The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 15, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A THIEF OF RARE SKILL niu>v pi\kkkim% ti.h* or % CLKVKIt IIISIIhAI* >||...( ll.iron l Ilia Nwr *••! Ilolrla Ilia aprrlall j—K r|l ••ollrr of < onn iry l.ooLlnu for Him for \rara. I Inner i;n>nunlrr In \*'%\ \ orL Thai l.rl lo Ilia Mn oullUn-W or l amr lo ( rouk U lr* Ilf MUIm>U Jrwrlri From th* Oil*''**'' Chranlclf. ••JF t Qurrr thli * In thi worlrt of mirn.* o*u! William A !' ik< n ■ •(■ 4y Umt ytf*k. "ho* triv rinx which ap|*Mr <o fie actl-lentu pomrtlmcn rhupc ihm lf|N. ato .i b to *' • • rei cfTc< tin th*> future The cbijlum of the man who I proK.t lv ih cl*'v r* * i profc.*•!< nil thief In th Joliet p©t.ltrntUry waa lu*> to rnnili|rr&n ♦ x-n* ‘o an orcurren © wol h ml#rhr w t - Mental. In which f hal ?h- honor (, f lM*rin* par? " "And whom -lo you con* *ler the clever eai thief In that famou© tr> n*bou*© at Jollei hk<l a lounicer In the not©*! 4c te-11\ e # private offl- • Well, tt l* har.l to ©ay toat off ha n I, liter© .ire to very many *rad*! an.l \ ri**- tten of thlevea S.wn thefe. |** rt in var oup linen A clever eafehlowcr ami 1 elevar hot© nck work n altogether .f --ferent line* from clever .ounterfaiter or hank nneak. yet *n ■> i .lanaafoua man in hln ape Ity Hui the fellow I hart In mlr.l I* a hotel thief. who*e namt In Hod Ha on who had the police of thli whole country lookiii* for him for twelve or fifteen year • For i lona time there had been c< vnplalnts of hatel rob ber!©© bobbing up tn every larg© city In the country Now* tt w-tild h New Yor and tn a month or * St Lou!* or Fhlcaeo and the police couldn't g* t it clew ****©ix that the thief wan on old man. wall dreaa ed well behaved ar.d to all outward p pearence a highly renfe -table gU€©t of the varloun hoirli* which were robbed In every cane the work was cleverly done and evidently by an expert No room* were broken tnto or trunke broken open The thief had ekel ton key* for rm door* ond for trunk' ard vail*©*. and he left no trace behind him except the absence of the valuable* Police Were In Oeapair. "The omplalntp became po perilptent that tHc heat detective* In the various cl*ten were tlm ami agalii set to work to bring in all th- hotel -neak they knew hut the right man waa not found Ther.- wete plenty of old tn* t following the cal ling. but Iti no ca*e could the crime under con aide nation he foptened on my of them. They proved alibi* ami the pdlc* were In !•*; air For more a doc ©it year* this port of thing went on an I 1? became more of a myetery with the pa-* In* year*. There wa *<:are . city In the country In which the poll* e force did not have n complaint attain*! the im*lnterh> roomworker. who aoemed to laugh at their effort tn trap hint "About two year* ago I happened to he in N* w York on bualneea and had bean vlPltlng with Chief Devery at halquarl er* one evening, and here I* where th. trivial Incident come* In which had *uch an efbet afterw rd It wa* Pimply a chance that I dropp'd Into Devery'* >f* fir© ihot evening and after we had talk ed a while he *al I *• ‘We've got i fellow locked up at Cap tain I’rUe * matl* n who w a* caught work In* room* In the Waldorf-Aatorla and w* think he'* *■ t a record, but we can't make him out. Suppoae we *ep down there ©o you can tak* a look at him’* “Th© a**l*tant man.tger of our New York office wa* with me and I told him to get out the picture of western hotel aneak*. and * we had nothing el*e on hand thr* of u* iok . *;roll to the station and they hr night thl* fellow in So w. I’ve never *cn <3 r.erwl Jo* Whe'l't, but thl* o’d fellow 1 ok* and exacth lik* the tie ia I \V h* e|*r in th* h*-w paper* and that *tru k me the flr*t thlnv. lie wa* tx>ut **o j**ar- old and when th>-y arre*'ed him they fnu# .1 a bunch of *keb - ten key* that would open anything door*, trunks ot ,n> thing else Th*> aecoivl thli g that *truck me was that I had *cen him lcfor . but at that moment I couldn’t place bint I looked him over pretty carefully a* <1 aid finally: " Tv© n you somewlur* before * Ytil n Prolvkalulial Tltlcf. " 'No. you'vo nover seen me,' ho ehl •You ro Mr t*lnkerton I know Hnl I m not a professional thief This Ir my flrst offense and you novor o*l w mo in your llfo ' "I kept on looking at him and finally I lan.le l him 1 Mid: '• 'I wow you tn thr South at a prtie flaht about iw<my-ftva yeat* hm> I: w.* tllno* tho Mason-Alien or tin* Allen-I’rl ■ fight, I don't remember which Y'ou were with Johnny Re Maao and Yellow Sam I've *e#n vou sine. In Now Orleans when you trimmed the St. Charles hotel there I know you. hut L can't think of your n:*m* Just now.' " "He looked me right In the eye and said. 'Mr Pinkerton, you've not me wrong. I never heatd of tho* peopr you inemtloi* ami I haven't been tn New Orleans. f>r a (treat mnny year- ' "I picked up hts< derby hat that tu Iv ina on the table anti look'd !ns-id* it and there was the trade mark of a New Or leans* hat dealer. " *No, you haven't Ijecn there.' I aa> e to him. 'you probably have your hatst aent to you from New Orlenna. don't you?' "Alt this time our New York man had been looking through the photographs' of hotel snettx* who had Item arreeted for year* back and finally he handed me one amt wa.}*: 'There'a hi* picture ’ and ure enough ti tut When the picture wa - taken he had tdde whlek<’rt* amt at thtl time he .wore a full beard, hut It wa* hist picture all right and I told hint so •• 'You're not a professional?’ I *aye 'What I* your picture doing tn our gal lery. then?' •• 'That * not mi picture.' he wry# I don't know anything about that picture.' " Just take a look at the way the wrinkle* In this* forehand run I sui. 'and then look at your own In the giaea Look at the ehape of that ear. It'* your plrture and we'll have your record to morrow ' Iteiuemher* >*lnr <sf Criminal. Then he weakened and admitted It wa* hi* picture but he *utd he had verve I hi* time for the crime commltled when the plrture wa* l iken and that ehouldn t he Isiouaht agwlnrt him Ail thl* time I wa* puailing over hi* name. tor. of course the name on the ha. k of the picture wav an alia* Hut ! couldn't make it Finally we left and a* we were going I *a!tl to h:m 'We protect all the Jeweler* In the association and If we ever fall up again* you we'll fall hard.' We went out and 1 hadn't hardly left the elation when hi* name came to me like a flash—'Hod' Ha con. I went right back anti told Cap tain Price who he was and the fellow ad milted It. •’I came on to Chicago and lost *lght of the ea*. and in a ll'tla while fnrg I ell about 'Hod' Baron until I wa* remind *d of him with nomethlng of a Jolt About a year ago a roomworker In the Pa!mr houtse robbed e jewelry salesman. You know, the traveler# of the big Jewelrv house- iam .ery valuable goods wl'h them., rare stone* of various kind* In lit - tla flat wallet* of Mark velvet The more valuable of these the drummer keep* or. The Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate- Hood’s Pills {lrvtf*77Umuc Cm I'nniurto Floor*. have been laid in many of the comfortable home* In | New York, Do*ton andli *ther cltle* More cleanly . and economical than car k •i r md f floor* laid and polished complete over old floor*. \ making a *olld and Ih*wu- | fiful improvement. Cat* a log tie on request K** I • imate* sent on receipt I of measures of room* I Having a ntimber of floor*! to lay In Havannah this I; month we .ran quote clow figures L .1 M ADAMS. N Chvirjt* Sireet. 1 Haltlmorc. Md. •: i> \ < j ■ J] '■MmMw 1 ti 'MJ hb jer*on. hut a man can't load his poog •!* down with a trunkful of e-unudt*' anti. Inside* that, ifter traveling with Jewelry u number of year* and never get ting robbed a man I* likely to get a lit tle bit careless Ifiarnor d* are little rnt>rc to ame cf them ih.m shoes are to sale* men after they have handled them for several year*. Well, this roomworker In the Palmer house probably got hi* eye on thl* jewelry salesman either here or In some other ' Ity. found out what line h> wa* in and Just followed him around until the proper time came, when he went on a huslnea* tour of the Jewelry houses and left some atones In his trunk *nlr*nitn Dlseoa ers III* l.**. ’ •letting m’o n room in a hotel and from ttr.t getting min h truck is ch id* play to a man who ha* a lot of skeleton keys, and this fellow made a good Job of it. He- Uoting i morpen: when the aallwg) wa* •Icserted he ojiened the door of th* room and then It wa* easy sailing. He grabltoJ •ff quite a lot of sturr from the trunk and vallae* In ihe room and the loss wa* not discovered until some time nft*r the salesman got back to his room, because everythin* was apparently as he had left It nnd hi* suspicion* were not arouse*! When be discovered th* robbery he noti fied us. a* w* irpresent the Jewelers* as sociation n all such case*, ami w* start ed to work "In . very thert time our Pittsburg ag< ncy pick* and u| a hotel sneak, a man about tk. gray an l respectable looking He was brought on here and a* soon O' I saw him I recognised my frlen 'Hod Paeon, late of New Orleans ” *1 told you we’d fall on you sooner or later. Hod.' said 1 but h* didn't have a word to say He wa* Identified and con victed and now he’s serving an indeter minate sentence at Joliet 'That man I regard a* probably the c overeat hotel sneak In the hualnesr There are plenty of them but he l* ah ut the only one who kept the police of the whole country guessing for year* Not only that, but he operated In Europe and wa* never caught It wa* his suave man ner. b|* eminent re*pectablfity that help ed him out When a hotel wa* robbed m pk ion never attached to him for a mo ment. although the pluci might b*. -warm Ing wlih def ectl\ e- >f emir-c, h* had don© time In the |Mot, but he wa* shrewd and chver enough to dodge the result* of that. Made a Mlataltc In Ilia Man. Hut It wa* the accident of my chanc ing to bo in Chief Devor.v'* office that evening, together with having met him at that prl*. fight twunty-flve year* ago and having hla face remain In m> memory somehow, which led to ll* undoing. Had I not hapfened tc b> tn New York there Is ik telling how 1 ng be might have con tinued hi* career—until he tpckled a Jewcl r\* m esman. He told me here that b* il l not know this fellow was a Jewelry *.|e*- nan and that if be did he would have kept ofT Hut, you see. Its the little thing* that count In thi* world." VTOrt TlfK COUGH tvil WORKS OFF TIIF. coi.n. Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablet# cure a okl In one day. No cure, no pay. Prlca K ctrnt* ad. I mVKNUITV 111 LLETIff. Will He laaueil (tuarterly and Con tatti tluelt Inforntatlnn. Athene. Ga., Oct. It -The flret l*ue of the University of Georgia Bulletin came out to-day amt ta causing much coin ment from the I'nlverslty alumni in Alliens It I* anew departure, and pro poae* In part to do away with the okl Idea of issuing only one catalogue a year, and nl*> expect* to furnish a succinct -ketch of the university year by year. It will lie issued quarterly and will ho complied by Mr A L. Hull, secretary of the Hoard of Ttuetee* The first Issti contain* an Introduction, the chancellor'* annual report and Ihe Hoard of Trustee*, acts* of the Hoar.! of True- Iciv. tirtnual meeting of the Alumni Bo clety. alumni personal*. cla*s reunion*, ne rologv and a short hlstorieal sketch Thl* new departure oil the part of The university will l>e hail'd with delight by the uitimn! nil over ihe state, ami much good with result from It. I.lki: A LEAD Ml KMI.. t iaelnnati Never Had a I batter With at. I.csala. St I*ouls Oct. II -St l*otils made Cin cinnati look like h minor league club ihl* afternoon Tht visitor* never had a chance. St Louis is now tied with Chi cago for flfth pace Attendance r..jti Score: HUE. Si I-nil* ..1 1 200102*—7 J 7 1 Cincinnati .0 ftoo 00 0 o—o ft 0 Battertew—Su.lhoff and Criger and Stan ton; Scott and Pelts. It nit in Needed foe I ail lon. Columbia H C.. Oct. 14.—A1l th com mercial warehouse# In the state are being taxed to supply room for *x*lton In •mailer town* companteo are being organ tied to build such warehouse* The bank* In town* where there are warehouse* have prartlratly no mono to lend .ate. pi on cotton tn storage Farmer*. believing cotton I* going higher, are taking advan tage of ltie facllltlta to store cot on and obtain r.dy money, lianka are all lend ing 9 cents per pound. s ♦ ■ I Queer Tlttit it * tn Xoutli t srnllnn. Columbia. S C’.. Oct. M —Near Ronalds Greenwood county, while a negro was taking a halter off a cow. lightning kt lei th* cow- ami didn’t Jar the negro. In Greenwood a lady felt something moving on her bed at night Thinking It It was her pet rat. she went hark to sleep. In the morning she discovered a highland moccasin coiled up at 'he foot of the bed She didn't faint She killed II Xherlff of Kershaw < iisntjr. Columbia. S Oct 14—After three pri maries atal two contest*, the •tight for sheriff of Kershaw county ha* been set tled In favor of J S Tranthan. who Ir each Instance has teemed to be the popu lar choice THE MOKNINd NEWS: MON DAY. OCTOBER 15. 1900. o\n>M> (MB MKT. |*roferra at Emory Find lleltgbt In the Meeting*. Emory College, fiford, <la.. Oct. II The memfers of the Emory faculty have an organlgatkm.' the Oxonian Club, which I* both literary and social In tte nature, and from whEh each of Its mem bers have derived a great deal of profit •nd pleasure The meetings are held once i month at th* home* of the different member*, and at each meeting a paper n some subject of current Interest I* rr and ova member appointed at a previous meeting The reading of the paper t* fol lowed by a general dl* uaelon of the pubjeci In ha* and When thi* dt*-u*sion Is < *o*cd and tli- r**gular tuslne*s transact* id the remolnder of the evening l* us ually spent in s*.c|al enjoyment The papers wM*h wcr read at the meeting* of the elu • held tast year wer* emcellent, tio h a* to th* b-pth of thought, careful research shown In their preparation and the {recreating styl* si which th* y were written. The fire* meeting of the Omni m for thi* year was held Friday evening, the •la * b .ng th* gurets of President Dow m*n The principal feature of the even ing wa* ih*- reading of the paper by Fmf. H H Hroll< > entitle*! "Our Ml ros* oplc Friends " w r hl h was n discussion of bac teria Considerable mtere* wa* aroused l>) this ex client an*l carefully prepared paper, and quite u lively dl*rusi>n n -4U. f Aft*r the meeting k lightful re freshment* were *erve*l and Mr* Dow man who is famed for her hospitality, never had u rrwire appn •datice company. The November meeting of the club will be held at the nome of I*rof Andrew Sledd. on which occaskion a paper will he read by President Dow man NEW HOLD MINING ( OBI*%NY. ( barter Granted Ity South Carolina Secretary of State. Columbia H C, Oct 14—The Secretary f State haa Issued a lo the Palmetto Hold Mining Company, with a capital io k off 1.000,100 The corporator* are L C Cannon of Spartanburg and Henry Kurt* and L#uciu* C. Embee of Princeton. !nJ. The gold mine to be developed Is situ ated at West Spring*. var the line be tween t'nlon and Spartanburg count I**, and only a short distance from Glenn Spring* Mr Kurts Is a practical miner, but most of his work ha* been in Indiana coal mine* The labor trouble*, he says. trove him to seek r w fields, nnd he thinks he ha* found it good thing here These mines are not new so far a* the knowledge f the gold deposit goes, but they have never been worked upon a large M*aile. Mr. Runs says two haft* have been already sunk ISO feet and It I* pro posed to go down .W There are wrven parallel vein* In a strip of land ♦**> feet wide At present thirty people are em ployed and a 3U-*tamp mill I* operaf**! It Is proposed to install machinery to handle iar ton* of dirt a day. The dirt now average© $* per ton and the cost 1* U SO per ton The company own* 3acre* and ha* option* on *46 covering a strip Fi mile* In length under which the gold veins e*- tend. JOHN ANDERSON DEAD. lie AA ns Ftirsinsn of the Chronicle's Composing Hoorn. Augusta. Oct. 14—Mr. John Andemon. who has been foreman of the Chronicle composing room for tw*n4y-three year*, died to-duy from erysipelas. Mr Ander son began work in the Chronicle office In IsiU. whets he was 13 years okl. and had been here ever Klnrfe without lnt rmission, except during the Civil War. when he was a gallant soldier tn the Forty-eighth Geor gia He waw a faithful w-orkman up to the hour he wa* stricken down. Three weeks ago he went 40 the howol tol and had on*- of his toe* amputated ttiood |*oleots and eryetpelas followed He was loyal to the Chronicle under all con dltlona. and wa* honest and manly. He t* survived by three grown children of his first marrtage, and hi# second wife and three young children. NEWSPAPER MEN INVITED. t nhttnli* AV tint* ilsmbrrsnt thr Pres* Association In Atlanta. Fair Grounds. Atlanta. Oct. 14.—Mr H H. Cnbontsa, president of the Georgia I'res* A**o In slots, ha* l**urd the follow ing invitation: "The member# of the Georgia Pres* Association are Invited to meet at the Kimball House. Atlanta, on Tuesday. Oet. IS. at 11 o'clock All edi tor* and publishers of new simpers In Geor gia ore Invited so attend the meeting Tuesday will he "Press I>ay" at the Southern Int-estate Fair, nnd the mati ng* ment will provide a barbecue for the editors. The .ourte*lew of all exhibits and shows will lie extended to newspaper men A cordial Invitation Is rxlcndrd to all. Heath at Thoiunav llle. Thomasvlllr. Ga., Get 14. Mrs. Wm. Campbell died yesterday morning at her home In this city. WATER ON HOARD A SHIP. Vlarlncr* on l.onM-lllwtuncc Sailing V essel* Have to Econom Ist-. From the New York Times. The average New Yorker, accustomed as he Is to an almost limitless sunplv of fresh water loth for use ami for waste, would be otuazed to observe the mote than rigid economy with which the pre cious fluid Is doled out on board ships making long voyage* In the case of ,i large ocean liner wh.oh crosses Irum port to |>ort in a week or lee* there I* no cry ing need for stint In this particular. Hut 11 is a far lilffcretM matter where a large sailing vessel clears for some harbor upon tile other able of the globe One of, say, 1 .I*l tons will often start upon a voy age supposed to cover at toast four month* carrying an amount of fresh wa ter which In the average apartment house would be exhausted between daylight and tv>ond-> "In my early days.” said an old sailor, discussing this topic yesterday. "I shipped on a full-rlggtd American ship which car ried a crow of about twenty all told. Tly Itrst object lesson In Ihe economy of fresh water prevailing on board was received on the second Sunday morning out from port. The male's watch, of whlrh I was a member, now indulged In the luxury of h wash A bucket about twn-thirda full of water that hail Just been pumped from the l.rge*l of the tanks was placed upon the main hatch. I was accorded the Aral chance at Ihe bucket, presumably for the reason that a relative of mine waa a mem ber of Ihe llrm of merchant* which had chartered Ihe ship. This fact brought to me certain advantage* In forerastle so. etety that I might not otherwise have en joyed "Stripped ro Ihe waist. I proceeded If You are Tired Takt Horsford s Acid Phosphate It afford# immediate relief in mental and physical exhaustion and insomnia. Gen mas boars turns Hoasroao't en wrapper. hrlukly lo Ih* hulno* of Ixvinr Aftr thoroughly •orubbtng and tinalng-lo put It nautlcHjr--mir uppr work*. I oha-rv-d nwlttna bahlnd m with a ‘ntxl raoraa lon on hi* i ountmanea. a tall, rawr-banad Irtah- Arnartoan aallor to whom 1 politaly handrd th burkrt after I hl oninlai out Into tha dark acuppara thr watar Whlrh I rraarda-l a* havlna alraady baar, Ura. lv *p.Had My nhtpmatr aa*.l at ma Hr*t In ronateriwtlcn and than In India n.iturr after which he eaclaimel with a anaar •• -you're 100 blanked proud, you ar*. "After hr had pro.itrad anothar IWO thlrda of it bucket from th watar tank h.- rnvr hlmaalf a vloroua a-ah Than another aallor plunrd hla hrad Into thr rania water One hv onr thr other mam bar.* of thr watch clcanard thamralvaa In the Kama dark and aoapy fluid Tn tha afternoon I raw mamhara of the other watch liathlna with tha oft-ue*d wutar In fact, by tilahtfal!. with thr notable < Krrptkm of mvrrlf. every member of tha cr> w rraldlna be fora thr maal had wash ed hlmaalf In the contents of that aalf rame bu Vet Nor waa the mlaalon of thta water yet fulfilled Uurln* the neat few dayr .allcira were roratantly In tha off w-atrhea waahlna ahlrta and )timper In It. In fad. nty ehlpmatei rontlnuad to uaa- It for thla iwirpoae until there remain ed little In the bucket beside auda and aa.llmenl There haa lon* been aol.l to aattora a patent aoap which l represented aa of service In waahln* with aalt water. Tha sailor. IWwver, Ihlnkw lltti* of sail wra lar for waahlnga of any dew- rlption un- Pa It la to low an old pair of trousers overboard by the help of a atom line for a few days The drawback of thla method la that when the ahlp la becalmed, or la only movtn* aiowly Ihe frisky shark la apt to nibble too atronfly upon the trous ers Hather than resort to the Imperfect cleanatn*. which tha sea water afford*, the men of the forecastle prefer to re main sol loti Indefinitely If an*a*ed In tarring down the rigging when the sum mons 19 dinner comes, to carefully wipe the fingers with oakum or with yarns pull ed from fragments of old rope. Is deemed a sufficient toilet Tha dally portion of fresh water allowed to each aallor under the shipping laws la one gallon This Includes who- la used In his tea and coffee (where a considerable portion bolls away In the preparingi and In the other rooklrng Tha water for hls occasional washes depends upon the gen - erosltv of tha captain, unlees he haa the good fortune to catch something from Ihe rainfalls The meal puddings, or "duff." and the vegetables, when there are ant of tha latter, are boiled In eo water, dip ped from over the ship* side The cabin dishes are washed In salt water, well heatwl The sallot uses a service of tin Almost entirely, and thin he sometime# clean* by simply rubbing It with old rope "shakings " The greater portion of th supply of freh water It usually placed In a large circular tank In the hold, where, how ever. It crowds out comparatively but a small cargo space. The remainder Is kept on deck tn small tank* and casks, se curely lashed for safety tVhsnevee there Is a rainfall, whatever water drains from the after deckhouse la caught Thl* I* usually stored In Ihe deck tanks and cask* Sometime* the water thus secured I* placed In th# large tank, and It then Imparts It* tarry taste to the rest of the eofiplv stored there In ca*e a dangerous leak springs In the large tank It may be necessary for the *hlp to pul Into the nearest port for more water But usually the captain atari* upon hls long voyage without any Intention of stopping at any Intermediate port. —The Prtnra of Bulgaria on a recent Journey from Salaburg to Munich took the place of the engineer and ran the special train himself. -# 1 < The Brat Preaenptloa far Malaria. Chills and Favar. la a bottle of Orove’t Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No curs —no pav Price 60c - ad. SPECIAL AUI IOCA PRESERVE TUI M SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alorsa enabls you to sea. but corrsct avery dsfgcl that may salat. Thor# Is no guesswork la our methods We hava tho latest and moat approved scientific apparatus for accurst# aye last ing. Wa make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you noed the services of s physician wa will frank ly tall you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect in every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheep by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glaasaa as a side llna. DR. M. SCHWAB A SON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street N. B.—Oculist prescriptions Oiled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. NOTICE TO TAX PAVER*. City Treasurer’s Office, Savannah. Oa„ Oet. 1. 1900. The following taxes are now due; REAL ESTATE, third quarter. 1900 KTtM'K IN TRADE, third quarter. 1900. FURNITURE etc., third quarter. 1900 MONEY. MORTGAGES, etc. third quarirr. 1900. A discount of TEN PER CENT will be til owed I pot i all of the above If pay ment la made within fifteen days after Oct 1. C. 8 HARDEE, City Treasurer. ■IV ONLY THE BEST UINOKJA ALE. The best le the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Urifast, Ireland, from the csiebraled croruac Springs of that city. These spiings are the properly of W heeler A Cos., btnue no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in it eland ha# Ihoea waters but then writes The Wheeler Ginger Ala la made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Bed Pepper, as others art; one Is deleterious—the other Is a ionic. For Healthfulnesa and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ala la lbs beat. t.IPPMAN BROTHERS, ■ole Southern Agenle. Savannah. Ga. NOTICE. We are now moving our Wholesale De partment to the commodious quarters 127 Congress street (formerly occupied by M Dryfus, and will be tn perfeot shape In a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COMPANY. ASH AND CYrHEkN LLMUKR FOR SALE. 130.000 feel of sah. aultable for wheel wrights. carriage makers, car works and Inietlor house finish. Also eyptee* lumber of all sties We have resumed cutting our famous brgtyl* of cypress shingles *l.l Wli; soon have a ruil line of them for sale. VALE ROYAL MPO CO RICE MILLING. HUE KLOI'R, MILE CHAFF. We have anew mill with all modern processes, and machinery, and are now ready for business. We solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence; noe chaff free lo patrons. THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL CO., T. 91 Cunningham. President. John Screven, Jr , Manager. reseat at. titv IT iTIOtv HOI.MBB -Th# friend* and acquaint ances of Mrs. Celia J Holmes ara re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral of her mother, Mra Martha Burney, to morrow afternoon, at 4 o’clock, from th" First A B Church Franklin square. art. lat toTICU. uirßMvcT^tKFnm^ The flueln".* Failure Teat. W. J Bryan's apeech at Mudlaon Square Oarden: “It I* only necessary to note the increased number of failure* In order to know that a gold standard la ruinous to merchants and manufacturer* During tha calendar year ll** there were business failures amounting to I?J*.n** ttt I.ast year the failures fell to W *7*.6*o -a de crease of over One Hundred and Thirty five Million Dollars—B'atiatlcal Abstract of the f B Prosperity I'nder a ilold Administration TV J Bryan apee, h at Rhlnebeck N T . August, tfi "Wa hon estly believe that there can b no perma nent. no general prosperity In this coun try until we slop the conspiracy of those who would make gold the only standard of ths world ” Ravings Bonk* of ths I’nlted Btatas— ISSS number of depositors S.fqj.tM, deposits. *1*01,16*277; IMP. num ber of depositor*. 6.*17.616. deposits. 67 - 2SO.6**.Kt Increase of depositor* £22.224. deposits 6222.2'.<>.77 —Compiled In office of Con*roller of Currency The American people saved last year Three Hundred and Twenty-three M'lllon Dollars more /ban during the year when Mr. Bryan made the above statement The condition of the railroads Is an Indea of the proep©ly of the country Gross earning* of rail roads of t’nltad State*. 1616. II 0K.M6.4n; 16*6. 61.26* 666.726 ; mere***, |157.13.?7-ln tlatlcal Abstract of the tj 8., p 666. The railroads have earned One Hundred and Fifty-seven Million Dollar* more In 16** than In 16*6; of thl* only 1.70 per cent, of the capital Invested went tn the owners of the stock: most of the rest went to labor The eg port of domestic merchan dise In 19*0 was Five Hundred and Forty Mt'ilon Dollars greiter than In 16*6 —Sta tiMlcal Abstract of the l’ 8 , p 92 Was Mr Bryan right? vote for McKinley, roobevklt and I.EAKEN LEVANT! CAFE. RESTAURANT AND OY STER HOI 9R. 11l Congress Street, West. Rise Point. Rerkaway and Native Oysters Is all styles. CHOP STEIK! AND GAME OP ALL KINDS IN SEASON EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. DINING ROOMS UPSTAIRS. NERVOI I DYSPEPSIA. T. B. Kemp. D. D . Si Mary's. Ga.. July 13. 1993. writes: "t lake pleasure In tesflfylng lo the healing and Invigorating qualities of Bu wanee Springs I have been suffering for some months from nervous dyspepsia which followed an atlnck of la grippe and came to the springs ten days ago seeking relief I hove been rapidly Im proving elnre the first day. and feel at present aa If I were entirely well Per sons with lost appetite and tired nerves will find. I believe, In the waters of these springs the very thing they need " losif Inflammation of the Bladder and Catarrh of Ihe Bladder. Col. Joseph M Hull of Fort Eagle. Fla. says: • • "After being treated by two of the moat eminent physicians of Georgia. Aral for sub-acute Inflammation of the bladder and afterward* for eaiarrh of the bladder, without relief. I went to your spring a perfect skeleton not able to walk alone And after drinking of the waters freely In twenty-four hours Ihe disease was cheeked, and I have never had a return sines of the disease I think the water of your spring a certain cure for kidney and bladder Any one wishing lo write me about It <-n do so and I will answer them chesrfully." COP 9HTNER SHIP NOTICE. . Savannah. Ga.. Oct. IS, 1900 We. the undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm name of Johnson. Moore A Cos to conduct a general brokerage and commisalon busi ness for the sale of provision*, etc. J B. JOHNSON A B MOORE e o. McDonald. SPECIAL NOTICE. All Mila against the Italian hark Zeflro must be presented at our oftlee before I! o'clock m this day. or payment thereof will bo debarred STRACHAN A CO . Consignees. Savannah. Ga.. Oci. IS. l9no NOTICE. The schedule ta changed for Suwanee Spring* You can leave Savannah, via Plant System, ai 8 a tn.. arrive at tht Springs at 12:20 p. m. This schedule is good (or every day In the week. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah Office Clerk of Council. Oct. t. 1900. A vacancy having occurred In the Board of the Commissioners of •Pilotage by rea son of the death of Commissioner J J. Wilder, and by virtue of a resolution adopt'd at a meeting of Council held on the evening of Ihe 3rd Instant Notlcs Is hereby given that an election will b# held at Ihe next regular meeting of Coun cil. Ocl. 17. 9 p m . to fill the unexplred term occasioned by the death of the aakl Commissioner Wilder. All applications to be Med on or before 12 m. of the 17th Instant WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clark of Council WALL PAPER. FATEH HANGING. We carry complete assortment of la last atyla paper#, and employ only brat artists Saw our goods and gsl our estlmata be fore giving out your work. Our prtcae tbs very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Cwngraaa. Phone 819. BONDS LU.HTUI By the American and Trust t ompany af lialiin.ore We are author ised to exocut- iocoiiy tlmm-dtately upon application), all bonds In Judicial pro ceeding* In either tha stale or United ■talc* courts, and of administrators and guardians BEARING * HULL Agents Telephone 3*4- Provident Botldtag. OUR C LIENT* Loan money el six per cent, on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers AMIPBMKXTg. Wednesday October 17th 620 P. M op mm oi mo cathedral -BY MR. J. LEWIS BROWNE. -or % Hants, firnrala. assisted hy Mrs M M O Brlen of Al ania Ga Mra W. W (Irosa. Mrs M Ed Wilson. Miss Allan. Mr J M Black and Prof John Wiegand. accompanist, under the direction of Mr Frank E Krbarer Choir Muter of the Cathedral PHIMIR * >1 Part First. No 1. (a) Bach Fanlast t In O Major (Bk IV No. 11l Treaa VII Ement. Grave. I-enlemente. (b| nrantns—Andante— Andant* Mo I to. (from Sonata tn F Minor, op. 6|. Rossini Pro Peccatls J. M Black 2. (at Bugtehude Fugue tn C Major <h! Dubois “In Parsdlslum 6. Massenet Aria from Herodtad" Mrs M M O Brlen 5. (a! Seebotck "Berenata Napolltana (hi Browne .‘'Bcherio""—March (new) Part Second. 1. Leslie Come t'nlo Him Mrs M Ed. Wilson 2 Rossini Quts Esl Homo Mrs W. VV Gross and Mias Nen.c Alum 3. Nevln "Vanegla." (a) "A ba " <b( - Gondollerl.’' (c> "Canaone— (d) "Bouna Notts (Ave Marla). 4. Baaslnl "dalve Regina" Mrs M M O'Brien 6 Extemponxat.on In Bor,ala form, upon themea to be furnished at time of performance by the- director. On this occasion the new organ of the Cathedral, the largest and fine*! tn the Boutit. will be opened and ll* complete ness of mechanism and magnificent lone quality demonstrate,! thoroughly by Mr Browns, a moel accomplished organist An admission of 60 cents will be charge.! for the benefit of Ihe organ fund of the church. Ticket# on aale at Connor's bookstore and at Ihe door of the Cathe dral. gAVANNAH THEATER. Thursday Matinee and Night. Get 16 The Event of the Season Engagement of America's Tragedian. Mr. ROBERT DOWNING. Assisted hv the Talented and Beaullful ALBERTA CONVERSE, and a complete company. Including Cha* D. Herman. William Somers. Lillian Klngrhtiry and Minnie Ltndley. presenting hi* latest and greatest *urre*#e*. •■RICHARD. THF. LION-HEARTED. ' —and— "THE GLADIATOR " Under direction of E. D SHAW Price*—Matinee. 76". 60c and 26. Night. 61.60 11.00. 76c. 50c and 26c BAVAMBAH I.ECTI RE COI'RM'., Tuesday. Oot. 16. 610 p m . Guards Hall Admission 75 cent*. PARIS AND THE EXPOSITION. (Illustrated ) Seat* reserved at Y M H A. building 110 Liberty *treet. west. 8:60 to 11 a. m . and 3 to 5 p. m ■I6I6EU ROTICS4 McGoir.'s Portable Furnace Thl* machine supplies a long-felt want In the prompt and efficacious fumigation of house* which have been In contact with contagious and other diseases. Hv using the fume* of either formaldehyde or sulphur, or both, ihe room lo he disin fected I* thoroughly charged and Ihe fu migation le made complete In every way. (1> IT FUMIGATES HOUSES AND SHIPS (21 IT FUMIGATES SEWERS fSt IT DESTROYS RANK VEGETA TION The above cut shows ehe machine |n readiness to fumigate a dwelling, which I* alwave done from the outside. Hy mean* of gasoline burners under an air tight basin charged with formaldehyde and sulphur Ihe fumes generated are forced by the attached blower Into the apartment being treated. This shows the method of fumigating sewers, which Is thoroughly done with McGuire's machine Whnt Is claim'd for It Is a great saving of time, convenience and efficaciousness The machine may be Inspected In operation each afternoon from 2 to & at No. 43" Hrvan street, west. JAMES McGF I RE. Patentee and Owner. Whenever the Best Is Wanted Office 307 Hull Street. Telephone 700 APKCIAL BOTICKS. IMS- MAX TO CLEAN CAKPaaTS. Tha only way to gat your carpets prop. ary taken up, < loaned and taken are of tor tha la to turn tha Job over ta th* District M'ssrng r and Delivery Cos., talepbone X, or call at 32 Montgomery at'set, and that will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work Ptlooe rana-nahle They alao pack, move and ■tors furniture and pianos C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. MATTRESSES, MATTRESSES. Have your mattresses and feathers ren ova led by our nu-dlraled steam process before a change In Weather takes place. (Th# only plant tn Bavannah.) It over come! all Impurities and renews life and volume In all bedding material Prices on renovation of feathers a* ft low, Beds 99 5< ho sier* 11. pillows .Vs tot lon, mass and hair mattresses made lo order Fine work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone UK. Hi Drayton street LEOPOLD ADLEII. JNo r r ... . President ,. LUj \ C B. ELLIS. BARRON c*£L Vice Presided!. A ,, t ,' K RR. The Chatbain Ben Will be please*) to receive in, ~r „ of Merchants. Firm*. Individ.,.. and Corporations "*' e 4 Liberal favor* extended Unsurpassed collection facility .. ing prompt returns. LY 0.61 DE|>olT* rent'*CO,rotnonH B °"* V.u)U ~ renl Correspondence solicited. "• The Cilizenslank 4AF SAVAASA6L " li_cAP,tALSSOO.OOO - lna> • Bnatasaa. SoltaAla Accesst, m Utblluk Merck,.... Mk . u( (U(| laUsi,. Cwliaction. handled with •wnnomy and dlspntah. Utrtm, allawafl on deposits la aa© l* V |m DapartOMnt. •nf.ty *A.po.i, u( „*. ■ RASTI.RY A. DKAMARK Pv,.,„ ■ ILL* 6). l ilt, Vie. SEONGB C. FREFMAV. Ca.hl.e, iIOStDO6 L GROOVER, A..,, SOUTHERN Bi( of the State of Oeorgta Capital PAW Surplus and undivided profits 6W;ik ULPOSnuIIY 06 I IIL STATE u y GEORGIA. Superior facllitie* lor transacting a General Banking' riutinaa* > oilectlona maths on alt points ~~ .>,!blc through banka and bar.awa. Accounts ol Oauks, lienkr;. 3,.>, and others solicited. Bate Deposit Uou, lor rent. Department of Savings, Interest payaha quarterly Holla Sterling Exchange on LocAaa a and upwards JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A CRANE. Vie# President JAMES SULLIVAN Ga*hler DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY. VII W. OORDON E. A. WEIL W W GORDON Jr H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEfE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FF.R9T H P SMART. CHARLES ELUt EDWARD KELLT. JOHN J KIRHT Sllil M! M CAPITAL, #330,000. Arccunts of banka, merchants, corpora, lions and Individuals aollcltadL Savings Department, interest p,M quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made oo all point* at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED, President. JOHN C ROWLAJND. Vice President W. F. McCAULEY. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. CApital Undivided prints This bank oflera its services to corpora tions. merchants and individuals Has authority to act .a axecutor, ad ministrator, guardian etc lsu>a drafts oo the principal eltlte la Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent Interest paid or compounded quarter:? on dapvalte In th# Savings Department Safety Hoxe* for rent HENRY BLUN. President. o*o. W TTEDEMAN. Vine President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN, Aa.'t CaaMer No 1440. Chartered UK —THE HOIS Mil Ml OF BAVANNAH. CAPITAL. UOvAJ. surplus, iuma UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. CARBON. Prsrldgt. BEIKNE GORDON, Vice President- W M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of lank* and barkers. iw*r ehan'a end corporations received tip a the moat favorable terms consistent srttk safe end conservative benklrg THE GEORGIA STATE B LILDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. IS YORK STREET. WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allow'l on deposits, withdrawable on drmend. Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed t* l a- posit* of even hundreds, withdraw* able at annual periods. OK<) W. TIKDKMAN. President. H. H LEVY. Vice Preaklenl. B. W. BELL Secretary. C. O. ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms To NUDOPfir Pisft For sals, a Facaalth News pager raid*, will fold Sheet 33x45. It Is In good <r; *’ Price 9100 11 cost origin#Ur lU<*. r ’ ' wa have au use for 14 end wool the root* t occupies. II will be art Invaluable adjuact ta newepapav ufßos , I Add rasa MORNING NEWS, BarssisS ®“" IF TOO WANT GOOD MATERIA*- and work, ordat your lithographed* printed stationery and Mank bowk* • Morning Nows, Savannah. Ga.