a deputy sheriff It is Ml* god that the ne gro killed was engage 1 in no disturbances and was probably the victim of an error. nt tit.i#%nh %t ihii tit.ii. Two Murder t uses to He llronght In the Superior I onrt. • Douglas. Gs . Oct. 9 —Burglars recently entered the general merchandise store of T. Tanner and carried away, a near s inn now Ik* estimate*!, between s.‘tf and I7* worth rrf shoes, besides some clothing and notions. Kntrunce was effected by bor ing a hole In the back door, sufficiently large for the Insertion of u man's arm. and the cross bar was raised. There Is yet no slew to the guilty parties. Coffee Superior Coun I* In se.-sion with Judge Joseph W. Hennet presiding, and Holbd or General John W. Bennett looking after the state'* Interest Judge Bennefs charge to the Grand Jury was able and pointed, particular toress being placed upon rhe prosecution for carrying pistols concealed, and the sale of whlk> In vio lation of law There are two murder t asotk on the docket, on< a tgelnst Dennis Paulk, Jr . and one against John \Y Gillls. Both the accused belong to good families and stand well In the county. The visiting attorneys ar- Hitch and Myers. l#e*m A Wilson. John c* YlcDonald. Toomer a Reynolds, Walter Bennett and A K. Cochran of NVuycfos*. F. D Graham of Baxley, P L. Hrnlth of Haxlehurst. B T Allen of Pear son. R. A llemltlcks of Willaco*x;bee, and Holton K Hon of Baxley jiim.wr o\i:t I’Hitm lona t otton Is sriling twsj I p at lake t It). Pla. I#ak*- City. Fia . Oct. S* The cotton mar ket at this place iw the best It has been In years. Cotton In the seed is bringing tents, whlh in the lint it rallies all the way from 2b** to 23 cents. Saturday an exceptionally large amount was dis poned of and the tjolk Is being sold In the seed, as it h claimed that prices will yield more i th* |trodutv. At this time lasi -**4- h cotton w as bringing to St r ents in the seed nmi from V to 13 *nt In the lint, at Increase of nwr** than 100 |er cent. Th* Peabody High H hool o|en*l last week with 23b pupils. Fully Ally more will enter tills week This Is one of the best high school* In thlstpart of the stat* The *:ored folks annual ramp meeting wid l*egln on tin- isth and 'Otttlnue for ten lays Thi- congregation of colored I * opb* comprise** n *out IOjw). ami they . ome from nil parts of this state and Georgia Arrangements ar* being made with the electric light people to supply plenty of light for the occasion and It N thought that this will keep down much trouble which usually o-burs out there The Florida Agricultural College now has one of th** be*t enrollments of s hd r* It has ever enjoyed. During the past >. nr a fin** dormitory for young ladles has inii flnl*li**l The male attendance this \**r I * miu-h l*etter and is tnrt* ad v a rued. Th * * publl- s|*eak* rs for 8f Augustine -firvkc In thi-* city lasi Wednesday and they , >mplet* h knocked out every argu ment presented by the Jacksonville ora oi* <* aln men will st** nk lo re Wednes da> and when these three titles divide tip the uncertain element. Tallahassee, will ome under th* wire an easy winner CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bi.ars the Signatureei C THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1000. OUT TO-DAY BUY TO-DAY Brilliant Satirical Amusing PUBLISHED SOLELY TO ENTERTAIN. Two Editions Printed and Sold Last Month. November Number (Out To-Day) Contains The Cleverest and Strongest Features Yet Presented I MF. HRRORS OF SOCIbTY. By Rev. Braddin Hamilton. Wh#rln th minnt N-wport dlvlr.a 4vancva Kin. v#ry Intsrsstin* vl*rs of a most tntarcatlnc subjoct. • MT VANDEI.EFR, r*IRATE By H*>n DON Jt'AN (Canto XVIIt By Rl.hard Hovsy IN AN OPERA BOX By Mary Btowurt t'uMtna SOCIETY IN HOME By Julian Gordon THINGS A/.I HE AND AHGKNT By Michael Glffjrd White A I.ANK IN I.ENOX By Kat# M.istcrson Forty-Five Other Stories, Sketches, etc. By the Brightest Writer* of th* Day. ltf> PAGES OF READING MATTER 3S CENTS TER COPT. SPECIAL OFFER FOB 1901 Subscriber* who now send tSOO (th* regular annual subscription!, either direct or through* a newsdealer, will receive all number* of Ihe Smart Set from now until January. 1901 A Word to Advertisers. * The peculiar and wtdeapread lnteret felt In The Smart Set Magazine has been thoroughly demonstrated hoth by Its phenomenal and Increasing ale and by the remarkable results which the maraslne has brought to Its advertisers Advertisers desiring spare in the December Number should apply al once., All ahnuld be in by the 20th Inst. THE 8M \RT BET. 11£ Broadway, New York MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Matters of lltlrre,! to fihlpplng Mrn (.eurrally. There I* a good aixed walling fleet bound for Havannah from Northern port* to load return cargo of lumber, I'ntil Ihe end of the hurricane #*eeon It wae difficult to engage wall freight room from Southern porta North, and aa u reeult order* have accumulated, which It will keep export er* bu*y filling for #ome titne to come. Freight rate# are easier than they were a month ago. due to the larger number of veeacl* offering for luml>er carrying. Two *ea*<Hi* ago the loaeee to ve**cl profterty on account of the violent weather which prevail# In Southern water* during (he fall eu#on created a score which run* rale* high above what *hip|wr* are will ing to pay. and consequently bring* (he movement of lumlter practically lo a ulandetlll until Ihe worm aeason passe*. Dack hand* are k*pt bu*y on (he Brit ish bark Ltxxla Curry In their effort* to keep her free from water. While It I* not known w-liat amount of water else is mak ing. aim the fact ,he pump* are kept go ing constantly indicate* th*t the leak Is a pretty bad one It I* thought'the own er* will come to Savannah to look after the vessel, since her commander la 111 nnd unable 4<> attend to business. The Swedish lmrk Norrskenet. Capt. ! NordquML arrived yesterday from Boiier- I -lam with S.ttkt barrel# of cement. Capt Hylund ha* been on the Noordtcnct for many year*, bul did nol bring her over this voyage. I*a*enger* by filean*lilp*. Passenger* by steamship City of Au gusta for New York yesterday: Ml** Irene Clifton. Dr. Kensn Hall, M'*. 8 R Jaque*. Mr* S P. Goodwin. Ml** May Yon Camp. C. E Holme* J A Mlllsap, i N D Whaley and wife. J S Waller. Mr*, l.ixale Igiwrence, F. Davl*. Dr. F. Wahl. Melvin le Molt. Howard lb- Mott. Mr*. A. 99 liavla, Mi** Annie D. Wlnkier, (\ 99 Tyler. Henry Noble. Mi** Perla Abra l.ima' Ml*s May BlaMng. F. A Curll*. Dr. Florence and |*!rty. 99'. It. Bristol, I L. 99'ahbourne. W H. Allefi. T C. Hell, J 11. ll..slant, L. A. Levy. T K Whit lock. C. R. Owen*. Erne*t Blxler. B E. Taylor. A C. Ackerman. Mr* N. A. Hall way. J M Kennedy and wife. II D. odom and wife. F. J. Abbott. Miry Stew an, John Calhoun. Passenger* by steamship Dorchester sailing lo Baltimore yesterday: I>. F. Herne. Mia* Annie Murdock. A M How ley. H A. Hill. Mr*. Teaaedent, Mr* Doatn, Newcomb Cohen. George McColll*. Savannah Alninnue. Sun rlea al :01 a. m. and *• at 5.22 p. m. High water at Tvhee to-day at * 89 a. m an I 9<M p. m High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phase* of the Moon for October. D 11. M Flrwt quai ter I 3 10 eve. Full moon 8 7 1* mom. Last quarter 13 3 51 morn. New moon 23 7 27 mom Flret quarter 31 3 17 morn. AnitlY AND DEPARTURES. Vravrla Arrived Yeerday. Steamship Nscoochee. Smith, New York —Ocean Steamship Company. Steamship Berkshire, Ryan. Philadel phia J. J. t'arolan. Agent. Steamship State of Texas. Kldridgr. Baltimore. —J. J. Carolnn. Agent Bark Marla Itaurelia tital). L.-tvacno. Marseille* Slruchan k Cos. Bark Norrskenet (Swish. Norqul#t. Hot-, terdnm H Juchter. Burk Alert (Norl Andersen. Appledore. —Chr (1 Dahl * Cos. S- hnoner Ch.-trle* l.nrlng. Burt. Tort Royal. 11l tow. Master. 9e**el* Cleared Yesterday. nark'ntlne Fredrfca (Brl. Churchill. St. John. N. B.—John A Calhoun. Veaarla Went to Sea. Steamship City <4 Augusta. Daggett. N>w York. scain*hlp Dorchester. Jams#. Balti more. Bark Latona (Nor). Carleaon, Goole. Vhtpploa Memoranda, Apalachicola, Fla.. Oct. 9 —Cleared, schooner Willie H. Child. Sweelland. Bos ton. Fori Tump*. Fia. Oct. 9 Arrived, steamer Olivette, Smith. Havana, via Key West. K-v West. Fla " Msßfrtvtd. *lh. sievmer Concho. Galveston, and all*d for New- York Oct, 9th. Maacotte. White. Tori Tampa, ind sal ed for Havana CharlsMon. Oet 9 Arr.ved. steamer* Sidra (Bn. Atkinson. Boston; Barkara tßr i Vatu', Phlladslphla; revenue cutter Onondaga. Galveston; tug North Amer ica. with tender. Galveston, hound Phil adelphia. Nw York. Oct. 9. billed, steamer Ori on, Savannah. * OwotCxt For | November Cette. Oct. 7 —Arrived. Agu'ui Pen#a cola. St. Mlchuel*. Oct. 9 —Arrived, steamer Ventmoor, Pensacola for Alexandria (for coal). Philadelphia. Oct 9—Arrived, steamer Allegheny. Savannah Cleared. Mary B. Baird. Savannah; An nie T R.'ilhy, Fernandlna Baltimore. Oct. 9.-Arrlved. steamer Itaaca. Savannah. Stettin, Oct. 6.—Arrived, steamer Roe - hampton Fernandlna. I*a* Palmas. Oct. 8-Balled, steamer Salopta, Pensacola. Notice to Mariners. Pilot chart* *nd all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished master* of ves sel* free of rharge Is United State* hy drographic office In Custom House Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wre.-k* and derelict* received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. Washington. D ('., Oet. 7 —Notice I* given by th* Lighthouse Board that on or alwut Oct. 21 1900. light vessel No ' will he temporarily withdrawn from her "lotion, about fourteen mile* BW by W from A*!a Rip, Phelp* Bank. Nantucket Shoal*, and ihe station will be marked by relief light vessel No 8s Relief light ves *c| No os will show u fixed wh'te reflector light a* the lira I of each of her iwo mast*. ; and during ihlck or foggy weather wlli round a 12-Inch *!.•.,m whistle with the *am* characteristic* hh shat on llgnt vr **•l No. tv,, viz. hls*t* of 5 aeconda* dur ation. separated by silent Interval* of 28 second* Relief light vessel No 88 Is a final* deck steam vessel. *- th a red hull, having "Relief In large white letter* on each side anil "58." also In while, on each how. two masts, schooner rigged no pow sprlt. two hi t* k smokestack# abreast, anti the strum whi*tle between Ihe mat*. and a ted circular Iron eggework day mark at each masthead. Notice is also given that on or ahout Oct 20. l!o l'ght vessel No 42 will Iw re paced on her station, to the southward of Great Round shoal southeasterly en trance to Xantui ket sound, anti relief light vessel No. 38. tem|sYrarlly marking the station will he withdrawn No change has hen made In light vessel No. 42 as to characteristics of lights, fog sig nal or general appearance. Foreign Exports. Per British harkentlne Fredrica for St. John. N. H., 2.138 pieces (346.084 feet) yel low pine lumber. 31.946 39.-Cargo by John A. Calhoun. • 'oaatxxlse Kiyttrla. Per steamship City of Augusta for New York—l,ll6 bales upland cotton. 34 hale* aea island cotton. 790 barrel* cotton seed oil. 776 bale* rome-tlc*. 238 barrel* ro*ln, 745 barrel* turpentine, 135.973 feet lumber. 73 bales old bagging 45 hales tobacco. 57 bundles hides, 2 turtle*. 396 boxes fruit. 81 ■ a sea cigars, 24 tons p| K | ro „ 2jo.(x*t shingle*. 3& batrcls rosin o'l. 61 barrels pure tur. 9.033 staves, 439 packages mer chandise. Per steamship Dorchester for Baltimore —1.30* bale* upland colton, 1,927 barrels ro-ln. 231.K.'<i feet lumber. 10 barrel* rosin oil. 265 packages merchandise. 25 package* domestic*. 20 bale* hide* TELEGRAPmcf MARKETS. (Cotulnued from Nlneh Page.) Nov 3740373* 373*033 37>,574 37 1 , lb--. .. .350254 354 Slqi/JC, .144 (H No 2 Oct 2241224 2244224 21’*t122 23 Nov. 224*224 SS>n224 224*334 32',4i23' Dm 22*. OK S', S', Mess pork. |s-r laurel.— Oc4. ..$.... 3 .... 1 3)6 no Nov. .11 65 11 65 11 45 11 61 , Jan 11 85 II 85 11 75 II 771, | Lard, per 100 pounds Ort. . 725 735 725 715 Nov. . 735 7 30 7 30 7 37's Jan .6 9'. 695 6 924 •, Bhort ribs, per I>o pounds.— Get. .. 8 10 8 lu 8 00 8 !0 Nov .... 7.80 Jot*. 6 334 6 324 6 374 6 27', Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, barelv steady; No 2 spring wheat No, 3. 7\it. No. 2 red. 7644*78c. No. 2 .-orn. 41fi41V: No. 2 yellow. 41' 4 ’Ml4c; No 2 oat* 22',iE4c. No. 2 white, 31'Klffiie; No 3 while. a4t)35,c; No. 2 rye. 52c; .fair to choice mailing. 80957 c; No. 1 flax seed. II 60, No. t Nnr:hve*tern, II 60*1 61; prime timothy seed. It 2iq*4 30: mess pork per barrel. 115.004115 50; lard. per 100 I‘Oiintl*. 17 254i7.35; short ribs sides, (loosel, M <to4iß 30; dry salted shoulders, (boxedi 64416 V; hort clear sides. tl<nxe<l|, fs en, B,.Vt; whisky. bo*i* of high wlnea. $1.17; clover, contract grade, 1it).25410.50 CO9I PROMISE EFFECTED. Nnhlr'a fiult Igalnst Macon 9% aa fiet 4led 99 lib KIO.OOII. Macon. Ort 9 —The llE.nno damage suit filed by Steven N Noble against the city five year# ago for delay# caused to com plainant while laving Macon'a sanitary *ewer. wa# settled to-night by a oompro mtse agreement between Council and No ble. The price agreed on was city ponds will be sold to pay the amount. DKBATHHe AT BMOR9 . *eme spirited C oateita— Reaalta la Tenala Tournament. Emory College. fzfor<t Ga . Oct. 9 There was quite an iniereeting debate In Phi Gamma .Roclety this morning, the •uh)e< t for discussion helog ' Reaolved. Thai She Porto Rican Ta* Bill Was K* petMegir." The afßrmottve. under the lead ership of Messrs Woodward of Tennes see, and Elder and Red.ting of W aycros*. advanced some strong arguments, but forcthte were the point* of rebuttal brought out by Messrs Evans of Tampe, I,a*slt**r of Vienna and Cavanaugh of Savannah, leader* for ihe negative, shat the decdetosi ws* wtthou; resltailon given to tbe negative by F’reekteni Anderson After the debate |t w-is de uletl to ctiat lerige Few So,-le,y. to on impr.anp'u de bate. and the follow, ii* men eie.-ted to represent Phi Gamma Howard E Ei der of Wavcross Wade H 1 -teslter of Vienna. Carl le>K|. of Aliaitla Alfre9 C. Broom of Newman. Hugh A Woodward of Win he-ter. Teon Charles E Red ding of Waverot-e Al the nest meeting of Few the chal lenge will I*, delivered, ami detiater* to represen* Few will be elected. Few Society to-day electe.l the follow ing officers: Pr**l*tnl. j N>ei> Ptscock of Quitman, censor Hobt H Atkin* of Atlanta, and chaplain. Etwln F Wright of Rome A targe per cent of the new students have united hemseive* with these societies, and they have before them rial seems to be a most prosper ous year The tennis tournament ! progressing finely, and Is now the center of athte*lc Interest at Emory.'wrger of Bruns wick. won from Robert* of Ma con. thi* afternoon. he arores of the three set* tiring <-1. R-7. *-l. Tni* complete* all of the preliminaries but one. four of the "second*" played this *f arnoon give the following result-c Hloutd sen from O W Qullltan of Msdlsm. In two set*. t>—2. ft—2. Tiinnbull of Montlcello. Fla won from Turner of Cedsrtown. A--2. S—4. MrCaln of Atlanta after thtee sets, won out from Goodwin with the *.ote*. 7—&, I—4. 4—4 Guyton of Dublin hi at Moore of Bolton after two eets. A-n. 6—l This leave* only ooe *econd to be plave.l end a* scon as this Is off the finals wtl commence. The tournament.ha* produced some ex cellent tennl* ind th* finals will be watch ed with great Interest Turnbull and Guy ton now s.em to be ihe favorite* for ihe championship. DRMOCRAT* OF TUB EI.F.VEATH. They Are I rural by Mrltongald to Swell the Majority. Waycroaa. Ga., Oct 9.—Chairman John C. McDonald of the Executive Commit tee of the Eleventh fongr***tonal District say* he doe* not apprehend any trouble In the district on necount of the Republi can opposition to Hon. William O Brant lev. Still he urge* aJI Democrat* In the dlstrlot who are not already registered to reglefer at once and be at the polls read for bualnes* Nov. *. He urge* all Dem ocrat* to help swell (he majority of the party. Rev J M. Ol*nn Is attending the Ho mervlll* Campmeatlng which ha* ben* In session since Friday night Rev. E. M Whiting presides This I* the second •ami meeting In Mr. Whiting s district this year A* a local freight on the Plant System reai hed the alxty-two mile post last night, between Jesup and Screven, a truck under a phosphate car broke <lo*rn and aeveral car* were derailed. The damage would probably have been greater, but the train wa* pulling In on the switch at the time the truck broke. Rev T M Christian ha* gone to Dive ttak. Fla.. where he Joins In marriage to day Mr. L, O. Council of Amerlcu* and Ml** Florence Hildreth of Live Oak The congregation of the Episcopal Clmr. h are at work raising fund* to build anew church. They expect to build a brick edifice coating KOI! or I7.<* II will occupy the lot upon which the old one stand*. Rt 99110 AT MOHRI* PARK. Tiark 69 aa Heavy hat There Were Good Flnlsbesv New York. Oct. —The track at Morris Park to-day wa* a *ea of mud. but the horse* ran fairly true to form, and three of the finishes were of the stirring order, head* only separating the first three horse*. Summary: First Race—Six nnd a half furlongs. Ar mor. 10 to 1, won. with West Haden. a to ! and even, second, and Draughtsman. 8 to 1. third. Time 1:24',. Second Race—One mile. Sparrow Wing. 7 to 2. won. with Water (’lire, 5 to 2 and 1 to 5. set ond. and The Chamberlain. 8 to 1. third Time 1:18. Third Race—Rancho del Paso slakes. Eclipse course, six furlong*. Hilvrrdalr, 9 to 10. won. with Telamon 2 to 1 and 1 to 2. second anti Autollght. 15 lo 1. third Time 1:10\. Fourth Race The Falrvlew one mile and n sixteenth, selling. Greenock. 7 to 10. wroti. with Wooster Hoy. 13 lo 10 and out, second. Time l:o0. Fifth Race— Ore mile, selling Harry McGoun. 10 lo 1. won wlih Mllistrenm. 5 to 3 and even, second, and Rcile of Or leans. 2 to 1. third. Time I:MV Sixth Race-one mile Raffaello. 310 t. won. with Dtioro. 5 lo 2 anti 4 to 5. second, anti Herbert, J to 1. thir l Time 1:1:;*, Harr* at Lexington. Lexinglon. Ky.. Oct. The w ath*r wa* cool to-day, though a bright un*Mnc added much to the comfort of the large crowd In nilrnthancr The track wa* In fairly good shape and the three races af forded first daw* *|*>ri 3:10 i*t * purse. 11.00!. Ra my L. won third, fourth and fifth heals and the race: (lomtmy second, winning se ond heat; Mark Derby, third liuna won first heat Time. 2:13!*. 2:11. 2:12*,. 2:12. 2:12',. 2:14 Irol, purse. Il.tkO Red June won fifth, sixth anti seventh heat* and the taco: Arch M second, winning third and fourth heats; Prince of India third, win ning Jlrsl and se.-ond heat* Time, 2:144, 2 13V 2:15',. 3:149*. 2:136*. 2:W* 2:174 2:18 trot, purae tl.toi). Wnuhan won fourth and fifth heats and the raee: Stranger second, winning second and (hint liest*: .11010 third, winning first hi at Time. 2:134. 3:144. 3:15',. 2:154 2:lt>. ■ a PC 99 ELI. 99 9* l> FOR 91. fit. Lonls Proved Too Much for Pitts burg by H lo 4. St. Louts, Oct. 9—Jack Powell was In fine form today, and Plltshurg never had a chance. The loeals pounded Leever's shoots to all part* of the enclosure. The score: RILE. 81 Louis ....1 3 0 0 2 0 1 2 X—B It 1 Plltshurg 1 0 0 o 0 0 1 0 2—4 * 3 Batteries—Powell and C'rlger; Leever and O'Connor. Weather Was Had. Philadelphia <hi 9. —The two garni* between Brooklyn and Philadelphia post poned from yesterday, wete again po*t poned to-day on account of unfavorable weather condition* Groan*!* 99 ere 9Vet. New York, Ort 9 —Tbs Boston-New York game* at New Ycrk todoy wer* postponed on account of wet ground* C'nekraa About Well. Kansas City. Oct. 9 —W Rourke Cock ran of New- York ha* partially recovered Ihe use of his vo’s! organ#, and will re turn* hi* •pecvhmaJucg tour to morrow Nf.w Paris shapls THIVAHI i (>W f ,.s: S~K'GC*r!T f'R.'N’U !-N 'hit Vljl STYLfS 5;0 JJZ-4 40 44 t mgJ§M fQP SAif AT ALbUAOIbQ ItCIAILtRS. WALSH 6c MDY&ff. 1-4 Broughton, VA/e-st. LADIES' FIjRINISHINCS. Thi# Is the season of the year when we lake great pleasure In showing . r | NEW GOODS. PERCALES. OFTTNGS. FLANNBuS. Fl-ANNELETTES for HOI -E GOWNS. SHORT SKIRTS. LONG SKIRTS HOUSE FURNISHINGS. DRAPERIES ART SATINS DENIMS. TAPESTRIES. CI'RTAINING In SWISSES LACE mid FIGI'RED MI'SLXS. LACE and NET PANEL- • T GLASS DOORS KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. y/yy/rya u/Zj!r>w//a/t//. 4^t Jfyu/i&jcur, YxzJf&rua' Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS.. Savannah Affcnts. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes > From (hr moat celebrated ninnnfnctnrrra, both Art-proof and burglar proof antra and .unit doora. ' 'Ve carry an immrnar aloak of Fire-proof <afra. Oar atork rm brarra a very rlrgaut llnr from 700 to 4.000 ponnda, Inrlnatvr. alnglr and donblr doora, and a vlatt to nnr raiabllahmrat to In* aprrt Ihcar elegant aafra will be a aourrr* of uint-h profit and In atrurtlon to our frtrnda. Thr prlrr rtlll br na 100 na any really Fire-proof fair ran hr nmdr, and oar motto la linallty nnd Safety of thr Aral Import* aarr. ■rad or rail on na for further partlrulara. ratalogar and prlrra. LIPP.MAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. Medical Association Mcl. Asheville. N. •*.. Oci. 9—The Mississippi Medk-al Association met In annual ■ onven tlon here to-day. There Is a large at tendance After the delegates hail been welcomed on behalf of Asheville and ihe medical profession.lhe president of ihe as sociation. Dr. Harold N. Moyer of Chica go, delivered hi* annual address. II hintc* 9V 111 Preside. Cape Tonn. (>< t. 9.—Cecil Rhode* will re-enter politics to-morrow, when he wl.l preside over Ihe deliberation* of Ihe Con gress of ihe Bouih African league. I I I.AI. SALE*. BANKRUPT SAID OP ASSETS. 8A YANNAH BOX AND BASKET WORKS Under und by virtue of an order grant ed by ihe Hon. A 11 MacDonell, Ref eree In Bankruptcy, In the matter of \V 11. Bellinger. Bankrupt, the undersigned will *• It. at puhlh auction, on the prem ises located on the Louisville road. In Ihe city of Savannah, Gu. on Monday, Ocl. 15, I9u>. ai 11 o'clock. (Savannah cliy lime). In Ihe foremen, a lot of machinery, tools and apparatus for thu manufacture of Imyxis. crates, Imrn Is and basket*, among which are: Titus 9 ener Machine; Titus Adjustable Head H.iw; Baw Table; Haws: Hand nn I Power Clip pers; K. A It. Holircs Douh'e Surface Planer; Cut-Off uml Hcaillng Haws. Al llnglou A Cunl* Blower System. cm plete; Hot Air Dry Kin. lulleys. Bliaft in. Belling; Haki-i Form#; Barrel Lnlli# and 11.-ops; Orange Box Heads: No 9. Iron 99'lre; Ta.-ks, Nalls, etc., etc. Private sailed lids for the whole or any part of the a**ets will he received by the umlcralgucd. up to October 10. at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, which will lie Oj~-ni'l by the Referee at hi* office. No. 4 Bryan s'reet. east, al said lime and place. Right to reject any or all bids re served. Term# of #a'e: Cash. Properly may be Insp rted and full list re-n. by applying to. JACOB GAZAN. Trustte. 11 Provident Building. Savannah! U* Meat End Street Car goes lo the Fac tory. leckal notice*. GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY - Notice i hereby given (hat 1 have made application 10 the Court of Ordinary of Chatham couniy for leave 40 sell all the Sand* belonging 10 the .wuite of Georg- H Stone, ileeeaeed (or the payment* of debt* aad dietrlhutton. and thai said or der will be granted at ih November term ins), of *aid court, unlr,- objection* are filed (hereto. CHARLES W B.9USSY Oct. UW - Adminiatrator. I Kt. \I. NOTICES. NOTICE) TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS (IKOROIA. <lt ATII AM CO! NTT - Notice la hrrrhy given lo all perron* bav tug demanda againai John Harrlaon lat* of raid i utity, de-eaaed. to prerent them to me. properly made out. within th time pre rlbe.l by law. no at to *hn their rhararter and amount; and all per- Mina Indebted to aald dr reared are re quired to make Immediate puttier! t> m • ROBER H. TA T EM. I.x i-utor, 7 Turk atrrrt. weat. Savtnnab, Oa Stvannah, Oa.. Sep- 4. 1901 I; 'ii':i v t<HjrrHAm ct , hereaa Rehrera laidy ha apphe! Cotirt of Ordinary for lettrrn of guudi* • j •hip on the perrona and property ( Win hie \ anil E.idv St. C. Aiulemon minor. T hear ore, therefore, to rite ai*i ad tnonlah all whom If may ront-ern to t-e ittl aid” at la-fore a.tlil Court to mxk*- n l-ee tlona Ilf any they have! on or hefor-- h tlrat Monday In November. next. - -her wlae aald lettera will t " Itneaa. tin- Honorable Hau.plao '* Prrrlll. Ordinary for Chatham -xur.tjr. , thla the ae.-ond 'lav of October ItxP FRANK K. KEII.BA 'I Clerk Ct. Ordinary. C NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND < ItKlr- ITORS. OEoßfilA. CHATHAM < Notlee |a hereby- given lo all per nir dfmaniln ngatnM Mr*. Bits- 1 holm, late of jld county. decea- ’ I * f * *ent them tome, prop-rly mad* >.’ x;fn * In the time prescribed by It* 0 j "how their char*.-ter and aroourp ‘ 1 l*-rt*onn Indebted to wild de. ' required to make Immediate ne. WALTER F K\* u,OT Favannah. fa., Oct. . "oi-TOBOIX CHATHAM < ’ \Vher*A- J QuantO'*k i to rourl of Ordinary for h ttere >f ' It* l nulon on the estate of Mnry L# t ’ uJ to k. dtrraaed Threw are. therefore. to cite ■* monleh all whom It may concern and apjw lr befon raid court to vr * jedlon (If any they have) on or the tlmt Mondav In November nr* 1 * v erwlae aald lt*er* will be granted Wit near the Hon. Hnmpton L * ordinary for Chatham oounty. * ninth day of October IW*. , u FRANK E KEILBA' • Clerk Ct. Ordinary < IF TOU WANT GOOD MAl i;. FUA ..4 and work, oroer your lltnr mpf>w-J printed glutlonerr and blank book* Morning Nw, Savannah. Ofi.