The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 12, 1900, Image 1

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Mi iHN'ING NEWS . , lmrpanM MM J j ' KSTIIX. I’r.*ld<?nt. R3V 0Y COLLEGIANS x \ II null *TI "• 'T* KTWrKWED A , | in: HIM % MKKTIYU. APP f STS MADE BY POLICE. l 0 I M i:KP*.l'l bor the he. i \>E IIE THE BOYS. ~i I. In thr irrnt Troilll Klrril tj nl Ilir I Ilia , \\rrr Hr.tll— llßr 111 III* ~,11,. unlrlrd lllr Noli) Klrmiul. , (.air III* llriiird> fur 'I rn*l*. tt iin.ll* \|illlllllilril \\ lirti llr flu * * liril. ~ Ml-h <Vt. 11 —Thrrr .i* n ib| ttm ■ ihli* Hllrrmion when i im< l<* Ann Arbor Th.' ~<■ inr smtr I’nlvrriliy. whhh I lirtr. writ .ii thr mm In* In , ta, mul each out- mnrtr hU \ i>lmform hml turn rrro> n;h anlr of Ihr Conn lloime .1 thr riilirr eolith side of tlio well a. Ihr .oiijolnln* air—J. v. ii n so.HI nm'i of human rill of :lHir neare?* the aland i had no roonrr ehoan hu i, 1... v a liecan n clmor. tnrh . .. for ten or ftfiern minute*. .Mr adver.'ril to thr . i riiind. thr din continued. h”i •• l> mih.ldnl luiflfc'lpntly to nl y* ri t<> brsln. I tmd to talk to you." hr hrean. i niiltnx to llrtrn." .. . * rraponde.l: "We tire wlll • an Imprrlillrt." Mr. Hrynn I would r.ill oui an army lo i >. hill I im not.” \rrr*lril l>> Ihr l*olicr. II s*rm<d lo please Ihr youii* n;.-l of them lauirhe.l and rhrrr t .- -?.*■ of ihi'm Jrerrd lo aitch an rx #. or. llvt an ofljerr was con* • ntrr ihr crowd nnd airni *<•)•- noUi -i After Ihl*. while the wen- frequent, they xenerat i , i.ii* of lurstions. One of th ■ brought oui ihr exp.i ll declar m Mr. Bryan "The lirino ritlc • ihr frie rolnatti' of rbvrr at . >f lit lo 1 without walltn* for lotiseni of any o her nailm ' nr Mr Bryan concluded the con- I ceased entirely, and he closed an • rs. nfermed of the arrest* of the * Mr Bryan Immediately sent lh> 1 mi Irtler: M .1 Cavansusth. Ann Arbo. stir. If II Is true, a* I ant In 1, .1 ennie of the < nitrite hm a i , i. for dl* iirbln* lie' rneeiUia. k ■ I their discharge 1 ani mire •ti result *'f boyish lhou*htle-s --a-t i. ** t mailer. M J. llrjan. I'liraUuii" From the * ron< n look up the trout qMMtIOB , ginning of hie speech and was nhout the lop truss?" % I rip:n!n to mi l ," ho replied. j v, |\ Republican know* thoro Ip ' u-* uni yet no ItotHiblli'Hii knotv# ,i nit any other kind of .1 Every director of the Ipp trust l. M on. t Apphiuse a I*l cries of "How j suit f’roker?"! • l* not a director Ho l.‘ i , st.s kholder. (Cries of "Oh 1 " i'l.iu-. 1 The tiovernor of the Nils York k K Republican. nnd! 1 .. m Now Yrrk punishing ll* : t- in -1. .if of making speecne# out an riti ha no k■■ troat <*P \\. hint an lie trust In omahn | :u. hut we have a Democratic | • neral there. trod he commenced J t; *1 the he trust tnere. and It i ■ .111 1 ie first ‘lay of August. hilt I I~t do it |n New York in that i • Appiaun*.) • Mow about th* *otton truM?** i in **Tb< gentleman ■*tw'ak* of trusi \t>tt i- u* wH * " fa* t- Tlw* rot ton b.ilt* romptny • • nt for making round bub“*. un*l > than <m-tw**ntlath of th> th" rnltn4 fttutfii, and >**• you .> not bins tihout a ►ait •nlrohi 96 jn r cmt. of the* out -011 howl about h cotton triiHt "f. -twentieth of tho output Arc 'rlc* of “You”). Then you lun lanorant. (Great oi>- 110 honeM man would ron i * r c* nt. otton bale trust and t* r cent *alt trunt tiecauae Thibilt .111. (Great applatiao.i Let ir attention to the f.iet that no remedy for the truxt*." VS hat would you do?" • ll* Itenaedy for Tract*. nt "We have a remedy, and v b. firm, to put every truat • on tlic* free list; a* court. we • • oner*'** rhall provkl' that •• po: atfon doe* hualnc*** out -1 e m.i'o of it* oriiun. It ahull take ' • 'll an the Federal govern* • t > 11' f iiT ah ill only be tv* n ’(•oration rhow* that it ho* ti its stock and that It Is lot t* monopolist any branch of I believe that tha would l< a i * 1 rust*. I believe that no •* ' ro!y could e*Sat." Il>\v about North Carolina"" * I thought then would le ruilna men here. ni.l o I l tin trilled by the govern or oiniinlrtmtkm. and then*- know- It mu*t be right. •I Aug. 23. nnd when you * out the rducotlonal qual • North Carolina. I you • *ur own ilm In Mi ration ha* • Honul fiuallflcatlon for vof " He n, and according to I hi* • 17 i**r cent, of the negroow in I'orto Hko, can vote • diuvidoiHil (|iiallflc.i;lon l*re*4dent. And. my frlen l*. • t In the South the wlurj •tlpn do* * not take from pro**e(|oi of the ConstlMl - tielr right* lire concerned. 1 tom the people of Porto tlon of our Constitution. ' < *|u illAcatlons. we shut 1 of the black m-ti there." '•■titled ~f Aniiilnnfton. " o-d.iy received through • * " 111. mion in writing of nis the ftesldcncy by the Stl .any at Kmin City last 't'r ti tn print. anJ form'd ndomly bound llttla volume 'he of the proeedina* of the Republican Convention. r *' not mah public. and 'mil Mr Bryan-, reply .nail n ! in- Th ' 'k>cument waa slaneJ " • ••opklna, chairman of the Satiunmil) iHurninci iXftns. Notification Uomtmrree. .•■ i s.mii'l L. Hale. McrHary of that committee •|l I'(lit 111 IM %\s. Hr%nn Propounded u Krn Riddles te •il Arr. , Puttie Creek Ml<h .O i 11 Despite ■ r-lueiw I.*born of ycNietday Mr Br>an w * asslr early this morning. Me m ol*' h* fir mi of sixteen t*pecch*s on the pro gramme for the da \ at login ning .t 7:l.** o’clock, aix) notwith<oin Ing the early hour, h*- ha I . go and audtciic. 'lilt* e*. <x.*l |vt'h of the morn Inn na !• ; the- Hit’*- i wn of Nashville. Mr. Bryan m l only fiv* minui*-. .*nl he o - inntnl himself with Miggestlng a series of iltintloiM to liepubljyin*. Th<f wer* an follows: If the trust K a good thing, why l * Ihe Repubil .in |>l ii form denounce rust*?*’ "If the mint h m bid thing why •*! I the Me pub) lean admliinor.iti m vuse mor* trust* hi be orgui **cl tiuin duiliiK all the previous history of the country? If some trtifO; are good -ow l it, can v u teli the differ*iui b-.wocn a gcod one an*) • bad teT‘ "Io you know of any good monopoly in private hand.**? In* you know of any man good enough to * and .t (h- head of *• moi.opo N and determine ih price of that which other- ar* to uw ’ •*1 you know rf nv *oi 1 reason why the army should he m id** HA*d)? NVou and voti lie willing to make (he army If the M***ubllran leader* paid or a half million If they w•intw) ** What l> your title t* the Pl.lnlno” I*| you huv him or did • him h\ force? l*o >ou think you eon buy the rUhr to govetn i.eoph*? What are you go* i uig to do with the > wh* n you gd dim” A** you goln gto kill him? Well. ; vu cannot do that l*cni~* you would [ lj*** your trade argument You ha\ got to let him live if you trade with him j Dead men don't buy thing* l If he liver, ; in he to he a ritlxen or nuhje i** Are you going to have c**ngre. w **mefi from th* Phll | ipplnes and genatorr and lector!*? If not. i .ue yon going to hav*' ruhj** t**** •When did you *1 • ide that l wa< we for up to ha* e ha‘f n emplr • and half . tetrtiblic? When did you decide that t : cok-nlal policy war g ol’* Shull we force u|*on the lorto Ilicanr. hecaiire we have i th~ inner, tha# which we would not bear oureelve*? What r*- you going to do with 1 the Philippine question?" At Hattie Creek Mr Hryan rpoke in a large park adjoining the Michigan < e.- tral depot and had one of the lert au •t i• i . ■ **f Um tour. \ Albion Mi* Hryan replied to Gov velfs* naarrtlon tat the n< reare in the rmy war made neo*<*ary hv the War in the Philippine*, - tying • The President tt h>* nie-sag.* of 1 • ember. IfOU. aaked for an army of iu.i month** lef re o shot war ttr*l In the Philippine Islands, and a Republican I House of Re|*rer nta-tlver parse*! the bill 1 raislrx the army to lOO.WM And it lld it ifter the treaty war rigned with Spain ,m<i before an arm w ir raised againrt thlr i country anywher** " H AP tVMIVKII MY BOY*. They Pcrrhert on Boat, nnit t'hrered fop Mehlaley. J.tekeon Mich.. Ocl. 11-The erowvl whli-h (jrr teit Mr Brvan here was li'P. hut he wts annoyed by :i mimlier of toys who perched on the roof, cf n. ir by hulld lnc and const. mtly lnlerruple.l him with for McKinley Mr Bryan took cnenla.inre .ItirlnK his spec, h of the state ment of ey-Prcsht. nt Harrison, publish'd t.*-d \ pay*. • Kx-I*r sb nt ll irrleon In in Interview publlaheel this mornlni; cypresses his dis sent from the principle emhotlled In that l-orlo Rico Ml What did that hill do? |. placed this nation on the ground that ind o copied IS fttrt a*o. What .111 Knylarat do? Hhe taxed us without representation, she govern'd us without our consent. iiml the Port.. Rican t.l I ia.s the Porto Rican* without represen tation and governs them without their cons, nl stkv i:\o\ t iim'idkxt. tins Hern llrectscil lorttlally M hrr rvrr Me tins t.owe. Baltimore, Oct. ll.—Adlal K. Btevensnn. nominee for vice pre-kleni. arrived In Bal timore 10-day. lie was aerompanlel by Jill*.- William M Bpringer of Illinois "I am feeling In splendid health and I am confident of !'• mocratle success.” sakl Mr Htcvanron. "A!rcai> I have *|*ukii in three or four stales, and tin reception everywhere has hero cordial and the en thusiasm pronounced. Tht prop e are olive to the real Issue of the campaign. , in ,l m mv personal talks with the r<p rcsentatlve men of the localities I have xi-p. and, Ihi r.- la < w cauat lor . lion with the outloik for victory in No vrmbrr. \ .... T have great hopes of Maryland belne restored to the lumoctatt column, where ,l„. ,ny Islongs. ltd 11 1- with p.easure | now have th. opt>ir'unltv to her pe. pie. I Inter..! doing my full snare In aiding to hr.n< th* tale hack Into line ■ln West Virginia there le splendid organisation among the ltemo.-rats. nnd their leaders ar. working like Trojans for so . ess next month The situntton In my own slate. Illinois, is rapidly assum ing satisfactory ahatie. and for.-ys are growing In wonderful fashion e are exeeclitigly hop. ful of the oui.-om. Mr Stevenson ss. In big crowd at Helalr. Md . this •uflertnon. and re turning hete. spoke to crowded 110.1- nt the Hroadwii. Institute At both places he confined his remnrks mainly to Impc rtlt*m Ml iilltM.i:* 1%. ( harles Bator) smith Shows a Hope fail *|trlt# Chkago. Oct. H.-Poatmoatar General Chrirlea Emory Smith railed a: Republi can nallontil heatipiartera *o-.laj "fp to four we. ks ago.'' he said "there was tt good deal of lethargy throughout the country on the part of the Reisrbll . ans due to overconfidence; r- >tl.v ihet. has been .1 great awakening. There was something of a scare The result Is In creaelng nctlvi > There bus lain a very marked change In Mary.and polnting to 11 Kepuldlean majority. W< -a Virginia will go Republican hy a lar-.i majority thnn four years ago. I went to Indiana a few .toys ag. with the fe.-hng th it tiv state was very .!>.*fall I cam.- away with the conviction that Republican chances are the best " Till Ms MI%V MAKE. Jones Hnya Mnrrlaon Does hot Dls-, turlt the lletnocrnts. Chicago. Oct U —Senator Jams* K Jones to-day said. "Gen Harrlaon'a atatement doe* not dl turb us I do not think tt will have snv great effect on the vote in InJlana. The American voter Jn these day* doaa hi* own thinking We Uilnk Indian® safely Democratic.'* SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. IMO. ANSWER TO FRANCE TIIK ATTITI Dl7 (IF THK I MTW) M ITKs \\ AS DRFI>HO. REPARATION AND GUARANTEES IH AINKD IM THIS 001 KHAMI9XT W I; 1,1. %S 11% FH IL lleply lo fh' frrarh Sole Made Pnt*- I Pro|oa l Taken Ip In Se quence - It rromnieaidn I lour Made I* % Ihe rrmlilrnt— Opinion llrwri* rd nr to the Taku Forlu-lnlrnlli*. tlin of I nifiortal ln of \rnt* Not to lie Pc rum • it. Warhlnjrt in. Oct. 11—The reply of the State Department to the French note rel ative to the barer of Chinese negotiation* war made public to day. It read* or fol lowa The Secretary of State to the French (’Marge d'Affalrrr (Sent to Mr Thlebaut, Oct. 10, IS* > Memorandum The government of the I’nlted Stater -igreer with that of Fran • in recognising ar the object to be obtain ed from the government of China appro priate reparation for the | i and rub rianttal guarantee* for the future The President Ir glad to perceive in th. barer of negotiation put forward It* the memorandum of Oct. 4. the rpirit that ha* animated the chela ration r heretofore i made by all the Power* Intercrted, and would Ire pi cured to rec the negotiation* begun Immediately upon the urual verill cation of credential*. j It m.iy Ir- convenient to enumerate the claurer of the memorandum and to add j ronie observation* dictate*! by th* uttl I tudo of ihe ('nlted Stater in the prerent j circumrtancer. First Th** punishment of the guilty par thr who may be by the repre rentallver of the Power* at Pekin The Chinese governmtnt bar already ln ! heated Hr intention to punish a number j of tho*c rerponrlble for the recent disor der*. The represent at Iver of the powers , at Pekin may !*iigg**-t addition* to that l iirt when negotla'iun* are entered ti>on. Second To® continuance of the Inter i diction against the importation of arm* It I* not understooil that thlr Inierdb** ion Ir to he permanent, and the duration of it an*l the *) tail* of it.- regu ation r em a proper subject of discussion by the ip collators Third Equlrabla lndmnlt|es for the governments, corporations and private In dividuals This Is an .object desired by all the rowers The Russian government haa suggested that In case of protracted di vergence of views, this matter might Ite comm, tided to the consideration of the International Court of Arbitration of the tl.'igor The President thinks this sug gestion worthy the consideration of the Powers. Fourth. The organization In Pekin of a permanent guard for the legations. Tlw government of 'he I'nlted dilates Is unable to make any permanent rng.ige. nient of this nature without the author.- xatkin of Ihe legislative branch, but in the present emergency we have statlomd In I’ekln an adequate legation guard. Fifth. The dismantling of Ihc fort* nl I Taku. The President reserves the expression | of his opinion as to this measure pending | the rer.lpt of further Ir. forma lion iu re gard to Hie situation In China. Sixth The military occupation o' two or tlir.c iwvlnls on the read from Tien Tsln to Pekin. The same observation which has been mode In reference to No 4 appllc also to this proposition. The Pres <teit Is un able to commit the I'nlted Slate., to a permanent participation In such occupa tion. hut he thinks It desirable ilial the Pow er* shall obtain from the Chinese gov . rnmeni the assurance of their right to guard their legations In Pekin and to have the means of unrestricted access to them whenever required The President believe* that the govern ments of France a. and the other Powers will sc.. In the reserves we have her-' made no obstacle to the Initiation of ne gotiations on the line# suggested, and he hn|e H will he found practicable 10 be gin such negotiations at an early day Department of State. Washington. Oct. 10, !300. RKHEII.IoV I* aEHltiia. Hen. Sii Needs Man* Troop* to Deal With It. Shanghai. Ort. 11.—Sheng. the tun Ml. l aw received a telegiam from Gen. Bu. reporting :ha o serious rebellion hi* broken out In the southwestern |<art of Kwang SI province, that hiw SO.Ono troop* I are Inadequate, and that iic needs at least inn.oni to eoie with ihc danger, which Is directed against the Mauchus. nnd threatens to become worse than the Tat Ping rebellion. It is ref-orled that the Yang Tse vice. ITI Ml IMM eroofxi to Pao Til'S Fu to suppress the rebellion. IHWHIHMI on prim 'EM*. Power* fienernll* Favorably IM poard Toward Francr'a Proposal*. Paris, Oct. 11.—Negotiation* are pro ceeding a lively on the subject of the proposition* contained In the note of M lie.rassf, the minister of foreign affairs, regarding Ghlna. ar.d. It Is said here, the situation I* as follows: Russia. Italy and Austria accept the note unrondlllonti ly. Germany has not y. t communicated her reply officially. but th>- Frrni'h government ha* been given lo ui d-r-Mnd that the German government 1 - ,1.1 s that the not* afford. 11 basis for negotintlons. Ok u itritah also, his adhered lo the : French not*, except reap*, ling the per manent prohibition of the import of arms Inio China, on which point ti make# cer tain reservation* The answer of the fnlle.l fltates le known. Japan has not replied officially, hut Is expected to acquiesce Although the i French government Is anxious to receive i| the reply of Japin. In view ef the Itn p.rttince of thf tole Japan I* entitled to pl,y in the Chinese question, tne Fron h note ha* *o far cleared ihe ground, and rh result I* cer.*U*red > sailtfaetory that M Delcasse ha* Instructed th* French minister at Pekin. M Plchon. to put himself In communication with the i other minister*, and has also requested the Powers to authorise their repreaenta 'tue* to confer wttb M. Tlchon, with tbg view of opening preliminary negotiations with Li llung (’hang. M MI.HIII 111 ASSFATS. Tlic llrlllrh Premier %greer With * Merer % af lon. London. Oct. 11. The oftl ials of the foreign oftlce say Sal it bury assents to M. Deica*re> j Chinese note, with a reservation a* to th** ■ metho-1s of piohlblting the import of arm*, i suggesting .tDo that each nadonalltv gar 1 rlsott one pla.t, Instead f tb proiw** 1 joint o ruixitidh of each Ik*slli> MO TI It N ro Ht V| %. lint Jnimii Ant I’lenreil With That t miiitn a* an %11. (Correspond# n<# of the A-soelatrd Press.) Yokohama. S*pt The tone of pu**- 11c rentlimnt in J i|-on. whtU* I* lurtikrt of the general iwwilderm*-ni arising irom th** muddle In China. Indie t quite plain l> that th**re 1* a dc Wied tenlen.'y o ward Joining h a tide with Ilu*dt. should the empiit s natural alib*. t)r*-at Hrliam and America, turn the * old shoulder t her. At the same tirra It Is perfectly w II known that Russl.i’a hoi*** are centering In an ultimate alliance with Japan, and It may Ih that the lati i. If he. Wtsle n friends forsake her. will turn to her nem - Asiatic neighbor as th- only ie.*wur • f t th settlen**nt i*f thlr Eastern pr >blen* Tlwt It will be a dlragreeabh and *inwel come resource* giM-s without .-a>.ng The r* - lb of the Chinese campaign and t • f.ieilttb ' for coni Kir I son between tbs.. diets of the different n.K lona lithe, which l* afforbd. In*-, been to aW4ktn profound cont*mpt for Hu>iau sold hi* on the |mri of Japanese • w is to % faster DAY. Mpl*tnnrr |-*.%|erfet b the f*ao linn I'n KtH*illttiin. Th n Tsln. Oct. J* Gen von Wahlersee. omm.indlng tin* alllesl forces, has Issued orders for th* hm Ting Fu egnedlt'on tor depart on the llih Tin expedition con sists of a mixed force of 6.000 British. Germans. French nnd itaitan*. The force will I* nve Tien Tsln. and will connect near Pao Ting Fu with a column of ihe same strength from Pekin under command of <rn (las* lee Four hattal lons of French troopw. which left Yang Tsun on Oct 4 on an Independent eije ditlon, have b**en halted and orilered to •iw;>4 the ef the main force The Americans. Russians and the nr#* not pitrtldtwittng in th** movement Despite Chinese ut-ouiranves to the trary. th* commanders of the for**#* or dered to advance expect resistance. %MF OA THEIR \% U. t blttese Imperial Party Escorted by Large Fi.rrr*. Shanghai. Oct. 11.—The Chinese report the arrival of the Emperor and Dowager Empress nt Cbeu-Chlng (?), Oct. 6, Ilf teen miles southwest of Taj Yuan Fu. After a day's rest the Imperial isnty pro ceeded. escorted by large forces It |a reported here that KussDn troops from the southward occupied Mukden (Manchuria), without ow>o*ltion. whllp Russians from (he north captured T*e lang, fort> mile** north of Mukden. % miiit \i. ho \ititi \ eh. Ilctnclimrnt of 4t)t) Troops About to lainri nl IN*cp Hay. Hong Kong. Oct 11.—Admiral Ho. with troops. la* arrived at San Chun from Canton. A detactßnent of other troops it about lo land at Deep hay. The British torpedo boal destroyer Ot ter has he**n ordered to Ml rs hay. (near Hong Kong). Tin* ItomlHiv Infantry has been ordered to Ik- In r* adinees to proceed to the fron tier at two hours' notice MlllftlOVAKlK* MAKE fldlWL 4 unverts In T wenty Villages Kant t nni|H-iintlnn. Indon. Oct. 12.— The Pekin correspond ent of the Morning Post, wiring Bunio>, • ays: Mr. Tewkahury. an American mission ary residing at Tung Chow, has prcseti ed claims on behalf of converts in twen ty village* for compensation for property losse*." The Hong Kong correspondent of the* Dully Mail ways that the rebellion in th** province of Kwang Tung 1* l*ecoming ami foreign, and that five mission* have been destroyed ai Han King Chou Wnldi-Mfr fr Pcktn. Berlin. Del. ||.—Count von WslAersee an | official telegram announces, will **art for i Pekin from Tien Tsln next Saturday The 1 German* ar** awaiting reinforcements at Tien Tsin before undertaking further I measures They have effected teleg r;if)>l 'ommunioation between Tien Tsln and Pekin. HE TRIED TO GET BAIL. l’rop<sel IliiniUiiinn for Patrick Wmn >• Accepted. New York. Oct. 11.—Tha only develop ment In the Rice case to-day was the at tempt to hall Albert T. Patrick, the old millionaire * lawyer. The hondmnn. Wil liam S. Ia ng. a r<*al estate broker, was no acrepttnl as a Judgment of II.MUu a alnst ! him had not been eatisfhd. James W. Gerard, counsel fer ('aid Jam* *( A. li.iker. one of the cxc utors f Millionaire William Marsh Rice’s flrat i will sprang a n* w sensation this after noon by making the following statement: "I have seen a copy of Mr. R| e’s al leged second will. Patrick's statement | that this Instrument left he reddunry { . state to him in trust Is undue. The whole residuary ess;*- la given to Patrl k tr : • * and there b no mention of any trust In the instrument. "Wi* expect lo file our will for probate In a day >r two I have l>een holding It back in order to get a sight of the alleged second will. " According to an af ernoon paper a dep uty United Stales marshal has gone to Texas from here to try to get possession of some letters written by Valet Jones to a young woman of Lynchburg, Tex. It is alleged *h*t in these letters Jones told the young woman he would be a very rich man in a short time 1 ii.i.c) n L:*ll Uett-r. Gor(tii>*n. Ky„ Oct. 11 —Htnry E ! You'.wy. who.* lUn..* c.u.ed a halt m j hit trial on th* chart# of b*lnt a prln : clpal in th* a.rooUnt of Gov Oo*b*l. wai *om*what hotter to-day. H* ai report- J *4 .till tn a *upor. however, an 4 further j floatponemeut *•■ granted until to-mor row COURTS ARE CORRUPT ( Hintiiß mimd \M) ji writ i>. LITIGATION IS NOW DREADED. TIIF. EIGHT k RdITII ITFA IGNORE THE REG! L %T|ON. Interleans Will Me fMabstltnled fr the IHskoneat Elllplnn* Those Familiar With thr Npnntsh lorn gNßite Nrr I’n-rrrred lr the !•- **ltlMt— Natlv •• Jastlees Have h "(.hihl Thlna" hs the t *mrts %re Nun t nadaelcd. Manila. Haturla>. tvt. via Hong K'Sig Oct 11 Tv- administration *f Manila's civil *urts h\ l-'lllplno magi*• trates, which hn**i lung l>*an sc.mdaloua, h* n*w atfra.ling publb altentkat m**re ihan ever, and has been brought t tha Taft ommlssbui - aUt ntHS) with re quei*is for re t -:Iflcat!•. The courts *rc com |vised of four Jus tlcea of the |hhi e and fiir primary *ouns 1 lie magistrate are .ill Filipinos, and developments have proved that the in <umbents are utter failures a- nlmln.*- trators of Juste* The dlseatisfacHon with and complaint* agal.wt 11 existing (HKirts are umfsllng Ni v*s and t : eigners dread litigation, knowing tne facta In the ca*e. r’hnrge* have been Hted and evl lrnre is in the hands of the authorities, w licit. It 1s claimed, will show that the magis trates have been guilty of the greatest corruption and malf-astnca in • (*<• magistrate was re. untl> aus|**iiikHl on suspii'lon of criminal abuse of |ww*r t*l uttempt to <)efraud The month)> collection *f tine* of (he four native Justh'es Is e*tUnited at ** Th** aimaint coilect*d by Ihe primiry courts for the same period Is much groal er. The eight magistrates |*r lst*ntly Ig nore the regulation* rstabliabad b> the autlmrltles for Ihe supervision of commit ments an*) the a countability of moneys They deposit less than ))<u nv>ithl> Hid are slU'ged to appropriate th* balance *f their collection#. Il is further claimed that the inagD trates are in collusion with the native iki lice in compromising off**•(.*-(** on the bails of ’ cash fr fr<*dm " ai*l # thal in niiey Instances maglstiut**e who committed ne-n to jail over • >• .r ago ir* now I lierailiif them without trial the cxp'anjlion Ih mg the effect I venc > of a hale as •‘ortais and the designation Of a officer to In vestigate the cases, resulting In h free dom of many |K*rsons Hlrgilly commitle 1 as prisoners It Is said there are over fifty established Instancy- where prisoners have bought their freedom fr*m he guards conveying them bet warn the courtroom and the jail Hetlous charges of favoritism have late ly been mode again** the civil branch of Manila's Buprepie Court The members of the Taft OointnlsGon are disgusted with the condition M the courts and ln*eiMl lo substitute hone* Americans from the United Htates for the native magistrates American** having a knowledge of Spanish aie preferred. "it they ar* the hardest to recur. The com mission will then Institute th*- drastic re forms needed In th* <*e of the entire judiciary. * LADHONF* INK FLt NDERING. Thr) Ravage the %Net t oast of flic Island of l.r)tr. Manila. Oct 11 The west coist of the Island of Leyte is In a stale of turmoß. The refrel ladrones are actively plunder ing. the disturbers following tactics of raiding arid fleeing whll** the Americans punsue them Into the mountains. Gen Mojica's officer* are surrendering, and ms soldiers. attemiHlng to escape o da mar In ar** being captured and bis organisation broken up The cai*iired guerillas and ladronc*. when questioned, stated tha* n th** fifth Instant thirty Americansatta* ked f*irt>- five rebels, rifle*! tltelr stronghold In the (’amarlile prtivin* e and routed th**m. kill ing ten Two Americans were killed and three wourded Twenty men of the Thirty-second In fantry. In an engagement (*n the loth in stant In Bala province, had one man kill**! and four wounded The Philippine commissi n. of which Judge Taft m the pre**jlert. to-day pi>- e * ight bills. Including **n- for an In crease of c|\ || salaries of several of the municipal d* iartrneni-> 1 lIITI OF U I LI.I IH. Means That Here Taken to Inter to the Imperial Pride. Hsmbitnr. Ort. II Til- la> Inx of lh<- foundation elofio of the Imperliil rnueeum to I— .■rc'li.l tl Saallierx, on lho ll> of 111- ol<l Roman fortr-ea lh-r-. look plara lonlay. wllh iMMiai.lamhl- r-r-mony. m Hi l-*-nc- of Ih- ta*n|>eror ami Kmi>r-* of Germany. In ih— —out— of hi- a,Hr--* at Ihe func tion Kmixror William atil.l: •Th* !. rmnri youth of Ih- romhiß x<n -railou will l-arn l lhl mueeum ivorM emplr* m-n- May Ih- il-rman fath-rlHii.i l <l-*tln-*1 lo Iwom- n etronkly w-hl—l an 4 comm.imMng •* on— wan ih- Roman werl<l-*mplre." Afi-r Bmperor William'* n-Hr-e --moupH r<*|tr-*>ii<lnn ancient Bomaoe n*l G-rmana bent ihelr aw or I* aKalnal iwaon .,ni ahl-hla, Ihua api>lau<hn Ih- imperi lor. <"apl l.auuf. Ih- Bm|i-ror' |>ro(-K --< i.mimnl Ih- proloffii-. In which Ih- Knlser *** xr—i—l wlih "Ave, C-aanr.” j n4 -ompnr—l wllh an •-ogi- foarinx on hlxh. - 9 - BAY I'll.ll r flßWim. I rrrai>onl-Hl - * oalr-a W orila of a lln.alan *.--rMI. I.onrton. Del It—Th- Moacow rorr* i apond-nt of th- St in-lar<l atlach-a lx l meaner lon ap—rh mail- l>> Ihe llu-a’an x-n-ial In comman-l nl Wllna lo aom- Iroopa who 1.a.1 been onl-reil lo China, hut w-r- recall* l from O-le-aa on Ihe v-ry evtrun# *f * illlnp II- -ay* that tin K-n-ral. In a.hlr-*liik the m-n. m ul- Ihl. -xplanal ion • Th- Caar d-cld-.J (hat It aa n—-aaary to lirlng you hack lo Wllna o lhai you ml*ht he r-ady h-r- to Join u* axalnel a f— wa ehall he or. Jared to meet “ The correeo-ndent add* that the foa hinted ut can only be Germany. Walter C. riower Dead. New Or lean*. Oct. U -Ex-Mayor Waller C Flower of ihl* city died at hla nim mer home in Covlnfton. L*., Ihl# aflar noon. WENT WILD OVER ROOSEVELT. I nthuslnstlcll Heeelsrd at lu illNNS|Milf-*l (isiiHrsderf south ern Nvgrura lo llr a art’s No lice. Indianapolis. Ind . Oct 11 Indianapolis, which l> now holding its first fall fsll* \ *l. ga\* Gox li<H *ev*l( to flight one of •he great* g reception* e\cr extended in tills city to a candidate far political hon ors Fnwn the crossing at flout beast ern avenue up !#.**• Wa-hinxton sfieet to t ie ( ourt House. Hire* liu.ii'ers if n mile • n-tant. where h* *tKk. to an linm* sc auuicnce, th> Gbwalks and thorough fofes were crowded with m*ss of efltbu staslir humanity, through which the pro '' -I ti moved with lifllcult> Th* can li date f*r Yl. o l'ie**int wa- kept contln n.illx lx .wing t* * t !.*' multitude am) sli k log hxn*ls with men au*i women who cltis t*tel urotiit*! his carriage. The (t)uri house s*inar<- and mound, irvl sireeta surtoun.ling it we*-, t'onge x| with a throng which greeted the G\*-rn or s arrival wi*h a storm of i lih rs and is h* a!lgbtci . the court hour* *ni .u cdtui'Hi iKHirnod salines A# Ih* t ||<C ■ h** Governor’s speech t\.|. Curt s Guild of lloslon m.*l* an * i*H|uent sp*ech, whi-h r* ccivi*| profound aMentlAo The evrnlitg wa.** to a which wac n*>r- than tw* hour- |*i ing • lie reviewing Main! in front **f the lour* h*wi*M- A*, th* proo -sioti pi** **| the -*1 lters mi *1' mom mu* th* tlov eronor raiw*l his brown campaign hat rev erently, look* and up ut th* lower nt |le and bwrt| his head. In tils speech Gov sail Danger of Impenall in* \\*. hut the dinger will never nunc until our t**pe are fM>llsh enough to allow anarchy |i • •••ns** mob violence tr* lake th* p.ats* of that orderly llb**rly under th* law whi< h wa* have Inherited a** th* most precl *ua hcrltag* front our fith*is who w* m b • for** us There comes tin only dang*-i t* the |M-rman**oc* and stabliitv • out In Hinmi.Ni* Wc cqn mak* government ulltl w* will. "Oh. my fellow countrymen. If onl> we will ik ir hard enough And I Appeal <• you for fearless justice, giving It to and exacting it from all non Mr Bryan said the other *i(v that w w*r *oinernel only abut tnon* v and mf human llt*ertv Ms Mr Hryan n*H vet ha*l time to turn his eyas to North ami flouth Car olina? lie was greatly concerned over the Imaginary wrong- of a Tagaio ban • lit rb.stting at our men In th* I’htllp pine- l>*i him U* roneerned over the real w r.ngs *>f our brethren of duskier hut*, some f wliam f>ught les|*|e you in Ihe grat war oh, my *otnrad*s, ►•*nie of whom I aw ch.irgi at H.mtlsgo and win their right to full <dtlsenxhlp by th** trail <f dead anti wound***! they left be hind them, let him remove from his own eye the l*am that blinds hint to the wronged man of the Month and then turn with clearer vision and he will s* * that we are bringing liberty and pea* e to the brown man in th* Philippines.” HHITIM* l.oxr IIKAVILY. Boers Itifllcled a Defeat by intlitisli* Ink Their Fora. London. Oct. II The following dispatch has been received from l#or*l Roberts: "Prcloila. (W(dncs)ay > (t. lu An <‘ngine with a truck conveying a party *f engineers Im otiglng to Paget’s Itlfl* Mrlgn|e. white pr***llng yesterday t* Kaupmtii*len. was ambushed by lt* rs. (’apt. Htewart wlfh forty men of the Ititb Brigad* went 10 their support. The • as* ualM* s. unfoiinnately. were heavy, flt* wart and mg private were killed, rapt. I'adxet. Lieut. Hnildrs ami five engineers wi re wound* and. find Lieut, flcwreil uiul ten of the Rifle Prlgml were made prison ers " "DeLisle's mounted m**n nnd colonials, after three day’s lighting, have driven De\v* t north of the Vaal near Ventera* Kroon. DeWet has Im* is- urlug the burghers that Europe would stop the wtaj Oct. 1 The litx rs were thus trnoyed with the ho|M* trial something wotid intervene io etui th* war in their favor. 1 trust they now reiitxe Itus futile were their expectations.” Ilorra Are !•••■>. Kn#r Wllllamstown, Oct. II The Boers hav. torn up the railway north of llethu lie and captured a British outnost. E AND NOLI> I HR* 4 L%*lf. t tihans and Kmerlenns In a How nt Hntniusa. Havana Oct. 11 At Mntnoxa* yester day a t’uban policeman lnu-rf*r**l with two memls-rs of the flecood United fltates Cavalry. Th* quaml emmihated In a general fight between the pull* e ati*l the soldiers, who arriv'd Ufion the scene si multaneoualy. After the police had shot Trooiwr Turoy of I) Tloop, one other '*' j llier aud otie • Ivillan a number of troopers of D Troop tried to break into the gun room to get their weapons; but th* fpiick action of Uapt. Fred F Foils of Ii troop In form ing Troop* L su*j M in eKiriiiiafi or*l*r made It lm|Mssible fur the x>4ted cavalry men to iwns Lieut Wlliard Is said to have ls**n slightly hurt while endeavoring to quiet • lie men. The troopers declare that they will iiave reveng**. and Cos. Henry Noyes has or dered all confined to iMrra*-ks. The feel ing is very strong befwoen the Cubans ami cavalrymen. NTILL I It#l HIM. rr tH T. I.i'uldli Elect|oii yhim .’l7l Hlnl te rim lil m and ]fa Opposlt lon. Lonlon, Oc*. 12. 3 a m—ln the pollings In the iKirllameniary general . ret ion yes terday the ministerialist* gilnd tw> seat** making (heir total gaum thirty, * against twenty-nine for the opposition. The constitution of the new llouck* thus far Is as follows: Ministerialists. .774; op position . 22k. As yet there have been no M-nis emlist sains in Wale* and no Liberal gain In f* oiland. Dr. Garvin Brown (’lark, the for in-r consul general of the Hou*h Afibwn Re public and noted pro-Boar Lti*eral. w•* bx*ll> defeated In (’halthncsshlre. the Li beral Imperialist candidate, It. L Harm*- worth, winning the scat. Hlr Charles* Dilx* easily terained his seat for the Forest of Ijean dlv.alon of Gioucet fershire. ( unnr-11-ul Hat brown. Waahinftoo. Oc’ 11 —Tha population of to# *ni of Conracllcul. aa announ-*1 by th* r*nua bureau (o-alay. I* b* Ki ln INO fh population wa Th -naua for ahU year *honra an lncraa of 1C.097. or 2J.7 per cent. DAII.Y A TEAK. i I’KNTfI a run WBRKI.Y : TIMK- A VVKKK.H A TEAK MINERS WILL MEET I'ON% F.NTI4IN HILL 4 ONSIDfCR OF FER til THE 4)PER ITOKIa WILL SCARCELY ACCEPT IT. IIDLIIR Kl) % NEt tIM) lON VENTION 11 Hal. HE NEt IAGHV. # - -*•’—— He legal' • ltae It. -gun t. Assemble nt Sersiilon—l he) Have All Sorts ( iHMlriietimn-Host of Tlirni Hill loir to Reject tin* to IVr • eat. In crease—*l he 31 11 not to Ntlpiilate a Duration for the Increase to Hold Good. fl* ’*. Pi . t)*t. 11.— Ttie convention of the anthta* lie miners now on lr*k* thre <k:h ut the • n*lr. hard-coal A< Ida In l'enneyty ini.i will meet in this city to morrow morning for the purpose of cou ld* ring t.,e in |m r cent, ill MU*-.* 11l wageg pi offered them by le.trly all th* nnne ap (l ’dot n in Hi* r* gion The d(lK4t*' . the ronvenfi*>n. who Imc.iu arriving t>-iny. ),i\c ul! sorts of tiistruciUms fr*m their l*ca| uhummi on th* proposition of the operator*. It was j U arttel that most of them now on ths gl'Uliai will y*t.- ti *’J*ct the Ju per **ent. increase unless the operators make fur ther coiic< --i m Many of the miners will not faii-r the twlvant * unless the i.pcra *rn giy. a guamntf* that the increase will Ih kept in force for 1 fl*. I length of Hm*-. (Mini- want the* union recognised before they will accept tin* |rc> post.lnn, w hit** not a few in'*ls? u|hmi concessions in th. other gri* van *— The Ik'llef is general that In Ihe ah ’♦! '• of any unlf'Mm Instructions nrtvmg I the 'bd*-gat*M, the < tian-s *f a settlement ny this <on vent ion ue rathei slight It is the Impression <*f several labor lead • rs that at bast *% second ('invention will bale to 1k field tiefore any definite action will he taken looking toward an early • riding of the l>nte*r. In s|M-nkir g of tn-morrnw*a convention President Mitchell said to-day: "Th* miner**’ convention to morrow will Im* ono of the most r< mark b|e |lmr meeting** held in tne history of coal min ing F*r ih** first Urn* In over thirty year* r*pr s* motives of all tli* colli* rlew **n strike will meet in convention to dl**- us** matters of vital interest • them. Tin* proposition submitted by the opera tots to advance th* ir wag'-s U> per rent, will, of court** . he the paramount ques tion. ‘ The cairn, conservative conduct of th# m*n during the strlk* will characterise thlr action to-morrow Th* anthracite miners, is .1 result of their buig years of hardship have become thougnifu! an# Ndkilous and have h rhnrough knowledge of tfi* mining tmlDstry In all Its phases, !• will uiaUiuf>t' *lly Im- their desire to leg isltt. in the Intereni of miners of every *c tlon of the raffbn The convention will t*e free from t*tlon or excitement, sand he miners will demonstrate to the publlo that they nre apt hie of *l>attx business (**> pro*lent toielnesK men " Th- c<*mentloii. a nar as the Unl'*d Mine Workers officials can figure wifi con sist of about seven htindre) | agates. Preabbnt MKcheii to-day prepared the address which he will deliver at the min ing of the S(*M4|oii In All like hcod tha convention will t* a secret one. # lon of the <on vent 1 n will he (ho only thing d*m* at (o-moirow'a sessjon. MINERS ON \ II %Rt H. •tlx Hundred I omul That a t till ter y Had *topeMle|. Haxleton. Pa . ta t ll.—Alout strik ers. comjtoflf 1 of tnen from McAdoo ami other south able towns at*l this city, gathered at M* Adn Im fore dawn this morning, man h-l to the Heaver Meadow • oilier y of fox*- Bros. A Cos., which had fMeti kept in steady *•- ration since the inauguration of the strike, then cam** around t* f’uyie's fltrlppings. east of tha city, and from the flt ripping* marched j tight Into the heart of Hash-ton. Th** col liers however, had aiready suspended. The iMirade dispersed in this city and the men returned to their homes, dev eral SOOxn were tn the crowd. 4 11 Ft HI OAEIDA taoMn ))• Ihe People %re \erxoua Slne* the lltotlog. HhenaiHloah. Pa.. Oct. 11—Gen Uorbln (o-nlglit lssi)e| orders for the Governor’s troop of cavalry to leave for Onel Is. They will arrlv* M t Onehht before daybreak. The (b'lteral **a>s he doe** not antb'lt*atn any further outbreak al Griekla. but that the |M-ople there ar*- nervous since tha rioting o-cured, and he thtuks ihe pr* s- HCf of the ttoop.H will have a pacifying effect. %% IVIED t APT. GILLETTE. Mr. Krwln Said He Should Hear Wrs. t rniubiH ** Testimony. New York. Oct H. The defense in the proceeding* looking. to the removal of J F.. K H. aral W. T. Gaynor. anl It I). Greene, to the Jurisdiction of the United flt a te* Courts of Georgia, con* t!nuet to-day Its croaa-examlnntloci of K. I. Johnson, the government a<rount nnt. It was the Intention of the defense to day to suspend thy examination of Mr. Johnson, and to call Gen. Craighlll. (re tired). who w (* chief of engineers ip tha war department. an>l (’arter’a Immediate *4ii|k*rlor. United fltaiea District Attor ney Ei win of deorfia, who I* |>rofiecuting > the •*♦•. objected to Gen. Uralghill tak ing the stand ut this time. He said that j (’upt. Oillette. Uapt. (’arter’s aucceaaor in charge of )k* harbor Improvements. Mhoub! b* present Craighltrs (•stlmony ht taken. The crosN-cxumination Johnson io*da> developed nothing ne%. He pr#- pare.l for the government tables **bowing payments to Carter’s accounts !n the hanks, and niton r the time* the GaNn*>r % **e -rnment and raid fiom an anaiysla of those payments he deduced the fact that Carter received a third of al) moneys paid the Arm. Mr. Rose took him through h > tables of figures, and he admitted that he could I not find the entries In the different ac counts to agree exactly as to date and • mounts. This closed to-day** hcarun#. It .will be resumed to-morrow.