The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. If all's (treat Dliravrr. On# small bottl# of Ha a <"#at Wi* cevsry cur#* ai: kHr.#> and blwddar (routel#s. rfn< vt gravG, ram fisb*t#s eammal mdlhlooi neak and lam# bark*, rtitumattim and all Irttgulslitk** of th# kidn#> a*il blal4#r In loin rn*n and women. r#guUta bl id w 1-ouMo n chii drar. If n<M acid b> you- irugxtsi w b* ##n’ rr > n.-l ■' S J ,n# • mall bottl# is •r mrt -astro* fit and will rtirt- any ri a -.v* #tlr>fl#d Dr E tv Ha l. sol# manufacturer. P O Boa <J ft* Loula Mo B*** ! f° r menial* ftoij by fi-ucgiftt* nd Solo* nor. Cos , Kavannaf. G* n#sl Tte la. Dr E w ffali. *?. L ul. Mo: P*ar Bir—Fl-ss* # .ip m' thr#* Hal* • 0-#a JXNtvtt b flnil tffpfffff* 1 bava mil o >r one g- ## Ir jrivo# perfect a f hfir'lrn ard J r#o*>mmr4 It to m > cunarr.tri Trura truh H r OROVW Prt AB-: Moropoljr tz-nig B’ora. Oral* F.a Dec 11 • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. MSVI* .(M> N n:\%a or TME DAY IN TUO a | %TE*. keeperflf (ho Ntlnnfs /oo ni*rhar(> H for Unrklng for lllre-Hooil'a dnther lirfrntU Him for III* %•- ik on More— l(n I • It* •naL ** Hit I'Mfitian nn Ills Wooden I.*-#—**- rldr flit* Jury'a trnllri In (hr \nt inenae *ntilh ( ae—t*of erii mem ( omlenin I,naif In Key W eai loung f!o> l.laril \Nr II at Port 'I ampa. Th# rural ma ; doll vary •v*t*m for Bum tar county norma to u an a**ure<J fi aimt by a liiuliua m.m. Jo# Wright. a negro hoy, livliif rear tefaddox on (be <> ral flatlr ai. * * *ro: barurda- rhg 'lie hi| T e i* r claim* lie 01 by * tegru bi|h*}- man who ilemai IH t "f him a <1 wfien be refused fir* .jeii him. for Work loa at tlir Poll*. B# %un* J H Hosteller, thr keeper c*f the boo at Grar.l Park, in A Mar in, work ed at ths poll# without leve last Friday for Frank P It . .>* na <l> 'barged by (he Board of Park ( unnu** .*<♦ r * Tl. techr.i* ,*l charge- agslrtsi Mr Moitelirr mh icsubordinstu* and neglect of duty. Nf*lle*al l.ißmliialinna. The f?ate Board of M• li ai Examiner Wi In a* salon at the Henst ehimb rin Atlanta Tue laj There were twenty© • applbanta being e xamined for physician#’ license* The member# of the hoard nhv attend#*! nere Dr J W Italicy of G*tn*#- vllle, chairman. Dr. J H Hoi mo* of At lanta. no fetdry. I>r K A Jeik# of Quit man. Dr K B Smith of Ha* kir..*\l.le, Di Frank M Ridley of leSUraikg*. The* Ntlnnts \ liidvirt. The viaduct plan*# are being puehed to completion and It I# n*>* belle veil that fore many week- have ela; -♦ I til* ell tens of At*anta will witns# (he begin ning of work on the imixovemer.t l^aat week the Mayor leaned letter# to railroad offl is.* aektr*g them to meet him In hi# offl# thl# m-'ti-K k for a dU u - Mon *4 (lie plana for the viaduct Th*- off)< ua'.s have repiled and nearly all of them have an nouned their willingness to talk over the matter with tha city *teo( Oxer a ••*kln” flame. fla urda; night near Mattock #. three ar t a half mile# from Arnerteur. two etrange nagroe armel with a U ln> heater and a fWatol Invade*! the negro (piarter# and de manded eupper After they ha*l ob'alnel they w!thd.‘*w a eh.rt die. lice dc-wn the railroad built up a ftr and en gaged in a game of kin wi h the **, orix of the vicinity. About 12 •* clock a din put# aroe over the *;x>lle The #ra *# tried to get away with the m n* > an! a pit. he*l la*il en#ued Ore of tft* |). l] pporf# wa* phot In t he abdomen and is* not exp#- ted to live Tne outlaw# • * .*; 1 aid are atib at large • On Hi# W.m|rn leg. Mr J F Pit:man. who redder In Eaat Albany and who conduct# a farm a fe \ m: # north of that lt>. 1# Ifxb-Med to h4# woo>len leg for hi# life. Several dav# ago Mr Pittman wax a* work in hi# hell and he atepped too near a huge rattle #nak# am h Inatantly #tru< k the >tg neareer him Mr P!tm*n happen# I t> have hi# gun on hit* w gon a dl tance away. #r*d he * alie*l to r*el I hard to bring It to him. With ini'* w*-apo i he killed the rattler which wa# over peven f#e long The hug*- #nak# ha 1 nsnet en Mttk* and tha uaual button and Mr Pitt tnars daacrlbe# It a- having been "old and ru#t> .** The pnake # agility w.j# remark •t *, however, a* he ttiruck Mr Pitiman*# wooden leg twice before he realise*! hi# danger ar.d flapped back. Mr. Pttiman'a friend# are . ong:*tulattng him fer th# lira tim ilr.ia the war on a wo>den lg flood Word for Ho<hl On account of the atta k of Mr J P Hood g#teh*ep*r of the Central Hal roa-l at the I'nlon depot, on Mr. W a Moore. Moore ha# brought #ult agair.#t the <*en tral Railroad for s!.•■■ damage*. Mr* the m*her of <Sateke-|w-r HAcvl. mad# the following utatement In lefense of h#c #ot. rth*' #atd h** l# u mod* I young man. and neither drink*. *moke> r>or rhepf. and Is not guilty, n* alleged in the petition of Moot ** at tors #v*. ti the da> !n question he watt keeping one of the gate# at th* union depot awl had strict order# from Mr flrunncr. the tra!nmi#ier. to let no one pas Hne pay# young Moore cam# up to the gate it. an lnt \lcp,*d hi dtilon atd ws In the wav Her son told him to get out of the way and he refused • till mumbled auTTMthlr g to h* r son. who puphed him lwn Then Moore, according to Mr*. Hood, got up #nd went back to the gpte Her son pu#he<! him down, and when Moore got up the second time ‘ * ptruck her #on with an umbreha Her aori then struck him with hi# at irk. FLORIDA. Th* *lm*r i*H t*r of Prof Bt. < n bride* at Sl-f Otlo i • hrok-i o| n miml •***ra: valuable article, Molvn. on nlahi laal w**k Arrrat, af Mlonrntlfl.l. Tb* Bouth*m Dlvtolon of th* Posiolhcr Inapertor. I)*parlm*n( at ('hattanooc* rc*lv*d advlca Tu**day of ihe arreat by lnp*ctor Ba*. of Poriml*r liavi* M ir • hall and A**l*tanl Poatma*l*r Ormfii, at HkK>mn*ld. F"la . chorf*d wlih *mtx>r- Ilinr mon*y order fund*. Th* *mbe alemcrt. amount, to moral hundred dot* lar* aa far a, th* lnv<’,il*.itlon ha, non*. kfrark l>> l.lutifulnu* A l*lf*r r*c*lv*if from Ih* plain of th* •chnnn*r Willi* Wallac* that left K*y W*t WodneKluy la,t for *he ,pnn*!ng •round,. Mat** th.v on *h* ram* afi*rnoon thy *ncounf*r*d a thand*r ,rorm. the Itfhinm* ,trlkln( (he ve„*l. knocking doarn thre* men, but nol ,*r.ou,li’ Injur ing any of lhm Th* letter *ll mahtd from Tarpon Bpring* Government Unnd (he Land. It I, rumored that United Stale, Attor ney Stripling ha, been authorlaed to be. Ctn proceeding, for the condemnation nt tb* land which tha government ha, been negotiating fog In Key W#*t A* poon pp th land 1# ## (frd by the government, contracts will be let for ciaartng away the bulklingp Just whr T*n#le Bam want# with *ll this proper :> has f ever been 1 exp alnwii. but we feel satisfied that l.i*. ownership will n r >t #au*e tne prtc# at I other real estate to f ill. The lint Mveri High, A boy of 1 wail -dressed regi**ered a j Th# Jnn. the finest hMel In Fort Tamua. I r-ne week ago. a# Fr#d Rair, of Han I Frgneipco 11# spent money free I > engag ing rwfihtha launches and making fre ! #xc urpiuns on th# ba> Hatur iay , he rc*e*ur<ep failed, arid he be tme j drapundent The hotel proprietor, reatlx j mg j*ooi* mystery, pressor! him for t ie ,r| • v * floa I I *iil h, I r ant> was Advm*. of l*lttsbirg Fa •♦r. 1 - family had ufire h* n wejlthv. j but now tht he rad taken 1140 U * bug *,g to h, nv her. earnirg*. *tvl | r this money h# had been sperdlng Hl* fa*he tie -4.| a rocnpoaitor ! hut Fad lost I h jo*itlof by a strike flip I ro dber wa commutd ated with, but jfi l'd It I alleged that she did not are wit** became of the boy. The hoy Is now ’rv,r to slup . ; n * *m< veppel He says dim*- iov it fi i r. #d him to run away \erdlrt Waa #uleide. I The coroner a Jury that considefwj the I depth of Atmrv n#e the |>'etty wai ; tress at the Amo in Tarnpa. rendered p I verdiet of su tde Te story brought oul . . . ti • Is most pathetic The girl •s, th* and f a *!'■ wealthy f rti b Hand#s*me, a omp Isheo and well :•*). .* w * forced bv J v • 'ty l iej etwl tpsut work that w vs db’wetful to her Hhe I g*..w j* ndert, *tl in her deaperatlon B?r*v* l from tti* narrow' path. Tho o*igt ly !-:* j*nen* and she d# ided tifsovt th - r ish i t it t* mb;-ted rr *x.s(en' In •* | bT t written a short while ago he had threatened to -nd i all' by taking her own if' The yerdbt of the jury wa -trloil\ in * '-or lan## with th* l evidence ~rit| nn *her - *>n lupiofi cculd have !een | r*p bed Tf#re was absolutely no evlden * ~f \ • i g else wrong about the <*### ij , |g. H #*n # pres ding o*H *-r at ••** if f] . f af-er the leftllnfotiy had been 11 ken a#k#fl the jur\ If they thought * vM r . w ** -uft; ofn to arrive at a Just ver b-t If not. and thev desired nc re testimony, he would • all any witness • hev desire 1 The Jury expressed them • v i p- thoroughly satisfied a - 1 Ihe evi l* nee amp y sufficient NEW DlVtlT FfHi ( (I.OWTI, llnsibomr I’lve-#ir*ry ftalldlng %l*o to lie Erected. Valdosta, (io, Oct. 10 It Is understood here th.<t ttw* Fl.tnt System is to bull ! Its r* w th pot 4t once and that the contract has gif* ady been l*t to loraJ contra-tors. In this (onneotion. nn Interesting ex change of property is also involved. It is und#r>tood that the road has given the i large k>( on Patterson and Toombs *tree, i ext to Its present depot, for a lot be t t we* n Pa demon and Toombs street owned jby Messrs. <*. R. and I). C. Ashley The exchange of properly puts ihe j road # rifvv *iejat on the west side of Pat teraon atre* * while It make# •oom on the * #t aide of that * treat for a splendid five story busln*-.** bl*M k *h# first five-’ story building t*> b* erect ad rv**re The Me##rs Ash ey *-xpect to break dirt for ihetr new bulking In January and will build one of (he h*d-*me-t structures in the state. Both of them are Interested in the nw Iwrtel to b# built here and that. 1 too Is among the big structure! to go up after the holidays. The k> *1 poll*'# arrested one or two colored merchant* and an ex-porter of the A . V and %V road on tha charge of rob h ng a car T ie m*r hants state*! that they bought a number of tuba of but-er, ' ik>\ of chee-e etc . from ’he porter, the , policemen having found the artl l#s in !heir store* All of them were arrest#*! thO' gh it 1 believed that only the porter j w - impll *'#*l In the ttieft. the o’hers Mavmg Ikought the gootla from him in lg t ornnee as to how h# came by them Mayor Ashley signed n draft yesterday on a fhb go house for 12*v.7t:.*i3 for the j l*ro **■• 1- from the recent bonl Issue here | r * U f. I# sold to Ht.ifTori Sr <*o of f’hat ’anonga. anl tranferr*d to the t'hl ago house This doses up the bond ls and give# th# councilman enough money to complete the sanitary sewerage -y-tem ar.d m k# the contemplated exien rion* In the city’s water supply. forti on nm arrfßT*:D. Vnms Wl*l Inf Reply to the I’.nn meralora* qnrili#. TN'ashlngtn. Oct. io—lnformation has t*een received at the census oW' , e which shows that forty or fifty persons through out the Fnltr I Htates have leen arrested for refusing to reply to question* of cen sus enumerator* When th- bill making an appropriation I for the census xa- pas*e 1 a penalty uae was *ml#>died In it providing for a fin# of not to exceed slo in case of any * one refusing o •nwrr question* of enu merator#. tlenerally when a court trial w An faced the culprit# deckled It would !be letier to answer *ne questions In the ense* of those \ ho never did reply to the schedule of question# because they re gard'd It a# inquisitor Ml ihe information was obtained from acme cm her source by th# enumerators. M WV FROM TME WINDWARD. ( npt. Ilarllrtf Wrote They Arrived lug, fn st (iodhaven. New York Oct 10—News two week# la ter than any previous information has { l*t> received from the Perry r lief steam- I *r Windwnnl in n letter written by f'apt Hamuel \V Bartlett, to friend in hi# >l y, under date of Aug. 10. (’apt Bart* I let( stated that he had arrived at (Sod | haven on that date and that a!! were well | alniord Half the distance of the voyage j from Sidney had been accomplished muter 1 sail. He exprtsMtd the antb ipation of u good run to Cape York and j hopeful of i muling Peary. *. N. I In rl* brail. Washington. Oct 10- M.iJ 8 N Hark. i widely known pewwpaper man. who ha*! been ronne t#d with the Washington bu renu of lb- New York Tribune for 21 j -urs. die i here yesterday. Transports %rrlxel. Washington, tier 10 —<l#n M< Arthur ! rt-portc/l to th# War Department that I ’h# transport* fio#**crans and Argyle ar ! rived at Mifnlla on the 7th Instant. U A If neglected under Varicocele; on will not euro Jm. opt * ampuUUon wtn cure a wiro foot. Tho only Ireaim- c which doc cure Varicocele and it h born d<“tnomtr(c<J to f iir lOTirlabljr In wi p.-r cent, of ,11 cmo ) thjt of Dr. Ua(hawa> ■ Thl, exchi,lt, method of treatment U appit-d by the patlec gSt fi hlmaelf at home It l, palnlcti and c.v.ok do iDcooTcolmrr. I W cur-hymrnnf atworbtton. reducing th, <!ltcn<)cd and rtoocatod Cj btood tmkcU u> thdr natural healthy condition. fUfc T, ’ ,, m * ,,ho ‘ l treatment I, uicd only by Dr Hathaway. !!• a * ■ lar c ’udro mrthoJ Dr Ilathaway ire, Strl. turo without p.i.Q or operatton ” J Dr Hathaw*y- ipectaity n co o ;ne<! to Chronic D!eaw>i. tn *• h#:n* Sexual, frlna-y ac 4 Plood dliraaet k. 'l* Write for the o-w edition of bli fa pajre hoek. "Manl'.ne^ I. ■ciiiawirniwiy nri Vi*or. Health.“ and lymptots blank, or call at hli office. Coosuli.itl iu. adTtce, book and blank, are free for the atktn* *• ■MgMLMggywy.r Office houra—• to m.* ,o * and 7,0 XA Bryan street, Savannah. Oa 9p. m Bunds> 10 a m to 1 p m THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1900. The man who smokes Old Virginia Cheroots has a satisfied, “glad I have got it” expression on his face from the time he lights one. He knows he will not he disappointed. No matter where he buvs one — Maine or Texas, Florida or California—he knows they will be just the same as those he gets at home—clean—well made—burn even—taste good—satisfying! Three hundred million Old Vtrgmi* Cheroot* smoked thu reir. Ask your own detier. Price. 3 for 5 cent*. (V IENT *1 N %N FI . t ity In \\ litrti flir hirngo F.mpernr I# laliltia Itefuge. From the Baltimore Bun Famcri# In f’hlnes* history for thlr v enturb* 8i Nan Fu, the Chine*# Emper or'# Mttc#t m Mum Is still one of the lrg eet ar.d n* rei itles in in# empire It w# the capital of several j-owerful dynwatlcß. and Is to-day honor*d wi*h th' • .tie Hi King or Western f'aplicl Tne city h t v long held n position of great cm tne; a importat• * >mmjn*ling tra I*- rou •# In all dlrec:b>n# H. Nri Fu 1# aid to have been founded In the twelfth tentury R. C . by Wu Wang tl* Mar Mil King M arm Polo wrote of Its m tgntrbs nce and mome of hi# de-crlp ttor-* still apply to It. At the present dav Bi Nan Fu \* #n* ir * led by two wn Is the outer one being tor mike in circumference There 1# a Chi nes*- and a Tartar city, the la er belug provides! with means r*f Teeming suburbs stretch away for m-n along th * canal# and road# trf !h*- half million to a million person# in the city proper a large per cent, wr* Mohammedan# Many ©f these are le > endant# of royal res dents, who forty years ago. held the city against a horde ©f their coreligionists. Thl w* not the first time th strong walla saved Si Nan Fu In ilm* of danger Rich and prosperous though Bi Nan Fu is it i#>asess#! f*w remains of i*a early si.ite nnd no edifice of grew antiquity The site of th# polar# of the Tang dynas ty id* to Pl 6 A D.> Is visible A ele brated f hrlstlan Inscriptlor;—th# oldest dix o\ere*i in Astern A-la—still remain* built Into th wall of an ancient tempi*® outside Ih# western ga’ Bom** rnU’# northwest ff th# i'y Is th# remark a bk 1 temple of Ta-Fu-Bx raid t > *>*!► frm the ninth century. The umplt Is a cav# cut fiotn the ► rock arxi con taining a (tdc-awl figure cf Buddha fif y* six f**ei high The figure and it* garments are riehiy * olore*l and gilded. BI Nan l*'u is about Xjm mil*.- from Pekin, and apparently will be a oafe asylum for the ini|K rial family should the Moham medans remain >0)al ... m " a— • PH ll* % DELPHI A lIEAT BO*TO. \ Timely Hilling Won the <*ame for the Quakera. Philadelphia CM. lA-Philadelphia de feated Boston this af’ernoon by timely hbting Boor#: RH E Philadelphl 1 2 0 0 2 0 0b x—s io l liraton 0 000200 U o—2 % 1 Hatter!##—Orth and M< Farland. Lewis and Duffv. (.round* \% er# NN et. N#w York. O f 10—Th# New York - Brooklyn game at Brookyln was post poned on account of wet grounds. Rwee# at Mr-I# Park. N#w York. Oct 10.— ft was col! art bleak at Mcrrl# Park to-day and thare was Utile in the racing to enliven mat ters. Summit) Fliat. ataepierhas#. about two ml> sell ing Umor, 2 to 1, won. with Clov. Bull. 12 to 1 and 4 to 1. second, and Baby Bill, X to .V third Time 4 <B. Second, six furk>©gs Garry Herman. 13 to 5, won with Lady Schorr. 2 to 1. an 1 even, second, and Godfrey. & to 2. third Tim# 1 ir 4 Third Race—Seven furlongs. Oread. 4 to 1, wot with Mia Hanover, even, and 1 to 3. second, and Bm<*ke. 4 to 1. third Tin# 1 •*! Fourth Rac*-Seven furlong#. Ro.Tng Flo er. 3 to 1, won. with The tioiden Print#, 12 to 1. and S to 1. second, and litllkgialre. 4 to 1 third Tim# l:llh Fifth Raea—One mile Carbuncle. 5 to 2. won. with Red Path. 4 to 5. and out. second, and Iroquois Belie. 3 to 1. third. Time 1 44 Sixth Race—Mila and a sixteenth, sell Ing. Brisk. 3 to 1. won. with AUike. & to 2. aid even, second, and Olea. 4 to 1 third. Tim# 1 49 The 4 ard at l.etlngtun. Lexington. Kv.. o*'t. 10 -To-day's card hid four events. Including the unfinished 2lt trot, which was lad over yesterday after two heat* each had been won by Stranger and Wauhan. xnd on# by MMo These h** winners apf ear'd f'r th# word to-day. and the first heal was won bv Molo In 2 14\, NVautoan second and Stranger third Hut Stranger went out and came fast through the stretch and won the #econd atul the rae# in 2:ISH. with apeed to spare Summary : 2 |m e. purse fl.ono Will Lcyburn won thre - straight heat# and rare Sid ney Pointer second, Nlcol B third. Tim* 2 <m*. : •. 2:10*4 The Kcntuck 3-year-old trotter#, pur## I!.W Emma Winter won two *tmlght heats and race. Lady Thlsbe second, and Porto Bb o third Time 217**. 2 IP** 2:2$ class, trotting, purs# Rgo rlto won three straight heat* and race, Fred 4”. I Mcotid. I*ord Linton third. Time 2:if, I 2:WQ. 2.21. s W * • The Ho\*'reln Grand Ilge of Old | Fellow#, at it# recent **ion In Richmond. | Ya . reje* ed a profo#!tton for the adm<#- i Mon of ydiana having one-eighth or le# ! of red tefood in their veins. NfNHINE INTELLIGENCE. Matter* of Interest In Whipping Men Generally. Th# British steftmehip Puritan arrived yesterday from Amsterdam to load cargo for Bremen. She ha# o crew ©f China men none of whom w#re allowed to land fe* .•use of th# violation of the immigration law# Th a pu’a the government law# at ■ onfllct witn the etiy lawa for the protec tion of the public health The city ordi nance provide- agam*t the r#w# of vea *•,* sleeping aboard at this *eaon. The steamship Berkshire sailed for Phll deiphta la#: n;ght a gool cargo It *eems tha: the new line 1# to share a hb l #ral patronage, not wit ha landing It ha# hardly in opeta’ion long enough to a-quire !>•■ bualn*-#* an almo-t #ure to • ommand la’er on The advantageous terminal facilities the Merchants* an! Miner# Company control# at Savannah and Philadelphia will enable he line to Iran*#' t t* bualnee# with a promptnea# which 1* I kely to comma nd It to the busi ness interests. The schooner Sedgwick clearM yester day with a <’argo of 40R.9M feet of yellow j-lne lumber for New York and Perth Am boy. riMcngrra by tteamahlpa. j Paaaengers per steamship Berkshire calling to I*ntladel|ih:a O’t. 10: Janie Randall. H. M Frishy. Mr# C. W. Taylor. H. A. Doelbey, G. A Young. fiavaanah Almanac. Bun rises at 401 a m and sets at 333 P. rn. High water at Tybee to-day at S 23 a m and 3:51 p m High water at Savan nah one hour laier. Phase# of the Mooa tor urtohrr. D H M i Kir#* quarter 1 2 10 *ve. Full moon S 7 11 morn Last quarter 15 3 M morn I New moon 23 7 27 mom First quarter 31 2 17 morn. ARRIVALS AND DEPART! RES. Vessel# Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Puritan (Br). James. Amster dam.-—Strachan A Cos. Veaaela Cleared Yesterday. Beam*h.p Dean (Br). Hamilton Liver pool.—A F. Churchill Bark Tetitonta (Nor. Gregersan. Ham burg —Chr G. Dahl A* Cos Be boor er Bedgwlrk. Hagerty, New Tork ar.d Perth Amboy. Veaaela VAent to Sea. Steamship Berkfhlre. Ryan. Philadel phia. Shipping Memoranda. I Charleston. Oct 10 Arrived steamer# Seminole. H'-ar-e Boston, via New York. nd proceeded to Jacksonville; George W Clyde. Chche#ter Riston \l* New York, nr.l pr,*r##ui*d to Runsw k. Algonquin. Platt. New York; schooner Warner Moore, (‘rockett. New York Sailed, steamers Eskslde (Br>. Mllburn. Bremen; Navahoe. Johnson. New York ond Boston, revenue cutter Onandag#, Hamlet. BalMmore tug North America, with tender. Phlladelnhin Fernundina. Fl Oct. 19 - Balled, on the 9th. bonner James Davidson. Jansen. New York Pensacola. Fla. Oct 10— Arrived, stenmer (Nor). Hanaen. Newcastle on-Tvne. Balled, steamship Spennymoor. Narin. Havre Cleared, steamship Francisco (Bp). Arri ba Livfrpool Key NN’est, F*.# . Oct. 10— Arrived steamers Miami Delano and sail'd for Havana; Mascotte. White. Havana, and nailed for Port Tam|>a. Liverpool. Oct. 9. Balled. Piatea. Savan nah. Havre. O ’ a Arriv'd, steamer Dar- Pngton Buvannah for Antwerp. Philadelphia. Oct. 10— Arrived, steamer John R. Penroe**. Savannah Cleared, steamer Allegheny. Savannah. Nntl" to Mariners. Pilot chart# and all hydrographic Infor mation will he furnished master* of ves sels free of charge I* United States hy drographic office in Custom House Cap tab s are requested to call at the office Reports of wre kx and derelicts revived for tra: nmsior. to the Navy Depart ment. Korrlgn Exports. Per British steamship I)en for Liver pool-44 bundle# cattr*. SO; 175 tons pig iron. E 1.375; iio bale# cotton 51R1.49N; 125 b.irrel# ©rhre. 1375 T’argo various. Per Norwegian brirk Teutonia for Ham burg- .1.114 casks spirit*. |—Cargo by James Fane. Jr. • on#twl** Exports. per ••eamehlp Berkshire for PhtladeJ. phis-ltei iale# upland cotton. 461 barrel* rosin. 137 Imrrel* turpentine. 241 2>2 feet lumber 12 barrel* rosin oil. 477 sacks clay. I 4.127 oak stave#, Site* pa kages mer. handles. 235 packages domestic* and yarn#, 354 bale# rice straw 2k packages fruit. Per schooner Mgwwk for New Tork 1 and Perth Amboy 4M.W feet yellow pine lumber.—Cargo by Charles B. Hirch i A Cos. t Nil 1.0 Nil OF OR % N(IM. First Nolid *hi|imett lafi Kissimmee for t lib nun. Jacksonville. Fit , Oct. 10 —’Phe firs: •'did earload of orange* fer the (unn wa* shipped from Florida to-day in a der- i orated car consigned to a hkago house The orange# were shipped from Kt#fm mee tn Osceola county and were grown In groves that hod entirely recuperated from th# fr##xe of li£4 Tne cm*" contained 300 boxes Soldiers’ Home llnrned. Rot*# Idaho. Oft to—The Idaho Sol diers Home wa# des*roved by fir# to njght. Loss. IC (W) No one Injured The old men will be housed in buildings tn town, some being taken to the Btate j House. Th# home was erected In 13. THE WEATHER. Forecast foe Thursday and Friday: Georgia and South Carol M- Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday; fresh north easterly winds. Eastern Florida Rain Thursday and probably FrkU>. fresh northeasterly wind* Western Florida Probably rain Thurs day and Friday, fresh nortlwaMerly wind* Yesterday’* Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature 4 S9 p m 73 degree# Minimum temperature 7am 41 degrees Mean temperature . 47 deg re*# Normal temperature . 4* degrees Deft lency of temperature * d'grees A> umulat*d exc'#* since Oct.l. 40 degrees A< *umulaed excess since Jan 1 te4 degrees Normal 13 inch Excess atnee Oct. I 2 7Mn h Deficiency since Jan 1 7.07 inches River Report—Tne hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta a! * a m. (75th me ridian time) yesterday was 7 *’ feet, a rise of y 4 foot during tte preceding twenty* lour oour* Cotton Region Bulletin —Savannah, da. for the -,wenty*four hours end ng at 3 a m 75ih meridian time O t 10, IP© ri# . * >U Mm s . lull BaVSOnah district. 'Tern Tem fall A apaha Ga . cloudy x. r© A litany, clear 41 65 Amencu*. cloudy .... 74 62 (© *Halnbrtdge. cloudy 61 45 •> Ka*>imat < loody 75 #3 IP* Fort Gain##, cloudy 77 61 <0 '(Jaincsvllk. Fla., cl dy . 7') '2 Millen. Oa. clear 5* 12 Quitman. • luudy M 2 H .'• Savannah, cloudy 74 61 •) Thoma\ III©, cloudy *#> 47 o Waycross, cloudy 9) 55 .00 •Received too Dte for a\s age# Hp' lxl Texas Rainfall Report*— Blanco .01, Hrennam, 02. Column-Pi. T. Kerrvllla .12. Luliug, .14. Ban Marco*. .16. Corpus Chrlill. .3). Gaivemon. 01. No Ht#- Max Min Ra. Gentral Station*. Hon* Tem Tem fa!; Atlanta 13 7 * •• Augusta 10 70 54 01 Charleston 5 7* .'A Galveston 2* 06 50 02 lattl# Rock 12 7*> 4# .64 Memphis . ... “15 66 44 00 Mobile 7 * >*4 T Montgomery 4 74 M 4) New OrUan# 15 7 A 52 01 B.ivannah .. 12 7f 42 io Vicksburg 11 70 50 T Wilmington 10 6i 52 .8 Rent irk* i -gbt -i itu * nun have fallen over th# *a#t#rn portion of th* belt, and the Ga* vest on and N*w r -leans distrlrls. Ther*- been a de. lum! coaling ocr the Galveston, Wilmlng to© C harleston and Augusta district* Observation# taken a* the same moment of time at ail #?a* on*. Oct. 10. 190), x p. ra 75th meridian time. Name# of Bta’Jons. T | V Rain Boston cloudy j 45 10 30 New York city, p’ly cldv 54 24 Philadelphia, clear 54 1* Waehing'o© ■ ity. clear ..56 4 '•) Norfolk, clear 5k 5 *u Hatterw# clear Go JO '• Wilmington partly cldy G .<*> C’harlotte. partly cloudy L >* Raleigh, partly cloudy ... 5* L .(•* t’harleston. partly cloudy 66 1l ,i> Atlanta, clear 62 3 .♦*> Augusta dear 64 L oo Savannah, cloudy 65 5 .( Jacksonville, cloudy 72 3 T Jupiter, raining 76 3 14 Key West, cloudy L T Tampa, cloudy 72 L 72 Motile, cloudy 70 L 22 Montgomery, cloudy 7O L (n Vicksburg, cloudy 42 L T New Orleans clear 66 3 an Galveston, clear ....... 64 6 oo Corpus Chrtttl. dear 6S 6 Pale*:lne. cloudy 66 L ( n Memphis, cloudv 62 10 *r> Cincinnati, clear (P L on Pittsburg, rlear 56 L o> Buffalo. c T ear 54 L on Detroit, dear 53 L Chicago, f letir .53 12 o* Marquette. . lear 14 oo Bt. Paul, clear 62 14 oo Davenport, clear 53 L j *<o Bt. clear 6 4 00 Kansas City, partly cldy j 60 L on Oklahoma, partly cloudy 60 L f *o lu>lge City, clear 52 6 .on North Platte, clear 44 s on W B Bover laoca! Forecat Ofll to! Y. M. C. A.*B LNOIE*’ FN EYING. Ilflakft Hall N% 111 He the Nftractlon Durlna the NN inter. | The Friday night M fad!es* FNeninr#*' were resumed for the wit.ter a? the Young Men’s Christian Association last w#ek The attraction during the winter will he basket ball, a >agu# having been formed composed of three strong teams. The first game of the series was won by trie Blue* Friday nigh! the Red* and White* will fontest The teams will be designated by red an I white shirts. Interest In the Junior Department of the Toung Men’s Christian Association 4s increasing The boys who have hern away for th# summer are now resuming their exercise and are getting down to work in the gvmna*ium Mr Rlak*. the physical director of the association l well qualifies! tor his po sitlon and give# ihe boys careful and ex cellent training Three classes are held each week for the buys, vix Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4 to 6. and 8a:- uila\ morning# from 10 to 12. In addition to the exercise, the Junior# have the use of the bath*, reading room, game room and library The Junior De. partment 1# intended for between the age# of 12 and 14 .y.d quite n Urge num ber belong to It i [ * TAMPA * I It IKK. SETTLED. Th.* AKnrhri ,n4 Ifnxn I i,nr Karln. r, Mill ll|>rn. JackaonvlUr. Fl*.. Ort lo A ,pri*! to th* Time*-I*Dion nod Cltlxcn frum Tampa, : n... *>■: "It l l*arnrl. upon what I, conaldrrol eno<t authority, (hat th* trl)t* al Pan oh** and Hays’, ctr factory I, praotl. .ally ,rtll*.l A ronfer*ne* I* In progron. to-night, which iwtns an amlcah * m*n(. aw und*r,toot. omt th* (a<-tory will open Thl, I, rcititd-d a, prr. lu.llng any l>rohablll'y of a Kmrra! alrlkr. an.l r*. ll*v*r th* (trainrd Alluatlon. which A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful efTects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills %"w# w*YWT>>' I CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Th* Kind You Have Alwayn Bought ha home the Rigrna. ture of Chou. H. Fletcher, aud ha* been made under tit* personal supervision for over HO years. Allow no on, to deceive you in this. Counterfeit*. Imitations and •• .lust-os-jjood ” are but Experiments, and endanger th© health of Cliildrcu—E*r*erience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. Sf'd//*//sstsya ///i ■t./*t/t ■ Twice the price could buy no better. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah Agents. FRENCH CLARET WINES, and GLRM AN RHINE and MOSELLE WINES and FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. All the,* Ah* Wines and Liquor* sr* imported by u* Ui glua direct tram lb* grower* In Europe Our Bt. Julien C.r< I Win* from Ev#re*t Dupont A Cos of Bordra .1. Fran* 1, on* of tn*tr *p*cialti* , ar.d on* at extremely low prioe. The Chateaux Leovtl,*. on* of tb*tr super .or Claret Wine*, wall brown ail over ifce 'Jutted States. w, aUu carry In bond Claret Wl-a* from thla celebrated Arm In e**k* Our Rhine and Mo-eil* Wine* are imported from Marlin Deal*. /rank, fort Germany, are tha beat that <om* to to* I'nilul state*. BODENHEIM I* very An* and ebaap. NIER3TEIN aiao very good. RUT'ESHEIM very choice. IUVESTHAL * acted gr*p*e very elegant. LIKBFRANMILCH quite ceiebrtted MA ROOHRENNER CABINET .legaot and rara. TOHANNIBBVRGER 1* perfection. SPARKLING HOCK SPARKUNIJ IffVSELT.R. SPARKLING IfUBCA TELLE ttr.d PINE FRENCH GOONAC BRANDIES Special Brandlea arc Imported direct from France by u*. In cane, and ra,ka LIPP/V\AIN BROTHERS. DISCOUN ron Buck’s Stoves and Ranges. Every one must be moved trom off our floor this week. This is the time to buy your stove. Every stove guaranteed to be hrst-class. „ bis discount is on!v for one week. LINDSAY & MORGAN remove to 112 Broughton, west. lhr*at*n-d a general xrlk* that would haw coat sv..*yi a neck 1 hIN ,trike hat hern In progr*,, for cevernl *ek, ard a general atrike of lha Amcr ; . an and Cuban union, haa bron a i.- ll* ipaic*! tUIXKII THEIH ( IIWKVriOV. ' OMrrr, ( |„ , fc c Trarcllng I'a#rn*er Ngenfa. Nor ./Ik. Va . Oel. 10—Th* twenty eighth annual convention of th* Ameri can Traveling f'aaaenger Agenta cloaed at Old Point Comfort to-day. the final bua- Inc., arm ton being held on board th* Merchant, and Miner*’ Tranaportntloii Company'* Meaimr Juanita on Cheaa pckc Hay. Officer* were elected a, follow, for th* enaulng year: President—Thom.'i* A ttarrlgan of Hunt ington. W Va.. *otithe.iafern paeaenger agent of the Big Four Hoote and Che.a peake and Ohio Railway. Vice President—Perd I>. Bush, dtitrlet pnaaenger agent of the I.oulavlll* anl Noanvllle at Atlanta. Secretary and Treasurer—Sydney Van, district paaaenger agent of the 'Frisco Idne at Pittsburg (re-elected.) The association added * beneficial fen ture. On the death of a mctnhrr there will be a contribution of fifty rent, per capita, payment optional, to provide s3no for the beneJleiarle, of each dere u ,ed member. The next meeting will he at Doa An g*le,. Cal.. In October next. Mitt AFTER lIIVORCR. separation Alone tt on Id >ot Aallsfy the McDowells, New York Ort. 10,-The ac ton for a eparation. Inllmted by TVilhelmtni Mo de McDowell agxlnat Melbourne M I'ewell. th* actor wa* dl-ontlnu*d to day In the Pupreme Court by r.mrent of eounael or. both aide. "'hen a* 1 ■! tt . Nt,!- .*. . h vl b come re on,-lied. A H Hummel .aid No. ,nd I do not think mere t, *ry chance that a re-one|Haiion will be eff*,-t. ed The *epirtion lull an r'i h, Jus' he*n dla-ondnu*d make, way for ult for n abaolut* dlvore* wh'eh Mr* M,r. Dowell fll*d agitnat h*r huahaod ve,ter d,y Th* paper, In th* suit for absolute divorce w*r* terved on MarDowell to day.” *v*ral week* ago Ma Dowell was at rested at th* instance of hi* wife, thar.ed with assault. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (Continued from Ninth Pa*' I Nov . ii to 11 to 11 is ii rr Dec .. 11 70 11 7.1 11 SO 11# I-aid. |>rr ICO pounds.— f Oct ... 7 r>, 7 7*l * 3 ; Nov .. 7 r 1 * 7 2i 7 r<- t | Jon . * S7', CM 6 77>* *• I Short rib., per 100 pound.— Oct .. 7 K 795 7 * “ j I>ec .. 7 SI 7 7 i Jan .. *s* * *is <l* • nrtre a* follow, fw* dull nnd .lead)-; No. 3 .print whea ' '•# 77. . No 3 rr.l. 75Mf7c: No. I corn •■ J 41c; No 2 yellow, torse. No. 2 0*1" —VI No. 2 white. St’ic. No 1 white, SJ'jttt'Vj No. 2 rvc. sP*c; good feeding barter < fair to choice tnaltlnt. "OtlSOr: No 1 need. 11 No. 1 Northwestern. •' prime timothy eeed. ft I'd! JO; me* rork. (>er l.hl . n.l (WHI.I -J). lard, per V lb* IT :* *|7 IS; .hart rib. .Ide. (looser I* * 35: dry galled shoulder, (hotedl. ffi.BtV hort clear .Idea (bnxedc * *rtt* <o ADMIRAL PtltUtHlltH REPORT. t oniment. I pon the Nasal Maneuvers off Newport. Washington. Oct. I<V—The navy dera"* men! has received Admiral Karquh >r • report on the recent maneuver, of I'* North Atlantic Squadron off Newport- The admiral comments prltnard on ’* ffral and enthusiasm the mimic naval w" r ‘ far* awakened amonf ths off 'er* a"* men. Every condition of battle was e'er'- laird a* nearly a. waa pose K. t- *' blank rhatffe* from the small ear 1 * run. ronstliuted all tha firm* "Ml* much was wanting, says Admiral quhar, lah In lime and material to carry oui the maneuvers on a lar*s e ale. *'■ a number of profes.lonal points w* brought out which will be of 'D In the future The value of eearenuff ’ was particularly Impressive, a. wa the work done by the Hoi land, of wm Capi Fol*er says. In an additional reten Th* Holland lype will play a very t* n ' out part in future navel warfare Football tiamn. T’nlveralty of Pannaylvanla. *5: Pc* •on. 0 _ . Princeton. *, Pennsylvania State le*e. 0. Vale. 10. Bate# Collars. & Harvard, U, Amherst, t.