The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 12, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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£YRD IS KELLS SUCCESSOR. „ n% nit: oovrhsoh to j iwiTwrn unsuk (| , ,11 the I "expired Tr-Tkl. *' t ln( n —(irprWoald \\ Ilf lln'r fl. Hyrd Will •thrn Hr llrap|M‘4*— 11, \\ 111 Not n.— trn Yd|u ml Ha* * Good Record. ~, | n —Ctol. Phil Byrd was , • ~r| adjutant general of liov. Fnndlrr. lilt term runs ~'itllou of lhr prrtrm sub. iin. which rntb Oct. 24. Fol. ’ r ~ , | , n hold until his successor Is nd qualified ,t rr we li! nol announce whether l!l he re-#ppotnted after Ocl. v\ II not be hi* own Col Byrd, who ha been act capacity of adjutant general Kell was unsblr to perform rf the office, has made a id. and Hits and his fjmlll •hr affairs and duties of the II neb lo do with the appoint by iSov. Candler to-day. ) , ep. r of the public ground* and p , <\.| Bird's record has baen ex. tl> was congratulated to-day I , , of his friends. lio-'t lt I.ErT THE M ALL. tirsinta Velentss % oled lions s Mo tion lie Offered. p_ TT'.end. Vs.. Oc> li.—At the seustan , '.f ihe at and camp of Confederate y .' -of Y'irginla. speeches weie made I- or Itanlel. Gen Kltlhuah L*e and On : im Payne v.rt of Inspector General Morion I ted Gen ltosser crent.d a acene in* the hall when the camp vote! , i- motion to strike out of the report „ uggestlng the discontinuance of ~ ■ o n lack of Interest caused them t publish. ry report, a very lon* do cu i -a icferred in ihe committee. To i !• wm a shorn battle l,t th' fftHT ;>rt of the Intpe f or g+nertl i ii.t iv-fH* iMmpfi In th# A 'tut to* brought ronponn## Dom m v" a* orshad • . tni r* Now they have 2.460 H*#tn • , 1 th# imount In th#lr ir#***utl # ! j. Ne#!> otnnuDa s•>; f * mradea hurkd. 211. l |mi l* Hilo\ft HKKTIXO. >tnili‘r of tlliatanarltl to China Marie %ririreaa. '• ! iji ivt. 11.— Att#n*lsn< % # at thr* t* , iix of th# nln#ty-flrrt t . rm** tng of ih# American IWvirri of (* • • :on#r# n Teased to-<l*y through ti !\.i .f i number of belated del#- *;r r.t Interest waa fhown In th# ii rf ml**i*lcr wo k In China : *voilona! exvrclae#. R#v. Judaon $ l I*. f* r# gn itcreliry of th# in board, read .an Intending pa ir ’h'n.i. h# Situation and Out- Smlth*# >a|K*r w.# followed by a f, of the KUbJert Among . o fmokt were a number of mi who i*a**#ed through th# recent * In China - Animal a<tdv### of Hon. P B r. Bo* :on ## prftid#nt of th# btard #t- l at th- evening reunion This wm> lUt* nod to with close atten -4 HIP S %T I II %ItLB*TO*. f>tlirr in Sert# for the Knming \ pnr Were Elected. *-s!Oi>. J 1 <\. Oct. 11 -The Inter Amoc.iltlon of Fire Engineer# 1 ji s >h annual conveniloti to i > m* t t in*xt year In Indianapolis • Humphrey of PttUhurg. Fa., vi % 1 piendent. after a spirited con lJ Kiwirl Hugh##of lulvHl# wi l • k-I flriM vice president; John Hiagg of N J , Mcond vice president. A llille. Wyoming.*O.. secretary; Larkin. Ihi y ion. u. tre.u*ur#r. th. ftanires of th# morning *** ? - the Introduction of Fir# Chlef.- i .ind .*<nlth of N*w Zealand. Mr i oka on th#* method* of Mr*- i k in N#w Ze iland. anfl Maid that I intry tei'Ognlae'l thnt i lo# by fir# i-w o the eia*#. anl for tha* reaioa t I•■!*!• Ihlc pro(< lion was affortled. < tut iiinsHort. Tb#ir Innunl tleellag* Mag He Helit In >•% ember. mgtor, Oct. 11.—The archbishop* ,r K< man Catltoilc Church of Ameri< i •* l annua! meeting at the i4'W 1 • t nlvarslty to-day Kci leslastical 1 • prln ipally were considered, ami • >ferenca odjourned In the after • ! subject of general Interest thrf! ussed was In relation to a pro* 1 and ang# In th# date of ih# annua! f m the Meecmd Thursday In Oc ’h*- third Thursday In November u g* seems prlN|bl#, as the ||> ■bnttol that It Is dim#4iit for th# op to have their dioceses 4iur* f • ler. u IN IS rill! It 4 %||| C OMPLETE. 1,1,1 *1 stales Will Have Some One • I'lnee off learelnnri. r . ton. r)%*t. ll --Probllv with a '** having tho I’nltefl States repre •*n Th#* Hague board of arbltra #t# In rase there should be *•- u * refer to that body for settle rs of the Chinese Indemnity . " ** suggested by Russia, th# I* milking an effort to secure o • gue for * x-Prei|deni Har- • # of ex-Pi* Mden* Cleveland. *•*#o unanl# to accept the post j, rator To-day the t#nl#r was k *' *ih#r person, but pending hi* f * f , * r '• It was not deemed proper to known his nam# <*pi- m>:m w:hf < iiusrv Hi,., will k, nr ||, r> I'* 1 n11.% Writlrnl kurlwly. * N C , Ocl. II -Th. Mt.klki.lp- MMI cal Hoil.iy, now In *.!<* ! "4 'h following officer, 10-. lay ' * "'mint y*r >.' , A- H I'or.ll.r, Kinm City; prcMent. C. F Mcllohon. \| , t ’ e. rorvl vice pre.ijent. C. I T.„,* 4‘heviHe. N. C.; *cretary. Henry f I 'kcilevllle. Ky ; Iren.urer, LMelley lk.iii.vMle. Ky. Pul-ln-Ba>. '•*' o. the n**t ntceihik i i! * annual lunquet luck place lo ’ **premr kecrelary. ° ' 11.—Tha national con • i . , ,l '*' 1 utliollc Young Men'. In i. here elected J. M. "'uanohe, Va . eupninin aacre '""ilniiH iMelrnr. , , '' v ' Oct. 11 -The R#nub t *tlh Dl.trlcr have norm •t'la.l ' r H Ihvkerjr to nppoae urttroiaa Bellamy. , WIK(>\TIIN' thial thip. In a apart the ll.ttlcltlp Mpant-d at IH.S Knot. Santa Barbara. 'al Oct 11 -The battle, rhtp Wisconkin nmrle a aucccful trial j trip 10-day. Owing in rough neather a j late Mart w.ia ma le On the we.tern run I ~vcr a 31-kr.<n courar an ao-rage of 17 [ wwa m.i'h. The average for four hour I w*. 17. K with alrong tlie nllowince In ; fvof of th< *hlu. In a apurt a *pee*l of [ IV,. ... attatncl After the i*i*. i trial the .ht| wan turn- I **4 over to A'lmtral Kauts utui staff for manout ertng te.*t By the terms of the contract lh Wl ■ on e 1 ti *la required to .team at the rale of sixteen knot, an hour for four eon kecutlve hours, ore knot more than was demanded of th Oregon which, however, mode spurt during her trial. lenchtng 17 la knot- The Whe-annln la I.nd> ton. heavier thnn the Oregon, .trul no premium " •* off ' ••dim,. „ v<| ~ requirement of the contract Neverthe less .he has beaten the record of the Oregon at every poln*. HEI'IIHT 111 NATIONAL HANK*. Ilu.lnr.a Transacted by Them .how. Derided Inerrnse. M.shlngion. Oct. 11.-The controller of he currency ha. completed an ahslrn. t of report, of the coculltloo of all the ra tional banks In the I'nitrd States a: tto* clone of business. Sept 5. |3nn The .ununary shows that the aggre gate loan, ami discounts of the banks were J: 11W.759.*40. and the aggregate in dividual deposit. t2.307.Jt8.K7 A comparison of these figure, with the onditlon. June 39. 1100. the ngt* „f the previous rei*>rt. shows that during the per Hal Is tween Juno ttnd ttetaember there wa, ao lncreaa* of l*B 747.9 In loan. an*l dlacountt. and 849.136.790 In Individual j.. I-alts The number of hank, reporting on June r* u * 3r, - > - **4 ‘he numher reporting on sep'. a. was a,*7., an increase of lk> • orTON tnu MAY SO | r. Relieved Manufacturers NA'lll Have to I'.y ||s p,. r To „ Jackson. Mias.. ferences are being held by th. rottoo oil manufacturer, of .Mississippi with a view to controlling prices to be paid for seed The mill, are now paying |i* per ton and aa the crop I. SO per cent, short. It Is the general belief that the price will advance to at least Bla within the next few weeks Th manufaeturers stv. however, they cannot afford to pay more than the pres ent price, and that they are lo.lng money on e-rd products at th* prevailing rtguro Many of th. mills are bolding their oil In thn expectation of an advance. It Is thoiie‘ll two-thirds of the mill, will be closed down by rhrliflm.s on account of the seed abort age MIDDLt^-Ufr'-THI'.-NOADKB*. Ilnrkrr and Donnelly Ticket Nomi nated In North Carolina. Rxblgh N C. 0,1 11-The Mlddle-of. the-Road PopulDts met here to-day and nominated a full Barker and Donnelly electoral ticket The |l.; of elector. Is as folio** At large George E B"gg* and Dr V. N Aenwall District electors Flr.t, A J Mo>e, Second J. M Newlxirne; Third. Thanes I>. Francks. Fo'irth. J E Spence; Fifth. T J. Oldham. Sixth 3 A Ed munds. Seventh, t- A F-awrenee. Eighth, S T Kerley; Ninth. Umlaay I'urgaKin The Brovialonai Executive Committee was mad* perm men! with J I* man of Charlotte a. chairman and P l Gardner of Cherryvllle as secretary. IN TOW OF FOlIl Ttfi*. Alain Dae thr Hneua Vratnra Acting ■l. n It udder. New %'ork. Oct. 11.—The large*! ocean tow on record etarted this m >rnlng wh*ti the North German I.loyd steamer Main of over lO.Otti tons passed out Samty Hook at 9.36 a m.. In tow of the two ocean tug. Edgar F. latckenhach and Edward 1-uckenhnch. and two small ug*. with the steamer Buena Ventura, acting as h rudder to the big ship A start was made yealerdav afternoon, hut the Weather not being regarded suf. tlclently favorable, the Main wa an chored for the night in Grave.end bay The Main, which was in the Hoboken tire. 1. hound to Newport New*, to oe rebuilt at u coat of 8600.001. AA ILL -NUT MEET Ml WANT. Dal. *ny * Troop. Alay Re win,, drawn From I'ortn Rlrn. Wa.hlogon, Oct. 11 -The war depart ment to-day nxi.le public Ihe annual r port of llrlg Gen. Georg.- \A' Davis com manding the department of Torto Rico. II .tale, that when the organtaatlon of the civil governmem shall have l>een completed and the civil machinery I* working well, there will he no necraalty to retain *0 large a fon e as at present Gen Davis says th* armament at Han Juan should *><• increased and mole mixed and the guns cared for by a sum, lent force of artillery He says the expert ment of utilising ihe native* a. soldiers has proved a market success. GET. lilt Ititi FUR McKITLEY. A Democrat I. Tow for thr Repot, Mean*. Milwaukee. AVI*.. Oct. II —Gen Edward 8. Hragg, a Ilf* -long Democrat, who served several terms In Congress, and was minister lo Mexico under PreaMent Cleveland, to-night addressed a dlMln gutahed audience that filled the Pab.t Theater. lie apok' 111 response to a e|t slgrud by a numtier of gold Democrat.. Al! .hade* of all political paries were rep resented at the meeting The general, who .poke a* a gold Dem ocrat. advocated th* flection of M. Ktnley and Rootevelt. He was given a great ovation. MAT A l.ltA ING < I I*. Johnston and Part, Alatle a Gift to the Governor of New Hampshire. Montgomery. Al t . Get, II —A* a eequel to Ihe trip to New Hampshire of Gov Johnston and iwrty. the Governor and member* of hi* l*ff have forwarded lo the Governor of N'tw Hampshire, a hand some loving cup. The .-up bear* the mono "Not, Armls B'd Amore Vlcli!" tnot grin*, but love, conquers ) "Alabam ,-Kear sarge. June. IStSt-Septemlier. I*o. '* COFFEE FROM ANTO. Flr.t (aran More the Plaaar Ap peared at That Port. New Orleans. Oct U.—The steamahlu Strabo, with 3.300 bag* of coffee, discharg ed here 10-day. This I. the first coffee from Santos. Hraxil. since the pagua broke out Iheic eight tmmlhs ago The plague le believed to he eiatnped out Reception for Mooeesell. New York Ocl. II -A hug* re-eptlon p-t'll he given Gov Rooeevelt by New York Republican, on the evening of Of C* It will b livid in Jl*diw>n 6<|uar* Garden. *i THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. 11)00. or KRItiCH. ll# l Non l'rulhh on Hl* May lo Thr 'Krthrrlnnil*. ! Grand Hjpld#. Mich . Ort. 11.-P. Uju j Wft*#lt, sprv-ml comniiMtonrr of th* j South African R#puhlic to th* !’nii#*l ! Slat**#, to-riay r#c*tv#d * l*tt#r from S***** | ret%ry Drßruyn of th# Bo#r *nvoy*. n*nv I m lloll.ind, > or> HinnK th* ftrt reliabl* inforinntl.m of th# pint of l’r*id#nt Kruger Thr Inter otat## President. Krut#r will Live l#lorr># bay on ih* Nether letidP w.irshlp OektbrlMu) eurly In Octo i*#r tkl thus h# ha# pr#**tYiy .ilresdv #mhorlied. lie vetll he taken to HoiUixl •there !h# envoy* ar# wttirs him ‘ In r'ffarl to th# Intimation In British n# p#r* that bnirlUh warships may iw* #*nt In pursuit. Mr Weasels a#ld th# envoys were In t>ot!non lo stst# oftl* *Hv that any such action by England would t# a rrptfd by the Neth#rl*nd* a. a di rect *l#a’l*ration of war. and th# llttl# Dutch nation would act accordingly Pre*id#nt Kruger feuutrt * commission from th# Boer republics. but ex actly whst It is not even th# envoys know They suppose, how ever. that h# will endeavor to rerur# the Intervention of on# or more of th# |*iiw#ra. to th# end tliot Individuality of th# republic shall not be annihilate! As sistance I# expected from the I’nltnl Ht.ue*. M* Vessels th# reports of laru*- numbers of Boers •'migrating to Amerl .1 were unfounded He said “You need not !►# stirpt iseii If there Is a rebellion of the whole of Houth Africa be fore th# year Is out. Th# only reason th# Cap# colonists and 1 not Join u# at th# out set wheesuss th#\ no arms*’ YRTKH %\hAT t IIIt KAM %I*OA. Ttan*c V% bo %\ r# tlie t irm% and the nine Met Annin. ChaTtfiroog-i. T#nn . Oct 11 —All busi ness sessions of the Society of th# Array of th# Cumberland and the 3pnniS4i American War Veteran* being ended, to day was 4l#vet#d to the Inspection of bat tlefield monuments anil markers at Chick timauga Park In accordance with th# plan and Invitation of the national comm Is* ?* i oners. Forty in the day the veterans of the 4"inll War from both *M*v together with th# younger veterans of th# war with rtpalr. to om part led by . reiwesentatvve 'ommltte# of ('hlrkumiiuga cMixens. pro c*del to the natlonni park, th# center of whl h| ten miles from the city Alcorn lumvtng the party wet# the members of ?h# national rommlulon. Oen Boynton I>ufTleki and Swart and J F* Smart, historian o? the commisalon Each member of the party was furnish ed with blank forms on which h# wan expected to not# any errors In the loca tlons of monuments and markers in the National park or any corrections to h# suggested .is to any of the inscriptions th# Id## of the commission being to ob tain th# consensu* of opinion from th# old soldiers of both sides ss to the cor rectness of the work of th# placing and in scribing of Ibtsee monuments Th# mem oranda thus obtaln> and will b# filed with the c4mmisslon#rs at their office* In this city and. if. uf>on investigation. It Is found that h# criticism Is founded, the correction# suggested will he made At noon to-day the veterans enjoyed lunch spread on the battlefield, where many of them once were engaged in dead ly combat. A number of impromptu speeches were made { ivoKPtct; m pi; it low rot kt. Outcome of € rlintnal f a*r* That Were on the Docket. Douglas. Ga.. Oct. 11 —ln CofT#** Superior Court, In the rase of th# state against John W. Gillls, charged with murder, the state's evidence only showed that he waa guilty of Involuntary manslaughter In the commission of a lawful act, to which he was allowed to plead guilty and was fined J.T) and all costs. In th# case of the state against D. O. Taytor. charged with assault with intent to murder, a verdict of not guilty wa* renders! In the rase of th*- state against John Paulk, colored, charged with as sault with intent to rai* uj*on the n#r #on of a little colored girl, ten years old. Ilc of guilty to an aes4ult wa* entered, and the defendant was sentenced to pay a fin# of and all costs New# has reached the city thet the young man who was shot at Rills' mill on last Sunday, report of which wa* given in thr** dispatch#*, on th# Ihth. has died. fol A F! Cochran, elector for thin district, yesterday at noon mad* an able trvl patriotic *p#*rh that was well r#~ reived by a larg* audience Col Cochran - aught his hearer* from the start. Mr Kll A IPack of Savannah Is In th# city on business Mr. E. A Buck of Tlfton Is In the city. D ITK W POdtPOXRD. 111 rf • for \r w llatflrahlp* Mill Hr Opened on Dee. T. Washington, Oct 11.—The board of naval hureiu chiefs deckled to-day by a vote of four to on# to postpone the date rf opening bid* for n#w battleships *ct for Non IS. until Dec 7. when the hid* for th# cruisers also will be opened Th*- (tostfiofiement was desired by some of the large shipbuilders In order to give hem time to prepare Individual plane, which have been Invited HA*VA WILL URT 111 SY. The Aenafnr I* ehrlnleri to Make Mnay kperchea. Chicago. Ctrl. 11.-According to ar rangement* made by the National Repub lican Committee. Senator Hanna will have little more than rim# to catch Ills -reath bettveen ep*#*ht* on hi# North western tour During four days of eh# trip h# will make thirty-seven speeches, possibly more. Tbe party will leave here at noon. Ort. IS. I* tll.LI) TO AORCR. Acs* Kenltieky Mrflloa Law Will Probshl) hot Hr Pa***d. Frankfort. Ky.. C>ct 11.-The Demo r.itlt! and Republican antl-CJoehel fac tions on the Conference Commit*ee ap pointed by the Kentu ky Legislature, t# adjust che disagreement over an election bill jo take the place of th* Goebel law. failed to agree, and to-night th# leadtrs on both side* express ihe opinion that a new law will not be passed Will Land In Holland. Paris. Oct. 11.—It I* seml-ofTl' lally de nied lief# that the French government has been approached on the subject of ih# suggested disembarkation of ex preaidant Kruger at Marseilles, whenc h.* could crow Franc* to Tlie l*gu< On the contrary. It Is added. Mr Kruger Is expected to land directly In Holland roller Instead of Wnlrter*ee. Berlin. Oct. 11 -The rrelsslnnlge R#|. •ung a*y§ tha; "all that is requisite for enforcing public security in Chi U could rt* date by the chief of police of Berlin Instead of Count von Welder*##.’* a number of Jingo papers viciously attack thi# etatemen* to He t arrilrtal HarllnellJ. B#me Oct 11. —It U asserted that Areh h,hop Martlnelll will he raised to tha ca/- diualaie ai the oeai caoaUtory. 0 , FEWER HU OTHER Aversar of Meuihershlp tla* low De creased to Only 10. Richmond. Va . Oct u —The nations' Msembly of the Brotherhood of ttt An Ire# met at 2 & |* m First Vice Presi dent O Harry Davis called the body to order More than ,’*v <lelegater represent* i Ing nearly every state in the I'nlon. had : registered as proem when the convention met. The report of the executive council iuis that since the date of the last report twenty-nine new chapters have been char ti red ami six chapters, which had pr* vlously surrendered their charters, have mk*Hl for reissues, a total of 3L" On th* other hand. W charters have surre dciod their charters Th>' net dacreas* In number of * hepter# U, therefore. 14 Th. rharter* still In for’c number 1,172 Eight rears ago ih# average m#mbrr#hlp wa* I fourteen It is now only ten Tha Junior department grows strati ly. Thor# are now about R.anft boy# and youths enrolled In fh 411 chapter* In obedient'# io the instruction* of ihe Columbus convention, th# council h 'iiggested i<> the tounclls of other national brothcrhooil* that the rule of aarvl slmiiid l># confined to th- term* of the Washington ha*ia of union n# a sup to wards such resentment as may ultimately he agrec| upon. The Washington basis reads: The ru!e of service !• :o make an ear nest effort each week to bring at least one voting men within th- hearing of the Kospci of Je*u* t’hrlst At ll o'clock this morning the opening service of the convention proper was held al 8t Tsui's Church, th# Right Rev R A Glhs.vti bl*hop i'oadjutor of Virginia, delivering the charge lo Ihe assembly. At 4 p m % general conference was hold atl tlresee* being made by William t\ dtur gls cf New Haven, and John It Mott, general secretary of the World # Btudm rhrlatlan Feileration. and at R p m at St Paul's Church, a devotional service In preparation for th# holy communion, was held, being conducted by the Rev T D Bratton of St Mary's School. Ral eigh. N C W tvnilMX NEWS NOTES. Il.mi n# Intrrr.l From thr %% tre xr,,.' Mnxlr I 11,. Waycrwx. Ga.. Get II. —K J K-rt-rfr, who Irft hrrr to Jotn thr rrxular army, ha- hrrt. hrxr.4 from nt Fort Grant. .Yrliotix. on thr Mr>l> 'i bonier Hrtilr r Hnuthrrn Bolytrihnte 8-hool o|,rn up Mnmtav tn thr nrw huMdlnx rrrrtrrt for It on Church 'rrrt Thr Jamrrtown Rchool near hrrr clorcr with a bis rntrrtalnmrnt. rct 19 Thr nrw <onrrl ion a I Chur-h, fit ihr Waycror, <litrl,-t. ai It* rrornt con frrrncr. rrportr.l a total m"mh*r,htp or IS. 6 fi additions havinx hrrn tnadr to it* mcmhcrahlp last vrrr Thry report thr'c Sunday 3 hclr with 118 member,. Rrv w. J. Googr of Graham wa* elect ed preetdent of thr conference |f R Ca ron. vice prrrldent, and D W Dren. *rc retary. The next conference wIM he held at Pine Grove Church Thl* I- one of the dlatrtcl* of the new Cnnarr* it tonal Meth odtai Church, founded hy the late Hon \\ Milam A McDcuaM The letter boxer have been put tn po*l tlon ready for the free deMvery ayetem to he Inaugurated Nov. I Trinity Church Is handaotncly de or.ted for the tvpworth League conference which convanea here to-morrow About .eventv five delegatee will he in attendtnee from all carta of the Waycroas dtetrtct Water taker* are raising somewhat of a atlr with the coromlaaton. growing out of a recent report of Superintendent B D Finn He report, finding a large num her of faucet* that had not been repor'cl prevtoualy ihla year, and all bill* for the preaent quarter Include ihcae extra* from Jan. 1. Sam McDonald, a while man. wwa be fore T'nlted Slatea Commleaioper John T. Myern thl* morning, charg. and with robbing th* poetofflee at Emerald, In Irwin coun ty Me pleaded guilty to the charge igaln*t him. and Comml*a!on*r Mycra fix ed hie hall at 83nr>. In default of which he wa# taken to Savannah Jail The beat five scores mint* bv the mem here of the Waycroa* Gun Chib veeter day afternoon were, out of a poolhle 16. bird*: Morrlxon. 23. Brewer, 22 Swain 21 Allen. 21: Hkellev 2! The Duke Academy School will close It* session to-morrow t'ol W H Branham and Col Ed F. Jefford* will deliver ad dreaae* Tlie Fain Bros 1 Cigar Company held a meeting laat night In Col. J L Crow ley'* office, and organised officer* will h.- elected later. At piP-atlon ha* Ite-n made for n charier The capital stock I* li.W. divided Into share* of 82Jl each. REt)AINED YVIFF. FROM tIYMRY. Aged llu*l,nn.l. I'len F tier live In n %\ H.hlngtnn t nnrt. From the New York World Washington. Oct 9.—Mingled tear* and eloquence tn Judge Thntna* J Mackey'a plea befora Juatlce Cole. In th* DlMrlrt Court here to-day restored to him hi* wife, not yet thirty yeare of age. who. at Ihe Instance of her family, ha* heen con fined In the government honfiltal for thi Insane since lasi June The aged lover and veteran ,oldler. who u more lhan 70 year* old. ran from the court room, leaped Into a < arrlagr. and drove ax fast aa the horse, could carry him to Si Kllxaheth'a with an order from the Court for hla wife'* re lease A little over a year aso he married Mt* J’orlarfi-ld. a daughter of Col. George A INirterlleld. of West Virginia. In the far* of much nppoDtton on the part of her family becau,* of the disparity In their age*. Soon after their mrrrtag* Mre Mac key waa brought to Washington and con fined In the government asylum Th* writ of habeas corpus drawn by hat husband wa* tried to-day, and Judge Macgey hlmaelf argued the egae III* wife was a mime** and during her ex imlnalton she said that her husband had "altno*t killed her with kindness." and that sne loved him and longed to he with hint again. Bhe complained bitterly of her in carceration tn the asylum The testimony showed that Judge Mac- 1 key had made frequent viilis to hlx wtf. at night, scaling the wall* of the asylum to talk to her through the barred win dow* of her ro.m Tn# eourt releas'd Mrs. Mackey On the ground that there was not sufficient proof of unsound mind to Justify her detention. POWELL EXPELLED. Mellon, Telegraphers Get llld of Their ex-Presldrnl. St. Ijtuta. Oct. 11 W V. Powell who for seven ysar* was grand president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, war expelled from the organisation to-day hy a large majority of the votes of the dee gates present. Tha vote for expulsion came after a trial lasting nearly two day*, at which Imlh thr prosecution and defendant were reprwented hy counsel, and careful In vestigation of Ihe charge* wa* made Th charge against hit Powell was conduct unlHtromlng a member and officer of tlie order The Investigation of Secretary Perham la pending To-night some of Mr Powelfe friends stated that they had no doubt he would seek redress through the courts",* Nch.Mil t htMrrn. St. Joieph. Oct ll A fund for the ben efit of tha Galveston schoolchildren wa# started In thl* city to-day. among th* at tendants of tb* public schools and BSk> waa raped. . a AT HI PFALO. j Olßcrra I hnsen for Ihr Matunl Bra*, nt Association Buffalo N Y Ocl. 11 —The Catholic Mutual Benefit Association By-day Increas 'd the per apttu tax from 60 lo 76 rent* lie caller Benefit* will lie paid only I, j hloo.l telailvra of the Inaurel or pernou# dependent upon then% John J. Hynes of Buffalo, grand rhan- I rellnr of New %’ork ws rlr led supreme iwealdcnt The other supreme offi' era wen re-elected. J II Green of Detroit wa* elected to ■he board of trusters, ami M J M< Mahon | of Pittsburg was elrclad to the law com mittee lll*h.H> yuigley ol Buffalo will prob ably be named n* spiritual adviser b, Ihe j board of Irustees, and Dr J T Kinsley of timah , supreme medical cxamlti. r Pittsburg a* selected us the tub lilac* of meeting and the convantlon adjoutncl Y Serle. of Fete*. Purls. Oct 11.—A serle* id f*tes In con- I nection with the closing days of the ex l'-liloo oj*en. | ml* afternoon with n pr tale and ballei oti th" river Seine along i th* front of Ih* exys>sltlon On* of the ohjerti nf these fetes I* to get rtd *f enor mous sorptu* of ticks;# by giving several . tickets for one admlagion. Th* exi*>si tlon is non within a month of closing and out of ti.tvoi xi tickets Issued, li.iwy>n , ore slid unsold 1.. A. H. itlMcer*. | Chicago, Ocl U -Cnromander-ln-chlef lta*- ur of ihe G A It to-day announce I hi* "ffi. lal staff and committee* * hlch will have char*- of the various branch** | of th* oreanlxatlon's work this veer Th* .(T appolntmenla are Inapa'ct r general. Henry 3 Pwk New Harm, tNymi . Jud ■ idv.wulr xenrta'. Jum 1 -* II YY*.,!ff lYos'on. I senior aide-de-camp atid chief of etaff, Edward N Ker hum. Galv.ston. Flour YHIIIna Inni'**). New York. Oct 1! -Announcement I* made that the Hiandutd Flour Milling Company, Is now in process of organisa tion a* the -ucceesor of the t'nlted Plats* Flour Milling Company, which was re cantly In lh- hnnds of a reorganlalng com mittee Like* Home's Imperlultsm. Berlin. Oct. 11 Th* Berlin everting pa lter*. In Ih.'lr ■ *wnnicnl upon the cere mony. .*mpha*l*. Kmi* mr YVllllcm's gte .t fondness for and admiration of indent Human Imperialism as lllntrat*.l *n the dt-dlcallon pr gtanini" YYoollcy nl t ie. eland Cleveland. O Ort 11 -Over IS)' lr son* greeted John O YY volley Prohibition candidate for Prealdent. at Gray a Ar mory here to-night A torchlight proces sion. head.d l>y a hand, prs ded the meeting Finer IPMDE-DOWN 1401*96. Not the Part* t'nrln. but a I abln In Arkansas. From the New Orleans Times-Democrat "The 'l'pshle |town House." which has attracted so much attention a* a Mid way' feature at the Pari* Exp.*ltlon Is not the first curio of that kind on record." said an old resident nf New Orleans "YY'hen I wa* lioy my father had a farm on the I'pper Arkansas, neat YY'ilson's bluff, and one of our neareel neighbors was a settler named Acworth. wlio had built hlmeelf a rude story-and-a-half kg cottage on th* edge of our clearing In 69 or '4O -1 forget Ihe exact date th* Ar kansas Valley a' that point was vlwlte,| by a terrific lyelone that xlg-aaged amiss the cour.try. uprooting tree, like weed*, smashing house* |!k eggshells and leaving a trail of devastation by which Ms progress ran be marked up to thl* very day Acworth'* cabin stool on the extreme margin of the path of the storm, anti when th* wettler and his wtf* heard the uproot they rushed out to seek shel ter elsewhere, and were killed almost Im mediately hy a filling tree At like same lime the log house was picked up bodily, carried nearly am yard* and de|*>*lted up side tlown Itetwean a collide of Idg oaks 111 the font of a hill. It waa i solidly built littlf slruclurc ami although It was tremendously Jarred and shaken. It had held together ami brought up pra th ally Intact. VY hen found next day ihe cabin wae ihe marvel of Ih* countrywide, and It was al first proposed lo cut .kisn one of the oak* ami set ll to rights again On furlhsr examination, however. Ihe netgh nors dotifluri'd that It would probably col lapse while being turned around, and. a* poor Acworth wa* dead and nobody had any special Interest In tin* wreck. II was filially left a* It stool, and remained there lot many years—ln faet, until It gradually tell to piece* As you may easily Imagine. Ihe up-elde-down house was a great resort for the hoy* of tin vicinity, and Its un canny appearance and tragic history gave It a aort of fearful fascination fo us youngatera. I well remember k ttw we used lo elambar Into the window* and I'lay bandit there In 'layllght, hut none of u* was bold enough lo approach It ol nlghi A- worth's cabin can umloubtcdly claim priority of right* n* the original up side-down hone* H antedated th* I'arle lan concern by fully half a century. HEATHEN YIEYY Mb' t YIID PLAYING Natl,* Yeroant of the Mite* Observ ed b a Siamese In Paris. From the Paris Gaulols Avery rurfous and Intereatlng letter ha, heen written to a compatriot hy a Siamese visitor to Paris, in which th* ob servant Asiatic r*cOtd* hla Impressions of card f laying In Hie upper clrclea of the French capital He aays: "The French declare that they worship cn* God only, but I do nol believe It Fo* beyond the living God to which on.- see, them pay their vows, they have several other Inanimate deities lo which that sacrifice, as 1 have remarked In one of their assemblies where I chanced to lie pit uni There was to be seen a large round altar, decoraied with a green cloth, lighted from above, and surrounded by several persons who were seated, its we are In our domestic rltee YVhan i en tered. one of them who appeared lo b# th" pi lest, spread ii|s>n thr altar several i leaves whi< h he detached frrm. a llttl* h*ok that he held In hi* hand I'pon Ih* leuvaa were depleted several figures, very tttdly painted which, however, seemed to be ihe represents!lons of several gods for. according a* they were distributed around Ihe circle. *a It of the dero se* placed an offi ring according lo his devotion 1 observed lltal the offer ings were very much larger than those which are made In th*lr public temple* "Aftar th* ceremony of which l hav# spoken, the prlei raised hla trembling I,and to the real of Ihe book and appear ed several time- seta and with 'ear and in ' a stable of action All the other*, await ing what he was about lo do, remained motionless and ei|>eo!artl A* each leif was Inspected Ihe ape-rator* appeared variously agitated acordhtg lo Ihe dif ferent emotions which Influenced them, fins, with joined hands, raised hi* eye# lo heaven, another ground hla teeth, a third bit hi* linger* and Beat bla feel on the floor, and at last al of them adopted I. tl, Il l's .'fid ■' l*"'l with such singular contortions that they scarcely appeared io ha human beings Hut scarcely had the priest turned over certain leaves than h# became himself enraged, tore the hook, upset the altar, and cursed the ceremony one heard now only laments tlons. crls and Imprecations On seeing t cm thus furious and p s-e-sed. I Judged that the god they worah.p*d was a Jeal ous god, who. to inintah them for sacri ficing to other dottles had caused each of them to be possessed by a bad spirit." The Public Look tor It! THEY EXPECT IT! A Surprise From Us. And We Generally Give It to Them. But the big sjlo in Men’s Clothing beginning to-day will surpass all past surprises. These Scotch weaves Overcoats at $5.50 is an opportune offer with this chilly weather biting you* But See the Bargains in Winter Glothes & BULL’ STS. VARt YRLE AT Yl4*. Easy On* for Yimlrnr* In nk.rrvf, and linn to Do H.* 9'rcm K nov. ledga ll Is >4 ysars sine* Dtivll Fabric!.**, | itt of lb* carli*#t ohsar, *r* of sun *io!s, noticed thm a star in ms nck of ua. tha Whale, which he had observed Au gust, 1696. lo he of !h third magnitude, had disappeared b> '.tclohci This appeal ed an observation o, gr- u 'nipcrtanca, since It seemed to show llwst Ills fix' J stars ore not nil of them jw-rmanent, hut that they might die our Seven year# lat er Bayer recorded a four magnitude t>r In precisely Ihe same poattlon a# that which Kahrlclu* had nolud to hav* dis appeared Here, however, the matter rest ed for an entire generation, and II wae nol until 1(43* that Ifolwarda dele ’*<l fh star again as of Ih* third magnitude In Decsmlwr. but found It disappear In th* following summer fo reappear again In in* autumn This star, therefore, ttmlcron Fell, which received from Helvellu* the name of Mira, the wonderful alar was Ih* first to l>*< om* known a* a periodic varl able Th# first star, that Is to eay. In historic time* There le another more striking even lhan Mira, which It seem* likely was noted by .he forgotten astronomers of Arabia ur Ih* valley of fhc hiunhrafs* c ’nttirles before even HlnparchU* and I'tolemy compil'd their catalogue* Tht Is Beta in th* constellation I’srseu*. le scribed hy Plolsmy as Ihr principal Mat m (he head of the Gorgon Mc dusla which Ih* hero I* rapt# smted as arrying In It* hand This star ha# com* down to us from the Arab, with th* name Algol, th* Demon 31 ti and It Is al least * probability that It owel this name lo Ihe fact that thougl ordinarily of the second magnitude I alnk* down almost lo Ihe fourth at pe fs. tly regular Inlerva.* of two day* anu twenty-on* hour*. The variability of Algol was discovered In modern times bv Montnt art In 1649 un I II was rediscovered by Ooodrlck* In The lathr discoverer two year, later ad ded two other viirlah’e, t Fir I‘st Beta Lyra*, with period of very nearly Ihlr leen day*, ami Delta Capbel. with one f fly* find otte-lhlrd day* At this .late scarcely more than a century ago. Ihese four star* wer* almost Ihe only vari ables known to its. anl variables con tinned lo la> rare object* until lh< middle of thl century. Now their numbers have t.ecn added to so greatly that Ih* cata logue prepared by Frof < 'handler In l,x comprise, ao. th* variability of which I* fairly well sibll*hed. and new member* of Ih* tlaa* are being discovered every month. Th* four star* first mentioned are all well 4n view during Ihe September night- The most striking star with which to Is gin t* Algol. The Student, avoiding all ref erence* to Ephemeral##, should look mil al regular intervals and compare th. brightness of Algol wllh certain of tile neighboring star* Ordinarily Alpha I'et **l will he distinctly but not verv great.y brighter lhan our variables, while Gam m*. Delta. Kpallon and /.eta will he dis tinctly fainter Al a IMG* greater .11*- tancs are Alpha and Beta Arleiis. th* l'ir m*r slightly brighter the latter sllahtly fainter lhan Algol. Alpha and Bela Trl angtill ar* at no great dletatme nod are good comparison Siam when Algol ha* be gun to fad* ft will nol be long before the observer will find that hi* star la undergoing a change and that It no longer nearly ri vals Alpha Per eel nr Gamma Andromeda* In brightness Directly this Is rtotlcel systematic observation should he Ivgun. A atar should he chosen reasonably near, distinctly brighter lhan th* varlsh e. and a aecond star distinctly fainter. It Is usual among variable star ..'.servers to estimate the*" differences In "step*, these “Steps" corrsspomllng generally to about a tenth of magnitude though proli ably Ihe beginner will make his steps con siderably larger Inaei this The cenlr.l principle, however. I* that two aiara should he aaleclwl one of which lo the oh server I* .dear to he fainter lhan th- va rlalhie. and the mher brighter at.l >r both of them pretty ns- hs vartab. , l.tiglttnes* The st'KV-nt should further lie careful to record whe'her th* difference between lit* variable aid the fainter star I* equal io or greater or l*s* man th# difference between 1t and the I fighter slar Having made on* get of satisfactory observation*, th# student should leave the star for ;i wh4l*-e#' for half an hour *n<l then make an entirely fte-h te of observation* if he should he forluna e enough to hit upon the beginning <>f a minimum hi* second observation will show him the star somewhat fainter than the first and Ihe. difference will henime mo-, marked ala third obaer,atlon. The so Mrs period of decline and r> ov. ry for Algo; Is nine houre. the tight fading for (our and on#-half hour* remain ing constant for a few mlnut.a nn.l then gradually Increasing again for another period of four and one-half hour Th# light change* therefore ala most rapid rat* at about two and one-fourth p oU rs before minimum or about th* interval afterward, lhai la to ay. when the Change I* about half .-ompleie.l The observation is a simp.* one. with no anesaorles of hrlllltnl lights or pleasing colors. Yet the young otMerver esnemt. w* think, but experience a real pleasure wnen for the first time hi* ohservailon carefully and systematically me I and duly recorded, show him beyond a doubt that he ia witnessing the dimming of the Demon Star; that he Is watching **ro*a untold million* of midlona nf mil.-, of she partial crlipse of lhai far distant a-tn There anil be a aense of achievement, greater and not less be cause iY haa been acoomplished by hla unaided sight than tf h* had had tha help uf some great Insirument And If there l-e In hlni any of the stuff nf which astronomer* are mule hf wilt sum cngcrl, for other object* of study ami will will with mucti Inlarcst for oin opportunities of wa idling Algol It I- of course, well known now lhat the vartanllKy of Algol Is due lo Its hav ing a dark • omtattilon which revotvea round ll In snout sixty-nine hour* Th# variation In llda Lyrae Is of a more com plicated kln.l Hero there are two mini ma, one lee* pronounc'd than the other, and we Infer therefore that lit thl* casa lioth star* are bright and that they alter nately cdlpwe each other The variation I, Ires than with Algol, being hut littla more than a single magnitude. Delta Cep he! has a variation of much the some untnuut a* lleta Lyrae. hut II differ* from that star In lhat It has a slow decline and a quick recovery—th# decline being hour*, the recov ery thirty-eight Hit 1 I I*ll IIKH'i IN THOf III.K. YI ter Ylafekln# He t eme Over and Resleartl the tenderloin. From the New Y ork If. raid Fa pi Ronald Monerteff, who helped de fend Muf. king. traveled sixty mli*a through th most densely crowded part of Ihe Tctidet nln In Ihe early hours of yesterday morning ll# made a forced march In a cab under the most trying cntidltlone, at times enduring the tortures of thirst, and In a district ni poorly pro vldcl with water It would have gone Ml with one lees a uMome.l lo privation and parti Th* . apfaln Is now at th* lA'aldorf- Ystort i, resting from hla arduous Jour i *y. Ha began tn raise thr siege of Mafsktng n lit* Trnderloln at a few minut#* aft*r nldnlght yeetrrdav morning hailing a nemh*r of Ih* Night Hawk Fu*ll**rs, who had a cab and an attenuated siesd. The cab wo* old and rickety, and com - urcl lo It cart such ae ls used In trek king over th* veldt would have lorn con sidered an eqtll|*ggc Fapt Mon rl. IT had t'cei; th* companion In arms of Colonel tnow Major General! tiadsn-Powell, and th<- gallant captain ka llevtsi lhat It" was bock at Mafeklng and had Iteen sent off poethast* wllh some message of Importance Therefore hs rode with all *|iecd. ttrui did nol slop un til tic had covetd all ihe principal straeta of the Tenderluln, In every truth, seemed lo lo- lined with lager*. He slop ped si every place of which he knew, and then at all the ph.cvs ihe rauman knew, an.) between them they covered the ground pretty thoioiigfilj Flti.illy as Ih* dawn apiteared he * .anmanded Ih* cabman to drive toward the rain-obscured sun Y Although Ihe horse was fagged and tha spirits of the cabman had begun to .troop, the process of raising the siege of Mafek lng or whatever It might he called, waa continued wllh hut wllghlly diminished ardor Al last th* cabman protested that although h did not mind an all nlghi drive, he . ould noi but objeet to keeping up Ihe Journey through all the succeed ing .lay. 11* ihereupm peremptorily re fused lo pro *"'! and demanded 815 for the fare. .'apt Moncrlfff. wllh e*ce*alve dignity, declared that thA price was extortionate, and so ho was drlvsn In royal stale lo Ih* West Thirtieth Greet police station, where Ih* question of compensation wa# argued in . xtenso and. M may be added, ad nan,earn ft wa* then halfpast nln# o'clock, and the c.,hman Intimated that (IS wae not an extortionate price for a Journey of nearly ten hours. H* finally Hired however, with some show of tear*, to accept iin The captain did not hav* any money with him, owing to the ex penditure* for supplies whhYv he had baen obliged to make M, his Journey, and a kln.llv pot ire sergeant permitted him to rest In lh elation house. ("apt Moncrleff finally sent lo Ihe Wal dorf-Astoria, where hi# friend are I distant kinsman. James Patterson Reott, la reald- Ing, and. Ih* necessary money being speedily provided. Ih* gallant frontlr tnan returned to the hotel for breakfast. That hi* tlilrsl for adventure I* fsiwer- Jul can be seen when It Is stated that h* raent out driving again yesterday after noon. Capt. Moncrleff belong* to a distin guished English family, and la th# hrothar of Ihe Dowagsr Dudley. Duches* of In* the siege of Mafeklng. and Is atiffar- Athol He endured great hardships dur ing from a wound received In ih* B**r war. It Is said lhai he received a letter from Ihe ITlnc* of YY'alrs complimenting him upon hl gallant conduct In thr Brfllab earvlc# He was si Newport during th* aiimmar and attracted much attention at th# trad ing hot els. lie l now eonducYln* negoti ation* for the production of a play based upon Ih* siege of Mafeklng. to b* called Th- Whoh World Through " Tha tain Will supply the local color and Mr. dcotl Is said to h* Ih* financial hacker. —Prof Hosslter of Victoria, B. C., points out the analogical analogic# of tha Y'ttkon gold hill* and Ihe aurlfarou* sier ra* of Fallfornli and Oregon Hundred* and hundred# of mil** of similar forma tions, h aay. extend from III* Era#r rtv*r northward, and unless th# law# of pra ha hlllt V entirely fall that regiosi will h< dotted with honanxo camp# before th* middle of this century. *"d perhaps be fore lha end of the preaan* decade. —Alfred Owynnc Y’ander v!IF# new wror c will h* for some tlm* largely concerned with siinph bookkeeping >|> will not ,>• ao hnr.l for him as while h# waa at 8t Paul'# 8> hoot and at Yale he *j, treasurer and tkx>kk**P*r Of savanil largo organlxatloos and took to the work. 5