The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 12, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WILL CONTEST ELECTIONS. HKV * > Hll MII %||OU ll* \% II It 'Mull* n( IHrnni<n( Have Hrirhfl thr <•*% •r wr •‘r*n *i**wnrl, Mfln toali. Fannin. UmiiL*. I.llmtl*. t’rmiklln. mml TntmnM* In MuM *f IH** Inniill** I'• •* rr Urrr I*n|l4l **n*l I •••mmm* rnl Hiinnlnac —lf %rr 'nlWrlriil I•% •-•lffMl*n U .11 M. orl••r*l. At ania. Ot :J •*' •*' * i,#r h * r *' rfur I not*** ft* n: \>i • unU* that th# r|. imhi on W• l * * * woui.l \ < Of* • *t>vi Th- noth e ■ • ..nifM b'* *-'it received i trm i•• (• . 1!S * ount tc* *• <" 51. lnt.Mh i .. • > Rank 1.:.-itv Frank- , Hr V Duff* <* * *t■ r.i In u tnajort:y of 1 pn**iil*.i . • ■ lvm r*i i . k.. .. -I i Man I tm I►•••?:■ >..• I" j ■ t. y p, mesial.- aid - .inn by Popu lists. In rltcwart rount. lb. I*err.* tali.' -ibl i Pofill*t andi Ist* 1 feu *hw rr r. .n- | testing tb* .1- r..< In M* I ••■•h • * r dl'l.llf. lot . Ik of !<•!“ ■ '‘• ‘ T < am *-on testing fo' fr iid l* I timed It Fannin the *ont*-M :• al.*n I. 'be candi iai- 1 far • hrk of th** I s - f> r lor • >urt j Tht ?m* o *• in I rkb In U'- erty th? two -i ••• t“ '•* i hav# t • r* •• of * *or<ct j Jr, Franklin th* . ' -? for ordinary J h to at out# In M. l>ffi *♦ . the andi- 1 date# on both ?i1 ■ nnt i* u** ofTi , and ar not •?i ’• mi* th* . • n* and ir Tattnall th? f. ir a?ririm? for . sheriff and in* i * iHertor hiv. all.d on J th* tk>v?rtor to -• rll* • ■ li-fuu Secretary of fUate < ook al.i be notified *ni If ther*- - ;i- n* grou: > f n a conteet in lnv m n;.ti n all! I*e or.lere.l Th um* inn fir ii *i • of • I election* ha •*d r*l it I# iow too lair to enter f.mi. rrnt* -t r.*r he fir-i two day# after the cl<-ion, th* ‘ Jovernor wm. k|r t *'> with t .rr #ind n e and ran - r*i.ltlv o It* *nl* #tr In <h | re\ll. ‘Mini • *> • F •* It vi. • fa t that no a <*on . * Lr.hhmit, it %i it m %johiti cin.mait. That I* ih- >uilrr t*% W blrh • ook llrfrnt.d I Irnit-nla. Atlanta. Oct. 11.-The IVmo'ratlc ma jority in th* re. rnt Ma*e election, a- i ar.own by the vote for reoretary of etate t# Fr retar> >f State t'ook to-da*. fini-h1 • onao.klating the return? for th* varlou? ount>es-. t*ut had rot footd up the total# for ea h ofh- r The vote for tie. retary of State, howev. r. w.i* for Cook, und for Clement* 23,fW*. >r m majority of for the Democrats r.* mtnee 8o far a? ran l*e Judged, the nth. r state | bon*. tfticere r*. . ivr.l |ra tl< aH> the eame vote, there Imihr remarkably little scratching h>n in any of the counties. It 1# |rf>*fi!hl#i that the majority for <Jov Candler nu> even *:<> over but thi# cannot be determined until the g n ral SHirmMy meet#. *# It I# the duty of that body to receiv. and consolidate the iov ernor s vote immediately aftr untiimi ftng The Inaugural exercises will take place on the first Saturday after the legisla ture eonveti. AROITTMt: %T1.%%T% ll*:i*T. Itnilrnad anil oilu ul Held % ti nt lie r Medina. Atlanta Ort 11 —The #|.e |.*l depot com mission met in the tlovernor's ofllce again this Hfuunoon There w.i* prena*nt tk>v. Candler. Attorney tieneral T. rrell Hpe rial Attorney llrown. f*r. Idem Thomas of the Nashville. Chattanooga and Hi f*resldeiit Kgn of th* Control. I*rt‘sldent Smith of the Atlanta and West I’olnt. General Manager Scott of the Georgia and Hamilton McWhorter of the Soul hern The railroads signified a willingness fo assist In huil ling . station. \ difference arose however, as to th*' part of the ex pense to be borne by the railroads In con structing the building The commission wanted the roads to pay ♦*/* per cent., but none of the official# would give any defi nite answer, as to what they would do. They stated that they would have to con- j fer with their dir* tors and would In* in position to answer beat week. If the roads agree on the price named • by the state, g..v Candler will recommend to th*- Legislature to appropriate a certain sum for the ronatruction of anew station to he leased to the roads for so much per year. Another disagreement may ensue, how- i ever. M ini iim; mum .hi .ton. A | |tl 1.'.. * inn. I nnllnnr t fin Fllr.l Willi llir f.ovrmnr. Atlanta. Ck-l. 11.— ApplkAtlooa for th- I l-ltin of *l,ll* librarian rotiilnu.' to br i nir.l with Oov. fan Al-r AWhouah thr ! term of rn. - for th- prr.-cnt librarian. Jam-. K llrown. Aor* not -xplr* until Bpt-ml>rr. tb"l. tt ! unArr.tooA that Hov Candler wj;i mak tb ippolntmer.t when the Legislature onvene* If the appointment I held o\rr until next year librarian Hrown will n earll> hav. to remain in ofW *• until the 1 *eg I slat ure m confirm the appointment while if th* |iointmem is mad* ihls fall, the I*egi*lMtur> can ronflrtn the vn:rn named b\ i. • Governor, and he can • >*ke ftiarge of library affairs ii **nnn as Mr Browns* term explrt Among the apyl. ants for jhe plat *, arc Mr W Y Atkinson, wife of sxdov Atkinson. Jude* C*. (’ Ki l.*e of Ma oil nnd Judge liutchln? of L*wr*t**vllb i.%iti.i; i hoi* or .it \i\. Walnut Tlmlter l 1.-liu Cut lu *>uth arollua. Columbia, F. C., Ort ll Reports from •he up|er section of the state vow that •he large*! crop of smtii! grain, partic ularly wheat ever pi nted t being Sown Th* pe>pl .r ** p|ea.-*d w*th he results of wheat growing that they are Infringing on the c* ;ton land in order to g*a a full wheat acreage Conslderatd* 1 (|uanutl* of walnut tim ber. the fine hlai k variety, ore Ixinc cut In the mountains of ?*i k* ne for ship ment to Oermany Tne log* are hauler with ox teams many mil*# to raliw.iv stat ions. WEAK NERVES Wf ak nerve? nv un ihm blood, and hli blood m an? an unlo aithy ?toni?cli To strengthen h i * r\> ? m i purify tri be UkHi iailhfuily. Ii wilt noi c.r to cure Con?fi|aitn. !>v-j*v|*-Ia Nervoune?. nnd pr* vent? Mlar FY- Nervoun*>' And, pisveni? Malaria Fe ver and A*ue Why n o yet h♦; lat one# by trying Bluer? that our Priv nie Revenue Stamp cover# the neck of the bottle. BE SURE Hostetter’s YOU 6ET Stomach THE GENU ME Bitters Tonight Jut l>for* f-tlrint:. If your Il*r l .luKKish. out of tun* and you f— l du.l. bilious, roo.tipat-d, tak- doac of Hood's Pills And you U b- all rtht In the morninc. tt KDUIMi 1% WII.I US. Iti.hi. t.rnbriNi for Kllllnn lllle? l.ukt . IrwinviUe. Ga . *< *. Jl—The marriage of Mr T J. .of this p e to M - (i,n W.M.p.n ** urrel y.M‘rliy *t * ♦* lirid*' * h'*m. in Wil ox .>it • \ FevefWl .f Mr leak, a If tend* >i • .enpanifd bim 1 t Wikox. Judy James H c emem* and vif* bt-tiig th* ri'iml** * Jud-• 1 ('!merits offi* •.! M Luka t.* rising vaiiitg iawy.r *rd son of on* of Irwin's ..• . i ;z ? w t* Ml#- Wentm I? t‘e Jugr.i*r i . *f VVIUox - g<-*l farmer-. K.: • * im who kill**! IL* y L *ke .* f w day tk at sc hot Ir* * uf In ihe *-a-tern pu tof to* <.un- i 1 w*bo Wat laWs it him#e.f. ls> got well • nough to • *>mi. r. jail to aw ali i ft* action of it.* grat’d Jure whleft will tn**i. fr the Itrtobrr term on O t 22 It i? not j ihitught if t tr • grand Jury w . find a r-. hll against Mr. Graham, a# It i? . 1 t*ai h* did r .* kUlirg * wav* hlfn* self from luring tiur her%d. b> a drunken mat* Ifoth parti.** to t:e unfrtrlui t ! affair of gool standing in their* ll* .gfil-ctftt.m !. rifif* miniiiii ip mii.l). Treasure 11.-11.r.l tt Huai* Hurled llurlnu tin* Hevnlntion. Cnlumbia F c. t i -Gold t.i.i had , undoubtedly r*e* n buried a century and a quarter has -been unearthed on Kl- c > | Creek nine miles from Yorkvilb. A negro t-uaut of H Walla*, built * ; pig pen neur th* creek, in whlvh he con fit \*r ii loi.g n **d r>a*r A morn ing or two .*go h*- no iced ehlub g yellow | nbj< * . th* (>iit where in< ea th had > bee-n upturned. Going deeper into tb* earth an Iron i*** ( wai* re t bed It * umainrti goal, h* w* i much #nn> t* *-• ertalned. as Mr Wal la . is keeping i * n gro .jui* t. but Hi* , find Is heav> Th* coin* are all Kngltsh J money from one to ris. guineas eo* n Th- j dat* are §*itor •. It is though* lb. ; tr*stire was liurioi by rol Ferguson | when on hi** wa> to King s Mountain n* h* mart h*l (along rout**. p MUMMVI t lt IRK WAR! Hnmr Mnn serving ldle Term llaa Hern Helrused. Atlanta Oct 11.—Gov t’andler this morning issued an order pardoning Frank J F.vans of Rome, who was sentenced to the pentltentlnry for life at the January j term of the Floyd County Court. Evan? j was a prominent whit* man of Floyd county, and on a night In December, lit®, j h* became Intoxicated ••<! klihd hif le?t ; friend. He ha- eerved three >ear? in the penitentiary aril ha? made on excellent prisoner. At one rim* during Evan?’ fOnflnfment (he building in w hich lit was k* pt burned to th* ground. Evan? other pris oners from the burning building md kept them fr..m •? aping He also found out a plot which three desperate criminals had mad* for eacape and informed the offi cials. MM JO\t:a I** ILL. 'the llvanatcl Ist llnd to Pnneel Ills Cnitait** it**- tit*. Atlanta. Oct 11.—Rev Fam 1* or a*ount of ill health, has been forced t * cancel all of hi? rjgagement? In South Carolina and Mississippi, where he ha* been making a lecture tour Mr Jones im-se.l through Atlanta to-day n route to his hom*- at Carteravllle. but will r* turn to-morrow and g immediately to th* rest dene* of Mr Evan Mays t 419 Pied mont avenue, win re he will receive medi cal treatment. Just the nature of Mr*. Jones’ Illness 1? not yet known, but he I? seriously iihHs unit.- f* *ik* to-dav won seen at th* d* lot. waiting for the departure of th* train, and complain**! of nervousness and loss of appetite 1*04911 IIILITIK* Of IViKMIRfI. What One Mmii I)m> With One Mule. The Football *eaon. Columbia. F C Oct. 11.—The p<?iblll tka of f.trming are demonstrated by James t ’antoulon of Edgefield county, who wrork? one mule on a small tra< t f land The |*a?l two seasons have been horl on t*oth corn and cotton hut las* year Mr C ivit.mloti made dat bushel? of corn and nine bale? of cotton. This year, despite the disastrous seatton. h* has mid* ten Ivales of cotton and ?■* buaheis of corn, or i* crop worth IN?>. writh one mule The football season will open in this 'state ftatuidav. when Guilford college, with . stroi c eleven of big ’’t.irhrel I? > wi I play ciemeon Cnll-ft Cl* in on h.s a fin* team and they hv* for ► ¥•!•! >wi ? | shown Him form in athletics. TO Ht % M-M HOAD. Ihe \|grr nilleatr Will Have au \liilim tna-Floridn Line. pepsa cola. Fla . Oct. 11 It was learned ! here to-day that tne Ilussell A Aig'r syndicate will build a railroad ftom Fosbee, Ala to Pen?a*ola. running through the timber land recently acqtlr*d by that ompstiy. A larg* mill will erected at ►’••shce and n branch fa* torv f tne Am* than Car Company ui Mo lino. MMlWlttl HOT El Ml HMIIJ. tinil*llna at THttt?lns. ha.. Ilurned to the (.round Thoma at on. Ga <*t. 11. The Fand wi h Ho:*i. a woo*l*n building, burned to the ground at 4 o'clock this morning The wevenfy-flv* guests e** ija'd but their .■ff. te w*re destroyed No live? were lost The loss on hotel, furnishing? and l terse nit I effects of the guest? 1? about ui* FTOPk THE i iH UM %%D WORK® OFF THi; t OLD. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets cure a j cold in one day No cure, n pay. ITbe 25 ttrnts —ad. W 11,1. N%\ E THE \ I ADI CT. Hut the lloadi* I brow a Proviso Into tin* trrnnu* > ni* > nl. Atlanta Oc* U --Katlroa*l officials met i Mayor Woodward in the City Hall this morning. *nd arranged to build a viaduct over Whlteh a’l ?Te| crossing if the rtiat*’s Fpe*la) lei*ot Commission doe? not order an efovsited rai!wa> station to t?k th* r*l‘’** of th<* Union de|Kt. It 1? with the t-ummlsslon to #•> f Allan a will hav* the viaduct. VOI Vt* .%% .%\> All IHK TOIIL Tboar Who Were Given License by the KxnmtnlniA Hoard. Atlanta. Oct 11 —Tne Ftate Hoard of Medical Examiner*- has granted physi cians' license.- to tne following Ftvannah . men Herman W H**sse J Oliver Cooke. : E*ton 8 Osborne and Ciaig Barrow. I THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 12. 11)00. W %%t MOW %T VSMDfIY. Ware ( onnh'v Flu** H epresen ta flna at the l ullage. Emory Colieg** Oxford Ga Oct 11—<f th* 137 countie? of *;. gi.i no one send t.t ■. • repre-* rtC n to Emot v tha* V\ re Ther# ar* now at llmory ten War* Minyv l*o>?. thr* *** i ;r? n** Junior, two i ?oi*homore? and four fre?hmen La' * venlng the*, ten men net for th* pur p of farming Th* Wayeross Club. ?i i ?u h w*.? their >** *ss mat In a few * Uvs the club wil formally organixe with i tug banque* TANARUS/ * following are the of tt r ir*' meml** r? ('harles 1. Redding president. KI. D. Bunn vice president. C ?: .. Jor.b** *-* -iet.r>. and treasurer lam '• ’ Granville Taylor. A. J Jordan. W " , n \ G lyes ind M. L Hum. Ti* \Vavrm?s boys hav* always taken . high stand a Emory, and those who .ii* rn*'niter* *f th* i*t w nt senior *la * ~r . . * ** t. thi- rule Howard, E Eider is one of tiie hrightesr men and ~f th -|n k**? in rulicf wu i <mnu < ern* nt rp* .ik* r In hi? s* phomor* year, at i iid himself gr*at cted tt on that * ii He w. .?<* th** win ner of th* pt ut it. th* Dowman prise de bat* whe ti took pla* last spring, and w hich practically fie. I ire I him the be:'* debater I* •I* c* .“in- * th* contest wa? n to ;• ) H* bis represented phi Oim rn >cjrtv in p (bile deist’* and alwav* w b rr• • l’' l?th to hi- -oeiety and him s< f He ha r* nt’> been elected bu? n* - mafias* *• of the !*•*! Zodia**. one of th* m*-t imr*ortant *fll s in college and ore of the ns-t *llfh‘ ult to fill The fa that h** w *•< elected to this office show* whs’ cnhdcn* * th* boys of the colleg** hav In his at lilt v and Integrity He i* *m> mi. r off * K ippa Al hn Fra emitv Charles L It* kilns and H D Bunn of the Fe ?a Tau Delta Fraternity .ir al# m*rrt*ers <1 th* senior la?? and Pin GAtnma tf' i* tv Mr Heddlng has repre sented hi- • iefv in public debate, and Is the historian of the #enlor elass THh II FMOfIV. It ••■ult? in the TntirnMinenl That Is \n in Progress. Flmorv Colleg* Oxford G Oct 11 The tennis tournament wt? continued this afternoon by th* playing off of th* U-* of th* i*r* im’nari* *• and ' ?eeofk!i The first gam** wa? th* preliminary le -tw*r> Hubert Hemphill **f Athttt.i nnd Prof. Johnson, which resulted in Hemp hill's winning out after three sets. Ihe scor* * of whl. h ♦ k i. k—2 The two "secon*!?'' were then nlxycd simul taneousiy, in whbh Hemphill won out over Burbage of Atlanta In two set?, H—2. A—l and Turnbull of Montkello, Fla beat Blount of Harne?v!lle after two set? tne score- being k ®— % This narrow? the contest for the rhnmptonship down to four men Hemphill of Atlanta. Tiffmv Turnbull of Monti v||o. Fla Willie B M* Cain of Atlanta and M J Guyton of Dub lin The ?emi-fln *1? and the final will be played to-morrow* afternoon If the weath er r*matn? good The contest for the -i;ampton?hip of double? begin? Monday and It is expected that the amount of In terest In ihi contest will he even greater than in that of th# single? While, of cour?* the most ?< lenttflc playing Is se**n in the there L or* element of luck In the double? that ha> a pe* ullar charm for the averag* • oil* *• boy The Ileal Prescription for Malaria, Chill? end Fevrr. la a bottle of Grove’s Tafteles? Chill Tonic. It Is airnply iron and quinine In a tasteleaa form. No cut? -no pay. Price 60c -ad. nrftBAAL IgTITADOIk SWEAT Th* friends an*l acqutintance? of Mrs Henrietta Hweat and of Harry Hwf.ii and Mr?. F M r low are invited t> attend the funeral of the former, at 4 o'clock this Friday afternoon, from 41k McDonough sireet. cast. WILSON —The friend? and oequalnran cea of Mr. and Mrs. A J Ml Ison are in vited to attend the funeral of their infant son. William Gordon, from the residence. No 1.14 Lin* oln street, at 4;30 o tloi k th s (Friday) afternoon. Mmnuv HAU2ITIM: TONHANDERY NO. 7.H.T. AI lent lon Sir Knight*. A ieg uUr con lave of this cummaml 4 ery will l he|| ihl* (KrWayi v- - * fling a your asylum. Masonic Temple, mi K:|ft o'clock. Visiting Sir Kmghts are cordially Invit ed to attend. By order of II K. WIIiON, Kmlnent Com. W H ROCKWELL Reeoctlar m*TtrTi; camp no. 4. umunii:^ Ol THB WOHIiD. All members of ihe ab>ve order are re quested to be in their place* in the tamp to-night at B:3i prompt. Business very important By onler W It. HEWLETT. C. C. ft J BTEWART. Secretary. %hni:m % Ltmt.i: no. 1 a. 1. o. OK O. K. You are hereby minimonM to appear at your lodge room. Duffy street. west, this ■lay, Oct. 12, I'.*•. m t h m to pay the last tribute of respect to our deceased brother. John Hazsard. Member* of mother und sister l>*l *•* are Invited to attend II O. POPE, N. O Attest' A N THOMAB. V H • I’Uul NO 1 ICUk I t It ED Of 4. It %\ EL. Mr F Meyer*, head lH>okkeeper, South ern Bank. Bvan,th. Ga ■ sufferer tr*m gravel for foufror j five yea I*. tried treatment any numl>er of time* and found no relief; via fled the Hu* wane* Spring* ihiee year* ago and reeel v [ ed almost entire relief up to a month I*o. 1 two week* ago \ islted Huw.mee Spring* j again, took daily bathe end drank freely lof the water; to-day he feel* perfectly we|| and free from any sign of disease To u*e Mr Meyer*' word* "I recom ! mend any one suffering from tht* disease to visit the Sowattec Spring*. feeling con fident of their l>elng relieved ” During the two week* of Mr Meyer*’ v|g|t, !>e *ide* being relieved from hi* disease. he gained seventeen pound* In Ile*h. i t m:i> 4ii nei it %m.i %. 1. Aeplnwali. Stvannah. Ga. 4'atn* to 1 lie Spring* June 14; suffered for year* frotn neuralgia in the head and face, he had tried treatment from time to time and could find but little relief After taking daily bathe and drirktrtg freely of j the water left within two week* entirely relieved. Mr Asplnwdl will be pleased i to answer any communications as regards his HIM* vTir;. All bills against the British -teamshlp . Newby, i lark, mast* r. must be presented j at our office by or before 12 m thl* day, Oct 12. or payment thereof wrill be de . barred J K MINIS & CO., Consignees. TO THE I't 111.14 . 1 wish to express tny sincere thank* to each and every mcmln r who *0 generously ; contributed to my aid. also to the Morn \ ing N* w* and Press for the receipt of $2 ! each, received from the conductor* and Imotornw n through Mr. Lewi*. HM 26 PHOEBE V ARNE DOE. SPECIAL NOTIC E. Neither the master nor consignees of the Norwegian bark Sylvt Will be responsi ble for any debts contra.*tod by the crew STRACHAN 4r Cc’> . Consignees. Savannah. Ga.. Oct. Li, llux PHONE 383 And Let Our Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, M’KCIAI. XOTIIKI.* TtBLE D'HOTE DlttLIU. SOc—PINNEK—oOc Dinner 1 lo 3 and * to 9, Friday. Oct. 12. Claret Wine. Soul’, ntonHivi k Terrapin. FISH Fillet* of lied SnappA. Tomato Sauce I’otaloea a I, Boullt-lee. Slicfd Ti-mitocH. (jii'-ri, Olivet. <'h.w ,‘how. Mixed l’Ukift BNTREKS. Stuffed Bell IV|>per>. with Shrimp*. Macaroni au Orattn. BOILED. Kre.h Fulton Market Corned Beef and Cabhajre. ROASTED. Prime Riba of Reef. mh <Travy. VEGETABLES Maahed Poiatoee. Green Peap Rice. Slewed Tomatoes Dandled Yam? PASTRY AND DESSERT. Cocoanut Pie. Aaeortrd Cakes. Cheese ('raker* Hiiro Puddlnn, Wine Saue*. Drip Coffee. LEVANS CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress slreel, west. mra ran thuv sbkvicb >\ Pl.t\T SYSTEM. Efferilve Ort. 1, anew faxi (rain. ' The Savannah Kxpre**," will b operated be tween Albany and Savannah. Ga., on the following schedule: l.eave Albany 12:30 n'n. 1-eave Tifton 1:30 pm. Arrive Waycrof* IWpm. Leave Waycro** 4 10 pm. Arrive Savannah 7:oopm. Time. Albany to Savannah, six houri and thirty minute*. B TV. WRENS. Pa**enger Traffic Manager. stitf. tan ronrn tukk. Office Colleeior Stale and County Taxe, Chaiham Counly. Ga., Savannah. Ocl. 3, IWo. The digest la now o|#n for the collec tion of th, above taxe* on all property, real and |*‘rsonal. the apeciffe lux on pro femslons; a Iso ihe Poll Tax for Educational Purposes on all Male Residents cf ihe city and county i-lween the axe* of II .rod so year*. Office at the Court House Hours. 9 a.m. to I p m jas j McGowan Tax Collector. C. C. Null, I in I \ I'UKHt I'lly Treasurer * Office. Savannah. Ga . On. 1. 1900. The following iaxe* are row due: REAL ESTATE, third quarter. I9ou STtX'K IN TRADE. Ihlr.l quarter. 19TO. FURNITURE etc., third quarter. 1!>o> MONEY. MORTGAGES, etc. third quarter i9oo. A discount of TEN PER CENT will be al.owed upon all of the above If pay. mint is mode within ilftecn da>* after Oct 1. C. S HARDEE. Clly Tr, aeurer. THR REASON WHY TIIE fitl %T butt through our large window In the renter of store on Whitaker street. n stated In New* of 10 th Instant, was that he had a scent of the KOX~— RIVER CREAMERY BUTTER, which Is stored In our refrigerator, the Clover Hill brand. This butter (not the goatl I* a* sweet a* a pink, rich and creamery In flavor, and wilt suit the most fastidious. Try a onr.pound print us sample. A. M & C. W WEST. WK BIT IND SU.I. HfcsAl. ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same at {. per cent, and collrcl rents Represent The Travel era Insurance CO., areldegt and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriter* Fire Ins agency. Represent the Greenwich Eire Ins Cos. Repr< sect the Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to us will be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tention No. 31 Rav street, east Tele phone 34* TV. C. ERIPP A CO. RE St OX XI. XtITIt E. Jo* M Drsver attorney and counselor it law , h.v removed ht ortt. ■ from No 10 Bryan street, east, to No. 4 Brvan street, east. Georgia telephone No. 1275. LOOK. The finest line of ManieJe Tiltwe ,m Graees in the city prices rock Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Comer Congress and Draytou. Phone ii* r.XITTS, OILS, VXRXISIIEI, XVAI.I. PAPER. Get our prices ou the best good* for your V.ulldlng. AX ORE XX HAM.EV COMPANY. Ot H ( LIF-XTS Loan money at six ter cer.t on rest estate aecurtty BECKETT A BEt:KETT. Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers. BISIIXESS NOTICE*. Whenever the Best is Wanted PHONE 700 Office 9>7 Bull Street. Telephone 700 SPECIAL AUTICKA. I'AlLDlht* 04 LUll. ISLAND CELL UHATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pur. cider la served on st irners on the Amertcat. line, und at the Waidorf-As lo la and lead ng t.imily grocers In New Yo k city Paul In g s 1 tppln cider Is made from ibe puie juice ot hand p krd apples from { hi- own rntll on 'he premises. It ta abao- 1 lurely pure apple juice, and nil (he eder v so nc- s na'ural, and we guarantee M to be th* . h iced cider In 'he world. Loading phya ctana tn New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their pailcnts ns p rf<c: purl y la guaranteod. In Paulding’s pippin cidar. only Long Is land Newton's Pippins a:e used The ap ples are left on Ihe trees until late in Oc tober when they arc hand picked and pieced In a dry ro in to ripen. Paulding says "th# appl a ar thorough ly crushed In ha own mill and the lutes pressed ou' and run into tweet clean casks" The difference between crushing and gr ndlng ai-pies Is very great You will know ihe difference between cr Ilid .(pea ~nd g uni apples It you take some stems and chew them you wrtll fled that bluer tu*t which I- no’ with Paulding's ernahed apples This cider has not the rxtrem. sw>e’ne* of th# itutaet elder, and everyone will nnd the Pauld ing s Pippin elder just tight to taka with dinner. LIPPMAN BROS. Beta Agents tn Savannaß. MARK APPLE, 330 XX cat Itrouiililnn street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Agent for following manufacturers, make your selection from them Mayer. Columbus, Buckeye. Frazier Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown, West colt. Rock Hill. Old Hickory. Milburn and Florence Eaim Wagons. Full ur.d vompletr line of Harness, Sad dies. Lap Rohes, etc. Kelley Springfield Rubber Tires put on at ©hurt notice. • NOTICE. We are nor* moving our Wholesale De partment to the commodious quarters 127 Congress stmt (formerly occupied by M Dryfus, and mill be In prrfect shape in u few days, and be pleased to serve our | friend*. SOLOMOaNS COMPANY PFCI \L !STI( B. City of Havannah. Offl ** Clark of Council. Ot i. 5. l*v Ava an< \ having ixcurrH in the Board of the Comm if Moners of Pilotage by rea son >f the death of Pk>mmlrtioner J J Wilder, and by virtue of a resolution adopted at .1 meeting of Council held on the evening of h* 3rd tne" ant Nod e l? hereby given that an election will he h Id at the next ngutar meeting of Coun t'd. Oct 1“ # p. m.. to fill th* unexplred term occasioned by ihe death of the said t’ommlsidoner Wilder. All application? to > rtl*v| on or before 12 m of tn* 17rh instant WIIXIAM r HAILEY. Clerk of Council \^ii \mi * > nil ?? i t Mitr.n i 'on xiLK. l.V> ono fret of ash. suitable for wheel-j wrighte. arrlage maker#, car i?ork- and interior hou.-e finish. Al-o cypres? lum‘*er of all sixes. We have resumed rutilnx our famous brand? of ypr •?? ?h.nglr* and will soon have.# fu.l itn ** of inem for Fdlr. VALE ROYAL MFG CO Tills hAI to tLLA.I CAMl'tsil. Tea only nay to get your casrpet? prop er y taken up, leaned an t taken are of (or th# aummar Is to turn the job over to I letrlct M*aa*ng r and Dfftl **ry Cos., teiephon** 2. or call at 22 Montgomery at ee*, and the> will make you un #sti vat*.* on the cost of the work Prtoee • eo#otable They also park. m-Mre and •tore furniture and idan*# ipt. and Mgr. IIICE MILLIMa. HICK FLOLH, HUE CHAFF. W> have anew mill with ail modern processes, and machinery, and or** now i ready for busine?? We solicit your |kx rot age and invite correspondence; rice | chaff Iree to patrons. THE SAVANNAH PICK MILL CO., T M ('unninghatn. President. John Screven. Jr.. Mat ager. UoNUJt KM.UTU) By the Amir lean Bond r.g and Trust * ompany of Balttn*ore \\ ♦ are author- I laed to ex#cul local.y (in>m dtatelj upon apHlcatlon). ad bortda in Judi lal pr<*- j c* • dings tn aither the state or Unlud S ates courta. ai.d of adm.msirat'u# an i gua; dl ns DFARING A HT'LL. Agerta TGei'hone 3SL Provident fiulidiag HANAN’S ■ j There is but ONE) real Russia Calf and Brown Vici Kid Lace Shoes, single and double soles, have fust arrived. Thsrs ars other* that look wcU, but th-r* are none that ( fit like “Hanan’s ” I AMLSKMKATa. gfXVANNAH rtteArttlL PERUCHI-BELDENI CO.. IN HEI'ERTOIRE Matin.e T,wlsy 3 i> m . "A GEORGIA i RACKEH.” rrlfSK—Adults 2 . children 10c. Ttenight X:>' o’clm k. "TWO ORPHANS." Prices—loc yie and 30c. gAVAMNAH THcATER. SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT. Oct 13. CHARLEH PROHAN Presents the enormous di.tmuth* triumph, David Beiasco’s Version of “ZAZA” As pres, nted fir over 200 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK Prices—Mailneo. 7T.c BOc and 25: Night, 11. V). IUO. 7V. 9t an I 23c Next Attraction-Robert Downing. Oet. ■aetiMK** moTtcF-a. 1 * ■*- y -A,. ’SASI . -JWWi \ Fjl . j =TU n— ■“ PF.OPLR XX HO 111 X' A dollars worth of groceries here had heuer h.ive two market haekets. We •kin t give groceries away, oh, no. hut we have a way of stretching dollars tha' Is appreciated by our customers. Wo soil nothing hut the best. 31b pkge self-raising buckwheat 15c t'jlb pkg. -elf-raising Inn kw hear }c •lib pkg* self-raising buckwheat 23e Jib |m kg*', fresh Oatmeal to Honey drip Syrup, cans ;o* Evaporate*! Peaches*. (a>r ;>otiiid pic Pun* > P. url Oyster Crockers, (w*r lb.,loi' Cracker Dust, per pound to* New Mackerel, fat and Juicy, 2 for 25c New Saratoga Chips, le-r |siun*l 25- N* \s Edam *. h* .-• . i h 90 New Swiss Cleese, per |un<l 2,‘c IViaw-are and Niagara grapes 20*- Fancy Oranges, doxrn 35c At JOHN T EVANS A CO.. Congress and Barnard streets. 2 'Phones. *>. Our Stock of Wcddinn Gifts Ir very full, rhr nrncat rhlns* In •• h n fir t, nnd Ilnlßhrß. ?nmp|r put*. | Irrnß ***nr in fitlvnnrr of rhr rrgular Kl**k. .% ntiidy In tl tr Arl of Mlvrr | •unitblUKe THEUS BROS. The Chatham Real Estate and improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. lo iMr Pullers. For sal*, s Forsalth Newspaper Folder will fold sheet f.iL It Is m good order j i’rlcs r.OO It cost origin*My $l,lOO, but • -• have du uew for ir and want th* roum ' 1 occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office Address MORNING NEWS, ■avaanab. Ga. THE GEORGIA STATE BUI.DING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 15 YORK STREET. WeAT. 5 1,1 1 I oa ** deposits withdrawable on demand In(*r*-?f rrN|iifed quarterly. PE it CENT pci annum n. lowed on , " dc[K>stis of '>i.n hurdred*. wltbdrtw. • hie at annual jairlods. UEg. W TIEDEIIAN, President. B. H LEVY. Vice I'r-Ricnl. E W BEI.L. Sccreiary C. G ANDERSON, JR.. Treasurer. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DIU/TX President. C*htc r " ’ C 8. ELUS. BARRON CARTER. Vice Prcsldtal. , Asst C*,hi<r The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive tha acoounw ot Merchants. Firms. Individuals, tic.., and Corporation* Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, treur tr.e prompt returns SEPARATEDAVIHGS DEPARTMENT iMtitt.iT rotaporxnn> rtxhtbk- I.Y OX DEPOSIT—. Pafetv Deposit Boxes and Vaults f rent Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank OF SAV A.VXAU. capital. ssoaooa 1 r —u-... . Vcaarat asuknia Baaiuess. Sallelca Aecaaata ag lalel*asl^ Rsrahaata, Beaks ea* •the, Cerpa. rsUtaa. Callretloas KsaAlsg with safety, •••■•■ ••• dtsyateh. ■•freest eaasponaded qaerterty •IlsaeS on deposits la tar lavtaqs Dessrtaest. •afety Dap sen Baxes aad Storspa ▼•alts. BRANT! EX A. DENMARK. PvssUsab ■ ILL* B. LANE, X'lee Preside St. SF.OHGR C. FREEMAN, Cashier. BOMDON L. OROOX KR, Aset. CssKlea. SOUTHERN BANK ot the btete of Georgia. Capital Lotto Surplus and undivided profit* 34u:.t0 DEl'OaiioUY OK IHE BTATE OF GEORGIA. .Superior factlituw iui (runsactlng a General 1 > miag Business oiiecllon* mad** on all jioinii access!hi- through latnk* and hankers. ~t Uauk . Banket . M I char. Is and others entitled, halo Depost: Boxes tor rent. Depurtment of Bavlngs, Uitereal payable quarterly. Ruila Sterling Exchange on London a and upwards. JOHN FLANNFRT President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN Ce.hler DIRECTORS: JNO FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E. A WEIL XX' XV GORDON Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN. I.EE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FER ST H P SMART. CHARLES ELI. Ift PDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY MBiM CAPITAL, *390,000. Account* of banks, merchants, ccrperv lons and Individuals soltclteeL Savings Department, true rest pah! quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all point* at raa uaiabls rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities at th* world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEI’H D WEED President. JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice Freakish!- w. f. McCauley, cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital 1300.QS Undivid*d t*i' Ills ki.** 'tht. bank uftra Ita aervbaa to corpora tion*. m-rchania and Individual* llaa authority to aci a executor, sd mlntatrutnr, guardian, etc Dsu*a drafts on the prin* lpal e!U# Great Britain aal Ireland and on the Continent. . Inter*a: mid or compounded quaniru on deprelts In the Savings Departm-at Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY HLUN. President. GEO. XV TTEDBMAN. Vice Pr* dw* J* JIN M HOGAN, Cashier WALTER E HOGAN, As-'t CssMrr No IMO. Chartered, !■ —THE— Mrcinis Nil li OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, 350 ,(0). BURFLUB. INITED STATES DEl’OdlToß'* J A. O. CARSON. Prqoldißt. BEIItNE GORDON. Vice Prealienv W M. DAVANT, ( oahler. Aocounis of hanks and barker*. " el an’s and eorpor.ittons received a. the most favorable term'* .■on*l*!e nl * aaf* nnd conservadve hmklng MATTHKaktCa, MATTM K9kK®- Have your mattres.-e* and (ratbsriii*_ ovule,l by our medicated steam P™ before a change In weather take* F , ’ (The only plant In Savannah.) *' 0 , cornea all Impurities and renew* Id" volume tn all bedding material. ll ' ' „ renovation of feather* a* foluiws ‘ M 33 s<i. bo ter* 11. pillow. 50c Colton. sin! hotr muttresss. made to ° ,d '' work ,ow prteea Work guarantee*. ~ NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RL VATINO CO.. Ball phone U2L 1 *3l Drayton ,r?,u