The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 11, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 ALL DEPENDS ON THE SURVEY. 2* FAIOH ABLE H WORT PH UTII %!*- LY IH KI'I H u %Tt:H. Uln *nr M>rr, ( l,rtrr •! Prr*irfrni I'.jtnn I Them* •flvra on llir •'■'"r lb# Anulh ( |nn nr I—Hr. In #thon * ll<m (hr (♦(•*• *(#M(bl|t I tr|n> W mihl Hr ll#* ti •* H * "(I l*> m oot ( hmißrl—Ht*hli*hmrnl f m <on lliim n Thrr Would lldiiml < rrlnlnly Follow brrprr Wnirr. Th# j*ro#§u t of a fvrf-iMr pwnl<leri tlon of Savanna* dcia.i* * ("f •* 2l*fwt fhannal to Hu * klrHr* I by th order for a 1* r*i -f * njDn##r off! *r* to ml mu t-• ly flair for m r##urv#y of th# former jrojt<t to this * fT#ct, at> fiourit'rl in jfaifrrtiiy'i Morninjf N>ti, gsvr?< rfntral oili-fat :icnr * Ccmr'*>man L#*trr announc'd on hi.* return from th# North ffsrrntly that ►ucii (Hi or.Jf r * ull b#- ,*mul by (h# war d#- parimrnt and h*‘ .*> r ( ur|wl**Ht at the • nnnut ni* n( mi U ytntcnlm\ “Of rourre ! am unable to ferrcaat th" report off ho (*ohm/‘ 'ol. yes terday, ‘ but with a favorable rejHort ## Ax!!! be In *1 l tlon to ###k on ai* propria;.*i tn*rn * rißr* -■* for the %%*>rk s*#r mudi*. I prFr the rmith l w tmtnt d*#lr**l for n number of reason* 2( m po##Uk. nonever. that ih f•< t that no muort mot ha a.i • *i •• !#rn "xpunfi *4 for the smpr wm* n of th* north channel would Ineltne Confer### to prefer Halt channel to uixh-rfak .ok anew work T his will *|oul’:e*s dej- n<| Jar*; hjm the report of the hoard of survey • Mayor Myers expr-e<i hi- pi* i-ure at th* favorable outlook "A fav r.ihe re port by the brnnlof fturvey will make our work eanv,*' he #;ii<) 1 trip! lb*- - . nth channel w ill be re. ommende i a# the btpl tee* and nhipf.inir lnt"r(** . vldently pre fer that rout#. 1 have gathered a lata# amount of Information from t?i# railroads whipping p*> and eommerciaJ llrw ■* ir#n* erally, ahowing the !w*ntl? whi n b.ive •iiready * result t*} to the eommeree of h port by rea*ri of the Improveni* i t of th* channel This Information la being *om piled for une when needed. A comfnltt#* of hudnc#* men and cltiaene will be ap pointed to take thia matter In hand to work up ##ntim*nt In behalf of th" im provement. Noth In and m*t of t'ongrefM. it* eoun an It may jppur that such • *t#p 1* required.** Preiildent Kauri of the Central of tleor fla Railway and Ocean f*t"am*nfp Com f*an expref*sd himself as mT 1 übirly w*|| f.leased that Savannah m-ema in a fair wav to get her movement for deeper water begun under proper au*pl* e** “The beneficial remit!* to the whipping Interest* of the port would lie Imm- nee,” •mid Preaklent K#an and the Ocean sttcamhip Company would share very largely in I hew benefits. The deepening of the channel which was accomplished by the former work was of great benefit to u* not only on a< oum of our own ships but for the foreign ahlpplng whidi nuk** •iae of our w harvee. ue now load iiif at the i tceati ftt anishlp wharvea which i’ould never have done m under former condition* ' Am a particular instance of the benefit? which on increaaed depth In the hannel woukl be to the Ocean Kteamshlp Com pany, Mr. TZg in said; ‘The first direct benefit would he In facdlltating the move ment of our Mhlps. As matier* are now there areonlyufew hour* In ea< h day when the ahlpa can dejiart f*r their wharves The pro* ewe of departing must begin an bour ahead of the fide and i a slow and painful one. Any accident nr delay mo c*U*e U* to b*s* a tble. H* is. f t.h* tortuous channel we do not Ilk* to send the ship* down at night With an Im rew-** In the depth of the channel to iwenty ctght feet the liour* for sailing would l*e cimslderahly lengtten**! and mir work would thu* he facUUitted. Ther** ha* l*e*n i dfxUlftl lticrea-e in the tonnage of the fihipii entering the i*ort during hs last few year* and an Increased depth would, of course, mean that util! deeper iKiuom* Vo'iiii ;•< .!.!•; la -‘ • ti • lied/* “At the re*|ue*t of C.ipt Gillette,** aa! 1 Mr Egan. “I hwl pr* |red and furnished film some time wince *ttl*tic* showing the value which the deeper channel had nlready been to the corporation* of which I am president, and the ndvantage* which would accrue from a till further im provement Mr. Hinton the t rafti. tn*n ger. also furnished similar atatlatlca more reeently to Mayor Myers.” “I am very much in ho|e* that the Hoard of fturvey will recommend the •south channel.* eakl Mr. Egan. “It i? no easbr route in every way, abort r and much more direct and I* a *fer route, affording more protection to v**(**e|* in cam- of storm*. With the channel im proved 1 am satisfied ttmt |t woukl only* lie question of n short time when a coal ing station woukl Is* stahlishd near the mouth of the narrsvr Veaeela ai their way acme* from Galveston, New Orleans and other Gulf port* could Just as well atop In at duvannah for their supplies of coal a* of Norfolk, as they and, now. tr t* • *to|Htng point ami with deep wader and safe anchorage there would he every Inducement for them to do ao .“ There aeems to be i generally hopeful feeling with regard to the river atwl har bor movement, wud as Congressman lis ter Is n veteran member of the Blver nd Harlsrir t'omrmtt*** n.l on the he.*t of terms with hie Republican hreth turen the of Savannah's cdhlms being retgiiiiwi seems to be u Wry fair one. DISKS HMM HOI T DHIII't, Ik Yew Jersey ttnn al4 to He In <•- vannnh * Ihe Heenlt of Them. The New York p:t|wra prim atori* in the effect that Justice Philip H. Wagmr of Jersey City who ha* hero migslng from hi* home rlm r Oct. 2.ha* written to hi* re. Jatlvea from ftiivnnnnh stating that on tlv Afternoon on which he dlaapimared Jra had vlalte.l a r a loon In New York and that aft*rwird he knew nothin*: until he awoke on a Clyde i.lne ■ Irani' r hound for ('hurloton When he thot etty, the statement continue*, tie war will too t money hut tnei a frlettd who brought him to Savannah. A telegram received from ihe Nctv York World further elate, that while In iht ,-tty Wagner eay* he wa under the care gif Dr. M P. Imnn A careful Inve*tlgailon of the math r was made yesterday by o Morning New* reporter but nothing could he found oit about any such <-a*e. Hr. Dunn Mat-d that he had had no such patient nor could nny trace of the man be found at either the hospital* or the hotel* The police au thorltte* also were milrely unawme of •ny auch care, ItKYNOI.Dk < 1.l II ORMMIIBI. Will Work for Judge Itcnolila' Mr- Kleellon aa tlagiatrale. The frlervt- of Justice Samuel Wevnold* held a meeting at l,ibor Hall last night and organued tha Fourth District Rey nold- Club Th* meeting organised by the election of Thomat I*. Hill, chairman and W. T. MacDonald secretary Talk* ware made by ohatrman H:U and other*, and a rousing *ndor-emen: wa# given Judge Reynolds for re-election a* magi*, trait of tha Fourth District. The .-luh adjourned u> meet again at the same ball Tuaaday night next, at t o'clock. hi \. mu. Avrunw* aoHWo%%. the Ihuiik Man Kilted at laltr Hat ler Mas His Brother. The Harry Anthony, an a count > f whose accidental killing by hi* brother. Marvin Anthony, at the home of an older brother. Ir. Mark Anthony, t I>k* Hut ler. Kla.. wae Hi yesterday \ltrn|ng News, wa. n brotror >f Hev. OiUMom AnUiony, paetor of Meth odist Church. Hex Mr Anthony s*fd yesti-r.lay that he had no further <le*aik <f the kl.iing than those given in the Morning News ll* was dee ply grieved it the sad n*w- Alt hong i tlm tle-< N*)'<i and the other two brothers m* t>rtotei w * only half brothers, of It* v Mr Anthony, they bad all l*****n reared t'other and their re lation* were very co*e. Th*- young man, who came to his end *• suddenly, was s v -! v**ar* of **g* He w- s . very bng 't young mat! ad w* f>r some time • mml*er of the family of Rex Mr Anthony. The latter will have the sym patny of many friend* here In his be reavemenf. Tt • M trig New dip*feh stated that Marvin Anthony iifvin b • *v ring the re - J.t of th*- dent b< >m frill !! wtui grief ard attempted to kid himself This brother. Rev Mr Anthony, Mated, t* of • highly nervous arid **nsluvf'disposition, at h*- is very rmi* o afraid that the a ‘den■ will prey upon hie mind that " a ill renew his attsmjd to d* violent" to him*< The tw brothers hi-l i*tir fax hunt ing together nr id stripped at the df I*f Mark Anthonx ahottr I ovjo. k it; th** m*>rning itrending to sjand th*- night 1? dl-motinting Harry Antaony handed his gm to brother, and t was a> • len tally dt*- tat (go I pi the hands of the ;**tt* r the erjtsr. i*a | * t iering the neck and heid of th** voung man " AW Mil' *t It |*H Is|,| i. al. I * *t* r *n>m 11.- Expected Mr. I.eakrn to Hun fr ( ongreu. Congressman l*v what he thought of Mr ],eaken's ac < "ptance of the Rcpuhlb an nomination f<r Congress The r >ugre man remarked that he was not at ad surprised. “It 1* only* what I have *ald he would do all along. he said I suppose he w-nte the credit of running Me has been working to that ♦*! for some time.” <*o! I.ester wa* not disposed to discus* any if Mr declaration* as to hi* position or various questldbs, except to criticise hi* remark with regard to Re publican CtMQgre**es and deep water ap proprlatlotis Mr l.eaken very badly advised If he think* politic* have anything to do with the work f the river and harbor CQvnHklt toe. he said. This is one committee In which by common consent, politic* are absolutely barred. An outsider would not be able to tell the dlfferen- c between a member of the minority anl one of the majority. Any member can get the ear of the 'wsnmittee for n worthy object That politic* *lo not control Is evident from the lrgg appropriations which have been made -to Rc.iithern harbors, chiefly by Re publican Congresses “ Col. Hester remarked that If Mr Heak en had a plan to guarantee the govern ment (igalnst loss by dishonest contra tor* he ought to get a patent on it a* the government would doubtless reward him liberally for It f IMHGED WITH STK II.IX* I*l PEW. leetnnn Martin Mellugli In Re corder** (inrt *n a Her lows lhargr. An Interesting ca*e in the Recorder*# Court yesterday was the heating given Martin McHugh, an ex poli. cman. eharg el with tin* theft of a n**‘rschaum pip The pipe belong* to a well known Iwislm*** man on the Hay and was taken from his office June on the morning of June ’.* the office was found open but nothing other than two pip* wa.% missing. M Hugh w.i i*iti oiling the division In which file office ia kgatei at the tint* the p’pes llsapi>eare 1. Hire * that time he ha* b*en dlsmlaaid from th* 1 force. A *lu>rt time ago on* of the clerks in the office of the business man not Iced Mc- Hugh smoking a pipe that resembled one of the lost pipe*. / II" told the owner, who in turn reported the mutter to th* jK>ljce, and the case was turned over to the defectives. Tuesday night Detective Murphy found McHugh smoking the ph>e and arrested him McHugh declared the pipe |tad been In his possess*on for fifteen years and had Is * n secured by him in Connecticut. The initials of the owner of the pipe had been on it when It was stolen An *rumination of the pipe found in McHugh's |s>ssesskn allowed that they had been s*r near!' erased that they were hardly I stingulshable to the nak*'l eye. though an • xambmtion tinder a magnify ing glass showed them quite plainly. The case was continued anti will come up again this morning. TOOK I.AU 1% lilt OHA HIV HA. John f*. Hriinn of Vliillorh Is Haled to Answer for on tempt. Sea brook granted ;i rule in the Superior Court yesterday requiring John Drown of Bulloch county to show an-** before him on Saturday next why he stxould not la* punished for contempt. Th** rule issues out of the proceedings re cently Inslltuted by Drown to enjoin the Ellb-Young Company from foreclosing a mortgage upon Ids land. Judg* Beabrook dkwadveil a restraining 111 .1 l - • . • • - !< I*. I * • -IK It I -W pp* H - that Drown has disobey**! ttie commands of the court an*l has not only gone upon the land, but has threatened to *h*ot one of the *l* fendant company's representa tives, who was in the exercise of the powers granted by Judge Beabrook. VVAH MIT HIM HVHtiEO BEFORE. Ihd'olb'eninti H. M limb Explains Why He IDd Mot Resign. Mr. S M f'kivls. who ws distnisse*! from th* police force Tuesday, ways while this is he third time that he hai left the fv he haw never before been discharged, his previous severance* with the department being by resignation. In the kst csc he *vs that he nfused to resign because be knew himself to be innocent of the charge* btougiu again** him. and felt that to refuse to stitnd triMl would have left the tmputiti*n of guilt to persons not fami.iur with the facts of th** case. For atgaling u Diamond Ittng. Arthur laiwrence, colored, was arreste*! yesterday by Detective Stark on the charge of stealing a valuable diamond ring from Mr J. Goodman The ring wait recovered and the man will he given a fearing this morning before Recorder Hart ridge Wants a Two-Mats l.enane. Borne Bavannah man is trying to stir up a baeehwll boom for next -eiDon. in Augusta He wants a league composed of Augusta Charleston. Atlanta. Macon. Co lumbus and Bavannah. Mob a Pistol but Were CanoM. Alex James and William Jones, colored, were arretted yeaterday by Patrolman E F. Davis for the theft of a pistol from Joe Davis. The case will come up on the Recorder # docket this morning. TTfE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1900. INJUNCTION AGAINST HER SON. MRS. VS SEE. MV MFHA VK* THAT ovr he i.h vs rrn. t nrllrm f. Champion. of the Rest Known Voting Men in savannah, I* the Defendant in a sail W ilk an Interest All It* Uw n—lib Mother Vk for .liMiimrnt Against Mini for Vtinnt fujau-ih** Also Wants n Deed Kxecwled lj Her, on Ac count of Representations Made by Him. t nacelled and Declared Salt find Void—Sexer Kaexx *he Was Making Him n biff. Mrs Anne C. Champion, widow and sole devisee and legatee under the will of the late Francis J. Champion, filed an application for a temporary restraining order *ij temporary and permanent in junction and for other and further equit able relief, against her son, t'arlton C ' harnplon. In the Court ytmtar da> Th*- i * Elion contains averments of much Interest and of a character decided ly umiiusl. The appii att<*n for equitahl** relief i* t*a**<d upon incidents connected with th* adminixtratlon of the rotate of the eld* r t’lcimplofi, >f which the defend ant wa* made the sole executor under the terms of the will, and of Mrs. t’ham individual :ate, which the de fer Int v tit rolled and managed Francis J Champion died on Kept 13 II6C. I* i\iig a wilt whi h made his widow the devisee at. I legatee of Ills estate, and d* son. the defendant In the pending ease, the sole executor. I nder the term* of to* will the executor was not to he re quired to make return* to the Court of Ordinary or to account to any official or tribunal for the faithful execution of the trust. It I* il * g*d in th* petition that the estate nsioted of certain property in Bouthvilla, which is d#acrlb**d by mete* aiul bounds, of the valus of ntsuil i-s,onu. atxl of d-**ds * w-enrs debt ani oth"r > - ir**.l films, representing a value of What. If any, other property t>**lrng ♦ I to the 4-state, the |>etitlonr Is not ad vised. Ti defendant, at the same time, acted a- th** g* tit of his mother In the man ageßMi t of her Individual property, and I? is charged that thet** * ame into Ids • anils from this oourc*- a total of |V.121.06. Then the petition (Vmtlnues: “During November of the year 1*57 (the wid Fran* is J. < 'naniplom, the husband of your petitioner, having dl**d during fb-p --ternber of the same year, your petitioner came to Bavannah, in response to urgent leirer* and a telegram from her son. the said t'arlton C. Champion, and stayed it his house that winter. Your petitioner trusted impychy in her said son an* had entire confidence in him She had shortly before b***-n bereaved of her husband, nnd was In deep affliction, and was a woman of more than 6f years of ag-, and entire ly dependent upon her eon’s adxiee. Hhe whs Ignorant of the statue of her hue band*# affairs and was advised by him that I* vi|i ecf • fary for her to sign cer tain pa|*er" to put th* affairs of her bus ban*! in shape to he ndmtrdst*q*<l ii|*on by him. That acting und* r his advice she signed a papt'r, which sh has lately been advised was a deed from her to her said son. in consideration of natural love and affe-tlon. for all the property de scribed in the second paragraph of this !*"tltloti us the Hmbhx'ille property. aid property being valued at about $3&.000. Said deed was dated Nov. 3ft. 1897. and t* re tarded In the record# of the Buperlor Court of Chatham county, in Hook of Peed* 7 V*. M. That when petitioner sign ed said p*#|>er she was ignorant of the fact that she was making a gift to her son of thin valuable property, and had no inten t on of making him a gift of said proper ty. nor did her said son explain to her that she was so doing, hut upon the con trarx concealed from her the nature of her act ud deceived her Into believing that she was signing said paper for the purpose of enabling him to administer up on her husband'# estate, of which he was the constituted exe. dtor under her hus band's will,** This property, it is charged, was after ward** conveyed to the Get mania Dank to secure a hum of IhYOftn In March. l*<*o. the defendant Induce*! her to convey deeds to secure debt to other property, upon the assurance that It was necessary to the administration of the estate, and iiimn an atleg and cons, derat km of 17 !•■* Of this con skieratl-m. recited In the conx’cyance. Mrs. Champion dclar**s she has never rtxceiv e*i a cent The petition continues, “Your petitioner has asked an accounting of th** said Carl ton C. champion, a- executor of the es tate of Francis J. Champion, and of her individual monex s coming into his hands, and he has submitted an account. • • • • • • • Although it will hereafter ap pear that the said Carlton <\ Champion received at the death of her husband as sets of his estate valued at upwards of D*hmo and lias received fß.32t.fta of your pe titioner's individual money, anti during this period of time has paid to her a total of only sl,***;, vet the said account would mike it appear that your petitioner is now indebted to the said Carlton C. cham pion In the sum of fl.tEfi.R." It is charged that the defendant had used the Individual property of hi* mother for the payment of the d"bts and expenses of hi* father's estate and ha** >-o confused the two a 'ounts that their separation is diffb ult Furthermore, it is charg'd that the account submitted Is grossly incor rect l T pon a proper accounting. It is claimed, the defendant Is indebted to hi* mother, upon her individual account, In the sum of $6,714.5* It in alleged 11! the defendant Is In solvent, never having lecn provided with any visible means of support, and that for this r* oson. as well as on account of his previous dealings with the property, th*- .our! is a-ked to appoint receiver to prevent Its further waste and destruc tion. It is further asked that the deed for the HmlthvtUe property, executed by her under a total mtsapprehenshm of its pur port and effect an*! signe*) by p anon of tin* st itetnents made to her by her son be delivered up and ■ tmcelled ainl d* lared null an*l void and that h defendant be re quired to m.ik*c restitution of the lands and moneys accruing to him through the con veyance of the deed* to secure debt. This relief is asked in aildltlon to a judgment lor f*.714.6d, which is alleged t( ive due tin* plaintiff by the defendant on her In dividual account. Tin* Germania Bank is made a party t*> the suit, solely because the legal title to the Smithxr.b and other property is vested in it. by the terms of the to secure debt. An Injunction is asked re straining the bank, as well as the prin cipal defendant, from tr.insferring or lr cumherlng the profierty, pending the final decree of the court. Judge B*acrook, to xvhom the petition was presented, granted a temporary re. straining order In accordance with the prover mode ntst a rule, requiring the defendants to show cause before Judge Faillgant. on October 2&. why the |n- Junc:ioo should not le continued. T/ie petition is filed on behalf of the plaintiff by Messrs Lawton A Cunningham. #ne*rse nnd Ml •a. That I* what you mut rto hn you hav- oaiarrh In th* h*a<t Th* way to rur* thl* *limw I, to purify th* hlool with Hoo<V* Bar*apartlla Thl* turdirln* roothes and htali th* Inflamtd surface*, rebuild* th, delicate tUtue* and penhaVemly cure, catarrh by e*p*llln* froth the blood the acrofuloua taint* upon which it dapffid* Be sure to get Hood ■ Th non-irritating cathartlc-Hood's Pills-ad. | \\ A I*l.l S \ M (MM HEE SMITH % little Stranger Who Bald no Pas sage on the \* *• her. Wallis NseMdies Bmkth, Is the name fa young gentleman who arrive*! on the steamship Na oochee, from New Yors Moo*lkv in this *we the siml.nrtf.v of namte is somewhat an accident of birth The sam* was not upon the i*ss.-enger list, and there was a disposition on th* par: of the first mate to reg-ird the young mun as a stowaway until the ctrrum tances of his presence were explained. Dr F R WaJlis of Cordele, xx m aieo a |M***"ng**r on the Nacoochee, fe-tog on his return home, after • tour of Europe. m*f thi* fact account# for the first nnm" of the afore mentiotted party, and perhaps for his presence in Bavannah. Dr Wal lis was aroused ihe first night out by the stewardess who tobl him that his pro fe*iknal s**rvi • - were needed. Tne drc -?or ref**led. that he might he a physician n‘ hom*% lutt he win only an ordinary itiieti aboard ship, nnd was about to g*> to Si*ep .(gain, but the stewardess inform 'd him that it was an urgent case. The doctor responded, arsl there was soon another soul on board, a ten-pound baby hoy Mrs Smith, the wife of Sergt Smith >f th* l*nkt*d Btates army, being th** mother H*rgeant and Mrs Bmit: were on their way to th" home of Mr* Smith's mother. In Florida. Owing to the uruisual circumstances of the birth both the physician an.l th" snip were re n*mier".i In naming the new comer First Mat** Johnson, is ui*l to he death on atowTiway*. and when he was informed th.c th*r* was one on txiard his righteous wrath xe aroused He w?i* referred to ♦he Mewar*l"hs for information, and *P*- minded : iat th" culprit be pro*lort'd tn atanter. The infant was produced at**! Johnson a* knotviedged that the drinks were on him MELD FOR IN iXXU I.T. Decision of Magistrate Hex ana In (if of B. 1,. .I<n-s Benjamin I* Jones, arrest*.) Monday for a criminal assault upon Evelyn Rowell, al lege,! to have leen committed Sunday morning at Jasper Spring?, was given a preliminary hearing yesterday afternoon In the office of Magistrate G E. Bevins and w' remanded to Jail on a • harge of assault. The hearing last'd about two hours and a half ami was listened to by a throng that the court room could not n mimo date, many of the spectators standing out• *kb* on the sidewalk and In th* am*, nnd hearing only such snatches of the testi mony as could be caught from Hiti" o time The plaintiff was represent tv 1 by Mr \V H Wade, and the defense by Mr Raiford Faillgant. The first witness was* Hr M Duncan. He t# stifle,) substantially that he hd been visited Monday about noon by the child and her parents and at their request had mad* an examination, but 1 bat such evidence as h* had would not warrant him in saying either that an a- had l*een made or th it It ha.l not Mr. A. M Rowell, th* girl's father, was then put on th* stand and tod Itow the clrl. after hi# threat to Pave h*-W token to a doctor, had told him of the affair II" seemed much off* ted by the p*vitlon in whhdi his daughter had been placed and wept during the recital of the story Mrs Dowell followed and * ortohoraied her husiutnd'* story. Tin mother iho w-pt during her recital and e* did Evelyn herself, who w*# th" next witness. Bhe said that she had gon*> into the room wherj* Jon\ was. for the purigwe of getting a drink Of water, and i thai Jones had offered her be*r and af terword'- wine, both of which she had re fused She xxas In the room some time, she *aid. during which Jones hud solicit**! ami that h* had not used force until she hid attempted to leave. Fhe said that she had In ggad. riled ami even fought him b* s x hers* If from th** lisgrace. but without avail. I'pon qm-tlon as to xvh* ther she had made any outcry for help she admitted that she had not, and stated ms her reason, that though ihcr* had been two box#, one white and one colored, around the house m the Uni" she entered the room she did not know that th* \ were Mill there Joms made a statem* tit to the court He said that on the morning in question Evelyn, a gill fritn*l ami quite a small child, had come to th Jasper gprlng# ehMdioiise. where tie was staying ami where the atl* g***l assault had leen . om mined, and that ih y had spent some time there. Evelyn's friend and the mall *r child xxint home arwi Evelyn saw them to the gate and then came back to the house for a drink of water. ll* wu- sil ting In a room reading, he says, ami the chi came Into the room ami stayed sum* ltfte* n minutes ('hatting ami then I* ft. Eater he had been told by the negro hoy. Arthur Beat held, that the gltl's mother It (and **mie for her and that they had gone off together. IbaiUeld. who was (fan put on iTe and. sold that he had been at the house while the girl w. in the room and that he had neither seen or heard any thin? suspicious Williams testified to pra* li cally tlie same thing. In his argument Mr. Faillgant laid -t*.il eniphasic on the testimony of |r. luii;* an. Further h* gav** # h!s th(*ory •*f the origin *f the girl # etory the fact that she had stayed at the, Springs so long that she feared punishment at the hand# of her mother ami that she bod trumpet up the story of hetng detained bv Joes# In order to account for her long stuy. H also emphasised the fa* • that It was no: uniil the day alter the alleged commission of th* crime that the girl had toll her narents of tt and had then under threats told them only a part of the story that had been drawn from her on the stand, by w hat he rep atedly called leading questions on the part of the attorney for the prose cut loti Mr Wade a#k*d that the prisoner lx* turned over on Ihe charge of attempted assault. W ATT It THIKSKk * WTI RKO. Stole a Winch and sold It, lint Were I mm lit Through 11, tiring Panned. Detective J. J. Murphy yesterday recov ered the watch of Mr. H K. Pearce °f No. til Oglethorpe avenue, west, which aotneone had wtoten a short time Ix forc The waPli wa* rescued from a |uwn shop, where it had teen pledged by a white man named V, 1* Rockflekl Hock Held wa* arrested. He slated that he had bought the* watch from two ne groes. A Winn and I'harlc* Winn. They also were arrested. Thla morning before the Recorder they will be tried on tie charge of stealing the watch, while Rock- ItoM will be tried for receiving stolen property. w ii. i. do to cm itv vn. Mr. Dreeson to Attend Special Meet ing of Royal Arch. Mr Henry R. Dreeson, valiant com mander of Ocean City laslge. No U, Knight* of the Royal Arch, will attend a *|ie meeting of r-pre,entatlve* of the order to be held at ClnctnnSTl, Oct. 23. where change* tn the supreme lodge of ficer, an<l other Important matter* are to come up for consideration Mr Dreeson wa* elected a representative by the Stan Grand l-cdge to the Biipreme Lodge which met ot Hot Springs. Ark, last May. but did not attend He win take In th* Cincinnati meeting, however. A torpid liver mod* active, a bad head ache relieved by using Saratoga Aron dack Water. All you can drfhk for S cents at Solomons' drug store. Bull and Chariton etreela -<1 TALKED OF THE CARNIVAL 111 AIM V ' * •* * *" # %D- A %AT%I.E* TO * %BA%R. MeetiAß of the 'lrrrbsnK at the l)e Anlo Una Amall, but hnllinalnaiii Marked Da Proceed I n*s— t not her Mcelluu, That Itxer) Effort U 111 He X(au* •* iMe | KoruAUl> llcpre sentNtlve, (ailed for Tu-uigbl.‘ Merchsnra %re Inking for #yui|ia thy. Not for ( ash— Director Reason Told U hat He Hoped to Accom plish—Aax annah Most Keep I p V% itla the Nan In Securing Trade. Because th# mte In* of merchants, that had been called for the T>e Boto Hofei last night to consider way# and means of advancing th# .Merest# of the city in connection with the Elk#' Carnival and Htreet Fair, did not develop sufficient numbers, it w.s decided to repeat it to night. Nevertheless, those who were present expressed themselves very heartily In fa vor of the project, appreciative of the ad vantage * to he derived by the city from the carnival and anxious to do everything In their power to make the enterprise a success of the most pronounced de# ri|- tion. It wax only because a larger i*er oentage of tn#* merchant# of the city was not present, and not because of any In* k of enthusiasm on toe |rt of those who attended, that it was determined to hold a record meet.tig t* night To secure n full representation of ail business Inter ests • this rme lng a special effort will lie made to-day The nvff ing wan railed to order bs' Mr NiV. W Hfarr, of the Elk- Executive Com miftee. who st e*l its purpose. Mr B arr said that he regretted ex * e Singly that the attendance was not larg r and that h" was disk)|rpoinied that the merchants had n*t shown themselves willing to jestlfy by their mere presence and moral support their sympathy with an enterprise tha very one of them ought to approve. Two objects, said Mr. Starr, animated the Elks In the giving of the street fair. One w *# the replenishment of their chari ty fund, a fund that is distributed freely and liberally to recoqnixed charities In this and other cities, without dlsttn tlon to reed. The Elka ask nothing for them selves; their purpose is th** succor of the needy and distressed. The second object D the ad\ertisemenv of the htwuties and commercial advant ages of Havannah For five or six years, said Mr. ftiarr. Bavannah has fade*) to make an effort of this special kind to at tract the attention of the state, and the trade of the people of the section she ought to control. Her rivals, on the con trary are steadily and |* rsiatetntlv at work, ami the necessity of effort to main tain th# city # prestige I# evident to any one who will consider the situation. Mr Hlarr asked that Mr. I*. H. Levy tak* the choir and when a motion to this ef fect was put, it was carried without dis sent. Mr. Levy expressed his own regret at • he six** of the meeting and explained that he felt this to he due not to any la* k of Interest in the enterprise on th" part of th# merchants, but rather to the fact that the necessity and propriety of their at tendance had not been properly urged up on them He felt confident, he said, that were another meeting called and a full and representative attendance urged, It would te easily forthcoming Mr Sic Gard ner. secretary of the Retail Merchants* Association, added his assurance of his fellow merchants’ response to that of Mr. Levy, and his personal willingness to aid 'the project in any way in hi* i*ower. Mr. flagßs D. Benson, dire**tor general of the carnival, was called upon to explain his plans. Mr. Henson said that the pur pose of the earn val committee went far beyond the m* r* giving of series f en tertainments in the Park Extension. These had been arranged for. and they were the best of their kind. part of th* carni val features was already assured; the in terest ar.i co-o|*eration of the merchant# was essential to th** wider projects the committee entertained. A queen of ihe carnival, with her at tendant kHigots and ladies, a •oi m.iUoi fvetie, made as beautiful as gay costume and lights and flowers would per mb • floral parade, a tracks display, night pa geant#. Ilk* those of the Marili Gras, at New rl*n>. and other fr**e street enter tainment* of the tike character were m- Itided within the scope of the committee s plan. To #ecur these did not lequlte th" expendhure of any great amount of money on the part of any idivldtiai. but did re quire the united * (Tort of the representa live men of the city. Fed. M. W. Wrenn. pa-senger ttaffh manager of the Plant By stem, addressed the meeting, making an Interesting little talk tpoi !h< neeeasUf of ■oim plan for • (trading ihe people to Bavannah. i*ol Wrenn hal lieen alle i upon to tell wha his n*l the other roa*i# w* re doing an I would do in he ha If of Ihe, but be * xplained he thought It would lie m r to ih* point did he #a> what o her *♦- 1,. s were doing in the effort to attract trad# to them. This point oi. Wren*i succeeded lit Making exceedingly clear. m that when he ti l ‘included there w*a n)t a business man in the room w )m> di i not agree that Sov.illtiih should lx uj* sod doing and was r* ly to put life' -houlder to the wheel to make the car nival a success. Mr. Frederick J Robinson, of the Fen tral. and Mr Janus Freeman, of the Southern. n *le brief talks, along th*’ am<* line. Representatives of the news (oapers jn responst* to requests, sta ef that full publicity would be given every thing of interest connected with the carnival. At the suggestion of Mr Levy it was determined that another meeting should be held at the lie Hoto to-night To this the* men of the city arc extend ed a cordial aid earnest invitation It Is not the purpose of the committee to can vass for subscriptions, and all that the merchants ore asked to do Is to manifest by their presence their interest tn lbs enterprise The camtval committee want to feel that. In Its effort to bring Sa vannah prominently before the icsiple ot the state and to exploit the city's ad vantages. it has tie'-ind It the aup|>ort of the business men They are to he risked to help dv rtlse the carnival t n every wav tn their t*>wer They are not to be asked for subscriptions This morning the elty will he canvassed by committees, whose member, will urge attendan e at the meeting Mr. Levy will appoint committees to look after the retail merchant*, while other business men will receive Invitations from mem bers of the Carnival Committee It |s be. Ileved that this method will result tn a meeting whose M*e will equal Its enthust -astn. IN THK It til.Hit AD WORLD. * Matters of Interest In Anrannali nnd Kliewh-re. The riant System llthoe. advertising the Elks' Carnival and Street Fair, have reached Bavannah. and are being distri buted from the office of Passenger Traf fic Manager Wrenn They are exceeding ly handsome, th* larger poster represent ing a scent on th# Midway. Every city, town and village on tha Jins of the Sys tem. from which visitors to th# carnival can be drawn, will be fllled with the bill*. Don't All your stomach with spirits which wreck It. Cook'# Imperial Extra JDr> Champagne tones It up —ad. 4 feRtND OfrOgTI’IHTY. Hnallfy for m Aalarled Profeaeloaal l‘<id(tlon NN Ifh*at ! of Time From Work—Kd •#••!•*• Voting ( ontest. The Morning News begins to-dajr a most .iiirat’ilve voting contest Y\*e will give • n free scholarships In the well-known International Forrespondenco B'bools of ife*rantixn. Fa to the ten persons securing the must votes between now and Nov. IE The ten free scholarships comprise courses of study In (1) Mechanical Engi neering. (D Electrical Engineering, includ ing a complete net of electrical appaatu* for th" work of the course. (3t Architec ture. (41 Civil Engineering. l& Sanitary Plumbing. Heating and Ventilation. (6* Foemisrry. (7) Commercial Branched (*> Mechanical Drawing, including a complete outfit of drafting Instrument# and mater ials valued at sl2 &&. to use In the work of the course nd afterwards in drafting room work. ($> Architectural Drawing, in cluding a complete ©uifli of drafting in struments ami materials, valued at sisK, to use in the work of the course and after wards in drafting-room work, and (10) Or namental I*elgn, including a complete de signing outfit, valued at 91.40, for use in lhe work of the course If you se. ure the largest number of votes, you will have first choice of the Ten Free fu holarshtps If the next larg est number, the second choice If the third largest, the third choice, and so on. ten choices to the ten receiving the moat votes. Through one of these Free Scholarship* you can, by a few months' study, pre pare yourself for a salaried position Equip}" and with the thorough and practical education that will be given, you can easily sc. urea situation; and by subse quent study can rise to the highest and moss profitable and influential position*. It will not be necessary for you to leave home and go away to school or college, to iak" up one of these Ftee Courses of Study You will not even have to lose a single day from your regular work. You can *omtnu" to support yourself at your present occupation, and will be taught thiough the mail# by experts in the branch that you select. The instruction 1# (borough, practical, and successful. It will qualify you for advanced work the same a# if you went away to college Thousand# that have received this instruction are occupying re sponsible and well-paid salaried poaitlon*. and rapidly rising in life a# a result of ih<* education receiv'd h> correspondence The only limit to the high position# you an ai atn' will be that set by your am bition. Any one can enter thl# Contest. Both men and women take up the various pro fession# for which these Free Si-hcLirahlp* prepare. Young people, particularly, will reap great benefits from the Course# Me chanics and clerks will find in them on easy way to secure advancement or o change Ckdr work None are too old to be helped by them—tens of thousands of men and women of ail age# are #u*ce#sfully qualifying themselves for profe*lonal po el*ions through study by correspondence. This Is your opportunlt.x Heize it. and got a good start In life. Tak" hold with ihe determination to win the Congest and ***cure the untold benefits of a professional "ducat km. The Round Volumes. Electrical Appa ratus. and Drawing Instrument# which go free with the Courses, are on exhibit ion in Adler # Broughton ssreet window. •Not All In Aouth Africa. All the diamonds are not in Health Africa— Sternberg A Cos. show their usual big stock of these dass'.lng gems ad (btie Fnrc Hound Trip fn Atlanta via t entrnl of Georgia Hsllwaj, Ac count of the Aouthern Interstate Fair. Ticket# on aal" Oct. 9 to 27. inclusive; final return limit Oct. 3ft. Double dally through trains, sleeping ,-ars by night, parlor car# by day. Ticket office Hull street and Centra! I’assenger Station.—ad. Birthdays Are Happening Every day, and suitable souvenir can he selected from Sternberg A Fo*s hand- Siune stock of diamond*. Jewelry, watches silverware, cut-glass, etc.—ad. School Auppltea. Jum r*o*lv*d a la/ge and aborted .up ply of Reboot bags and .ohool *uppUn; ill at rut rat.s; from 10 ernt* up. alo, „,nal largr *to. k of all tb- uchool book>. now ti<u‘d In < 'liallmm county, at KMIII a New* Dr pot, 4.’i Hull t(rt, Havannah. • la.— ad. , Wlm. IMraaeri flic Hridr Mml Was ttir rlrganl coHcelton of lovrly rut glars arlrctnl from Strmher* & . ..tit if iil mock —ad \\ nailrra Will \.rr • raar. Llppman Urolhrr*. whoKaala duigglala, l.lppman blor-k of thla clly, are giving away frrr, a aplrndid rrgulaior clock nearly 3 feel high, with calendar attach ment, alo three dozen eamplr bottle, of l.lppman* liver pllla. free, io the pur cha.rr of thre. doaen l.lppman , .-hill and fever tonic. Thl* celebrated and renowned .•hill tonic I* * Id with a p.sitlve guaran tee. "No cure, no |*y," and the price and ■d*. i* the Mime aa otlnr standard chill l.tnl.a. Thla great r*|* nee I* undergone tmply to Introduce l, ppmana chill and fever tonic, the bent In the wor.d.—ad. The llally I’apera kald "The wedding prearnt, were numernti* oiml handsome." tMernberg A <*o furn luliei) moet of them —ad, "It ( nerd Me.- •'Oraybrard broke up rheumatlam on me." aaya Mr Cha*. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker atreet. "And put me to better nealth than I have enjoyed to a long time." Take Oraybeard Pills for that disiy feeilng—Losi appetite, and follow |t up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It la all you need. Re,pea. Drug Cos., sole prop, Savannah. Ga—ad. Don't Hide tnar Your oM or broken gold article,.-you can convert them into cash at full value at Sternberg A Co.—ad. I Del tel owa Smoke, The Herbert Spencer la an elegant cigar and ta truly a delightful enjoyment to mnale the fume, of this flue tobacco; It ta evbilaratlng and delicious. See that Ihe name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine Th* Herbert Spencer ctgare are only aold by the bo* of 60 Concha, at *3 60, g n a Perfactoa. MSO al Dlppraan Bros whole aai, druggist,. Barnard and Conare,. atraata. of thl, city -ad. >rei *W • a For Weildlna Present., Select some of Sternberg A Co', fine cut-glaee ware -ad. "Graybeard I, a family medl tne with u..' ltd a premlmnt bualceai man yea taroay "My wife t**es it. and I B ott e , ane is enjoying bausr health than f or f*a f a The children keep well by lakucg Oraybeard may be obtained at all drug atnraa or write to ua for tt Rmpeaw Drug role preps.. Savannah, Ga. -ad , OUR “Osceola Patent' Team Harness for Heavy Hauling Has No Equal. Get Our Price.' Congress and Whitaker Si LEO FRANK. i This is the T rade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware: that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who eontemplat* building should send for our artistic brochure "Artist an j Artisan:" free. H.H. PEEPLES &. SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST., WEST. An Open Letter Jasper Springs, (near) Savannah, fim . Sept. 7, Iftnn. Columbia Drug Company, Savannah, Ra.i flentlemen—l have been suffering with Chllla and Fever for more than three months. Have hern antler treatment of several donors, tried several so-ralletl Chill Tonies, none of which beuellled me. At last I tred one bottle of your Smith’s t hill and Fever Tonle. and within three days I felt much better, and after using the second bottle I am triad to say I am entirely eared. I write this so that you may be able ta Inform others who may suffer and assure them of a core. Aery trnly yours. iSlgnedl HBXRY TOEITI.H. BUILDERS' HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL. HD mil's SB 113 Drnnitlon Street, tVest. KHUOIJ AM) AOLI.EUk.I. THIS SAVANNAH I'IIBFAH ATOKA St HOOI.. VIII.ITAHV. # OI’KN OCT. S. Mr. Strong has reiurne.l to the city and may he e*n ever' morning bettver 1 9 and 5 si the school building, or northaest tor tier of Harnird snd Him* streeis. Ormond II Strong (Cornelll, Head Master A school whose Instructors are *l'"- ally men familiar with modern and men who have demonstrated lh> ' auceess as teachers In preparing hoy- for college and business. A school shore dlpl m Is acc< pled In lieu of examination by many college*, and arhoae heudmi* r has the highest endorsement by Ihe pi > denis of Cornell and of the University of California. A school whose director* ar among me most prominent men of th* Slate. A school where your boy wo iM receive iiersonil supervision and coursgemenl, where he could obtain > thorough and systematic training In body and mind; where he could prepar- id* lessons for the next day under an If strucior’s car* In the afternoon Just as h* would at the best hoarding schools. I Where vou would bVe no worry uh t his associate*. A OROWINO CHO<>l BRENNAN BROS. WHOLCSALB Frail, Produce, Grain, Etc. >aa BAY STRIIET. Weal. t IrkriMMifti. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Tmm Ruet Proof Out*. Rye. Cow Peed. Hay. Grain. Bran •*> * Feed* of ali kind* for etock end poultry- T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 83. 111 Bay elreet w- OI.D NEWtPAPEMi * for •* Auetneee Office Murnlo* New*.