The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 12, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gfjc IHorHina r efcD£ Morviuc Nrm llntldltaff ‘■•Mouth lm ritu%\. n nt. imni. Rtrtiiu hJ At tftf IVi-iolTl.# in Hv*nn!i Th# MOHNING NEWd | ptibllWHHl tv#r> u> in Ui* year, Altai • *r; ** u> buuku itxi > it* in* cly. or *mi b> ui4i, a; Ivc u month, It uo tor #*i uwmUi, #*ta* fe wW lor otic > ‘%i tli* MOHNINvJ NHNVB by mail, mi tin*# *• Hxk (without Sunday iasu). thi## UH>i.Uu, J* > . .x in <*iu L w. on* year ft.oo Ini WEEKLY NEWS. 2 lakuea a wf*k. Monday ami Thu/'Uay. by mail, on# year. |1 00. Sub** Tipi ion* t*#vaoia In #dv#n *#. Re mit by •heck or re#littrl klinr Curiutvy aeu by mail at rksk oi ttotftri Tr#i. lent advrrti.^efnentf. other than tat* *ai (wiuii ti. lorai or readme noti -et, unuitmrnti and entap or want column, 10 cent a line Fourteen line# ol typ#—equal to one Its* h quafe In leph— I 4i to* standard of nia#>ui< mem. Conlract iu and *iixvunt cn#d known on appli cation at bUMnee* ofl.v f. Orders for delivery of tha MORN INO ! JWw to either re***dei . or |>w ♦ of l'u.>Sif)i may be mud** by poatal <*aid or I .rough telephone No 210 Any irregular 4> In delivery should be immediately te Iwrriid to ihe ofl. r of publi.atioo. Ltitem and telegrams should ba ari dreased 4 MuHMNU NEWS." iJu\aunah. Gt EASTERN OFFICE. Z\ fork Row. New York city. 11. C. Faulkner. Minager INDLI 10 NEW AbVLKIISLMEMS. Meeting*—Pal* Mir# Commandery No 7. K. T : Mistletoe <*amp No 1 Woodro* n of the World. VrrmcU lexlg* N*. 193**. (i V. O F. Sp*cUl Not! * r—Curr l of Gravel hy Su- | wsniH Sprtj .. \\.nr. Htu • and tounty Taxs !•■•. Slip N.t|r*. J. y Minis A Cos.. onalgn* •; K* moval. Jmeph M. 3rryer. mtmrlllor at law. frwimery Rut ter. A. M A r. \\ West, To the Public. Pho< !*• V^rn.t'lof. Ship Nolle? Sta iai. A- Cos., consume* LuMn<>' Noths 1* \ \V. Liu miry. Always 1/ idlnk At lattt I more*, lianon e Shoes—Dyck Hro. Riscuil Fn##*!# Biscuit At Unfit* IJndfUty A Morgan, 11.’ litoughton srr**t. *vrt. A rouse moot*—" A (i*>rsl,t Cracker.’* at Mi tin** uni "Two Orphan*’ at Theater ! to-night Lcjral N oilers—Otatton# form the Four? ! of Ordinary. Application for an order to tell land at Wa -aw. Ga The Ibi’dlo I>w*k for It—Leopold A*flr Mdi<ai Munyon# Inhaler; Hood# l*tll: H'aatorti: Ayer*# Fill#; I>r. Hathaway Company. Cheap Column Advert laemrnta —Help ’Wanted. Employment Wanted, For Rent; For Sale, tarsi; Personal. Miscellaneous. The Wrtlhrr. Tht* imli ailon* for (B-orgtn to-day nr*' for rain, with bri**k northeantrrly winds. l>oftlhiv becoming high on the **o*Mt. inj for K.irtmi Fk>rl<h. rain, with brittle northra-aerly wind*. po**4bly beaming lilgh on wrl • **Cangre*t in only a c*h r**gl*lr to lhiu|t< the revenue?- ntl expenditure* of the owintry," -ay** former A**l*t*nt H** - rotary of tin* Navy William M Akx. Ail there art many pnguxed in devle lug Rchriivt* to "hold out" on It Hir Thorn a Upton can have another try for the America's cup. and another after that, and then another. If he want* It. In fa t Iho American CMirt*tn-n will !*.■ glad to give the genial Hlr Thomas i* many oi*|M>rtunltk as he desire*, but not the cup It U aaid that Comfrce-man Bmitclic of Alalne ha so l*r recovered that he is Dow able to nave the sanitarium where he ha* been under treatment. a*vl will do eo within short lime. Perhaps ihe Mertk>n. that tun constituent* had re elected i man of tinaotind mii.d were a little premature. The failure to get ex-President It* nja* turn Harrlaoii on the ittump for th Re |>ublicant> Is not meanlngleM The ex- PrwMknt will be *u*p** ted of being fur ther away from hi* party on some of the 1.-sue* ttutn he was wiling to admit in •tin Interview, and. no doubt, if tlie truth wer* known, there Is good foundation for Such auaph lons. New* York City has an alderman who xtill not appeal to gold enthualaai s. Th nlderni'tt were voting on a golf tiougr for u certain park "A joss house? Hay. am 2 here to vot. for ajo 4Ru • I gut s* • o’, 1 vote no.” waa the explanation of rttdcrman Bridge* when Ida natn was • ailed Th* akkrman Is evidently some }eur behind modern civilisation. IxMidoner* have not such a had opinion tof old Oom Paul Kruger after all A silk fiat box once owned by the ex-President of the Transvaal was sold at auction the • >ther day In that city, and brought sl.v. *\ pip*- which he upetl at one time brought ttver |42 If Oom Paul Is hard up for r* a*!> t oati he might run over to London and gtut bis old lot be.- on the market. It hi sasl that after He. ret ary* h,-i inference with th* Bethlehem and ■ 'arnegb- at eel riles, it was be- Ilaved there would be no neiV**lty of build ing a government armor-plat** plant •j hat. however, will he mor* definitely de termined after th*- election. If McKinley win* the trust will gat the contract, and It will conic pretty near dictating the figure*. Q i ■ | According to report* the V inderbilts mav soon becom* flu owner* ol the Hogcr* Lwvntouvs Works, at Patarabn N. J. Hu< h a deul would be wH-om* new? to Ui* ?kilk *1 waikman there, many of witorn contempl.ited twlng thrown out of work by th permanent ' losing down of that estabH*hment. The Vanderbilt* would hnd no dlftb ulty In making good The iioMtofll. dspartment seem* to have put ar embargo on rmirriiigp. A wo man ho.ding a |**ll or i In the pm* I office at lndaiaj*iin, wo* di*charg-.i l>ecau*e aba had got married, and rh* Invtruotlon* In th* <a an were weni direct from Wash- Infion According to ini* women In the pottoffh'*] detriment wiiu con template mrra will have to hand In their res ignation* on their wedding day. t tItPETHiO tmi:itY\l \T. One <*# the many strong point* ma<b by i*iOov. Al*g Id In hla pe*.'h before I tfie Ya.e Ihuno'f allr Club, wan | hi/ .u t < ariretbag government Thl* m int should ipp al epr< tally to the peo ple nr tli' Southern states b< m* they know from sad #xi* rlcn* # w'.at *uvrn meal of thiit kind b, They %%*-nt th*oigh #v#rl y**ar# of i fo'l.wn . fh* ron tho ion of the wo betw**n ih* state*; an*l they ought to be f!• last persons It the w. rl i* on*, nt i t l* Ing t irtb s *o the Ir.flb-lion *.f it upon other |w* j. Tt• Haxith #tas n*( fully • o\r* I from the • vll efR, ta *? th* ( arpetluig gov* rn m*nt, Infli' t*d u|>on hr by * I through the it* pub !at party nl Mi > h e in town ofT with gr- it mtth ulty nearly a quarter of n * * nttir> ago. But, It I not n- * r> to ro la k to the r* .salrti II i p u.*l in Hie *S* ith for tin ni'i-fctr.ttt>sh • ' 1 ri**t! g c*o ** nt Htitl what i to . •kp e l **f tt *t * i * *.| only to )<>ok to Cuba nml not* the of-rat*o of to* !►* tofTl* KJtig h* ad* 1 l\ Cbarlen I* \N N* • v. of a. W o with highly r* otnim-tHlt 1 I*. A < taut Poatmaster *• Heath to Id rector of Cuban p.t“ E t; Hitliintie i- o fine ion fide nt iai irwitt. an I on- (hot h* wou.d warm up to Niely's flrpl a* t k> Cuba were dir* t*d toward living plana to purloin government fund*', to h jrt g*\- * rnmei t• utr > f?*?. nn<) to grab frat • hi#* * and lauds ll* went to 1*- islaml i poor man Within • f w months he hud a lomfrrt ilii- i ■.* u and w .*promoting. .! numb* r •! bind unci other e hrm**n )h tiding largely uv*on government In\or , And th* r w i t of other carpet-bag i.ffl* * ‘d i. *. who were .um.i withj N*eiv in his crooked ransactlona. Ali of which goes to show that th# character of the carpetbagger haa not improved during the past twenty-fly* ye ire Ha was "on th* moke" then, he !• "on the m *k. now and i* not over m rupuloun about his mean- u> the end It i.- difficult m tiler to -. cure honed uiid economical government In our own etatf m*l munb Ipal corporations. Statc> an*! cities ar* continually crying out ugtinst corruption. Jobbery. loo!lcl-m. ho^slatm and dmilcr evil*. Tne case >4 Ohio, F*ennsy Ivanki. New York and llll nol*. nd of Cincinnati. Philadelphia. New York and Chi ago, may be meiHoned iu illustration. I- it reaaonable to Mippoae that the polltl lane who are giving ro much trouble In the stales and cities men tioned would be purlfle*! and rt generated ty acndlng them t< our po* *- * to give the native* a good government? Would they be mo*'*' honorable and les# voracious, several thouan*l miles removed from the fx>w* to which they were r - s|*onsible. than under the eye of that power - * Ba-(io v Alt geld says; A con ttnuutlon of this regime can only have one result It must bring shame and dis honor upon our people The |jw of gravi tation has never yet admitted of on ex i epticHt. and th** hi> tory of all attempt In thl> world t govern for* in eountrle- hy * nrpf tnagg‘rs from the dominant t<U', ♦ verywher# tells th* “om story HTOI.K TIIK WHOI.E It is the thief on the inside that I** more to b dread*.! by the bank lhau th# thief on the outrdde Very rarely no#* ttd.iN.s titles occur that a burglnr su - c'*sla In breaking into u bank ami secur ing any of if* funds But It I.** not at nil uncommon that a trusted employe of the nank sticcsiclf in muking way with the concern's money; iml oftener than not he amount stolen is much mot*- than the iita>?t laring. ent*rprislng and sjn guln* burg lur would have hoped or dreamed of securing. • A case in i*olnt is the Hchrelber r*ib t*er> of the Flu ihethport (N. J > Bunk ing Company, the story of which has been running for three or four dava in the news i ohitnn In this case young He h ret her. u ITT. u -month clerk, succaedcsl In atealrng an am*Mini ecpial not only to th** bank'# capital stock but Its surplus tiesldes. It may therefqge la- said, fig uratively. that be stole the whole bank, right under the eyes of tho*e who were required by the ktw lo k**ep watch upon him And it may Is* eurmlsed that h* tvouUl have stolen officials, dire. tort, exanittiera, etc., too. |f they could have beet) handily The law Is designed to throw ample safeguard-* around (tanking Institutions It not only provides for the liability of officer* and director*, isit requires that oftb UI examiners studl from time to time, Insjiect th** bo>ks f such Institutions and certify to their condition. It ap pears that as a mutter of fact. State Rank Examiner Htainsby made an Inves tigation of th* Eluubethport banks af fairs a few months ago. found everything satisfactory and complimented the offi cials upon the excellent showing. Never theless t that very moment fVhreiber had already stolen pretty nearly os much as the bank'* capital stock! S hrelber s method* were shrew*! lai! Simple. lie had charge of Ihe deposit sli|w On tailing them off for entry into orw* le*fger h** would call off lesser amount than wuj* on th* slip. If n slip rend 92,100 he woukl read 1100 anti |t would *♦ so entered. He always deducted even ■uinis a* that he could easily remember them The umount deducted he filched from the vaults or from th** teller's drawers to which he had access, Hj this ! s\sfem the general ledger and the cash ' on hand always tallied, hut th** depositors’ ledger's totals, of course, differed Thai is the way he fooled the bunk people; but | it docs not seem that he ought to have been i!e to follow (his system motifn ■ after month without being detected. \i la proper r>*tm of clic ks and counter* h*- k w* r* employed Ills mctltod of 1 pulling the w’ool over the eyre of iha ex aminer wa- -unnar. When the examiner • am* h* counted the cash in the morning i and took the ?*• mritles to New York 'n ■hr ufteinoon to have litem proved. The next clay he returned and went over the nooks In the nuantim* S-hrrlber had ••rasod (he .-••par.ite ac '*>unts of de|>ositors o fit the deductions he ha*l mud* pre viously ami this mad** the total tallv with the cash on band. After th* lank examiner hw*l iron* he changed the figures ugaln Hud having escam-*! th* examiner was Hguln wufe from detection by in# mtik officials. The Kdz iis-th|*ort bank ha** not le.*n rulnwl. Its stockholders an* rich m**n and have put their hands into their pock ets and mad** good the shortage Rut. had they' not been rich men. the bank 1 woukl hav* gone to pier##, and the losrcs woukl have fallen upon the d**p*wdt ar. all •si •ortunt of the InefTb lene> of tue man* ugc-URUt and th# exammatxuia. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY; OCTOBER 12. 1000. THE %**At I TS HOOKKVBiT. A'* or'ling to the pre- reports. Oov lU>*>ee\e|t. has l*een assault#*! three time* within tl.e |Mt few ‘lax The Si tu k upon him s* at \ l tor. Col., where ).. received a slight blow With u Stick IT* second was Itl tTilcsgo wrhere a mm -Ik*t of el reel un titni th* W tt few #*nl a great nur.y #pl*hets at hif. The i uird n* repr>rtsl 1* yesterday s dls* pit hes was at Fort Wayne. Iml where shower of -tones w • thrown, on** *f which struck the on the shoulder. Happily, lie eu*d no bodily harm on *it her occasion, thcsigb hi** met;tsl dls- • tre-- MUim to have Uhi i die. An • ITort Is of • -ours*. l• ng made by t ) Rcpu di an price* to fasten th* re- Sjsa rlbi.ilv for tb* a’ < k upon th# j •K’rati** party. The rhlladelpllla PrrW. for in star—, ha * io compunction m as- j • rtlng that th* V ■’nr an I Dd *g< a* 4k' wen* f>*H only Inspired, but delib erately piann* 1 l*> Democrat l *.i*rs. .iiul i? Will, of • ours* <*\ the same wbh i* p* * t to the Fort WsyiH InekJwnt. Tv ru *lo r*vt pp**a how* ver. one scintilla ■ of evidence iir.v court would admit Cowing that the affairs were either !n ---iir*d *r plant or that Itetnocrallc ( leaders had anything to k with Until i T D* no* ratk i rt> at Victor has #in- Phatically and noutu ed th* attack and de- | rind th** that It had any conns - 1 Hon with it. Tin Chicago American de (litre* th* repot! of the Chi* ago attack wis " i fak* i lie out of the whole loh,' * ntui names Perry H Heath aa the author | ..f 11. Th use *4 violence against a candidate * anno? be defended upon any ground# , As Mr Bryan said th* other day. tha ! people car not hear sides unless each . andldate Is fvermltted to expound his \!**w. aixl he cannot do that If he Is physically attacked. There have be* n charges that the *t ta* ks on Roosevelt were of Republican origin, for the purpose of winning sym pathy, a?* well ax charge* that they were of Democratic origin. The truth prob ably Is that they w* re not planned and . arrted out by cither party, but wer the work of a reckless, hoodlum. Ignorant cl ment, for which neither party, as an organization should be he|*l res|onslhle rt ait THE H U K TRACK. The pkm to <vnrtruct race course and arrange for periodical race meetings In (Savannah should not be permitted to iNcome th** victim of a luck of energy. Hince th** meeting was held some months ago. at which a committee was apiolnt ■*!. the matter pper* to have been for gotten until it lw now too (at© to accom plish anything for the approaching win ter scstson. It Is by no means too early, however, to tuke hold of the work In or der to get track ami stable# ready for the s* 11*4*1 next folk*# Inc. for there, are. many preliminaries to be ar ranged before the actual work can im accomplished. The tmi>ortance of such a move to Ba vunnuh Is emphasisad by th** fact that prominent horsemen all over the coun try are turning more and more (o the South, not only for points where they ran advantageously winter their stock, but where they can idto secure work for that l*ortton of their stock which they desire to k*** p in condition, at the same time affording them a oontftiuanca of their favorite **|>ort. Atlanta rms Just ar rangeil for such a race meeting independ * nt of that given hy the fair management (her** Several hundred well-known run ning horse-* will be carried then* for fif teen day* of racing, and they will prove the magnet that will attract hundreds Of people, and people With money, who •re HUereated In such spurts and whoxe advent will ho of financial value (o the city. Among Ihe noted homcmen. who will send their stork to Southern imints for the’ winter Is William C. Whitney, who hns selected Aiken. 8 C., for this purpnvM* With th** horse* com** (heir many keepers, und where the horses are quartered there will t** the home for a rtwson of the prominent men who are In ter##tad in fh stork Why I'Oiikl not Sa vannah have furnished the winter quat tem for Mr. Whitney s horses, and for those of other note*! horgr fam ters as well? The only obstacle, we iMtltsve, is the la *k of proper quarters for keeping and mrlng for such slock. UP several occasions, to n ent year#, prominent turfmen of the North hove vis ited Savannah with u view to seeing what i (xMild is* done here In the matter >f se curing facilities for winter racing meets They have ail expressed themselves ms pleased with the city, and the facilities fhnt might be afforded, but their ardor seemed to have been somewhat dampened hy h lack of enthusiasm. Now that the mutter has been takem up by Bavannah business men there |* no reason why the proper enih*i#!a*m and energy should not he put Into it to make the project a sue •e-** Every teualn### man in rinvannth i in?eresti**l in t It has estimated that • well built and properly equipped i ra e cotirs# would m*in something like * million dollars annually io thin city. Now. this million I- being spent nt othr j pomts in till# section of the Hcuith. New | Orleans met chants take jn m**re than a i million annually in that sect km ns the result of the r ing mid (he wintering of , valuable liorses there. There |s no rea son why Havnnnah should not do the same thing. Mil* Helen Gould has grain demon strated the fact that she Is a young wo man of very positive and decided charac ter. A fence wo* erected arrow a highway at Tarry town, th# extension of which runs through her property. The party who put up the fence claimed the highway was fils property, though it had been used by the public for years, and he laughed at the town officials when they told him to remove It. Mis# Gould told her foramau to take a for*e of men and tear th# fence away, and he stood by and saw th# work done Tne street had been us#d by the p*ople for thirty-two years, and Miss Gould wras determined lo set that they were not to be deprived of it. The results if vicloiisneas sre being em phaels* I in certain sections of Greater New York Father Htrxelrekl of 8t Htunlslaus’ liomati Cat hollo Church at dtantnn mid For#vth streets, has determined to move his church to another tieighliorhood Ills par ishioners have been compelled io put up with the conduct of a *n*st vicious clasn until they cn bear It no long* r. their app**!* l to the authorities having availed nothing The only remedy is the removal of the church to healthier quarters, the authorities having nsgisci* cd to clcausv Us surroundings. Little good w.ll result from th** increase In the number of Judges on Georgia s Hu preme <*ourt berKh made #%*rsi years ago. .f the huslnes# lx to l*e multiplied to u**h an extent that each Judge will have as much or mor* to do than before the Increase wo mad*' The increase of the num - r of cbv courts to th* s ate. how- , ever, promises to have thl- effect, and It Is xp*’rd Gov Handler will cad the legislature's attention to the matter The city ■ stair# lim • Its advantage* and there wre many rommunltl* x wh**re It Is a ue c*salty, but If every little town In the state is to have one. It will soon be neces* -ar*. to again double the number of Judges on th# sui*rem** bench. Th** vau* of t.*u Florida orange crop this vear promise# to ap(*roach In value th* crop *<f * OOO.uti# Is****# which the state had prior to the big fr**x. Then they s**ld at Su cents ; Ikx load* I on the ar.x, ! but this year, with a crop of 1.000.990 i boxes Which ie conakier*'*! a fair estimate the nverag*- |irt< -Is U a box The major- It of th* crop will *ome from Manatrv. , De Soto. Illlbvhoro. Folk. Is and T*ad * dun ties. The groves are in a splendid condition und within about two w**ki the lu- lous yellow fruit will b# moving io m-irket In li directions Flans arc being mad?- for tha largest gathering of cotton grow* rs ev* r held In the South to tak* | * • In Macon on Tuesday, N**\. 10 President Harvle Jor dan of the Georgia Fotton Growers’ Fro tecflv# .\*-'o**laUon has Issued the call for an Interstate convention of cotton growers and business men generally, with the object in view of furthering the plans of the Cotton Grower- Association Kvery • ounty in this and other states is being urged to ?-cn*l as many delegates as possi ble and a great gathering Is expect*d A decision has been rendered in the New York Supreme Court the effect of which Is that suicide |s no bar to the collection by the beneficiary of a life Insurance |l - even though th* policy prohibits It within a certain i*erlo*l. Many of the large companies and Insurance orders art* now leaving the suicide clause out of their contracts altogether, but there af*' hHU some that will be hfleeted, should ihu> de c iMon hold generally. PKKUOX % L. —King Victor. Emmanuel has purchased the spot at Morza where his father wax so cruelly murdered, and the deed of sal# has juei been * omplet**d Th* docu ment explains the reason of the purchase by the King. twmeß. his desire to a - the ground for the purpose of erect mg thereon a monument to hl.x father. —Th* iaxt surviving member of th** fam ily of Rossini, the Illustrious conquer of ••William Tell" and other equally popular opera-, and who was Invested with the title of count by the last Grand Duke of Tuscany, has just committed suicide at Milan There seems to have been . spe cie# of suicidal mania in th** Rossini fam ily. for the elderly lady who hurled her self to death from a fourth fi>or window the other day al Milan was the ninth member of the family to put an end to existence by self-destruction. —Walter C. Jones. Galveston’s hurricane Mayor. Is a candidate for Fongress. He was bom in Colorado county. Texas. In ]%49 His father was a famous Jurist and was Supreme Court Justice 1n the days cf the Republic of Texas On Hept. the Republicans of the Tenth f’ongren#- lonal district nominated Mayor Jones to succeed R R Hawley, who has twice rep resented this district In Congress Mayor Jones Is unmarried Ilf thinks that hav ing survived the recent windy weather at Galveston h* could stand a little blow or so it) the House of Representatives. BRIGHT BITS. —Good Reasons.—" Why ore you so fond ■ • i# QctfaoU taiM a. "Because." answered Mr. Htormtngton I (anus*, "he Is the great, the |eer!e!s poet, the mn who spoke alike to peasant *nd philosopher ami moved the world to higher emotions Beside#, you don't have to pay Hhikespere any royalties for the use of his plays.”—Washington Biar. —"Their engagement is broken, 1 under stand." >■*••* "What wim the reason?” "Why. both were satisfied that they could five on “bread and cheese mid kisses.’ but when they got Sown to de tails they discovered that **a<*h of th*m contemplated supplying nothing but the kisses "—Chicago Post. —Fearing the Worst.—Sammv (who i never allowed to stay out of school)— "Ibnvdlo Hurl bn? didn't * am*- to school *ll day ” Mamma- "Why not?" ftum rny—" *Caue hi# mother d|ed. When you di* may I #tav home ill day?” Mam ma "Yes, darling; you may stay out M whole week ” Sammy (suspiciously)— "Oh. I know, you m*an to die In v#<a- Hon."—Harlem Life. Cl HR BAT (’OtRIOT. The Charlevton New# and Courier s*ya of Atlanta’s new Ma>*or "It is inn early v*M. of course, to predict sort of a mayor MaJ Mims will make, hut ui bast he cannot make as poor a mayor as hix predtccftsor. *nd if his election will change the piditica! methods of Atlanta, all the people of the Houth will rejol *• in h success The many ornplimcnt irv thingn now being said about him by ih- Atlanta newspaper# show that after all a real gentleman can be. appreciated even In Atlanta. ’ The PhlliHb Iphla Record (Demi, nays Mr Quq has made anew and Interest ing Issue In his campaign for Cnbcd Htrttes Senator He says ihat if h shall he electe*! the town of New Castle, Law rence county, shall surely have a public building There ti* no doubt that he would he willing Just now to promise anew pub. lie building to county, town and vil lage in the commonwealth in return for votes.” The M i on Telegraph says: "It all cornea back to the proposition laid down in these columns several days ago; If tt was a root! Investment to plant wheat while c<*tton was down. In order to h* p brace the price up. It Is a better Invest ment to plant wheat while col or U up in order to k***p H up. Thlx Is the mjlu question. Lei ua keep It before both eye* dally.” Th** Chicago Daily New# (Ind.). says. "Andrew Carnegie has written another book giving rich mn some more pointers about how not to d*e rich and disgraced but |*oor und honored. While Andrew Is doing fair ly well himself on the giving line he **>mx to U even more lihetal with hi.x ad vice than with ht dollars.” The Nashville American thinks Ameri- I can |H>lltleal method# are cncnr aratively respectable It aa>s: "The (timfialgn In this country Is rather reste 'table c m ;>aied to vhat Old LnaUnd is china \ Liberal (taiper calls th# t*nlonßi a cr w of drunken filibuster#.' while a Conserva tive journal describe# ihe Liberals as t -hort-sighted criminal#.' " Spotllsi Xhopllftera. A young woman who s.ngs In a church choir m thl# city was in one of the depart ment store- on Friday say* (he New York Hun. when the detective employed there stopped b#s?de her an !, pointing to a woman with a long cape and a beg at , an adjoining counter, said: Just watch tha* woman work.” The singer saw th* woman take two ar- • tides from the counter when the shop girl was not looking and drop them Into her bog Why #h* is stealing " she said "Yes." Maid the detective, "and if you will follow her to th** f;exr counter with ' me you will s**e her tike more *hing- The singer was Interest*d and she walk ed along with the deter tl\- Two tn*r* ir tides were dropped In the bag and then j the detective arrested th* hoplifu-i Sh ! mad* tha usual seen* and protested her innocence The rßt* nve arked th* singer ! If she would step hack ?o the ofti- e with him and corroborate h! < barges and h*‘ • went, unsuspicious of further trouble. Ther* was to loub' as to th*- shoplifter's guilt She came of a respect a bl> family 1 and she convinced she singer that si - took th*- article# not becaus* *h< n**-ded them or the money that they would bring but because she hid the shoplifting habit. , When these fun* wer* 1 sett lad th* d#t#C and told her that -he mus* h In the Full * Court at k o’clock on the following morn ing as m witness. It was the singer's turn to make a scene Hhe pretexted agomst laing dragged into h jioH*'* l court and said (hat such notoriety woukl seriously injure her In her work The de- ! tectlve Insl.x’ed. and had the charge I against the shofilifter not been withdrawn J before the ca#e reache*! the court the sing er would have been one of the wltnex-**** ; Bh* denounced the detective and the store which employed him for Imposing on Its (Nitrons In that fashion, and she Is going to make It her business hereafter to keep out of the way of at ore lete, tlves Had the sing* r been forced to go to court her punishm* nt In th* comaqu* nt notoriety would have h*en almost a.- hard a# that Inflicted on the shoplifter lluufcr McGuire anil the M*rrp. Dr Hunter Holmes M Gulre. dead at j the age of? 6, was tnadh#) dire* tor of the army of the Bhenandoah Valley and of i the He. *>nd irmy corps during the civil war. and being on Stonewall Jackson # j staff was dox*r to that brave soldier man any oih*r ttin in the army, says the New York Frees One in* I*lent <•( hb career le imusing, lie w. anxlou* to set Info Richmond, *?vl th** N*nh rn troops were anxlou# to keep dim otn j * *ne night lie cam# up# n bo*ly of Fon- | federate cavalry n route mul In rout The Yankees had just s*nt it fi>lng foi j shelter behind stone fences. " ; . heep ure theseMcGuire cried giving 1 the order to halt an*) re-form The cavil- | i * men answered. "Baah. baah. baah!" from ther hiding places Thereafter tnrougfiout the conflict whenever any of that command cam* within sight and sound of McGuire the welkin tv a.- made to ring with Ftaah. baah. baah!” th* i Doctor delivered a spec- h before the Con federate Veteran Gamp Hi IMS Cite * v- I eral yearw igo. n*l ns he left the had a •attered nieml*er whtapered in his ear. Baah. t#ah baah* Doctor, how about those sheep before Richmond?'* Too Hnrrr n Test. An eccentric clergyman in Fornwall was much annoved bv the habit which some members of his congregation had of J looking round to see late corners, says th* Youth’s Companion. After enduring It for some t!m* he ►aid. on entering the reading de*k ore day: "Brethren. 1 regret to see that your at tentlon is called away from your religious duties by your natural desire to >ee who comes In behind you. I propo>c hence forth to save you the trouble by naming each per sot# who nme# In late •* He then began: "Dearly beloved." but imused half way to Interpolate, "Mr 8 , with his wife land daughter Mr 8. looked greatly surprised, but the minister, with perfect gravity, resumed Presently h * again paused: "Mr. F and \v i 11m D.’* The abashed congr % gatlon kept their eves fixed on their l>ooks. The sendee pro ceeded In th** puwM orderly manner, the i air son Interrupting himself every now and then to announce late r.nn*r At last he said still with Ihe same perfect gravity: "Mrs 8 . ill u new bonnet." In a moment every feminine head in the eongregatlon was turned. ttuakln on the lllcyrlc. John Rusk in the great English art critic, who died u short time ago. was one# Interviewed by a representative of a New York | taper as to th* h*utles and lenefits of bicycling, says the Tammany Times. The reporter got such a frecxlng reception that h*- only staid a few min utes. A few days later he received a let ter from Ru*kln as follows "Bnm tlm* since I put myself on record a* an antag onist of the devil's own toy. the bicycle 1 want to relterat** with all the emphasb of strong language, that 1 *oml-mn ail manner of bl-trl*. anl 4-. ft-, or 7- cy cles Any lontrivanc** of Invention In ten*kd to supersede the use of human feet on God's own ground is damnable Walking, running, leaping and dan lng are bgltimate an*l natural Joy** of the horiv. and every attempt to stride on stilts, dungk on roi*es. or wriggie on wheels Is an affront to Ihe Almighty You can’t Improve on God’s appointed way of walking by substituting an improved cart wh*il" Filed In a **l.lahl#” Ault. Attorneys have lots of quiet fun over 1 some of the legal document* which find j their wav Into court, says the Kans*s l Fltv Biar A 8’ Joheph lawyer has h j following gem which wax flkxj In a neigh '.‘-.rc ■ n'ini * •*■* o( v *, \* - . * t' :m i l *v ' f ! ing duley sworn on oath depothej* and say* - That! One John Rlake *lld on or about the 4ih la> of February A. D IR*> 11*1 then and (heir In the Founty and Hist* Foresead did Wilfully Muilsously an*l Un lawfully rcfaln and llalw xea*l affiant E L. Hmlth in that read *ffint hal stolen i Oats from the v*a*l John Blake—on or about the Ith day of Jnuary A D l*b* Contrary to Statutes In Like case# Made und provided F.% satlilf. From the Home Magazine. Look, sweetheart, the sun I# sinking. sinking In tie distant west; Pee his last red gleam- of glory gtii the rugged mountains* crest Hark, the cows are wending homeward. hear the* tinkle of their bells. Wafted on the breez* laden with tin fragrance from the delis. Listen, from across the m adow, where the hare and woodchuck hid#, l- loais the merry milk-maid s welcome to the hour of event file In the Ingle-nook the cricket chirps hb cheerful evening lay. And th- locust sing** an anthem to th* dead, departed day, Bee. sweetheart, the shade# of evening now are being closely drawn And Ihe shadows of the twilight fast ob scure the fading dawn By the twinkling stars the curtains of the tiigrit are pinned aside. For the world, sweetheart. Is nestling In th* srfns of eventide Come, sweetheart, and sit heid- me; let tne liobl your hands in mine. Come, sweetheart, and let the lovedigh? i of your presence round me shine; For ! *c the twilight’s shadows falling I love, across our way; i We ha\e reached, at last, the peaceful, gloaming hour of life’s bright dav Wo have passed the morn uni noontld* w hive left behind the strife. We have Journeyed lov# together to the eventide of Ilf# —Law rXKc Fore her ilaxl, j MUNYON’S INHALER fft^k CURES ’ CATARRH f Colds, Coughs. Mk chitis. Asthma 11,1 l)isel,St ' , P fVfol the Throat and nf Mrainiml ,r- lnhti-4 tfcr cull th.- mouth nod rmtitrd from Ihf ** trIU. rl.-aiu>l„ o<J porllt* mil th lß#m>-d • n-t .11-.-- .1 part. hl< h rmwi b- rut-Md t * cd. Jtr Jtt- taki'ti Into tb- ,touarb. • *ll rrnrhf't th* unrt rprft—lt h*nU thr rot- II un > ,to th - .rat of iHtratr— tt atU <* a hnim nntl timir In Ihr wholr ru.trm~ol.OO at <fru./.;#f ar rent b v mail. JMU A rrth SI.. MU* Ocean Sieamsnfn Go. -FOR- New York,Boston -AND THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All th# comforts of a modern hotel. £l#ctrio lights Unexcelled table. Tickets Include meal# and berths aboard ship* Parser Fares irom SavaaoaiL TO NfcW YOKK—FIRST CABIN. UO. first cabin kounu trip. m. in- TEKMEUIATK CABIN. *lu. INTEKMS DIATK CABIN KOCNL* THIP. Ui. BTKSKAOB, (10. TO BOSTON FTRST CABIN. KJ; FIMST CABIN HOC NO TKIP. 13* IN TEKMEOIATE CABIN. (17; INTERME DIATE CABIN HOUND THIP. *3> STEERAGE. (11 75. Th pxi>rf* -t-nm-hlpt of this lln* *• ■ppolnted to t-.ill from Savannah, CeWt*l (Soh) nwrltllu Hmt*. aa o,low: HUVMU TU SEW VURK. CITY OK BIRMINGHAM. Cp(. Heru KRIDAY. Ofl 12. I0:*t m KANSAS CITY. Capl. Kl*her, SATUR DAY. Oot. 13. S.OO p. nt. TAEI.AIIABBEK. Capl Afk.n*. TUES DAY. Oft. It!. II 00 a. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY. Oct. IS. 1 00 p m NACOOCHKK, Crtpt. Smith, SATURDAY. Oot. 30. 3:00 |> m. KANSAS CITY .Cap* FUher. TUES DAY. Oct 23. 130 p m CITY tK BIRMINGHAM. Capt. B-rg. WEDNESDAY Ofl 24. sno p m TA EDA HASS EE. Capt A-kln*. THURS DAY. O. t 23. 530 p. ttl CITY OK AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. SATURDAY. Ofl 27. 7no P m NACOOCHKK. Capt. Smith. TUESDAY. Ort. sn ift no p m Nt>TICB-Stf.tmh*p City of IHrmlng will not f irry p.i*teng-r'. 3GK YOUR TO UOSTOS. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage. FRI DAY OOt. 12, noon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. WED NHBDAY. Oft. 17. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. MON DAY. >ct 22. fon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY. Oil. 2>j. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage, WED NESDAY. Oft. 31 noon. This company reserve* the right to change It * Halting* without notice and without liability or accountability thera for Soiling* New York for Savannah Toe*, dav*. Thtirr.i lv* and Saturday* sto p m W. G BREWER. City Ticket and Pa*a enger Agent. 137 Hull atrwet. Savannah. Oa E W SMITH, t-ontraettng Freight Agent. Savannah. G R G. TREZEVANT. Agent. Savannah. Oa. WAETKR HAWKINS. General Agent Trafflc Dcp't. 234 \V. H*y street, Jack sonville. Fla E H HINTON. Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Ga P E I.E FEVRE. Manager. New Tier SS. North River. New York. N Y. Merclionis S Miners IronspoMalioti Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket* on Sale to All Uolnta North and West. First- la* 11. kcla h.ln le meal- nnd berth, Suvannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia Accommodations and cuisine un- qualed. The el* am-hips of thl* Company are ap laifnte.l to -nil from Savannah as follow* (Central Standard Ttmel: TO BALTIMORE. D. H. MII.I.ER. Capt. Peter*. SATUR DAY. Oct 13, :i p m ITASCA. Capt. llllliip,. TUESDAY. Oct. in. lino p m. DOHCHESTEK. Cap). Jim'., THURS DAY. Oct. i*. ; jo p. in ITASCA. Capt. Rlllups. TUESDAY, Oct. 18. 1 ‘Vi p. m. Sailing, fi cm Baltimore Tuesday*, Thursday* anil Saiurdit'e at I <W p m. 11l PHIL ADEL PH IA. ALLEGHANY. C.tpt. Foelcr, MONDAY. Oct 17>. 12 noon BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan, FRIDAY. Oct. 19 3.30 P. m Siding, from Philadelphia every flve day, t 3 p. m Tifkii office No. 113 Bull atreel. J. J. CAROLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COIIKN. Trav Agl Savannah. Go. W. P TURNER. G P A A. D. STUB BINS. A T M J C WHITNEY. Tiaffif Manager. General Offices. Baltimore, Md. R B N**t. I P MitxaaD. l’ruidaav Vice Prealdeal lixsttr Ui.tTw. Je Sec y and Trees NEAL-MILLARD CO. Builders’ Material, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, / Glass and Brashes, EUILOERS* HARDWARE, Lime, Cement and Plaster. • Wtutakw Streets. ■AVAJIBAJL A. JOHN Cm. BUTLER, —DEALER IN- Paints, Oils and Glass Sash. Doors Blinds and Builders’ Supplies. p| aln anJ tlve Wall Paper. Foreign and Domea'lo Cements. Lime Pinter and H-,| r gg). Agent for At cine Cold Water I'alat SO Congr. - *tre*t, west, and 18 St. Julian street, west. OLD NEWSPAPERS sno for 11 cants, at Buauies* Offlca Morning Newsk t [earn a profession Without Leaving Your Present Position. Work for One o( the Ttn Free Scholar ships In The Correepor School, of Krranton. Ua.. fo be by the MORNING NEWS to t> peron melvtng the moei vot- i, y Nov. , I*lo. Ten Free Scholarships. 1. MECHANICAL, ENOINEEIUN', 2 KLKCTRICAL ENGINEERIN'i i Inc hiding Complete Electrical "'at, 3 ARCHITECTURE. 4 CIVII. ENGINEERING 5. SANITARY PEUMBING. HEATING and VENTILATION. . CHEMISTRY. 7 COM MERC IA I, BRANCHES * MECHANICAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting Outflt) S. ARt'HITECTI HAD DRAM IN (Including Complete Drafting Outfl- > 10 ORNAMENTAL DESIGN (Including Complete IValgr.lng Outft > If )vu receive the moat vote*, you a-);; have the first choice of Ihe Scholarship." If fhe next larget( the aeconrt .hot - If the third large,t. the third choi . ro on until ten person, have chose,-, ter. Scholarships. Each Scholarship will quality yc. f/. r actual work In a profe**lon, Ihe i, m , a.- if you went away to College Over men and women have c-. rolled (n ihe.e School, and been bene, tlted by their Courae, of study. llow to Vote. Cut out the attached Voting Coupon and mall or bring (I to the hutUnec office o£ the Morning New*. Savannah. Ga. Each Coupon iru,t bear the name of (he I vert-on for whom you wish to vote. VOTING COUPON. Name St. and No. Town L 181 OF HOP! RTIIO G ll Rf M.HKUIUC For la 1— of Hop.. Mog>mery. Thunder bolt. Cattle Park and Waal End. Dally exeept Sundays. Subject to changs without nolle*. iLe of hofr l.v i-|,y for 1. of H.| Lv lale of Hope •SO am from Tenth , oUt am for Hup on 710 am from Tenth | 600 am for Tenth *SO am from Tenth j 700 am for Tenth 0 15 am from Bolton j * 00 am for Tenth 10 SO am from Tenth 10 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth 11 00 am for Baltoa 1 15 pm from Holt on 11 SO am for Tenth SSO pm from Tenth | 200 pm for Tenth SSO pm from Tenth i 2 to pm for Boitoa tSO pm from Tenth j 1 uu pm for Tenth •OS pm from Tenth 1000 pm for Tenth OSO pm from Tenth ! 00 pm for Tenth 7SO pm from Tenth ) 700 pm for Tenth *SO pm from Tenth ) Bon pm for Tenth SO pm from Tenth i 800 pm for Tenth 10 SO pro from Tenth >lO on pm for Tenth |II 00 pm foe Tenth MONTGOMERY l.v city for Mtmtt'ry. | Lv Montpim,,,' 5 SO am from Tenth I 7 15 am for Tenth' 2 80 pm from Tenth I 1 15 pm for Tenth 6 SO pm from Tenth | *OO pm for Tenth CATTLE I’ARK. , _l.v iltJr tur Cat r- trtt l.v <'aerie Park SO am from Bolton 700 am for Bolton rSO am from Bolton 800 am for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton ISO pm for Bolton SSO pm from Bolton SOn pm for Bolton 700 pm from Bolton 7SO pm for Bolton 8V) pm from Holton BSO pm for Bolton THU NDIUUSUL? Car leaves Bolton atreet Junction SSI a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11 SO p. m. Car leavee Thunderbolt at ton a . m. and every thirty minute* thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton atreet junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAB This ear carries trailer for paeaeng'rt on ell tripe and leavee wait aide of city market for late of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points el toe a at. 1-00 p. m , t. 00 p. m Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt City Markee and all Intermediate point, at 8:40 a. m 11:00 a. m.. 740 p. at. WEST END CAR Oar leaves weal aide of city market for West End 6 00 a. m. and every to minutes thereafter during the day until 11:S0 p m. Leavee Wet End at 5 30 a. m. and as say to mtnutee thereafter during the dty mill 13.00 o’clock midnight. H M T-OFTON flan Mar RING OUT ' Wfd WEDDING Kill The Bride I* delighted because the WEDDING GIFTS All came from G. W. Allen & Cos., THE WEDDING GIFT SPECIALIST. They were selected from WHITING’S SOLID SILVER THE MOST BRILLIANT GET GLASIk Cameo Ware In all th* new shape* and rolorlng*. CHAFING DISHES, the largest line In tha city. NEW LAMPS. And other thing* to make, a woman hvr** a. BURK’S -Ms***#* JgßcTTaMets' MmP !*2 ... i Ir ...' •*< P'te. - th. H.,*•.< t'e Tw Promote the Appetite 1/ tand Put Fleeh on Thin People, jtsrrstarCtf-- mb M Nail eeitßf>*rl >M *• FSFTSS* '• P** ■ •* bNdlfcMlWt s dru>^ J IW MUM* I CO., opiraßß