The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 11, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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EDITORS saw all the sights. ,> -Mil. 11l YKH FIWIYT IMI f, ’" 1 h ||l ~1)10 tun TF.KMIYAI.S. . .1..- il.irnlnu \f id fff rujlcn , | „n<'l> There—|>r#*li#* of ,1.• 1,, l" , “ w ""* * : * 1.001 l I r.'llliu All nr* 1 * *' I lorliNi*Relumed Thnnlip I j,,.| r | .tiirrlMlnmrnl—*4nvnu ho Mmh* Tlirlr \ Lit n pppiM " (•Ira**” 1 ° ,,r * tilt editor* wound tip their two ii Savannah yesterday, mix) , afiernooii for Columbia. That ~1 thempeive.* during their stay .nd doubt. They it ere out irly yesterday morning, tuk j l mr>*(, and the ladles went shopping section, k the party left the Puiarki U , t trip on the river. The steamer a i in watting at the Seaboard below the City Kxchangc, and <1- lor the Seaboard Air Cine, \Liiora down the river i-a*i th th>* Gordon and Plant Syu • v .,, then back u| the river |*a?i juts and Miners' terminals, State of Texas and the Herk . v Inn, to the Ocean Steamship which were visited the day be , ,* i where a line of magnificent t it and by the Pity of Hlrmlnnham ( , *. . oochee were discharging their *h*n along the Be.h>ard'M great ~[.|oslte the city, the new Pnlon i m, the long slips filled with | r fitiuhtem. and baek to the Kx- j . k. The various |Hlntp of In , ,m the river were pointed out to L and they keenly enjoyed the j t t, •turn, the party visited the v _ N*ws nnd was shown through !.ng, beginning with the news- I . . - * runm* lieiow the sidewalks, ■ , *• iiig Hoc machine turns out the I weekly editions of the Morn- ' \*. and i limbing, successively story ry, IhfiMigh the lithograph press . press ruins and book bindery, to , >li and stereotype rooms on the ~ . ,r. where the first real me- ban k of turning "copy" Into “type" Tht visitors were interested In r-r- department. the various printing nl ... K-rr. ikir.g departments had bean e visitors were Invited to • itorlal floor, where in the room they were given n i just lefore their departure. The * . and be n attra tlvei) dtcorawd by :.|n* of the h)*l-;* nd> nt Society , > Paul's Kpi* opal Church. •i verv-d the lunch. Tables were laid U v and that number of |ople sat The local newspaper men were * The luncheon occupied on hour i .oter cigar* and coffee. Col. Kstlll. If of the Morning News. welcomed ting Floridians. nnd alluded to t ant relations whl t have always . - twren the Morning News and th ■ ditots. President J \V. White Florida Press Association res|on-l --• nking the Morning News for Its ... welcome und Uh- entertainment th , , received. Col. P. A. Stovall, on i • f the Savannah pewppaper men • r i an those of the Morning News. ii th welcome of the visitors and ii ihute to the character anJ enter* i the Florida press. M* \v. C. Crum of Tampa proposed n to the Morning News which Col. I c.a • fully acknowledged. Mr W l -' Turner of Cord* *1 referring to the I *til* wel- < m* and entertainment v the visitors had receive In Hav tn tui iot only from the newipap r nu n n the cltlsens and In behalf of th* l. •xp reaped his appreciation of irtesies. Mr J. C. Halle. general dapp * agent of th* Central Railroad * an Steamship Company, was call i n to reppotld to the toist “A llaptlo 1* Well Met." and did so facetiously 4 -1 r iicitoualy. remarking that hie bust i w.i.' carrying people and not talking *n and his m-st eloquen* effort* * filing quarterly editorial pas sew. h rTti<*• of Tallahas-ee was called up- Pr -blent Whit* and sjtoke briefly. M s 1.. Lowry of Tampa ptopened a * to v |. Kstlll anti his associates and • health was drunk by the visitors. At -orne more Informal rpeech-maklns l utons member* of the party, amowt “ . Mr. K. C. ltyals. of the Mom u: News, who responded to tt&li*. * vi tors sold good-bye. A car r** been placed at their disposal t Ma.inger Ijofton of the Thunderiwlt • a of Hope Railway and they wr* i . the Central depot and left at 1 < k for the North. 1 firing their stay In Savannah h visitors, liestdaa lielng enter by the Morning News, were i l the ••ourtesies of th** str*et rall *• i\ Manager l*ofton; attended the r by Invitation of Manager Wel*. ' i Ocean Steamship Company in charge of General Passenger Id ** and Agent Tregevant. were ’ rd at the Smannsli llrewery by *-*r Starr, visited the Savannah i *t: F.t lory by invitation of President . liman, ami w- re given an escur ■ i th* river through the courtesy l Mu tin of tlie s nloard Terminals. •' 1 pend to-day In t'olumbla nnd * • f*"tn there to Knielgh and then : l mi u>d. returning direct to Ja.k ** l • uly next week. • party were two Republicans, and from two of the largest towns li r ne was \V. H. laiwrcme of the other was \V. C. Crum Tampa. ungrst member of the assoriatlon • i I tiacs. He r ~nd owner of th* Youth's Vlsl i and ! i* and at Fort Meyers, lie does * • lltoiial work and sets nil the Si life Cummings of DeFunlak ’’ "a a the only woman In the party 1 ' md owns a |viper. I'ntil her fortune when her plant was i ! > Are, Miss Cummings got out ' K * f * j; good paper. t H rton of Arcndki Is n former J " ' '' *n. and ha work 'd on the News. He get* out a newsy pn . I Ia representative member of ( ’ l nug The county of !>e goto, of . 1* u •d*a l< tlie countr Is the •1 orange growing county In tlie j ** fui nmhes about SU.OUi boxer, * 1 about Vi of the entire cnw. ir l>* ing sold now on the tr < *, - * l.x. This price. Mr. Horton says, l, f 1 ’ greater than what 1? >t f l’e frees*. Tills year's crop, he of the luaviest the countv r id !>*• Soto county Is also larg*- 1 to cattle raising, and some of Isxf* ‘ 1 l*hosphate mines are located T lrner of Cord*'-al Is a physician. on*- of the prettiest drug store* oi KdM.r Turner has represent 'Junty in ihe 1.-gitlature. , I’rannlng of \Yaldo. Is a mlnls ' * formerly in the Florida H , f Conference, lie is now located o !*>' th*- cotif* ren 'v. He g^ts • ftterprising pape: . * , ■ 1-owry of Tatnpa Is gram! chan- t\ r.f j* Florida. Mr. Lowry "ctotomta by Mra. Lowry. 1U U DP.PIERCE'S Golden Me3ica I Discovery " I had suffered froru indigestion, and only those who have suffered from it know what it really is," writes Mrs M. J Fagan, of 1613 Fast Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. "I had severe attacks of headache and dizziness with cold hands and feet; everything I ate distressed me, bowels were consti pated, and I was growing very thin and nervous. I cannot half ex press the had feelings I had when I commenced taking I>r. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, I took nine 1 Kittles of the ‘ Discovery ’ and several bottles of the ' Pellets ’ I commenced feeling 1 letter with the first bottle, and kept on improving. Now I am so greatly improved in health my friends often speak of it. I most heartily recommend those medicines to all suffering as I was.", for disposes of Dlood. Nerves and Lunds. North Carolinian. anJ Mr*, lxtwry 1* a fluulh Carolinian. IViltor Tatum of Ml .ml f* vtr* prwlirnt of Ihr ar‘icllloi Inirlnn thr Spunluh- Amrrican war Miami ha<l pl-nty of *ol <ll. rs*. anrt It was thr opinion at th- ttmr that It in.ant u (treat deal, and It did. for that city. 1-ant your the thriving littl# rlty Rot yellow fever, altrlbulable lo the lirnnir. of the aoldierr. 80, after all, the h.n.’tit was a small one. The parly making lh- trip to Richmond represents about one-third of the member ship of the Florida Press Association. Kdltnr Trice of Tallahassee. Is Florida's sta'e printer. He lived a long lime In Ello v | III*, this state. Borne allusion to the effort to move the capital from Tallahas see was made, and Kdllor Trice remarked facetiously that there were not men enough In Florida to do It. Editor rhlllln Isaacs of Fort Meyers. ,'lalms to represent the rl tropical por tion of the I*idled mates Fort Meyers is the last town on the west roast before r. 1 hlng Kv West l,ee county Is anew county, and Is Iss omlnif a large orange Browing section. It was the only county which escaped the freeie In I*4 and IS* Edison has winter home at Fort Meyers. So has A. M McGregor, the hlg Stand ard Oil mon. It was at Fort Meyers that (Jen Hancock planted a date palm In lksT, while he was ipiarlermaster of the garri son station, during the S. mlnole war. Tho palm Is green and luxuriant to-day. It Is said that the late H B Plant caught hut one tarpon In his life This fish wss lan led at Fort Meyers. It measured a little less than seven feet. The meeting of the Florida Press Aseo cl itlon was h. kl last year at Fort Meyers Editor Isaacs, one „f the most progressive newspoper men of Florida, entertained the members. . * MM'O. PKMSOSiL. Mr. TV F. I'atlllo of AtlanU t *t th# Piilarltl. Mr 11. F Wilcox of MyKlc r#*lrt#rcO it the Pularkl. Mr. A I. Webb of Abbevlll# l a *ueat of the I’tiiaxkt. Mr. W. H AJkln* of Atlanta la a *ueat of the PnlaaliL Mr W P. Itountree of FJtOT>t la a *ueat of the B<-reven. Mr. I> J. Pad(#tt of Tlaon 1a reglatere.l ut the Screven. Mr. Dan B Hurrla of Atlanta I* reffla terel at the Pulaakl. jjr, Krone)* M. Knattff of Atlanta la a svteet of the Screven. Mr H. Ynnker left via the Plant By tem yeatcr.lav for Sumter. Mr. A. P. MrOallum Pembrok# la rc*irtcrel ut the Be raven. Mr. B. B. 1 suiter of Stateaboro w*a a gueat of the Pulaakl y#a*erday. Mr. A. B. M L—nn of Bartow. Fla., reg laterod at the Screven yeetcrJay. Mr* W BitHn OraJy l rpeiwlirg thla month with relative* in Alalwma Mr. K. Keller was a imrsenirer of the Plant Kyetem'a yesterday for tlolveston. Mr. J. U. Morris of Olar. S. C.. * among tho guest of the Pulaski yeater ‘V,r F I*. Register of Riglrter waa among the arrlvnla at the Pulaski yester day. Mr J A. I,lpi>ltt of Altatnaha w* ■ mong the arrival* at the Screven yes terday. Mr*. D. B. I—ster has returned to the city, ami Is occupying her home on the l’.uk extension. Miner* Arthur Macon. Jo*. V Fary and George Uinta of Hwalneboro were among the guett# of the I’ulaskl y*#ter *Mr C. tt. Parker, vice president of the Fills- Young Naval Store# Cos., is In the city from McCrea, he la stopping at the Pulaski. Mrs II It. Nlcoll having spent the summer In company with Mr. urnl Mrs \ tt ft*, , n at the Wheeler in Hender sonville. N C„ 1 now n New York city at the Hotel Girard. Mr R. II Wager of the Titusville Flor id,, ytiar. anil a member of the Florida Press A**oelHlon. and Mr*. Wager, were ■ leasant visitor* at the home of Col. and Mr* O. B Whatley .luring their short slay In Savannah. AT THK TMKITKH. Pernel.l-Beldewl t ..mpnny In Two Perform*! icra. The Peru.-hl-P.eklenl company continue* to draw good audience*. "In the Heart of Paris''—a pUY *h- character of which i* suggested by the title —was last night a bill, and H alHH.ire.l to phase. •*Th Two t!r(>lKni* Kate ( laxton a old fa .orlie --will I- given ut ■■ matin re thl* afternoon, and to-night there whl ;• „ change of hill. The engagement of Hie company will close to-morrow. Saturday matinee and night, ' Zaa.i alii I. presented. The play ha, created , great Impression here und abroad, and It* suites* continues In undisputed triumph. Mr. Frohman has had great •itffi'Uitv |n seeuifng a company to P'.H erly Itottray the rharo let*, as they * tnihl apl—ar in "Zaiu o'* , ry I* carried hy the company utul all tm I. >lred .ippoattmi nts for # flret-c:.>—> I > • formatter. That tne |tiay and company will Ihp rooHvrtl by, • iargv lUWilff •* already •urJ THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,1000. THE COUNTIES MUST HELP. *< 11001, < OMMI%*H\KI< W ms THEM TO T%\ FOR KD rt ATICMI. Ill* l'ln Cnnlpmiilntr* Ihf l<fV| of a Tm I'riM liltuu UN IVr <>nt. f Thrlr ltr|irptlvr Fro|irf lonw of flu* atm** .*ltool lunil. Ilrforr Tlr> llrnmif Cntlllnl to Nrrflvr ThU Tkrrr 4 oantlr* In th* Mntr Art* Tmlnx for fh* **ni*|Mrt of Thrlr *tlool—a onimla • ionrr ln*|rrfrl tlir < oloretft Cil l* it** nt T bundrrliolt nod \V* I'lrnard. State Ht’honl Commiiuiioner O. R Olrnn rear*he.l Savannah ynatenlay morning anil hjariit ibr day an the giu**t of Bu|t. Otla APhmorr. In Um* afternoon Comm la* loner Olrnn hi.* wen t*> a m preoent.itlve of fh Nbirning Nm* gavo an - trrvlen, reflecting hl view* on fh** pub* Jeot of local taxation for the hupport of local ►chool* The Morning New* ha alrr.oly dl*cupw ed. lo ally arid editorially, the position that Commlesioner Glenn bin taken rai thia qtHPilon. In brief, hi* plan contem plate* tho intro*lurilo\ ot tin* next alon of the General Aewembly of a hill r*- iulrlng the aeveral countle* of the et te to levy county taxe* for tho support of the ayptem of public edunklon and miking It obligatory upon th* m to raise at leant twenty-five per cent, of their proportion of th** school fund of the stale, before th* y aro permitted to draw thi proportion from the note treasury. The project t* receiving the enthuslnsth* endorsement of that portion of the body politic who-* *<*- quaintance with educatloiuil prol>lemt en title* their opinion* to the grealwt re- Wfcct. "There re r*n?on*. various In their na ture," *ul*l Uommle*loner Glenn, "which I think HhouUl urg* the I>gMnire to jau** the bill emhod>4ng tbl;* chaog** In the achool law* of tlw etate. Ju*t at pr*pM*nt there ire but three count let* that levy a tax for the support of their school*. Th*-!*e ar** the countle* of t’hathnnv Rlch monl ami Hibb Glynn county did i*r a firm* dti someth Ing In thi* direction, but It* effort* have been tq*n*modib and It In now doing nothing. Fulton county, out ebb* of the city of Atlanta expend* for public du< atbm only the $13,<00 which I* ll* *hnre of the state fund. "There are now about 67 count lew in the state that receive from the !-tate treas ury more than they put In \N hlle thl* l* a great un<l marked improvermnt upon jatrondltloti*. it I* yet typical of the fa t that many countle* are doing but little for the support of their own school*. It emphasise* the neceweity for aorae such changw In the mnerai law*, •* the hill 1 expect to have lntr**duce*i contem plate*. •The bill emhodfce* the prliu iplo of k> al self-government and local support of local utilities that ba** become n very slogan of lH*mocracy. It l* fair. too. *1 puts the iwjnien of wtKu at ton upon th* shoulder* of those who ought to bear It. In part nt lea*t. Lastly, the additional money lo nedsd, in the country districts especially, and needed urgently. “In many counties of the state." sahl the commissioner, "many of the gtrie are being denied the leneht* of an education because their parents ore not wining to trust them on the public highway* with out protections. Hence, there has niiseu the problem of transportation, and In some of the round*-*, with the h*lp of voluntary contributions from those in terested. the problem is being solved. "An Instance occurs to me. In Washing ton county there were four weak schools, In one section, which I advised be con solidated. To effect the consolidation It was necessary to bring the children from outlying district* to school, and this re quired the expenditure of some money. However. It was secured, and the experi ment Imi* proven a very great sucres*. Instead of four weak schools there Is one strong one, to which the children are brought In three spring wagons, main tained at an expense of $8 per month each The additional expense thus Incurr ed has been borne by the people of tlie nd they have born* it gladly. “Good schools," said Commissioner Glenn, "are the essential of success in ibe solution of the industrial problem. Given u people who are thoroughly Intelligent, who understand or can be taught the handling of machinery, who are ‘skilled laborer*’ in the best sense of the term, and the commercial and Industrial suc cess of that people Is assured Instruction In the school* Is necessary to bring this condition l*sit. and to render the in struction adequate to the netds of the state more money must be used. I be lieve the people are ready for the change In the laws that I* contemplated In th bill I expact to have Introduced, and I think** its passage will help to solve tho problem." Commissioner Glenn spent the morning in an Inspection of the Georgia Htate lrf dusti In 1 Y>!leg* for color***l youth and was earnest In bis praise of the work that la being accomplished by President Wright and his rofp* of instructor*. "The condition of the roliege la more encouraging Ilian It has ever been," h* said. "I Ilnd that industrial education is being stressed more ami more nnd that the undent* are l*elng given opportunity to apply the instruction Hint they receive. The work of the corps of Inatructors Is earnest and devoted and 1 twlieve that the Institution 1* destined to accomplish a very great good. "Th- stressing of Industrial education." *.ikl the commissioner, "leiight* me par tlcularly. I hav** been criticised by some, of the negro preachers for what they call my discouragement of the higher educa tion of their race. It I* possible that they have correctly understood rm position, however unjustified th-lr criticisms of my tt Hon* may be. Thinking, ns I do. that almost exclusively In industrial pursuit* lies the negro* vocation, for the* present at least, it mem* to m*- the duty of the state to lit him for th** life h* is to load. The diity of giving him higher education may reel somewhere else. The state ought to give him that education which Is h**t calculated to make him good citlgen. and J believe that to teach him a trade ac complish** this end.” Commissioner Glenn nays that the out look for continue*! encouragement of ed ucational projects throughout the state I* bright. Renewed Interest l< being tak en everywhere and the people are begin ning to realise how essential to their pros perity Is the education of tlieir children. It Is because the people have reached this frame of mind that he lots vent nnd to urge th* passage of the bill providing for county tuxation for the support of county schools, and miking It a prerequisite to participation in the state fund. Mil Ttlf&HS TH %IIW GOOD. The Special Killians of Xewapapem thus Hlg Galas. The evidences of commercial advance ment In many Southern cities Is L ing amply shown ihls fall through the trade editions of the newspapers at hu*!nes renters. Many papers have publish*! special trade editions during the past few w* *k. and without except ion the show- Duffv’S MSLARitt, I Ferera, rhllla, Ctngjt □ •■was Cold*. Dyspepsia of whs*. I Ml O eyer form, quickly cirsd || |. by taking lH KFI'H Mali ■9 If A tableapoonfn! m glass e! ■* B — ll water three times a day. UUltielfAU All druggists and grocers VTniSKOf Be oar. Of JUuUaUous. ' ings have been exceptionally good * to nil branches of trad#. Fronrncnt anion? the fastures Is the Industrial udvancaim nt of the sections referred to as shown by a large increase in the number of manu facture*. The Knoxville Sentinel has Just publish ed ls Annual Trade and Carnival edlthm, whlt'li shows that city to have nimb* ma terial advances along bustnew* and In dustrial lines. To begin with, the Kedetal census shows the population of the city to ! S2.4MM, !1(KI0 ?en yea is ago, mii Increase of 4 ici i*%*r cent, l's Jobbing business, representing largely the efforts of the MO drummer* employed was Md,- for the year ended octocr against 11u.000.000 for the t**rlH| in IM* The bank clearing* w*ra J3l.Jj#,ooo for the year ended July 31. Th** invinufa* luring Is estimated at st:i.bjo.M), against 110.500.000 lam y*ar The county asst-aments against corporations, aggre gate 12.075M0;. The fact the state ts not unduly antagonistic towards rorp ration* encourages the Invent tuent of capital, which Is apparently reflected In tb* gen eral coinnirci**l Improvement shiwn for the year The flentlnH's edition covera t wetit> -wight page* of w ritten and illus trated matter Hcatdc* the pit>mliitu*e which is given to Knoxville's busln s growth, attention Is also given lo the car nival. an event calculated t* give an Itn ts'tus to fall trade i IIIEE** AT t HAMMWTOM. Praetlcal Test Made of Fire Appli ances. Charleston, C.. Oct. 10—To-day's ses slon of the International Association of Fire Engineers was given up to a practi cal test of lire appliances, which Are on exhibition here. This aftern*>on the mem tiers of the <invention were tendered an excursion to Fort dutnisr and around the harbor, and to-night there was an open air concert on the Buttery. There was no bUflncw session of the .vmventlon to-day. About fifty chiefs, from Nt w England *<at * principally, ar rivet I here this morning on the I’lyiW* liner Heminole from New York lm(ortant buitnesa meotlngn will bo iwld t<-rnorrow. anti the asstM lation will nt get through with Its dcliberatUma until Friday after noon. - - - - ■ PETITION Foil IXAOMPOKATIOA. TdiATHAm rornty - To the Superior Court of Said C’ounly: The petition of Gordon Press a cor poration. and of J. F. Hanson of the County of Bibb. John M. Egan, Alexander R. Lawton. T M CunnlughMm and Henry Rlun of the County of Chatham, and of tho Ocean Steamship Company of Savan nah. respectfully shows: First. On February 17th. 1*73. the (ior don Press was, on proceedings duly had In accordance with the sfarules of the state of Georgia, duly chartered and made a corporation by the order of Ihls hon orable court, as will appear by reference lo the records thereof. Second. The other petitioner* herein named are the solo stockholder* of the Gordon Press, and own the entire capital slock thereof. Third. The petitioners herein desire that the charter of the Gordon Pres*, which, under the limitation* prescribed by law. lias expired, may be revived, continued nnd renewed nnd that the Gordon Press may be declared to be a corporation un der the laws of the state of Georgia for twenty years from and after the 17th day of February, 1*93. with the privilege of re newal at the end of that time Fourth. The object of the corpora Moo, and the particular business which they propose to carry on. the capital stock, the location of tho budnesa. and th** other nec essary isirtlcuiar* are shown In th** orig inal application for charter filed In this court. Dee. 7th. 1K72. to which reference is hereby made, and the statements and prayers of th* sold original petition are hereby renewed; but petitioners desire that the charter may be amended In the following particulars: <i) That tho object of the corporation, and the particular business which peti tioners propose to carry on Is the erec tion, operation, owning, leasing, renting, and being otherwise* Interested In a pros* or presses for tho compressing of cotton for shipment from the port of Savannah, Georgia, or from any other ports, cities, towns, or plAces In this or other state* <b Thut the restriction in the original charter to the effect that th** constitution and by-laws should be modified only by a vot of two-thirds of the stockholders should be removed. Wherefore, petit loner* pray that the said charter may be revive*!, continu'd and renewed, and the charter grunted with all tlie rights. j*w. r nnd privileges hereinbefore set out. and with such other rights and privileges s appertain to cor poration*. And petitioners will ever pray. LAWTON St rrXNINGHAM. Attorneys for l # **ltloners. Original petition filed In the office of the clerk of the RuperUir Court of Chatham county, Georgia, this 3d day of October, ItOO JAM KH K IV CARR. Clerk H C.. C. C., Ga. LKtIAL NOTH. KB. cTTaTHIAM <*Ot'NTY Where.-t* Mrs. Marie K. Branch has ap plied lo Court of Ordinary for letter* dls- a* administratrix on the estate of Hamilton M Branch, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite nisi ad monish nil whom It may concern to lie and appear before said court to make objec tions (If any they have) on or before the twelfth day of January, next, otherwise said letter* will he granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton f. hVrrlll. Ordinary for t'halhatn county, this the lfHh day of Octots-r. 1 FRANK B. KKIUIAFIf. derk Ct. 0.. C. C. IJc >B oIT. (• HATH AM FtM’NTY Alice K. n.irhour ha* applied to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve month* support for herself, out rtf he estate of Itoliert T. Harbour, deceased. Atn>ral*ers have rpa-lc return* allowing same. Three are, tm ic fore. to cite all whom It may ronr-ern lo appear before sahl court to m ike objec tion on or before the first Monday In Novembar. next, Otherwise same will he granted Witnesses, the Hon Hampton |. Fcrrlll. Ordinary for Fhatham csjunty, thl* the 10th day of October. IW. FRANK K. KKIUBAOH, Clerk C. 0.. C. C. NOTICB TO DKBTOBH AND CREDIT ORS. OF.OROIA. CHATHAM COT'NTY— Notice Is hereby given to atl prrson* hay ing demand# against Whipple Allrtch. lute of said county. tece.tsr.l. to present them tome, properly madeoul. within the lime pre*crlt#*l by law. so as to show Itielr character and amount; aud nil per sona Itulehlr*! to Bald d* erased ore r*. qtikrcd lo nwke Immediate payment lo me. Huviinnali. On.. Bcjit 4. tho JttROAN F. lIRfXJKi*. County Admlnlatrater. M bay st.. w. NOTH B TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORB GEORGIA. CHATHAM COI'NTY- Notlcv I* hereby given to tall persons hav ing demand* tig.dost Frank T. IJntoln. late of said countv. deceased, to present them tome, properly marie out. within the lime prescribed by law, so a* to show their ehalar 'er and amount: and ell tier sons Indebted to sail deceased are re quited to itkvkr Immediate payment to me. ftuvannnh. Ga Kept 4. Itso JORDAN F. 11 ROOK.<4. County Administrator. PHOrOIAL* WA.YIICD. L\ H. ENGINKER OFFICE. Bttvannub. tia.. Bepl. 12. I9W- Sealed proposals for building training dykes, (Ovannah river, near August*. Oa. will be received here until 12 noon (Eastern standard time) Oct. 12, IW, and then publicly opened. In formation furnished on application. Cas sius K- Gillette, Cap!., Entire CLASSIFIED AUVEKfISEMENTS. rritsov %i.. jTm " TH AT " Ts" \ T*l EN DID niak* up. Emu your mother would have never known l That mu tu* h h great Who pupphed that mi flit* Tlie Georgia hair expert. Savannah Hair. Jewelry and Hhuvtng Supply House, the place for ev erything |* naming to hair, whether to remove superfluous or unsightly hair, or to rep! i.*e wrist age or h ki * ss ha- caus ed to preniaturely los* I or*lied from him through the mad flits must a lie, wig and whisk* r- ui and they came o K THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE." lit Itnrpnrd sti* t. hit) sand sells .ill kind Of stecond-hnnd furniture for * ash. ""judge Norwood a hook. "Mother Goose Curve*! by a C mmenia tor," on sale at all now t md* In tin* city, price. J 1 L. IH YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE IMlO(*F Stifle A have a standing off* • of SI,CPO for every safe of their make that does not pie.-* rye its contents om sit* was in burning debris 111 hour** When t tken out. the hose bad to be turned on It. When opened, not a page was disco! orert. not a r- ord lost, not a tlollar <! stroyed If you want security, buy a Httffej a Freeman >fe l*. IV Millet, agent. TUB PRICES AT WHICH WE SELL bicycle sundries .<* entrancing. Try us W F. Ill’4gine. 13' Drayton. YOI WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dair>, It's rich and pure, try It FPRNITI'RK miobSTKRKf), MAT tresses renovate*!, Antlquo furniture r** poli>bd. furniture pack* and an 1 shipped In bast manner. Send me your orders. C IV Miller, agent RONE FI .* U' IE P< UTNT B AG. !*siv*‘ order with E Moyi* . lo Broughton street, east. **r 114 I’.nk avenue, east. J. Gardner, agent. IF ITS BUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them chej>er from M*G!llt*. "SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockcM, ladles risv. at $2 J. W. Teaple. SCHOOL HOOKS NEW AND SKC ond-hand. s*d*l an*l exchange! Barnes' 2nd Reader. 30c; 3rd R* d**i ; 4th Read or, IV 1 ; Mb It* ader. 4.' . Lincoln'** Physiolo gy, 4be; Ist stepping Stones Literature. Zbr. 2nd Stepping Stones. Si). , Prince s Arithmetic. 16c; Montgomery History, to. Al Gardner's ltasaar. DARK EVENINGS ARE NOW COM ing. let us sell you u lamp, prlciw. 75* to $3.60. W. E Higgins. !2. Drayton. I AM NOW I/k’ATKP AT 414 WI ST Rroughton, ring up 24fd It you want t have your furniture moved or |n k>*l for shipment or storage; I gudrsnto* prlcas th*' sane a- I do th* work that's given to me. A S Griffin 414 Broughton strict, west, mattress** rna*le to ord*- MI IDLER'S STOVER AND RANGES rive satisfaction Tho Magnetic, Econo rilst. Waldorf, King, and other goo*! makes nt reasonable prices. '&fi lirougli ton, we*d. KENSINGTON i ARM MILK IS in mii passe *\ for richness; delivery Is per fect; phone. 234 u. SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS offb'a table*, nffb <• matting, office Hha*le.- 307 Brought >n. west WHEN TOU BEK M GH.UIH' BIXTT Inch ft cents rug*, you will tmy them. Just can't help It; will sell In any quan tity FOB FI/ORAI, DESIGNK. CI’T FlJ>W en>. plants and bulb*, front Oetachlg's nursery; leave I.rilrr. with E. Moyle, 10 Bmttghron street, east. J. Gardner, agent. "Ft'HN ITU HE MOV RD WITH CARR." la a specialty with McGllila. "“HAVE YOITR ItICTCIsE REPAIRING done property; that* the way we do It. W. F Higgins. i Drayton. MIM.ER H NEW BTYI.EB - IN~CAR pct*. mattings, linoleums, window shade-, etc. All work done In first-class style, 207 llroughtofi, wr*t. BEE THE JEWED HTOVF.3 AND range* for aale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Inrtiranca gasoline stove. ~M'OII>I.IS IS CHEAP ON RtraS. NETS, lace curtains, tiammock*. water cottiers, pillow*, picture*, stove*, tastroom suites, and furnltura of every dearlialon *sl 4k RI'YB NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. l-nrg" assortment of rockers, divans and easy chairs. C. P Miller, agent Kl 7 N'SI NOT' >N fa RM IS ~OS~ AN elevation In the country, free from rlty drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2J4.Y I te ll very prompt: satisfaction guaranteed. m gh.i.ih mover, packs, aiitpa and stores pianos and furniture; beet work only; no "Cheap-John" prices -no ' (.'heap- John” Jobe II .00 FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS, while they last. e. I’. Miller, agent. MOII.LIB' DACE CURTAINS WIDE beautify your parlor. 22. M FOR ART BQFARES ” WIIII.E they last. Big assortment, all gratles of art squere*. rugs, mats, portieres. C. I*. Miller, agent. M'OIIXM BEt.IsS SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna pattern*—for W cents. atfillUd l-ADIEH' CIIIL'IIKHTUI H ENGLIBH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable Take no other. Bend 4c stump* for |iartlcular*. "Belief for I.a dies," In letter by return mall, Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Cos., I'lillo.ln . Pa. HOW ARE YOUR FEKT7 IK YOUR feet are trouble you. call on me and I will glvo you"cllf; I cura Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases nf the feet without pain; charge# reasonable; can give the best references In the city; pa tients treated at residences; order# can beg left nt T,tvtngton# dtttg store. Bull and Congress etreets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist Mill,l* WAVTBD-M.UA. brickrayehb wanted at gab. tnnla. N. C. Klynt Building and Construc l.on Company. "WANTED. TWO GOOD STICK CANDY spinner*, and one peanut man: adiress, Johnson. King * Cos., Macon, Go. ""wanted, a woodsman who thoroughly understand* furnishing log* to mill of Vt.irn capacity, und ton bring fifteen Up-to-date tc.imstera; only tlret clti* need npiily. Weal Bros., West Duke, Fla WANTED. A BRIGHT ItoV BE tween Ik anti St to leant th' Jionlw.tre litis- Incss; give age olid previous business ex perlctwr. A<Ulr>s* Hardware, care Morn ing New#. 9AI.ES MEN—STANDARD ARTHI.E. liberal commission; you < innot llnl a liei ler eld- Hrw. Trojan Mfg. Cos.. Bouth Bend. Ind. M.M* A YEAR EABIL.T MADE BY hustling agents, hatelilng our wrtttc tin I fancy rubber rsdlats. ruff* arvl neckties; l>aicnte<l ami inle-*l good*; our cam l<ilgn tpv Hr# wtnner -; liberal commissi)*!; exclusive territory; semi stamp for spe cial plan, lerra*. elr. M A M. Mfg. Cos., Hprlngff* hi. Mass. WANTED. IIRICKRA YKKB. PARPEN, ters. plasterers, bla* ksmtth* and horee shoer*. wheelwrights, tailor*. hatket pere, tie n<l log choppers and saw yers, mill hands; see Holier 317 West flay. Jacksonville. HELP WARTkU-mAM. COOK WANTED. COIZ I RED. AND sc tth -1 woman preferred, to go to Guy ton for one month; good quarter* an-1 plenty wood; come with ret rmniendallon Apply 310 Whitaker Street. • UIMTD-KKVtI.K. HOTEL I Ml W **“l Bay. Jm* k-‘nvlli* . white man and wife, mill tmidln* hoiuw sf*o<*. white wo man cook, Fltshugb, sl. housek* efier, ta ble girls, molds, laundress* •*, rooks. AUKHTft %% AKTKDi S n*N HORROR oFFB'I AL history, nearly |*ages llitist rated; igente clearing f’a |o?r day. l*-#t terms; freight |slid, credit given. U*ks r* a I 1 . **u ' fitn fr* I *-; go* l salary and ax|*ens*s to .ul agents. 11. J Smith Publishing Cos., Chicago. IAIIM.nI MEAT %VAMT>:i>. refinement would like to take entire charga of infant or - mall child; lam reference, reference n . oanged Addrt-ss Mrs. It . 712 Monlgmn • i.. t POSITION \' WEED. FIRSTd'LASS housework. Apply 1H J,nes street lane. * net. U w rr.ix—Mist KLLA.XKOt!!. W*A NT i;i , <w l.iu; pit; LONS, AD dress R S|M*rry, Duval ftlolel, Jack sunvllle. Fla. k-INUII GOI PER STI NCII. LETTERS for branding cotton, arkltess. IV o. Box, 0, WE W \NT A NICE til;N I LE IBRSi; for a lady. must le gsst site, and a g***l trial r*qulrsl. must !*•* a horse with style; no other wanted Artilro* Jam* Ttwmp son, general delivery, po-gofti •. IF YOU WANT (Won MILK. GET IT from Hpringflekl Dairy; It's rich, purs and W Met* aime IF YOU WANT A PLA<T* TO DUMP earth, dirt, wmi manure, etc., free of charge Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone* Brown Bros., come. Anderson and East Bruad streets Kim iir->T—noon*. FOR BENT. TWO FRONT ROOMS, furnished nr unfurnished. iie of bath, with or without hoard, fa-Ing Park ex tension No Drayton street NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. ALL eofivenlencea; b.vt and cil water AMI Ilar nard, n*-or LB** rty. FOR KENT. TWO NICE UN PER NISII *l r*Hn very convenlenG*. 131A Ater • orn street. TO RENT. THREE*"" DELBJIITFUL unfurnished rr*m* 12X East Taylor FOR RENT, THREE CONNECTING room*, private family; good location; It this nffb e ROOMS FURNISHED WITH OR writl*ut board 36 York s4r***t, * ;ist. FL ATS FOH UK AT. fine locution; low rent. Platshek 4k Cos., Bryan* east. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT complete f,r housekeeping. furnished rooms 111 East IJlwrty. ELEGANT FLAT. FOUR ROOMS AND bath 119 East Jh; hat net. FOR RENT FLAT AND BASEMENT to small family No. 12 June* street, east. foh hi:vi—hoi ntm FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY STREET, east; !**-• hpinn at once. Apply George L Garmany. agent. U Itrynn street. e**t. for rent, comfortable house. No 217 Waldburg itrwt, east, between Ahercnrn and Uticoln. first el iss or.b r and condition; every convenience Right r* nt to right t* nanl Estate Hal*mui Cohen, W t Broad and Broughton streets. ~FOR RENT. LARGE RESIDENCE. M 6 Congress street. eat, smitbeast corner Ahercnrn. M 8 Baker. Agent. 224 Ogle thorpr avenue, east. VUII KKXT—STOUKS. "Td7rr~RENT\ hToRE HTn^TTivVEBT < orn*T Whitaker and I,tt>erty atreeta. Ap ply !A IJIt-rty street, west. "FOR RENT, a BTOItE. REST !,OCA tton for any business; reasonable rent. Pkitshek A Cos FOR RENT. STORE. "lIJ BROt 011 ton street, east; ptse*alon Immediately; l*o several dralrahls reddgncea and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan atreat, a t at FOR HRVT—MIaCBI.I.ANKOt a. "TARGE^wXRHHoCBE^XNTrTrFI-TCW for tent, corner Broughton und West l.tvKid street*; formerly occupied Ity the Biivannah Carriage and Wagon (Ao. 11. p. Smart. “fob Kent desiiiami.i: "‘office for real estate or Insurance. Apply to Beckett A Beckett, 24 president street, east. FOR RENT. MASONIC IIAEI,. SClT ahle for theatricals, twills, dancing school, etc. Apply to J. H. Tyson, room 4. odd Fettows building. run MLk-iticu ami'E location for large operator. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. FOR BARE. A ROT FOIt TWO Hl'N (tred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth straaa. near East iinwul, no city taxation. C. 11. Dorset! RESIDENCES AND Ut'IRDINO IAJTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tatem. real estate dealer. No. 7 York atreat. weel. FOR BARE, IXJTB ON NINTH. NEAR Rust Broad, at (200 each; will soon t advanced to 1222; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a bom* bulM. C. If, Dorset!. Eolt HARE. THOSE ROTS ON "IN'TIf atreat. near Eaat llroad, hav* only been sold to first - la-* parties. Cho will make good neighbors; and non* other cn buy , The terms ar* very easy, and they ar# cheaper than any other In th* vicinity. C. H. Doraett. _ FOR HARE. ROTS ON NINTH STREET : near East Itroad; no city taxes, at D> each; twenty-five dollar* cash, nnd easy monthly payment*. C. H Irorsett. Norwood's "Satire" lor sale at all News Stands in Savannah. .3S.H3OOTS $2:50 3K.tOXroRDSS2.OO A HALF DOLLAR SAVED ALL 'ROUND. GEIL & QUINT, 205 Broughton Street, West. FOH I V Lit—MlSl ELiAXMI'I. W i rcIiBAZIsLI THERE IB WlTCH haxrj and wlicnhnael. One la mada to cura. the n'h*r la made to •*!); put a tot la ot ours by the side of one of tho othr kind, we give you alt tftta qualltg sod all the quantity that your m a**y en titles you to a pint for a fpmrtar. Peraae'a Drug Htcr-a. Henry and Aberoom. Whit aker and Taylor. FOB SALE. NEW TIMBER CART. TH feet high. 7 Inch t r- and 4-Inch axle. For i irtlrular apply lo N B. Htafforl A Bro., Tar boro, Oa. Fdt SALE A FIRffT-CIJUVS RETAIL grocery business In Tam in. Berlin; well K“ ate*! and doing a *••**! business: S4.ADA to $. oii. cosh, aatisfactney rm-oi* for selling. Adilnst, la***k Box, 241, Tampa, Fla For SALE cheap HATjOON CON n*-c<l wit it barter shnf>; tnuet sell at <*• . *> • . .Mint of going into other Vitsin****; comer Ifroughton ntid Houston street. ff,ivgnnah. Go, FOR HALE LARGE." PAYING erv stable It irr iln. Address J. \V. Ktm hrotigh, Webster. Ula SPRING Ili LD DAIRY ~iS NOTED for having rt* h. pure milk; try It; you W’lll l* l pleaded 1-OAT A*l> FOPXD. tan *. answers to nam<* Jim Reward given for return of > inic A. J. Bu k. 214 Hhv Mr****t. •nit. IttlAlt lit YU. N>at! l*o*l boir<h*rf. Tattnall. tfilrl from Liberty. •:niCATioiAu Til!*: I*llll.B If It "K KINDERGARTEN under fh** nuinagcrncfit of th** Kate llnl|- wln f** Kind* ikarten. will open N*v 1, tt *2 Hall drift, *'Ht ft>r |urt!, iKldrcss. Miss M t. Backus, Hunt |iigdm street. <• H. Pl.t It 111 Mi. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL UK to your interest to let me give you art es timate on your (dumbing, new or old work, repair work a si*ecta!ty. as I rnn a practical plumber. No gu< sn work to endanger your life. Wlgglrts, phone 107. tleorgla r It* li 91144 KI.LUinOI %. HAVK YOU It HOI'HK I’AINTKI) with German pnlnt. eittr patlnf9(4loti gu.iruntff *1 Adams l\urt C'ompnny. "Tt 18 SO TKOUHLK KfU UB TO Hl* flmnlt* on your plumllnx work; our |liimlH*rs nre fln4-oliwi nnd our work Ku.irMiUwO. let up <!o yout w>rk an<l iuvn you money. A I*rl’* 4k Cos. I'honen 665, Bt.ii*> urul JtffcrMjn Pii*lP WANTKD, ONK TIIOUHAND llUN irry ixoplc nt til** Houthern Grocery Coni* pony. 111 It*!nurd ntroot. WK BELL HKWKR PIPIS,’ PIaT7F3 rl|*H. Are r|j*y, firs brick nt lowest prlcML A-1 imp I’mimi Company, 104 UonKresn, west. “ MOHR THAN ONB IIUNDKI'T) <*FNTJ4 In every lolUr ff your hnrd-enrned hnrd rush Ml the Southern Grocery UompMny, 114 f(Hrnni*l pr* • t IP YOU AHR IN"NKF:iT“oP PIRftT riven pltimhlng work of nny kind. A. C. !’rt** A t*o will W* ll chenper for you Hum anyone clw. !*hon>x <CK. Htnto nnd Jeffcrpon ptreein 'gVI'SINK 18 I III; WALL fin- Hh tOMfle Atlmip I’aini Cos., ti.iv<uinab ngentp. 104 roafTMk w**p| men OUR UTRRVf RNAMRL IMTit tuhp. only 910.00 dollar*; • tim.vfeo < l#>r fully fumlnhed. A C?. I'rlfo A ('a, Mtate nnd Jeffernun nVCDUCB YOUR Ll VINO RXPBNICA by Inveptlnx your hnrd-earned hard oaah with the Hotithorn Grocery Compony, 114 I’.arn ir l ptreel j Good Positions 2 -.V^ECUREDt B/adtvr Wtdr Young Men W'jO ourpractical 8 c " Rusiriess (oUr6e { (/</wn>/s/A o,j COLLEDES.r / V SmJ for ratal*** . &M ' UMAL SARK*. HANKRt'PT HARE OF ABBETB. BA VANNAi! IIOX AND KABKKT WORKS. Under nnd by virtue of an order ranl id by th*( lien. A. II llxcDondl. Ilef *r*e In Iftnnkruplcy. In the murter of W. II Hankruid. the* under*txn! Will m 'll, ut piildlc Auction, on tlie |rem icp loepted >n the laouipvlil** r Md. In tho city of Huvnntuili, Gu., on Momliky, Oci. IS, 1900. nt li o'clock. (Savannah city time). In the forenoon, a lot of tme-hlnery, tool* And MpparattiP for (he ni;<ntj fart urn of I crxiep. bn rre Ip nnd buPkcta. Mvnonx which are: Tltup Veneer MachiM; TH up Adjustable Head 8;w; 8w Ttile: Raws; Hand and Power Cllp prrs; L A It. Hoimep iHmhle Hurfncu I'lmiir, Cut-Off id IleAdiiifr Hkwi; Al* llriKton A Curl I* Blower System, com plete; Mot Air !>ry Klin; I’ulleyp, Shaft in; |(eltliiK• Musket Forme; Harrel Lnthi hi and Moopp. onifijp Kox fiends. No. 9. Iron Wire; Tllfci; NnlU. etc., ete. Private peeled bids for the whole or nny pir| of the nenetu will received by the underslxned, up to Gelober 10. at 10 o’clock. In the forenoon, which will ho opened by the Hefcree at hi* office. No. 4 Brysn street, e.vat, at mid time nnd place. HUrHt to reject nny or all bids ro perved. TermP of pale: I'nah Property may be lnpfp*ct*l and full Hat reen, by applying to, JAUOH < iA'A.K N. Troptee. 14 Provident flulldinx. Bavanonh, U* Went Rnd Street Cnr xo< to tho Fac tory. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATBRIAL •nd work, order your lithographed and printed nfationery nnd blank book* from Morning Newn. Savannah. Oa. 3