The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 10, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial. rnu’KvriM-: Ji top* to a* ■ t : >T* A t tirrnii In Hr for Better Tb ' . _|)rinnnt 4.0041 From Hath „ sad Dtwe*tlr hourcew—l at. . uiurrn Market tf4r With 4 all, and Olhrr Markets 8 . | p— Local and Telegraphic %|H r l* *• *•* The Morning News Office, Tuesday. Oct. 9 turpentine market furnteh , re In the local market* to advance of H cent to can * , tne i altli the feeling nr further Improvement, ftnp apparrntly In atronic demand ,nre anil It remained only for y the word to dispose, of holding*. Realizing that in ‘ >t united to something better for • they hesltaicd to part with - , it was re|a>rt*d Coat some bids • rket price were turned down mrmenl la not apparently due an an aggressive demand The , . lose! firm and unchanged, r ..derat* demand prevailing, but tl sales reported :iuti future* market again at ,, ted ms .(Mention of the tradi- by tta which It aermed Impossible to sitrt even remote certainty wlth know-iedgr of the probable tenor , Government bureau report, which ,is-omulgated to-morrow In sn . - , 11 of this, which It la believed will f lowest condition in the history , rop. togeiher with apprehension ~ a -old wave, the effect was to re ,.. ulatloti to a narrow scope An off 4 points, and other montha The Havannah spot market closed < ii .< decline of <, cent. Goud mid i r.j ot on, f.o.h . wa* 10 7-ltSc to 196,2 , - extorters bidding. It'S" * w noieaale markets closed steady -■e-e ,ume improvement noted In trade. I ..Me lions sre reported to he good. 7.e (lowing, resume of the d.fferatu nark I '* will snow the tone and quota • ..-* si the cloalng to-day: t'OTTOfi. rollon market closed caalcr to-day .1. line of 4 cent. Sales on the spit ."ju bales The demand was re el to be fair, shougb not sulfi lent to , the offering Good middling, i uled easy with prices. 10 7-lkc. to with exporter* bidding 109,0 Huai • ..... on u moderate scale The un w ne.l , ondltton of the market at pres oissd hy the looked for promuktu i m 10-morrow. (Wednesday 1, of the bu • x i 'eporl. together with the outlook fo.- are ma’iers which letive things tn i e uncertainty. The day's rsceipt • against 0.401 Inst year, and 14.597 ;-ar before last. rtie following weie the official spot quo- i- at the close of the market at (he ii Exchange to-day: : This* laist day | year >;“.i~mlddtlng ,1014 74 Middlii x 10 64 I- * middling 9S 6'* Oexl ordlnery j.. {.. Mirket faster: rales. 1.29" Ss.h. nah Receipts. Kxtairi* and Htrvk- Ke'*l|>t* this dsv 11.(8 !:■ this day last year 4"l Tl - day vear before laet 14.*>97 11. Ip’s sin, e Sept 1. 190 U....”. 35.119 I‘strs- .lay las: year 23n.TOu loss’ exports lo s ts on hand this day *2.976 f,m> day .>t year 119.012 li<- eipt* and H ocks at the Ports He etpia ’hie day ...7 as.4’S) Receipts ihls day last year 81.071 R- ■ ,(s this day year liefore last 74 Jtk) Tots recelpis since Hep'. 1. 19iw .1.044.901 Sam” time last year . 1.16*.581 Fame time year before laat 1 iiiyc > ock at ail porik to-day 541.tS* c'” s same day. lass year 709.772 Dally Movemente at Otkar Ports— ■U '.aaton—Firm, middling. 10; net re ip's, 8,48; gross. 30.11*3; stock. 117,194 S‘e or lean*—Qul"t; middling. 10 4-1*; it receipts. 24.01 k; gross. 24.011; sales. UV stock 199.032. Ho >ll*—Quiet; middling. 104*. rel re ’ 1,328. gross, 1.823. sales, 30); stock, K 047. 'laiieston—Firm; middling. 10; net re r*qus. 1,350; gross. 1,350; sales. 50; stock. 14 Va " Imltigtoo—Firm: middling, 1*34: net pts. 5."78; gross. 5 078; alock. 32.17. N 'folk—Firm; mi Idling. lo\; net .re -4.719, gloss, 4.719, sales, 1.28*; ato, k, I .more-Nominal; middling. 10*4. *- 16t; stock. 1.591 N Vork-Qulct; middling. 11: net rc •* 593, gross, 9.4*1. sales, 101; stork. V u* on—Quiet; middling. 11; net receipts, 4F cross, 5.8*9. p> idelpbia—Quiet middling. lit*; net r * ’lP’s. 289; gross. 2*o. stock. 1 >9B • Movements at Interior Towns. >ata—Quiet; middling, t">,; net rc- I 107. groe*. 4.373; sales. 1.03 ft; attK’k. S3 **<t M’ i phis—Quiet; middling. I0Q; net re ' c 4>. gross, 3.4*9, sales, 2.700, slock. ■' I-011U-Quiet; ml’ldllng, 10 1-18; net *’ 1 ' 1.245: gross. 5,7tt1. stock. 12.432. r.i ill—Quiet: middling. 104s; net re -1 '<; gross. 1.095; sa.ew. 5; alock. Finn, m and lllng, 10. net rc.Mpt*. ro.s. 27.2*2; sales. 173: stock. 34.932. ' -'il.e—Firm; middling. I<M. •* f rotten This Day.— lon—Coastwise. 4.0*4. 1-1 w 44* ’ Ik-coastwise, 5.853. ’■ 'otk-Coastwise, 920 ..reign exports from all port- thus flreai Rrttaln. fi.oil I.reign exp-rts fro all port- thus "’ k To Oreat Britain. 4*.97.7. to • ri-r. t ( /n, t 0 ,))* continent. 11.974 ’ fni’ign ex|>orts since Kept 1. Ifo rrltaln. 229.547; to Franc,. £*> 757. * ■ • 1.1 22,:.47* ' rk. (k’t. 9 —Spot cotton closet nnl’illng uplands. Uc; mrldlltu c sales. 101 hal.e .'•Mi, 8 C.. Oct 4 —Cotton tlrm r f 10 rente; sal**, lot). et: 8 I8LA4I) COTTOX. "lout as follows. j ' 'us igradea reralved 21 ffll *'. "mas 214 V *1 fi2l4j \ *4 _ and Btix ks. 190 M>l 1899-00 y, * is peat w*k 1417 il r'’" cast week | 23 *73 '•*’ 'his season 2,627, 1 weak 1.104 2.12.7 1 hand | 3.tsta 7474 'OTTOS FI TV H El. Ik * 'lrkr| t Inara Steady With *■- aust 4 on, others .T Ip. Cf.. 7 ' rl,t ° c, ‘ 9 Sentiment on the ' hang* was derided!)’ bullish all *4 , 'lew of the near-al-hand gov 1, , >ri r * p ' )rt concerning which opinions T.-red tew traders hud the cour "e confldently. Moreover the of x cold wave along the north* ff <he cotton blt led 10 fears to. ’ fr o*ia In the Fastern states to. . *„• Th< market started steady In f, , pr ' *' 'wo points higher to four li ’ ,h * oaidering the unsatisfactory char- WURPHY & CO.. INC.. Board of Trade Building. Bivanr.uh Private leaeed wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans COTTO.V ITOtKN %Ml <.H tIV New York ofhre. No. Ji Hrwiilway. Offices in prlncifial ciyks throughout hs Houih Write for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for tradsrs aoter of Liverpool cable* and the h*\y port receipt* Before January had been pushed \o 10.11 cents and still later to 10.15 cents on a had scare of aborts, together with bripk Investment buying. ih latltr b,**rd on the belief that to-morrow’s government report will show the lowest averas* crop condition on rec ord. Whereas Europe pold on the first call, cable orders later called for the pur chase of liberal amounts of J muary and March cotton. Pr.ce* were sustained by i*BaaimiMt< < roj. aeoownftg, fclflir prl for spot cotton In the Houth and a better class of advices from spinning oeutei.- Prospects of funhsr cold rains in th. At lantic states had some w*‘lgtrt. dkl the claim that state agru-ul ural reports show ed the crop outlook to h* the worst In many years. Borne holders took profits In the 1 hour under which selling the mat ket went oft to about the opening figures, dosed steady with August four points lower, and other months unchanged to three points higher PL! fTI ITIOM l> PI Tl HMI Now Yoik. <ct k <'otron futures open- steady anil cloe*l steady. Pricer as follows: Utah lv. (To* January 10 (Vi 10.1.'i 10.04 Pebruary .. ..10 06b in 1. 1* !I 10.11 March 10.11 10 15 10 Of lO.Uh April 10 09b 10.10 lo 07 10.1 J May 10.07 10 15 10.04 In 12 June 10. If 10.15 10 * 10.11 July 10 12 10.13 10.07 10.10 AugUM 9.94 9.94 9*4 99* September October 10.43 b in.M 1 42 10 <h November ....10.15 10 22 in.l4 10 December .. ..1007 10.14 10.05 10.12 LIT'EHPOOL OTl‘o> Pt Tl I4PJ. Liverpool. Oct 9. 4 p. m.— I Cotton Spot moderate btismess. pri es barely s’eady. American middling. H U-32d The sales of the day were g,#4* baies. of which -sr> were for sie< uiatlon ac.l ex|>ort. ani In cluded &.200. American; receipts, B.u" *ales. including 5.700. Amen* an Futures ojKt,c*l quiet and steady, and closed oule; but steady. American mid dling. low moUlling clause: October. . <o^6.fid. buyers. Octoher-November, id. buyers; Nov ember-December. 5.39t)’> Wi. sellers; l>e< ember-Januarv. 5 kgl.Tfd. sellers. January-February. 5.33 195.34*1. buyers; February-M.rrh. 5 .Xi u 5..t2d. sellers; March-April. 5.29*1. iHjyers; April-May, .'..27fi * jnl. hu>ers; Mav-June, 52465 2?d, sellers: June-July. 5.35d. sell er*; July-AuguM, 5 26*J. value; August- Septemf>er. 5.16Q5.17d. HEW ORLEANS lOTTOH Pt Tl IBA. New Orleans. Oct. 9—Cotton futures steady. Oct 10 Cm 10.05 Feb .. ..9 09* 990 Nov. . ... 9 IHtO.fO March .. f* tj9 94 Dec. .. .. %Mft 9 97 April 9 93ft9 54 Jan 9.1 M& o.sT May 9.35 * COTTO9 UTYKH I * New York Oct. 9 Hubbard Bros. & Cos. say: "Although the European advice* were disappointing, our market has re mained steady awaiting the publication of •he bureau report to-morrow This re lori is expected to he a very poor on* and much of the recent buying ban been based on the anticipation of the effect It may produce on prices. Failure of the frost to occur la?* night caused free selling In !. iv* r | kx> 1 tin- morning. <*top adVkCM continue of the same tf-nor with free mar keting continuing on the basis of ten cents In the interior. A small amount of high grade cotton Is pointing this way. but not enough yet to relieve the October situa tion. New York Oct. 9. —Murphy A Cos. sty Cotton In Liverpool op* ned about 2->4d lower, but dosed only 1-44*1 under yester day. This n**w was unfavorable, and re celpts at port* to-d iv are large, estimated about 70.000 bales, ngainst 57.000 last week, and 60,000 last year, but this market ts sustained by snorts covering and some new* t>uving for Wall street account Influ enced by unsettled w ather in the cotton belt and fear of bureau refori to-morrow Liverpool sent selling orders for near months. Continent bought. The cotton market since noon has ruled firmer on rather * neral buying and Ind spositior to sail wept hy some longs to s* ir** profit- The bureau report to-morrow Is * xpectad to la? extremely bullish Quite i-hort in terest in market aiul It Is very nervous. DRY GOOD". New York, Oct. 9—The *iio4 trade hue been very low to-day on account of had weather and the total business lias been inaufferent. The tone of the market con tinues strong In all directions Several leading lilies of medium grade bleached ,union* advanced Print cloth .udvan, - ed ' m 3‘,c for r. gular- Ihrtnt- quit t. hut higher price* expected Gingham* hrm Silk* are steadier and In better re quest Auction sale* of oil doth* of sono Sri.ooi pieces went off well ond ut better price* than generally expected. NAVAL STORES. Tuesday. Oct. 9 SPIRITS TERPENTINE -Thr turpen tine market opened tlrm to-day at 37'v cents, with sale* of 425 casks and dosed Arm at 3* rents, with further sales of 1* casks The demand wa* good throughout the <tv. and would have absorbed all the offerings had it not hem for 4he hesita tion shown by some factor* In making sale* on account of their anticipation of a further advance, for which condition* *ccm propitious Turpentine w* wanted for both local and foreign account. The tendency seems to be for a atrong mar ket No immediate recession In rhr price Is looked /or by the trade Receipt* for the day day were 1.115. and the export* none. , , , n ROfIINB —The mnn mrkrt floaeri nrm and unchanged, with no off! al sales re ported Demand moderwte The day s re ceipts were 5.221. and the exports none. Prices as follows: A. R. C *• * r, 1 St) K I *• p 1 35 M 1 TO y 1 40 N 1 ' q " 1 45 \V O 2 '1 H ' 150 W W I* Receipt. Tuesday- C. R R J” ?.'! I :-r w ::::::::::::: £k - Exports none. Nsval Stores Stotemeiit-^gP Flock April 1 WOO ?ITO 142 ItecsFlnfs to*.ly * *'* Receipt" previously Total since April I 2>.)f) B*a>9( Export* since April 1 196 979 548.199 Stock on herd to-day 5r T: '' Stock on hand *ame day lai veer ... i-harlerwon. S C Oc: 9 -Turpentine ffrm. K,c Rotn steadv. unchanxcl Wilmington. N C 'Oct 9 Bprt tur pentlre. ffrm .lO’jfJJT. receipt*, to Ro*in. Stead). t1.150d.30: receipts, 147. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and llngrl Broker, 6tQl *T., G 4. Write for Llat. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1000. < rud tuepeniln*. quiet. 111002.10, re celpta, 53, Tnr. rtrtn; receipt*. *6. N.’ Orleans. Oct a—Receipt) Roe.n. 19*. turpentine 2* Periela Export* Liverpool, ruein. 1.T20 barrel*. I IX 431 I 4L. MONEY—The ,lemanU keep* fairly up with the supply FOHEIf.N EXCI4ANOB Market m Krak , oninu rct,.! Uetnan.l, siß2 : v. eix tv *Sj • UlMiy lay*, *4,771*. frxncr. Faria an,l Havre. my rtava, , r. rt'i BKta.-, lxty day*. 517; Belgian. .’4 1 mtrkr. *ixiy day*. l*c; ninety ■lav*. 93 3-lc. IhiMESTIC EXCHANGE Wendy, are hiiylnx at 3-18 rtlacount ani sell- Ing a* follow* *25 aiel under. 10c pre mium *::. t.. *SO 15.' prrmium. *si) to (lvW. 20,- premium. Jirar t *;>*> 25c premium. *T to JI.OOO pur. Jl.oxi an,’, over. 1-1* dis count. SI), ‘I’RITIEH—- There ta hut little diving now— moneiTTullng ,’loae. Quotation* con tinue t ath, r nomu al llaeki. Bid. A*g Augusta un i Bavnrjv,h R. K ...10* PX) \ inta and Waat Rotsit .... 124 18 do * per cent, certificates 10719 lode* Augusta Factory 8* ntlxrns Rank ISO 132 Chatham Hank I*H IW4 Chatham n E * I Cos.. A 5*H STM* do do H , 5514 **l* Hag!*- an I I’hoenlx Mfg C 0.... 105 - Edison Electric Ilium 100 I*)s Knterprlee Mfg. Cos. 99 102 Oermanla Bank 329 131 • leortc.n A Alabama 25 27 (leorgla Rallroa,.. common 210 215 Oraultevllle Mfg Cos 100 I*s J H King Mfg Cos 100 103 Langley Mfg Cos 117 120 Merchant* Notional Rank 110 t 111 Nitlofa! Ran* of Bav nnnah 145 ISO Ogleihorp*- Saving* and Trust ..108 110 People'* Havings and Lan .101 10J Bouchwe*iern Railroad Cos 107', 10*14 Savannah Qaal Light Cos 24V 25‘, Southern Rank .. .....150 155 Savannah Rank and Trust 114 115 Sibley Ml* Cos . Augusta *5 Savannah Brewing 95 100 Raada. Bid Aak. Char . Coi * Aug I*l s*. 1900 105 lu* Atlanta city 4s. 1922 104 106 Augusta city 4*. 1927 106 107 do 4V 1925 110 111 do 7*. 1903 106 to* .1,. ... 1913 119 131 Ala Mid. s*. Hid'd. 1928. MAN 9*'i 1® Augusta Factory. 6 per cent 1515 l'O 110 Brunswick and Western 4*. 193* 81 k3 C R R & Ranking collateral 5s 93 93 C. of (J l*t 5e 50-year gold. 1945 r A A 119 121 C. of (7. con. s*. 1945. M AN 3 93 C. of (5 Ist Income*, 1945 39 40 do 3d incomes, 1915 10 11 do 3d Income*. 1945 6 C. of Q. (M Q A A Dlv) s*. 1947. J A J 90 9114 C. of Cl (Eaton Hranch), ss. 1930, J A D 93 96 City A Suburban R R. lat 7s lf*> 110 Columbus city 6*. 1909 to* 107 Charleston city 4*. 1945 101 M 2 Eagle A Phoenix Mille *. 1938 10* 10* Edison Electric Illuminating Ha 104 M* Knterprlas Mtg **. 190# 103 108 Georgia Railroad a. 1910 114 11*14 G S A F 1946. J A J 11114 11214 Geofgia A Alabama lat B*. 1945 104 10* Georgia siate 3 1 ,*. 1930 J A J... 106 107 do S’,s. 1915. M AN 104 10* do 44*. 1915 117 11* Macon city *, 1910. J. A J ....110 11* do 4t, 1926 Jan par 107 109 Ocean Steamship ss. 192* 100 108 Savannah city ss. quar. October, 1913 110'4 11114 do s*. quar. November. 190s .. M9'4 110‘i South Carolina elate 4',s. 1933 ..118 113 Sthley Mfg Cos a. 1908 .101 UK South Bound 5k 95>4 90 H . F. A W. gen mfge. 6a. 1934 .123 124 do do Ik! ss. gold 1934 11014 11214 do 81. John Dlv. Ist 4s. 1934 .. 94 9* New York. Oct. 9 -Money on all Arm; 34ISH per cent.; Isuvi loan. .3 per rent Prune mercantile paper. 506*4 per v’ent. Sterling ex liange easy, with actual hul net* 111 bankers' bills, al 6< 844(4 841, for • lemur.l and at *4 80*, for sixty days; poste.l rates *l.Bll, and *4 85>j. Commer cial bll.*, 94 79*404 U)C, Silver cerllll caies. 65,'. Bar sliver. 63*e. Mexican dollars. 50>,c Government tx>nd* weak; state bonds strong, railroad bonds lrreg- TOrh 4MI HOfiDS. The General Market (loses Dull and Irregular. Nrw York. Get. 9—The attention of the financial and speculative world remained fixed to-day or the problem* of the In rornaitonal money market. All the wor)d's gnat money centers were kept under careful scrutiny to defect developments which might throw light ii|ion the out come of the i.mteat. now Inatig iratsd tor the possession of Ihe available money *up p|y. The t ngagement of 130.000 In gold and It* withdrawal from the Bank of England for shipment to New York mark rd (lie h ginning of the contest and con firmed yesterday's estimate that sterling exchange ai New York had (alien within Ihe margin of profit for god Import* No announcement was made tn New York of Ihls eng (gem, nt. and It was <ommonly supposed that the withdrawal was made In anticipation of an advance In the price of gold with a view to future shipment The withdrawal promptly precipitated an advance tn the Rank of England'a price of gold, gold liars and American e.tgl, * noth bring marked up one-half penny an ounce. The margin of profit on Import* to New York was thus wiped out. Sterling exchange in Nr* York, which had steadied this morning after yester day's downward piling, .thereupon resumed a downward course vnd dosed easy and *llll rending towards the new level t gold imports estshllshed hy the Hank of England's action The discount rale In London al*o re*|ionded for the rtrar time to Ihe threatened demand for gold and hardened slightly Continental exchange, troth on Berlin and Earls weakened noiahly t.v-day. on i.count of the heavy conttnenial demjnd for cotton, buying from that source hav ing superseded for the time lb# English demand and In the afternoon It wa* nn noun ed that l.tlkUßO francs had been en gaged in Earls (or Import to New York' The Rank of France I* undoubtedly boat equipped of all the great European bank* to spare gold at this time But It has pursued n policy of hoarding for some time past and the policy of the |n*4iiu lon tn the protection of It* gold rewerve IS exceedingly arbitrary. It Is taken for granted that It will interpose an obstacle the drain inaugurated m-day upon the Earl* gold supply. A* for Berlin, to day* weekly statement of the imperial hank show* that tt ha* lost nearly 32 - .".re In , a*h during the week. In spite r>; 1- celpt* of gold from lavndon. although it has contracted above half of the mor mon*. note l* nr of the previous week ,n,l hat recalled nearly Ils.tmn.aag of Inst w eek's loan expansion, which ex, cedod S26.tW!.W. It I* clearly evident, therefore. New York will have to make a more urgent nil to effect a movement hither of gold to any considerable scale ( Meantime tha 10, al motley market continued to harden ,rd the proportion of call loan* placed at :i, per ,ent wa* considerably greater than veaterday To-day's transfer* of curren : \ to the Interior through the suhtreasury jgxtti reached three quarter# of a million dollar* and the hanks have lost lo that tns'ltutlon since Friday 62.275.001). The movement by express ts a matter of con je :ut*. but ls known to continue large. Bp<dilative action was .onslderably par alvzvd. pending the solution of these mark*’ perplexities and tl> move . nl of prl, e were narrow and unlmpor ,.,n. There was a notable movement In . trot and steel group, pretty much all ti. members of the group coming In to ■ >,„ movement a* the day progreaaed with .dvanre* from 1 to over 2 point*. Thl# movement and 'he announcement ol the ,(b, Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Tima—One Hour Slower Than Cl ty Time Schedule* tn Effect Sunday. June 10. 1900 TO THE KAMI RbaFW No 34 NO % (Ceniral Tttis I N-tt No 33 ipm uam Lv Sav , Ar -■ Hum 3 Iffm (Eastern Tim* 1 ) 4 21pm 4 2Xam Ar Bla, kvlile Lv 3nm 107 pm 9 ft'-pm * Mam Ar Columbia Lv 1 25am 11 .r 11 * 10pm' * 46am Ar Charlotte Lv 9 55pm loam a 44pni 12 23pm Ar Qreen- ■ Lv 7Mi ni . 48vm T®am Ar Norfolk I • ‘'t" ’ 52 61am rpm Ar ; DonvUle . lc •1 • • * nuum 2spm Ar Rick mop. Lv 12 Otpm 11 • ■ 2 40am 342 pm Ar :T...T7 I.ynchhurg .... Lv 3 -'pm lAm 4 35am 5 85pm Ar Ch irlat ic- v illa • Lv 2 iWpm 12 .AV'il 7 35am 8 fopm Ar ' ishlngion L> n 1.1111 tupm 9 l.lam ll ,35tm Ar . Lv 22.nn k 27pm 11 35am 2 -dam Ar Iphi* Lv 1 rt'am * 05pm 2 C3pm b Jam Ar /..... New York Lv 12 Mam 3 i-dvii I JOpm 109 pm \r BdlM L* a O’pm M loam 'NoTm Yo - THE NORTH AND WEST. I N035 (Central Tims 1 13 ,”.m Lv •aeannah Ar,, 5 10m (Eastern Tim* ) * uni Lv Columbia l.v I 26am 9 .miam Lv ■parlaPhurg . l. * l.'pm 12 10pm Lv Asheville Lv 3 '.pm 4 02pm Ar Hot Spring* Lv 11 46am T .X’pm Ar Knox villa Lv 5 lt*am Ar Lexington . t l.v 10 q>m 7 tuem Ar Cln, Innotl Lv * ,Opm •■“pm Ar St Louis Lv 119 am 7 Mn Ar L " IH* L Gm All trains arrive and depart from the t'luni Hyetem Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND I'l.oltlPA EXPRESS Vesil billed limited trains, with Pullman Plowing R.„,m Sleeping Cats twlween Savan nah and New York Connect* at Washington wdh Colonial fo, R.,ston Pullman Sleeping Car* between Charlalt*' and iUchmoiHl amt Charlotte and Nor folk inning car* serve all meals between Savannah and \Vu-huigtoi. TRAINS 36 AND 39 DAILY. THE I'N ITED STATES EAST MAIL V,-*t|buled limited train* carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Can between Sa.wmiah and New York Dining Cars serve all m* at* between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. between Savannah and Cmc.nnatl. through Asheville and "The Land of Ihe Skv For eomplete Information as o rale* schedule#, etc., apply to G GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant By-im Stailon JAMES FREEMAN. C. P and T. A.. 11l Bull alree! Telephones-Bell. 950, Georgia. *6O _ . „ , . , , _ S H HARDWICK. Asalsian* General 1 asserger Agem. Atlani.t. tta. engagement of gold In Parla served 40 over time some of Ihe early depceslon. Strength In the local traction gioup wt* aleo a laeior. But thr market ciooed dull and Irregular, with law net change* ol importance. The movement In the bond matket wa* narrow ami Irregular. Total sale*, par value. P>o,i. United Slates refunding 2'*. the 2 s rvg latered and new 4 a declined per cent, on the last call. The total sale* of stocks 10-day were 195.4*0 shares. Including the following Alehlson preferred. 568,*. Chicago, Bur lington and Qulney. 7.8 k". Manhattan. 11 2*. Northern Pacific. 19.75". Pennsylvania. 6.931), I'nloti Pa ine. 13.375; American Sieel and Wire. 6.9U0. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 17.230, Psople'a Oa*. 15.3*5; Sugar. 19,975 New York Slock List Atchison 38 Union Fac .... 6k do pref 7o<* do pref 73t Balt it Ohio. . 71 Wabash *> fan Esc g 8 do pref 17's fan Sou W Wheel A L. F. 8Q f he*. A Ohio .. 281. do 2nd pref .. 23 C\ O. (V in", Wig. fent 11 r\, B. A Q. ....126*5 Third Avenue ..108(4 C-. Ind A L. ** A uam* Ex l-*' lo pr'f 53 Am Ex 15* C. * E 111 9>i |l". 8 Bx ii fhk. & Nw ISO Wells Fargo Eg.121 ('.. R. 1 A P 105 L, Am Cot. Oil 32 , C. A S' L. 1 do pref 8k Col. Sou s', Am Mailing ... 42 do Ist pref ... **s do pref 22* do 2nd pref. .. 14 Am S. A Ref. .. 37H lel A II 110*9 do pref **', D . L. A W. 174 Am. Spirits pref. 17 D. A R G. I**, Ant. Steel Hoop IMg do pref 87 j do pref ! Erie 11*9 Am 8. A W -*' do Ist pref 4 do pref 731, Great Nor. pref.ls3 |Ant. Tin Y*lale.. 3t*x Hocking Coal 14 jdo pref 81 Hocking \*l *2 Am Tobacco 90', riu Cent ITO*, do pref 129 la Cent 17(9 Ar.a Mtn. Cos 44*1 do pref 39 Brook. R T. -. *3(* LEA W 39 |CoE F. A 1 34** do pref 96 ICool Tobacco ...25 Lak* Shore . 2** <lo pref 77 LAN 71S Fed Steel 34 Manhntton L... 91 > t do pref 84, Mel St Hy. .. 14(,,Gen. Electric . 13k*o Me* Cent 111, Glucose Sugar 49*9 Mlmi. A Bt. L 4 do pref. 9M.x do pref *1 llntl Paper 1* i|„ p-„- (‘ do pref. 3>, yi AO. V' Laclede Gas .... 88*9 M KA T. . 98, Nal. Biscuit .... 22* N J Central 133 V, do pr.f N. Y. Central . I'2k9, Nal lo>ad 17", Nor A West .14*. do pref *' do pref. 75*, Nat. Steel Sot Pac UH do pref 84 do pref SB* N Y Air Brake It* Out A West. .. TON Forth Am 1G ORA Nav. .. (* Pac. Coast 57 do prrf ... W I do Ist pref. . .. 82 Pennsylvania 129S do 2nd pref .. A. Reading ... 154, Pacific Mall 31, do Ist pref 65*! People'* Gas 84‘, do 2nd pref .. *♦ Pressed 8. Car 39 n a W 53 I do pref do pref ■) iPul. Pal. Car.. 18* t L A San. F. KS, 8. R A T. ‘9 do lat pref. .. 66 Sugar jj* do 2nd pref .. 336, do pref. !W U, 1, Sw .... 12 Tenn. C. A 1. .. sd do pref '29'. E 8. Leather ... TO 81 Paul 1116.' "J* do pref l'x U. 8. Rubber .... *.a HI P. A Om. DO do pref M Hou. Pac 3J. West. Union .... 78-, SO I Hy 11l H. I. A 8 ED, do pref 5.”. A*. !*'• Tex. A Pac Is’s !*■ C. A Bt. L. Bonds. U 8. ref 2s reg KBN do 4s do coup. K*B, N Y. C 1* ■■■W'* r 83s reg lfl** NJ. C. gen. 6.123 do 'la. roup. I"*S No P*. 35.... do new 4s. reg IVB. do 4* ............KCo do new ts. couDLiyN. Y. C. * Si L. rk) old 4. reg 114*. ♦* do oil 4*. ,-ou 1148, N A w con 4s 97 do s*. reg 1136, Ore Nav Ist* . Eg do s*. coup .113V* do * D. of C. 3 65s "123 jO S U * S's Atch gen 4s 99 ♦ do consol 5* ...112 do adj 4s *B*4 R""d *"• 4 * “J" Cof G con. 5* 936, RG. W Ist* 98*9 do lat Inc 39, St L A Ir. M .to 2nd Inc 11 consol 5* K*'j Can So 2d. KK*. St L A San F. C A 0 4*s ... 98S general 8s 121* , )o s , 10i St P .onso,* l 9 C A N'w con 7* 139 '9t P. C. A P C A Nw. 8 F ' I deb. 5* ■! *® • ”* * Chi Term 4* FF, So Patv 4a JJJ* Col So 4* 79*, So R >' 44 I A R O. lat*.lf* s Bop# A T 8# k"*, dot* 96 Te*. A P. Ist*.ll36* Krle Gen 49.... <*', do 2nd. K W An C. u Pac (" TO6H j,,, 71*9 Wabash lit* 118 Gen Bier 5s ..117 I do 2nd* ! lowa C. lt* ...IK* W Bhore 4* .113S i AN 1' 4* 99 Wle Cent Ist* .. 83 M A O 4 38 |Vg. Canturte* ... 9fM, m k a T id*, aty . A a..wd.r4 All UlAt New York. Oc. 9 —Standard 011 5510 566. MI9CBLLANEO1 A MARKETS. Not*.—Three quotation* are revised daily, and are k-pt a* idar a. possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale prl •** Official quotations am not used when (hay disagree with th# pries* whole saler* ask lountry *d Bortbera Produce. POULTRY—Tha market is atswdy Quo tations. Broiler*. 6V035c. per pair; half grown. 43050 c; three-fourth* grown. 560 gOc: hena. 85076 c; roosters. 40060 c. ducks. 60976 c. geeae. 76efffl.t)0 BGGB—Stead) at 17e. BETTER—The ton* of th* market I* firm Quotation# Western creamery. 190 j*t,r. New York state dairy. 17(,022*9c. •XUa Elfins, 21026 c. CHEESE—Market him. fancy full cream ,h ear. IIV for to 22-pound average. 2v(ggo-pound average. 13c. Karl, Irariablri. IRISH POTATOES-Northern, *2 00 aa. k CABBAGE—6O7c per head. ONlON'S—Yellow, In barrels. *2.00, crates. 90c, red. t! 90ft2 'tl ilreadatalTe. Ha, and 44rnlu. Fl.t )E It— Market steady; patent. *44,1. straight. 14 00; fancy, *3.85; family tl o MEAD Pearl, per barrel. *2 75. per sack, *1 30, city meal, per sack, hulled. *1 90 I 25. water ground. *1 26. elty grlte, • k*. $1.15, peat! gilt*. Hudnura'. per hartal, *2 k 5. per aa, k, 61 30; sundry brands. *1.2501 3n sack. CORN—Market firm, white, Job lota. *c; caiload lote. 2c; mixed corn. Job lota, •2c; carload lota. 59c RlCE—Market aieady. demand good; fancy head. 9c; fancy. t‘^o. Prime Good f'serv Common oats No. 2 mixed, carload. *4(90; Joh lots. ,3Mi.l*. . white clipped. 40 . Joh. 37e BRAN—Joh lot*. 95-. carload lots, to,- HAY Mai ket steady: No. 1 Umothy 92ljc Job: 87', ear*; No 2. 85 job. S2(, ,rs. Bacon. Hams and l.ard. BACON—Market firm. D S C R aids* 9',o*Sc. D. S Iwille*. 9%10c GUstern. ae: cording to average else, D 8. Imlllea. 9\c (Western). smokevl O. It *it|e H v. 9V' HAMS Sugar cured, 12' t ol3>^c. LARD—Pure. In llei es. 8\081ec; (ti (j)- leiiin,) tint* and 80-pound tubs. 909' ,c. compound. In tlercea. 8g 0 . 50-pound tins and 9U-pound tubs. S’,,-. Sugar and (offer. SUGAR— Cut Itvif * 1 lliimal A ..588 I Crushed ...6 a, 1 A 5 93 Powdered 6 13 (Mille Extra C 351 XXXX pow ,1 aIS Extra C 547 Granulated . ..< ioklen C 5.13 Cube* 6 is yellows 5 05 Mould A 6.21 COFFEE— Mocha 2*c | Prime No 3 ...11 c Java 2*c I Good No. 4 ...109,e Ivaberry 14 , Fair, No 5 ..... I,,'^c Fancy No. 1 ..12 c| Ordinary. No. * 10 Choice No. 2...U'c, Common No. 7. B(jc Usrunsn ad Balding kuppllea LI ML. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair domain* and sob at 80 cents a barrel; special calcined ptmer. *IOO (a; barrel; hair. 405 c. Rosedsle cement. |13u135; carload lota, special; Portland cement, re tail. U 25 carload lots. *2 0002.20 LUMBER F O. H VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum. yard rises. *lO 5001100; I'r sills. Jl2’Ann <),; dim, ,lit stir*. *1(0(1 018 00. ship alock. tl*'dol3OO. sawn lias tkdvdStki; hewn ties. 354)8*.' OIL Mnrku steady; demand fair; tig. nal. 4!4|t>c; West Virginia itiljc; lard. 58c. nealafoot, 964)70, . machinery to 025 c; linseed oil. raw. 66c; boiled. |. ; kerosene prone whliu, U>s water while! I4c; Pratt # astral. 14; de.Hlorlsel atovs gasoline, drums, UVkc; empty oil barrels, delivered. 55c. SHOT Drop, (l *O. B B. and larga. *1 :• ehlllerl *1.75. IRON klarkrt very steadv; Swede. 3(40 NAII.S—Cut. *2*o base; wire, *2 8* base BARBED WIRE—*3 50 per IJO rounds straight roods. 9030 c. sugar house no leases 15030 c OUN POWDER—Per keg. Auattn crack shot, *4 00: ha.f kegs. *2.25. quarter keg,. II 75; champion ducking, quarter kegs. 32 26; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. *1135; quarter kegs. *5 75; .l-pound canisters, *I.OO, lets 25 oar can, : Troiadorf emokeless powder. l-|>und cans. *! 00. 10- pound cans. 9oc pound. sail, llidea and Wool. BA’.T—Demano is ralr and the market steady, cutioad law. 10, pound burlao sacks. 44 . 10i-pound cotton aock. 45c. lltkpound burlap aa, ks. illgc; 110-pound rollon sacks. 49(c; JE-pound burl.,,, aa, ka. 66c, 136-puik] cotton sack, 56,. 250 pound burlap sacks. Be. HIDES- Market firm; dry flint. Ulfio; dry tall. HVC; gre-n salted. Ic. WOOL—Nooiln; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool. 19c; black. 19c; burry. 10c. Wax, 35c, tallow, t%*. Deer skins. 20c. r rnlte and ksll. 0 APPLES—EarIy Northern variety. *2.250 6.60. IIANAN'AB-1 2501 M bunch. LEMONS—Market steady at *2 wtia f enrOANUT*—*3 7504.00 p, r 10b. PEANE'TS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; mirket firm, fancy hund-plcked. Virginia, per pound IV. hand-picked. Virginia, eg lr.. 4c. N. C awed |einuts. 4c NUTS Almond#. Torragnna. I*c; tvtcas, 10c; walnuis. French. 12c. Naples. 12c; pa ,-gns, 12,'; Braills. 13. , (llbert*. 13c, assort ed nuts, 66-pound and 25-pound boxes. 12c. C'sllos bagging and Tlra. RAGGING— Market firm; Juts. Jig pound. 914 C. large lota V-; small kMdi I-pound. 8\09o; Im pound, 9Vso9lfic; sea Island bagging. 12V4C TlES—Staivlard. 46-pound, arrow, large lots. *1.40; smell tots. 61. U. Dried and Evaporated Fruits. APPLES— Evaporated. 70710 . aan-dried. 61409 c APRICOTS— Evaporated. 914 e pound, oeetartnes, 10c RAIBIN8 —L. D. 12 00; Imperial cabtnew. 12 V loose. ’6pound liuxet. kits'*,' poun.i PEACHES— Evapo rated, pealed, UVfic, uopealed, *Vio9c TEARS—Evaporated. V 99 ISCKI4>AXBUI . • FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrel*. No. L ** ii); No. 2. 17 HI; No 3. 35 73; kits. No l. 51.20, No 2. II 10; No. 3. *5, < 'minsh, 1-pound brick*. l*c; 2-pound pricks. *■ Smoked herrtnge. per liox. 170lr. Dutcn herring*. In keg*. 06.199; new mullets, half barrets, ——. SYRUP-Market qultt; Georgia and Plant System of Railways. Train* Operated by 90th Meridian Time- One Hour Slower Than CRY Tima TW | "'• |II "If "' Nor, I, and Houih 23 15 6 _j READ DOWN Eff'* , t’ve o 1 ’ |%.. BElt ff 12 20|> 3 45a I 30a Lv’“ Savannah .. Ar 7 45• f!M I",’ | ... I 4 I*l 10 30a 4 ;8i Ar Charleston.... Lv| 11 1P ei 3 it),, .( .... 3 23a 7 25(> Ar Richmond .. Lv 9Ua * 48p .. 1 7 ol.i U 2Sp Ar . Washington .. l-v, 4 Tin ; 07), | . 3 20a ....... I 03a Ar Baltimore . l.v 2 55a I 48n 1 .to 65a, I 360 uAr .. Philadelphia . l.v 12 30g> II 13t* I 1 15|i fitti Ar .. N’w York Lv 9 3&p I 16a .... | 3 30), i onp Ar Boeion Lv ! Ovv lJtar.t |....... ~Tf~ 33 J! ■ .1 “ 990.1. Tx A .12 ‘i~ 5 (Xtp 32-. p I ttln 6 jiim 3 15a Lv Hjvantvah Ar t ,ik 12 Ifla 7 flop 12 la )0 t.'a 8 ]Op 6 90)’ 10 56a, 7 25a 8 Sue Ar .. Way erne* Lv 10 Isp 4Sp 4 lup 9 sli 7 o>a 1 ,vVr 9 sop 2 15p 2 Up 2 16p Ar ...Thomaavtl’e , Lv ri top * lop , * 15r ; 3Da 10 30p 7 40)i 12 Mm I2a 130" Ar .. .Ja, h*onvtllr l. Imp 7 tip 2 >;> k >)a (*>a 10 96 P J ,<4. 12 Q2,> U out Ar Palaika ' Lv .'.lip 4 50p , 2 35a 2 55a ... 3 05a 5 top Ar ... Sanford l.v 12 25|> .j 12 2491.16 Ar | 3 trip 1 10, Ar (k u: . Lv I p, | j .. 10 sl)|> 10 7*o Ar .81 Petersburg Lv iHpt .. 7 ,oa 10 00|> 10 flop 10 uui Ar .. Tampa l.v i <■>, s ooai ... . 8 00|,, I <JOp 8 jo# 10 Wp 10 ,p 10 Arp Ar . Port Tampa l.v 7 30a 7 fik, 7 26p, 7 25p 1 10a I 10.1 1 loa A r . Punt A Garda Lv 4 lip: 10 45e |0 45* At St August In- Lv 9 9”p ~ 3ip ...j....... 00p 1 15a 6 250 •• M* Lv Savannah. l.v 10 |sa 1J Its |.‘ ...... k 45p i 15.1 4 tap! **• Ar ... Jeeup . |. v 9 20a,10 50p | |Up 7 tiki 4 25p •6a Ar ■ Brun Wick Ic ti 40,; 9 Oop NORTH WEST AND, Sof'Tli'WEST )( ji) ] Vis Jesup 1" •* v Mon (gain, VI :. .ap 5 jo, Lv Savannah Ai 10 t'a 12 Ihu •t* x to, Lv Savannah Ar 1" 15r, 1 ,da 4 45p 6 40m Ar Joatip l.v 8 20# 10 .VV s uvi 9 jry*' Ar Mtg mery Lv 7 v>e 11 25* j 00a I 18p Ar Me, on Lv I <"e 7 7 lop 4 50n Ar Nashville |.( 9<M 2 21a 3Ha 350 pAr AlLnia Lv 10 4S|> 12 06p !9W 12 35p Ir laiulevllle J.v J 45a 9 lip 9 ( .., I *■)> Ar f'ha'nooga l.v 8 (Vsp ri 45a 7,a 4 oRi Ar Cincinnati Lv 11 0"p 5 46p 7 sop 7 MVi Ar laxilavllle l.v 7 4.i 7 4f>p 7 2oa, 7 I|> Ar Ht. tout* Lv 3 4,p 9 jia 7 lo|i 7 43" Ar (Tnclnnnll 8 *<i 7 flop ! 4L. N > 7 04a nop Ar St lauils l.v 9 !8p: 8o 1 732 Ar Sr Ixvuta Iv' op 7 1.5a 6 10p Ar I'hl-ago Lv 8 30p 9 00(i | <M AG > |( | 5 40a 4 U.p Lv AlLnia 8r 19 ftp ll ,r >r * 1 * ,Sp Ar * '■** ’ 1,1 ' ,n,> 1 ***’ 8 O.p 7 15a Ar Memphis. Lv 8 20i 9 nop 4 !2|, lIL Ar Mobile Lv, 12 59p li 30a 4 15a 7 10m Ar Kanea-'Ttyl.v: 6 30p| 9 45p 8 *)p 7 40, Ar N Or lean* Lv 7 56#! 7 45p —————— & ~,p j Lv Savannah Ar to 1 .'*V !J to* Through Pullman Steeping Car Service t 44a 12 SOp Ar Ttf'on . l.v 2 !Sal 6 Jflp .1 45a 3 top Ar A hanv l.v 12 Ola! 346 p to North Kj*i and West, and In Florida 5 Trip Ar 4'nlumhu* Lv IWAs Connsctlart* made at Port Tampa with U. S mall etermehtpa of tha Peninsular and Occidental Steamahtp Line, leaving Port Tampa Monday*. Thuroday* and Saturdays at 11 oo p in J H Polhemus T P A Ward Clark. ny Tkt Agt . D-- Soto Hotel. Phone 7* H W WRBNN. Passenger Traffic Manager. 4avannah. tie McDonough s ballantyne, Iron Founders, Machinists, aieorwllk* g. 11 •*k •*wvanuta emrere ol <■<<••■ fT'l ear an 4 I'wlsSh iislues. VerUawt and lag •••'■• .Y *>•* St Ilia, Saga, Mill aa* f..* Ska Illag. I'wlle>a. eta. TELEPHONE NO. 123. I Florida syrup, buying al 36W*c; aellloe at 32035--, sugar house at 10015 c. HONEY Pair demand, sualned. in bar rel*. 55000 c gallon High wine hasla. tl 98 Of'KAfi FREIUHTW. COTTON -Savannah fo Itflstnn, per rwt . 25c; to New York, per ewt . 30c. lo Philadelphia per hair It: Baltimore. IE FOREIGN DIRECT— Hreman. 66c; Liv erpool. 56c, Hamburg. *7e; Genoa. 86*; Barcelona 70c, Manchaator. tie; Havre. 57c; Antwerp. 57e FOREIGN INDlßECT—Liverpool, 7Sc; Manchester. sc, nominal. Hsmbuo *sr. Havre. 76c; Genoa. 78c; Revel end Si Petersburg. 75. . Antwerp. B.V LUMBER By Sail - Freight* dull; to Baltimore and eMWant, |4 10 fo 18 I# par M Including Portland LUMBER By steam Savannah to Ba - ttmore. 66 80; to P R R or B A O dock# $5 10; lo Philadelphia. 1889 c, psr owt . ft pounds to foot); to New York, p> sfl per M J 7 25 to dock: llghfersd o Boat on to dock II 50 NAVAL STORES The market la firm, medium alxa veaaela Roain -Cork for order a. 3a Al per barrel of 110 pounds, and 5 per cant primage Spirit* 4s 9d per 4" gallons gross. *■ , 5 per cent prlmag lairge vessels, rosin. Is: spfrlla. 4a Sd Steam, lie per IflO pounds on roain; 21(90 on spirits. Savannah to Boston, an.! *6,e on roain and 19c on aplrfte lo New York. fill 4191. fdovilinjl. ETC. New York. Oct. 9 —Flour, neglected an 1 easy, reflected sotnewhaf (he further wcakneas In wheat. Rye flour, dull l orn meal, (lull and may; yellow w<at ern. 8c Rye. steady; No. 2 Western, (fti, Barley, quiet. Rarley malt. dull. Wheal Spot, weak; No 2 red *f)*j< . op tions were dull and weak all day follow Ing renewed decline* In the Northwest and In European markets, foreign selling, some clearances and export huslrress ,an 1 considerable liquidation for ac ounf: dosed weak at net decline March Cloned. 84*,c; May. MV; October. 79'.c. Dec 8189 c , Com- Spot eay; No 2. 4* and 4?V' f o h. afloat; lower on cables, but grew weak er with subsequent der'ltner In wheal and Ihe favorable nature of weather .-ondlttona West; closed weak and D!S' net lower May closed (Hgc. O tober. 48‘-v . December. 4?*Br i)at*-Bpot. dull: No 2 26*4c; opflona ne glected and nominally lower. Tallow, quiet. Petroleum, quiet. „ Itnvln, steady. Turpentine, steady. Rlee. steady. Coffee 8(101. Hit), quiet: No 7 Invoice. XV mild quiet; Cordova -9801A Hugs' Raw sued) fair rrnnli gF 16,r; centrifugal. Ft l**t. 4 3-lA-; molaaeea sugar. Ic; rrflned. steady. Reef, steady; cut meat*, steady tlrm. Weatem sleamerl. 67.89. Oc (Ober eloaed 17.. nominal. Refined, l*ork. Arm. Coffee—The market for coffee future, oj 0-111.1 steady with price* 3 points lower and ruled Irregular wl’h weak undertone all .lay following aharp decline* In Euro pean markets, heavier receipt* ihan an ticipated and Increase In American vl-lble ((peculation wa* light and of profe*-6rn#l order The marker closed steady at a nat loss Oft" point# Total eale* wrer# 18,SI bags. Including October 17'. II :t.VO7 4l>. March. 1715; Slay 67 807 70 Butter eteady. creamery. 188'H b dairy. 18020 c. Cheese, dull and weak, large whlie. 10 3-lge. small, tic. Eggs. firm, stale and Pennsylvania. 20® 21c; Western regular, 16018(*c. Miw. Jwjr. York. Lonf Il*ifvl. JI Mfcl.73; J#rißß > 9M '’t* I’runuts, quirt, fancy barwl-pl ked 4q (l,- other domestic*. 24*®' Cabbages, srswdy; l3>og Island, per KH tl ><02.25 Ft right* to lAverpnol dull; oolten by steam to LR'crjsiol. 45<' ( OTTO) WEED <IL. New York. Oct * -Cotton seed oil was steady IO firm tJt without important transaction*, aa offerings ars atilt very light. Prime crude barrels. SOc, asked; prim" summer yellow. 370*7V. prompt. off summer yellow. 28088(9c; prime win ter yellow. 41083 c; prime white. 40- prime meal. *3B ( Hit 9410 91 4HKET*. Chicago. Oct. 9 —Lack of public sup port was. tn a general way. th* caua* of weakness In wheat to-day. November closing He lower. Corn closed V,OSc. oate He. and provisions 6c and (*e de pressed The leading future# ranged a# follow Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing tt'hssi No 2. Oct 784 78V 75(9 754 Nov. . 7*40788, 77 N4 7(* Dc 77407784 77H 781* 754077 Corn Nr> I.— Oct. .. 410818, 414 (OS ("4041 4COIIUPUAJ 00 L'gbU rage * Vgeorgia %^RYCay Hchedule, Effective Fept Id; t9fl# Train* arrive at and d-part from Central Rtatlun, West Hroud. foot of lutiarty street 99th Meridian Time One hour slower than elty time. I - *"'* Arrive Savannah: Huvannah: iA Itecon. AtlntiT] a tam;('ovlncton, 00|b _____ |and all Intermediate polntaj (Augusta, Maron. Atlanta.l ~“ |Athens, Xton'gomery, Co-| •9 OOpm lumbiis, Birmingham. An-|t 90am |aieiig. Kufaula and Troy.| t* Odpra; Dover Autommudaiian jrf taaru n Wpm Guyton limner Train. |t9 l*gm *i)ally (Except Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTREB. 76th meridian or Havannah city tlme- LEAVE havannah. Monday only 8:25 a. m Dally excpt Monday 9.30 a m Dally .1 00 p m. „ , LEAVE TYBEE Monday only 71s „ m i||y except Monday 10 a a. m. Dally 530 p. m. Conr.ectiona mad- al trmlnal loslnu with nil trains Northwest. West and nouthw#|. 0 Sleeping cars on night train* between Havannah and August*. Ma-vm. Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day tralna between Ba vannah. Macon and Atlanta. For complete Inf. rtna’lon. acvhedules r, 't* " n '* cunner’tlona. apply to W O BREWER. Utiv Tlr ket and Paaa anger Agrnt. 107 Bu „ re#t i „ Peer'bger Agent vme H L N IS N ' Traffic Manager. THEO D KLINE. Gen Bupertnlrndaat, Havannah Ga. /^^VesTIBUUd fep [imiteo Double Daily Service The short line lo Norfolk. Washing Jet, Baltimore. PhUadaiphlg, Nw York aad MM. nrm-MTWtm i ' ALIt v I pm insi Ar Columbia, if. a. L By 4 38pm 4 Mam Ar Raleigh, 8 A. L. By 11 S7pm 11 50am Ar Durham. 8 A. L. By 7 20am 4 18pm Ar Petersburg. BAL Ry 4 Uam 4 llpm Ar RJchmonrl. 8. A. L By 5 15am 6 40pm Ar Washington, Penna.. I (6am 9 10pm Ar Baltlmor* Penna lu 03am 11 abpm Ar Philadelphia, Penna. . 12 27|m| 3 Uam Ar Nbw York Penna 303 pm, I 13am No w No U ! ■■ H.,v innih 8 \ L It . U 86pm It JOpm Ar Portsmouth, BALRv 7 00am| 5 60pm Hr earners leave Norfolk daily, rxvepa Hundav. for Baltimore. I’hlladelphla and New York, and dally for Washington. The short lln* to Montgomery. Mobil* and Nrw Orleans, leaving Havannah at 725 a m.. arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. m . at which point close connection la mad* with the L. A N. R. R . arriving at Mobile 1:06 a. m. and New Orleans 7:40 a- m. Tb* short line to Fernandina. Jackson ville. Tampa and other Florida points. _ , Nov | so n f.v Havannah. I. A~C Ryj 5 "Ram i 67pm Ar Fernandina. H A L Ryi 9 35am 9 05pm Ar Jacksonville B A L.Ry 9 10am’ 7 40pm Ar Tampa. 8 A L Ry l 6 30pm; 8 69am Magnlffcsn* Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Wasblngion. Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa- Dtnlng car* from Savannah to Hatnktt. and Richmond to New York. Buffer parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply to Ticket office. Bull and Bryan streets. Phene 2*. J. D. WEED c CO ■ATAXIA*. 85. Leather Bfltint Steam Packing & Bose. Agnt* for NEW YORK ÜBBKX P&LTUxU AND PACKING C 63 JAPAN I* 9