The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 15, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THERE ARE NO CANDIDATES. u:h* tMi lu\ o \ IHHII HK'I THK i: *i 11 itiiiii. Mja>nr HfrM M- I* •** "*** MraponalM, fr !•• *r|*-'*t mil In I’larr Ikr \|>|nln I nn-nl ol III* IMlrrra In Ikr Hand- of IH- >'. llna \ul Hrrn I nnanllnl In Ihn Mailer nml looa kol ll.airr *ark nn larrmar of M<*a|>nualMlll —l -il.rmo 111 inn '*■ !•** la n I anil Mate and Will *w|l I airaa Mainr Drrlt——• ih- Naamlnallnn- The o.hnlnllmttii party la ••>! •mil*'l Ml tarmoi Both M ' AM. r man IMx.m N.llh.r will prrmii hi pallii al naplrallona •* lm<r farn with iir** narmonjr. Htrinu. 'o any. railhrr ' In a raialkkiie for 1 it- vnwvoraity nomination. M' r M\i- will l "guided by tn* advl fof h!** (Heeid#." nml Ahl‘rtri I>U on w :t n • rjt th® nomination #houl*t Miyor Mvcm *••< line. Evidently h younger politician* of the (wlmlnl.-tration who hove been making assertion# # *•• the strength of tin* two wtippO'O'cl candi dates urn I hnxurdlnc pred! tlon* a** to thi result# <4 *.r ®#t i• •• \ **■ been speak ing without auth*rlty. Th** surface tmlt* atlon* of |M>iiti *1 effort* within th® party 4ln®* have al-* douMl®## tw in mi undfrftotid. Ncitlii r gentl®rmin i* responsible for tlw proposed l>il| to pin ♦* t • npi*o4ntm n of th® mJur |jn>rttf) *f lit** city offic'W in ihr hand.** of tin* mayor. nor have either i>® n conituiiid t/j mover# in thi® mat ter. or given fifty ihfli.wi: ton am to Id** m**h*> in r®gar 1 to t Th® |*ol‘.tK'al article in y®#terkv ? Morning Nwk brought out dl.*<rliiinM>rt fnm botit I'-iiiifinrii. both •# to to® mv oialt* nomination him! t o* • ity >ffl**< in I Th* Mw w.i' t f..rih in tfi ankle tin*! th® Nil w.ii* ofr*n*| by friend* of Mayor Myer# to advaix • hia anfdidn* > hi I k>ubtj*'** in nl* illy to further their own ulJ*v?. Mi■ or Myer# wh*n hvo >®#terd*> i*ntri‘d m nnHiutl *l,s* ia|m* r "I kn>w nothin* whatever ol th® pro* pi*®d hill.” ho said **l have never #®* n it, nor 4id I ki*ow mi | advert i If any of my frioiwl* nr** pru|*>tng the *dll hi order to wtr* i gthen m*- |foil<l<uily # attain* Mr IHxon. or any other *an dkku**, they ore .loir* both Mr. I Muon and mye* if M n tnjuetl ♦ There is no spirit of rivalry whatever between ua If there i* any merit in the Nil It shook I tie m.i, irrespective of any poiiti< al hi vantage to I** derived ty any or>* The city's* g<H#l akm® -hould prompt th** In troduction find pas*ag® of tics* m* - urea. •Thi you propone to atar<l for a rnomi nation ?" Mayor Myep* was nek**tl "I am not ptepafed to an<*w*r that ques tion at this tine " lie ra|.:i*fl "When th tim** romee fi fleet 1 will te- lar*e|y *ul*t e<| t> th** Mflviit* of tlw* many warm frletwi?* who have jm cameetly aupporttsl me in tie* past." **Ap|rently ihc hill ioen have the a| IXMiran* # of t*elne In rn> intereat." -ill lh* Mayor "It would inor*i**e the patron nit* of th* Mayor* h ofMt'e anl place the ap (•ointment* in the hand* of the pro-ent Mayor. If this in* th* objn't It has I wen undertaken withotit n\ upproval. I •wither dewtr* th* patrofume nor **et*k th* added re|ionaibility. I prefer thw* h** prifuipai officers of the city should bo elected by Council It mixht poa.dbily t>* hettr-r to have all of th** minor oflices tn*H apprumivt* an most of them are at present, but this Is not important." The Mayor fiointel out that the ofW es of dire* tor of pubii*' works, auperinter and nt of police and u|** rintendent *f fire *l* - partrnent. which were hl.e*l by appoint ment by th* Mayor with the approva *.f ('oufKil wllf *• om* elective .it the * *tn- In election under * ft* onhnwm e l>y w hich they were cranted. Offices as Important as tiwee ahould be elective he saki AMerman Otxon's statement wa straiKhl to the point He 11*1 I am not a candidate for Mayor. If Mr Myers desire- a r* nomination he should have it I ho stateil to Mr M\er more than two months nxo W* ar.* |er •kinal atsl |H>lltical friends. The stNa* '- '.luti tliWf tier** is any friction Ndweeii us. or iliat either <f us Is playing for position d<*es us Itoth an Injustice. "Should Mr Mver- decline a renomina tion. arvi I le n.minat*<l. I will uc • pt the romlnatlon. Thr*'tiahout my entire alder manic * iresr I have endeavored eonslst ently t*> stand by my friend** whenever their i'ddls were in accordance with tnv sens#* of rtffht, r*l I prof>ohi* to contlmn to d‘ so Mv ‘|Mr>*onal Mmltltion* will never stand In the way of party success “Under this statement It Is entirely un necessary for any •< 'piny for tsedtloh * The bill to make appointive certain city officers can is- considered strictly upon its merits.** Alderman Dixon's positive statement is likely to cause some surprise in ndmlnk traiion circles He has beeei r*xaril* and for som** tint*- a- nn candidate. th*UKh he has iiuni* no opn de lsrition *>n the eulijo* t, and many of the work* ra have openly declared for him Ills de* laration that h* will not accept the nomination unless Mayor Myers should decline it would seem to efmpllfy matters consi*l** - ably There ha< been no taik of a caiwildnte fiom the other aide, ihmifth doiibtle*a th liberal leaders an* watching thing** ck>s*- |y and hoping for a split In the ranks of • htlr opponenis. There Is s**m* surmising on the pari of the administration tstgHe as to whether the Liberals will tiik** up Alderman TVdeman in case that g**nile mnn should off**r for the mayoralty, but Alderman Tledeman’a course in th* mntt<*r as well as that of the LllM*rnls r* **m> to be altogether a mutter of surmise at pres ent. WAX XOTHI'Ki IH T MIOKK. Flrr ('all to Hoard of Trade Ituildlna I'roied \erdles. The tire deiwrtment had a telephone call at S:iO o'clock yesterday morning to th* Duard of Trade building Bmok w .is seen Ikauinx from one of the rooms **f the building, and It was thought well to call in the flr**m n The chemical engine an l craw at ihe CVntial station respond* d.and found that th** .-moke was escaping frtrni ♦he of a stove locate*l in the Postal Telegraph t'ompuny’s *>fll* * In tin* I>4> ir.ent. There was no damage, but the t**l flip!) |*eo|de were notilled to put the pipe in order WIU* IK K NIUTIHI TItIBINAL. Hriger Alia* Howland to He Taken to Port Rrreves. Ilctficr, a!:a. u JjTTi nm Rowland. *>** w4* arrest* and Friday by Detective Julius Ht.irk on tb* * harge of having r*>l>b** l a house at Messrs A. S Macon A Hon s Mill, and who Is also w anted for deserting from Battery F, now at Fort Screven, will Ik* taken to the fort to-day. and turned over to the military authorities. IIFI.D FOK IHOI.IM oinrmu. Fnlrfaa RkerUV Ulll Come After Jessr UrUrim. Jaaaa McOraw. the colored msn arrest ed lost week charged with the murder of another negro in Fairfax. Oct. 6, will b# taken back to the scene of IPs crime p*e sibly to-day ss Superintendent of Tollce Bcreven yesterday - received a telegram from the county authorities of Ham well county, waving that the man was wanted and that bo would be sent for IliilM WILL 111 HHOIt.HT VtOMRk llrntli of Jnhm L. Itnnktn. Jr., In Pittsburg, t-'.rlfrs Th* AWMiiUtl IT*-** diet*** l h to the M-.ri ing N* w adikmii itu tl"- ■ itental kihing f .Mr James L Itankln, Jr for rmrly *f this city, was re.*l with deep r*~ amt by Mr. liankin s friends and th* friend** of his family D**tails of ih* deplorable affair are #•* ****'•!l nglv ni*sKr the dispatch merely tiling that Mr. llanktn hd been killed l ii tro’lev car whl. riding hi- hr** dong Fork* •* avenue In Pittsburg The it appears. la* k* i It* fr*n of tht riir *rd both the and rider were kiiied Th* telegrams Hint hav tw* n r**- eived by \lr J.*ms L It.iiikln, Br., nml other in* min i of ih* family add nothing to the known fa is of the accident Hat unlay night Mr Itankin. Hr, rc rotved i l*ki!ini fi an Mr W i liam Kwiti. o r* .utlv* <f tie family resident in Ptiisbur. mivtdnit him that hit* eH had r*-* n v* > weriously Injur***! In an a> klent i at ufterns*n nnl t imt I! w not le|i*vei he w iubl recover. Mr Itankln arn** to tii* * ai* lusiof* flint hi -*a wis *l* cl and that tft* wording of the t*l** tmm wa designed to spare him the i•* k *>f * ft in aiifioiin* * in**nt if•• left t.*r l*ibt-bijtg *n an early m*rn!n train yesterday. Mr Itankln. with a mothers fowl i;oj*efuln* * iefuse*l to believe that h* i w m *!*- ! olid t credit h* crre - n* - *f ih* Assoidated Press dt-pat h V • terdav Mr W 1! Wik her brother, t# i grHph**l f*i Mr Faring and r** * iv* *1 in r**pl> * t* “-gram ontirming the re port **f tin death. Mr Itankln Hr will reach Pittsburg ini** mornln. and it i- exp*, ted will re turn to Ha vunn i t wit it th# body of Ins on n- ii- cir* uinstuners will per mit. The i**.d\ wail r* a< h here Wednesday oi Thin s-dtiy. M’ Itunkin s death Is nn csceealingly il *ri (Hcurrlng s It did. Just ms r*e had fairly -iiirt*) mi what promised to t | ..-oerou* .ua! u* •wsful business nn l |*Mf. --loiiitl . ar* *r, .\ gra*lunte of I.* dg > rrilversiiy. h* n*ptel a |ssi witii in* American Tin Plate Coni ; in almost lmm*diat*4> upon leaving •‘hg* mid ** r*inafn*d wliti that om •*uny steadily ever sin • ll# had be#n **\ ra tun* ti.lvan. ed and hal com** to h*. i ii high pla . )n the esteem of the - ompany’s officers n*l dir* tors Th# * *“ * r thaj o|t*nd before him had in it •vcrythlng that was bright and aura* - iv*- to an ambitious young nmn. 11 Is a strange *oinridcnce. In connection with his death, mat Mr Itankln'* grand father Ideut. James L Itankln. I*. H A . was kil.tsl by t *• ing thrown from it horse, m Savannah, more lhan half a century ago Lieut Rankin was ruling along < M&ie!horp- avenue, then ScHitli Itioid '’reel, loetween Abe r corn and Lincoln, he vt ih tbrow n from his horse and instantly killed I is remarksH* itait in the third generation <*f the family an acrid* nt s nearly il ntlral and attended by the same tragic result should have occurred. 1 mum:i> • %Hll AT WORK. I*o Make Contention of llsnttHtrra •*f I oof*ternrj n uc*ea. Th** local chapter of Daughters of the r’onfederacy is active In |>r-|ia rat lon for •lie entertainment of the delegates and other visitors to the convention of the •tale division. Which will Is* held In Ha* vannali on Nov. ?, H. 9 an*l lu. Mrs Margaret Branch Sexton, the pres ident of the Savannah chapter, is now In New York, hut exfiecUt to lie back In Ha vannah in the course of two weeks. In her absence the committee* of the chap ter are keeping steadily at work Tli* railroads have promised a rate of *ie far** for the round trip and efforts are N'lng mad# to s*** ure the l.arg. *t attendance >i|**n ih* convention In the history of th* division Mrs. Halite Alexander lioiitisavllle. pres ident of the division, has sent out official notices of the date and place of the con v* ntloo. w hich have gone to all the ••hap :* rs in the state, nearly forty In mini* lK*r The delegates to the convention ar** t*) I*- entertaltu*il In the homes of th* nirmbrrs of th** Savannah • hapt* r and to the end that they may Ik* a- signed I mines list** of the delegates from the various eh ipters ar** being requested The plan of entertainment of the dele gates and visitors bus as yet been noi more than barely outline*!, hut it will In hide several reception*, given probably at the horn* of some of the m**mlers >f the Savannah chapter Death* are N*ing post iion***i until the commute** on halls and Home of the other * *mmltte*- report During th* w**>*k mealing* of the s#v* era 1 committers will b* hell, at whl'h fhf *• m ttrs will is* dls* usaed. Kvery thing Is moving smoothly and it I* hoped io make the convention of the Daughters tills year in every way profitable and en tertaining v*Ttm . nuMi mitTKi). Innihrr Fa*tr> to Hr Unlit hy Mr. %. ormlrr nt HI. t alheriae’a lalanit. The oyster canning factory of Mr A omb r. it Wilmington Island, w ill open for the season to-*la>. A large buslnes* is exp.- ted. and in pr paratWn for It. Mr Oemlcr Is having a steam*r. the Wliming ton. especially built for dr***lging and haul ti g oysters during the winter months ami for pa?■ conger service in the summer. Thi steamer which la *-ompl®ted, was built on Wilmington Island work on her having tegun last April. She Is now at i city dock when* her machinery Is being I Hit in by Messrs. J Kourk® A Bon# r-he will le completed In thr®* weeks About th* time of her comidetlon. will be finished, also, a marine railway that Mr Oomler Is having built by ( % apt. O. K Brown. anl which will Ih* used for haul ing out fltnl r**|Mlring the fleet of boa's that are engage*! In the oyster business In addition the canning factory at Wilmington. Mr. ticmlrr i# also having on® built at Bt Uathgrlne's lslan*l This will !e opened probably alxnit the middle of December. ~~ .♦• l Ol Nt 11. OF JFU I*ll WOMKN. Will Reef This Week and trrnnge for Its Winter Work. The Council of Jewish Worn* n will hold its first meeting of Ih* #*as*>n Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the Sunday School rsim of the Temple (Mlckva Israel. A call for th* meeting has be* n Issued by th*' president of the council. Mrs. U IV M* tides At this meeting will Ih* out lined the work lor th® winter The Mis sion School, a kindergarten, which Is one of the chief charge* and beneficiaries of the council, was opened Oct. 1 In chant** of Ih* MBs®* Annum, who so ably run /lucted il last v. il. The #. hool was quit* successful, but tb* outlook for the coming season is that It will Iw* even b* tier a?* there have bc**n enrolled already forty two pupils. learnings nf (le* ewlral. The earnings of the Central of Georgia Railway for the week ending th® first week of October w®re $1*'4,687. against 3l.A> - 7T List y*r. and $4 fmm Jan. 1 to th® end of th® we®k In question, against 84.189.478 for the corrector#!lng period last y*r. Finest of Its Kind. No beverage of recent years hae met with such prooounced success with the general public as BLACK and TAN— "Th® American Dorter**—4l popularity btlng due to Ita true merit. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1900. A SUCCESSOR FOR EVANS. s \ ixxui \ *;i*.m n* i . <>*l*l \M> OK I.MiHI.I % III* IMOV I nnoanrr nir n ( f •*••. K*mi*‘ .. •' - fu-al Io Oltrr lr Nr-rlfrHn ll*-- rrlinl Will, luo-r-at anil tirrr— MH.laaliaa. lo* la th- Hrnlor Hr.aail.rr nf thr IH vlaltan, la Ibr I.<>.<■■ an'*aar hut bat* Hr b\ .11 >l Hr n < umtl tlalr—Juilar I ulllltnut'a .awr la Hrnllnnrtl In 'I hta I .innrrllun. I.ra. I*ll.l- Think* a %lld*llr nr bunlh t.ruritin *lnn bbuulil lln*r •he Uftti’e. The announcement made in yeaterday * Morning N* wh tien. <*h mnt .\ Fvans, coanmanding th*- fJeorgla Ihvislon. I'nlted Fonfederai* Veteran . would not permit th** use of id** n ime in • <.>nn tlon with the t IH*-* at the • lion in Augusta nxt month wa re i*l with rninxh i inter • i*t and r*grt h* t.he veterans of Havan n:tL. It Is assured of cours* that If (*-tt Lvare **ar* - to offer far re-el* • tlon h** would re* el * e th* of every *l*legtt. to the convention, so united ar* the vet • ran# in tiieir admiral).m for the mar, and their approval c*f his a Itnlnistration. It l*- evident, howe\cr. front ils* terms <f t**n Kv ii tatement of Intention not to star*! for re-*l*■••tl**n, that he las quit mad*' up ills mind and that lie nv.iu what he says. It was learned yesterday, iu l *ml. that he ha communl 1 ' tied hU In tentions t to friends in Savannah at fr** • iiii'iit Intervals luring the past two months, wiio did not u ik* this Intention public until they were relieved from th.* obligation of silence by th* example ol th* one primarily interest**! It Is understood that on* * f the reason# that impels Hen. Kvans to and < line re-elec tion Is the fact that but few honors In th* y tft of the divi-lon have come in the (oast i* Middle and Houth H**orgta men Norm • ;***glia has had not only tie* major gen eral commanding the division. In th* p*t mosi of tien Fvans. hut the #■unman-1* r- In chief of the entire confederation, tien john It Gordon ti*n Kvans is anxious t* make way for some vet* ran from an other section *f the state than that in which he lives Then there ar* other reasons. Gen. Kvans' duile# as prison commissioner tie • *hanly consume a large part of his time and In addition to this work tie has undertaken the task of collecting th* mlil tnry records *f all of th# veterans of the state It Is a stui*ndous lat*or of lov# and levotkHi, and if he succeeds In ac*om pllshlng It. or hop## to succeed. It Is es santlal that he sliouid rid himself of some of ills other burdens These considera tions and others, hav, Ixtop discussed by him In letters he has written to Havan tiatt veterans relative to his contemplate*! retirement. In the search for n successor for the division commander the eyes of th** vet eran# would naturally turn to G*n. I* M HUshan. who is the senior brigade commander of the slate. Both military linage and his own fltn* -- for the position have combined to sugg* -t Gen. McOlashan to very many a* tb*- b gMlmate and logi cal successor of G#n. Kvans. \Vh*-n the matter was broached to him Ity a Morning News reporter. Gen. M - Ulttshtn stated, however, that he would not c<nstb r the acceptance f the posi tion. were it tenders*! him lie does not feel that h ha# the time to give th# office that It requires for its successful conduct, and there are other reason# which impel him to put fr*.m him any thought of per mitting the use of his name Th® efT>rt to find Houth Georgia man as a candidate for th** **mmun*l of th** division has not been very success fill. The mini* of Judg> Itobrrt Faliigant. wN> Is st present the |*resi*icnt of th* roni.*l**r ate Veterans' Association, has ieen very favorably mentioned In this aVmneotlon, but Judg*- Falligtint Is known to b*- a \**r> busy man. and It Is not nt all certain that he would consider the prnfKisttlon with favor, lie is now a'*s* nt from tne lty on his vacation, and could not t*e s* *n for th* purpose of asocitainlng his srlsh*--. Judge Falllgant. how* v* r. Is very |opti ls r with th** veterans til over th# state, and If he should make the race will be * rtaln to (*ol! a very large vote. t'p in Atlanta a candidate ha# already I teen provided. In the person of Gov. Al len D t'undler That is his frien!s are mentioning him for the |H>sitton and are I confld* nt of his election Gov. Can*l|er ha# no more ardent admirer# anywhere than the veterans of Houth Georgia, but they are very mu. h In* llnd to agr>c with t(en. Kvans that. u|oii 111# retirement, a sens** of tli# fitness of things demands ilai sotne corvslderstlon b* shown this and other s** tlone of th** state besides North Georgia, Thi# feeling will serve, perhaps, to dampen th* ir enthusiasm for the - tlon of Gov. Fandter Gen M*-Glashan believes that the* Ha vannah itmpt will b* largely reprewntetl .• the division reunion, to be held in Augusta on Nov 14. lf an*l ft* H* thinks fifty or sixty veteran# will :itt*nd HOD % SR A SON NK4KIA F N IIKD. Hot Drinks and Nervines Will Nnn H® In tareafesl DriiiNnd, The summer season wane# and with it go®# the public thirs* for ©!d drinks, sherbet# and Ih® grew ter number of m®l- ItrluoM" and mysteriou- ronctH iion# of th® ****la water counter. The dealer In these delicacies recognises quickly the fr**nl f ih* tra*b*. urui #o re*lu< ing the sis*- of In* supply of the cokl drinks, yet k*i# his • u*tn* r* Mipplu*l with I hirst-quenching leverage# In th* form of hot drink*, cof fee. find 1 tout I ion of varlou# klinl* i®lng the main #to*’k of thi* branch *>f the busi ness. The trad® fluctuate# with ih* weath er, however. f*r even during the tni.lio of winter should there ih a .hmtwr ttlv* - l> warm #f*eli there 1* at once nn active and increased ill for the summer drink#. But even though the retail trad® foe W*e cream ainl aherbets I# r**luce*l to •'omparatlvely rutnou# |M>int. there l* still a wholesale i**mini for Ihes* *lsii > from the various parlies, dinner# and public en tertainment# that arc quite numerous In tb winter, #*> th** dealer always hn n #to* k on hare) One peculiar feature *f the s**da counter trade b fb* slead> demand for t • -o --.• ill* and nervine# This )* tnanl I# not af fect*.! by the weather, but **ntlmis at practically th* same p-Mnt throughout the sea son. R. fi. II # %NNI %L MFFTIN44. Took Place leaterday When (ifflerrs for Next \e*r Were Fleeted. Tit** Diifriitijk uß'i *-!.' tJO4'. *i t**> II G 11 tok place yesterday afterntMat at Metropolitan llall The following of llcers were unanlmoudly elected; President—Mr. Julius Btark Vice President—Mr 1. Gottlieb. Treasurer—Mr. Chi#. Pell* Secretary—Mr B K Friedman, -a- | Mr. Stillwell ftepeeted This Week. Mr. W. B Ht 111 well, who was r®**ently elect**l Bnark of the Universe at the Bu prem® C©nca'®natlon of Hon ll*o nt Hal los, T®x . hat not yet returned to the city, but I# expected thi# w®*k It It the Intention of the local member# of the or der to slgnallta tha return of ’he Bnark of th# Unlvtrtt in tome special manner In order that they may show their appre ciation of th® honor conferred upon him, but the exact form which this manifes tation vrlli taka hat not yet been dtckkd. M Mm M IIOOL ItMIIMf IMZCO. '*• t)ilrm •*( 4 Isaailtcalion and study at \% rsley %l*n iinicti tal. Tht annual rally and reorganisation of the Sunday 8. hool of Wetley Monuitu n tal Church tuuk plac* yestcrb*y afternoon l.iesbl*- the work of classifying, grading **n*l leclasjdus the pupils, which was the principal work of the occasion an excel lent programme of sxerc#w wa> given Tu* grading of tfie clas.***s will l*e a n* w feature, aid will doubtbs- prove quite .1 "•*' -- Under thi arrangement ;.*• (Hi pi Is .ir * aixsitted on th*- sam* prln . ip • as Is use*! In the publt- **- hoois, .hi I ** i irate literature, and studies suited to each grade. fur isbed The school Is in must prosperous con dition. having membership of 397 Tin* most non •■abb* Increase, whb Ii lias been v-r> !arg recently, ha** been in the pri mary de|Martm m which ha.- grown •** large as to necessitate <• d!vil*ai This wi* made y'.<*teilay. Th f.*U*.wtng are the ladies and genile m< n * l*-*-te*| jr#ster*L*y Ofh*crs mid Tean hers—* I'astov Kd F. Cook. Hiijk rlntendeni—R It Kepfsird A“**l **<ant Hu|m rtnten*k n? —t *. V. Hned eker. Assistant Sui*Tintendent-Miss Kmma Weeks Hu j#* rintendent Home I>epartro#nt—P. F* Brown. He rst.iry- \V I* Falvltt. Tr isurer Kolwrt W Grove#. Li bra riai V\ F. Sherman. Uhorlst* r- J It Cargill, organist Mr* H K, Clitten*!* n Cornet in* F A Him d*ker. 11 C Haply. Jr. 1 '#h**rs H K 8 hmlH H A Nelson Primary Department—Class A Mr It. L M Parka, Mi* N J Ackerman. Mb-s Htella Knglerth Class It Mr W. It Htubtj®. Mrs F. Cook. Mrs. Nina K Jotnar intertr.* Hate Department Miss Ruby Georg*. Ml*-- Itertha Nelson. Mis# Nona S lossy. Mis# FloPin* Itightoti. Mrs M T amah. Junior Department— M r A Ft Itrooks. Mrs C K Jones. Mr W J Sykes. Mrs. M C M Gwcby Heuior Department. —Mr. c H Carton. \li I>. C ('arson. Mr. J H T>avls, Mr I A Olta*>n. Mr J It. Cargill. Mr B P. Glenn. Mrs. II K. Crlt*en*len. Miss Bailie Wolfe. Miss Ixdtle McDonald. Mr* Lilia* Jan*ion. Mrs. W. It McMurray. Mrs. I It. Paschal Young Men and Women'# Claa—Mr U I*. tJlcnn. Visitors* Claa*—Mr. Wm P* ase. Th** service** at Wesley Monumental Church were exceptlooklly tnterestlng.bxh morning an*l evening This I- piriftcular y so in regutd to the music, given by th choir under direction of Mr Bmu I 1* Hnow Mr W. A Heaves again sang in -pierstid voice th*- oflfetory. "And I. John Saw the Holy t'lty" <Bhellev. F\-AI.DFH Nl %N Tl It NFD IN VF.NTOR, Xefialrr's Porlable IHtlnfeetlaf I’tr tter, the Device. Kx-Alderman James McGuire, It an inventor, am! what is more, the in vention appears to be of very credit ala® order. Mr McGuire's Invention k* not of th® Jim- rack or catch penny or*l**r. but I# a sanitary device intend* and to akl in th® preservation of ilth. and in th* pre vention of th® spread **( disease. "M.'trutre# Portable Formaldehyde Generator and Sulphur Dioxide Furnace" i# the name which 51 r McGuire ha# given to his device and under which he has already applied for a i*at-nr A# th® nam® indicate# th® device it Intended for fu migating purposes, being udapted espcidal ly for the fumigation of rnonw. ships’ holds find other places where It Is con sidered d* siralH® to destroy the germ# which may Ih* believed to exist then- Mr. McGuire ha* not heretofore peH**| as a sanitartaii and many of his frie*#!# may be surprised to hear of hi# develop ment on this Un® Nevertheless he ha# been working on tnh Id® for several years iiiml i*-gan to put bit* tdeae into practical shap® about eight months ago. He now has two complete machines, on® small nml on® large, which were con structed in Savannah, with both of tvidcj practicni test# have already been mad® and satisfactory results obtained. Th® residence of a well known railroad offl *il st* recently disinfected, together with its contents, by Mr. McGuire, with his apparatus and was* apparently a com plete success. As evidence of his * oofldenee In hi# In vention Mr M* iJuir* will begin giving public exhibition# tKl* week at Ih® office >f Justlc* Richard Wickham at Rryan and West Broa*i street# On® of th® ma chine# hN been inetali*#! there anl #*x hibltlon# w ill be * given every afternoon tlu- week from 2 to 5 o'clock. In-ginning this afternoon. As th® name indicates the device Is port • I'l® and c,n easily be transferred from on® |*olnt t another, one of the advant age# claimed for th® machine Is that it can be op* rut*.*! from outside the room or place de#|red to be dls.nfect# and. a pl|e or pipes bHtding from th* machine carrying th® fume# a# desired. By this the operator can operate the machine in com fort and at th* sum* lime supervise It# operation# without difficulty^Mr. McGuire believes that this device will prove a great Improvement n the method# now in us® by th*- city's sanitary department ir that It will greatly facilitate th® work, assure greater thoroughness in disinfec tion. .-nd that th® damage to th® articles disinfect®*! will t® almost If not entirely lone away. Under th® present system th® destruction of clothing and household good* where cas®s of rontagiou# disease* hav* occurred I* quite n heavy Item of expense to the unfortunates, and a very f®i iou** on® where the parties are poor, a# L frequently th® cate. Tn® device consists of a large iron pan, mounted upon a tahl® and divided Into thr*® comiHirlm* nls. on® being for for ma'dehyd®. mother for sulphur and th® third for water Th® h* at is* furnished by gaf-oiln® Jets underneath, and the fum* s thus generated ar*- brought together into a pip® b> whi.'h they are conveyed as de sired Kit her formaldehyde or sulphur ulon or t**th tove'h*r can b** tis®*l • de tr*.l. A full tc.-hnloal lc# rlpikm of the Mpiiaratijs Is gl\(ii In the f>etition which Mr McGuire has filed with the patent office at Washington. Mr 'McGuire says he has been keeping up with the reports .of such mutter* In the sanitary and seten title publications, and he has seen no ®uch device advertised a* sthat which he has got up. Although there are many dis infecting plant* md appliances on the market, b* I® lie vet ih* portable furnace devised by him is an original idea, and one which will be In general demand for disinfecting purposes. HI NC II OF at ND % % OFFFhDFRa, Recorder Will Have a Couple of Ihitrn t Me To-day. Twenty-four arrests were mad® by th® police up to midnight, but very few If ati> of them was for more than a petty of fense. The most serious cases are those of Dave Murphy, a colored boy 15 year# old, charges! by Patrolman Morrell, the arrest- Ing officer, with th® theft of a bicycle. Charles Ward and Mo**e* Graham, colored, arrested by Patrolman Hartley, charged with throwing rock# In the street, thereby s riking Jo* Winters, and In addition in the case of Warj. with carry in* a con cealed weapon, P and M Tolbert, colored, arrested by Patrolman Ufllbach for flght tn* In Henry street lane, and also chsrg* el with resitting the officer. Another ca*e that may prove of Inter est when the facts are brought out It that of J. I>*®ke. colored, charged by I. Wil liams sylth malicious mischief. H® Is taid to have shot the complainant's cow. MURDER CASES TO BE HEARD. TIIIIKi: FROM CIIkTHAM HRVOHB at MtFdlF. i Ol NT TO*fl) A% • Melt. Hayes and Moaltrle Will Soon Rni \% h**ther They Will Ha%e New 1 rials—aax annah %tlrneys l.cft for %tln nla Last Night to %rgu* the i as**s—Hell Ike Oaly White Han I aider Nrntenee. Three murder case# In all of which n,- plh atlQiis for new trl • have tern ma I* and refused bv the Superior Court, and In which Savannah people ar® interested, are av*ignd for hearing in the Supreme Court, in Atlanta, to-day. The !■ fend ants #r W. H M* ii. Seaborn flayers and J*ke Moultrie. In the :wo former case# the defendants hau* b* n condemned to ih-tth, but k> the * as® of kiooiirie the jury accompanied Its verdict of guilty with a rroomrarnda tion to ih* met y of the court, and a sn tence of imprisonment in tne penitentiary for lift* w im !ni|K>**4l by Judge Falllgant 1-ast rnghi a number of lawyers Inter ested In the trial of these and other r *cs left on the Central train for Atlanta. These representative# of legal Savannah included Solicitor General V\ W. (shorn '. Mi H L. Cokling, Mr Joseph A Cronk Mr P J O’Cruiiior, Mr Georg* VY It*’ k eft and others It is believed that Judge H D. D Twiggs who represents Moul trie, an*l Mt Itaifor*! Falllgant. who rep resents Huyn*. will loth b<* in Atlanta when the rimlnal do* ke; of the Supreme Court is called this morning M* 11. who Is th® only white man among the three (•onvtcted murderers, t# represented by Messrs Colding and Cronk The history of the homicide# for which these men have be-n convi te*l 1 f imtlkir to th* readers of the M rnlng News. Mel I killed Ids l*-\.ar-*>M lr>ther-in-la w James Hull-. Hayes shot down in cold b!oo*i M>tim*ui Lucius H Yarn ad* e; Moultrie shot and kill- • I Moses Wi liam**, another negro, in a house In Papoycakc Lane. In all of th* three oew there is a simi larity in the grounds of motion for ;f new trial, bused ujmui h*‘ alleged erior of the **ourl in charging certain portions of th" law of self-defense*, which was I aimed In each case Th® cases. In other aspect# are not at all similar bu this feature, the contention a- to s* lf-d* f**ns*. is uni formly present L i# expected that th* cas.> will te atgued either to-day r to morrow. th* murder .*•*•♦* naturally a** they ar* of first imiortan e. being given precedence by the ourt. II t Ll' % WFFR OF ri.lD. Theater Will Re ( lncil I mil Thurs day tfteriMMU*. The Theater will lx* closed this week until Thu rod ay matinee, when Robert Downing and tib *omi*any of players sill be seen in "The Gladiator.’* Thursday night h® will be seen in "Richard, the Lion-Hearted." Mr. l>owning has been *cen her** in both play*, but not in sev eral seasons Mrs Downing (Eugenie Biair) was h®r la#t winter with her own company. Mr Downing has a large num ber of personal as well at professional friend** lit Savannah and with th*- • xcel lent company which is said to be support ing him this season h* will hardly fail to play to large audience*. Friday right and Saturday matinee and night Mr Charles B Hanford will be seen in his production of "Private John Al len." PtHIB %NII THE EXPOSITION. First nf the tavntinNli l.rrture Course Entertainments To-sinrrim Nlnht. Garret P. Scrvlaa* lecture" Paris an*s the Exposition." the first of the entertain m.-tii# that will be given by th® Savannah Lecture Course. will he given to-morro%v night nt th® Guards Hall. Th® lecture < om®# highly recommended, and this m connection with the popular chnracter of th® lecture lubtlnss will* H it shouUl. assure liim a larg® audience. The a*ivafk'e sale of' seat# to iin*| to the g**fi®r •) puhll. . give every In dication that he will b® h**a>l by a large a# w*ll ns an Interest®*! audience On® of the apcclnl features of the lecture will b® th® etereoptlcon view# not only of th® attractions of th® ex|>olilon but of the historic places In the city a** well. %N N t %L F.1.F4 THIN OF IFKMTH\ llelil 1 rdlrrilti hy Ih® Sunday icliool of Hie First llnpllst I hurrh. Th® Sunday School of the First Baptist Church held its annual meeting yesterday and elected the following officers: Superintendent —Mr J R <’aln Assistant Superintendent—Mr Chat. R. Bcrdley. Secretary—Mr. Edward A Eve Assistant Secretary—Mr. J Reid Sweat Treasurer—Mr Allen Sweat. Assistant Treasurer- Mr W P McCall Librarian-Mr David T Furs®. First Assistant Librarian—Mr. Eugene Fulton. Second Assistant Librarian—Mr. Perci es! M King WILL WORK FDR RKI NOLD9, I'aM Nlile ( nnarntilvr ( lull Ornn lird t That Fail. A meeting of the East Side Conserva tive Club will be held to-morrow night In i-alior Hall at 8:30 o'clock The club was organised in the interest *f Magistrate Bain Reynolds of the Fourth Milhlu Dis trict. who will be a candtda e to succeed hm#*’lf In office at th® January election. The object of Tuesday's meeting |# to get th® voters of the district in lln® for ihst event. FOR THE FMEN'S URNFKIT. (ommlilrr nf the Hrnevslrst %••- rlndon Will Meet Tn-nl|ht. Detective Julius Btark who. at a recent meeting of the Poll**® It* nevoleut Asso li tion was apj>oln*ed chairman of a com mittee which will air ing, for an * nt* r talnment to Ik* given fur the b®n fit of th® aasoi itttton. will call a m®et!i g of his commute® to-nighi at the barrack# for the purpo#® of deckling on the characte of the cntertalnmeni t* I*e given and also on th® date and place. lour Meet Work Cannot be done unless you have good health. You cannot have good health without pur® blood. You may have pure bood by taking Hood's Sarsiparilln now. You cannot reaiin® the g• hhi m wiii k you until you try It Begin taking It to-day and see h*w quickly it will give you an ippetlte, strength ami vig>r and cure your rheumatism, catarrh or #* rofula. All liver ills are cured by flood’s Pills. 25c. —ad. ♦ ; For Over Fifty Years. Mr* Winslow's Soothing Byrup hat been used for children Irething. It soothe# the chid, softens the gums, allays all pa!n cures wind colic, and it the beat remedy for D.acrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, —ad. Paoldlng'e Ptppta Cider. This celebrated pure, apple juice cider, made In Long Island, can be had in pint or quart bottles, direct from th# manufac turers. with their own stamp, at Ltppman Brothers, Druggists, Savannah, Ga.-ad. LOCAL FEPHONAL. Mr T F Btubbs of Allendale it a gueit of the Pulaski Mr 8 J Bell of Waynesboro Is a guest of the He rex ect. Mr. K Coleman of Lake City ki • guet of the Screven. Mr Frank J Cohen of Atlanta Is regis tered at the Hcreven. Mr. D. IV O'Connor of Augusta is reg istered at the Pulaski Mis® Josephine Barge of Tennllle is o guest of the Hcreven. Mr J. M Deaton of llerschman Is a guest of the Pulaski Miss May E. Packard of Putney Is reg istered at the Pulaski Mr T'hll P. Johnson of Waynesboro '.3 a guest of *h Bcreven. Mr. J B S arboro of I-ake City. Fla . is reglstererl ut the B**reven. Mr. Uvlngston Kenan of Darien was a guest of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr and Mrs. E. E Whether bee of Tut ncy. Fla . are guests of the Pulaski Mr. W D IJttle of Broxter was among the arrival® at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr C.inton W Smith of Tennllle w*n among the arrivals at the Bcreven yes terday. Mr L. A. Clouts of ladcelan*! was among the arrivals yesterday at the Bcreven. Mr Joseph K Marty, who has been critically ill for several weeks, was slight ly improve*! last night. There was a de cide*! charge for the letter during th? day, though his physician says his recov ery is very doubtful. Mrs C. W Austin. Mis# Busie Austin and Mr Andrew Austin ft Thursday for Houston. Tex., the old home of the fam ily. where Mr. Austin has been offend and accepted a position, and w'here in fu ture Ik* *r.d hl mother and sister will rewid* They carry with them the good w ishes of nuny Ha vannah friends Mr T K Mclver, prho for several sea son# has .had charge of the office of the D* Boto a® chief clerk, arrived from the Xorfh yesterday, having spent the sum mer in New York. He will asuum* charge to-do > Mr M*l vet’s efficient conduct of the i(fairs of the office, together with bis courteous treatment of all who have l**al ings with him. has won him a host of friends In Savannah anti among the pat trons at th* hotel g* n rally, to all of whom the news of his return will be a source of pleasure. Died m I an \d%aneed A*e, Ham Jefferson. Hr., a colored man living out on the Ogeoche® road died yesterday morning at an advanced age. Home say Ham was 111 years old It Is probable that h® was about years old His funeral will take place to-day. The Kicallrut Trunk* Ever hern Will Noon He In Thi* City. Probably the tmalPst -practical trunk# ever carried are th® property of the drove of baby elephant members of Prof. Gentry's Famous Dog nml Pony Hhow. which will exhibit under canvas in this city three day#, commencing Thursday. Oct. 18 Twl-e dally. 2 9) and * p m The m* miters In qu®#tion are the tiniest ele phant* In all* the world, and are scarcely h# larg® as an ordinary pony. They nr® considered to l*® the best traiic-d elephant# In ail the Mod f*rof Gentry Imported th®m fr*m India last winter at enormous cost. They are more valuable than ordi nary elephant* on account of their six*- They all po#Neaa superb dlsposiftont. and are great friends of the children, who will nil have, an opportunity of having a ride on them apd getting thoroughly ac quainted during the show’s stay In this city. General admission—Children. 15c; adults. 25c —nd. Ntul> While Non Work. Through one of th® ten free scholarships In Th® International Correspondence School# of H ranion. Pa., which the Mo:n- Inc News will present to you If you secure on® of the* ten largest numbeia of vote* by Nov. 2*. IXW*. you can keep on earning a living Mt your present work, and al the #im® time, by #tu*ly at home In ttm*- usually devoted to recreation or r*-at. tit youoelf for a professional posit iou at a good salary. You can easily become one of th® win ners of thi# contest, by devoting your at tention to collecting Voting Coupons and keeping .it it. No one ha# a better chance than you. Get every vote you can. and have all your frl®n*ls aave theirs for you. gK.sT Hound Trip to ItlNnta %tn t entrnl of Leorsla Rnllws), Ac count of the Southern Interstate Fair. Tickets on ail® Oct. 9 to 27. Inclusive; final return limit Oct. 30 1900. Double dally through trains, sleeping cars by night, parlor car* by day. Ticket office W 7 Bull street and Centra! Passenger Station —ad. *ehool huppllea. Just received a large and assorted sup ply of school twig# and school supplies; all at rut rules; from 10 cent# up. also, usual large eiock of all th® achool book#, now us®*! in Chatham county, at EatUl'a New# Depot. 45 Bull street. Savannah, Oa.—ad. m,^'m The tfntannnh I enaervatory nf Moale i* now* open for the reception of pupil# Thorough instruction given on piano forte. singing, violin and harmony. H*- illustrated catalogue. Leo \V. Mehrten#. director.—ad. "Gravbrard Is a family mcdtclna with u." sad a prmln*nt business man yes. tardav My wife takes ll # and 1 notice she i enjoying be'ter health than for yaars. Tha children keep well by taking IL * Grayb ard may be obtained at aL drug ttora# or write to us for It. Rea peas Drug Cos. sole pr ps . davai nsh, Oa. ad. P P r . a wonderful medlctne; It gives an appetite. U Invigorate* and strength ens P. P. P. cures rheumatism and all pains in the std*. back and shoulders. kn®ee. hips, wrists and joints. P. p. p. cure# syphilis in all Ita various stage*. oKi ulcers, sores and kidney complaint P. P P. cur®# c# tax rah, ecaema. erysipelas, all skin disease# and mercurial poisoning T. P. P. cures dyspepsia, chronic female tomplaints and broken-down constitution and loss of manhood P. V. P. th# best blood purifier of th® ag®. ha# mad® more permanent cures than ail other blood rem (dies. Lippman Bros., aole proprietors, Savanna!. Ga wd w > % I)®l:etu knioke. Th# Herbert Spencer la an elegant cigar and la truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of thin fine tobacco; It Is evhilaratlng and delicious. Bee that the name ol Herbert Spencer is on every wrapper ot every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Spencer cigars are only add by the box of 50 Concha* at |3 flO. and Perfectoa. 84 50 at Lpimian Bros whole sale druggist*. Barnard and Congress atreets. of this city —ad. -It Cared Me -Omybeard broke up rheumatism on me.'* say* Mr. Chaa Thomae. the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And fcut me in better health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time." Tk, Oraybcard Pill, tor that 41a,y f*elln-Lo,r appatlu and follow u up with a hottl# of Orayboard. It la all you no*4. Roapoai Drug Cos, aola prop* Savannah. Ga —ad A High-Grad, fnatltullon for T-i4lm flhnrur Coll-*., Roma. 00. Writ# for calalogur—ad. CLEVELAND CO WM. & M. h. LATTIMORE. §■% 11 V I I H WLT CONGRESS STRIiI.T. JLJA VJ JL VjJLJLtikJ 1 ! ,:f 11 B I ; ii ■■Ml 1 ill! illllil!! Iltllli 11111111131111111 ; , llllllll!ll?!l DRESSGOOLJS Our Dress Goods stock seems to r>® ~ pi eclated by rver>hody tni- fad new Woven thought Is her* mark* i for linmetiiat*- -ale, marked at .. pri \h i competition cannot meet, patrons c resist. Qualities arc guaranteed. 8:* i*i. 1) priced. Bla.k Cheviot Berg**. gpongd ar.< shrunk. life; worth 75c. Im|K>rt*d Bla* k Cr* i>on 75 .fl us. Cheviots, Ht*nn H rg*. Brl f* Henriettas. Pojnlns and t: * far y weaves at |<i|Sular prlc* s. Venetian Cloth, .all shades, $l.O uorti $1.25. Broadcloth In all th® leading hatfci $100; worth $1.25. Broadcloth in all th® leading i ex,; worth $1.56. Poplins, aii colors, 85c; worth $! • 54-in* ii All Wool 5&. . worth 85 cents. 51-Inch All Wool Ladles* Cloth, til shades. 88c; worth SI.OO Fancy Plaids, suitable for chilhtn i school dresses, 121#' to 56c. MILK*. Our ik w stork is now complete xn*l ir eludes many fine things not to if- r i elsewhere. Lillies who ar** looking I>r exclusive patterns w ill and w®li t. lok throtgrh our stock before purchasing All the leading shades in Taffeta Tso and Ks<\ Fancy Silks for waists 69c. Black Tiff"'a 49c Satin Duchess 75c to f1.75. FL NNNKLKTTKw AND Ol TIN(.. The newest and most popular of season’s goods. Our assortments tr*’ complete and ihc* prices very tra tur. An assortment of Outings at lu All color* :nl pattern* of i nr.mertti B*xc; worth 12‘^c. Fancy F!am l®ttei 12V' and 150. M Mi l l'. 4.1M111M, In this lc|Kirtment w® have usnl the choi.®-t lln**s In the city. Our Whitt Goods ar® always good and reltat*,** T.v* year*# sto**k is very pretty, and there big values in every Item. While India Linen *V. worth !"* Whit® Iruila I turn 10c; worth White In-il IJnen 15c; worth 20c. Ttliu: DAM % NK AT 1 IM\ LOW PHIt KM. Bleached Table Dama-k 25c; w-th Unbiea hed Tabic lumn-k 25* , worth 33 cents. 66-lnch Brocaded Table Dam isk 39c; worth 49c. 70-inch Brocadsd Table Damask 4>*; worth k 89-Inch Bleached All Unen Tabl® Dsrw a-'k 39**. worth 5*V 72-lnch Bleached All Linen Table Dam ask (i9<\ worth 85c. 72-Rich Bleached AH Linen Table I*im ask 85. ; worth SI.OO. 72-in'h Bleat hed All Linen Tab!® Dninv ask 11.00; worth 81.35. BPKFIAL BARGAIN IN RAPKIN9. Fin® Import®*! Table Bets, hemstitched and ffTnged. at 83.50 and up. NEW XTILKB IN BILK BKIRTB OO W %|BTB. As usual, we show only th® latest de signs; every itetn In this stock Is fully up to date In both pattern and trim ming. We ask particular attention to several handsome new lines. Just received, all ara excellent values. lAt i; 4 in r\inn From 75- to 17.00. All new* this *' ***• ATTR %t Tl \ K PR It Fa %HE TM>L Our regular 11.75 W hite Bedapt* a*i $1.25. Ail ©u r hr st lCa* Shirtings this w®ck A good yard-wide Bleached Shirting * 6V; worth 6V. 36x18 Fringed Damask Towel* i:VI very cheap. liHS r*' I I I.MXIIIXi ** ' T - Men's l'n*b*rvest at 49c; worth * Men's I’ridervests • 75c; worth $’ '■ Men's Red Undorvest# at $1 rt * wor,n $1.25. Drawers to match. A tin® line of Ladle#* Underwear fr** 49c suit to 83.80. m ATI ct>lo CoJlar* an.l Cuff* •> ,0c I^-. A r-Kiilar XV Bup*n<l*f tor Mn‘a Working Shlrta at H P r * '• klnl needed. A good Unlaundered White Shirt f r Canton Matting, ranging In P : 1 '' ,r 25c o 6ih* yanl. ( Smyrna and Moquett® Hugs in * Taiwsiry Carpelf, fresh new tS'** • Daniel Hogan, Th- corn-r Rrouhtpn and BaninM SEED RYE OEOROIA BEEP KVE. ■OI THERN BEEP HYB TIiXAB KEO K. P. OAT'S. HAY. OKAIN. EPOCH. EEKD. FRUITS AND VBOETABI-ES CHEESE. BEANS. TEAS W. U SIMKINS dr_cg JOHN G. BUTLER. —PEACEK IN- , . fc Ptlnti. Oils and OU.. Ba.h. and Builder* Supplier Plain •! P _ tive Wall Paper. Foreign and Cemema. Etme. Plater and Hair Agent for Ahe.tln* Cold Waf f „ Congreae atreet. weet. and 1 .■ 1 etreet, weau