The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ENVELOPE WAS $5,000 SHY. HTftt*<;r thi •- \ 'iiii-si*:m OF SOAK* II) RIFHKW. An t.n%rln|ir l tli.* i *' n * irnl IlitnU f )‘h * ~r* * for )lr. iiMtlHii' l!i*hlrl *" 'lr- I'.nill I'.r*k*(r>ll. nt **innli. <"■ lull,, Ml. f lO.fMMI. I.HI I % ( n S". (H.< l . Hrut r,l t I on (nln *lnl| 4MM* m Irrli Hi llrrr—Tfci* lirnriin , r Iri I imrroMiilrrt l <,r —'* r - Km 11 Krkilrlli'i kminnl of ihi* 'rrnni.tlon INI* I'nil of *^•* Mnr-lm rillaiillmi. rt- In l'ro rro, irtoryol - kurlß.il !•<• ; > ~ • <1 nhun . >. ally . it. .I. •'* ' N'W Yortc IMTVI —nt u Or A*ru it I I'tn *••* Ti- Kr> , mi 11- 1 - M mini N-nr from I hr* A*-* .-••• I*m. >- n r i. liiiM.n.- K. ksitrln. • Nn* V. k Mi r. *n!.t Ivr of „ Hav .BMh whol. .1 .lr> • *- hot* IU.I .to **l of liir |Mirtnr* i. it. I* imi ai< ntvl <* ut | i, l.a' hit I—-•*.- of *•"’• n til, it to outtn in n -nvrloin .-nt •' • ' m .k* *1 I ' 1 ' • min. .1 llonklr -nm ihai It - 'll' I, • - tlon only ••• I- I 1 .ir.4, forth r-im.iiß -0r... Aav 1-* • k Mf Krk.lrln mii t.> t':* (>ntr;il V. i! m 1 f’.aiik wh r* h* U d*-p f. r .m I ii- a a rh- k for 15* rq. *klng th** . .I*l Mf Y*'U?ig. * or | Mils of I!r* '• t .mlnsiKi He v. t* given tune *>m * r .ft flr.llAl ”* flv.-hunrrd .1.1! MIN Tnsn In- a-;,ed Ihs <.i bier to *i;ivr them put Ifi •* Di'g* l #!. Vl*lf‘ (*' . *** W .111* 1 Ito *•'! 1 t’* l ** by oxt>r This wia l<m* and Hie | . t a ham!< 1 t.> him Tlmi a.wrt*;g to ti, r'ory told by the i-hler. th met h int nru) marked 11>** <nv 't-*T*< %•.**** ! *• iVr.f' returned it to the - ii-htrr nt request* t him h f*rw rl t • Suvanroin mUmg wuth the ?•-t *f th* uh l.u n Th*‘ PHYPIofM' ' • tliro. :*>l * Mr 1., k stein s w/i* t tin h- ‘-I *f tl.* ?A.vsr.t.-t*. lions* Air Yo-iik took it Mr l*> kM*ln 4. ft *it !,; mk •'At (hf 4os-* of lMi-*|,. *- Mr F+'k stein’s j.v kK . miirk' -l f *v. t ikn lo an offn'o of tin A.ioni Kxpi. v *oni |>any M a f th* t>tik \*• cv-lp! e- i-.l f. t an marko.S on.l i4 wa-i farxartlf'-i !* ■ • ’• wittti th- *thT fM, k*K" of nM4i > that h.*.l Irom Itx* wiir* Itnnh “Xothtt'K • . nnl **f i ')• tu it '* r 'in*.l J.ito Tu* *.lv nltfht. mfwl t!‘n Mr <!up tivp K*t fi.*m nix Mot be' in Saxnrwish, *.ylru: that th> • Vf’ktip'' fii-l n-• i riv i'ivi‘l, Imt t* onmi In - j oniv fs,t* It tt* peihi tlUPtav** i Kok.’.toin bii.t %vlt t. n his hr*Ah*-r of Mjo tnm>Ai tlon. nmt tbat th.- .‘nvHpr wouUI contain f!o,<n*i‘ Mr matter into the* t of hlx attorn* v " As tbo Arm of Gu*tav<> Kt’kxfrln A t’o. b/ only m • ntly .llssolvnl. ant .‘ toth |>artnorj an w**l known In Havannah, th# j story Is natuialiv of whin b‘ rr Mr Ktnll K-k t*lr .'* n hi* • ni*ht at bli* r# Kl.h n< . No. "!* IluntlnKl*n ptr*4. ra*t. t*\ t Mornlnn N* a- rc|*>ri.r nd ha< *kM what hsht ti** rould throa upon thn rcpoct.Nti dlMpiK-aianc 1 . of th* , |s.fioo Mr. I>kxtf*ln wai at first nvrrss to <lls ci#<lnK thr matter, but when toUl that the Afs.x iatr.l l*r hal wnt tti** stry out from Now York h* mad* a full stats- I m* nt Tno motley, or rather th** rnvpl* opa sabi to i 4itsin the flo,ooo. h* wld, | notlve I hen on th J*wJ.hli New Year, Hep* 21. amf wan d*llvrr.d at the ; store of Kck*!* In A Cos. on Brouirhln str* et. the .l.*y followlm:. Tiiaailay. J 4 * ,t. | 25 .Mr U (1 J4*'hw urr ? *aum who his Men the rontbU nttal man of tin- firm for , several years. n<l who was his brother’s j representative In the dissolution. mil who Is now in t’harae of the store with powt r <if attorney, w.s |r‘** , nt, both at the re rfdVlnK and the o;*enltiK of the envelope and saw that it only * *ntiinl F< '*•* "I have iNtn ;ulvl**d t*oth by my at torne>s tint) th** ri*r*r* ntatlves **f the gfcrtMnern Kxi r* >s *%mi|an> *’ sl*l Mr j K kst. n. “to say nothin# %vha;ever nlxtut the- matter, l-ut us the story baa been mhl- imolt It is not n**< • --* iry to main tain -■ r- > Itoth Mr Hchwarxbaum anti mv#*|f ha*l le*en udvlxsd ty mv ! brother <>f b*s tntentior of shipping IHum I here by ex pries in the manner lesorHs*l In your th** repre>* ntatlve of my brother In th** j dissolution. I mil r*s-i !v* i 'l n letter from him fftvlnir Jie particulars of the shl|s ment. I h.*l r**< i ivwl a (Mistal cant, in which the amount <-ontttln*'l In the en velo|s> w.i*. given in .in *;.! cipher, for- ! Werly nse-i by th** firm of l’‘r ink A K k i stein, th** cipher statufln# f*r tpi.tam ow ing to the of this* shipment w. naturally :eok • ireful note of it. **\Vh< n the cnvel *f>r- w.i *lel|vere<l nt } our office, the day after New Year’s. Mr Schwarsbatim was ir -ent. uiml . all.*) m\ attention to the f.iet fria; 1 was onl\ signing for f ■•*> an.l at his suK--silon I called the attention of the express mH eetig. r to the f.ict The * nvel< |. was tsk en to the l><* kk - per’s and sk ami 1 asked Mr. Hehw.irxbaum for the use of hi** knife He replied that ue had I -a y.| it to on** of the young la*ilas and siarterf to set It. 1 ;* cash boy und setit him for th* knife. On Ivin# it I cut open the env* and found ii\. fioou bills Kuir of were legal tender not* * and on* was a 11.000 gold • ertltb ati 1 Hotel this fa* t because It was the that gold certifi cate of thi- det •miration | had scan, though 1 had sect many of IMI and Isas **tktli Mr. Kchwatzhaum and m\s*lf re marke*t at ; • ti;*i the f t that th* envelope onlv > nti.n. I Mr Hchwarshaum remark* and that |w> #lbly two en%-elo|ie** hat beet. >.*n with each, though our advl* e* er* not to this ef fect, und went t th. ixpre-s offb*** wher** h** IrKiuiry. 11-* was Informed that there was n other pa. hug* of this har acter for us I ImrmdUtteiv n<lvls**d my brother ly wire of Ih* *llk r.*pu .*>. l-iter I c.>nf*rred with tn< • \p**-s p* ... pie atid with one of lh*tr attorneys Mr Bteph**ns of dultigrion A Ht* ph< -* T *lr request wfis tbai 1 **hould k*ej> absolutely qtslet untV the matter u l inv* - gated. Our own attorneys. Carrard A Meld rim. gave the sam sdvk* “When I first opened the lctrr m I took tMSt tht r | *T tore the envelop*- halt in two and t *s It one ski** When I discovered ’h discrepancy 1 rondudnl *h. ii wMiid I*-- well to ke p th. enveJofM* ai>d pla< **d It m the safe A day or two later, after re , - Ing positive assurances from tny brother that the letter hud .ordained |HM> c I inu.k' a mofi cr*ful Investigation and found that it h oi evidently be. ii oje-n 1 anil pa*i-d l>g*?thsT again t*efoie r .idling me. This proved *ooclulvel) Ihui the eflvelo|e had t.uii|ei.| with, wher , It Is Impos'dbl* to *v Mr . K kste.n md that It wu \ **rv un usual for i!K*ic> t. Ih epr*'S •*1 in i manuer, the amount ehlpi*. 1I -- Ing l ire* .> in * xc* -- *•' the anwxim sut •, ond h* was it a loss to explain his brothers action In th** matter. Th** ex press company i>. of course, only liable for the amount nominal!) intrusted to Its cars, <4i which charge* were past Air. fcekstem wrote tne t'entrai National Itank iftout the matter, and received * j repl> from fishier fhirl*- S Yxing 1n which the la’ter at tH| *o*ltlvely chat i the money was snipped as directed, the envelope containing nine ll.ooh bills **rd two bills, the figure* li.W being placed on the envelope and tne envelope ; expressed for thr amount. “The package could not have been tam pered with this side of Jersey City." snd Mr. Eckstein, “as 1 have been Informed ! b% the . xpre— people that this pi kagr with-• % era I oU)*rs. p|*<w| in an j *x;.r - * t-xi* at Jerw* \ <*ity, t:e ,-afe not 'in .|h ied until its arrival here. ! •< utuy • vplain the loss hy tn suppo*i it it an* |H*rM4i :• th* l*atik rn■ i-* ! hive nverheard th** instructions gj\ti ' ti. by m* brother, and have *K.<nh>ge nf the ♦ lr amstancee. s iHJi*- ' rn* a' + of i cold* de, a ln |h* l *nk *r w h the expr* romimiiv * i*. imp*s*l*.,. •- *a) The ae* is a very mysterious Not*ithetaiMflmt: t r*>*ent ll h solution *.f the firm said .V|i K k iein, ni' bro* h* r ,tn*l I .ir*- on the be-t c.f term*, *• I 1 regret cx<-ceding!,\ hts **f this amount Th* dlssolutloti had b***n r* tit .••! though I had not uto n eff -i at t * * imi ii -1 if** m*>ne> wat* to be used in • * ing m\ Inter.-at In h firm It w • •x ***llriglv lortunat* IN Mr Hchwarr.- baum. w.'io 1- file |s r **i l fej>rrsefi*a # lv** • ! in> ! rot/li r should have happened to I* *nt wh*n the **nv. |oj*e was r* cel' -I and op* re I others b I shouai *k>ilbtfee h*v- of ned the envelope alirw a l tilighl )• i live been -uoJ*<t> I to unjust *i*p. top In ft * matter * Mr l -k.-' n *ll that i he Is n* g* fating with well known firm- her* with n view ? f* *-n*erit!g bu-:t li Hv.fih nh it i- natural nnple -ar.f f r tiitn f*> hav# mvthlng **/ this kind is -ut ftsne*> th*- matter has l-* n made toh|lc. how -1 . \et. tie W.I- p< fee fly willing, he said, t - make a full st itement of hi> knowledge •* % 111 n him nm> h:h. Tv% rnp -we llnllnrt hiil vpi) 4 rnl* Istsrrai 11 in ii *1 ct for • s.* I,nas. <o •• an Intel* sting **,•*■ that w.i- *-ar*l v i r<inv <ft*ri, '4i tn th* f’ourt f Mair i tri ■ Natl-..i - was tha# **f Annl* An I* r ti. * .lor* and. \*if i th* I'hiiad* Iphla I.oan o*?l * . t>f will* n 11. 1,. In k* is nrut*ru lor. and < M Mal|*h*m. manager. The gro.’.nd on whl h th.* suit w *s brought was ii-urv ar I the told an inter • ,ng .-'tor* of her d*.iliftg> wltli th* firm She ltd fiat she had b n and ai n with the Hnn *'fhre for prob ibl\ thr*** \nrs and that during that tlm* tij* to last Inn* . -he had. with the x prion of two m*nlhs. paid regn il • j* h ni**i h. ll.w. th** monthly Inter j •ui I'*, or 121 ** •* i- h year In Interest **!**. tha* sum In n wav releasing h r i from her obligation to |*iv th*- original . sum borrowe*!. si. Hhe fell t*ehfiji In her payments some tinm ago und th** loan office >m **h* claims, wimoiit bgnl authority, -else*! her furnltur* und stove, and carted ih*m iw \ In *rd*r to -atinf' this latm for s.'* arwl lot* rest At rhls prdnt *f the t* sil m**i \ the old woman's t*r> b* nnv <iutte funny of th* sHsorw she swl ; lie just com* *• H.* h*iiiH and i m*r th* ' chlng- and when he got 'em out 'lowed ; h* •! burn th* hous* up. ! mid him h* had no thorlty of law to take 'em. ami so 1 b* went out ami purrha-*d a while man i** fl*'t th** **fhc r ll** come In and set In a • dir crossed hl logs, and lowed to th** m Vow g* nbeod an*l tuov* 'em ’ ” If s* m- that after the selsure the firm recognised that It was Illegal und likely to cause Iroubb. for a- soon s th- ma ter wa put lnt< the hands of the wo man's atiorni v. Mr H K. Wilson, the g***al.s wr returned. Mr Wilson enter eel suit for sosne |o aixl o*bl k>llars. the amounts paid in during th* woman's mating.- with the llrtn. hut owing to statutory limitations governing such cages could nly teeover the usu rious Interest f.*r th* present year which, le-s %:> whb h ih* woman bad borrowed and not returned, amounted to 11.1 m. At torney for th** defense, Mr W. F. H’ater. gave notice of an a|*peal Till; RIILIKK Ft Ml < Id>4F.II. I,t llentll fnue*- of SIINI.IN) to l•al veslon Mode Yesterday. Mr W I* lialb-y. treasurer of the Oal vest on elb*f fun*!, s**t yesterday to Treasurer John Healey at Halveston a ••heck for 91* 99. l.eing itie amount re mriinlng on ha ml cf tr contributions for ltt relief of the distress*l |*cople of i,il veston This makes a total of s.'.q*o.l& re mitted t date an a result of the cltlien’s relief movement, check ts.<bt hav ing first been sent. foHowe*! later by n ch* k for l.'sxr Th* following are sub ecrlptions w tilch have not b**en previous!) a* know iedged Through th*- Morning N< ws $i go Mb* Nellie Murphy, NPi*rors N**-*’rown <*lr. Kliikn daughters |I.OO i St Philip's A M K Church, colored. West Hn>.l and Charles street. through C C. <*arglie pastor $400! liM'iuding the sl.*rm remitted by the Ha . viimi.ih Hcvievol* nt lsllon. the re mittal ce* by th* Savannah of Klks ai. l th** Masont l*s|g*-- an I something over SJutt rea'.lse*! from the firemen's ball. th* total amount *t ib** xuhst'rlpllons .-enr to tin* relief of Galv* ston from Savannah, s rar as known. 1- alniut $7..kX Then w* r* *loubtb*se *rlm* remittances which h v not he*n triad* publl The rcmlttiim • y* -terday by itie tr* ;s --ur* r os* the ciffcxen'* relb f m<v*-m**til and the anno in rment Is r**|Ust*<l that m 1 urih*r s*i *- 1 Ifitions will U re> elv* I a' the i'll) Exchange <lll IKT % 1 MM K t FT. i ity May Place dm- m t-'.luhtli Street I'.iiat tut* ttMiie. The resldenta of th* S uthel*le n?ay get a town lo* k after all. Mayor Myers has requested th* Kin* <*tmmltiee of Council to look Into the m iti r of placing a clock lr the tower of the new *nglne hous** now In course 'f con-r 11 tlon at K ghth an I Howard sir* ete. 11 will in- n* essary 10 have .1 tower on th* engine how for a lire b* ;i. and I* Is thought that by a slightly in* r use I ex penditure the tow* r ran Ih* mad** to serve for a <lo* k an well, tn* same I**4l serving for tin- lock ami for the t) • alarm The tmimi'i*'. lit- taken the m >tt* r up with tlt* contractor and will |>r..taoly be abb* t. make a r*>|Miri at th* m**etlng of Coun cil next w* ek. The nuggestlon that i rlo* k t*e pla**ol on th** tu* station w • first made bv the Morning N* w sum* w.. k* sin* - w hen M was Mated that the archite tine of th** r w - no*l building would not acmlt of tht addition Of a dock tower, TWO 11 lllik MEN IHIIKATKII. < liitra-l With *tfilling Itrasar* From tlie 4. A. 1,. Hallway. T.iere were but few arrests yeaterday by th. fioln though two of them promise to have Interesting developments. J * <’rtled#* in*! F C. O’Connor whit* w* • ♦ni to 1 * barm k** by Pa trolman <’ N. Murphy, on th*- charge of | -t. ahrii hr •. *• from the Seilonl Air I-In* Hallway. Th* m* n wer* arrestetl al | ).% o’clock. Andrew flu la* rr rolore I. was arresbd i by I’ t’onn r*. who charg' and him • | •* 1 . 1 | , t System yard Till) ATI Mi K 14 t 4 MINI*. i It) ’■ Heeelpt lias It tin (internment lied Tape baautlet. Mayor Myers has receive! no* ice from the Treasury Department at Wathing on that the city’s recelp* for the 130.000 which the government Is to pay for the quaran tine station, has been received tuert and has taken the usual course require 1 by 1 government red tape The check Iteelf is expected to be forthcoming within the next . week or ten days. I THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1900. WANT MEN AT THE POLLS. H Il*l 111-1* %Y( IRDIIHTet HH H Kl*- I(|4FNT%riON % T lOU’.MMIIt KV.m TlftN. Messrs. 11 It I.eaUrn and llrur> Blau. Jr., t andldales nesprellvrl) for t nairrsamAß and Presidentla* F.|frt*r From ‘lhi* District, %*l* •be f minty € nmniluinnrrs t lilfe Them Hepreoewfaflon Imnng the llsnaim anil t Irrk**—Thr M**|iirsf Will Doubtless Hr I nmptled With hi f natniluileNrrs—Ollier Matters lleforr ftir Monthly Med ina. The bounty Pom mips loners received at their meeting yesterday afternoon a com munication from the Rewibllcan candl '■ *i,t. - for coiigr* -man nl presidential el*'*tor from this district, asking that In th*- selection of managers .*nd clerks of the eie tlon next month, they be rer mltt*--j representatDn at the polls The letter -lgri*l by Messrs !#**- keti and Dlun. the < andidates It recbe l the fact of the ele t|on next month, an l tti < ii'tom <>( th* 1 mmbMoner- to aele* t managers and clerks some time In ad vance of the day fixed, giving partle* or f tlotn Interested ref*res**ntatl**n Thi*. snl*i the lett*-r. was all that was asked nr wanted D wa 4 ' not |nt**nd**l to a Ivo* it*- fh* * ialms of any particular individual to the iinslttcn of manager or clerk, though M> -ms l.'.tketi and Hhm si#>d that th- \ would be gl i to furnish a list *>f th**ir ailherents, deemed suitable by them to till these position*, from which the "anmis sloners rntgtit make their own selection Th** communication was read by <*|erk Duller, t’halrman Dal** said that it wu customer* to give parties or factions In terested In the resun *f an election rep r* ntatlon at the polls, the practice be ing f*r * a h party r factbai lo submit the name-* of those It wanted, and th* n for the commissioners to name tho-* whom they * hose It was decided that the matter should take ttiis course, the choice of election officials being jn-tponed until a day shortly preceding the election, when s;*eual m*eilng of the comml sl* ners will b* called and the managers and -*ierks ch*en Tl* comm Ins lotiei getic rally expressed themselves quite Will ing to give ih** Republicans the r. pr*s*n tatlon that they uskel. saying that tt was nothing more th. n fair ai.d right Imniig itie meeting the * omoi|ys|oner were In conference with Tax i'oilector -I J M'Oow.m an Sheriff Thomas Hweeny. 11l reference fo the rolktlloi) of overdue taxes Th- '-ommissloners were furnish *.l with list of th*e iV *i -1 whom •x* • . iitift* - hu*l been issued for deitnquen* taxes. ant wanted to know why some of these had not oeen code* ted In making this query Chairman Dab* exp.alne*! that It was not a *’omplalnt. ns mnler the ad ministration of Sheriff Sweeny the |in*iuent taxe lin*ft been colie te.| with greater vigor thon hal been the case for a ntiml*er of v * ars. The sheriff explained reasons controlling III* several Item** on th/ list The most H-rlous o*>taci* be confessed, was th failure of he oherifT's office In the pit to 1 ollct cost** and expenses from too county, when tho county became the pur-baser of land sold for taxes Il:s Inability' to co.lect had made him some, what chary of Incurring expense for *l veitising when tie was not certain tnat the property would l*e m>ll to someone other than the county. The evident Injustice of this appealed al once to the . .>miri *.<*n**rs and they tool the sheriff that in the future hi** hills for routs ami etjirnse.* when th* v* were du* by the county, as the purchae * r J pmpert v at tax Mies, would paid With thl* understanding tht* sher iff **td fie would advertise and e* II land against which tux exe.-utlons hwd been isuel often as the commission* rs *l* - rh.* report of Super Ini etWlent of Pubic \\*rks and H**is Chaplin showed that ilurlng ih* monfh of Heptemb r the *>n vlct forcew of the count) had been steadi ly employe*!. A force had fe*n kept nt work surfacing the lul*v|!le road, but th completion of this part of ih** county sys tem of publl** highways Is being In p h| by the failure of the contractor to furnish the needed amour of Augusta gravel, with which the surfacing Is being done. The Harmon I'anal. that runs from ih** rear of th** old Vernon Race Track to F 't Creek. Into which It . rnpiu—. is l> ing r - cut, The work Ik been ncede I and Is giving relief to the drainage nf that >cc- Moti of th** county bordering on or n*ar the While llluff road. During t Im* month of Heptemher there was an average of 2*s convicts on be county chain gangs, the largest Average in th* history* of the institution In this coun ty. There have been more at one time on the gang than this average, hut neve * kirge an average for am month At p• *- ent there ire nearly of quit** at the Camps and on the county farm. mu on hi >1 urn o ron rum Turned Oxer fo the t Ity t ourt t hnnt *l \\ Ith Mteallng the l*lpe. In the Recorder’s Court yestevla\ ten case were tried. t*i<* of them that of Mar in McHugh, having been contlim-d from the day before The pipe, whl n It Is charged was stolen by the prison* r. tva- again |n evidence. M lingo ha 1 u iuiml>er of witn* -*e>. who averred tnat they had seen the defctalant either that pip*’ or one that closely reembl*l It. for sometime before the theft from Day street off! e, Mr A M Barbee, who was introduces! by the plalvKlff to blent If y the pipe, swore most |H)s|tlv*]y that it was the property of the plain:lff. that he had color*.l it for him hy spc< ial pro cess. nnd that he had notice*) while toe . i|** w*** in his p>**4>*-don several mark by which It louhl b*- kl*utlfls|. nnd whb h lie pointed out to tlu* court were *hi the pipe, m evidence. M’Tlugu was remand e*l to the City Court on a charge .( simple larceny, ii gave ' hat*l for his appearance. <’hah Wii.n atx! A Winn, colored, chanced with the theft of n watch from Mr H. A Pearce und V I, Bock field white, to whom the negr*n s s.ikl the watch. nl who Is chtirg**-! with r**i • tving stolen g<H*ds. were not trle.l yententev the ase being continued until this morn iihc Al**x James. .in*t William J>ne*. colore.l ' • barged with th. thef: ©f a pistol from J***- Davis, w r discharged. The other < ases were of no particular ! interest • M<OLKK BTOVK Kll-I.IIOKH. 4 Nlserf a l ively Kieltenient %rounl Pyllilon Mall. The explosion of a gasolene stove In the pki ** of the Paul Plumbing Company, tin *l* r Hie Knights of Pythias building, late, yesterday afternoon, caused some llttiex -> It* m* 1 t In that neighborhood. A tale-j phone message was sent to headquarters and the omhinat!on chemical wagon re-j sponded. There was pra Al ally no dam age Assorted Hack* and heroes' facts distinguish our r.ew playing cards—new series Just ltturd TV send them prepaid for 25 uents money or stamps Racks are red. green, blue or brown, with gold Malr-Nutrlne Dept, Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association. 8t I-outs. Mo —ad. 4.4. Mil l. MJvxjM,. Keeper of l.suri-l tirovs D**|srU I ailrr m * load. C Clifford Hill, k |*cr of Insure! drove <>m#t*-ry, has ef* the city, leaving no a oun* f his Menu..l aid orr-umahly caving ti “ ** iI- afe M H acqualnte*! .1 fri* 1 and with tt:*- fa t *f Ms Intended d*x srturc W*dn*sday nig;i* re •pi ting this friend, who Is alx a '-imlly i coin* Jon, to l<- k after his three chll -1 dren. Mr W W Osborne, who I- Mr Hill’s I bondsman wi* 1 it!e*| hy this party \e*. j terday morning the cemetery keei*er's I disapp* arm* e. an*l lmmedlat‘l ntlfie | : Mayor Myers. Ti'** lit let wa very nu**h j surprised us h* had no previous intima tion of th* i* --‘•lbiUty • f mi* h an >• ur re nee. Ilffiry fSarwes. foreman of dry culture for the • 1-tern w- tlon, wu* **po<nte l to j fill the vm< ancy cm- 1 by the *li*aprear 4iu*e of Hill. r>* n ling in # i* ctjoii ly conn jc|| Capt 4; It Pritchard, of. th*- city trc.iHiirer’s office, was Instructed to audl* i Hill’s 4' * unt* and •*. .-* *li hi* stand- I mg with th* ity It Is feared (hat th** a - ounting will j*h**w *♦ consbler ible short age though the fees turned In b\ the • j aveaag** I It Is only on this **upfw>sltlon of a shor - j age in his *1 counts that Hill’s frleh'ls an - • ount for ni*s *K-llb*raf** let*>rTrinit!.it I1 o tak- French leave It |s known tnt I he vs 1* |n|el4*<l to S4>m* -xtcnf t* vart- I on** fri* fule from whom n- fiad borrow v| while .11 Tin,n>i! straits, but It is no< 1 t '*'!iev*-I tbw this .*|on** would • oun* f*i hN disappearance Th* <viai* >■* llll!’** downfall n-*t for ! tos* ek He Wits . devotes* of fhe |M'l< - •ard* and wa-. known to b* n . i. *-■* . **f the linker room* of in. city He j • kiuhier s loss ' on-i*) ribb* mom In this I manner S-mti* t ire. montus fig * Hid reported fo the Mn- or tt- • he h ( .i , | *l* ntaliv !•* almhm sl-V of t| • it' - mat'ss ; while on his win fts-m the cemMerv ♦ * j ’•• Exchar ; Tte •t* *lv*s wire also j inform***! of the |<>. and r. -j j* * . | to aid it ’h* ir ti | | now kr wn t‘ Hill lost this money in o poker gam* 1111 l was a bright and ipibj. young .. and a d hnv* hot we Hi was I w idow.-r With * hr*children, mti ii L • I fo ,lv ** In ami as ih# pta e pays $1 <••• a '♦sir With full . oromv * . .nil.l h 1 \*> i got along I ID] mi-*-es|.d Mr | and 1 Kent), keil a keeper of ih* t * me ! tery mlkmii h vear \u wh*i r ( -. r • * lisrewfM .4fui comluct t# tn* Mayor HI HMD Wltli Ml .1 | f |f<o\ I'#iinful Injariea Vnslnlsed lu y? r . J. Mcfarath In K**Hn**n Iron \lrk. Mr. Jihn McGrath 1 moulde- Ee hr*e s iron Works, wa*- painfully burned • lay before vesterdav hv fhe of a ladle of melted Iron The moulten m tal splashed on his right arm. thigh, and foot inflicting such painful burn- th.v ,V hu since lieen laid up and the and ci r thinks It w I I lie two m ©•* • t*efore h will !► abb *0 rriiirn to his- work Mr Met Jrui h had pret .r* and a mould an I sumhl hy h waiting for t h* nmial t. |h>u- Into It Two n gioes w er* Ir.iw.iu ih* Mery stuff m heavy ladle containing flfiy pounds or inor* w .icn on* .f the men stumbled ©ml fell, raitslng the <>ther a so to let go his grip on tladle handles with th** result that the iron was splashed In all directions One of tne negro > was sjghtly burn* *) oi and w is una le to wor** yesterday, but Mr Mctdraih received the worse burns. A mass of the nietal s ruck him on the foot. wher*- h* re **lvc 1 h worst burn, and hi** 10-k, .:i *r burning almost through hi** shoe, ills in- Jurlee w.xiM hav. hetrn even more s -rlou • but for the tlrnciy .i.- lsj.m * of hi* fel low’ worker*, who promptly took iho sh c off and put flour on ih* foot. H was put in h buggy and lak* 11 home but fainted imm*ii.i .*4' • f?#-r r*.*hlng thcr* Ir \N E. Norton wn ali*d in arl lit -d tfe burns. (IT (IFF 111. \n. *sn llargeas, n ( nlured Xwiirliman, Killed in Vfiiliunril Nurds. B.lm Burg* -<*. 11 co ore* 1 switchman of the B*a oir i Air Elite w*as ki!|*-l in th* l\ 4*. K. P. yards last night, about a mile from the city, his he id being rut from his body by the wheels of sw*l h ! engine. No 4** Th#* accident oecurre 1 it 740 o’clock | Burgess was roup ing some car* on one . f ! ’be side track*, and finished fhe work Jusi as engine 4* was (Kissing on the mtiui line lie steppe t bx*k from the ars dl -1 *• Hy In front * f tne approaching 10.0-inotive, inotive, and was Instantly kilUd Coroner (Joiu* went t the *,-ene !*<ou as he was notified aid btoucrht the U>.|y to his establ s.m nt. * r!y this morning Th* Inqoe-t w.i b he and prob. ably topflight. Butg* -s was 2 years old an Ia nntlv* of this * liy Ml I.IAI xv IN 1 I4,\|( FINE*. M.innurr Dill of Tfinipn Talks of tlie There. Mr. F R. Dl.u. manager >f the Cuban American Manufacturing CompanyI** 1 ** cigai factories at Tamca. i*nt vester<lu> In the it\. conferring with Mayor Mv*r.*, the pr* •t. tn of the company. Mr. Dias 1* returning to Tampa from New York, where In has been for the last two 01 three wrecks. He re|orts business rattier dull lt> the cigar lln*- at |*r* -nt. due to Ihe fact that dealers ar* only buying suf tlclent st*H*k for tin lr bare needs, pre ferring to wait until after tuo election before giving large orders There is also pr*p., t vf further trou b!o im>ng the opura’lv* s at Tampa. s*mn of the factories b*!ng threat* tn-1 w ith strikes As th* iiv'Tw gat maker works Hv** davs u the wk and average fll to SIT* .1 week Mr Dlax thinks they ; ,rc among the ln*st paid labor In th** country but h* was not dlqxcJMxl to enter Into any dlscmelon of the various differences which have arisen between the cigar makers and thw manufacturers PH EVIDENT KM WIN HPTHF. Plant kyalent tuttcials t.ntlier fur t 4 *ti fere nee. President R O Erwin of tin* Plant Sys tem. President M. J O’Brien of the South ern Express Company and Superintend*-!:: C. L M'*-rs of th* 1 Peninsular anl *• I Steamship Com|4ny. •• all at th |* Soto, having arrived la-t nigh* E is under* 1001 that there will Ik- a conference t>-*lay *f the head* -f the sev • lal p ant Inter*which w ijf i.,i f lo v • and by a tour of the -y-t* m. Th* nVh:*l tneetlugs of lh* Plant S\s cm comfHtnl - do not tuk*- pla* *• now until Jantiarv. lot* It Is customary for the nfti mis to vnak** tours of th* eystt-m two or thr** time e.x**h year, I** • • * * I* ••• w ■ . i ■ pany had l***cn very -utlefaeiory for th** 4ti several month! with cv*iv proap*<t of remaining so He do * not think that the presidential election even wi 1 ln arfere with thi hippy sta e of affairs If you aufTer from Excessive Smoking —lnsomnia or Nervousness, try Saratoga Arondack Water All you can drink for five cent# at Solomons’ drug store, Bull and Chariton streets —ad. COOL WEATHER CAME AT LAST % STURM 111 hItIIIt IN4 F. IN THE 4.1 I.F < IHII a \l ITH IT. Iliali lllada it nd Rain Ilona the viiuih Itlantlr 4 Mrreary Don n tn .“•* Degree* nnd the Mean Temperature the l.wei It Mat Iteen *lnee l.n*H VI i Birr-fletnber Neurly Kinr ln-h**a Vhend on Rnlnfall s* Fnr. At 2 OG o’clock yesterday afternoon the w*ather bureau received an advisory warning g that there was a mod erate disturbance central near ml id e Gulf roi-i ard that ! would probably moc northeast, g.vlng hri'-k. po*aiMy high, northensi winds last right on the Hoilth A tin title coast. N further nott'e o f the s'orm was re * eive | la er |n the day or at nigh*, though Ihe reports that were aetit to the bureau mi 8 o'clo- k showed that the area of low pressure, or storm centre hid shift *•! Mm-’shu* aru) was then off Tampa There was v.t\ lifil*- wind there how ever. the velocity ladng about five mh*-> n ho*ir in Htvannah. though w* quite a brisk wind which sprang up In the life if fern oi . an* I lea *hed. at il*out Id o * l-ck a velocity of ’.** mile* an hour. The temperature veMtrda). both the n illinium. “**. tbs* minimum. an*l con equenCy th** m n *4 was the lowest that has been yet recorded during the pie>*nt month. It was also the second ilay on whbh th- mean temi**>rature has b*. n Ih-I.w thr- normal whl* .1 for yester da*. w.i- -b-gri-es. an*l which make* a shortage for th*- *1 y of I degrees. The rainfall which began about 3 o’clock in the afternoon measured -R Inches It h o’e lock, while 22 inches more fell Im*iw* **u that hour and lb o’clock This gives I-. tii* month n actual ram fnl! of 71 inch- *. an *-x s t date of very rear 4 inches The -*at* forecast for to-day Is for ralti Hhowers ar. probable fo-m<*rrow also Brisk north*.t- winds possibly be omir g high **n the coast may be tmpect ***l to-*la> M r.DDI l> 11 kr. P ITH 14 K*N. Ilr. Jos. F. (l’Hrlen nml Hiss Ign*a L. Fltigrrshl 'lurried lealrrda). Mr Jose|h I o’Brien and Miss Agn*. E Fitzgerald were married yesterday af urnoon ct 5 o’clock ar Bt. Patrick** * hurrh. Rev bather McCarthy i*erf*>rm .'■h b* cerem*ny. The attendants were Mis* Katie O’Brien, a sis*er of the a t*w-m iir. i Mr Edward Burns Af’er th** marriage th** (arty r* pair* and to the horn*- of th* bride at N Perry street, west \ * o Hock last night Mr. and Mrs O’Brien sailed f-r New York on the Na - *ochee Before they return. w hi*h will b. Nov E they will visit . number of th* 7xorthem itles in* biding Washington and i’hlln b ipbia Mr (*’Hrln Is a well known buslnes m in. mat ik* rof the Estate of N Paul -en His brnle Is th* daughter of the lat< l’fi*-n a- <• Fltageraal 'wing to . t-***4ir death In the family n. invltatiotis wet* 4 sent out; despite thl fact, however ther* were a number <*f handsome presents rectlvd. 1 iwißßi ippßovß rmc n o They Dnn‘4 ( nre for More Ctarb limn Ire Neeeanary. The suggestion of Gov. Candler tha: *he iv’gi-iiture exercise more )Iscretion qn the ratablishment of <Mltionai City * **>urta Is w*II received In Savannah. Of ours**, the only Interest the mem>>ers of ue Savannah oar have in the matter k* tli n w coiiri.o rnrati further delay n th*- delsion of t lie tauses In which they .r** of I‘iHinael. D*l'. however. Is of r.iiher frequent *>• urr**i ♦ even as the Judl ial syatem ■ f the state 1-* at (r*-sent constituted, und "ir.’i other City Courts. in counties where taev are nt *l*-inan*lel. th**s. Ichiys wi t he Increase*) in number E* < no fain f the Supreme Court that delays * . cur. t • cause liemg the nppea* of case* from the very many courts of original jurisdiction, from wnich an up p *| to the Supreme Court lie* directly. Therefore, it Is the currently ex(ressel vish that no more of th*ee courts lie cou * ituted by the general assembly. 11 IFK ANKN poll h| ITuHT. 'lra. HIIIIiik (••••mlliisc Ftlea kult for 11 i •••>■ > 1 Mil ina | tier HlialiMllil. Mrs Willie Gooding filed an application for t* mpnrary anl (lermamuit alimony ugalnst her husband. Hcnjnniln C. Gool -log. in the Superior Court yesterd*' Bhe i-ks nl*> that she Ik* allowed her Attor ney's fes and other exjienses ln ‘urre<l tn bring.l g the • i.*n Dewertlon and non-support are the giounls of tie appl) a tlon for alimony filed by Mrs Goo*llng Her Is in th* employ of ti Mutual Ga Em hr • mpai.y and i- all*g*l to he altogether Abb to make n reasonable allowance f or th* support of his wife and their Infant hiid Th** plaintiff is represented by .\|r W II Hoy *1 N% 1 INN 111 ntKtmTfCH). 11411 11..1d Its Hr ml. %nuun I Meeting In ItrnnMiirli To-nlKltl. The semi-annual meeting of thr 8a van *ah Presbytery will liegln in Brunswi* k to-night, and last through Sunday. an*l IMisslbly Moixlay All of the Presbyter ian ministers In this city. Rev. J Y Fair Rev. Arthur J Hmiih. and Rev. W. A Nl.-b* . also Mr. II F Train, who is .1 *b legate from the First Presbyter an Church, will attend. They will leave fhls uf tern*>on. The last meeting of the Presbytery was held In Savannah. In the spring, the Esw ton M-mortal l>elng tisl for the purpose. Th* moderator elected it*that ilm** Rev. It W F H* l Ingsw.-rth. will preach th opening sermon of the present rme’ing HOI 1 F.NIH Dll, It (lie (•rent Itlantlr anil Pacific Ten tonipmny Nalnrlny. A-•♦ of bcuutlful ctn *>*•• 1 picture** entltb'l ”Th* Babe* in the Wood,'* six In n sot. Just the thing for the children, und will be given away free to all pur chasers Saturday. Pure goods sold only. B **! gTanulat***) sugar. If* |K*untls fi 00 fl* s! w*ft whl * sugar. It* pounds j ( Rlo offer (s-r |smiul 30c; beat 2.7 Marlcalbo coffee Jgc; best.. ro Java coffee. 3m*. .Vk•, best Try our Java* hikl M*e ha. ;• |*ound- 1u OoUmg. Young Hyson. Kng.Nh Breakfast. Gtnpow*ler. Japan, or Cos lon teas, at ;>**, (S*V . 75c; hoi I-* r pound 1 rn* Fancy Etg.n creamery butter 25 “R* * ss“ head rk*e, 14 pounds f *n We have no agents, buy direct from ll r*t mds. and get pure goo*l. Tk<* Great Atlantic in*) Pacific Tea Company. K* Broughton street we.-t. Telephones (l(.-a*l. Hrlmol Nnpplle*. Jut rsctlvad a la.'gs and assorttd sup ply of achooi bars nnd school suppllas; *ll at cut rates; from Id cents up; also, usual Urge stock of all the school books, now used In Chatham county, at Estlll a : News Depot, 45 Bull street. Bavaunah, Ga—ad. , M IDF aN 111 K OK THE t'NHYERMC. Mr. U. H. fftlllwell Now Mead af the Order of Moo Moo. Mr J J MrDonongh rerehed the |OJd news from Dallas. Tex , last night, that Ms friond and associate in business. Mr \' B Htlllwell hid been elected Hnark of the FnlVerse ut *he grand I 100 1100 Con tention now In session at Dallas As Hr.ark of the Pnlverse Is the highest of fl-e in the gift of the Ifoo 1100 order, tha compliment to Mr Htlllwell. and to the Ifoo Hoos of Savannah in ht ejection. 1- 4 very consMerahl* one Only a genuine 1100 1100 ran appreciate the great honur *>nferred. end the amount of wuthorPv which ll#conveys Mr Htlllwell can now dictate hie order to the members of the Black Cat organization fr>m Seattle to Tampa, and have his orders obeyed ex i tly on the ninth second of the n*ntb minute after they are received Mr HtiiJwell has hern one of the most enthusiastic member* of the order since his introdu* tjon to Its mysteries some war.- eltve His proficiency In Its dark S'-eretw soon brought about his elevation t • membership in the supreme nine It a..s through his • fforts that the lodge at Savannah, now one of the strongest In the order, was organized, and some very -ucewssful concatenation* have been held here Mr H lllw-!l> many friends here !e*l that the honor conferred u|*on him was entirely *le-*ei \f*d. and will freely lend hrlr fforts to make his administration 4 success. IIANKEI RILL TO-NKiHT. Second t.amr of (lie Herlea Krturm the Med* and (he IVliltea. T>-ntghi the friends of the Y. M C A . oth lu*lles and gentlemeti, will wlne.-s an inteit sting game of basket ball,beiween two picked leims known as the “Whi es ’ and the “Reds.” The game will com mence at 5> o’clock The Rn** up will Ik Whiles. Reds !otv. w T Doty. will. Harden. H R. RJghton. Y. Caret Ids. J. P. Chandler. F. F. B**rg Sig. Rot ureau. K. C. Balfour. Cha- Patterson, tleo. The schedule of *he r**>t of th** league games will be us follows 4 N • it*. Bitie* r* Whites; Non f * Blue* vs Reds; Nov 30, Wh!*es vs. Re)s. f)c 7 Whites vs. Blues; Dee. 14 Reds v- Tllues. lec. 21. Reds vs. Whiles, Dec. >. Blue* vs Whites. It has l*e*n derl-bd not to allow boys under elxtern to witness the games. uii e*i accompanied hy their parents. HE ABOARD OFF It lALk IN THE CITY. On at Tour of lnp*otton nf (he Hya tem. Mr C R Capps, general freight agent Mr W. H. Pleasant*. assist int general freight agent. Mr O B Bidwell. freight r.nim agent. nd Mr. O. P Johnson. sui>**rtn lendcnt of tr.ins|ortntlon of the Heaboard Mr 1.1r.e, spent yesterday in the city I*bw officials ar** on a general tour of (he sys tem Mr Capps, when seen yesterday, reported that the Beohoard Is *)olng n .fry satisfactory butlne**. the divisions terminating al Havannnh miking a par tl ularly g4>od showing % I.title l.lfe Gone. William Gordon, the year old son of Mr and Mrs. A. J Wilson, died last night ai •he family residence after an lllne.* of a little more than a week, from stomach 1 rouble. The funeral will lake place <i 1 4 an o'clock this afteiimon The littD on*- wa- the younger of tw • children nl was n bright child. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have the sympathy of many friend* In their bereavement Dyspepsia is difficult digestion, due to thr absence of natural digestive fluids Hood's Sat K.iii.irtlla the digestive powers —ad Hfntly IV liile 1 011 11 irk. Through on** of the ten free scholarships in The International Correspondent Sc hools of Scranton, Pa., which th* Mo 11- Ing News will present lo you If you s < u • one of the ten largest n umbel a of vc te* hy Nov. 3'. IW, you an keep on eirning a living at your preM*nt work an*l at the same lime, hy study at home In nm** usually devoted to recreation or reet. f1 * yourself for a professional position at a good salary. You • in easily' becom# one of th*- win ners of this contest, by devoting your at entlon to collecting Voting Coupons and k*eplng at It No one has alk ter chan than you. Oei every vote you can. and have all your friends save tin ir.-* for you. (•ue Fn re Hound Trip to Itlnutn In 4 vitriol of brurglu Rnllnay, lr roust of the Southern Interntnle Pair. Ttckela on s .le Oct. 9 10 27. inclusive; j final return limit Oct. 20. IM> Doubh* daily through trains. *l-eplng j • ar- by night, parlor cars by day. Ticket office 107 Hull street end Central Passenger Hiatlon —ad. % l>el£rlou fliimkc. The Herbert Spen, er Is an elegant cigar anti is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this line tobacco; It Is ovbilarailng and delicious. Her that the name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper ol every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Speneer cigars sre only •old by the bos of jo Conchas al U so, an I Perfeotoe. WSO at Uppntan Bros.. whole sale druggists. Barnard and Costgreis streets. o( this city.—ad. "Qravbrard la a family medicine with us.” s*d a promlmnt basin-a- man yes terdwy "lly wife takes It, and 1 not le ans to enjoying better health than for yeara. The children keep will by taking U. • Oraybard may he obtained at all drug atoraa or wrlie to us for It. It-si-ess f/rug Cos. aole preps.. Savat nah. Ga.-ad. \t liat Is Tetterlnr f It la a sure cure for all skin diseases. it curra Itch, teller, ringworm, enema, salt rheum, etc. Nevar falls. Nothing ;* 'Mu.-t as (tool " lion'l an ept substitutes. Try and you will be convinced, ns thousand# of Others huve. If your driiKglst doesn't keep It, send *h- in stamps direct to ihe maker. J T Hhuptrlne. tiavannati, Ha lor a buz |a-tpatd.—ad For Over Fifty Tears. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has b*n used lor children teething. It soothes the chl.d. softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is Ihe best remedy lor Diarrhoea Twenty-live cams a bottle —ad. Paulding's Pippin cider. This celebrated pure, apple juice elder made In Long Isler.d. can be htd in pint or quart bottiat direct from the manutac turere. with their own stamp, at LlDnman Brothers. Druggists. Bavsnnah o, ” A High-Grade Institution for latiUea Shorter College. Romo. Ga. Write for •‘•lalofue.-dd. Always Leading The procession. Lower prices Than are found Anywhere e'.<i: i:i Savannah. Our Stoves and Ranges are of Latest patterns. Perfect. Royal M;i"ic and Othello Ranges. Have your fur nace put in con dition before t , weather cold. A MB Forget py xam ' AT LATTIMORE'S. An Open Letter Jnsper Hprlng. (nearr Naxanaalt. 4u Sept. ?, HHKi. ( ol 11 tn bin Drug 4 orapany, 'l'nnnnb, (in.: Gent lenten—l lirtsr* l*- 11 suffering ix Ith 4 hills nn*l Fever for uior.- tl.nn three niontlis. tlnxe been under trentment of severnl doctors, tried several ao*called < bill Tonies, uon*- of which benefited! me. It iiot 1 tretl one liottl** *f your Smith'* < hill nnd Fever qnl', nnd xxltliiti tfirr* dnyn I felt much better, nml 'iftrr nslnu tli* seeoiul ti*ttle I uni 1 ,| i sn y I mu entirely cured. I wnt< this s> that >on tun? lie utile to Irtf.irni others xxlio may suffer und n*uirr them nf n eure. Very truly your*. (Signed) 111-Mil TOKITEH. GUILDERS' HARDWARE WAGON MATERIAL. [HD lOVfLL'S ■ lKt limn*tot* 9trrrl Urit. ft( 11UUU %AO COUIbUKI. mi-; ?\ \ %w %ii i'in.i*\a .nmi M IIIMII.. VIII.II \lt 1 . 111*1 \ 4M T. v. Mr Ptroi . I. ia returned to r •• 'Y and may In m-h every n* r I-ik 9 and 2 at t V** j* choo huiMti.*. *< •* n<rt i>w*t i'tiur of Itnrnui-t nr. I H •treet* OrmulKl H H ro-.L- iCornel llwl M r A liool wt *!* tii 'trie torn an- ally men familiar with mo l--: n ti. k! ami nun who hav* 1< ino iiMral--i r ucce* teacher* In |ri>artriK !••> r>r roil* K' t* I litiMn* > A >**■ tool who l' 1 * tna -• itel m I of • \.irni. •* many coli* an i v. h- • ha* the hlghe** • n<l i*■ nw i h> if- ** !• fits of t*OllH*ll Wi.<l of t’i *• ! ii: ' California A • ioo| who* ■ ainon g the t *<>^ i rotnlm-i.t ftii-n |,: nt.t* A * ■ h**oi where your - w > 1 receive ner-eral v*i|Mrvl*lon at couragcvnent; tvhfr- h * • ul*l 1 thorough <iml eyi*tiatlc tr.ii*i*''c u. I ■*'>' and nun-1, where he rouM if * 1 leaeone for the next J.y tin*!#r -n Ir ‘ ■trurior'e car*- t*i th nf: rnoo . )<>-! * would at Iht t boardtni icH * * where you wou I have n * worry *• t hi-* a**-* hte* A (IROWINti Hdl" *• BRLNNAN BROS., AHOLC.SAL3 Fruit, Produce. Grain, Elr. av irtEET. lUtphooc KV Seed Oats! Seed live! Texas Rust Proof Oats. Coast- al *d Rye, Cow Feed. Hay. Grain, P' "• 5 reeds of nit k'nds for stock and p 1 T. J. DAVIS. Telephone 23. • lls Bay street. "<• OPIUM Morphine and Cocaine habits cured p lessly In 10 to 20 days. The only guaran teed painless cure. No cure no ray Address, DR. i. H. HEFLIN, Docust drove. oi.n NEWSPAPERS. 100 for U cento •• Ouslneee Office lfonung Newa.